OPERATION AMERICAN SPRING WHAT CAN WE BELIEVE? An attempt to discover the truth through a storm of propaganda. May 8, 2014 Julie Klusty

OPERATION AMERICAN SPRING WHAT CAN WE BELIEVE?€¦ · OPERATION AMERICAN SPRING – WHAT CAN WE BELIEVE? 1 Author Background I write this report at the risk of being ridiculed and

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An attempt to discover the truth

through a storm of propaganda.

May 8, 2014

Julie Klusty

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Table of Contents

AUTHOR BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................. 1

HISTORICAL PEDIGREE............................................................................................................... 1

SMALL SPHERE OF INFLUENCE ................................................................................................ 2

FRIENDS AND FAMILY ................................................................................................................. 2

LIKE-MINDED GROUP LEADERSHIP .......................................................................................... 2

AMERICAN PATRIOT MOTIVATION ............................................................................................ 3

WE LOVE OUR KIDS ..................................................................................................................... 3

FAITH OF OUR FATHERS............................................................................................................. 4

DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE? ......................................................................................................... 5

UNCOVERED TRUTH .................................................................................................................... 6

UGLY HIDDEN SECRETS ............................................................................................................. 6

WHO CAN WE TRUST? ................................................................................................................. 6

PROVEN TRACK RECORDS ........................................................................................................ 7

WHO REPORTS THE TRUTH? ..................................................................................................... 8

WHAT I NOW KNOW ..................................................................................................................... 8

WHAT THE RIFLEMAN SAID ........................................................................................................ 8

BUNDY STAND OFF .................................................................................................................... 10

OPERATION AMERICAN SPRING, STARTING MAY 16, 2014 ................................................. 10

THE COST OF FREEDOM........................................................................................................... 12

OVERCOMING FEAR .................................................................................................................. 12

ANSWER THE CALL .................................................................................................................... 12

LIST OF LINKS ............................................................................................................................ 13

If you are reading this report as a PDF document, all the blue text indicates a hot link that will

take you directly to an internet site for documentation and further explanation. The links are

meant to highlight and expand your understanding, so please review them carefully. If you are

unclear about what the text is communicating, the associated links will bring clarity. If you are

reading a paper copy, these are given in the List of Links as shown in the Table of Contents.

They are in sequential order according to the text.

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Author Background

I write this report at the risk of being ridiculed and dismissed as a crackpot who deserves a tin-

foil-hat award. If you have never heard the information revealed herein, you are way behind

and need to catch up immediately. Personally, I‟d like to know something about any individual

who claims to have information vital to my life and liberty, so here is a quick bio for readers.

Historical Pedigree

My mother‟s father built their family tree in the early 1940s while recovering from a heart ailment

(long before the ease of Ancestry.com), and he passed along his wooden box of index cards

when he died. My mother is a member of the Daughters of the Revolution and the Society of

Mayflower Descendants. Mom‟s family tree is littered with names such as: Pepin I the Elder de

Landen; Pepin Le Bref King of France; Charlemagne Emperor of the West; Alfred the Great

King of England; Sir Richard Forster I, who arrived in England with William the Conqueror; Sir

John Forster, one of those who compelled King John to sign the Magna Carta in 1215; a long

line of Lords, Sirs and Barons; Mary Chilton and her husband John Winslow, who were both

passengers aboard the Mayflower; Francis Peabody, who came to America aboard the "Planter"

in 1635; General Israel Fearing, who fought in the Battle of Lexington; Captain Isaac Adams,

cousin of President John Adams; and George Daniel Adams, who fought in the Civil War with

the 7th Massachusetts Battery, Red River Campaign. Most members of the family were ruined

financially during the depression following the Armistice with Germany (Compiègne), which

ended World War I in 1918.

All four of my father‟s grandparents arrived from Italy at the turn of the 20th century, entering into

the United States of America through Ellis Island. Located in Upper New York Bay, the facility

served as our nation‟s first Federal immigration inspection station and the gateway to American

liberty for millions of immigrants from 1892 until 1954. My great grandfather worked as a

construction “sandhog” in the 1920s, digging the Holland Tunnel under the Hudson River, which

connects the island of Manhattan with Jersey City, New Jersey.

I have a true American heritage. The love of freedom and liberty literally runs through my veins

and is built into my genetic code. Yet, I consider it nothing compared to the adoption I received

through Jesus Christ into the Kingdom of God!

