One Mindanao - April 30, 2014

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Feature: Lanao del Sur rowers gear up to race for Lake LanaoApipa P. BagumbaranNORTHERN MINDANAO WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 2014 Vol. 3 No. 167

Palace ready to defend constitutionality of Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement with U.S.



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CHED-10 reminds public of April 30 StuFAP scholarship deadline

CMU hosts 1st Mindanao Social Business Summit

SurSur PNP assures readiness for Labor Day celebration

Habitat donates G.I. sheets to Day Care Centers

PCA programs continue to boost yield, income of coco farmers

N. Cotabato town opens P8.4M irrigation rehab project

13 14


21 33 35

Information to Empower Filipinos


7 12


Battalions hold change of command in DavOr 17 Karen Lou Deloso

Jennifer P. Gaitano

Catherine T. ApelacioRutchie C. Aguhob

Junar B. Merla

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Feature: Lanao del Sur rowers gear up to race for Lake Lanao

Twenty-five (25) young Meranaos will make a splash in the waters of Davao City this

week to send an inspiring message that nothing will hold them back to race for Lake Lanao.

With paddles in hand, rowers of Team Naga of Lanao del Sur will hit Davao waters and test their limits along with other paddlers in the First Davao City Dragon Boat Festival 2014 come May 1-4. “This is the first team of rowers from

Lanao del Sur that will compete outside of the province and in an international event,” said Noroddin Maguindanao, officer-in-charge of the Lanao Sarimanok Paddlers Association (LSPA) Maguindanao, who also serves as the team’s coach, said Team Naga’s paddlers are from Caloocan in Marawi City. They are out-of-school youth who spent most of their time driving pedicabs or fishing in the lake. He said they started their regular training in Caloocan three months ago with one to three hours of workout and team building routines daily. They also do jogging every Saturday.

By Apipa P. Bagumbaran

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Maguindanao disclosed that he did not encountered difficulty in motivating his team members. “They are very eager to learn and represent Lanao del Sur. Some of them have to earn a living but they still devoted most of their time in the training. I’m supposed to inspire them but they inspire me instead with their high spirit and strong determination to bring honor to the province and to the Meranao populace,” Maguindanao said. Dragon boat racing was introduced in Lanao del Sur in 2012 through the efforts of Ganassi town mayor Al-Rashid Macapodi. The municipal government of Ganassi hosted the first-ever Sarimanok boat clinic and exhibition in the province to bring into focus Lake Lanao and its timeless significance to the Meranao traditions and community.

The boats used in the exhibition have Sarimanok head and decorated with okir instead of the usual dragon head and scales, thus the name Sarimanok boat racing. Sarimanok is a legendary bird that has become a symbol of Maranao art while okir is an ornamental Maranao artwork usually woven in textiles or carved into wooden boxes, sword handles and brasswares. ‘We are not doing this for the competition but to raise awareness on the true condition of Lake Lanao. Dragon boat racing is a suitable sport for Meranaos because they are, by nature, good in rowing and experts in making dragon/sarimanok boats. We are aiming for lifetime devotion for this kind of sport and hoping that someday an

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international dragon boat race will also be held in Lake Lanao,” Maguindanao said. Team Naga is a member of the LSPA, an organization of local rowers founded after the success of the Sarimanok boat race clinic and exhibition. Naga is a Meranao term which means dragon. Mohaymin Ungca, a 28-year old paddler, said he joined Team Naga because he wanted to learn the art of discipline and represent his place. “I feel nervous but when we get there, we will do our best and showcase what we have practiced for the glory of Lanao del Sur, most importantly for Caloocan. “Rowing is not only determined through a big body. While others row for fun, we do it for a living that is why we are more motivated than them,” expressed Abdullah Borasi. Other members of Team Naga who will paddle long and strong are Sihab Mustapha, AbulKhair Mosib, Tomawis H. Amer, Ansano Baraocor, Mamad Baraocor, Anodin Molia, Manganding Sultan, SaadodinUngca, Paodac Mohamad Ali, Ashrin Dadayaan, Iman Omar, Rajeb Omar, Moad Mohamad Ali, Basher Macunti, Nasip Barasi,

