OPCOM RETREAT - 2010. WHAT’S MY ROLE 1.National/state trends 2.Board of Trustees’ core values / themes 3.Board of Trustees’ goals 4.President’s goals

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Page 1: OPCOM RETREAT - 2010. WHAT’S MY ROLE 1.National/state trends 2.Board of Trustees’ core values / themes 3.Board of Trustees’ goals 4.President’s goals


Page 2: OPCOM RETREAT - 2010. WHAT’S MY ROLE 1.National/state trends 2.Board of Trustees’ core values / themes 3.Board of Trustees’ goals 4.President’s goals



1. National/state trends

2. Board of Trustees’ core values / themes

3. Board of Trustees’ goals

4. President’s goals

5. Leadership competencies

6. Individual duties and responsibilities



Page 3: OPCOM RETREAT - 2010. WHAT’S MY ROLE 1.National/state trends 2.Board of Trustees’ core values / themes 3.Board of Trustees’ goals 4.President’s goals


"This is a very important lesson. You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end—which you can never afford to lose—with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.”

Vice Admiral and

former Vietnam War POW

James B. Stockdale


Page 4: OPCOM RETREAT - 2010. WHAT’S MY ROLE 1.National/state trends 2.Board of Trustees’ core values / themes 3.Board of Trustees’ goals 4.President’s goals

TRENDS > National


• US population is projected to grow from 300 million to 360 million by 2030.

• AMA study reports that 40% of job applicants lacked necessary workplace skills.

• Nearly two-thirds of jobs will require some level of postsecondary education.

• Just 20 % of Americans hold a passport.

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TRENDS > National

• 88 million adults have at least one educational barrier.

• US Ranks 16th out of 21 OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation & Development) countries for HS graduation rates.

• National surveys of US adult population indicate that large numbers do not have sufficient literacy and numeracy skills.


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TRENDS > National

1. The Value of Higher Education

a) 90% of the fastest growing jobs in the new information and service economy

will require some level of post-secondary education.

b) Higher degree attainment translates into higher wages.


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TRENDS > National

2. Access

a) Close to 25% of all students in public high schools do not graduate.

b) Only 17% of seniors are considered proficient in mathematics; only 36% are proficient in reading.

c) Some 40 % of all college students take at least one remedial course.

d) Only 36 % of college-qualified low income students complete BA’s within eight and half years, compared with 81 % of high-income students.

e) Nearly 40% of today’s PSE (Post-Secondary Education) students are self-supporting adults age 24 and up.


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TRENDS > National

3. Cost and Affordability

a) Average tuition and fees at community colleges have risen by 30% after adjusting for inflation from 1995 – 2005.

b) States are expected to experience long-term structural deficits in funds for PSEs, caused by the squeeze of revenues and pressures on spending from rising health care costs.

c) Inadequate attention to cost measurement and cost management.

d) Cost increases are also influenced by excessive state and federal regulation (e.g. Higher Education (HE) must comply with more than 200 federal laws.)


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TRENDS > National

4. Financial Aid

a) The financial system is overly complicated, redundant and incomprehensible.

b) For the typical household, the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), is longer and more complicated than the federal tax return.c) Over half of today’s undergraduates take out loans to

finance part of their college work.

d) Large majorities of adults say students today graduate with too much debt (e.g. $15,500 to $19,400).


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TRENDS > National

5. Learning

a) On an international scale, the US ranks number 12 in higher education attainment and 16th in high school graduation rates.

b) Between 1992 and 2003, the average prose literacy and document literacy decreased among those with some college or a BA degree or higher.

c) Only 66% of fulltime students complete a BA within six years.

d) Significant attainment gaps between White and Asian students, compared to Black and Hispanic students.

e) Employers complain that many college graduates arenot prepared for the workplace with the necessary skills.


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TRENDS > National

6. Transparency and Accountabilitya) Current measurements are primarily focused on financial

inputs and resources.

b) There is no solid evidence, comparable across institutions, of how much students learn in colleges or whether they learn more at one college than another.

c) More comparable data about benchmarks of institutional success (e.g. student access, retention, learning and success, educational costs, and productivity) are needed, to stimulate innovation and continuous improvement.

d) Traditional data collections leaves out large numbers of non-traditional students who are increasingly attending PSE institution, and does not focus on outcomes.

e) The system of accreditation has significant shortcomings with too much focus on process reviews than on bottom-line results for learning or costs.


