openSAP Evolved Web Apps with SAPUI5 Week 4 Unit 1: Creating Items and Validating User Input Exercises PUBLIC

openSAP Evolved Web Apps with SAPUI5 · 2019-06-03 · With the validated data, an OData entry will be created. Figure 1 – The final look of the view for creating an item in the

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Page 1: openSAP Evolved Web Apps with SAPUI5 · 2019-06-03 · With the validated data, an OData entry will be created. Figure 1 – The final look of the view for creating an item in the

openSAP Evolved Web Apps with SAPUI5 Week 4 Unit 1: Creating Items and Validating User Input Exercises


Page 2: openSAP Evolved Web Apps with SAPUI5 · 2019-06-03 · With the validated data, an OData entry will be created. Figure 1 – The final look of the view for creating an item in the



WEEK INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 3

CREATING ITEMS AND VALIDATING USER INPUT.................................................................................. 4 Adding a button to open the view for creation ......................................................................................... 4 Creating a new view ................................................................................................................................... 6 Adding some fields to the view ................................................................................................................11 Validation in the view................................................................................................................................14 Using message popovers for logging errors ...........................................................................................19 Creating an item in the OData ..................................................................................................................22

RELATED MATERIAL................................................................................................................................24

Page 3: openSAP Evolved Web Apps with SAPUI5 · 2019-06-03 · With the validated data, an OData entry will be created. Figure 1 – The final look of the view for creating an item in the



Summary In this week you will learn about

• Handling user input

• Tips and tricks for validation of user entry

• Creation of an OData entry Preview

Imagine that someone has provided wrong data in your app for a very important item in one of the orders. To avoid problems for your business because of issues like that, you’ll learn how to handle the situation: This includes the input validation concept and a way of creating a new OData entry. You will introduce a new view into the last column of the FlexibleColumnLayout, which can be loaded

via a button in the detail view. Then, you will add some fields to the detail view, which enable the users to enter values for a new order item. In addition, you will learn about some handy features of the framework with which you can validate user input. With the validated data, an OData entry will be created.

Figure 1 – The final look of the view for creating an item in the order

Page 4: openSAP Evolved Web Apps with SAPUI5 · 2019-06-03 · With the validated data, an OData entry will be created. Figure 1 – The final look of the view for creating an item in the



Adding a button to open the view for creation

First of all, the app would have to provide the user with a way to start the item creation process. An appropriate place for that is the second column of the FlexibleColumnLayout, which shows all the

existing order items.

Let’s add a Button at the top of the Table shown in the Detail.view.xml. When the user presses it, it

will open a new view with input fields for the new item.




<Title id="lineItemsTitle"



<ToolbarSpacer />









<Text text="{i18n>detailLineItemTableIDColumn}"/>


Simply add a ToolbarSpacer and a Button icon with a tooltip. The handler function of the defined press

event will be implemented later in this unit.


#XTIT: Title text for the delivery status

StatusDesc=Delivery status

#XTOL: Tooltip for the create button

createButtonTooltip=Create a new order item for this order

#~~~ Info View ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

#XFLD: Text for item description of each item in the order

infoItemDescription=Item description

Also add the corresponding tooltip text for internationalization.

Page 5: openSAP Evolved Web Apps with SAPUI5 · 2019-06-03 · With the validated data, an OData entry will be created. Figure 1 – The final look of the view for creating an item in the


Figure 2 – The button for opening the creation view is placed at the toolbar content in the table

Page 6: openSAP Evolved Web Apps with SAPUI5 · 2019-06-03 · With the validated data, an OData entry will be created. Figure 1 – The final look of the view for creating an item in the


Creating a new view

Let’s create a new view in which the user will fill the fields for a new item. The new file Create.view.xml

should be located in the view sub folder of the webapp folder.

webapp/view/Create.view.xml (NEW)














<Title text="{i18n>createItemTitle}"/>






Include an ObjectPageLayout that displays only a title at the top. Use its headerTitle aggregation with

a Title in it.


#XTOL: Tooltip for the create button

createButtonTooltip=Create a new order item for this order

#~~~ Create new item view ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

#XTIT: Heading title of the create item page

createItemTitle=Create New Order Item

#~~~ Info View ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

#XFLD: Text for item description of each item in the order

infoItemDescription=Item description

Fill the internationalization file with the needed title text.

