Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents Under Time-Varying Dynamics David Scott Hunter Operations Research Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139, [email protected] Tauhid Zaman Department of Operations Management, Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139, [email protected] We consider the problem of optimizing the placement of stubborn agents in a social network in order to maximally inuence the population. We assume individuals in a directed social network each have a latent opinion that evolves over time in response to social media posts by their neighbors. The individuals randomly communicate noisy versions of their latent opinion to their neighbors, causing them to update their opinions using a time-varying update rule that has them become more stubborn with time and be less aected by new posts. The noisy communicated opinion and dynamic update rule are novel components of our model and they reect realistic behaviors observed in many psychological studies. We prove that under fairly general conditions on the stubbornness rates of the individuals, the opinions converge to an equilibrium in the presence of stubborn agents. What is surprising about this result is that the equilibrium condition depends only upon the network structure and the identity of the stubborn agents. The time-varying opinion update rules, which are heterogeneous across individuals, do not aect the equilibrium. We also prove bounds on the rate of convergence to this equilibrium. We then use this model to develop a discrete optimization formulation for the problem of maximally shifting the equilibrium opinions in a network by targeting users with stubborn agents. We consider maximizing the mean opinion and also maximizing the number of individuals whose opinion exceeds a xed threshold. We show that the mean opinion is a monotone submodular function, allowing us to nd a good solution using a greedy algorithm. We nd that on real social networks in Twitter consisting of tens of thousands of individuals, a small number of stubborn agents can non-trivially inuence the equilibrium opinions. Furthermore, we show that our greedy algorithm outperforms several common benchmarks. Key words : Social networks, opinion dynamics, stubborn agents, submodular optimization 1 arXiv:1806.11253v3 [cs.SI] 6 Aug 2019

Opinion Dynamics with Stubborn Agents - arXivOpinion Dynamics with Stubborn Agents D. Scott Hunter Operations Research Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139

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Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents Under

Time-Varying Dynamics

David Scott Hunter

Operations Research Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139, [email protected]

Tauhid Zaman

Department of Operations Management, Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Ave.,

Cambridge, MA 02139, [email protected]

We consider the problem of optimizing the placement of stubborn agents in a social network in order to maximally

inuence the population. We assume individuals in a directed social network each have a latent opinion that evolves

over time in response to social media posts by their neighbors. The individuals randomly communicate noisy versions of

their latent opinion to their neighbors, causing them to update their opinions using a time-varying update rule that has

them become more stubborn with time and be less aected by new posts. The noisy communicated opinion and dynamic

update rule are novel components of our model and they reect realistic behaviors observed in many psychological


We prove that under fairly general conditions on the stubbornness rates of the individuals, the opinions converge to

an equilibrium in the presence of stubborn agents. What is surprising about this result is that the equilibrium condition

depends only upon the network structure and the identity of the stubborn agents. The time-varying opinion update

rules, which are heterogeneous across individuals, do not aect the equilibrium. We also prove bounds on the rate of

convergence to this equilibrium.

We then use this model to develop a discrete optimization formulation for the problem of maximally shifting the

equilibrium opinions in a network by targeting users with stubborn agents. We consider maximizing the mean opinion

and also maximizing the number of individuals whose opinion exceeds a xed threshold. We show that the mean opinion

is a monotone submodular function, allowing us to nd a good solution using a greedy algorithm. We nd that on

real social networks in Twitter consisting of tens of thousands of individuals, a small number of stubborn agents can

non-trivially inuence the equilibrium opinions. Furthermore, we show that our greedy algorithm outperforms several

common benchmarks.

Key words : Social networks, opinion dynamics, stubborn agents, submodular optimization









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Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents2

1. Introduction

Online social networks can be hijacked by malicious actors who run massive inuence campaigns on a

population and potentially disrupt societies. Online extremists have utilized social networks to recruit

and spread propaganda (Klausen et al. 2018). There have been multiple reports alleging that foreign actors

attempted to penetrate U.S. social networks in order to manipulate elections (Parlapiano and Lee 2018,

Shane 2017, Guilbeault and Woolley 2016, Byrnes 2016). Additionally, there have been other studies sug-

gesting similar operations occurred in European elections (Ferrara 2017). The perpetrators created fake

accounts, or “bots”, which shared politically polarizing content, much of it fake news, in order to amplify

it and extend its reach. Furthermore, many of these fake accounts also directly interacted with humans

to promote their agenda (Shane 2018). While no one knows exactly how many people were impacted by

these inuence campaigns, it has still become a concern for the U.S. government. Members of Congress

have not been satised with the response of major social networks (Fandos and Shane 2017) and have

asked them to take actions to prevent future interference in the U.S. democratic process by foreign actors

(Price 2018).

Social network counter-measures are needed to combat these inuence campaigns. This could consist

of one using social network agents to inuence a network in a way that negates the eect of the malicious

inuence campaign. There are multiple components to such counter-measures, but a key one is identifying

targets in the network for inuence by these agents. If one has a limited supply of agents, then one needs

a method to optimally identify high value targets.

Our Contributions. In this work we present a method to identify such targets and quantify the impact

of stubborn agents on the opinions of others in the network. We begin by proposing a model for opinion

dynamics in a social network. A novel aspect of our model is that the individuals are allowed to grow

stubborn with time and be less aected by new social media posts. This reects real behaviors in social

Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents3

networks and is motivated by research in both social psychology and political science. We also allow the

stubbornness rate to be heterogeneous across individuals. We prove that under fairly general conditions

on the stubbornness rate, when there are stubborn agents in the network, the opinions converge to an

equilibrium given by a linear system.

We then present a discrete optimization formulation for the problem of optimally placing stubborn

agents in a network to maximally shift the equilibrium opinions. We consider a slight variant of the

traditional inuence maximization approaches where instead of converting a non-stubborn agent into a

stubborn agent, we simply introduce a stubborn agent into the network and constrain the number of indi-

viduals that this agent can communicate with. We consider two objective functions: the mean opinion

in the network and the number of individuals in the network whose opinion is above a given threshold.

We show that the mean opinion is a monotone and submodular function, allowing us to utilize a greedy

approach where we have the stubborn agent target individuals one at a time in the network. Finally, we

show in real social networks with tens of thousands of users that stubborn agents strategically targeting

a small number of nodes can non-trivially inuence a large population. Furthermore, we show that our

greedy algorithm outperforms several common benchmarks.

This paper is outlined as follows. We begin with a literature review in Section 2. We then present our

opinion dynamics model in Section 3. Convergence results for the model are presented in Section 4. Our

greedy algorithm for stubborn agent placement is presented in Section 5. Performance results for our

algorithm on real social networks are presented in Section 6. We conclude in Section 7. We include all

proofs in Section EC.1, details on the construction of our datasets in EC.2, and implementation details for

our method for estimating the polarity of a tweet in Section EC.3.

2. Literature Review

There has been a rich literature studying opinion dynamics in social networks. One of the most popular

models here is the voter model (Cliord and Sudbury 1973, Holley and Liggett 1975) where each node

updates its opinion to match that of a randomly selected neighbor. There is a large body of literature

studying limiting behavior in this model (Cox and Grieath 1986, Gray 1986, Krapivsky 1992, Liggett

Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents4

2012, Sood and Redner 2005). The model of DeGroot (1974) is another popular way to describe opinion

dynamics. In this model, a node’s opinion is updated to a convex combination of the opinions of itself and

its neighbors. This model has connections with distributed consensus algorithms (Tsitsiklis 1984, Tsitsiklis

et al. 1986, Olshevsky and Tsitsiklis 2009, Jadbabaie et al. 2003). In contrast to these approaches, there

are also Bayesian models of opinion dynamics in social networks (Bikhchandani et al. 1992, Banerjee and

Fudenberg 2004, Acemoglu et al. 2011, Banerjee 1992, Jackson 2010). In these model, a node’s opinion is

updated using Bayes’ Theorem applied to the opinions of its neighbors.

The notion of stubborn agents with immutable opinions was introduced by Mobilia (2003). Analysis has

been done of the impact of stubborn agents in various opinion models (Galam and Jacobs 2007, Wu and

Huberman 2004, Chinellato et al. 2015, Mobilia et al. 2007, Yildiz et al. 2013, Acemoğlu et al. 2013, Ghaderi

and Srikant 2013). In Ghaderi and Srikant (2013) the authors studied stubborn agents in the model of

DeGroot (1974) and observed that an analogy can be made between the equilibrium opinions and voltages

in an electrical circuit. We nd a similar connection in our results. This electric circuit connection led

Vassio et al. (2014) to propose a function known as harmonic inuence centrality, which measured how

much a single node could shift the average opinion in the network by switching its own opinion.

The question of optimizing the placement of agents in a social network to maximize some type of

inuence was rst proposed by Kempe et al. (2003) for a diusion model. Subsequent results have presented

a variety of algorithms for this problem (Kempe et al. 2005, Leskovec et al. 2007, Chen et al. 2009, 2010).

Yildiz et al. (2013) studied optimal stubborn agent placement in the voter model. Generally speaking, these

algorithms make use of the fact that the objective function is submodular, so a good solution can be found

using a greedy approach, as shown by Nemhauser et al. (1978). Our optimization formulation for placing

agents in a network also makes use of this property.

While much analysis has been done on the eect of stubborn agents, the models used assume that the

other individuals in the network have stationary behavior. However, numerous psychological studies have

found that people grow stubborn over time (see the review in Roberts et al. (2006) and the references

therein). In politics especially, the bulk of empirical evidence supports the hypothesis that susceptibil-

ity to changes in ideology and partisanship is very high during early adulthood and signicantly lower

Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents5

later in life (Alwin et al. 1991, Alwin and Krosnick 1991, Sears 1975, 1981, 1983, Glenn 1980, Jennings and

Markus 1984, Jennings and Niemi 2014, Markus 1979, Converse and Markus 1979, Sears and Funk 1999).

