-1 EDISON £ FORDS BEACON Woodbridge, Avenel, Colonia, Fords, Hopelawn, Iselin, Keasbey, Port Reading, Sewarem and Edison I,V — No. 7 Publlihed Weekly On Thur«dttj Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, April 11, 1963 m M toA mm ma Al P. O, WumltrWt*. N. X Price Ten C«t« vw, Imaginative Apparatus ?r[m * r y Interest Is Keen rected on Local Play Sites L .•rounds To He Open from April Through October and Earh FAiening Until Dusk, i H „ Iniiounrcs; Mortensen Ihtx Mmler Plan for tiedrvelopment Program for Parks ..,,,, Unusually Large Vote Expected as Result Of Democratic Tilt WOODBRIDGE •- Primary elections in Woodbrldfje Town- ship usually come and go wltW| only a passing Interest by the party faithful. I Tuesday's Primary, how- ever, should be an altogether different story. One of the largest primary votes in years is expected due to the fight be- tween Mayor Walter Zlrpoloi and his ticket of Organization Democrats, seeking reelection under the new form of govern* ment and Freeholder William Warren and his slate seeking j to oust the incumbents under a ticket labeled Regular Or- ganization Democrats. Running with Mayor Zirpolo are: For Councilmen-Rt-larsc. Dr. Ralph P Barone. Robert E. Jacks. Robert. J. Smith, a for- mer Board of Education mem- ber who is making his first bid for a council sent; and Robert IM, Vogel. For councilmen: First Ward Harold J. Morten- sen; Second Ward Joseph Nemyo: Third Ward, Joseph A. Manxlone; Fourth Ward. Thorn- fte J. Costello: Fifth Ward, John J. Pay, Jr. Mr Warren's running mutes. In opposition, are: For Councilmen-at-large, Jo- seph J. Bosze. Leon J, Gerjly, George Miw, and Theodore J. Urban. For councilmen: First Ward, Emil Pajok: Second Ward. John R. Egan: Third Ward, Robert F. Molnar; I Fourth Ward, Kenneth. J. .Becker: Fifth Ward, AuVelo : ••creation program,!Pteyground. Fords and Avenel,has been the practice to haveiThey will ulso be open eveningslwauro, iiality is In the pro-lPark. the playgrounds open but 10 until dusk." ; No GOP Contest* , a number: Equipment it no* bt'ing in-weeks In the year. During tl»i According to Harold Morten*I The Republicans ai« "ii proitnuic ' stalled In all the ot-her Twn- summer the equipment was,sen, chairman of the ParkV[cally slttln'ft or.t Sale of Shell Site, Free School Lands, Near Savs Pacenf j ill A ^ I>I)F.N TIIK KIIIS WKRK Tllt'.RK: Whtn I di |i. nilciit l.ciilfr ptiotoirapher vlnltrd thr M'ood- l \\miir I'byKround. 1'ordn, Tursdit). to word thr MIII 1..11 of nrw pUy (round equipment, he found n.ulilnt slutot photon of thr tqulpmrnt itnelf brciiusr ii. ^ti-i -> lit all u i and »ta*n were iwwnilni «ver every pleee. tt was as if they had » sppci.il messenner system lo ndvisr rarh other that all kinds of new devices for their amusement h;id been set up^ At the right are: Committrrman Harold Mortensen. chairman of play- grounds and public property, Committeeman Joseph Nunyo, Second Ward, and Mayor Walter Zirpolo. WiiiKir: - In tuk- vUwn imaginative play ground.In* to Mayor Walter Zirpolo closed at 6 P. M. We plan to (iiiimiMiutlons pollcy'jupparauu was InaUlled In two'they will be open Immediately.jopen the playgrounds now and .'.inn the Townihlp'i playgrounds, Woodland Avenue "Up until now," he said, "Itkeep them open until October, It;..; -\m p. 1 *"wffyyti |/|ft .ajsOard-.ctaattied^ and lhe ti , Of (CoBOntisd «• P»H 2) cti- A REPLACEMENT: A scroll, presented by Woodbridee Township to Captain H, Kurt Curlsen, skipper of the Ill-fated Flying Enterprise, was destroyed recently when the Lot Cabin Lounge, Amlioy Avenue, was demolished by lire. The scroll had "been loaned to tht owners of the nuht club for The Carisen Room. Yesterday, Mayor Zirpolo presented » replacement to Mrs. Carisen, shown above. Luckily, a photograph which apDeared In The Independent-Leader at the time of the municipal welcome home celebratfo^ Sw the eap- tair wascl#ar enough to make an exact eopy pqs&lbU The wi|i™( *1ftl tyl&ttwefl LIT Ratess THEfR FINAL SAY: Listed Mayor Hits Land Grabs; Warren Slashes at Bonds •••imniixiB-Each Pel*- ••„ \oU'd—or should i. a -KM Fire Comraii-! \i; ymir district and for e l)i;.irict budget. ty WAITER ZIRPOI0 By WILLIAM WARREN "An era ol countless liuid WO0I)BRII)(iK-~ Kwludder uraiw iuid land Kivenways in- William .1. Wurren diawil to- IvoWlng 2,453 building lots iiid uy that "Walter Zirpolo \>y t.'it tire raU'8, baaed on,which township properly waslahort-weik'MinK the peopl et. the vuiers tpuroved » w ^ M hnk ** * 2482 h b Cill Lam to Remain WOODBRIDOE — The name Gill Lane will remain Gill Lane. Mayor Walter Zir- polo said today. He also said, he was sorry that tome con- fusion appears to exist through an error In a reso- lution, GUI Lane was named In '•J! honor of an Iselin man who - ,- ,. of was killed in action during ;e with a bonding Characterized the days when program which will cost the W opponent and his chief ; taxpayers a fortune in interest." "( $18.43. which *"« n Vn eu ienmt, Oeorgf Mro?., were 1 Warren said "Zirpolo has been : points, were an-'member* of the Township Com-;*°'ilini? and failing the people IIV die uiuirMor'B of- mittee ' stated Mayor Walter|f«f_]j> Zirpolo. as they have , no Former Mayor, Frederick M Adams who defeated the latej _ __._.__, __>». Hugh BQuigley and then wnsCOUNTY ISSUES BONDS TOO: Gill Lane, Mayor Says nimself defeated by Mayor zir-; _____ polo, is making- another try The Republican Councilmen-j at-large candidates are Richard J. Helm, David T. Miller, Sr.. a former Committeeman, Fifth Ward; Charles J. Molnar, who; served the First Ward as Com- mitteeman and John P. Hughes a former Committeeman from ° C o M t a » n d K t a In ft. WOODBlfflXM - IB op- tair. was-cl#ar enough to make an exact eopy pqs&lbU. The | presented by the l»te Mayor Hugh B. QuiRk/. In elude Avenel, Keasbey 'OODBR1DOE - - " T h p '_ "•'• Indus! * utl S' «> . nun now negotiating ffty. ferent firms for ftvt tracts of land," L. G. chairman of the Woodbridge Industrial Council, announced today. In addition, Mr. Pacent stated: "The Shell Oil Company i» nearing completion of negotia- tion for sale of a major por- tion of Its tract for light in- dustry." According to Mr. Pacent, agreement is close — or may be signed by the time this pa- per appears on the street ~r on two large parcels, 120 acres of Free School Lands and 175 acres of the Shell tract. "We should be ready to make an announcement regarding firm agreements orj( these two tracU very shw'tly," Mr, Pacent (*if - »• lollops: j shuffle has been to come up with bond deals which murt ! th l bt World War n . It is on the Iselin sMe of Route 1. "The confusion was caused by a resolution Introduced after a curve In Metuchen Avenue, on the Woodbridge side of the highway, was "But to make matters worse.l K11Ke HWlty the people, but re- straightened out", the mayor 1, Woodbridge.not only did my opponent ap-Jtum no municipal services for] explained. "We exchanged a the sale of public prop-;the millions in interest chiiry.-.ij piece of land with the Ceme* _ .11 • . I l_ 'II 1_. __.!.____•• M I A . 11-1. - V -1_ . !:icl ••n. sl 02. increa*; .,,. tiu:t 'i, Port Read-t'rty at such ridiculously low;we will have to pay. increase 4 points; price*, but he also included no; -if Zirpolo is Kensbey It in- rl«ld conditions of sale which, pushing through his lutes ,. !; t v Districts Av-would compel the contractors'i»3U«," said Wunen, "the unease 4 pint.;! to install proper roads, curbs,!wilt be = austere* l IH1\ $1.09, increase wwers and sidewalks. latest p d to n r h | 1/411 ivi 1'**$ ii>wi>b*j w Mnet 8, Hopelawn.! "Tho combination Uf tnt-'W'.^nders. It does not inelu • 7 points; DUtrlct;factors — low prices and n°, nickel's worth of service. iiu-ii-M.sv 7 points; i rigid conditions of sale — re-jof this, the taxpayers I-»-1III, .99. Increase suited In windfall profits for niortjcut-'ed for $?''•» JMiirt 12, Colonia,jcontractoi* and huge problems simply,to finatue .mic a.s last year. (Continued on Page 2) 1 (Continued on Paul / j tery Association, and when the curve was straightened Bttt It became a small con- tinuation of Metuchen Av- enue arid since It was never dedicated, that section had to be named. Since it la a part of" Metuchen Avenue, it was given that designation. [load' the! riiey- top I lie. Hioii That section qf Woodbridge proper is quite a distance (Continued on Page 2) OOP ranks are: First Ward, Alan A. Rockoff; Second Ward, no nomination made, but a write-in is being considered; Third Ward, Clemens a. Schar- wath; Fourth Ward, William Keitel: Fifth Ward, Joseph J. Wlsniewskl. Running for mayor on the "Veteran Democratic Loyalty for Woodbridge," designation Is Edward A. Kopper, Wood- bridge. There are no oontMtf In the Senate, AssemHy or free- holder slates dk «Htar life. The candidates, who art oar- tain of nomination are a* fal- lows: Democratic: Stale Senator ' '-' I t ' • Senator John A. LypehJ bly,, Asaetnblymen , Norman Tanznian, Joseph C. Edward Crabiel ayd (Continued onPAiH 5) I I'" 1 6. Vfiturvi I" - \ s n i i IIMi;, THE TIME *OB JOK: Menilxm «•' l'a.-k 31, Cub StouU. »poiw*>red br St. Anthony's i,, p ort R^ain^ are lennilnj »o almwt furjatten Iliut uf drvoratiitK faster £*(*, Above they *r» hard at work. When completed the ba»krt« will be Mud uued (ur «ift», Seated, Ult W ^hl, I'nul All tmix, John ('liilipka, Jubeph tjtMuk'iwaiki. SUudlim: Mta. Uubtrt VUtkv, den mulher; HaVuld Hutchliuwn, Mr*. Uomlnii; fuiuiari, den mother; Uarvll Zullo and Rkhard Cundarl. I'hutu was taken In the wwewwil of the home ui Mr. and ft»nt. Juhu ZuUa, HJ^auiaii Street, F«rt Mayor Lists Bonds Sold For Warren Department J. Don't Know Where To Vote? Turn towage 27 WOODBKIDGE , - If you are planning to Primary Election and ure not certai ward ur district just turn to Page Usue. There you wll' election notice i bridge Township, the boundary lint district in each lists the polling If e at the Tuesday in which u reside, 7 of this find the Wood- lescr^inj for;o.iu'li ponent is not only out of touch with the fiscal program of Woodbridge but he Is apparent- ly completely ignorant of the fiscal program of hlfi own county government," charged Mayor Walter Zirpolo today, "My opponent has been mak- ing a great deal of noise con- cerning our bonding program and the inadvisabllity of the bonding principal but Is he ig- norant of the fact that during the period 1959-1963 inclusive, the Middlesex County Board of Freeholders — a body on which he sits — will have sold approximately 18 million dot lurs worth of bonds?" asked Mayor Zirpolo. "During that same period of time Woodbridge will sell 8 million dollars worth of bonds!" Mr, Zlrpajo continued: "In addition, Is not my op- ponent aware that in 1962 the county sold $3,112,000 worth of bonds for 25 years? Is he not aware that of this amount, al- most one million dollars was spent for constructing roads and bridges by nis very own department? Is he not aware that the remaining portions of this money was used for such diver- sified Items as park develop- ment, establishing a mailing system, establishing an index- Ing system, purchasing boilers (Continued on Page Penn State Sends 'Rec' Major to Aid Township WOODBRIDGE — "Woodbridge Township has just been selected by the Pennsylvania State University School of Re- creation Education, as one. of the communities that will receive one of its senior students to assist in implementing its expanded recreation program," Mayor Walter Zirpolo announced today, The Mayor said that the stu- dent, Miss Janis Beachler, will work with the recreation pro- gram during the summer as 1 part of he,r requirement for re- ceiving a BJ3, Degree in recrea- tion education at Peim State. Miss Beachler will serve at no cost to the Township. "Dr. Fred Coomos, professor in charge of the Perm State Recreation curriculum selected Woodhridg^ because of its new- ly expanded recreation plans to modernize its existing areas, facilities and pro&rams," said the mayor. He further said, Miss Beach-, ler, who will be working with) the Township recreation "ex- pert," will help plan for a pro- gram of teen-age activities, a diversified program of recrea- tion •activities for girls and the organization of a senior cltteens program. "Tfl datje, the bulk of our re eation prram ha b j creation :prob r ram been JANLS BhACHll.lt have been ignored," the mayor pointed out, u> it'war ztr'polo,' ontt JariCe indflrt'j'Qf Iitm is g0 " ing to build oh fne Free School lands for several plants, include ing a cosmetics firm and a pri- vate label packaging firm, spe- cializing in perfume. Tlie industrial firm inter- ested in developing the indus- trial park on the free school lands," the mayor stated, "la headed by a top-notch man in the field. When his name is re- vealed, everyone will know that Woodbridge will have one of the finest industrial parks in the country." $10 Million Ratable The mayor estimated that the ratables in that particular tract will "be in excess of $10 million." He also said that the buildings and landscaping will be in harmony with the adja- cent Minerals and Chemlcala building. Continuing his announce. ment on industrial In the Township Mr, declared: In addition, Winfleld Finn and the Industrial Council are in various stages of negotiation for a n-acre pajem on Route l, owned by the Township; & 31-acre tract In Avenel, off Blair Road, near the railroad •spur, contiguous to the Shell tract and a privately owned 43-«ore parcel in Keasbey along the Lehigh Valley Rail- road bed." Mr. Parent explained that negotiations for sale of indus- trial sites are normally long, protracted affairs because of many factors. "For example," he continued, if a firm wants to move out of New York to this area, it does not want to disclose the. information because any plant movement Involves the expen- diture of millions of dollars for the firm with the result thut such decisions 'involve a (Continued :on Page 2) geared for boys and the girls' WOODBRUXiE Joyous 1 Will sing the. "Uullelujuli Chor-|"I Know That My ltedeemt^uud Mrs. Die hi will accompany and autlieiiui of [JinLse Us" from the "MCKNIUII." Theil.nvUi," \>y Handel. Inn the ornan. ilmiiksgivlnt; will express!U>eii-»t!e CniMuler Choir, under; Everyone is invited to join] Our U d y of I'eace of fallhtul ClilUitlaiis the leadership of Mrs Willium'in these services. Nursery facll- tl>e world over on blaster Sun-flukes and Mrs. Mudeleinekies for children will U- prif duy u.s they gather U) worship King will sing "Christ the Undivided at botli services. uiul ivcall the resurrection of Jesus Clnist. At Hie Woodbridge MetlwO- dlst Chinch on Main SU«et, two Eaitur worship services will be held at 9:30 and 11 AM. Rev. Theodore C. Heamans, the pastor, will lead the serv- church will offer ap«clal an- thems. The Chancel Choir, under Htm dirtj^lofl of David !"'ordfi Holy We.tk services at Our Lady of [Vacc Church, Fords, "In Joseph's Lovely Garden." A soprano solo, "I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes" will be offered by Mrs. Bernard J. Concaimon Jr. Ice* and the three cholrt of the The church organist of the hour of reflection on the pas-, Woodbridge Methodist Church, "Easter Song" by Urtton, "Rus- Uood Friday Music I will be as follows: A sacred concert, "The Seven'; Today, Low Mass und Coin- Last Words of Christ" will be is Risen Today." The youth of tiie younger Carol Choir, di- rected by Mr, and Mrs. George Hatk-r, will sing "Lily," and presented by the Chancel Choir of the Woodbridge Method\tit tomorrow at 8 p.m. The Prot- sion at 7:30 P.Jl. Uonfe&sloiu: muiiion at 9 A.M. mid i P.M. Mass of the Lord's Supper, Holy Communion and estant churches uf the commu- nity will julu in this solemn lion of Jesus Christ at the Mrs. David Dlehl, will play Woodbridge Methodist- Church. The sacred concert by Dubols alia Easter." by JEoraakotf, and will be directed by Ur. Dlehl oj the Id to 12; 2 to i p.m. and after evening Mass. Visits to the Re- pository until fldnight. Good Friday services. Adow pository from No morning pn at the Ke- AJ»1. Liturgy 4nd Uettth of our Lord and Holy Communion i p.m. Agony Hour and VeiiBra- tion of the Cross 8 p.m. Con- fessions: lu to noon and after evening duvotions. Holy Saturday: No morning iieivlces. Confessions: 10 to, noon; 3 to 8 p.m. and 7:30 to p.m. Blessing of Paschal Can- dle, ii p.m.. followed by Solemn.. Mass of Resurrection at mid- night. Easter blessing of food on Holy Saturday only in the church at 1:30 apd 2 pin. Easter Sunday MaWM; Mid* night in* ?, 7,8, 9,14, U and 12. The Avo Maria Women 1 * Wtt* on 9m in

On Thur«dttj vw, Imaginative Apparatus Sale of Shell Site ... · Mud uued (ur «ift», Seated, Ult W ^hl, I'nul All tmix, John ('liilipka , Jubeph tjtMuk'iwaiki. SUudlim: Mta. Uubtrt

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Page 1: On Thur«dttj vw, Imaginative Apparatus Sale of Shell Site ... · Mud uued (ur «ift», Seated, Ult W ^hl, I'nul All tmix, John ('liilipka , Jubeph tjtMuk'iwaiki. SUudlim: Mta. Uubtrt



Woodbridge, Avenel, Colonia, Fords, Hopelawn, Iselin, Keasbey, Port Reading, Sewarem and Edison

I,V — No. 7 Publlihed WeeklyOn Thur«dttj Woodbridge, N. J., Thursday, April 11, 1963 m M toA mm ma

Al P. O, WumltrWt*. N. XPrice Ten C«t«

vw, Imaginative Apparatus?r[m*ryInterestIs Keen

rected on Local Play SitesL .•rounds To He Open from April Through October and Earh FAiening Until Dusk,iH „ Iniiounrcs; Mortensen Ihtx Mmler Plan for tiedrvelopment Program for Parks


Unusually Large VoteExpected as ResultOf Democratic Tilt

WOODBRIDGE •- Primaryelections in Woodbrldfje Town-ship usually come and go wltW|only a passing Interest by theparty faithful.

I Tuesday's Primary, how-ever, should be an altogetherdifferent story. One of thelargest primary votes in yearsis expected due to the fight be-tween Mayor Walter Zlrpoloiand his ticket of OrganizationDemocrats, seeking reelectionunder the new form of govern*ment and Freeholder WilliamWarren and his slate seeking jto oust the incumbents undera ticket labeled Regular Or-ganization Democrats.

Running with Mayor Zirpoloare:

For Councilmen-Rt-larsc. Dr.Ralph P Barone. Robert E.Jacks. Robert. J. Smith, a for-mer Board of Education mem-ber who is making his first bidfor a council sent; and Robert

IM, Vogel. For councilmen:First Ward Harold J. Morten-sen; Second Ward JosephNemyo: Third Ward, Joseph A.Manxlone; Fourth Ward. Thorn-fte J. Costello: Fifth Ward,John J. Pay, Jr.

Mr Warren's running mutes.In opposition, are:

For Councilmen-at-large, Jo-seph J. Bosze. Leon J, Gerjly,George Miw, and Theodore J.Urban. For councilmen: FirstWard, Emil Pajok: SecondWard. John R. Egan: ThirdWard, Robert F. Molnar;

I Fourth Ward, Kenneth. J..Becker: Fifth Ward, AuVelo

: ••creation program,!Pteyground. Fords and Avenel,has been the practice to haveiThey will ulso be open eveningslwauro,iiality is In the pro-lPark. the playgrounds open but 10 until dusk." ; No GOP Contest* ,

a number: Equipment it no* bt'ing in-weeks In the year. During tl»i According to Harold Morten*I The Republicans ai«"ii proitnuic ' stalled In all the ot-her T w n - summer the equipment was,sen, chairman of the ParkV[cally slttln'ft or.t

Sale of Shell Site,Free School Lands,Near Savs Pacenf


ill A ^ I>I)F.N TIIK KIIIS WKRK Tllt'.RK: WhtnI di |i. nilciit l.ciilfr ptiotoirapher vlnltrd thr M'ood-

l \ \miir I'byKround. 1'ordn, Tursdit). to w o r d thrMIII 1..11 of nrw pUy (round equipment, he found

n.ulilnt slutot photon of thr tqulpmrnt itnelf brciiusrii. ti-i -> lit all u i and »ta*n were iwwni lni «ver every

pleee. tt was as if they had » sppci.il messenner systemlo ndvisr rarh other that all kinds of new devices fortheir amusement h;id been set up^ At the right are:Committrrman Harold Mortensen. chairman of play-grounds and public property, Committeeman JosephNunyo, Second Ward, and Mayor Walter Zirpolo.

WiiiKir: - In tuk- vUwn imaginative play ground.In* to Mayor Walter Zirpolo closed at 6 P. M. We plan to(iiiimiMiutlons pollcy'jupparauu was InaUlled In two'they will be open Immediately.jopen the playgrounds now and.'.inn the Townihlp'i playgrounds, Woodland Avenue "Up until now," he said, "Itkeep them open until October,

It;..; -\m p.1*"wffyyti |/|ft .ajsOard-.ctaattied^ and lheti, Of

(CoBOntisd « • P»H 2)


A REPLACEMENT: A scroll, presented by Woodbridee Township to Captain H, KurtCurlsen, skipper of the Ill-fated Flying Enterprise, was destroyed recently when the LotCabin Lounge, Amlioy Avenue, was demolished by lire. The scroll had "been loaned to thtowners of the nuht club for The Carisen Room. Yesterday, Mayor Zirpolo presented »replacement to Mrs. Carisen, shown above. Luckily, a photograph which apDeared In TheIndependent-Leader at the time of the municipal welcome home celebratfo^ Sw the eap-tair wascl#ar enough to make an exact eopy pqs&lbU The wi|i™( *1ftl tyl&ttwefl


Listed Mayor Hits Land Grabs;Warren Slashes at Bonds•••imniixiB-Each Pel*-

••„ \oU'd—or should

i. a -KM Fire Comraii-!

\i; ymir district and for

e l)i;.irict budget.

t y WAITER ZIRPOI0 By WILLIAM WARREN"An era ol countless liuid WO0I)BRII)(iK-~ Kwludder

uraiw iuid land Kivenways in- William .1. Wurren d iawi l to-IvoWlng 2,453 building lots i i id u y that "Walter Zirpolo

\>y t.'it tire raU'8, baaed on,which township properly waslahort-weik'MinK the peopl

et. the vuiers tpuroved » w ^ M h n k ** * 2 4 8 2 h b

Cill Lam to Remain

WOODBRIDOE — Thename Gill Lane will remainGill Lane. Mayor Walter Zir-polo said today. He also said,he was sorry that tome con-fusion appears to existthrough an error In a reso-lution,

GUI Lane was named In'•J! honor of an Iselin man who

- ,- ,.of was killed in action during;e with a bonding

Characterized the days when program which will cost theW opponent and his chief ; taxpayers a fortune in interest."

"( $18.43. which *"«nVneuienmt, Oeorgf Mro?., were1 Warren said "Zirpolo has been: points, were an-'member* of the Township Com-;*°'ilini? and failing the peopleIIV die uiuirMor'B of- mittee ' stated Mayor Walter|f«f_]j>


as they have , noFormer Mayor, Frederick MAdams who defeated the latej _ _ _ . _ . _ _ , _ _ > » .

Hugh BQuigley and then wnsCOUNTY I S S U E S B O N D S TOO:Gill Lane, Mayor Saysnimself defeated by Mayor zir-; _ _ _ _ _ —

polo, is making- another tryThe Republican Councilmen-jat-large candidates are RichardJ. Helm, David T. Miller, Sr..a former Committeeman, FifthWard; Charles J. Molnar, who;served the First Ward as Com-mitteeman and John P. Hughesa former Committeeman from° C o M t a » n d K t a In ft. WOODBlfflXM - IB op-

tair. was-cl#ar enough to make an exact eopy pqs&lbU. The |presented by the l»te Mayor Hugh B. QuiRk/.

In eludeAvenel,Keasbey

'OODBR1DOE - - " T h •p '_ "•'• Indus!

* u t l S ' «> . nunnow negotiating ffty.ferent firms for ftvttracts of land," L. G.chairman of the WoodbridgeIndustrial Council, announcedtoday.

In addition, Mr. Pacentstated:

"The Shell Oil Company i»nearing completion of negotia-tion for sale of a major por-tion of Its tract for light in-dustry."

According to Mr. Pacent,agreement is close — or maybe signed by the time this pa-per appears on the street ~ron two large parcels, 120 acresof Free School Lands and 175acres of the Shell tract.

"We should be ready to makean announcement regardingfirm agreements orj( these twotracU very shw'tly," Mr, Pacent(*if - »•


j shuffle has been to comeup with bond deals which murt

! th l b t

World War n . It is on theIselin sMe of Route 1.

"The confusion was causedby a resolution Introducedafter a curve In MetuchenAvenue, on the Woodbridgeside of the highway, was

"But to make matters worse.lK11Ke HWlty the people, but re- straightened out", the mayor1, Woodbridge.not only did my opponent ap-Jtum no municipal services for] explained. "We exchanged a

the sale of public prop-;the millions in interest chiiry.-.ij piece of land with the Ceme*_ .11 • . I l_ 'II 1 _ . _ _ . ! . _ _ _ _ • • M I A . 1 1 - 1 . - V - 1 _ .


