Page 1 of 6 From: Bill Cochran To: My fellow deacons and my friends at Berean Baptist Church Subject: Formal Letter of Charges Date: April 24, 2011 I am writing this letter with an extremely heavy and broken heart. Berean Baptist Church has been a major part of my life since my family and I came here in 1978, under the ministry of Pastor Clayton Revels. There has never been a question of where my loyalty was. I was loyal to my family, I was loyal to my church and I was loyal to my Preacher; but above all, I was loyal to my God and His Word. So there has never been a question of loyalty in my life. Let there be no question about my loyalty now. I am still loyal to my family, loyal to my church, loyal to my Preacher and above all, loyal to my God—not to an institution or a man. When we were a smaller church, in what is now the chapel, we were all close and supportive and only wanted to do one thing—live the way God planned for us to live. We were soul-winners and brothers. I could hardly wait to be in church to hear God’s Word preached with love and concern for us and others. There was no concern of “gaining a national prominence” or “gaining a national presence” or “gaining a national influence.” We were concerned about each other and spreading God’s message to our neighbors and friends and families. I could hardly wait to hear what Preacher would have for us. He preached hard, but with love—not meanness. We had dreams, too. We dreamed of having a college someday that young men and women would be able to attend to teach them to be Christian workers, or Christian businessmen and women. The intent never was to “force” anyone to attend our college, but to encourage them to. I don’t think anyone ever thought that we would “mark” someone who dared to think about attending another institution of higher learning. Unfortunately, that is one of the things that happens at Berean today. I loved to hear Preacher laugh—and he laughed often. He was happy in what he was doing for God and for the people. He seems to seldom laugh now. I know that many things have happened in the last 22 years, some good and some bad. Of the bad things that happened; I think we as a church caused many of them because of our actions as a church. As Preacher became more involved with traveling and vying for a “national influence or a national prominence” our focus began to change to that of one whose main purpose was to gain approval from one “camp” and tear down anyone outside of that “camp.” It didn’t matter that someone might be doing what God wanted them to be doing; if they weren’t doing what the “camp” wanted them to do, they just were not right with God, and therefore became targets for those “in the camp.” I recently met with Greg Neal and discussed a few things that have been bothering me relative to our church finances, facility conditions, and our priorities. I have also spent two hours meeting with Preacher to discuss a whole list of things that have been bothering me as a Christian, as a deacon, and as a member of Berean Baptist Church. It is my desire that the remainder of this letter be read with an open heart, and that there will be no repercussions to anyone because of what I am writing. I do not want the Senior Trip cancelled or postponed because of this letter. When Preacher fired Brent Bartlett and made him leave that day, he also began a process to convince the kids that they were being deprived of playing in the tournament because Brent Bartlett had “deserted them and didn’t care anything about them.” Brent had

Open Letter to BBC[1]

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From: Bill Cochran To: My fellow deacons and my friends at Berean Baptist Church Subject: Formal Letter of Charges Date: April 24, 2011 I am writing this letter with an extremely heavy and broken heart. Berean Baptist Church has been a major part of my life since my family and I came here in 1978, under the ministry of Pastor Clayton Revels. There has never been a question of where my loyalty was. I was loyal to my family, I was loyal to my church and I was loyal to my Preacher; but above all, I was loyal to my God and His Word. So there has never been a question of loyalty in my life. Let there be no question about my loyalty now. I am still loyal to my family, loyal to my church, loyal to my Preacher and above all, loyal to my God—not to an institution or a man. When we were a smaller church, in what is now the chapel, we were all close and supportive and only wanted to do one thing—live the way God planned for us to live. We were soul-winners and brothers. I could hardly wait to be in church to hear God’s Word preached with love and concern for us and others. There was no concern of “gaining a national prominence” or “gaining a national presence” or “gaining a national influence.” We were concerned about each other and spreading God’s message to our neighbors and friends and families. I could hardly wait to hear what Preacher would have for us. He preached hard, but with love—not meanness. We had dreams, too. We dreamed of having a college someday that young men and women would be able to attend to teach them to be Christian workers, or Christian businessmen and women. The intent never was to “force” anyone to attend our college, but to encourage them to. I don’t think anyone ever thought that we would “mark” someone who dared to think about attending another institution of higher learning. Unfortunately, that is one of the things that happens at Berean today. I loved to hear Preacher laugh—and he laughed often. He was happy in what he was doing for God