Mohamad Barasi, Mohalodin Rasol, Arsad Lumna, Jalal Jalil, Jamalodin Antipolo, Ashbie Badron, Salamat Mama, Ashgar Decampong, and Util Datu Moloc. Maguindanao admitted that when he first organized the team, the funding came from his own pocket. Now, they are selling Team Naga shirts to raise funds to defray the expenses of the team in Davao. “Dragon boat is a team sport. You look each other’s back and you support each other. That is why we are so grateful for the support the team is receiving right now,” he said. According to him, some of their friends gave donations while Provincial Governor Mamintal Adiong Jr. shouldered the registration of the team to the competition in Davao. Director Tarhata Mapandi of the Technical Education Skills Development Authority (TESDA) in the province also committed to support the team by providing skills training scholarship to its members. Meanwhile, the First Davao City Dragon Boat Festival 3rd Cobra-PDBF International Club Crew Challenge 2014 will be held at Baywalk, Ecoland. The competition was organized by the Philippine Dragon Board (PDBF) and Davao Dragon Boat Association (DDBA) in partnership with Davao City government. Maguindanao said about 50 teams including international dragon boat racing enthusiasts are expected to join the competition.

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Malacanang announces launch of revised Foreign Aid Transparency Hub

Malacanang on Wednesday announced the launch of the revised Foreign Aid Transparency Hub (FAiTH) that

will allow more countries and organizations to give aid with more transparency and accountability.

Across the Nation

“Today, we launch Version 2.0 of the Foreign Aid Transparency Hub, with enhancements that allow it to deliver more fully on its promise of transparency and accountability for aid and assistance given to the Philippines in the aftermath

of Typhoon Yolanda. The improvements that distinguish FAiTH 2.0 from its initial launch, lie primarily in the fact that 64 countries and 7 multilateral organizations now have access to FAiTH’s content management system,” Presidential

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Spokesperson Edwin Lacierda said in a press briefing in Malacanang.

He said that by utilizing FAiTH 2.0, “each embassy or organization possessing a unique account username and password, will now have the ability to input or update their country or organization’s cash and non-cash pledges.”

Lacierda said “necessary measures” have been installed in FAiTH2 “to ensure accuracy and ease of verification.”

“As embassies update their data, each successful entry will generate a unique transaction ID and an electronic alert sent to the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA). Each update must also be officially communicated to the DFA via Note Verbale,” he said.

“A number of these embassies and organizations have already updated their data; thus, the figures on this version

of FAiTH are also the most updated figures on aid and assistance,” he added.

Lacierda noted that FAiTH Version 2.0 is founded on a system that “emphasizes accuracy and our collective responsibility to ensure that every form of assistance given out of the good will of the global community achieves its intended goal: to help the survivors of ‘Yolanda’.”

“By so doing, it strengthens partnerships, fosters trust, and ensures that we will continue our march on the journey to recovery and resilience together,” he added, inviting members of the press to visit the FAiTH website.

“These are all part of our commitment to Open Government Partnership. . . that allows us to upload government data in a form that is searchable, accessible, and understandable,” he said. PND

Palace ready to defend constitutionality of Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement with U.S.

Malacanang is ready to defend the constitutionality

of the recently signed Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) between the United States and the Philippine governments, a Palace official said Wednesday.

“If some people choose to avail of judicial processes to question the agreement’s constitutionality, the government is prepared to defend the EDCA,” Presidential Spokesperson Edwin Lacierda told reporters in a press briefing.

Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago has criticized President Benigno S. Aquino III for allowing the signing of the agreement,

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saying the Senate and the Executive Branch are supposed to share the power to make treaties.

Santiago was also quoted by press reports as saying that the signing of EDCA will strain Philippine-Chinese relations.

According to news reports, former Senator Joker Arroyo said the Senate should have been consulted before the signing of the EDCA.

Arroyo further commented that the Philippines has nothing to gain from the agreement.

“We defer in the opinion with Senator

Joker Arroyo,” Lacierda said, adding that the country stands to gain a lot from the EDCA.

He said among the benefits is the modernization of the military hardware of the Armed Forces of the Philippines.