••n. sl 02. increa*; . , , .tiu:t 'i, Port Read-t'rty at such ridiculously low;we will have to pay.increase 4 points; price*, but he also included no; -if Zirpolo is

Kensbey It in- rl«ld conditions of sale which, pushing through his lutes,.! ;tv Districts Av-would compel the contractors'i»3U«," said Wunen, "the• unease 4 p in t . ; ! to install proper roads, curbs,!wilt be = a u s t e r e *

l IH1\ $1.09, increase wwers and sidewalks.




to nr h | 1/411 i v i 1'**$ ii>wi>b*j w •

M net 8, Hopelawn.! "Tho combination Uf tnt-'W'.^nders. It does not inelu• 7 points; DUtrlct;factors — low prices and n°, nickel's worth of service.

iiu-ii-M.sv 7 points; i rigid conditions of sale — re-jof this, the taxpayersI-»-1III, .99. Increase suited In windfall profits for niortjcut-'ed for $?''•»

JMiirt 12, Colonia,jcontractoi* and huge problems simply,to finatue.mic a.s last year. (Continued on Page 2) 1 (Continued on Paul

/ j tery Association, and whenthe curve was straightenedBttt It became a small con-tinuation of Metuchen Av-enue arid since It was neverdedicated, that section hadto be named. Since it la apart of" Metuchen Avenue, itwas given that designation.



t o pI lie.Hioii That section qf Woodbridge

proper is quite a distance(Continued on Page 2)

OOP ranks are: First Ward,Alan A. Rockoff; Second Ward,no nomination made, but awrite-in is being considered;Third Ward, Clemens a . Schar-wath; Fourth Ward, WilliamKeitel: Fifth Ward, Joseph J.Wlsniewskl.

Running for mayor on the"Veteran Democratic Loyaltyfor Woodbridge," designation IsEdward A. Kopper, Wood-bridge.

There are no oontMtf In theSenate, AssemHy or free-holder slates dk «Htar life.The candidates, who art oar-tain of nomination are a* fal-lows:

Democratic: Stale Senator

• ' '-' I t ' •

Senator John A. LypehJbly,, Asaetnblymen , NormanTanznian, Joseph C.Edward Crabiel ayd

(Continued onPAiH 5)


I'"1 6.Vfiturvi

I" -

\ s n i i IIMi;, THE TIME *OB JOK: Menilxm «•'l'a.-k 31, Cub StouU. »poiw*>red br St. Anthony's

i,, p o r t R ^ a i n ^ a r e lennilnj »o almwt furjattenIliut uf drvoratiitK faster £*(*, Above they *r»hard at work. When completed the ba»krt« will be

Mud uued (ur «ift», Seated, Ult W ^hl, I'nul All

tmix, John ('liilipka, Jubeph tjtMuk'iwaiki. SUudlim: Mta.Uubtrt VUtkv, den mulher; HaVuld Hutchliuwn, Mr*.Uomlnii; fuiuiari, den mother; Uarvll Zullo and RkhardCundarl. I'hutu was taken In the wwewwil of the homeui Mr. and ft»nt. Juhu ZuUa, HJ^auiaii Street, F«rt

Mayor Lists Bonds SoldFor Warren Department


Don't Know Where ToVote? Turn towage 27

WOODBKIDGE , - If youare planning toPrimary Electionand ure not certaiward ur districtjust turn to PageUsue.

There you wll'election notice ibridge Township,the boundary lintdistrict in eachlists the polling If

e at theTuesday

in whichu reside,7 of this

find theWood-


ponent is not only out of touchwith the fiscal program ofWoodbridge but he Is apparent-ly completely ignorant of thefiscal program of hlfi owncounty government," chargedMayor Walter Zirpolo today,

"My opponent has been mak-ing a great deal of noise con-cerning our bonding programand the inadvisabllity of thebonding principal but Is he ig-norant of the fact that duringthe period 1959-1963 inclusive,the Middlesex County Boardof Freeholders — a body onwhich he sits — will have soldapproximately 18 million dotlurs worth of bonds?" askedMayor Zirpolo.

"During that same period oftime Woodbridge will sell 8million dollars worth ofbonds!"

Mr, Zlrpajo continued:"In addition, Is not my op-

ponent aware that in 1962 thecounty sold $3,112,000 worth ofbonds for 25 years? Is he notaware that of this amount, al-most one million dollars wasspent for constructing roadsand bridges by nis very owndepartment?

Is he not aware that theremaining portions of thismoney was used for such diver-sified Items as park develop-ment, establishing a mailingsystem, establishing an index-Ing system, purchasing boilers

(Continued on Page

Penn State Sends 'Rec'Major to Aid Township

WOODBRIDGE — "Woodbridge Township has just beenselected by the Pennsylvania State University School of Re-creation Education, as one. of the communities that willreceive one of its senior students to assist in implementingits expanded recreation program," Mayor Walter Zirpoloannounced today,The Mayor said that the stu-

dent, Miss Janis Beachler, willwork with the recreation pro-gram during the summer as1

part of he,r requirement for re-ceiving a BJ3, Degree in recrea-tion education at Peim State.

Miss Beachler will serve atno cost to the Township.

"Dr. Fred Coomos, professorin charge of the Perm StateRecreation curriculum selectedWoodhridg^ because of its new-ly expanded recreation plansto modernize its existing areas,facilities and pro&rams," saidthe mayor.

He further said, Miss Beach-,ler, who will be working with)the Township recreation "ex-pert," will help plan for a pro-gram of teen-age activities, adiversified program of recrea-tion •activities for girls and theorganization of a senior cltteensprogram.

"Tfl datje, the bulk of our reeation p r r a m ha b

jcreation :probrram been


have been ignored," the mayorpointed out,

u> it'war ztr'polo,'ontt JariCe indflrt'j'QfIitm i s g 0"ing to build oh fne Free Schoollands for several plants, includeing a cosmetics firm and a pri-vate label packaging firm, spe-cializing in perfume.

Tlie industrial firm inter-ested in developing the indus-trial park on the free schoollands," the mayor stated, "laheaded by a top-notch man inthe field. When his name is re-vealed, everyone will know thatWoodbridge will have one ofthe finest industrial parks inthe country."

$10 Million RatableThe mayor estimated that

the ratables in that particulartract will "be in excess of $10million." He also said that thebuildings and landscaping willbe in harmony with the adja-cent Minerals and Chemlcalabuilding.

Continuing his announce.ment on industrialIn the Township Mr,declared:

In addition, Winfleld Finnand the Industrial Council arein various stages of negotiationfor a n-acre pajem on Routel, owned by the Township; &31-acre tract In Avenel, offBlair Road, near the railroad•spur, contiguous to the Shelltract and a privately owned43-«ore parcel in Keasbeyalong the Lehigh Valley Rail-road bed."

Mr. Parent explained thatnegotiations for sale of indus-trial sites are normally long,protracted affairs because ofmany factors.

"For example," he continued,if a firm wants to move out

of New York to this area, itdoes not want to disclose the.information because any plantmovement Involves the expen-diture of millions of dollars forthe firm with the result thutsuch decisions 'involve a

(Continued :on Page 2)geared for boys and the girls'

WOODBRUXiE Joyous1 Will sing the. "Uullelujuli Chor-|"I Know That My ltedeemt^uud Mrs. Die hi will accompanyand autlieiiui of [JinLse Us" from the "MCKNIUII." Theil.nvUi," \>y Handel. Inn the ornan.

ilmiiksgivlnt; will express!U>eii-»t!e CniMuler Choir, under; Everyone is invited to join] Our U d y of I'eace

of fallhtul ClilUitlaiis the leadership of Mrs Willium'in these services. Nursery facll-tl>e world over on blaster Sun-flukes and Mrs. Mudeleinekies for children will U- prifduy u.s they gather U) worship King will sing "Christ the Undivided at botli services.uiul ivcall the resurrection ofJesus Clnist.

At Hie Woodbridge MetlwO-dlst Chinch on Main SU«et,two Eaitur worship serviceswill be held at 9:30 and 11 AM.Rev. Theodore C. Heamans,the pastor, will lead the serv-

church will offer ap«clal an-thems.

The Chancel Choir, underHtm dirtj^lofl of David

!"'ordfiHoly We.tk services at Our

Lady of [Vacc Church, Fords,

"In Joseph's Lovely Garden."A soprano solo, "I Will Lift UpMine Eyes" will be offered byMrs. Bernard J. Concaimon Jr.

Ice* and the three cholrt of the The church organist of the hour of reflection on the pas-,Woodbridge Methodist Church,

"Easter Song" by Urtton, "Rus-

Uood Friday Music I will be as follows:A sacred concert, "The Seven'; Today, Low Mass und Coin-

Last Words of Christ" will be

is Risen Today." The youth oftiie younger Carol Choir, di-rected by Mr, and Mrs. GeorgeHatk-r, will sing "Lily," and presented by the Chancel Choir

of the Woodbridge Method\tittomorrow at 8 p.m. The Prot- sion at 7:30 P.Jl. Uonfe&sloiu:

muiiion at 9 A.M. mid i P.M.Mass of the Lord's Supper,Holy Communion and

estant churches uf the commu-nity will julu in this solemn

lion of Jesus Christ at theMrs. David Dlehl, will play Woodbridge Methodist- Church.

The sacred concert by Dubolsalia Easter." by JEoraakotf, and will be directed by Ur. Dlehl oj the

Id to 12; 2 to i p.m. and afterevening Mass. Visits to the Re-pository until fldnight.

Good Fridayservices. Adowpository from

No morningpn at the Ke-

AJ»1. Liturgy4nd Uettth of

our Lord and Holy Communioni p.m. Agony Hour and VeiiBra-tion of the Cross 8 p.m. Con-fessions: lu to noon and afterevening duvotions.

Holy Saturday: No morningiieivlces. Confessions: 10 to,noon; 3 to 8 p.m. and 7:30 to

p.m. Blessing of Paschal Can-dle, i i p.m.. followed by Solemn..Mass of Resurrection at mid-night. Easter blessing of foodon Holy Saturday only in thechurch at 1:30 apd 2 pin.

Easter Sunday MaWM; Mid*night i n* ?, 7 ,8 , 9,14, U and12.

The Avo Maria Women1*W t t * on 9m in

Page 2: On Thur«dttj vw, Imaginative Apparatus Sale of Shell Site ... · Mud uued (ur «ift», Seated, Ult W ^hl, I'nul All tmix, John ('liilipka , Jubeph tjtMuk'iwaiki. SUudlim: Mta. Uubtrt

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BJDTI or rmn

Drive The FamilyB&&XDSOF BOX

OEDEK V W — ME 4-Lttt

Free Delivery9;D0 y to 5D0P1

totke *


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M wiH be pleased ioWpyou with yourhoiickaf

^ selections!



1963 CHEVROLETfrom

GODENY!EASTER GREETINGS...We tamd Our Wmrme* Wiskea U Omr

Mmy Friemds md firm* im ti*Arm fm*d Bmppf EMUT!

m CHEVROLET30 RooMVttt Avenue, Carieret


NOTICE!The Following


Open TonightfTHTRSDAY)

And Will Be


ID Observance of

GOOD FRIDAYTODAVS Binking Hour* Art as Folio*.:

Woodbridge National BankTOODBKIDGE - AVEML A 15ELI> OFT1CL-

9K«0 A. M. u, 3K«0 P. M. **& 6:00 P. M. u> 8 O I

Perth Amboir Savins InstitutionA. M. to 6.-00 P.

Fist Bank ol CoiaiaU i o 6:00 P. M.

(SATVEDAY 8KK» A. M. u» 12 \ 0 0 »

First Bank and Trust CompanyPOETB AMROY OFFICE:

- V A. M. u. 3 P. M. u»a 6 P M. u. 8 I1


Dm«4B ir«4f* - 9 A. M. to 7 P. M.

AVL^EL • O0LOMA OfFKEUkb« - 8:30 A. M. to 6:30 P. M.

[>mt4« W»«W« 8:30 A. M. to 8KI0 P.

Carteret Bank and TrustMAIN OFTKX:

9KI0A.IL to 6K»0P. )L

CAITjEKET SBOPPINC CENTE1ML4NCB OTH^9H» A. M. to 4.-O0P. fLmd 6H»P. M. to8r00 P

Perth Amboy Nation^ BankC\RTERET OFFICE: *9HKIA.1L to 6 : 0 0 P . * .

We Extend On Very Bed Witkts(he ad All hr <

Glorious Easter!

Page 3: On Thur«dttj vw, Imaginative Apparatus Sale of Shell Site ... · Mud uued (ur «ift», Seated, Ult W ^hl, I'nul All tmix, John ('liilipka , Jubeph tjtMuk'iwaiki. SUudlim: Mta. Uubtrt

Thursday, April 11, 1963 PAGE THREE


r ( , I 1 N ( ; | i r PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT: Yowwstmici i i i t thf Prarl Street IMayiround in WoodbrlcUrUHM'I have t<> w»lt until nchool is out to fnjny Ihrsi-nltiRH which hiivr h«n erfctfd. I<fft to ri|ht, Sam

I'hrhtiiU, Fred Tirr and Vinor .Inhnston, park employesand Harold Mnrtenson. FirM, Wurri, chairman of Parksand Public Property.

crsCited PTA President's CouncilVFf Croup!#car8 Town's Rec Plans

nv •" T\V

- MembersPast 4410 at the WOODBRIDGE - The Par-lated which would meet theitcd two tnember«jent.xea<;her Presidents Councll|needs of all ages and Interests.

:i\t 'H

. mi'ihrrship and 8erv-imet recently In the Board of

alligation. [Education room at the Admin-Murray, service officer lstratlon Building amidst a col-

and County orful display of palntlnKs and

The Importance of citizenparticipation in the form ofassisting Golden Age Club andthe need for a teenage council

• •I many veterans and handicrafts representative olj to give the youths a voice in••imugliout the area.1 the work of the children In thejthe type of recreation to offern on behalf of their educable classes at School 8, them was stressed by Mr. Mott.

Penny Sale SetBy Auxiliary

WOODBRIDQE — Plans fora penny sale, May 24, 8 P. M.,at St. James School cafeteriawere made at a meeting of theParents Auxiliary of the Wood-bridse Little League and PonyLeague. Mrs. Emil GavlnBktand Mrs. Joseph Napravnilc are

' • ihas broughtiKeasbey. He pointed out the co-opera-

rtkm for a job well Patrick A, Boylan. superln- t l o n between the Board of Edu-Maneckl. public tendent of schools explained l

ca t lon a n d t h e municipal gov-irci, reporU. the room is utilized for t h e i e r n m e n t to explore the feaslbil-v .siated that most many activities of the curricu- ' ^ o f fln* t h e a*0 0 '8 •» a ! d

,ses he handledlum department In addition t o " 1 l h e formation of a good re-,. period of time being uwd for board meetlng«.'cret t t lPnal prouram. He added

I K l l l h a t l e a d e « ' n v o l v e d l n * «

co-chairmen.Luke Coyle,

ported on a

.mi cases

.fully completed. A Mrs. Felonese Kelly, prlnci- l h a t l e a d m Involved„ dinner will be held pal of School 23 and chalrman;lir0>"ftm s n o u l d h a v e

i,.i!. September 7. of the nomlnatlnR committeeitil'a.'ninlil

.1;,; .lone was the prl- presented the slate of now offl-

president, rerecent dlstrlc'

meeting and explained the newrules and regulations to bevoted on at the InternationalLittle League Congress now Insession at New York City. Mrs.leroy Updike and Mrs. Oavinsklwere name delegates at thi


WnnifflHlLXiE With the[Community Scholarship fund'drive npnrlng Its completion'throughout the township, theiornanizatlon's Bonrd o( Trus-tees announced that applica-tions fnv scholarships arc avail-able to Interested students atthe auidance departments OfWo:>dbrlrisc Senior HiKh Schooland St. Mary's of Perth Amboy.

During a recent meetlnit ofthe group, Miss Mary ConnollyRiid Miss Margaret Henricksen,[members ot the Woodbridge[Senior HlKh. School staff, ex-pressed extreme satisfaction re-Kftrdlns the local students theCommunity Scholarship Pro-gram enrolled In various col-leges last fall and who at thepresent are maintaining good

The prime requisite of the'ommunlty Scholarship Pro-:ram is to be of assistance, tohe student with average gradesho is by-passed by the scholar-

ihlps available to top students^though they are well accepted

by colleges for admittance. Theyeel that far too many students

with potential qualities are neg-ected Instead of being present-

ed with the opportunity to provethemselves on a higher level ofearning.

Members of the CommunityScholarship Program fully re-alize the importance of educat-ing our younger generation forthe future, but the feeling isnot shared by some local citi-zens who refuse to admit theimportance of spreading knowl-edge throughout the commun-ity. Therefore, the dedicatedorganization is hindered in itsquest for funds by those whofail to realize that without edu-cated • Americans, our com-munity would bo without thepresence of competent doctors,

i Auxiliary ConKVMB this week a t e n g i n e s lawyers and many


As a climax to the meeting |.0 , t as'foliows:"p.-esldent" Mrs.0 ' tn<> c°<">c»- Kel l l leUl Bp<*-jcharge „ _ ,o b . Frank Lammtlno: vlc-piesl- ^ ™ ™ ^ 0 ^ / « candy sa le^

. l l ! , I I 1 S

I Ullrl . lie

.-nelary. Mrs. Charleswaschos- Jeffri-y:

les-P- Pl«ln««

He ex-activcly working

first -- - . . .continuous mem- «el Ros.scnv.u> active In the A report from the Library

<•••:• in Cooties and Study Committee based on

to the removal of literature thatcommander tary and treasurer. Mrs. Email- ° ™ "™"v»i ui njmuuri- M »commander ' is obscene from the reach of

| the Waldorf Astoria.Mrs. Marlln Straub is in

second annualconducted dur-

ing June. Proceeds will beused to defray the operatingexpenses of the WoodbridgeLittle League, Inc.

children.A panel of 30 citizens work-

ins on this committee mustentertain- data (jompik-d from lo t ion- 1 U I l a l l l m o u s l y M r e e B p u b i l c a .Lyo and nalrei concerning individual. ivan.s at Lyons and nairei concerning Individual

t | o n ^ o b s c e n e b e f o r c B r e c o m .In 1*63 lir *M ap school libraries lhat were com- m p n d a U o n i s m f t d e to t n e P o .National Aid* de pleted by principle! and presi- ,lc(, Deptrtment requesting the

National Head- denU of those schools was pre- , . e m o v a i of a mAi

news stands Mr. Mott reported.• h i -

: ii.r VFW (or having nenlfd by Mrs.iO members during president.\rii. the llrsl such T ^ figures


The Parent Teacher Presi-

.id oecn received In was contiibuted by theiwork of the Committee for De-i A U'stimonl»l din- parent mid teacher iiroups in'cent Literature.

planned lor him at l l 1e township and lhat 140 par-j,nts serve as volunteers in the y - ^ . . | f . • I

,,^ of officers WM elementary school libraries. : ™ p " * l l u " ' " ' « ' " ".uid flection will be l n n,mmendln« Ihe various!next meeting. Apri r K r o u p s Mrs. Uda stated.!

other professional men required to form the nucleus o:a thriving town, city, state ocountry.

Contributions may still bmailed to the CommunitScholarship Program, P.O. Box194, Woodbridge, New Jersey.

FATTEN PRESENTS FI,A(i FOR HOSPITAL: Rep. Edward .1. Patten ID-N.II, left, presentsflan that was flown over Capitol In Washington, to the Rev John Willis, of St. Oeelia'sChurch. Flag will bf flown at site of proposed new F.iiison-Woodbridite Community Hos-

pital. At center is Karbara. DuPuzzo, Iselin. Capitol is shown in the background.

Members donated $10 to the'St. James Easter lund tor the ;

use of the school for meetings.William Voorhees announced

the second screening of playerswill be held, Saturday at theLittle League fields, Van Buren

from trie s l T f i e t All boys 9 to 1JJ years

fWe«ates NamedTo BPf Confabs

of age, who played in the PonyLeague last season, must re-

showed over dents Council endorsed the P° r t for tryouts in order to play sional Women's Club, w a sIn the league this season.

WOODBRIDCE— WSjfii ClaireSutch president of WftbdbridgeTownshio Business and Profes-

named delegate and Miss Ruth

,V. AuxiliaryPlanning EventsWOODBRIDGE - Plans for

several coming events were an-

Legion PostEgg HuntOn Saturday

W(«)|)BKU>UE The Ameri-can Lesion Post has announce^plnns for nn Easter i>((g hunt,.Saturday. 2.30 PM, on th*'Kr'ninrt. id 314 Berry Strw t,Ru.'wll Rll y. vice commander,'iftdvlsert memb, rs' children uf)to 12 veins of age are Invludtn ati'Mid Priji s will he award-'cd liefivsiimi-nt.* will be servedto voiini! "nri nlrl

Ai it r i i n t nn ctiiitt W a l l e rKdps Im Hiis i.c:"iv,)trd us a newmemlm. ll'.Miry Smithes, serv-ice <illl; er (li-'hiscd t:iree cusi'Shad bri'ti "•Hcr"»!:fully c o m - '

Arthur Ciardnpr, rommalidrri!ntinouiieed nwn house will beheld, Apiil 1!), R P.M. flt thePnst n-.il] HrfiTShm.-nts will be^'srivrd and nn nppovtulilty pro-vidrd fur new member* to be-jC<mii> iiequiiinted.1 Tim nexl mnntliiB will be"held. April 25. 8 P.M. Plantingtrees in the picnic urea will bCdlsrussed with Edward Remecz-'ky iidviKing

Malcolm Hutan, cliairman forJBoys' State, reported fourliyouiig men rrom the Junior.'Class of Woodbridge High,School had been selected brjclassmates to represent them,nt the New Jersey Boys' Stateduring the week of June 23at Rutgers University, NewBrunswick.

Peter Mango, 95 Tracy Drive,Fords, and Michael Markov^100 Diaz Court. Iselin, wer»named regular delegates and,Robert Turcotte, 33 Clembil Ct,-Hopelawn and Joseph Higgins;301 St. James Avenue, as alter-'nates. The Legion and the

• !™Wi! Tr1. • >:

g nd thenounced at a recent meeting of B.P.O.E. 2116 will co-sponsor*Mt. Carmel Post Catholic WarVeterans Ladies' Auxiliary.

On April 21, 3 P. M., at thepost, rooms, a penny salebe conducted with Mrs. Marge

these representatives.Mr. Rlley and Mr. Rutan will

meet with the parents of thei»-boys during the week of April,15 to discuss the requirements.

Fenyar and Mrs. Betty Fedor T hey disclosed the prerequisites,in charge; April 24 a County f o r B o v s ' Si&^ are based on:meeting will be held at St. Ellas leadership, character, scholar-

personal popularity. Final se-lection Is made by the school'

Mr. Voorhees advised eightlWolk, alternate, to the conven-year old boys are not screened.jtion of the National Federation;but are automatically placed of Business and Professionalon Pony League teams that play Women's Clubs to be held in

Comedy Plans Set fin St. James fields. Little Dallas, Texas, in July. DelegatesWOODBRIDGE — "One-League season opens, May 19

Blum was first on "xiie.s« libraries play a verylthird off," an original musical and Ponycommander. He important role in the education comedy in two acts, will be pre- later,

League one week

comman- o [ o u r children, supplying the sent«d by the Men's Club of Boys 8 to 12 who missed theai^ past County r e8 (ji l l ( , ttI,d reference materialconsrewation Adath Israel ataast registration because of 111-

t h e u x l b w ) t s ^ Woodbridge Jewish Com-ness or any other valid reason,nd also as Past t ( i a t


will be present Irom all 50states, Puerto Rico and the Vir-gin Islands.

Named as delegates to theState Convention May 1*7 -19 —at the Hotel Clalrdge, Atlantic

and offering them exceUentjmunity Center, April 27, 28 and mft"y "register""/Srti'iT from ~7 City, were Miss Sutch, Mrs.<*e*tra win W tet the dan- 'MOOCH POWER .present three books for leisure enjoyment." ;May 5 at 8:40 P. M. to 9 P. M., or April 27, 9 A. M. William Brennan and M i s s - .. . . _ Miami, Pla. — A trio of Dni-

is running for To allow for future growth! The play was written by until noon at the 8t James• commander, L, W. and advanced planning of these Leitte Weiss of Paramus who school. Boys must be 8 years

iursciu junior vice libraries, the committee's re-has had many of her plays pro-old before August 1, or 12 years for tht seventh annual instal-ls:, IA seeking rei-lec-commendations will be for-duced in North Jersey and old, not becoming 13, before lation diner to be held May 23':.'if Mime post James warded to the superintendent Lonu Island. It will be dl- August 1, and must bring a at the Scotch Plains Country

M commander is run- of schools. i reeled by Manny Ooldfarb andlblrth certificate and one parent Club. Judge Aldona Appleton|quartermaster which Rodney Mott, recreational,produced by Robert Korb. at the time of registration.

:i for the past four consultant currently malting members of the congregation. The next meeting of the aux-recomemndations to the mayor Tickets are selling fast und a iliary will be. May 9.

• in Bannon. past com-on the recreational needs Incapacity attendance is ex-.ind recently County our township *as introduced,pecU'd st all three perform-

• ;ri- commander, is cam- by Mrs, Harold McDonough, ances.1 :or chaplain. George program chairman

Congress moves'spite heavy tasks.

slowly de-

Post, Carteret, 8 P. M,, and,ship and service to the schoolanyone interested is asked t o B n d community and not on-.contact Mrs. Rose Kovacs, 322Oak Avenue.

Plans are also underwaysi bus trip to Washington, D. C,sometime in May to visit the(Immaculate Conception Shrine.

May 10 has been set as thedeadline for all reports to bemade to County and State of-ficers

A1 i mretinj', recently heldat tlic home of Mrs. Kovacs,

the student body.These delegates will report'

to the headquarters at Rutgers-University between 9 and I tA.M., June 23 under escort otAmerican Legion officers.Graduation will take place inthe gymnasium, 1:45 P.M.?

ll" "ost and auxiliary were

FREAK DOLLAR BILL: Mrs. Veronica Poluk, 1G HerbertStreet, Hopelawn (seated) is displaying a freak SI hill shepicked up In change at the Fords Acme five years ago, thathas a picture of Washington on each side of the bill. Hersister, Mrs, Joseph Be.dnar, i n Howard Street, Hopelawn,shown with her holds a regulation bill. Mrs. Polak hasreceived an offer of a brand new car for the bill, but saidshe does not need a car. She has been ill for some time,BO has not taken the time to run down several of the offers

made to her by telephone.

pit alpital.


services at Lyons Hos-

Anna Ami. first vicepresirtont, reminded members

I to attend services on Good Fri-day. She also announced a[donation will be made to the

June 30 with over 1,000 young-sters participating.

