Last updated November 2014 ICDL Arabia Operations Manual s ICDL ARABIA APPROVED TEST CENTER OPERATIONS MANUAL

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Last updated November 2014 ICDL Arabia Operations Manual





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Last updated November 2014 ICDL Arabia Operations Manual


CHAPTER 1 GENERAL GUIDELINES ................................................................................. 4

CHAPTER 2 TEST ADMINISTRATION .............................................................................. 5

A. TESTING REGULATIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5

A.1 SCHEDULING TEST SESSIONS --------------------------------------------------------- 5

A.2 REGULATIONS BEFORE AND DURING THE TEST ------------------------------------- 5

A.3 REGULATIONS AFTER THE TEST ------------------------------------------------------ 7

B. TESTING CONDITIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8

B.1 TEST ENVIRONMENT ----------------------------------------------------------------- 8

B.2 SECURITY AND BACKUP --------------------------------------------------------------- 8

C. CANDIDATE APPEALS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9

E. RECORD KEEPING AS AN AUDIT REQUIREMENT ---------------------------------------------- 9

F. FILLING OUT THE PHYSICAL SKILLS CARD --------------------------------------------------- 10

CHAPTER 3 AUDIT AND QUALITY ASSURANCE SYSTEM ............................................ 14

CHAPTER 4 USE OF LOGOS ............................................................................................. 15

CHAPTER 5 ICDL WEBSITES ........................................................................................... 15

CHAPTER 6 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ............................................................ 15

A. CANDIDATES SWITCHING BETWEEN CENTRES FOR TESTS ---------------------------------- 15

B. TIME BETWEEN TESTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15

C. ACCREDITING A NEW OR ADDITIONAL TESTING LAB --------------------------------------- 15


E. TESTER LEAVING AN APPROVED CENTRE ---------------------------------------------------- 16

F. TEST LANGUAGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16

G. REPLACEMENT SKILLS CARDS OR CERTIFICATES -------------------------------------------- 16

H. CANDIDATE WITH TWO (2) SKILLS CARDS ------------------------------------------------- 17

I. CANDIDATE TAKING THE IT SECURITY MODULE --------------------------------------------- 17

CHAPTER 7 TERMINATION ............................................................................................ 17

CHAPTER 8 RETURN/REFUND POLICY ......................................................................... 18

CHAPTER 9 ICDL STAFF APPLICATION ......................................................................... 19

CHAPTER 10 ICDL TEST APPEALS ................................................................................. 22

CHAPTER 11 ICDL EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES STATEMENT ......................................... 24

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Last updated November 2014 ICDL Arabia Operations Manual



The primary goal of the International Computer Driving License (ICDL) programme is to

promote digital literacy among the global population based on unified, high standards of

competence and integrity. As the governing body of the ICDL programme in the Gulf region,

ICDL Arabia does not develop content or provide training and testing to Candidates. Instead, we

rely on reputable organizations and vendors to provide such solutions and services under strict

globally unified standards and quality assurance measures.

A key feature of our quality assurance requirements is the ICDL accreditation process of

training and testing centres. The centre accreditation process enables prospective centres to

demonstrate their ability to deliver quality training and support of Candidates preparing for the ICDL certification.

Subsequent to centre approval but prior to beginning the delivery of training and testing, all

staff members involved with the ICDL programme from the prospective centre must attend a workshop to be oriented with the QA standards, procedure and process to administer the

programme within the centre and the installation of the testing software. The entire process of

accreditation is kept strictly confidential by ICDL Arabia.

The ICDL Approved Test Centre Operations Manual has been designed by ICDL Arabia, the

licensee for the ICDL programme in the Egypt, Iraq and Gulf States, including the Kingdom of

Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, the Sultanate of Oman, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.

The role of ICDL Arabia is to work closely with GCC government officials on the adoption of ICDL, unify the quality standards of the programme and to build on the successes and best

practices of ICDL implementation among the Gulf member states. The mandate of ICDL Arabia is also to work closely with Approved Centres and to support the ICDL programme in the Arab

Gulf region, Iraq and Egypt.

The following sections of this Manual will provide the fundamental guidelines that must be met

by the Approved ICDL Centres in order to preserve their accreditation status, and ensure

renewal of their license after the expiration of their contracts.

This manual addresses all ICDL Centres which have been accredited by ICDL Arabia and signed

the ICDL Approved Testing/Training Centre Agreements.

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This section will outline the basic guidelines for operating the ICDL by Test Centres, which have

already been stipulated in the signed contracts and mutually agreed upon with ICDL Arabia.

• The official ICDL certificate awarded must be accepted by other Centres/countries in

the region

• A valid ICDL Skills Card (Physical or Electronic) issued by an Approved Test Centre

must be accepted by all other Approved Test Centres

• All Approved Test Centres must apply the ICDL certification standards to ensure that

equivalent international standards are met across all countries in the region

• All Approved Test Centres must adhere to the authorized ICDL Syllabus published

by the ECDL Foundation and the localized version produced by ICDL Arabia

Foundation (available on www. ICDL Arabia.org)

• All Approved Test Centres must adhere to the rules and regulations governing the

use of ECDL/ICDL logos and brand name; as well as the logo and name of ICDL Arabia

• Display in a visible location within the centres, the following: the 'ICDL Approved

Test Centre Plaque', 'Approved Tester certificate', 'Candidates' Bill of Rights Poster',

‘Test Session Rules & Regulations Poster’, and the 'Appeals Process & Equal Opportunities Poster'

• All Approved Test Centres must conform to the Quality Assurance System including

but not limited to; meeting the facility requirements for ICDL testing, having the qualified staff to run the tests, and conforming to the stipulations of the contracts

signed with ICDL Arabia.

• All Approved Test Centres must comply with the request for changes/updates in

hardware and software as and when deemed necessary by ICDL Arabia.

• All Test Centres must have procedures in place to guarantee the continuity of the

appropriate standards that were met for accreditation. Special attention should be

made to the quality of the staff, facilities, record keeping, security, and the quality of


• All Test Centres must not allow the use of illegal copied material and must protect

the intellectual property of ECDL / ICDL Arabia

• All Test Centres must comply with the Candidates Bill of Rights including the

observance of ICDL's appeals process

• All Test Centres must provide equal opportunity to all Candidates including the provision of handicap access to training/testing premises

• All Test Centres must comply with all the terms and conditions outlined in the ICDL

Accreditation Contracts

• The continued renewal of the centres accreditation status depends on the strict

adherence to consistent quality of the ICDL programme, the ICDL Quality Assurance System, and all rules and regulations stipulated in the contracts signed with the ICDL

Arabia. In case of violation of these rules ICDL Arabia reserves the right to terminate

the agreement with the Approved ICDL Centre and withdraw its accreditation status.

