One Mindanao - October 13, 2011

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An Electronic News Magazine of PIA Mindanao

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C O N T E N T SNATIONAL• Aquino announces P500M support for the information technology-business processing outsourcing industry• Palace says Ombudsman will have own timetable in prosecuting former President Arroyo• Career Executive Service Officers to hold Annual Conference in November• Aquino to appear in Google-Youtube interview series

Central Mindanao (SOCSKSARGEN)

• North Cotabato wins Gawad Pamana ng Lahi • Gov calls for audit of MalMar project

Northeastern Mindanao (Caraga)

• Manobo community launches sago palm flour enterprise• MinDA to launch MindaNOW Program• Agusan del Sur to hold children’s congress and governance• Immigration desk in Camiguin to help foreign tourists• Four projects in Jabonga now on

Western Mindanao (Zamboanga Peninsula)

• DOH, DepEd to launch ‘School-Based Dengue Free Zone Initiative Program’• P11 Million cancer center soon to rise in Zambo• PDEA Zanorte scores anew against illegal drug trade

Northern Mindanao

• Mindanao records 11 landslides, 43 floodings in first 7 mos., this year• Eco groups express alarm on waste incinerators in Mindanao• CSAT is home of R-10’s Most Outstanding TESDA Trainer

Southern Mindanao (Davao Region)

• Croco lechon eyed as a unique Davao item• Dairy project, a showcase of DavNor’s P.E.O.P.L.E. agenda

OUR COVER features the

Hermosa Festivalof Zamboanga City


An Electronic News Magazine published daily by Philippine Information Agency (PIA)

Mindanao Clusters

Executive Editor ……......... EFREN F. ELBANBUENA Cluster Head, Southern, Western and Central Mindanao Regional Director, PIA Region XI

Managing Editor ……......... ABNER M. CAGA Cluster Head, Northern and Northeastern Mindanao Regional Director, PIA Caraga Region

Associate Editors ……....... OLIVIA T. SUDARIA Regional Director, PIA Region XII NOEMI A. EDAGA Regional Director, PIA Region IX

RUTCHIE C. AGUHOB Officer-in-charge,PIARegionX

Regional Desk Editors …... Jocelyn P. Alvarez, PIA Region IX Elaine O. Ratunil, PIA Region X Rudolph Ian G. Alama, PIA Region XI Danny E. Doguiles, PIA Region XII Robert E. Roperos, PIA Caraga Region Nora CL Molde, PIA Caraga Region

Copy Editor ……………….. Robert E. Roperos, PIA Caraga Region

Layout Artists ……………... Gerie Mae G. Coco, PIA Caraga Region Richard D. Atillo, PIA Caraga Region

Editorial Advisers ……….... ATTY. JOSE A. FABIA Director-General Philippine Information Agency

SEC. HERMINIO “Sonny” B. COLOMA PresidentialCommunicationsOperationsOffice

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Zambo City’s biggest festival: Fiesta de la Nuestra Señora La Virgen del Pilarby Michael Vincent D. CajulaoTourism is now the name of the game in our

country. It is not a secret that our government has done everything to promote our country, or should we say “sell’ our country to prospect

buyers… the tourists.

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Various festivals are being held in dif-ferent parts of the country as part of its tourism. Advertise-ments showing the beauty and splendor of the Philippines en-gross all broadcast and print media with one ultimate pur-pose… to show to the world that Philippines is such a precious gift from God and should

be enjoyed by the people. We here, in the beautiful city of Zam-boanga Hermosa, are celebrating the biggest and perhaps the longest festival in the city. The lon-gest because for us here, this starts the merry and joyful at-mosphere towards Christmas season, the biggest because

it is a fiesta worthy of attention as those of Kadayawan, Sinu-log, Maskara festivals and the likes. A fies-ta which has rooted from the faith of the Zamboangueños to the Holy Virgin… the celebration of the Fi-esta de la Nuestra Señora La Virgen del Pilar which is cele-brated every 12th of October.

Brief history One day, tra-dition tells us, the Apostle Saint James the Elder was pray-ing by the bank of Ebro River, which crosses Logrono, Co-lahhora, Zaragoza and the province of Vascongadas, Castil-lo, Navarra, Aragon and Cataluña, Spain, emptying its waters at the cape of Tolosa into the Mediterra-nean Sea. While he was praying, angels appeared transport-ing the Virgin all the way from Palestine

and placed her on a pillar. Upon looking up, he saw Mary, the Mother of Jesus in mortal flesh standing on a Pillar, hence the name of Our Lady of the Pillar (Nues-tra Señora del Pilar). (The Legends of Our Lady of the Pillar by Adolfo Navarro, Sr., Printed in the Philip-pine Times, Oct. 18-24, 1982) How Our Lady of the Pillar be-came the Patroness of Zamboanga City has a more interest-ing story as written

by Adolfo C. Navar-ro, Sr.Fort Pilar was then known as “Real Fuerza de san Jose” from the date of its construction in 1635 to 1718. It was re-named later as “Real Fuerza de Nuestra Señora la Virgen del Pilar de Zaragoza” in 1719, maintain-ing it until 1899. The Americans simplified its name to “Fort Pi-lar” which still re-mains up to now. One of the many fascinating stories tells us of a legend called “The Sentry

