Online Panel Response 26-October-2012 Prepared for: Sony Pictures Entertainment, International

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Online Panel Response 26-October-2012

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The film’s cast was also the subject of praise.

TSUNAGU – At number two in the box office, having earned $12.6m in its three weeks in release, TSUNAGU continues to collect positive reviews (mainly from females) who have enjoyed the heart-warming, emotional and moving elements of the film.

“It was so much better than I expected and I was so moved by it” (F50+)

“I went with three friends and we were all in tears.” (F16-18)

“Kirin Kiki’s performance is amazing. When she spoke, it felt like I was watching a documentary as it was so realistic.” (F35-49)

“It was such a heart-warming, emotional, very ‘Japanese’ film. I would recommend

you bring a handkerchief with you!”(F35-49)

“I liked Matsuzaka Toori’s low but warm voice and the casting was very good.” (F16-18)

“It was promoted a lot and I was able to enjoy it. The storyline was what I thought it would

be and I was very moved.” (F19-24)

INTOUCHABLES – Another film gaining praise for its ‘heart-warming’ story, French phenomenon INTOUCHABLES holds onto its position at number 10 in the box office after 11 weeks on release. Panelists are still going to watch the film – some for the second or third time - and post their unanimously positive reviews.

“I saw Intouchables. I thought the actors were brilliant and the screenplay was good.” (F19-24)

“INTOUCHABLE: I saw it for the second time. It was as good as the first time and

want to see it again!” (M 50+)

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CURRENTLY IN CINEMAS OUTRAGE BEYOND- The second Outrage movie continues to be a hot topic among our male panelists, who are frequently posting their enthusiastic reviews. Currently number 4 in the box office chart, OUTRAGE BEYOND has taken $13m in its three weeks in release.

The film’s action is the focus of much of their praise, liked for its ‘brutal’ style in line with the first film.

“Shiomi’s action was amazing and had power

which couldn’t be put into words.” (M19-24)

“I went to see it as soon as it opened. It was full of

action and violence, and I really enjoyed it.” (M50+)

“Tomokazu Miura (cast) was super cool! It had better cast than the

first movie. It was a well made feel-good movie.” (M25-34)

“I saw Outrage 2. I have seen the first one … I personally

prefer 2!” (M25-34)

“I saw Outrage! The first one was so brutal that it gave me a nightmare. So I was a bit scared but it was ok. Maybe I developed

some immunity!” (M25-34)

TV appearances from director Takeshi Kitano have also been seen and proved effective at attracting attention and appeal.

The cast also prompt a positive response, and for some helped make this film even better than the first.

“I saw Outrage Beyond. It’s definitely a Kitano film and the storyline was

unexpected.” (M19-24)

“I want to see Outrage Beyond. The director Takeshi Kitano is on TV promoting the film himself. I’m planning to see it this week.” (M19-24)

Recently released in cinemas, the John Cusack film THE RAVEN is prompting a small amount of discussion among older males, who – despite mixed reviews in the media - liked the ‘easy to follow’ plot and associations with author Edgar Allen Poe.

“I have read that it has mixed reviews, but I personally quite enjoyed this film.” (M35-49)

“I didn’t know anything about Allen Poe, but it was narrated and it was very easy to follow. If you know about him, or have read any of his

books you would enjoy this film even more I think.” (M35-49)

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Anticipation continues to build for the December release of the 23rd Bond movie, SKYFALL. Some panelists have been discussing the film in relation to other big December releases, THE HOBBIT and LES MISERABLES.

“I won’t miss SKYFALL. I heard…it is more story heavy than action, but I am looking forward to seeing Daniel Craig’s action scenes. At the same time, I

would like to see HOBBIT too. I really loved LORD OF THE RING, so I will definitely check this out too.”

(F 50+)

Considerations for SKYFALL: Continue to push the film’s exposure (print and AV) to raise awareness as competition around December builds. Educating audiences more about the 007 legacy could also be an opportunity to broaden the audience and bring in newcomers.