This revocation of the agreement is governed by the termination clause set in the

Approved Centre contract.

• ICDL adopts and advocates eco-efficiency and encourages its centres to voluntarily adopt similar policies to recycle and save on energy

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This section deals with the requirements for conducting ICDL testing at Approved Test Centres.

The section covers these requirements in terms of quality of testing, testers, facilities, equipment, environment, and record keeping.

A. Testing Regulations

Scheduling of test sessions must be reported to ICDL Arabia in advance. Each Approved Test

Centre must follow the regulations of test session scheduling:

1. Government / Education / Private Centres

• All tests at Approved Test Centres are subject to ICDL Quality Assurance Officer


• Specific days of the week and times are provided to centres based on their region,

which should have been provided at the ICDL Workshop

• All test sessions must be requested at least 5 days in advance using the following

link: http://litmuslink.com/atsonlinegcc/public/admin.aspx

• Cancellation of test sessions is permitted with 5 days advance notice of the scheduled test date.

• Cancellation of any test session submitted less than 5 days prior to the scheduled

test date will be subject to one e-Coupon test session deduction.

• Cancellation for any test session will not incur deduction of an e-Coupon in the event

of force majeure defined as a natural event / disaster including earthquakes, floods,

fire, plague, Acts of God and other natural disasters, or a political or special event

including terrorism, riots, civil disturbances, war, change of law, nuclear or chemical


• A specific number of test sessions are allowed per centre per week. This information

is available on the scheduling website. Requests for additional sessions should be

directed to [email protected]

• Test sessions must start at the scheduled time.

• Tests may not begin until ICDL Arabia Quality Assurance (QA) Officer has reached

the test centre.

• During a scheduled test session the centre may conduct tests only in a single lab.

Different labs must be scheduled separately.

• If an ICDL QA Officer is unable to attend a scheduled test session, ICDL Arabia reserves the right to cancel the scheduled session without deduction of an e-Coupon.

• Government or Education Approved Test Centres may be granted the right to book a

test session in less than 5 days to accommodate their restricted schedules. Although

any cancellation under this condition will be subject to one e-Coupon deduction.

Therefore, ensure that any test scheduled with less than 5 days prior notice is


• ICDL Skills Cards (Physical or Electronic) are purchased from ICDL Arabia by the

Approved Test Centres to be sold to Candidates. Candidates are required to purchase a

Skills Card from the Approved Test Centres before taking the first test. The Candidate’s

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Skills Card is his/her passport to eventually receive the ICDL Certificate. For those with

Physical Skills Cards, it must be made clear to all Candidates how important the Physical

Skills Card is and that there is a replacement fee in case of loss or damage.

• The Candidate should fill in his/her personal details on the Physical Skills Card using

BLOCK letters and BLUE or BLACK ink. (see Filling out a Skills Card)

• The centre is responsible to complete all required Candidate information on the online

registration form as accurately and as pertinently as possible to avoid any delays in the processing of Certificates. This information allows us to support your efforts in the

delivery of the program and better serve Candidates and their employers with activity/progress reports. It is the policy of ICDL that any information shared by the

centre will be kept in the strictest confidence and will be used solely for the purpose of

statistical analysis and generating reports that will be shared privately on-demand with

the providing centre and the concerned client.

• A Candidate holding an e-Skills Card can request for a Physical Skills Card at no cost

should they wish to complete the remaining modules in an ICDL Centre outside the GCC, Egypt and Iraq. Such requests should be sent to [email protected]

• A Candidate holding a valid syllabus 5.0 Skills Card (Physical or Electronic) can request to switch to the New ICDL Skills Card at no cost. Please refer to the “New ICDL Profile

Implementation Guide” for more details on the implementation of the New ICDL Profile. The guide can be requested from ICDL Arabia through [email protected]

• Candidates taking any of the ICDL tests must have their identity card validated and

presented every time prior to taking a test. The Candidate information as well as their

photo should match the details taken at the time of registration. The photo ID can be a

civil ID card, passport, driving license, or any other recognized form of official

identification that includes a photo.

• The tester must validate the identification card of all Candidates entering an ICDL test


• Testers are responsible for making sure that Candidates have a valid Skills Cards prior

to taking any test. If the name or Skills Card number are altered or defaced in any way,

the Physical Skills Card becomes invalid and the holder must obtain a new valid physical

Skills Card to continue any remaining tests.

• Syllabus 5.0 Skills Card is valid for 3 years from the date the first test is passed while the Skills Card of the New ICDL is valid for life.

• There should be a minimum of one tester for every 15 Candidates present in a testing


• It is important to inform and direct Candidates to read the “Test Session Rules &

Regulations’ poster prior to the start of each test session.

• The following are the Test Session Rules & Regulations:

� Tardiness is strictly prohibited. Candidates should arrive at least 10 minutes

earlier. Candidates arriving late for any reason be it legitimate or not will not be

allowed to enter the test session.

� The Candidate must present his/her ID card at every test session

� The Candidate must have a valid Skills Card at every test session.

� No handbags, books, notes, or manuals are allowed to be taken to the test


� No assistance is allowed to Candidates during the test session except for technical related matters.

� Test Candidates are not allowed to talk to each other or the tester during the test


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� No electronic devices or mobile phones are allowed inside the test room. Candidates carrying any devices must leave them outside.

� The Candidates are not allowed to speak to the ICDL tester(s) for clarification on

test questions.

� No tester may leave the testing room unattended during the test session

� In case of any infringement of the rules & regulations, the Candidate’s test must

be terminated immediately.

• ICDL testing at the Centres must be carried out by an ICDL certified tester(s) at all times.

Certified testers are ICDL certified in all relevant modules and have received approval

from ICDL Arabia. All Approved Test Centres are encouraged to certify additional testers

to avoid testing interruptions. An application for additional testers may be obtained

from ICDL Arabia. You can direct your requests to [email protected]

• It is the tester’s responsibility to authenticate the Candidate and ensure that the

Candidate performs the test on his/her own without third party influence.

