One Hundred Fifty Lessons for Life - Islamic Mobility · 1- Osoule kafi, volume two, page 7. Chapter5 Causes For Destruction of a Society ... 1- Beharol anvar, volume 78, page 59

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Page 1: One Hundred Fifty Lessons for Life - Islamic Mobility · 1- Osoule kafi, volume two, page 7. Chapter5 Causes For Destruction of a Society ... 1- Beharol anvar, volume 78, page 59
Page 2: One Hundred Fifty Lessons for Life - Islamic Mobility · 1- Osoule kafi, volume two, page 7. Chapter5 Causes For Destruction of a Society ... 1- Beharol anvar, volume 78, page 59



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Imamsadegh(a.s.)says:لفاغت هثلث و ةنطف هاثلث لایکملام رشاعتلا و شیاعتلا لاح حلاص

Translationimproving thesituationof lifeandassociation ispossible throughusingameasure, two thirdof


negligence.iismoreclearandbettertosayifwewanttoworkwithoutinvestigationandcarefulness,wewill not succeed. but ifwewant to linger for all possible probabilities and unpredicted eventswhenperformingtheworks,wewouldnotbeabletodoaworkeasily,andhavetostudyforyearstodosomethingortoselectafriend,partner,spouseandsuchlike.soitissaidtwothirdvigilanceandone-thirdnegligence.1-fromthebooktohafologhoul,page267

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Imamhassan(a.s.)says:هیدری ام هردص عدوی و هیذؤی ام هنطب بنجیف ، هلوقعم ىف رکفتی لا فیک هلوکأم ىف رکفتی نمل تبجع .

TranslationIwonder thosewho thinkabout theirbody"s food,butdonot thinkabout their soul"s food. they


eatingunlessunderthelight,anddonotopentheirmouthunlesswithopeneyes.theyavoiddoubtfulfoodsandsomeobservethousandsofsanitarypointsinfeedingbody.But for the spirit"s food, they, with closed eyes and under darkness of unawareness, pour any


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ImamSadegh(a.s.)says:ملقلا نم امسبت نسحا ایکاب تیأر ام !


ofmenthroughitscontinuousweeping,andalsocheerof love,desirefor life,mysteryof lifeandthousandsofbeautiesarehiddeninthesmileshowingalwayswithinitslips.Butitisregretfulthatwhenthispenisinhandsofanincompetentperson,itstearswillchangeto


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ImamSadegh(a.s.)says:هیف بستکی ام ىردیلا ىقب رمع و هیف اللها عنص ام ىردیلا ىضم دق بنذ : نیتفاخم نیب نمؤملا

TranslationAfaithfulbeliever isalwaysanxiousfor twothings;forhispastsins thathedoesnotknowhow

godwilltreatwithhim,andforhisremaininglifethathedoesnotknowwhathewilldo!(1)BriefdescriptionThemostmanifest signofbelief is feeling responsibility,both forwhathavebeenalreadydone

andforthedutiesandobligationsthatshouldbedone.Thosehaving these two feelings, are always thinkingabout compensationofpast negligence, as

well as finding the best possible way for using future opportunities. these thoughts are codes ofdevelopmentandprogressofamanoranation. thoseneither thinking to thepreviousactions,norintendingtobuildthefuture,arepoorandmiserable.1-Osoulekafi,volumetwo,page7

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نزلا و رمخلا برش و هقرسلا و ةنایخلا : ةکربلاب رمعی مل و برخ لاإ اهنم ةدحاو اتیب لخدی لا عبرأTranslationThere are four things that when one of them enters into a home, it will be ruined, and divine

blessingdoesnotreestablishit:treachery,larceny,drinking,adultery(1)BriefDescriptionNotonlythehomes,butalsothesocietiesarenotexceptedfromthisrule.Whentreacherypenetratesintoasociety,thespiritofconfidenceisdisappearedthereof.Andwhenlarceny,initsdifferentforms,appearstherein,peacewillnotbefoundanymore.Andwhenwinedrinkingbecomespopular amongpeople, theywill haveweak thoughts, disable



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ImamAli(a.s.)says:رقفلا امهنیب اجتنف زجعلا و لسکلا جودزإ تجودزا امل ءایشلأا نإ


eachother,andtheirchildwascalled"povertyandindigence".(1)BriefdescriptionEverythingisearnedthroughattemptandendeavor.thisisarealitythatislamhastaughtus.Indolence,debility,weaknessandescaping fromhardeventsandproblemsarenevercompatible



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HeWiseLoghmansaid:ءامسلا لباوب ضرلأا ىیحی امک ةمکحلا رونب بولقلا ىیحی اللها نإ ىنب ای


blessingrainsfromsky!(1)BriefDescriptionThelandofman"sheart is likeagardeninwhichall typesofseedlings,seedsofflowers,plants

and strong trees are dispersed, and if it is irrigated on time, a pleasant and fruitful area will becreated.Theonlyirrigationmeansforthislandisrevivingdropsofrainofscienceandknowledge.hence


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Itisnarratedfromimamsadeghas:هسفن ىف اهدجی ةلذل لاإ ربکت وأ ربجت لجر نم ام


to others is nothing else than an inferiority complex. those who are affected to this complex andsufferfromit,resorttothiswrongwaythatismagnifyingthemselvesartificiallyforcompensatingtheirdeficiencies,andtherebytheyaddtotheirsocialinferiorityandmakethemselvesmorehated.Thispsychologicalpointisclearlyobservedinthemiraculousspeechnarratedfromimamsadegh


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Islam"sprophet(s.a.)says:تانصحملا لزاغم توص ،و نیدهاجملا مادقأ ىطو ،و ءاملعلا ملاقأ ریرص : اللها یدی نیب ام ىلإ ىهتنت و بجحلا قرخت ثلث


ofexistenceandtheirtinglesgoaheaduptotheeverlastingnatureoftheworldandapproachtogod"sdignity:voiceofknowledgeandpen,althoughitmaybelowandslow,voiceofholywarandself-sacrifice,andvoiceofattempt,endeavorandworkalthoughitmaybeseeminglysmall.And actually, these three things, knowledge, holywar, andwork constitute the foundation of an


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Islam"sProphet(s.a.)says:دبأ دربت نل نینمؤملا بولق ىف ةرارح نیسحلا لتقل نإ



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Islam"sholyprophet(s.a.)says:ةناملأا ءادأ و ثیدحلا قدص ىلإ اورظنا نکلو لیللاب مهتنطنط و فورعملا و جحلا ةرثک و مهموص و مهتلاص ةرثک ىلإ اورظنت لا


ofsomepeople(althoughtheyareimportantintheirownturn).ratherconsidertheir"honesty"and"trustworthiness"!(1)BriefDescriptionStudying islamic documents clarifies this fact that twodecisive signs of a realmoslem is being

honest and trustworthy, and although islamic services such as prayer, fasting and pilgrimage areconsideredashigheducationalprograms,but theyarenot signsof islamandshouldbecompletedwithhonestyandtrustworthiness.1-Narratedfromthebooksafinatolbehar

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ImamBagher(a.s.)says:مدآ نبا بلق ىف دقوت ناطیشلا نم ةرمج بضغلا اذه نإ


feelsorrybecauseburningfireofangercausesnegligencefromwisdomandintellect,onthewhole,andusuallynervoussystemandmusclesactivate inadirection thatcompensationof theconcerneddamageswouldnotbepossibleevenduringthelifetime!Weshallcontrolandextinguishthissatanicflamewiththeutmostprecisionandspeed.Otherwise,itmayruinandburnthelifeofothersorus.1-Beharolanvar,volume73,page278

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God"sprophet(s.a.)said:ضرلأا ایابخ یف قزرلا اوبلطا


existedinthedepthofearthwasnotknown,indicatingthatmoslemsshouldsearchthedepthsofearthforexploiting thesourcesof incomeandwhateverfacilitates their life.such instructionsarebothasignof profundity of islamic commands and also a lessonof endeavor and attempt for honorablelivingofmoslems!1-Narratedfromnahjolfesahah

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Islam"sProphet(s.a.)said:برلا بسک بساکملا رش

ImamSadegh(a.s.)said:برلا مهیف رهظ اکلاه موقب اللها دارأ اذإ

TranslationProphet(s.a.)said:theworstprofessionisonewhichismingledwithusury.Imamsadegh(a.s.)said:whengodwillstoperishanation,usurybecomesmanifestamongthem.(1)Briefdescriptiondespiteofbriskmarketofusurers in thepresentworld,andspecialdependencyof thisworldon

usuryindifferentforms,itisevidentthatusurydestroysfinancialandeconomicalsystemofsocietiesandresultsinterribleaccumulationofwealthinthehandoflimitednumberofpeopleandinstitutions,and this unfair distribution of wealth is the source of different social misfortunes and moralcorruption.1-Fromthebookvasael-ul-shia,volume12,pages426&427

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ImamAli(a.s.)says:هریسأ نکت تئش نم ىلإ رقتفاو ، هریظن نکت تئش نمع نغتساو ، هریمأ نکت تئش نم ىلع لضفت


arealwaysmasterandreceiverhandsareanywayinferior.theneedypeopleandnationsareactuallythe slaveswho have signed their slavery through need to the others. the realmoslem is onewhoattempts to base his relation with others onmutual, not one-sided assistance. receiving gratuitoussupportshouldbelimitedtoweakandfeeblepersons.

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ImamSadegh(a.s.)said:ئیش کنع ىنغیلا و تیمی ولا ییحی لا نم کلمعب ءارت لا




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ImamSadegh(a.s.)said:دوسحملاب رضی نأ لبق هسفنب رضم دساحلا



also ismelted, retardedandhumiliatedmore thanothers. thus it isbetter thathe tryforprecedenceinsteadofcausingotherstoberetarded.1-Beharolanvar,volume73,page255

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CommanderofBelievers(a.s.)said:اللها هدعبأف رقتفاف ابارت و ءام دجو نم


god"smercy!(1)BriefDescriptionIt is clearly deduced from islamic traditions that moslems throughout the world should use all

different resources such as animal husbandry, agriculture, underground resources and mines,profession,industryandcommerceforencounteringwithpoverty.whenanationhasavailableevenoneofthesecapitals,shoulduseisforfulfillmentofitseconomicalrequirements.now,youcanthinkabout those having access to all of them. otherwise, theywill be cursed and deprived from god"smercyandspiritofislam.anywayneedtoothersiscondemnedinislam"sview.1-Beharolanvar,volume103,page65

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ImamAli(a.s.)says:کبیع کرتاس و کسفن ىف کنهاد نم کناوخإ رش


service to anybody. therefore, those friendswho try to conceal the truths insteadof corrective andpropercriticism,andconcealtheirfriend"sfaultsforhisfalsesatisfaction,orshowitasagoodness,not only have failed to be faithful in friendship, but also have committed a great treachery. thistreacherywouldbesometimesatthecostofprestige,reputation,honorandprosperityoftheirfriend.1-Narratedfromghorarolhekambook

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Islam"sProphet(s.a.)says:هئادتبإ نم ریخ فورعملا مامتتسإ

TranslationCompletionandcontinuationofagooddeedisbetterandmoreimportantthancommencingit.(1)BriefDescriptionWe often face with useful works and actions in the milieu of our social life which are left

uncompleted. their doers have started themunder influence of a suddenmotive, but they have losttheirenthusiasmverysoonandhaveleftthemuncompleted.Islam admires faithful and diligent individuals who accomplish any useful work which they