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and Our Lady of the Pillar” which was wo-ven during an actu-al Moro raid of the fort on December 6, 1734. A group of Moro bandits led by Rey Bigotillos with his 450 men land-ed on the shores of Zamboanga to cap-ture the fort by sur-prise. The story says that when the ban-dits were scaling the walls of the fort by

the seaside one dark night, the sentry who was supposed to stand watch discov-ered them and alert-ed all the soldiers in the fort. Account says that the sentry was asleep when sudden-ly, he was awakened by a gentle touch on his shoulder and heard a voice whis-pering: “Despierta. Hay Moros en la cos-

tal”. (Wake up. The moros are coming by sea”). When he opened his eyes, he saw a “lovely lady clad in a flowing gown of shimmering white. Her hair was as black as the night and glowed with a wonderful light. Her feet were bare and pink against the cold bleak floor.” He stood up and was about to shoot

the lady when the lady spoke to her and said that she was Mary, the Moth-er of Jesus. Recog-nizing his misdeed, the sentry asked for forgiveness and the figure disappeared. When he looked down the walls, he saw the moros land-ing on the shores. Before the bandits could climb up the wall, he has already alerted everyone in

the fort thus defeat-ing and forcing the moros to retreat. (Charter Day Golden Jubilee, p. 128, re-printed from Philip-pine Times, Oct. 18-24, 1982 by Adolfo C. Navarro, Sr.) To this date, Zamboangueños far and wide never cease praying to Our Lady of the Pillar believing that she will always be the fortress of this beautiful city.

Even former President Corazon C. Aquino saw the importance of this event to the Zam-boangueños that she approved Republic Act 7350, proclaim-ing October 12 of every year as non-working holiday in celebration of the “Fiesta Pilar”. This was authored by the late Congresswoman Maria Clara Lorenzo Lobregat.

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This year’s cele-bration Although rocked by two separate bombings three days before the Fiesta Pi-lar, there is no stop-ping Zamboangue-ños in celebrating Fiesta de la Nuestra Señora La Virgen del Pilar. City Mayor Cel-so L. Lobregat led a gallant stand against lawless elements trying to disturb this year’s celebration. “What happened forced us to take a step backward, but we should not be daunted. Let us take two or three steps forward”, he said. He urged the public not to be afraid and give the culprits the pleasure of succeeding in their

plans. “We should not give the perpetrators the moral victory. To succumb to intimida-tion or terror cam-paign is giving the perpetrators moral victory”, the Chief Ex-ecutive stressed. Security was tightened to avoid repetition of the said incidents. Days before feast day, various activities were held showcas-ing the arts and cul-ture of Zamboanga thru song composi-tion in Chabacano, food festival dubbed Barrio Fiesta de Co-midas showcasing the best menus from the city’s best chefs, and art exhibits by world renowned painter Mr. Ramir Tawasil. For five years now, this activity has

become one of the major attractions of the fiesta celebration. More than a thousand people from all walks of life gathered in R.T. Lim Boulevard for the annual sardines-eating sponsored by the sardines manu-facturer in the city. A stretch of more than a kilometer of make-shift table put along the boulevard was filled with sardines, crackers and water for the people to en-joy. Not to be out-done is the annual regatta or vinta race, a famous mainstay of the fiesta celebra-tion held last Monday. One hundred twenty five vinta operators joined the contest with the winner bag-ging P10,000. Va-lenzuala City Mayor

Sherwin Gatchalian and Isabela Gover-nor Grace Padaca witnessed the fun. A jobs fair was also conducted with over 4,000 jobs available locally and abroad. Eight hun-dred job seekers braved the rain for the event with 122 ap-plicants hired on the spot, while hundreds

more passed for the initial interview. The biggest of all the events was the street dancing and float floral competi-tion held yesterday afternoon. Close to 4,000 students from five high schools in the city and eight more groups from the gov-ernment and business

sectors participated in the said events.

The winner of the street dancing con-test received P80,000 while the floral float competition winner took home P50,000. Department of Tourism Secretary Ramon Jimenez, Jr. was yesterday’s guest of honor.

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President Benigno Aquino III announced the approval of P500 million intended for the development of the country’s information technology-business process outsourcing

(IT-BPO) sector to prepare the Philippines for the growing global demand. 11

Aquino announce.....from page 10

Aquino announces P500M support for the information technology-business processing outsourcing industry


“I’m happy to announce today that I have recently ap-proved an additional P500 million under our stimulus package for training program to be undertaken by the Technical Educa-tion and Skills De-velopment Authority (TESDA) in partner-ship with your indus-try,” President Aqui-no said in his speech before the partici-pants of the Third Annual International Outsourcing Sum-mit held at Sofitel Philippine Plaza on Wednesday evening. “We’re doing all of this to match the confidence you dis-played in our coun-try and this way, as you’ve chosen the Philippines, so too are we choosing to invest in our people --to add to the arse-nal of skills and qual-ities they already posses in order to have a globally com-

petitive and empow-ered workforce,” the President added. The government and the industry are both focused in find-ing solutions as they build the capacity of the people to be com-petitive, the Presi-dent said, to help them increase their chances of being em-ployed in good jobs. With the new em-ployment being cre-ated in the industry it also helps people meet their needs--food, shelter, educa-tion and health care, thus improving their lives, the President said, adding that so far the industry has already employed some 500,000. The president thanked the Busi-ness Process Out-sourcing Association of the Philippines (BPAP) and the in-dustry stakehold-ers for helping the country create jobs

for the benefit of the people. But the President acknowledged that while the country is considered a compet-itive player, there are a lot of things to be done to meet the de-mands of the IT-BPO sector particularly in servicing huge pock-ets of untapped mar-kets. As a response, the Department of Science and Technol-ogy (DOST) has put programs in place to scale the human re-sources capability of Filipino workers, which aims to iden-tify potential candi-dates that could en-ter the industry, the President said. The government also has the Next Wave Cities Program to give the opportu-nity for potential en-trants living outside Metro Manila, the President said. Aside from improving the English proficiency of

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candidates, Tesda al-lotted P20 million for free training of po-tential workers, he said. More than 140 organizations in-volved in the global IT-BPO industry par-ticipated in the dis-cussions on emerging markets, new tech-nologies, and service development during the two-day inter-national outsourcing

summit held in Ma-nila. Organized by BPAP, the summit aims to discuss ma-jor issues affecting the industry, includ-ing opportunities such as growing ac-ceptance of service outsourcing and the increasingly high val-ue delivered by ser-vice providers. Over 400 dele-gates and 80 speak-

ers and panelists from Australia, Ban-gladesh, Canada, China, Colombia, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Jordan, Malaysia, Mauritius, Nigeria, Norway, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, the UK and the US attended the two-day event held Octo-ber 11 to 12. (AS)

Malacanang respects the independence of the Office of the Ombudsman with regards to the handling of corruption charges to be filed against former

President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, Presidential Spokesman Edwin Lacierda said on Thursday.

