OPERATIONS AND SAFETY COMMITTEE Monday, February 17, 2020, 9:00 AM HART Administrative Office, 1201 East 7th Avenue, Tampa FL 33605 Information not viewable is available upon request through the Clerk of the Board phone: 813-384-6552 or e-mail: [email protected] AGENDA COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Mayor Jane Castor Commissioner Pat Kemp Rich McClain David Mechanik Commissioner Kimberly Overman Councilmember Gil Schisler Melanie Williams Operations and Safety Committee Roles and Responsibilities Roles and Responsibilities 1. CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. ELECTIONS OF COMMITTEE OFFICERS Election of Committee Chair and Vice Chair ~ David Smith, General Counsel 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES January 27, 2020 Operations and Safety Committee Meeting Meeting Minutes Sign-in - Public Comments Sign-in - Media, Staff and General Public 4. PUBLIC COMMENT (3 MINUTES PER SPEAKER) 5. COMMITTEE ACTION ITEM a. Approval of the Third Extension of the Memorandum of Understanding between Hillsborough Transit Authority (HART) and Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority (PSTA) for Collaboration Opportunities Sylvia Berrien, Deputy Attorney 1

OPERATIONS AND SAFETY COMMITTEEgohart.org/Board PDFs/February 17, 2020 Operations...The Operations and Safety Committee also provides oversight and strategic direction on safety, security,

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Page 1: OPERATIONS AND SAFETY COMMITTEEgohart.org/Board PDFs/February 17, 2020 Operations...The Operations and Safety Committee also provides oversight and strategic direction on safety, security,


Monday, February 17, 2020, 9:00 AMHART Administrative Office, 1201 East 7th Avenue, Tampa FL 33605

Information not viewable is available upon request through the Clerk of the Board phone: 813-384-6552or e-mail: [email protected]


COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIPMayor Jane CastorCommissioner Pat KempRich McClainDavid MechanikCommissioner Kimberly OvermanCouncilmember Gil SchislerMelanie Williams

Operations and Safety Committee Roles and ResponsibilitiesRoles and Responsibilities


2. ELECTIONS OF COMMITTEE OFFICERSElection of Committee Chair and Vice Chair ~ David Smith, General Counsel


January 27, 2020 Operations and Safety Committee MeetingMeeting MinutesSign-in - Public CommentsSign-in - Media, Staff and General Public



a. Approval of the Third Extension of the Memorandum of Understanding between HillsboroughTransit Authority (HART) and Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority (PSTA) for CollaborationOpportunitiesSylvia Berrien, Deputy Attorney


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Operations and Safety Committee - Monday, February 17, 2020

OVERVIEW This item extends the MOU for partnership opportunities between the agencies.

RECOMMENDATIONThat the Operations and Safety Committee review the action item approving the third extensionof the Memorandum of Understanding between Hillsborough Transit Authority (HART) andPinellas Suncoast Transit Authority (PSTA) for Collaboration Opportunities; and advance thisitem to the full HART Board of Directors at the December 2, 2019 regular Board of Directorsmeeting.Committee Action Item with Attachment IAttachment II


a. Monthly Safety and Security UpdateColin Mulloy, Director of Safety

OVERVIEWThis presentation provides the Operations and Safety Committee an overview of January 2020accident and security altercations.Presentation Cover PagePresentation

b. HART Performance Report – Quarter 1Lena Petit, Chief of Policy and Performance

OVERVIEWThis report provides a summary of the attainment level of the adopted FY2020 HARTOrganizational Performance Scorecard (HOPS) during the first quarter of the Fiscal Year.Presentation Cover PageAttachment IAttachment IIPresentation

c. Streetcar Tie Replacement ProjectRon Giroux, Project Manager I

OVERVIEWThis presentation will update the committee of the ongoing tie replacement project for thestreetcar line. Further, the presentation increases communication to understand the multiplephases required in order to make this as successful and seamless to both the public and theorganization.Presentation Cover PagePresentation


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Operations and Safety Committee - Monday, February 17, 2020


Amalgamated Transit Union Local (ATU) NegotiationsInformation Report



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The role of the Operation and Safety Committee is to review and make recommendations to the full Board of Directors on policies related to the efficient, safe, and reliable operation of HART. The Operations and Safety Committee also provides oversight and strategic direction on safety, security, and emergency management.

Subject Areas:

a. The Operations and Safety Committee reviews and monitors performance indicators for service and operations, including ridership, customer service and satisfaction, customer and employee safety and security standards, practices and procedures, and facility and vehicle maintenance.

b. Ensures that HART’s vehicle purchase, disposition, and fleet management strategies are aligned with the overall organizational vision and goals.

c. Ensure compliance with Title VI and ADA requirements.

d. Ensure compliance with federal as well as state safety and security requirements including but not limited to Safety Management Systems and Transit Asset Management.

e. Review and make recommendations to the full Board of Directors on route and service standards and productivity;

f. Review and recommends adjustments to fare and service structures.


The Committee shall be comprised of seven members. Meeting Frequency:

The Operation and Safety Committee meets on a monthly basis.  


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Hillsborough Transit AuthorityOperations and Safety Committee Meeting

January 27, 2020

Committee Members Present (5) Staff PresentCommissioner Kimberly Overman (via phone) Danielle ArthurDavid Mechanik Sylvia BerrienCouncilmember Gil Schisler Greg BrackinCommissioner Mariella Smith Veronica BrezinaMelanie Williams Ruthie Reyes Burckard

Carson ChambersCommittee Members Absent (0) Chris Cochran

Lynda CrescentiniOther Board Members Present (2) Scott DrainvilleMarvin Knight John EdmondsonCommissioner Pat Kemp Jacqueline Halldow

Lorena HardwickTed HarrisCrystal HundleyIvan MaldonadoColin MulloyLena PetitCarolyn House StewartCyndy StiglichJason Wright

Others PresentDavid Smith, Gray RobinsonErick Anderson, ATU 1593Jenna Bourne, WTSPCaitlin Johnston, Tampa Bay TimesLaura Lawson, Hillsborough BOCCBrandie Miklus, HNTBLisa Schisler


Committee Chair Melanie Williams was delayed in her commute. The HART Board Secretary Councilmember Gil Schisler acted as Chair and called the meeting to order at 9:04 a.m. Pledge of Allegiance followed.

David Smith, HART General Counsel, announced that Committee member Overman was attending the meeting via the phone.


Committee member Mechanik moved and Committee member Smith seconded approval of the minutes from the December 12, 2019 Public Hearing on U.S.C. Section 5310 - Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities and Operations and Safety Committee Meeting. Committee members Overman, Mechanik, Schisler, and Smith voted aye. No Committee members voted nay. The motion passed unanimously. 5

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Hillsborough Transit AuthorityOperations and Safety Committee Meeting

January 27, 2020Continued…


No one signed up to speak.


a. FY 2019 Accidents Analysis

Colin Mulloy, Director of Safety and Security, provided a summary and executive overview of HART accidents and incidents for FY2019 and highlighted progress made in 2019 for relevant safety actions. A full copy of the presentation is available upon request from the Clerk of the Board at [email protected].

b. Quarterly Safety Data Analysis

Mr. Mulloy provided a safety data analysis for the first quarter of FY2020. A full copy of the presentation is available upon request from the Clerk of the Board at [email protected].

Committee member Mechanik inquired if the proposed legislature addressed verbal altercations in addition to the physical ones.