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ImamSadegh(a.s.)said:ةناملأا ءادأ و ثیدحلا قدصب لاإ ایبن ثعبی مل اللها نإ



feel loneliness, all people should bear heavy load of life alone and this is the same society ofloneliness.Thisisthereasonwhyinvitationtohonestyandtrusthasbeenalwaysincludedinprogramsofall


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Islam"sProphet(s.a.)says:هملع هعفنی مل و هملعب لمعی مل ملاع ةمایقلا ىف اباذع سانلا دشأ

TranslationOne who knows something and does not observe it, and does not use his knowledge, his



the burden of those who commit a sin knowingly, and thosewho neglectmaking aware differentlevels of society, and whosoever enjoys a small or big share of knowledge, shall bear the sameresponsibilityaccordingly.1-Beharolanvar,volume2,page38

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Islam"sProphet(s.a.)says:راهنلاب لذ ،و لیللاب مه هنإف نیدلا و مکایإ

TranslationAvoidborrowingasfarasyoucan,becauseitcausesgriefatnightandcontemptonday.(1)BriefDescriptionGarishnessofmaterial lifeand luxurycompetition inourperiodhascausedpeople toundertake




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ImamSadegh(a.s.)says:ریخب نیشیاع اوناکل مهلاومأ قوقح اودأ سانلا نأ ول



of the needy of society, warns everybody that paying rights of others is not merely a moral andhumanmatter.ratheritisanimportantsocialprinciplethatpeaceandhealthofsocietydependsonit.Dangerous reactions caused by unfair and class exploitationswhich threaten societies today and

disturbpeaceterriblyaregoodproofsforthisgreatislamiccommand.As far as world"s people consider right equal to force and powerful people refrain incumbent


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ImamHassanAskari(a.s.)said:بارشلا نم رش بذکلا ،و بارشلا لافقلأا کلت حیتافم لعج و لاافقأ رشلل لعج اللها نإ



a strong lock set on them. when lock of "wisdom" is opened by the key of "wine", all evils andobscenitiesarefreedandadrunkpersonmaycommitanypossiblecrime,sinandcorruption.Butifadrinkercommitsasinunderdipsomaniacondition,aliardisturbsknowinglyorganization


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Imamsadegh(a.s.)said:ةیطعم دی و میحر بلق و حیصف ناسل و طسبنم هجو : تاملاع عبرا ةنجلا لهلا نإ




issuesallconcernedwithsolidityofsocialrelationsandsowingseedsofhumanisticaffectionsinthelandofsociety.Open and pleasant faces, soft and kind and in the meantime clear and eloquent tongues, hearts


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هتریرس هتینلاع و هلعف هبلق و هبلق هناسل فلاخی : تاملاع ثلاث قفانملTranslationTherearethreesignsforhypocrites:theirtongueisnotinconcordancewiththeirheart,soistheir


themselvesbetterthanwhattheyareactually,theirtongueandheart,outwardandinterior,aswellasspeech and deed are different. they are weak people who are not so brave to express their realcharacter,neitherhavesufficientwillanddecisionforcorrectingthemselves.theyappearindifferentfacesandarepracticallytreacherouswitheverybodyeventhemselves.evenmoredangerousarethesocietieshavingagoodlookingoutwardandbadinterior.theirtonguewhichisthesamemassmediaisincontrastwithwhatisgoingonintheheartofthesesocieties.1-Frombeharolanvarbook,volume15

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Imamali(a.s.)said:مکدعب نم مکب ظعتی نأ لبق مکلبق ناک نمب اوظعتإ


(1)BriefdescriptionThe history is full of lessons for taking counsel, full of examples and advices and the end of


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Ali(a.s.)said:لهجلاب لوقلا ىف ریخ لا هنأ امک مکحلا نع تمصلا ىف ریخ لا

TranslationNeithersilenceofawiseman,norspeechofanignoranthasanyprofit.(1)BriefDescriptionGod has made promise with those who are informed and learned not to remain silent against

deviations,misbehaviors, injustices and unfairness and divisive actions of enemies and radiate thelight of guidance, truth and justice on the hearts through their warm and reasonable logic andexpression (andeverybody is considered informedand responsible forwhatheknows, although itmay be little). on the other hand, those who do not have sufficient information, should not causedeviation of people through their improper interference. that silence and this speech both causemisfortune.1-Nahjolbalaghah,aphorisms

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Islam"sprophet(s.a.)said:هیلع ةردقلل ارکش وفعلا لعجاف کودع ىلع تردق اذإ

TranslationWhenyouovercomeyourenemy,putforgivenessandpardonasthegratitudeforthisvictory.(1)BriefDescriptionIn islam"s view, any favor and grace, without any exception, needs gratitude, and gratitude for

powerisforgiveness.seemingvictorieswouldbecomerootedonlywhenenemy"sheart ispurifiedfromthespite,andthemaincauseofopposition iscut.payingalmsofpower that ispardon, is theonlyalternativeforthispurpose.inthisway,theenemywillbetouchedheartilyandpreviousenemybecomestoday"sfriend,andvictoryiscompletedoutwardlyandinwardly.butincontrary,thosewhoseek vengeance after victory, not only deprive themselves from a great human virtue, but alsoendangertheirvictory.1-Fromthebookspeechesofmohammad(s.a.)

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ImamAli(a.s.)said:هرکش للاحلا لغشی مل و هربص مارحلا بلغی مل نم ایندلا ىف دهازلا


propertydonothinderhimfromgod"sremembranceanddutyofthanksgiving.(1)BriefDescriptionSome of the uninformed people have altered sense of asceticism in a negative form. they have


couldbesummarized in twophrases:"enduranceandconnivanceagainst illegalproperty"and"notforgettingresponsibilitiesanddutiesforlegalproperty".shouldweinterpretasceticismso,itwhouldbe a reforming, improving and training factor in the society rather than a negative and detainingfactor.1-Fromthebooktohafologhoul

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ImamAli(a.s.)said:فعف ردق نمم ارجأ مظعأب اللها لیبس ىف دیهشلا دهاجملا ام

TranslationOnewho struggles in thewayofgodand ismartyred isnot in ahigher rank thanonewhocan

commitasinbutrefrains.(1)BriefdescriptionIn view of islam"s logic, the greatest holy strife is strivingwith rebellious desires specially in

contaminated environments. even struggle with enemy would be fruitful when it is made withsincerity,solidarity,pureintentionandfreefromanyselfishnessandpersonalinterestandthisisnotpossibleunlessundersufficientmoraleducationandinnerwarfare.Thus ali (a.s.) says those who overcome in the battle field with desires, and remain honest in

contaminated environments, are not in a lower rank than the martyrs in the way of god. evenfollowingthistradition,wereadinnahjolbalaghahthatsuchpeoplearerangedwithheavenangels.1-Narratedfromnahjolbalaghah,aphorisms

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ImamAli(a.s.)said:قحلا ةاضق سانلا ریخ


andtheothersinterestequallyandhispersonalaffectionandhatreddonotpreventhimfromjusticeandrighteousness.And this is possible only for thosewhose existence is lightenedwith the light of belief, human

virtues, and public affections so that powerfulwaves of selfishness, profitmotivation and amour-propecannotdeviatetheindicatoroftheirmindandconscience.suchpeopledeservetobecalled"thebestpeople".1-Fromthebookislaminthecenterofsociety

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ImamSadegh(a.s.)said:کلتف هل ابح اللها اودبع موق ،و ءارجلأا ةدابع کلتف باوثلا بلط اللها اودبع موق ،و دیبعلا ةدابع کلتف افوخ اللها اودبع موق : ةثلث دابعلا

رارحلأا ةدابع .TranslationWorshippersarethreegroups:thosewhoworshipallahforthefearfromhell;thisistheworship

ofslaves.Thosewhoworshipallahforhisreward;thisistheworshipofmercenaries.Andthosewhoworshipallahforhisloveandaffection;thisistheworshipoffreemen.(1)BriefDescriptionAlthough thepromises todivinerewardandpunishmentareall true,his reward isveryvaluable

andhischastisement isverypainful,but thosehighminded freemenwhodonot seeanything savegod,anddonotseekanythingsavegod,andthemeasureoftheirheartisfullofloveandkindness,theyarelookingforsomethinghigherthanrewardandpunishment,andtheirmotiveforobservinggod"scommand,isonlyalovemingledwithhiscognitionandknowing.1-Fromthebookvasael-ul-shia

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Imambagher(a.s.)said:هیأرب بجعأ و هبونذ ىسن و هلمع رثکتسإ لجر : رهظلا تامصاق ثلث





andabundantmindsandknowledgeofothers. theyare repeatedly involved inmistakes,and finallytheirbackwillbreakunderthemassofproblems.1-Vasael-ul-shia,volume1,page73

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Islam"sprophet(s.a.)said:هیلع متردق امب اهوبیطف احیر اهبیطأ اللها ىلإ اهبحأف مکبر قرط نم مکهاوفأ .




andhis servants, ismore favoritebeforegodwhen it becomes fragrantwithgood, cleanandkindspeechesandisfreefromanybadspeech,insult,lieandharshness.1-Vasael-ul-shia,volume1,page358

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NinthImam,ImamJavad(a.s.)says:حلصی امم رثکأ دسفأ ملع ریغ ىلع لمع نم




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ImamJavad(a.s.)says:هحصنی نمم لوبق ،و هسفن نم ظعاو ،و اللها نم قیفوت : لاصخ ثلث ىلإ جاتحی نمؤملا

TranslationThe believers require three qualities: divine success, a preacher from the heart and soul, and


beingsavedfrominnumerabledangerswhichthreatenhisprosperityandalsobecomingausefulandeffective individual in the society, firstheneedsa spiritualand immaterial relationwithgodbeingsupportedbyhispureessence,and thenanawareand informedconscienceadvisinghim inwardly,andthenhearingearsusingthethoughts,guidance,advicesandconsultationofothers.1-Montahal-aamal

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ةیلهاجلا لمع نم دحاینلاTranslationMourning is one of the deeds of age of ignorance (one shall not complain for the difficulties,


died,mournerwomenwereinvitedtolamentonhisdeathbyrecitingtheirspecialsongsanddeceitfulandfalsepoems.andtheothermeaning,whichimambagher(a.s.)mayrefertoit, isthatmourningandcomplaining forhardanddifficulteventsandproblemsofpersonalandsocial life isvainanduselessandcauseswasteofpowersandfacilities.oneshallsolvethemandseekforaremedybythestrengthofintellectandthinkingaswellascontinuouseffortandtolerance.1-Vasael-ul-shia,volume1,page915

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ImamKazem(a.s.)said:موی لک هسفن بساحی مل نم انم سیل


possiblewithoutcontinuousinspection,examinationandbalancesheet.anditisreallysurprisingthatpeoplearesocarefulincalculationoftheirmaterialcapitals,andoraresosensibletoincreaseanddecreaseoffewgramsoftheirweight,butsometimestheyevendonotinvestigatetheirhuman,moralandimmaterialaccountsevenonceduringtheirlife.whataterriblenegligence!Buta responsibleandvigilantmoslem isonewho,asperspeechof imamkazem(a.s.) inabove

tradition,examineshisaccounteverydaywithoutexception. ifhehasdoneagooddeed,he tries tocontinueit,andifhehasdoneanevil,herepentsforit.1-Fromthebookaghvalolaemeh,volumeone,page214

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ImamSadegh(a.s.)says:هبلق ریغتی مل لتق مث رشن مث لتق ول نمؤملا نإ و ریغت رانلا لخدأ ذإ دیدحلا ربز نإ دیدحلا ربز نم دشأ نمؤملا نإ .