A,, band concert,awarded the Jaflles J G"uricsmuirctans cn'dsen from ' tiiiiHumanitarian Award for hos^ group, will be held, 7:45 P.M.,

June 28 during the mku°;t'ra-tion and reception of the Boys'State Governor and his admin-istration. Sponsoring organisa-tions and parent* are invitectto attend.

The next LadieS Auxiliarymonument fund by the end of meeting; of Post 87 will be held.

[Monday, 8 P.M. at the Legionhall under the leadership of.Mrs. Wade Brown, president. A

Agatha Graham. At the next meeting, May 3, ,-i'isity of Miami students have

president, is in charge of col-lecting trading stamps andbottle caps for Sister Rita atOur Lady of Mt. Carmel School.

are having a lot of fun with

Tickets have been distributed'* ^ J ^ ^ ^ j °u'al r e ports wlU be devised « machine that meas-.. »hf ca,,onfv, annual inctoi.r . . . u r e s f)-,_. smooching power gen-_• the officers and stand-

ing committee chairmen.

will be the speaker and Mrs.!Doris Hubatka, State

Reversing the trenduon* n » . » , o » « BPW19M, more men than women are,president, will be the i n s t a l l i n g ^ dying o cancer. The rat onofficer. A program will be pre-lthia year It is estimated by thesented by Andre School of American Cancer Society

Good!erated by two people kissing. It takes a mighty good bookIt's called the kissometer. keeper to make a deficit look

before1 ^ c r e a t o r s ' including a;iike a surplus. — Tulso lOkla.ibouncy 18-year-old brunette,World.

future card party will be dis-cussed. Mrs. John Einborn,chairman of Girls' State, willreport plans which have been,made to date. An account willalso be given of the recent bin-go party at theVeterans Home.

New Jersey

85 passengers who narrowly"scaptd a crash from Hawaiiook another plane for Cali-


will; I

Dance. Buddy Preedman's Or- be about 54 men to 46 women.i

,».-.'nt commander/is Th» need for Qoldi-n^ Age Ii;'i»)it--d for the Office Clubs, teenage recrtalloii facil-1

'-v.-ur trustee. itles and an adult recreationi - c r\fdenck was progr/im wa.s explained by Mr.

-'"I tor .surxi-on and Mr. Mott! A survey ol township•' *•»:» nominau'd for residents was ndvuscd in order

that a proiiiam can br (orrnu-

Dry CleaningIs an

Art, Too...THERE I S A

DIFFERENCE.. .Vrn, th«?rc ih a BIO differ<*nve in

l>ry Cleaning M e t h o d s . . . . and the

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W.K do the job!

efficient dry-cleaning is known for highest

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You Are Invited to OurEastsr Open House NightTONIGHT, THURSDAY, APRIL 11th

The Customary 10% Employees DiscountWill Be Extended To Everyone Who Comes.



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t Amhoy Avenue


Open house from 6 P.M. t« 9 P.M.TONIGHT ONLY! DON'T MISS IT!


F. W. WOOLWORTH107 Main Street Woodbridge



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Bring the Whole Family to


Codtail LoungeReservation* Call- Mk »• o'^'ili


Aecituuuodaltunb Fur Urge or SmallAmple Free Parkin*

Page 4: On Thur«dttj vw, Imaginative Apparatus Sale of Shell Site ... · Mud uued (ur «ift», Seated, Ult W ^hl, I'nul All tmix, John ('liilipka , Jubeph tjtMuk'iwaiki. SUudlim: Mta. Uubtrt

— - — • •

OBITUARIES j OB ireal Art'

add o ^rf i t »,TI€ Jtrt

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Page 5: On Thur«dttj vw, Imaginative Apparatus Sale of Shell Site ... · Mud uued (ur «ift», Seated, Ult W ^hl, I'nul All tmix, John ('liilipka , Jubeph tjtMuk'iwaiki. SUudlim: Mta. Uubtrt

nn - CP ThuMdfly, April 11, 1963 PAGE OTI

2,453Choice Building Lots


FANTASTIC DEALS•Deal No. 1 -FOR SALE—1,076 lots at $24.82 per lot Excel-lent sites in Colonia and Iselin between New Dover Road and

, West James Place near the Garden State Parkway. Areaknown as Woodbridge Oaks.APPROVED BY WARREN-MROZ APRIL 13,1951

•Deal No. 2 - FOR SALE - 1 , 0 6 4 lots at $115.72 per lo tPrime residential sites in what today is known as Menlo ParkTerrace,APPROVED BY WARREN-MROZ JANUARY 29,1954

*Deal No. 3 - FOR SALE - 150 lots at $127 per lo t Finestresidential sites in vicinity of Tyler Avenue area of West-bury Park in Iselin.APPROVED BY WARREN-MROZ NOVEMBER 28,1952

•Deal No. 4 - FOR SALE - 1 6 3 lojts at $221 per lot in one ofthe best residential areas in Colonia. These prime sites lo-cated between South Hill Road and St. Georges Avenue.APPROVED BY ¥ARREN-MROZ APRIL 30,1953


'Builders Permitted to Install 2 Inch Substandard Roads, Curbs That Crumble,Sewers That Back Up Into Cellars And No Sidewalks Required. TOWNSHIPOFFICIALS WILL NOT ENFORCE BUILDING CODES.

Who Pays To Correct These BLUNDERS?YOU, The Homeowner!


DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN AGAINeep Woodbridge Straight Re-elect The Zirpolo Stale

Of Democrats on April 16ZIRPOLO




NEMYO2ml Ward




COSTELLO FAY4th Ward 5 t h W t p d

Paid for by George Yata, Chairman, Citizen* For Oopd «pK8fl»ftt

Page 6: On Thur«dttj vw, Imaginative Apparatus Sale of Shell Site ... · Mud uued (ur «ift», Seated, Ult W ^hl, I'nul All tmix, John ('liilipka , Jubeph tjtMuk'iwaiki. SUudlim: Mta. Uubtrt

PA0I8LX Ttrarataj, April 11, 1165

21 Candidates in Home Stretch in Democratic Primaries


Organization DemocratMayor Zirpolo u a native

of Mt. Vrrnon. N. Y.. the ion•f aa Italian bom barber.The family eame t« this areain 191« when I K W H W »Tear old. They Irred m Rah-way. where be receivedhia schooling and to MM.opened a avail detteate-Miand trocar atore. Theamafl stare grew btto a jsipermarket, then into the ichain of eight tarft Na-tional Grocery Co., super-market* that were dotot a »«•Million a year business whenhe tatd the chain m 1959. Hewaa abo president *f theTwin County Grocery C#- acooperative baying, merthan-dMng and dtotttbirUng or-ganixatkm. Hit wife, Eleanor,who be married 21 yean ago,has been active in many errkand charitable organizations.They hare three children, adaughter and two sons andlire on New Dover Road. Col-onia. Mayor Zirpolo hat ser-Ted as consultant to thegovernment of Puerto Rico onthe organization of that conn-try's retail food distributionsystem. He is a member ofthe Board of Managers ofRoosevelt Hospital and aTrustee of the MiddlesexCounty Heart Fund. He haaserved as chairman of theMental Health and BoysTown of Italy fund drives.Hr now heads the First Equi-ty Capital Corporation andseveral other short-term fi-nancing organizations, opera-ting under Federal govern-ment sponsorship in helpingcapitalize small basins* con-cerns. Last year its financingactivities exceeded S3 million,lie was first elected as mayorin November of 1961.

DR. RALPH BARONFFor ( ouneilman-\t-I-arteOrganization Democrat*Dr. Barone b a native of

West Pittstofi. Pa., and at-tended sdM*b in Wtikes-Barre. P*. He received hbHJ&. in chemistry from Rut- ,gen t'nrrershy and his M.S, jand PhJ). decrees in Organie I k"-^ name b at 114 Free-

saan Street. Woodbridge. Anative sf Jeney City he at-tended St. Peter's Preparatory

ROBERT E JACKSFor Councilman-At-LarreOrganiiation DemocratsA former industrial engi-

neer. Mr. Jacks who is mar-ried and the father M tw»tons, operate* his own buai-nern. Metro MoUrs. AmberAvenue. We*dbridge. T h e

Chemistry at I'nirentty ofPennsylvania. He b chiefchemist, organic pigment de-

Americmo Cyana-A former sergeant hi the

Air Force. 194I-1M5. Mr. Bar-aoe served on the Board «fEdacaUen for four yean. Heha* resided in the Townshiyfor nine years, b married andhaa three children. The fam-ily resides in Menlo Park Ter-race. As vice president of theBoard of Education for threeyears, he served u chairmanof ptanning aDd program. Heb now serving hb second yearon the Town Committee. Lastyear he was chairman of theHealth. Education and Wel-fare Committee, this year heb chairman of Sanitation


ROBERT J. SMITHFor Councilman-At-largeOrganisation DemocratsMr. Smith. 45 Summit Ave-

nue. Fords, b a native ef Jer-VT City. He attended JerseyCity schools and Scton HallUniversity Extension and St.Peter's College, also in JerseyCity. He took specializedcourses at Rutgers Universityand b currently attendingNew Tort Institute of Credit.

School and b a graduate of j He served aa Technical ser-Seton Hail University. He didpast Graduate work at Rat-gen University. Mr. Jacksservrd in the Marine Corpsdaring World War n and ba member of Woodbridge PostAmerican Lesion and Veter-ans of Foreign Wars. He is afounder and life member ofthe Young Democrat* ofWoodbridge and a memberof Middlesex Council. Knightsof C o 1 a m b a s . WoodbridgeLodge «f Hkt and WoodbridgeLions Ctafc. Ht is active inthe Badness Division of theUnted Fund. Hf is presentlyAdminstration Chairman onthe Town CommitUt,

geant in the Infantry In theSouth Pacific Theatre fromIMS U 1946. For the past 17yean he has been employedby Joseph Ryrrson & Son,Inc., Jersey City, largest SteelService Center. He has a sup-ervisory and executive posi-tion, combined with creditfunctions. Mr. Smith Is amember of St. Cecelia's Coun-cil. Knights of Columbus. PTAof Our Lady of Peace School,Young Democrats. New JerseyEducation Association, MewYork Institute of Credit andNational Association of Cred-it Managers. He b marriedand the father of six children.He has been a resident ofthe Township since March.1955.

ROBERT M. VOGELFor Councllman-At-LargeOrganisation Democrat*A native of Woodbridge and

a member of an old Wood-brldgr family Mr. Vogel at-tended Woodbridge PublicSchools, graduating f r o mWoodbridge High SehooL Hereceived his B.A. degree fromBowling Green University andhb LLB degree Rutgen Uni-versity. He practices law athas Green Street offices. Mr.Vogel, who served m the Ar-my from 1*57 to ISSf, b mar-ried and Ute father of twopre-tehoal children. He U aformer member of the Board•f Education and ss now Fi-nance Chairman «n t h e

I Township Committee. A mem-| ber of Congregation Adath

Israel, Mr. V«f el haa served aachairman of United Fluid andBoy Scout Drive*. He fai amember of the MiddlesexCounty and New Jeney BarAssociation. W o o d b r i d g eLodge of Elk*, Woodbridgelions Ctnb, Young Democrat*of Woodbridge and Wood-bridge Township Jayceea.

JOHN J. FAYFifth Hard

Organization DemocratsA native of Elizabeth and a

graduate of that city's high


Regular OrganizationDemocrats

Mr. Warren, a lifelong res-ident of the Township, re-sides with his wife and son,at 875 Main Street, Fords.They have two marrieddaughters. Mr. Warren U aHeyden Chemical Co., super-visor and president of theEmployees Association there.He attended the Fords gradeschools and Woodbridge HighSchool and took eveningcourses in architectural draw-ing. Active for many yearsin politics Mr. Warren served5 terms on the Town Com-mittee and was elected to hisfourth term as Freeholderlast November. He is pastpresident of theNew JerseyAssociation of ' Freeholdersand is currently the treasurer

school. Mr Fay resides at 115 j o f th)il organization. He Is aAmherst Avenue, Colonla. He director of the National As-holds Bachelor of Science and IMaster of Arts degrees from jSeton Hall University and bcurrently pursuing graduate jwork at Rutgers Universitytoward a doctorate. He is aWorld War II Navy veteran,serving as an under water de-molition expert. He was form-erly employed by EssO Stand-ard Oil Company and wag auii'on if' |iiciitf ai Baywayrefinery. He left to enter theteaching profusion, specializ-ing in social studies and po-litical science. He is now onthe faculty of Linden HighSchool and is faculty adviserand originator of the StudentPolitical Science Class. He isa member of the executivecouncil, Linden Teachers As-sociation He presently ischairman of the Educationand Library Committee onthe Township Committee.

of County Officials.A volunteer fireman for 18years, Hr. Warren was a com-misftloner of Fords Fire Dis-trict for six years. He is amember of the United Fire-men's Association of Fords,Keasbey and Hopelawn. He Isabo a charter member of theFords First Aid Squad and alife honorary member of thePatrolmen's Benevolent As-sociation. Mr. Warren is acharter member of the lsellnDemocratic Club and theGreater Fordl DemocraticClub. The William J. WarrenAssociation was named after

JOSEPH J. BOSZEFor Councilman-at-Large

Regular DemocraticOrganization

Mr. Bosxe resides at 135Midwood Way, Colonia, withhis wife and daughter Pam-ela. He b a graduate of Wood-bridge High School and re-ceived a bachelor of sciencedegree in education fromUniversity and taught schoolin the Township (or twoyears. He is superintendent ofcopper refining and by -prod-ucts for thr American Smelt-ing and Refining Company.He is a member of the Wood-bridge Y o u n gFourth W a r d DemocraticClnb, William J. Warren As-sociation. He is past presi-dent of Perth Amboj YoungDemocrats and MiddlesexCounty Young Democrats.He was Perth Amboy munici-pal chairman. Mr. Bosze isaffiliated with the AmateurRadio Club, Industrial Man-agement Club and is activein Sigma Chi.


Organhution Democrat*Mr. Mortenaen reatdn at

i 4M Gorham A venae, Wood-bridge, and b vice pmtdentof the E A B MID Softly Co,Perth Amboy. He b marriedand the father of two daugh-ters, Kathleen and Carolyn.Mr. Mortencen is a meiubei ofWoodbridge Fire Companyand Member M MiddlesexCoaneil, Knlghta of Colombo*and Yoang Democrats *fWotdbridge. He ha* aerved «co-chairmen for the Com-munity Cheat and Unitedcampaigns. He b member ofthe Moant Camel NursingGuild Committee and haibeen an active worter for theHeart Fond. At present he I*chairman of the Parks andand Public Property commit-tee of the Trwn Committee.

School 21 to Hold ItPupil Registration*

COLONIA - RtiriBtration for ;cliiMitfn filtering Kindergarten |*in September will bv held atSchool 21 on April 23 and 24between the hours of 9 A.M. to

A.M. and 1 P.M. toP.M.

Parents whoae name* beginwith A through K will rentertheir children on ApHI 23 andtliuw L through % on April 24.

To IH' i'li|riblt! to reglgter ai l.ilj must hv five yean nld oti'l»r U-fuiT December, 19&). A,jliirth reitifioat* and written {

LEON J. GERITYFor CouncUman-at-Large

Regular OrganizationDemocrats

Mr. Gerlty, 49, b a nativeof Woodbridge. He attendedSt. James School. Wood-bridge and b a graduate of

1st. Mary's High School, PerthAmboy and McAllister Schoolof Embalming, New York. Heoperates a funeral home at411 Amboy Avenue. Mr. Geri-ty is a former county coronerand i« a member of the Mid-

Democrats, i dlesex-Somerset Funeral Di-rectors Association and NewJeney State Funeral Direc-tors Association. A lifelongDemocrat, Mr. Gerity is amember of the First WardDemocratic Club, William J.Warren Association, Middle-sex Council, Knights of Co-lumbus. He has been activein March of Dimes, HeartFund and Multiple Sclerosiscampaigns. Mr. Gerity, whosefamily has been in the Town-ship since 1870. Is marriedand the father of fourchildren.

Theatre and was dischargedwith the rank of Major. In1963 thr Catholic War Vet-erans of Middlesex Countypresented him with iU Godand Country Award. He b amember of St. Francb Coun-cil, K. of C, Metuchen, acommunicant of St. Cecelia'sChurch and pa*t president ofits Holy Name Society, He bcommunications chairman ofMiddlesex County Federationof Holy Name Societies andTrenton Diocese of UnionHoly Name Societies.

GEORGE MROZFor Councilman-at-Large

Regular OrganixationDemocrat!

A former T«wnahip Com-mitteeman and a farmermember of the PlanningBoard and Board of Health,Mr. Mrox haa been a residentof Avenel for 22 years. He bmarried and the family re-sides at 440 Hudson Boule-vard. They have four chil-dren and a grandson. Mr.Mroi is a graduate of Whar-Um School of Accounts andFinance, University of Penn-sylvania and is an account-ing seminar honors graduate.He studied at Rutgers Uni-versity and Union CountyTechnical Institute. He bpresently a district aaieamanager for a maiittfactareof data processing form* andforms handling equipment.He u associate director ofpublicity and a member ofthe Kaiitxu Valley Chapterof National .Association ofAccountant*, Forsgate andColonla Country Club», Ave-nel Council, K of C and HolyName Society of St. Andrew'sChurch. He is secretary ofthe Avenel Exempt Firemen'sAssociation, several Demo-cratic Party Clubs, honorarymember of the P*A aadserved on the Avend libraryBoard. He b fonner secretaryand member of Avenel FireCompany and waa a build-ing sponsor for Avenel-Co-lonia First Aid Squad.


Organisation DenwtjsUA native of Prrth Amboy.

Mr. Nemyo moved to Hope-lawn after hb marriage l\yean ago. He is a lifelongDemocrat and served on theCounty Committee for » yearn.He is past president and ex-ehief of Hopelawn F.ngtne Co .honorary member of KrasbryFire Co., one of the organ I-IITV past president and form-er captain of Hopelawn FirstAid Squad; one of the organ-lien of Hopelawn Lions Cluband of the Hopelawn AllianceAssociation of which beserved i* president for neveralterms. Hf has been very ac-tive in local and State firernmpany circles and hasterved u chairman of manydriven In his area. He a em-ployed as fire inspector byCalifornia Oil Co.. and b amember of Local 825. Inter-national 1'nlnn of OperatingF.ngineen, A. F. L. He Is pres-ently chairman of PublicWorks on the Town Commit-tee.


Ortanhatlon Democrat*Mr. Maruiorte received his

I.1.B degree at Rutgen I'ni-ventty and is a member ofthe law firm of Foley andMamtone. He b married, thefather of two tons. The familyresides tn Avenet He Is amember of the Board of Trus-tees of thr Avenel Public Ubrary, Lion* Club, formerPTA President and an honor-ary member of Avenrl FlrrCompany. Mr. Manxione waselected to the Town Commit-tee in November 1961 andtook his seat as a member ofthe Township Committee onJanuary 1. 1962. During thrpast year he is serving aschairman of thr Planning andDevelopment Committee andhas been working closeiy withthe Woodbridgr Redevelop-ment Agency especially on theProject Bowtie in Port Read-ing and thr proposed Centron-phere project In the Claypitarea.

THOMAS J. C O S T I I . IFourth W;IH

Organization UMI »--,A native of Perth \m

Mr. Cottcllo has rf lrtrrIselln for the pact I1

T,A widower he in ownrr t,|Thomas J. CnMrlln } ,,n

Home. Iwlin With h^ •,.he b also co-ownrr m,|director of the (<nt.ii, f

eral Home. Perth \m\v*is a graduate of \\M \uK |School of Fmhalmm; \York City. He l« i trx-mlxrthe Thomas F. Twin, \ m

Navy I'nion. Prrth \ni!,,.Colonla Post. Am.- ,gion, Ancient Order ,.<bernlans. Iselln ( h.imh«rC o m m e r c e . M < ,-,..|Council. Knlihlv of ( J,bus. Exempt fireman I 'Perth Amboy. fourth !)•;Knights of Columl>u~ ,,fireman In Iselln Fir. ipany and past prr*nli mMiddlesex Somervt l ,:n,Directors Association .-i.il IIIn Democratic (luh H,now serving as ch.tinr, mthe Police CommiUn- „•Town Committee.

THEODORF. J. URBANFor Councllm*n-at-I-arje

Regular DemocraticOrganization

Mr. Urban, who holds sev-eral medals for heroism inWorld War II and KoreanWar, is an Air Force Veteran.He, hia wife and seven-year-old daughter reside at 423New Dover Road, Colonla. Hehas been a Township residentsince 19S7. In 1941, Mr. Ur-ban enlisted in the Air Force jrising through the ranks to !Lieutenant Colonel In 1956. jHe aerved at a fighter pilot :and flew 9£ combat missions. 1In 1945 he was trained as a ijet Pilot and in 1948 became 'a jet test pilot. In 1»5« hewas sent to Korea where heflew 15« combat missions.Col. Urban served M staffmaintenance officer in New- ;foundland and at McGuireAir Farce base where he 'managed a complement ofF-l»6'i. the world's fastest |single engine fighters, hav-ing a value of 175 million.He retired from the AirForce last November andb now in the real estateand insurance business.Among hb decorations arethe Silver Star. Bronte Starwith Valor, two DistinguishedFlying Crowes, the Air Medalwith 13 dusters. He b amember of the Ke»er\e Of-tWrs Association and Kl-waaia Club*.


Regular OrganizationDemocrat*

Mr. Becker, who has re-sided in the Township fornine year* and live* with hiswife *"d (our son* at 113Hudson Street, Mtnlo ParkTerrace, U chairman of the

on May 4 SetBy Fire Auxiliary

COLONIA — Final plan* forLa dance May 4. at the flre-hou&e were made at a melting'ol the Ladles' Aukllutfy of theColonla Volunteer Fire Depart-ment Mrs. Emery OLanola

year reunion Of the C U M of presided and Mr*. Ronald San-1943 of Woodbridfc-e HUih donate * M welcomed w a new

Reunion CommitteeReveal* New Plan$\


School will be held, June 29 atWally'8, Scotch Plains, begin-iuiiK with a cocktuil hour a t y ; " - A j H l r e w

7 P. M , and diiuier a.xd d«Jiaii | jW U U | l | | | Be i t_f d I

member.Hostes*e« were Mn Ola«ola.;

after*ttids.of UK- conunltteeiwui

Iwve advised Uits guesU for thej

Andreoll, Mrsnd Mm Thomaa

The next meetingApril 15 at the firehou*e.


Regular OrganizationDemocrats

A native of Perth Amboy,Mr. Pajak has resided in theTownship for 24 years. He ba senior supervisor in chargeof the refining division ofthe American Smelting andRefining Co.. Perth Amboy,where he has been employed {14 years. He has studied busl- Iness administration at Rut- 'gers University. Mr. Pajakhas been county committee-man for many years and ba former vice chairman ofthe Woodbridge Democraticparty. He has served a* pres-ident of the First Ward, Sec-ond District Democratic Clubsince it* formation It yearsago. He b a former memberof toe Woodbridge HousingAuthority and has served asa playground director. He hasbeen active in various funddrive* and in BOY Scout ac-tivities. He is married and bthe father of a ton.

Inc.. Amboy Avenue, Wood-bridge, He is a member of theMiddlesex County AutomotiveDealer* Allocution and anincorporate: of the FirstBank of Colonia which heserves a* a director. He U al-so a member of the Knights•f Columbus. This U Mr.Mauro'* first attempt at

' politics. He was presented! with a plaque earlier this

year from Wuodbridge LodgeM16 of the Flk* for heroism

i he displayed last December• in rescuing an Infant child

from a burning

Regular OrganizationDemocrats

A retired Police Chief, Mr.Egan Is a native of Wood-bridge Township, He resideswith his wife at 788 KingGeorge Roads in Fords. Theyhave six children and 21grandchildren. Mr. Egan at-tended Township schools andplayed semi-pro baseball. Hejoined the Police departmentin 1923 and rose through theranks being appointed chiefin 1953. He retired last year.He b a member of variouspolice and chiefs of policeorganizations. A veteran ofWorld War 1. Mr. F.gan i* amember of Middletex CountyVeterans Association of WorldWar I and Fords VFW. Hehas been active In the FordsFire Company for ?5 yearsand b a member of the Ex-empt Firemen's Associationof Fords, Hopelawn and Keasbay. He b abo a member ofthe Fords Uons Club, theElks. Fords little League andHoly Name Society of OurLady of Peace Church.



ANGKLO .ifAlROFifth Ward

Regular Otganix»ti»nDemocrat*

Mr. M»«r« ha* resided inWoodbridge Township for al-

irlonlitiiiDiif of at least two polio im- i 105 Lake Ave., Coloiiia \iiimii/.uiiini iiHK'iilttlioiu and a | , „., „ , „ . "

. Township Committee for Dc- Evening will be Mr and Mr*.> cent Literature, Me baa been Lincoln Twnboer and Mr. midv| with Public Service Eleutrlc ,Mrs. Charles Tmutwein. \ J8ELW A'study Of Den-; meet If years. He b married•: and Gas Co., for U year* and I Questionnaires are being sent mark is beinij conducted toy- haa six children and th*I b aaslstaut to the director of to c l o u member* announcing Girl Scout Troop 12 a* part ol family-resides at II Hair**V Educational Work. He held* the new plan*. Anyone deslr-the troop's Interest In the Dan- Drive, Cols-nla. Ife WM SW»( a BA degree from Fordham 'ing further information may Uh People's Home, Metuchen In EUxabeth February f, IWt

viiicinatiiiii ii-ioid must b« prev iilni at tune of registration,

•••lit School. He served In World [Dubay, it H•v^^-^vvJ- W w u ta * • Ku«HW» chairmen o( the affair.