• A tester who has trained, or was involved in the training of a Candidate must not

supervise that Candidate’s tests.

• The testing must be carried out using a testing mechanism approved by ICDL Arabia.

� The Automated Testing Systems (ATS) produced by Litmus Learning Ltd and EnlightKS are currently the only ATS test vehicles approved by ICDL Arabia for

the GCC region, Egypt and Iraq. Litmus Learning is based on the ICDL Core Syllabus V5.0 (Released on 1/12/2009), and New ICDL Profile (Released on

1/1/2014), available in Arabic and English; and EnlightKS is based on the ICDL Advanced Syllabus 2.0 (Released 1/07/2011), available in English only.

• The ICDL tester(s) should make sure that all computers (hardware and software) at the lab are in order, up to date, and properly functioning. All software utilized for testing

should be genuine and licensed. Test Centres must keep records of the license for audit purposes.

• .

• Individual modules may be taken from any Approved Test Centre. Not all tests have to

be taken in the same Centre.

• Candidates are free to take the tests/modules in any order.

• The duration of each ICDL Standard test is 45 minutes while the duration of the

Advanced test is 60 minutes. In case of any infringement, the test must be terminated.

• Test Centres are required to make available to all Candidates information regarding rights of appeals and equal opportunities.

• No part of the ICDL test material may be taken away from the test room/lab after the


• The test material and documentation must be securely handled after the tests (see

security section for further information).

• When the Candidate passes any of the module tests, the Test Centre must ensure that all

Physical Skills Cards, if any, are filled out completely, the e-Skills Card will be filled

automatically by the Testing System once the information details of the Candidate are entered on the online system. (See the document entitled How to Fill out a Physical Skills


• If a Candidate fails a test, he/she may repeat testing on the same module after a

minimum waiting period of 24 hours. Failing is only recorded in the Skills Card database

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and not on the Skills Card (Physical or Electronic); a report can be attached to the Skills Card if requested.

• A Candidate cannot attempt a second test for a particular ICDL module in the same day.

The Candidate should schedule another time to repeat the module (See FAQs).

• After a Candidate passes all the necessary modules, the Test Centre must submit the

Skills Card to ICDL Arabia for issuance of the Candidate’s ICDL Certification. Electronic

Skills Cards should be submitted online, while Physical Skills Cards must be delivered to

ICDL Arabia offices.

• The Test Centres are required to keep updated and accurate records of all Candidates

along with the test results. (See record keeping and audit requirements section for

further details).

• The ICDL Testers and Test Centre managers must ensure that no exception is taken to

all the above rules and regulations.

B. Testing Conditions

There are certain standards that should be maintained at the Test Centre concerning conditions

of testing, especially when it comes to the test environment, security, and backup of testing. The requirements for such standards are outlined below.

• Tests must be conducted in a quiet, air conditioned, comfortable, and adequately spaced

testing room/lab; preferably a closed (not locked) room with health & safety regulations


• The Test Centre must adhere to the spacing and partitioning requirements between

testing stations.

• The Test Centre must adhere to the e-Coupon policy that is one e-coupon per test

session per testing lab for a maximum of 15 Candidates.

• The Test Centre must provide appropriate hardware, software, and printer; which must

be checked to ensure that it is working properly before the test begins.

• Equipment at the test room should be electrically safe to use.

• Test Centres should take into consideration equal access to testing by special needs


• The QA Officer is authorized to end a test session if he/she determines that the testing

environment is not adequate pursuant to the requirements set out in this document.

• Test Centres are required to keep all tests and records of Candidates in a secure locked

facility not accessible to unauthorized personnel. Tests and test files should be handled

with utmost secrecy and care.

• Electronically stored information should always be secured and protected from viruses.

• All Test Centres must have back-up procedures in place that are used to protect the test

results of all Candidates.

• Test Centres are responsible to administer testing in a professional standard with

utmost security. Testing conditions must be taken with seriousness and followed consistently.

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C. Candidate Appeals

• The Approved Test Centre shall establish and adhere to an appeals procedure relating to

the Approved Tests and shall advise all Candidates of that procedure when they purchase an ICDL Skills Card be it physical or electronic. Moreover, such appeals

procedure should be displayed and posted clearly in visible locations in the Test Centre.

• Candidates who are unsatisfied with any aspect of the assessment and award process

should first discuss their problem with their ICDL Test Centre Representative or Test

Centre Manager within a maximum of seven (7) days of the date on which the problem


• If this does not provide satisfaction, they may invoke the Centre’s appeals procedure by

submitting their appeal in writing to the Test Centre Manager, to be received in two (2) weeks from the date the problem occurred. The letter should set out all the relevant

circumstances and should state clearly the grounds for appeals, which are limited to the


- Conduct of the test session was unsatisfactory;

- Test environment was not appropriate – too much noise or distraction;

- Testing software or computer did not operate properly;

- Improper conduct on the part of test personnel or other Candidates;

- Marking of the test was presumed incorrect

• Accordingly, the Test Centre Manager should nominate three ICDL centre

representatives to form a committee to hear evidence from all parties involved. The

Candidate has the right to attend and/or be represented by an outside party during this


• The committee may decide that either the Candidate’s work should be remarked or that

a fail mark should stand and a retest be taken. The committee’s decision will be given in

writing to the Centre Manager and the Candidate. The committee may also make

recommendations to the Centre Manager concerning the conduct of testing.

• The Approved Test Centre shall keep a written record of the findings of each

investigation, the procedure followed, and the outcome of the appeal.

• If the Candidate is not satisfied with the outcome of the appeal relating to the marking or invigilation of approved tests, he/she may appeal to ICDL Arabia. This may be done

either via the Centre Manager or directly to ICDL Arabia in writing. Send email to

[email protected] Attn: ICDL Quality Assurance Manager.

• ICDL Arabia representative will investigate the circumstances of the appeal and make a report to the QA Manager. In very exceptional cases, the QA Manager may request a

meeting with the Centre Manager and the Candidate to investigate the circumstances of the appeal.

• ICDL Arabia’s decision will be given in writing to the Test Centre Manager and the

Candidate; and is considered final.

• At no time throughout the appeals procedure is the Candidate allowed to view his/her

test papers or files, nor to be informed of his/her specific score on the test in question.

E. Record Keeping as an Audit Requirement

• The Test Centre must keep full records of individuals who take the tests and their results for up to five (5) years from the date of completion of all required modules. A

Candidate file will include:

� A copy of the completed Skills Card. For e-Skills Card keeping a print-out is

highly recommended.