I have a BS in Marketing and Business Administration. I worked for civil engineering companies

for many years. My husband encouraged me to start my own administrative services business,

and I soon self published my first book – Restoring History, Western Cultural and Political

Conservatism. I partner in a Joint Venture that provides janitorial services. I regularly babysit

my grandsons while their parents work. Volunteer work and networking keep me busy.

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I was privately tutored by one of Central Ohio‟s greatest theologians. I have served my local

church as a youth minister, communion server and Sunday school teacher. I put Bibles in the

hands of all my kids and taught them the Ten Commandments, the Lord‟s Prayer, faith in the

Cross of Christ, and proper manners. I love my husband and my family.

Small Sphere of Influence

We are each given a realm to rule. God calls us to become the Master and Mistress of our

respective domains. When we are standing on the solid ground of Biblical truth and faith in

Jesus, and the Holy Spirit has charge of ordering our lives, we are unstoppable. According to

scripture, the future of the globe is Christianity. But we need to remember that faith without

works is dead. This basic foundational principle builds courage and bravery into the most timid

of souls!

I am writing this to give you very important information. First I will lay down a necessary

context. If you really want to know my worldview, just read my book.

Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin condemns any people. ~ Proverbs 14:34

Friends and Family

Like everyone, I have a network of family and friends that waxes and wanes with life seasons.

My adult kids know my answer to every problem they encounter is “Jesus.” I have read the

Bible cover to cover and find relevance for every situation common to mankind. My parents

continue to bless our extended family with wisdom and faithfulness.

The advent of social media reconnected all of us to friends from long lost years, and enabled a

medium to express our opinions on global current events. Not everyone shares my views, but I

encourage them to read my book so they will understand my philosophical worldview.

Like-minded Group Leadership

When the present presidential administration took office in 2009, I joined a local patriot group

and soon found myself on the leadership team. Several of us enrolled in Leadership UA to

further our connections. I have been involved in many activities within the liberty movement:

U.S. Constitution classes; Presidential campaigns; voter integrity; education reform; marches to

DC; writing letters and phoning representatives at the State and Federal levels; planning and

hosting conferences and special events; building and maintaining education courses; blogging

and maintaining websites; and local elections. I have run for local office twice as a personal

course of action, despite standing against party appointees and their deep pockets.

In the course of the past five years, I am proud to have met and befriended the cream of the

American crop! My fellow patriots are among the highest caliber humans ever to walk the

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planet. They have doubled down to learn the history denied us by a broken educational system,

and have drawn their individual lines in the sand. Will we be among those whom history will

look back on with measurable respect? Jesus is watching what actions we choose right now. I

am increasingly concerned that the same tyrannical powers that have erased the gallant bravery

and faith of George Washington from school textbooks, will likely attempt to erase all memory of

the present liberty movement as well.

American Patriot Motivation

We Love Our Kids

The simple fact that we love our kids and grand kids is a major motivation behind the TEA Party

liberty movement. TEA has come to mean “Totally Engaged Americans” for many working to

restore our representative republic. Full and abundant lives come with a high cost. Remember

the closing words of The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America:

“And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of

Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes,

and our sacred Honor.”

What part of that integrity has our culture lost?! And how did it happen?!

Listen to Korean peninsula refugee stories. They are brutal and terrifying, reflecting the tyranny

of total depravity. This is what happens when a culture eliminates the higher authority of God

from entering the halls of governance. The curses of Deuteronomy 28 are not a magic spell

cast by an angry God upon humanity – they are the devastating consequences of humanity

rejecting God. The unthinkable has become reality for a whole ethnicity in the Far East, horrors

beyond the imaginations of even the most vile gore flicks so popular with the youth of our


When we silently sit by and accept the incremental assaults on our human liberties handed out

by tyrannical governments, we can expect no less. Agenda 21, Common Core Curriculum,

climate change regulations, renewable energy fallacies, the Patriot Act, Obamacare, the LGBT

agenda, Illegal Immigration, IRS targeting, voter fraud, federal land grabs, the war on terrorism,

NSA spying, Benghazi – all these issues and more are enslaving our children and grand

children just as surely as the evil in North Korea snuffs out every shred of good and truth that

survives. Out of control power will murder without hesitation.

The corruption of US governmental authority is being systematically blurred by a complicit

media and apathetic population. Who even knows anymore that the ONLY job of any civil

government is supposed to be protecting the God-given rights of its citizens…?!