Older panelists 50 years+ show the most enthusiasm about these December releases. While a few choose a single favorite to watch at the cinema many are split between the three titles.

“I can never miss 007 series. I will probably see

the other three too.” (F50+)


Basically I will see them all.” (F50+)

Advertisements have also been noticed, including the detailed website about the 50th anniversary. “I have seen the posters and trailer of SKYFALL and Les Mis, but only the poster of HOBBIT. But even

seeing just the poster, it made me really want to see the film.” (F35-49)

“I saw the trailer for Skyfall and I thought I definitely want to go and see this film!” (M19-24)

“This is the first time I’ve seen a website that’s so useful (http://skyfall-50news.jp/). I thought it was just a search engine for people who’re interested in the articles, but

you can see the related articles straight away. I haven’t seen everything and only had a look at a few but you can see things like 007’s history, weapons and fashion and it

looks really enjoyable. I think if you have more background knowledge, then you want to go and see the film more.” (M19-24)

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We posted the recent trailer for Django that was released online (only in English). Despite being in English, there continues to be interest in DiCaprio the most. Also, response to the comedic twist from Jonah Hill’s scene suggests a need to balance out the heavy violence and action with a lighter tone.

“I thought the scene with lots of white masked men was a bit funny. I didn't understand it very well with English

but I would like to see funny scenes. I thought Tarantino’s movies would

have more scenes like that.” (F 25-34)

Considerations for DJANGO: Consider ways to balance the action/violence with lighter tones from humorous moments. However, utilize humorous moments that are relatively straightforward so they translate easily. Visual cues with a humorous twist can also be an effective means to create this balance of tones. Notably, DiCaprio still should be at the forefront of the campaign. For example, consider ways marketing materials can make the movie feel more like a new DiCaprio movie than a new Tarantino movie.

“Having Samuel L. Jackson in the cast makes it look very interesting.” (M 19-24)

“I want to see how DiCaprio acts as the bad guy.” (M 19-24)

“DiCaprio’s character looks interesting and I am I intrigued by Samuel Jackson’s makeup.” (M 35-49)

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Panelists were shown a short description for THE END OF THE WORLD (see below) and asked for their reaction to the cast and the premise of an apocalyptic film with a comedic twist.

“I don’t really know the other actors besides Emma Watson, but I think it’s

interesting how they’re going to be playing themselves.” (M16-18)

Considerations for THE END OF THE WORLD: The comedic twist on an apocalyptic premise is something to explore further in marketing angles. The fact that the actors are playing themselves intrigues some, but this is mainly focused around the only known cast member, Emma Watson. That is, presenting this concept of actors playing themselves in marketing materials should take advantage of Watson’s moments in the movie to give the premise more clout. Also, consider an alternative title that hints at a sense of hope or comedy.

“It depends on what happens at the end. I don’t feel like going to

see it because I don’t want to feel sad afterwards.” (F16-18)

On the whole, Emma Watson is the only known name based on her role in the Harry Potter films. Most are excited to see her grown-up, and are intrigued by the ‘real life’ premise.

Several moviegoers mentioned that they enjoy post- apocalyptic movies, especially if there is a happy ending. “It’s fine if it’s a happy ending, but I

just get upset if their efforts went to waste and if there’s only one survivor

left at the end of it.” (F16-18)

“It depends on the storyline. I’ll be interested if the storyline’s new. I quite like this genre and I see it a lot.” (F16-18)

“I feel like a father seeing a daughter grow up. She looks like a really classy lady now. I don’t know the other actors.” (M50+)

DESCRIPTION: While attending a party at James Franco's house, Seth Rogen, Jay Baruchel and many other celebrities are faced with the apocalypse. Each person is playing themselves (not fictional characters). The additional cast who also play themselves include: Emma Watson, Jason Segel, Jonah Hill, Rihanna, and Danny McBride.

“I have seen all of the Harry Potter films and seeing Emma Watson growing up to be such a beautiful

actress is somewhat pleasing. I don’t really know the other actors, but if it’s a comedy, I will have to see it.”

