Onella Infra Pvt Ltd Civ Ten Conditions

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  • 8/10/2019 Onella Infra Pvt Ltd Civ Ten Conditions




    1.0 Sealed item rate tenders are invited by M/s. Mindspace, No. 3, Kalpana Chawla Road,R.M.V. 2 nd Stage, Sanjay Nagar, Bangalore - 560 094 , on behalf of M/s. Onella Infra PvtLtd, Hyderabad for Civil, Electrical & Plumbing works for the Proposed Farm House atJodupal Village, Madikeri. The Tender should be in the prescribed form attached to the tendernotice and should be submitted to the office of M/s. Mindspace, on or before [email protected].

    2.0 No tender will be received on or after 3.00pm on 21-01-2015 under any circumstanceswhatsoever.

    3.0 Tender document in one Volume along with tender drawings can be collected from the office of M/s. Mindspace, Bangalore, at any time from 14-01-2015. during working hours.

    Tender schedule is as follows:a. Issue of Tender Documents to Vendors :b. Pre bid meeting :c. Release of Addendum to Tender (if any) :

    d. Submission of Tender to M/s. Mindspace :

    4.0 This will be a closed tender, which will be opened with the representatives of the Employer and Architects.

    5.0 The tender submitted on behalf of a firm shall be signed in ink by a person who has thenecessary authority on behalf of the firm to enter into the proposed contract; otherwise, thetender is liable to be rejected. Each page of the tender document and each drawingaccompanying is required to be signed by the authorized person submitting the tender with thecompany seal in token of their having acquainted themselves with the General Conditions ofContract, Specifications, Instructions to Tenderers as laid down. The form of tender is to be filledin completely without fail. Any tender with any of documents not so signed will be rejected.

    6.0 The tenderer must quote rates both in figures and words. All erasures and alterations madewhile filling the tender must be attested by dated initials of the tenderer. Over writing of figures isnot permitted. Failure to comply with either of these conditions will render tender liable forrejection. No advice of any change in rate or conditions after the opening of the tender will beentertained.

    7.0 Errors in the bill of quantities shall be dealt within the following manner :i) In the event of a discrepancy between the rates quoted in words and the rates in figures

    the former shall be deemed to be correct.

    ii) In the event of an error occurring in the amount column of the bill of quantities as a resultof the wrong extension of the unit rate and the quantity, the unit rate shall be regarded asfirm and extension shall be amended on the basis of rates.

    iii) All errors in totaling in amount column and in carrying forward totals shall be corrected.

    iv) The tender total shall be accordingly amended except that there shall be no rectificationof any errors, omissions or wrong estimate, in the prices inserted by the tenderer in thebill of quantities.

    8.0 Where alternative items are given only the rates in figures and words are to be entered and notthe amounts thereof. A tender which does not show the rates in figures and words for alternativeitems are liable to be rejected. The Employer /Architect reserves the right to take into accountany of the alternative items for the purpose of accepting a tender or to operate upon any or all ofthe said alternative items during the execution of the work, partly or fully as required.

    9.0 The tenderers must obtain for themselves on their own responsibility and at their own expenseall the information which may be necessary, including risks, contingencies and other

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    circumstances to enable them in making a proper tender and for entering into a contract, andmust examine the drawings, specifications and conditions and inspect the site of the work andacquaint themselves with all local conditions, means and access to the work, nature of the workand all the matters pertaining thereto before submitting the tender. They can also get anyclarifications required from the Architects, before tendering, by contacting them at their officeduring working hours.

    No claim for extra payment on the pretext of not having full specifications, or not understandingthe drawings or misunderstanding any of the conditions of contract and instructions to tendererswill be entertained. The decision of the architect in all these will be final and binding on thecontractors once the contract is awarded.

    10.0 The tenderers shall submit along with their tender, a list mentioning the names of manufacturersof specialized items like steel windows, patented water proofing, flush doors, floor tiles, falseceiling, etc. which they propose to use.

    All service contractors and sub-contractors for specialized jobs should be approved by Clients / Architects.

    The tenderers shall submit along with their tender the Rate Analysis for all the itemsquoted in the tender in the electronic (CD) form, basic rates of the materials for itemsother than mentioned in the tender, Project Schedule, Cash flow Chart (based on thequantities and time mentioned in the tender) and Organization Chart.

    11.0 Earnest Money Deposit:Nil

    Mobilisation Advance:Mobilization advance of 10% the contract value shall be provided against Bank Guarantee forsuccessful contractor. The contractor shall furnish Bank Guarantee (from any Nationalized Bank/ Bank acceptable to the Employer) in the format approved by the Employer within 10 days fromthe date of "Letter of Intent". Upon furnishing the Bank Guarantee, Mobilization advance shall be

    paid. This mobilization advance shall be recovered in 4 equal installments starting from secondrunning bill.

    12.0 Tenders will remain valid for a period of 90 days from last date notified for the receipt of tenders.

    13.0 The quantities furnished in the schedule of quantities are only probable quantities and is liable toalterations by omission, deductions or additions to any extent at the discretion of Architects /Employer. Payments will be regulated on the actual quantities of work done at accepted rates.Each tender should contain not only the rates but also the value of each items of work entered ina separate column and all the items should be totaled in order to show the aggregate value ofthe entire tender. Corrections that are not attested may entail the rejection of the tender. Ratesshould be quoted both in figures and words in columns specified.

    14.0 The rates quoted in tender shall include cost of all materials, labor and all charges for doublescaffolding, staging, shuttering & centering materials, water and meter rent charges, electriccharges, temporary plumbing, cost of cisterns, hire for any tool and plants, shed for materials,marking out and clearing of site, watering, curing all cement work, concrete as mentioned in thespecifications, complete in all respects.

    15.0 The rates quoted shall be deemed to be for the finished work to be measured at site. Tenderersmust include in their rates transportation of materials to site, The rates to be quoted by thecontractor shall be inclusive of all taxes like VAT, Service Tax, Excise Duty, Octroi and anyother tax and duty or other levy levied by the Central Government or any State Government orLocal Authorities etc., as applicable. No extra payment on this account will be made to thecontractor. No claim in respect of any of the above levies will be entertained by the Employer.The tenderer to comply with the labour rules and regulations as prescribed in the labour act, shall

    take coverage to the workers including CAR policy and shall pay all ESI, PF to the governmentas applicable and as stipulated by the Govt. The employer / Architects / Consultants shall not be

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    held responsible for any reason for non fulfillment of rules and regulations.

    16.0 The calculations made by the tenderers should be based upon probable quantities of severalitems of work which are furnished for the tenderer's convenience in the schedule of probablequantities, but it must be clearly understood that the contract is not a lumpsum contract. TheEmployers do not in any way assure or guarantee that the said probable quantities are correct or

    that the work would correspond thereto. The items of work irrespective of the quantities whichmay vary shall be carried out at the same accepted tender rates and no escalation in the rateswill be entertained whatsoever.

    17. PROJECT COMPLETION SCHEDULE: The entire work should be completed within 12 Months from the date of commencement.

    17.1 INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERThe tenderer must understand clearly that the rates quoted are for complete items of worksincluding charges due to materials, labour, plant, scaffolding, supervision, service works,power, royalties, sales tax etc., and includes all extra to cover the cost of night work if andwhen required and no claim for additional payment beyond the prices or rates quoted will beentertained for payment subsequently towards any claims on the grounds of

    misrepresentation or on point that he was supplied with information given by promise orguarantee by the trust, or by any person whether member of or employee in trust will not beentertained. Failure on the contractors part to obtain all necessary information for thepurpose of submitting his tender and quoting rates therein shall not absolve him of anyrisk or liability consequent upon the submission for tender.

    17.2 The contractor should note that classifications of various floors of the main building will bestrictly according to the approved plans and as shown on plan, one set of plans, are enclosedwith tender form. The plan shall be signed and enclosed along with the tenders as token ofacceptance. The rates should be quoted considering the lifts and leads involved . No claimstowards extra lead and lift charges will be entertained.

    17.3 The tenderer may read carefully the specifications for the items Tor-Steel / TMT / HySD andMild Steel as the rates to be quoted for these items should be inclusive of all laps andwastages. Laps, pins, chairs and wastages will not be measured and paid.

    17.4 The successful tenderer shall submit for approval a P.E.R.T. chart (Programme Evaluationand Review Technique) from the date of commencement of the work to the date of completionas per agreement. The contractor is bound to adhere to the schedule. The PERT chart shouldbe submitted within one week from the date of issue of work order or from the date of handingover site whichever is earlier.

    17.5 Tenderer should submit their tenders in separate sealed covers duly super scribing the nameof the respective work on the face of the cover.

    17.6 Onella Infra Pvt Ltd / MS reserve the right to accept or reject any or all tenders withoutassigning any reasons thereof.