Mr. Mulloy stated that the legislation will look at enhancing the penalty on verbal assaults such as threats to do harm. He added that the legislation would move the penalty from the highest form of a misdemeanor to the lowest form of a felony.

Committee member Mechanik asked if the penalty would apply to the cursing in addition to threats.

Mr. Mulloy answered that the legislature applies more to threats because the intent is to have consequences for verbal threats. He noted that the legislature does not impose a mandatory minimum, but tries to stop the inappropriate behavior towards Operators and deter these incidentsfrom occurring. Mr. Mulloy said that is the reason the legislature calls for increased signage, mandatory de-escalation training, and recommends the installation of shields creating a wholistic approach leveraging what HART has been doing in addition to FTA best practices. He added that HART has been spearheading the change in legislation.

Committee member Mechanik inquired about anecdotal evidence of the enhanced security guards’impact.

Mr. Mulloy stated that one of the action items, supported by the Board and executive leadership, was for the Agency to move from unarmed security guards at level one to armed security guards at level five. He explained that Level five armed security guards have either prior military or law enforcement backgrounds with better training. Mr. Mulloy commented that employees have indicated that they feel better protected by having an officer at the transit centers, the Operations facility, and along the routes where the highest number of incidents occur. He mentioned that Operators have stated that they would still like to see law enforcement or security onboard thebuses, and a pilot program is currently evaluated for feasibility.


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Hillsborough Transit AuthorityOperations and Safety Committee Meeting

January 27, 2020Continued…

Committee member Schisler asked if there is a committee or group that meets to discuss the individual issues/accidents or is it something that management dictates. He further asked how the accidents are reviewed and the outcomes are distributed.

Mr. Mulloy stated that there are a series of safety committees for maintenance, streetcar, and bus. He added that these committees are one of the aspects the Agency is enhancing in partnership with ATU, even including the structure discussions in the current contract negotiations.

Committee member Schisler stated that it is great to hear that the ATU is heavily involved since they are one of the biggest stakeholders. He inquired if the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO) has enhanced security presence along with the Tampa Police Department (TPD).

Mr. Mulloy explained that in the pilot, only TPD was utilized, but staff is open to involving HCSO and can do that in the future. He added that the largest number of calls and incidents happen along the Nebraska Avenue corridor in the city limits. Mr. Mulloy noted that TPD has assisted HART in finding hot spots needing the onboard assistance through their criminal analysis division.

Director Kemp thanked staff for the update. She referenced the front page of the January 27, 2020 Tampa Bay Times that had an article regarding the safety issues presented. Director Kemp stated that she received a phone call from a reporter the previous week about the fact that she hadrequested tracking on incidents in the same format as the National Transit Database numbers to be communicated to the Board. She commented that the tracking was never provided to the Board, and inquired if the quarterly reports will be the communication to the Board on a more regular basis.

Mr. Mulloy noted that the presentations provided were previously scheduled prior to the Tampa Bay Times article. He commented that there are new processes that staff is currently putting in place and, in the future, staff will communicate with the Board on a quarterly basis and do a better job of providing information and giving a fuller current picture. Mr. Mulloy added that staff can present on any additional frequency that the Board requests.

Director Kemp stated that she was notified by the reporter that HART still does all reporting of incidents on paper rather than digitally in any way. She noted her concern for this process and asked if the report can at least be scanned in.

Mr. Mulloy explained that the tracking system used within the Safety Department is an Excel document that is paper driven but the Risk Department does scan all reports to a PDF format and keeps that information. He noted that for future tracking, staff is reviewing software solutions so there can be a more detailed breakdown and less of a paper system. Mr. Mulloy reiterated that the Risk Department does scan all documents and electronically stores them.

Director Kemp referred to an Operator that came and spoke to the Board about an incident in which she was punched while driving. She stated that the Operator made complaints about lack of support by HART as the assault was prosecuted. She asked what processes are in place for following up on incidents.


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Hillsborough Transit AuthorityOperations and Safety Committee Meeting

January 27, 2020Continued…

Mr. Mulloy stated that he does not currently have any more information on that specific case; however, the Agency provides a lot of different avenues for ensuring safety. He outlined one provision that all busses have panic buttons and security awareness monitors installed that are in real time communication with the Control Center that has ability to immediately contact the Operators and notify TPD or HCSO. Mr. Mulloy added that supervisors are able to respond withfollow ups after the incidents. He noted that HART has Employee Assistance Program (EAP) that offers counseling for Operators that experience any type of traumatic event. Mr. Mulloy commented that the Human Resource Department does a great job and has even brought in EAP for the entire agency for some of the more significant events that have occurred recently.

Director Kemp spoke about recent complaints received from the Operators that trespass notifications are no longer available for their review. She asked if those notifications could be made available again.

Mr. Mulloy stated that staff heard that concern and acted immediately putting together a trespasslog and booklet that all Operators have access to. He added that a specific staff assigned to updatethe log to ensure that it is current and email the information to the supervisors.

Director Kemp commented that she would like to hear more in the future about the pilot program with TPD as it might need to be an ongoing program.

Mr. Mulloy noted that staff has been in contact with law enforcement about coordinating resources.

Carolyn House Stewart, Interim Chief Executive Officer, reiterated that staff has been in contact but noted that if active patrol officers are utilized, they have to immediately respond to emergency calls as they receive them. She added that HART is trying to work on a program where extra board officers will be used if there is an interest to work eight to ten hours a day to perform these extra duties.

Committee member Smith highlighted that this organization has responded well in several ways to the need of increased safety such as the quick shield installation, which required a teamworkwith the union and the manufacturer to get accomplished. She noted that the de-escalation trainingwas not specifically noted and inquired if it has been incorporated in the quarterly trainings.

Mr. Mulloy stated that 35-40 trainings were offered in August; and it was a custom program developed with Sheriff Chronister and HCSO that included a customized curriculum for HARTescalation situations and awareness. He noted that he is very proud of the partnership with HCSObecause not only was the training developed by the sheriff's office, but they also conducted itincluding Sheriff Chronister himself. Mr. Mulloy pointed out that Maintenance employees got thetraining as well. He stressed that one issue that staff is exploring is the mental health side and how to handle some of the mental ill community members while providing a social service intransportation. Mr. Mulloy commented that leadership is reviewing how to help give the employees tools that will help support them and those unique circumstances. He added that he will be presenting to the committee and the Board on these tools in the future.

Committee member Smith noted that the steps taken to communicate the trespassed individuals is another step in the right direction. She referenced the newspaper article’s discussion of how the 8

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Hillsborough Transit AuthorityOperations and Safety Committee Meeting

January 27, 2020Continued…

data is logged by HART. She noted that the Excel document is a digital resource and could be easily shared rather than using the paper reports.

Mr. Mulloy confirmed that there is a digital record, but indicated that staff still wants to have a more robust system looking at the time of day events take place, the years of service Operators have, etc. He explained a software can help more readily retrieve that information. Mr. Mulloy stated that it is one of the action items that he will report on. He added that the Agency’s strategy was identifying deliverables that were immediately necessary for the employees and then moving forward with the rest of the action items.

Ms. Stewart commented that additional temporary staff has been authorized for safety purposes. She added that, in response to the reporter’s request, HART does not have a system that goes back two or three years for the specific requested data. Ms. Stewart stated that staff has reviewed two electronic systems, one system did not work with the system and the second which would have been used for both risk and safety purposes was incompatible with the current computer systems. She noted that staff is starting from the beginning reviewing a new system that will give real time reporting to Risk and Safety.

Committee member Smith commented that the committee members previously requested monthly reports on safety. She asked if this will be accomplished and suggested an email format.

