Online Marketing: Live Fireside Chat From Melbourne!

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  • 8/13/2019 Online Marketing: Live Fireside Chat From Melbourne!


  • 8/13/2019 Online Marketing: Live Fireside Chat From Melbourne!


    Andrew McCauley: Hey, everybody, welcome to Podcast number 37. This is

    Andrew McCauley and this is a very special podcast that were doin! today. "everbe#ore have we had so many people sittin! in #ront o# us. "ow to share this

    podcast, o# course, Heather Porters here.

    Heather Porter: $ am. Hello, hello, Andrew. $ cannot believe it. This is

    unbelievable, normally were sittin! in #ront o# a computer on our %&ype havin! a

    chat #rom hal# way across the world. 'ere both here in Australia, thats a rarity

    but were also at our #irst ()(* A++- ire+side chat event, which is a wor&shop,

    we have a live audience sittin! ri!ht here starin! at us as we tal&. How cool.

    Andrew McCauley: )ery cool, very cool. %o, todays #ormat is !oin! to be a little

    bit di##erent, weve invited some o# the audience members to come out, let us

    &now who they are and whats the bi!!est online problems and were !oin! to

    attempt to !ive them some sort o# !reat advice.

    Heather Porter: /nscripted.

    Andrew McCauley: /nscripted. Alri!ht, so let0s !et started, shall we1

    Heather Porter: 2et0s do it, so heres what were !oin! to do, we have three

    amain! and brave audience members. Theyre each !oin! to state their name

    and their website and their industry and then theyre !oin! to tell us what their

    bi!!est problem ri!ht now in online mar&etin!, and then were !oin! to !ive them

    some advice.

    Andrew McCauley: And 4ust be#ore we do that we want to ma&e sure that

    everyone &nows that we are in #ront o# a real, live audience so everyone 4ust say


    6Audience: Hello5

    Andrew McCauley: There we !o, its true. 8ood sound e##ects. Alri!ht, so let0s #ind

    out who our #irst victim ++ $ mean our #irst person is. 6lau!hter

    Alan: 'ell, my names Alan 8altsians and $m the company director #or "ats&in

    and we own and operate day spas and beauty salons in Melbourne. Than&s #or

    this opportunity #irst o# all, $m e9cited by it.

    Andrew McCauley: Than&s #or comin! in.

    Alan: ne o# my ;uestions, and the thin! thats a little bit un&nown #or me is

    podcastin!, which $ &now wed covered a little bit o# and blo!!in!. "ow $ 4ust

    wanted to &now #rom you !uys 4ust, is it somethin! that $ really must !et involved

    in1 $ obviously want to improve my #ootprint, online #ootprint, i# $ can use that

    term with you, i# you++

    Andrew McCauley: ou can, you can use that #or sure.

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  • 8/13/2019 Online Marketing: Live Fireside Chat From Melbourne!


    Alan: And $ 4ust want to &now where the, its a little, its still a bit o# un&nown #or

    me because $m not ;uite sure what ++ obviously we have ++ $m in #rom anindustry where people do have a lot o# ;uestions. Anythin! #rom retreats, to laser,

    to #acials, to, you &now, to sun screens and all that sort o# stu##, and is it ++ would

    you recommended me !oin! down this tre& and i# so, how1 'hats my best


    Andrew McCauley: 8ood ;uestion, $ thin& with an industry that has a lot o#

    ;uestions its a very !ood industry to do this sort o# thin!, whether its blo!!in!

    and podcastin!. -ecause heres the thin!, a podcast can !o as lon! as you want it

    to !o. Theres podcasts out there that !o #or a minute thirty o# the same podcast

    !o #or, which is barely enou!h time to even say your name, so, but theres

    podcasts out there that !o #or two hours. "ow, i# you want to do a re!ular podcastand youve !ot in#ormation you want to share with people, and youve !ot a lot o#

    ;uestions comin! throu!h because you !ot a whole ran!e o# di##erent topics you

    could cover, then $ thin& a podcast would be ri!ht up your alley because theres

    not a lot o# beauty podcast out there that $ &now o# and its not that hard to !et

    ran&ed very well in podcasts, but it also establishes your authority as, you &now,

    weve !ot a re!ular podcast, not only do we do a beauty therapy stu##, but were

    tal&in! about, were teachin! people and other industry people are comin! to you

    to listen to that as well.