. graduate •( TbosauHigh School la

, w - f lect ion of recip** Md nl la j that elty. Mr M u m Isi «ta#lof Denmark Ig under way fteaJ4e«t W H»iir» M«tsrs,

Mrs. Aquila C.hairnumOf Mothers Luncheon

W(*JDBRI1X3E - Mi B JohnAquila wa« appointed chairmanjot thr Junr uuUUatlon luuctt-i'eon ol the Mottiers Club ofWuudbndge at a mrt'tiiitt heldat the home of Mrs Henry'Warner. Wt-»lfidd Slie will be• ab&iiUti by Mis. Philip NI-IKOII! Pllliil anaUgemetiLs Weirmade !ur the aaiiaal thraier'parly in tlie fall wllh Mrs ijAiiulla tu chairman '

; Mrs. William Harited, presi-dent, urged all members to sup-port the Cmneer Society andthe Oommunlty Hospital. |

The next meeting will beheld, May 11, 1:30 P M , at thehome of Mrs. Aqulla 170 EdgarStreet.I Mrs. ttncti Biiaiivy wai'welcomed M • guest. *

ROBERT F. MdlNUlThird Ward

Regular Ore,im"'> nDemocrats

A native of WoodbruL' Mr,Molnar resides at U»'iStreet, Port Readmt \ - "tive of the Township In • Igraduate of Woodhrui.' IliiliSchool where he »•>• ""football team and tcounty center in 1»?played with the UGolden Bears. He " ^eran of the Korran » 'was discharged with i>of sergeant li'M •'graduated from tin t>S o u t h e a s t >'«"1 'School. Georgia and s "Radio Institute. W . - l ' 'Mr. Molnar is »elf-n.i" 'In the trucking l>u»i»-b a saember ol P»" l ;' "'••'Fire Company and i* •mnnlcant of St \><•••Church. Port Rraduu »married and Is thr '•""' 'a s»n.

dent of former W<»"! 'Feed »"«• ( ' M l ' 'and from 1»M - '" "director of Enforfeni.i'.

flee of P"« M - ' l"T r e n t o n . He w r v " ' 'd e n t couns*! for t » " ''•w i t h Cont inenta l - - ;:i

,,mn.ili> I •'


"Veteran DemocraticLoyalty to Woodbridgr"

Mr. Kopptr a uativr ofPrrth Amboy. ha* resided inWoodbridge, since 1918 IU i*a graduate of WoodbridgeHigh School, Btttger* Uni-versity and Rutgers Univers-ity LAW School and maintainslaw office* at » 4 Amboy Ave-nue, Woodbirdge. He is mar-r»W and he and hU wife re-side at 47 Fleelwood Road,Woedbridgt. He served In theArmy hi at> anti-aircraft ar-tWery iwil dur'<v. WV4W M II. He served as presi-

burgh. He is a pJsl '"of Wowlbridge I"'"-member of Amcri<^ 'K. * A. M. Arnerii"- 'men's Club. S»U<"' 'Woudbridgc l"disr ' "rence Lodge, <><''' ''Congregation A d ' l

rwl, member »' ll"ious Bar .%*".»"•'•National As*'"'" 1 'Plaintiff's Trial " 'tioual A»»ocl»ti«» "i ' '".allon Claim- Alt . . .ha* been a iw'"1"1 'Democratic Part)years. He hi» ben. .<!•'with sled Cross, l ..H'"1

Uh Appeal and » " "psdgns.

\ReitistrutionSet at School>

'. C O I J O N I A U

Mullen, pimi-'iiwiand 16, imnouiwi1

for Kindergarten «•••ducted. April 2» '"••

'o'SO until 11 A M!l 30 until 3 P M

In order to t><- r

child must be five >'•ll or before P n i

birth certlftcftt* v l

cepUble. Proofz1'and Dollo,


Page 7: On Thur«dttj vw, Imaginative Apparatus Sale of Shell Site ... · Mud uued (ur «ift», Seated, Ult W ^hl, I'nul All tmix, John ('liilipka , Jubeph tjtMuk'iwaiki. SUudlim: Mta. Uubtrt

.n CV.H"Thursday, April 11, 1963 PAGE SEVEN ill


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en of ActionAT - LARGE

Dr, Ralph Baronr Robert Jacks Robert Smith Robert Vogel



Mortens")Vint Ward

Joseph NeinyoSecond Ward

Joseph ManstioneThird Ward

Thomas CostelloFourth Ward

John PayFilth Ward


Page 8: On Thur«dttj vw, Imaginative Apparatus Sale of Shell Site ... · Mud uued (ur «ift», Seated, Ult W ^hl, I'nul All tmix, John ('liilipka , Jubeph tjtMuk'iwaiki. SUudlim: Mta. Uubtrt

PAGE ETOHT Thursday, April 11, 1983

How Long Can The People of Woodbridge Survivi

ZIRPOLO'S LUST FOR POWER?Just 15 months in the dictatorial clutches of this tyrant have driven Woodbridgeto the brink of bankruptcy ami has forced theDemocratic Party to the edge of destruction!


• PARTY DISLOYALTYWalter Zirpoio is the same man who campaigned for office in 1961on the record of the Democratic Party and then proceeded to setup his own private party—Jacks • Zirpoio. Inc." Lifelong Demo-crats are unwelcome unless they abide unconditionally by thedictatorial will of the Jacks - Zirpoio combine. There is no roamin this closed-door corporation for true Democrats, and there isno room in the Democratic Party for this disloyal combine ofJacks • Zirpoio. Inc.

TAXESZirpoio s promise of "prudent management" has imposed instead,the highest tax rate in the history of Woodbridge Jownship. Atthe same time, he has increased the township's operating expenseby almost $1 million since he took office. High spending results inhigh taxes.

BONDINGIn his 15 months as mayor. Zirpoio has mortgaged Woodbridge byan additional $2 million. To further burden the taxpayers, Zirpoiois asking for another bond issue—this time for $3.3 million. For-tunately, this irresponsible effort to exceed our debt limit has beenstalled in the office of the State Director of Local Governmentwhere approval is being reserved on this frivolous spending plan.Continuous bonding means another mortgage on youi home.

SPENDINGWalter Zirpoio is riding on the crest of a reckless money spreewhich will impose a fortune in interest payments on Woodbridgefor the next two generations. Zirpolo's effort to disguise hisspending in favor of a phony election-year tax rate will hit thetaxpayers of Woodbridge with $850,000 in interest charges alonefor the |2 million in bonds he already has negotiated. If hispresent demands for another S3.3 million in bonds win approval,the people will have to come up with an extra $1.5 million ininterest—merely to satisfy the interest requirements of the moneylenders!

INDUSTRYWalter Zirpoio batted zero on his solemn pledge to make 1962 abanner year for new industry. His failure to land the $10 millionWestern Electric office project is proof enough that Zirpoio hasvirtually abandoned any effort to attract industry. As a substi-tute, he is granting wholesale variances for the construction ofgarden apartments—regardless of the cost of expensive municipalservices these apartments will demand, and regardless of thewishes of the people.

HIRINGZirpoio has failed on his pledge to draw the "richness of humanresources within our boundaries." Instead, he has imported out-of-towners at fantastic salaries for police director, business ad-ministrator and sanitation director. Now he is looking everywhereexcept in Woodbridge Township for a $14,000 assistant planner. Isit any wonder that municipal payrolls have jumped by $395,000since the "prudent" manager took office?

Let's End This Deplorable RecordOn Primary Election D a y . . .




Regular OrganizationDemocrat' Slate



1st WardEMIL










tot toy friend* of "Retultt OnaaurtMMk Dmuiutt" C»U4MJ*U» H

Page 9: On Thur«dttj vw, Imaginative Apparatus Sale of Shell Site ... · Mud uued (ur «ift», Seated, Ult W ^hl, I'nul All tmix, John ('liilipka , Jubeph tjtMuk'iwaiki. SUudlim: Mta. Uubtrt



Prom All

the Community

Independent-Leader Carteret PressN 5

EDISON-FORDS BEACON \k Newspaper Dedicated to the Best

fnterata of the Rcsldente of theCommunities We Sera.

\:\\ CP Thurslay, April 11, 1963 PAGE NINE

WINDOWOn Green Street

By Tb« Staff I

• ,nS thiit he has found the .solution to New'Al| th« state haa to do Is ticke

,,,-k.s exceeding the 45-mile limit on Route 22,, wniild br no nted for broad-based taxes or

id only expense would DP the printing ot addli.-c.v Plenty would be needed because I have

1P.<W than 50."the amount of money that would

SewarenParkTopic Today

8EWAREN — A meeting hasbeen arranged tor today withMiddlesex County Planninu Dl^rector Dounlas Powell to cxne-jdlto thr pliinnliiR of theSewarcn Marine Park to bi1

built on the 40-acre Island,}Cbmmltteeman Robert E. Jacks.JThird Ward, announced today.!

The Township has alrendyIndicated to the County that lt|will turn over the tract, pro-vided the municipality receives!contractural assurance that Itwill be developed into a recre-ation area.

Mr. Jacks revealed that sev-1

eral meetings have already been'held with County officials andthey "have expressed great In- jtere.st In the tremendous po-;tontial in this last waterfrontarea suitable for R combinedpark and Marina." I

"Our EnginecrinR Depart-]ment," Mr. Jacks continued,:"Is completing plans for an ac-cess road, and materials areavailable. The sum of $S.00O;jls allocated in the current bud-

.' WITH PRIDE: Another laurel has beenjRet for completion of the pro-'•Mi-iith of Joyce Dlxjion. age !7. dauKhUT of,'tmlnary work and our primary^Www): Dixson, formerly of Colonla, now of| concern nt this time Is to Insure;

., Tampa. Pla.. when she wan chosen Putureithat our plans dovetail with',

i,,., ,'lhiidue for court costs alone If such a set-up„,, limitc 22 and 9, going through the township.

* * * *

„, i,r fooled by thoM nice new big xlgni b«lntt„„ HIP Shell property along Blair Road. Some

,, n Itichl on Route 8" and another lane one pro-h,rl,l _ 3 Mile* — Eaty Return to Highway."

l,,,,k rlnsely though y*« Jtfll tfjtlfl* a small signh This Is an experimental rifntoil program."

* • * *I), imi.s McDermott, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Me-

..•' iii'Miinutli Avenue. Avenel. Is home on a ten-'. mi Norfolk. Va., after which he will report to

J H I, to loin the Carrier Essex« # • » •

. Miininc Primary Election hai aft tile appearance*,,, !i Hretion, what with alt the. sUcken teen oni iin many ultnn net np throughout the townMilp.

.' Slate of Florida In the National contest spon-• > Crocker. Her winnings Inelude a $1500 schol-,,,]] us a trip for harielf and advisor and the

the road plans <>f thr county.[Our' present thinking is toutilize the paved road along-

Passover Program HeldBy Hadassah in Colonia

with winner* from 50 states and the"D\Z'Me t n c s ™ a K P TreatmentJoyce who In eraduatlns from King H. S <plant w h l c h wl11- b e c a u s e i l l s

won a merit scholarship and plans on f o n c i ' d - Rivp m s o m e d m P C o f

AT SYNAGOGUE GROUND-BREAKING: State and local officials were present at theceremonies at Congregation B'nai Jacob Sunday, l -ft to right, seen partially, David T.Wilentz; Assemblyman Norman Tanzman ami Mayur Walter Zirpolo. Rabbi Philip Brand

is holding the shovel. The other two mm are unidentified.

COLONIA — A program onPassover highlighted ColonlaChapter of Hadassah's Aprilmeeting at temple B'naiJacob, Lord Street, Avenel.Mrs. Martin Rogoff, programvice president reported.

The different ways Passoverwas celebrated in different!countries was described by Mrs.Milton Elg. Mrs. Manny Tem-kin narrated, "For This' IsPassover," a poem which ex-plains the signiflgance of theholiday,

A community song of Pass-over was lead by Mr«. Rogotfaccompanied by Mrs. MortonDiamond on the piano.

"The Dangers Israel FaceToday In the Middle East," wasthe topic of an enUghtenlntalk by iMrs. Joseph Levy,

Invocation was rendered b:Mrs. Phillip Brand, Jewish education and holidays chairman

Candles were lit On thSlmcah cake by ten member;commemorating special occaions.

A complete eye bank was donated by Mrs. Sol Breshin&k;Monies raised through thfilled banks go towards theye bank fund which aids anfurthers the treatment of trachoma, an eye disease.

The successful donor lunch-


profession. This summer she will workthe Sun Coast Olrl Scout Camp for handi-


aistng year and commendedtheir efforts.

Mrs Prank Pine, wife of Dr.Prank Pine, 80 West Lake

.venue was welcomed as a newiember and Introduced to theiemberahip-at-large by Mrs.Ichleslnger.

Mrs. Jerome Berkowttz wasre-nominated by Mrs. Manny1

remkin chairman of the nom-inating committee whosented the slate of new officersor the 1963-64 term as follows.The president, Mrs. Berkowlte,

told raising vice president,1

•Irs. Sol Breshlnsky; educationvloe president, Mrs HermanHaberman: program vice pres-dent, Mrs. Martin Rogoff;membership vice president,Mrs. Melvln Schlestnger; treas-urer, Mrs. Milton Kushner;recording secretary. Mrs. Tllden1

Isacs; corresponding secretary,Mrs. Seymour Osvlew.

Election of officers will be

Louis MilanoWas Native

WOODBRIDGE - SouthRiver Borough Attorney LouisJ. Milano, who died Tuesday atMiddlesex General Hospital af-ter being shot by George Gall,51, a disgruntled client andunemployed laborer with a po-lice record, was a native ofWoodbridge.

The MUano family lived formany years on Main Street,across the street from the Mun-icipal Building. Mr. Milanoattended Township schools, be-foie attending American Inter-national College, Springfield,Mass., and then Rutgers LairSchool. He served his clerk-ship with the late SuperiorCourt JUdge Bernard W. Vogelwho was also a. WoodbrlOganative.

The entire liluano family wwmusically inclined and In theiryounger days they had thetrown orchestra.

In addition to Ms wldof,Helen M. Seppi Milano and

held atMay 13 meeting and the two daughters, Mrs. Marianneinstallation is scheduled JunePetersen and Miss Joy Amp10. Milano; he ls survived by two

An educational report on theHadassah youth program whichencompasses Judea and JuniorHadassah was given by Mrs.David Schleslnger, educationalco-chairman.Youth Alivah Is the lnter-

Town Signs Contract;

For Telephone Booths

\ WOODBRIDGE — Commlt-tccman Robert E. Jacks,jiidmlnlstratlon chairman, an-nounced today that a contract;h;\s been sitrned for the instal-ilatlon of 100 outdoor phone,booths throughout the Town-| ing annee_°!ship, particularly In business


\ili i :

i imviA (HIT CHAT: Ai the pretMent and onlyt <>f thr Colonla BoMten Club, this reporter from

i i iinr has pointed out little kMWn food deedi of, 11 n's resident!. Today I want to tell you about

u »hn Is considered a hard-headed butneM man.K n• ilily k pretty toft hearted. Here Is a |uy who

. mi rinnplimentarj tickets; donates to every fundi ii.iv his houM uird like a community center withi i Mm: pvrnU and organisation mwtlnr> held in his• iniincls and pool: he rncued a snow-bound wrd-mrlv hv Irndlng them hli jerp: his prUrd pets weretn Junior Outdoor Sportsmen *o their nature exhibit

lil In ,i successful one. I would nrrd a column to Hiti In tin.nt fitful deedi of this toufh fujr, hii honor —

U.iltiT Zlrpoto.

•i •>!>• few parrots around that sings opera mayI "s Pet Shop in Perth Amboy. 'Tolly" not otily:for

, imt lutiKhs and talks. On the way out of the!"'"18^ °f_P™Mds.. Cinod-by" — and while you're opening the door

say uuod-oy too. , ^ {fUvPrtl Qwutn/*

Woodbridge resident Bobby Paiur,iii (.irtcrrl I* challenging the leader* In theItmlin; (lassie, whlrh Ineludei 3% of the Up

in Middlev County, The popular young»ter Itin fourth poiltion with an average of !W plot.n «f Carteret. l« the leader, followed elowlyVetront of Hanover land T.V. famel and Bert(if Brooklyn.

Avenel Synagogue Breaks Easter ProgramGround for New Addition Held by Guild

A V E N E L — Congregation |B'nai Jacob held1 its long an-ticipated ground breaking cere-mony Sunday, symbolizing theactual beginning of construc-tion for the new building be-

to the presentstructure on Lord Street. The

| needed and eatable.

The Township will derive an

ot lelfs and

'facilities.The Boy Scouts of America

45 presented thePhilip Brand, the Spirit-

gave| the invocation and Cantor'; Meyer Tra.chtenberg led the

m i i i •« ">n » .iSpangieo nauuer «nu «•>»•Tulk by Mr. (»n/a«Sl|Voh, the National Anthem o!

'Israel. Bible passages were read

Rabbi Brand said:"This is the day the Lord has,

made for us. Let as be gladand rejoice on it."

He went on to us:"The consecretion ceremon-

ies of Congregation B'nai Jacobwere held a month ago. Thesecond stage of our buildingprogram begins this afternoonToday, you witness the ground-breaking for our new and en-larged edifice. The visionarydream of yesterday is a realitytoday. But we must rememberthat willing hearts and helpfulhands will be required to com-iplete the dedicated task thalies before us. May our labors

! group ln singing the 8Ur , „ . , . ,Spangled Banner and Hafflt-Iftr the Vineyard of the Lord

-?l - • ''be crowned with a House bullrn His name."


spoke on police procedure and'ordinances pertaining to

inivciy to two Woodbridge Township employees,'nquor busini'ssu ; ,,f Port Reading ^who ta a patient In the| A c c u r d l n ( f t 0 a , e p o , t by

• f...n.-ral Ho.plul and a member of the R e a l l y m e m b e r a h l chairman, theincut, and Ann <Dollyi DeStefano of Avenel,|or({t tni,8t lon ,10W h a s 6 2

. Vik.m the Clerk's office.

WOODBRIDGE — At n reg-!j0 t n e p-oup by Rev. Sweet ofj;ular meeting of the WoodbridKej^ K P W rjover Road Methodist] I - n ^ J LjTownship Tavern Owners As,so-ichurch A m o n g the speakers J O b C D ! !elation Tuesday. Joseph Qa-j w e r e Mayor Walter Zirpolo, *lassi, police director, was the,Davl (j -p. Wllentz, and Assem-featured speaker. Mr. Galnssi bivman Norman Tanzman,

t ! i e During the ceremony, thechoir of B'nat Jacob, under the

of Morton Giniger,

I'M I "|

in lhri very

h to Mn. Walter Mallnowiki who h alsoHrrth Amboy general. Julia's neifbbon»pe«ly return,


WOODBRIDGE — The WhiteChurch Guild held its Easterprogram at a meeting on Mon-lay night with Mrs. EdwardSlmonsen leading devotions onthe Resurrection Story.

The program after the meet-g was in charge of Mra.

Robert Shaw, Mra. Paul Kind-scher, and Mrs. Ira McCabe,and included Easter Songs sung*by members, a poem, "TheOldest Easter Message" byGarnett Ann Schultz read byMrs. Kindscher, and a medita-tion, "Voice of the Cross" byWilliam Trail Doncaster, Jr.,read by Mrs. McCabe. Mrs.Shaw did the introductions.

eon held at American HotelNew York was reported on byiMrs. Melvin Schlesinger, donor1

and membership chairman.The chapter has oversub-

scribed 20% on its NationalHadassah Medical Organiza-tion fluota and 10% on all otherquotas Mrs Breshlnsky, fundraising vice president announc-

national agency for rescue andrelief of homeless Jewishchllldren in various parts of the

lusters, Mrs. Margaret Krelseland Mrs. Mildred Dunne, Wood-bridge; three brothers, John D,Woodbrldge; Peter c., Avenel,and Joseph, South River.

Funeral services will be heldMonday, 9:15 A. M., from theMaliszewskl Funeral Home, 318Whitehead Avenue, SouthRiver, and a solemn high Man

world and their rehabilitation at " A. M., inin Israel Mrs. Isacs. Youth Church SoutoBiverAliyah chairman, said. W <»U' s t e r ^ g a t 7 P<

Hadassah is the official ^morrow.agency of Youth Aliyah in theUnited States and the agency'slargest supporter, she added,It has administrated to the

members were thanked needs of more than 110,000fXr T verv successful fund youngsters from 72 countrieslor a very ^ ^ ^ m c e p t l o n J n 1 B 3 4

On March 24 commemoratingChild Day, an Internationaholiday established in 1950 forYouth Aliyah, a million dollarmother and child pavilion wasdedicated as an addition to the21 structure Hadassah HebrewUniversity Medical Center ln

were served

To BroadcastPrimary Results Here

with Mr7Helen Deak in chaw"! WOODBRIDGE - TownshipClerk Joseph Valenti announcedtoday that Station WCTC, 1450;

UBRARV CLOSED | o n the dial, will broadcast...i-:wu. lo the following Woodbridge Township, SEWAREN — The SewareniTuesday's primary election re-'...-'?.<. iball Champions for 1983. Heavy Senlorpublic Library will be closed':sults from the Town Commit-

!)••! Principe Real Estate, Senior "B" Dlvlslonlall day today, tomorrow and|tee chambers in the Municipall.rjht Senior League St. Cecelia's. Babe RuthiEaster Monday. Regular hours!building, as the polls report to

Warriors and the Ftods Yduth BearcaU will resume on Tuesday.The Departoient takes this oppor-,


K. nil members ofiin- program.

the 102 entries for their

11 • < irtrrrt KnighU of Columbui Run (Carey Coun-iii< installation of "Sultana'i" will be April ZUt

' i 'ncl A\ prevlounly stated.• • * •

u.itiuii.s and beat wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Fred•I family who will operate their new establish-

i-ornij- of Grove and Amboy Avenue In Wood-Kathif Dlanne" confectionery store will abo

;I:IJ»TS, magazines, and various hot sandwiches'i' (i Koom."

• < . i

'' •'-''• Miliityrf, popular l«cal tportmnan. mkde a>< >l thr Vip'ti dinner Halurday night. The affalr

1 •>! itic Auirrlran Legion hall, honored Woodbridge'im.i Biwskrtball and Track Coachet Jlmmj Lake

1 H"i' llnlliiwell. Parker fumbled on his first venturei" mi Tummy Kath« team and h»« been demoted

1 •• 11K- lownnhlp Park Department »t the requeit' "I' MmitDzzuli. It »eemi t'onnle tin* a bad taKir

I iii: Due Over: Two barefoot boys were walking• iry road when they suddenly came upon » small'!»nn where two milk c»ni stood ready to be picked»|iv to a nearby city. The boys gingerly looked

! " in« no one, lifted the cover of can number one" il m a large bullfrog. Th«y then lifted the cover of

| "MI and dropped In another bullfrog. The boys'"Mi the road, and later the cans were picked up

: . l i i v .

i" lourney, the bullfrog In can number one said to1 '':•- is terrible. I can't lift off the cover of the cun

IOO l,u-avy. I have nevtpr had a milk batli before• 11 i hi- bottom to secure enough support to push the" Mmt's the use?" And he l«m»dUtely gave up and

•• •'»•••• When-the cover on can number one was re-1 ' hilly up, lay a big dead bullfrog.

•••I' the same conditions prevailed in can number two"(I to himself, "Well, I can't lift the cover off be-L " Unlit and too heavy. I can't reach the bottom• nuuKh support to push the cover up. I don't have"I bit to drill a hole to save myself, but by my great•"uifuther there I* one thing I learned to do ln

1 "uit is swim." So he swam and swam, and swamin tact, he swam until he had finally churned UP

1 iimu-r large .enough to support his weight, where-r|'iiibed up and calmly sat down. Wh?n,,Vie o o v e r

: ' lifted off, out jumped Mr. Fwi. b * «» d h w d y

-"•'•aU'Kt Jump ever recorded ln frog history'ii several morals to this atpry,, one of *Wcn c * n

111 «s the old college try,' wherein "the winner nevei1 "he quitter never wins."


ECONOMYWINE and LIQUOR STORE79 Main Street, Woodbridge

Rear Parking and Entrance for Patrons

Phone ME 4-1244


FOR EASTERChristian Brothers - Taylors

Gallo — Roma — Guild — Etc.



Hungarian - Italian - French -

Ctiinan ami Danish

Exulusive At Economy . , .

Diamond Kentucky Straight

10 YEAR OLD 4.49JL Fifth

M Prool

Addresses GroupPORT READING — Joaep'

Galassi, police director of Woodbridpe Township, addressed thePort Reading Fire Company andthe Ladies Auxiliary at a com-munion breakfast at St. An-thony's Church Palm Sunday.He apoke on Conimutfism andreminisced of his boyhood daysin Port Reading. Prior to thebreakfast Arthur Makfinsky,chief and Mrs. Andrew Deeibus,vice president, led their re-spective groups to Mass . andcommunion.

Rev. Stanislaus Milos wascelebrunt of the Mass; SabatinoMartinu and Rinaldo Lombardi,firemen, served as altar boys.•William Connell, honorary mem-ber, read the Passion and laterspoke on church activities.

The program conpUided withan Ea»t« egg. debating con-test. Prizes were chocolate rab-bits won by Mrs. Leroy BoweTifor her clown; Mrs. JamesJackie for her Mr. Rabbit, andMrs. Kenneth Pheasey for herduck,

Mrs. Leonard Lloyd, ways andmeans chairman, announced theauction held Saturday was verysuccessful with a profit of ap-proximately $500 which will gointo the treasury. Mrs. Lloyd ex-pressed her appreciation to allwho had a part in making itsuccess,

On April 22 a "come as you] are party" will be the featureof the evening. A theater partyis being planned for June.

Hostesses were Mrs. PhilipJohnson and Mrs. Scott Jessen.Mrs. rfoward Eshelman waspresent as a guest.

Hospital GuildSets Luncheon'

COLONIA — At its Aprilmeeting members of the ColoniaBranch of the Perth AmboyHospital Guild discussed plansfor a luncheon-bridge to be heldat the home of Mrs. Walter Zir-polo, May 14.

Mrs. Paul Ablonwy, preal-—nt, said the group would berepresented by at least twomembers at the annual conven-tion of Hospital Guilds in At-lantic City this year. She askedfor volunteers to drive cardiac!patients to the hospital fortreatment and for merchandisefor the Thrift Shop which isrunning very low on items for

int Communion '1|

Dates are ScheduleTSELIN—Announcement wa»

made by Sister Helen Joseph,O.P., principal of St. Cecelia's

'arochial School that First Holylommunion will be received by

vhe children on the following;dates: St. Cecelia's A.M. Ses-

April 28, at 7:15 a.m.St. Cecelia's P.M.

Anthonyierved as

Covino, president,toastmaster. Rev.served as toastmaster. Kev.