Ms. Stewart stated that reports will be given on a continual basis. She noted that staff presented on safety incidents and initiatives in November following the stabbing incident, there was a report delivered in December, and it is currently January. Ms. Stewart commented that if the committee wants a monthly report, staff will deliver that and give quarterly reports to the full Board.

Committee member Smith stated that another issue that she found reported in the article was the way that public information requests were handled in regards to a $700 charge necessary to handle the request. She commented that the reporter was told that a spreadsheet did not exist; however, staff presented earlier that it does exist. Committee member Smith mentioned that she would like to know more about how public information requests are responded to.

Ms. Stewart responded that Florida law allows charging of public records requests and the request of that magnitude required additional staff time that pulled them from their regular duties to gather the responsive documentation. She noted that there have been media requests in the past that HART did not charge for, but when a request of such magnitude, it is not unusual for an agency to charge for a public records request because of the time and resources needed to respond.

Committee member Smith commented that the amount of $700 given to the request seemed high and requested a discussion with staff offline about how and what exactly the responses have been and what they might be moving forward.

Ms. Stewart stated that for that specific request, staff responded after having three staff membersin a room for about two days going through data to get this information. She commented that there will have to be a determination made internally about what can be done for the public without cost.


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Hillsborough Transit AuthorityOperations and Safety Committee Meeting

January 27, 2020Continued…

Mr. Smith stated that Ms. Stewart was correct in her statement of the law and suggested that this may be a policy the full Board may want to look at. He also requested that the Board members bear in mind that some requests are not as benign as request from the newspaper, and sometimes there are from adversaries that inundate staff with public records requests to serve their ownpurposes.

Ms. Stewart explained that some requests are also excluded under the public records requests, because they are in litigation or an active workers’ compensation claim, and staff has to make that determination of what can be shared. She further explained that it is not just a matter of pushing a button and sending out information because there may be a corresponding document in the RiskDepartment of the workers comp claim.

Committee member Smith requested a briefing with staff on how that process works and how it can work smoother in the future.

Committee member Overman stated her appreciation for the amount of work needed for this particular issue to be presented. She noted that she received phone calls from the press leading up to the article asking questions regarding safety procedures. Committee member Overman commented that her biggest concern is that there seems to be good data on how equipment is cared for, or invested in, but it is just as important to have data on the most valuable resource - the Operators. She added that as the current legislation moves forward, it will be even more critical that the appropriate data, evidence, and report of an assault is readily available and consistentbecause the consequences are going to be much greater. Committee member Overman asked for an update on the cameras on the buses because having video of an incident will be valuable in not only the documentation, and how to best address the occurrence, but it will be necessary in the event that an arrest is made with the onerous penalties being proposed in the current legislation

Mr. Mulloy recapped that in the beginning of 2019, there was an end of life camera system on the buses. He continued that this organization put through a procurement to enhance the surveillance system on the buses doubling the number of cameras and adding audio. Mr. Mulloy added that the new cameras have HD quality and include security awareness monitors. He explained that the Agency is evaluating that system right now and may be moving in a different direction with thecamera system to ensure that there is a top of the line security surveillance system on the buses.

Committee Chair Williams recommended an overview of understanding what tools are available and how often they are provided in what circumstances. She expressed her concern about safety of HART employees. Committee Chair Williams referred to the incidents caused by patrons standing while the bus is in motion and inquired if the Operators ask the patrons to remain seated while the bus is moving.

Mr. Mulloy responded that the bus will normally wait, and the Operator can ask the patrons to sit down, but they cannot force them. He added that the Operators are asked to keep buses stationary until everyone is sitting down, but there are situations where someone is getting up to exit and in moving forward, they may lose their balance and fall for example.

Committee Chair Williams asked if there is a recording or sign asking patrons to remain seated until the bus is at a complete stop. 10

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Hillsborough Transit AuthorityOperations and Safety Committee Meeting

January 27, 2020Continued…

Mr. Mulloy stated that he will double check the language on the signage.

Committee Chair Williams pointed out that the presentation data shows 38% of accidents are with as fixed objects and mirror damage. She inquired about disciplinary actions if an Operator continues to have such accidents.

Mr. Mulloy explained that the process is laid out specifically in the contract as a tiered processdepending on the nature of the event. He further explained that they may be given a written warning if it is labeled as a preventable accident, and then there is progression based on the number of accidents they have in a certain period of time. Mr. Mulloy noted that the progression can include sit down discussions or refresher training as their employment can be terminated with a certain number of accidents within a certain amount of time. He stressed that staff tries to train the Operators and invest in them so the behavior that is causing the issue can be corrected instead of termination.

Committee Chair Williams inquired if roleplaying is part of the refresher training.

Mr. Mulloy explained that Operator will meet with Safety Department staff who will show the incident that took place on video counsel the Operator on steps recommended in the future to ensure safety.

Committee Chair Williams commented that the pie charts are very informative and requested that the performance target or industry standard be included in future presentations. She explained that she would like to understand the trends and how the Agency is held accountable to safety, as well as, recognizing that there are steps that can be taken for preventable accidents. Committee Chair Williams asked if there is signage, physical or verbal, explaining the consequences if they violate the law in regards to incidents on Operators.

Mr. Mulloy responded that yesterday, there was an audible announcement installed in addition to the increased signage on the consequences for some of their actions that was done in the last couple months. He added that there is an additional sign on the shield so as the patron is walking on the bus there is a portion of the HART Ride with Respect campaign that talks about the consequences for their actions towards the bus operator. Mr. Mulloy noted that it is one of the things that is in the legislation, and staff is asking for the mandate that all agencies in the state do that as well as making it very large and visible. He commented that agency staff will be going back and looking at making that signage even more pronounced while looking at best practices across the country.

Committee member Overman stated the importance of the signage and the audio messaging for those individuals who have difficulty reading, or are not able to focus very well. She suggested having the audio messages available in different languages as well as including multiple languages on the physical signage if possible.

Mr. Mulloy stated that that is a great point that he will take back to the team for possible implementation.


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Hillsborough Transit AuthorityOperations and Safety Committee Meeting

January 27, 2020Continued…


Committee Chair Williams referred the committee members to the information materials in their packets.

ADJOURNMENTThe meeting adjourned at 10:06 a.m.


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WHEN ADDRESSING THE BOARD, please state your name and





JANUARY 27, 2020


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NAME ADDRESS*If Hart Employee – please write “Employee”


Lena Petit HART 6552Danielle Arthur HART 6517Scott Drainville HART 4506Veronica Brezina HARTChris Cochran HART 6653

Ruthie Reyes Burckard HART 6313Gregory Brackin HART 6314Sylvia Berrien HART 6625Crystal Hundley HARTJohn Edmondson HART 6439Caitlin Johnston Tampa Bay TimesIvan Maldonado HARTLynda Crescentini HART


27, 2020JANUARY


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NAME ADDRESS*If Hart Employee – please write “Employee”


Brandie Miklus HNTBCarson Chambers HARTLisa SchislerTed Harris HART

Jacqueline Halldow HARTLorena Hardwick HARTErick Anderson ATU 1593Jenna Bourne WTSP


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Hillsborough Transit AuthorityOperations and Safety Committee Meeting

February 17, 2020


Approval of the Third Extension of the Memorandum of Understanding between Hillsborough Transit Authority (HART) and Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority (PSTA) for Collaboration Opportunities


This item extends the MOU for partnership opportunities between the agencies.


