2169-3536 (c) 2018 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2891115, IEEE Access Date of publication xxxx 00, 0000, date of current version xxxx 00, 0000. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.DOI Online User Distribution-aware Virtual Machine Re-Deployment and Live Migration in SDN-based Data Centers JIN QIN 1,2 , YIZHEN WU 3 , YUTONG CHEN 1 , KAIPING XUE 1,2 , (Senior Member, IEEE), AND DAVID S.L. WEI 4 , (Senior Member, IEEE) 1 Department of Electronic Engineering and Information Science, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230027 China (e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]) 2 School of Cybersecurity, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230027 China 3 Huawei Shanghai Research Institute, Shanghai 201206, China (e-mail: [email protected]) 4 Department of Computer and Information Science, Fordham University, NY 10458 USA (e-mail: [email protected]) Corresponding author: Kaiping Xue ([email protected]) This work is supported in part by the National Key Research and Development Plan of China under Grant No. 2017YFB0801702, the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 61671420, and Youth Innovation Promotion Association CAS under Grant No. 2016394. ABSTRACT Virtual machine (VM) re-deployment and migration has been proven to be a key technique for cloud data centers to implement resource optimization and load balance. Also, live VM migration aims to guarantee the continuity of the existing data flows. Though VM management has been well studied, it has so far mostly focused on optimising resource utilization, while the important issue of users’ Quality of Experience (QoE) has been ignored. In mobile cloud computing (MCC), user distribution changes dynamically over time and it can significantly affect both the service latency and network resource utilization. In the traditional network, VM migration may cause a flash crowd of flow changing and a long service downtime due to VM’s IP address changing. Software-defined networking (SDN) is an emerging paradigm to logically centralize the network control plane and automate the configuration of individual network elements, which can be ubiquitously deployed in data centers and serve as an effective means for flow handling. In this paper, we design a user Distribution-Aware virtual machine Re-Deployment (DARD) mechanism and propose a Traffic-Redirection virtual machine Migration (TRM) scheme to keep the active flows from being interrupted. We further provide simulations to show the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed approaches over existing schemes. INDEX TERMS Cloud data centers, user distribution, live migration, re-deployment, software-defined networking I. INTRODUCTION Cloud computing (CC) is a new computing paradigm that enables cloud users to share pools of configurable resources and services in a cost-effective way. Through virtualization technology, virtual machines (VMs) are created according to users’ demands, and users execute their applications on the VMs that are indeed running on physical servers [1]–[6]. In mobile cloud computing (MCC) [7], cloud data centers are dispersed across different geographic regions per service needs. To obtain their good quality service, users need to ac- cess some VMs in an effective way. To provide a better quali- ty of experience (QoE) for users is thus the major mission for a cloud service provider (CSP). From a statistical viewpoint, the distances from online users to their corresponding servic- ing VMs usually directly influence the service delay and in turn influence QoE for the most online users. For this reason, VM(s) should be deployed at the place closer to most online users. However, as the user distribution varies over time, the initial VM deployment may not be suitable for its subsequent served network conditions. Therefore, VM redeployment in MCC with dispersed data centers is becoming a new means for efficient resource utilization to improve users’ QoE [8]– [10]. As such, virtual machine management in cloud data centers should include two aspects: initial VM(s) deployment and VM(s) redeployment. Firstly, it’s necessary for a CSP to optimize initial VM(s) deployment across different geographic regions to improve service performance so that suitable VM(s) are deployed at VOLUME 4, 2016 1

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2169-3536 (c) 2018 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. Seehttp://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2891115, IEEE Access

Date of publication xxxx 00, 0000, date of current version xxxx 00, 0000.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.DOI

Online User Distribution-aware VirtualMachine Re-Deployment and LiveMigration in SDN-based Data CentersJIN QIN1,2, YIZHEN WU3, YUTONG CHEN1, KAIPING XUE1,2, (Senior Member, IEEE),AND DAVID S.L. WEI4, (Senior Member, IEEE)1Department of Electronic Engineering and Information Science, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230027 China (e-mail:[email protected], [email protected], [email protected])2School of Cybersecurity, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230027 China3Huawei Shanghai Research Institute, Shanghai 201206, China (e-mail: [email protected])4Department of Computer and Information Science, Fordham University, NY 10458 USA (e-mail: [email protected])

Corresponding author: Kaiping Xue ([email protected])

This work is supported in part by the National Key Research and Development Plan of China under Grant No. 2017YFB0801702, theNational Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 61671420, and Youth Innovation Promotion Association CAS under GrantNo. 2016394.

ABSTRACT Virtual machine (VM) re-deployment and migration has been proven to be a key techniquefor cloud data centers to implement resource optimization and load balance. Also, live VM migrationaims to guarantee the continuity of the existing data flows. Though VM management has been wellstudied, it has so far mostly focused on optimising resource utilization, while the important issue ofusers’ Quality of Experience (QoE) has been ignored. In mobile cloud computing (MCC), user distributionchanges dynamically over time and it can significantly affect both the service latency and network resourceutilization. In the traditional network, VM migration may cause a flash crowd of flow changing and a longservice downtime due to VM’s IP address changing. Software-defined networking (SDN) is an emergingparadigm to logically centralize the network control plane and automate the configuration of individualnetwork elements, which can be ubiquitously deployed in data centers and serve as an effective means forflow handling. In this paper, we design a user Distribution-Aware virtual machine Re-Deployment (DARD)mechanism and propose a Traffic-Redirection virtual machine Migration (TRM) scheme to keep the activeflows from being interrupted. We further provide simulations to show the effectiveness and superiority ofthe proposed approaches over existing schemes.