Therefore, we believe that opinion dynamics models should include time-varying opinion update pro-

cesses, where agents become stubborn with time. Convergence conditions under time-varying dynamics

have been studied in Chatterjee and Seneta (1977) and later in Hatano and Mesbahi (2005), Wu (2006),

Tahbaz-Salehi and Jadbabaie (2008). These models do not explicitly consider increasing stubbornness nor

the presence of stubborn agents. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the rst to rigorously analyze

convergence in an opinion dynamics model with stubborn agents and increasing stubbornness.

Additionally, previous opinion dynamics models assume individuals communicate their exact opinion

in the network. However, in reality people may only transmit a noisy version of their latent opinion. The

previous psychological survey of Mason et al. (2007), and the references therein, have argued for modeling

latent opinions on a continuous spectrum while allowing for modeling the information communicated

between agents on an arbitrary (potentially discrete) spectrum. For instance, we often can only observe an

agent’s binary decision, but there are frequently many benets to allowing their underlying latent opinion

to be modeled on a continuous spectrum. To the best of our knowledge, Urbig et al. (2003) is the only study

to consider a framework that separately models communicated and latent opinion, and in this study they

do not consider this process with mathematical rigor.

3. Opinion Dynamics Model

We begin by presenting a general model for the dynamics of opinions between interacting agents in a

network. Our model allows for full heterogeneity among the agents. There is heterogeneity in the agents’

activity levels, meaning the agents can post content at dierent rates. There is also heterogeneity in how

the agents’ opinions evolve in response to seeing new posted content. In Section 4, we then present a

series of theoretical results concerning the convergence of the agent opinions to an equilibrium, including

conditions under which convergence occurs, an explicit characterization of the equilibrium, and the rate

of convergence to the equilibrium.

We consider a nite set of agents V = 1, . . . ,N situated in a social network represented by a directed

graph G (V,E), where E is the set of edges representing the connectivity among these individuals. An

Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents6

edge (i, j) ∈ E is considered to be directed from i to j and this means that agent i can inuence agent j.

One can view the direction of the edges as indicating the ow of information. In social networks parlance,

we say j follows i. We dene the neighbor set of an agent i ∈ V as Ni = j | (j, i)∈ E. This is the set

of individuals who i can be inuenced by, i.e. whose posts can be seen by i. For clarity of exposition, we

denote the out-degree neighbor set of an agent i as N oi = j | (i, j)∈ E. This set is also known as the

followers of i.

At each time t ∈ Z≥0, each agent i ∈ V holds an opinion or belief θi(t) ∈ [0,1]. An opinion near zero

indicates opposition to an issue or topic, while an opinion near one indicates support for it. We dene

the full vector of opinions at time t by θ(t) for simplicity. We also allow there to be two types of agents:

non-stubborn and stubborn. Non-stubborn agents have an opinion update rule based on communication

with their neighbors that we will specify later, while stubborn agents never change their opinions. We

will denote the set of stubborn agents by V0 ∈ V and the set of non-stubborn agents by V1 = V \ V0. For

clarity of exposition, we assume that V0 = 1, . . . , |V0|.

At time t= 0, each agent i∈ V starts with an initial opinion θi(0). The opinions of the stubborn agents

stay constant in time, meaning

θi(t) = θi(0), i∈ V0, t∈Z≥0.

We will now introduce the opinion update rule for the non-stubborn agents. In our analysis, we will

focus on a scenario where at each time t∈Z≥0 a random agent j ∈ V communicates with some set of its

followers N oj by posting a piece of content. If agent j posts at time t+ 1, we assume that the post has a

random opinion Yj(t+ 1)∈ [0,1] where E [Yj(t+ 1)|θj(t)] = θj(t). If agent j communicates at time t+ 1

with an agent i such that j ∈ Ni, then agent i updates his opinion to a convex combination of his own

current opinion and agent j’s communicated opinion:

θi(t+ 1) = (1−ωi(t))θi(t) +ωi(t)Yj(t+ 1) (1)

where ωi(t)∈ [0,1] is some deterministic stubbornness factor for agent i that is changing in time. On the

other hand, if agent i does not see a new opinion at time t+ 1, then θi(t+ 1) = θi(t).

Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents7

We now note that in many previous studies, the random opinion Yj(t+ 1) is often always assumed to

be agent j’s exact opinion at time t, given by θj(t). In our analysis, we relax this and only assume that

agent j communicates an opinion Yj(t+ 1) ∈ [0,1] that is unbiased, meaning E [Yj(t+ 1)|θj(t)] = θj(t).

This property where the agent does not express his exact opinion in the content he posts is known as

limited verbalisation Urbig et al. (2003), Mason et al. (2007).

One should note that if ωi(t) shrinks to zero as time increases, agent i weighs communicated opinions

less and therefore becomes more stubborn. In previous studies, ωi(t) is assumed to be constant in time,

which is not necessarily an accurate model of human behavior. As suggested in Mason, Conroy, and Smith

Mason et al. (2007) and Roberts and Viechtbauer Roberts et al. (2006), a model with limited verbalisation

and time-evolving update rules is a more realistic model of opinion dynamics.

One interesting case is where ωi(t) = (t+ 1)−1 and an agent i observes exactly one opinion at every

unit of time. In this case, it is not dicult to see that

θi(t) =1



Y (s).

where above we dropped the subscript for the origin of the posts for simplicity. This corresponds to an

update rule where an individual’s opinion is simply the average of all previous posts he has seen.

Next we describe the communication pattern of the agents. We depart from the model in Ghaderi and

Srikant (2013), where at each discrete time-step all agents in the network communicate. Rather, we allow

the agents to communicate randomly, which is a more accurate model of how individuals in real social

networks behave. For notation, let pji denote the probability that agent j communicates with agent i at

time t. We assume the communication probabilities are constant in time. This reects a situation where

people’s relative rate of activity with respect to each other in a social network does not change. This is a

reasonable assumption for many real social networks.

For our model, we have the following stochastic update rule for non-stubborn agent i∈ V1:

θi(t+ 1) =

(1−ωi(t))θi(t) +ωi(t)Yj(t+ 1) w.p. pji if j ∈Ni

θi(t) w.p. 1−∑


Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents8

Taking expectations, we have for non-stubborn agents

E [θi(t+ 1)] =E [θi(t)]






E [θj(t)]pji.

Then, we can write that

E [θ(t+ 1)] = A(t)E [θ(t)]

where A(t) = I + Ω(t)A, A is a |V|×V| matrix given by

Aik =

0 if i∈ V0


j∈Nipji if i∈ V1, k= i

pki if i∈ V1, k ∈Ni

0 otherwise,


and Ω(t) is a |V|×V| diagonal matrix with Ωii(t) = ωi(t) for non-stubborn agent i∈ V1, and zero other-

wise. Throughout the paper, we make the assumption that for all i∈ V1,


pji ≤ 1.

Due to the structure of A, we can write it in the block-matrix form

A =

0 0


where F is a |V1|× |V0|matrix and G is a |V1|× |V1|matrix. The matrix F captures communications from

the stubborn agents to the non-stubborn agents, while G captures the communication network among

the non-stubborn agents. Finally, to simplify our notation, let θV0 denote the vector of the initial opinions

of the stubborn agents and θV1(t) denote the vector of the opinions of the non-stubborn agents at time t.

Similarly, we let ΩV1(t) denote the submatrix of Ω(t) corresponding to the non-stubborn agents.

4. Theoretical Results

We now present our convergence results for the opinions in our model. Since who communicates and

what is communicated are random, the opinions of non-stubborn agents are also random. Therefore, there

are some key questions we aim to answer. The overarching question is under what conditions on the

Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents9

stubbornness factor Ω(t) do the opinions converge. In more detail, we would like to know if the opin-

ions converge in expectation to an equilibrium, and if so, what are the equilibrium values. Also, are the

equilibrium opinions themselves random or do they converge to deterministic values. To answer these

questions, we have obtained results for the limiting values of the expectation and variance of the opinions.

We also consider the rate of convergence to the equilibrium value when the agents all share the same

stubbornness growth rate and the communication graph is symmetric, which allows us to illustrate the

connection between our model and previous results in stochastic approximation theory and Markov chain

convergence analysis. All proofs can be found in Section EC.1.

Throughout this section, we make the assumption that the underlying graph G (V,E) is connected and

for each non-stubborn agent v ∈ V1 there exists a directed path from some stubborn agent to v. We note

that this assumption is not especially stringent. First o, if the graph has multiple connected components

then the results from this section can be applied to each connected component separately. Furthermore,

if there are some non-stubborn agents which are not inuenced by any stubborn agent, then there is no

link in E connecting the setR of such non-stubborn agents to V \R. Then we can decompose this set of

non-stubborn agents R from the rest of the graph, and consider the convergence of this subgraph using

the results in Section 4.4.

4.1. Opinion Mean

We begin with the expectation result.

Theorem 1. Suppose the underlying graph G (V,E) is connected and for each non-stubborn agent v ∈ V1

there exists a directed path from some stubborn agent to v. Then, ift∑


mini∈V1 ωi(s) diverges we have that


E [θV1(t)] =−G−1FθV0 . (3)

The equilibrium solution from Theorem 1 has a structure that resembles Ohm’s Law from circuit theory.

Such a connection was also made in Ghaderi and Srikant (2013), which applies to a time-homogeneous

and deterministic update rule. An electric circuit can be viewed as a graph. Each node i has a voltage Vi

Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents10

and each edge (i, j) has a conductance Gij . A current from node i to node j is dened as Iij . From Ohm’s

Law we have that Iij =Gij(Vi− Vj) (Agarwal and Lang 2005). Conservation of current requires that all

current owing to a node must sum to zero (current owing away from a node has a negative value).

Mathematically, this is given by


Iji = 0. To connect the circuit model with our opinion equilibrium,

we write down equation (3) for a single non-stubborn node i. It can be shown using equation (2) that this



pji(E[θj]−E[θi]) = 0. (4)

To see the circuit analogy, we dene the “voltage” of a node as its expected opinion (Vi = E[θi]) and the

conductance on an edge pointing from j to i as the rate of communication from j to i (Gji = pji). Using

Ohm’s Law, we obtain a “current” from j to i given by Iji = pji(E[θj]−E[θi]). If we enforce conservation

of current at each node, we obtain our equilibrium solution given by equation (4) (or in matrix form by

equation (3)). The analogy is very natural for our model. The voltage is the polarity of an individual’s

opinion and stubborn agents are xed voltage sources. The conductance measures how easily information

ows along an edge, analogous to an electrical circuit where conductance measures how easily current

ows along an edge. The equilibrium condition simply gives how opinions/voltages are distributed in a

social network/circuit. It also suggests that one can place stubborn agents in the network to manipulate the

non-stubborn opinions, just as one can place voltage sources in a circuit to manipulate the node voltages.