That the Operations and Safety Committee review the action item approving the third extension of the Memorandum of Understanding between Hillsborough Transit Authority (HART) and Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority (PSTA) for Collaboration Opportunities; and advance this item to the full HART Board of Directors at the December 2, 2019 regular Board of Directorsmeeting.


There is no financial impact.


On October 31, 2016, HART and the PSTA Executive Committees met and agreed to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), an inter-agency agreement to memorialize HART and PSTA commitment to continuous coordination between the agencies to eliminate redundancies by integrating certain operational areas.

The MOU went into effect on February 6, 2017, through December 31, 2017. For this MOU to be extended, it must be re-approved annually by each governing body, subsequent to a submittal by respective staff summarizing the actions taken in furtherance if this MOU on or before December 1 of each year so considered, unless terminated sooner pursuant to its terms, or extended by mutual written agreement of the parties.

The first extension to the MOU was approved by the Resolution #R2018-01-01, for the term of one year, through December 31, 2018. In February of 2019, both Agencies approved the second and current extension of the MOU that expires on December 31, 2019. The third extension of the MOU was approved by the PSTA Board of Directors on January 29, 2020.

Throughout 2019, HART and PSTA staff HART jointly participated in technical steering and advisory committees for the Regional Premium Transit Study, which is now completed and managed by TBARTA. Staff continues to collaborate on various joint procurements.


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Hillsborough Transit AuthorityOperations and Safety Committee Meeting

February 17, 2020

HART and PSTA staff recommend renewal of the MOU for the term of one year, through December 31, 2020, with the following changes:

Current MOU- through Dec 31, 2019 Revised MOU – through Dec 31, 2020

Fourth WHEREAS clause:

WHEREAS, HART and PSTA are currently collaborating on the following joint contracts and projects:1. Regional Transit Planning Mobile Application

6. Employee Sharing for Risk Management Services and Procurement and Contracts Administration Services.

7. Joint Goal Setting & Legislative Priorities

Fourth WHEREAS clause:

WHEREAS, HART and PSTA are currently collaborating on the following joint contracts and projects:1. Regional Transit Planning Mobile Application

6. Employee Sharing for Risk Management Services and Procurement and Contracts Administration Services

7. Joint Goal Setting & Legislative Priorities

Section 3. HART and PSTA will research areas for further collaboration including:Bus Maintenance, Purchasing, Paratransit Contracting, Innovative Mobility Solutions, Human Resources, Information Technology (IT), Government Relations, Fare Payment Systems, and Service Usage and Information from a Customer Perspective

Section 3.HART and PSTA will research areas for further collaboration including: Bus Maintenance, Purchasing, Paratransit Contracting, Innovative Mobility Solutions, Planning, Marketing and Communications,Human Resources, Information Technology (IT), Government Relations, Fare Payment Systems, and Service Usage and Information from a Customer Perspective.

Section 3d. HART and PSTA will continue to endeavor to jointly participate in technical steering and advisory committees for the Regional Premium Transit Study now underway (“Regional Study”).

Section 3e. HART and PSTA will endeavor to develop a strategic plan for regional transit operations that supports the goals and outcomes of the Regional Study.

Section 3d. HART and PSTA will continue to endeavor to jointly participate in technical steering and advisory committees for the Regional Premium Transit Study now underway (“Regional Study”) regional initiatives and studies.

Section 3e. HART and PSTA will endeavor to develop a strategic plan for regional transit operations that supports the goals and outcomes of the Regional Study.

Section 4. This MOU shall be effective on the first day and year written above and shall continue in full force and effect through December 31, 2019. For this MOU to be so extended, it must be re-approved annually by each governing body, subsequent to a

Section 4. This MOU shall be effective on the first day and year written above and shall continue in full force and effect through December 31, 2020. For this MOU to be so extended, it must be re-approved annually by each governing body, subsequent to a


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Hillsborough Transit AuthorityOperations and Safety Committee Meeting

February 17, 2020


Execute the third amendment of the MOU, effective January 1, 2020, for the term of one year.

Prepared by: Lena Petit, Chief of Policy and Performance

Approved by: Carolyn House Steward, Interim Chief Executive Officer


I. Proposed Resolution #R2020-03-XX

II. Memorandum of Understanding between HART and PSTA for Collaboration Opportunities

submittal by respective staff summarizing the actions taken in furtherance if this MOU on or before December 15 of each year so considered, unless terminated sooner pursuant to its terms, or extended by mutual written agreement of the parties.

submittal by respective staff summarizing the actions taken in furtherance if this MOU on or before December 15 of each year so considered, unless terminated sooner pursuant to its terms, or extended by mutual written agreement of the parties.


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WHEREAS, both HART and PSTA are willing to continue to pursue a regionalized cooperation and evaluate various structures that can assist in that effect; and

WHEREAS, HART and PSTA, and agreed to extend the MOU for collaboration opportunities to work jointly on identifying more cost efficient and legislatively powerful joint operational functions operations; and

WHEREAS, both HART and PSTA agree to commit to continuous coordination between the agencies to eliminate redundancies by integrating certain operational areas; and

WHEREAS, HART and PSTA will research areas for further collaboration including: for further local and regional collaboration initiatives including, but not limited to: Bus Maintenance, Purchasing, Paratransit Contracting, Innovative Mobility Solutions, Planning, Marketing and Communications, Human Resources, Information Technology (IT), Government Relations, Fare Payment Systems, and Service Usage and Information from a Customer Perspective; and

WHEREAS, this second extension will be effective January 1, 2020, for the term of one year;


Section 1. The HART Board of Directors approves the third extension of the Memorandum of Understanding between Hillsborough Transit Authority (HART) and Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority (PSTA) for further collaboration.

Section 2. Proper officers of HART are authorized to do all things necessary and required in the aforementioned MOU.

Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption.


Commissioner Lesley “Les” Miller, ChairpersonATTEST: HART Board of Directors

__________Councilmember Gil Schisler, SecretaryHART Board of Directors

David L. Smith, EsquireHART Board General Counsel


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This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) made and entered into this day of

, 202018, by and between the Hillsborough Transit Authority, (HART), a

regional transit authority under the laws of the State of Florida, and the Pinellas Suncoast Transit

Authority (PSTA), an independent special district of the State of Florida, created by Chapter 2002-

341, Laws of Florida, as amended.

W I T N E S S E T H:

WHEREAS, HART and PSTA are actively engaged in improving the mass transit systems

servicing their transit areas; and

WHEREAS, HART and PSTA are transit leaders within their transit areas and are

committed to facilitating regional connectivity; and

WHEREAS, collaboration between HART and PSTA increases efficiency across the

region and fosters regional connectivity benefiting transit riders throughout Hillsborough and

Pinellas counties; and

WHEREAS, HART and PSTA are currently collaborating on the following joint

contracts and projects:

1. Regional Transit Planning Mobile Application;

2.1.Regional Fare Collection (also includes Sarasota, Pasco, and Hernando Counties);

3.2.Diesel Fuel Procurements;

4.3.Various Joint Procurements:

5.4.Regional Inter-Connectivity Services and Private Operator Procurements;

6. Employee Sharing for Risk Management Services; and

7.5.Joint Goal Setting & Legislative Priorities.


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WHEREAS, HART and PSTA agree to commit to continuous coordination between the

agencies to eliminate redundancies by integrating certain operational areas.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of such further collaboration set forth herein, the

parties hereby memorialize the following understandings:

Section 1. The above recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein

by reference.