Create a new controller called Create.controller.js in the controller sub folder of the webapp


Page 7: openSAP Evolved Web Apps with SAPUI5 · 2019-06-03 · With the validated data, an OData entry will be created. Figure 1 – The final look of the view for creating an item in the


webapp/controller/Create.controller.js (NEW)



], function (BaseController) {

"use strict";

return BaseController.extend("opensap.orders.controller.Create", {

onInit: function () {




_onCreateMatched: function (oEvent) {

this.getModel("appView").setProperty("/layout", "ThreeColumnsMidExpanded");




Create a controller for the view. When the view is opened, and the route gets hit, call the _onCreateMatched function asynchronously. In it, adjust the layout property of the flexible column




"_version": "1.12.0",

"sap.app": {


"sap.ui5": {

"resourceRoots": {

"opensap.reuse.control": "./control"


"routing": {

"config": {

"routerClass": "sap.f.routing.Router",

"viewType": "XML",

"viewPath": "opensap.orders.view",

"controlId": "layout",

"controlAggregation": "beginColumnPages",

"bypassed": {

"target": "notFound"


"async": true


"routes": [


"pattern": "",

"name": "master",

Page 8: openSAP Evolved Web Apps with SAPUI5 · 2019-06-03 · With the validated data, an OData entry will be created. Figure 1 – The final look of the view for creating an item in the


"target": "master"



"pattern": "SalesOrderSet/{objectId}",

"name": "object",

"target": [






"pattern": "SalesOrderSet/{objectId}/create",

"name": "create",

"target": [







"pattern": "SalesOrderSet/{objectId}/Item/{itemPosition}",

"name": "info",

"target": [







"targets": {

"master": {

"viewName": "Master",

"viewLevel": 1,

"viewId": "master"


"object": {

"viewName": "Detail",

"viewId": "detail",

"viewLevel": 1,

"controlAggregation": "midColumnPages"


"detailObjectNotFound": {

"viewName": "DetailObjectNotFound",

"viewId": "detailObjectNotFound",

"controlAggregation": "midColumnPages"


"notFound": {

"viewName": "NotFound",

"viewId": "notFound"


"create": {

"viewType": "XML",

"viewName": "Create",

"controlAggregation": "endColumnPages",

"viewId": "create"


"info": {

"viewType": "XML",

"viewName": "Info",

"controlAggregation": "endColumnPages",

"viewId": "info"




Page 9: openSAP Evolved Web Apps with SAPUI5 · 2019-06-03 · With the validated data, an OData entry will be created. Figure 1 – The final look of the view for creating an item in the




Create a new route and target in the manifest.json file. This tells the app that there is a new view that

can be shown.


onInit : function () {

// Model used to manipulate control states. The chosen values make sure that

// the detail page shows a busy indication immediately so there is no break

// between the busy indication for loading the view's metadata.

var oViewModel = new JSONModel({

busy : false,

delay : 0,

lineItemListTitle :





this.getRouter().getRoute("info").attachPatternMatched(this._onObjectMatched, this);



this.setModel(oViewModel, "detailView");




onCreate: function (oEvent) {

var bReplace = !Device.system.phone;

this.getRouter().navTo("create", {

objectId : oEvent.getSource().getBindingContext().getProperty("SalesOrderID")

}, bReplace);


/* =========================================================== */

/* event handlers */

/* =========================================================== */


* Event handler when the share by E-Mail button has been clicked

* @public


onSendEmailPress: function (oEvent) {


Ensure that the new view is bound to the model by executing the_onObjectMatched method in the

controller of the detail view, when the route gets hit. In the handler function of the button, navigate with the router to the creation view.

Page 10: openSAP Evolved Web Apps with SAPUI5 · 2019-06-03 · With the validated data, an OData entry will be created. Figure 1 – The final look of the view for creating an item in the


Figure 3 – Now the new view shows only a heading

Page 11: openSAP Evolved Web Apps with SAPUI5 · 2019-06-03 · With the validated data, an OData entry will be created. Figure 1 – The final look of the view for creating an item in the


Adding some fields to the view

It’s time to add some content to the new view. For each editable field from the backend, there should be an input in the frontend that enables the user to enter a value for it.
