and for the people. He seems to seldom laugh now. I know that many things have happened in the last 22 years, some good and some bad. Of the bad things that happened; I think we as a church caused many of them because of our actions as a church. As Preacher became more involved with traveling and vying for a “national influence or a national prominence” our focus began to change to that of one whose main purpose was to gain approval from one “camp” and tear down anyone outside of that “camp.” It didn’t matter that someone might be doing what God wanted them to be doing; if they weren’t doing what the “camp” wanted them to do, they just were not right with God, and therefore became targets for those “in the camp.” I recently met with Greg Neal and discussed a few things that have been bothering me relative to our church finances, facility conditions, and our priorities. I have also spent two hours meeting with Preacher to discuss a whole list of things that have been bothering me as a Christian, as a deacon, and as a member of Berean Baptist Church. It is my desire that the remainder of this letter be read with an open heart, and that there will be no repercussions to anyone because of what I am writing. I do not want the Senior Trip cancelled or postponed because of this letter. When Preacher fired Brent Bartlett and made him leave that day, he also began a process to convince the kids that they were being deprived of playing in the tournament because Brent Bartlett had “deserted them and didn’t care anything about them.” Brent had

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offered to stay through the remainder of the school year, but it was decided that he should go immediately. I do not want my letter to result in anyone being deprived of anything, and I do not want this letter to be blamed for anyone being deprived of anything—the Senior Trip. In recent years, we, as members of Berean Baptist Church have been manipulated, deceived, and lied to about finances, about why we were foreclosed on by the bank, and many other things. In my meeting with Preacher, I brought up the fact that we had been misled when we were told in our meeting about finances (church members met in the chapel) that the reason we were being foreclosed on was “that the government had changed the rules and the bank had to go by the new rules and had to change our mortgage.” Mortgages are contract law and NO ONE can change the contract, but we were told that was why we couldn’t make the new payment amount. The truth is that we were behind on our mortgage. Preacher’s response to my pointing that fact out was that, “…well, the bank wanted us to refinance the mortgage because of the new regulations…” A far cry from what we were told at the meeting. We had another meeting with “select” members to tell us about the future plans for our church. Preacher told us emphatically that “…the number one priority—the number one priority—was to get that land in New Mexico and build the Amanda Ranch (that $40,000,000 resort)…” Why would NM be the number one priority? Why would not Berean Baptist Church and the bankruptcy and repairing our facilities here be the number one priority? Preacher’s response was that we wanted to keep the Mormons from gaining control of the property. Why not just tell us what the real reason was for wanting to help Don Chitty, rather than trying to tell us that our number one priority was getting the Amanda Ranch started? Why not just be honest with the people? Every point I would bring up (that was irrefutable), Preacher and Greg would tell me that “…that’s in the plan…we’ve budgeted for that…the lawyers wouldn’t let us tell anyone…” When asked why we no longer shared any financial information with the church, the answer was always the same; blame it on the lawyers or it was a misunderstanding. Members who have left our church because they saw things that just were not right, were subjected to character assassination by our staff members in order to discredit anything they might have to say. Most of those people did not even try to tell others why they left—the real reason they left. I promised myself that I would not be like that. When I could no longer maintain my silence, I was not simply going to quietly fade into the night. I pointed out to Preacher that the people are ruled by fear of him and not by the love of God. I tried to point out to Preacher that if our leadership was honest with the members, the members would be behind them; but we are not being told the truth. When I asked Preacher why our staff had painted Dr. Dean Miller and his church as “the enemy,” he said that he had not painted them as the enemy, and that Dean Miller was a good man doing what God wanted him to do, and that he could sit down to lunch with him today! I asked Preacher that if that was true, why then did the incident happen with one of our college graduates, Angela Grossman: who had gone with Preacher’s blessings to serve at Pastor Miller’s church, was going to be married, and Dr. Hudson was supposed to “give her away,” and others were supposed to be Bride’s Maids, was left standing alone without so much as a phone call to tell her why? Preacher’s response was, “…I didn’t tell anyone not to go to Angela’s wedding…” I then asked why Dr. Hudson would then make a statement such as, “…after what Dean Miller did, I couldn’t look him in the eye…” if he hadn’t been told something vile enough about Dr. Miller to cause him to say that and to do that to Angela? Dr. Hudson is a good man, and would not have simply decided on his own to do and say such things.