“An enhanced feature of the EDCA is the emphasis on humanitarian assistance on disaster response, which we saw very, very clearly in the aftermath of Typhoon Yolanda,” explained Lacierda. PND

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ARMM emergency unit helps contain measles cases in Maguindanao

The Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) has sent a team to verify reports of increasing number of

measles cases in Maguindanao.ARMM Regional Executive Secretary

Laisa Alamia told reporters the region’s Humanitarian Emergency Assistance and Relief Team (HEART) is initiating its own separate verification of the

reported measles cases in Maguindanao after Dr. Kadil Sinolinding reported 49 cases of the highly contagious disease.

Sinolinding, ARMM health regional secretary, said he was surprised to

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ARMM emergency unit helps contain measles cases in Maguindanao

learn that no weekly status report was submitted to his office by the Maguindanao Integrated Provincial Health Office.

Sinolinding has declared an outbreak of measles.

”Even if only one case is reported in a particular community, it is already alarming because the virus could easily be transmitted anytime through air,” he added.

”We would like to help the health department contain this, it should be concerted efforts of ARMM agencies,” she said.

Alamia, who is helping ARMM Gov. Mujiv Hataman oversee the operations of the inter-agency HEART, said their experts will conduct a profiling of the Maguindanao residents that got afflicted

with measles, as well as their respective families and the villages where they reside.

Measles is an infection of the respiratory system, immune system and skin caused by a virus, specifically a paramyxovirus of the genus Morbillivirus.

Symptoms usually develop 7–14 days after exposure to an infected person and the initial symptoms usually include a high fever.

Measles is spread through respiration (contact with fluids from an infected person’s nose and mouth, either directly or through aerosol transmission), and is highly contagious.

Medical experts said 90 percent of people without immunity sharing a living space with an infected person will catch it.

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PDEA-10 nets P8.6M on seized illegal drugsby Kierra M. Rubillos

CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY - The Philippine Drug Information Agency (PDEA) in northern Mindanao confiscated a total amount of P8,686,570.30 worth of illegal drugs for the first quarter of 2014.

The seized illegal drugs posted at 1,082.6057 grams of shabu and 85.7493 grams of marijuana collected from the dismantled drug dens around the region through negation

operations conducted by the agency. PDEA-10 has conducted 40 negation operations and dismantled eight drug dens as of April 22. Also, 76 persons were arrested from the

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PDEA-10 nets P8.6M on seized illegal drugs

CHED-10 reminds public of April 30 StuFAP scholarship deadlineby Rutchie C. Aguhob

OZAMIZ CITY, Misamis Occidental - The Commission on Higher Education (CHED), region 10, has reminded the public of the April 30 deadline of applications for scholarships under the Student Financial Assistance Program (StuFAP) for school year (SY) 2014-2015.

Karen Joie Cuenca, Education Supervisor of CHED-10, said no qualifying examination will be conducted for the StuFAP applicants, as the grade requirement is ‘passing grade only.’ Application forms may be reproduced after being downloaded at the CHED website: www.ched.gov.ph. Open to all high school students, from both public and private schools, in the region, who wish to enter college, during the incoming SY, the

StuFAP applicants need to submit the following requirements: Accomplished StuFAP Application Form, duly certified High School Report Card or Form 138 for high school graduates, and grades for first three grading periods in Fourth Year and Third Year grades for Fourth Year applicants. Latest Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) Income Tax Return (ITR)/Certificates of Tax Exemption of Parents and Certificate of Good Moral Character from the High School

operations, 40 of whom were from the drug dens and filed a total of 78 cases, as presented on its accomplishment report. It is expected that more drug dens will be dismantled for the coming months, PDEA-10 Plans and Operations Division Chief Charlene R. Magdurulang said. According to Magdurulang, the common drug trafficking trends nowadays are public markets and parks since drug users usually prefer

crowded places as trade areas. Subdivisions, motels, inns, pension houses, mails and parcels are also some of the other existing drug trafficking trends. During the Regional Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee (RLECC) meeting on April 23, PDEA stressed that despite their limited number of employees, they are still eager to conduct more negation operations in northern Mindanao.