    Heather Porter: -ut its also a really ;uic& way #or you to position yoursel# as the

    e9pert because $ &now in your industry you have roc& stars in the industry,specialist in their own #ields, i# you were to approach them, chances are many o#

    them dont have any publishin! or any podcast and you can say come on my

    show, $m !oin! to interview you and then suddenly youre not only 4ust

    s&yroc&etin! your credibility but youre o##erin! amain! content to your #ollowers,

    as well. And also, A=s. Anytime you have a lot o# ;uestions every sin!le ;uestion

    you should !et you should be notin! that down in and creatin! one piece o#

    content #rom that, whether its a podcast or a video that you can stic& on


    Andrew McCauley: *i!ht, yeah. >oes that ma&e sense1

    Alan: Totally.

    Andrew McCauley: eah, youve !ot a really !ood opportunity here to really

    e9plore what it is and as Heather said, youve !ot people out there that want to

    be #amous in your industry. Theyre loo&in! #or a plat#orm to do it and i# you can

    deliver that they can open up doors #or you. Theyre !oin! to tell people, ?Hey $

    was on this podcast?, and their in#luence is !oin! to tell other people about your

    podcast. And all o# a sudden, once thats in place, theyre everywhere.

    Heather Porter: Another thin! too, because part o# your industry you could do

    some blo! post and some writin! around that, and a!ain, when you are an e9pert

    positionin! yoursel# as an e9pert you can invite other people to create the content

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    #or you. And it is a very #ast way to say $m the hub o# &nowled!e in this industry,

    $ attract the e9perts, there#ore you should come and han! out with me and hearwhat not only $ have in my dream team but also what everyone else can say.

    Alan: Thats correct, and once $ have the in#ormation, obviously other than my

    own website and perhaps even aceboo&, what other plat#orms are there #or

    distributin! that or !ivin!... showin! o## that individual1

    Andrew McCauley: As #ar as this podcast !oes, were not !oin! to tal& about that

    in the podcast but youll see that in this event later today, how we distribute that,

    where to distribute it and what sort o# other methods and media you can actually

    use and convert that and repurpose it.

    Heather Porter: $ 4ust say rule o# thumb #or every piece o# content you create #ind

    two other places you can also stic& it. %o i# youre stic&in! it on ouTube, #ind two

    other video sites you can put it on. )imeo, )idlr, so 4ust rule o# thumb whenever

    you have a piece o# content where else can $ put it1 Two other areas online $ can

    also put it.

    Alan: Terri#ic, than&s !uys. Than&s #or lettin! me &now, especially you, Heather

    with the stic& it impression.

    Heather Porter: $ &new you would li&e that comment.

    Alan: Than& you

    Heather Porter: $t came out o# my mouth and then $ thou!ht, ?hh thats not

    ri!ht?. Alan, you need to share your website.

    Alan: %ure, its www.nats&

    Heather Porter: "ow, #or you !uys listenin!, youre !oin! to have to come and

    chec& out these amain! websites so you can see what these !uys loo& li&e.

    Andrew McCauley: And well put the website "ats&in on our resource pa!e as well.

    Alan: Terri#ic. Than& you.

    Andrew McCauley: Than& you, Alan.

    Heather Porter: Than& you.

    Andrew McCauley: 8ive him a hand. &ay5 "e9t person, hello.

    'endy: Hello...