INDEX TERMS Cloud data centers, user distribution, live migration, re-deployment, software-definednetworking

I. INTRODUCTIONCloud computing (CC) is a new computing paradigm thatenables cloud users to share pools of configurable resourcesand services in a cost-effective way. Through virtualizationtechnology, virtual machines (VMs) are created accordingto users’ demands, and users execute their applications onthe VMs that are indeed running on physical servers [1]–[6].In mobile cloud computing (MCC) [7], cloud data centersare dispersed across different geographic regions per serviceneeds. To obtain their good quality service, users need to ac-cess some VMs in an effective way. To provide a better quali-ty of experience (QoE) for users is thus the major mission fora cloud service provider (CSP). From a statistical viewpoint,the distances from online users to their corresponding servic-

ing VMs usually directly influence the service delay and inturn influence QoE for the most online users. For this reason,VM(s) should be deployed at the place closer to most onlineusers. However, as the user distribution varies over time, theinitial VM deployment may not be suitable for its subsequentserved network conditions. Therefore, VM redeployment inMCC with dispersed data centers is becoming a new meansfor efficient resource utilization to improve users’ QoE [8]–[10]. As such, virtual machine management in cloud datacenters should include two aspects: initial VM(s) deploymentand VM(s) redeployment.

Firstly, it’s necessary for a CSP to optimize initial VM(s)deployment across different geographic regions to improveservice performance so that suitable VM(s) are deployed at

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2891115, IEEE Access

J.Qin et al.: Online User Distribution-aware Virtual Machine Re-Deployment and Live Migration in SDN-based Data Centers

the right places to provide a specific service in considerationof resource constraints (e.g. CPU, Storage, and networkbandwidth) of data centers [11], [12]. This raises the issuesof different resource consumption [13]–[15] during the initialVM deployment.

Secondly, when initial VM deployment is no longer suit-able due to the changes of user distribution, VM migrationacross Data Centers will lead to more efficient resourceutilization and further improve users’ QoE. For a CSP, VMredeployment generally requires to migrate a running VM toa new data center, and this needs to firstly copy a VM fromits previous physical server to a new one, and then update thenetwork to re-establish data paths from each user to the newlocation. As far as we know, the research of VM migrationcan be divided into three main categories: 1) The first onefocuses on how to optimize copying CPU and Memory statusto reduce service downtime [16]; 2) The second one is fromthe view of network resource optimization, e.g, selecting datacopy path to optimize the overhead of the network updating[17]; 3) The third one is how to synchronize data copyingphrase and network configuration [18] in order to reduce themigration time.

There are two kinds of factors causing service delay: 1)The first one is initial deployment of VMs without consid-ering future online user distribution. In fact, this factor couldnot be controlled very well because it is difficult to accuratelypredict future user distribution. 2) The second factor is thatuser distribution always changes over time, because of manyreasons, such as “tidal effect” [19]. This factor will cause theirrationality of initial deployment even if it was originallyappropriate. For convenience, we collectively call this prob-lem as “initial deployment unreasonable”. Therefore, takingonline user distribution into consideration, migrating VM(s)from their initial locations to new optimized locations caneffectively reduce the average service delay and improveusers’ QoE.

Besides, in order to keep the continuity of active services,it is also important to implement a seamless online migrationof VM [20], [21]. For this, we need to realize network layermobility management to maintain the previously establishedflows without being interrupted because of the changes in IPaddress when a virtual machine is being migrated. Networklayer mobility management has been proposed to keep theIP address unchanged when a user move from one networkdomain to another. By now, there have been extensive re-searches regarding the live VM migration based on the exist-ing network layer mobility management schemes. There havebeen a large number of researches on live VM migration, andthese works primarily focus on the migration cost in termsof the downtime, bandwidth, and power consumption [22].For example, Deshpande et al. [23] proposed traffic-sensitivelive migration of VMs. Nathan et al. [24] established aperformance and energy model for live migration of VM.However, although how to effectively implement live VMmigration for improving online users’ QoE and reducingmigration cost was studied over these years, the factor of

online user distribution changing has attracted very littledirect attentions.

Software-defined networking (SDN) is an emergingparadigm to logically centralize the network control planeand automate the configuration of individual network ele-ments. Owing to SDN’s centrality and network-wide abstrac-tion of the control plane, it is much easier to implent fastservice deployment and network virtulization, which is well-suited for dynamic environments such as cloud data centers.Based on the centralized control of SDN controller, it willbe easier to maintain the states of the whole network, in-cluding bandwidth, storge, computing resource and even userdistribution. Different from traditional distributed decisionmaking, SDN controllers can make global optimal decisionsfor a CSP based on the collected network information. Mean-while, SDN allows a single control protocol to implementa range of functions to provide flexible and unified controlon routing. For live VM migration, the traffic path can bedetermined by the SDN controllers, ensuring the consistencyand efficiency during the migration process while providinga guaranteed mobility support. However, the triangle routingproblem still exists in such schemes, and it’s also existing inmobility management schemes such as Mobile IP (IP) andProxy Mobile IP (PMIP).

In this paper, we take both resource constraints and onlineuser distribution into consideration, combine with the advan-tages of SDN to propose an online user distribution awareredeployment algorithm (DARD) to re-choose appropriatephysical servers to carry the running VM(s). We further de-sign a Traffic-Redirection virtual machine Migration (TRM)scheme to keep the active flows from being interrupted andsolve the triangle touting problem at the same time. The per-formance analysis proves that our scheme can both improvethe utilization of network resource and reduce the averageservice delay. The main contributions can be summarized asfollows:

• We introduce online user distribution into optimizingVM re-deployment and formulate VM redeployment inSDN based data centers as an optimization problem.The proposed scheme can be implemented to choose anew physical server which is closest to the most onlineusers to carry the running virtual machine, and the in-telligent redeployment across geographically disperseddata centers can reduce both the service delay and theglobal bandwidth consumption.

• As only the SDN controller can generate flow tableentries for each openflow switch, reducing the amountof entries distributed in the new path should be alsotaken into consideration in order to reduce the influenceon core networks. We propose a Traffic-Redirectionvirtual migration scheme to minimizing the amount offlow table entries, and keep the active flows from beinginterrupted while avoiding the triangle routing problem.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows: The relatedwork is briefly described in Section II. Section III gives the

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2891115, IEEE Access

J.Qin et al.: Online User Distribution-aware Virtual Machine Re-Deployment and Live Migration in SDN-based Data Centers

system model and the problem formulation of VM redeploy-ment and migration. Our proposed DARD and TRM are pre-sented in detail in Section IV, followed by the performanceevaluation in Section V. Finally, we conclude the paper andgive the future work in Section VI.