Milos gave the Invocatiftn.Guests included the following:

Exempt firemen, honoraryI members of the fire company,

St Anthony's Holy Name So-ciety, Ladies Auxiliary; FrankPalinkus, Albert MatLJck, Peter

Hand Decorated!

Jerusalem, Israel.Designed to provide

plete modern diagnostic, con'sultation, treatment and teach'ing service for complicated amdifficult maternity problems,the Mother and .Child Pavilionwill therefore- be the majocenter for referrals of problemo! child birth and maternalcare.

Hostesses were Mrs. TemkinMrs, Mayking and Mrs. Pine.

3ion,Mass;sion. May B, at 7:15 Msss; anSPublic School Children, May 19,i7:15 Mass.

Articles may be purchased atthe Religious Shop as follows:Black wallet with prayer book,rosary, and scapular, and whitetie, for the boys; Pocketbookwith scapular and prayer book,and either a plain nylon veil ora co roust nylon -veil, for thefcirls.

Religious Shop hours are asfollows: Weekdays, 12 noon to4:30 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m.; Sat-urdays, 3 to 9 p.m.; and Sun-days, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. The shopis closed all day on Mondays.

Maiiusetto, Anthony Ragucci,Rinaldo Lombardi, and LeonardCuiffrieda, representing BoyScout Troop 31; Anthony Co-vino and Michael Shneone, firecommissioners; Frank Barbato,first assistant chief; CaesarLandaeta, president of the HolyName; Mrs, Anthony Covino,president of the Auxiliary, andGeorge Rybak-, member of theBoard of Education.

Breakfast was served by theAuxiliary headed by Mrs, Pat-rick LaRusso and Mrs. FrankBarbato as co-chairmen, as-sisted by their committee.

Members of the fire companypresented Rev. Milos a newAmerican flag for the church.EASTer program .... -gewritet.

sale.Mrs. Raymond Hiller, ways

and means chairman, reportedthe bowling-breakfast held lastmonth was successful and sug-gested it be held a$ a yearly af-fair.

Mrs. Charles Parks, treasurer,reported the balance on hand. Inanticipation of a successfulluncheon-bridge and talent-auc-tion before the end of the sea-son, the members present de-cided to make a sizeable con-cided to make a sizable con-tribution toward this group'spledge to the building fund.

A film Atrip on Uterine Can-cer was shown by Mrs. Dixonof the Middlesex County Chap-ter of the American Cancer So-ciety, followed by a brief mes-sage on the purpose and aimsof this group; namely, educationand research through whichthey hope to save many liveseach year; and service throughwhich they may make a patientmore comfortable through useof loan items and dressings.Dr. Cyril Hutner and his wifeattended the meeting and an-swered question* from the floor.

Refreshments were aerved byMrs. Laurens Platteel, hospi-tality chairman, and her com-mittee.

ProclamationWHEREAS: we believe that the children of

our community should be carefully and properlyinstructed on safety procedures; and

WHEREAS, the Woodbridge Safety Councilis currently undertaking a program to teachchildren proper bicycle safety rules.

THEREFORE, I, WALTER ZIRPOLO, Mayorof the Township of Woodbridge, N. J. do herebyproclaim the week of April 14, 1963 as "SafeBicycle Riding Week."



Township of Woodbridge

Easter Eggswith beautiful designs and col-01s. No two alike. Sugar-coatedchocolate shells. Real egg size.20(!ea.Boxof5-$1.00;lQ-$1.98. Dozens of other BattonEaster treats, too.


Exclusive At


91 Main StreetWOODBKIDGE

Open Eves. Hi! 10Open Sunday

»ree Parking In Hear


from 5 A.M. to 10 P.M.




96 Main Street ME 4-1771 Woodbridge

To Our Many


I Open All DayI Easter SundayI To Accommodate Your

I ICE CREAM NEEDSI Phone In Your Order—FU 1-9292


'The Quality Ice Cram Store"

1075 St. George Avenue, Colonia

Page 10: On Thur«dttj vw, Imaginative Apparatus Sale of Shell Site ... · Mud uued (ur «ift», Seated, Ult W ^hl, I'nul All tmix, John ('liilipka , Jubeph tjtMuk'iwaiki. SUudlim: Mta. Uubtrt

The hectic Primary B3ection cam-paign among the Township's Demo-crats— there is no Republican contest— It tawing to * dose.

TMf newspaper Ms OOTCTWJ bo!hodes compKtlj daring the past fevveeta }»7*st r e l e a s e s have "been

•'"nrfhf. Sarrw hare been pertinent to«lbe i«sii»r—others have been o"

r<*t Tuesday, If EligibleUnfortunately, in the past, only the

party stalwart* roted in primary, so aselect few were in position to ehooaethe candidates. Now that the tame*hare been defined in detail it fc hopedail those who are eligible to rot* in theDemocratic Primarr will cast their


Shingle Miner* of Dennis Creel,

By Ihis tin», the axerage vet*: has

'reached a d?tiskHL He ha« made up

his mint! is to *hkh raen be JeelsJatr/

;best FJ :*«! to carry out the many

pro:€cl« which h«Te been proposed for

this, the largest nranidpalltT to Mid-

41eani County/

The situation is one that need! the;roten" decision— they =ust decidewhether the slates headed by Mayor;

Zirpolo or Freeholder Warren are thebest ara^abie to oppose the Republi-can? in Jforanber

For. it is exceedingly important thattl-e right people are elected in orderfor the rifir form of govaames*,goes Ir-io effect January I, to

r > I

" It is my diffirult to Wexrtandwhy a cultural project such as the'Woodbridge Comnrarntv Concert? ishaving difficulty to sigr. up the re-quired number of memberE

We all do a great deal of talkingabout the need of brngir^ c±:tcrt toWoodbridge Township, yei vh«E thechance present* itself there ii as ap-parant lack o* interest

A eubfdiptkm to, the


Culture for Woodbridge

~s not only makes the holder; to attend the local series, but

eligible td sitend concerts in

otter ajmmunitiei throughout the

BfsJC- through a reciprocity agree-


V. you are iEieref!*d in becoming apan of li is worthwhile project get intouch trjth acy member or call AlCohen at Vines'* Kiddy Shop.

The Cancer Crusade

In. and ooQeges thxough-<mt the country scientSste, with grantsfrom the American Cancer Society, arecontinuing their painstaking researchso that some day t£te dread disease ofcancer will be conquered

Methods of transplants and grafts -are being studied. New hopes harearisen for anti-cancer drugs ace ex-periments are-being conducted in ad-vanced surgical techniques.

In this area, the Middlesex CountyChapter of the New Jersey Drriskm ofthe Society has established an enviablerecord. A cancer clinic, one of 47 in theState, has been established at PerthAmboy General Hospital where, afterreferral by .a physician, diagnosis andtreatment -may be obtained withoutcosts to needy patients.

Recently an mfonnatfcra center wasestablished at 104 Mala Street, Wood-bridge, where supplies may be obtainedfor cancer patients. The center is

scanned by volunteers whose accom-plishments may appear to be smallbut TOO, together with thousandsthroughout the country, have accom-plished the seemingly impossible.

The research programs, the supportof diagnostic clinks, service to pa-tients, drugs and medications, prori-sions for nursing care and practicalnurse service and a most necessaryeducation program, of course, all costmoney.

So in this, the 50th anniversary year

Mctthy, Aprt 7. \m,Independent-LMder:

W1H Torn pkmrn MMfA andih* faikmnt lor

is four colarar.funcu! J rrVXINGBAM ort they brok* 0!I



1 'Arirt. itLha*.

should r*c'. Mayor Zirpoto andto rfpre-

and robftanre Ithat

has shown iwpeet forciUier. i dolUr

human feeling and theTwpon-

cedar . iog* - — — • » , _ Jthe siramps of n o r t h - I e r m

Cape MayDennis Creek shingle* went;,**,) ( „

m * • * » * ItCape May torn and to

n t d j ^ prcTide siding for hor»M as Ut { i n d


ooun» win be.for Woodbrid«e


and oiline» o:.and the

and quite formid- "**, found them in about

' in

or.f.ir. Mpec;.

TL< present oc one occasionMr Zlrpoto , _, . ,

that not only was a tai de- d***™0'Tease aflected this rear In the


to 10 feet below

fouwl their trca-

fO ftj» u Jj( ^

is no Tai b t n M e anticipated'M**1* lo»- ™? Hf7 ,.^ ^ - they poolH slice off a

Under the Capitol DomeBl I Jtset* GriHIis

TBBNTOW - Hen Jenrr,tl* to^er «3ary than Superiorted to bconrto are receirtnc court J u d m to expected to be

more these dan than eraied when the various man- 22.at any tine since the Statecourt system was rtorganiMdon September 15. 1MI by eon-stitutional mandate.

A surrey of the emire courtsystem ordered by Governor

rovers are conrplewd.

take month,complet*. In the itudy will bei

of the American Cancer Society, it be-SRSchinI J- Eu&**- *•»,' former Superior r n i l T t -1

hooves all of us to give to the best of;

our ability when the Cancer Crusade

volunteer comes to our door during

this month.Let us help to finance the Cancer

Society program, so that in the not toodistant future, scientists will learn howto control the disease as they did withPolio.

reconrtMt on


Mm TO C REN-:-Near- w ^ a r T c ^ / ^ ™' * * **« "«« ^ly Kventr per cent of all cases Hew Jersey each year and theyreceiving aid through NCT J^T- are steadily flying furtherwef% Aid to Dependent CM- northward each year to dera-dren program were launched by state the « r a and grain fields.deserting fathers and mothers The blackbirds fly northward

the each spring and summer and

convpy his : .«_*.«—,,"miraculous Kheme to all State » P0 0 1 ^reaMown « . - « . . ,and Uunidpal governmenUi "Windfalls" Tere U«« blown near Denrjs C T « - I - •throughout the country. They *™ «" » I«Bf-ftrioU«n gafe. wbenhevas » bor »::•win be haoOT to hear meh a!""1 «»fefore in prime eondl- only a down of \t> y •••-,Sfn.. J J ^ t . n Z J h S -iSltiOB wtoi they fell. "Break-I Mr. Retaif. father . - ,-,

downs..1 on the other hand, among shtoglers, to-^-_ -probably had been rotten be- (Continued on Pi^ :*

nere -^—~——— • -The crucian of the appoint-

n o r u l e s c r i p t

Safety Belts

The United States Air Force in Eu-rope recently ordered that all officersand enlisted men driving private auto-mobiles have seat belts installed. Thisit the first such command, for an en-ttre theatre, in the armed forces.* While we have some doubts aboutthe infringement of individual rights,fti ordering all personnel to take suchIction involving their own personalcars, the intent of the order, and theeffect on safety, Is on the credit side.J We are killing about a hundred peo-ple a day in the United States in auto-mobile wrecks and this is a figure hardto believe. Yet the total each year<!imbs to something between thirty

_ o —"It u apparent that L! we

integration of someiare erer to reduce child

court, In of

and pension foran Judges, and Increased sal-arks

Without awaiting the out-come of the survey, the 1&63

is expected to passbills Increasing salaries of

breakdown which gives rise todesertion and illepitimacy,'said 8enator Anthony J. OrO8si,;expen(ij.ure, i

hi l th

and forty thousand deaths! One hasto think over that figure of a hundreddeaths a day for a while and visualizeit to realize what the highway toll iscosting the nation in human life, emo-tional suffering, injuries not fatal,manpower lost, property destroyed andlives and families shattered beyond re-pair.

In many states safety devices, suchas seat belts, have been mandatory loryears but there are still many cars onthe road which do not have these safe-ty features. They' should be installedon all cars and, eventually, such a de-vise will be mandatory for all cars inoperation, whatever the year of manu-facture.

county judfcs and Juvenile anddomestic relations court Judgesby tiJOOO a year. This wouldbring the Mlaries up to ttt , -000 annually, the same u re-ceived by Superior courtJurists.

Chief Justice Joseph Wein-traOb has already conferred

committee.The committee . ^

many case* of fraud, «uch ujcurreni operations. New Jersey | i B

M d

D. Passaic, chairman of the N n r Jersey pays 1123.36 p e r ^ , m ^ a r ^ { o r m o r e thanijra: compared to 1192.0* in , n oo miles of roads when in

uncovered.other states. O^ the basis of;fart it o^r.ed only 250 mile*

TTiU saving, appliedthe police director's

i salary would reduce said salary-OOT- to

Richard J. Hughes be-jNPW Jersey compares, j ^ taxpayer I find -

with other rtaW. ln|r a f l C t ^000^ ^^ the 'big-per capiU cott oomparijom. !pT_ n ^ e dollar-eating Items

who enjoy statis-;,hich Mr. Zirpoio se^ns to betics, the Governor points outthat on the b«U of total State

to reduce.For example,

taxpayers t n ; , ^ f o u n d ^ ^township


\ y^ township iUelft

witto Princeton and Rut«ersjHu**:ldi'Dnhersity officials and charted^*the scope of the court survey,and the work is already In pro-gress The proposed creation

mothers working While children resider.'j pay MM per year.Kjgu^nrt, ^herffoj, T l s __are cared for by other women compared to 165 39 in other mediated J^-written and anin the neighborhood; receiving|stales. Aaastar^t subsidies re-' (Continued on Page 24)unemplormer.t compensaUon^ire New Jersey rtsidw.U to1 •while coliectmg money from the|pay «6 cev.u pe: year, compared'jState to care for their children; 'to Ji4 15 in other itatet.and others receiving income j capital outlay - constructionfrom their allegedly -dewrtin* cc*t« in N«w J«*ey are 11310


Perth Amboy Area




Ptrti tatty flitlMtl InkAt tbc I Cwncn HI X-MM

whoae whereabouU|per taxpayer as compared to Iunknown. |»34.43 in other Kates. Forjj

The committee ncommended pertona] services, which mcan«9a general tightening up of re«-'public employee ialar.es, theJulationa including a period of''cost per taxpayer in New Jer-f

r«id«wy to seaire^y is $ 2 5 « whlk m otheraid for dependent states It Is »3Q4«. XducaUoc

of a family court as proposed'one yearby a committee of judge* in ajflnajiciairecent report in order to bring children and all other relief .costs in New J m e j r«qu« tax-warrtng husbands and wives to-programs in New Jersey. Itjpayers to p»y an average dg«ther and thus keep funiW.was also suggested that county:t26i3 whUe In other slates theintact will also be considered'welfare directors be empowered injure U *53 67. For highway*.by the professors. jto attach all real property of'New Jersey retldenU pay $3344

Senator Frank 8. Parley, R, each recipient and his or her,per year, compared to S45.71 inAtlantic, has introduced two.tegaUy responsible relatives.Mils m the Legislature to reg~i _ o —Ulate tenure, retirement* aadj BLACKBIRDS: - Senatorpensloni of judges, but

other states.

Th« pereapiufigures are based on data pro-

both;JofinA-Waddin«ion,D.,6alem,jv^d«j by the Bureau of thebills retain the present $20,000 claims there are more Mack- Census in Washington,a y«*r salaries for county.tirds in New Jmor than people. CAM? KILMER: — The

Together with Senators Rob- united States Army is Khcd-1

Red China After Krushchev

: It U becoming Increasingly clear Man and Lenin. Khrushcherthat one design behind the ideological this, as do the Chinese, who have beenflght of the Red Chinese is to obtain

and Juvenile and do-mcftlc relations court judge*.

gert H. Weber. D., Cumberland,

Both b a n been giren a second and Richard R. Stout, R., laoo-lreadlnf and probably will be mouth, Senator Waddington

(he scalp of Nikita Khrushchev. Al-fcough meetings between leaders ofOie two giant Communist countriesfitve been announced, even after thisannouncement the Chinese have pfint-

( id bitter personal attacks on Khrush-flhev himself.\ The Chinese labeled Khrushchev•ith such descriptions as "coward,"and other equally blunt personal ref-£ences. This certainly Indicates theyHooe to obtain a change in Moscow'sliollcy by bringing about a change inHie highest Russian leadership of theCommunist Party.'. The Chinese are stricter, than is

Khrushchev, in following the tenets of

on April 22. lilature to permitDifficulty of finding qualified cowbirds u> jom with

calling for a full debate on Communistdogma. Khrushchev is, of course, al-tering the narrow outlook and policyof traditional international Commun-ism to take into the account nuclearweapons.

While he is right, it is nererthelcMdangerous departure from the p u tpractices and deminds of Commun-ism. Thus it-is logical to assume theChinese Communists hope to be ableto get in damaging blows in any directconfrontation and debate on the mer-its of the two Communist philosophies.At the least they will raise questionsand get a forum for their ideas anddissents.

y g q ^ jlawyers for such )udgeships tlackbirds and become targeUiproprety

uled to pull out of mpervlstaf Ithe l.572-acre Camp KilBtrJembarkation point in ]Cbuntj. next July 1 and there|

and »j e % number of agenciesother ^ jeaiom eyes on the valuable]

which has been encountered in for New Jersey tanners. Thethe past by the Governor be- 6ttte Senate has adopted thecame of the lack of tenure and measure and the Oeneral As-



Uwttatt r. Caspian, rresMeot A Tnasuct

Published Weekly on Thursday at 7:00 Ai l .

10 Oreen Street 031 Roosevelt irenueWoodbrkUcN I. Carter*, N. i.

Telephone: MX 4-1U1 Telephone: KJ 1-M00

CUrUs I Ornm. Ho?. IT, IM4 - Dee, W. 1911

- Ota naf HM un

The SUte of New Jersey Iwould enjoy receiving the prop-!erty for ate as a reformatory Ito relieve overcrowding at Bar-1dentown and Annandale. Mid-1dleaex County ts tookmf ortrlthe are* as a future industrial Ime which would provide uucfa|employment whew it isneeded Municipal tndnrtrialloommisdons alK> desire the |area.

The State Department ot I B - I•Utotkms and Agencies bai lalready been told that M a c n s |of the mittaiT rMtrvatlonavailable. Thta has earned tn-lrtltution de|i«rtment oflleiakjto look upon the area merely |ai a poMlble convictcamp, rather than a permanent 1reformatoiy u> . Transfonna-|lion of the bandings into per-1maaent llvabk quarters would |coat much money, they say.

i Spring follows the apparentdeath of Winter, so again w« emerpfrom th< aorrows precedingEaater, into the joy of th« RtsurrwrtioBDay, and ienew«d faith inGod and our fellow man.Ltt us pray this Easter timttkat the darkobstacle of human miaundtntaadiapwill be roUad away, and thattolerance and bfotherhtodmay lead M into the pat* of peaei

Attend Chtrt* Batter Soaday

JIGSAW: — Tb* MfWJersey Iigulature has reeetwduatu Monday. Acrtl a . but to•CHI sbootlnc for a summer re-cen by June Eaatam raU-rtwdi have tuned down a, re-quest of New Jeney temenfor a maoOl's extenrfon of the21% freight reduction ta hay.OmtntU totaling tm.m 1m


Meniaj Ihra Friday I AM. U 1 P.M-rriiay t«tnlut. S r.M. U I TM.


Bank3 Locations For Your ConvenientAYENEL OFFICE



Berry Bt, ft Moore Aft


Camty haft tan(Oonanaod tm, P i j t 34* 1

AVENELItemtar federal Begem 8ystem-FBderal Deposit Inai

1SELIN OFFHJ1412 Oak Tree


Page 11: On Thur«dttj vw, Imaginative Apparatus Sale of Shell Site ... · Mud uued (ur «ift», Seated, Ult W ^hl, I'nul All tmix, John ('liilipka , Jubeph tjtMuk'iwaiki. SUudlim: Mta. Uubtrt

Thursday, April 11, 1963 PAGE ELEVEN


Mi- '

FOR A FAMILY?: Four »rtr-;>' n« will crlrbraU thr

f ,l , (l, i v ,,t Klliabfth llandren M' . of Kllrahfth, this,1 ttic lioinr of Mr. and Mr«. John I. Coppa, Corrrja Avermr.

,'ssiiiRfr. l)«"i In 1880. was man-led on July 8, MOO, U> Fredwho died In 1940. The Mesulnners were the parents of ten

"'•'""' l ive still Hvlni are: Fred Mesrfniter. Violet McDonald, Wll-\! sMii«rr Lorraine Coppa, and Norman Messinjer. CelebratlnK

""' , , , ,1 , , <iid shown above will be 21 grandchildren, Fred Mes»ln**r'"' ,,"i rt Mnslnner Gertrude Blast. Gloria Keane, Gladys Koclumbun,!,' s"e»ep»nfk. Bettr Crbafulll, WlllUm Sehadewald. Joyce McRU-

him, Lorraine Schneider, Gall Coppa, Norma Hilton, Edward Van Rlar-

com, John Coppa. Jr.. Linda Messinter, Norman Measlnuer, William

Measinirrr, Glenn Coppa, Robert Mfssinier, Jimmie Coppa and Laurl

Coppa. Twenty-lour creat-jrandchlldren will be present, Fred, Nancy

and Mark Messlnger; Glen, Carol and Sharon Messinjer; Karen, David,

Kevin and Brian Keane; Fred and Keith Koclumbus; Diane and John

Hzetepanek; George Crlgafiilll; Debra, Deniie, and William Schade-

wald; Kathy Bttsjr, Chris, Gregory and James, McMahon; Donna

Schneider; Richard Hilton.

Mrs. Fabioh Electedliy Auxiliary

coi.ONIA Mrs Carl FabloWHS r ioted prrsldent at tinri"'.iil;tr meeting of Ladles' Aux-liiju-v nf V.F.W. Memorial Post

.fiOfil held Rt thr Post home,Iim;MI AvHulP.

OMier officers; Mi's. Frederlkins r.dorf senior vice presi-

dent; Mrs. L. J Raber, Junior,vln- president; Mrs. WalterMidinn, treasurer, Mrs. FrankWolf, crmplttln: Mrs. RobertIv-;ciinclon, conductress; Mrs.William Kosch, Ruard; Mrs,

jHivrry Smith, three-year trus-Mrs. H. LotTiitzcn, oiu

•vvr trustee.Also: Mrs. Walter Palmer

i s . Michiiel Sawickl, Elghtrijstrlct (leU'Kntes; Mrs, Johiinnrhi-7. and Mrs. Cecil Slim

rit, nlleniate delegates.Tlie Auxiliary was the re

ipleiit of membership awards•om (both the Eighth District,nd the Department, Mrs. Wal-•r Palmer, president, an-


The completion of 43 cancerlandages by the morning group'as reported by Mrs. Raymond

Hughes. The afternoon group:ompleted 76 cancer bandages,Mrs, Mldura disclosed.

in a recent

FISH ARE INTERESTING: Above John Kudla and five year old non. Robert, are shownInspecting aquariums In whirh the former raises

'Checkerboard' GuppiesRaised by Colonia Man

COLONIA — On Saturday,

chairman,Girl Scouts,

Brownies MakEaster Baskets

COLONIA— Ingenuity aidedin the creation of Easter bask-ets at a workshop held on Mon-day by Girl Scout Neighbor-hood Three at the home ofMrs. Donald Smith, service woo(j|chalrman, 5 Joanna Place.

Cleverly utilizing discarded^aluminum pie tins from 'potpies' as the basis of the bask-ets, the Rirls lined them withpaper doilies and filled themwith colorful cellophane grass.

Traditional dyed eggs of Eas-ter were featured in panoramasmade of the cut out shells withmiirshmallow chicks and bun-nies Inserted to complete an[edible decoration. Lollypopswith bunny heads were added

treats in the

Hospital for Disabled Veterans|were Mrs. Jack Zlngg, Mrs... . ...Halvour Odegard, Mr, and Mrs.«" "t"n j . . i_ «. ~ J J i&f outnuRaymond Hughes, Mrs. Edward w e r e h m to c a t c h , C o l o r f u lCurtis and Mrs. Palmer, re-1 . fl,p an (iported Mrs. Carl Pablo, hospital ™™ "™ ™.,

and riversfishermen who

the flsh they

w o r m s i

|young every 30 days, turnedithe Kudlas into fish fanciers.

A gift of a fancy strain soonhad John Kudla crossbreedingand carefully selecting fish with[colorful characteristics. Hls!

stock now includes swordtail

were used to lure the flsh but

tnd Auxiliary officer wil be

o n e flsn r i s i n g to g^p down- aI f f « ™ wasn't caught on a hook

held at 8 P. M. on May 10 at o I ^ p r W a t e w o r m o a n b y h l s

the Post home In addition, a o w ^ ; J o h n Kudla, age 41, ofdance Is scheduled and refresh- „,„ W a _ . .„„,,._mnnts will be served.

g o g p« ™ wasn't, caught on a hookb ^ b e l f d t

Chef lettes NameAndrea TomczykCOLONIA—Andrea Tomczyk

was elected president when theCheflettes 4-H Club met at the|homc ofMrs. Joseph Rapacloli,

Revere Boulevard, Edison.New officers also elected in-

clude Susan Rasmussen, vicepresident; Catherine Oliphant,

W l k i

910 Wood•

was rescuedIlLS Will UC rtCI VCU.

May 23 was set as sale day ««*y. .for popples by Mrs. Raymond »* fisherman John Kudla whenHughes, poppy chairman. h e wa^ a flngerllng and in

The Eighth District dance a


^ a flngerllng. and intlme he « « " *° f r y l n«The Eighth District dance V «will be held April 27 in Spots- P a n ,s lM o n a ^ °f w


jand live guppies. Raising fancy

Winners of an essay contest f ° w ff r Wf Jon Lincoln and Washingtonfect ,a 5 t r a l n of checkerboardwere announced by Mrs. Robert supples occupies all the spare|Lyness, director of Junior of11™ of

uJ o h n an

td h l s , w i f e

Junior Girls Unit as follows: « e I e n ' w h o a r e t r o p l c a l

best Lincoln essay, Cherylfanclers-.Curtis; best Washington essay, It was eleven years ago, asNancy Odebard. newlyweds, that the Kudlasl

moved to Colonia, Helen Kudla,Wmii' a originally from Brooklyn, hadtnovHS m e t h e r h u s b a n d through «n

To ^SSlSt fyeborah old woman she had met whileCOLONIA - A special chll- vacationing in the Catskllls

idren's film program featuringThe l a d y fancied herself •

[nuppies, blue veil tail, cardinaland the aforementioned check-erboard guppies which have abrilliant red tail with blackchecker squares on it.

Amateur naturalists, Helenand John Kudla enjoy livingon the outskirts of Colonia ina thickly wooded area boundedby streams. They feed the wildlife on their side porch andhave pheasants for daily visi-tors. The visitor they enjoyedthe most was a possum thatplayed dead for an hour when!they surprised him feeding.