We discuss this more in Section 5.

The result states that for convergence in expectation to occur, ωi(t) cannot decay too fast. If this

occurs, then new opinions are ignored and updates will become too small. This can result in the nal

opinion depending upon the initial condition. However, if ωi(t) decays slow enough, where slow means∑t

s=0 mini∈V1 ωi(s) diverges, then the agents will keep listening to new communications and updating

their opinions. In this case, the expectation of their nal opinions are independent of their initial value.

4.2. Opinion Variance

We next consider the variance of the opinions. Let Σ[θ(t)] = E [[θ(t)−E[θ(t)]] [θ(t)−E[θ(t)]]T ] denote

the covariance matrix of θ(t). We have the following result.

Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents11

Theorem 2. Suppose the assumptions from Theorem 1 hold. Additionally, suppose thatt∑


maxi∈V1 ω2i (s)

converges. Then,


Σ[θ(t)] = 0.

Taken together, Theorems 1 and 2 characterize the class of stubbornness factors Ω(t) where conver-

gence occurs in L2. If Ω(t) does not decrease too rapidly (


s=0 mini∈V1 ωi(s) diverges) then the expecta-

tion of the nal opinions of the non-stubborn agents do not depend on their initial conditions. If we also

have that Ω(t) decreases suciently rapidly (


s=0 maxi∈V1 ω2i (s) converges), then the opinions’ covari-

ance will go to zero. To parameterize this region, assume Ω(t) has the form cit−δi for some constants ci

and δi for all i. Then Theorems 1 and 2 are satised for 1/2< δi ≤ 1 for all i.

4.3. Convergence Rate

Studying the convergence rates of the opinions to the equilibrium in a very general situation is dicult

because it depends on both the structure of the graph and the stubbornness factor of each individual agent.

To simplify our results, we assume that each non-stubborn agent has a stubbornness factor of the form

ωi(t) = c/(t+ τ + 1) for some nonnegative constants c and τ , where c≤ τ to ensure that the ωi(t)≤ 1

for all t.

Then we have the following result regarding the rate of convergence of the system to it’s equilibrium


Theorem 3. Suppose the underlying graph G (V,E) is connected and for each non-stubborn agent v ∈ V1

there exists a directed path from some stubborn agent to v, and that the stubbornness factors are of the form

ωi(t) = c/(t+τ+1) for all i∈ V1. ThenG can be written asG = UΛU−1 whereΛ+Λ∗ is a real symmetric

negative denite matrix, and Λ∗ denotes the Hermitian transpose of Λ. If c > (|λmax (Λ + Λ∗) |)−1, where

λmax (Λ + Λ∗) is the maximal eigenvalue of Λ + Λ∗, and τ ≥ c, then we have that




∥∥θV1(t)− θ∗V1∥∥2



t+ τ + 2

whereC = κ(U)2 max


∥∥θV1(0)− θ∗V1∥∥22, |V1|c2(|λmax (Λ + Λ∗) |c− 1)

−1, κ (U) is the condition num-

ber of U, and θ∗V1 =−G−1FθV0 .

Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents12

To gain insight into Theorem 3 we begin by assuming that G is symmetric. In this case, we can choose

U to be the identity matrix and Λ = G, since G is a real symmetric negative denite matrix. In this case,

λmax (Λ + Λ∗) = 2λmax (G) and κ(U) = 1. In this scenario, the constants used in the Theorem depend

only on how far our initial opinions θV1(0) are from the equilibrium, the number of non-stubborn agents

|V1|, the eigenvalue λmax (G), and our stubborness factor parameters. Additionally, when one considers

the Markov matrix I + A, the largest eigenvalue of this matrix not equal to one is 1 + λmax (G), and

this eigenvalue is closely related to the spectral gap of the Markov chain. This spectral gap appears in

many other contexts where it is used to study the mixing time for a Markov chain (Levin and Peres

2017). Furthermore, when the matrix G is symmetric our results resemble classical convergence results

in stochastic approximation theory (Nemirovski et al. 2009). In particular, when all of the agents have

the same stubbornness factor and the matrix G is symmetric, our opinion dynamics model has a natural

relation to agents collectively maximizing a concave objective function via a noisy gradient oracle.

In considering Theorem 3 for the non-symmetric case, it is easy to question why the matrices U and Λ

must be introduced. Based on our previous discussion and a closer inspection of the details in the proof,

one can notice that if the Hermitian form of G given by (G + G∗)/2 is negative semi-denite, we can

obtain the same convergence result intuition developed above by replacing |λmax(G))|with σmin(G), the

minimal singular value of G. However, it is not always the case that this Hermitian form is negative semi-

denite. To see this, consider the graph in Figure 1. In this graph, the node k is stubborn, and the other

two nodes are non-stubborn. In this case, we have that

G =

−0.25 0.25

0.49 −0.5

One of the eigenvalues of the Hermitian form is− 3


> 0. Because of this, in the proof of Theorem 3

we are unable to bound E[(θV1(t)− θ∗V1

)T(G + GT )

(θV1(t)− θ∗V1)

)]from above by a constant negative


Nevertheless, in the non-symmetric case we are able to show that we can nd some negative denite

matrix Λ + Λ∗ that is similar to G + GTvia the similarity transformation U. By considering our con-

vergence rate in this transformed space, we are able to obtain a O(1/√t)

type convergence rate, but we

must include some constants that depend on the condition number of this similarity transformation.

Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents13

kjipkj = 0.01pji = 0.25

pij = 0.49

Figure 1 Example graph where the Hermitian form of the matrix G is indenite. Node k is stubborn and nodes i and j are


4.4. Convergence With No Stubborn Agents

In this section we consider our time-varying opinion dynamics model from before without the presence

of stubborn agents. When considering opinion dynamics models without stubborn agents, a common

approach is to show conditions under which the model achieves consensus in the limit. Our model can

then naturally relate to previous work on ergodicity in nonhomogeneous Markov chains. We encourage

the interested reader to see Seneta (1973) and the references therein for a historical summary of the theory

of nonhomogeneous Markov chains. Additionally, our model relates to the work of Touri and Nedic (2011),

in which they show that a process having the “innite ow property” is a necessary condition for its

ergodicity. They also consider conditions under which the innite ow property is a sucient condition

for ergodicity, but we nd that these conditions are not easily satised for our model.

Before we begin our analysis, we will briey review some results and terminology in the theory of

nonhomogeneous Markov chains. In studying nonhomogeneous matrix products, it is common to consider

an ergodicity coecient which is a continuous scalar function µ(·) dened for a stochastic matrix P that

satises 0≤ µ(P)≤ 1. A coecient of ergodicity is proper if

µ(P) = 0 ⇐⇒ P = evT

where v is a stochastic vector and e is a vector of all ones.

In our analysis, we make use of the following proper ergodicity coecient due to Markov:

τ(P) = 1−mini,j


min(pis, pjs),

where P is an n×n stochastic matrix. It is well known that this ergodicity coecient is submultiplicative,

meaning that if P1 and P2 are stochastic matrices, then τ1 (P1P2)≤ τ1 (P1) τ1 (P2).

Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents14

In the study of nonhomogeneous matrix products it is also common to consider a class of stochastic

matrices that are called scrambling, which means that τ1(P)< 1. It is easy to see that a stochastic matrix

is scrambling if and only if no two rows are orthogonal. Because our problem is dened by the A matrix,

we will say that A is scrambling if there exists no rows i and j such that

aisajs = 0

for all s. In our analysis below, we will assume that the matrix A is scrambling, which corresponds to

communication networks where for every two people there is at least one person they both listen to. In

practice, with the widespread nature of news and technology this might be a reasonable assumption.

Lastly, to measure the disparity in the network we will make use of the centering matrix C = I− 1neeT ,

which is a positive semi-denite matrix with one eigenvalue equal to zero and all others equal to one. The

product Cθ(t) measures how much each opinion deviates from the average opinion in the network. The

following result shows under what conditions opinion consensus is achieved.

Theorem 4. Suppose that the matrix A is scrambling, there are no stubborn agents,t∑


mini∈V ωi(s)

diverges, andt∑


maxi∈V ω2i (s) converges. Then

Cθ(t)→ 0

in L2.

From Theorem 4 we are able to see that under the same assumptions on the stubbornness growth rates

as in Theorem 2, we are able to guarantee consensus under an additional assumption on the graph. If we

were to remove the scrambling assumption on A, and replaced it with the assumptions that the underlying

graph has a single recurrent class that is aperiodic and all the agents have the same stubbornness growth

rate (i.e. Ω(t) = ω(t) for some ω(t)), then from variants of the previous proofs it follows that Cθ(t)→

0 if

∑smini∈V ω(s) → ∞ and

∑smaxi∈V ω

2(s) < ∞. However, we believe the assumption of equal

stubbornness growth rates to be an especially stringent one, and thus we will not focus on these conditions

in great detail.

Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents15

4.5. Harmonic Influence Centrality

The equilibrium condition of our model given by equation (3) (or equivalently equation (4)) allows us to

evaluate the relative inuence of each individual agent in the network. We dene inuence as follows.

Imagine we are able to switch an agent’s opinion from zero to one and ask what is the change in the

average opinion in the network as a result of this switch. This allows us to dene harmonic inuence

centrality which was rst proposed in Vassio et al. (2014). There, harmonic inuence centrality measured

how much a stubborn agent increased the average non-stubborn opinion if it ipped its opinion from zero

to one while all other stubborn nodes had opinion equal zero. To make harmonic inuence centrality a

more operational measure, we consider the actual opinion of stubborn agents in the network rather than

setting them all equal to one. We then dene harmonic inuence centrality as a function c : V → R that

maps each agent in the network to a real number that equals the change in average non-stubborn opinion

when it is made stubborn and ips its opinion from zero to one.