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On occasion, when another member would go to Preacher to ask about someone leaving, he would use something that had been confided to him in Pastoral Confidence against the member who left—not a very Christian act, not to mention violation of the ethical and moral rules of “privileged information.” When I asked Preacher about that, he replied that he would use something someone told him in confidence “…to keep someone from harming themselves…or to save the church…” So be careful what you tell the pastor in confidence. In case you ever wondered why Larry McLean left: Preacher told him that none of Dean Miller’s family was allowed to set foot in our church. When Preacher was asked why he would do such a thing, he said it was because he allowed Brent Bartlett to go to his church. About ten years ago, an incident reportedly occurred that involved Greg Neal, who, at that time was a staff member and a married man. A sin was committed; perpetrated upon three young women in one of our college tour groups. The sin was discovered by another staff member—Brent Bartlett. Brent Bartlett took the evidence to Preacher, as he should have since that was his chain of command in Berean Baptist Church (See the attached statement). Preacher assured him that he would handle the situation. The offending staff member—Greg—came to the one who discovered the sin—Brent—and wept and confessed the sin and asked for forgiveness. Brent Bartlett told him that he forgave him. However, Biblically, the one who did the offense is commanded to go to the ones he has wronged, confess to them, and beg their forgiveness. That has not happened to this day. In fact, about 18 months ago, when one of the victims found out about what had happened, and confronted Greg, the member was told, “…it never happened…” (See the notarized statement attached). On three occasions, Greg and Preacher were confronted by the member and her husband, and each time they were told the incident didn’t happen. Finally, the member and her husband were told (paraphrased) “…even if it did happen, it was 10 years ago. Look how many people would be hurt. Where would you go if you left?” and other such statements as to make the victim and her husband feel like they would be the offending members if this ever came to light. I have notarized statements from the victims, and three Godly men who have viewed a copy of the evidence that was presented to Preacher by Brent Bartlett. These men are ready and willing to have sworn depositions taken as to what they saw on the video. As you know, Brent Bartlett was forced to leave. His stated reason for leaving is because he could not and would not work for Greg—who is now in the position of power over the victims, as our pastor. When I asked Preacher about the video, he quickly said that he had been approached about the video many times. He said that after all these years, if there was a video, someone would have seen it. I said, “Preacher, I have a signed statement from someone who DID see the video.” In a split second—absolutely without hesitation, Preacher said, “Anyone can sign a piece of paper, but without the evidence, it is just a piece of paper.” Not even one bit of curiosity about who I was prepared to tell him had seen the video. Preacher gave me the undeniable feeling that he was confident that the video had been destroyed and without it, it was only hearsay. What Preacher didn’t realize was that there was a copy made of the video before it was given to him (See the attached statement). My friends, wouldn’t you at least want to know who said they had seen this alleged video? Please allow me to interject a thought here: You’re probably asking yourself how I could say these things about the man of God. The Bible tells us that the man of God is to be blameless in all things. Eli was the man of God until his sons brought him to ruin when Eli did not do as the scripture demanded of him. For many years I have remained silent while I saw things happening that just didn’t seem right. Others also saw things that were not right and left. Those who left were immediately cast as being “the enemy…as being evil…to be marked and shunned.” Preacher even going to so far as to remark from the pulpit that he “…wished all the people who had left would just die…”