"Buttons"- the Collie wasadded to the family bee use

I they are in a lonely area, but|"Frtt7,ie," the cut, was an ad-iditlon they didn't plan.

"For days I heard this pitiful

C t n e p ,treasurer; Johanna Wolenski,secretary; and Patricia OU-s c e t y ;jphant, club reporter.

The club's first anniversarydinner will be held on May 3at Laura Lynn Diner, Rahwa-y.Mothers of Denlse Czapllckiand Andrea Tomczyk will serveas drivers for the group.

Clean up crews for the monthof April were posted as follows'April 6, Catherine and PatriciaOliphant; April 11, Lorraln*Holt and Andrea Tomczyyte;April 18, Aharon De Vico an*Pamela McDonald; April 25.Donna Orewe and Johanna.Wolenski.

Next meeting will be at 1P.M. today with Mrs. RapacloU,leader. The group will work onits Easter project.

TS I OK ( P Cl l l l .nKrN Above are CulnnU t •irl.ind Hrownies who wrrr .uilonj! the many whn nudeHnkMs to IH- distributed to the chlldrrn at thr

Crrrhral Palsy Center in Roosevelt Park. Left to right,Jill Tormey. Troop Hi: Ellen Gutschke. Troop 76; Kath-l,,.ii l l ini i irson, Troop 16 and Linda Ehrhart, Troop 144.

TA Presents several intricate dance num-jbers by Mary O'Connor andJohn Biixoco. A special guest

ISKLIN — Capacity crowds

lrls in the chorus line whor i i T

scnt iLs fourth annual musical

telling comedian from the Gal-lery Cocktail Lounge and Res-

to 'the tastebaskets.

An annual community serv-ice project, last year's basketswent to the special class atKeasbey School and Children'sCountry Home, We«tfield thisyear's will be distributed at theCerebral Palsy Center In Roose-velt Park.

Brownies and Girl ScoutTroops participating in the ser-vice project are as follows:Brownie Troop 217, Mrs. Wil-


W< Him- A Lirfje S«*l«Ttioti Of

EASIER PLANTS and FLOWERS(imvwi in our own greenhouses!

Tll l l 'S from $1.00HYDRANGEAS $2-$4-$6IHITODILS J •>— 50ctt'RH'AN VIOLETS $1.95LILIES $3 and\H MS (large)CKRANHJMSCARDENIAS




Tlie show. "Members Only"Iwas written and directed by.'liyllls Redler and Tom Stev-ens of the Tom Stevens DanceStudios. The theme of the show..as taken from "The Untouch-iibles" in the roarin' twenties.Elaine Thorner a* Jennie Leeproprietor of a speakeasy andJill Thaackara as Sanford, her

attorney and boy friend headedItlie lust of stars and were ablyimported by Roseanne Planz-jaum as Laughing Iil and DonSlmms as Dexter. Ruth Deereyportrayed Hannah Savannahand William Bills, the dlstrlcAttorney,

jlrls in the swere close to professional intheir dance routines which ln-:luded the Charleston. BliekBottom and Can Can.

The girls, known ai the'Charleston Chicks" really out-did themselves all night andreceived tremendous rounds ofapplause for their efforts. TheyIncluded Ruth Deerey, SelmaMoryl, Qenevleve Notaro, LeoUDlngley, Betty Jumper, Ade-laide ftossettt, Muriel Slmms,and Shirley Tlndle. It was ob-vious that Phyllis Redler andvious that Phyllis RedTom Stevens put in many hourswith this group on the danceroutines. The performance ofthe entire cast was a tributeto the directors, and the audl>

iliam Davis, leader; Mrs. Graceassistant; Brownie

r __.. Mrs. Bernard MeCauley, leader; Mrs. AndrewDolch, assistant; BrownieTroop 135, Mrs. George Ehr-hart, leader; Mrs. Edward Tor-ney, assistant; Brownie Troop73, Mrs, Edward Kehler, lead-er; Mrs. Gloria Keker, assist-ant; Brownie Troop 80, Mrs.Michael Martinko, leader;.Mrs. John Coughlln, assistant;[Brownie Troop 144, Mrs. Smith,leader.. Also: Intermediate Troop 47,|Mrs. Paul Yelsley, leader; Mrs.[Joseph Jordan, assistant; In-termediate Troop 55, Mrs. Jo-jseph Dennis, leader; Interme-Idlate Troop 196, Mrs. JamesCushing, leader; and Interme-

a full length comedy, a shorton talking dogs and animatedjeartoons will be presented by|Colonia Deborah League .at]Schools W and 22 on April 18.• Two performances at eachschool are scheduled for 12:30P. M and 2:30 P. M., Mrs.Frederick E. Fisher chairmanreported. Candy will be onsale. Members will assist thesmaller children.

Proceeds will benefit DeborahHospital, Browns Mills whichhelps patients on a non-sec-tarian, free basis in cases ofoperable heart, and cancer andtuberculosis, Mrs. StanleyKafka, ways and means chair-man announced.

For days d pwailing or meowing like a babyIn pain in the meadows acrossthe road," said Helen Kudla, "Itried to follow the sound andfinally found this kitten some-

matchmaker and the Kudlasand their son, Robert, age 5,are a close knit family sharingall Interest, proves that she

finally found this kitten s o m e ^one had thrown away, its fur they lolkmwas all pulled and its poor tail over and don

lit. Frltzie is a friendly cat-iwho watches but doesn't bother|the flsh. Even the fish in theJKudla household are friendly,

[was.John Kudla worked in his

mother's florist shop when hewas single and when he mar-ried he decided to move to the'country" where he soon was

was only a stub. It hadscratches all over and I thoughtit would lose an eye."

The Kudlas took the cat in.and nursed it back to healthI using an eye dropper to feed

la hand is putRocky, the


in their tank,bass. is.,, theRocky, the ba

friendliest pf all and Helenclaims he even recognizes htsworm and canalmost sit up andat the sight of it.

A highlight of the *how was'ence just loved it.


Mr. and Mrs. Hymie ShlHar, 10Raven Drive, honored theirdaughter, Susan on the occasionof her sixteenth birthday, witha buffet dinner at the Emnerial

growing tomatoes on plantsover five feet tall. Currently,he is employed as plant super-intendent at the Semi Conduc-tors Specialties Corp., Lodi,

An amateur photographer,John had to give up his darlc-|room due to lack of sewers, butsoon was busy joining the groupof handy husbands, called "DoIt Yourselfers." He builtkitchen cabinets and designedand constructed a hi-fi setiWlth Helen's help.

When their son, Robert, was||still a toddler a friend gavethem a pair of guppies for him.Watching these fascinating

Club, Edison. ;Some 50 guests creatures and witnessingi i l f birth In theseClub, g

were in attendance. A swimwere in attendance. A swim miracle of birth In these liveparty was held prior to the bearers who can breed at threebuffet.

creaumiracle of birth In these live

'months and have a brood of

diate Troop 76, Mrs. DonaldSinger, leader; Mrs, HowardBenesbach, assistant.

Announcing...Mr. Alfred CoiffuresNOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS

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Page 12: On Thur«dttj vw, Imaginative Apparatus Sale of Shell Site ... · Mud uued (ur «ift», Seated, Ult W ^hl, I'nul All tmix, John ('liilipka , Jubeph tjtMuk'iwaiki. SUudlim: Mta. Uubtrt

TWTE.V? Thursday, April 11, 1WB•-cp

La>lrr Unices


laaanlua 'Holy Shroud> andhe children carrring mcred.nnboLt of Uw Pugion. TtwTOda?"

r i l <cw *; :.V Ewv;! hole corurrention will Join inU u s *i TIXTT. introi-f he procession, ouUlde the

irxi Cfr*£=L '.~zs. ;Jw Proper Oil hurch ajid fill be given c*n-i 'MA5S

p lrrf. Gloria ' lies to carry After the Hew-

ual: '-Hoianna* — OounOd:!«xUy by R*v Leslie Egry.'Hymn: "Jesus ChnM is Rwenitor. as followi:

antt Dr. frvx she RefiiuNUs* S«;i«n«. Wtima*

Tonlcht, Maundy ThursdayFriday, ri t I PM

Corda, Sanclus. Aenut Dei.when the Adult Choir m-ill pre-Okoria in Kx»U:s. The Bless-sent Gounod'* T h - c •*

Offertory Anthem: "Chna.TSO Pit., Ooodla Risen" - Maunder, SUTSUIB'AJH. and ajaln

Older of tht Tinetaw ln-t rtatl tanotutraUon

if how the foraookpiielr Lord and fled In the

"The Seven Last Worda" willence Kelktfg, onanbi and choirbe the theme of the trtdi-j director,tional three-hour Good Fridayservice, beginning «t noon. The

Cancel, then will be a candleVrvice. offered by the Oretttrholder with twelve burning jWoodbridge Ministerial AMOCIB-

dl d l

Prelude "OrandSalome: Processional Hymn 151"Come, Ye Faithful, raise thestrain"; The Anthem "As It

Puchal Cuune and Baptismal 6:30, 7 JO, 1:30. gWater. Solemn Renewal of Mat*, and \s-\y

Choeor" Btittlimai Venn. Ifldhicht.

with twelve burning jWoodbridge Ministerial AMOCIB- 5 v nu.. , *«• AHUICIU ™ ivand on the aiur wlllltton. will be held at the FirstlBegan to Dawn" Vincent, The

n». Exposition of the Blessed int. Recessional Hymn: The Words of Christ" Soloists: °* * t ln* i« candle, th« Christ Conjreit»t!onal Church, OtweSacrament for all nl»ht ador»- strife is o'er the batUe done" Stephen Ktsko. Stephen Qy-;f»ndJe, which u the only can- Avenue Various pwton will be"Jon and all day until I PM. Postlud* "Cnnst is Rise*. Htl-'enes, Patricia Balo*. win ring.dle *h«t will be left burning participating.

Uude*: Terra Tre- VWtatlon to the grave should lelujah" — Noe "God Be Merciful trnto Us'j** the fusion storr la read: Good Friday Night Wesleymu::: O Co: Je*u. During th< * made by all parishioner* M u i i c b y Se:Mt C f t 0 i r /uson.and MIT Perfect Pe«oe". Pre- ° r <J* disciple* neeini. the 12 Methodist Church willFortr Hour* Devotion after th*| Holy Saturday: > AJi. Ut- Brandes, OnaniS ! u d f * l U •* B ? l h * Waters of c t " d l " " * **Uniulthed A* lighted and open from 1 toMass, the choir will sing Pinjtjjrfy of St. Basil the Oreat with « j . . u H-,_ ramm -non B*b^ l o r i: Offers tory - S*rri •• the tvanfelUu record t)» [or

Lingua. The Litany of tlw Vespers. All day Exposition of * .*! p j ™ ^ . ] « ' ' and P * * ^ - "Pomade to C " f*"1 o f C*ri*. the Christ can-Sainu and Tantum Ergo Sen- the Blessed 8«x:r«nent 8 PM f j ^ ^ ^ ^ n S " " ' "'* " ~ V ' " -ices will be a: 7:30 ?M on Sun- Special D " ~ " - " " JMUS Ch™t Is R ^ n ^

Sanctuary Choir.The

slvely.25-J7 -W 10

Clmreh ,,(Solemn Maas of the BatterVlfll and,the Olorious Rerorrectlon If Holy Communion Is The United Churctreceived at the Midnight Maas. Colonia and Clarkit may not be receited at&in at Holy Thur§dAy c,a later Mas* on Kaster Day. Services, I P M •:.Lent ends at midnight. of Haaelwood Cem»--:

Baiter Sunday, Masses at (Continued on p»,

theRenrection Mitin*.ices will be at 7:30PiI.on8un-:Special Resorection Matin* . p_.,,i, ru«»i

day and Monday. Masse* on preceded by the tradltiOMl , ^ J * ~ - Z i ^ipMonday and Tuesday at 9 kit iprocesston oudlde the churchKoity Hours Devothn will do»ei9 PM After the *ervi«« spe-Tuenday at 9 A.M. with High rial blessing of the pascha andMaw and Procession. >Easter basket* at the church

First Prrtbjrteriaq Choreh 'hlJl. Strmiri, Hoodbridte Easter Sunday: Holy Maases

Rev. Alex N. Nemeth. min- at 8:30, 10. and 11:15 AJI.isicr and the Rev. Janes M.; Confessions: E 'ery day-be-:

Marsh, assisunt minister an-!fore daily mastes. K\-ery ere-nounce there will be two iden- nlng after specl«l i tnicw. Sat-|tical worship services at 8:00 urday 3 U> 4 and 6:30 to I-P-MA.M. and 11 AM, on EMKT and after smlce*. 'Sunday. Fred A. Briegs Jr.. dl- St. Anthny'i Cbarrklector of Music reported thel Port Reading

HiI1' ^ C h l l d r e n '«

!--»» He Is Risen'". Hymn of Joy

John M. Wihis, pastor 1 M " 9 r t i t " » l o r d I j R l s e n

™ " 'for




11:M AM. Holy Cftnutuion

Jun:or Choir will sing Eftiter, At Midnight Maw Saturday f o r

Son, by Davses: the Youth and at the 11 AJW Ma« on

Comrnu^uon will be conducted morning, the Christ candle isEaster Sunday morning. 9 * « t i n P1**** on the alUr burn- of St. Cecelia's Church, an

AM Holy Communion servicf. 'M « a symbol of His rwur-lnounced the Holy Week sched- T1""" w l l i ">* •w-.ll hate Rev. L«iie J Carey, recUon. 'ul«- as follows: Holy Thumlay. s m a 1 1 children during the #t\-

Part. is guest rain- On Easter Sunday, worship Masses at I A- M. and 5:30 ^Adult Choir will sinp at UM church will be held at P- M-. High Ma« at 7:30 P. M. N e w l y elwt*<l o f l ! c i a l b(>ftrd

to the Kin?. » AJ4. (this is a change from Confessions from 3 to 5:30 P.M. w111 n o M i l s flrtt meeting Mon-j? There ar* Many Bless- the usual 8:15 AJI. aervicei a nd Adoration of the Mostd*? » l ' p M

To Walk With The*, at which Holy Communion m l Blessed Sacrament from »:30 St. Jolin Vlanney ChnrthTisNftdiughr and "On Olives be celebrated.The regular Sun- p M, unUl Midnight. , Ceknla

Brow": Prelude. "Alleluia": of-day School and Bible Cl»s.<. OoodFriday, CommemorttUon T*1 8^ L011" Masses at J30feratory. Peace, the Gift of groupj will m«et at »;30 A i l o[ the Passion and Death ofA M. and at 8 P. M.. Evening

•Come Ye faithful Raise the Q ^ ^^ •• pojtjudf. "Dawn The Utter service will be held our Lord and Holy CommunioniMass oi t h e IjOrtl s L M t P P "Strain." Introit: "Christ our o ! promise; The Kaster Morn- at 10:45 A i l . The message for at 5 30 P M and Stations of H o l y Communion may be re-PuaweT" — Ch«T>ple. CoDfcct mjr ^^^ hi 1 0 : 3 e win be In the day wUl b« based on Mat- me Cross at 7:30 P. M. : <* i v K l OTlS o n c * ^ ^ ^ A f t * r

'-Hungarian. There will also be thew M:l-10, "Be Not Afraid. H n ir n.t i .nt . . «,nf—. «hf evening Mass, theHoly Communion. But Oo and Tell." Special mu-



Holy Week senice* at Our

«c will be heard at the sen

Rer Wiiuam H. Redeemer Lutheran Church!Sehmaiu. Recwr. Offertory Poriik v m ^ h e W tonight at:Anthero'He is Risen' Harker; 7 ; 3 n ^ ^ H o i y Communion.

Church. The TK,

Holy Saturday, confessions.10 A. M until noon, I to 8P M. and 7 M. until » P. MBlfsslng of the food, at 1 P M.In the church, and Easter Vigiland Mass at 11 P. M

s (0I1 ^ t h e with the

Choi.-, As It Began to Dawn" Easter Sunday, the Ma*s of theby V;nctr.t; and Dx Senior Holy Family will be rung *"* ~Cno:r will &:n$ the Kwter Fes-iHymn* will include Christ the ?*??'.. _ _ _ _ . . . ^ p iWT,::val Anthem •Resurrection Lord Has Risen" and "AilKuiaT™' " T * ^.TC™ «Tid:ngi." by Ferguson. The Pre- Allelma, Let the Holy Ar.them LMn

lude will be restival PreludeiRige."o^ 'Vxtory'" by Land and thei On Ea«er Sunday a: the 9

^ Conla.Sanctus. AgTit»sSM^ p f ^ r 0 f O ^ R M ^ m f f j t o o f t h e 8 h a d < ) w r w l l l b e 0 f - » L T . ^ ^

Wetler MetbWJrt CtavehPort*

The Rev. Howmrd H Remaly. ceiv^ Holy Thursdayof Wesley Methodist 8:00 A. M. 5:30 and

Milse, wiB includeChurch School will meet a*Risen Today" and "Hail Holj'1*1-

usual at 9:30 A.M. and Com- of Dayt"municanu Class will meet Sat- Trinity Cfavrkurday, 1:30 PM. The Junior W«odaridgeC.E., The Junior High UPY Holy. Wee* Services will beand the Senior Hi UPY will held as follows atnot meet on Ease: Sunday Church. Woodbridge:

The SacrnKSit of the Lord i T o d a r ; M«und5'Supper will be observed at 8:00 10 :O° A : M - Ho5jP c

PM tonight. Rev, Memef- 8 : 0 ° ?M U u n y a n d MAnti-

Stoo f Consecration. o n

H "At th221-20 with his

wUl be ofat 8 P.M m i d n l « h t <» Hob" Saturday

children taking part. An allnight'adoration with all so-cieties taking part will be held

GoodrViday; From 6:30 A.Mto 3 P.M.. visits to the Reposi-tory At 3 P M. the Solemn

ly at tiia munry of the Saviour's Passion7:30 P sKj,nr( Death. Holy Communion

received only at thisAt 8:00 P M . there


n ^ .

Cross" "Father, into Thy hands E a s t * r **I commend My Spr.t" The CommunioaSenior Choir will smg -Father.Forgive Them' by Hande:.

The Congregation is mv;ted.to the Good Friday Servicefrom noon to 3 P.M. in the!Firsx Congregational church.Ministers from various Protes-tant churches •will be partici-pating in the service. Therewii! be special music.St. SichoUs Catholic Chnrehof the Byxantin? Riu. Fords

Rev. John Oneslo a::nourK«sshe schedule for Holy Week asfollows:

Holy Thursday: T30 PiC.Special Matins and the readingof the Passion of Our LordJeras Chris: in 12 stanzas'"Tne Twelve Gospels"1 takenfrom the four Evangelists.

Good Friday: 9:00 Ai l . CasiCaiski. 7:30 PM. Great Ves-per- Tun Procession with the

will be Stations of the CrossCommunion Hymn: "At the j £ e m e , ""This JJo'ln Remem-:Tn1*' • commemoration of the! VVe*ky Methodist'Chnreh and Lenten sermon No con-jLamb"s High Feast we Sing" brgj,^ of vie." In the Christian L*** SUPPW. begins with the' R*v. Howard H. Remalv. fesfions will be heard.Gloria in Excelsis. Recessional church this Thursday is re-;S**rmment ° ' Communion lnPastor, announces the Easter Holy Saturday confession.1:'Hunt: "He is Risen. He is f e r r e d '^ u "Maundy Thuri-'c*ndleU«1>t. »"«> then move* Sunday schedule at Wesley, 10 ^ n o o n a n d 2 to 6 P M

Postlude "From the d a j . •• a n d ^ j ^ ^ -Maundy ^ *** shadows as, flrrabollc-""1"1'1'*' Church, Edison, as church doors will be opened atf "Hallelujah, the Lord; c o m e s { r o m t n e Latin word alh*' th*. <Us«il>les abandon follows: 7 A M. and will remain open

turn" meaning " c o m - f ? " 8 - 7 1 1 1 * ^ the meaning o!- (.nuixh School 9:15 A. M. all dny. At 11 P. M, Solemn•! mand" On this Thursday, thej Tenebrac. iHour of worship 10:30. Clar-Blessing of the New Fire,MUSK will be sung by the Christian Church remembers ~ ~~ -

t>o~"this in Re-',S*nior Choir accompanied by the new covenant which God;{ j j e - ;Alsen Brandts, organist. ,has made with Hii people, es-: 8:00 AW. Holyi ErangeBeal and Reformed pecially in the institution of.Prelude- "From Church the Lord's Supper.

Wagner: Proces- Waodbridge Good Friday senices will be••Welcome Hap- E*«er services and music at held at 7 and 8:15 P3J. Both

Morning". Kyrie Eeison,|Uie EvangeUcal and Reformed of these services w:ll close with; •\e. Gospel. Orad- Church haw been announced a Brief Order of the Tenebrae^

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Page 13: On Thur«dttj vw, Imaginative Apparatus Sale of Shell Site ... · Mud uued (ur «ift», Seated, Ult W ^hl, I'nul All tmix, John ('liilipka , Jubeph tjtMuk'iwaiki. SUudlim: Mta. Uubtrt

Thursday, April It, 1963 PAGE ^THIRTEEN

\T<> House Featured Sciencef| 0/flcere'Fair at School No. 7, Thursday


Mis. Alvln Kleini poRDS - Appreciative pur-|','. [•iiletl »* president of ntl(-s jflmm»d the auditorium ni'.'t'm'xl Cliapt"' of Wo- g c h o o l T to o v e rflo w in ( l , Thm-p,\|,,,iiriin ORT tor ™e day night to witness th« wnr1

(lll,,,n at the M*y;accomplished hv th°, children! )|hl,r officers electea B o y s flnd glr,g frOm Krad(1,

sidetiW, Mrs. Carl flvc ftn() fl(x gRve a d c m o n , t r a .Ion of tw> curriculum offerer'y the nhval'-nl education an''ocal music departments.Th° orchestra, ronnvwd of

•'.'.Vitrl Jerry Hollan-", ,u,, wvlne and Mrs.•K:1'plRn; treasurer. Mrs.

llniumanMrs. Daniel

,|(,)n-; recording «Ald Welntraub:


22 ^lementary school childrenrom i

plttyedcontribution from extra currlc-

r activity. In addition to the

, .,,,1111 committee mem-.'•.". nut Rt the horn* of

MM11.i Kiviu. Iielln. to,..,. piaiw for the May: ;n.; Mrs. William

i ,,',',V,. chairman; Mrs,*'" i«b »itd Mrs. Milton

;, ,., hospitality co-Chair"^'Carl Cherensky, Mrs

des two throughlev^r"! numbers a

Police Captain to SpeakBefore PTA of School 14

FORDS - Captain HowardTune of the Woodbrldue Po-lice Department will speak on"Sex Offenders" at the regiflarmeeting of School 14 P. T AWednesday, April 24, accordingto Mrs. Llndley Henry Jr., pro-gram chairman.

Mm. Mario Piorentlni and

Sunrise ServicePlans Complete

FORDS — An Easter SunriseService will be held at the Am-

srlectlons Included In t.h;irJMj'i'"'john"Klnarwe«"elected!boys Drive-In Theatre, Routethey

parents Inaccompanied

the pudlenopvoting delegates to the SpringCounty Council at a recent ex-

took place at the home of Mrswhile thoy sanR the National uCu~tivB board1 " meeting" whichAnthem at the bdrinninu of thn

program and "Amprlca, theBeautiful" at the close.

The corridor* were crowdedwith spectators viewing the

Harry Seguine. 29 Dunbar Ave.'from where the music and the

iirogram vice presl'M1S. sandford QlbUn

,,',1. rhnlrman; Mrs. Jer-, ,':; membership vice

Mm. Lloyd colorful, Interesting exhibits Fair.gwhich made up the "ScienceTalr" on first and second floor president, who conducted

project* from all grade levels procedure books must be com-Mis. Stuart Salowe, were shown.

. hairman; Mrs. Eu-l,mXi Mrs. EmanuelI:-, Fae Sperling, and

After the auditorium program l n f • L , L

. . . . , .. _ . Members were urged to at-and the tour of the Science

, i ! i : i iMin,

A*oh and Mrs,member* of

written th« In-hi)A to be presented

•. meeting. Mrs. Bay-ii is Metwood Ch»p-

• Mrs. Kaufman,,M outstanding eve-

levels. Experiments and work

9, South Amboy at 6 A.M. onEaster Sunday morning. An al-tar and cross will be placedatop the refreshment stand

Mrs. Joseph Flnan, chair-man, reported a profit of $111-.06 was realized from the Book

Mrs. William Rhine*, 1st vice

meeting, announced thatthealK

pleted by next month's meet-

jtend the PTA workshop at Rut-Fair. Mrs. Dorothy F. D. Lude- ig m on April 23. The topic forwig, principal, Invited the par- discussion will be "Admissionent« to visit the ! " 'classrooms, where they were'welcomed by the teachers.

Mrs. was

refreshments for!

John Habaracknamed chairman of the nex

In'hot dog sale *et for Thursdayeach room the parents saw the'Aprll 26,regular day by lay achieve-1 The next board meeting willmenti in the language arts, be May 1 at 8 p.m. at the honvarithmetic, social studies and of Mrs J, Ira McCabe, 5 Larch

•ndother department*. mont Road, Fords.

lairie(ICouples Mothers Auxiliary PlansTo Attend Mass Theatre Party May 29th

Married coupled'completed the! PORD6 — A theater party to The executive board of the

message will be broadcasthrough In-car speakers. TheService will begin with the pre-ude, "Christ Is Arisen fromhe Grave."

After the Easter greeting, theroup will Join in singing a

hymn of praise, "All Hall the __Power of Jesus' Name." Afterthe reading of the Easter Gos-pel, a hymn "Christ the Lords Risen Today" will be sung.

The Easter Message will bebrought by Rev. Eldon R.Stohs, pastor of Our RedeemerLutheran Church, Fords enti-tled, "An Excited Crowd."