We now present expressions for the harmonic inuence centrality of agents in the network. To simplify

notation we will treat the equilibrium opinions as deterministic, following our results from Theorems 1

and 2. We consider the case of stubborn and non-stubborn agents separately, as they result in dierent


Theorem 5. Consider a network with opinion equilibrium given by−GθV1 = FθV0 . For any stubborn agent

i∈ V0, the harmonic inuence centrality is

c(i) =−1





and for any non-stubborn agent i∈ V1, the harmonic inuence centrality is

c(i) =1

|V1| − 1



G−1ii− 1

). (6)

As can be seen, the expression for the harmonic inuence centrality of stubborn agent i is just the sum

of the ith column of the matrix G−1F. Unlike for stubborn agents, the harmonic inuence centrality of

non-stubborn agents does not involve the matrix F which connects stubborn to non-stubborn agents.

Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents16

Both expressions require the matrix G which connects the non-stubborn agents, to be invertible. This

just means that the network has a unique opinion equilibrium. As such, harmonic inuence centrality is

not applicable in networks where there are no stubborn agents, or not enough stubborn agents to create

a unique equilibrium. This somewhat limits the applicability of harmonic inuence centrality. However,

it does make its actual value a relevant operational measure for assessing the inuence of individuals in a


One useful application of our denition of harmonic inuence centrality is in optimizing opinions with

stubborn agents. We will see in Section 6 that targeting non-stubborn individuals based on their harmonic

inuence centrality is a practical and eective approach to impact non-stubborn opinions in very large


5. Optimization of Stubborn Agent Placement

One may be interested in using stubborn agents to shift the opinions in a network in order to maximize

a given objective function. Examples of such functions include the sum of the opinions or the number

of individuals whose opinion exceeds a given threshold. To optimize these objective functions, we utilize

the equilibrium from equation (3). Our results from Section 4 show that for a broad class of stubborness

rates, the opinions in a network reach this equilibrium. We now show how to place stubborn agents in a

network to shift this equilibrium and maximize these objective functions.

The equilibrium condition in equation (3) can be rewritten as −GE[θV1 ] = FθV0 . This linear system of

equations constrains the opinions of the non-stubborn individuals. If stubborn agents are placed in the

network, these matrices change. By stubborn agent placement, we mean the agent causes non-stubborn

individuals to follow it, allowing the agent to inuence their opinion and shift the equilibrium. By opti-

mizing where we place the stubborn agents, we can shift the opinions in the network as we desire.

5.1. Opinion Objective Functions

We now consider the problem of how one can optimize a function of the non-stubborn opinions via

stubborn agent placement. We consider two dierent objective functions. First, there is the sum of the

Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents17

non-stubborn opinions. This is a fairly standard objective function, and we will see it also has desirable

mathematical properties. Second, there is the number of non-stubborn individuals whose opinion exceeds

a given threshold. This is objective function may be relevant if the individuals take an action when their

opinion exceeds the threshold (buy a product, vote, protest, etc.).

Consider the scenario where we add one stubborn agent to the network with communication probability

p. Without loss of generality, we assume that this agent’s opinion θ= 1. Suppose that we begin with some

equilibrium solution θ0 that satises−Gθ0 = FθV0 . Here we are assuming the opinions are deterministic,

which is a valid assumption under the conditions of Theorem 2. Consider adding this new stubborn agent

to the network and having non-stubborn individual i follow it. Let ei be a vector that has component

i equal to one, and all other components equal to zero. When the agent is followed by individual i we

achieve a new equilibrium solution θ1 given by

−(G− p eie


)θ1 = FθV0 + pei.

The sum of the opinions under this new equilibrium can be written as −eT (G− peieTi )−1

(FθV0 + pei),

where e is the vector of all ones. In general, the stubborn agent can target a set S ⊆ V1 of non-stubborn

users. The opinion sum in the resulting equilibrium can be viewed as a function of the target set S. This

function f : V1 7→R≥0 is given by

f(S) =−eT

(G− p



)−1(FθV0 + p




In addition to the opinion sum, there are other important functions one can optimize. Consider the set

function g : V1 7→R≥0 dened to be

g(S) =∑i∈V1



G− p∑i∈S


)−1(FθV0 + p



)where 1i,τ x is equal to one if the i-th component of x is greater than some predetermined threshold τ ,

and zero otherwise. Maximizing this set function is equivalent to maximizing the number of non-stubborn

agents with nal opinion greater than τ , which could correspond to for instance buying a product or

voting for a particular candidate.

Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents18

5.2. Greedy Approach

In practice one may limit the number of non-stubborn individuals that are targeted. This is done so the

stubborn agents do not appear to be spam and lose their persuasion power. A natural constraint would

be |S|= k for some k≤ |V1|. Then the problem of determining which k non-stubborn agents to target in

order to maximize the sum of the non-stubborn opinions can be written as

maxS : |S|=k

f(S). (7)

Similarly, the constrained optimization problem for the number of individuals over a threhsold is

maxS : |S|=k

g(S). (8)

These discrete optimization problems become dicult to solve for all k targets simultaneously in real

social networks, which can be quite large. One solution to this is to solve for one target at a time in a greedy

manner. This means in each iteration choosing the target which gives the largest increase in the objective

function. This approach greatly reduces the complexity of the problems and allows them to be solved for

large networks. While we cannot provide any performance guarantees for the threshold objective using

this greedy approach, we do have a guarantee for the sum of opinions.

Theorem 6. For an arbitrary instance of G, F, and θV0 the set function f(·) is monotone and submodular.

Because the objective is monotone and submodular, a greedy approach to maximizing the sum of opinions

will produce a solution within a factor of 1− e−1 of the optimum (Nemhauser et al. 1978). In Section 6 we

present performance results of greedy solutions for these two objective functions.

For very large networks, even our proposed greedy approach for stubborn agent placement remains

computationally challenging. For example, just solving for the equilibrium opinions can take over a second

on networks of hundreds of thousands of nodes. For each iteration of our greedy approach, this equilibrium

calculation must be repeated for each potential target node. For networks with hundreds of thousands

of nodes, the time required for each greedy iteration can be on the order of days. If one wants to nd

hundreds of targets, the resulting computation can take weeks. This computational burden can be reduced

Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents19

by not checking every potential target. However, this could result in severely suboptimal stubborn agent

placement. To overcome these challenges, we propose some useful computational techniques.

First, we do not calculate the equilibrium for each potential target. Instead, we only check a small

subset of the targets. This subset consists of the non-stubborn agents with the highest harmonic inuence

centrality in the initial network before anyone is targeted. The logic here is that high centrality targets will

likely give large gains in the objective functions we consider. In each greedy iteration, we only calculate

the equilibrium for the potential targets in this subset. Calculating harmonic inuence centrality requires

solving for the equilibrium twice for each non-stubborn individual in the network. We do not recalculate

the centrality in subsequent iterations.

Second, we parallelize the calculation of the equilibrium. In each iteration, we simultaneously calculate

the equilibrium of all potential targets in the subset. If enough processors are available the runtime of this

step can be reduced to the time for a single equilibrium calculation. With the resources we had available

we could calculate several hundred equilibria in parallel, increasing our speed by nearly two orders of


6. Results

To understand how much impact a stubborn agent can have on the opinions in a network, we solve the

opinion optimization problems described in Section 5 with dierent objective functions on two real social

networks. We present a novel method based on neural networks to identify stubborn and non-stubborn

agents in a network. We then show how our greedy approach is more eective in optimizing the opinion

objective functions than other simpler heuristics.

6.1. Datsets

We consider two datasets from the social network Twitter about certain geo-political events. The rst

dataset consists of Twitter users discussing Brexit, the planned British departure from the European Union.

The second consists of Twitter users discussing the Gilets Jaunes protests in France. We chose these events

because there may be interest in shifting opinions on these events given their signicance. We now provide

some background about these events.

Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents20

Brexit. Brexit is the withdrawal process of the United Kingdom (UK) from European Union (EU). While

Brexit began with a vote in 2016, in this work, we focus on the time period from September 2018 to March

2019 when the British government worked on constructing a formal plan for executing the Brexit.

Gilets Jaunes. Gilets Jaunes, or Yellow Vests, is a French populist movement that started in November

2018. Although it was initially a response to the sudden rise in fuel prices, it quickly became a generalized

social unrest protest against the government of president Emmanuel Macron. The protests have been

going on every Saturday since November 2018, each week being called as a new “Acte” by the protesters.

In this work, we focus on social network data about the Gilets Jaunes protests from February 2019 to May


For each event, we identied a set of relevant keywords. We then collected every post or tweet, on the

social network site Twitter containing these keywords during the relevant collection periods. We also

collected the follower edges between all users who posted these tweets for each event. This provided us

with the follower network of Twitter users discussing each event. In addition we were able to measure the

posting rate for each user by counting the number of tweets they posted during the data collection period.

We provide basic information about the datasets in Table 1. Further details on the dataset construction is

provided in Section EC.2.

Table 1 Basic information about the Twitter datasets (M denotes million).

Event Data collection Number of Number of Number of

period tweets follower edges users

Brexit September 2018 to February 2019 27M 18.5M 104,755

Gilets Jaunes February 2019 to May 2019 3.2M 2.3M 40,456

6.2. Opinions and Stubborn Users

To apply our equilibrium model, we require the follower network, posting rate, and stubborn user opin-

ions. We already have the rst two items form the raw data. Next we must identify the stubborn users.