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American citizens and Christians across the globe MUST stand against the darkness, or

consign our progeny to the same tortures North Koreans face. This era has the immense

responsibility of upholding the foundations of the United States. As Founding Father John

Adams once cried,

“Posterity! you will never know how much it cost the present generation to

preserve your freedom! I hope you will make a good use of it. If you do not, I

shall repent in Heaven that I ever took half the pains to preserve it.”

Praise the King of Kings for providing the way! Praise Jesus for sending his disciples into the

darkness! Jesus was, indeed, pierced for our transgressions! He died to set us free!

FREEDOM is calling the hearts and minds of every image bearer to action. Resist the

temptation to be silenced…

I will give them singleness of heart and action, so that they will always fear me and that

all will then go well for them and for their children after them. ~ Jeremiah 32:39

Faith of Our Fathers

Calvin Coolidge, the thirtieth President of the United States (1923-1929), once stated:

“The strength of our country is the strength of its religious convictions. The

foundations of our society and our government rest so much on the teachings of

the Bible that it would be difficult to support them if faith in these teachings would

cease to be practically universal in our country.”

For the past three years my husband and I have led a study group. Faith of our Fathers (FOOF)

began in October 2011 when leaders in the church we attend challenged us to start a group for

American patriots, since I expressed the need for such a group and none existed. Our initial

study surrounded David Barton‟s “The American Heritage” series produced by

Wallbuilders.com. Several of our members attended a Colson Center conference in the spring

of 2012, where we acquired Breakpoint‟s “Breaking the Spiral of Silence” – during the early

summer we viewed this in conjunction with clips from Glenn Beck‟s “Restoring Love” Dallas

event from July 2012, which several FOOFers attended together.

The group then pooled together and bought American Family Studios “Speechless: Silencing

the Christians” for our late summer/early fall sessions. Interspersed in this series we also

viewed several movies/documentaries including: Kirk Cameroon‟s “Monumental;” Rabbi

Jonathan Cahn‟s “Isaiah 9:10 Judgment;” Glenn Beck‟s “The Project;” and the exhilarating

action epic “For Greater Glory.”

Our chosen winter/spring 2013 series was Focus on the Family‟s “The Truth Project.” Since we

all continued to hunger for a greater understanding of our nation, we chose an in-depth study of

the U.S. Constitution via the Institution on the Constitution – in January 2014 we had thirty-three

graduates of the course!

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We hope to excite and inspire Christian Americans to stand up for their faith against ever

increasing indifference and open hostility! We strive to be and make disciples of Jesus Christ!

Let the faith of the founders, who found their joy in the Lord, be an encouragement that when

our eyes are fixed on Him as the source of our joy, He who is King over everything can overrule

the tyranny of our circumstance! As Founding Father John Hancock said in 1774:

“I have the most animating confidence that the present noble struggle for liberty

will terminate gloriously for America. And let us play the man for our God, and

for the cities of our God; whilst we are using the means in our power, let us

humbly commit our righteous cause to the great Lord of the Universe [Psalm

37:5], who loveth righteousness and hateth iniquity [Hebrews 1:9]. And having

secured the approbation of our hearts by a faithful and unwearied discharge of

our duty to our country, let us joyfully leave our concerns in the hands of Him [1

Peter 5:7] Who raiseth up and pulleth down the empires and kingdoms of the

world as He pleases [Daniel 2:21]; and with cheerful submission to His sovereign

will [Job 22:21], devoutly say, “Although the fig tree shall not blossom neither

shall fruit be in the vines, the labor of the olive shall fail and the field shall yield

not meat, the flock shall be cut off from the fold and there shall be no herd in the

stalls, yet we will rejoice in the Lord, we will joy in the God of our salvation”

[Habakkuk 3:17-18].

Do You Really Believe?

I believe that our founding fathers very clearly recognized that our form of government would

only work for a moral and virtuous people, and no other. The Northwest Ordinance (1787)

stated, “Religion, morality, and knowledge being necessary to good government and the

happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged.” If this

type of statement were in a proposed bill today, the sponsors would be accused of a hate crime!

Yet, there are many quotes from our founding fathers that support this position.

We are no longer the nation that we were when the United States of America was founded. The

country‟s foundation of morality and virtue has been eroded little by little. Can anyone re-build a

good house on a bad foundation? No. We can‟t restore our country to what it once was without

addressing the foundation – which is made up of families, schools, neighborhoods and

churches. If we aim at any other goal, I believe we are building a house on sand, and face

collapse. Our efforts will resemble running up endless sand dunes.