    Andrew McCauley: 'hats your name1

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    'endy: Hey there, my name is 'endy, and $ am the C( and #ounder o#

    el! we are a !lobal and bouti;ue business school and we help peoplein business to succeed.

    Andrew McCauley: 8reat5

    Heather Porter: &ay5

    Andrew McCauley: %o whats ++ !ive up the bi!!est problem youre #acin! ri!ht

    now with your online mar&etin!.

    'endy: The bi!!est problem is $ve spent the last two and a hal# on a bi! 4ourney

    learnin! all about internet and internet mar&etin! and creatin! plat#orms and

    products and playin! around with ouTube and videos and content anddownloadable, #ree one dollar !uides, you &now, #rees not dollars not ...

    anyway... And $ still have not translated that to a beauti#ul reality o# !eneratin! a

    stron! income. %o, my bi!!est challen!e is: how do $ do that1 How do $ brin! this

    all to!ether to ma&e the internet space, my internet space, a stron! way to brin!

    me prospects and convert those prospects to payin! customers1

    Heather Porter: &ay, so you said youre attractin! customers throu!h #ree

    reports and thin!s li&e that already1 How many are you attractin!1 Monthly, !ive

    us a ballpar& number....

    'endy: "one.

    Heather Porter: &ay.

    'endy: "one.

    Heather Porter: %o are you measurin! the tra##ic to your site1

    'endy: "o.

    Heather Porter: Ah, o&ay. %o, $ would actually say, start with the #oundation in

    this case. $ would stic& analytics on... %tic&1 'hats with the stic& word1 Anyway,

    $d put analytics on your website and $ would learn how to use it, so youreactually #indin! out what &ey words people are usin! to #ind your website. Then $

    would create the content, the #ree reports and

  • 8/13/2019 Online Marketing: Live Fireside Chat From Melbourne!


    theres nobody there in the #irst place. The videos mi!ht wor& i# there was

    somebody there.

    'endy: es, $ said ++ so it sounds li&e $ almost need to !o bac& to the be!innin!.

    Andrew McCauley: 8o bac& to the start...

    'endy: And when $ established the be!innin! $ was a newbie at /$-C


    Andrew McCauley: >ont !o bac& to your be!innin!, !o bac& to the business part

    o# it. or instance, youve !ot a website, now #irst thin!s #irst, is there anybody

    !oin! there1 And i# not, then... &ay, what do we need to do to !et people there1

    -ecause theres no point in #i9in! somethin! up down the trac& i# theres no one ++its li&e sayin!, you &now, theres a river and $ dont want the towns to #lood so

    $m !oin! to build walls there, but theres no point i# theres a dam bein! built

    dont the trac& and theres no water comin! in the #irst place.

    'endy: Ma&es sense.

    Andrew McCauley: *i!ht1 %o, !o bac& and ma&e sure, is the dam ready to let

    people in and then you can !o and #i9 those thin!s up as it happens.

    'endy: -eauti#ul, so !o bac& to the be!innin!.

    Andrew McCauley: 8o bac& and say, is there people comin!. $# there is, where arethey comin! #rom1 How are they !ettin! there, whats brin!in! them, whats been

    the best thin! that $m done so #ar to !et them here1 And then do more o# that,

    and i# thats not enou!h then, o&ay how else1 'hat other methods can this thin!,

    you &now a lot o# methods already, what other methods can $ use to !et more

    people here1 nce you have that #low then you can say, alri!ht now is this video

    the ri!ht video1 The ri!ht messa!e1 $s this the ri!ht opt in1 $s this the ri!ht, you

    &now, one you !ive away or o##er people.

    'endy: -rilliant. Than& you so much.

    Heather Porter: oure so welcome.

    'endy: Than& you.

    Andrew McCauley: Cheer #or 'endy5 ur last victim. Hello, *ochelle. 'hats your


    *ochelle: %arah, no. My names *ochelle inch, my website is

    Andrew McCauley: 2ete #itness1

    *ochelle: (lite #itness.

