Opinions 4 Lesson Plan www.one2oneacademy.com

Opinions 4

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The fourth edition to a series of lesson plans that have been designed to challenge a students ability to express an opinion or thought. With a strong focus on voice tones and grammar structures this class is ideal for those who are preparing for exams or need English for use at work.

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Opinions 4

Lesson Planwww.one2oneacademy.com!

Page 2: Opinions 4


Confidence development - Grammar structure building - Voice tone

monitoring - Vocabulary development.

!This Lesson plan has a real focus on the way that we use voice tones

to express an opinion or thought. Students are asked to provide opin-

ions to challenging questions which are designed to provoke a re-


!Teachers are native British teachers who are results driven and

TEFL qualified.



“Proud to be different!”

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Reading “ Has the experience of reading on an electronic device replaced it’s physical paper format?”

1. Some people would argue that the use of a portable device such as a Kindle allows the user to have more portability, what do you think?

2. Has technology gone too far, was there a need for change?

3. Most offices still use paper in it’s physical form, in your opin-ion comment on whether you think that this will change in the future.

4. In some countries, children have re-placed physical school books with e l e c t r o n i c d e-v ices , do you think that this should be the case throughout the world?.Why?

5. Is an E reader just another fash-ionable gadget, or is this con-cept here to stay? Why?

6. Some people describe reading on an portable device as a simi-lar sensation to working on a computer, would you agree or disagree? Why?

7. Is an E reader just an excuse to buy a cheap tablet? Why?

8. Will reading as an activity be-come more popular in the fu-ture as tablet formats are of greater interest to the younger


9. Do you think that books should be much cheaper in electronic format? Why?

10. Our need for disposable infor-mation on the internet is threat-ening our need to read, do you agree with this statement? Why?

11. Would a child prefer to watch the movie rather than read the book? Would you? Why?

12. Are gadgets getting bigger or smaller in your opinion? Do you have a theory on why?

13. An E reader is a luxury, do you agree with this statement or do you think that it is a necessity? Why?

14. E readers have changed the way that we view the action of

reading forever. Do you agree or disagree with this statement and why?

“ The experience has changed peoples reading experience forever!”

Page 4: Opinions 4

Skills 1. There are 4 main skills to acquire in order to master the

English language. Reading, writing, speaking and listening. Which of these has the most significance to you? Why?

2. How would you describe the differences between American English and British English?

“Does culture play it’s part in learning a


Page 5: Opinions 4

1. A career is based on luck, not skill. Do you agree with this state-ment? Why?

2. How would you de-scribe your career? Luck or skill? Why?

3. Can someone who is older ever compete with s o m e o n e w h o i s younger in a working scenario? Why?

4. Do you think that peo-ple ever find a balance between work, rest and play or is there no such thing?

5. You are only as good as the last decision that you made, do you agree or disagree with this statement? why?

6. It is better to change your job every 2 years rather than stay in the same position for many

years. Do you agree with this statement or disagree? Why?

7. There is no such thing as teamwork, everyone just wants personal recognition? Is this statement true or false in your opinion? Why?

8. No matter what you do at work, the boss takes all the credit. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why?

9. One day your position could be replaced by technology? Is this pos-sible, do you agree or d i sagree wi th th i s statement? Why?

10. Should all jobs have a bonus attached to a salary? Why?

11. Is there such a thing as a perfect job? Explain.

12. There is no such thing as making time for yourself, it’s a myth. Do you agree with this statement or disagree, why?

13. It’s always better to work for yoursel f , without exception. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why?

14. All jobs should have an element of working from home, technology has made this possible. Do you agree or dis-agree? why

15. Has the word Manager lost it’s value, they are only paid slightly more than you and work more hours. Do you agree or disagree and why?

16. You can draw attention to yourself just for

working longer hours and not necessarily doing more work. Do you agree or disagree with this statement and why?


In my opinion…..

I think…..

From my perspective…

I believe…..

From my point of view…

My view is…..

I would say that……..

I agree with that….

I disagree with that…..


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Chivalry “ This concept has become outdated and does not relate to any modern day values”.

1. Men and women are now truly equal, so it’s irrelevant which sex opens a door for the other? Do you think that this is true or do you disagree? Why?

2. Some countries around the world still show a gap in equality. Describe the concept of equality in your country. Has it changed? Is it changing?

3. Should men give their seat up for a woman on a train? or should a woman give their seat up to a man on a train? Explain your an-swer.

4. Should there be occasions where Chivalry exits such as Valentines Day or should there be no exceptions? Explain your answer.

5. In your opinion has society gone too far and this con-cept still has value to an extent or it’s values destroy the concept of equality. Explain your answer.

6. Do men and women have a different definition of equality? Why?

7. Will Chivalry as a concept finally be ex-tinct with the next gen-eration? Explain.

8. Did technology de-stroy Chivalry? Why?

9. Is Chivalry only ap-plicable to people who are dating? Explain whether you agree or disagree with this statement.

“ What do you think? Do you agree or disagree with these statements?”

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Tasks “ Should all tasks carry an employee signature?”

1. Do Managers take all the fame and glory away from an employee? If you were recognised for your efforts would you achieve more status at work?

2. Time Is the concept that a manager spends more time than you do at work, takes more risks and is better qualified than you are true or false?

3. Money Should all tasks carry a form of bonus, whether it’s a monetary or non mone-tary based incentive?

4. Discuss the modern work ethic and structure, if it was up to you to make a decision as to how a company should be run, would it be any different to the business model you have experience with.

5. Discuss whether you think that all business models should have an ele-ment of working from home as tech-nology has made this possible.

6. Discuss whether you think that the age of an employee has any bearing on the ability to preform tasks. Is there a threat from a younger employee in your sector? Why?

7. Discuss whether you think that the future of your chosen career depends on international business development or should your sector remain in your country so that it contributes to the economy.

8. Discuss how you think that ad-vances in technology will effect your sector and your position in the future. Do you personally embrace or fear technology? Explain.


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“Does a life scale exist?”

1. Life Scale Is there such a thing as a life scale? A measurement as to how much an individ-ual has achieved in their life both in terms of personal and business goals?

2. Measurement If it does exist, what would be your score?


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Technology 1. Are advances in technology destroying everything

from the way we interact with each other to business models? Explain

2. Do you think that we use gadgets to their full capabil-ity, or are they just toys?

3. Do we re ly too much on technolo-gy? Explain.

4. Do you think that t h e r e i s b e t t e r economies of scale for a business to embrace tech-nology, or does it just make more a business model too complicated.

5. How has technology effected your job compared to a decade ago, has it been beneficial?

!6. If you were responsible for your business spend at work, would you increase or decrease the technology spend. Why?

7. Do you think that maintaining a social life online with friends has changed the concept of socialising forever?

8. Has technology made it very difficult to dis-

play emotions such as anger, disappointment and happi-ness. Everyone can see the way that you feel about some-thing, is it good or bad?

“ Technology plays it’s part in influencing our day to day life”

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