Currently, we are losing the fight for traditional family and control of our children‟s education.

There is no morality and virtue aside from God. If we seriously intend to fight for our country, it

is here that we need to engage the battle. Yes, other fronts need immediate attention: illegal

immigration, Agenda 21, religious liberty, second amendment, fiscal responsibility, etc. But if

we only engage in skirmishes and neglect the foundation, it will all be in vain.

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The FOOF group focuses on rebuilding those foundations in ourselves, so that we can reclaim

our lost heritage. I find it amazing to discover just how successful unbelievers have been in

dismantling sound thought and truth. Perhaps it is time for all of us to return to the basic

precepts of our faith in the Truth of Jesus… He is still able to save us! And we know that his

church will stand strong against the darkness! If we all lived it out loud, we could turn the world

upside down!

As the haunting question posed by Dr. Dell Tackett in The Truth Project goes, “Do you really

believe that what you believe is really real?”

Uncovered Truth

Ugly Hidden Secrets

Anyone who has listened to Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Alex Jones or any of the

myriad other conservative radio talk show hosts knows all about George Soros and his evil

empire. The Tides Foundation connection to politicians and legislation is old news to many long

time listeners. Code Pink theatrics don‟t even raise eyebrows anymore. International

espionage, the Middle East meltdown, gun running governments, corrupt United Nations

programs, IRS targeting, Ukrainian instability, Russian posturing, Chinese sweat shops, illegal

EPA regulations, BLM federal land grabs – everything is just a huge game of connect the dots,

and the revealed picture is nothing other than an evil global attempt to usurp justice, goodness,

beauty and truth. Edward Snowden may well DESERVE the Nobel Peace Prize for revealing so

many dark secrets!

Who Can We Trust?

We need the United States Congress finally to act. The plethora of executive orders heaped

upon the backs of citizens is criminal in both intent and principle – and neither House nor

Senate has issued a peep of objection. The despotic power displayed from the White House

can be found nowhere in the U.S. Constitution – the President of the United States has NO

authority to make laws – ever. Additionally, the Supreme Court is so stacked with progressive

insiders that they actually believe their decisions are law, which is total absurdity because they

are not the legislative branch. Judges have no right to legislate from the bench in our

Constitutional Republic. Justice has been stolen by the very creatures We the People trusted to

protect our rights. If we do nothing, we will be found guilty at the last day!

Since we know the media is in the pocket of the politicians and global banksters, all our news

has the potential of being nothing more than propaganda and Orwellian Newspeak.1 In the

past, our limited financial resources and global connections would most certainly leave us in the

1 Newspeak is a fictional language in George Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. This controlled language was created by the totalitarian government as a tool to limit freedom of thought, and concepts posing a threat to the state such as freedom, self-expression, individuality, peace, etc. Any form of alternative thought was classified as "thoughtcrime."

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dark. However, the arrival of the internet is a blessing disguised in the trappings of technology.

The potential increase in knowledge is Biblically providential, as Daniel 12 foretells.

So how do we discern the constant voices beckoning for our attention? How do we tell the

difference between a message of knowledge by means of the Holy Spirit, and falsehoods

spoken by wolves in sheep clothing? We must embrace wisdom to know the difference,

because not everything we find on the internet is truth. They shall be known by the fruits they


Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one

there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of

knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another

gifts of healing by that one Spirit. ~ 1 Corinthians 12:7-9

Proven Track Records

Glenn Beck has certainly done tremendous things for the liberty movement. His leadership in

pursuing the truth and exposing corruption should rightfully be respected. His encouragement

to gather in like-minded groups has done more good than we will know on this side of heaven.

The fruit of his life has nourished both faith and family. However, his followers need to

remember his own words paraphrased here:

“Educate yourselves. Don’t take anyone’s word for anything, even mine.”

Consider how his message has changed in the past three months, from the writing of this report.

He not only has started mimicking White House / Harry Reid talking points, he has personally

attacked other hosts who disagree with Newspeak. Similarly strange is the call to his listeners

to “come to the center with me where you will be safe from the coming hardships” (again

paraphrased). I clearly remember Glenn exhorting us by quoting Thomas Jefferson.

“Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one,

he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear.”

