OpenStudy User and Profile Design

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9Stephen L. Kent (Compassionate) Jan 11, 2014

Preetha Ram OpenStudy, CEO

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OpenStudy User Profile Designs Basic profile and concepts


First, Id like to begin by thanking you for giving me the opportunities to take part in various OpenStudy projects. I have really enjoyed myself over the past few years. Whether it be the Design Task Force I put together to help improve OpenStudy with live-feed options, or the icons I made, I am always making the best of things. I love teaching and learning, and I am always looking for new ways to help improve the community as a whole.

After a stressful day at work, I always look forward to logging into OpenStudy and helping children, or even adults, with all types of curriculum. While Ive made mistakes in the past, I am always thriving to improve and better myself, so that I can become more compassionate and caring like my role models (Lao Tzu and Buddha.)

I hope you know that I really do care about OpenStudy and the community. Before I had a credit card, I would literally click every ad that popped up! Ha ha. Now Im a subscriber to OpenStudy, while I thrive for its betterment a whole. When I joined OpenStudy in 2012, it was an interesting place. Many of my friends have come and gone. I was a middle school student during those times. Now Im about to graduate, have gotten a job, and have a very beautiful women in my life. I want you to know that Ive been through a lot, but Im here to stay!

To begin, I feel that borders are an important part of visually pleasant designs. I noticed a lot of important parts of the Main Profile lack borders. A border gives a soft and gentle touch. Its like the cherry on top. I feel that borders need to be utilized to make the profiles more gentle on the eyes and pleasing to the mind.

Here I made a side-by-side comparison:

You can see that the border really touches the image up

This image lacks a border. See how out-of-place it looks? A grey transparent border on all uploaded images will help blend the photo into the website, and really make it more asymmetrical.

Next we have the profile information. Notice in the current information section (Left), everything gets jumbled up and forced together. Its not sectioned, which looks disorganized. I feel this section could be expanded on to give users more fill-in-the-blank, areas to really express what theyre all about, where theyve been, and where theyre going. In the new-version (right) you can see more areas that give the user a better chance to represent themselves. It even includes a nickname section, and a place to list your previous, current, and attended schools.

Users will enjoy this layout because its informational and fun. I feel strongly about my opinion.

I also noticed something about the biography section. It only extends to a certain point until it gaps off and the color changes to a more light grey color. I feel this should be fixed. The grey background should extend with the text. That way we dont have disorganized and discolored-looking biographies.

Another thing I noticed were the locations of the achievements. These would always be at the bottom of the biography. Some users may have long biographies (Ive seen quite a few), and this will extend the user profile and set the achievements way toward the bottom. Achievements need to remain static and accessible; just like the Most Active Subjects, for example.

They never move; neither should the achievements. Thats why Ive placed them under the Active Subjects, where they are more accessible and instantly viewable when you click on the users profile. I also like this design because it looks more asymmetrical and pleasing.

(NOTE: The image above has lost some resolution due to resizing.) This expands on the achievements being at the bottom. When you click a particular section (e.g., Fan Testimonials) a pop out window will present itself (just like normally) but instead of taking up the upper-right half of the screen, it will be centered below the achievements.

Like most sites, instead of having the Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, and Code of Conduct near the Statistics (which they are), I suggest we move them to the bottom of the page.

Well, that about wraps it up. I brainstormed these ideas for 3 days and worked nearly 5 hours on the Photoshop and design. I hope you enjoy my suggestions and take them to heart.

Please provide feedback regarding your thoughts. Id love to hear it!