Welcome to Kindergarten… Mrs. McGill and Mrs. Allen

Open House Power Point

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Kindergarten Open House

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Welcome to Kindergarten…

Mrs. McGill and Mrs. Allen

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We are happy to have your child in Kindergarten.

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Arrival at School• Class will start at 8:00!• Teachers and safety patrol

will be on duty outside and in the hallways.

• If your child arrives after 8:00, please drive around to the office and sign them in.

• If you want to walk your child to the room on the first day, we understand. However, we feel it is best for everyone if you allow your child to walk independently after the first week of school. Independence is an important skill learned in Kindergarten. Don’t forget, your child must be in our classroom by 8:00 to avoid tardiness.

• If your child must be absent, please send a written excuse when your child returns.

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Dismissal• If your child needs to leave

early, you must go by the office to sign him/her out..

• Car riders will be dismissed out the back.

• PLEASE keep your car tag where the teachers on duty can see your child’s first and last name.

• If there is any change in your child’s regular transportation pick-up, we must be notified in


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Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

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Clothing• Kindergartners are involved in

activities that require jumping, running, climbing and the like. Tennis shoes with laces or Velcro closures are required for PE days.

• In class, students will be painting, using markers, using glue, working with play dough, and other “messy” stuff. Please select clothing that is both comfortable and appropriate for these activities. Girls should wear shorts under their dresses because we spend a lot of time sitting on the floor.

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Identification• Mark all your child’s

possessions with their first and last name.

• When sending money for any reason, put it in an envelope labeled with your child’s name and what the money is for.

• Keep the school informed of a current address and telephone number.

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Snack FeesA snack will be provided

for your child each day. Please

remember that snack fees are NOT covered

under free and reduced lunches.

Snack Fees$6.00 a month

$30.00 per semester or$60.00 for the year

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Rules• Listen and follow directions.• Raise your hand before

speaking.• Walk in the hallways and in

the room.• Keep your hands and feet to

yourself.• Talk and work quietly.• A student who behaves

appropriately and follows the rules will be positively rewarded. Any student who chooses to not follow the rules should expect the following consequences:

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Let’s Stay on Green!

Discipline Chart

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• 1st Warning• 2nd Time Out• 3rd Loss of Privileges… recess and/or center time• 4th Contact Parents note sent home

“Sad Gram”/phone call

or parent conference

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Rewards•Verbal praise

•Happy Grams

•Special Treats

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HomeworkHomework folders will be sent

home on Fridays. Students will have until Thursday to

return the completed assignments. Please help your child with their homework but

DO NOT do it for them!

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Take Home Books

• After we assess your child’s independent reading level, your child will begin taking a small book home each

night to practice reading. These books are simple and are designed to help your child develop reading

fluency. Your child should have VERY LITTLE difficulty reading the text. By providing your child a nightly

opportunity to practice oral reading, he/she will be able to focus on fluency and comprehension.

• Take Home Books will be sent home everyday. At the beginning of school you will need to read the books to

your child. Then as the year progresses your child WILL be reading to you..

• Please record the name of the book, the date and who read the book in the Reading Log.

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It’s Center Time…

Each day students will

rotate through

literacy and development

al centers.

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Library Books

By now, you can probably tell I am a firm believer

that children benefit from being surrounded by books. In addition to

the Take Home Readers, your child will visit the school Media Center. He/she will be permitted to check out one book during each visit. Please help your child find a safe place to keep his/her library book at home. Please

ensure your child returns his/her book each week so that

he/she is able to check out a new one.

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If you need to contact me, you have three options:

• 1. Notes: Please place any notes in your child’s folder. This is the easiest way!

• 2. Email: [email protected] I will check my email daily, but please do not

email me if you need an IMMEDIATE response as I often check my mail at the end of the day.

• 3. Phone 864-260-5100: Please leave a message and I will return your call as soon as I can.

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Finally…Encourage your child to discuss school activities with you. Talk positively

about school. The way your child perceives your

feelings about his/her school and teachers will

have a direct effect on how (s)he feels about them. We are delighted to have your child in our class and we look forward to working

with you to make sure your child starts school on a

positive note. We GREATLY appreciate your support and anticipate a fun and successful school year!