Operation Kashmir

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Kashmir's history, occupation by Indian forces and the story of undying freedom struggle of Kashmiris. This paper analyzes the impact of Kashmir's dynamics on Pakistan's security and regional stability. Pakistan will have to solve this issue, even if it comes to war, to end ongoing 4GW within its own borders!

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Operation Kashmir! Time to move decisively to counter attack Indian 4th generation war

Shahzad Masood Roomi

“Kashmir is the jugular of Pakistan”

Quaid e Azam

The State we are in:

Today, the entire Muslim Middle East is being re-shaped, devastated, dismembered and occupied under the new world war launched since the 9/11. Pakistan is a critical target in this war. As a consequence, for the last 11 years, Pakistan has been forced to fight a complex 4th generation, decentralized and asymmetric war within its borders against the most heinous and ruthless foreign funded terrorism and insurgencies. The national security profile has been devastated due to this war waged by the Zionist forces of the East and the West. These forces have been conspiring against the only Islamic nuclear state to implode it from within. The objective of this imposed war is to make Pakistan a failed dysfunctional state first, denuclearize it in the second phase and then move towards the final balkanization and dismemberment. The threat Pakistan faces today is existential! With multiple Muslims countries in the Middle East already down and turned into chaotic failed states, the 4th generation war is no more a hypothetical scenario. Pakistan faces a genuine, real and close threat to its very survival in a very hostile regional and global environment.

Since 9/11, Indian political and military establishment had pounced upon the western military invasion of the greater Middle East to wage its own war against Pakistan, encircling it from the Afghan theatre as well. The catastrophic security situation in Pakistan, on all the axis of national security, is the manifestation of the first phase of the Indian grand strategy against Pakistan. Indian strategy became devastatingly effective against the Pakistani state only due to the US presence in Afghanistan and due to a failed, indecisive and weak foreign policy adopted by Islamabad after 9/11.

Indians had already launched this war during the Musharraf era but the real ferocity and ruthlessness was unleashed after the CIA installed “democracy” in Pakistan in 2007. In post elections era, almost all provincial governments formed consisted of compromised separatists’ political parties having their links with India or the CIA and the federal government too had their strong presence, hence was compromised totally, crippling the national decision making at all political and diplomatic levels. The result is a catastrophic state and system failure in Pakistan. Indians are fully exploiting this chaos, sensing a repeat of the 1971 scenario. The objectives of the western Zionists and Hindu Zionists have converged in a lethal war against the Pakistani state, people and the armed forces.


It is a historic fact that Pakistan and India have been in a constant state of war against each other since 1947, with Kashmir dispute being at the core of all these wars. British Raj created the world’s oldest unsolved dispute while demarcating the boundaries of Pakistan and India before leaving the Indian


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subcontinent. Ever since, Kashmir has been the nucleus of the bitter bilateral ties between the two countries. Pakistan and India have fought multiple wars since the partition of India. India has invaded Pakistan 4 times since 1947. India occupied Kashmir in 1948, crossed international border in 1965, waged a dirty war in East Pakistan in 1960’s and attacked in 1971 and finally in 1984, Indians crossed Line of Control (LoC) and occupied some key locations in Siachen. In 1999, Pakistan took the initiative and surprised India in Kargil which resulted in a limited but intense war between the two countries. Now in the 21st century, under a completely hostile geopolitical milieu, Pakistan is being attacked for the 5th time with an extremely sinister and ruthless multi-prong Indian war strategy which is also approved and supported by the US.

The strategy prongs are:

1. To denuclearize Pakistan after getting it declared a failed and a terrorist state. For this objective Indians perpetuated an extremely complex and excruciatingly difficult to fight 4th generation war against Pakistan. Purpose of this war is to soften and then implode Pakistan internally by drawing Pakistani armed forces into high intensity conflicts within its own borders, in an asymmetrical and ruthless unconventional war against local and foreign insurgents.

2. The Second prong of Indian strategy envisions launching pre-emptive and surprise physical assaults on Pakistan on multiple fronts under the pretext of attacking militant hideouts sited on Pakistani soil under a new military doctrine known as the “Cold Start”.

Let’s revisit first prong of the Indo-American strategy against Pakistan and its dreadful impact on our national security interests.

• Weight of the war on terror has been craftily shifted from Afghanistan to Pakistan under Obama’s Af-Pak doctrine. Consequently, the Northwestern tribes that were always considered as our assets guarding our western borders without any assistance from the armed forces have become restless, angry and some even hostile. A segment among them, manipulated by the RAW/Mossad, is towing the agenda of enemy waging a war against the state and the people.

• The western borders that had become safe for Pakistan from 1989 onwards in post Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan and during the subsequent Mujahideen government in Kabul and then followed by Taliban rule between 1996 to 2001, have once again turned dangerous due to the presence of US-NATO forces in Afghanistan and their mounting aggressiveness against Pakistan under the Af-Pak doctrine.

• Hostile forces are active in the whole of FATA, several parts of NWFP and Baluchistan. Sindh is also restive and Karachi has become a killing field for hired mercenaries backed by the separatist political parties.

• Once peaceful Baluchistan is up in arms and rebellious Baloch sub-nationalists are demanding independent Baluchistan. Non-locals have migrated out of Baluchistan in huge numbers.

• Pakistan is being subjected to a CIA driven drone warfare.

• A large part of Pakistan’s Army, paramilitary forces and police have got deeply embroiled in fighting an urban war on own soil with little hope of extrication in near future. While precious


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military resources of Pak Army are being wasted out in an imposed “war on terror”, Indian military conventional and nuclear capabilities have been vastly upgraded to outclass Pakistan’s military capability.

• Agents of hostile secret services like CIA, MI6, RAW and Mossad have infiltrated in government departments, legal fraternity and media while CIA, RAW and Blackwaters have established networks in all the troubled regions of Pakistan.

• Army and ISI, premier national security institutes, are under intense pressure and are facing the brunt of Indo-US-western hostile propaganda campaign. Desperate efforts are being made to paint ISI as a rogue outfit, create doubts on the safety of Pakistan’s nuclear assets, and weaken the Army and to spoil civil-military relations. The US funded print and electronic media persons are providing full assistance to Indo-US-Western media onslaught to attack and damage the image, credibility and respect of armed forces and ISI.

• Pakistan’s media has been heavily penetrated by hostile powers. Direct foreign funding by US and India in particular has created huge media assets within Pakistan who are attacking the ideological foundations of the country and its Islamic character. Promotion of unethical gay and lesbian culture by the US Embassy in Islamabad is one example of the most blatant and vulgar cultural invasion to pollute Islamic values.

• Under a planned strategy, India has been given a go-ahead to construct large number of dams on all the rivers flowing into Pakistan to create acute water scarcity in Pakistan and to make it dependent upon India. Similarly, water flow is also being controlled to cause floods in Pakistan during monsoon seasons. Water would be used as a strong bargaining weapon by India to pressurize Pakistan to surrender Kashmir dispute on Indian terms.

• Indian influence in Afghanistan that had vanished during the Taliban rule has returned to haunt Pakistan. The US is striving to make India a key country in the region after its departure from Afghanistan. Indian and Israeli presence in Afghanistan has posed a two-front threat to Pakistan’s security.

• Kashmir is almost a lost cause and talks are at best confined to confidence building measures only. Arrest of Kashmiri leader Ghulam Nabi Fai in USA is aimed at breaking the unarmed resistance movement of Kashmiris seeking right of self determination.

• Pakistan’s corrupt political leader considers India as a friend and not an arch rival. Most of the

parties ruing Pakistan today have known RAW assets as their leaders.

• Islamic-secular divide has been sharpened and so is the religious divide as in the case of antagonism between Deobandis and Barelvis. Pakistan is politically polarized and webbed in curses of provincialism, ethnicity and sectarianism.