Section 2. HART and PSTA will continue to work together collaboratively on the

existing joint contracts and projects recited above pursuant and subject to the terms contained

therein. HART and PSTA will endeavor to continue to increase the connectivity and cooperation

between the two agencies in furtherance of the goals of the communities and larger region served.

Section 3. HART and PSTA will research areas for further collaboration including:

Bus Maintenance, Purchasing, Paratransit Contracting, Innovative Mobility Solutions,

P l a n n i n g , M a r k e t i n g a n d C o m m u n i c a t i o n s , Human Resources, Information

Technology (IT), Government Relations, Fare Payment Systems, and Service Usage and

Information from a Customer Perspective.

Section 3a. HART and PSTA will continue to endeavor to implement a strategic

coordination plan related to customer-focused service data integration, specifically a regional

smartphone app that delivers one platform for mobile fare payment, ticketing, trip planning,

and real time passenger information in Hillsborough and Pinellas counties.

Section 3b. HART and PSTA will continue to endeavor to identify functional areas for

possible functional combination during the term of this MOU.

Section 3c. HART and PSTA intend to focus their efforts on improved regional

cooperation and efficiency in order to provide cost-effective, high-quality regional transit services.

Section 3d. HART and PSTA will continue to endeavor to jointly participate in technical

steering and advisory committees for the Regional Premium Transit Study now underway

Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0.5", Right:


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(“Regional Study”) regional initiatives and studies.

Section 3e. HART and PSTA will endeavor to develop a strategic plan for regional

transit operations that supports the goals and outcomes of the Regional Study.

Section 4. This MOU shall be effective on the first day and year written above and shall

continue in full force and effect through December 31, 201920. For this MOU to be extended, it

must be re-approved annually by each governing body, subsequent to a submittal by respective

staff summarizing the actions taken in furtherance of this MOU on or before December 15 of each

year so considered, unless terminated sooner pursuant to its terms, or extended by mutual written

agreement of the parties. Either party may terminate this MOU without cause upon thirty (30)

days’ written notice to the other party. Upon termination or expiration, this MOU shall be of no

further force or effect.

Section 5. Nothing in this document constitutes HART’s approval authorizing a

merger or consolidation with PSTA or a regional tax measure.


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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this MOU to be executed below by their duly authorized representatives as of the date first above written.



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Hillsborough Transit AuthorityOperations and Safety Committee Meeting

February 17, 2020______________________________________________________________________________



Monthly Safety and Security Update

This presentation provides the Operations and Safety Committee an overview of January 2020 accident and security altercations.

Prepared by: Colin Mulloy, Director of Safety and Security

Approved by: Carolyn House Stewart, Interim Chief Executive Officer


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Monthly Safety andSecurity Update

Operations and Safety Committee

February 17, 2020


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• January Accident Analysis

• January Verbal/ Physical Altercations

• Action Items




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January Analysis





2% 7%

January 2020

Fixed Object/ Mirror Contact POV Strikes HART POV Rear Ends HART

HART Hits POV HART Rear End POV Miscellanous

Bus Accident Type

Fixed Object / Mirror 20

POV Strikes HART 32

POV Rear End HART 3


HART Rear Ends POV 1

Miscellaneous 5

Streetcar Accident Type

POV Strikes HART 2


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Physical Altercations (January)• None

Trespass (January)• 8 Total

• 1 arrest

Verbal Altercations (January)• 20 Total

• 6 involved threatening language• 14 involved offensive language/behavior

Physical / Verbal Altercations


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Action Items

• Transit Worker Legislation Committee Hearing (February 4, 2020)

• Senate Committee on Criminal Justice• House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure

• GIS Mapping / Accidents (February 2017)

• Quarterly Safety Trainings (February 7-17, 2020)

• Safety Blitz (February 28, 2020)


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Hillsborough Transit AuthorityOperations and Safety Committee Meeting

February 17, 2020______________________________________________________________________________


HART Performance Report – Quarter One

At the September 23, 2020 Board meeting, the Board adopted the FY2020 Success Outcomes and HART Organizational Performance Scorecard.

HART team enterprise-wide have collaborated on development of its strategic plan and a performance management system; an essential tool for high performing organizations, and it is one of our most important responsibilities to prepare HART for success.

In the upcoming year, the initiatives will be focused on driving the Culture of Excellence and positioning HART as a world-class transit agency. To begin the journey, in the coming fiscal year HART will build its Success Outcomes in four key areas of focus:

The FY2020 scorecard is provided in Attachment to this report.

Prepared by: Lena Petit, Chief of Policy and Performance

Approved by: Carolyn House Stewart, Interim Chief Executive Officer


I. FY2020 Scorecard – first quarterII. Q1 FY2020 Performance Report

FY2020 Success Outcomes

In FY2020, HART will know it has been a successful year if:

1. CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE: HART achieves annual increases in Customer Satisfaction on a comprehensive basis.

2. COMMUNITY VALUE: HART achieves annual increases in positive community sentiment around value of HART to Hillsborough County.

3. EMPLOYEE SUCCESS: HART achieves annual increases in Employee Engagementlevels

4. FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE: HART financial performance at the end of the year is consistent or less with the Financial Plan and actual revenues.


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Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Overall Customer Satisfaction 86% 84% 12 11.7

Customer Comment Resolution 100% of customer inputs are resolved within 10 days

69.75% 8 5.6

Bus - 77% or better 72% 2 1.9Streetcar - 99% 99.76% 2 2.0

On-Time Performance - Paratransit Paratransit - 95% 92% 2 1.9

Safety and Security EventsFewer than 1 Safety Event per 100k miles

0.325 4 6.7

TOTAL POINTS 30 30 29.9Transit Access Baseline established (YES/NO) 5Community Sentiment Baseline established 5Economic Impact Baseline established 5Jobs Created from Transit & Transit Infrastructure Investment

Baseline established 5

DBE Goal Meet or exceed 8% 3

Customer Access 2% increase 2


Employee Engagement 65% 8Professional Development Baseline established 6Wellness Program 5% increase 36% 5 5Volunteer Opportunities 33% increase 400% 3 3Workers Compensation Less than 5 0.6 3 5.6

TOTAL POINTS 25 25 13.6

Financial ManagementAt year end, actual revenues will equal actual expenses (+/- variance as % of expenses)


Bus - $6.00 $ 7.22 2 1.6Streetcar - $2.60 $ 1.15 2 3.1Paratransit - $26.00 $ 25.92 2 2.0

Non-Traditional / Disrectionary Revenue

At year end, discretionary revenue will increase by 1% over the previous year (% towards goal achieved)


TOTAL POINTS 20 20 6.7

FY2020 Performance ScorecardStrategy Metric FY2020 Performance Goals

Actual Performance ResultsGoal Points

Q1 Earned Points

Customer Experience

HART achieves annual increases in Customer

Satisfaction on a comprehensive basis.

On-Time Performance - Bus & Streetcar

Community Value

HART achieves annual increases in positive

community sentiment around value of HART to

Hillsborough County.

100 50.2

Employee Success

HART achieves annual increases in Employee

Engagement levels.

Financial Performance

Operating Cost Per Trip –Bus, Streetcar, ParatransitHART financial performance

at the end of the year is consistent or less with the Financial Plan and actual





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The following is HART’s system-wide performance for Q1/FY2020 in the areas of customer experience, community value, employee success and financial performance. Achievement levels are analyzed against the targets that HART set to achieve, or where applicable, to previous fiscal year performance.

CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE - HART achieves annual increases in Customer Satisfaction on a comprehensive basis.