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Dr. Dean Miller took a church in Mississippi that was dying, and now has the largest independent fundamental Baptist church in Mississippi, with souls saved and baptized at every service. Dr. Brent Bartlett, who discovered the sin, has a new life, living for God and helping build a lighthouse for God in Mississippi. Have you ever asked anyone just what those men did that was so heinous as to “mark” them as enemies of our church? What they did was to know about the sin committed, and they had to be put out and discredited so that if that sin ever surfaced, people would not believe that it happened. It happened—Greg Neal is clearly seen wearing a white shirt and a red and black tie as he sets up his video camera in his office, concealing it with greenery, to film three young ladies as they try on tour clothes; then he is seen coming back in and going to the camera to switch it off. Now, Greg is our new pastor—chosen by Preacher. Supposedly in accordance with our church by-laws—but now that I have read a copy of the by-laws, there is no provision for a co-pastor. Preacher ensured that Greg would be voted in as Co-Pastor, telling the deacons that our church by-laws allowed us to have a co-pastor. Of course, you’ve heard from the pulpit on more than a few occasions that anyone who asked for a copy of the by-laws was just looking to get something to cause trouble with. The truth is that the by-laws say nothing about having a co-pastor. In fact, the by-laws and our articles of incorporation are pretty specific about how we are to be organized and how we are to operate. They are specific right down to the procedures to be followed for the removal of a member who has committed a sin that is publicly known and refuses to confess and ask for forgiveness of those against whom the sin was committed. Preacher assured me that there have been no amendments to our church by-laws; but Greg stated to another member that there have been amendments to the by-laws and to the Articles of Incorporation that are supposed to govern our operation as a church and as a 501(c)3 corporation. Both of them cannot be telling the truth if they are saying two different things. We have been preached at for several weeks about a deacon needing to be blameless—how much more so for a pastor? Dare we forget Eli and his sons? Nevertheless; when we voted on the co-pastor, we were told at the last moment that we had to sign the ballot—thus denying a secret vote. Many changed their vote when they had to sign the ballot. Then we were told that only 3% voted “no” and for several weeks after that we were brow-beaten about the 3% who needed to just leave because they were not loyal to the preacher. When I asked Preacher about that, he said most of that 3% did need to be run out. Why did we even have a ballot vote if voting your conscience is going to bring derision and scorn? Why not just announce that Greg was going to be the co-pastor? When I finally, after all these years as a deacon, actually obtained a copy of the by-laws, I was amazed at what is and what isn’t in them. We don’t operate by them, so why even have them? We have them because we are a 501(c) corporation, and must have the articles of incorporation and the by-laws referred to in the articles of incorporation in order to be lawful. By the way; the articles and by-laws say that the deacons are to be part of the financial management of the corporation and that the pastor has spiritual oversight of the church. The deacons are never part of the financial management of anything. I asked Preacher why we just couldn’t be honest and tell the people the truth about things. If the people are told the truth, they will get behind you and push for whatever you want them to. Instead, we are misled and deceived. For example: I received an email from the Amanda Foundation stating that “…we have been able to host our annual Christmas event at Wolfson Children’s Hospital, as well as make great progress with the acquisition of the Amanda Ranch. We have completed the purchase of the ranch located on 150 acres in Waterflow, New

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Mexico. While this is a working ranch valued at several million dollars, we were able to acquire the ranch for only $400,000. Please pray for us to be able to get this entire debt paid off...” When I spoke with Bro. Don Chitty, I was told that “…they signed a lease with option to buy…” in March. That is a far stretch from the underlined statement. We are led to believe that we now own the property—a done deal—not quite true. Greg also reports that the Amanda Ranch will begin operations this summer, and that “…I am taking a group of workers to the ranch to prepare for the summer camps. We will be remodeling dormitories, putting up fences, cleaning the property, etc. I am grateful for those volunteers who are willing to sacrifice their time for the work endeavor.” I must have missed that part of the trip planning during the announcements because what I’ve heard sounded like a group from church would be going to see the property. We recently had a deacon election; a standing deacon’s name (Terence Barfield) was removed from the ballot without even a phone call to him to discuss the reason why. He found out when the ballots were passed out at the last moment—no time to consider the names on the list—and his child asked, “Daddy, why isn’t your name on the list?” When I asked Preacher why this happened, his answer was “…Terence knows why his name was removed…” as though Terence had committed some grave sin and knew why his name was removed. I believe the major reason his name was removed is because he dared to ask questions about finances