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CMU hosts 1st Mindanao Social Business Summitby Junar B. MerlaMALAYBALAY CITY, Bukidnon - Central Mindanao University (CMU) will host the 1st Mindanao Social Business Summit (SBS) on June 4-6, 2014 at the Farmers’ Training Center, CMU, Musuan, Maramag, Bukidnon.

Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Provincial Director Ermedio J. Abang said the convenors will call together social innovators, entrepreneurs, prospective investors, and various interested groups to contribute, share, or gain ideas relative to the achievement of economic growth pertaining to social enterprise development. Anchored on the theme “Wealth Creation with Justice and Peace through Social Entrepreneurship,” the summit meeting aims to advocate for partnership among stakeholders emphasizing the need for a holistic support mechanism towards inclusive growth to reduce poverty. The Summit will also put heads together to manifest vital resolves concerning peace and development issues in Mindanao, as well as its implications for social entrepreneurships, and to

generate commitments towards the establishment of a Social Enterprise Institute (SEI) in CMU as a mentoring hub for Mindanao. Organized by CMU and Gawad Kalinga, the students, professors, social entrepreneurs, and professionals from other countries will also be participating in the three-day event.Invited social entrepreneur champions to speak in the Summit are Senator Paolo Benigno “Bam” Aquino IV; Gawad Kalinga (GK) founder Tony Meloto; GK Executive Director LuisOquiñena; Nobel Prize awardee Nicanor Perlas; and Economist-columnist Ceilito Habito.Social entrepreneur czars Dylan Wilk, Fabien Courteille, Fr. Robert Reyes, Frank Chiu, and the Secretaries of Department of Education, Department of Tourism, DAR, and DTI will also deal their expertise during the big event.

Principal or Guidance Counselor of the School of the applicant. For more information, please contact telephone no. 08822-711231

or visit facebook page: htpps://facebook.com/ched.region10, Cuenca added.

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Talaingod-DavNor Runners to promote peace

DAVAO DEL NORTE – The pro-vincial government of Davao del Norte is launching on April 28, 2014 the Talaingod-DavNor Run-ners, a community sports academy designed to train tribal kids to be-come elite runners.

In his effort to maximize sport as a catalyst for peace and social development, Governor Rodolfo del Rosario will unveil the running school for the Ata-Manobo children, which capitalizes on their natural physical strength

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endurance in open footraces. The Governor will lead the unveiling ceremony at the Municipal Hall in Barangay Sto. Niño, Talaingod, Davao del Norte. The project was first conceived to equip the Lumad children with all the necessary athletic preparation to be able to bring home top medals from running competitions here and abroad. However, recent developments have made the project all the more relevant, as the town reels from the impact of military operations that affected over a thousand IP individuals. The situation was aggravated by the internal dispute among the members of the tribal council. Del Rosario said the launch of the project is timely given the power of sports to promote peace, tolerance and understanding by bringing people together across boundaries and ideologies. The academy will initially open with 10 native school

children ages 10 to 15, who come from the far-flung villages of the conflict-torn ethnic town. The students will be living in the quarters provided by the municipal government for the year-round duration of their training. The project was made possible through the collaboration of the provincial government, the local government of Talaingod and the DepEd Schools Division of Davao del Norte. The province provided the athletic gears, as it will yet shoulder the year-long supply of rice and supplements to the student athletes. While the town and the Division have already provided two trainers/coaches each. Gracing the launching rites on Monday are 1st Distict Congressman Anthony del Rosario, DavNor Schools Division Superintendent Dr. Josephine Fadul and Mayor Basilio Libayao. (by Noel Baguio, PIO Davao del Norte)

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Battalions hold change of command in DavOr