Palace says Ombudsman will have own timetable in prosecuting former President Arroyo

During the regular press briefing in Mala-canang, Lacierda said that by not putting

definite time frame in prosecuting the former leader by Ombudsman Conchita Carpio-Mo-

rales only shows her independence from the executive branch. “Certainly it’s to

show the indepen-dence of Justice Car-pio-Morales but sec-ondly let me put it in context. We file a case in November before, maybe perhaps the Office of the Ombuds-man, the Ombudsman goes through it, evalu-ates it, appreciates the complaints filed as well as the counter-affida-vits,” Lacierda said. “And if there is a prima facie evidence against the respon-dents then and only then will she file the corresponding infor-mation before the San-

diganbayan,” he add-ed. In so far as the time table of the Om-budsman, it is beyond the executive branch and it is in Carpio-Mo-rales’ authority to say when she will file the case, before the San-diganbayan, the Pres-ident’s Spokesman said. President Benigno S. Aquino III told the officers and members of the Foreign Cor-respondents Associa-tion of the Philippines (FOCAP) in a forum in Makati City on Wednes-day that his admin-istration will be filing

charges for large-scale corruption against the former leader by No-vember. The details of the possible charges against Arroyo are still being finalized, Presi-dent Aquino said. Efforts to put closure on the unre-solved corruption cas-es against the previous government will soon be bearing fruit with indictments against corrupt officials of the previous administra-tion, the President said. (AS)

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Career Executive Service Officers to hold Annual Conference in NovemberThe Career Executive Service Board (CESB) and the National

Union of Career Executive Service Officers (NUCESO) will hold the 2011 Annual Career Executive Service (CES) Conference on November 9-11, 2011, with the aims to

discuss the five pillars of President Aquino’s Social Contract with the Filipino People and the role of the Career Executive Service Officers (CESOs) in the thrust to effect transformational change among public service leaders.

Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 21 was signed on Sep-tember 28, 2011 by Executive Secretary Paquito N. Ochoa Jr. to authorize the participation of all CESOs, Career Ex-ecutive Service Eli-gibles (CESE) and Career Service Ex-ecutive Eligibles (CSEE) in the 2011 Annual CES Nation-al Conference to be held at the Garden Orchid Hotel, Zam-

boanga City. This year’s con-ference theme is “Taas noo, CESO! Pamumunong Tap-at at Wasto, Dangal at Galing ng Serbi-syo.” The conference will also discuss the essential roles of CESOs in ensuring policy and program continuity amidst shifts and political and administrative transition. “All heads of

government agen-cies, departments, bureaus and offices, including govern-ment-owned and/or controlled cor-porations and their subsidiaries/units shall authorize their respective officials and employees to attend and partici-pate in this 2011 Annual CES Nation-al Conference on of-ficial business,” the MC said. (JS)

Aquino to appear in Google-Youtube interview seriesPresident Benigno S. Aquino III will be the first Asian Head

of State to participate in the Google-YouTube Worldview interview series on November 4 paving the way for the people all over the world to ask questions directly to the

Chief Executive, a Palace official said on Thursday.

“ P r e s i d e n t Aquino has agreed to take part in the G o o g l e -Yo u Tu b e WorldView interview series, which has seen different world leaders and luminaries answering selected questions from people all over the world, during live interviews aired on YouTube,” Presidential C o m m u n i c a t i o n s Development and Strategic Planning Secretary Ramon A. Carandang said during the YouTube Philippines launch on Thursday at Fort Bonifacio in Taguig.

Carandang said President Barack Obama of the United States (US)., Prime Minister David Cameron of the United Kingdom, and Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero of Spain are some of the leaders who have participated in the worldview interviews. He invited the Filipinos from all over the world to participate in the event. “You can do so by submitting your questions via www.youtube.c o m / w o r l d v i e w and by voting for

the questions that you want answered beginning October 21st, or more simply you can watch the President’s interview as it airs on November 4,” Carandang said. C a r a n d a n g attended the YouTube Philippines launch on behalf of the President to share his message. “ Y o u T u b e P h i l i p p i n e s a g g r e g a t e s Ph i l i p p i n e -ba sed content on YouTube—in effect customizing the YouTube experience for Filipinos. Category


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browse pages and featured videos will make it much easier to access content from and for Filipinos and for that matter, anyone in the world who is interested in the Philippines,” the President said in his message read by Sec. Carandang. “This is another affirmation the Filipino people have a strong presence in the cyber universe, and this innovation will allow us to more effectively share the things that matter to us with the rest of the world, from funny and touching moments in our lives, to eyewitness reports and testimonies of important events, to political and social matters,” the President said. In his message, the President announced that his administration

is launching two premium YouTube Channels: the RTVM and the Official Gazette in a bid to make our government more accessible to the Filipino people by providing them with an online library of audio and video coverage of government activities, among other things. “There’s an estimated 90 million Filipinos living in our country and another 10 million scattered all over the world. As much as the President would like to personally reach out to them all, this simply is not physically possible. But through social media, most particularly the new RTVM and Official Gazette channels, Filipinos around the world can see and hear

their government in action, and just as importantly, they can have another channel to make their voices heard,” the message said. “These two channels will allow us to more effectively communicate what the Philippine government is doing, while we are doing it. Open and transparent governance has always been one of our priorities, and we have been actively exploring the ways through which social media can deepen democracy and make it more meaningful in our everyday lives. And so, knowing that it can be difficult for the ordinary Filipino to view his government as accessible and transparent, we are taking the first step in coming to you,” he said. (JS)

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The Manobo community of Agusan del Sur will launch the Manobo Community Sago Palm Flour Enterprise in Barangay Sampaguita, Veruela on October 18. This is a clear sign that the continuing efforts of multisectoral groups here to empower the indigenous peoples (IPs) is bearing fruits.