II. RELATED WORKLive virtual machine migration has attracted increased atten-tions from both academia and industry since it was proposedin 2005 [20]. Existing works include Zhang et al. [9] pro-posed Network-aware virtual machine migration in an over-committed cloud. DeCusatis et al. [21] proposed an Open-flow based network infrastructure to implement inter-domainVM(s) migration. Meanwhile, Keller et al. [22] proposedLIME (LIve Migration of Ensembles), which is an efficientsolution to implement the live migration of the whole VMnetwork consisting of multiple VMs. These existing researchworks indicate that SDN technology offers great advantageson solving VM migration in data centers. In general, there arethree basic problems during the process of VM migration:• Considering the optimization goal of VM migration: This

kind of works include Traffic-sensitive live migration ofvirtual machines proposed by Deshpande et al. [23], andthe work of Nathan et al. [24] that established a perfor-mance and energy model for live migration of VM(s).However, schemes mentioned above mainly focused onthe migration cost in terms of the downtime, bandwidth,and power consumption, and just considered resource con-straints. The influence of online user distribution changinghas never been taken into account to enhance users’ expe-rience.

• Reducing the running VM’s downtime: It is important toreduce the downtime of the running VM during migration.There have been a lot of approaches proposed to solvethis problem, in which Pre-Copy is considered to be themost representative strategy [16], [18]. Although, with thePre-Copy strategy in pages of memory, the contents areiteratively copied from the source physical server to thedestination host without shutting down the execution ofrunning VM, it is still not good enough to accomplish liveVM migration.

• Keeping the running VM’s IP address unchangeable: Intraditional TCP/IP networks, a running VM with a specificIP address can be accessed by any online user throughInternet. In general, the IP address of the VM has to bechanged along with VM migrating across different geo-graphic locations, so online users can not directly accessthe VM and keep the existing flows continuous withoutany changes. Some schemes have been proposed to dealwith this continuity problem. For example, with extendingproxy mobile IP, Silvera et al. [25] set the first hop switchesrespectively accessed by the physical servers that carrythe running VM before and after migration to serve asthe home-agent and the foreign agent. Then, an IP tunnelbetween these two agents can be established to maintainIP continuity. Although proxy Mobile IP has been proved

to be a good solution to provide IP continuity in thenetwork layer, it still has the problem of “triangle routing”which cannot be easily addressed. This problem is alsointroduced to the VM migration scenario.

As an enterprise usually deploys Data Centers in differentgeographic locations, there is a need to interconnect the dis-persed Data Centers, and allow the seamless live VM migra-tion among different physical servers in different locations.However, because of the bottleneck of the existing mobile IPbased schemes, researchers turn to find new solutions usingother network layer technologies. Raad et al. [26] attemptedto solve live VM migration based on LISP (Locator/IdentifierSeparation Protocol), which is not compatible with the tradi-tional TCP/IP architecture. Xie et al. [27] provided seamlesslive VM Migration via NDN (Named Data Networking) inCloud Data Center.

As an emerging network paradigm, SDN has attractedmuch attention from both academia and industry over theseyears. There are many researches focusing on network virtu-alization and the design of virtual layer architecture, whichlay the foundation for SDN’s application in cloud computingand dynamic environments. Blenk et al. [28] proposed anSDN hypervisor architecture HyperFlex which relies on thedecomposition of the hypervisor into functions that are essen-tial for virtualizing SDN networks. And they further initiatedthe study of the network hypervisor placement problem in[29]. Sieber et al. [30] presented an extensible and distributedSDN hypervisor benchmarking framework based on flexiblestatistical request generators. Basta et al. [31] proposed acontrol path migration protocol for distributed hypervisors toprovide a mobility support. Meanwhile, using the advantagesof SDN to realize online VM management and live migrationhas also attracted more and more attentions. Satpathy et al.[32] proposed a two-layer VM placement algorithm usingcrow search and queuing structure. Rodrigues et al. [33]investigated an algorithm that utilizes VM migration andtransmission power control, together with a mathematicalmodel of delay in mobile edge computing and a heuristicalgorithm called Particle Swarm Optimization, to balancethe workload between cloudlets and consequently maximizecost-effectiveness. Liu et al. [34] and Mayoral et al. [35]both used global orchestrator approaches to implement theVM migration across different datacenters. Mandal et al. [36]proposed a multistage heterogeneous bandwidth provisioningscheme, which allocates optical network bandwidths at mul-tiple stages for different phases of VM migrations. Sharmaet al. [37] dealt with mulit-objective (network aware, energyefficient, and Service Level Agreement (SLA) aware) VMsmigration at the cloud data center. Liu et al. [34] also pro-posed an NAT based solution to redirect the existing trafficto maintain online service continuity. Although to redirecttraffic at the first hop switch accessed by the physical serverbefore migration will lead to a minimum impact on the corenetwork, it also introduces the problem of long triangle rout-ing as that in mobile IP based schemes. As we know, a long

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2891115, IEEE Access

J.Qin et al.: Online User Distribution-aware Virtual Machine Re-Deployment and Live Migration in SDN-based Data Centers

SDN Controller




UserUser User

User UserUser distribution variation

1st-OF 1st-OF


Step1:User Distribution-Aware virtual machine Re-Deployment(DARD)

Step2:Traffic-Redirection virtual machine Migration(TRM)

Server 1 Server 2VM VM VM VM

Data Center 1


Server 3 Server 4

VM VM VM VMData Center 2


Server 3 Server 4VM VM VM VM

Data Center 2


FIGURE 1. VM management: VM re-deployment and live migration

triangle routing will lead to a long delay and significantlyreduce online users’ experience. From this aspect, we cantreat the traffic redirection as an optimization problem, whichaims to find a tradeoff between providing optimal routing andminimizing the impact on the core network.