• Pakistan economy has become dependent upon the US controlled IMF thereby crippling the financial independence and economic sovereignty. Rampant corruption which is eating into the vitals of the nation together with plunder of national wealth by the US selected rulers has reduced the country to a carcass.


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• Amidst the murky environment in which everything looks depressing, the state of judicial system

is out rightly deplorable. Only the higher judiciary is trying to keep some check on the corrupt and the compromised government but it has been decapitated by the government controlled executive branch by denying the implementation of the court orders.

Under these catastrophic state failure conditions in Pakistan, Indians, while riding the western wave of rage and anger against the Islamic republic, see an opportunity of a lifetime to decapitate and dismember Pakistan.

So, how can Pakistan respond?

India has its own vulnerabilities as well. There are over 130 separatists’ movements in India and almost 40% of the country is under insurgencies, rebellions and unrest. With nearly half a million Indian army bogged in the valley alone, the people’s resistance in Kashmir is still creating serious security crisis for the Indian government. Kashmir is India’s soft belly.

For Pakistanis also, Kashmir is a sensitive, emotional and critical issue. From pure strategic vintage point, Kashmir is the life line of Pakistan as stated by the founding father Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah. Founding father recognized Kashmir as the jugular vein of Pakistan even before the independence and his vision and far sightedness has become exceptionally relevant today. Kashmir has become the most important region for the national security as Pakistan’s blood lines (rivers) flow from Kashmir.

Apart from the territory and water disputes over Kashmir, it is now clear that Pakistan will have to adopt an aggressive pro-active policy towards India to release the pressure which the Indians have been building upon Pakistan for last 11 years. So far, Pakistan has been taking the hits in a reactive manner, fighting the war upon its own soil and not responding to threats beyond its borders. It is actually incredible that Pakistan has lost over 100,000 citizens, soldiers and officers, dead and wounded, in this ongoing war while India has not lost a single soldier so far!

Now, this strategy has to change. Pakistan will have to take the war to India, both in Afghanistan and in the Indian mainland. Kashmir is the first natural choice where Pakistan must strike back at the Indian strategic interests to break the chokehold which India presently has over Pakistan. It is time to break out and decisively engage India. Kashmir, once again, must become the centre stage of Pakistan’s diplomatic, political and military strategy against India.

Pakistan has a strong international case on Kashmir. Kashmir is a UN recognized disputed territory and not an integral part of India. The line of control is not an international border and its “violation” does not constitute an aggression. It is this line of control which controls the fate, future and destiny of the sub-continent. It is from here that Pakistan’s counter attack against Indian 4th generation war must begin. Pakistan can only afford to ignore Kashmir at its own peril. The war imposed upon Pakistan today was only possible when Indians were able to contain the Kashmiri intifada during the Musharraf era. It is time to re-ignite the freedom struggle once again – this time decisively.

Historical Prospective of Kashmir Dispute

Kashmir never remained part of the Indian empire. On the contrary, it had been part of the Afghan empire since centuries. It became a princely state from 1846 to 1947 under the Dogra Raj.


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Sutlej cannons captured or surrendered during the First Anglo-Sikh war

Durrani Empire Map

By 19th century, it became part of the Durrani dynasty in Afghanistan. In this era, Durrani Empire consisted of present day Afghanistan, Pakistan, Part of Iran, Gilgat Baltistan areas and parts of Kashmir. Millions of people in Jammau and Kashmir embraced Islam during these years. After decline of Durrani Empire, Sikhs got control over Punjab and Kashmir as well. But Sikhs lost control over the Kashmir in first Anglo-Sikh war in 1846 which was the part of the Lahore state ruled by Sikhs. British defeated Sikhs but gave back the control of Kashmir to another Sikh Mahraja after signing two treaties at the end of Anglo-Sikh wars. Treaty of Lahore: After their defeat in the First Anglo-Sikh war, Sikhs were forced to accept the humiliating terms of the Treaty. Territory, previously under Sikhs’ control was reduced to a fraction of its original size, losing important areas like Jammu, Kashmir and Hazara to East India Company. Treaty of Amritsar: This treaty signed on March 16, 1846, paved the way for the Dogra Raj in Kashmir where Muslims were in majority. British sold the Kashmir to Mahraja of Jammu, Ghulab Singh Dogra for 7.5 million Ruppes extending the Dogra regime to the Vale of Kashmir. This was more of a reward, than a sale, for his secret alliance with British Empire against State of Lahore in First Anglo-Sikh war. British were near a defeat in this war but suddenly came out as victorious due to invaluable intelligence on

Lahore army provided by Ghulab Singh. The fear of Muslims’ political uprising in their majority areas forced the British to make sure that Muslims remained suppressed through administrative measures particularly in their majority areas. Since 14th century, Kashmir is a dominantly Muslim

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majority region. Dogra Raj, after these treaties, made sure that Kashmiri Muslims suffer socially due to same fear of Muslim revolt against Dogra Raj. These autocratic measures of Mahraja against Kashmiris triggered a political struggle in Kashmir in 1931.

Religion in Jammu & Kashmir

Struggle for freedom in Pre Partition times

Kashmiri Muslims have been braving against vindictive Dogra Raj ever since British sold them to Maharaja. They were faced with worst kind of social, political and economic oppression. By 1929, Situation was so desperate that then Prime Minister, Albion Bannerji, had to step down as protest against atrocities by Maharaja Hari Singh. 1931 was perhaps the most important year in Kashmiris’ struggle due to number of events took place, both inside and outside Kashmir. In June 1931, a team of 11 members was chosen to start a movement against the Mahraja’s repression. This group included two names who played a critical role in Kashmiri political history later on; Ghulam Abbas and Shiekh Abdullah.


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It was the time when Muslims from all over Subcontinent were struggling against the British Raj and Hindu conspirators, both were supporting each other politically to suppress Muslims in the subcontinent. But Muslims remained resilient under the unshakable leadership of Quaid-e-Azam and never gave up on their Kashmiri brethrens in their struggle. In August 1931, All India Kashmir Committee was formed, led by Allama Iqbal. All India Muslim League also passed a resolution in favor of Kashmir struggle. By 1934, Muslim conference started to divide into two factions on some non-issues. Shiekh Abdullah’s decisions, at many occasions, were derived by personal ego and self-esteem instead of collective counsel of other members in Muslim Conference. He started to move away from Muslim Conference meetings where Ghulam Abbas was getting more attention. Quaid-e-Azim had to intervene for mediation between the two in his private visit of Kashmir in 1936. Shiekh Abdullah, on the other hand, had established a covert understanding with Indian congress through Maharaja’s Prime Minister Gopalaswamy Ayyangar –a Hindu bureaucrat from Madras. Shiek Abdullah and Ayyanger both agreed that in return for refraining from any active campaign for representative government by National Conference, he would be supported against his rivals in the Conference. Abdullah and his followers accorded an over enthusiastic welcome to Jawaharlal Nehru on his visit to Kashmir in May 1940. Later on, Abdullah, under the advice of his masters, parted ways with Ghulam Nabi and Muslim conference and headed National conference which played most dirty part in history against Kashmiris. M.A Jinnah visited Kashmir in 1944, for the fourth and last time, as a final effort to reconcile National Conference and Muslim Conference. By that time, All India Muslim League and Quaid e Azam had become sole voice of 100 million Muslims of the subcontinent. Congress was still pushing its one nation theory across India. Congress leader in Kashmir also tried to hijack Quaid’s visit by painting him as Hindu-Muslim Unity ambassador. But Quaid made it clear that although he is on a private visit but he would attribute the royal reception given to him to All India Muslim League.