the believers are killed and then revived and again killed, there would be no change in theirmentalities.(1)BriefDescriptionLife isa seriesofproblemsandcomplicatedmatters.weakpeoplesurrender to themverysoon,

and escape from the field, but thosewhoare strongunder thegraceof belief, never submit to thenumerousproblems.They know that there are always hindrances in observing god"s command, preventing sin, and

achieving honors and credits, and for attainment to these honors, self-control, self-sacrifice andresistanceagainstrebelliousdesiresandotherproblemsarerequired.so theydonotstopendeavorandattemptinthepathofreligion,anddonotafraidoftheevents.1-Fromthebooksafinatolbehar,volume1,page37

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ImamAli(a.s.)says:همهتت لا نأ لدعلا و همهوتتلا نأ دیحوتلا





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ImamSadegh(a.s.)says:نیترم رحج نم عسلی لا هتشیعمل ریبدتلا دیج ، ةنؤملا فیفخ ةنوعملا نسح نمؤملا


twicefromonehole(neverisinflictedtwicefromonepoint).(1)BriefDescriptionBelief has some scientific,moral and socialmanifestation and signs,withoutwhich it is only a

meaninglessname.theabovetraditionreferstofoursignsofit:1- Believers provide valuable assistance for their moslem brothers because their helps are

accompaniedwithcompassion,honestyandawareness.2- The do not have a luxurious and costly life and do not commit offences for providing its

furnitures.3-Theyareprudentandawareinlifespeciallyineconomicalaffairs.4-They take lesson fromeachevent immediatelyand thus theyarenot inflicted twice fromone


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ImamAli(a.s.)says:هسفنل قلخت مل و اهریغل تقلخ ایندلا


toolsofthisworld,introducingitasahouseofcommerceorfarmofgod"ssaintsinonehand,withtheversesandspeechesblaming itandcalling itdangerous,deceptiveandsourceofconceit in theotherhandisdifficultforthepeople.But above tradition interprets themclearly, indicating thatwhenworld and itsmaterial tools are

usedasameansforattainmenttohumandevelopmentandexpansionofjusticeandprosperityofallmen, it would be valuable and nice, but when it is considered as a final purpose and essentiallyfavorite,andcausesrebellion,conceitandobstinacy,itwouldbehatefulanddangerous.1-Fromfirstvolumeofsafinatolbehar

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ImamAli(a.s.)said:اهب لاإ اهوعیبت لاف ةنجلا لاإ نمث مکسفنلا سیل هنإ .

Translation(Be aware) there is not any price for you save everlasting prosperity and paradise, so do not



at the end of his life, he finds that he has exchanged this great capitalwith a house or a car or acountryvilla,andstillhewillleavethemsoon.Ali(a.s.)saysthatnoneofthematerialcapitalsofthisworldcouldbeexchangedwiththecapitalof

yourlife.theonlythingwhichcouldbeexchangedwithit,isgod"ssatisfaction,humanandspiritualdevelopment and also an eternal and everlasting prosperity. it is worthy to endeavor, attempt andsacrificeforthispurposeasmuchasyoucan.1-Nahjolbalaghah,aphorisms

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ImamAli(a.s.)said:ءىبو فیفح لطابلا نإ ،و ءىرم لیقث قحلا نإ



theabove short sentence!usually truthhasaharshappearanceandoccasionallyabitter tastebut isverypleasant.itiseasilyabsorbedbythebodyofcommunityandsocietyisstrengthenedthereby.But falsehood is very easy and sometimes very delicious and sweet, but its effect is fatal like a

delicious but poisonous food which its destructive effect on the heart, stomach, and intestinesbecomesmanifest when it is swallowed. falsehood too like this food destroys different organs ofsociety.1-Beharolanvar,volume70,page107

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Islam"sProphet(s.a.)said:لئاز ةلاحم لا میعن لک ،و لطاب اللها لاخ ام ءىش لک لاأ : دیبل ةملک برعلا اهتلاق ةملک قدصأ

TranslationThemost correct and eloquent phrase that arab has stated is the speechof lobaid (famous poet)




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ImamReza(a.s.)says:هرک ام وأ هرض وأ املسم شغ نم انم سیل


shall be considered neither a real human nor a truthful moslem. the privilege of man over othercreaturesishissocialcharacterandonewhofindshisprofitinlossoftheothers,missesthissocialcharacter.Sometimes causing loss for the others is clear and obvious and sometimes is hidden through


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ImamAli(a.s.)says:زجاعلا دهج ةبیغلا

TranslationSlanderisthelasteffortofweakpeople.(1)BriefDescriptionA fewsinscouldbe foundamong thecapital sins that indicatemeanness,weakness,humiliation,


disclosingtheirhiddenfaults,thatmostpeopleareinvolvedinoneofthesefaults,andsatethefireoftheirenvyandmaliceinthisway,areweakandmeanpersonswhoevendonotshowcourageintheirbaselessandunfairchallenge,andonlycanstabintheback.It ismentionedin the tradition that ifonewhoslanders, repents,heshallbe the lastoneentering


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ImamAli(a.s.)says:ةملظلا موقلا رهاظی ،و ةبلغلاب هنود نم و ةیصعملاب هقوف نم ملظی : تاملاع ثلاث ملاظلل

TranslationTheoppressorhas threesigns:oppresses thosewhoarehigher thanhimthroughoppositionand


himselfsomehowinanycase.herefrainsperforminghisdutiesbeforethosewhoheshallobeythem,and resorts tooppression, force,violenceand injusticebeforehis inferiors,andselectshis friendsandcompanionsandcolleaguesfromamongtheunjust.heisalwaysunjustbut1-Nahjolbalaghah,aphorismsShowshimselfinanappropriateformtothatcase.

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Islam"sProphet(s.a.)said:ءاود هل لعج لاإ ءاد نم اللها لزنأ ام


powerbesides anynegativepowerwhich shouldbe foundandused. continuationofour life is theeffectofbalanceinthesepowers.notonlythereisnotanyincurablecorporealdisease,butalsothereisnot any insoluble socialproblem.Thosewhoassume theproblems insolubleandwhenever theyfacewithacomplexproblemcallitanincurabledisease,neglectthisfactthatprincipallythereisnotanyincurabledisease.Sowe shall involve in the fieldof hard events of life patiently andperseveringly and find their


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ImamBagher(a.s.)says:ةمقنلا کلذب قحتسی ابنذ دبعلا ثدحی ىتح هایإ اهبلسیف ةمعنب دبعلا ىلع معنی لاأ امتح ءاضق ىضق اللها نإ .

TranslationGodhasmadean inevitablerule thathedoesnot takeback thefavorswhichhasbestowedto the

people,unlesstheycommitanoffencecausingdeprivationfromthatfavor.(1)BriefDescriptionGod"s graces are infinite but not unreasonable. he does not grant or take back anything

unreasonably.Whenworld"speopleusehisfavorsforconceit,corruption,destructionandinjustice,the same favors are changed to the cause of their misfortune. Their favors are taken back andreplacedwithcalamity.theirindustriesandtechnologyturndestructive,andtheirsocietyturnstothesourceofdiscordanddiscomfort,andeventhespeeddevicesturntothecauseof theirretardation,becausetheyhavemisusedthegraces.1-Osoulkafi,volume2

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Islam"sProphet(s.a.)said:دیهش نوکت ةراهط ىلع تم اذإ


onsesaying:`ifyoucan,performritualablutiondayandnight,becauseifyoudieinthiscondition,you shall be considered as amartyr".Although the firstmeaning of tradition is performing ritualablution,butat themeantime, it refers toamore important fact that is livinganddying innocently.Those who are chaste, their heart is pure and have a pure life and mind, and leave the world inthcondition,surelywillberangedwithmartyrsbecausemartyrdomisnotlimitedtobeingkilledinthebattlefield.therearealsoothertraditionsmentionedinthesourcesoftheprophet"shousewhichconfirmthistruth.1-Safinatolbehar,volumeone,page720

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ImamBagher(a.s.)says:دیدحلا سم ملأ اودجی مل نیسحلا ىدج باحصأ نإ

TranslationThedevotedcompanionsofmygrandfather, imamhossein (a.s.)didnot feel anypainunder the


areconcentratedinthatpoint,andthusanyinconvenienceistolerableforhim.notonlytolerable,butalsohedoesnotfeeluneasiness.Whereinegyptianwomenseeingjoseph"sface,basedonafigurativetransient love, lost their awareness and cut their fingers instead of fruits, it is not surprising thatrestlessloversinthepathofgod,andself-sacrificingpersonsinthepathoftruthandvirtuedonotfeel pain and toil of heavy strokes of enemy. First, one shall be a lover, then self- sacrifice andtolerancewouldbetheinevitableresult.1-Beharolanvar,volume45,page80

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ImamAli(a.s.)says:هلمأ ىلع دمتعی لهاجلا و هلمع ىلع دمتعی لقاعلا


theexternalexistence,andsinceattainmenttothemisnotpossiblewithoutendeavorandattempt,theyfocus their effort on their action, while unaware fools are drowned in a sea of wishes andimaginations, and seek for what they have lost in the world of imaginations, and since access tofanciesdoesnotrequireworkandattempt,negativetendenciesaremanifestedinallaspectsoftheirlife. They are always contentedwith awaiting for subjective victories in tomorrowwhich has notcomeyetandmaynevercome,andsotheydonothaveanysupportinlifesavewishes.1-Ghorarol-hekam

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ImamHossein(a.s.)said:نونآیدلا لق ءلابلاب اوصحم اذإف مهشیاعم هب ترد ام هنوطوحی مهتنسلأ ىلع قعل نیدلا و ایندلا دیبع سانلا !


as their life is in good conditions under the grace of religion, they support it. Butwhen they areexaminedwithhardevents,thereareafewreligiouspeople.(1)BriefDescriptionReligion,particularlyareligionlikeislam,preservesrightsofsociety"speopleandsupportstheir

real and fair interests. but sometimes religion is a barrier for personal and private interests ofindividuals.Herein,realreligiouspeoplearedistinguishedfromthosewhoonlyclaimforreligion.Most people look everything from the view of their own interest and advocate religionwhen it

preservestheirpersonalrights,butwhenreligionisseparatedfromtheirprivateinterests,theyleaveit totally and become the evidence of `we believe in some and disbelieve in the others". But realreligious people are those who are faithful in religion in any situation, and religion and beliefdeterminethemainlinesoftheirlife,notpersonalinterests.1-Beharolanvar,volume10,page198

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Islam"sProphet(s.a.)says:مکنیب اولدعی نأ نوبحت امک مکدلاوأ نیب اولدعإ




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ImamMohammadTaghi(ImamJavad)(a.s.)said:نوکت فیک رظناف اللها نیع نم ولخت نل کنأ ملعإ

TranslationYoushallknowthatyouwillnotgooutofgod"ssight.nowseehowyoushallbe?(1)BriefDescriptionThefirst impressionofbelief in thegreatgodisfeelingaconstantandoverallcontrolfromhis



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ImamAli(a.s.)said:دسح وأ ىع قاقحتسلأا نم ریصقتلا و قلم قاقحتسلاا نم رثکأب ءانثلا


inexpressionorenvy.(1)BriefDescriptionUndoubtedly, the worthy individuals and their good attributes and deeds should be praised and

appreciated,andinthiswayweshallencourageandsupporttheminthewaytheyareproceeding.But this should be exactly in accordancewith themerit of individuals. otherwise, itwould have


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ImamSadegh(a.s.)said:هتجاح ىف اللها ناک ملسملا هیخأ ةجاح ىف ناک نم


hisrequests.(1)BriefDescriptionPeopleoften think that if they involve insolving theproblemsofothers, theywouldbe retarded

fromprogressintheirownlife,whileislam"slogicissomethingelse.theprophet(s.a.)saysifyouengageinsolvingpeople"sproblemsandfulfillingtheirrequirements,god,whosepowerisbeyondyour power and all powers, helps you and solves your problems.We have been witness that theproblemsofthosewhohelpothers,aresolvedwonderfullyandthisisadivinebounty.1-Beharolanvar,volume74,page286

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ImamAli(a.s.)says:تآ وه امب دادعتسلاا نع کلغشیف تافام ىلع مهلا کبلق لغشتلا .


pastandlosetheirremainingenergies in thisway.Butsomeothersassumethepastasfinishedandforgetitandonlytakesomelessonsfromthemfororganizingthefutureandusealloftheirpowersand forces for constructing today and tomorrow. Surely, theywill become victorious as imam ali(a.s.)hasmentionedintheabovetradition.1-Narratedfromghorarol-hekam,page289

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Islam"sProphet(s.a.)says:ملاسلإا ةملک اللها هلخدأ لاإ ربو ولا ردم تیب ضرلأا رهظ ىلع ىقبی لا


entersislam"sreligiontherein.(1)BriefDescriptionEveryday this realitybecomesmoreobvious thatworldhas twoalternatives:either itwillaccept


him). in thatday, idolatryandpolytheismwouldbe removed from theearthand islamwillgovernthroughouttheworld.Theprophet(s.a.)hasgivengoodtidingintheabovetradition.1-Majmaolbayan,interpretationofrepentancesura.