    18.0 The liquidated damages as per clause 39.0 of General Conditions of Contract and Appendix to itwill be applicable for work covered in this contract.

    19.0 Cement and Steel :Cement and all steel supplied shall be in accordance with the relevant IS specifications. As andwhen directed by the Architect / Engineer, the Contractor at his cost shall get the materials testedin an approved testing laboratory and submit the test results/reports for approval before usingthem in the Work.

    The contractor has to make his own arrangements for the procurement of Cement &Steel of approved brand and make required for the Project. The cement to be used should beOrdinary Portland Cement (OPC) - 43/53 Grade of ACC/ Ultra/ Coromandal /Birla / Zuari /Dalmia.

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    Note: No blended cement will be permitted for use.

    19.1.0 (Deleted)

    19.2.0 (Deleted)

    19.3.0 Conditions when Cement & Steel is procured by the Contractor :

    19.3.1 Materials :

    The materials to be used shall be of the grades as mentioned above only. The make, brand &grade shall be got approved by the Architects / Engineers before procurement.

    a. Ordinary Portland Cement - Grade as specified above conforming to IS 8112.b. Reinforcement steel - Fe 500 confirming to IS 1786.c. Structural steel - Confirming to IS as specified above.d. Tubular steel (ERW) - Confirming to IS specified above.

    19.3.2 Unless otherwise specified, all cement, structural steel, and reinforcement steel, should beprocured by the contractor at his cost. The materials so procured should conform to I.S.Specifications mentioned in the tender and from such manufacturers approved by the Architects.Test Certificates for the batch of materials purchased should accompany each consignment ofmaterial brought to site.

    19.3.3 The following basic rates (inclusive of all taxes, duties, Octroi, etc. at the stockyard plus chargesfor loading, transport to site, unloading at site and storing) i.e. Landed cost to site to be assumedby the tenderer for quoting the rates.

    a. Ordinary Portland CementWithout fly ash. 43 grade confirming to IS 8112

    - Rs. 380/- (Rs Three Hundred & Eighty Only) per Bag

    b. Reinforcement Steel Fe500 (TMT) Confirming to IS 1786Per Metric Tonne - Rs. 52,500/- (Rs Fifty Two Five Hundred Only)

    c. Structural steel - Standard Quality confirming to IS 226. Rs.57,000/- (Rs. Fifty Seven Thousand Only) per Metric Tone

    d. Tubular steel (ERW) - Confirming to IS 1161. Rs. 60,000/- (Rs. SixtyThousand Only) per Metric Tone

    19.3.4 No claim for extra payment on account of wastages, excess consumption of cement onany account will be entertained.

    19.3.5 No claim for extra payment on account of increase in weight of steel due to rolling margins, extralaps on account of short lengths of reinforcement steel will be entertained.

    19.3.6 No claim for extra payment on account of increase in weight of structural steel due to rollingmargins and additional splicing due to short length of steel sections received will be entertained.

    19.3.7 All materials left over at the end of the work whatsoever should be taken away from the site bythe contractor at his cost.

    Apart from the items mentioned above, the employer reserves the right to supply anymaterial as required for the project. Contractor to arrange for unloading, stacking at site,transporting the same from stock yard to work spot, cutting to required sizes, shape andother works required for execution etc. In that case the basic cost of the material supplied

    by the employer be deemed to include:Cost of the material

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    Taxes as applicableTransportation and loading at stock yardWastages up to 5% only

    but shall exclude overheads and profit margin as considered by the contractor in the rateanalysis submitted along with tender

    Upon supply of the material it is the responsibility of the contractor to receive and store till thework get executed.

    19.4.0 Electricity for Construction:Electricity required for construction shall be arranged by the contractor himself.All necessarydeposits shall be borne by the Clients. Necessary Laisaioning works required shall be gotdone by the Contractor.

    20.0 Water for Construction:20.1 Employer shall not make any arrangement for supply of water, the contractor shall make his

    own arrangements for supply of water at his own cost for which no extra amount shall be paid.In the event, contractor prefers to dig the bore well and get the water from bore, it is responsibilityof the contractor to get the permission of the authority, organize to dig the bore well, install arequired capacity pump and maintain bore including pump at his cost and hand over same freeof cost to the employer in good condition after work is completed.

    21.0 Performance Bond:21.1 The successful tenderer shall furnish a Performance Bond in the format as acceptable by the

    Employer, for a sum of 2.5% of the Contract Value from any scheduled bank valid for the periodof the Contract within ten days from the date of issue of letter of intent towards the security forthe execution and fulfillment of the contract. This shall be released after the virtual completion ofthe work. If the work is not completed within the stipulated duration, the bank guarantee shouldbe extended for the corresponding extension period.

    21.2 The performance bond of the successful tenderer will be forfeited, if he fails to comply with any ofthe conditions of the contract.

    21.3 Security Deposit :The successful tenderer shall furnish a Bank Guarantee, in the format as acceptable by theEmployer, for a sum of 2.5% of the Contract Value from any scheduled bank valid for the periodof the Contract within ten days from the date of issue of letter of intent towards the security forthe execution and fulfillment of the contract. This shall be released after the virtual completion ofthe work. If the work is not completed within the stipulated duration, the bank guarantee shouldbe extended for the corresponding extension period.

    The Security deposit of the successful tenderer will be forfeited, if he fails to comply with any ofthe conditions of the contract.

    22.0 Retention Money:5% (Five percent) of the total gross bill value shall be retained in cash from each running billtowards retention money up to a maximum limit of 5% of the Executed value including TenderedDeviated items / Non Tendered / Additional Items.

    50% of the amount so retained shall be released after the virtual completion of the work and thebalance 50% of the retention amount shall be released after the defects liability period.

    23.0 Within 15 days of the receipt of intimation from the Employers / Architects of the acceptance oftheir tender, the successful tenderer shall be bound to implement the contract by signing theagreement in accordance with the draft agreement and the schedule of conditions, along withother conditions that may be mutually agreed to, subsequent to the receipt of the tender, but thewritten acceptance by the Employer / Architects of the tender will constitute a binding whethersuch a formal contract is or is not subsequently entered into.

    24.0 All compensations or other sums of money payable by the Contractor to the Employer under the

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    terms of this contract will be deducted from the bill amounts or from the Retention money, if theamount so permits and the contractor shall, unless such retention money has become otherwisepayable, within ten days after such deductions make good in cash amount so deducted

    25.0 The contractor shall carry out all the works strictly in accordance with the drawing, details andinstructions of the Architects / Employer. If in the opinion of the Architects, changes have to be

    made in the design, and they desire contractor to carry out same, the contractor shall be boundto comply. Architects decisions in such cases shall be final and shall not be open to arbitration.

    26.0 The Contractor is bound to carryout any item of work necessary for the completion of the jobeven through such items are not included in the schedule of quantities and rates. Schedule ofinstructions in respect of such additional items and their quantities will be issued in writing by the

    Architects with the prior consent in writing of the Employer.

    27.0 The contractor shall not be entitled to any compensation for any loss suffered by him on accountof delays in commencing or executing the work whatever the cause of delay may be, includingdelays arising out of modifications to the work entrusted to him or in any subcontracts connectedtherewith or delays in awarding contracts for other trades of the project or in commencement orcompletion of such other works or in procuring. Government controlled or other building

    materials or in obtaining water and power connection for construction purposes or for any otherreason whatsoever and the Employer shall not be liable for any claim, in respect thereof. TheEmployer does not accept liabilities for any sum besides the tender amount, subject to suchvariations as are provided for herein.

    28.0 The successful tenderer must cooperate and coordinate the work with the work of all the othercontractors appointed by the Employer, so that the work shall proceed with the least possibledelay and to satisfaction of the Architects. The Contractor's co-ordination with other Contractorsappointed by the Employer is essential to maintain smooth progress of work and any delays,which in the opinion of the Architects / Employer is due to non-coordination and inefficientmanagement of the contractor, will not be entertained for any extension of time.

    29.0 The tenders received will be jointly acknowledged by Architects/Employers/ Project Management


    30.0 The prices quoted, time required for the completion, and the standard of workmanship will be themain criteria for considering the tenders.

    31.0 The Employers do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender and reservethemselves that right to accept or reject any or all the tenders, whether in whole or in part withoutassigning any reason for doing so.

    32.0 Every tenderer shall furnish along with the tender the latest income tax clearance certificatewithout which his tender is likely to be rejected.

    33.0 Non-tendered Items:

    33.1 The rates furnished in the Schedule of Quantities will apply for the entire project. Any item ofwork which is not covered in the Schedule of Quantities which may be required to be carried outon site shall be executed by the Contractor and payment for such items of work shall be basedon the rates that may be derived from the rates quoted for similar comparable items.