� ATS Reports

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� Summary report each time a test is taken

� Full report after completion of all required tests

� A copy of the Candidate ICDL Certificate

� Original registration form used by the centre

� Copy of passport or any official photo ID

This information will be required by ICDL Arabia for verification that completed Skills

Cards are valid.

• The Test Centre is required to keep a record of all test sessions. This information, called a Session Report, should include the following:

� The Test Supervision Report for that session

� All communications regarding that session

� A summary report of the results for all Candidates in that session

• Centres using Physical Skills Cards should maintain restricted storage facilities.

• Personal data relating to Candidates should be maintained and updated.

• The output of tests should be maintained for all Candidates so that external verification

and auditing can be carried out.

• For Test Centres using the ATS LAN system, ICDL Arabia has developed a Skills Card

database for record keeping purposes. (See Section F).

• The Test Centres using the ATS LAN system are required to report monthly to ICDL

Arabia all information pertaining to ICDL testing for the previous month, including:

� Names, gender and age of all current Candidates

� Names of authorized testers

� Number of issued Skills Cards

� Number of completed Skills Cards

� Current cost for Candidates for a Skills Card

� Current cost for Candidates per test and for all seven tests

No further Skills Cards will be issued by ICDL Arabia if the Test Centre using the ATS LAN

system fails to submit these reports in a timely manner.

F. Filling out the Physical Skills Card

Filling out The Physical Skills Card properly is very important. It allows accurate records and

statistics to be kept by all organizations, and ensures the Candidate’s name appears correctly on the Certificate. Physical Skills Cards should be filled out in BLOCK letters, and in BLUE or

BLACK ink.

General Instructions:

� If the Candidate loses or damages their Physical Skills Card so that it is unusable, a replacement Physical Skills Card will have to be obtained at the current rate in the

ICDL Arabia price list. The Candidate should contact the centre to purchase a replacement card.

� A Candidate may not have more than one Skills Card number assigned.

� Please print all information neatly and clearly.

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� All information on the Physical Skills Card must match the information on the

Candidate's document ID. Any variation will cause delays and the Skills Card to be

returned to the Centre for correction.

� Any blank fields should contain "n/a".

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HOW TO FILL OUT THE PHYSICAL SKILLS CARD الورقية المهارات بطاقة ملء يةكيف

General Information بيانات عامة

The Physical Skills card can be filled out in English

or in Arabic باللغة العربية أو اإلنكليزية. الورقية ميكن كتابة البيانات على البطاقة

The photograph must be provided to the centre

prior to the Candidate sitting for their first test جيب على املتقدم تقدمي الصورة الفوتوغرافية للمركز قبل البدء

باالختبار األول.

Section I – Candidate Profile – this information

is used for statistical information only تستخدم هذه -بيانات المتقدم الشخصية -القسم األول

إحصائيًا فقطالبيانات Nationality –list the nationality of the Candidate يرجى كتابة جنسية املتقدم. –اجلنسية

Date of Birth – list the day, month and year of

birth (Numeric style only) يرجى كتابة اليوم و الشهر و السنة لتاريخ ميالد -تاريخ امليالد األرقام فقط)املتقدم (منط

ID No. – The number on whatever form of

identification the Candidate is using. The

Candidate must present an official photo ID before

taking any ICDL test.

رقم أي مستند تعريفي للمتقدم. على املتقدم –التعريف هوية رقم الي اختبار للرخصةاهلوية عند التقدم إظهار

Gender – indicate the gender of the Candidate املتقدم.جنس يرجى كتابة –اجلنس

Employment Status – choose the most appropriate

category for the Candidate. يرجى اختيار الفئة األكثر مالءمة للمتقدم. –احلالة الوظيفية

Section II – Candidate Details – this

information is essential and must be printed

and typed into the database accurately to

prevent mistakes on the ICDL Certificate.

هذه البيانات –بيانات المتقدم التفصيلية –القسم الثاني اما أساسية و يجب أن تكتب في قاعدة البيانات كما هي تم

على بطاقة المهارات لتجنب األخطاء عند إصدار شهادة "الرخصة الدولية لقيادة الحاسب اآللي"

Name –the name as the Candidate wishes it to

appear on the ICDL Certificate يرجى كتابة اسم املتقدم بالطريقة اليت يرغب بكتابتها على –االسم

لقيادة احلاسب اآليل".شهادة "الرخصة الدولية

Mailing Address – the Candidate’s mailing

address. Include PO Box, City, Postal Code and


العنوان الربيدي للمتقدم متضمناً ما يلي: –العنوان الربيدي صندوق الربيد و املدينة و الرمز الربيدي و الدولة.

E-mail – the Candidate’s email address .الربيد اإللكرتوين: عنوان الربيد اإللكرتوين للمتقدم

Telephone – the Candidate’s contact telephone

number رقم هاتف للمتقدم متضمناً رمز الدولة. –اهلاتف

Signature –the Candidate should sign the Skills

Card prior to sitting for their first test يرجى الطلب من املتقدم أن يوقع على بطاقة املهارات –التوقيع فبل بداية االختبار األول. الورقية

Section III – Test Details – this section lists all

of the details related to the Candidate’s tests. It

is essential that this information is complete

and accurate.

يتضمن هذا القسم –تفاصيل االختبار –القسم الثالث البيانات التفصيلية الختبارات المتقدم. هذه البيانات أساسية

لذا يجب أن تكون مكتملة و دقيقة.

Name of Test Centre – fill the ICDL test centre name

يرجى كتابة اسم مركز االختبار –اسم مركز االختبار

Name of Tester – fill the name of the tester who يرجى كتابة اسم مشرف االختبار. –اسم مشرف االختبار

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supervises the test

Signature of Tester – tester who supervised the

test must sign يرجى من مشرف االختبار التوقيع يف هذه –توقيع مشرف االختبار


Stamp – stamp in this field with the ink stamp provided from ICDL Arabia

يرجى ختم هذه اخلانة خبتم املركز املقدم من مؤسسة –اخلتم ICDL Arabia

Syllabus Ver. – fill the relevant syllabus version

number that the ATS is built on. إصدار املنهج الذي اعتمدته يرجى كتابة رقم –رقم إصدار املنهج

الشركة املنتجة لربنامج االختبارات.