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ImamHassanAskari(a.s.)says:اذهب لاإ ذخاؤا لا ىنتیل : رفغی لا ىتلا بونذلا نم !



andunimportant,beingoneofthedangeroussatanictemptations.Thosesinswhichmanfearsof themandassumesthemgreatarenotsodangerousbecausehe is

alwayscarefulfornotcommittingthem.butwhenheassumesasinlittleanddoesnotafraidfromit,heiseasilyexposedtoit,andrepeatingitcontinuously,asoneofthefactorschangingminorsinstomajor, keeps him away from happiness and prosperity for ever. Furthermore, a sin,whatsoever itmaybe,isgreatinonerespectthatisexceedingboundofrulesofgreatgod.1-Tohafologhoul,page366

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ImamMousabneJa"far(a.s.)says:بکاوکلا ىلع سمشلا لضفک دباعلا ىلع هیقفلا لضف

TranslationExcellenceofascholaroveravotaryisaliketoexcellenceofsunoverthestars.(1)BriefDescriptionThe stars of sky are only luminous by their own, but fail to present a luminosity to us and to

illuminate the path for us, but sunlight and its golden and shiny ray, not only is reviving andanimating,butalsocausesallinhabitantsofspheresinthesolarsystemtodistinguishthepathfromdeviatedpathandhighroadfromcrag.Andthisisthedifferenceofascholarandavotary.Thelatteronlygetsoverhisowndifficulties,andtheformertriestosavethosewhoaredrowned.Wealsoknowthatplanetsofsolarsystemenjoysunlight,andiftherewasnotascholar,therewas


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Islam"sProphet(s.a.)says:مهقوقح نم امهل دلولا مزلی ام امهدلول قوقحلا نم نیدلاولا مزلی


notobservingthechildren"srights.(1)BriefDescriptionThere is not any right, not accompanied with a duty in the world. That is to say there is an

obligationbesidesanyrightandthegreaterrightscallforgreaterdutyandresponsibility.On this account, parentswho have a great right on their children,which ismentioned in quran

besidesgod"sright,shallbearaheavyresponsibilityfor them. theyshallnotneglectfromtrainingthemevenforaminuteandtryforimprovingtheirsoulandbodyaswellasmaintainingthemfrommentalandmoraltaints,andtumultoftheirlifeshallnothinderthemfromthisgreatduty.1-Fromthebookaghvalolaemeh

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ImamKazem(a.s.)said:اللها ةیصعم ىف هیلثم قفنتف اللها ةعاط ىف عنمت نأ کایإ




tobearmorecosts.Thosewhospareexpensesor time for training their children, shallbearonerouscosts for their

addictions, crimes, deviations and negligence, and those who refrain to pay for fulfillingrequirementsofsociety"sdeprivedpeople, shouldpay thecosts, sometimesseveral timesof it, forpreventingtheeventscausedthereby,andalso".1-Tohafologhoul,page305

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ImamHadi(a.s.)says:نورخآ رسخ و موق اهیف حبر قوس ایندلا

TranslationWorldisamarketinwhichsomegainandsomelose!(1)briefDescriptionThisworld is neitherman"smain home, nor his permanent residence place. rather it is a great

house of commerce to which man is sent with his great capitals including life time, man power,intellectualandmentalgiftsinordertogainavaluableinterestthereofforhiseternalprosperityandeverlastinglife.Thosewhoareactive,diligent,vigilant,hard-workingandattentiveareawareoftricksofthisgreat

commerce. theydonot repose for amoment andare always searchingandattempting to choose avaluablegoods,eternalmerchandiseandbrightfateforthemselvesaswellastheirsocietybyusingthese capitals. they do not lose all of their capitals in the direction of corruption, destruction andfutilityandleavingworldwithanemptyhand.1-Tohafologhoul,page361

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Islam"sProphet(s.a.)says:هقلخل ةحیصنلاب هضرأ ىف مهاشمأ ةمایقلا موی اللها دنع ةلزنم سانلا مظعأ نإ

TranslationThe most dignified people in the day of resurrection are those being engaged more in public


people is respecting people"s interests and their benefits as one"s own interest and benefit, anddealing with their interest and benefits sincerely as one"s own interests and benefits and notneglectingbenevolenceinpresenceorabsenceofpeople.1-Narratedfromkafibook,volume2,page166

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ImamSadegh(a.s.)says:هسفنل ىری ىذلا لثم کل ری مل نم ةبحص ىف ریخ ولا هیخأب ریثک ءرملا و طشملا نانسأک ءاوس سانلا




person along with his brothers from a community. and third, necessity of respecting the othersinterestsasone"sowninterestsasthebasictermoffriendshipandcompanionship.And the society in which these triple principles are not ruling, is neither an islamic, nor a


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ImamAli(a.s.)says:مکحتسم اهنونجف مدنی مل نإف مدنی اهبحاص نلا نونجلا نم عون هدحلا

TranslationHastinessandprecipitance isakindof insanitybecause thosehavingthisattributerepentof their





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Islam"sProphet(s.a.)says:اللها مرح آم لک نع عرولا و ةمعن لک رکش و لملأا رصق ایندلا ىف دهزلا


andavoidingtheprohibitedthings.(1)BriefDescriptionMost people misunderstand the concept of islamic asceticism and consider it as isolation and

separation from material and social life, and call real ascetic those who are involved in socialseclusion and have left allmaterial pleasures of social life, and thereby assume it an imperialisticprogram.While,realasceticismhasacorrectivesocialconcepttowhichisinferredinabovetradition.Avoidingusurpationofrightsofothersaswellasillegitimateandunlawfulproperties,andusing


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ImamAli(a.s.)says:ةبیصملا و ةیلاولا و لاملا نه لاجرلا لوقع اهب نحتمی ثلاث



notmanloseshisintellectandwisdomwhenhegainspropertyandwealth?Whenarankisawardedtohim,whetherornothiscapacityissosmallthatheforgetseverything?Andwhenanunpleasingeventhappenstohim,doeshebegin impatienceandcomplaintandlose


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ImamReza(a.s.)says:دغ تومت کنأک کترخلا لمعإ و ادبأ شیعت کنأک کایندل لمعإ


tomorrow!(1)BriefDescriptionAbove tradition clarifies the attitude of islam towards the matters concerned with material and

immateriallife.apositiveandresponsiblemoslemshouldobservedisciplineinthemattersconcernedwithmaterial life as if hewould abide there forever, and hereby hypocritical negligence of thoseclaimingforasceticismisrejected.Andheshouldbesosensitiveandawareof immaterialconcernsandnecessaryreadinessfor the


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ImamSadegh(a.s.)says:رامعلأاب شیعی نمم رثکأ ناسحلإاب شیعی نم و لاجلآاب تومی نمم رثکأ بونذلاب تومی نم



oneofthemostimportantcausesofmentaldiseasesistheheavypressuresimposedonman"ssoulbyhisconscience.Asinnerisjudgedinthecourtofconscienceandsufferspainfulspiritualpunishmentsanditsreactionismanifestedinbodyandsoulandevenintheformofdeaths.Onthecontrary, thebeneficent people are encouragedby their conscience and this spiritual encourage empowers themand makes them cheerful and therefore their life time is increased. hence, sin shortens life, andbeneficenceprolongsman"slife.1-Narratedfromsafinatolbeharbook

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Imambagher(a.s.)saidtooneofhisfriends:لمعب لاإ اللها دنع ام لانی لا هنأ انتعیش غلبأ .


positionbeforegodonlybyadopting thenameof shiismandexpressing love to thehouseholdofprophet(s.a.),whileweknowthatislamisbasedonactionandrealshiitesarethosewhosepracticalprogram is an extraction from practical programs of imam ali (a.s.) and his companions, andbasicallyshiite isderived from theword `moshaieat"meaning followingsomebody. thus thosearerealshiiteofhouseholdofprophet(s.a.)whofollowthem.1-Osoulkafi,volume2,page300

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ImamAli(a.s.)says:روجلاب ةرشلا کل نیزی اصیرح ولا روملأا نع کفعضی انابجلا و رقفلا کدعی و لضفلا نع لدعی لایخب کتروشم ىف نلخدتلا

TranslationDo not consult withmiser people because they prevent you from service to god"s people, and

frightenyoufrompoverty,anddonotconsultwithtimidpeople,becausetheyweakenyourwillforperforming important works and also do not consult with greedy persons, because they beautifyinjusticetoyou.(1)BriefdescriptionConsultationisoneoftheimportantislamicinstructions,butasconsultationwitheligiblepersons

helps in improvement of correct programs, consultationwith thosewhohave clearweakpoints isharmful andgives an adverse result. thus imam (a.s.) recommends strictly to avoid choosing threegroupsasconsultantspeciallyinimportantsocialaffairs.Thosewho aremiser, timid and greedy. one of them preventsman frommunificence of divine


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ImamAli(a.s.)says:نیقیلا بلقلا ىف مادام ریخ و ةیفاعلا معنلا لجأ


isnotonlythegreatestdivinefavor,butalsoitisthesourceofallactivities,attemptsandblessingsandamongimmaterialfavorsnothingishigherandsuperiorthanlightofbeliefandfaithwhichisthemost illuminating light for thepathof life andmost effective remedy for treatment of diseases ofignorance,humbleness,inferiorityandtaintandtranquilizerofheartandsoul!1-Tohafologhoul

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بآحسلا اهرتس اذإ سمشلاب نوعفتنی امک لاق ؟ روتسملا بئاغلا ةجحلاب سانلا عفتنی فیکTranslationImamsadegh(a.s.)wasasked:howthepeopleenjoyexistenceofaninvisibleandhiddenimam?Imamsaid:astheyenjoysunlightbehintheclouds.(1)BriefDescriptionSunlightisthesourceofallvitalmovementsontheearthandnolivingcreatureisabletocontinue


itslightandremovesthedarknessofnightandaffectsonthelivingplantsandcreatures.spiritualandimmaterialblessingsof imam(a.s.)shinehumanworldevenbehindabsencecurtain,butsinceeachbuilding uses sunlight as much as its openings, people"s share from the light of leadership is inproportionwiththemethodanddegreeoftheirrelationandconnectionwithhim.1-Beharolanvar,volume52,page92