We assessed stubbornness using the content of the tweets of the users. This was done by building a neural

Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents21

network to measure the tweet opinions. To do this we developed a novel approach to label tweets with a

ground truth opinion in order to construct a training dataset for the neural network. We rst identied

several extremely polarized hashtags for each event. These are words or phrases that exhibit strong sup-

port for or opposition to the event. The complete lists of hashtags for Brexit and Gilets Jaunes are found

Section EC.2. We manually labeled these hashtags as either pro-event or anti-event. This is done using

domain expertise, and does not constitute a dicult task. Then we identied users in our dataset that had

the hashtags in their prole description. If the user is using any of the hashtags from the pro-event list,

and none from the anti-event list, then this user is labeled as pro-event. The same process is done for the

anti-event list. After this user labeling is done, all tweets in the dataset belonging to any anti-event users

are given an opinion of zero, and all tweets of pro-event users are given an opinion of one. The logic here

is that if a user puts the extremely polarized hashtags in their prole description, they are broadcasting a

very strong signal about their opinion. It is then highly likely that any tweet they post about the event will

have a very extreme opinion. Using our approach, we are able to eciently label hundreds of thousands

of tweets for the two events. Details of the training data are provided in Table 2.

Table 2 Details on the neural network training data for Brexit and Gilets Jaunes. The number of tweets in the training data

and number of users who posted these tweets for and against each event are shown.

Event Pro-event tweets Anti-event tweets Pro-event users Anti-event users

Brexit 400,000 400,000 1,935 6,863

Gilets Jaunes 130,000 130,000 383 2,354

Once we had labeled the tweets, we could train the neural network. We use a standard architecture

that was developed in Kim (2014). For each event we train on 80% of the labeled data and tested on the

remaining fraction. We used the deep learning library Keras (Chollet 2015), and trained our model with a

cross-entropy loss over ve epochs on a single CPU. With this conguration, the training time is under a

few hours. The resulting performance is quite good. The neural network achieves an accuracy of 86% on the

testing data for Brexit and 83% on the testing data for Gilets Jaunes. For a more qualitative demonstration

Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents22

of the accuracy of the neural network, we show in Tables 3 and 4 the opinions it measures for tweets

in the Brexit and Gilets Jaunes datasets, respectively. As can be seen, the opinion estimates of the neural

network align with the text of the tweets. Details of the neural network architecture and training process

are provided in Section EC.3.

Table 3 Tweets and their opinion scores given by the neural network for the Brexit dataset. An opinion of zero is

anti-Brexit and an opinion of one is pro-Brexit.

Tweet Polarity

#stopbrexit #PeoplesVoter#brexit #Eunurses #nurseshortage 0.03

Britain will receive an economic boost on the back

of a Brexit deal with the European Union, Philip Hammond

has again claimed 0.63

@Nigel_Farage Wait for the remoaners to make stupid comments

of Russian interference on Brexit 0.76

Table 4 Tweets and their opinion scores given by the neural network for the Gilets Jaunes dataset. An opinion of zero is

anti-Gilets Jaunes and an opinion of one is pro-Gilets Jaunes.

Tweet Polarity

Il n’y a aucune raison que leurs revendications passent

avant d’autres, quelques dizaines de milliers représentant

une minorité ne vont pas décider pour la majorité. 0.0

#Giletsjaunes #Nancy Les manifestants ont rèussi à

entrer dans le périmètre interdit dans le centre ville. 0.5

Aucun essouement pour l’#ActeXV des #GiletsJaune! 0.85

Our nal step was to identify which users were stubborn based on their opinions. We used the trained

neural network to estimate the opinion of all tweets in our datasets. Then we averaged the opinions of

Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents23

each user’s tweets to obtain their opinions. We determined which users were stubborn by setting lower

and upper opinion intervals. Any user whose opinion falls within either of these intervals is declared

stubborn. We made the assumption that people with more extreme opinions (close to zero or one) are

stubborn. Previous work in opinion dynamics supports this denition of stubborn. For example, Martins

and Galam (2013) dene an inexible agent as someone who has a very strong, extreme opinion. Further

evidence is provided by Moussaïd et al. (2013) who found that the majority of people systematically keep

their opinion when their own condence exceeds that of their partner. People with extreme opinions are

generally condent in their beliefs. This suggests that people with more extreme opinions are likely to be


For our datasets, we chose [0.0,0.1] and [0.9,1.0] as the stubborn intervals. We performed robustness

checks and found that our opinion optimization results were not sensitive to the precise values of these

intervals, as long as the values were reasonable and left sucient non-stubborn users in the network.

Using these stubborn intervals, we have 81,043 non-stubborn users and 23,705 stubborn users for Brexit

and 38,483 non-stubborn users and 1,973 stubborn users for Gilets Jaunes. For Brexit there are 6,147 users

in [0.0,0.1] and 1,555 users in [0.9,1.0]. For Gilets Jaunes there are 1,973 users in [0.0,0.1] and only 134

users in [0.9,1.0].

Table 5 Number of stubborn and non-stubborn users in the Brexit and Gilets Jaunes datasets.

Dataset Brexit Gilets Jaunes

Number of non-stubborn users 81,043 38,483

Number of stubborn users 23,705 1,973

Number of stubborn users in [0.9,1.0] 5,893 134

Number of stubborn users in [0.0,0.1] 14,950 1,839

6.3. Performance

We applied the greedy algorithm from Section 5.2 to target non-stubborn individuals in the Brexit and

Gilets Jaunes networks in order to maximize the mean opinion and the number of individuals with opinion

Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents24

greater than 0.5. For reference, we compared this algorithm to a set of benchmark targeting algorithms

which we now describe.

Out-degree. This algorithm targets the nodes in order of decreasing out-degree (follower count).

Posting rate. This algorithm targets the nodes in order of decreasing posting rate.

Harmonic inuence centrality. This algorithm targets the nodes in order of decreasing harmonic

inuence centrality.

Each of these benchmark algorithms exploit a dierent aspect of the equilibrium in equation (4). The out-

degree algorithm focuses on the sum over neighbors. The logic here is that users with many followers

have more inuence. The posting rate algorithm focuses on the rate term in the equation. The logic here

is that users’ opinions will tend to align with their active neighbors. The harmonic inuence centrality

algorithm combines these two aspects to identify active users with a large reach.

For the greedy algorithm, we pre-computed the harmonic inuence centrality of all non-stubborn users

in each network, as mentioned in Section 5.2. We then checked 1,000 users with the highest harmonic

inuence centrality as potential targets in each iteration of the algorithm.

We had the stubborn agent post at the average rate as the non-stubborn users in the network. This

would prevent the agent from appearing too suspicious and potentially being agged by spam detection

algorithms on the social network. Each algorithm’s performance for the dierent networks and objective

functions is shown in Figures 2 and 3.

We see similar trends for all the scenarios. The posting rate is the worst algorithm and harmonic inu-

ence centrality does better than out-degree. Our greedy algorithm has the best performance, which shows

the importance of the network structure in the targeting process. For the mean objective function we see

a rapid increase in the mean opinion when less than 100 users are targeted, after which we see a linear

growth in the opinion. This is interesting because it suggests a few targets can have a large impact on the


For the threshold objective function, we see dierent results for the two networks. In Brexit, the greedy

algorithm increases the objective function at a near linear rate as more users are targeted, while harmonic

Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents25

Figure 2 Plot of mean opinion versus number of targeted non-stubborn individuals in the Brexit network (left) and Gilets

Jaunes network (right) for dierent targeting algorithms (HIC is harmonic inuence centrality). The stubborn agent

posts at a rate equal to the mean rate of the network.

inuence centrality saturates. However, in Gilets Jaunes, the greedy algorithm initially outperforms har-

monic inuence centrality, but then saturates as more targets are added. In contrast, harmonic inuence

centrality steadily increases at a linear rate, eventually catching up with the greedy algorithm. For Gilets

Jaunes, we see that targeting 100 users with the greedy algorithm moves 403 users over the threshold. In

Brexit, targeting 100 users with the greedy algorithm puts 1,197 users over the threshold. We see a greater

eciency of the targeting in Brexit compared to Gilets Jaunes. This may be due to the initial opinion

distribution. For Brexit, there are initially approximately 6,000 non-stubborn users above the threshold,

which is 7.4% of the non-stubborn users. Therefore, there are many people available to be pushed over

the threshold. In contrast, the Gilets Jaunes network there are initially about 28,000 non-stubborn users

above the threshold, or 73.7% of the non-stubborn users. In this case, there are fewer people available to

be pushed over the threshold. We suspect this is the reason the Brexit targeting is more ecient.

7. Conclusion

We have proposed a model for opinion dynamics in a social network where individuals become more

stubborn with time. We were able to derive convergence results for this non-stationary model, one of the

rst results of its kind. Using our convergence results, we formulated an optimization problem for targeting

Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents26

Figure 3 Plot of number of non-stubborn individuals with opinion over the 0.5 threshold versus number of targeted non-

stubborn individuals in the Brexit network (left) and Gilets Jaunes network (right) for dierent targeting algorithms

(HIC is harmonic inuence centrality). The stubborn agent posts at a rate equal to the mean rate of the network.

people in a network with stubborn agents to have maximal impact on their opinions. We showed that this

was a submodular problem, allowing performance guarantees for a greedy algorithm. Finally, we showed

how to apply our greedy algorithm to real social networks. A key component of this was developing a

neural network to identify stubborn users based on the content they post. Tests on these networks showed

that the greedy algorithm outperforms several benchmarks, allowing one to obtain greater inuence with

a limited number of targets. This algorithm is a useful operational tool for countering inuence campaigns

and shaping opinion in large social networks. As the roles these networks play in our society increases,

tools such as our greedy targeting algorithm will continue to grow in importance.


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e-companion to Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents ec1

Supplementary Material and Proofs of Statements

In this E-Companion we provide additional data analysis and technical proofs for the theorems in the

paper, “Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents Under Time-Varying Dynamics.”

EC.1. Proofs

EC.1.1. Proof of Theorem 1

Recall from the structure of the problem we have that

E [θ(t+ 1)] = A(t)A(t− 1) · · ·A(0)θ(0).

Due to the structure of the problem, we know that we can write the matrix product in the following block

form I|V0|×|V0| 0

F′(t) G′(t)

= A(t)A(t− 1) · · ·A(0)

for some |V1|× |V0|matrix F′(t) and some |V1|× |V1|matrix G′(t). Note that the following relations hold

for the matrices F′(t) and G′(t):

F′(t) = ΩV1(t)F + [I + ΩV1(t)G]F′(t− 1)

G′(t) = [I + ΩV1(t)G]G′(t− 1)

where F′(−1) = 0 and G′(−1) = I. Now, because there exists a path to every non-stubborn agent from

some stubborn agent, it follows that G−1 exists. For notation, let E(t) = F′(t) + G−1F and note that

E(t) = F′(t) + G−1F

= [I + ΩV1(t)G]F′(t− 1) + [I + ΩV1(t)G] (G−1F)

= [I + ΩV1(t)G]E(t− 1) .