Software Version – fill the software version used

in the tests EXCLUDING Module 1 يرجى كتابة رقم إصدار الربنامج املستخدم يف –رقم إصدار الربنامج

تبار األول.هذا احلقل غري مطبق بالنسبة لالخ –برنامج االختبار

Test Date – fill the date of the test يرجى كتابة تاريخ االختبار –تاريخ االختبار

Test Used – fill the test company name that created the ATS.

يرجى كتابة اسم الشركة املنتجة لربنامج –االختبار املستخدم االختبار

Language – Check the language selected for

testing. يرجى حتديد اخلانة املناسبة للغة االختبار. –اللغة

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• Audits of Test Centres are part of the Quality Assurance System of the ICDL Programme

at ICDL Arabia and are mandatory.

• Audits can be performed at any time but at least one audit will be done before the Test

Centre contract is renewed.

• The primary objective of an audit is to confirm that the Test Centre is operating

according to the ICDL standard procedures, set by the ECDL Foundation, enacted by

ICDL Arabia, and according to the procedures agreed upon in the contract

• It is envisaged that an audit will usually be done with prior notice. However, there will

be exceptional circumstances that may require the use of unannounced audits, by either

ICDL Arabia or by the ECDL Foundation

• Test Centres will be required to complete a full report at least two (2) weeks prior to the scheduled audit date. The report is divided into two parts:

a) Test Centre Activity report:

� Refer to the Test Centre Contract for requirements

i. Check the hardware and software facilities

ii. Check the local administration and ICDL documentation

b) Test Centre Procedures report:

� Refer to the general conditions stated in the Application Form for


i. Check the software in use

ii. Check the marking of the tests

iii. Check the registration of Candidates and record keeping system

• Audits are normally done by a Quality Assurance Officer assigned by ICDL Arabia to review the Test Centre operation, discuss the content of the Centre report with the Test

Centre manager, and report back on the visit.

• At every audit, an official report must be produced by the QA Officer. The report


� Name of the Test Centre and date of visit

� Name of the auditor(s) and name of the Test Centre Manager and Testers/Representative (s)

� Criteria and results of the visit

� Any changes in the operating conditions since the date of the Test Centre Contract

� Remarks

� Signature of the auditors and the representative(s) of the Test Centre

• This official report will be submitted to the Test Centre by ICDL Arabia, although the

Test Centre will be substantially aware of its contents through the auditor/quality

assurance officer, during the visit. If the overall rating of the audit is less than acceptable, the Test Centre accreditation and testing operations will be suspended until

all issues are brought up to the ECDL / ICDL standards. The 2nd audit visit will be


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• Logos are defined as the registered name, logo or brand identifier of ECDL Foundation

and ICDL Arabia, as outlined in the Trademark Agreement.

• The use of logos is governed by the Approved Test Centre or Training Centre Contract signed between the Approved Centre and ICDL Arabia upon accreditation. All guidelines

in the contract must be followed.

• No unauthorized use of any logo is permitted. Breech of this agreement could result in

the cancellation of the Centre’s accreditation and/or legal recourse.

• All logos are registered trademarks and their use must have the registration mark ®.

• All documentation and promotion material must use the same lettering and format, thus

creating a uniform image.

• The current ICDL approved Logo looks like this;

• If you do not have the logo shown above please contact [email protected] requesting

the current logo graphics. This logo must be used in all ICDL relevant marketing

materials including website, signs, flyers, brochures, business cards, promotional items,



• ICDL Arabia - http://www.icdlarabia.org

• ECDL Foundation – http://www.ecdl.org


A. Candidates switching between Centres for Tests

An ICDL Candidate may complete the ICDL Tests at any Approved ICDL Testing Centre.

To accomplish this, the Candidate first purchases a Skills Card (physical or electronic) from any Approved Centre (issuing Centre). Then the Candidate presents the Skills Card to their selected

Approved Testing Centre (testing Centre) at which they wish to complete their test(s). The selected Centre must send an email to [email protected] requesting to transfer the

Candidate's file from the issuing centre's database to the new testing centre’s database.

A Candidate holding an e-Skills Card can request for a Physical Skills Card at no cost should they

wish to complete the remaining modules in an ICDL Centre outside the GCC, Egypt and Iraq.

B. Time between Tests

A Candidate may not retake a test for a failed module in the same day under any circumstance.

The Candidate must wait a minimum of 24 hours in-between attempts.

In the event a test ends due to technical difficulties, the test should be treated as a failed test,

and the above procedures should be observed.

C. Accrediting a New or Additional Testing Lab

Test Centres may accredit additional testing labs. This applies to facilities/rooms/labs within the existing Centre's physical location. If an existing Centre chooses to move the testing lab from

one room to another within their physical location, they are required to inform ICDL Arabia at least two weeks in advance and to schedule an accreditation visit for the new location. Testing

may not begin in the new location until after an approval letter has been issued.

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Facilities/rooms/labs outside of the Centre's physical location require special permission to

receive accreditation.

Please contact ICDL Arabia for pricing and to schedule an accreditation visit for any new


D. Submitting Skills Cards – Required Documentation

Skills Cards should be reviewed and compared to the Candidate Database to ensure

completeness and accuracy prior to submission.

Physical Skills Cards should be delivered to ICDL Arabia with a copy of the ATS report for each

Candidate, and;

• A cover letter from the Test Centre Manager specifying the quantity and Skills Card

numbers enclosed.

E-Skills Cards should be sent to ICDL Arabia through the website: http://litmuslink.com/atsonlinegcc/public/admin.aspx (Details were explained during the

workshop provided by the QA Officers. (For urgent workshop requests please email us at

[email protected])

Processing certificates can normally take 4 to 6 weeks. Any Skills Cards that require correction

may be made available for the centre to collect, amend, and return to ICDL Arabia for a second review. E-Skills Cards can be corrected and exchanged electronically.

E. Tester Leaving an Approved Centre

A tester who leaves an approved centre must be reported to ICDL Arabia immediately in order

for that tester to be removed from the centre’s database and ICDL records. Failure to report

such departures may result in a centre’s suspension.

A Tester who does not supervise an ICDL Test Session within three (3) months must attend a

new workshop to refresh his / her testing requirements knowledge.

F. Test Language

A Candidate may complete their ICDL tests in any language offered in the GCC Region. Currently,

Approved Testing Centres in the GCC Region offer ICDL Tests in English and Arabic. The

language of the test must be noted on the Candidate’s Skills Card.