The anthem, "Early in theMorning" by Clifford McCor-mack will be sung by the Sen-ior Choir of Our Redeemer Lu-theran Church, directed by Mr.Eddie Jacobsen. Those In at-tendance will be asked to comefrom their cars and gather athe foot of the cross as a group'or the singing of a hymn offaith. "I Know That MyRedeemer Lives." After theprayers and the benediction,everyone in attendance will beInvited to the refrshment stand

RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTS: Above arp some of theyoungsters at School 1, lords, who participated in »science exhibit showing fxperironits performed In teach-ing parts of the hiinuin iincly, seed and plant life, animal

life and mechanical devices n«ed to create motion. Leftto right, Kenneth Goley, Arthur Younj, Sally Mllochlk,Pat Brodnluk, 1*0 Hamon, Elaine Both, Mlehele. tVtrovan,Gary Pasko and Gary Bojdanowltt.

Conference 8Cr[«:Me»dOwbrook on May 29 is PTA has sent a contribution touf E'I'HCP Church 'p'anned by the Mothers,' Auill-:the Scholarship Fund of the

lary of Boy Scout Troop 53 Woodbrldge Township Educa, ,i: a .special massp y plary of Boy Scout Troop 53 Woodbrldge Township Educa-

their honor a n d i s P° n w r e ( 1 'V 0 " ' V of Peace tlon Association In memory Ofv t'uinmunlon In aimday, April 21 atirordlng to Rev.(.'

Feinberg, who was aChurch.Mrs. Joseph D'Amato. chair- dedicated member of (he com-

and her co-chairmen,Imunlty and the PTA.Kellly. a.isbtantlM™' l0K^h T o t h a n d M r s I Plans were made to attend! Raymond Laraen, stated rejer- 1 p o t

,.i Conference series,:>y llev. Thorou

..wtant pastor, St.•iiurcli, Old Bridge,many aspects ofmarriage, ranging

;irohlems that arise!)A.sic psychological

. b e u w . marriagethe education of:

l:v:i. iv said that the group>rtatned on the same* unnual Cana Din-aii'1'1 to be held In the

.tonum, beginning

vationt dote May It.Dinner on April 27

8 PlA. at Holy Spirit tfhurch.The mothtra will receive The new scoutmaster, John

Communion In a body April 28 Kempter, was introduced byat the t o'clock Mass In Our Henry Krauss, liaison officer ofL»dy of Peace Church the troop.

Mrs. PauTdark horse prize.

won the

for coffee and doughnuts."This servlce.ls offered to the

people of the community asan additional opportunity toworship early In the morningat the rise of the sun, as a dra-matic experience of that firstEaster morning when the dis-ciples hurried to the grave earlythat morning. In addition,many sick and shut-in flnd Itimpossible to worship in theirown churches. This is an op-portunity for them especially toworship the Risen Christ with

Club DinnerFor BenefitOf Library

FORDS A roast beef din-Inn- on Wednesday, April 17,'will be sponsored by TinAmi ncan Home Department ofithe Woman's Club of Fords forthe benefit of the Fords Pub-lic Library,

The dinner very moderatelyi iced at $1.50 for adults and5c for children will be served

at 5:30 through 7:30 P.M., at:iur Redeemer Lutheran Cen-;or on Fourth Street, Fords,a<vordlng to the chairman Mrs.I-ouls MaeCardle, Most of the

odiPiitR for the dinner havebsen donated by Fords mer-chants. The dinner consistingof hot roast beef, tomato Juice,mashed potatoes, gravy, coleslaw, green beans, coffee, tea ormilk will feature for desserthomemade assorted pies.

Tickets for the affair havibeen donated by Adolph Quadt,Ticket chairman, Mrs. AdolphQuadt and her co-chairman,Mrs. Robert Rellly, state thattickets may be obtained fromany member of the Woman'*Club or from Mrs, Helen Pal-kenstetn, librarian at the FordsLibrary located on Corrlelle St.Return for tickets should bemade by April 15.


\ f D *1 T idEtrk horse prize.I lCW l U D l l S 1 0 I Tb« iwxt meettng of the Au»-

' - - •*- - *- • ill«fT will b« May 9 at t P.M.

Be Registered lnlhtinnM

FORDS — Registration forSeptember kindergarten clasvs*at School 25 will take place School. School 24, will have

•i ;u;!onum, Deginning from 9:30 to 11 AM. and 1:30 Kindergarten Registration oni' II-.. Guest speaker will to & P.M. on April 23 and 24 Monday, May 6, and Tuesday,

.irnes Russell, assist-1 in the all-purpose room of the'May 7. Children who will ber of St. Matthewjsijchool. a» announced by Robert Hve years old by December 31-liuiiid Park. He will Zanzalari. pisiuipal. Cluldren m»V be regUtered starting at•• Christian Famllyiwho will be 5 years old by De-9:30 a.m. to 11 din. and In theand outline the ob-fcember 31. 1963. are ellglble.jafternoon from 1:15 to 3 p.m.

fellow Christians," so com-mented Pastor Stohs of OurRedeemer Lutheran Church,

Library To CloseToday and Tomorrowfjnema To Offer

FORDS — The Fords PublicLibrary will be closed tomorrowand Saturday, but will be openas usual this afternoon from1 to S and tonight from 7 to 9.

Mrs. George Molnar, librarychairman of the Woman's Clubof Fords who own and operate

_ __ the library allotment fromCanaipaitnU "are asked to bring Uwi Children to be reglsteredlthe library, has announced

l b i h lthat an Incre f $2000 In

THE WINNERS — Rev. Joseph II. Brzozowski, pastor ofOur Lady of Peace Church, Fords, presents prizes to lopwinners in a recent book review contest co-sponsored bythe parish's library and Holy Name Society. Shown Inthe front row (1. to r.) are Victor Uarharini; 8th crade,who reveiwed "Lawrence of Arabia" by Alastair MacLean;Edward Stehlik, 6th grade; and Lisa Seeman, 7th grade,who reviewed "The House of the Cliff" by Franklin Diion

and "Mrs. Christopher" by Elizabeth Theyers, respec-tively. Witnessing the presentation are Henry Kraussleft), chairman of the Book Review contest; and EdwardVitale, president of the Holy Name Society. Second andthird-place winners in each grade were: Jay Vouglas andEllen Csokonay, 6th grade; Edward McNulty and DeborahHolton, 7th grade; and Eliiabeth Kerteu and JoanneYelensics, 8th grade.

ten Service will be held at the monthly meeting of the Wo-« 7 r m , ™ Theatre o n ! m e n ' s Missionary Council of theMenlo Cinema Theatre on. Un A^my o f ^ c h u r c h

f 12 ^

« 7 r m , ™ Theatre on!Menlo Cinema Theatre on.Good Friday from 12 -

••- of the «priw• • i i- . s e r i e s .

•'•::• style" dancing to'record and proof of at least two tiflcate, proof of vaccination,

^Easter bapjn. This service la being of-i for the Children's Home forlered to the community as well incurable Diseases, Westfleld.

paitnU are asked to bring Uwi Children to b gbirth certificate, vaccimUlonlmust have with them birth eer-lthat an Increase of $2,000

"oodbid T o h i h bDick Ujjonia and;pollo shots for their child. !and proof of polio shoU.

:UTJ will be held! Election of officers will take!

In the par-in joining the

nily ApostoltU

place at the next regular meet-ling of UM PTA on Wednesday,April 34, at 8 P.M. In the all-purpose room. Highlighting this

the spring Cana iV(ie^\ "Fathers' Night" meet-do .so by contacting

(liillagher at LibertyIng will be a Science Fair. |y e a r j h e r j u n i o r . After she re- The Castro-Oommunlst alii

At the last executive °o»rd| .ned n o m e l r o m n e r honey-ance in Latin America plans


O! the Evangelical• (I Church has an-

Toe Boot ttt All ETUA wealthy but elderly woman

who had been a spinster most

oodbridge Township has beenreceived and will be used lorincreasing and expanding li-brary services. Additionahours, more books, subscrip-tions to periodicals and libraryassistants are some of the addl-

ct her life htd finally taken u i e i t t o n t l w r v l o M plann(K,_iplunge and married a man some

meeting It waa decided to holdthe teachers' dinner at KennyAcres on June 3 at 6 P M.

Plans are being made by Mrs.Nlchola* Romeo and her com-mittee to make the square

moon she WM telling wine swift retort to challenge by

for a dinner ln'dance on April 27 at the schoolall, Tuesday, 8:30 a big success. The caller IsMichael Buchok,' Ernest Dubay, tickets are »1

as general chairman.1 per coupleis Invited to attend.!will be free.

and refreshments

friends about the trip.And do you know," she re-

lated, "That on the third dayof our honeymoon Oeorge wonfirst prize In Irish sweep-stakes?"

"Good heavens," blurted outa girl who was listening. "Threedays too late!"

President Kennedy.

Good Friday Service

FORDS — A Noon-Day Leiv

Easter Basket to GoTo Children's Home

ISELIN -- At the regular

baskets were assembled

\School 8 Announces.. Registration Dates

KEASBEY — Matthew J.|Jago, principal, announcedkindergarten registration atSchool 8 will be conducted May2 and 3 from 9:30 until 11 AM.and from l;30 until 3 P. M.

To be eligible a child mustlneeded again; Stennis.

Ramot ChapterTo See Movie

FORDS — The film "WithEvery Step I Take" will be pre-icnted at the regular monthlymeeting of the Ramot ChapterB'nai B'rith Women Tuesday,April 16, 8:30 P.M. at the Jew-ish Community Center, Me-uchen.

Mrs. Joel Gersten, programchairman, states the film re-ntes to the Leo N, Levl Hospi-tal which is affiliated with theUniversity of Arkansas Medi-cal School. The hospital con*tains 50% of the nation's avail-able free beds for arthrltics and

completely supported byB'nal B'rith. There Is a schoolirogram for arthritic children'•uonsored by the B'nal B'rithYouth Organization and B'nalB'rith Younj Adults calledtheir "Little Red SchoolhouseProject." The teacher is li-censed and the school Is affili-ated with the Mot Springs,Arkansas Public Schol System.The Leo N. Levl Hospital isthe only one of Its kind In theUnited States. The only costto the patient is transportationto and from the hospital.

Mrs. Stanley Levlne, presi-

dent, strongly urges all mem-be five years old on or beforeDecember 31. A birth certlfl-,cate, proof of vaccination, proof bers to attend thisof Immunization (DPT), and meeting. It will give a real In-proof of at least two polio In- s)8ht into one of the Importantoculationsmust be presented«tB'wdB'rith phllanthroplM,the time of registration.

Blockade of Cuba may be

Refreshments will be servedby Mrs. Gerald Qllck, hospital-ity chairman, and her com-mittee.

as the employees at the Shop-ping Center to worship at thismost solemn hour on the dayof Christ's death. Music will beaccompanied by Eddie Jacob-sen at the organ. Mrs. Paul Rayand Mrs, Don Ryder will singa duet, "Ood So Loved theWorld" by Steiner. The mes-sage will be brought by Rever-end Eldon R. Stohs, pastor|of Our Redeemer LutheranChurch, Fords, and will be en-titled "Ood So Loved."

Plans were made to partici-pate in-the District Council inAtlantic City, May 8, Women'sMissionary Council Day. A fea-ture will be the annual "NickelMarch," proceeds to go for thebuilding of new churches.

The next regular meetingwill be May 2, 7:45 p.m., at thechurch, Berkeley Boulevard.

Air Forceploded over

jet tankerguardhouse


Alaska killing nine.


BUSINESS IS GREAT!So great that we are over-crouided with late model trades.Come in and share in our success and help us acquire the

space we need.




Take Up To 8 Yoars To Pay

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SO CHKK8LSRNT., 8 Pass.Town IiCountry

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•m CHRYSLERWindsor4-dr. Medm .

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SEE IT AT OUR NEW SHOW ROOM2047 Route 22 (Westbound) Unio

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'39 CHBYSLEBBarttOW4-dr, Sedan

•J9 PLYMOUTHDeluxeStation Wagon

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'58 IMPKHtAL » | t\ m m

H.T, BIN* .... * * * * * *



'50 DODQ1STown Sedan ...

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So many people com* back here time alter time to buy their automo-biles. They have learned from experience that the used car they buyhere will be honestly represented, properly reconditioned and backedby our sincerity with all our customers.

Host Can Listed Are Fully Equipped And Have BeenOriginally Sold and Serviced By lit!

End washday drudgery. With an automaticelectric clothes dryer a complete load of washcan be fluff-dried in less than an hour. Savetime and save work. Buy an ELECTKICclothes dryer at your favorite store.

MAURO MOTORS *«-«^sK.«r< S 0 l w


MU 8-1600

Authorised Chryrier, ImperW, Plymouth, Valiant, Scout Dttkt


* < *

Page 14: On Thur«dttj vw, Imaginative Apparatus Sale of Shell Site ... · Mud uued (ur «ift», Seated, Ult W ^hl, I'nul All tmix, John ('liilipka , Jubeph tjtMuk'iwaiki. SUudlim: Mta. Uubtrt

PAGE FOURTEEN Thursday, April 11, 1963

Easter Services , Tomorrow. Good Friday: conclude with "The E&rUi Hit'7 30 A M Mass of the Pre- Donned Her Garmer,t.« O w n

(Continued from Pa,e 12) Sanctified. ' 12 Noon to 3 P. M, The Junior Choir will sin*. "OnAvenue reports Rev. George A Three hours of devotion with

ceOta Prrfbyterian Church, Holy Sabbath: 7:30 A. M, BeverlyRaritan Road Clark. The Holy EuchariM: 4:00 P M . the "ChristFaster Festival service at 11:00 uturgy of the Holy Sabbath. day. » n d F o r ' n

A. M. in the Frank K Hehnley 8 u n d a y . April 14 - Easter Eas«r. wuBcHwl. Rant™ Rood. Clark. Day: 8:00 A. M, Holy Euan-Senior Choir » the 11 A M . | 8 u n d a y , , n i l

nill fpatuie thp children's choir arist: 945 A. M, Churchsirmine the traditional Easter school: 11:00 A. M. H o l > \ .anth»m. "All Glory. Laud and Eucharist and sermon. Livetn,


! League JoinedBv

seating arrangements aretaken by Mm. Sum Weishrott,jlU likoly¥V 1-3R91: for bus trinsnorta-lthought will


COLONIA Wood-ition

H f CwrK, A t for Harry Kde-rd br the New Dover Road, who

Card ParlyGilbert' CO!.ON IA \

nf Comrrcca- *rron!i<>rr>ci by tin 1Israel, Rumfon, ter nf H»rtn-.«iih «

memliorn are R:30 P.M en AT>itc husbands home of Mr*. Mini

interested friends and North Hill Rn;,,l. 1HH guests. Rahbi Tickets may k ,


HonorSt. Tamen Cburrh

New Dover Mfthotfit Churchwill be played by

EdisonThe New Dw*r

On Esswr Sunday at St. rjhurch will hold . .r ..rhuren the Maw will^be M , u n d j . Thursday Communinn

MPthodsta special


Tim Presbyter-tin CnnreliAvenel

Maundv Thursday at 8 P. M..


— 'Sisterhood of Sisterhood will joinA*i voted to join bridge township Jewery

. . , _ . „ ».T ..v...c..., IJwgue of United1 tiripatinfr in « United53. for Aaron S. Plnkorae. 73, 190 Synagogues n{ America at th« Appeals Rally to he held Mayjand

died Demarest Avenue, who died April general meeting .held at 1 at Temple Beth Am Mrs. SolineiirhWF .Tuesday at hi* home, will be Temple Beth Am Jewish Com- Smith announced. Rosenthal will speak at 9:30 membem for th, ,•held tomorrow afttmoon at muiiity C«nt«r, Arthur and Members will receive donor P.M. riKht after the repulnr will henefit tl,.. y;u ,J00 at the Orelner Funeral Cleveland Avenues. credit for all advance sale* on meeting ' ;velt Memtnial Srh,

tickets for Wednesday's pro- ——* istabnuhctl"Sir Slob and

which will be

.. So. Smith, H:,


10 P. M In

deceased had been offldattaj. Burial will be In'Regional Manwer for cioverlwf Park Cemetery.lBotchlnson Company, Woodbridge

__ New York City Born in ^ 5 ^ 7of the Lord's 1 Pittsburgh. Pa., be n*d resided o f n o w t r ,observed withjln Woodbridge six years and Avenel Presbyterian

MacKeniie,;prior to that In New York City. Building Fund or the Cancer.eel Choir A veteran of World War n, he ga ie ty will be appreciatedLamb of served aa lieutenant comman-! j ^ ^^g^ VM a n A r m y

President, Mrs. Stanley Schu-

dent, Mrs. Arnold Platt;

performance by theriayert will star lovable1 complete with his hel-

United States continues with nwmoryof th.. f,,

:»Un. for polaris SUb ba«*8 In , . £ " 7 ™ ^Mediterranean in April. tart Mr«. TiM,I:

to the

children's playhim overcoming\ witch.;

"Jrst =Pat-

rtck H Fenton is oreanist.St Johns Epbcopal Chnrrh

Oood Friday aemew of » e d i - ^ ^ patrol.t l ^ i l l r hv ^Cmer' UUoriand pram will be held Mr. McCulkwgh was-our Redeemer b> Sc™tlner,«ira ana ^ WashingtonA, the Easter Sunr.se Services to ^ »«*""» ^ ^ H

IS»:1I ld JeOmon a>Ue«e at Wash- was a member of the First if" ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ l y ^ i X ^ ^ J l n r t o n P... withTdegree in Preabyterian Church of Avenel!"-


ticket* for

Today. Maundy Thursday: chorus.7.30 A. M . Holy Eucharist: 7 30 Risen." by John Dewier -Song At 8 PP M . Holy Eucharist and of Triumph." Wh th

stationary enKineer with the Abe Bratter. Mrs. Sheldon D.r- B'nai L o b , ticket* forirad-lReading Railroad. He had re- ow, Mrs Larry Closer M™. benefit performance may bengton slded in Awnel 39 year« a n d j ^ P " M"«*S'"?. M">- Lo«'»Uined in advance from m

h member of the First i f ™ - M " cH » R<»™berK a n d ^ r . or at the door.




Stripping of the altar. Art in Heaven Above."

M the Sacrament of business administration. He;and the International Brother-'nT.r Pother Wh^ the Lord* Supper will be ob-jcompleted graduate studies at'hood of Electrical Workers.Our Pather Who me bora* o u p p r r ^ ^ ^ ^ • University of Pittsburgh!Loc*M44. Philadelphia.

Graduate School of Business] Surviving lg his widow. Juliaand served with


IMay your heart be lifted

with the spiritual inspira-

tion of the triumphant

Easter message . . may

you partake abundantly in

' joys of this blessed season.

" This is our sincere wish for

you and yours.


E»t. 19M — AUGUST F. GKEtNER, Dinetw

Phone 44 Green Street

ME 4-0284 Woodbiidge

Jesus Our Love is Crucified"jdegree Mason at Grand Rap-by Ringwald. The soloist will • ids. Mich.

Surviving is his widow, Eltx-abeth ' Sharp >; two sons, KevinP and Michael 8.. of ColonI*:four sisters, Mrs. Margaret Pas-torius, Mrs. Mary Pflufh, Mrs.Elizabeth Dumbeker, and Mrs.Michael Laufman, all ot PitU-

preaching The, ,Choir will sing'Administration. He was a 32nd|(Orb»n>: a daughter, Mrs.

Robert Larson. Avenel: a son,Joseph S. Pinkocze, Youngs-town, Ohio: and four grand-chlWren.

Wlllard MacArsel singing"God My Father" by DUROIS.

Easter. April 14. the Deaconsof the Church under the chair-manship of Deacon George Ku-fvi* Trill sponsor the Sunrise8ervice at 6:30 A. M. DieterHarte will preach and the "Al-iburgh.teluia. Christ Is Risen" byiKopylofl will be Sun* by Mrs.Edwin Reim, Mrs. Theodorel8mith. Mrs. Walter R. Goos,Mrs. Francis Nekards. Jack!Dietrich. Chester Elltott. ErnieCraig and the Director ofMusic,,R*lph Farris.


MRS. COLCMBA SACKETWOODBRIDGE — Funeralservices for Mrs. Coiumba

(MonUni) Sacket, 28 Holly-wood Drive, who died Tuesdaynight at Perth Amboy GeneralHospital, will be held tomor-

. . . .„ . .row, .8-SO A. M. at the Plynn. ^ * r L ! U l , ? ™ C l > n d Bon Funer*! Home, 23 Ford. .^.K ^ l , l T r »nd Bon«v "Father Into Thy Hands I A v e r t u e

Comafend My Spirit R e v ^Comafend My Spirit Rev.J, b t e s s i n g to

t fl.oo a tJMacKende will preach at 8, 10]£££ ach° r"hand 11 A. M. Dieter Harte will'™*06 C n u r c n "preach at 9 A. M. The soloistat 8 A. M. will be Mrs. Theodore

Dinner SpeakerWOODBRIDGE — Sam Lev-

inson. telwlsion and radio! coupon*comic, will return to Middlesex;

Residents are urired by Mcs.'veyinft to member* the theme •»•Saul Straus* and Mrs. Glasaer, and spirit of the holiday «a.s;Pre-United Synagogue Youth; presented by Mm. Bem»rH Bin-1leader* to lave their lawn mow-ider. programming vice presi-jing, car washing, garage clean-'dent. Talented Mrs. Irving Plis-jing and weeding chores for the j kin accompanied on the piano j"Slave Auction" to be held on the membership-at-large which,June 2. For a small fee the j were led in > community »ing|youth group will hire them-selves out to do these tasks andthe two, leaders will donatetheir services to the highest bid-d P d tdder. ProceedsTemple Youth

gtowards thego

Group Fund

by Mrs. Sol Smith.Refreshments were served by

Mrs,, Herskowitt, hospitalitychairman, and the hostess com-mittee.

x" Sisterhood to Hear

April 15. Rebate«, raffles, and WOODBRIDGE — A new

TUt5Wt>™FUlSAT- 8*0*5 40SUNDAY'/// 12 iO n


CflR WASHv -



, ,must be turned over translation of the Five Books

chairmen and all of Moses, the Torah, will beCountv

Choir sings This Glad

Lady ofriU be

In Holy Rosary Cemetery. Arequiam Mass will be offered at9 A. M. next Wednesday morn-

Lady of Peace

,Day" 8 Norwegian TraditionalJThe Westminster Choir sings;"O Sons and Daughters. LetUs Sing," by Ringwald at the10 A. &

ing at OurChurch.

The deceased was a memberof the Women's Club of Ford«land the Fords Democratic Club.

IChoir sings "YeDaughters of the had lived in




MAYORVeteran Democratic Loyalty to Woodbridge




PRIMARY DAY APRIL 16, 1963Paid for by Candidate

and w a s a native j>r NewJTork C l t y i e ^ w m be presented at the. . . . . . LL *"""""'dinner to three deserving stu-

dents from high schools in thecounty. In addition, the MCEADistinguished Service Awardwil be presented to a citizen ofMiddlesex County who has

PPi merchandise, Sistergrams, and discussed at the Congregation

u h ^ L , ^ . B«nLh i n | Torah cards must be paid for inlAdath Israel Sisterhood meet-who taught Spanish i n ! o r d f r to m e i y e ^fc ,. A u 2 9 T h e t r t n s t a t i ( m

the New York City schools, will; M a j n c o u r w o f t h e d < m o r d i n . w a ! w r i t t o n b y theological andbe the guest speaker at the M r ^\\\ ^ m e f tt but members!language scholars, and pub-Spring Legislative Dinner of —the Middlesex County Educa-jtk>n Association at The Pines.\Metuchen. April 23. at 6 30P. M. |

Miss Mary R. Mullen, presi-dent of the MCEA, has an-|nounced that the Hon. Edward;J. Patten, Congressman fromthe 15th Congressional District.:will be among the honoredguests, along with the Middle-sex County Assemblymen, andSenator John Lynch.

Scholarship awards of $300

AmboyPords 38

(years ago. She had made her:tome in Woodbridge for the&st two years and was a par-shioner of St. James Church.

Surviving is a daughter, Mrs.'given outstanding service in theSrnest Dubay, with whom she > cause of educationived; two grandchildren, Markj Reservations may be mademd Kim Marie Dubay; two;isters, Mrs. Prank Pucci, Perth\mboy, and Mrs, Harold San-iorf, Pords; five brothers, JohnWontani, Lt. Monroe Montanl>f the Perth Amboy police!orce; Hugh, Frederick andRobert Montani, all of Perth]tmboy.

with Homer Economos, chair-man, at Dunellen High School.'Mr. George Checkur at School2, Colon la, or Miss Mildred iGreen, Shull School. Perth|Amboy. Deadline for reserva-tions Ic April 19.

Large Selection

SUtUUotlVital statistics lor the past

year show that a lote of peoplewent stork mad.—Wardial.

Easter CardsPUBLIX

PHARMACY91 Main Street



CAMS i GinsMiller'sGift Shop

WoiM YM Like Ti

6 Week Course ForAdult Beginners

StartiDgTues., April 16th7:30 to 8.30 P.M.

and every Tuesdaythereafter until .May 21st

Entire Course Only $ C . O O


On« Stop Shopping1, Bewlnc and Knittinj5t EAST CHERRY STREET



Election Results0 WCTC[HI Tuesday Night0 8 P. M. until all

Returns are in!

Hear Results First--Hear Them Fasti1450 AM

98.3 FM

W C T C . . . Your Community Station |

Now . . .

4 rimes the power senin<;

you every hour."


nx Mxht y.v


SALTS2.00 hufrMl Ht.*

$1.15 fifty lbs.*SERVISOFT ofWOODBRIDGE921 St. Georges Avenue

(Jut Isuth *t ClmW)ME 4-1111



It's Easter . . . time of happy hearts and smiling faces . . .time for the family to blossom out in new spring clothee«..to stroll in the Easter parade . . . to join friends and neigh*bora at church, where exultant voices rise in the triumphanthymns of the Day. We greet you at this wondrous season withthe wish that the glorious story of the miracle of Easter, BOmany years ago, may inspire each and every one of m withits message of hope, faith and life renewed.

Marie and Joseph Johnson

M & J H O M E IMPROVEMENT CENTER705 Amboy Avenue, Woodbridge


WaKung TractwsMowers


Complete Sank*O m MONDAI M«

WEDNWUT m i M *•

I Adler& SonsIWHI


There's something very special . . , very precious . . .

about Easter Sunday, that lifts it far and above all the

other days of the year. You see it in the happy faces of

whole families as they join the Easter parade to and from

Church. You hear it in their voices, joyously lifted in

triumphant Eater hymns. Most of all, you feel k in

your own heart at, surrounded by your loved ones, you

take your place in Church on Easter Sunday. \There you

will experience anew, fully and richly, that deeply in-

spiring sense of spiritual re-awakening that is the age-old

wonder and shining glory of Easter.