    33.2 And for such items which cannot be derived from the contract rates, the payment shall be basedon the actual cost of materials, labor, plus 5% towards overheads and 10% towards profit plusthe prevailing tax on works contract.

    33.3 In case the work is executed by a subcontractor under the supervision of the main civilcontractor, then the payment shall be based on the actual agreed rate given for the subcontractor (to enclose proof of work order or receipt of payment by the sub contractor), plus 5%

    towards overheads and 5% towards profit plus the prevailing tax on works contract.

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    34.0 Escalation:

    34.1 The rates and prices of the Schedule of Quantities shall remain firm for the entire period ofcompletion/ contract. However, for any extended period of the Contract due to reasonsbeyond the control of the Contractor in accordance with Clause 38.1 of the General Conditions

    of Contract, the Contract Price shall be adjusted for increase or decrease in rates and pricesof labor, materials, fuel and lubricants in accordance with following principles and procedures.

    34.2 The cost of materials, electrical energy, water and/or services (if any) supplied by theEmployer at agreed fixed prices shall be excluded from the gross value for the purpose ofderiving the amount of escalation. The price variation given or paid for materials in the caseof materials procured by the contractor shall also be deducted from the gross value.

    34.3 Price adjustment shall apply only for work, which could not be carried out within the stipulatedtime for reasons attributable to the Employer and/or the Architect provided, extension of timehas been granted by the Employer on specific request of the Contractor due to such reasons.It shall not apply to work carried out beyond the stipulated time with extension granted by theEmployer for reasons attributable to the Contractor. Further, in the later case, the excess cost

    (if any incurred by the Employer) of materials supplied to the Contractor by the Employer overand above the fixed prices specified in the Contract will be recovered from the Contractor.

    34.4 The amounts payable to the contractors for the work done involving use of cement and steelshall be adjusted for increase or decrease in the rate of these materials as under:

    34.4.1 The basic rates of cement and steel to be brought by the contractor shall be considered asunder:-

    ___________________________________________________________________________Material Star RatesCement Rs. 380/- per bagSteel Rs. 52,500/- per M. Ton


    34.4.2 The Fluctuation in rates of cement and steel shall be adjusted in bills payable to contractors asunder:-

    A = B x (C1 / C2 1) x D A = Difference of amount payable or recoverableB = Basic rates of steel / cement

    C1 = The quarterly average corresponding index for steel and cement, for thequarter under consideration (as mentioned in monthly bulletin of ReserveBank of India)

    C2 = Price index of Cement / Steel for the Aug 2009 I.e., 282 for steel and forcement.

    D = Quantity of Cement / Steel actually brought by the contractor on the site of the

    work and consumed in the work during the quarter duly supported withrecorded measurements. Only recorded quantity is payable.

    34.4.3 Conditions for variation in prices of Cement and Steel only:a) Variation of price shall not apply for fluctuation between + or 5% from the Basic

    rates.b) The clause shall be operative from the date of issue of work order and upto the expiry

    of the original time limit.c) The formula shall be used individually for cement / steel for calculating adjustment.

    35.0 Material Advances / Unfixed Materials:The client at his discretion may pay advance on Reinforcement Steel and Cementprocured and delivered at site by the contractor for use in works to a maximum extent

    of 70% of the assessed value of the materials . Such materials on which payment has beenmade to the contractor become the property of the Client. (For any loss or damage to which

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    the contractor is responsible). And they shall not be removed from the site except for useupon the work. The material advance paid for the above mentioned items shall be recoveredin full in the subsequent running bill.

    36.0 Guarantees: The Contractor shall give a guarantee for ten years for the following works as well as where

    called for in the item specification specifically executed by him and the approved patentedagencies/Specialist agencies (Sub-contractor).a. Anti-termite Treatment (On Stamp paper)b. Water proofing treatment (In the form of Bank guarantee for 10 years for an amount of 3% of

    the amount as certified for the respective item)

    37.0 Program for completion of work in the form of 'PERT' Charts and CPM Charts integrating allservices prepared by an experienced Project Management Consultant preferably on MS - WinProject giving all details should be given by the contractors within 10 days of starting the work.The Bar Bending Schedule for reinforcement steel and Cutting Schedule for the Structural steelshall also be given by the contractor progressively as and when the drawings are issued to him.

    38.0 Monthly cash-flow statement covering the period of contract including services should be given.

    39.0 This notice inviting tenders will form part of the tender document.

    I/We hereby declare that I/we have read and understood the above instructions for the guidance of thetenderers.


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    Name of Project : Civil, Electrical & Plumbing works for Proposed Farm House at JodupalVillage, Madikeri

    Name of Employer: M/s. Onella Infra Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad.


    1.0 All the rates shall be filled up in figures as well as words without fail in ink only.

    2.0 The rates and amount against each item of work shall be filled up only in the tender papersissued to tenderers.

    3.0 The tenders shall be accompanied by the Earnest Money Deposit for the specified amount.

    4.0 The tenders shall be duly signed by the Legal Competent Officer of the company.

    5.0 No paper or sheet shall be detached from or attached to the tender document issued to thetenderers. The original binding of the tender document shall be retained in tact.

    6.0 All the drawings shall be returned along with the tender duly signed with their Company's sealaffixed.

    7.0 All the pages of the tender document should be signed by the tenderer.

    8.0 The seal of the Company must be affixed below the signature of the tenderer on every sheet ofthe tender document.

    9.0 No corrections or alterations shall be made in the tender document. Tender with extra conditionsother than indicated in the tender is liable to be rejected.

    10.0 Do not fill in the 'Articles of Agreement'.

    11.0 This instruction to tenderers will form part of the tender document.

    12.0 The rates for all items given in the schedule of rates should be quoted in figures and words andvaluation of the tender cost will be based on these rates only.

    13.0 The rate quoted by the tenderer for any item of work for a particular building shall be applicablefor other buildings also. If different rates are quoted, lowest of the rates quoted will be applicablefor all buildings.

    14.0 Failure to comply with these requirements or any other mentioned in the tender documents shallrender the tender liable for rejection.

    15.0 Specifications for several items are given in three parts.(a) General Specifications(b) Common Specifications(c) Detail specifications for each item given in schedule of quantities.

    Detailed Specification (c), Common Specifications (b) and the General Specification (a) alongwith relevant ISI Codes referred to with it, should be considered for working out the rates.

    The Specifications sets for the obligation of the contractor apart from these and those mentionedin the Conditions of Contract.


    The contractor has to setup a laboratory at site at his cost with all necessary equipmentsrequired for the day to day monitoring of the Design Mix.

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    16.2 Site office for the Employers/Architects Engineers:

    The contractor shall construct and provide free of charge an office with a carpet area ofapproximately 150 Sqft, a waterproof office with tables, chairs, fans and light with toilet facility foruse by the Project Engineer, Project Engineer's Representative, Architects and their supervisionteam. The office shall be constructed within the time stipulated by. On completion of the project

    works, the site office will be formally handed over to the owner free of charge by the contractorand will thereupon become the absolute property of the owner.

    16.2.1 Telephone with E-mail facilityThe contractor shall make his own arrangements for telephone with e-mail facility connection atthe site which should be accessible for the use of the Client / Project Adviser / Project manager /Project Engineer PMC / Architects / Consultants and their representatives.

    16.2.2 Temporary RoadsThe contractor shall construct and maintain at his own cost all suitable temporary roads at thework site for the use of his transport equipment and also the vehicles of the Owner / Project

    Adviser / Project manager / Project Engineer PMC / Architects / Consultants and theirrepresentatives.

    16.3 Cement Go-down:The contractor shall provide at his cost a waterproof shed for storing cement up to 50 MetricTones minimum .

    16.4 Clearing Infrastructure: After the completion of the work the contractor shall at his cost remove all temporary structureand clear the premises of debris, etc. and hand over to the Employer.

    16.5 The Contractor will not be permitted to make use of any space other than the working spaceallotted to him without the specific written permission of the Employer.

    16.6 The security of the Contractor's equipment and materials is his own responsibility. The Employer

    accepts no liability for loss or damage to the Contractor's plant, tools or materials.

    16.7 The Contractor shall ensure that the Security Regulations of the Employer is strictly enforced.

    16.8 First Aid : The Contractor shall be responsible for all first aid and he shall keep the site fullyequipped.

    16.9 Minimum requirement of Technical Staff:a) One Qualified, competent experienced Engineer - Minimum 10 years experience in

    construction of similar buildings, acceptable to Clients / Architects.b) Two Qualified experienced Engineers - Min. 5 years experiencec) One Quantity Surveyord) Two Supervisorse) Foremen for various trades as required.f) One Safety Supervisor

    17.0 Minimum Equipment required along with Staff to run them:

    17.1 The cost of providing all the equipment given under and anything more if required shall beincluded in the item rate quoted under Bill of Quantities.