He spoke his heart out at the moment, “Oh ye Muslims! Our Allah is one, our Prophet (SAW) is one and our Quran is one, therefore, our voice and PARTY MUST BE ONE”. This fact was later recorded by Alastair Lamb, in his book ‘Kashmir Disputed Legacy’, in the following words, " M.A. Jinnah, unlike Jawaharlal Nehru, was extremely reluctant at this period of time to involve himself directly (or the Muslim League which he headed) in the internal affairs of the Princely State; such action would in his eyes have been constitutionally improper.” But despite his very careful approach towards the question of accession his dedication became evident when he explained the significance of the name of Pakistan to Mountbatten on 17 May 1947, “The derivation of the word Pakistan – P for Punjab; A for Afghan (i.e. Pathans NWFP); K for Kashmir; I for nothing because that letter was not in the word in Urdu; S for Sindh and Tan for the last syllable for Baluchistan”.


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The division of India and Status of LoC

Radcliffe Award was published on 17th August 1947, by Radcliffe Boundary Commission. This award played detrimental role in creating the world’s oldest unsolved problem due to its flawed boundary making procedures, ill intentions and inability to estimate repercussions of flawed partition, particularly mass violence which erupted in various Kashmiri towns in October 1947 which led to first Pak-India armed conflict in 1948. Radcliffle Commission formation, procedure and execution of division process were flawed due to following reasons;

1. Cyril Radcliff had never been to India prior to this task of chairing the commission constituted for a tedious job of boundary making.

2. It seems that British government itself did not allow the commission according to its term of reference by allocating many Muslim contagious areas to India.

3. The Commission showed its ill-intent and hostile biasness towards Muslims in Kashmirs by splitting Gurdaspur –which had to be a part of Pakistan according to National Division plan. India was now able to establish a direct road link to Kashmir. Maharaja established a military alliance with India after the award.

The map shown below explains graphic location of the district and the Muslim population in united Punjab at the time of Boundary Commission.


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Muslim population map of 1947 – showing concentration of Muslim population in united Punjab in British India. White circle in the map indicates the district of Gurdaspur, with 50-60% Muslim population, which was

first allocated to Pakistan but Radcliffe award later grant it to Indian Union. This one move played central role in formation of Kashmir crisis by allowing India to have a road link to Kashmir to move its troops into the region.

According to the partition plan, princely States were to choose to who they want to accede. Indian government tried her level best in wooing Muslim majority States to not to accede to Pakistan.

Inside Kashmir, situation for the Maharaja became extremely critical by end of August 1947 as armed rebellion against his rule had begun in Poonch. This rebellion set the momentum of Kashmiris’ freedom struggle. Contrary to Indian propaganda that Kashmiri armed struggle was initiated in 1989, this upheaval against Maharaja in Poonch was the first day of Kashmiris’ struggle for freedom. The struggle is alive till this day and Kashmiris are braving against Indian state terrorism with more resilient and fervor. On 18th September 1947, Mehr Chand Mahajan –nominee of Indian Congress in Boundary Commission –was appointed as Premier of Kashmir by the Maharaja. This appointment was also the part of Anglo-Indian game plan about Kashmir.


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Map showing the Gurdaspur Corridor which enabled India to enter its forces into Vale of Kashmir to occupy it

on 27th October 1947. This ground link of Kashmir with India established only after Radcliffe award allotted Muslim majority district of Gurdaspur to India violating the agreed criteria of boundary demarcation.


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Mahajan met with Congress leaders and Mountbatten, Indian Governor General, who urged Mahajan to ask Maharaja to accede with India. Shiekh Abdullah was offered the role of a traitor at this stage by becoming part of this heinous scheme of Kashmiris’ enslavement. He willingly chose to be on the wrong side of the history. Indian government was well aware of the fact that no political maneuvering will provide any durable mileage inside Kashmir unless it has a known Muslim face in its ranks to gain mass support, reverse their anti-India sentiments and align the Kashmiris’ aspirations in accordance with Congress. To the Indians, Shiekh Abdullah was perfect choice for the job. Abdullah surrendered his faith and dedication to Congress and had become its spokesperson. In a meeting with Kashmiri delegation, after his release, he told, “Let’s see, weather Pakistan will survive”. He declined the offer by Pakistani delegation to meet with Jinnah and other national leadership of that time and went to Nehru who had invited him.

Accession and Occupation of Kashmir

October 1947 remains the blackest month in Kashmiri and Pakistani history due to forceful accession of Kashmir to India and betrayal of British military officials in Pakistan army’s top brass who were fully involved in making the matters worse. Maharaja’s army, Indian army and Pakistani army; all were being led by British. By October 1947, human rights and law and order situation had become severely critical in the valley. On 12th October 1947, Pakistan government sends telegram to Mahajan about "large number of villages (in Poonch) that can be seen burning from Murree Hills" (in Pakistan). Instead bringing the situation under control, Mahajan accused Pakistan for infiltration inside Kashmir from Pakistani side. This was the excuse used at that time by the Maharaja to accede to India and calling for Indian assistance and it must not be surprising when today, India is using the same excuse to get Pakistan declared a terrorist State for infiltration in Kashmir. While Pakistani foreign office and government was engaging their Indian counterparts through diplomatic channels, Indians practically opened the military axis by pushing Patiala troops in Srinagar where they took positions around the Srinagar airfield. Preparations for a full Indian assault were almost completed. On the other hand, Pakistani leadership, including Quaid-e-Azam and Priminister Liquat Ali Khan, was not aware of the situation. On 23rd October, Maharaja sent R.L. Batra, Maharaja's Deputy Prime Minister, to Delhi seeking large-scale military assistance.

While Indians were about to launch a full scale military invasion into the valley, British officers in Pakistan were keeping the Pakistani government in the dark on this all important and critical matter. News of planned Indian military operation in Kashmir had reached to Pakistan army headquarters on 26th October but information was not passed on to Governor General Quaid-e-Azam until evening of 27th October, the day Kashmir was acceded illicitly to India by the Maharaja and Indian army, taking advantage of the situation, captured strategically important points in and around Srinagar. Following facts from history negate all Indian claims on Kashmir.


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1. Maharaja had no such authority by that time as he had fled from Srinagar on 25th October 1947 (two days before he signed the accession) as Azad forces were making rapid advancement towards Srinagar.

2. Maharaja’s letter of accession and Mountbatten’s letter of acceptance were written by the same

hand; V.P. Menon, an Indian government official.

3. The mere fact that no document of accession is available with India or on UN record is proof of a combined plot that was hatched by Hindu leadership with their British well-wishers.

Historian, Alistair Lamb, in his famous publication, “The Myth of Indian Claim to JAMMU AND KASHMIR ––A REAPPRAISAL” accounts the events of 26th and 27th October 1947 as under;

“It is now absolutely clear that the two documents the Instrument of Accession, and the letter to Lord Mountbatten, could not possibly have been signed by the Maharajah of Jammu and Kashmir on 26 October 1947. The earliest possible time and date for their signature would have to be the afternoon of 27 October 1947. During 26 October 1947 the Maharajah of Jammu and Kashmir was travelling by road from Srinagar to Jammu. His Prime Minister, M.C. Mahajan, who was negotiating with the Government of India, and the senior Indian official concerned in State matters, V.P. Menon, were still in New Delhi where they remained overnight, and where their presence was noted by many observers. There was no communication of any sort between New Delhi and the traveling Maharajah. Menon and Mahajan set out by air from New Delhi to Jammu at about 10.00 a.m. on 27 October, and the Maharajah learned from them for the first time the result of his Prime Minister’s negotiations in New Delhi in the early afternoon of that day.”

Everything was in place for Indian army to move into Kashmir and first contingent arrived on the same day i.e. 27th October 1947, the day that is observed by the Kashmiris all over the world as Black Day. Mountbatten himself supervised the Indian army operation. Pakistan’s strategic punishment had begun and now in 21st century it is hurting and haunting Pakistan even more brutally.