Although VM migration has been well studied over theseyears, the factor of online user distribution changing hasattracted very little direct attentions. Different from thoseworks only focus on the host based optimization, we decideto design a network based optimization scheme. Motivated bythe advantages and challenges of virtual machine migrationin SDN, we propose a user distribution aware redeployment(DARD) framework in consideration of user distribution, anddesign a traffic-redirection virtual machine migration scheme(TRM) to keep the active flows from being interrupted. Withthese two approaches, a cloud service provider can providea higher QoE for the most online users, and keep the activeflows uninterrupted while avoiding the triangle routing prob-lem.


In this section, we formulate the virtual machine redeploy-ment in SDN-based Data Centers as an optimization prob-lem. Owing to its abstraction of the network control plane,SDN controller can timely collect network status, includingbandwidth, computing resource and even the user distributionstatistic. Then the controller can make a VM migrationdecision or select the specific migration path based on thechanges in user distribution. Without loss of generality, andin order to simplify the subsequent derivation and exper-imentation, we assume that the whole set of data centersis supervised by a single SDN controller. Meanwhile, allthe schemes we proposed can be further extended to multi-controllers scenario from the single controller scenario. Inthe scenario with multi-controllers, a VM may migrate from

one controller’s management domain to another controller’smanagement domain. Compared with a single controllerscenario, the major additional problem is the interactionand coordination between different controllers. Each datacenter usually has its own network controller, and differentcontrollers need to interact with each other to update therouting path and ensure the consistency of VMs’ informationand their locations for data forwarding. There are alreadymany related works aim to solve this problem, in which usinga global orchestrator for controllers is considered to be anexcellent choice. Liu et al. [34] used a global orchestrator forcoordination among network controllers and cloud managesystems. The global orchestrator maintains all VMs’ locationinformation, help to select the best paths for transferring themigration traffic, and control the network update process.Mayoral et al. [35] also presented a network orchestrationapproach where several SDN controllers are directly orches-trated to implement seamless migration of VMs. And suchstrategies can also be applied to our schemes to change thecontrol plane of SDN network into a two-layer structure,where all the controllers are orchestrated by a global orches-trator. Orchestrator can be used for information interactionand synchronization between different controllers, and theglobal optimal decision is made on the basis of the optimaldecision of each controller. We will further investigate thisproblem in our future work, but in this paper all the problemswere modeled and analyzed in a single controller scenario.


Fig. 1 gives an example of initial deployment unreasonableproblem, in which VMs have been initially deployed on theleft data center (Data Center 1), which can be accessed fromoutside through a Openflow switch (we call this switch asa source 1st-OF). However, later when an online user moveto a location far away from the initially deployed VMs,the user has to access the service through a long routingpath. Therefore, the virtual machine management is also

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2891115, IEEE Access

J.Qin et al.: Online User Distribution-aware Virtual Machine Re-Deployment and Live Migration in SDN-based Data Centers

responsible for VM redeployment. Firstly, we take user distri-bution into consideration, and formulate the virtual machineredeployment as an optimization problem, which containsnot only resource constraints but also user-distribution dis-tance constraint. Then, the next important work is how toseamlessly live migrate a VM from its old location to thenew location, which should gurantee the online service’scontinuity and keep the IP address of VM unchanged duringmigration through traffic redirection. Different from Liu etal.’s work [34], we find an optimal position for redirectingtraffic, which is a suitable tradeoff between providing optimalrouting and minimizing the impact on the core network.

Fig. 1 briefly gives the main work that we complete in thispaper. There are two steps to implement VM management.The first step is to implement user distribution aware virtualmachine redeployment (DARD) to find an optimal location tocarry the running VM by taking both online user distributionand resource constraints into consideration. The second stepis to implement traffic-redirection virtual machine migration(TRM) to lively migrate VM to the new location found inStep 1. Later in this paper, we firstly formulate the problem ofStep 1, and then formulate the problem of Step 2. The detailsof the two schemes are given in the next section (Section IV).

TABLE 1. Notions and Definitions in DARD

SYMBOL DESCRIPTIONN Total number of physical servers in a Data Center.Ci Resource constraint of memory on server si.Pi Resource constraint of CPU on server si.Ui Resource constraint of network bandwidth on server si.c The memory resource required by the VM v.p The CPU resource required by the VM v.u The network bandwidth required by the VM v.


I(i) ∈ {0, 1} where I(i) = 1 represent the VM should bedeployed on the physical server si, and otherwise I(i) = 0.Furthermore, a VM can be deployed on only one physicalserver, hence,

∑Ni=1 I(i) = 1

distij Represent the length of the path between node i and j.

C. PROBLEM FORMULATION1) Problem Formulation of DARDDARD aims to solve initial deployment unreasonablethrough VM redeploying. As we have mentioned above, userdistribution is a statistic and can be taken into considerationtogether with resource constraints. Therefore, how to rea-sonably quantify user distribution will be the first challengein our scheme design. Besides, when user distribution isconsidered as a constraint in optimizing VM redeployment,we take service delay as the optimization object. TABLE 1lists some notions and definitions used in DARD.

2) Problem Formulation of TRMTRM aims to accomplish seamless live VM migration. Afterimplementing DARD, one candidate physical server will beselected for redeploying the VM. To keep the same IP addresswhen VM migrates across different subnets, we design an

effective live migration scheme to redirect flows from sourcephysical server to the destination one based on SDN archi-tecture. To differentiate the old physical server that the VMresided before migration and the new physical server the VMwill reside after migration, we assume that the VM migratesfrom sn to s′n . Besides, we give some additional notions anddefinitions used in TRM in Table II .

