Online Booking Website Builder v12.1 25/05/2016 page 1 of 11 User's Guide Online Booking Website Builder

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User's Guide

Online Booking Website Builder

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Contents ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

EXACT Online Booking Website Builder 3

Overview of EXACT Online Booking Website Builder .................................................................................................................. 3

Configuring the online booking website ..................................................................................................................................... 4


Use the EXACT online booking website builder to configure your dental practice online booking website from within EXACT.

This includes configuration for

New patient bookings online

Existing patient bookings online,

Recall patient bookings online, and

Planned treatment bookings online.

Overview of EXACT Online Booking Website Builder


EXACT's Online Booking Website Builder enables dental practices to configure their online booking websites from within EXACT, without leaving the EXACT software.


All configuration tasks can be conducted within EXACT; there is no need to go to an external website for configuration.

Customise, add and remove booking reasons that patients will see as options (reasons are not constrained to limited preset options - create any reasons that suit your bookings).

Because the EXACT Online Booking Website Builder is built into EXACT,

o Our software developers can build upon the tight integration between EXACT and online bookings (Existing Patient online booking is an example).

o Going forward the website builder will evolve in step with EXACT to directly suit the needs of our EXACT users.

o Practices secure committed bookings by taking online deposit payments.


Customise the website colour scheme and fonts.

Incorporate a practice logo.

Create a practice bio/overview, including opening hours.

The software automatically populates your web page with a Google map based on your physical address.

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Cater to all forms of patient booking:

o New Patients (Private/NHS/Payors) - this is only possible in the upgraded software

o Existing Patients (Private/NHS/Payors)

o Recall Bookings

o Planned Treatment Bookings

Create multiple Booking Reasons with a service associated to each so that it is possible to track campaign responses.

Each Booking Reason has fields for Price and Deposit.

Campaigns created in Marketing Manager can be associated with a particular service, which is in turn associated with a Booking Reason in online booking. Users booking online as a result of a campaign can then be tracked for marketing metrics.

Practices can add a Google Analytics Tracking ID that enables Google analysis and reporting on the number of people clicking through to the online booking portal.

Practices can opt to take payments from the website, for which receipts are generated from EXACT.


To upgrade to this software please liaise with your Support Team, who will provide instructions.

You cannot simply upload images that you need to use on your booking website (such as your practice logo and identifying images per Provider); the following is required of images:

o Images must be located on a webserver that you can access without a password. Examples of images on a webserver: on your main practice website, on a freely accessible Flickr page, a shared Google Drive folder, or a shared Dropbox folder.

o Because the website will link to these images 24/7, they must be constantly available from their online location without any access restrictions.

In v12.1 online payments can be enabled and configured. Practices without the payments feature will will only be able to set a Price for patients to view online. This financial functionality must have been enabled for your practice by Software of Excellence Fit Team or Operations Team personnel, whom you can contact by querying the Support Desk.

As part of the practice setup for online financial transactions you will be required to register an account with a third party online-payment management business.

Configuring the online booking website

SEE ALSO: Overview of Online Booking Website Builder (see "Overview of EXACT Online Booking Website Builder" on page 3)

Enhancements from EXACT v12.1 include:

You can create multiple Booking Reasons with a service associated to each so that it is possible to track campaign responses.

Each Booking Reason has fields for Length of the service/appointment, which overrides that otherwise set in Online Booking.

Each Booking Reason has fields for Price and Deposit.

Campaigns created in Marketing Manager can be associated with a particular service, which is in turn associated with a Booking Reason in online booking. Users booking online as a result of a campaign can then be tracked for marketing metrics.

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Practices can add a Google Analytics Tracking ID that enables Google analysis and reporting on the number of people clicking through to the online booking portal.

Practices can opt to take payments from the website, for which receipts are generated from EXACT.

NOTE: The Online Booking Payment setup depends on this online booking website setup as a prerequisite. However, the settings in online payments take precedence and where there is a clash they overwrite the settings in the website builder.

To configure the online booking website

1. Select Configure > Online Appointments and select the Web Setup button:

2. The Web Setup - Online Bookings window displays:

3. Select a Practice Logo.

As the instructions state (see above image), the logo image must be on a web server that the system can access continuously without a password or access restrictions.

Examples of webserver locations: on your main practice website, on a freely accessible Flickr page, a shared Google Drive folder, or a shared Dropbox folder.

Paste or enter the web address of your logo to immediately display the image and check that the connection functions.

Mouseover the logo to see it at actual size:

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4. Select a Colour Scheme to function as the dominant colour in the patient booking page.

Booking page example:

5. Decide whether to display the Call Me option.

If you leave this checkbox un-checked...

Booking patients will see no Call Me Back option.

If you check (tick) this...

The booking patient will see a Call me Back checkbox:

6. Decide whether to use Appointment Stacking.

If you leave this checkbox un-checked (default)...

By default the software shows only those appointment gaps at the top of a series of gaps. In this way you constrain bookings to fill up in an orderly manner, without leaving large blank gaps, and the practice appears

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to be professionally busy.