    Andrew McCauley: (, correct1

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    *ochelle:, yes. %o we actually have bric& and mortar store as

    well as online and bein! in the industry that were in, its very competitive pricewise. nline, people will always search #or price, so how can we create that /%P

    that ta&es their eyes o## the price and weve !ot somethin! thats a bit uni;ue and

    still !ettin! the sales or !ettin! people into the store1

    Andrew McCauley: %ure, what do you thin& your /%P is ri!ht now1 'hat is

    di##erent about you than everybody else1

    *ochelle: 'hat is di##erent with... um... were #amily owned, so we understand the

    stresses and the loss...

    Andrew McCauley: >oes that matter, 6dont really !et that... does that matter to

    somebody who wants to buy some e;uipment, whether its owned by a #amily or a


    *ochelle: 'ell it does because o# our tar!et. 'ell, the mar&et that we tal& to are

    #amily, !enerally #amily owned people. %o, theyve !ot &ids, they dont have time,

    they want the deal easy, they want it delivered, installed, e9plained, so #orth.

    Andrew McCauley: &ay.

    Heather Porter: %o, ri!ht now are you only deliverin! e;uipment1 $s that your


    *ochelle: 'ere deliverin! #itness e;uipment, we hire, we service, we repair to


    Heather Porter: eah, o&ay. $s there more that you can do over and above that1

    ou &now the whole Apple story were they dont sell computers but they sell

    desi!n, a #eelin! you &now, a tribe, is there more o# a movement to start #rom the

    #eelin!s and the emotions that you want it to have when people are around you

    and what theyre learnin! rather than the end product that youre deliverin! so


    *ochelle: eah.

    Heather Porter: %o ri!ht now i# youre 4ust thin&in!, were 4ust deliverin! the

    e;uipment and the servicin! it, its, you &now, not as e9citin! or borin! rather

    somebodys tappin! into more o# a movement, what are you doin! to raise the

    #inancial #it+ #inancial #itness, the #itness o# Australia this 6unintelli!ible word $

    use, #itness o# Australia. 'hat are you doin! to actually sculpt and chan!e the

    #uture o# Australia1 Perhaps there could be a bi!!er story or messa!e around that.

    Andrew McCauley: 'hat about other stu## thats added on to what you do as #ar

    as education !oes1 (ducation is what you are probably !ood at, althou!h you may

    not use it as much as you could, so is there education around the e;uipment that

    you sell and rent1 $s there education around all o# the other stu##, the diets you

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    need that !o hand in hand with #itness1 $s there somethin! that you can deliver,

    and it may be in the #orm o# videos and maybe in the #orm o# podcast, maybe the#orm o# blo! post, but have you+ how can you deliver that1 And you can deliver it

    in a number o# di##erent ways, you can do all o# them. How can you deliver that as

    a value added #or people who come to your site because, your site may want to

    be the one stop shop where $m not only buyin! e;uipment but $m watchin! how

    to use it and $ &now $m #indin! out all the e9ercises to use with this e;uipment,

    $m also learnin! what to eat when $ use this e;uipment to !et the best results

    possible sort o# thin!. $s that somethin! youve ever considered doin!1

    *ochelle: 'eve considered that to the level o# doin! a membership site, so we

    would have the entry site, elite#itness and then we would !o to a membership

    site. 'e could then be your one stop shop #or that in#ormation.

    Heather Porter: Have you tal&ed to your clients as well1 Have as&ed them what

    else that you could provide1

    *ochelle: es, we have done some mar&et research and a lot o# them, because

    were loo&in! at o##ice and so #orth, what we could !ive away to promote people

    to purchase and a lot o# them were actually sayin! that they want some sort o#

    trainin! and support a#ter theyve actually receive the product.

    Andrew McCauley: And hows that membership site !oin!1

    *ochelle: "o, we havent developed that. 'eve !ot the idea, but we actuallyhavent created it so...