TABLE 2. Notions And Definitions In TRM



The path between user’s location and the old attachedphysical server sn. pold is defined as a set of switchesin the path, e.g, p1old = {s1, s2, . . . , si, . . . , sn}


When there are n users access the service provided bythe VM v in the old attached physical server sn,the set of their paths arePold = {p1old, p

2old, . . . , p

iold, . . . , p



The path between user’s location and the new attachedphysical server s′n. pnew is defined as a set of switchesin the path, e.g, p1new = {s1, s2, . . . , si, . . . , s′n}


When there are n users access the service providedby the VM v in the new attached physical server s′n,the set of their paths arePnew = {p1new, p2new, . . . , pinew, . . . , pnnew}

tpathThe two tuple of path pair for a user is (pold, pnew).All n path pairs make up a set{t1path, t

2path, . . . , t


IV. OUR PROPOSED SCHEMEAs mentioned above, the solution to address the problem ofinitial VM deployment unreasonable can be divided into twosteps, respectively accomplished by DARD and TRM. Thesetwo steps constitute a complete scheme of VM redeploymentand live migration. In this section, DARD and TRM areexplained in detail.

A. DARDBy taking user distribution into account, DARD contains twosub-procedures: Firstly, it is necessary to solve the problemof how to quantize user distribution. Subsequently, by addingthe factor of user distribution, we optimize the VM redeploy-ment under both resource constraints and user distributionconstraint. By solving this optimization problem, a physicalserver will be selected so that the most online users canaccess the VM with lower service delay. And as an extra note,DARD is not so sensitive to the real-time awareness. DARDonly needs to obtain user distribution information, which is astatistic and the change is not fine-grained in time. Therefore,The movement law of individual user will not conflict withthe current decision.

1) Specification and AnalysisAs shown in Fig. 2, in the network topology of data centersnetwork, nodes can be arranged in two categories: PhysicalServers and User Nodes. Among these nodes, there is aPhysical Server node selected for initial VM deployment.Through multiple core network switches along the path fromeach user node to the physical server, the corresponding users

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2891115, IEEE Access

J.Qin et al.: Online User Distribution-aware Virtual Machine Re-Deployment and Live Migration in SDN-based Data Centers

Physical Server

Range 0

Range 3

Range 1Range 2

Range 4Range 5





VM Initial Deployment

User Node


FIGURE 2. VM management: Range of user requirements and distribution

can access the service provided by the VM. Besides, UserNodes and Physical Servers in the topology can be dividedinto multiple ranges according to the switches to which theyare accessing.

We use Fig. 3 as an example to introduce a statistical viewto quantize user distribution. As shown in Fig. 3, we set theweight of each node, where each node represents a range andthe weight represents the number of online users accessingthe service in this range. Take the node S3 for example,W3 = 6 represents there are 6 online users accessing theservice provided by the VM in Range0. The weight of theedge represents the delay between the two core switches intwo ranges. The blank node indicates that there is no physicalserver in this range, and the gray node means that thereare one or more candidate physical servers in this range.In addition, without loss of generality, if a range has twoor more physical servers, we still consider the range withonly one physical server with sum of the capacity of thesephysical servers. Based on the above definitions, we canbuild a weighted undirected graph, which can be expressedas G(V,E).



















FIGURE 3. User distribution statistic evolution

After user distribution has been quantified when facing theproblem of initial deployment unreasonable, we consider tooptimize the average path length of all online users to makethe most online users obtain the service with as lower latencyas possible. In this formulation, I(i) is the optimization

variable, which is a binary indicator to denote whether thevirtual machine is deployed at the specific physical server ornot. As the optimization object, we concentrate on minimizethe average path length for all online users with the con-sideration of both resource constraints and user distribution.Finally, by implementing DARD, one node in G(V,E) willbe selected for VM redeployment. The optimization objectcan be completely express in (1):

Ri =N∑j=1

I(i) ·Wj · distij (1)

The followings are complete formulation. Equation (2a)is the minimum optimization goal, which represents theaverage delay of the system. Inequalities (2b)- (2d) respec-tively denote the constraints of the memory resource, theCPU computing capability, and the bandwidth capacity. Therationale behind our definition is that the resources consumedby the deployed server must not exceed the residual resourcesin each dimension.



I(i) ·Wj · distij/N∑j=1

Wj (2a)

subject to I(i) · c ≤ Ci,∀i ∈ N (2b)I(i) · p ≤ Pi,∀i ∈ N (2c)I(i) · u ≤ Ui,∀i ∈ N (2d)N∑i=1

I(i) = 1, i ∈ {1, N} (2e)

2) DARD AlgorithmSolving the problem of VM redeployment aims to find avertex which can make the average path length be shortestwhile satisfying the resource constraints. Hence, the problemcan be solved as a evolution of the shortest path problem.With the resource constraints in Inequality (2b)-(2e), thescale of problem can be largely reduced.

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J.Qin et al.: Online User Distribution-aware Virtual Machine Re-Deployment and Live Migration in SDN-based Data Centers

Therefore, according to the definitions and analysis above,we can solve this problem in two steps:Step 1: Select candidate physical servers which meet thecondition of resource constraints;Step 2: Among the servers selected in Step 1, using thefollowing algorithm to further select the one with the bestlocation in terms of the shortest average path length.

Algorithm 1: DARD algorithm.Input: The graph of nodes and distance:G(V,E); Neighbor

node distance matrix:matrix[i][j]; The weight of eachrange: W [i], i ∈ N ; Distance to other nodes: dist[i][j].

Output: VM is on node i, i ∈ N ; the minimum result Ri.1 for i ∈ V do2 T = V − i;3 temp node t = i;4 while T 6= ∅ do5 for j ∈ T do6 if dist[i][t] + dist[t][j] < dist[i][j] then7 dist[i][j] = dist[i][t] + dist[t][j];8 end9 end

10 min = Inf ;11 for m ∈ T do12 if dist[i][j] < min then13 min = dist[i][m];14 t = m;15 end16 end17 T = T − t;18 end19 end20 min = Inf ;21 for i ∈ V do22 for v ∈ V do23 Ri = Ri + dist[i][v] ∗W [v];24 end25 if Ri < min then26 min = Ri;27 end28 end29 return the total shortest path is Ri; VM is on node i.