For example, booking gaps exist tomorrow from 8.00am through to 3.00pm, but with Appointment Stacking disabled, a patient will only see the 08.00am slot.

If you check (tick) this...

Select this checkbox if you want to show all available appointment gaps to patients using the booking site.

7. Decide whether to have Open Recalls.

If you leave this checkbox un-checked...

When Recall patients go to book their recall appointments, they will see only the available appointment slots after their recall due date (it is not open to any dates).

If you check (tick) this...

When Recall patients go to book their recall appointments it is open to any booking - they will see all available appointment slots, not just the appointment slots after their recall due date.

8. Decide whether to Use Rostered Available Time (Rooms).

This feature enables practices to specify which rooms apply to online booking.

Practices often use Rooms for non-booking purposes. For example, a practice that doesn't normally use rooms adds a room for a business purpose, but they do not want this room to be used for online booking, or a practice uses rooms, but doesn't want all of these rooms to be used for patient online booking purposes.

Prior to v11.10 these practices could not benefit from online booking because they needed to set Schedule to Rooms in the appointment book setup wizard, and this stopped any times from being uploaded to the online booking site.

The Use Rostered Available Time (Rooms) checkbox enables these practices to properly use online bookings.

The checkbox only appears if you have at least one Room in an Appointment Book. Its default state is checked.

The implications of checked versus un-checked for sending data to the online booking site:


When this checkbox is checked, EXACT only uploads the Rostered free time to the online booking site (no free time is uploaded if there is no rostered free time).

When this checkbox is un-checked, EXACT uploads all Provider free time as slots (including both rostered and unrostered) to the online booking site.

When the Appointment Book is set for Schedule to rooms but no room is added in any appointment book, this checkbox does not appear and there will be no free time uploaded to the online booking site.

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9. Configure the Booking Reasons: - Customise, add and remove booking reasons that New and Existing patients will see as options on the booking website.

See also: Marketing Manager Booking Reasons (this will open in a new window / tab).

On upgrade to v12.1: If your practice has never configured reasons before, on software upgrade you will see the default booking reasons. However, if you have configured reasons previously, these will display on upgrade (you won't lose them).

Each Booking Reason requires configuration. If you leave any fields blank, EXACT will fall back on your Provider Setup configuration.

a. Either select an existing reason and select the Edit button, or select the +1 button to create a new booking reason.

Add Booking Reason screen:

b. Start by typing a Booking Reason Name.


This name will be associated with a single service so choose a name that for a booking patient makes sense in relation to that service.

If this setup is in relation to a marketing Campaign, create a Booking Reason name that makes sense in relation to the campaign media that a patient sees.

c. Decide on the Settings options for New and Existing Patients:

Configure them separately:

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Configure only New or only Existing by checking / unchecking the checkboxes in each tab:

Use the same settings for both New and Existing Patients:

d. Select a Provider Type. Options are Dentist, Hygienist or All. Your selection relates to the Booking Reason / Service offered.

e. Ensure that the Service relates to the Booking Reason name that booking patients will see.

When you start typing a Service name you will immediately see a dropdown selection, from where you can select a service:

You can also click the Service selector button to open the Select Service window:

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NOTE: If you don't specify a service for the Booking Reason in this Add Booking Reason window, EXACT will automatically assign the service that has been configured for the Provider in your Online Booking Configuration:

f. Appt. Duration: This rounds off to the nearest 5 minute increment.

g. Price and Deposit fields:

In v12.1 online payments can be enabled and configured. Practices without the payments feature will will only be able to set a Price for patients to view online. This financial functionality must have been enabled for your practice by Software of Excellence Fit Team or Operations Team personnel, whom you can contact by querying the Support Desk.

As part of the practice setup for online financial transactions you will be required to register an account with a third party online-payment management business.

If you leave a Price or Deposit field blank the field is not used, so for a value of zero, specify a value of 0.00.

EXACT will not let you specify a Deposit value greater than the Price value.

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10. Configure the Provider Images and Practice Info:

Provider Images button

Only Providers who are configured for Online Bookings will display in this window.

Configure identifying images for Providers, such as photos, cartoons or symbols:

The image must be on a web server that the system can access continuously without a password or access restrictions. Location examples: on your main practice website, on a freely accessible Flickr page, a shared Google Drive folder, or a shared Dropbox folder.

For each Provider, enter a web address to the image and then click the Connect to Picture button to display the image and check that the connection functions.

Practice Information

Select the Practice Info button to configure a textual summary of the practice (opening times, services, specials, location, etc.), and optionally, the Google Analytics code for the practice:

Practices can add a Google Analytics Tracking ID that enables Google analysis and reporting on the number of people clicking through to the online booking portal.

The field has validation, so EXACT will warn you if your Google Analytics Tracking ID does not conform to the correct format.

Google Analytics is independent of EXACT and is not reported within EXACT - once set up you will need to log into a Google account to use the functionality.

Contact email

On the booking site patients will see this email address as the optional contact address.