G. Replacement Skills Cards or Certificates

If a physical Skills Card or Certificate requires replacement, the testing centre must contact ICDL Arabia on behalf of the Candidate to request the replacement. A replacement fee applies.

• Skills Card

o If the Physical Skills Card is lost or damaged and unusable the testing centre

must submit a letter requesting replacement with the required fee.

o Candidates enrolled via the e-Skills Card system can request a physical Skills

Card at no charge from ICDL Arabia in the event they are relocating to another


• Certificates

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o A Certificate requiring a name change due to an error from ICDL Arabia will be

replaced at no charge by submitting the original Certificate to ICDL Arabia with a

request letter.

o A Certificate requiring correction due to an error or request by the Candidate, or one that is lost, can be replaced by returning the original certificate (if available)

to the ICDL Arabia office with a request letter and the appropriate payment.

H. Candidate with Two (2) Skills Cards

A testing centre should make every effort to ensure that Candidates are assigned only one Skills Card number. However, if a Candidate is inadvertently assigned two different numbers the

testing centre should ensure that both Skills Cards and all testing software reports are

submitted to ICDL Arabia once the Candidate has successfully completed all tests. These documents will be reviewed prior to the issuance of the ICDL certificate for the Candidate.

I. Candidate taking the IT Security module

ICDL recognizes certain ICDL modules (i.e. IT Security) as stand-alone certificates or as

replacements for certain ICDL Core modules. Syllabus 5.0 ICDL Skills Card is valid for three (3) years and permits testing on all ICDL standard modules, including IT Security, for the issuance

of one consolidated ICDL certificate. If a skills card is no longer valid, a Candidate must purchase a new skills card as a pre-requisite for certification.

For clarification, upon a Candidate successfully completing the required modules, ICDL Arabia

shall issue one consolidated certificate at no cost. Individuals requiring replacement of their

existing certificates to include any additional modules must notify their center; and pay a

replacement certificate processing fee. In addition to their existing ICDL certificate, individuals

may also opt to certify their skills in any other module such as IT Security or Project Planning

via a stand-alone certificate and must therefore pay a replacement certificate processing fee.

Therefore ICDL Arabia issues one certificate per skills card for free. Fees apply for any

additional certificate with the same skills card number.


ICDL Arabia or the Approved Test Centre may terminate the Approved Centre Contract. The termination is governed by the termination clause stated in the Test Centre contract. Some of

the possible causes are listed below:

• A breach of any part of the agreement by the Test Centre

• Notice by the Test Centre that it does not wish to continue

• Non-renewal of contract after the contract period has expired

• Failure to pay fees due to ICDL Arabia

• Non-conformance to quality or security procedures

• Complaints which are verified and not rectified after audits

If the contract is terminated, authorization is withdrawn by ICDL Arabia and the Test Centre


• Uninstall all test software with ICDL Arabia’s supervision

• Hand over records of all Skills Cards sold or issued

• Maintain the confidentiality of the ICDL programme and all Candidate information

• Pay any outstanding amounts due to the ICDL Arabia

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• Return all unused Physical Skills Cards. Electronic Skills Cards will automatically be

returned electronically.


ICDL Arabia does not develop or own the ICDL training and testing material being provided and used by the Accredited Centres for the relevant training and testing services extended to ICDL

Candidates. Instead, ICDL Arabia relies on third party vendors to provide such solutions under

strict globally unified standards and quality assurance measures set by the ECDL Foundation.

Hence, return/refund policies for training and testing material developed by third party

vendors may vary and are subject to approval by their respective third party vendor.

Regardless, return/refund policies are at the sole discretion of ICDL Arabia and the following

general terms and conditions shall apply:

� Return/refund policy may be changed by ICDL Arabia and its third party vendors from time to time without having to provide advance notice to the accredited centre.

� In no event will returns, or transfers to a third party, be allowed in the case of non-renewal

by the Approved Training and Test Centre.

� Return of test items, if approved by ICDL Arabia and its third party vendor, shall always be

at the sole discretion of the Licensor and shall only be considered if the approved Training &

Test Centre completes its binding measures within 10 days of the termination notice

provided by the Licensor.

� Return of items, if approved by ICDL Arabia and its third party vendor, can only apply to

those items purchased during the current accreditation year. Items purchased during

previous accreditation years are not eligible for refund.

� Return of items, if approved by ICDL Arabia and its third party vendor, can only apply to

those items purchased directly from ICDL Arabia. Items purchased or transferred from

another accredited centre are not eligible for refund.

� Return of items, if approved by ICDL Arabia and its third party vendor, shall be assessed at

32.5% restocking fee of the price at the time of the purchase.

� Refund for returned items, if approved by ICDL Arabia and its third party vendor, shall be paid to the accredited centre bank account via wire transfer and may take more than 180

days to process from the date of the claim was first made by the accredited centre.

� Return claims shall only be considered if the accredited centre account is clear from any

outstanding amounts owed to ICDL Arabia. Eligibility for refund shall not be used by the

accredited centre to offset any previous outstanding amounts owed to ICDL Arabia.

� Return/refund claim must be made by the accredited centre in writing and addressed to

ICDL Arabia /Operation Department.

� Refund shall not be applicable to courseware material and/or services rendered by ICDL Arabia, including accreditation fees, service charges, software license fees, shipping charges,

banking fees and any other charges incurred during the accreditation term.

� Returns of discontinued items or obsolete software versions are not eligible for refund

regardless of when items were purchased by the Accredited Centre.

� Returns for items purchased during a promotion, or supported by a special fund are not eligible for refund regardless of when the items were purchased by the Accredited Centre.

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� Returns of items that appear partially used, damaged or not in re-sellable condition are not

eligible for refund regardless of when the items were purchased by the Accredited Centre

Please refer to ICDL Arabia for the latest version of this Return Policy.


Every prospective centre must have two staff members that have already completed their ICDL

certification and at least one staff member certified or nominated to enroll in the ICDL Certified

Training Professional (CTP) programme. The objective behind the latter is to underpin the ICDL

programme’s best practices and core values of excellence and integrity.

All Staff involved in the ICDL programme must have an application on file with v. The

application below must be completed and sent to ICDL Arabia via fax or email with the appropriate supporting documentation to register a new tester, trainer or coordinator.