B. TRMBy implementing DARD, a physical server will be selectedfor VM redeployment. For traffic redirection, there is stilla tradeoff between providing optimal route and minimizingthe impact on the core network. In SDN-based Data Centers,SDN controller computes optimal route and manage thewhole network by distributing flow table entries to switches.To keep IP address unchanged during VM migration andminimize the impact on the core network, we design a trafficre-direction based VM migration scheme with which activedata flows can be seamlessly migrated from the old serverto the new one. To make it easier to understand, we give aSDN-based Data Center as Fig. 4 illustrated.

1) Specification and AnalysisAs illustrated in Fig. 4, we assume that VM is migrated fromthe old location to the new one. As mentioned above, to keep

the running service from being interrupted, there are twointuitive solutions for redirecting active flows from the oldserver to the new server (i.e, redirection-1 and redirection-4 in the figure). The traffic redirection solution in Liu et al.’spaper [34] is the same as redirection-4 in Fig. 4. Then, weintroduce these two basic solutions in detail and further giveour TRM solution.



Switch i Switch j EgressSwitch


Install redirection rules





FIGURE 4. VM migration scenario in SDN-based cloud environment

redirection-1: For each data flow, the SDN controller needsto inform the switches in the path from from the IngressSwitch closest to the user to the Egress Switch closest tothe new selected physical server (named Egress Switch new)to update their flow table entry. As we know, as a typicalC/S (Client/Server) access pattern, one VM usually providesservice to many clients at the same time. Therefore, imple-mentation of informing switches for every data flow will leadto a massive impact on core network when VM migrationhappens, while every online user will have a shortest averageroute when accessing service provided by the VM in the newlocation.redirection-4: Active flows are redirected from the EgressSwitch of the old physical server. It becomes obvious thatredirection-4 brings the minimum influence on core net-work, but it causes a serious triangle routing problem andfurther decreases online users’ experience.

redirection-1 and redirection-4 are two extremes betweenimpacting on core network and avoiding triangle routing.As shown in Fig. 4, redirection-2 and redirection-3 can beregarded as a tradeoff between these two factors. Therefore,in our TRM scheme, we will take these two factors ofimpacting on network and keeping optimal forwarding pathinto consideration in order to obtain a good tradeoff. Tominimize flow table entries distribution per migration and tominimize the impact on network are equal to each other, wetake minimizing flow table entries distribution as the mainoptimization object while keep the other one as a constraint.

2) TRM algorithmOn the basis of the definitions declared in Section III, someadditional definitions in Fig. 5 are added. Assume that theold path from the location of user1 to the initial deployed

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J.Qin et al.: Online User Distribution-aware Virtual Machine Re-Deployment and Live Migration in SDN-based Data Centers


range 0

Initial deployment




Sn Sn'

range 1


Migration VMVM







the first fork switch

FIGURE 5. An example for better understanding TRM solution

range (range0) is p1old, and the new path to the redeployedrange (range1) is p1new. t1path = (p1old, p

1new) is named as a

path pair, and c1switch = p1old ∩ p1new is the intersection ofp1old and p1new. Define s as a redirect switch. We know that toredirect active flows on switch s ∈ c1switch will not bring theproblem of triangle routing, e.g{s1, s2, . . . , si}, in Fig. 5. Asthe switch si is closest to the redeployed range, redirectingon si will minimize the impact on network while avoidingthe problem of triangle routing. Cswitch is defined as a set ofcswitch, a small set of switches satisfying a set of path pairTpath, i.e. ∀tpath ∈ Tpath,∃s ∈ cswitch, s.t. s satisfy tpath.

To be noted that, there is a essential difference betweenTRM and the the traditional set-cover problem. If the in-tersection between any two sets cswitch is not null, theymust share the same switches after intersecting on the firstintersection switch, e.g, s2 to si in Fig. 5.

To prove it, given any two cswitch sets, we assume that theyare both part of the optimal paths. Assuming that one set isc1switch = {s1, s2, . . . , sk, . . . , si}, and the other is c2switch ={s′1, s′2, . . . , sk, . . . , s′i}. Then,• If |{sk, . . . , si}| > |{sk, . . . , s′i}|, it leads to a subopti-

mal c1switch contradictory with assumption of a optimalpath.

• If |{sk, . . . , si}| < |{sk, . . . , s′i}|, it leads to a subopti-mal c2switch contradictory with assumption of a optimalpath.

• Therefore, |{sk, . . . , si}| = |{sk, . . . , s′i}| means thatthey share the same switches after intersecting on thefirst fork switch. Meanwhile, their last hop si will bethe candidate switch to be selected to redirect traffic forVM migration.

Based on above definitions and analysis, we can give themathematical description of TRM solution with two steps asfollows:Step 1: Given any path pair tuple tpath, find the satisfying setof switches cswitch;Step 2: Given a set n path pair tuple Tpath, we find thesmallest target-switch set TS s.t. TS ⊆ Cswitch and ∀ tpath

Algorithm 2: TRM algorithm.Input: Tpath = {t1path, t2path, . . . , tnpath}Output: The smallest Target-Switch set TS;

1 for each i ∈ [1, n] do2 computes finite satisfied switch set ciswitch;3 end4 for i = 0 to n− 1 do5 for j = n− 1 to i do6 if ciswitch ∩ cjswitch 6= ∅ then7 if |ciswitch| < |cjswitch| then8 keep the smaller ciswitch, deletecjswitch from

Cswitch;9 else

10 keep the smaller cjswitch, deleteciswitch fromCswitch;

11 end12 else13 both cjswitch and ciswitch should be kept in

Cswitch;14 end15 end16 end17 enumerate the last element of collections contained in the

Cswitch set, then add into TS;18 return TS

∈ Tpath, TS ∩ cswitch 6= ∅.