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    List of Machinery and Equipments available for the ProjectSl.No.

    Name No ofUnits

    Type &Make


    Owned /Leased


    1 Excavator

    2 Front End Loader

    3 Vibratory Roller

    4 Watertanker/sprinkler

    5 Dumper

    6 Plate compactor

    7 Tower Crane

    8 Temporary watetanks for constructionwork) Liters capacity.

    9 Concrete Mixer

    10 Weigh Batcher

    11 Vibrator

    12 Generator

    13 Air compressor

    14 Concrete breaker

    15 Welding machine

    16 SurveyingEquipment

    17 Shuttering Plates/System (Sqm)

    18 Double Pole TubularH-Frame Scaffoldingconfirming to IS2750 1984/Platformscaffolding

    19 Vertical Hoist

    20 Compressor of 250Cfm with jackhammer

    21 Computer / printerwith necessarysoftware

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    22 Other Machineriesa)b)c)


    18.1 The contractor shall at his own cost provide suitable residential accommodation for his staff andlabor. Land will not be provided within the Institute premises for putting up labor sheds.

    18.2 Contractor will arrange for ration cards and permits as necessary for labor.

    18.3 Provision for temporary toilets, urinals and bathing areas should be made for staff and labor bythe contractor within the living area. These should be maintained in a clean and orderly conditionand comply with local and Central Government regulations.

    18.4 None of the staff, laborers, sub-contractors etc.; of the main contractors are allowed within theexisting buildings, canteen, offices, etc; if any. They should be confined to the areas of work for

    which the contract is called for.

    18.5 The entire working area and any other existing building should be cordoned off with a 6Mtrs high GI sheet barricade fencing and provision of temporary urinals and toiletsshould be made for his staff and labor by the contractor within the fenced area. Providingbarricading for existing buildings between proposed construction site and adjoiningproperties around existing building including road side using 20G GI sheet, ISMC/ISA,etc. The contractor shall provide and maintain at his own cost with necessaryexcavation, PCC for fixing vertical poles, J bolts and painting MS surfaces including allaccessories for cutting, welding, etc. complete as directed at site.

    18.6 Contractor, staff and labor should strictly follow the regulations in existence or to be formed forpurpose of entry of labor and material, working conditions, hours of working etc;


    19.1 The rates furnished in the Schedule of Quantities will apply for the entire project. Any item ofwork which is not covered in the Schedule of Quantities (read with the General Conditions ofContract) which may be required to be carried out on site shall be executed by the Contractorand payment for such items of work shall be made as per clause 33.0 of the Notice InvitingTenders.

    19.2 No material of any kind will be supplied by the Employer except for those referred in clause 19.0of the Notice Inviting Tenders wherein the Employer has the option to supply, if required and theContractor must make his own arrangements to procure all the required materials conforming tothe relevant Indian Standard Specifications. In the absence of an Indian Standard Specificationfor any material, such material shall be the best of its kind and approved by the Architect. Allmaterials (including water) proposed to be used on the Works should be got tested by theContractor at his cost as may be required by the Architects from approved laboratory and testresults shall be submitted to the Architects for approval. Only those materials (including water)approved by the Architects are to be used on the Works.

    20.0 SUPERVISION OF WORK :The Contractor is required to have on site during all working hours a competent full timeEngineer acceptable to the Architect/Employer who will be responsible to the Employer for theconduct of the Work and who has authority to receive and act on such instructions as the

    Architect/Employer may give.

    21.0 INSPECTION :The Work of the Contractor is subject to inspection by the Employer at all times, but suchinspections do not relieve the Contractor of any of his responsibilities.

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    22.1 Contractor will be expected to employ on Work skilled employees with experience of hisparticular work.

    22.2 All incidental expenses towards employment of all kinds of labor necessary for the execution of

    the Works such as compliance with all legislations in respect of wages and welfare schemes asapplicable (such as payment of Minimum Wages, Regulation and Control of Contract Labor, ESIScheme, Provident Fund, etc.) shall be the responsibility of the Contractor

    22.3 The normal hours of work on the Site are from 0800 Hours to 1800 Hours and all materialsshould be brought to site during working hours. Specific permission of the Employer shall betaken for working outside the normal working hours and on holidays.

    22.4 All employees of the Contractor, while on duty within the premises, shall wear identificationbadges provided by the Contractor consistent with the security rules of the Employer.

    22.5 The Contractor shall ensure that all notices displayed on site and any instructions issued byEmployer are strictly adhered to by Contractor's employees.

    22.6 None of the Contractor's staff or workmen will be allowed to remain at Site except when they areon duty.


    Workmen Compensation Act 1923 / Payment of Gratuity Act 1972 / Employees P.F. andMiscellaneous Provision Act 1952 / Maternity Benefit Act 1951 / Contract Labour [Regulation &

    Abolition] Act 1970 / Minimum Wages Act 1948 / Payment of Wages Act 1936 / EqualRemuneration Act 1979 / Payment of Bonus Act 1965 / Industrial Disputes Act 1947 / IndustrialEmployment [Standing Orders] Act 1946 / Trade Unions Act 1926:- Act / Child Labour[Prohibition & Regulation] Act 1986 / Inter- State Migrant Workmen s [Regulation of Employment

    & Conditions of Service] Act 1979 / The Building and Other Construction Workers [Regulation ofEmployment and Conditions of Service] Act 1996 and the Cess Act of 1996 / Factories Act 1948

    24.0 REPORTING :From the Date of Commencement of the Contract, the Contractor must report the followinginformation to the Employer in writing each Friday, until the Date of Completion:a) Man power employed: managerial, supervisory and workmen (by trades).b) Progress achieved.c) Expected dates for completion of various phases of the Work.d) Any actual or potential delay in program caused by the action or inaction of the

    Employer/ Architect and other contractors working on Site.


    Before finally leaving the site upon completion of the Works, the Contractor shall remove at hiscost all his infrastructural facilities like huts, display and notice boards, plants, tools, equipments,scaffolding and centering materials, rubbish etc. and the site left clean and tidy.


    26.1 The contractor will observe all statutory and legal requirements by Central and StateGovernments and local bodies applicable to the work as well as any local regulations applying tothe site made over by Employer /other authority.

    26.2 Particulars attention is drawn to the following:a) In case of accident, the Employer will be informed in writing forthwith. The contractor will

    strictly follow regulations laid down by Factory Inspector, Government and State

    authorities in this regard.b) Fencing all contractors plant, platform, excavation, pits & providing proper accessladder with handrail for worker to climb to different level

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    c) Compliance with all electricity regulations.d) Compliance with statutory requirements for inspection and testing of all lifting appliances

    and auxiliary lifting gear.

    26.3 Staircase, doors or gangways must not be obstructed in any way that will interfere with means ofaccess or escape.

    26.4 No excavation will be started without the permission of the Employer who will inform thecontractor of the position of any pipes or cables known to be buried in the area. All excavationmust be effectively railed off at all times, or completely boarded over and properly marked duringthe hours of darkness by red warning lamps, and using flame proof warning lamps innon-smoking areas. During the hours of darkness heaps of debris or material which cannot beimmediately removed must be heaped in such a way as to leave adequate passage way.

    26.5 The contractor will notify the Employer of his intention to bring on to the site any equipment suchas space heating or welding apparatus, or any container holding liquid or gaseous fuel or othersubstance which might create a hazard. The Employer will have right to prohibit the use of suchequipment or to prescribe the conditions under which such equipment may be used. TheEmployer will have the right to inspect any construction plant, and to forbid its use if in his opinion

    it is unsuitable or unsafe. No claim arising there from shall be made by the Contractor norentertained by the Employer. The contractor or anyone acting on his instructions will not bring onto the site any radio-active substance or any apparatus using such substance or any X-rayapparatus until written permission and direction regarding the use of such equipment has beenreceived from Employer.

    26.6 The contractor will meet all requirements and act on the instructions of the Employer where it isnecessary to operate a 'Permit-to-work' system.

    26.7 Where it is necessary to provide and/or store petroleum products or petroleum mixtures &explosives, contractor shall be responsible for carrying out such provision and/or storage inaccordance with rules & regulations laid down in Petroleum Act, 1934, Explosive Act 1948 &Petroleum & Carbide of Calcium Manual published by Chief Inspector of Explosive of India. All

    such storage shall have prior approval of owner. Incase any approvals are necessary from ChiefInspector of Explosives or any statutory authorities, contractor shall be responsible for obtainingsame.

    26.8 The contractor shall have his own Fire fighting extinguishers and equipments as per statutoryrequirements and normal safety regulations.

    26.9 The contractor shall be responsible for the provision of all safety notices and safety equipmentrequired by both the relevant legislation and such as the owner may deem necessary.