OVERALL CUSTOMER SATISFACTION – Satisfaction with overall quality of service by Bus and Paratransit as determined in Customer Satisfaction Survey results - 86%

Q1 Results: 84%The overall customer satisfaction is measured by the results of the Voice of the Customer Survey that was conducted in Q1. The current results indicate that we are just below level of the target result of 86%.There were three specific areas that were identified for improvement in the survey: Long hold times in the call center, dirty bus stops and dirty buses. There has been a higher than average turnover in the call center along with higher call volume as we continue to see increases in paratransit demand and expanded hours without adding additional staff. Staff identified these concerns, increased recruitments efforts to hire for three vacancies and added two additional staff members to support the increased volume of calls. For Overall Customer Satisfaction, it was 81% for Bus and 92% for HARTPlus for a Score of 86.5% for Spring of 2019.For Overall Customer Satisfaction, it was 84% for Bus and 92% for HARTPlus for a score of 88% for the Fall of 2019Currently HART is budgeted for one Supervisor and seven route maintenance staff members that are responsible for maintaining 2400 bus stops with 299 of those stops with bus shelters. The current ratio per

day and our goal is each stop maintained once per week. HART has identified 120 hot spot locations that are heavily used and addressed three times per week.Eight Fleet Custodians currently maintain HART’s more than 330 fleet vehicles which includes transit buses, paratransit vans and non-revenue support vehicles. HART’s goal is to have all revenue vehicles spot cleaned every two weeks and deep cleaned once every six months. On average HART spot cleans 100 Buses/Vans monthly. HART also has the Service Lane Attendants help out each night addressing bus cleanliness. CUSTOMER COMMENT RESOLUTION – Measures how timely customer inputs are resolved – 100% of customer inputs are resolved within 10 days

Q1 Results: 69.75%Staff continuously processes costumer inputs in SeeClickFix (implemented in 2018), a software that directs the customer input to appropriate departments for resolution and response. Currently below the set goal for FY2020.Department staff rely on other factors to process the inputs. Some examples of delays in responses include waiting on video, incomplete information provided by customer, further research and follow up with staff (Operator availability requires working with schedules).We have identified the departments that have inputs past due and are reviewing our internal process to enhance compliance.


Met or Above Target Near Target Target Not Met No Target




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CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE - HART achieves annual increases in Customer Satisfaction on a comprehensive basis.

ON-TIME PERFORMANCE BUS & STREETCAR — Measures how closely service runs to schedule. Departures are considered on-time, if made between 1 and 5 minutes after scheduled departure times – 77% buses are on time | 95 % streetcars are on time

Q1 Results: 72% – BusCurrent trend indicates that On-Time Performance (OTP) stays stable as compared to previous year.The achievement for Q1 was below the set target.Factors: Traffic, construction, detours, major events, accidents, customer emergencies, safety events, vehicle constraints, budget limitations (service hours). Staff has initiated scheduling open house events inviting cross-departmental staff and operators to provide feedback on schedules.

Q1 Results: 99.76% – StreetcarCurrent trend indicates above level OTP, consistent with previous year. Above the set target.Factors: Appropriate staffing level, no vehicle constraints and minimal passenger or traffic interruptions, even during the construction along the streetcar track.

PARATRANSIT ON-TIME PERFORMANCE — Measures percentage of Mobility customer pickups made within 30-0 minutes from the scheduled pickup times 95% on-time

Q1 Results: 92%Current trend indicates a drop in OTPFactors: The service growth continues on an upward trend with an over 10% increase from month to month. We have an aging fleet with constraints during peak pullout. In Q1, an operator shortage was identified.Staff presented a request for 44 replacement vehicles to the December Operations and Safety Committee meeting to replace a majority of the aged fleet. A recruitment open house was hosted by HART to solicit Van Operators and a class of ten van operators started training in December, due to graduate in February. Performance is consistent with end of FY2019.

SAFETY AND SECURITY EVENTS— Safety & security reportable events Fewer than 1 safety event per 100k miles

Q1 Results: .325HART is on track to meet this goal. The Agency is currently experiencing a downward trend in major safety and security events.Quarterly safety trainings, safety awareness programs, and post event coaching to operators have been factors contributing to the success of this metric.HART is planning additional programs to continue the current trend such as focused training based on type of transit mode, specific safety blitz in the next quarter, cross department route review teams, and operator coaching.

Met or Above Target Near Target Target Not Met No Target




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COMMUNITY VALUE - HART achieves annual increases in positive community sentiment around value of HART to Hillsborough County.

TRANSIT ACCESSEstablish a baseline for transit access to key destinations

Distance to transit stops. These metrics capture the amount of jobs, population, trip origins, or trip destinations within a certain radius of a transit stop.

• Percent of daily/peak period trips (originsand destinations) starting or ending within¼ mile of a transit stop.

• Percent of population and employmentwithin 0.4 miles of transit.

• Households within five miles of park-and- ride lots or major transit centers.

Destinations accessible by transit. These metrics capture not just the accessibility of transit stops, but the connection that transit provides to various destinations. Number of jobs accessible within a certain travel time. This type of metric incorporates the relationships of various land uses and the performance of the transit system.

• Share of population with good transitjob accessibility (100,000+ jobs within45 minutes).

• Number of households within a 30-minutetransit ride of major employment centers.

• Percentage of work and education tripsaccessible in less than 30 minutes transittravel time.

• Percentage of workforce that can reachtheir workplace by transit within one hourwith no more than one transfer.

COMMUNITY SENTIMENTEstablish a baseline of community sentiment about HART

Conduct a community sentiment survey to assess:

• Are customers satisfied with the level ofservice that is provided to them?

• Are customers able to get where they aregoing in what they consider a reasonableamount of time?

HART established that there is an existing contract procured in 2018 that measured the community sentiment.HART Communications/Marketing, Policy & Performance and Planning have met with the vendor HCP on several occasionsA draft scope of work has been prepared to implement survey in the spring of 2020.Communications/Marketing will be working with Finance to identify funds within the current budget to fund this project.

ECONOMIC IMPACTEstablish a baseline economic impact value of HART

Staff will identify How many jobs are within ¾ of a mile of total service area.

• Do routes from low-income, transportationdisadvantaged areas provide access tohigh density job centers?

Met or Above Target Near Target Target Not Met No Target




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COMMUNITY VALUE - HART achieves annual increases in Employee Engagement levels.

JOBS CREATED FROM TRANSIT & TRANSIT INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENTThe annual growth in new jobs based on HART capital investments and private investment in station area development

Establish BaselineTo look at jobs created from Transit & Transit infrastructure investment, staff will use the transit access metric listed above as a baseline and evaluate how it changes over a specified period of time as we make changes in transit and transit infrastructure investments.

DBE GOALContract awards to qualifying disadvantaged, minority-owned, woman-owned, veteran-owned, and small business enterprises

The Federal Uniform Report of DBE Commitments/Awards and Payments will be reported bi-annually. HART is on track to meet the target goal.

October 2019 - 16 new registered business vendors - 11 were SBE and 4 were DBENovember 2019 - 15 new registered business vendors, 8 were SBE. December 2019 - 20 new registered business vendors, 9 were SBE and 3, DBE.

The following Steps / Initiatives have been established to target disadvantaged, minority-owned, woman-owned, veteran-owned, and small business enterprises

• Hosting a Small Business Forum -Marketing includes, radio, grassroots,community events.

• SBE Program Plan has been draftedfor review. The plan outlines active, effectivesteps HART can take to facilitate completionon USDOT assisted contracts as well as non-USDOT funds.