In a cunning move, the so-called accession was presented to the world large as conditional and provisional. In his letter to the Maharajah of Jammu and Kashmir, bearing the date 27 October 1947, the Governor General of India, Lord Mountbatten, declared that:

"Consistently with that in the case of any State where the issue of accession has been the subject of dispute, the question of accession should be decided in accordance to the wishes of the people of the State, it is my Government’s wish that as soon as law and order have been restored in Kashmir and her soil cleared of the invaders the question of the State’s accession should be settled by a reference to the people."

All this rhetoric about the conditional accession was part of sinister plan to occupy Kashmir and buy time to consolidate the occupation.

On 25 October 1947, Nehru in a telegram to Attlee, the British Prime Minister, declared that: "I should like to make it clear that the question of aiding Kashmir is not designed in any way to influence the State to accede to India. Our view, which we have repeatedly made public, is that [the] question of


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accession in any disputed territory must be decided in accordance with the wishes of the people, and we adhere to this view."

Real intention behind this statement came to light when Indian army contingent landed on Srinagar airfield.

1947-48 Kashmir War

Tribes and local population of liberated areas established Azad (free) Kashmir with headquarters at Trarkhal inside Kashmir. Some 3,000 tribesmen from areas not under Pakistan’s direct administration had entered the valley in October 1947 and overrun the whole Muzaffarabad-Uri area and Uri sector. These tribesmen, armed with small weapons, stunned the Maharaja’s army with their swift advancement in the valley. Mujahideen had gained many successes on Abbotabad-Muzzafarabad axis. Tribal militants captured Dommel on the first day and overpowered a Kashmiri battalion at Muzaffarabad by October 23. By October 26, 1947, they were in the vicinity of Srinagar. The Dogra Army had been beaten. At this time, Indian army began its incursion.

Stunned by Indian incursion in Kashmir, Mohammand Ali Jinnah the Governor General of Pakistan ordered the British Acting C in C Pakistan Army to order two brigades to move into Kashmir, one on the Sialkot-Jammu Axis and the other on Murree-Muzaffarabad-Srinagar-Axis. This was a tangible plan based on a precise strategy of severing Indian landward and aerial lines of communication to Kashmir. The plan was rendered null and void since the Britisher refused to obey Jinnah’s order. Opposite to all Indian propaganda, the fact remains that regular Pakistan army started their operations in April 1948.

General Auchinleck, combined chief of general staff for Pakistan and India, told Quaid-e-Azam that sending Pakistan army to Kashmir will necessitate the withdrawal of all British officers from the army and spell virtually total disorganization. But at the same time, he never uttered a single word about the Indian army’s plan under General Sir Roy Bucher and atrocities of Maharaja’s army under Major General Scott, both of them were also British. This contradiction in conduct of British officers in the Pakistani, Indian and Maharaja’s army proved that they provided Indians with the opportunity to enter Kashmir while Pakistan army was kept in waiting by the same British officers for the orders to move in.

India brought the matter to Security Council of the United Nations on 1st January 1948 after getting humiliated by tribesmen. In the draft to UN, India desperately tried to frame Pakistan as aggressor. But Indian dreams were blown apart when UN passed resolution on Kashmir in April.

In the spring of 1948, the Indian side mounted another offensive to retake some of the ground that it had lost while Pakistan army launched operation Venus on Sialkot-Jammu axis to sever Indian line of communications. While Indian army was desperately trying to secure Srinagar, Pakistan army was all set to roll in Jammu with armord brigade.

The Security Council of the United Nations responded to this request by devising a number of schemes for the restoration of law and order and the holding a plebiscite. These were duly set out in United Nations Resolutions which, though never implemented, still remain the collective expression of the voice of the international community as to how the Kashmir question ought to be settled. It is Indian hegemonic political elite which never respected the resolutions of UNSC on Kashmir.

The intensity of the conflict and the inability to foresee a quick end to the conflict without involving considerable resources on the part of India to expel the Pakistani forces led Indian leaders to approach the


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United Nations who ultimately introduced Observers in June 1948. A UN brokered cease-fire went into effect on Jan. 1, 1949.

In 1976 General Sher Ali who was commanding a brigade of the Venus Force asserted that had the operation been launched Pakistani tanks would have been in Jammu within no time. But was came to an end on 31st December 1948 as a result of UN intervention, in the words of General Fazal-e-Akbar, ceasefire of 1948 took place to the army’s horror since the army was close to a great victory.

The Kashmir War ended with the Indians as masters of Poonch Valley, Srinagar Valley and Leh Valley but Pakistan was able to secure Gilgat-Baltistan, Azad Jammu and Kashmir.

The UN and international stance

On 21st April 1948, a resolution of Security Council was passed calling Government of Pakistan to withdraw from Jammu & Kashmir all its forces and Tribals and Government of India was asked to reduce her forces to minimum strength after which plebiscite be held on the question of accession of State to India or Pakistan. The resolution asked for U.N delegation to proceed to sub continent at-once. It did not condemn Pakistan as aggressor as desired by India nor it touched upon the legal aspect of Kashmir’s accession to India. Later on two other resolutions were also passed on 13th August 1948 & 5th January 1949 by United Nations Commission for India & Pakistan (UNCIP) which also called for conducting plebiscite. Sir Own Dixon was nominated by Security Council for the implementation of Resolutions dated 13th August 1948 and 5thJanuary 1949. After India refuse to reduce its forces from the Vale, Dixon Plan was envisaged that assigned Ladakh to India and Northern areas & Azad Kashmir to Pakistan. Jammu Division in two areas and envisaged plebiscite in Kashmir Valley. Pakistan was hesitant but agreed for peaceful resolution of the dispute but Nehru did not accept the condition in which plebiscite could be held. Nehru had developed second thoughts on Kashmir. Cunning Indian Zionist political leaders were fully aware of possible outcome of any plebiscite in Kashmir. So they rejected it out rightly. Actually the failure of Dixon’s plan had established a long time ago that no peaceful solution of Kashmir exists and subsequent history has proved this fact. On the diplomatic level, Pakistan had to play a strategic price of joining the US backed SEATO and CENTO agreements in 1950’s. This turned Soviets hostile towards Pakistan even more. Indians were successful in mustering Soviet support in UNSC to such an extent that in 1957 Soviet Union vetoed UN resolution on Kashmir. Since then, UN has failed to fulfill its own commitments with Kashmiris. Following can be concluded vis-à-vis the role of UN in Kashmir dispute.

• The United Nation except the fact that it was able to arrange a ceasefire between the Pakistani and Indian forces on the Kashmir front could not play an effective role for final solution of the Kashmir dispute. The six resolutions passed by the world body stand un-implemented even after passage of five decades.

• The power politics played a very important role in maneuvering the working of the world body. Particularly the veto power used by Soviet Union in support of Indian occupation of territory marginalized the role of the United Nation.


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• The cold war between West and East blocks also had a very negative impact on working of the United Nations.

• The world body was supposed to be source of support for the oppressed people but in case of Kashmir and Palestine it had failed to meet the expectations. Today, it is not the merit of the case but the political and diplomatic maneuvering in the UNSC, which makes the difference. The Veto power is the most sinister tool often used against the interests of Muslim nations but has never been used in resolving dispute critical for Muslims.

• The past experience shows that UN in future would also not be able to play any extra ordinary role for implementations of the Resolutions on Kashmir.

• However the fact that the Military observers of United Nations are still deployed on ceasefire line and in the agenda of United Nations the Kashmir is still being shown a disputed territory has exposed the Indian claims that the dispute is an internal problem of India.

• The presence of the dispute before the United Nations is strong evidence that final settlement of the dispute has yet to be made which could be acceptable to people of Kashmir and World community.