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ImamJavad(a.s.)says:سیلبإ دبع دقف سیلبإ ناسل نع قطنی قطانلا ناک نإ و اللها دبع دقف اللها نع قطانلا ناک ناف هدبع دقف قطان ىلإ ىغصأ نم

TranslationOnewho listens to an orator, hasworshiped him. thus if the orator talks fromgod side, he has


usually accompanied with an impression in man"s heart, and since the purposes of orators aredifferent,someofthemtalkaboutthetruthandsomeaboutthefalsehood,submissiontoeachofthesetwogroupsisakindofworshipbecausetheessenceofworshipisnothingelsethansubmission.Therefore, thosewho listen to truthful utterances are truthworshippers and thosewho listen to


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Islam"sProphet(s.a.)said:ناطیش وأ ةیغبل هنإف هیف لیق ام وأ لاق ام ىلابیلا لجرلا متیأر اذإ




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ImamAli(a.s.)says:دیع وهف هیف اللها ىصعیلا موی لک و همایق رکش و همایص اللها لبق نمل دیع وه امنإ



ofovercomingsensualdesires,andfeastofobedienceofgod"scommand. thusthisdayisonlythefeastofthosewhohavebeenvictoriousinfulfillingthisgreatdivinedutyandunderstandingitsfinalphilosophy,butforthoseashamedpeoplewhohavenotrespectedthisgreatmonthanditseducationalprogram,itisnothingelsethanthedayofmourninganddisgrace.1-Nahjolbalaghah,aphorismsofwisdom428

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Islam"sProphet(s.a.)says:مکلامعأ و مکبولق ىلإ رظنی امنإ و مکلاومأ ىلإ ولا مکروص ىلإ رظنی لا اللها نإ

TranslationGoddoesnotconsiderthefacesandproperties,ratherheconsideredyourheartsandactions.(1)BriefDescriptionWhile thecriterionforevaluatingdignityof individuals in themostsocieties ismaterialcapitals

and physical privileges, islam explicitly says: selecting these affairs as the criteria for evaluatingdignityisanimproperselection.Rather,whatisconsideredbygod,andweightsinthescaleoftruthisthoughtandaction,apurethoughtasasourceofpureactions.andinthedivinecourtonlytheownersofthesetwocapitalsarevictorious.1-Fromthebookmohajjatolbeisae,volume6,page312

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Imamali(a.s.)says:رخفلا بلط و رقفلا فوخ نانثإ سانلا کلهأ


indifferentformsaswellas irregulargreedyandplunderingattemptsofmostpeople,wefindthatabovetwofactorshaveadeepeffectonoccurrenceoftheseevents.Somepeople,havingeverything,commitoffencesonlyforthefearofpovertyandastheysayforsecuringthefuture,andsomeotherssacrifice the peace of their life and soul for acquiring fanciful honors, while they would livepeacefullyiftheyleavethesetwouglytaints.1-Tohafologhoul

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ImamSadjad(a.s.)said:لبقتی ام لقی فیک و ىوقت عم لمع لقی لا



thuspurityinintentionandsincerityandpietyshouldbeconsideredmorethananythingelse,notthequantityofaction. suchdeed isvaluablealthough itmaybe littlebecause it is favoredbygod. isadeedacceptedbyhim,consideredlittle?insummary,alotofhollow,impureandhypocriticaldeedsareworthless,butlightandalittlepure,sincereandtruedeedisworthyandheavy.1-Fromthebooktohafologhoul,page201

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ImamHossein(a.s.)said:رذتعی و ءىیسی موی لک قفانملا و رذتعیلا و ءىیسی لا نمؤملا ناف هنم رذتعت ام و کایإ

TranslationDo not sin so that you have to apologize for it, because a believer does not sin and does not

apologize,butahypocriteeverydaysinsandapologizes.(1)BriefdescriptionEverybody is apt to mistake, but believers have one difference with the hypocrites herein. the

believers try to sin less so that theywouldnot have to apologize, because theyknow that apologydoesnotacquitanyone.Butthehypocritesdonotcareforsinandoffenceandrepeatedlyapologize,andthisisoneofthesignsofhypocritesoutwardlyshowingrepentanceduetoapologyandinwardlyindicatingnonrepentanceduetorepetitionofsin.1-Fromthebooktohafologhoul,page177

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Imamreza(a.s.)said:هشاعم ىف هریغ شعی مل نم اشاعم سانلا ءوسأ

TranslationTheworstpeople, inviewofeconomical life,arethosewhodonotoffer livelihoodtoothersin

theirownlivelihood,andothersdonotliveintheirlife.(1)BriefdescriptionA healthy economy is one which strengthens social relations and embraces all members of the

society.wheredifferenteconomicalstringsaresetinthedirectionofinterestsoflimitedindividuals,it is an economical cancer not healthy economy. imam reza (a.s.) said, this is the worst type oflivelihoodandeconomicallife.1-Fromthebooktohafologhoul,page334.

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ImamReza(a.s.)said:(ص اللها لوسر عنص امک انید انیلع اندعو ىرن تیب لهأ انإ )

TranslationWeare thehouseholdwhoconsiderourpromisesasourdebtsasgod"sprophet (s.a.)wasso.(1)

briefdescriptidebt isnotonlywhatmanreceivesfromsomeoneandbecomesdebtorfor it.Thosewhogivepromisestoothers,infactundertakeaworkandacceptaresponsibilityandactuallyhaveanundeniablemoralduty.Fulfillingthepromiseindicatesdignity,belief,greatness,honesty,truthfulnessandstrengthensbasesofpublicconfidenceinthesocietyandrevivesthespiritofsocialcooperationsandonthisaccount,islamhasextremelyemphasizedonfulfillmentofpromise.1-Fromthebooktohafologhoul,page33

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ImamBagher(a.s.)says:محر ةلص ولا ةرمع ولا جح هنم لبقی مل مارح نم لاام باصأ اذإ لجرلا نإ


thatpropertyisaccepted,northeunionofkindred.(1)BriefDescriptionSacred aim by itself is not adequate in islam"s logic. Rather, sacred means of gaining is also


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ImamSadjad(a.s.)said:رضاحلا رقفلا وه و راقولاب فافختسإ و ءایحلل ةبهذم و ةایحلل ةلذم سانلا ىلإ جئاوحلا بلط

TranslationDemanding frompeople is abasement in life anddestroysmodesty anddegradesman"s dignity,

andisapovertywhichmanprovidesforhimself.(1)BriefDescriptionSome people leave themselves to poverty assuming that they are escaping from it. They make


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ImamSadjad(a.s.)said:هتارشع ىلع هتادحإ تبلغ هاتأ وس ای !


sin shall be punished for the same (cattle, 161). considering this verse, interpretation of abovetraditionisclarified.Helplessisonewholeavesobedienceofgod"scommandwithsuchalotofgreatrewardandcommitssin.1-Fromthebooktohafologhoul,page203

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ImamHossein(a.s.)said:رذحی امل عرسا و وجری امل توفأ ناک اللها ةیصعمب ارمأ لواح نم

TranslationOne who asks for performance of a work through disobedience to god, will lose sooner


endssooner.However,abovetraditionsaysthattheywilllosetheirdesiressoonerandwillfallintothepitswhichfearof themsooner. forexample,heseeks tranquility fromearningunlawfulwealthwhilefirstofallhelosestranquilityasaresultofitandisinvolvedindistressandanxietyofwhichhefeared.1-Fromthebooktohafologhoul,page977

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ImamAli(a.s.)says:هیلع طخاسلا رثک هسفن نع ىضر نم


exceedsbounds,itwouldbechangedtoselfishnessandself-conceit.Theself-conceitedpeopleneverlookattheirownfaultsandconsiderthemselvesresponsible,pure,faultless,serious,active,niceandimportant in the society, and for this reason, they have a lot of unreasonable expectations frompeople,andthiscausespeople"sfloodofangertofalldownthem.1-Nahjolbalaghah,aphorisms,utteranceno.6

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ImamModjtaba(a.s.)says:هبسن برق نإ و ةدوملا هتدعاب نم دیعبلا و هبسن دعب نإ و ةدوملا هتبرق نم بیرقلا



consolidated groups in the heart of great human societywhowould have closer cooperationwitheach other and would help and collaborate with each other in solving critical problems. But thecriterionof relationship in islam (asper above tradition) is basedon affection and friendship, notmerelyvicinityofgenealogicalrelation.1-Fromthebooktohafologhoul,page165

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ImamHassanAskari(a.s.)says:زجعملاک هتداع نع داتعملا در


lot of complicated and necessary tasks of life (such as speaking, walking, etc). But when habit ismisused in wrong works, it is changed into a dangerous addiction that throwing off it is mostlydifficultsothatimamhassanaskari(a.s.)hascompareditwithawonder.1-Beharolanvar,volume17,page217

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ImamHossein(a.s.)says:مرب لاإ نیملاظلا عم ةایحلا و ةداعس لاإ توملا ىرأ لا ىنإ … دیبعلا رارف رفأ ولا لیلدلا ءاطعإ یدیب مهیطعأ لا اللهاو لا


slaves". I assume death nothing else than prosperity, and lifewith the unjust nothing else than thecauseofblameandmisfortune.(1)BriefDescriptionKarbalais thegreatandeverlastingepicofman"shistory.Ashuraisanon-forgettabledayinthe


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ImamAli(a.s.)wasaskedtodescribeawiseman?hereplied:هعضاوم ءىشلا عضی ىذلا وه لقاعلا


best interpretationmadeinthisconcern.Wisdomisnothingelsethanputtingeverythinginitsrightplace, putting everybody in its deserving and suitable place in the society and showing grief andhappiness,friendshipandenmity,mildnessandharshness,kindnessandseverity,worship,workandoccupationandhealthyrecreationandanyotherworkinitsownrightplaceandduetime.1-Nahjolbalaghah,aphorism

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ImamAli(a.s.)says:ولهج آم ءادعأ سانلا


cause for it save ignorance and unawareness. this wise speech is specially truthful in religiousmatters.Infact,ifsomepeople,eventhosewhoareprofessionalinothersciences,denyandopposewiththem,whenwesubtilize,wefindthattheyhavenotunderstooddepthandphilosophyofreligionandreligiousconcerns.otherwise, theywouldneverdeny themand this realityhasbeenrepeatedlyexperienced.1-Nahjolbalaghah,aphorisms,phrase172

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Islam"sProphet(s.a.)says:رویغلا هدابع نم بحی ىلاعت اللها نإ

TranslationThegreatgodlikeshiszealousservants.(1)BriefDescriptionZeal actuallymeans loyalty to protection of religion or chastity or water and land and islamic

countryandorotherdivinebounties.Azealouspersonisonewhoconsidershimselfcommittedandresponsibleforprotectingtheseaffairsandbecomesverydisturbedbyaggressionandencroachmentofaliens to them.zeal isoneof theprominentattributesof theprophetsandmenofgod.We readabout abraham (a.s.), the idol breaker hero, `surely abrahamwas zealous". in summary, zeal is apowerfulbarrieragainsttherushofaliens.1-Nahjolfesahah,page15

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Islam"sProphet(s.a.)said:کعفن ءىش نم اهنم تذخأ ام ةلخنلا لثم نمؤملا لثم

TranslationAbelieverislikeapalmtree,whatsoeveryoutakeawayfromit,isusefulandprofitable.(1)BriefDescriptionPalm tree is actually one of the very fertile trees. its fruit is eaten as one of the best foods.

sometimesitsstoneisburnt,andalsomat,hat,table-clothandsuchlikearewovenbyitsleaves.itswood is used in construction of simple buildings and even they are used as bridge for passingthroughstreams.Asortoffragrantandusefulessenceisextractedfromitsblossom.Inotherwords,nopartof it isuselessandshallbediscarded. thebelieversare thesame. their thoughtsareuseful,their speeches are profitable, theirmeetings give lesson, their religion is reforming and they areloyalinfriendship,strongindecisionandthatistosayeverythingofthemisworthy.1-Nahjolfesahah,page564

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Islam"sProphet(s.a.)saidةقفنم ىدیلأا ریخ و ةقفنم و ةکسمم و ةلئاس : ةثلاث ىدیلأأ

TranslationThere are three types of hands, begging hands, keeping hands and bountiful hands, and the best

handsarebountifulhands.(1)BriefDescriptionIslam tries to teach its followers a high aspiration and wide attempt and endeavor and strong

affectionandthusitrecommendstoitsfollowersnottoaskanythingfromanyoneasfarastheycan,anddonotbegfromanybody,notonlydonotaskanythingfromanyone,butalsodonotrestricttothemselveswhatsoever theyhave.Rather, theyshouldmakeavailable theirbounties to theothersasfarastheycan,andonthisaccount,wereadintheabovetradition,thebesthandsarebountifulhands.1-Tohafologhoul,page32

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ImamHassanAskari(a.s.)says:توملا تببحأ کب لزن اذإ ام توملا نم رش و ! تایحلا تضغبأ هتدقف اذإ ام تایحلا نم ریخ !