(F 50+)

“I love Emma Watson since seeing her in the Harry Potter films. But she’s playing herself… I feel that might be harder than acting! I can’t imagine what the story’s going to be like. I wonder if they’re going to

be punked in the end?” (F16-18)

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Panelists have also been discussing next year’s release CAPTAIN PHILLIPS. Panelists were shown a short synopsis of the film (see below) and asked about their familiarity with the story, and their general opinions towards film adaptations of real events.

Considerations for CAPTAIN PHILLIPS: Consider ways to plant early publicity buzz in the market about the real events in Somalia as a platform for early exposure to the film adaptation. Tom Hanks’ involvement implies big budget Hollywood production and credibility to the story. Consider ways to maximize his exposure in marketing materials and promotional routes (including a visit to Japan).

Responses are still building for this question, but among those who have posted so far there is no awareness of Captain Phillip’s real-life story, or of the film adaptation.

Still, these panelists are positive towards the real life basis of the film that helps the film’s story seem more interesting or valid.

DESCRIPTION: A new drama starring Tom Hanks and directed by Paul Greengrass (The Bourne Supremacy and The Bourne Ultimatum) is coming out next year called CAPTAIN PHILLIPS. The movie will be based on a real-life event that took place in 2009 when Somali pirates seized a US ship off the coast of East Africa. It was the first successful pirate seizure of a US registered ship since the early 19th century. This event ended after a rescue effort by the US Navy to save Captain Phillips (Tom Hanks) and his crew, who were held hostage by the pirates.

“I think films based on true story have a lot of realism about them so I enjoy those

films a lot. It seems like they’ve got a big budget for it so I’m really looking forward

to its release.”(F 19-24)

“I want to see it because it’s based on a true story and sounds interesting. I

really like movies based on true stories. I didn't know about this story but I

really want to see it.”(M 25-34)

“We haven’t seen Tom Hanks for ages!!”

(M 25-34)

The fact it’s a big budget Hollywood adaptation – and starring Tom Hanks – is a further draw.

“I do like seeing a film that is based on the true story. Once you know that it is based on the true story,

you start seeing a film differently.”(M 50+)

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Panelists have been continuing their discussion on upcoming movie, After Earth. They are now posting their responses to the new images and video at the www.afterearth.com website, and their feelings towards the film’s director M. Night Shyamalan.

Considerations for AFTER EARTH: Will Smith continues to be a big star in Japan and his involvement will be a key asset for marketing materials and promotions. Still, the combination of Smith, Jaden, and Shyamalan is also a unique asset that has potential to help differentiate the movie. Consider early publicity and marketing angles that can start a buzz around this unique combination (e.g., making-of features could be a good way to highlight and build interest about this combination).

Moviegoers are positive towards Will Smith and interested to see Jaden in this film.

“I think because Will Smith and Jaden Smith are father and son in real life,

it’ll be very realistic!” (F16-18) “Shyamalan’s movies are confusing so I am less

interested nowadays, but it’s interesting that Will Smith, who is very good at choosing good projects, has decided to work with Shyamalan! I would like to see it if he’s changes his style

back to how it was before.” (F25-34)

“I expect stories with a spiritual ending from Shyamalan’s movies. I think he and Will Smith are an unlikely match. I am

looking forward to it.” (F25-34)

“I am really intrigued by the cast. I personally think all of Will Smith’s movies are good so I am looking

forward to it.” (M25-34)

Reaction to director M.Night Shyamalan is more mixed. Some are very positive and interested to see how he works with Smith.

“They haven’t been in a movie together since The Pursuit of Happiness, have

they? I saw Karate Kid on TV only recently so I am taken back by how

much he has grown.” (F25-34)

“It sounds like it’s completely different type of

movie from his previous one, and Sixth Sense is one of my favourite movies, so I

am very interested!” (F25-34)

Others are wary, primarily based on their poor reviews of the director’s most recent films. That said, the movie’s different style and Smith’s participation does intrigue.

“His films always deal with between two worlds, real and imaginary.