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Manobo community launches sago palm flour enterprise by Nora CL Molde

Manobo community....from page 18

It also shows that this particular IP is now sustainably taking the lead in the development and protection of their ancestral domains, by developing an enterprise friendly to the environ-ment. According to Veru-ela municipal mayor Salimar T. Mondejar, the launching marks the start of commer-cial production of palm sago flour by the Mano-bo people constituting the Veruela/Sta. Josefa Ancestral Domain Man-agement Organization (VESTA ADMO). The sago palm flour enterprise was realized through their business arm, the Kayumbyahan Sagu Manobo Corpora-tion (KASAMACOR).

The sago flour is taken out of the natural and organic raw materials found in their ancestral territory. The enterprise is also part of the continu-ing effort of the Manobo people to strengthen their individual and col-lective capacity for in-come and employment generation in the con-text of the sustainable development and pro-tection of their ancestral domain, Mayor Mondejar added. The Manobo com-munity under the Caraga Indigenous Peoples De-velopment Programme (IPDP-Caraga) of the In-ternational Labour Orga-nization (ILO) developed the Sago Palm Flour Pro-duction Enterprise with

support from the Span-ish Agency for Interna-tional Development Co-operation (AECID). It is being implemented with the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP) and the munici-pal government of Veru-ela, Agusan del Sur. Also, other stake-holders, including the provincial government of Agusan del Sur and the concerned national government agencies, non-government orga-nizations, and the pri-vate sector are likewise providing support to the project through an existing multi-sectoral convergence framework for the development and protection of ancestral domains.

MinDA to launch MindaNOW Program by Jennifer P. Gaitano

BUTUAN CITY -- The Mindanao Development Authority (MinDA) with the collaborative efforts of other government agencies will be launching the ‘MindaNOW’ (Mindanao Nurturing Our Waters) Program on November 2011.


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The provincial gov-ernment of Agusan del Sur will spearhead the conduct of two child-fo-cused activities with the primary purpose of pro-moting the rights and well being of children in line with the celebration

of the Universal Chil-dren’s month. According to Clint Yubuco, provincial SK Federation president, the two major activities that will highlight the Universal Month Cele-bration are the conduct

of Children’s Congress and the Children’s day of Governance/ admin-istration as embodied in Ordinance No. 16, se-ries of 2002, otherwise known as the Children’s Code of Agusan del Sur. “Article 2, Section 46 of the Children’s Code states that every third Monday of October of every year is children’s day of Governance/ Ad-ministration.” But before that day, the provincial gov-ernment decided to set aside two days for the children’s congress, where the youth will learn to legislate local laws, and to be handled by Santiago Cane Jr., vice governor. The children will also be taught values for-

According to Ceci-lia Triño of MinDA based in Davao City, the said program is an integrat-ed set of development interventions anchored on sustainable develop-ment framework that aims to integrate, har-monize, and rationalize plans, programs, poli-cies, mechanisms, and processes. “The program shall set guidance for Mind-anao that will empha-size ecological value, capitalize water as the most critical resource for human survival, and optimize the full poten-tials of the river basins and watersheds without necessarily compromis-ing its carrying capac-ity,” Triño said. It also aims to mobilize all Mindanao stakeholders to take col-lective action in improv-ing, conserving, and maintaining the carry-ing capacity of the en-vironment and natural resources in the region. Triño further bared that one of the objec-tives of the MindaNOW

Program is to integrate Mindanao-wide and in-terregional plans and programs, and to har-monize approaches/processes to rationalize resources, and mecha-nisms for the develop-ment and management of river basins and wa-tersheds in Mindanao. Since the said pro-gram is a collaborative effort of government agencies and partners from the non-govern-ment organizations, pri-vate and other sectors, the project holders are mainly the office of Min-DA, Department of En-vironment and Natural Resources (DENR), Cli-mate Change Commis-sion, and National Com-mission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP). The implement-ing agencies are the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), De-partment of Agriculture (DA), Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR), Department of Education

(DepEd), Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), Department of Tourism (DOT), Department of National Defense (AFP and PNP), and the local government units. Triño also stressed that the program tar-gets a six-year Medium-Term Investment Pro-gram (2011-2016) and includes strategic pro-grams on governance, reforestation, agricul-ture, infrastructure, in-dustries, livelihood, and social services. Meanwhile, along with the launching of said program in Novem-ber 2011, a Mindanao-wide Tree Growing will also be conducted si-multaneously, as well as signing of the mem-orandum of agreement (MOA) between MinDA and partners. It was also learned that the major/main launch will be held in Bukidnon, Misamis Ori-ental wherein Pres. Be-nigno Aquino III with some congressmen are expected to attend.

MinDA to.....from page 19 Agusan del Sur to hold children’s congress and governanceby David M. Suyao

AGUSAN DEL SUR -- The youth will reign in Agusan del Sur for day on October 17, the highlight of the celebration of Children’s Month.


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BUTUAN CITY -- The Bureau of Immigration (BI) announced recently that they will be putting up an immigration booth in Camiguin Island when the province celebrates its annual Lanzones Festival next week.


