Online Portfolio

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The next generation of communications and marketing has arrived. In this digital world, it may seem that everything has changed, but the essential principles of communication are still the same: go deep to understand an objective, arrive at insight, and be remarkable in your creative execution. At Pilot° we’re never satisfied with gee-whiz gadgetry unless we’re communicating a message with purpose.

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RUTTER INC.A long-term client of Pilot°, Rutter Inc. was going through a transition with its business model.

Bringing four separate divisions of the company into a unified entity involved a “redevelopment” of their website, and a completely new approach. Pilot° developed a modern and timeless design that was robust enough to highlight extensive content through several lines of business while still profiling the company itself. The resulting site is a world-class website appropriate for a technology company competing in an international market.

Copyright © Pilot° Communications Inc.

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MUNICIPALITIESUnderstanding a website built to service municipalities was an exercise in public awareness.

Having just completed a brand identity for the organization, we went to work developing for diverse users with varying needs and abilities. Profiling allowed us to develop a homepage strategy that spoke to every target audience at the moment they entered the site. We carried the newly developed brand through the site, and trained the staff. The result has been a resounding success, with a site that is constantly updated without any need for Pilot° assistance.

Copyright © Pilot° Communications Inc.

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AURORA ENERGYAurora needed to inform the residents of Labrador about the benefits of a proposed uranium mine. This web property would be the key storehouse for a tremendous amount of technical materials, as well as community-oriented information. After selecting a CMS that would scale well enough to handle everything necessary now, and in the future, we developed a rich visual design that focused on the people of Labrador - the principal beneficiaries of the proposed mine. Aurora’s website is now a targeted, engaging property with incredible depth and breadth of information.

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Copyright © Pilot° Communications Inc.



This website needed to be the cornerstone for a new brand and marketing campaign. Drawing on insights gained from our market research, we designed this site to reflect the strongest asset of the firm - its lawyers - in a way that was professional, yet approachable. We developed an attractive site with videos of the lawyers giving advice to potential clients, as well as providing an interactive map for clients to find the office. Now those clients get the same personalized interaction online that they’re accustomed to in the Rogers Bussey office.

Copyright © Pilot° Communications Inc.

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PTARMIGANOil and gas development company Ptarmigan Energy Inc. was looking to partner with major multinational companies to develop an exciting play on the west coast of Newfoundland. A new website needed to fulfill two main functions: it needed to represent the company as a professional team that would be a responsible partner; as well as providing a wealth of complicated geological and economic data supporting its proposition. Pilot°’s solution involved an easy-to-update CMS that allowed Ptarmigan to make timely updates on this project, as well as a professionally-designed and easy-to-navigate property that any prospective partner could respect.

Copyright © Pilot° Communications Inc.

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ROMAN CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESE OF ST. JOHN’SThe Archdiocese needed a modern online home that would keep pace with the changing needs of its community of faith. They came to us for our web proficiency, as well as communications expertise. In addition to developing an enterprise level CMS with over 30 user groups, a dozen unique departments, highly specific authoring/permission requirements and intranet capability, we made this site easy to navigate for the general public. The result was a comprehensive, yet accessible website that sets the Archdiocese on a level with the best ecclesiastical websites in the world.

Copyright © Pilot° Communications Inc.

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Copyright © Pilot° Communications Inc.

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