DAVAO ORIENTAL— Newly-in-stalled battalion commanders of the 67th and 28th Infantry Battal-ion assigned here in the province vowed to continue the Philippine Army’s efforts in peace and devel-opment as their immediate prede-cessor passed the torch of com-mand to them Friday, April 25. Lt. Col. Micheal Banua and Lt. Col. Benjamin Daniel Tianco assumed command of the 67th and 28th IB respectively, vowing to preserve and uphold the peace and development in the province for which they were entrusted to protect. Officiated by Major General Ariel Bernardo, the change of

command ceremony relinquished outgoing commanders of the 67th and 28th Infantry Battalions, Lt. Col. Krishnamurti Mortela and Lt. Col. Francisco Lorenzo, Jr. respectively, culminating their stint as commanding officers for one year and nine months. While saddened by the exit of the battalion

commanders, Governor Corazon N. Malanyaon said she is also happy as the two commanders will step up the ladder of their professional careers and would embark on another challenging mission. “Let us be consoled by the thought that we need to share leaders like them to benefit more. They have done their part for Davao Oriental, and now both have to move on to be of service to others,” she said. Both outgoing commanders have exhibited excellence in their service, contributing a great deal to the welfare of the

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people as far as peace and order is concerned. Major General Bernardo commended LTC Mortela, whose career highlights have included taking over command of the Incident Command Post in Baganga at the height of the emergency relief operations up to the rehabilitation after typhoon Pablo severely hit the three municipalities of the province. “The most fulfilling part of my journey here [in the province] is my ‘Pablo’ experience,” he said saying it allowed him to rise in whatever way he can to help communities. He said his actions were prompted not only by his responsibility as a leader but also his moral obligations as a human being in serving another. Aside from that, highlighting his stint as battalion commander is the clearing of all barangays under his watch from enemy influence along with the surrender of a number of rebels, which had helped led the province to be declared as insurgency-free.

“To me, I did my best to be there to where and when I was needed. I shall bring all these learning with me,” he said while vowed to continue supporting the province in to whatever way he can to preserve the peace in

the province. Meanwhile, LTC Francisco Lorenzo, Jr. thanked his troop in the 28th IB who helped him fulfill his duties at the time of his tenure as the battalion’s chief officer. Like his counterpart in 67th infantry battalion, LTC Lorenzo is a staunch advocate of the Internal Peace and Security-Bayanihan Program of the Philippine Army locally implemented as the Peace and Development Outreach Program (PDOP). Under his watch, the battalion successfully stopped many enemy operations as well as added more number to the list of rebel returnees. Through the PDOP, the Philippine Army immerse into communities not only to guard them against enemy influences but to be part of these communities’ development through the implementation of different programs such as agriculture and livelihood, health, infrastructure, among many others. Meanwhile, as Governor Malanyaon thanked the outgoing officers for their major contributions to the peace and development of her province, she also assured the new officials that the province will extend the same courtesy and support it had accorded their predecessor. (Karen Lou Deloso, PIO)

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DOST chief leads ground breaking ceremony of Surigao Norte’s Disaster Management OpCen By Jennifer P. GaitanoSURIGAO CITY - In time with the launching of “Iba na ang Panahon: Science for Safer Communities” campaign by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) held on Tuesday at the Gateway Hotel here, Sec. Mario Montejo led the ground breaking ceremony of Surigao del Norte Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction – Climate Change Adaptation (DRR-CCA) Knowledge Management Center cum Disaster Management Operation Center situated at the Capitol Compound, this city.

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Along with Sec. Montejo, ASec. Raymund Liboro, DOST Caraga regional director Dominga Mallonga, Surigao del Norte Gov. Sol Matugas, Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Caraga regional director Lilibeth Famacion, and other local officials led the said ground breaking and witnessed by the Surigaonons.

In his message, Montejo said the ground breaking activity is very symbolic for the commitment of the provincial government.

“This is a group effort supported by the DOST, Office of Civil Defense, Regional Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council, and other partner agencies. The building is modern and it has very good architectural design,” expressed Montejo.

Gov. Matugas emphasized that preparedness is really very important

for us to survive in any calamity/disaster. “With this new building which will soon rise and equipment that will be installed, we can be able to assess and prepare ahead for any coming weather disturbances and understand better how we should manage these things,” she said.

Also, Dir. Famacion recognized the noble efforts of the provincial government. “Surigao del Norte is ably led by a good leader that’s why the province was awarded with the Seal of Good Housekeeping,” she announced.