Immigration desk....from page 22mation, nutrition and ba-sic needs of adolescents, illegal use of dangerous drugs, anti-trafficking and child abuse, environ-mental related programs and disaster awareness, leadership, and the en-trepreneurship for the youth. It is also the venue where the children will discuss the issues and concerns affecting them, including actions to ad-dress those issues, and present them to the pro-vincial legislative body for legislation. Above all, it is dur-ing the children’s con-gress that they will elect the young governor, vice governor, provincial offi-cials, and select the dif-ferent chiefs of offices among their peers who will run the provincial governance the following day,” Yubuco said. Facilitators and re-

source persons for the children’s congress will be coming from the dif-ferent sectors and offic-es. Fr. Ruel Jabonite will handle and discuss the values formation while Laniebelle Angchangco and Nanette Cabanos will talk on nutrition and ba-sic health needs of ado-lescents. The PNP and the PDEA will handle the dis-cussion on illegal use of drugs, while Flordeliza Obani of the Provincial Social Welfare and De-velopment (PSWD) will be the resource person to discuss anti-trafficking and child abuse. For environmental related programs and di-saster awareness, forest-er Ronulfo Paler, Zeneviv Longaquit, and Roberto Natividad will be tak-ing charge, while Divina Lagumbay of the PESO will discuss the entrepre-

neurship for the youth. This writer will be the overall in-charge during the discussion of issues and concerns of the youth, including the planning-workshop, the critiquing, and drafting of the resolution that will be passed for presenta-tion to the Sangguniang Panlalawigan. Provincial Election supervisor Atty. Roland Edayan will over-see the election with DILG director Arleen Sanchez. The children’s con-gress will take place on October 15 and 16 at the Provincial Train-ing Center in Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur and on the fol-lowing day, October 17, the third Monday of October, 2011, the elected young provin-cial officials will reign the provincial govern-ment of Agusan del Sur for one day.

Immigration desk in Camiguin to help foreign tourists

Immigration com-missioner Ricardo David Jr. said a team of BI officials will travel to Camiguin and man the booth which will serve as a one-stop shop for foreign tourists who will be visiting the island dur-ing the festival. David said that aside from providing visa exten-sion services, the one-stop shop will also entertain queries and disseminate information about the vari-ous services provided by the BI to foreigners visiting the country. “We hope that through this one-stop shop, foreigners who will join the festivities will be encour-aged to frequently visit not only Camiguin but also ex-plore other tourist spots in

the Philippines,” David said in a statement. He added that the BI will study the feasi-bility of putting similar one-stop shops in other places of the country that hold annual festivi-

ties and attract large num-bers of foreign tourists. Associate Commis-sioner Abdullah Mangotara will lead the BI team and disclosed that the one-stop shop activity will be held in the capital town of Mam-bajao on Oct. 20 and 21. Mangotara said per-sonnel from the bureau’s computer section in Manila and the BI-Cagayan de

Oro field office, including a payment assessor and ca-shier, will man the booth to provide visa extension ser-vices to foreigners. It was learned that other agencies such as the Department of Foreign Af-fairs, National Statistics Office, National Bureau of Investigation, and Profes-sional Regulation Commis-sion will also participate in the one-stop shop activity that was organized by the Camiguin provincial gov-ernment. Mangotara was in-vited to speak at a public forum to discuss the lat-est policies and regulations implemented by the BI as chief regulator of the entry and stay of foreigners in the Philippines. Aside from boosting local tourism, the activ-ity also aims to generate employment opportunities for Camiguin residents, according to a primer re-leased by island’s provin-cial capitol. (BID)

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Four projects in Jabonga now onby Maria Rebecca C. Ayaton

BUTUAN CITY -- Four huge projects under the KALAHI-Makamasang Tugon “HIPAGLAMBO” by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) were inaugurated and handed over to the local government unit (LGU) of Jabonga.

Jabonga municipal Mayor Glicerio M. Monton Jr. bared that the four projects are the following: Barangay Health Station in Barangay A. Beltran, Day Care Center in Barangay Bangonay, and a one unit two classroom school building in Barangays Bunga and San Pablo. Mayor Monton added that Agusan del Norte headed by Governor Erlpe John M. Amante and Jabonga assisted the completion of said projects. (MRA with reports from RGE)


by Gideon C. CorgueThe Department of Health-Center for Health and Development (DOH-CHD9) and Department of Education (DepeD) is set to launch a new program in fighting against dengue-carrying mosquitoes in

schools dubbed “School-Based Dengue Free Zone Initiative Program” on Oc-tober 18, at the Teachers’ Center, San Jose District here.

DOH, DepEd to launch ‘School-Based Dengue Free Zone Initiative Program’

The program will feature the use of Olyset screens that have been utilized as nets to protect from malaria-carrying insect in some other countries. A synthetic chemical called permithrin is embedded on the screen similar to the natural permithrin that can be taken from specie of chrysanthemum. The said chemical may last up to 5 years of using the screen. City Schools Division Superintendent

Victorina G. Perez said 152 rolls of Oyset screens which were delivered and handed over recently by the DOH personnel will be plotted in some selected schools in the division of Pagadian City where the schools’ windows and doors will be covered entirely with the said screens. Perez said the recipient schools are as follows: Bagong Silang Elem. School, Balangasan Central Elem. School, Ballesteros Elem.

School, Pagadian City Pilot School, San Jose Elem. School, Toma Sagun Elem. School, Kagawasan Elem. School, Dumagoc Elem. School, Sta.Lucia Elem. School, Tubruan Cental Elem. School, Tiguma Elem. School, and Tawagan Elem. School. Perez said DOH-CHD regional director Dr. Aristedes C. Tan will grace the event and will turn-over the said screens to the city division thru the school principals.

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by Jocelyn P. Alvarez

P11 Million cancer center soon to rise in Zambo City

Expected to attend the event are DOH-CDH9 Chief Local Support Division Dr. Joshua Brillantes,

Regional Dengue Program coordinator Solomon Perez, City Health Officer Dr. Noel Ceniza,

barangay chairmen, and Parents-Teachers Association’s official r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s . (DepEd/GCC)

A cancer Center will soon rise in this city as an P11 million budget has been allocated for the purpose.

