Open - Analytical Essay

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  • 7/26/2019 Open - Analytical Essay



    by Christina 3.a, 15/9-15

    A nasty old lady who happens to be his grandmother, a physically and

    verbally abse !ather, a calm and genis ncle and a loving mother.

    "hese are the people the American tennis player Andre Agassi grew p

    with, and the people who helped to shape him into the player and person

    he is today. #n this $ve-page e%tract !rom Andre Agassi&s atobiography,

    we get a pee' into his childhood.

    "he e%tract starts o! by introdcing Agassi&s grandmother or the (nasty

    old lady) as he re!ers to her. *he apparently bosses Agassi&s !ather

    arond and seems to behave as i! she was the head o! the !amily. +e the

    proceeds to mention his !ather, i'e Agassi. i'e Agassi is an #ranian

    who ed to America !or a better li!e he plays a big role in Andre Agassi&s

    li!e and is mentioned mltiple times throghot the te%t. +e is a manwith a big temper and a lot o! motivation, not st !or him bt also !or

    Andre Agassi. "hen we&re introdced to Agassi&s ncle, #sar. #sar is pretty

    mch the e%act opposite o! Andre Agassi&s !ather he is a calm man who

    has !ocsed on brains rather than brte !orce. #sar doesn&t yell at Andre

    Agassi i! he doesn&t nderstand something, and he plays with Andre

    Agassi mltiple times. "he di0erence between the !ather and ncle is

    specially shown when Andre Agassi is e%pecting #sar to come home and

    wants to scare him. #nstead, his !ather wal's throgh the door and hits

    Andre Agassi a!ter he has scared him. astly, we&re introdced to

    Agassi&s mother who seems to be the better hal! o! the parents. *he is a

    strong contrast with Agassi&s !ather, li'e the ncle. *he is a calm woman

    who seems to distance hersel! and bring balance to the !amily. 2hile his

  • 7/26/2019 Open - Analytical Essay


    mother does have a slight temper, she doesn&t se it to protect Agassi

    !rom his !ather, which he e%presses a certain !rstration over.

    "he sender o! this e%tract and atobiography is o! corse Andre Agassi.

    Andre Agassi is an American tennis player who retired in 44 and 3

    years later pblished this atobiography. "he recipients o! the speech is

    anyone who is intriged abot his li!e and wishes to 'now more. +e te%t

    isn&t particlarly hard to read either, which will probably widen his

    adience since most people will be able to read it. +is writing is made p

    by simple, short and e0ective sentences, sometimes yo can however

    $nd longer and more descriptive sentences.

    "he point o! view in this te%t is $rst person narrator. "he narrator&s, Andre

    Agassi, story is told directly and this way we get to see how the di0erent

    happenings a0ect him. "his can also help s sympathise with him

    becase we see everything he sees. 2hile the narrative belongs to or

    narrator, there&re still di0erent narrative voices. 2e can see this when

    the grandmother is tal'ing abot how they lived dring the !athers

    childhood, (Oh, 6randma says with a sigh, we were poor. 7o can&t

    imagine how poor. And hngry, she says rbbing her belly8:). 2e also

    see it shortly a!ter when Agassi&s !ather adds something to the story, (y

    !ather chimes in. "hings got better a!ter the war he says.)

    2hile the langage is simple and we scarcely see $gres o! speech they

    do occr once or twice in the te%t. "he scarce positioning o! these canhowever ma'e them have a more power!l e0ect when they are sed,

    (8:my !ather&s le!t hoo' hits my aw sh and sends me ying.) "hey

    are also sed a lot to describe the !amily members, and he also li'es to

    se adectives and strong contrasts, this can specially be seen when he

    compares the !ather and the ncle, (+e&s the mirror image o! my !ather,

    bt his personality is the e%act opposite. y !ather is shrill and stern and

  • 7/26/2019 Open - Analytical Essay


    $lled with rage. ;ncle #sar is so!t-spo'en and patient and !nny.) Agassi

    also ses a metaphor, when he&s tal'ing abot his mother&s igsaw