From E(0) = F′(0) + G−1F = ΩV1(0)F + G−1F = [I + ΩV1(0)G]G−1F we get the relation

E(t) = G′(t)G−1F .

We will now make use of the following lemma, which is proved in the appendix.

ec2 e-companion to Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents

Lemma EC.1. If the assumptions in Theorem 1 hold, then limt→∞G′(t) = 0.

From this lemma, we have that limt→∞E(t) = 0 and thus limt→∞F′(t) =−G−1F. Therefore, we get that


E [θ(t)] =

I|V0|×|V0| 0

−G−1F 0


and thus we have limt→∞E [θV1(t)] =−G−1FθV0 .

EC.1.2. Proof of Theorem 2

We begin by writing θ(t+ 1) in the following form:

θ(t+ 1) = A(t)θ(t) + Ω(t)ε(t)

where ε(t) is a bounded random vector of dimension |V| such that E [ε(t) | θ(t)] = 0 and εi(t) ∈ [−1,1].

Because of the above relation, we have that

Cov [θ(t), ε(t)] =E[θ(t)ε(t)T

]−E [θ(t)]E [ε(t)]



[ε(t)T | θ(t)

]]−E [θ(t)]0T


]= 0.

Due to the fact that ε(t) and θ(t) are uncorrelated, we have the following:

Σ[θ(t+ 1)] = A(t)Σ [θ(t)]A(t)T + Ω(t)Σ [ε(t)]Ω(t).

Using the fact that Σ[θ(0)] = 0 and that the stubborn agents’ opinion vector is constant in time, we have


Σ[θV1(t+ 1)] =t∑


B(t, j+ 1)Σ [ε(j)]B(t, j+ 1)T

where ε(t) is the subvector of ε(t) corresponding to the non-stubborn agents and

B(t, j+ 1) = (I + ΩV1(t)G) · · · (I + ΩV1(j+ 1)G)ΩV1(j)

e-companion to Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents ec3

for j+ 1≤ t and B(t, j+ 1) = ΩV1(j) for j+ 1> t.

From the triangle inequality and the non-negativity of matrix norms we now have that

‖Σ[θV1(t+ 1)]‖∞ ≤∞∑j=0

∥∥∥B(t, j+ 1)Σ [ε(j)]B(t, j+ 1)T∥∥∥∞


∥∥B(t, j+ 1)∥∥∞ ‖Σ[ε(j)]‖∞

∥∥∥B(t, j+ 1)T∥∥∥∞

where the second inequality follows from the submultiplicativity of the maximum absolute row sum norm.

Now, from Popoviciu’s inequality we know that Varεi(t) ≤ 1 for all i. Furthermore, by Cauchy-Schwarz

we know that |Cov [εi(t), εj(t)] | ≤ 1 for all i and j. From this, we know that ‖Σ[ε(j)]‖∞ ≤ |V1| for all j.

Furthermore, because (I + ΩV1(i)G) is substochastic for all i we know that

(I + ΩV1(t)G) (I + ΩV1(t− 1)G) · · · (I + ΩV1(j+ 1)G) is substochastic for all t and j. From this we

know that

∥∥B(t, j+ 1)∥∥∞ ≤maxi∈V1 ωi(j) and

∥∥B(t, j+ 1)T∥∥∞ ≤ |V1|maxi∈V1 ωi(j). Combining all of

these bounds, we have that

∥∥B(t, j+ 1)∥∥∞ ‖Σ[ε(j)]‖∞

∥∥∥B(t, j+ 1)T∥∥∥∞≤ |V1|2 max



From the assumptions in the Theorem,

∑j maxi∈V1 ωi(j)

2converges and thus from the dominated con-

vergence theorem we have that

limt→∞‖Σ[θV1(t+ 1)]‖∞ ≤



∥∥∥B(t, j+ 1)Σ [ε(j)]B(t, j+ 1)T∥∥∥∞

It follows easily from a variant of Lemma EC.1 that limt→∞B(t, j + 1) = 0 for all j, and thus we have

arrived at the desired result limt→∞Σ[θV1(t+ 1)] = 0.

EC.1.3. Proof of Theorem 3

We will begin by using the following lemma that is implied by Lemma 6 from Lakshminarayanan and

Szepesvari (2018), since all the eigenvalues of the matrix G have negative real part.

Lemma EC.2 (Lakshminarayanan and Szepesvari (2018)). There exists a matrix U such that G =

UΛU−1 and Λ + Λ∗ is a real symmetric negative denite matrix.

ec4 e-companion to Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents

Using Lemma EC.2, consider the decomposition G = UΛU−1. We begin with the following




∥∥θV1(t+ 1)− θ∗V1∥∥22




∥∥θV1(t) +ω(t) (GθV1(t) + FθV0 + ε(t))− θ∗V1∥∥22




∥∥UU−1(θV1(t) +ω(t) (GθV1(t) + FθV0 + ε(t))− θ∗V1


]≤ σmax (U)




∥∥U−1 (θV1(t) +ω(t) (GθV1(t) + FθV0 + ε(t))− θ∗V1)∥∥2


]where ε(t) is a zero mean bounded random vector that is uncorrelated with θV1(t) and σmax (U)

is the largest singular value of the matrix U. Now, for clarity of exposition let γ(t + 1) =

U−1 (θV1(t) +ω(t) (GθV1(t) + FθV0 + ε(t))), γ∗ = U−1θ∗V1 , and at+1 =E[12‖γ(t)− γ∗‖22

]. We then have


at+1 = at +E[ω2(t)


∥∥U−1 (GθV1(t) + FθV0 + ε(t))∥∥22


2E[(γ(t)− γ∗)∗U−1 (GθV1(t) + FθV0 + ε(t))



U−1 (GθV1(t) + FθV0 + ε(t)))∗

(γ(t)− γ∗)]

Now, we begin by noting that GθV1(t) + FθV0 + ε(t) ∈ [−2,2]|V1|

implies that

‖U−1 (GθV1(t) + FθV0 + ε(t))‖22≤ 4|V1|σmax(U−1)2 with probability one for all t. Additionally, because

γ(t) is a linear function of θV1(t), we also know that ε(t) is uncorrelated with γ(t). Therefore, we have


at+1 ≤ at + 2ω2(t)|V1|σmax(U−1)2 +ω(t)

2E[(γ(t)− γ∗)∗U−1 (GθV1(t) + FθV0)



U−1 (GθV1(t) + FθV0))∗

(γ(t)− γ∗)]

= at + 2ω2(t)|V1|σmax(U−1)2 +ω(t)

2E [(γ(t)− γ∗)∗ (Λ + Λ∗) (γ(t)− γ∗)]

where the equality follows from the fact that FθV0 =−Gθ∗V1 and U−1G = ΛU−1. Now, by Lemma EC.2

we know that (γ(t) − γ∗)∗ (Λ + Λ∗) (γ(t)− γ∗) ≤ −|λmax (Λ + Λ∗) | ‖γ(t)− γ∗‖22. Therefore, we have


at+1 ≤ (1− |λmax (Λ + Λ∗) |ω(t))at + 2ω2(t)|V1|σmax(U−1)2.

e-companion to Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents ec5

Now, choosing ω(t) = c/(t+ τ + 1) where c > 1/|λmax (Λ + Λ∗) | and τ ≥ c we get that

at+1 ≤(

1− |λmax (Λ + Λ∗) |ct+ τ + 1

)at +


(t+ τ + 1)2.

It can be shown by induction that at ≤C ′/(t+ τ + 1) where

C ′ = σmax(U−1)2 max



∥∥θV1(0)− θ∗V1∥∥22,2|V1|c2(|λmax (Λ + Λ∗) |c− 1)


Continuing from above we arrive at




∥∥θV1(t+ 1)− θ∗V1∥∥22

]≤ σmax (U)

2C ′

t+ τ + 2.

Finally, the result follows from Jensen’s Inequality and κ(U) = σmax (U)σmax (U−1).

EC.1.4. Proof of Theorem 4

For notation, we let A′(t) = A(t) · · ·A(0). We begin by showing that limt→∞ τ1 (A′(t)) = 0. Due to the

assumption of Theorem 4, we know that there exists some integer T such that ωi(t)≤ 1/2 for all agents

i ∈ V and all t≥ T . For clarity of exposition and without loss of generality, suppose that Aii < 1 for all

i ∈ V , and let P = I +A. Then, from the assumption on A being scrambling we know that there exists

some δ > 0 such that

δ= mini,j


(pis, pjs) .

Using this, for t≥ T we know that

τ1 (I + Ω(t)A) = 1−mini,j


(ais(t), ajs(t))

≤ 1−mini∈V


where the second inequality follows from the fact that for non-diagonal elements ais(t) = ω(i)ais ≥

mini∈V ωi(t) and for diagonal elements ωi(t)≤ 1/2 implies that 1− aiiωi(t)≥mini∈V ωi(t). Now, from

this and the submultiplicativity of the ergodicity coecient τ1(·) we have that

τ1 (A′(t))≤t∏


(1− δmin



ec6 e-companion to Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents

for t≥ T . Therefore, we have that limt→∞ τ1 (A′(t)) = 0.

From this result, we know that CA′(t) = 0 and thus ECθ(t) = 0 follows. Now, we decompose the

covariance term in a similar way to Theorem 2. In particular, we have that

Σ[Cθ(t+ 1)] = (CA(t))Σ [θ(t)] (CA(t))T

+ (CΩ(t))Σ [ε(t)] (CΩ(t)) .

where ε(t) is some bounded random variable that is uncorrelated with θ(t).