C. REDIRECTION MECHANISMThis part will make TRM transparent to online users. Ahighest priority wildcard flow table as Fig. 6 illustrated willbe added into a target switch selected by TRM. So, when dataflows with specific destination address (VM old-addr) arriveat the target switch, these flows will match the wildcard flowtable first and then be forwarded to Egress Switch-new hop-by-hop. Therefore, by adding such wildcard flow tables toeach target switch, data flows can be effectively redirected tothe VM’s new location.

D. SYNCHRONOUS VM MIGRATIONWhile facing with the challenge of how to further reduce theimpact from VM migration, SDN makes it much easier for aCSP to monitor the specific status of the whole Data Centernetwork by taking the advantages of its abstraction of thecentralized network control plane.

Fig. 7 shows a complete process of VM management in aSDN-based Data Center. In this figure, the complete processcan be divided into three phases. In Phase 1, a VM mightbe initially deployed on a physical server to provide someonline service. Because of initial deployment unreasonableproblem, VM redeployment should be introduced to solvethis problem in order to provide a good service for the mostonline users in Phase 2. After the accomplishment of VMredeployment in Phase 3, most online users will access theVM with a low delay and enjoy a better user experience.

Through the description of the above three phases, Phase2 is the most crucial phase in VM redeployment. However,

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2891115, IEEE Access

J.Qin et al.: Online User Distribution-aware Virtual Machine Re-Deployment and Live Migration in SDN-based Data Centers

Match Field Highest Priority Counters Forward: port1

Match Field Noemal Priority Counters Forward: port0

Ingress Port IP Src Address VM old addr

a wildcard flow table

data flow1

data flow2

data flow n

Target Switch

Port 1

Port 0 Egress Switch_new

Egress Switch_old

new VM location:


old VM location:


FIGURE 6. Matching the wildcard flow table

Of-S VM in



TS SDN-Controller







Wildcard flow rule-add

Data DataData


Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

FIGURE 7. DARD and TRM in VM(s) management

operations serially executed in Phase 2 sometimes will causea long downtime when VM live migration happens. Withthe centralized feature of SDN controller, it will make moresense to concurrently implement the operations in Phase 2.

Furthermore, in Fig. 7, we introduce a synchronous VMmigration scheme in SDN-based Data Center network. Whena CSP finds a initial deployment unreasonable problem in itsData Center, DARD is needed for the CSP to find a suitablephysical server. Once a destination server has been selected, aCSP should start using Pre-Copy strategy to copy VM statesin Live VM migration phase. Meanwhile, it is adjudgedwise to start Network configuration phase.

From Fig. 7, we can draw an obvious difference betweensynchronous processing with DARD and TRM process asshown in Fig. 8. This difference will change a lot, espe-cially in VM migration. In the VM management framework,DARD is a method to find a user distribution aware optimalredeployment location. After finding the target destination

server at t1, we synchronize Live VM migration phase withNetwork configuration phase. Different from the traditionalTCP/IP networks, these two phases can be executed at thesame time so as to help make live VM migration a moreefficient method for VM management.

V. PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONIn this section, we give the performance evaluation of ourproposed schemes. We use MATLAB to numerically analysisthe DARD scheme with different user amounts. We comparethe average service delay for users between the initial VMdeployment and our DARD redeployment. And then we useMininet (version 2.3.0d4) as the emulator and Floodlight(version 1.2) as the SDN controller to simulate the TRMscheme. We use the path length and the number of distributedflow table entries as the performance metrics, and furtherwe compare our scheme with other two solutions, with useramount varying.

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2169-3536 (c) 2018 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. Seehttp://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2891115, IEEE Access

J.Qin et al.: Online User Distribution-aware Virtual Machine Re-Deployment and Live Migration in SDN-based Data Centers

Live VM migration phase

DARD Pre-copy Finish copy phase

t0 t1 t2 t3




VM suspend


VM bring-upService




Network configuration phase (TRM)




target VM


FIGURE 8. Synchronous VM(s) migration

As illustrated in Fig. 3, we give the network topology ofa data center network. Then we randomly select a group oftypical high dynamic users as samples, and here we use 64users as an example. There are six ranges in the topology andthree physical servers located in range 0, range 3, and range4. The virtual machine was originally deployed in domain 0.The initial distribution of online users in each range is 19,3, 11, 17, 9, 5, respectively. Then we set a 6-row 6-columntransfer matrix to represent the dynamic user distributiontransfer model, in which each row represents the transferprobability of an online user’s moving to another range fromthe current range.

In the following evaluations, we analyse our proposedscheme from three perspectives with the dynamic distributionof users. Firstly, we analyze how user distribution impacts onaverage service delay. Secondly, we compare TRM solutionwith another two distinct solutions about the total routingpath length (the total service delay for all users.). Finally, weevaluate how these three solutions influence flow table entriesdistribution. For the sake of simplicity of explanation, we stillrename these two distinct solutions according to the switchesthey selected.

1) Impact on average service delayTo evaluate the impact of changes in user distribution, weperiodically record the average service delay as shown inFig. 9, that is the average time delay of users getting servicesfrom the VM. And we compare the average delay of initialdeployment and redeployment for different numbers of usersin the system as shown in Fig. 10. Simulation results showthat our DARD solution is relatively stable in terms ofperformance fluctuation with respect to the number of users.In addition, our proposed DARD redeployment solution canreduce half of the average delay of that of the initial deploy-ment regardless of the number of users.