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TRENDS > National

7. Innovation

a) Institutions as well as government agencies have failed to sustain and nurture innovation in our colleges and universities.

b) Traditional academic calendars and schedules often result in inefficient use of an institution’s physical plant and learning programs that are less than optimal.

c) Barriers to the recognition of transfer credits between different types of institutions pose challenges to students and prevent institutions from increasing capacity.

d) Fewer American students are earning degrees in the STEM fields, medicine, and other disciplines critical to global competitiveness, national security and economic prosperity.

e) Almost 30 percent of the actively employed science and engineering doctorate holders in the US are foreign born.


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TRENDS > National• Fully one in six American jobs is now tied to international trade.

• Corporate leaders rank international curricula high on their priority list of what’s important in American higher education.

• There is near unanimity among American personnel officers that job applicants with international experience are likely to possess desirable skills in cross-cultural communication, cultural awareness, leadership, and independence.

• The US depends heavily on individuals knowledgeable about foreign cultures to advance and protect the interests of the American people.

• US Government leaders express great anxiety about the lack of language skill and expertise in geographic areas essential to the nation’s security.

• Just 20% of Americans hold a passport.

• Americans rank second to last among nine countries in their geographic knowledge.

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TRENDS > State

Challenges in Washington State• Washington’s under-educated working population is equal to its

next 10 high school graduating classes.• One out of four people 18 – 24 does not have a high school


• About 47% of Latinos 25 and over do not have a high school diploma.

• One in every three people 18 – 64 has only a high school diploma

• By 2030, our state’s population will grow to about 8.6 million, as well as becoming much more diverse.

• The share of total state resources assigned to higher education has declined steadily.

• Poverty is the single most powerful risk factor for lack of academic attainment among children , and people of color.

• Washington State has more than a million adults with a high school diploma or less.

• 60 percent of today’s jobs require some form of PSE or job training.

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TRENDS > State


1. Help more people achieve degrees

2. Develop facilities, technology and distance learning

3. Pursue four strategies to increase educational attainment

1. Focus on diversity

2. Create Higher Expectations for all K-12 Students

3. Create a system of support for lifelong learning

4. Make college affordable and easy to access

4. Promote economic growth and innovation

5. Monitor and fund higher education for results

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1. Serve more people, including groups who have been underserved in the past.

2. Close the statewide skills gap for technically trained workers.

3. Increase funding for adult basic skills programs.

4. Contribute more to the production of baccalaureate degrees.

5. Work with our partners in the P-20 education system to create seamless, easy-to-navigate pathways for all students.

6. Use performance measures and funding as incentives to improve student retention and achievement


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TRENDS > State


7. Invest in sustaining faculty and staff excellence.

8. Build a 21st century learning infrastructure.

9. Promote the adoption of web-based and mobile technology tools for eLearning and online student services.

10. Devote a larger share of system resources to teaching and learning by making smarter use of technology and promoting efficiencies in college district governance.

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TRUSTEES > Vision, Mission

VISIONShoreline Community College will be a world-class leader in student success and community engagement. MISSIONWe are dedicated to serving the educational, workforce and cultural needs of our diverse community.

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TRUSTEES > Core values


The core values, based on the strengths and success of Shoreline Community College, are:

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TRUSTEES > Core values


Commit to providing excellence in academics so

that all students will complete their program

and/or graduate with the academic preparation

and skills necessary to continue their education,

meet the demands of the workplace or improve

their quality of life through leisure-time activity.


Respect and enhance the quality of our transfer

and professional technical programs in order to

maintain our state and national reputation of


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Listen and respect the opinions of one another.


Promote a campus that reflects the state and regional communities that the

college serves


Work in partnership with the campus community, local, state, national and international institutions and organizations.

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TRUSTEES > Core Values


Respond proactively to changing conditions in the economy, environment, society, international community and technology in a timely manner with a sense of urgency.


Respond to changing conditions through innovative practices and by creating opportunities for the future of the college.

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- STUDENT SUCCESS• Shoreline Community College students will have

the opportunity to complete their program and/or graduate with the academic preparation and skills necessary to continue their education, meet the demands of the workplace or improve their quality of life, consistent with the State of Washington’s Community and Technical College system.

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2. PROGRAM EXCELLENCE • Shoreline Community College strives for

continuous improvement in its educational programs to meet the needs of students, employers, colleges and universities, and community partners.

• Shoreline Community College promotes the excellence of its programs locally, statewide, nationally and internationally.

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TRUSTEES > Core Themes

3. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT• Shoreline Community College initiates,

cultivates and nurtures relationships with cities, including Shoreline and Lake Forest Park, local school systems, businesses, the Shoreline Community College Foundation, community based, state, national and international organizations.