But during the recent years, Pakistan’s own Kashmir policy has gone in complete abyss while the dispute over the state remains unresolved. Even the terms of the original Indian reference to the Security Council proves that Jammu and Kashmir (or those parts of it currently under Indian occupation) is not an internal Indian matter. The United Nations retains that status in this matter, which it was granted by the original Indian reference, and the Security Council still has the duty to endeavor to implement its Resolutions as it has been done in case of East Taimor and Sudan.

1962 A Missed Opportunity

During the Sino-India war in 1962, Pakistan had a great strategic opportunity to make a move in Kashmir to liberate the valley from the Hindu clutches. There was a high chance that if Pakistan had attacked India during its brutal and vicious fast war with China which resulted in a major humiliation of the Indian nation and military, Pakistan could have won a major decisive war, and ultimately captured the whole of Kashmir.

For India having to fight Pakistan and China both would be a War for her life, a war resulting in great economic, military, and political pressure forcing India to surrender in Kashmir.

If Pakistan had attacked Kashmir during the 1962 Sino-Indian War, the 1965 and most importantly 1971 wars could have been averted! This means Pakistan would still be united enjoying a Geo-Political edge over India. Also India would be in little position to support insurgents like the Mukti Bahini in East Pakistan in 1971 or TTP and BLA today.

Indian troops were already bogged down in the Northern Front in a war against China spending men, resources, and losing territory and overall morale. But despite the presence of conducive environment, Pakistan could not make a timely decision and lost the strategic opportunity despite the fact that Pakistan army was in control of the affairs. Pakistan delayed the attack on Kashmir for 3 years and is still paying the price for this strategic mistake.


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Operation Gibraltar and 1965 war

Pakistani intervention in Kashmir came in August 1965, when Pakistan army devised a plan to liberate Kashmir by attacking strategic nodal points of Indian army in a surprise move. Despite major operational and planning weaknesses, Operation Gibraltar was one of the most aggressive, daring and proactive operation ever envisaged by Pakistan to capture Kashmir. Maj Gen (later Lt Gen) Akhtar Hussain Malik, the GOC 12 Div then looking after Azad Kashmir, conceived of a plan in 1965 to infiltrate armed guerrilla bands into the Indian-Held Kashmir and attack nodal points that would tie up the Indian Army and herald a full scale revolt in the valley. He was vociferously supported by the then Foreign Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and the Foreign Secretary Aziz Ahmad, both of whom convinced President Ayub Khan that conditions were ripe for such an operation and since the war was to be localized in Kashmir, Indian troops would not cross the international border. But the operation eventually led to war on September 6, 1965 due to some shortcomings at planning and execution phases. The Indians in a well planned but horribly executed operation to relieve the pressure on the Kashmir choke point of Akhnur, crossed the international border at Lahore and Sialkot in what was to be a lightning operation. In a brilliant show of courage and bravery, Pakistan fought the Indians to a standstill, even gained ground in many places. The war raged for 17 days with the entire nation joining in a war which still has fairytale memories.

1971 war

Unlike Pakistan, India never wasted any opportunity to haunt and devastate Pakistan on any axis. While Pakistan failed to take advantage of Sino-India war in 1962, India exploited fully the restive situation of East Pakistan during the 1960’s to dismember Pakistan. After humiliating defeat by Pakistan army in 1965, India established Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) in 1968 with active support from Israeli Mossad specifically tasked to destroy Pakistan taking advantage of internal restive environment of Pakistan.

RAW trained thousand of armed militants, in East Pakistan, to fight against Pakistan army. On the political axis, RAW’s role was decisively detrimental in secession of East Pakistan. Dozens of training camps of Mukti Bahni militants were established along East Pakistan-India border. Large amount of money and weapon was flowing from across the border in East Pakistan. RAW funded heavily in Awami league’s election campaign in 1970 as well to make sure the party gets maximum number of seats in East Pakistan.

It has been confirmed by various international reports that RAW was directly involved in the secession of East Pakistan into Bangladesh. RAW has a long history of activity in Bangladesh supporting both secular forces and the area's Hindu minority, masterminding the breakup of Pakistan in 1971, says a report by Federation of American Scientists (FAS).

“The involvement of RAW in Bangladesh dating from the 1960s, when it promoted dissatisfaction against Pakistan in the then East Pakistan, including funding Mujibur Rahman's general election in 1970 and providing training and arming to the Mukti Bahini.”

Amazingly, RAW is attacking Pakistan from Afghanistan with similar plans. The entire terrorism setup of TTP inside Afghanistan is exact replica of Mukti Bahini’s bases in India along international border. In 1971, Bengali populace was hijacked after exploiting the linguistic and ethnic differences whereas today young Pakistanis are being misguided, manipulated and exploited in the name of religion and Jihad.


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After 1971, India supported insurgencies in Baluchistan. Pakistan government had to launch a full scale military operation in Baluchistan to subdue Indian backed insurgency. India also supported ANP’s Pushtunistan movement from Afghanistan throughout 1970’s.

Indian covert aggression in 1971 and present support to insurgencies legitimate the case of Pakistani response on the similar axis. If Indian attack on Pakistan is not a breach of international law then certainly any response from Pakistan would have complete moral and legal legitimacy and sooner or later Pakistan will have to devise a complete strategy to respond India in same tune adopting a proactive idiosyncrasy.

Indian malevolence towards Pakistan did not end with the secession of East Pakistan. India tested her first nuclear device in 1974. Pakistani nation was still traumatized by 1971 tragedy. A nuclear armed India, frenzied by religious revulsion against Muslims, was certainly an existential threat for the remaining Pakistan. Apart from acquiring the unconventional weapon capability, India was also getting all kind of conventional arms while Pakistan was under many international security sanctions. Faced with an aggressive, hostile and sinister enemy, Pakistan had no other option but to reciprocate the Indian nuclear capability in order to restore the strategic balance in the region. Devising a defense doctrine against a nuclear armed enemy was the most dominated factor in Pakistan’s over all national security planning and strategic thinking throughout the 1970’s but it all changed when Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979. Pakistan’s Western border was threatened by the India’s strategic partner.

Soviet aggression was more dangerous for Pakistan than Indian threat on Eastern border

• The soviets after crossing the Oxus on 27th December 1979 were to do everything to reach the sea shores of Arabian sea through Chaman-Gawadar axis after capturing entire Afghanistan.

• Pakistan’s western border was not guarded like Eastern one because tribes of the North West were the guardian of this border under their promise with Quaid-e-Azam. After independence not a single unit of regular Pakistan army was deployed on this border.

• Had Soviets crossed Durand Line to pursue their ambitions for warm waters, India would have attacked Pakistan from Eastern border. So stopping Soviets inside Afghanistan was the top most priority for Pakistani security managers in order to keep the Indians at bay from any misadventure on the Eastern border.

• Entire Pak-Afghan region would have turned into active battlefield if US/NATO had entered the

war physically to stop the Soviet expansion towards Indian Ocean and Gawadar, gateway for the Eurasian region.

Indians took full advantage of Soviet invasion in Afghanistan throughout 1980’s. Historically, Pak-Afghan bilateral relations had suffered many setbacks which had allowed India to establish her footprint in Kabul during the 1970’s. Soviet invasion was biggest aid in Indian tactical moves against the federation of Pakistan to support the insurgencies.

35,000 RAW agents entered Pakistan at various times in between 1983-99. More than 40 terrorist camps were operating in Rajasthan, East Punjab, Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh and other parts of India and are run by RAW's Special Service Bureau [SSB]. Throughout the Afghan War, RAW was responsible for the planning and execution of terrorist activities in Pakistan to deter Islamabad from supporting the Afghan liberation movement against India's ally, the Soviet Union.


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The assistance provided to RAW by the KGB enabled RAW to arrange terrorist attacks in Pakistani cities throughout the Afghan War. The defeat of the Soviet Union in Afghanistan did not end the role of RAW in Pakistan as today, under the US/NATO regime, RAW continues to recruit and train terrorists in Afghanistan to enter Pakistan for subversive activities against the state.