TranslationBetter than life iswhat,youwouldhate lifewhenyou lose it!andworse thandeath iswhat,you


thingsmorevaluablethanit.therearesomemomentsinlifeinwhichmanwishesfordeath,andtherearetruthsforwhichhesacrificeshimselfinfullsatisfaction.Themartyrsforthepathofgod,virtue,anddevotiontojusticewerethosewhohadunderstoodthismeaningfulspeechofimamaskari(a.s.),and when they found life unpleasant and death a window to a wider world, as well as god"ssatisfaction,theybadelifefarewellandreceiveddeath.1-Tohafologhoul,page368

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Islam"sProphet(s.a.)says:لمعلا لیلق ملاکلا ریثک قفانملا و لمعلا ریثک ملاکلا لیلق نمؤملا و ةمکحلا ىقلی هنإف هنم اونداف اتومص نمؤملا متیأر اذإ


taciturnandactivebuthypocritesaretalkativeandinexperienced.(1)BriefDescriptionMan"s power is not unlimited and everlasting. therefore, when his energies are used in one

direction, therewillbedeficiency insomewhereelse.So it isnotsurprising if talkativepeopleareinexperiencedandnotactive.islam"sprophet(s.a.)whoadvocatespositiveeffectineverywhereandfor everything, considers attempt for action as the sign of believers instead of speech, while heconsiderstheoppositeattributeforthehypocrites.


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ImamAli(a.s.)says:بدلاا ءانبلأل ءابلآا ثرو ام ریخ

TranslationThebestheritagewhichfathersleavefortheirchildreniscourtesy.(1)BriefDescriptionCourtesy is the proper encounters and relations associated with respect and honor. courtesy is


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Islam"sProphet(s.a.)said:نامتکلا و ةیقتلاب مهیف نمؤملا ىشمی موق موقلا سئب


righteousminoritytoexpresstheirthoughtsanddivulgetheirideas.Surely,suchsocietywillnotbeprosperous. in an islamic and humanitarian society, the righteous people should have the right ofdivulging their ideas for public opinions, and common people should not hinder them, and ratherrespect freedomof thought in thereformingaspectsandprovidefacilities for trainingandmakingfruitfulthesethoughts.1-Nahjolfesahah

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Existinthebelievers.ImamSadegh(a.s.)said:ىغبلا و بذکلا و ةجاجللا و دسحلا و دکنلا و رسعلا : نمؤم ىف نوکت لا ةتس

TranslationThere are six thingsnot existing in thebelievers: strictness, peevishness, envy, stubbornness, lie



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ImamSadegh(a.s.)said:قر نإ و ارتس هنیب و کنیب عدو لق نإ و ىقتلا ضعب اللها قتا


althoughitmaybethin.(1)BriefdescriptionThere are somepeoplewho disconnect all relations between themselves and godwhen they are

proceedinginthepathofsinandmistake,andruinallthebridgesbehindthemselvesandcloseallthereturn doors to themselves. imam sadegh (a.s.) in his wise speech says at least do not close therepentanceway toyourself,anddonot tearallcurtainsso that therewouldbeapossiblewaywhenyourepent.1-Tohafologhoul,page268

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ImamAli(a.s.)saidtoKomeil:ىوس عوشخ و ىضرم اللها دنع لمع و ىقن بلقب ةلاصلا نوکت نأ نأشلا ، قدصتت و موصت و ىلصت نأ نأشلا سیل ! لیمک ای


otherdeeds)tobeperformedbeforegodwithapureheartandproperlyaccompaniedwithhumility.(1)BriefDescriptionThe actual aspects of a deed as well as its way and quality determine its real value, not its

appearance andquantity.As imamali (a.s.) emphasizes komeil that one shouldpay attention to thespirit of deed insteadof its appearance and considering its quantity, because the final aimof thesegooddeedsisman"seducation,developmentandimprovement,anditdependsonitssinceritynotitsquantity.1-Tohafologhoul,page117

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ImamSadegh(a.s.)said:هبرکم دق هنأ اوملعاف هبنذل ایسان سانلا نم بونذلا دقفتی دبعلا متیأر اذإ


youshallknowthatheisinvolvedindivinepunishment.(1)BriefDescriptionTherearea lotofpeoplewhoarevery insolent, acute,and ingenious incriticizingotherswhile

theyarecompletelyunawareof theirownstate,andasperpopularproverb, theyseea thornin thefootofothers,butdonotseeabranchintheirowneyes!surely,curtainsofconceitandunawarenesshavecoveredtheeyesofsuchpeopleduetobeingdrownedinsin,self-conceitandselfishness,andtheyarewanderinginthedeviatedpaths.Oneisprosperouswhohasalreadyrefusedwhatsoeverforwhichhecavilstheothers.1-Tohafologhoul,page271

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ImamSadegh(a.s.)says:هسفن بذع هقلخ ءاس نم


their friendsandrelatives,while they themselvessuffer thegreatest tormentsbecause theyembitterlife"shoneyandmakeunpleasantpurewaterforthemselves.Ill-humoredpeoplehaveashortlifeanduneasy spirit, their body is in pain, and suffermore than others. good temper is one of the sorbswhichislamhasinviteditsfollowerstoitwithalotofemphasisanditiscalledanimportantfactorforattainmenttotheeternalparadise.1-Tohafologhoul,page270

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ImamReza(a.s.)said:ةمایقلا موی ىلإ ضغ موق لک دنع و دیدج نامز لک ىف وهف سان نود سانل ولا نامز نود نامزل نآرقلا لعجی مل ىلاعت اللها نإ


timeandfreshforeachnation.(1)BriefDescriptionImam (a.s.) gave the above reply toonewhohadaskedwhyqurandoesnotgetoldby repeated

study,recitationandpublication?inthissaying,imamhasameaningfulrefertothisrealitythatquranisnotcreatedbythematerialworldandman"stransientandvariablethoughts.sodustofoldnessdoesnotcoveritbylapseof time.Rather, ithasoriginatedfromthescienceandknowledgeof thegreatgod,whoseexistence ispre-eternalandeverlasting.Themore it is read, themore, itbecomesnewandinteresting,andreallythisisoneofthesignsofquran"smagnitude.1-Safinatolbehar,volumetwo,page413

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ImamSadegh(a.s.)says:مهتنسلا دئاصح و مهئاوهأ عابتإ نم لاجرلل ىدعأ ءىش سیلف مکئادعأ نورذحت امک مکئاوها اورذحإ

TranslationBewareofsensualdesiresasyou takecareofyour (obstinate)enemiesbecausenothing ismore

enemywithmanthanfollowingsensualdesiresandtheoutcomesofhistongue!(1)BriefDescriptionUndoubtedly, inward enemies are more dangerous than outward enemies. therefore, obstinate


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ImamBagher(a.s.)toldtojaberjofi:هل ةعاطلاب لاا هیلإ برقتی ولا لج و زع اللها نیب و اننیب ةبارق لا هنأ مهملعأ و ملاسلا ىنع ىتعیش غلب




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ImamAli(a.s.)says:هرجأ ریغ یف هفرصی هقح ریغ نم بسکی نم


andreformingways.abovetraditionisagoodproofforthispublicbelief.anditisactuallytruthfulbecauseithasbeenseenthatsomeindividualshaveintendedtoparticipateinapositiveactivityusingtheirproperty,buttheyhaveeitherstoppedatthemiddleofway,oriftheyhavecompletedthecourse,theirperformedactionhasnothadaconsiderableefficiencyorhashadareversedoutcome.Whereasthere are a lot of faithful and virtuous individuals who have caused great services by their littlecapital.1-Fromthebooktohafologhoul,page63

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TheProphet(s.a.)said:(ع بلاط ىبأ نبا ىلع اهقوراف و ةملاا هذه قیدص و قوراف و قیدص ةما لکل ).

TranslationAny nation has a truthful and distinguisher man, and the truthful and distinguisher man of my



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ImamSadegh(a.s.)says:زبخت و نجعت و نحطت ةمطاف تناک و سنکیو ىقتسی و بطتحی ملاسلا هیلع ىلع ناک !

TranslationAli (a.s.) collectedwood (for his home) from the desert and brouwater andmade cleaning, and


thegreat leaderof islam, imamali (a.s.)andmodelwoman,fatima(a.s.) their lifewasverysimpleand freestandingbut fullof sincerity,purity, cooperationandassistance.Workwasnot adishonor,andcooperationandunderstandingwasconsideredasabasicprivilege,andnon-adornmentwasabigprivilege.Theseaffairs arenot foundanymore in thehomesandconsequently tranquility andpeacearedisappeared.1-Safinatolbehar,volume2,page195

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TheProphet(s.a.)said:ةنس ةدابع نم ریخ ةعاس لدع !

TranslationOnehourofjusticeisbetterthanoneyearofworship.(1)BriefDescriptionWorshipis thesamerelationofcreaturewithcreatorand`possible"with`necessary"andpaying

attention to this relation and connection. Those worships are important educational lessons whichhaveaneffectiveroleoncorrectingman"sspiritandmind.however,wereadintheabovetradition,onehourof justice isbetterandhigher thanoneyearof (recommended)worship.Andsomewhereelsewereadonehourofthinkingandmeditationishigherthanonenight(oroneyear)ofworship.Andtheseexpressionsshowthecriticalimportanceofjusticeandmeditation,bothhavingacommonorigin.Whereverthereisnotjustice,thereisnotthinking,meditationandwisdom.1-Nahjolfesahah,page490

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Theprophet(s.a.)says:کریغ اهب قرخت ءایشأب قفرت کلعل و اللها بیبطلا


therearealotofpainfuleventslikethese.Butsometimesseeminglyunpleasanteventsoccurduetononeoftheabovefactors,actuallybeingthedrugsadministeredbyrealphysicianwhoisgodforhisservants.Although thesedrugsarebitter,but theyaresometimesanawakeningbell,orameansofattentiontoman"sweaknessanddebilityandorremovalofhisconceit.1-Nahjolfesahah,page406

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Theprophet(s.a.)said:شیرق نم مهلک رشع ىنثإ ىلإ اعینم ازیزع نیدلا اذه لازی لا


leadit,allofwhombelongtoghoreish.(1)BriefDescriptionClear and explicit traditions are narrated in respect to twelve successors of prophet (s.a.) in the

most creditable books of the sunnites including `sahih bokhari", `sahihmoslem". `sahih termazi",`sahih abou dawood", `masoud ahmad" and other numerous books, and total number of thesetraditionsnarratedbyshiitesandsunnitesareestimatedtobe271traditions!anditisinterestingthatabovetraditionsarenotcompatiblewithnoneofthoseleadingmoslemsorgovernedoverthemafterprophet (s.a.) save shiite twelve imams because neither first four caliphs, not umayyid or abbasidcaliphsarethesenseofthistradition.sosunnitescholarshavegottenintodifficultyininterpretationofthisvalidtraditionbutitsinterpretationiscompletelyclearintheshiismofprophet"shousehold.1-Fromthebooktisiralvosoul,writtenbyzobeidishafei.