What about the seemingly lunatic ranting of the radio host Alex Jones? What kind of fruit has

he produced with his work? Does his cult-like audience believe him because of his theatrics, or

is there really any meat to the conspiracy laden reports he produces? How can any sane

American be expected to listen to a fellow who asks questions about Oklahoma City, 9/11 truth,

Obama‟s birth certificate or Sandy Hook? For goodness sake, why are we made to feel like

criminals if we ask questions? Why are we accused of racism for disliking policies and agendas

that are ruining our nation and our heritage? Every link in this paragraph provides endless

portals to more information – so do your own homework. Isn‟t it worth the time to seek out the

truth? Or has Newspeak become our native language…?

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Who Reports the Truth?

Glenn Beck‟s staffers recently had their past work history exposed, just like Glenn exposed

Obama staffers‟ work history. CFR, CBS, CIA, Huffington Post, CNN, MSNBC… Dana Loesch

left the St. Louis Tea Party after a failed attempt to get the organization to back an

establishment candidate during a congressional race. In December of 2012 she sued

Breitbart.com, a news source whose champion leader died suddenly under strange

circumstances, claiming she endured a hostile work environment. Buck Sexton is supposedly

ex-CIA, and now has a very prominent role in both the production and reporting on TheBlaze.

What about the plans Alex Jones has revealed to enact the plethora of executive orders within

the next months? Why is Mark Levin pushing for an Article 5 Constitutional Convention when

George Soros is encouraging the exact same thing? Why would the FEC chair warn that

conservative media voices like Drudge Report and Sean Hannity should face regulation?

Questions like this guide me towards better understanding. Elite power players throughout

history have always found ways to manipulate or silence the voice of opposition.

The present American patriot movement is all about educating ourselves and building a strong

foundation of knowledge relative to the problems America faces. If we know the actual problem,

solutions present themselves. Something resembling a tidal wave is heading our way...

What I Now Know

Through the network of statewide patriot groups, I have come to know many fellow freedom

lovers, and am honored to walk beside them. We have passed speakers back and forth,

patterned meetings off one another, celebrated small wins and commiserated huge losses. One

speaker struck all our groups particularly strong, especially since he also was a local group

leader. The Rifleman worked inside this government, and assured us that we do not have time

to change anything via the ballot box. His portents of gloom were a heavy load for him to carry

alone – so God gave him a loving and supportive family of Christians to help him. I was

surprised when he thanked me for introducing him to his bride, and was overjoyed at God‟s

provision. He set an example of strategic relocation for us, after spending years crisscrossing

the country on speaking engagements and assignments. The rest of this section is a

combination of information he told me directly and that which I have discovered myself.

What the Rifleman Said

Remember all the executive orders since Obama took office? Remember how Reid just called

Americans domestic terrorists, thereby calling the NDAA into effect? Everything is lined up and

they are ready to drop the hammer on our Constitutional government. What do you think we will

get once that happens???

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If you honestly believe that the election system is on the up and up, then you have been

drinking the cool aid. We have to mention how the illegal population has been taught to vote –

they have built a voting machine that outnumbers legal Americans. Plus, they are preparing to

hand out the largest Amnesty in this nation's history, so they can assure their votes.

Please READ the Executive Orders that have been signed into law since 2008. The Bill of

Rights and our Constitutional system of checks and balances has been replaced by executive

actions. They just haven't been enforced yet. Also, be aware that the EPA has been given

sweeping power to make and enforce administrative regulations as if they were true laws that

citizens and representatives debated and voted on. One such regulation is the newly enacted

outlawing of wood fires. Watch for the enforcement of this unconstitutional move once the

brownouts begin because power companies are closing generating stations that don‟t comply

with the other new EPA regulations. The cost of energy will necessarily have to “skyrocket,” as

Obama so glibly stated, and food prices will follow accordingly.

Homeland Security forces have successfully completed a series of Command Centers

throughout the nation, and all their forces are in place. Anyone traveling on the highways has

seen military equipment being transported into metropolitan areas – missile launchers, tanks

and riot gear is in place under United Nations and National Guard patrol. Ohio is under the

constant surveillance of thirteen plus military drones at all times. All federal law enforcement is

now under DHS command.