Famacion, further bared that the building cost is P7-million while there is still another P7-million from the 2013 budget which the provincial government is yet to receive from the DILG’s Performance Challenge Fund.

Meanwhile, right after the ground breaking ceremony, the said officials visited the Technology Intervention on the Capability Upscaling of RSY Machine Shop, a DOST-assisted project situated along P. Reyes Street, this city.

It was learned that the shop is worth P1,880,000.00 under the DOST’s Small Enterprise Technology Upgrading Program (SETUP).

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SurSur PNP assures readiness for Labor Day celebration

TANDAG CITY-- Surigao del Sur Officer-In-Charge (OIC) Provincial Director P/SSupt. Narciso Verdadero assured that the entire police force in the province is already set for the May 1, Labor Day celebration.

ByGreg Tataro Jr

He pointed out that all lower units have already been instructed about what to do to maintain a generally peaceful situation, also adding that such occasion is routine.

Meanwhile, Verdadero said that there are no “legal fronts”—apparently referring to leftist groups—who have so far secured a permit to conduct rally from any local government units

(LGUs) in the province on Thursday. However, the provincial police chief

indicated that they will continue to maintain a watchful eye to this kind of event for any eventuality.

Verdadero, likewise acknowledged receipt of Command Memorandum Circular No. 33 from Police Regional Office 13 (PRO 13) for the security coverage of Labor Day 2014.

Habitat donates G.I. sheets to Day Care CentersBUTUAN CITY-- As promised during their previous visit here months ago, the Habitat for Humanity Philippines – Davao and Caraga region donated recently a total of 100 Galvanized Iron (G.I.) sheets to benefitting Day Care Centers in the five identified city barangays.

By Jennifer P. Gaitano

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The Habitat Team delivered and assessed the status of the Day Care Centers who benefited the total of 100 G.I. sheets - Cabcabon (40), Purok-4 Sto. Niño (10), Ampayon (10), Kinamlutan (20), and Libertad (20).

The Habitat team donated some 40 G.I. sheets with five gallons of concrete paints to the Day Care Center in Barangay Cabcabon, whose roofs need repair and improvement. Brgy. Captain Demosthenes Blanco personally received the G.I. sheets and assisted his staff in the rehabilitation of its Day Care Center.

With tears of joy, Day Care worker Tita Santuya of said barangay, expressed her happiness, excitement and warm thanks to the officials and volunteers of Habitat for

Humanity Philippines for providing them the G.I. sheets with five gallons of concrete paints for the rehabilitation of their Day Care Center.

“When I was informed that our day care was chosen among other benefitting barangays, I cried because finally, our pupils will have a room conducive for learning. I pray that Habitat will be

blessed more so they can continue to help others in need,” remarked Santuya.

Resource Development Manager of Habitat for Humanity of Davao and Caraga Dolly Santos-Serranillo, said Butuan City Mayor Ferdinand Amante Jr. has also promised to donate concrete paints for the Day Care Centers in the five barangays aside from the ones donated by the

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Habitat. The team also visited

Purok-4 Brgy. Sto. Niño where the 10 G.I. sheets were donated. Brgy. Kagawad Florencio Cagas and Servillano Dumabok, personally thanked the Habitat for this effort. Both also requested the Habitat officials for the provision of more materials for the construction of a small room where parents of school children can do activities for the community.

Right after their visit in Brgy. Sto Niño, Butuan Habitat for Humanity president Nora Rama and Serranillo discussed with Brgy. Captain Dennis Felix Gonzaga of Ampayon the status of the Day Care Center of said brgy. The Habitat team donated 10 G.I. sheets for its repair. The team will also provide three gallons of concrete paints (latex) once repair will commence.

Moreover, Serranillo, encouraged the Day Care workers of the recipient barangays to have faith and never lose hope in asking for donors, resources for the continued improvement of their respective Day Care Centers.

“Ask and it will be given to you. It may not be given immediately but it will be given in God’s will

and time. God knows our needs and He will make other people as instrument for us to get what we opted for. I know being a teacher is not an easy task but you’re all here to help students to learn and that is much appreciated,” expressed Serranillo.