in a deacon’s meeting. Greg even chastised him via email/text message for daring to question the pastor about anything. Most deacons’ meetings consist of Preacher and Greg telling us what they want to do and how we’re going to be able to do it. To question anything is almost an affront to them, so very little is actually discussed and listened to. Of course, having the deacons’ meeting allows them to then say, “…we met with the deacons…” when they present something to the church. The deacons actually have little to no say in anything. Most people believe the deacons know all about the finances and dealings of the church—that is simply not true. Deacons are looked upon as being there to do for and to agree with the pastor. It used to be that deacons were a sounding board for Preacher—it hasn’t been that way for a while. So, one deacon is removed from the list without any notification, and another deacon actually removes his name from the list and is told by Preacher and David Wright to put his name back on the list, “because things will get better…” Others, Bob Hamilton, Tom Wiles, and I are told to leave our names on the list even though we don’t do some of the things that Greg and Preacher preached to us that MUST be done or we would not be qualified to be a deacon. Being a member of an organized soul-winning group was a requirement from Greg and Preacher—being a soul-winner wasn’t enough—even if your job didn’t really allow you to be in an organized group. So, on one hand we have a deacon removed for not being a member of an organized soul-winning group, and others who are told to leave their name on the list, regardless. Does that seem right? I think not. For years, I have prayed and wept and prayed; asking God what He would have me to do. I think He finally heard me ask enough times and said to listen to what He has already written for us. Micah 6:8 says, “…what doth the Lord require of thee (me)…” I believe I know what the Lord requires of me: I am to do justly—representing the people who elected me to this position, and bringing justice where injustice has been done; I am to love mercy—allowing the unjust person to make just what he has done; I am to walk humbly with God—not puffed up or in vengeance or heavy-handed in doing the first two things. I do not want to be a “hero” in anything that I do. I simply want to do justly; to love mercy; and to walk humbly with God. My wife and I pray together on our knees each day; seeking God’s guidance in what to do. One morning, we arose from our prayer where I had asked God to please show me something to confirm that I

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understood what I was supposed to do about the wrongs that have been thrust upon our members in making Greg the co-pastor (now the pastor). Kathleen and I went into the bathroom to begin getting ready to meet the day, and she was simply channel surfing on the television in our bathroom. There was a fact-based movie about the case in Louisiana that caused videotaping anyone without their knowledge to become a crime. It was based on a church leader who videotaped church ladies changing clothes in his laundry room as they prepared to use his pool/spa. He also hid cameras in the members’ bedrooms and bathrooms. When the sin was exposed, the church leaders were only interested in covering things up—not justice. That preacher’s response was similar to what was told to the victims here: “…just think about all the people this would hurt…” No concern for justice or the victim; only for not tarnishing a church leader’s reputation. Because of this lady’s actions, video voyeurism is now a crime in several states—including Florida. Maybe it’s just me, but that seemed to be quite a response from God to my request to show me that I was doing the right thing. I am thankful that as a direct result of being a member of Berean Baptist Church, I have been blessed to have led an organization of men who led over 26,000 people to Christ—The Fishermen. My family was saved and baptized here. We have many friends here, some are closer than family; but as I stated earlier in this letter, my loyalty above all else is to my God and His Truth, not to a man or an institution. If you are reading this letter, it is because meeting with Preacher and Greg did not yield anything other than denials and excuses. If you are reading this letter, it is because Preacher and Greg refused to abide by the governing documents of our church, our 501(c) corporation, and the steps laid out in Matthew 18:15-17. I can only hope that, should I be forced to leave my church, those whom I have counted as “friends” these many years will not believe any character assassination attempts by our church leadership. I will discuss any of these points with anyone who truly wishes to know the truth. Remember, the truth shall set you free. Submitted to the acting Church Clerk (Bob Hamilton) with a copy of the church by-laws and articles of incorporation on April 24, 2011. Yours in Christ, Bill Cochran Phil 4:13