<uxap:ObjectPageSection id="details"





<form:SimpleForm editable="true">




















<uxap:ObjectPageSection title="{i18n>createItemDeliveryTitle}">




<form:SimpleForm editable="true">





Page 12: openSAP Evolved Web Apps with SAPUI5 · 2019-06-03 · With the validated data, an OData entry will be created. Figure 1 – The final look of the view for creating an item in the












Add two sections – one for the product details, and one for the shipping date. Both should contain a

SimpleForm that wraps a Label as well as an appropriate Input field:

• sap.m.Input for the product name

• sap.m.TextArea for the description

• sap.m.Input for entering a quantity

• sap.m.DatePicker for selecting a delivery date

Mark the mandatory fields by setting the required property of each to true.


#~~~ Create new item view ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

#XTIT: Heading title of the create item page

createItemTitle=Create New Order Item

#XFLD: Text for the product name in the create item page

createItemProductID=Product ID

#XFLD: Text for item description in the create item page


#XFLD: Text for the quantity of each item in the create item page


#XGRP: Title of the delivery group of information in the create item dialog


#XFLD: Text for the delivery date in the create item page

createItemDeliveryDate=Delivery date

#XGRP: Title of the details group of information in the create item page


#~~~ Info View ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

#XFLD: Text for item description of each item in the order

infoItemDescription=Item description

Add the properties to the internationalization file.

Page 13: openSAP Evolved Web Apps with SAPUI5 · 2019-06-03 · With the validated data, an OData entry will be created. Figure 1 – The final look of the view for creating an item in the


Figure 4 – The view for creating an item now has empty input fields

Page 14: openSAP Evolved Web Apps with SAPUI5 · 2019-06-03 · With the validated data, an OData entry will be created. Figure 1 – The final look of the view for creating an item in the


Validation in the view To ensure that the scenario flows nicely and smoothly, it’s a good practice to provide hints to the users during the workflow. This is done by validating the users’ input.
















<uxap:ObjectPageSection id="details"





<form:SimpleForm editable="true">







path: 'ProductID',

type: 'sap.ui.model.type.String',

constraints: {

search: '^HT-[0-9]{4}$'








path: 'Note',

type: 'sap.ui.model.type.String'








path: 'Quantity',

type: 'sap.ui.model.odata.type.Decimal',

constraints: {

minimum: '1',

Page 15: openSAP Evolved Web Apps with SAPUI5 · 2019-06-03 · With the validated data, an OData entry will be created. Figure 1 – The final look of the view for creating an item in the


nullable: false


formatOptions: {

source: {}









<uxap:ObjectPageSection title="{i18n>createItemDeliveryTitle}">




<form:SimpleForm editable="true">








path: 'DeliveryDate',

type: 'sap.ui.model.type.DateTime'















enabled="{= !${message>/}.length }"










For the value property of each field set the binding path to be the corresponding property from the oData

model. Also specify the value type – again it is the corresponding oData property type. This way the app uses backend validation and ensures that the oData properties will receive correct entries regarding their type. In a similar way, use some constrains to ensure that the correct values are entered. The product name should start with HT- and end with 4 digits. So, use a regular expression in the input constraint to check that.

Page 16: openSAP Evolved Web Apps with SAPUI5 · 2019-06-03 · With the validated data, an OData entry will be created. Figure 1 – The final look of the view for creating an item in the


Also, set the minimum quantity of an ordered product to 1, as it does not make sense to order zero or a negative number of products. You can do that in the backend via setting a constraint (minimum: 1)

At the bottom of the page, add a footer and two buttons – one to create the item, and one to cancel this action. webapp/i18n/i18n.properties

#XGRP: Title of the details group of information in the create item page


#XBUT: Text for create new item button


#XBUT: Text for cancelling the creation of a new item button


#~~~ Info View ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

#XFLD: Text for item description of each item in the order

infoItemDescription=Item description

Add the texts for the buttons at the bottom to the internationalization file.