However, the ending is always quite ordinary.” (F35-49)

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In relation to After Earth, we also asked our panelists their general impressions of movies depicting a post-apocalyptic world. The genre is generally liked, but there is still room for something new to break their formula.

Considerations for AFTER EARTH: It will be important to identify the unique hook AFTER EARTH has to explore ways to make the premise feel fresh and new. Consider focusing on the father/son relationship as an over-arching theme with the post-apocalyptic premise being more of a backdrop. Also, consider ways to hint at an unusual twist in the story and characters without revealing too much.

“The first thing that came to mind was RESIDENT EVIL series, but I personally don’t like the gross, alien type films so I haven’t seen much of them.

It was a small scale film, but I liked IRON SKY that I watched the other day!” (M 50+)

“There are so many strange incidents in the real world that not much surprises us

nowadays. I do like a film about people helping each other to survive, so I look

forward to a new film of this genre.” (M 50+)

“They might be ‘post-apocalyptic’, but there are always stories about survivors. We never get films that end with the end of the world.”

(M 35-49)

“I quite like them, too. I like the way even though everything seems to be helpless, there is always a small hope within it. Though I do find these

movies have similar endings; the main character sacrifices themselves to save the world.” (F 25-34)

“I’ve heard a movie critic once say, ‘I had enough of watching movies about survivors who are grateful only for themselves.’ It’s true that these types of

movies need to have something different and new.” (M 25-34)

“These kinds of movies are usually powerful and intense and finding out what happens in the end is exciting. However, it is

true that most of them are similar. I wonder what the synopsis would be for the latest movie in this genre. I hope it

breaks the cliché.” (F 25-34)

“It’s always a Western guy who saves the world. Lol. I would like something different.” (F 25-34)

“As there are quite a few movies like this, the endings becoming more predictable. I would like to see movies that have got a different story

line.” (F 25-34)

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We asked our panelists what type of movie advertisements make a Hollywood movie feel like a big budget production.

“If I hear the movie cost more than 300million yen to be made, simply that would

intrigue me. I know that doesn’t mean the story is necessary good, however, it would

definitely have something worth watching for, like big stars or great special effects.” (M25-


Considerations : Using multiple touch points is important to build a buzz. Audiences almost need a saturation of promotions to enhance a movie’s presence and imply big budget, must-see status. To some extent, such a saturation can make some ‘fence-sitter’ types feel more obligated to see the movie so they don’t feel left out.

It’s important to make a big impression on the market. Not only is it scale, but also frequency of advertisements and promotions that makes a strong impression of a big budget production.

“To me, the more ads I notice, the bigger the scale of the movie. For example, frequent TV

commercials, filling all the ad boards in Shibuya, big posters in different versions at stations,

collaboration with convenience store chains, magazines and etc. Also if it’s 3D or the release

date is the same as America’s.” (F25-34)

“To me, The Amazing Spider-Man was a good example. It’s because I saw not only posters and trailers but also

collaborations with variety TV shows and convenient store chains.” (F25-34)

“When I saw STAR WARS’ posters, I was amazed by the scale of that film. Nowadays there are many films of the same scale, I

still get surprised by it.” (M50+)

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SKYFALL (Continued reactions to any new developments on promotions) CARRIE (Reactions to new teaser trailer) DJANGO vs. OZ (Assess potential competition) 2 GUNS (Reactions to concept and Denzel Washington) AMAZING SPIDER-MAN sequel (What’s the appetite?)


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Online Community: Objectives and Methodology

Keeping current and ‘in touch’

►The Japanese Online Community is comprised of five online groups consisting of:

• High school level teens, 18-24 year olds, 25-34 year olds, 35-49 year olds, and those 50 years+

• Balanced in each group: gender, cinema-going frequency (frequent/regular/infrequent), Japanese/Hollywood movie fans (no Hollywood rejecters), and “opinion leader”/“follower” type personalities

Tracking Supplement

►The online community offers a ‘qualitative accompaniment’ to tracking.

Natural Feel ►Engages audiences in their ‘own’ environment, positioned as an

exclusive community to offer a more natural forum for viewpoints.