The cancer center will be constructed inside the compound of the state-owned Zamboanga City Medical Center (ZCMC). ZCMC Chief of Hospitals, Dr. Romeo

Ong said the fund for the construction of said cancer center came from the generosity of House Deputy Speaker for Mindanao Maria Isabelle “Beng” Climaco-Salazar.

Dr. Ong added, Cong. Salazar has also made representations of some P23 million worth of cancer drugs for the cancer center. Aside from the cancer center, the ZCMC will also purchase a cobalt machine, a cancer radiation treatment facility courtesy of the Department of Health (DOH)-9 which allotted a 16 million budget for its purchase, this revealed Dr. Ong “Mayor Celso Lobregat also

allocated funds for the medicines,” Ong was quoted as saying. “Because of these, the ZCMC is now considered one of the only two cancer access points in the entire Mindanao.” He said. One identified cancer access point

is the Davao Medical Center in Davao City. Ong shared, a “pink October walk”, a fund raising activity was recently conducted to generate funds to support the needs of cancer patients at the ZCMC. The “pink October walk” activity

was able to collect some 130,000 cash donations and pledges from the participants. “Pink October walk is an annual undertaking being participated by various government agencies, NGOs, academe, and other sectors of the society. (JPA)

by Alfonso T. Ruda

PDEA Zanorte scores anew against illegal drug tradeTA canhe government’s relentless campaign against

proliferation of illegal drugs to reap dividends as another suspected illegal drug trader fell into the

hands of Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency and police operatives in Zamboanga del Norte.

Just recently, PDEA Agent IO1 Beau Faith E. Ortezuela, based in Dap-itan City, and Police Of-ficer-I Mark Ian H. Sala-veria of the Zamboanga del Norte Provincial Pub-lic Police Safety Compa-ny have arrested a cer-tain Fitzindel Tabancura in an anti-illegal drug operation conducted along the National High-

way at about 10:00AM in Barangay Oyan, Dapi-tan City last October 8. Fitzindel Tabangcu-ra, aka “Fitz” or “Fritz” a 28-yearold, single, resi-dent of 008 Lopez Jae-na St., Biasong, Dipolog City was the number one target-listed in the entire Zamboanga del Norte. The arrest was launched after he agreed

to sell and deliver to a PDEA Agent, who posed as buyer two (2) heat-sealed transparent sa-chets containing white crystalline substance commonly called “sha-bu”, wrapped by a piece of paper. Aside from shabu, other items recovered from Tabangcura include 5 pieces 500 peso bills,

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These incidents, which occurred in Regions X, X1, X11, Caraga and the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), has affected approximately 172,798 families in 283 barangays. It also caused the loss of 102 lives, damaged 444 houses and five (5) bridges and inundated 8,022 hectares of agricultural production areas. Flashflood in Davao del Norte affected 10,725 families and damaged 2,450 hectares of banana plantations and rice fields, while the flashfloods in Davao City, last June, had claimed 30 lives and affected 13,746 families. Flooding incidents in regions 12 and ARMM

brought by the overflowing of the heavily silted Pulangi River, Simuay River, Allah River and Rio Grande de Mindanao had also affected 139,687 families and 5,391 hectares of production areas. This situation has

necessitated the need for an integrated effort for the development of the various river basins and watershed in the island to prevent flashfloods in the future, Cecilia D. Triño, Presidential Staff Officer VI of the Mindanao Development

(including 2 pcs of 500 peso bills as marked money); 7 pcs. trans-parent plastic sachets containing shabu; Nokia cellphone Model 1112; Caliber 38 pistol(w/ 3 live ammos and 2 empty shells); XRM motorcycle and other drug para-phernalia. According to the report, the suspect sustained gunshot wounds on his right leg

during the hot pursuit operation when he tried to evade arrest. Tabangcura was immediately brought to Dr. Jose Memorial Hospital for preliminary treatment but he was indorsed to be transferred to Zamboanga del Medical Center in Sicayab, Dipolog City for further medical treatment. Confiscated items were inventoried at the

DJRMH and was witnessed by Ronnie Jarapan, media representative; James Dalman of the Department of Justice; and Councilor Albino Quimequime of Barangay Dawo, Dapitan City. The suspect is now detained at the Zamboanga del Norte Provincial Police Office detention cell at Camp Hamac, Sicayab, Dipolog City.(ATR)


Mindanao records 11 landslides, 43 floodings in first 7 mos., this yearBy: Rutchie Cabahug-AguhobA total of 11 landslides and 43 flooding incidents have been recorded

to occur in Mindanao by the National Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council (NDRRMC) from the period January to July,

Photo Credits: msnbc.msn.com

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Authority (MinDA) said. She said MinDA, being the government agency mandated to coordinate and integrate all development efforts in Mindanao, takes the lead in the integration, harmonization and rationalization of such efforts. Meanwhile, Triňo said there are least three (3) groundwater basins in Mindanao, namely: Agusan River Basin, Misamis Occidental Basin and Pulangi

River Basin.Hence, MinDA in coordination with its key partner agencies, has conceptualized the MinDANOW Nurturing Our Waters (NOW) Program as its flagship program and adopts the river basin and watershed as the key platforms for planning. The MindaNOW Program is an integrated set of development interventions anchored on sustainable development framework that aims to

integrate, harmonize and rationalize plans, programs, policies, mechanisms and processes. The program shall set the guidance for Mindanao that will emphasize the ecological value, capitalize water as the most critical resource for human survival and optimize the full potentials of the river basins and watershed without necessarily compromising its carrying capacity.

Eco groups express alarm on waste incinerators in MindanaoCAGAYAN DE ORO CITY, Misamis Oriental – Environmental justice and health networks EcoWaste Coalition, Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA) expressed alarm on the massive increase of waste incineration proposals and contracts signed in different areas in Mindanao at the culmination of the Anti-Incineration Road (AIR) Show, held here, recently.