onInit: function () {

// create a message manager and register the message model

this._oMessageManager = sap.ui.getCore().getMessageManager();

this._oMessageManager.registerObject(this.getView(), true);

this.setModel(this._oMessageManager.getMessageModel(), "message");




_onCreateMatched: function (oEvent) {

// set a dynamic date constraint in controller, as "today" cannot be

// defined declaratively in XMLView

var oToday = new Date();

oToday.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);


minimum: oToday


this.getModel("appView").setProperty("/layout", "ThreeColumnsMidExpanded");


onCancel: function () {

var sObjectId = this.getView().getBindingContext().getProperty("SalesOrderID");

// discard the new context on cancel


Page 17: openSAP Evolved Web Apps with SAPUI5 · 2019-06-03 · With the validated data, an OData entry will be created. Figure 1 – The final look of the view for creating an item in the


// close the third column

this.getRouter().navTo("object", {

objectId : sObjectId

}, true);



In the onInit method we fetch the global message manager and register this view. In a special message

model we can then retrieve and display error messages that occurred on the view’s controls. When the create route has been matched, include the logic to validate the delivery date. Find today’s date, get the date-related information from the date object by setting the time part to 0, and set it as a minimum.

In the callback function of the Cancel button, we need to discard the binding context that we created when navigating to the view. Then we simply perform a routing to the order in context to go back to the detail view.



"sap.ui5": {

"contentDensities": {

"compact": true,

"cozy": true


"models": {

"i18n": {

"type": "sap.ui.model.resource.ResourceModel",

"settings": {

"bundleName": "opensap.orders.i18n.i18n"



"": {

"dataSource": "mainService",

"preload": true,

"settings": {

"defaultBindingMode": "TwoWay"




"routing": {




As a last step, define that the app will use TwoWay binding, because it needs handling of the transport of data

both from the model to the controls, and back from the controls to the model. Until now, the app has used the default binding mode – OneWay

Page 18: openSAP Evolved Web Apps with SAPUI5 · 2019-06-03 · With the validated data, an OData entry will be created. Figure 1 – The final look of the view for creating an item in the


Figure 5 – The fields are now validated

Page 19: openSAP Evolved Web Apps with SAPUI5 · 2019-06-03 · With the validated data, an OData entry will be created. Figure 1 – The final look of the view for creating an item in the


Using message popovers for logging errors

In general, it makes for a good user experience if all the errors are stored in one place. This way, they are easy to find and track. The sap.m.MessagePopover control is a good choice for this.



















text="{= ${message>/}.length }"

visible="{= !!${message>/}.length }"







enabled="{= !${message>/}.length }"





















Add a Button to the footer which will appear on the screen only if errors are detected. It also shows the

number of messages. It opens the MessagePopover, which displays the occurred errors.

Page 20: openSAP Evolved Web Apps with SAPUI5 · 2019-06-03 · With the validated data, an OData entry will be created. Figure 1 – The final look of the view for creating an item in the


Include the sap.m.MessagePopover as a dependent, using the dependents aggregation of the

ObjectPageLayout, which allows the data binding context and lifecycle to be bound to the aggregated


Also define how the error messages will be populated in the items aggregation of the MessagePopover

using sap.m.MessageItem for each.


onInit: function () {

// create a message manager and register the message model

this._oMessageManager = sap.ui.getCore().getMessageManager();

this._oMessageManager.registerObject(this.getView(), true);

this.setModel(this._oMessageManager.getMessageModel(), "message");




_onCreateMatched: function (oEvent) {

// reset potential server-side messages


// set a dynamic date constraint in controller, as "today" cannot be defined

// declaratively in XMLView

var oToday = new Date();

oToday.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);


minimum: oToday


this.getModel("appView").setProperty("/layout", "ThreeColumnsMidExpanded");


onCancel: function () {


onNameChange: function () {

// clear potential server-side messages to allow saving the item again


if (oMessage.code) {





onOpenMessages: function (oEvent) {



In the onInit function of the controller, initialize a MessageManager. Register the root element of the view

– ObjectPageLayout – as an object for which errors will be tracked and displayed in the popover.