Meanwhile, Brgy. Captain Roger Elagor of Kinamlutan received 20 G.I. sheets from the team for the repair and improvement of its Day Care Center. The team will also be providing five gallons of concrete paints after assessing other needs of the center.

Day Care Center in Barangay Libertad was the last area which the team has visited and has received 20 G.I. sheets for the same purpose. Officials of said center also received a gallon of concrete paints while more of it will be provided as the team will ask Mayor Amante for the sponsorship/donation of materials including plywoods

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For more updates visit : https://www.facebook.com/pages/PIA-Caraga-Updates/165374590187484?fref=ts

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For more updates visit : https://www.facebook.com/pages/PIA-Caraga-Updates/165374590187484?fref=ts

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Dominga MallongaDOST-Caraga Regional Director

for more details visit us DOST National Website: http://www.dost.gov.phDOST Caraga Website: http://caraga.dost.gov.ph

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KORONADAL CITY, South Cotabato -- In an effort to fine tune the pro-posal , officials of the Department Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) in SOCCSKSARGEN Region met last week to review the draft bill pushing for the establishment of the Sarangani Bay as a Protected Seascape (SBPS).

DENR reviews draft bill establishing Sarangani Bay protected areaBy: Danilo E. Doguiles

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The draft bill is anchored on Republic Act No. 7586 or the National Protected Areas System (NIPAS) Act of 1992.

The review, held at the DENR 12 mini-conference room, coincided with the meeting of the DENR technical personnel convening as the Technical Working Group (TWG) of the Sarangani Bay Protected Area Management Board (PAMB).

Regional Technical Director Hadja Didaw D. Piang-Brahim and Protected Areas and Wildlife Division chief Dr. Ali M. Hadjinasser led the review.

Protected Area Superintendent (PASu) Dirie Macabaning presented the 56-page draft bill before the TWG members who gave their suggestions and comments necessary in the refinement of the legislative measure.

The bill aims to establish Sarangani Bay as a protected seascape ensuring the protection and conservation of its economic, biological, socio-cultural, educational, and scientific values for the enjoyment of the present and future generations, according to a report from DENR’s Regional Public Affairs Office.

Said bill also fosters widespread awareness and concern by carrying out comprehensive and holistic promotions, trainings, and information campaign programs in protecting, preserving, and promoting its resources.

PASu Macabaning said that after incorporating the suggestions and comments of the TWG members, the draft bill shall be presented to the PAMB for finalization and transmittal to

the DENR’s Biodiversity Management Bureau for another round of review before finally transmitting it to Congress.

Meanwhile, Dr. Hadjinasser expressed high hopes that the draft bill will soon reach the legislative mill and will eventually be passed into law before the present Congress adjourns.

“Senator Loren Legarda, who has agreed to sponsor the bill, is now making constant follow-ups with us on the draft proclamation,” Hadjinasser said

“Likewise, Congressman Manny Pacquiao of the lone district of Sarangani and Congressman Pedro Acharon, Jr. of the first district of South Cotabato are also willing to sponsor the bill.”


Thus, the measure calls for an annual appropriation of funds in the national budget for the management, protection, and conservation of the 211,913-hectare Sarangani Bay Protected Seascape.

The legislation also proposes for the creation of a regular Protected Area Office, setting up of a management regime, organizational structures, and other arrangements.

The SBPS encompasses the municipalities of Maitum, Kiamba, Maasim, Alabel, Malapatan, and Glan

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GENERAL SANTOS CITY ---The Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) Region 12 continues to address the problem on low coconut productivity, thus, helping farmers in the region boost their yield.

in the province of Sarangani, and the City of General Santos.

While Sarangani Bay is rich in coastal and marine resources, including the famed tuna fish, its existence and health is threatened by pollution from the surrounding populations and industries.

Also discussed at the meeting was the application for PAMB clearance of Cargill Oil Mills Philippines, Inc. (COMPI) for their existing jetty area in Barangay Tambler, General Santos City.

COMPI, represented by assistant plant manager Jimmy Talimao during the meeting, has an existing 25-year Foreshore Lease Agreement issued by the DENR.