This concern is shared by the Health Care Without Harm (HCWH), during the series of the AIR Show workshops and community consultations about waste-to-energy held in other areas of the island, such as, General Santos City and Davao City. Teachers, government employees, public officials,

lawyers, advocates, social workers, media and health workers attended the AIRshow in the three cities. “We are saddened by the news shared by different stakeholders from Mindanao that local government units (LGU’s) are signing or are about to sign multi-year contracts with different

incinerator companies that will allow dirty facilities to be built within their respective areas,” Rei Panaligan of the EcoWaste Coalition said. Once these waste burners operate, they will bring immense environmental and health problems to many marginalized communities and threaten even more

Authority (MinDA) said. She said MinDA, being the government agency mandated to coordinate and integrate all development efforts in Mindanao, takes the lead in the integration, harmonization and rationalization of such efforts. Meanwhile, Triňo said there are least three (3) groundwater basins in Mindanao, namely: Agusan River Basin, Misamis Occidental Basin and Pulangi River Basin.

Hence, MinDA in coordination with its key partner agencies, has conceptualized the MinDANOW Nurturing Our Waters (NOW) Program as its flagship program and adopts the river basin and watershed as the key platforms for planning. The MindaNOW Program is an integrated set of development interventions anchored on sustainable development framework that aims to integrate,

harmonize and rationalize plans, programs, policies, mechanisms and processes. The program shall set the guidance for Mindanao that will emphasize the ecological value, capitalize water as the most critical resource for human survival and optimize the full potentials of the river basins and watershed without necessarily compromising its carrying capacity.


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CSAT is home of R-10’s Most Outstanding TESDA Trainer By Michelle Empleo-Recanel

CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY, Misamis Oriental – The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA-X) proudly conferred Erlinda B. Lopina of the Camiguin School of Arts and Trades (CSAT), the “Lakan-Ilaw” Award for the “ 2011 Most Outstanding TESDATechnology Institutions (TTI’s) Trainer in Region X.” Deputy Director General for Sectoral TVET Milagros Dawa-Hernandez of TESDA graced the awarding ceremony during the Youth Profiling for Starring Career (YP4SC) Analysis Seminar held on October 6, 2011 this city. The best trainers of the 10 TESDA TTI’s in the region were carefully screened based on the following criteria: D o c u m e n t a t i o n /Narrative Report, 30 pts., Trainer’s Credential, 20 pts., Trainings Attended, 15 pts., Certification of Performance Ratings, 15 pts., Extra-Curricular Activities, 15 pts., and Time of Submission, 5 pts. The Lakan-Ilaw Award is one of the five (5) award categories under the “Kalinga sa mga Tagsanay” Search. The recognition is conferred on a trainer/instructor of a TTI who has shown and has proven his/her effectiveness, extra-

enthusiasm and dedication to teaching or training assignments. On the other hand, the Kalinga sa mga Tagsanay search is an award and recognition mechanism which recognizes and provide incentives to TTI, and/or of its officers or staff who have initiated, introduced, conducted bold and innovative ideas, partnerships, new programs/projects, superior accomplishment, performed extra ordinary deed or service which resulted to a remarkable improvement of productivity and positive impact in the day to day operation of the school/training center. Meanwhile, CSAT’s Vocational School Administrator Hilario S. Abecia said “Lopina is a worker that everyone can draw inspiration from. “She possesses leadership skills and abilities whose dedication

and committment towards teaching is beyond compare. She believes in achieving excellence in everything she does. A trainer worthy of recognition,” Abecia said. Lopina has been an instructor of the Food and Preparation and Service Technology and Commercial Cooking NC II qualifications for 13 years alongside other functions of being the School Registrar, Records Officer/Document Controller, NPES Committee member and Gender Committee Focal Point member and was awarded Model Employee in 2007. She received a certificate of recognition and a cash gift worth Php 3,000 and will be vying for the National Lakan-Ilaw Award Search in August, next year, in time for the 18th TESDA Anniversary celebration which will be held in Taguig, Metro Manila.

Croco lechon eyed as a unique Davao item


by Mai Gevera-MacapagatRoasted beef, chick-en, and pork are Filipinos’ favorite

but the sight of a lechon croc-odile in Davao Crocodile Park as the establishment cele-brated the start of its Croc-toberfest captured nosy Da-bawenyos who flocked to the park and tasted the first ever croco lechon. Davao businessman and owner of the Davao Crocodile Park Sonny Dizon said he got several inquiries about the availability of croco lechon after they piloted the roasting of a crocodile. However, Dizon declined those orders since he is not yet ready to offer such deli-cacy on a regular basis. “We just did it for the Croctoberfest opening and also on October 30 as we cul-minate the event.” he said. The slaughtered crocodile weighed 40

kilos and was valued at P2,000 a kilo if sold in the market.

Dizon, on the other hand, considers the possibility of serving it as a unique Davao item to help boost tourism. If the idea is pushed, the businessman plans to source out crocodiles from farms in other parts of the country. The Davao Crocodile Park now pro-duces 200 hatchlings every year. Aside from the croco lechon, the farm owner also eyes the export of crocodile skin to countries like Paris and France. However, this early the supply of crocs in his farm is not yet enough to export croc-odile skin which gains high demand from

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the high fashion industry. High quality Crocodilus Porosus is the kind of croc skin opted by bag makers like Hermes and Louis Vuit-ton. He said the crocodile farm in

Davao could take advantage of this demand as known suppliers of Croco-dilus Porosus couldn’t keep up with the supply needed by these bag makers. (PIA/Mai Gevera-Macapagat)

Dairy project, a show-case of DavNor’s P.E.O.P.L.E. agenda by Noel Baguio

TAGUM CITY- The multi-mil-lion dairy development project in New Corella, Davao del Norte captures the human-centered development agen-da of Governor Rodolfo P. del Rosario, known as P.E.O.P.L.E.