    27.1 In no circumstances will the contractor interfere with fuses and electrical equipment belonging to


    27.2 Before contractor connects any electrical appliances to any plug or socket belonging to Employerhe will.a) satisfy the Employer that the appliance is in good condition.b) inform the Employer of the maximum current required and the voltage phase of the

    appliance.c) obtain permission of the Employer detailing the sockets to which the appliances may be


    27.3 The Employer will not grant permission to plug in until he is satisfied that:a) the appliance is in good condition and is fitted with a suitable plug;b) the appliance is fitted with a suitable cable having two earth conductors, one of which

    shall be an earthed metal sheath surrounding the cores.

    27.4 No electric cable in use by the Employer will be disturbed without prior permission of the

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    Employer. No weight of any description will be imposed on any such cable and no staging orsimilar equipment will rest against or to be attached to it.

    27.5 No work must be carried out on any live equipment. The equipment must be made safe, certifiedand 'Permit-to-work' issued before any work is carried out.

    27.6 No cable should be laid on ground surface. They should be taken above ground in such a waythat they do not obstruct the movement of vehicles, cranes, etc. and the work of othercontractors in the area.

    27.7 The Employer has the right to discontinue supply if any equipment or installation is consideredunsafe. The contractor must replace or rectify the equipment installation at his own cost andsatisfy the Employer.


    28.1 Introduction

    28.1.1 This part emphasizes the importance of carrying out all constructional operations in a safe and

    efficient manner. Workers, in large number, both skilled and unskilled, are engaged in theinnumerable construction works. Due to increased tempo of such a building activity and largescale mechanization, hazards of accidents have increased considerably. It has, therefore,become imperative that adequate safety rules are laid down for every phase of constructionwork.

    28.1.2 Planning the various constructional operations before hand and making adequatearrangements for procurement and storage of materials, and the machinery to get work doneis as important as carrying out these constructional operations in accordance with goodpractice. Lack of planning or defective planning may result in avoidable delay in thecompletion of work and consequently increased hazards from the point of view of fire, healthand structural soundness.

    28.1.3 Information regarding handling operations that is unloading stacking, lifting, loading andconveying of building materials, has also been given now along with the storage practices.

    28.1.4 Additional information regarding the use of ladders; safety requirements for floor and wallopenings, railings and toe boards; piling and other deep foundations; constructions involvinguse of hot bituminous materials; and erection of structural steel work and concrete framedstructures, etc, has been given.

    28.1.5 The information contained in this part is largely based on the following Indian Standards:IS: 3696 (Part I) - 1966 Safety code for scaffolds and ladders: Part I ScaffoldsIS: 3696 (Part ll) - 1966 Safety code for scaffolds and ladders: Part II LaddersIS: 3764 - 1966-safety code for excavation workIS: 4082 - 1977 Recommendations on stacking and storage of construction materials at site


    revision)IS: 4130 - 1976 Safety code for demolition of buildings (first revision)IS: 4912 - 1978 Safety requirements for floor and wall openings, railings and toe boards (Firstrevision)IS: 5121 - 1969 Safety code for piling and other deep foundationsIS: 5916 - 1970 Safety cede for constructions involving use of hot bituminous materialsIS: 7205 - 1974 Safety code for erection of structural steel workIS: 7969 - 1975 Safety code for handling and storage of building materialsIS: 8989 - 1978 Safety code for erection of concrete framed structures

    28.1.6 A thorough inspection of tubular steel centering is necessary before its erection and membersshowing evidence of excessive resting, kinks, dents or damaged welds shall be discarded.Buckled or broken members shall be replaced. Care shall also be taken that locking devices

    are in good working order and that coupling pins are effectively aligned to frames.

    28.1.7 After assembling the basic unit, adjustment screws shall be set to their approximate final

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    close to anchor plate, wherever possible to avoid serious damage if a hydraulic line fails.

    Pulling-headers, bolts and hydraulic jacks/rams shall be inspected for signs of deformationand failure. Threads on bolts and nuts should be frequently inspected for diminishing crosssection. Choked units shall be carefully cleaned.

    Care shall be taken that no one stands in line with the tensioning elements and jackingequipment during the tensioning operations and that no one is directly over the jackingequipment when deflection is being done. Signs and barriers shall be provided to preventworkmen from working behind the jacks when the stressing operation is in progress.Necessary shields should be put up immediately behind the pre-stressing jacks duringstressing operations.

    Wedges and other temporary devices shall be inspected before use.

    The pre-stressing jacks shall be periodically examined for wear and tear.

    28.4.0 Erection of Prefabricated Members: A spreader beam shall be used wherever possible so that the cable can be as perpendicular

    to the members being lifted as practical. The angle between the cable and the members to belifted shall not be less than 60.

    The lifting wires shall be tested for double the load to be handled at least once in six months.The guy line shall be of adequate strength to perform is function of controlling the movementof members being lifted.

    Temporary scaffolding of adequate strength shall be used to support pre-cast members atpredetermined supporting points while lifting and placing them in position and connecting themto other members.

    After erection of the member, it shall be guyed and braced to prevent it from being tipped ordislodged by accidental impact when setting the next member.

    Pre-cast concrete units shall be handled at specific picking points and with specific devices.Girders and beams shall be braced during transportation and handled. In such a way as tokeep the members upright

    Methods of assembly and erection specified by the designer shall be strictly adhered to at site.Immediately on erecting any unit in position, temporary connections or supports as specifiedshall be provided before releasing the lifting equipment. The permanent structural connectionsshall be established at the earliest opportunity.

    Heated Concrete - When heaters are being used to heat aggregates and other materials andto maintain proper curing temperatures, the heaters shall be frequently checked forfunctioning and precautions shall be taken to avoid hazards in using coal, liquid, gas or any

    other fuel.

    28.5.0 Structural ConnectionsWhen reliance is placed on bond between pre-cast and in situ concrete the contact surface ofthe pre-cast units shall be suitably prepared in accordance with the specifications

    The packing of pints shall be carried out in accordance with the assembly instructions.

    Leveling devices, such as wedges and nuts which have no load bearing function in thecompleted structure shall be released or removed as necessary prior to integrating the joints.

    If it becomes necessary to use electric power for in situ work, the same should be steppeddown to a safe level as far as possible.

    28.6.0 General Workmen working in any position where there is a falling hazard shall wear safety belts or

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    other adequate protection shall be provided.



    The agency responsible for erecting the steel work should analyze the proposed erectionscheme for safety; the erection scheme should cover safety aspects right from the planningstage up to the actual execution of the work.

    29.2.0 SAFETY OF MEN:29.2.1 GENERAL -While engaging men for the job, the supervisor should check up and make sure

    that they are skilled in the particular job they have to perform.

    29.2.2 The helmets shall be worn properly and at all times during the work and shall conform to theaccepted standards.

    29.2.3 The safety goggles shall be used while performing duties which are hazardous to eye likedrilling, cutting and welding. The goggles used shall conform to the accepted standards and

    should suit individual workers.

    29.2.4 The welders and gas cutters shall be equipped with proper protective equipment like gloves,safety boots, aprons and hand shields. The filter glass of the hand shield shall conform to theaccepted standards and should be suitable to the eyes of the particular worker.

    29.2.5 When the work is in progress, the area shall be cordoned off by barricades to prevent personsfrom hitting against structural components, or falling into excavated trenches or getting injuredby falling objects.

    29.2.6 Warning signs shall be displayed where necessary to indicate hazards, for example(a) '440 VOLTS',(b) 'DO NOT SMOKE',

    (c) 'MEN WORKING AHEAD', etc.Hand lamps shall be of low voltage preferably 24 V prevent electrical hazards.

    29.2.7 All electrically operated hand tools shall be provided with double earthing.

    29.2.8 Anchors for guys or ties shall be checked for proper placement. The weight of concrete inwhich the anchors are embedded shall be decked for uplift and sliding.

    29.2.9 Split-end eye anchors shall only be used in good, solid rock.

    29.2.10 The first load lifted by a guy derrick shall be kept at a small height for about 10 minutes andthe anchors immediately inspected for any signs or indications of fall

    29.2.11 When a number of trusses or deep girders is loaded in one car or on me truck, all but onebeing lifted shall be tied back unless they have been tied or braced to prevent their falling overand endangering men unloading.

    29.2.12 The erection gang shall have adequate supply of bolts. washers, rivets, pins, etc, of thecorrect size. Enough number of bolts shall be used in connecting each piece using a minimumof two bolts in a pattern to ensure that the joint will not fail due to dead load and erectionloads. All splice connections in columns, me girders, etc, shall be completely bolted or rivetedor welded as specified in the drawing before erection.

    29.2.13 Girders and other heavy complicated structural members may require special erection deviceslike cleats end hooks, which can be shop assembled and bolted or riveted or welded to thepiece and may be left permanently in the place after the work.