From this, it follows that

Σ[θV(t+ 1)] =t∑


B(t, j+ 1)Σ [ε(j)]B(t, j+ 1)T


B(t, j+ 1) = CA(t) · · ·CA(j+ 1)CΩ(j)

for j + 1≤ t and B(t, j + 1) = ΩV(j) for j + 1> t. Because A has row every row summing to zero, we

also know that AC = 0. From this, it follows that CA(t)C = CA(t) for all t. Because of this, it follows


B(t, j+ 1) = CA(t)A(t− 1) · · ·A(j+ 1)Ω(j).

Now, using a similar argument as in the proof of Theorem 2 we know that ‖Σ[ε(t)]‖∞ ≤ n,

‖B(t, j+ 1)‖∞ ≤2(n−1)n

maxi∈V ωi(j), and ‖B(t, j+ 1)T‖∞ ≤ 2(n− 1)maxi∈V ωi(j). From this, and the

fact that


maxi∈V ω2i (s) converges, we can apply the dominated convergence theorem to arrive at

limt→∞‖Σ[θV1(t+ 1)]‖∞ ≤



∥∥∥B(t, j+ 1)Σ [ε(j)]B(t, j+ 1)T∥∥∥∞.

Now, from a variation of the above result that limt→∞CA′(t) = 0 we know that limt→∞B(t, j + 1) =

0 for all j. Therefore, we know that limt→∞ ‖Σ[θV1(t+ 1)]‖∞ = 0 and we have arrived at the desired


e-companion to Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents ec7

EC.1.5. Proof of Theorem 6

Without loss of generality, we assume the equilibrium condition of the base network is given by

−Gθ0 = FθV0 = b.

We then consider connecting a stubborn edge to arbitrary nodes k and l, where the stubborn agent has a

posting rate of p. Then we have the following dierent equilibrium conditions:

−Gθ0 = b

(−G + pekeTk )θ1 = b + pek

(−G + peleTl )θ2 = b + pel

(−G + peleTl + peke

Tk )θ3 = b + pel + pek.

For clarity of notation, we will denote U(θ) =∑

i∈V1 θi. To establish submodularity of the set function f ,

we need to show that


We will make use of the following two lemmas, where the proofs of these lemmas are included in the


Lemma EC.3. Let θ0 be the opinion equilibrium given by −Gθ0 = b and let θ1 be the opinion equilibrium

given by adding a single edge between a stubborn agent and non-stubborn agent k with communication

probability p. Then

U(θ1)−U(θ0) =−p(1− θ0k)

1− pG−1kk


G−1ki .

Lemma EC.4. All elements of the matrix −G−1 are non-negative.

We note that for any i ∈ V1, θ0i ≤ θ2i because adding a single stubborn edge with opinion equal to one

cannot decrease any non-stubborn opinion. This follows immediately from Lemmas EC.3 and EC.4. Let

H = G− peleTl . Using Lemma EC.3 we have

U(θ3)−U(θ2) =− p(1− θ2k)

1− pH−1kk



≤−p(1− θ0k)∑j∈V1

H−1kj1− pH−1kk


ec8 e-companion to Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents

We now utilize the Sherman-Morrison formula (Sherman and Morrison 1950) which states that

(G− pekeTk )−1ij =G−1ij +pG−1ik G


1− pG−1kk.

Applying the Sherman-Morrison formula to equation (EC.1) we obtain

U(θ3)−U(θ2)≤−p(1− θ0k)∑j∈V1

G−1kj +pG−1




1− pG−1kk − p2G−1




=−p(1− θ0k)∑j∈V1

G−1kj (1− pG−1ll ) + pG−1kl G−1lj

(1− pG−1kk )(1− pG−1ll )− p2G−1kl G−1lk

≤−p(1− θ0k)∑j∈V1

G−1kj(1− pG−1kk )


where the second inequality follows from the fact that G−1 is elementwise nonpositive and the nal

equality follows from Lemma EC.3, and thus we have now arrived at the desired result.

EC.1.6. Proof of Theorem 5

For non-stubborn agents, we cannot simply switch their opinions as we did with stubborn agents. This

is because their opinions depend upon their neighbors opinions. Instead we take a dierent approach. To

obtain the inuence centrality of a non-stubborn agent i, we connect d stubborn agents to it with com-

munication probability p. We then calculate the change in average opinion when these stubborn agents’

opinion switches from zero to one. The harmonic inuence centrality is given by the limit of this opin-

ion change as d goes to innity. Adding an innite number of stubborn agents of a single opinion to a

non-stubborn agent eectively makes a non-stubborn agent stubborn.

We let θ0V1 and θ1V1 correspond to the opinion vector for the non-stubborn agents with the d stubborn

agents opinions equal to zero and one, respectively. These equilibria are given by

(−G + pdeie


)θ0V1 = FθV0(

−G + pdeieTi

)θ1V1 = FθV0 + pdei.

e-companion to Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents ec9

The dierence in the equilibrium opinions is given by

θ1V1 − θ0V1 =

(−G + pdeie


)−1(FθV0 + pdei−FθV0)

=−pd(G− pdeieTi


Because ei is only non-zero in element i, we only need to calculate the ith column of the inverse of

G− pdeieTi . This can be done using the Sherman-Morris formula Sherman and Morrison (1950), giving

(G− pdeieTi


=G−1ji +pdG−1ji G


1− pdG−1ii


1− pdG−1ii.

We can now calculate the harmonic inuence centrality of a non-stubborn agent. We must make sure to

subtract one, which is the change in the opinion of the given non-stubborn agent. This is in contrast to

stubborn agents, whose opinion shifts were not included in the calculation of the resulting opinion shift.

With this in mind, and using the above expression, the harmonic inuence centrality of non-stubborn

agent i is given by

c(i) = limd→∞


|V1| − 1


(θ1V1 − θ


)ji− 1


= limd→∞


|V1| − 1


−pd(G− pdeieTi

)−1ji− 1


= limd→∞


|V1| − 1


−pdG−1ji1− pdG−1ii

− 1



|V1| − 1



G−1ii− 1


For stubborn agents, we simply change their opinion from zero to one and calculate the change in the

mean opinion. We consider switching the opinion of stubborn agent i. Let θ0 and θ1 correspond to the

opinion vector with agent i’s opinion equal to zero and one, respectively.

The dierence in the equilibrium opinions is given by

θ1V1 − θ0V1 =−G−1F

(θ1V0 − θ



ec10 e-companion to Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents

where ei is a vector of all zeros except for the ith component which is equal to one. We let c(i) be the

harmonic inuence centrality of stubborn agent i which is equal to the change in the average opinion.

This is then given by

c(i) =1


(θ1V1 − θ







EC.1.7. Proof of Lemma EC.1

We begin by dening a matrix sequence that is somewhat similar to G′(t), given by

G′′(t) =

(I + Gmin


)· · ·(

I + Gmini∈V1



For clarity, we will break the proof of this lemma into the following two parts:

1. We begin by showing that ‖G′(t)‖∞ ≤ ‖G′′(t)‖∞ for all t, where ‖·‖∞ is the maximum absolute

row sum norm of a matrix.

2. We then show that limt→∞

G′′(t) = 0.

Note that by combining the two parts we will have arrived at the desired result by the continuity of matrix

norms. We now present the proof of the above two parts.

EC.1.7.1. Proof of 1. First, note that G′(t) is a nonnegative substochastic matrix for all t. For nota-

tion, let e denote the vector of all ones. We rst show that GG′(t)e≤ 0 for all t. Note that this holds for

t= 0 because

GG′(0)e = Ge + GΩ(0)Ge .

Now, by construction G is a matrix with negative diagonal entries that are bounded below by −1, and

all other entries non-negative. Additionally, for notation let Ge = c≤ 0. Then we have that GG′(0)e =

c + GΩ(0)c≤ c−c = 0 since Ω(0) is a diagonal matrix with entries between 0 and 1. We now show the

e-companion to Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents ec11

result for general t by induction. For clarity, let GG′(t)e = ct, and by the inductive assumption ct ≤ 0.

Then we have that

GG′(t+ 1)e = G [I + ΩV1(t+ 1)G]G′(t)e

= ct + GΩV1(t+ 1)ct

≤ ct− ct .

And thus the result holds for general t.

Now, using this we show that


for all t. Note that the above trivally holds for t= 0 because, by construction Ge≤ 0. Now, once again we

prove the result by induction. We have that

G′(t+ 1)e = G′(t)e + ΩV1(t+ 1)GG′(t)e

and from above we know that GG′(t)e≤ 0. Thus we have that

G′(t+ 1)e≤(

I + Gmini∈V1

ωi(t+ 1)


Then, from the inductive assumption and the fact that I + Gmini∈V1 ωi(t+ 1) is a non-negative matrix

we have that

G′(t+ 1)e≤G′′(t+ 1)e

Once again, because G′(t) is a nonnegative matrix, the above result implies that

‖G′(t)‖∞ ≤∥∥∥∥(I + Gmin

i∈V1ωi(t+ 1)

)· · ·(

I + Gmini∈V1



where ‖·‖∞ is the maximum absolute row sum norm of a matrix.

ec12 e-companion to Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents

EC.1.7.2. Proof of 2. Now, let λ be an arbitrary eigenvalue of A with corresponding eigenvector v.

Then, due to the fact that I + A is a stochastic matrix, by the Perron-Frobenius Theorem we know that

|λ+ 1| ≤ 1 for all eigenvalues λ of A. Now, consider the Jordan canonical form of the matrix A. First o,

because I+A is stochastic and reducible with aperiodic recurrent states, then the algebraic and geometric

multiplicities of the eigenvalue equal to one (of I + A) are equal to the number of communication classes

(Brémaud 2013, p. 198). Because of this, we know that the Jordan Canonical form of A can be written as

A = V






where Ji are Jordan block matrices of the form

Ji =

λi 1


... 1


and |1+λi|< 1 for all i∈ 1, . . . , k. Furthermore, the matrix V has as columns the respective generalized

eigenvectors of A. By expressing the Jordan matrix as J, we have the standard Jordan canonical form A =

VJV−1. Consider this generalized eigenvector matrix V, and for notation we denote V in the following

block matrix form:

V =

V00 V01

V10 V11

where V00 is a |V0| × |V0| matrix and V11 is a |V1| × |V1| matrix. We rst show that V01 = 0. First, let

vi,m be a generalized eigenvector associated with λi of rank m where |1 +λi|< 1. We thus know that

(A−λiI)mvi,m = 0 =⇒ (−λi)mvi,m(j) = 0

e-companion to Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents ec13

for all j ∈ V0, where vi,m(j) is the j-th entry of the vector vi,m. From this, we know that V01 = 0. Thus,

because V−1 exists we now know that V−111 exists and furthermore, we have that

V−1 =

V−100 0

−V−111 V10V−100 V−111

from the block matrix inversion formula (Bernstein 2005, p. 44). Therefore, from A = VJV−1 we have

that G = V11J′V−111 where J′ is the Jordan matrix made up of the Jordan blocks Ji for i∈ 1, . . . , k.