The P23-million dairy project, be-ing implemented by the Land O’Lakes (LOL) with funding from the United States Depart-ment of Agriculture (USDA), primarily in-tends to improve the income of the farmers and provide poor communities with access to nutritious milk.

Gov. del Rosario said the project showcases the three-pronged strategy of his administration in attaining better educa-tion, improved health and broader income opportunities for the people.

The project is also a great model of the public-private partnership program of the province, since it pools together the resources of the LOL under the USDA, the

National Dairy Authority (NDA), Coopera-tive Development Authority, the provincial and municipal governments, including that of the recipient farmer cooperatives.

“That is our overall target and this project is one example of what the develop-ment strategy P.E.O.P.L.E. is all about,” the governor revealed. Del Rosario, led the recent launch-ing of the project and groundbreaking of the dairy processing plant in New Corella, together with LOL Country Manager Qazi

Alcoran, Bill Verzani, USDA Agri Attaché to the Philippines and NDA Operations Manager Sulpicio Bayawa.

LOL provided the cow stocks while the provincial government provided the counterpart fund of P3.6 for the construction of the dairy processing plant. The municipal government further took charge of the site development of the plant, which is expected to be completed this coming December.

Forty more pregnant cows arrived last October 8, 2011. The remaining 17 heads are being set to be delivered this month, in order to complete the 157 heads that are determined for the first phase of the program.

The Governor is very much hopeful the other herd of 150 dairy cows will be available for more farmer-beneficiaries next year for New Corella town to be qualified as a dairy zone. The NDA requires 300 heads of milk cows for a certain area to be recog-nized as such.

LOL Country Manager Qazi Yawar Naeem said the dairy project will not only ben-efit the present recipients but the potential future farmers who will be joining the loan scheme of repaying the cow loans.

The cows were given as loans to some 76 farmers, who needs to return a preg-nant cow in certain number of years. But, Naeem clarified the repayment cows will not be taken anywhere but will be given to the next set of farmer-beneficiaries.

“You are actually helping your brother farmers to come into this production and marketing value chain by repaying the cow loans,” he said as he enjoined the recipients to be true to their commitments.


The Davao del Norte Provincial Capitol, Manikam, Tagum City

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North Cotabato wins Gawad Pamana ng Lahi

Its effort to provide genuine services for its con-stituents had won the provincial government of North Cotabto the regional Gawad Pamana ng Lahi conferred by the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG). The province won in the provincial category after a rigid validation conducted by a multi-sectoral team led by DILG 12.

By Dani Doguiles

“This is an indication of the provincial g o v e r n m e n t ’ s commitment to provide quality government services guided by the principle of “Serbisyong Totoo” or genuine service for the people,” Governor Emmylou Taliño-Mendoza said.The award is given to outstanding local government units that have excelled in various performance indicators based on the Local Governance

P e r f o r m a n c e Management System (LGPMS) including the seal of Good Housekeeping, awards re3cieved, and innovative programs and projects. This annual award is an instrument to scale-up the valuing of accountability, transparency and involvement to local administration and development. The province will receive 3 Million

cash prize which will be given at the Philippine International Convention Center, Metro Manila during the national awarding ceremony today October 11, 2011.Other Gawad Pamana ng Lahi winners are Kidapawan City for the City Category and Surallah, South Cotabato ffor the municipal category. (DEDoguiles/PIA 12)

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Gov calls for audit of MalMar projectBy Dani Doguiles

North Cotabato Gov. Emmylou J. Taliño-Mendoza recently challenged the Commission on Audit (CoA) to conduct thorough audit of the Malitubog-Maridagao (MalMar) irrigation project in North Cotabato.

MalMar irrigation project which covers the provinces of North Co-tabato and Maguindan-ao is National Irrigation Administration – Region 12’s (NIA-12) biggest

irrigation project. Stage 1 of the project cost P3.1 billion. At completion it is sup-posed to provide ample water supply t 10,840 hectares in the two prov-

inces. Stage 2 which has yet to be implemented aims to expand the coverage of the service to 16,957 hectares. The second phase of the

project comes with a bud-get of P6.2 billion. Gov. Mendoza’s call for an audit of the project came after an ocular inspection she conducted on the proj-ect. She said several stakeholders have been urging her to look into the project in relation to the provincial government’s objective of increasing ag-ricultural production. Mendoza said that during the inspection she found out that despite bil-lions of pesos poured into the project, several com-ponents have not been com-pleted. Of the 10,840 hectare tar-get in phase on for exam-ple, she said, only 2,578 ha have been actually irrigat-

ed. CoA should conduct an audit of the project “for the benefit of everyone and to resolve and put to rest some issues on imple-mentation”, the governor said. NIA allocated P405 mil-lion as additional funding for the project supposedly to expand the coverage of the project by 1,712 ha. Reportedly NIA is pushing for a P6.2 budget in 2012 for the implemen-tation of the Stage 2 of the MalMar project. Related issues and delays in the completion of the project has recent-ly prompted the Regional Development Council 12 passed Resolution No. 109, series of 2011 recommend-

ing to the Mindanao Devel-opment Authority (MinDA) the organization of an Im-plementation, Monitoring and Advisory Group (IMAG) to monitor the completion of the project. These also prompted TUCP Party-list Rep. Ray-mond Democrito C. Mendo-za, North Cotabato Repre-sentatives Jesus Sacdalan and Nancy A. Catamco, and Agham Party-list Rep. Ange-lo Palmones, Agham Party List to introduce to the 15th Congress, House Resolution No. 1641 directing the House Committee on Agriculture, to conduct an investigation, in aid of legislation, on the alleged problems and other critical issues surrounding the irrigation project.

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