    29.2.14 If a piece is Laterally unstable when picked at its centre, use of a balance beam is advisable,

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    and unless a pair of bridles slings can be placed far enough apart for them to be safe liftingpoints. The top flange of a truss, girder or long beam may be temporarily reinforced with astructural member laid flat on top of the member and secured temporarily.

    29.2.15 On deep girders, and even on some trusses, a safety 'bar' running their full length ill aid theriggers, fitters and others employed on the bottom Range or bottom chord to work with greater

    safely. This can be a single 18 mm diameter wire rope through vertical stiffeners of suchmembers about one meter above the bottom flange and clamped at the ends with wire ropeclamps. If the holes cannot be provided, short eye bolts can be welded to the webs of thegirder at intervals to be removed and the surface chipped or ground to leave it smooth after allwork on the piece has been completed.

    29.2.16 Safety belts shall always be available at work sport to be used whenever necessary. The ropeshall be chemically treated to resist dew and rotting. These shall not be tied on sharp edges ofsteel structures. They shall be tied generally not more than 2 to 3 m away from the belt.

    29.2.17 On a guy derrick or climbing crane job, the tool boxes used by the reaction staff shall bemoved to the new working floor each time the rig is changed. On a mobile crane job, theboxes shall be moved as soon as the crane starts operating in a new area too far away for the

    men to reach the boxes conveniently. While working a tall and heavy guy derrick, it isadvisable to control tension in guys by hand winches to avoid jerks, which may cause anaccident.

    29.2.18 The proper size, number and spacing of wire rope clamps shall be used, depending on thediameter of the wire rope. They shall be properly fixed in accordance with codes of goodpractice. They shall be checked as soon as the rope has been stretched, as the ropeespecially if new, tends to stretch under the applied load, which in turn may cause it to shrinkslightly in diameter. The damps shall them be promptly tightened to take care of this newcondition. In addition, the clamps shall be inspected frequently to be sure-that they have notslipped and are tight enough.

    29.2.19 When the men can work safely from the steel structure itself, this is preferable to hanging

    platforms or scaffolds, as it eliminates additional operations, which in turn, reduces the hazardof an accident.

    29.2.20 To aid men working on floats or scaffolds, as well as men in erection gangs, or other gangsusing small material, such as bolts and drift pins, adequate bolt baskets or similar containerswith handles of sufficient strength and attachment to carry the loaded containers, shall beprovided.

    29.2.21 The men should be trained to use such containers, and to keep small tolls gathered up andput away in tool boxes when not in use. Material shall not be dumped overboard when ascaffold is to be moved. Rivet heaters shall have sage containers or buckets for hot rivets overat the end of day.

    29.2.22 During the erection of tall buildings, it is desirable to use nylon nets at a height of 3 to 4 m toprovide safety to men.


    29.3.1 A fire protection procedure is to be set up if there is to be any flame cutting, burning, heating,riveting or any operation that could start a fire. For precautions to be observed during weldingand cutting operations, reference may be made to good practice.

    29.3.2 The workers should be instructed not to throw objects like hot rivets, cigarette stubs, etc,around.

    29.3.3 Sufficient fire extinguishers, preferably, of soda acid type shall be placed at strategic points.

    Extinguishers shall always be placed in cranes, hoists, compressors and similar places.

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    (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970, the Owner shall have the right to deduct from any moneydue to the Contractor any sum required, or estimated to be required, for making good theloss/losses suffered by a worker or workers by the reason of non-fulfillment of the Conditionsof the Contract relating to the benefits of workers, non-payment of wages or of deductionmade from their wages which are not justified by the terms of the Contract or non-observance.

    30.1.12 The Contractor shall indemnify the Owner against any payments to be made under and for theobservance of the Provisions of the aforesaid Acts.

    30.1.13 In the event of the Contractor committing a default or breach of any of the provisions of theaforesaid Acts, as amended from time to time, of furnishing any information or submitting orfilling in any Form/Register/Slip under the provision of these Acts which is materially incorrect,then on the report of the Inspecting officers, the Contractor shall, without prejudice to anyother liability, pay to the Owner a sum not exceeding Rs. 5000.00 as Liquidated Damages.This shall be applied to each incident for every default, breach or furnishing of, submitting,making and / or filling - in materially incorrect statements, the exact amount shall be fixed bythe Consultant.

    30.1.14 In the event of the Contractor s default continuing in this respect, the Liquidated Damages

    may be increased to Rs. 1000.00 per day for each day that default occurs upto a maximum ofone percent (1%) of the Contract Amount.

    30.1.15 The Consultant shall deduct such amounts from the Interim Application for payment or theSecurity Deposit of the Contractor and credit the same to the Welfare Fund constituted underthese Acts. The decision of the Consultant in this respect shall be final and binding.

    30.2.0 Health and Sanitary Arrangements for Workers Employed By The Contractor

    30.2.1 These rules shall apply to all the building and construction contracts.

    30.2.2 In respect of all the labour directly or indirectly employed on the Project for the execution ofthe Works which is for the performance of the Contractor s part of the Agreement, the

    Contractor shall comply with, or cause to be complied with, all the rules and regulations of thelocal sanitary and other Authorities or as required by the Consultant from time to time for theprovision of the adequate Health and Sanitary arrangements for all workers.

    30.2.3 The Contractor shall provide shall provide off site, if required, its own separate labour campcomplete with all amenities such as electricity, water and other health and sanitaryarrangements. The Contractor shall also provide all the necessary surface transportation tothe project site and back to the labour camp for all their labour personnel accommodated inthe labour camp.

    30.3.0 First AidThe Contractor shall provide and maintain at the Project site, in an easily accessible place,first aid supplies including an adequate supply of sterilized dressings and sterilized cottonwool.

    These supplies shall be kept in good order and a member of the Contractors staff trained tocarry out this shall be nominated to be in charge of the same and shall be readily availableduring working hours.

    The Contractor shall maintain on site at all time a car. It shall be available to take any injuredperson or persons to the nearest hospital.

    30.4.0 Drinking WaterThe Contractor shall provide and maintain at one central location, easily accessible to labour,a sufficient supply of safe drinking water.

    The water supply storage container shall be no closer than 20 meters from any latrine, drain orother source of pollutions. Where water is obtained from an existing well, which is within the

    proximity of latrines, drains or other sources of pollutions, the well shall be properly chlorinatedbefore water is drawn from it for drinking. All such wells shall be closed securely and be

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    provided with a trap door that shall be dust proof and the opening shall be sealed.

    A reliable pump shall be fitted to each covered well. The trap door shall be kept locked andshall be opened only for cleaning and inspection, which shall be done at least once a calendarmonth.

    30.5.0 Washing and Bathing PlaceThe Contractor shall provide adequate washing and bathing places separately for men andwomen. Such places shall be maintained in a clean and dry state.

    30.6.0 Latrines and Urinals

    30.6.1 The Contractor shall provide on the Project site, within accessible location, latrines and urinalssuch places shall be maintained in a clean and hygienic state.

    30.6.2 The calculation of the number of units which shall be provided, separately for men andwomen, is based on the following criteria :1) Where the number of persons does not exceed 50 - 2 units

    2) Where the number of persons exceeds 50, but does not exceed 100 3 units3) Extra for every additional 100 persons - 3 units

    30.6.3 If women are employed on the Project site, separate latrines, screened from those providedfor men, shall be provided. They shall be clearly marked For Women Only in local language.

    A poster / symbol showing the figure of women shall be exhibited at the entrance of thelatrines. There shall be an adequate water supply close to the latrines.

    30.6.4 The latrines and urinals for men shall be separate and screened from the women s. They shallbe clearly marked For Men Only in local language. A poster / sym bol showing the figure of aman shall be exhibited at the entrance of the latrines. There shall be an adequate water supplyclose to the latrines.

    30.6.5 The latrines shall be :i) If a water borne sewage system is available, be water-flushed latrines; orii) Receptacles on a dry earth system which shall be cleared four times daily and at least

    twice during the working hours. The latrines shall be kept in a strictly sanitary condition.

    30.6.6 The latrine structure shall be constructed of masonry or some suitable heat resistant non-absorbent material. It shall be cement plastered inside and outside and painted at least once acalendar year. The latrine shall have insulated water proof roofs.

    30.7.0 Disposal of ExcretaThe Contractor shall make arrangements for proper disposal of excreta approved by theMunicipal Medical Office of Health in whose jurisdiction the project site is located.

    30.8.0 Provision of Shelter At the project site, the Contractor shall provide, free of cost, two suitable sheds for meals, oneeach for men and women, to be used by the labour force. The sheds shall be roofed withinsulated water proof material and flooring will be provided with a dwarf wall of 750 mm. Thesheds shall be kept clean.