Every Centre should have at least two certified testers. If this is not the case, then the centre must send an application to register new testers. A centre may have more than one tester or

trainer, but should only have one training coordinator and one testing coordinator, and all communications with ICDL Arabia should be solely through one designated ICDL Coordinator.

Upon receipt of the application ICDL Arabia will inform the centre of the next workshop that the

applicants for tester and coordinator will be required to attend prior to being added to the

centre database, or being permitted to attend test sessions. Workshops held at ICDL Arabia

offices will be free of charge whereas workshops held at the centre incur a nominal fee.

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An application form must be completed for:

• each Trainer teaching ICDL

• each nominated Tester

• each nominated Training Centre or Test Centre


لكل ممن يلي:ينبغي تعبئة طلب ICDLكل مدرب يقوم بتدريس برامج • كل مشرف اختباريتم تعينه •كBBل منسBBق فBBي مركBBز التBBدريب أو مركBBز اCختبBBار يBBتم •


Below is a list of questions that must be answered by each

nominated applicant. Questions should be answered as

fully as possible. The answers provided will assist ICDL

Arabia management to determine if the applicant meets

ICDL accreditation standards. Please include any other

relevant information considered important.

لBBزم إجابتھBBا مBBن قبBBل المتقBBدم علمBBاً تفيما يلي قائمة باIسBBئلة التBBي ن أقBBدر المسBBتطاع إذ ةفيابأنه ينبغي أن تكون اQجابات كاملة وو

رخصBBBة الدوليBBBة لقيBBBادة مؤسسBBBة الھBBBذه اQجابBBBات سBBBتعين إدارة علBBى تحديBBد ومصر والعBBراق الكمبيوتر لمجلس التعاون الخليجي

المرجBBوة. يرجBBى ICDLمBBدى اسBBتيفاء مركBBز التBBدريب لمعBBايير كذلك إضافة أية معلومات مھمة ذات صلة.


ACCEPTED أو ا�لة الكاتبة يتم قبول الطلب المطبوع باستخدام الكمبيوتر


Application for:

(check all that


ICDL Trainer مدرب برامجICDL :ديم����ب التق�(ضBBBع طل) فBBي كBBل �عdمBBة (

عليBBBBه مربBBBBع ينطبBBBBق )اCختيار

ICDL Training Centre


ICDLمنسق تدريب برامج

ICDL Tester مشر ف اختباراتICDL

ICDL Testing Centre

Coordinator ICDLبرامج اختباراتمنسق

Personal data 1( :المعلومات الشخصية

First name ولIسم اCا

Father’s name بIاسم ا

Grandfather’s name اسم الجد

Family name اسم العائلة

Date of birth دdتاريخ المي

e-Mail address Qكترونيلعنوان البريد ا

Phone no رقم الھاتف

Address العنوان البريدي

Name of the Centre اسم المركز

Employment status الوضع الوظيفي

Full time دوام كامل

Part time دوام جزئي

2. Educational details (2:المؤھ"ت التعليمية

Schools/Colleges attended المدارس والكليات

Education level achieved المستوى التعليمي الذي نلته

Qualifications obtained ت التي حصلت عليھاdالمؤھ

3. IT Training & Certification 3 ( والتأھيل في مجال تقنية التدريب


List any IT training and/or

certification or other computer

related experience

شھادات أو خبرات ذات صلة ةاذكر أي تقنية المعلومات و في مجال التدريب

Trainers Only: CTP (ICDL

Certified Training

(شBBBBBBھادة CTPھBBBBBBل تحمBBBBBBل شBBBBBBھادة )ICDLتدريب برنامج تخصص في

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Professional) certification?

Previous experience as IT

tester (if any, specify number

of years)

مشBBBBBرف ھBBBBBل لBBBBBديك خبBBBBBرة سBBBBBابقة كاختبارات تقنية المعلومBBات (أذكBBر ذلBBك

وجد) إن

4. Does the applicant hold an ICDL

certificate? ICDLھل يحمل المتقدم شھادة ) 4

Skills Card Number (A copy of the

applicant’s ECDL/ICDL Certificate must

accompany the application.)

اذكر رقم بطاقة المھBBارات (يجBBب إرفBBاق نسBBBخة عBBBن شBBBھادة الرخصBBBة اIوروبيBBBة

الرخصBBBة الدوليBBBة \لقيBBBادة الحاسBBBب اjلي لقيادة الحاسب اjلي مع الطلب)

If the applicant does not hold an ICDL certificate,

indicate which modules have been completed by

attaching a copy of the applicant’s Skills Card, if any.

(all applicants must hold an ICDL certificate, or must

pass any remaining ICDL modules before being

designated as an Authorized Trainer, Tester, or


، اذكر أياً من ICDLإن لم يكن المتقدم حاصdً على شھادة الدراسية الخاصة بالرخصة الدولية لقيادة الكمبيوتر المقررات

التي اجتزتھا حتى تاريخه (على جميع المتقدمين أن يكونوا أو يجتازوا العدد المتبقي من ICDLحاصلين على شھادة

عيينھم كمدربين أو قبل ت ICDLالدراسية الخاصة بـ المقررات فاحصين أو منسقين مصرح لھم بمزاولة تلك المھن.

I have read and understood the Centre Approval Procedures

and agree to conform to the conditions and expectations. All

answers to all questions on this application are complete and


لقد اطلعت واستوعبت اQجراءات المتعلقة باعتماد المركز وإنوأوافق على التقيد بالشروط والبنود الواردة أعdه،

جميع اQجابات على اIسئلة الواردة بطلب التقديم مكتملة وصحيحة

Signature of Applicant

توقيع المتقدم بالطلب



Signature of Managing


توقيع المدير التنفيذي



Stamp of Incorporation ختم المؤسسة

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Posted at Approved Testing Centre:

<<organization name>>


يتم نشر ھذا البيان في المركز المعتمد ل"ختبارات

<<اسم المؤسسة>> ><<الموقع>


ICDLاCعتراض على اختبارات إجراءات

If an ICDL Certification Candidate is not

satisfied with the procedures taken to present

or process an ICDL test at an Approved Test Centre the Candidate should follow these


رض الشخص المتقدم لdختبار عن اQجراءات إذا لم يالمتبعة لتقديم أو معالجة اختبار الرخصة الدولية لقيادة الحاسب اjلي لدى مركز اختبار معتمد، فعلى المتقدم

لdختبار أن يتبع الخطوات التالية:

Step 1


The Candidate should discuss the concern with

the Test Centre Representative or the Test

Centre Coordinator within 1 week of the date

the problem first occurred.