Military drills of black helicopters are taking place all over the country, seemingly practicing for a

hostile containment of American citizens on home soil. Lockdown plans and equipment are in

place to contain cities – mobilization of barbed wire placement via trucks, and checkpoints to

enforce travel restrictions can be activated within 45 minutes. This containment will force

citizens to seek medical attention and food within the city boundaries. Holdouts in the country

will be left on their own for survival, and will face the added threat of roaming gangs (including,

but not limited to, Islamic Jihadists) without the hope of emergency aid.

In January 2014, all the major news organizations were given credible information about the

federal programs about to be enacted – not one of them have reported on it. One federal group

is named the BC Taskforce, which is mockingly named to demoralize what they call “bitter

clingers.” They have been given the illegal assignment of collecting records of American

citizens without fussing with search warrants – tax, voter, bank, medical, associations, email,

phone, etc. Additionally, the government is collecting millions in taxpayer dollars to fund

Homeland Security‟s “See Something, Say Something” campaign, which the U.S. Supreme

Court just ruled to be a legal way to build cases of against citizens, again without search


The Department of Homeland Security has purchases mass amounts of food and ammunition

supplies via DHS RFPs over the past few years. One of the most hotly debated conspiracies

these days is the possibility of FEMA detention camps. Why would we NOT believe what has

been planned for in Obama‟s executive orders?

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Bundy Stand Off

Regardless of the media spin about the Bundy ranch, the dispute is Constitutional in manner. In

1988, the Bureau of Land Management took possession of thousands of acres in Nevada from

state and county officials. The arrangement included a deal that the BLM would maintain the

land, fences and water sources, and the ranchers would pay them the grazing fees previously

paid to the state and/or county. However, the BLM reneged on the arrangement citing budget

cuts and the fences fell into disrepair. This was quickly followed by BLM fines on the ranchers

for allowing their cattle to escape confinement to the tune of $1,000 per animal per occurrence.

The ranchers decided to go back to maintaining the land as they had since forever, and stopped

paying the tax (aka grazing fees). They kept meticulous costs records of the repairs and

maintenance work they shouldered themselves, which surpassed the fees by tens of thousands.

Bundy actually has the amount BLM claims he owes them in escrow, but is demanding to be

reimbursed for his expenses before he releases those funds. He is the last standing rancher in

the region, as all the others have gone bankrupt or sold out after trying to follow the federal


Apparently, the endangered tortoise environmental ploy was used because Harry Reid had his

eyes on a lucrative deal and needed an excuse to plunder the land. Contrary to media reports,

there IS a Chinese power plant involved, and the transmission lines go right through the Bundy

land. Furthermore, the United Nations has a hand in the pie, as our government signed a deal

that gives them automatic ownership of land in a five (5) mile perimeter on both sides of all new

transmission lines.

We have all seen the image of the Bundy friendly militia pointing his sniper rifle at a BLM agent.

What we haven‟t seen are the photos of BLM snipers aiming at unarmed civilians, or the

Constitution loving Bundy supporters sniping each of those snipers. The standoff was a real

battle, and a dress rehearsal for what is coming our way if we continue to believe lies. The BLM

has yet to return because the area is still being patrolled by honorable men and women who

believe in the oath they took to uphold the U.S. Constitution from all enemies, both foreign and

domestic. I will leave it to the reader to do their own search for this information, because it is

prevalent to anyone who looks.

Operation American Spring, Starting May 16, 2014

“No man escapes when freedom fails, the best men rot in filthy jails. And those who cried,

“appease, appease” are hung by those they tried to please.” – Anonymous

Operation American Spring is a last ditch effort to bring the criminals sitting in our government to

justice along U.S. Constitutional guidelines. The organizers are demanding charges be brought

against those responsible for the scandals plaguing Washington DC. It was originally not

scheduled until next year, but DHS is in place with the plans discussed above, and we are out of


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The movement is legitimate. Constitutional leaders still inside DC are sponsors of the event, but

there are no big name voices calling us to rally. Why is that? Citizens need to figure out what

to believe on their own two feet. We each have our own small circle of influence. Everyone has

to do their best to activate, share this report, and hope it causes a natural groundswell of peace

loving Americans from every walk of life.

This article explains a bit about the May 16 march on DC:



You can find everything you need to know by registering at their official website:

http://www.operationamericanspring.org. You will soon begin receiving event email and

updates. Included are all rally points and supplies you may need. This is truly a grassroots

effort. There will be no show of powerful speakers on a stage, but there is a worship service

scheduled at the Lincoln Monument on Sunday at 10:00 AM. It will just be peace loving

American citizens taking a stand for justice, for a redress of grievances. It will not be a mob,

unless our enemies fill the streets with their minions. Before they have the final opportunity to

formally toss our governing documents out completely, we must act.