2) Impact on path lengthAs shown in Fig. 11, we record the routing path length innetwork when the number of users varies to evaluate TRMwith other two migration solutions. The path length refersto the total length of all users to the VM under one of

0 5 10 15 30 35 40 45















user amount = 64

initial deploymentDARD redeployment


FIGURE 9. Impacts of user distribution on average service delay

8 64

User Amount














inital deploymentDARD redeployment


FIGURE 10. Impacts of user amount on average service delay

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2169-3536 (c) 2018 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. Seehttp://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2891115, IEEE Access

J.Qin et al.: Online User Distribution-aware Virtual Machine Re-Deployment and Live Migration in SDN-based Data Centers

8 16 48 56 64

User Amount











h Le



3224 40

FIGURE 11. Impacts of user amount on path length

the three different migration solutions. Because of the longtriangle routing caused by redirection-4 solution, it is veryobvious that the other two solutions (redirection-1 and ourproposed TRM) are far superior to it. Moreover, TRM getsapproximately the same performance in the total path lengthwith redirection-1 solution, as the main constraint of TRMsolution is to guarantee optimal routing. From the evaluationin the given scenario, the performance of our TRM solutionis about two times better than redirection-4 solution.

3) Impact on flow tables

In a SDN-based Data Center network, flow table entriesdistribution directly influence the whole network perfor-mance. Therefore, it is reasonable to select flow table entrydistribution as a metric to evaluate its impact on networkperformance. Fig. 12 declares that redirection-1 produces ahuge amount of flow table entries for per VM migration,while the number is much smaller in TRM and redirection-4.This shows that flow table has significant influence on corenetwork.

When taking both Fig. 11 and Fig. 12 into consideration,we can conclude that TRM has advantages in improving theoverall performance. TRM can provide a lower service delayfor online users, and also has slight positive influence onnetwork performance. It will be a meaningful mechanism fora CSP to trade acceptable influence on network for a higherquality of service to online users.

VI. CONCLUSIONVM deployment and live VM migration are two very im-portant issues for CSP. A CSP can address these two issuesto achieve an efficient management operation, like hardwaremaintenances, load balancing, etc. However, without consid-ering the variation of online user distribution, virtual machinedeployment and migration may not guarantee QoE to users,

10 20 50 60 70

User Amount0









ber o

f Flo

w T







30 40

FIGURE 12. Impacts of user amount on the number of distributed flow tableentries

especially when the number of online users is increasingrapidly.

In this paper, we introduce a new idea to support VMredeployment in consideration of online users distribution.We investigate existing approaches for virtual machine man-agement and show how user distribution affect service qual-ity. On the basis of this, we propose a user distributionaware virtual machine redeployment scheme. Based on thecentralized control of SDN controller, it will be easier tomaintain the states of the whole network, and make decisionsfor CSP to redeploy unreasonable VM deployments based ononline user distribution. To keep the running services frombeing interrupted during VM migration, it is also necessary toimplement a live VM migration scheme. On the basis of SDNarchitecture, a traffic redirecting migration (TRM) algorithmis proposed to determine the right tradeoff between influenceon network and service quality. Furthermore, with our VMmanagement scheme, we finally realize a synchronous VMmigration framework which significantly decreases the ser-vice downtime during VM migration.

In our future work, we will further explore the multi-virtualmachines migration issue in both single controller scenarioand multi controllers scenario. Moreover, the deployment ofcontrollers and the impact of flow table sizes will also betaken into our consideration.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTThe authors sincerely thank the anonymous referees for theirinvaluable suggestions that have led to the present improvedversion from the original manuscript.

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JIN QIN received his B.S. degree from the Depart-ment of Automation, University of Science andTechnology of China (USTC), Hefei, China, in2015. He is currently working toward his Ph.D.degree in information security from the School ofCyber Security, USTC. His research interests in-clude next-generation Internet architecture designand performance optimization.

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2891115, IEEE Access

J.Qin et al.: Online User Distribution-aware Virtual Machine Re-Deployment and Live Migration in SDN-based Data Centers

YIZHENG WU received his B.S. degree fromthe School of Computer Science and InformationEngineering, Hefei University of Technology, in2013, and his M.S. degree in Information andCommunication Engineering from the Departmentof Electrical Engineering and Information Science(EEIS), University of Science and Technology ofChina (USTC), Hefei, China, in 2016. Now he is aresearches in Huawei Technology, Shanghai, Chi-na. His research interests include next-generation

Internet and cloud computing.

YUTONG CHEN received his B.S. degree fromthe School of Electronics and Information, JilinUniversity, in 2017. He is currently working to-ward his M.S. degree in Information and Com-munication Engineering from the Department ofElectronic Engineering and Information Science(EEIS), University of Science and Technologyof China (USTC). His research interests includenext-generation Internet architecture design andperformance optimization.

KAIPING XUE (M’09-SM’15) received his B.S.degree from the Department of Information Se-curity, University of Science and Technology ofChina (USTC), in 2003 and received his Ph.D.degree from the Department of Electronic Engi-neering and Information Science (EEIS), USTC,in 2007. From May 2012 to May 2013, he was apostdoctoral researcher with Department of Elec-trical and Computer Engineering, University ofFlorida. Currently, he is an Associate Professor in

the School of Cybersecurity and Department of EEIS, USTC. His researchinterests include next-generation Internet, distributed networks and networksecurity.

DAVID S.L. WEI (SM’07) received his Ph.D.degree in Computer and Information Science fromthe University of Pennsylvania in 1991. He iscurrently a Professor of Computer and InformationScience Department at Fordham University. FromMay 1993 to August 1997 he was on the Facultyof Computer Science and Engineering at the Uni-versity of Aizu, Japan (as an Associate Professorand then a Professor). He has authored and co-authored more than 100 technical papers in various

archival journals and conference proceedings. He served on the programcommittee and was a session chair for several reputed international confer-ences. He was an associate editor of IEEE Transactions of Cloud Computing,a lead guest editor of IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications forthe special issue on Mobile Computing and Networking, a lead guest editorof IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications for the special issueon Networking Challenges in Cloud Computing Systems and Applications,a guest editor of IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications forthe special issue on Peer-to-Peer Communications and Applications, and alead guest editor of IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing for the specialissue on Cloud Security. He is currently an Associate Editor of Journal ofCircuits, Systems and Computers, and a guest editor of IEEE Transactionson Big Data for the special issue on Trustworthiness in Big Data andCloud Computing Systems. Currently, His research interests include cloudcomputing, big data, IoT, and cognitive radio networks.

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