Success of Afghan resistance against Soviet military might played a pivotal role in transformation of freedom struggles in Muslim lands under foreign occupation. Number of militant resistance groups surfaced in the Muslim lands occupied by the Western nations. This transformation of the freedom struggles –from a civilian movement to an armed upheaval against the occupying nations –became profoundly visible in the Vale of Kashmir as well. Similar armed insurgence was also seen in Palestine against Israeli oppression during the same time period and later on in Chechnya as well against the Russians.

As the Soviet Empire had been the most reliable strategic ally of Indians since independence, its dismemberment proved an additional force multiplier to the motivation behind the Kashmiris’ decision to pick arms against the Indian oppression.

Initially, all prominent Kashmiri freedom fighting militant groups and their training infrastructure emerged inside Afghanistan after Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan. With the passage of time, youths from within Indian Held Kashmir, Azad Jammu and Kashmir and mainland Pakistan also began to become part of Kashmir freedom struggle.

Kashmir intifada – 1990’s

Kashmiris have offered unprecedented sacrifices since 1980’s and are continuing their freedom struggle courageously today. It has also brought back a historical and futuristic view-point that there could be no bilateral settlement of the issue. Only the freedom struggle would compel India to agree upon a more flexible, viable and compatible road map based upon the aspirations of millions of Kashmiris.

Indian government signed some bilateral agreements with Kashmiri political leaders, in 1975, to further oppress Kashmiris causing further unrest among the masses which erupted fervently in 1990’s like a volcano. Today, Kashmiri armed freedom struggle is one of the most ferocious one in the world. Almost half a million Indian army and paramilitary troops have been engaged by few thousand Mujahideens. Freedom fighters have been inflicting heavy casualties on the Indian armed forces for decades increasing Indian cost of occupation. Indian forces have failed to suppress the Kashmiri freedom struggle. Indian military has approached to Tel Aviv to seek advice in order to subdue the freedom struggle which was getting out of Indian control.

All the historical developments which shaped political upsurge in Kashmir and pointed to the vulnerability of this dispute testify that Kashmir is not a territorial conflict. It involves the right to freedom, the right to choose the destiny and right to self determination of millions of human beings. It is not a constitutional case between two or more provinces of the same country either. It is still on the agenda of the United Nations and is the most volatile and explosive security issue at the global level.

In the recent years, India has tried to equate the freedom struggle with terrorism and persuade international community to declare it as a terrorist movement. The recent civilian intifada in Kashmir dwindled the Indian hopes to almost nothing. Thousands of graves spread all over Kashmir belie India’s


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claims. More over continuity and spontaneity of human sacrifices in this environment of war against terrorism tells a different tale to the world if they listen.

Kashmir under Nuclear Overhang

In May 1998, the Indian attempt to intimidate Pakistan on strategic level by shaking the unconventional warfare balance by detonating 5 nuclear devices in Pokhran range, next to Pakistani border, was met with a zealous response. This was the beginning of nuclear era in the subcontinent. Pakistan’s response shattered the Indian dream of Akhand Baharat (greater India) forever. A very strong and unambiguous signal was sent to Delhi and to other power centers in the world that it is time to solve the world’s oldest dispute or world must be ready for a nuclear holocaust in South East Asia. Pakistan gained parity with India in unconventional warfare. Pakistan’s capability ensured long term regional stability as well and subsequent events have proved that it was only Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal which prevented complete full blown wars in 1999 and 2002.

Kargil war between Pakistan and India was first high intensity military conflict over LOC after both the countries became nuclear powers. The conflict began with a complete military surprise by Pakistan army who caught Indian army off guard when latter vacated strategically important hills dotted across the line of control in Kargil sector. Pakistani action on Kargil was first daring response to Indian aggression in 1984 on Siachen.

Indian military establishment was embarrassed internally and globally for their failure in anticipating the Pakistan’s tactical move on Kargil. Pakistan is still in possession of some of the key hill tops in Kargil sector overlooking Indian line of communication in Leh and Siachen sectors. Lt. General Kishan Pal which led Srinagar-based 15 Corps of Indian army stated that he was not convinced about Indian victory on Kargil.

Kashmir in Post 9/11

Post 9/11, entire global security scenario changed. Afghanistan became battleground and within 3 years, Pakistan’s North West was also turned into part of this battleground as well. The US invaded Afghanistan to achieve her long term strategic goals in 21st century behind the façade of combating terrorism. India and the US established closer ties as strategic interests of the both states converged. India extended its full support to the US to fight the threat of “Islamic Terrorism” primarily targeting Pakistan.

On the other hand, Islamabad made a historic blunder by offering unconditional support and cooperation to the US in so called war on terror. This move turned the entire country into battlefield where various factions motivated by conflicting ideologies have been rambling fiercely against each other. Ironically, Pakistan remains the battleground and the ultimate target of every group. Pakistan has been caught in between multiple violent and fascist ideologies all funded by RAW or CIA.

To get out of the humiliation on Kargil, Indian army launched an extremely ambitious operation Parakaram along the international border in 2002 after a terrorist attack on Indian parliament building. No connection of this attack was established with Pakistan but still India moved more than half a million troops to international border in order to punish Pakistan for her consistent and unshaken support to Kashmiris. But this operation proved more humiliating for the Indian army as it had to retreat after a ten month eye-ball to eye-ball standoff. Indian army lost 1200 lives without any fight.


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Not even once, during this standoff did Pakistan give any signal of abandoning Kashmir. But this stance shifted shamefully after that standoff. India and its new strategic ally, the US continued to pressurize Pakistan regarding the fabricated “cross border terrorism” in IHK. Unfortunately, the previous government succumbed to this pressure and announced a unilateral ceasefire on the LoC in 2004, which was perhaps the biggest strategic blunder in national history. Indian built a strong fence along the LOC and effectively turned the disputed line into a permanent border. This sent extremely wrong signals to the Kashmiris regarding Pakistan's sincerity to them and their struggle against the Indian oppression. Since then a great sense of betrayal has been prevailing in the Kashmiris.

For the US also, a nuclear armed Islamic Pakistan remains a major obstacle in the US game plan for the region in the 21st century. Being an ideological state, Pakistan remains the ultimate threat to the American plan and Indian expansionist designs. On the geostrategic axis, Pak-China relations, particularly their nuclear and military ties are another factor where the Americans are completely on board with the Indians. This unanimity of strategic interests helped India to occupy center stage in the US foreign policy for the region. India has the potential to serve the US interests both against Pakistan and China. But the Indians are playing their own game which revolves around the dream of becoming a global player by undermining Pakistan’s nuclear capability and replacing China on the economic and political planes. To achieve the first phase of undermining Pakistan’s nuclear potential, Indians with open collaboration with the US, launched 4GW against Pakistan in 2004-05. Right now, Indians are working on multiple axes against Pakistan in a complex 4GW. For this war, Afghanistan has been serving as a staging area for the Indian intelligence agencies to launch a covert rear area war with the help of irregular combatants recruited from Afghanistan and tribal areas of Pakistan to act as Non-State Violent Actors (NSVA’s). With the active support and collusion of CIA/Mossad, Indian RAW turned Pakistan into a slaughter house by using Afghan soil. They trained murderers of the TTP and created the prevailing strategic confusion in Islamabad about how to build a response to combat this menace. To make matters worse, the Indians are perfecting their Cold Start strategy envisaged against Pakistan to invade and dismember the country on multiple lines. The Indian army recently carried out the largest military exercise just next to the Pakistani border in the Rajistan sector. The US is helping India with the latest weapon systems in order to further increase the parity of Indian forces in conventional warfare. On the other hand, Indian backed irregular war combatants are attacking Pakistani military installations. The recent attack on PNS Mehran and the subsequent destruction of two P-3C Orion surveillance planes only benefited Indian Cold Start. This must suffice to ascertain that the Indians are also after Pakistan’s conventional warfare capabilities along with pursuing their long term agenda of denuclearizing Pakistan.