Upon expiration of the lease, a Memorandum of Agreement shall be entered into by the DENR and the protected area user pending the issuance of Special use Agreement in Protected Areas (SAPA). (DEDoguiles-PIA 12 with report from MJDomingo/MCLocsin-DENR 12)

PCA programs continue to boost yield, income of coco farmersBy: Catherine T. Apelacio

PCA said that with its enhanced programs and projects to help coconut farmers, there’s no reason why the country can’t maintain being a “number one” exporter of coconut products and by-products in the world.

Priscilla Abasolo, liason officer and public information officer of PCA-12 said the agency is bent on maintaining the Philippine’s number one position in the world market. She said the agency’s program dubbed Participatory Coconut Planting Project (PCPP) under the PCA’s National Coconut Productivity Program is helping farmers boost their low production and supply.

The supply, she said is also being used as raw materials “for processing of coconut-based products as well as increase income.” Under the PCPP, farmers are free to choose their own seedling in addition to the incentive of P30 that they receive for every coconut tree that they plant provided that they are enrolled in the program.

Abasolo explained that farmers can enroll in the program by becoming a member of a coconut farmer’s organization or they can also coordinate with the PCA’s coconut development officers for guidance and thorough information.

She also said that PCA has special

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program in store for indigenous people (IP) citing the agency’s Indigenous People Outreach Program (IPOP) where beneficiaries are given free seedlings to start coconut farming. As of 2014, there are a total of 3,792 beneficiaries already enrolled in IPOP.

Meanwhile, the PCA’s Salt Fertilization Project (SFP) is another substantial undertaking which provides coconut farmers with two kilos of salt for free to be used to fertilize planted coconuts increasing then and keeping the farmers’ yields healthy.

For 2014, PCA has allocated P17,135,000 in salt to be used for 13,181 hectares of coconut planted land in the region. Abasolo then urged farmers to avail the salt while

it is available.She attributed the robust harvest

of coconut to salt saying that it “can increase thickness of coco meat, double number of nuts and makes coconut resistant to pests and diseases.”

All farmers do is spread the salt evenly in a circular trench/canal and cover it with soil, she said.

In the Philippines, there are 12 million hectares of farmlands, of which 3.1 million hectares are planted to coconut.

In Region 12, Abasolo cited Sarangani Province as owning the widest area of coconut plantation in the entire region. (CT Apelacio/Lipsy Grace Carayo, PIA-12 General Santos City)

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KABACAN, North Cotabato— Farmers in Barangay Pisan, this municipality, are bound to benefit from the P8.5 million worth of irrigation rehabili-tation project recently completed and turned over the the community.

N. Cotabato town opens P8.4M irrigation rehab projectBy: Shahana Joy Duerme

The said project was funded by the Department of Agriculture-Mindanao Rural Development Program (DA-MRDP) and the provincial government of North Cotabato which extended a 10 percent counterpart.

In her message, Governor Em-mylou Mendoza lauded the DA for its partnership with the provincial government on its mandate of providing services to the people especially the farmers in terms of project implementations.

“My administration will stop at nothing to bring the neces-sary help and assistance to our beloved farmers,” Mendoza said adding that the provincial gov-ernment and the Sangguniang Panlalawigan are unified in help-ing the agriculture sector.

She revealed that the project is part of the total P98.33 million completed projects of DA-MRDP ni North Cotabato which also in-clude various farm to market roads such as the Kapayawi-Bao farm to market road rehab in Al-

amada and Libungan.Also, the governor informed

the residents that the provincial government has many infrastruc-ture projects lined-up for Kaba-can this year which aim to uplift the living conditions of the farm-ers and other sectors.

“Along with the project imple-mentations for our farmers we will also materialize the concreting of road in Pisan proper towards the Pisan caves. As a potential tour-ist destination, there must be an accessible and convenient road to reach the caves,” she noted.

Meanwhile, Pisan Chrislam Communal Irrigation Association (PCIA) president Arnel Sumawang expressed his thankfulness to the provincial government as well as to the Department of Agriculture in their effort of extending the much needed assistance in the area. (SJDuerme-PIA12/JSta.Cruz-N. Cotabato Provincial Gov-ernment)

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