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TRUSTEES > Core Themes

4. ACCESS AND DIVERSITY• Shoreline Community College maximizes

student access to all its transfer, professional/ technical and developmental programs.

• Shoreline Community College promotes a diverse student body and employees who reflect the local, state, regional and international communities that the college serves.

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TRUSTEES > Core Themes

5. COLLEGE STEWARDSHIP• On behalf of the citizens of the State of

Washington, Shoreline Community College serves as a model of effective, transparent and ethical stewardship with a focus on fiscal resources, college employees, compliance with laws and regulations, and facilities management.

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TRUSTEES > Goals for 2010-11DRAFT

GOAL 1: Work toward increasing access to Shoreline Community College’s professional technical programs for out of state regions that do not offer similar programs.

GOAL 2: Work toward encouraging and supporting disadvantaged and minority youth to pursue STEM related careers.

GOAL 3: Implement Board’s Policy Governance. Ongoing

GOAL 4: Meet with the Board’s of Trustees from the other Five Star Consortium colleges.

GOAL 5: Work with the College’s new Chief Advancement Officer to strengthen the Foundation’s support for Shoreline’s programs and services.

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PRESIDENT > Goals for 2010-11DRAFT

GOAL 1: SCC will develop a comprehensive enrollment management plan. Double FTEs by 2020

GOAL 2: SCC will develop a comprehensive business plan for attracting and retaining international students. 1,000 students

GOAL 3: SCC will complete its work on the NWCCU report.

GOAL 4: SCC will begin full implementation of the Board’s Policy Governance model.

GOAL 5: SCC will continue to strengthen its financial position by generating revenue in excess of $4 million. Over 3-4 years

GOAL 6: SCC will continue to manage its budget in a fiscally responsible manner consistent with its peer colleges, and state and federal mandates.

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LEADERSHIP > Competencies

1. SELF-AWARENESS AND ACTUALIZATION.• The ability, capacity, and skill to recognize,

understand, influence and manage the emotional responses of one's self, other individuals, and groups.

• Demonstrate the ability to take the lead in presenting new and unproven ideas to meet our institutional business needs, especially those that involve coordination across functional or organizational boundaries.

• Strive for continuous personal and professional development by consistently exposing yourself to new perspectives and ideas.

• Seek and accept demanding assignments and candid feedback from all levels of the organization.

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2. WORKING WITH AMBIGUITY.• The ability to effectively work with change;

– comfortable with shifting context;– can make decisions and act with limited

information;– easily accepts uncertainty;– can move ahead without finishing;– comfortable working with risk and uncertainty.

LEADERSHIP > Competencies

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3. WORKING WITH PARADOX• Be adaptable and flexible;

– demonstrates the ability to professionally act in ways that may appear contradictory;

– balances strength compassion, empathy and objectivity;

– demonstrates the ability to both follow and lead;– is both a team player and valued individual

contributor;– demonstrates both humility and self-confidence; – balances competing demands and interests.

LEADERSHIP > Competencies

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LEADERSHIP > Competencies

4. SUPERVISORY ACCOUNTABILITY• As a manager, recognize achievement and

intervene when an employee does not meet commitments or expectations, or when an interpersonal conflict or crisis arises.

• Be the first to notify your supervisor about issues or problems, and provide a recommendation for resolution.

• Consistently demonstrate responsible stewardship of public resources, including time and money.

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LEADERSHIP > Competencies

5. COLLABORATION• Demonstrate the ability to work together with

others effectively regardless of personal or professional differences.

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LEADERSHIP > Competencies

6. STAFF DEVELOPMENT• Demonstrate active support for staff

development.• Provide timely feedback, both critical and

positive, when your employees need it.• Be actively and directly involved providing

employees with honest, specific, and meaningful observations during performance reviews.

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LEADERSHIP > Competencies

7. STAY INFORMED• Monitor and read a variety of news sources.

Integrate that information into an ongoing analysis of your work environment.

• Be aware of how changes in the external world affect our students, employees, community and business partners, and what our competition is doing.

• Cultivate sustainable relationships with our diverse internal and external communities by staying informed about the world around us.

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LEADERSHIP > Competencies

8. WORK ETHIC• Demonstrate the highest ethical values and

positive behaviors regardless of the challenges we face as a College.

• Consistently inspire and motivate staff by modeling positive behavior.

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INDIVIDUAL > Duties, ResponsibilitiesYOUR ROLE

Based on what you just saw, and looking

at your own situation, what opportunities can you find to move the college ahead

during these challenging times?