Mercifully for Pakistan, the Afghan groups – Mullah Umar, Haqqani and Hekmatyar – remain neutral towards Pakistan and have still not declared any hostile intent towards Pakistan, despite blunders made by Islamabad. US is desperate to push Pakistan onto a collision course with Afghan Taliban and Afghan resistance but Pakistan has been resisting the pressure so far. The CIA has been waging an independent war in the tribal regions eliminating genuine Afghan resistance through drone strikes but avoiding attacks on TTP, Baluch separatists and Uzbeks, despite strong objections, demands and reservations by Pakistan.

The US is present in Afghanistan. CIA, Mossad, RAW and RAMA continue to play havoc with Pakistan’s security, backing as well as supporting multiple insurgencies and terrorist groups in Pakistan. Pakistan government and parliament remain paralyzed while army continues to fight a heroic battle in the absence of any political, diplomatic or information warfare support for the cause. American presence in


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Afghanistan is the root cause of all terrorism inside Pakistan. So far, this critical issue has not been addressed either by the government or the military while trying to fight the insurgencies. In the reactive mode of response, more and more resources, men and weapons continue to flow into Pakistan from Afghanistan and the base areas, safe havens and supply lines of the insurgents from Afghanistan remain secure, out of the reach of Pakistani forces.

Traditionally, the Kashmiri youth supported the annexation of Indian occupied Kashmir to Pakistan. However, now a new demand of 'Free Kashmir' has been raised by the young Kashmiri students, who are leading this renewed civilian movement in the streets, while confronting a strong Indian army. This demand is an enunciation of a strong Kashmiri reaction against Pakistan's confused, myopic and treacherous compromises over Kashmir.

Pakistan always remained the primary source of strength, support, aspiration and encouragement for the Kashmiris' struggle for freedom and desired to join Pakistan as Kashmiris of Azad Jammu & Kashmir did after getting independence. The Kashmiri freedom fighters used to get their strength and courage from the events of 1948 war between Pakistan and India when a new born, fragile and militarily weak Pakistan decided to fight against the Indian illicit occupation of Kashmir and liberated 37% of the valley. Joining Pakistan has remained the ultimate dream of the Kashmiri generations since 1947. But Pakistan has made too many strategic blunders during the last ten years in the realm of foreign policy and diplomacy by making some fundamental and radical changes in matters where the nation held an uncompromising principled stance. Afghanistan was not the only casualty of these post 9/11 policy decisions by Islamabad, Kashmir was perhaps the biggest damage done to Pakistan's long term foreign policy goals.

A façade of composite dialogue process between Pakistan and India was initiated by Islamabad in 2005 and after 6 years of relentless efforts by Pakistan to bring India on the table to talk about Kashmir, we are back to square one. No progress has been made over any critical issue through these dialogues. This cloak of peace talks proved as a blessing for the Indians, whereas Islamabad remained elusive about the Indian policy on Pakistan and Kashmir after becoming an ally of the US in the post 9/11 scenario during the Musharraf era.

The current Pakistani government has gone a step further in its India appeasing policy by supporting India for getting a non-permanent seat in the UN Security Council after 15 years, whereas the same support is pledged to India for a permanent seat. These are not just concessions but unforgivably treacherous compromises and a total sell out to India on this critical issue.

Kashmir and Internal Dynamics of Pakistani politics

Pakistan’s current political elite is completely sold out and is part of the problem rather being its solution. These politics are so confused, shameless and disoriented that they have lost all sense of direction and purpose at a time when the nation is at war and economic and social anarchy is it its peak, threatening the very existence of the state. Kashmir issue has become completely irrelevant for these politicians. Today, there is not a single strong voice within the political circle which can raise Kashmir issue on all international forums!

Current PPP regime under Zardari is the biggest security risk for the state right now. Instead of nailing down India over its support to insurgencies in Pakistan and over their massive human rights violations in


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Kashmir and blocking Pakistani waters, the PPP regime has already capitulated without a fight. The new FM of Pakistan is a naïve little girl totally unaware of ruthless Indian diplomacy and has already been compromised by the charms of shrewd Indian diplomats. This is perhaps the greatest national security betrayal of Pakistan’s political and diplomatic interests in decades.

The internal policies of this government have fragmented the society on political, social, economic and ethnic lines. This government has done irrecoverable damage to the nation and the state on every axis. Economically, Pakistan is already on intensive care unit surviving on IMF’s terms and conditions and in the process is busy in implementing IMF’s agenda to fasten the process of internal fragmentation on political and economical axis.

Promoting corruption, deceptions and diversions but not addressing or handling the real issues is the hallmark of this government, judiciary, media and the opposition, literally sending the country to dogs!

While ruling elite is busy in implementing IMF agenda, the opposition parties are looking for the issues and excuses to stay in the picture but lack the strength, conviction and the numbers to create anything positive. The media and PML(N) remain busy bashing the army and creating false alarms over national issues. The Ministry of Information is spending billions of rupees in secret funding to orchestrate anti-army campaigns through compromised journalists. Corruption is alive and kicking as if there is no tomorrow, with highest level officers keeping embezzled assets abroad without declaring them to the tax department or the state.

MQM, main ally of government in Sindh, wants to draw the Pakistan Army into the city of Karachi for an urban war. That is the reason why we see so much disinformation and propaganda being spread against the Rangers, exploiting the mistake of one soldier who killed a boy. The MQM and PPP regime want to further cut the powers and control of Rangers which would create even greater mayhem and anarchy in Karachi, thus forcing the army to step in. That would be the time for the MQM and ANP, which are fully armed even with anti-aircraft guns, to launch an urban war in the streets of Karachi.

ANP is also part of the current regime. ANP has a long history of having pro-Indian stances on many critical national issues like Kalabagh dam. ANP is a separatist violent entity, supported by India, to create independent Pashtunistan. ANP and PPP changed the name of NWFP after passing 18th amendment this action instigated a violent movement for creation of more provinces in Pakistan which would weaken Pakistani federation by dividing it on linguistic and ethnic bases.

To make the matters worse, the Kashmir cause has been handed over to JUI, a political party which historically opposed the ideology and creation of Pakistan. JUI leadership is a pro-India group who has always sabotaged the Kashmir cause for Pakistan to benefit the Indian foreign policy. JUI leadership has made sure that Kashmir issue remains on the back burner while they are busy in cut throat politics!

In the presence of current regime and political elite, Kashmir cause cannot be supported at any level in any capacity as most of these political parties are pro-Indian or compromised by the pro-Indian elements within their ranks. Pakistan needs a radical change in its political structure to ensure the internal stability as only a stronger Pakistan can fight to get its jugular vein out of Indian occupation.


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Kashmir and Water Wars

All of the Pakistani rivers flow from Kashmir to Pakistan, due to this geographical factor, Kashmir has become more important for Pakistan from a strategic point of view. Current water aggression by the Indians in Kashmir to block Pakistani waters by building multiple dams on Pakistani rivers is part of India’s overall war strategy against Pakistan.

India is bypassing and manipulating the provisions of Indus water treaty signed (IWT) and is in process of building multiple dams and barrages, blatantly breaching the clauses and terms of the treaty. The aim is to damage the link canal system of Pakistan by blocking water in one season and to destroy ready crops in the other season by releasing excessive waters through these dams and barrages. Diversion of water, through tunnels, is also a disturbing practice carried out by India during recent years.

What India can do with these dams was displayed in rainy season in 2010. Indian build dams in Kashmir played a major role in causing worst floods in Pakistan’s 64 year history.