The plan proposes an in-house review committee with committee guidelines.

Aggressive outreach Campaign – HART attends major events that target small businesses to meet with small business owners and representatives to exchange information. Staff collects the information in the HART Vendors Reach Database. HART is able to email and contact the businesses with information on how to register with HART. See the following below.

October 2019 Pinellas County Reverse Trade Show / Bridges to Business 46

November 2019 Her Opportunities/ DSI Black Pages 26th Annual Showcase 23December 2019 2020 SBE Entrepreneurial Kick Off/ Other Events attend by Director of Community & Business Engagement 13

Total Reached 82

CUSTOMER ACCESSIncreased regional mobility through use of Flamingo Fare app

Target – 2% increaseSystem Integration Test and Deployment Test were complete. All test phases were successful with minor conditions, which have been actively monitored and resolved as the project moves forward.Revenue Testing was conducted through December with intensive participation from internal staff. This testing is to ensure the financial and back office system functions as expected. There were many Marketing & Communication planning activities for the Beta Public test in February 2020. Executives and management were updated with progress as well as helpful information to set proper expectation for a large-scale regional project.

Met or Above Target Near Target Target Not Met No Target




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EMPLOYEE SUCCESS - HART achieves annual increases in Employee Engagement levels.

EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENTThe level of engagement of HART employees as indicated in an employee engagement survey - 65%

A key strategic priority for HART is to improve employee engagement as a way to improve our organization’s performance and customer service. In order to understand where we need to focus our efforts, we conducted an employee engagement survey. The survey included questions to assess how you feel about our organization; as well as your job, work unit, supervisor, leaders and colleagues. The survey allowed the organization to solicit feedback from the employees to help understand where HART is doing well, and identify where improvements are needed as well as help assess strengths, identify gaps, and take action to ensure we have high levels of engagement. The goal for FY2020 is to improve the response rate and level of engagement from the 2018 Voice of Employee Survey. The response rate for 2018 was 36% and the levels of engagement where: 19% - Fully Engaged 52% - Somewhat Engaged 29% - Not Engaged. The FY2020 Voice of the Employee Survey will be conducted in Q3 with results by Q4.Initiatives HART is doing to improve the level of engagement:One HART eventsImproved communicationTransparency within the organization

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENTEstablish a professional development program

As part of the FY18 Success Plan, the Training & Development Department conducted a training needs assessment to support the development of an organizational training program. 74% of

respondents stated that a centralized Training and Development System with a structured, progressive and sequential approach to employee development and training for entry-level through executive management positions is a need at HART. The core training needs desired by the employees included: Communication, Leadership Skills, Strategic Planning/Organizational Skills, Computer Skills and Supervisory Skills. The goal for the FY2020 Success Plan is to establish a professional development program to meet the needs of HART employees.Initiatives in support of this metric:

• Learning Management module in ADP• Individual Training Opportunities• Conferences/Seminars/Workshops

WELLNESS PROGRAMIncrease the percent of employees engaged in each wellness event over FY 2020 - 5% increase

Q1 Results: 36% increase HART offers a robust health & wellness program called HealthyHART. HART is committed to the health and wellness of its employees. The Wellness Program highlights the benefits of eating healthy, increased physical activity, lowering stress, quitting tobacco use and getting regular medical care are HealthyHART, in combination with Cigna’s MotivateMe program, offers employees many beneficial tools and programs that can assist with making positive changes in lifestyles. In FY2019, HART had 267 participants in wellness events. As of February 1, 2020, 120 HART employees have participated in wellness events. We did not capture the number of participants at the Wellness Fair.

Met or Above Target Near Target Target Not Met No Target




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EMPLOYEE SUCCESS - HART achieves annual increases in Employee Engagement levels.

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIESIncrease the percent of HART employee volunteer sponsored events by 33%

Q1 Results: 400% increase HART has a huge impact on the community. Aside from providing convenient and affordable public transportation, HART contributes to the community through volunteer work. Volunteering allows you to connect to your community and make it a better place. Even helping out with the smallest tasks can make a real difference to the lives of people, animals, and organizations in need. Volunteering is multi-faceted in its importance to our society. It enriches our society, brings us together as a community, and helps keep businesses and other organizations afloat.

HART employees are encouraged to volunteer and get involved as a way of bettering themselves. Creating a feeling of fulfillment and belonging promotes an active mind and body, reduces stress and connects people throughout the community. In FY2019, HART participated in 11 volunteer events: Feeding Tampa Bay, Gasparilla, Earth Day Invasive Species Removal, Shark Con and 4th of July event with the Florida Aquarium, and five volunteer events with the Florida Special Olympics.

As of February 1, 2020, HART has held eight volunteer events in FY2020.

WORKERS COMPENSATIONNumber of incidents resulting in loss of 7 or more calendar work days per 100 full time employees - Less than 5

Q1 Results: 0.6 Having an effective light duty program in place is the best way to reduce an employer’s workers’ compensation costs. The longer an employee is off work due to an injury, the harder it is to get them back to work and the higher the claim costs. Having an effective light duty program can eliminate time loss costs on many claims and/or significantly reduce these costs.

More importantly, employees who stay on the job or perform modified or light duty, have faster recoveries and avoid the unnecessary consequences that develop when they are away from employment. Studies have shown that returning to some work as soon as appropriate helps with recovery and the person’s overall health.

Despite an increased number of accidents experienced in FY 2020 to date, out loss time incident rate is trending below what we have experienced over the prior five years.

Our metric to date for this fiscal year has me optimistic that we will achieve our goal and see an improvement over last year’s performance of 3.75.

Met or Above Target Near Target Target Not Met No Target




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FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE - The Office of the Chief Financial Officer will provide the Financial Responsibility performance separately.

FINANCIAL PERFORMANCEHART financial performance at the end of the year is consistent or less with the Financial Plan and actual revenues

At year end, actual revenues will equal actual expensesWe are 25% through the fiscal year, with the target to trend as closely to that goal as possible. At Q1 end expenses are at 30% of budget and revenues are at 56% of budget.Expenses are exceeding the set target due to upfront costs for contract services for software licenses and insurance premiums. Tax collector commissions are higher which correlates to the timing of ad valorem receipts. These should even out through the course of the fiscal year. Revenues are higher now due to the bulk of ad valorem received in December.Monthly cost center reports are sent out to the respective management staffs to monitor the expenses to budget of their responsible departments and make any necessary adjustments/corrections in order to stay within budget.Compared to last fiscal year Q1 end expenses are slightly higher at 30% this year versus at 27% last year with the biggest increases coming in legal services and contract services. Revenues are slightly higher at 56% this year versus at 54% last year.


Bus – $6.00 Streetcar – $2.60 Paratransit – $26.00

Q1 Results: Bus – $7.22 Streetcar $1.15 Paratransit – $25.92HART financial performance target provides insight on the balance between the ridership and the overall operating expenses of a particular mode. Lower values indicate that the ridership is high or, conversely, the expenses are low. Current performance is trending similar to previous fiscal year end performance. HART met the goals established for Streetcar and Paratransit; however, did not meet the goal for bus for Q1. Typically, there is a large amount of fluctuation on a monthly basis due to either the receipt of invoices for associated costs and services or months with typically lower ridership numbers, such as December. The most effective way to determine ultimate success or failure is at year’s end when ridership and expense fluctuations have been smoothed out by the year.At the end of Q1 in FY19, Cost Per Passenger for bus was $5.89. When compared to FY20 Q1, this is an increase of 22.5%. Ridership has stayed mostly static between FY19 and FY20 (3,067,074 and 3,033,057); however, expenses have increased from $18,058,720 to $21,995,297 (21.7%) which would explain the overall increase in cost per passenger.A multi-department bi-weekly meeting is hosted by HART scheduling staff to discuss scheduling, routing, fleet needs, operator staffing levels and recruitment efforts. The scheduling team also continuously monitors and adjust schedules for fixed route and paratransit to ensure that agency efficiency in all modes. Ridership increase will require enhancing service, improving reliability, and/or outreach efforts to gain new riders.