Now, consider the function given by

ft(G) =

(I + Gmin


)· · ·(

I + Gmini∈V1


)= V11ft(J

′)V−111 .

Due to the block structure of the Jordan matrix J, we have that

ft(J′) =

ft (J1)


ft (Jk)


For every Jordan block matrix Ji we will now show that limt→∞

ft (Ji) = 0.

For notation letD= z ∈C : |z+ 1|< 1, and let ni×ni be the size of the Jordan block Ji. Because the

function ft is a product of analytic functions on D, then ft is analytic on the set D. Thus we have that

ft (Ji) =

ft(λi) f(1)t (λi)

f(2)t (λi)

2!· · · f

(ni−1)t (λi)


ft(λi) f(1)t (λi) · · · f

(ni−2)t (λi)







ft(λi) f(1)t (λi)


where f

(j)t is the j-th derivative of the function ft (see (Higham 2008, p. 2-4) for more information on

analytic functions applied to the Jordan canonical form of a matrix).

ec14 e-companion to Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents

Now, because


mini∈V1 ωi(j) diverges, this implies that the sequence of functions ftt≥0 converges

uniformly to 0 on any E ⊂ D such that E is a closed subset of C. For x ∈ D take rx > 0 such that

z : |z−x| ≤ rx ⊂D. Then, from Cauchy’s Dierentiation formula we have that

f(j)t (x) =





(z−x)j+1dz .

Now, we have that |ft(z)| → 0 uniformly on z : |z−x|= rx. Thus, from the above f(j)t (z)→ 0. By

applying the above to every eigenvalue λi ∈D, we obtain the desired result.

EC.1.8. Proof of Lemma EC.3

We assume the matrix G is n× n. We assume we have an equilibrium solutions −Gθ0 = b and −(G−

pekeTk )θ1 = b+pek. Using the Sherman-Morrison formula, we can write the dierence in objective func-

tions as

U(θ1)−U(θ0) =n∑i=1

(−(G− pekeTk

)−1(b + pek)





(G−1ek)i− pn∑i=1



1− pG−1kk(b + pek)



(G−1ki +

G−1ki (−θ0k + pG−1kk )

1− pG−1kk

)=−p(1− θ


1− pG−1kk


G−1ki .

EC.1.9. Proof of Lemma EC.4

First o, note that the matrix −G is a Z-matrix because all of its o-diagonal elements are non-positive.

Furthermore,the eigenvalues of −G have positive real part by Gershgorin’s Circle theorem (Gershgorin

1931) and the fact that −∑n

j=1Gij ≥ 0. Thus, by denition, −G is an M-matrix. The result follows from

the fact that the inverse of a non-singular M-matrix is nonnegative. See Plemmons (1977) for a review of

Z and M-matrices, and for the details on the proof of the fact that the inverse of a non-singular M-matrix

is non-negative.

e-companion to Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents ec15

EC.2. Dataset Construction

For Brexit, we used the Twitter Stream API from 09/27/2018 to 01/31/2019. We only used the keyword

“Brexit” (case-insensitive), which brought us 26,947,305 tweets and 2,131,724 users. We then selected a

subset of 104,755 users, who were those who posted at least three tweets mentioning Brexit during the

rst two weeks of data collection and we collected their user proles.

For the Gilets Jaunes protest, we used a variety of keywords to search for tweets, which are shown in

Table EC.2. As can be seen, this set of keywords captures a much broader set of tweets than tweets only

about Gilets Jaunes. The reason is that Gilets Jaunes by itself is not discussed enough, hence we would not

have enough tweets to train the neural network. We streamed from 01/26/2019 to 04/29/2019 and recovered

3.2 million tweets posted by 370,210 users. We then selected a subset of approximately 40,000 users that

appeared to be active on the Gilets Jaunes topic. We looked at users who used any of the keywords also

in their description, and collected their full timelines (according to the Twitter search API documentation,

we can only recover the last 3,200 tweets posted by each user). We then ltered out the tweets that did

not contain any of the keywords in Table EC.2, which left us with a set of 198,000 new tweets. We added

this to the streamed database to get our nal dataset.

The keywords used to label the neural network training data for the Brexit and Gilets Jaunes datasets

are shown in Tables EC.1 and EC.2. The strings that do not correspond to words are unicode sequences

for dierent images known as emojis. For instance, the emoji in Table EC.1 corresponds to the ag of the

European Union.

EC.3. Neural Network

To asses the opinion of a tweet, we used a convolutional neural network architecture. Each tweet is rst

preprocessed in two versions and sent to two channels in the neural network. The model architecture

was inspired by Kim (2014). Their approach was to train a text classication model on two dierent word

embeddings of the same text: one static channel comprised of embeddings using word2vec (Goldberg and

Levy 2014) and another channel which is the output of an embedding layer.

We show the complete neural network architecture in Figure EC.1. Each tweet is pre-processed into

two one-hot encodings (see Section EC.3.1). Then, each version of the processed tweet goes through its

ec16 e-companion to Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents

Table EC.1 Keywords used for construction of the neural network training data for Brexit.

Pro-Brexit Anti-Brexit

BrexitmeansBrexit, SupportBrexit , FBPE, StopBrexit,

HardBrexit,Full Brexit, strongerin, greenerin,

LeaveMeansLeave, intogether,

Brexiter, Brexiteer, infor, remain,

antieu, Anti EU, Bremain, votein,

no2eu, wtobrexit, incrowd,

FullBrexitProperExit yes2europe,

ProBrexit, PlanAPlus, exitfrombrexit, Eunity,

ChuckCheques, ChuckCheq, Forthemany, DeeplyUnhelpful,

voteleave, votedleave, WATON, ABTV,

ivotedleave, EUsupergirl,

voteout, votedout, FBSI, NHSLove,

pro-brexit, pro brexit, probrexit, U0001f1eaU0001f1fa

takebackcontrol, betteroout,

StandUp4Brexit, WeAreLeaving

own embedding layer (dimension dense embedding = 128) that will then output two separate channels,

each of size (20, 128). Each channel will go through its own separate 32 1D-convolution lters (kernel size

= 3, stride = 1, padding = ‘valid’). Convolution lters enable one to represent n-grams and learn shared

parameters by convolving on various parts of the tweet. This prevents overtting and enables one to learn

translation invariant features. We then use a ReLU activation which is know to provide nice gradients

for optimization and alleviate the problem of vanishing gradients. After the activation, we implement

1D max-pooling layers (pool size = 2). Pooling enables one to reduce computational cost, and enhance

translational invariance by focusing on parts of the input where signals are the strongest. After pooling,

we use a attening layer. The resulting output is two (288,1) layers that we concatenate to form a (576,1)

e-companion to Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents ec17

Table EC.2 Keywords used for the construction of the neural network training data for Gilets Jaunes. These keywords were

also used to collect tweets to build the Gilets Jaunes dataset.

Pro-Gilets Jaunes Anti-Gilets Jaunes Mixed

YellowVests, giletsbleu, GrandDébat,

violencepoliciere, crétinsjaunes, GrandDebat,

ÉtatDeDroit, cretinsjaunes, EmmanuelMacron,

EtatDeDroit, STOPçaSut, Macron

répression, stopcasut,

étatpolicier, TouchePasAMonEurope,

EtatPolicier, CetteFoisJeVote,

Anti EU, EnsembleavecMacron,

Acte16, Acte17, Acte18, SoutienAuPrésidentMacron,

MacronDemission, Frexit SoutienAuPresidentMacron,

U0001f1eaU0001f1fa, U0001F1EBU0001F1F7,

U0001F1EBU0001F1F7, U0001f1eaU0001f1fa

layer. This layer then goes through two fully connected layers with a ReLU activation and 64 and 32 units,

respectively. The nal layer is a softmax layer that outputs the probability of being equal to one.

EC.3.1. Data Pre-processing

Before being used to train the neural network, each tweet goes through a processing phase where we

remove punctuation and stopwords and convert it into a format that the network can process. Each pro-

cessed tweet is then converted into two versions. One version keeps hashtags as they are. This results in

a one-hot encoding vector of size |V|, where V is the vocabulary of words when hashtags are left as they

are. The second encoding splits hashtags into actual words. This results in a one-hot encoding of size |V∗|,

where V∗ is the vocabulary of words when hashtags are broken down into separate words.

For example, I hope @candidate_x will be our next president #voteforcandidate_x #hatersgonnahate. will

be converted into two versions:

ec18 e-companion to Hunter and Zaman: Optimizing Opinions with Stubborn Agents

Figure EC.1 Diagram of the neural network architecture used to learn tweet opinions.

- I hope candidate_x will be our next president voteforcandidate_x hatersgonnahate

- I hope candidate_x will be our next president vote for candidate_x haters gonna hate.

We do this in order to prevent the neural network from being a lazy learner which only learns from the

hashtags. This can also bring in more information since words are usually built on roots. For example, the

commonly used hashtag #standUpForBrexit will be broken down into stand + up + for + br + exit, hence

conveying the idea of exit as a good thing. If a new tweet is posted and mentions the necessary exit from

the EU then it will receive a score closer to pro-Brexit.

The hashtag splitting was done using the WordSegment library in Python (Python). The sequence length

of the tweets was set to 20 tokens (i.e. words). Any tweet with more than 20 tokens is truncated, while

tweets with less than 20 tokens are padded with zeros.