There was a very sinister aspect to the floods in Pakistan which no one discussed in the media. While there were rains and flooding in some rivers of the country, the size, scale and amount of water which came into these rivers so suddenly defies logic, considering that rains had slowed down since couple of weeks now but floods continue to rise in Indus and Chenab. There was no flooding in India but the rivers that flow into Pakistan swelled beyond logic, causing death and devastation of unprecedented proportions. India used water as weapon for the first time to deluge Pakistan. There is no doubt about it. Country’s worst flood disaster of 2010 was more manmade than natural.

A look at the Kashmir rivers map clearly shows that all major rivers flowing into Pakistan, including Indus, are blocked by Dams constructed by India. On Chenab River, Baglihar is the biggest dam. After the first wave of floods, all the other inflowing rivers are flowing normally and there is no extraordinary rainfall as well, but suddenly Chenab and Indus Rivers go into high floods. Baghliar Dam has opened its flood gates to cause flooding in Chenab. During the Moonsoon season in 2010, Baglihar dam did what it was designed to do i.e. flood Pakistan.


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Indian water wars pose more dire threat to Pakistan than Indian nuclear weapons and Cold Start. In May 2009, Chairman Indus Water Council Pakistan and Coordinator World Water Assembly, Zahoorul Hassan Daher said, “Indian water terrorism posed more serious threat to Pakistan than Taliban”. He said the pace with which India was diverting Pakistani rivers; days are not far off when country would face the situation like Somalia, Ethiopia and Chad.

Indian water aggression will destroy local industry and agriculture. A trailer of this horror movie has already been played during Rabi season last year when India started to fill Baglihar dam despite knowledge of sowing season in Pakistan. With even larger dams, India will be able to stop Pakistani water for the entire season which will destroy linked canal system of Pakistan.

In case any of large quantity of water is deliberately released, it will not only endanger our proposed Diamir-Bhasha Dam but also submerge Skardu city and airport and would also destroy the Karakorum Highway severing the links between Pakistan and China.

It is time for a decisive and ruthless response!

The fact is that Pakistan and the region can never be at peace unless the Indian menace is not silenced for good. Pakistan can only answer the Indian aggression by adopting a ruthless response. That is the ultimate solution for Pakistan and for regional stability as well.

Pakistan must release pressure which India is piling upon Pakistan and must get pro-active on two axis – Afghanistan, Kashmir. For that a radical policy shift is required in Pakistan’s foreign office strategy. Current foreign policy has failed to protect the Pakistani interests on both critical war theaters. A more proactive and preemptive strategy needs to be deployed. Pakistan must the hit Indian assets and interests both inside Afghanistan as well as inside the IHK.

Current security challenges of Pakistan and the cause of Kashmir liberation can’t be catered by any single state organ alone. It is high time for Pakistan to fix its historical anomaly coordinating diplomatic, political, media and military strategy while embarking on the ambitious long term strategic plan. Due to this lack of synergy among state organs Pakistan has lost many opportunities. But for any plan to work in favor of Pakistan on Kashmir front, there must be a complete policy overhaul towards the US and India. Current regime is compromised and cannot take this challenge and it must be removed.

Breaking down or Balkanizing India must be the next generation war strategy for Pakistan against the menace of Indian aggression. With hundreds of separatists’ movements and insurgencies active in India, Kashmir is Pakistan’s strongest card and the Indian nightmare. To release pressure from Kashmir, Khalistan movement must also be simultaneously supported to its logical end – a liberated Kashmir annexed back into Pakistan and an independent Sikh state to act as buffer between Pakistan and India. India has already dismembered Pakistan in 1971. Today, India is again actively supporting insurgencies in Pakistan in this brutal 4th generation war. This reason is enough for Pakistan to respond in kind. The Indian occupation of Kashmir and its water aggressions are additional critical reasons why Pakistan must deploy Kashmiri resistance as an integral part of its war strategy against Indian expansionist designs. Indian history and internal chaotic situation in majority of the Indian states demonstrate that Balkanizing India is not just a theoretical idea but it must be perceived as a serious and practical political solution by Islamabad. Pakistan must forge an alliance with China, Sri lanka and Bangladesh on diplomatic, political and strategic level to achieve this permanent solution to the Indian menace. Even alone, Pakistan can make this happen as we almost did during the 80’s despite being engaged in Afghanistan against the


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Soviet Union. This is the only way forward for a permanent peace in the region and in the world which has been endangered by violent Hindutva ideology and expansionists designs of the Brahmin elite reigning in Delhi. To achieve this end, Psy-ops and information war would be absolutely critical. Pakistan will have to make a strong case on the diplomatic level by exposing what the world must know about the artificially formed Indian federation by highlighting the internal demise of human rights, political and military suppression of minorities and Indian confrontational attitude with all her neighboring countries particularly with Pakistan and China which can lead to a complete nuclear holocaust in the subcontinent.

Fortunately, for Pakistan, this strategic thinking prevails in the region and needs to be nurtured. Pakistani foreign office has a massive task at hand and it must undertake it not only to secure our own borders but also to ensure the lives of billions in the region that have been caught in a strategic rambling of a chaotic Hindu power and where the situation is getting explosive with every passing day.

Despite India’s imposed 4th GW from the western front, there is no physical conflict between the two states on the Eastern front. But in the very near future, there would certainly be a war in Kashmir. Indian water aggression is going to ignite into an open high intensity war on Kashmir and it would be criminally irresponsible not to prepare for this. During the planning of Operation Gibraltar in 1965, numbers of factors were not there to ensure the success of the operation but now they do exist

(1) There was no Intifada in 1965 but now we have an experienced two decade old internal revolt by Kashmiri Mujahideen and recently ignited intifada by the Kashmiri civilians.

(2) There was no organized Battle hardened Kashmiri Mujahideen in 1965 but now they will form the core of the assault group across the LOC and within the valley.

(3) As the US has been defeated in Afghanistan, extremely ruthless and well trained battle hardened volunteer Afghan and Pakistani tribal Mujahideen would be only few hours’ drive away from the LoC.

(4) Pakistan army is also battle hardened now after fighting the Indian backed insurgency for many years. Indian army is not battle hardened and has not seen action since Kargil. Pakistan army is in a state of war since 2001 and its entire war machine is now well oiled, drilled and battle inoculated. Pakistan army can attempt more operations like Grand Slam, the end run to take Akhnur in 1965, in strength at not one but over a dozen places with the Afghan Mujahideen to link up with the guerrillas within Indian Held Kashmir. If Pakistan army, with the help of Kashmiri Mujahideen, can sever the Indian line of communication in Leh and Siachen in 1999, there is no doubt that with the Afghan Mujahideen as part of the Pakistani forces can cripple the entire Indian army Corps in various sectors in Kashmir.

It is obvious that India is bleeding Pakistan on multiple axis – from Afghanistan and from Kashmir. Pakistan has only two options. Either continue to fight a reactive 4th GW within its borders and bleed profusely to death while India also dry up Pakistani rivers and starve and dismember the country to a slow painful disintegration or Pakistan can come out of its shell and deploy an aggressive, ruthless, pro-active and total war against the aggressors to resolve the issue once and for all. If it is a choice between a painful bleeding death and an honorable one at the battle field, every Pakistani Muslim would opt for the honor.

The fact is that all the regional and bilateral factors are indicating that this time it is India’s turn to bleed to death if Pakistan deploys an aggressive and honorable strategy. US is already defeated in the region and is a dying power at home. US cannot come to rescue the Indians now while China stands side by side with Pakistan. Iran is also on the side of Pakistan now. Turkey is already our strongest ally. Saudi Arabia


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would stand with Pakistan in any war despite its economic relations with India and all Mujahideen and freedom fighters within Kashmiri resistance are intact and ready to be deployed again. Sikhs and Maoists are already itching to ignite once again. It is time to set India on fire. This is only divine justice!