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ImamSadegh(a.s.)said:هرییغت ىلع ردقی ولا هیف اللها ىصعی اسلجم سلجی نأ نمؤملل ىغبنی لا



participantsofthefeast.Becauseparticipationinsuchafeastispracticallyconsideredassigningthesin,unlessone"sendistochangethesituationandperformthecriticaldutyofbidtogoodnessandforbid of badness. Furthermore, observing sinful scenes, while being indifferent towards them,darkensthespiritanddecreasestheobscenityofsinandaccustomsmantosin.1-Osoulekafi,volume2,page374

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ImamSadegh(a.s.)said:هنم بیطأ ولا لحأ لامع سانلا لمع ام اللها و اوسرغأ و اوعرزإ



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ImamAli(a.s.)says:رمعلاب هتایح نم رثکأ ربلاب هتایح و لجلأاب هتوم نم رثکأ بونذلاب ناسنلاا توم


righteousnessismorethanlonglifefornaturallife.(1)BriefdescriptionUndoubtedly, a lot of sins and bad attributes shorten life directly (such as drinking, gambling,


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ImamAli(a.s.)says:رسلا ىف هقیدص تنأ و ةینلاعلا ىف سیلبإ نبست لا

TranslationDonotcursesatanpublicly,whileyouarehisfriendinwardly.(1)BriefDescriptionSomepeople escape and scare from thewords, thewords of poverty, hypocrisy, satan and such

like,whiletheyarepracticallydrownedinthem.weknowsomerichmenwholivepoorlyforthefearof poverty. We know hypocrites who repeatedly curse the hypocrites, but their life is full ofhypocrisy. we know devilish people who express publicly `i take refuge in god from satan, theoutcast"bytheirtongue,buttheyarehisfriendsinwardlyandlaystressontheirdevilishprograms.theyareenemywithwordsnotsenseandreality.1-Turasol-aemeh,page209

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ImamHassan(a.s.)says:مهدشر ىلإ اوده لاإ موق رواشت ام



mental matters and planning programs and solving the problems, being wonderfully affected byconsultation. thosewhohaveaccustomed tobeingself-opinionatedandobstinacyoftensuffer frommistakes and losses. anymindhas an ignitionnot existing in theothermind.When these ignitionscombinewitheachother,theywouldproduceabrightflamewhichwillilluminateanydarkness.letusalldecidefoconsultingwithinformedandawarepeople.1-Tohafologhoul,page164

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ImamHossein(a.s.)says:دارلل ةدحاو و ىدتبملل نوتس و عست ةنسح نوعبس ملاسلل



luminosity,becauseitindicatesbothwelcomingandpeace,pleasureandfriendship,andalsowishforpeacefromgodfortheotherparty.Forthisreason,salutationofthepeopleofparadiseissalam,andangelsofmercy receive thevirtuousandgood-doerswithsalam.butunfortunately, somemoslemsrefusethisislamicrulesupposingthatnotsalutingshowstheirhighdignityandsalutingreducestheirrankandmakethemselvesdeprivedfromthegreatvirtuementionedinabovetradition.1-Tohafologhoul,page177

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ImamAliEbneHossein(a.s.)says:هلامعاب ىدتقیلا و ماما ةنسب ىدتقی نم اللها ىلا سانلا ضغبأ نإ و لاا




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ImamBagher(a.s.)says:بلقلا ةوسق نم مظعأ ةبوقعب دبع برض ام و ةدابعلا ىف نهو و ةشیعملا ىف کنض : نادبلاا و بولقلا ىف تابوقع الله نإ !


indolence in worship, but god has not punished any servant with something worse than hard-heartedness.(1)BriefDescriptionDivinechastisementsareindeedreflectionsofman"sactionsaswellasconclusionsandresultsof

hissins.Sometimesthesebadendsappearasanunpleasantsituationinmateriallifeandsometimesasdeprivation from cheerfulness in worship and invocation with deity. but the most important anddangerous one is manifestation of crimes and man"s ugly deeds in hard-heartedness and cruelty,evacuating man"s heart from humanitarian feelings and any philanthropy and sympathy, and thiscouldbethesourceofalotofothersinsandcrimes.1-Tohafologhoul,page217

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ImamSadegh(a.s.)says:توملا نم هیف نیقی لا کشب هبشأ هیف کشلا انیقی اللها قلخی مل !



anddeath.Manmayhesitateinanythinganddonotbelieveinanyreligion,buthedonothesitatethatanywaythelifewillendandshouldbeended.butheappearssounawareinthisconcernasif therewouldnotbeanydeathandendforlife!thus,hedoesnotpreparehimselfforreceivingitwithfaith,gooddeed,purityandvirtue.however,letusberealisticandpureinanyconditionandagesothatwewouldnotberegretfulandashamedwheneverourlifeends.1-Tohafologhoul,page271

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ImamKazem(a.s.)says:رابجلا ربکتملا بلق ىف رمعت ولا عضاوتملا بلق ىف رمعت ةمکحلا کلذکف افصلا ىف تبنیلا و لهسلا ىف تبنی عرزلا نا !



anyone who knows more than us, and could teach us something. for this reason, ignorance andarroganceareusuallyaccompaniedwitheachother.arrogantsdonotaccepttoconfesstoignorance,andevenifarealityisnotinconcordancewiththeirspiritoftheirprideandarrogance,notonlytheydenyit,butalsoopposeit.Theydonotacceptthetruthfromtheircoordinatesortheirsubjectsandoftenremainincompoundignorance.1-Tohafologhoul,page296

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ImamReza(a.s.)says:اللها میرح نع باذلا و اللها ىلا ىعادلا و هدلاب ىف هتفیلخ و هدابع ىلع هتجح و هقلخ و هضرأ ىف اللها نیمأ ماملاا .



isreferredtofivepartsofheavyandimportantdutiesofimam.1- Imam is a treasurer and trustee of revelation and protector of all sciences, commands and

knowledgesofreligion.2-Imamisanalivereasonandobviousproofandintroducerofdivinereligion.3-Imamisadivinesupervisorandauthorityandhisrepresentativeamongpeople.4-Imamisonewho,bidstogoodnessandforbidsofbadnessandgreatestemissaryofreligion.5- Imam is a protector of sanctuary of divine religion against the invasion of enemies.and such

personshouldenjoydivineknowledgeandstationof infallibilityandnobodysavegodcanappointhim.1-Tohafologhoul,page328

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ImamMohammadTaghi(javad)(a.s.)says:جرخم اهنم هل اللها لعج ىلاعت اللها ىقتا مث دبع ىلع اقتر ضرلاا و تاوامسلا تناک ول



difficulties.sucheventsareanopportunityforawakeningthemenandreturningtogod,acorrectivereturnandchanginghisfate.atthistime,ifhepaysattentiontohimmostheartily,andseeksassistancefromhis pure essence, divine assistance shall be given to him and breezes of god"smercywouldembracehimandthecloseddoorswouldbeopenedwonderfully.1-Nouralabsar,page150

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ImamAliEbneMohammadTaghi(Hadi)(a.s.)says:هرش نمأت لاف هسفن هیلع تناه نم

TranslationBewareofmaladyofonewhodoesnotassumeadignityforhimself!(1)BriefDescriptionInfact,oneof themost importantfactorspreventingcorruptionandmalevolenceisdignityorat

least feelingdignity.dignifiedpeopleor thosewhoassumeadignity for themselves,although theymaynotberangeddignifiedinpublicview,avoidmostofevilsandbaddeedsforpreservingtheirownposition.butwhentheyfeelthattheydonothaveanyreputation,respectanddignity,theywouldheednothing.soimamsaysbewareofsuchpeople!andonthisaccount,oneoftheimportantpointsineducatingchildrenormen ingeneral iscreaadignity in themso that they feel topossessaspecialdignity.Onthecontrary,loweringthedignityofpeoplehasaverybadeffectintheeducationalaspect.1-Tohafologhoul,page362

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ImamHassanAskari(a.s.)say:بونذلا کرت نم اداهتجا سانلا دشأ


the `greater warfare" in islam, being more important and valuable than struggle with enemies.becausethiswarfareisthemeansofpurificationofsoulandtherewouldnotbeanyvictorybecausedefeatsareoftentheresultofweakpoints.Iinthesocietiesstainedwithsin,thevalueofthiswarfareismore obvious and its importance in improvement of social objectives ismore clear. Victories ofprophet (s.a.) in medina was actually the direct conclusion of purification of souls, and spiritualstrugglesofhiscompanionsinmecca.1-Beharolanvar,volume78,page373

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ImamMahdi(a.s.)said:نثیداحا ةاور ىلا اهیف اوعجراف ةعقاولا ثداوحلا اما


(1)BriefDescriptionHumansocietiesarenotorganizedwithoutproper leadership. for this reason,godhasnever left

his servantswithout a leader and divine leaders have always existed among them. even during theoccultationofimammahdi(a.s.),mayoursoulbesacrificedtohim,firstspecialdeputies,andaftertermination of their period, common deputieswere selected by him for leadership of people. Thedetermined, faithful and aware men who are well informed about the great content of moslem"sdivinebook,quran,aswellastheruleofprophet(s.a.)andschooloftheprophet"shouseholdshallundertakethismission,andanyone,underanyothernameandtitlewhoassumeshimselfworthyforthisrankisrejected.1-Apartoffamousdecreementionedindifferentbooks

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Prophet(s.a.)says:رش لک حاتفم اهنإف رمخلا بنتجا

TranslationAvoidwinewhichisthekeyofallevils.(1)BriefDescriptionAlthough very books and articles arewritten in respect to harmful effects ofwine, and its fatal

effectsonthenervous,anddigestivesystemsandheart,arteries,liver,kidneysandallorgansofbodyaredescribedanditsgloomyresultsoncreationofpainfulsocialeventswithshockingstatisticsandfigures have been investigated by thousands of scientists and contemplative minds, but no phrasecould be found as short and comprehensive as the valuable tradition of our prophet which hasexpressedallfactsinoneshortsentence.Yes,wineisthekeyofallevils,obscenitiesandmisfortunes.1-Nahjolfesahah,page1

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سانلا دبعأ نم وهف هیلع اللها ضرتفا امب لمع نمTranslationWhoeverfulfilshisobligations,willbeamongthemostvotarypeople.(1)BriefDescriptionWorship is neither restricted to serve the people, nor to praying and fasting. rather, the greatest

worshipisthateveryoneshallfulfilhisobligatorydutiesineachsection.whichworshipishigherandmoremanifestthanthis?theworshipwhichcouldchangeasocietyintoaflowergardenandpresentany goodness and prosperity. Fulfillment of obligations has a wide concept including worshipobligations,inadditiontosocialandhumandutiesaswellasnecessaryandeconomicalservices,andthereby alienation of thosewho have left their necessary obligations and perform discretions andassumethemselvesvotarywithislamisclarified.1-Vasael-ul-shia".volume11,page206