على المتقدم لdختبار أن يناقش الموضوع مع ممثل لمركز اCختبارات أو مع منسق مركز اCختبارات وذلك خdل

أسبوع من تاريخ حدوث المشكلة .

Step 2 (If step 1 does not resolve the concern)

)1(إذا لم يحل الخdف في الخطوة 2الخطوة

Within 1 week of step 1 being completed, the Candidate should submit a written appeal to

the Test Centre Coordinator at the email listed on the ICDL Arabia website.

The written appeal should set out all the circumstances and should state clearly the

grounds for appeal, which are limited to the following:

، على المتقدم أن يتقدم 1خdل أسبوع من انتھاء الخطوة بطلب اعتراض مكتوب إلى منسق مركز اCختبارات وذلك

الموجود على موقع بإرسال بريد إلكتروني إلى العنوان ومصر لدول مجلس التعاون الخليجي ICDLمؤسسة .والعراق

اCعتراض المكتوب يجب أن يعرض جميع الظروف

المتعلقة بالمشكلة، ويجب أن يعرض بشكل واضح اIساس المبني عليه اCعتراض، والذي يجب أن C يتجاوز اjتي:

• Conduct of the test was


• Test environment was not

appropriate – too much noise or


• Testing software or computer did

not operate properly;

• Improper conduct on the part of test personnel or other Candidates;

أن إدارة اCختبار كانت غير مرضية. •

أن البيئة التي عقد فيھا اCختبار كانت غير • .أو إلھاء مثdً وجود ضجةكمناسبة،

أن برنامج اCمتحانات اjلية، أو جھاز •الحاسب اjلي المستخدم لم يكن يعمل بشكل


حدوث تصرف غير مناسب من قبل •عن اCختبار، أو أحد المسؤولالشخص المتقدمين.

Step 3 (If Step 2 does not resolve the concern)

)2(إذا لم يحل الخdف في الخطوة 3الخطوة

If the Centre’s appeals procedure still does not

provide satisfaction, then the Candidate has

the right to appeal to ICDL Arabia.

This may be done via the Test Centre

Coordinator or to ICDL Arabia QA Manager or

Appeals Panel via email at [email protected].

A response will be provided to the Candidate

لدى إذا لم يرض المتقدم عن إجراءات اCعتراض المتبعة المركز، فعندھا يحق له أن يعترض لدى مكتب الرخصة الدولية لقيادة الحاسب اjلي لدول مجلس التعاون الخليجي

..ومصر والعراق

يمكن أن تتم ھذه العملية عن طريق منسق مركز اCختبار أو مباشرة إلى مدير برنامج الرخصة الدولية لقيادة الحاسب اjلي، أو إلى لجنة اCعتراض عبر البريد

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after a thorough investigation is completed.

[email protected]اQلكتروني

اCنتھاء من تحقيق سيتم الرد على اعتراض المتقدم بعد

شامل للمشكلة.Resolution


The decision of ICDL Arabia QA Manager or the Appeals Panel is final and all parties must

abide by that decision.

يكون القرار الذي يتخذه مدير برنامج الرخصة الدولية ومصر جي لقيادة الحاسب اjلي لمجلس التعاون الخلي

أو لجنة اCعتراض نھائياً وعلى جميع اIطراف .والعراق أن تلتزم به.

At no time during the appeals procedure may

the Candidate view their test or test files, nor

will they be informed of their score on the

specific test in question.

اCعتراض أن يعرض اختباره أو ملفاته، C يحق لمقدم وذلك خdل سير إجراءات اCعتراض، كما لن يتم إبdغه

بعdمة اCختبار موضوع الشكوى خdل عملية اCعتراض.

No fee is to be charged for an Appeal. .عتراضCلن يتم تقاضي أي أجور على ا ~ end ~ -النھاية -

Page 24: Operations Manual EN Nov 2014 GCClitmuslink.com/ATSOnlineGCC/inc/docs/ICDL Arabia...adopt similar policies to recycle and save on energy Last updated November 2014 ICDL Arabia Operations

Last updated November 2014 ICDL Arabia Operations Manual



Posted at Approved Training and/or

Testing Centre:

<<organization name>>


يتم نشر ھذا البيان في المركز المعتمد لتدريب و/أو اختبار الرخصة الدولية لقيادة الحاسب ا�لي

<<اسم المؤسسة>> <<الموقع>>


الفرص المتساويةبيان ب

The Approved ICDL Training and/or Testing

Centre is free from physical barriers which

might restrict access to the physically disabled or challenged.

المركز المعتمد لتدريب و/أو اختبار الرخصة الدولية لقيادة عوائق يمكن أن تحد أو تمنع ةخاٍل من أيالحاسب اjلي

ذوي اQعاقات الجسدية من الوصول للمركز.

The Approved ICDL Training and/or Testing

Centre is free from overt or covert discriminatory practices with regards to

gender or age.

الرخصة ليس لدى المركز المعتمد لتدريب و/أو اختبار الدولية لقيادة الحاسب اjلي أي إجراء علني أو سري

للتمييز بناء على الجنس أو العمر.

The Approved ICDL Training and/or Testing

Centre’s Candidate application acceptance

process is not based on the Candidate’s gender,

marital status, racial group or disability.

عملية قبول طلب المتقدم لدى المركز المعتمد لتدريب و/أو اختبار الرخصة الدولية لقيادة الحاسب اjلي غير مبنية

على جنس المتقدم، أو حالته اCجتماعية، أو اIصل العرقي أو اQعاقة.

All staff at the Approved ICDL Training and/or Testing Centre handling administrative

support, conducting training, performing technical support, overseeing or marking tests

is aware of the principles of eliminating gender, race or disability discrimination in the


و/أو اختبار جميع العاملين لدى المركز المعتمد لتدريبالرخصة الدولية لقيادة الحاسب اjلي المسؤولين عن الدعم

اQداري، وتقديم التدريب، والدعم الفني، ومراقبة اCمتحانات وتصحيحھا على وعي تام بمبدأ استبعاد التمييز

حسب الجنس، العرق أو اQعاقة في موقع العمل.

Copies of this document must be made available

upon request by the Approved Training and/or

Testing Centre.

من قبل مركز نسخ من ھذه الوثيقة عند الطلبيجب توفير التدريب و/أو اCختبار المعتمد

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