    Andrew McCauley: ou can also do a membership site, people !et stuc& with

    membership sites thin&in! that its either #ree or #ully paid and theres no in

    between. ou can do a bit o# a mi9ture o# both, you can !ive people a taste o#

    whats in the membership site, !ive them a trainin!, !ive them a... let0s say

    youve !ot a #ive step trainin! #or a piece o# machinery and you mi!ht say heres

    the #irst two e9ercises, but si!n up #or the membership to !et the ne9t si9. Alri!ht,

    so you mi!ht have all these e9tra thin!s li&e, wow $ really want to do this

    e9ercise, $ love this machine but $ want those other trainin! videos, how do $ !o

    in there and #ind these other cool #itness routines that $m loo&in! #or1 %o youcould do a bit o# a mi9ture too, so it doesnt have to be all or nothin!, it could be

    a mi9 between both.

    *ochelle: Can you have a couple o# di##erent levels1

    Andrew McCauley: Absolutely, yeah. And most membership sites out there will let

    you do that so you can have a #ree membership site, you can have a silver, !old,

    platinum, whatever you want to call it, you can call it anythin! you li&e, you can

    have more than three. And people ++ they even let you now roll over so i#

    someone wants to up!rade thats easy #or them to up!rade, i# you down!rade, it

    all becomes automatic when you use some o# these plat#orms out there. -ut, its a

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    !reat way to &eep people interested in comin! bac& and &eepin! their, your name

    in their head.

    Heather Porter: ne other thin! too that wor&s really as we start to wrap up with

    you is, to position yoursel# as the !o to place in your industry, you can do that

    throu!h an industry white paper or a study paper and actually do mar&et results

    on whats !oin! on in your industry. >o all the research and then pile it into report

    and you can even promote that with videos and interviewin! other e9perts, the

    hi!her you position yoursel# as the !o to person in your space, the more you can

    command as #ar as money, as well.

    *ochelle: That ma&es sense, so how o#ten would you do podcast1 $ thin& you were

    !oin! to...

    Andrew McCauley: Podcast can be done as #re;uently as you li&e. $ve seen

    podcast that come out every once every si9 or ei!ht or ten wee&s, whenever they

    can be bothered doin! them. 'hen we started our podcast we were doin! it eve+

    whats the world $m loo&in! #or1

    Heather Porter: "ot a lot.

    Andrew McCauley: "ot a lot1 'e were doin! it maybe every couple o# wee&s here,

    couple o# wee&s there and then we thou!ht, you &now what1 Consistency ++ and

    we learned a lot about podcastin! and what wor&s in podcastin!, what

    consistency, its li&e blo! post+ theres probably a lot o# thin!s... -ein! constant,start showin! the search en!ine and other people, hey these people are puttin!

    to!ether a re!ular podcast every ridays the new podcast...

    Heather Porter: And theyre not !oin! anywhere, theyre here to stay.

    Andrew McCauley: And they stay and they loo& #or it now. %o, how o#ten do you

    want to do it1 ou can ma&e bi+month, you can ma&e it once a month podcast i#

    you want to do it, 4ust set it up so the people &now about that.

    *ochelle: Cool. Than& you, than& you.

    Andrew McCauley: 8ive her a hand5 Alri!ht5 %o, thats !oin! to be a wrap #or our

    podcast. "ow, Heather, people loo&in! #or resource !uide, where to #ind out #rom

    tho ++ where can we !o and #ind those websites1

    Heather Porter: es, loo& we have a couple i# !reat little places you !uys can

    chec& out,

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    Heather Porter: And i# you havent yet chec&ed it out we have an amain!

    resource !uide, head on over to $ thin& thats a wrap.

    Andrew McCauley: Thats a wrap. Than& you very much, than&s to our studio


    Heather Porter: Than&s you !uys5

    Andrew McCauley: ayyy5 %ee you ne9t time.

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