Page 21: openSAP Evolved Web Apps with SAPUI5 · 2019-06-03 · With the validated data, an OData entry will be created. Figure 1 – The final look of the view for creating an item in the


Ensure that all server-side errors are cleared by removing all messages from the MessageManager when

the route is matched.

Also make sure that there are no old messages when the product name is changed and is about to be validated. This is done in the handler function of the change event of the corresponding input from the view.

In the handler of the button that opens the popover – onOpenMessages – open the MessagePopover.

Figure 6 – When there are errors in the view, they are logged in the MessagePopover

Page 22: openSAP Evolved Web Apps with SAPUI5 · 2019-06-03 · With the validated data, an OData entry will be created. Figure 1 – The final look of the view for creating an item in the


Creating an item in the OData

Now, when most of the validation is in place, you can create a call to the backend to add the new item to the model.



"./BaseController" , "sap/m/MessageToast"

], function (BaseController, MessageToast) {

"use strict";

return BaseController.extend("opensap.orders.controller.Create", {

onInit: function () {


_onCreateMatched: function (oEvent) {

var sObjectId = oEvent.getParameter("arguments").objectId;

// create a binding context for a new order item

this.oContext = this.getModel().createEntry("/SalesOrderLineItemSet", {

properties: {

SalesOrderID: sObjectId,

ProductID: "",

Note: "",

Quantity: "1",

DeliveryDate: new Date()


success: this._onCreateSuccess.bind(this)



// reset potential server-side messages


// set a dynamic date constraint in controller, as "today" cannot be

// defined declaratively in XMLView

var oToday = new Date();

oToday.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);


minimum: oToday


this.getModel("appView").setProperty("/layout", "ThreeColumnsMidExpanded");


_onCreateSuccess: function (oContext) {

// show success message

var sMessage = this.getResourceBundle().getText("newItemCreated",


MessageToast.show(sMessage, {

closeOnBrowserNavigation : false


// navigate to the new item in display mode

this.getRouter().navTo("Info", {

objectId : oContext.SalesOrderID,

itemPosition : oContext.ItemPosition

Page 23: openSAP Evolved Web Apps with SAPUI5 · 2019-06-03 · With the validated data, an OData entry will be created. Figure 1 – The final look of the view for creating an item in the


}, true);


onCreate: function () {

// send new item to server for processing



onCancel: function () {




At the beginning, when the view is created and the routes are matched, create an entry locally. Specify the collection in which the new entry will be saved – SalesOrderLineItemSet. Then, add initial values to the

mandatory fields from the model by setting the created context to the view.

As a result of the createEntry function, you receive a context that points to the new object. Set it to the

view. In the onCreate handler, call the submit function of the OData model. It creates a HTTP request to be

sent to the server. Once the server completes the create action, a HTTP response is sent back. Register to the success event afterwards via the _onCreateSuccess callback function.

When the _onCreateSuccess function is triggered, unbind the view from the created object, and show a

MessageToast with a success message to the user. As a last step, navigate to the created item.


#XBUT: Text for cancelling the creation of a new item button


#XMSG: Success message when a new item was created

newItemCreated=Order Item {0} was successfully created

#~~~ Info View ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

#XFLD: Text for item description of each item in the order

infoItemDescription=Item description

Create a text in the internationalization file for the message to be shown after the creation is completed.

Page 24: openSAP Evolved Web Apps with SAPUI5 · 2019-06-03 · With the validated data, an OData entry will be created. Figure 1 – The final look of the view for creating an item in the


Figure 7 – The newly created item and a MessageToast are shown when the user creates a new entry


• Demo Kit: Object Page Layout

• Tutorial: Routing and Navigation

• Sample: MessageManager

• Demo Kit: Creating Entities with OData

Page 25: openSAP Evolved Web Apps with SAPUI5 · 2019-06-03 · With the validated data, an OData entry will be created. Figure 1 – The final look of the view for creating an item in the


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Coding Samples Any software coding or code lines/strings (“Code”) provided in this documentation are only examples and are not intended for use in a production system environment. The Code is only intended to better explain and visualize the syntax and phrasing rules for certain SAP coding. SAP does not warrant the correctness or completeness of the Code provided herein and SAP shall not be liable for errors or damages cause by use of the Code, except where such damages were caused by SAP with intent or with gross negligence.