Met or Above Target Near Target Target Not Met No Target




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FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE - The Office of the Chief Financial Officer will provide the Financial Responsibility performance separately.


At year end, discretionary revenue will increase by 1% over the previous yearCommunications/Marketing Team reviewed several mid-sized transit agencies sponsorship packages.Identified HART’s current offerings are aligned with sister agencies. Revising current sponsorship. Will partner will legal during Q2 for review. Will identify and address Q1 milestone during Q2 once review and sponsorship concepts are in place.

Met or Above Target Near Target Target Not Met No Target




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HART Performance Report –Quarter 1

Operations and Safety Committee

February 17, 2020


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Success Plan FY2020

2/12/2020 2

Define Success• Mission• Vision• Outcomes• Strategic Areas of Focus

Manage Performance• Quarterly Performance Scorecard • Quarterly Reporting

Build A Work Plan To Deliver Success• Tactics• Budget to Fund Plan• Align Employees To Deliver Plan




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Definition of Success

2/12/2020 3

MISSION STATEMENTHART takes people to the places that enhance their lives.

VISION STATEMENT HART invites, inspires and implements sustainable and innovative transportation.

4 Key Areas of Focus1. Customer Experience2. Community Value3. Employee Success4. Financial


HART will be a best-in-class transit agency driven by a culture of excellence.


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Success Outcomes

2/12/2020 4

In Alignment With 4 Key Areas of Focus


HART achieves annual increases in Customer Satisfaction on a comprehensive basis.


HART achieves annual increases in positive community sentiment around value of HART to Hillsborough County.


HART achieves annual increases in Employee Engagement levels.


HART financial performance at the end of the year is consistent with the Financial Plan and actual revenues.


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Tactic Examples

2/12/2020 5


• Regional Revenue Collection Project

• Operations Productivity

• Transit & Transfer Centers Improvement Program

• Safety/security events program


• Improve Customer Amenities

• BRT Study•Increase Awards to Qualifying disadvantaged, minority-owned, woman-owned, veteran-owned, and small business enterprises.• Fleet Modernization


• Employee Engagement

• Technology Upgrades• Employee Workplace

upgrades• Professional

Development Programs


• Explore non-traditional revenue options

• Implementation of Strategically-Aligned Budget


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Performance Scorecard

2/12/2020 6

• Aligns with four Key Areas of Focus• Data-driven to Allow for Continuous

Improvement• Metrics are Monitored & Reported on

Quarterly Basis• Weighted & Prioritized Metrics• Overall 100 Point Score• All metrics are calculated as Points

Earned = % above/below metric with the exception of Wellness and Volunteer which were given a ceiling of the goal points (5 and 3, respectively)


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Performance Scorecard

2/12/2020 7

• 6 Metrics• 30 Point Weighting

Customer Experience


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Q1 – Customer Experience

2/12/2020 8


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Q1 – Customer Experience

2/12/2020 9


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Performance Scorecard

2/12/2020 10

• 6 Metrics• 25 Point WeightingCommunity Value


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Q1 – Community Value

2/12/2020 11


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Q1 – Community Value

2/12/2020 12


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Performance Scorecard


• 5 Metrics• 25 Point Weighting

Employee Success


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Q1 – Employee Success

2/12/2020 14


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Q1 – Employee Success

2/12/2020 15


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Performance Scorecard

2/12/2020 16

• 5 Metrics• 20 Point WeightingFinancial Performance


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Q1 – Financial Performance

2/12/2020 17


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Hillsborough Transit AuthorityOperations and Safety Committee Meeting

February 17, 2020______________________________________________________________________________


Streetcar Tie Replacement Project Update

This presentation will update the committee of the ongoing tie replacement project for the streetcar line. Further, the presentation increases communication to understand the multiple phases required in order to make this as successful and seamless to both the public and the organization.

Prepared by: Ronald W. Giroux, Project Manager I

Reviewed by: Lynda Crescentini, Director of Enterprise Project Management

Approved by: Carolyn House Stewart, Interim Chief Executive Officer


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Streetcar TieReplacement Project


Operations and Safety Committee

February 17, 2020


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Tie Replacement Project Update


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Tie Replacement Project Update


Project IFB Approved by HART Board – March 11th 20193 Year Contract Awarded – June 7, 2019Notice to Proceed – July 23, 2019Permits Approved & Kickoff Meeting – October 22, 2019Work Began – November 4, 2019Phase One complete – February 28, 2020Completion of project – September 30 2021

Planned timeframes for future phase(s) –Jul – Sep 2020Feb* – Mar 2021 *(After Gasparilla and Super Bowl)

Jul – Sep 202162

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Tie Replacement Project Update


Sections of Track Completed –

- 5th Ave. Switch- Track between 5th and 6th Ave- Track between Adamo Dr. and Harbor St.- East bound passing track from McKay St. to justpast York Street Station

- Preselected Ties around the Barn

Current ongoing work is the west-bound passing track from York Street to McKay Street


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Tie Replacement Project Update


Work to be completed as part of other phases.

- Track between E. 5th Ave and E. 4th Ave- Track between Harbor St. and McKay St.- Switch at McKay Street- Switch South of York St. Station- Track from York St. Station to CumberlandStation


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Tie Replacement Project Update


Total # of Ties to replace – 1570

Number of Ties replaced as of 28 Feb 2020 – 915

*Note- The Areas that were in the most immediate need of attention from a safety perspective have already been addressed and replaced.


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Tie Replacement Project Update


Project has been successful so far due to combined efforts of Bus Operations, Marketing, Streetcar Operations and Maintenance and Project Management.

Operating Hours – Service is operating on weekends, and since December every evening after 6pm until end of service.

Community Engagement – Motormen & women, Supervisors, and Community Outreach personnel ensured a smooth transition during the beginning of Bus bridge operations.

Community Impact – While a slight inconvenience the streetcar still transported over 250,000 riders for the 1st quarter, throughout the tie replacement efforts.


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Tie Replacement Project Update

Track and switch between 5th Avenue and 6th Avenue67

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Tie Replacement Project Update

Track Section between Adamo Drive and Harbor Street


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Tie Replacement Project Update

Track Section South of York Street Station and Rail Welds


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Hillsborough Transit AuthorityOperations and Safety Committee Meeting

February 17, 2020


Amalgamated Transit Union Local (ATU) Negotiations

The best and final offer was presented the Union in January. On February 6, 2020, the ATU Local 1593 conducted a ratification vote for a proposed new labor agreement. The rank and file overwhelmingly approved the proposed agreement 358 votes for and 102 votes against.

The next step is for the proposed agreement to be forwarded to the HART Board of Directors at the March 2, 2020 Board meeting for consideration and approval.

Prepared by: Greg Brackin, Director of Operations Support – ADA Officer

Prepared by: Ted Harris, Chief Customer Experience Officer

Approved by: Carolyn House Stewart, Interim Chief Executive Officer