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ImamAli(a.s.)says:رون نم دومع ىلا ةنیدم لک ةطوبرم ضرلاا ىف ىتلا نئادملا لثم نئادم ءامسلا ىف ىتلا موجنلا هذه


othercities)throughacolumnoflight.(1)BriefDescriptionIt isveryselfish tosuppose thatourearth is theonly inhabitablesphereandmillionsofcelestial

spheres are all unutilized, silent and without any inhabitant. Today, the scientists have madecalculationsontheexistenceof lifeconditions in thecelestialspheresandaresure thatmillionsorhundredmillionsofthesesphereshavesomeinhabitants,andmostprobablymanyofthemmayenjoymoredevelopedcivilizationsandseveraltimessuperiorthancivilizationofearthinhabitantsbecauselifehasbeenstartedthereonthousandsormillionsofyearsbeforetheearth.Abovetraditionisoneofthescientificmiraclesofimamali(a.s.)whichhehasmentionedin14centuriesago.1-Safinatolbehar,volume3,page574

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ImamReza(a.s.)toldoneofhisfriends:اهنورتلا ، نکل ، دمع مث : لاق ىلب : تلقف اهنورت دمع ریغب لوقی اللها سیلا !



in gravity and repulsive forces. gravity attracts them towards each other like a great chain, andrepulsive force escapes them fromeachother and their completebalancehas caused to revolve intheircircuitwithoutanychangeandlean,andsuspendintheimmensespaceonthisinvisiblepillar.Wasthereanyinterpretationmoreeloquent thanaboveforexpressingthisreality in that timewhenthesemysterieswere not yet discovered? and isn"t this one of the scientificmiracles of our greatleaders.1-Borhaninterpretationofholyquran,volume3,page278

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ImamAli(a.s.)says:هضرا نادیم روخصلاب دتو و


and tidesup theirwater twiceaday,withdifferenceofonemeterandmoreandeven15meters insomeparts,itisalsoeffectiveonthesolidcrustofearthandliftsitupfor30centimeterandthenliftsitdown.butsolidityofearthcrustduetoexistenceofmountains,therootsofwhichareconnectedtoeachotherandhavecreatedamailnetworkroundtheearthpreventsitsmoreeffect.infact,iftherewerenotmountainsandearthcrustwasnotsolid,andtheywerealwaysinfluxandreflux,wasthereanypeaceforus?Islamicleadershavementionedthisreality14centuriesago.1-Nahjolbalaghah,sermon1

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ImamReza(a.s.)says:انیدیا هسملتلا و اننویع هارت ،لا اهقلخ ةمامدل هنیبتست اننویع داکی لا ام …و فیطللا قلخلل « فیطلا » انلق امنا !



fromimamreza(a.s.),inwhichitisdescribedthat`theseanimalsaresotinythatareneverfelt,andarescatteredamongthewavesofseasandbarksoftrees,anddesertsandplains".Thistraditionwhichiswritten aboutone thousandyears agohasbeen left as amemorial of that imam (a.s.) andhbeenissued hundreds of years before discovery ofmicroscopic animals by pasteur, and this is a clearscientificmiracle.1-Vafi,volumeone,page106

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ImamAli(a.s.)says:نم بارخ ، ءانبلا نم ةرماع ذئموی ، مهدجاسم ، همسا لاا ملاسلاا نم و همسر لاا نآرقلا نم مهیف ىقبی لا نامز سانلا ىلع ىتای



future,butsurelywearewitnessingsomeexamplesofithereandthereanditissurprisingthatsuchmoslemscomplainfromretardationasiftheysupposethatonly`thenameofislam"and`drawingsofquran" is sufficient for them.Theyhaveacceptedandappliedneitherquranas a trainingbook forman"seducation,norislamasa`school"withamentalandpracticalprocedure.canyoufindarealislamicsocietyhasbeenretardedorhasnotbeenhonoredintheworld?1-Aphorisms,word369

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ImamAli(a.s.)says:لقعلا ةحجرا و لهجلا ةشاطا رایعم ناسللا


(1)BriefdescriptionThe most important window of man"s soul and key of his personality, and best means for

assessment of degree of intellect of eachman is his tongue. the tonguewhich unveils the curtainsthroughasimpleandseeminglyunimportantrotationandrevealstheanglesofman"ssoul.Onthisaccount,mostofislamicinstructionsarefocusedoncorrectionoftongueandwarningsandnoticesarerepeatedlymadeinthespeechesofourgreatleadersandobviouslycompletecorrectionoftongueis not possible without correction of soul and mind, but we can overcome a lot of painfulconsequencesofinappropriatemovementsoftonguethroughsilenceandself-control.1-Tohafologhoul,page143

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ImamHadi(a.s.)says:ىبقع و معن رکشلا و عاتم معنلا نلا رکشلا تبجوأ ىتلا ةمعنلاب هنم رکشلاب دعسا رکاشلا


thefavor,becausefavorsarethemeansoflifeinthisworldandgratitudeisthecapitalofthisworldandtheotherworld.(1)BriefDescriptionConsidering this fact that gratitude is not merely appreciation by tongue, rather it is practical

appreciation and also using each favor in its proper place, it is clarified that gratitude for a favorresultsinblessingsandpropertiessothatfavoritselfisveryinsignificantcomparingwithit.Usingthefavorsforgod"ssatisfactionandhisservants"contentisacapitalbothforhonorofthisworldandalsoeternalprosperityof theotherworld,whilea favor itselfmaybeonlyamaterialblessing. sogratitudeishigherandmorevaluablethanthefavoritself.1-Tohafologhoul,page362

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ImamReza(a.s.)says:بولقلا تومت موی هبلق تمی مل انرما هیف ىیحی اسلجم سلج نم




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Islam"sProphet(s.a.)says:ةناما ىهف تفتلا مث ، ثیدحب لجرلا ثدح اذا


shalltrytokeepit).(1)BriefDescriptionTrust has different forms in islam, including faithfulness in keeping people"s secrets. this is

consideredso important in islam"sview thatdisclosingpeople"ssecret is introducedasoneof thecapitalsins.moreover,forprovingsomethingtobeasecret,itisnotnecessaryforthespeakertoaskand request and emphasize on being a secret and keeping it.Rather, the least sign is sufficient forunderstanding this reality. If somebody looks about himself and examines for presence of anotherpersonisadequateforkeepinghisspeechesasthesecretsofamoslembrother.1-Nahjolfesahah,page38

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Prophet(s.a.)says:نمؤم تناف کتئیس کتئاس و کتنسح کترس اذا

TranslationWhenyourgooddeedmakesyouhappyandyourbaddeeddisturbsyou,youareabeliever.(1)BriefDescriptionIslam says that all men are born with a pure primordial nature, nature of belief and love to

goodness. taints and sinsmay affect gradually onman"s spirit and soul and change it and turn ittotally.however,untilman is interested ingoodnessandhatesbadness, thespiritofbeliefandfirstpurenaturestillexistinhim.Miserablepeoplewhoarenotonlydisturbedbytheirbaddeeds,butalsoglory in themandorwhen theydo a self-sacrifice, righteousness, forgiveness and justice becomeregretful,theyareunbelievers.1-Nahjolfesahah,page41

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ImamAli(a.s.)saidtokomeil:ةفرعم ىلا اهیف جاتحم تنا و لاا ةکرح نم ام

TranslationThere is not any movement and work unless you need insight, familiarity and knowledge for


islamicprogramsandwillfindthatislamisnotmerelyaseriesofworshipsandinvocationsandorbeliefmissingpracticalprograms.Ratherithasaprogramforpersonallifeandallsocialconcernsas well as human attempts and endeavors, first article of which is intelligence and knowledge ofrealities. it considers all movements and attempts fruitless and at least with a little effect withoutadequateknowledgeandcorrectguidance.1-Safinatolbehar,volumeone,page15

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TheProphet(s.a.)said:فیضلا : لاق ؟ ةیدهلا کلت ام و اولاق . ةیده مهیلا ىدهأ اریخ موقب اللها دارا اذا

TranslationWhen godwill on happiness and prosperity of a nation, hewill bestow them a gift. they asked,


all affections are lost, guest has no sense. rather, it is a troublous and strange and unreasonablybelovedbeing.soitrarelyhappensforsomeonetoinviteanotherortobeinvitedunlessformaterial,commercial andpolitical relations.While the islamiccountriesand the families inwhich religiouscustomsarestillalive,guestishonoredandrespectableasadivinegiftalthoughhemaynothaveanyfamilyrelation.1-Beharolanvar,volume15,page241

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ImamSadegh(a.s.)says:نریغص محری مل و انریبک رفویمل نم انم سیل



bythemothers,andchildrengrowupandadultsbecomeoldandtheolddieandnobodyisexceptedfrompassing thiscaravan.herein, theadultsusuallyaremoreexperiencedandhavedeeper insightandhavebeenthesourceofnumerousservicesduringtheirlifeiftheyhadbeenconscientious,andall calculations indicate that they should be respected and youths and adolescents should considertheir reverence.andsincechildrenarefreshandat thebeginningof their life,shouldbe lovedandfoundationsoftheirprosperityshouldbeconstructedsincerelybytheadults,andthisisthewayandcustomsofahumanitarianandprogressivesociety.1-Osoulkafi,page253

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ImamAli(a.s.)said:هریخ کریغل نکی هرخؤت ام و هرخذ کل قبی ریخ نم مدقت ام

TranslationWhatsoever you send in advance shall be reserved for you, and whatsoever you postpone, its

benefitwouldbeonlyfortheothers(anditsresponsibilityisonyourburden).(1)BriefDescriptionMammonism is found in the today"s world more than before without considering the main


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رکفت اهیف سیل ةدابع ىف ریخ لا لاأ ، ربدت اهیف سیل ةئارق ىف ریخ لا لاأ ، مهفت هیف سیل ملع ىف ریخ لا لاأTranslationBeaware!knowledgenotfurnishedwiththinkinghasnoprofit!(1)Beaware!recitationofqurannotaccompaniedwithreflectionisuseless!Beaware!worshiplackingmeditationhasnoeffect!BriefDescriptionFilling the brain with scientific formulas, logical rules and philosophical principles, and any



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Our greatest capital after divine book, holy quran, is practice of the prophet (s.a.) and valuabletraditionsofhouseholdofprophets.a.,and theseare twogreatweightsafterdemiseof theprophet(s.a.)andresortingtothempreventsmanfrommisguidanceanderror.Unfortunately,thesetraditionswhichareanoceanofsciencesandknowledge,arenotwellknown

yet.therearealotoftraditionsinoneshortphraseOfwhichabookof life lessonishiddenandcansolvetheproblemsof today"smanindifferent


traditionwasstipulatedweeklyatthebeginningofinterpretationdiscussionmeetingsheldonfridaysin the meetings of "assembly of religion and science" in imam hossein mosque (tehran), andeverybody observed it throughout the week as a lesson, and a lot of youths, boys and girls,memorizedthem.Verygoodreceptionofthesetraditionscausedtoprintandpublishthemseparately.thissmallbook

couldbeasampleofislam"sinstructionsforallof thosewhowanttoknowislambetter throughashort study.Butwhat seemsmore important is practicing these programs in the life and acting tothem.Thus,letustoasksuccessfromgodfirstforunderstandingandcomprehendingthesetraditionsandthenforobservingthem.Qom,nasermakaremshirazi,1976

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