Operation American Spring is not a "Fringe" movement. If people understood what thousands

of Americans who have taken an oath to uphold the Constitution have done to themselves by

being involved in this event, maybe the liberal run media spin would not be able to destroy the

effort. This call is a direct copy of the movements the Obama administration orchestrated and

funded against several other countries around the globe to further their agenda. It has been

intentionally created to mirror the hidden actions of this administration. This pretty much is a

last ditch effort before irreversible changes are instituted in the United States.

Operation American Spring‟s organizer, Colonel Harry Riley, can be heard discussing this event

in a radio interview with JJ McCartney at this link, at the 3 minute 30 second mark:



Riley shares OAS preparation details for this unarmed and peaceful march upon Washington

DC. He reveals that „demands‟ were sent to all members of Congress encouraging the use of

Constitutional authority to rid the government of „criminal leadership‟ via impeachment and

forced resignations of corrupt officials, including Barack Obama. OAS planners have

communicated with law enforcement and shared this goal. Colonel Riley is totally aware that

they cannot CONTROL everyone who participates in this march, and warn that a „false flag‟

might be in the works by someone with non-peaceful intentions.

"We must hang together, gentlemen... else, we shall most assuredly hang separately." –

Benjamin Franklin

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The Cost of Freedom

Overcoming Fear

“I have to be there, but … I don't see it working... I see things unfolding just as

they intended. The powers to be have said the people are too afraid to take a

stand and they will just continue with current trends that have worked so far. If

people look at what has happened in just the last twelve months, and realize they

have no clue what is coming in the next twelve months. As much as I thought

people were waking up, I guess not and this will fail and the powers that be will

move their plans forward.” – The Rifleman

We must:

Practice Prayer as individuals, families and churches – be filled with the Holy Spirit;

Read our Bibles daily; and

Be and make disciples of Jesus.

Christianity is unstoppable! We are God‟s army – we are God‟s church! The undying soul

(Jesus) and power (Holy Spirit) has been released upon the earth! Christianity is the future of

the world!! Jesus will never abandon us!!!

“I will strengthen them in the LORD, and in His name they will walk,” declares the LORD.

~ Zechariah 10:12

Answer the Call

In 1938, Hitler demanded possession of Sudetenland, the German name referring to the

northern, southwest, and western areas of Czechoslovakia inhabited mostly by German

speakers. German military leaders used this increasing aggressiveness to attempt a coup

d'état, intending to arrest and jail Hitler. They needed a show of support from the German

people to gain the approval and help of neighboring nations. German civilians were frightened

of the Third Reich, and there was no good way to determine how much public support they had.

The leaders knew they needed the support of Great Brittan or France to legitimize the effort of

opposing the Sudetenland grab, to bolster public opinion and ensure the success of the coup.

Without that, the military feared they would fail and canceled the plan – hence Hitler was free to

carry out his reign of terror.

To Petition the Government for a Redress of Grievances” means the People, with evidence that

the government is abusing its constitutionally limited power, have the Right to submit a Petition

for a Redress (remedy) of the constitutional wrongdoing, that government has an obligation to

honestly respond to the People‟s Petition and, should the government ignore the People, the

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People have the Right to enforce the Right of Petition by retaining their money until their

grievances are Redressed.

This basically means that if the federal government is exceeding the authority granted to it

under the constitution the PEOPLE have a right to formally complain and the government must


I asked the Rifleman exactly what he needed the American people to understand. He was quick

with his haunting answer:

1. Get to OAS and take as many people as humanly possible; and

2. If this effort fails, get out of the cities immediately.

“I cannot believe how many people are either afraid or brainwashed on this

operation and it looks like it will fail right now unless some people decide to put

some skin in the game. We laid our asses out there assuming people would

show up since they showed up for other causes with no solution. Now we are

wondering if we messed up... I am praying people show up but there are a lot of

plants (traitors) within our movement that are seeding the weak willed with

garbage.... I have been looking at people I once trusted and finding they are

actually progressives pushing their agenda from the inside... I don't know why I

am surprised since they have been using that tactic since the 1960s and have

numerous training videos out there showing how they do this and how they must

work from within like they have done with the GOP. It's sad so many people are

willing to sell out their future and their children's future.” – The Rifleman

List of Links










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