    Metal arc welding is hazardous and may pose substantial risk of electrical shock to the welderand other persons working around him, if the hardware is not properly installed, or is notmaintained properly. The following guidelines are, therefore, mandatory and should befollowed without fail.

    31.1.0 Welding Equipment:a) Welding equipment used should only be DC welding equipment i.e., a rectifier set or a

    motor generator set. AC welding transformer sets should not be allowed inside the

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    Site/Factory to prevent any inadvertent use.b) Welding equipment should conform to BS 638. Maximum open circuit voltage should

    not exceed 100 V for the DC welding system.c) Welding cable and return leads should be heavily insulated and there should be no

    exposed live conductors. The electrode holder should be of fully insulated type withno visible damage. There should be a welding cable connector within 3 feet of the

    electrode holder with a male / female type plug socket connector which can bedisconnected by the welder.

    31.2.0 Welding Circuit:a) The power supply to the each welding set should be through switch fuse unit (SFU)

    for the main supply along with a 30mA ELCB in the circuit.b) Make sure that the metal part of the SFU is earthed properly with double earth.c) Make sure that the welding machine is suitably earthed with two earthing systems.d) Make sure that the welding cable and the return to the welding machine are

    connected properly using suitable lugs, nut-bolts and washers etc.e) Make sure that there is a return cable from the workplace to the welding machine.

    Make sure that the workplace is properly earthed to a sound earthing system usingproper connectors.

    31.3.0 Working Procedures:a) Make sure that a competent person has checked that the welding equipment has

    been correctly specified and installed accordingly.b) Make sure that welder and his helper has minimum personal protective equipment

    (PPE) i.e. :i) Proper welding screen.ii) Proper welding gloves for both hands (fire resistant gauntletsiii) Insulated safety shoes.iv) Insulated mat or board for sitting / standing.v) Flame proof skull cap

    c) Welder and his helper sit on an electrically insulated material while welding is inprogress.

    d) Make sure that a trained helper is available to the welder for the full tenure of hiswelding job.

    e) SFU should be switched off during shot break of at the end of the day s work. f) Make sure that no object is likely to fall from top while welding is in progress.g) Make sure before start of work that there is a valid `Safety work permit issue d for the

    job.h) Contractor shall get his welding sets certified by Elec. Section and these certificates

    should be renewed every six months.

    31.4.0 Maintenance:a) ELCBs should be tested every fortnight with an ELCB tester by a competent person

    and recorded. Also, before every use of the equipment, the ELCB should be tested bypushing the test button on the ELCB.

    b) Welding set and the associated electrical hardware should be checked by acompetent person once every month and record it.

    c) The welding supervisor / project engineer must check the PPE and welding hardwareevery fortnight and defective ones must be removed from the site.

    Quick Reference to Key Standards for Contractors at site


    32.1.0 ENTRY:1. Entry only after Medical, Induction and with Photo ID card2. Re-induction and medical if there is 3 month break3. Entry only with Safety shoes, Helmet and proper dress (dhoti, loose clothing not


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    4. All electrical tools, welding m/c, lifting tools & tackles allowed entry & usage only aftercertificat-ion by Electrical Inspectorate. Revalidation required every month forelectrical equipment & tools

    32.2.0 WORK:1. Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) compulsory

    2. All jobs to start only after valid work permit, authorised by designated Area In-charge3. Daily Tool-box talk to every worker before start of job4. Work above 1.8 Mtr with safety belt, duly anchored5. All jobs with adequate Supervision.6. High risk/ high hazard jobs should have 100% supervision from both contractor &Client / Project management Team7. No High risk/ high hazard jobs after sunset8. Start High risk/ high hazard jobs only after risk assessment and approval by safetyofficer9. Only crawling on beams. No walking.10. Use Lifeline and double hook safety belt, Fall arrestor etc. as per Risk assessment11. Only metal railing (not rope) around openings on floor /ground, trenches, buildingedges.

    We agree to the above conditions.


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    F O R M O F T E N D E R

    M/s. Onilla Infra Pvt LtdHyderabad

    Dear Sir,

    1.0 Having examined the tender documents (contained hereto) relating to the works specified in theMemorandum hereinafter set out and having visited and examined the site of the works specifiedin the said Memorandum and having acquired the requisite information relating thereto asaffecting the tender, I/we hereby offer to execute the works specified in the said Memorandum atthe rates mentioned in the Schedule of Quantities hereto and in accordance with all respects ofthe specifications, designs, drawings and instructions in writing referred to in the Tender Notice,

    Articles of Agreement, General Conditions of Contract (including the Special Conditions),Schedule of Quantities and with such materials as are provided for by and in all other respects inaccordance with such conditions so far as they may be applicable.


    1.1 Description of Work : Civil, Electrical, Plumbing works for proposed Farm Houseat Jodupal Village, Madikeri.

    1.2 Earnest Money Deposit : Nil

    1.3 Performance Bond : 2.5% (Two and Half Percent) of the Contract Value in the formof a Bank guarantee valid for the duration of Contract &Defects Liability Period.

    1.4 Mobilisation Advance : 10% of the contract value against submission of BankGuarantee.

    1.5 Retention Money to : 5% (Five Percent) of Certified Gross Value from the Running Account be deducted : bills.

    1.6 Release of Retention : 50% on virtual completion and balance 50% after Defects Liability Period Money :

    1.7 Date of Commencement : 7 th Day from the date of Issue of Letter of Intent

    1.8 Period of Completion : 12 Months

    1.9 Defects Liability period : 12 (Twelve) Months from the Date of Certification of the FinalBill

    1.10 Amount of Liquidated : 1% of the Contract value per week of delay limited to 5% after Damages (penalty for delay) which the Employer may terminate the Contract if the

    contractor makes up the Short-fall in the stipulated time ofcompletion, penalty may be refunded receiving writtenapplication by the contractor.

    1.11 Period of Final : 2 (Two) Months from the date of Virtual Completion.Measurements

    1.12 Value of Running Bill : Minimum value Rs.40 Lakhs & above.

    1.13 Period of checking : 15 (Fifteen) Days from date of receipt of Contractor s Bills withall clear Interim bills and issuing measurements along withmeasurement sheets, Bar Bending Schedule. CertificateRate Analysis for Non Tendered Items of Work if any and other

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    supporting purchase bills / documents / Vouchers

    1.14 Period of Honoring : 10 (Ten) Days from the date of receipt by the Employer. Architect s Certificates :

    1.15 Water for Construction : 10 (Ten) Days from the date of receipt by the Employer.

    Architect s Certificates :

    2.0 Should this tender be accepted, I/we hereby agree to abide by and fulfill the terms and provisionsof the said Conditions of Contract so far as they may be applicable or in default thereof to forfeitand pay to ______________________, amount mentioned as "Liquidated Damages " in saidMemorandum.

    3.0 In accordance with Clause 11.0 of Notice Inviting Tender, I/we have enclosed herewith (in aseparate envelope):

    3.1 A Demand Draft / Banker's Cheque No._____________ Dated ____________ drawn on _____________________ (Bank) for Rs.________/- (Rupees ___________________________Only) payable at Bangalore, favoring ____________________ towards the requisite Earnest

    Money. Should I/we fail to execute the Contract when called upon to do so, I/we do hereby agreethat this sum shall be forfeited by me/us to ____________________.

    3.2 Xerox copy of the latest Income Tax Clearance Certificate dated ________ issued to me/us by ____________________ as required under Clause 32.0 of Notice Inviting Tender.

    3.3 Certified true copy of the Power of Attorney (as applicable) in terms of Clause 7.0 below.

    4.0 My / Our address is ________________________________________, ________________________________________ ________________________________________

    5.0 My / Our Bankers are:

    5.1 ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________

    5.2 ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________

    6.0 The names of the Partners of our Firm are:6.1 _______________________________________6.2 _______________________________________6.3 _______________________________________

    7.0 The name of the Director of :our firm authorized to sign is : ______________________________________OR

    Name of person having power of :attorney to sign the contract is :______________________________________(certified true copy of the power of attorney is enclosed).

    Yours faithfully,

    Place : _______________Date : _______________ Signature of the Tenderer

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    F O R M O F A R T I C L E S O F A G R E E M E N T

    (To be executed by the Successful Tenderer on Rs.100/- non-judicial Stamp Paper in terms of Clause2.1.1 of the General Conditions of Contract)

    ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT made at _____________ the ____________ day of __________________ between M/s. ________________ ____________, _________ _______ _______ ________, __________________ (hereinafter called "the EMPLOYER") of the one part, and M/s. ___________________________, whose registered office is situated at _________ _____________________________________________ hereinafter called "the CONTRACTOR") of theother part.

    WHEREAS the EMPLOYER is desirous of getting the for Construction of ___________________________ at ________ ________ _ _ __________ ___ ______ (hereinaftercalled "the WORK") and has caused Drawings, Specifications and Schedule of Quantities showing anddescribing the WORK to be done to be prepared by or under the direction of M/s. MINDSPACE, No. 3,Kalpana Chawla Road, R.M.V. 2 nd Stage, Sanjay Nagar, Bangalore - 560 094 (hereinafter called "the


    AND WHEREAS the CONTRACTOR has supplied the EMPLOYER with a fully priced copy ofthe said Schedule of Quantities (which copy is hereinafter referred to as "the CONTRACT BILLS")amounting to Rs._____________________ (Rupees ________________________________________

    _________________________________ Only) (hereinafter referred to as "the CONTRACT SUM").

    AND WHEREAS the said Drawings (hereinafter referred to as "the CONTRACT DRAWINGS")and the CONTRACT BILLS have been signed by or on behalf of the parties hereto.

    AND WHEREAS the CONTRACTOR has deposited a Bank Guarantee bond bearing No. __________________________ dated ____________ for a sum of Rs. ____________ (Rupees ___________________________________________________________ Only) issued by ___________ __________________________________ (Bank) with the EMPLOYER, for the due performance of this



    1. For the consideration hereinafter mentioned, the CONTRACTOR will upon and subject to theConditions Annexed carry out and complete the WORK shown upon the CONTRACTDRAWING and described by or referred to in the CONTRACT BILLS and in the said Conditionsand said Specifications.

    2. The EMPLOYER will pay the CONTRACTOR the CONTRACT SUM or such other sum as shallbecome payable hereunder at the times and in the manner specified in the said Conditions.

    3. The term "the ARCHITECT" in the said Conditions shall mean the said M/s. MINDSPACE, No. 3,

    Kalpana Chawla Road, R.M.V. 2nd

    Stage, Sanjay Nagar, Bangalore - 560 094, or in the event oftheir ceasing to be the ARCHITECT for the purpose of this Contract, such other person as theEMPLOYER shall nominate for that purpose, not being a person to whom the CONTRACTORshall object for reasons considered to be sufficient by an Arbitrator appointed in accordance withthe said Conditions. Provided always that no person subsequently appointed to be the Architectunder this Contract shall be entitled to disregard or over-rule any certificate or opinion or decisionor approval or instruction given or expressed by the Architect for the time being.

    4. The said Conditions, Specifications, Contract Bills, Contract Drawings, all other documentsattached hereto and signed or initialed by both parties shall be read and construed as formingpart of this Agreement and the parties hereto will abide by and submit themselves to theConditions and stipulations and perform the agreements on their respective parts.

    All disputes arising out of or in anyway connected with this Agreement shall be deemed to havearisen in Bangalore and only the Courts in Bangalore shall have jurisdiction to determine thesame.

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    AS WITNESS our hands this ______________ day of ____________ 2014

    Signed by the EMPLOYER :

    In the presence of


    Signed by the CONTRACTOR :

    In the presence of


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    WHEREAS the ________ __________ ____________ __________ ________ (hereinafter called"Client" which expression shall include its successors and assigns) having awarded a work order /contract supply order No. ____________, Dated _________________ (hereinafter called "the Contract")for Works for their Proposed Construction of _________ ___________ ________ on ________

    ________Road, ______ ________ _______ to M/s. ___ __________________ _________________________________ ______________________ (hereinafter called the contractor /supplier) at a total price of ______________ subject to the terms and conditions contained in contract.

    WHEREAS the terms and conditions of the contract required, the Contractor to furnish a bank guaranteefor Rs. _________________ (Rupees ____________________________________) being _____% ofthe total value of the Contractor for proper execution and due fulfillment of the terms and conditions

    contained in the contract.

    We, the _______________________ Bank, (hereinafter called the "Bank" do hereby unconditionally andirrevocably undertake to pay to Client immediately on demand in writing and without protest / or demur allmoneys payable by the contractor / supplier to Client in connection with the execution / supply of andperformance of the works / equipment, inclusion of any loss, damages, charges, expenses and costscaused to or suffered by on which would be caused to or suffered by Client by reason of any breach bythe contractor / supplier of any of the terms and conditions contained in the contract as specified in thenotice of demand made by Client to the bank. Any such demand made by Client on the bank shall beconclusive evidence of the amount due and payable by the bank under this guarantee. However, thebank's liability under this guarantee shall be limited to Rs. ______________ in the aggregate and thebank hereby agrees to the following terms and conditions:-

    1. This guarantee shall be a continuing guarantee and irrevocable for all claims of Client asspecified above and shall be valid during the period specified for the performance of the contractincluding the period of maintenance / warranty i.e., up to ________________

    2. We, the said bank further agree with Client that Client shall have the fullest liberty withoutconsent and without effecting in any manner our obligations and liabilities hereunder to varyany or the terms and conditions of the said contract or extend time for performance of contractby the contractor from time to time any of the powers exercisable by Client against the contractor/ supplier under the contract and forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating tothe said contract and we shall not be relieved from any liability by reason of any such variationsor extension being granted to the contractor or for any forbearance, act or omission on the part ofClient of any indulgence by Client to the contractor or by any such matter a thing whatsoever,which under, the law relating to the sureties would, but for this provision, have effect of so

    relieving us.

    3. This guarantee / undertaking shall be in addition to any other guarantee or security whatsoeverClient may now or at any time have in relation to the performance to the works / equipment andthe company shall have full resource to or enforce this security in performance to any othersecurity or guarantee which Client may have or obtain and there shall be no forbearance on thepart of the company in enforcing or requiring enforcement of any other security which shall havethe effect on releasing Bank from its full liability. It shall not be necessary for Client to proceedagainst the said contractor / supplier before proceeding against the bank.

    4. This guarantee / undertaking shall not be determined or affected by the liquidation or winding up,dissolution or change of constitution or insolvency of the supplier / contractor, but shall in allrespects and for all purpose be binding and operative until payment of all moneys payable to

    Client in terms thereof are paid by the Bank.

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    5. The bank hereby waives all rights at any time inconsistent with the terms of this Guarantee andthe obligations of the Bank in terms hereof shall not be otherwise effected or suspended byreasons of any dispute or disputes having been raised by the supplier / contractor (whether ornot pending before any arbitrator, Tribunal of Court) or any denial of liability by the supplier /contractor stopping or preventing or purporting to stop or prevent any payment by the bank to

    Client in terms hereof.

    6. We the said banks lastly undertake not to revoke this Guarantee during its currency except withthe previous consent of Client in writing. Unless a claim is made in writing within six months fromthe date of expiry of this guarantee i.e. ________________________, we shall be relieved fromall liabilities under this guarantee thereafter.

    Signed this ______________________ day of _______________ at

    Bank For and on behalf of:




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    GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT(Referred to in Condition 1 of "Articles of Agreement")


    1.1 The contract document shall consist of the various documents listed under Clause 2.0 hereinbelow.

    1.2 The "Employer/Owner" : M/s. Onella Infra Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad

    1.3 The "Contractor " : Name of the successful contractor.

    1.4 The "Architect " : M/s. MINDSPACE, No. 3, Kalpana Chawla Road,R.M.V. 2 nd Stage, Sanjay Nagar, Bangalore - 560094

    1.5 The "Project Management :Consultant" :

    1.6 The Employer, the Contractor and the Architect are those mentioned as such in the Agreementand shall include their legal representatives, assigns or successors. They are treated throughoutthe Contract Document as if each were of the singular number and masculine gender.

    1.7 The " Site " shall mean the site of the Contract Works including any building and erectionsthereon and any other land allotted by Employer for Contractor's use.

    1.8 The term " Sub-Contractor ", as employed herein, includes those having a direct contract with theContractor and it includes one who furnishes materials worked to a special design according tothe plans or specifications of the Work but does not include one who merely furnishes materials,not so worked. Any one doing work on a piece rate basis shall be deemed a Sub-Contractor.

    1.9 " Written Notice " shall be deemed to have been duly served if delivered in person to theindividual or to a member of the firm or to an office of the Corporation for whom it is intended, orif delivered at or sent by registered mail to the last business address known to him who gives thenotice.

    1.10 The term " Work " of the Contractor or Sub-Contractor includes Labour or material or both.

    1.11 " Clerk of Works " shall mean the person appointed by the Employer to inspect and certifymeasurements of the Works at Site.

    1.12 All time limits stated in Contract Document are of the essence of Contract

    1.13 The law of the place of work shall govern the construction under this contract.

    1.14 The " Date of Virtual Completion " of the Work or specified portion of the Work is the date whenconstruction is sufficiently completed, in accordance with the Contract Documents as modified byany change or variation order agreed to by the parties, so that the Employer can take over suchcompleted work and occupy for the use it was intended.


    2.1 The fo