FIRST BANKoffirst in Service first in Security

Located on Inman Avenue at Amherst In The


Page 15: On Thur«dttj vw, Imaginative Apparatus Sale of Shell Site ... · Mud uued (ur «ift», Seated, Ult W ^hl, I'nul All tmix, John ('liilipka , Jubeph tjtMuk'iwaiki. SUudlim: Mta. Uubtrt


\\ \HHIORS: No happier irnnp tvfr |Xwd for a,,i ili.uiiplnnsliip picture than the Wfstlniry

uiu, umi the Recreation Babe Ruth Basketball,'IHMII after rnniplrtinK a Brawn of IS straightuilhnut » defeat. Th« remarkable eauers In the

front row consist of Frank Babias, Charles DcGeso, TedMarkiissrn, Hub Diaz, and Mike Duggan. In the rear areCoach r,arry lluth. Sr., BUI Strand, Howie Card, LarryIluth, John Baron and Coach Mike Dugran.


Illl M \V (KAMI'S1.: It was a jubilant day outI Mids MI linn uf the TuHimliip when the l'ordi1 - in , i ts (Mrutrd (he Itclin (Jliints In the annual,.i ,i.l!\ to rupture the 19S3 Kf creation Junior:' I n t w clumpioiunip. The new f lumps kneel-

inr in thr first row from left to right are: John Meyer,(Irorci' Hart, Jr., Kalph Bocoanfuso, Richie Powell andDon I'ajak. Standing are: Steve Kiniec, Ray Soporowskt,Jr., Couch Itay Sopornwskl, Bill Slsolak, Joe Croasdale> • and Doug Brandbury. "*r

|iti( Taken Last Screening SaturdayI'liannacy For Little League Boys

Gerity's WinThree Games

\::.i- ii dose race1 WOODBRIDGE - Player: Un liion of the K r c e n l n W 'or the Woodbridge p

l •• ti s t !L i ' t l e Le"*™* *"' ^ concluded!'•an t, me HI. S a t u r ( j g y Bay,, w i t h i e a g u e &m

11 and 12 will report at thethe

° o n V a nW t i Street at 9:00 AJ4. and

at 11:30 A.M., whileboyi In the * and 10 year agey y g

u-am was gt o u p will itart their play atTeam Standings:

i< 1) star keglers" . P. Culton, J.Six tun and D.'inr teams i in-

'"• line m order*'> CYO. Dem-;•), AvenelShop-HDine Improve-

l.:on.s club, Or-• : and the Dal-

ciiursi' of the• •'!! ort of 586 wai•'t.i»'icki, who al-uifs top average

1 '''inter campaign.f"i- the sched-

i recorded by R.'•••'• annual trophy

•:|'[)iovcd bowler"i to I1. MulvlhUl

• ' • I M l U t ' l . ,

••''•'•'v. Uiun in the• ljn wua the Ave-1 ' !"i> which com-•'•••••'•'"ful c a m p a i g n

";;i "tie. Members-; in ray included•\ Uanza, J. Eng-

: ^ andT.Moran.">•• champions

W Lap- Oerity Funeral Home 31 11

Mauro Motors 27 151:00 PJ4. and finish atproxlmately 3:30 P.M.

All this yttn new reglstrantsjRyan's Plumbing .... 28>a I5!jand boys who played In thePony, Leaguei last year mustappear at the screenings inorder to maintain their leagueeligibility.

Attendance will be taken atthe fields and therefore in the[event of inability to attend, dueto extenuating drcumstJineeiefforts ihould be taken to no-tify the field directors at thescreenings.

Boys who participated In Uiescreenings will be notified bymall of their assignment forteam tryouto during the week

Alexander'sPoodtown 24 18

SLsko and Fedor

William Pennnd Plumbing,

fcv I'

A>>be Lumber and: H | K In the; con-

honorawere cap-

^ Kuboveta, whoi*o name total of

'"«it count of 198,il average In the" U8 mark garner-l|xuMa, while the

111 award went to

Transportation ...Witting Machine

ToolWoodbridge Liquor.Teddy's SunocoBob's Color TV

231*, 18 Hi


iomers Flower House 16

Metro Motors 13


WOODBRIDGE - With thecurrent bowling season rapidlydrawingFuneral

to aHome

close, OerityIncreased Its

player screening.

Golfers BeatE. Brunswick

JAMfSBURO — wdodbrldgegolf coach Ernie Dubay took

in order were hl» Barrona out on the fairway*

II be presented to1 participated Indurmg the past

^nciuet to be heldl»e Cranwood Inn.Ls will Include par-

!'' b u *le« and the' l l |e varloua team*,

meeting coachesWilliamWalter. Luke

l Kussell openly"I'weciatlon for

l""i welved during


l u ' i i

following the conclusion of the I e a d t 0 f o u r a n d one-half gamesin the Knights of ColumbusIntra-Councll League after de-jfeatlni; the State Jewelers Inthree straight games.

The chief pin splashers forthe victorious Gerlty aggrega-tion were Lefty Oerity, 516;Dave G e r l t y , 509; MartyMlnkler, SOS. The Jewelers' beaton the alleys was Steve Petndr,who hit a 213 game beforewinding up with a 524 serlei.

Mauro Motors beat Alexan-der's Foodtown In three gamesand moved into second place asJohn Papp ' splintered themaple* with games of 200, 191and,221 for a 612 set. VinceLogue helped cement the winwith his 539 set and Al Mardhad a 509 set.

One of the wins was by amargin of four pins. For theFoodtowners, Tom Karplnsklhad a 214 game and a 566 set,while Hank Korzeb had a S12set.

iContinued on Page 16)

for the first time this seasonand the venture proved a mostsuccessful one with a 10-8 con-quest over Bast Brunswick atthe Forsgate Country Club.The opening match was limitedto nine holet,

Bob Kady, Eiat Brunswick'sace on the links, became in-volved In a close duel with KussMorgan 'of Woodbridge In themost exciting match of theafternoon, and at the con-clusion of play, It was Kadywho held a 2-1 edge in the finaltally. Tjie Beam' star shot anlmpressjve 42. while Morganfollowed by one stroke.

Woodbridge winners duringthe abbreviated match wereAndy Boyle. Jim Cherepunyu,and Dick Sparks, while theEast Brunswick's triumphantgolfer Included Larry Uulavaand Ed Edly.

Wayne Hlghtower of the BanFrancisco Warriors played forthe University gf Kansas andthe Real Madild'-Club of Spainbefore Joining Uie National

1111 from the teams'iBasketball Association for the1 ""-• two divisions. l»92-63 seauon

Deadline for RecContracts, May 3rd

YVOODBRIDGp — ThtWoodbridge Township Reercatlon Department it »eceptlng baseball and *oft-ball contract* for the comlnr1963 summer leagues whichInclude the following:

Senior baseball, forboys not yet 19 years of ageby June 4, 1963, HeavySenior Softball, are unlimit-ed and Slow Pitch Softball,for service organlcations on-ly.

Participants must be resi-dents of Woodbrldte Town-ship. Teams interested IDentering any of the abovementioned leagues may doso by calling the RecreationDepartment office at ME-4-4JO0 Ext. 280, 281. Deadlinefor submitting contract* willbe May 3, 1963.

I apraromcu 10 }UT\I nion High School0;i Suluriluy, Away


Practice Rum SetFor Wall Stadium

BELMAR — Wall Stadiumwill hold practice runs Satur-day from noon to 4:30 PM. Inpreparation for the opening ofthe 1963 racing season Sunday,April 21.

Drivers of midgets, threequarter midgets, sports cars,modified, sportsmen and novicestock cars hare been invited.The public Is Invited to attendfree of charge.

The sports cars will have thtrack from noon throughPM. with the other type cantaking over at that time.

Dick Lynch, star defensivback of the New York Qlantswill be feated "back home" onApril 18, He will be guest ofhonor at the PhUUpsburg Cath-olic High Booster Club banquetat the Elks Club. Lynchstarred at the local high schoolbefore moving on to NotreDame to the New York Giants.

Ralph Terry, World Seriespitching hero of the New York

prospect fpr professional golf.


SwallickTavern, Inc.Corner William « New Html*

WOOUBKIDtiE•Betty and Joe"-rboiM MK 4-9711


WOODBIUIKIF. ThHliili, c-niidiClprrd one ufpowers, in the Crntral ,1 T.-.-yConfnniiop with a 'i-n v, rord,run lino some uivxpochd ov>-IMis.iion from WoodoricjKc andwas more than happy to .settlefor a 3->3 tin in a game calkdbecause of darkness at thr con-clusion of eight Innings ofplay.

With a rreord or one defeatanri a pair of deadlocked RaimaCoach Frank Capraro's Baiiongwill be out to chalk up theirInitial spring victory Saturdayafternoon when they are sched-uled to depart from their homediamond to engage Union Highat 2 o'clock.

Capraro la still not satisfiedwith his pitching rotation andwill hand the hurling assign-ment against the Farmers toeither John Wukovets or theveteran Jim McDonald, whohas an 0-1 record thus far thisseason.

The W o o d b r i d g e skipperclaims the two tie ball gamescau be attributed to the lack ofhitting by his present club,which has not a* yet reachedits potential at the plate.

A problem at third ba.se stillexists with Harold Arnott andJoe Higglns still battling onfriendly terms to prove theirownership of the hot cornerliosition. A duplicate situationalso confronts Capraro behindthe plate, but he has decided toalternate his two most capablereceivers, Tom Nlemiec andJim Szewczyk, for the remain-der of the spring campaign.

One of the Barrons' mostpromising pitchers, Don Kee,injured his knee during a prac-tice session and will be out ofAction for the rest of the sea-son. Hts departure from themound staff will no doubt placea burden on the veteran start-ers.

Bruce Qyenes, t Junior, washanded the mound assignmentagainst the Capital City ninebut handed the diamond dlasover to Jim McDonald in thefourth Inning. When the secondtwlrler failed to last, John Wu-kovets came out of the bullpento hurl the last three (rimesIn which he blanked the visit-ing Trenton club.

Jim Brads and Jim Mawsickshared the pitching assignmentfor Trenton and succeeded inlimiting the Barrens to four$afe blows over tht eight inningspan.

Trenton took a 1-0 lead Inthe first frame on an error andsingles by Prank Partyka andBob Candelan. Two additionalruns In the third handed tlvTornadoes a S-0 lead,

Stu Szycher singled and thespeedy Jim Haluska Irdmedlately replaced him on tbj basepaths. The next batter, TerryNapravnlk, hit a hot grounder,which had the momentum topass on through both the shortstop's and left fielder's legsfor a blast which produced tworuns.

The promising rally was cutshort when Maslck took overthe diamond chores and lotlittle time setting Wukovetsand Tony D'Orii down In ordervia the strikeout route.


COACHES HONORED: One of Wnndbrtdge Townshipsforemost organizations, the VII'S, held their annual springbanquet at the Ami-Mean Legion Home with WondbrldceHigh School basketball coarh Jim I,ake and Indoor trackcoach Herb Hollowell being the center of attraction duringthe Impressive ceremonies at which time both Barronmentors were honored by the VIPS and the Board ofEducation for their respective achievements during the

1961 winter season, The VIPS presented each coach with

an engraved trophy, while the members of the Board

honored them with Inscribed plaques. Th« troop abort

from left to right Include: Harold Mullln, chairman of U M

Board's athletic committee, Mr. Hntlowell, Clifford Han-

derhan, president of the Hoard, Mr. Lake and Vincent

Reni, a member of the Board's athletic committee.

Barron TrackmenDefeat Jefferson

by Johnnie Royle

D'Orsi, IfHaluska, Ifteycher, lbJago, lbNapravnik, rfLawrence, ssMottola,Junson,Arnott, 3bNiemlec, cQyenes, pHadynlak, pMcDonald, pSMwczyk, cWukovets, p

a, «f •, 2b







Totals 30 3Trenton

A.B/ E.Vianchlnl, 2bDyer, lbPartyka, ssCandellan, rfBogkr, cfCambell, cR. Kessler, IfCacallorl, IfGoldberg, 3bM. Keuler, 3bBrads, pMascik, p


43433 '3302121



29 8 6Y a n k e e s , In regarded a s a good T r e n t o n 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 - 3

Woodbr idge 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0—3




State St.,' PerthHI 2-3401

BOOSTER CLUB SEEKS MEMBERSWalter Fee, recently appointed chairman of the

Woodbridge Booster Club membership commit-tee, is going all out to enlarge the local organiza-tion which is dedicated to increasing attendanceand' interest in all sports at Woodbridge High.To simplify the procedure of becoming a memberof the new club, Mr. Fee has made available offi-cial membership cards at the Village Inn, LeisureSports Unlimited and the Fords Sports Shop forthe price of one dollar . . . . Bill Randolph, a mem-ber of last fall's Barron football team, has it madeafter acquiring a four year athletic scholarship toDavidson College located, in North Carolina. .Members of the Tomasso Agency Tigers, who wonthe Iselin Boys Baseball League championship lastsummer, were honored for their exploits on thediamond In a gala affair, held at the Forge Inn.Each member was presented with a championshipjacket by their sponsor, Qene Tomasso. . . . JimVarey, the promising Barron track candidate, willbe benched for a short period after suffering spikewounds inflicted during an unfortunate spill Inthe quarter mile run against Thomas Jeffersonearlier this week, . . . Gil Augustine, training di-rector of the New Jersey State Federation of Base-ball Umpires, reports that four township citizens,Richard L, Balla, James DeJoy, Eugene Langanand Joseph Valocsik, will be inducted into hisorganization April 15 at the Perth Amboy YMCA.


Coaches Nick Priscoe, Lou Bartha, Don Fur-dock, Angie Armando and athletic director JohnTomczuk applauding the loudest when accoladeswere directed to the honored guests, basketballcoach Jim Lake and Indoor track coach Herb Hollo-well. . . . Master of ceremonies Fred Adams at-tempting to explain the reasons for the existenceof the VIP8 before a confused audlnce. . . . NickPriscoe asking Walt Merwin if all VIPS banquetswere as informal as last Saturday night's and whenlearning they wer^ he replied, "And (I've •beenmissing them for the past years - - 1 never laughedso much in my life". . . . The sincere acceptancespeeches made by Mr, Lake a,nd Mr. Hollowell.Their modesty made all in hearing range proudof the fact that they were representatives of ourcoaching staff. . . . Outdoor track coach LouBartha standing on a chair to deliver a short mes-sage. . . . The piano playing of Bill Hillyer andthe political speeches made by Walter Kopcho aftert w o . . . . Banquet chairman Joe McLaughlin hid-ing under a table when it was doubtful to whomhis pal Joe Nagy was going to award the trophyhe clenched in his hands. .*. . VIPS president

'Continued on Page It)

Harold Saylesis a very good . . . . CADILLAC . . . . salesman

to know! He specializes . . . . in delivering . . . .

and servicing . . . . excellent . . j . nearly new

. . . . guaranteed CADILLACS . . . . through a

nearby . . . . Authorized dealership! He could

have jiut the CADILLAC . . . . you're look-

ing for , , . . right now. Why don't you , , . . . ,

'phone him , , . . today? •

vi t-2Ul it JtW. to.f ML) ¥V S-8978 (BVB8.)

WOODBRnxn: — Paced bystill another brilliant perform-ance by the remarkable JohnnyEppenstelner, the WoodbridgeHigh. School track team,oached by Lou Bartha, romped

to a decisive 78-41 victory overThomas Jeflerwn of Elizabeth1

or their third straight victory1

Ince the Inauguration of theannual outdoor spring season.

Before engaging: Thomw Jef-erson at the local stadium,

Bartfla's trackmen took on St.Mary's of Perth Amboy andMadison Township in a triang-ular meet and scored a total of119 V4 points In comparison to13 Vi for Madison and 10 forhe neighboring Saints. j

Eppenstelner, who Is rapidly A l ldeveloping into one of Wood- £*•*•*•bridge High's finest all aroundathletes, set a new record when

Prison Farm TeamHas Softball Openingt

AVENEL — The Kew Jer-sey State Prison Farm Soft-ball Team has a few Satur-day afternoon openings ontheir schedule, (games startat 1:30 VM.), for adult soft-ball teams during the monthsof May, June, July, Augustand September. Will suchmanagers of those teamswho are interested, pleasewrite to Bertram K. Sells,Recreation Counselor at LockBag 'R', Rahway, New Jersey.

vents, the shot put, Javellneand discus in competitionagainst St. Mary's, Madisonand Thomas Jefferson. In hisrecent outing against the Eliz-abeth squad, he came out ontop with a 53 feet, 8 % lnehheave In the shot put, a 144feet, 7 Inch toss in the Javelinand a 180 feet, 4% inch flip inthe discus.

Greg Morse, the Barren'snumber one sprinter, was at tra-Mural League, Boston Col-peak form on the stadium cin- lege In the Senior High, Holy

100 and 220 yard dash. Histeammate, Steve Behrens, wasclose on his heels for secondplace finishes in both events.The winning times for Morsewere .10 and 2.22:2,

Another Woodbridgfi speed-ster, Eddie Sumple, went allout in the 44u yard run tocross the white stripe In frontof Thomas Jefferson's Jacksonand Burton. His time for the,run was 53.3.

Dancsecs of Woodbridge waspressed in the 880 yard run byJefferson's Kirk and Cardwell,but his final spurt was sufficientto hit the tape first. His timefor the course was 2:08.

Robert Walker dominated thehurdla events for the visitingUnion County team when hefinished in front of the packIn the high and low runs. Hiscompetition in th« highs camefrom two Barrons, Collier andStmkovich, while his teammate,Washington, placed second Inlows.

Baxtha's pole vaulters posteda clean sweep in their partl-cular event over the crossbar.Jimmy Brown was top manwith a flight of 11 feet, 8 Inches,while Collier and Schwlenertied for second place honors.

Saturday a selected group ofrunners, namely, Sumple,Dancsecs, Vargo, Stano, Burkeand Kurzeja will compete Inthe Mew Jersey Special MileBelay at Van COurtlandt Park,New York* in a meet beingsponsored by the P6AL. OnMonday, the Barrons will onceagain enjoy the atmosphere ofthe local track in a scheduleddual me«t against Carteret.

100-yard dash: 1, Morse (W);Behrens (W); 3, Graham

;TJ). Time: :10.220-yearddash: 1, Morse (w)

(Continued on Page 19)

Close SeasonCOLONIA—With four cham-

pions being crowned in the St,Jbhn Vlanney CYO basketballleagues at the conclusion of therecent schedule, a series of AllStar games were played re-cently at the Colonia JuniorHigh Sohool gym to climax amost successful season.

The 1963 champions are thePirates in the High School In-

ders, breaking the tape In the cross in the Junior and thePistons in the Biddy.

In the All star Biddy Leagueclash, the East manipulated a9 -7 triumph over the West asBob Gnadlnger scored fivepoints to pace hU team to vic-tory. Also contributing U> thewin w th ttjeir outstanding pj»ywere Jlmjny Keape, CharlesHoelderlln, James Kalapt* andGreg Olodowski.

The stellar East gqiutd 'In-(Iuded Qnadlnger, Keane, Hael-derlln, Kalanta, Qlodowikl*Robert Tarrant, William Mo-Keon, Andy McClellan, JU)b«tLueddeke, aery Rlppa, OresO'Reilly and William Heruda.The West club had such out-standing c*gers as Andy Rese-ar. Army Dolch, Chris Smith,lifted Weber, John Benesta,lark Yates, Tommy Mlrande,lark Shadlock, Tom Loomis,tlchard Van Blarcum, Mike,an Blarcum and Nlel Lanza.It was a waltz ti\ the Junior

«ague All star enftgement ashe talented East combine en-ountered little difficulty romp-rig to a one-sided 42-17 de-sion over the West.Bob Prongay collected 12

•oints for the winning Eastearn, while his new teammates,llk<; McQulnness and Geneilorrlson, ran their respectiveotals to eight and six. Mike

and Ray Anton eachossed W four markers for tha

quiahed club.(Continued on Pggt 10




Camping Equipmentand



Chrlstensen'sDEfrAEf MENT BTOBE

9t MjriB Hi. WotfbrldM

JustFor Your

C o n v e n i e n c e . . .i( Snack Barr Cocktail Lounge

•jr 34 Lanesi Air Conditioned

JOE 8CHUVONEFormerly o(

lords Keoreatlon CenterNow »s»l»tlng at Bowl-Mur

lleduoed lUtei For Childrenfci»lurd»y Morning


346 Main StreetWoodbridge




Page 16: On Thur«dttj vw, Imaginative Apparatus Sale of Shell Site ... · Mud uued (ur «ift», Seated, Ult W ^hl, I'nul All tmix, John ('liilipka , Jubeph tjtMuk'iwaiki. SUudlim: Mta. Uubtrt

PAGE SIXTEENThursday, April 11, 1963

Geritv's Win iBarron Trackmenl™,^08-,.Continued from Sport Pwe) | (Continued ftom Sport PMrt i<TJ>: 1 » « * « ' * •* . „ • . P l ^ i n * won two * £ • * " J W , 3. « * > <W, « ™ .TJV T » »

games from Sisko and PVdDr 41ft_worH „,„ j SumDte Collier <W*; J, Simkovlch <W>

Henderson; 3, Kelta-


Shot Put: 1, EppeiwtelnerW>; 1, Ackerman (W); 3. P»-

|««roni iW>. DfoUuxx: 5 3 ' t ^ ' .Discus: 1. Bpperotelner <W>;

440-yBrd run: 1, Sumpte Collier 'WTransportation in a claw con- , w , ; 2, Jackson <TJ«; 3. Bur- Time: 4.9.test, winning one fiame by »tx ton <T\J>. Time: :53,«. I*« Hurtles

r n i o i i i * v • • **» • • • - • - — • - i - • — • - • — — - ~ ™ ™ - • - - - ,

High Hurdles: 1. Walker; l i t Ptcarani <W>; J. Ackeimtn

1. Walkwpins and anotljpr by 18 " ggj.y,,,.,) r u n i Dancsacs 'TJ>: 2. Jefferson >TJ»: J. Col-

Joe Ryan was thr top bowler fw>- 2, Kirk <TJ>: 3. CardweU Her 'Wi. Time- 206.for the Plumber? with n 216 ' -- —•game and 553 set: Tony CzaJ-kowski had a 513 tota| and JohnArVa had a 510 series. For the'Transporters. Frank Zilai had a209 and R 527 MI The defeatdropped Ryan's into third place

Witting Machine Tool squeei-'fd out a three game victoryo v r Somers Flower Hoase.HlKh bowlers on the Wittingtftam were Joe Oeis with a 529Ki. Gun Tambini with a 523 setand John Einhorn with a 522-set. For the Flower House teamBert Mos»nthjnf put on a split.conversion exhibition, martin*four out of four and having a538 set. *-

Teddy's Sunoco won twogather from Woodbridge Uqupr.1

For the Gaspumpers, Art L>'Itney had a .542 set:, Jim De-Joy had two clean games of 185and 199 and a 532 set: John'Doycsak had a 195 game anda 500 set For the Liquor team.Ray Demoreski had a 513 set.

Bob's Color TV won threegames from Metro Motors and

|(WV Distance: 144T1.Ja te l in : 1, Eppenrteiner

<W>: 2, Ryan <W>; 3, Muta-te* <W>. Distance: 1 W 4 V -

High Jump: 1, Daniels ( T j v2. tie Sumple <W1 and Puvin(W>; Distance S'10".

Pole Vault: 1. Brown <W>:| j . tie Collter (W) and Bcfawlner(W>. Height: ll'«".

Broad Jump: 1, Daniels (TJ):2. Markulln <W>: RtnaMi (W>.Distance 2O'1V4".

Pistol Tourney to BeHeld Here May 18,19

WOODORIDOE - The thirdannual P i t t o l Tournament,sponsored by the WoodbridgeTownahip Police Department.ha« been wheduled for Vtay18, 19 at the local police ranee.

The tournament will Include

Douglas Koch, Bethlehem'Junior, has been* elected cap-'Uiti of the 1163-4 Lehighlwrestling team it was an-nounced this week. Ken Heist.Junior from Weyland, Mass.,has been named to head the!swimming team for next aeason.

The first intercollegiate ele-phant race, which was held last. jar at Harvard University,jwas won by Harvard's Sonitaover entries from 14 otherschools. The race was over a100 yard course.

gmoved into ninth place. JoeCiliberto of the TV team, hadgames of 203. 204 and a 588set, and Stan Kowaleski had a210 game and a 509 set.

Close Season(Continued from Sport Page) :

The winning East roster wascomposed of Tommy Duggan.1

John Panin, David Bookin. EdCurtis, John Resetar. Mike Mc-Ouinness, Ritchie Litwin, Rob-ert Romano, Robert Villiana.!

Robert Cllento, Andy pnsella.Mike Meoni, Bob Proneav. GaryLaFrano. and Steven Sulkosky.The West competitor;; wereMike Ijness, John Duffy. PeterCecere. Peter Albano. Ray An-;ton. Mike Knot. Joe Hoydis.iTony Palombo. Louis LaSpata.iEd Baurtis, Mike Giannechinl.;Gary Kazanf-ckl. Walter Kno-del, Dennis Kuntz and DavidKuntz.

The big attraction on thedav's crowded schedule was a"?/•" played between the SeniorLeaeue managers and coachesagainst an array of youthfulcircuit All Stars. The Old-i"m-r? in thp long run proved;that they still have the magic itouch by downing the select iG-Tiior caeers by a score of 44 -IM. !

Tom Chmiel was by far the]T\aior attraction on the floor-*wiiTd.s as he paced the Man-ns^r-Coaches club' with 12^o'nts to place high in the scor-'"<•. p lumn ahead of his sharp-footing teammate*. CharleyS'owart and Bob Lyness. whojiTidur^d totals of eight andsix The All Stars' most ac-curate marksmen with sixconintprs each were Torn Power?and Ray Lutz.

The triumphant aggregationwas bolstered by the court tal-ents of Tom Chmiel, Ed Knodel,Oharley Stewart, Martin Kear-ney, Bob Lyness, Ed Baureis,John Laseo, Gene Morrison, AlProngay, Charley Keegan, LarryLevandoski, Cal Donnelly, TonyHeoni and Sam Pessalano. Selected All Stars for the biggame were Tom Powers, RayLute, Joe Karcich, Mike Mag-nola, Dennis Sedor, Jack Don-nelly, Gene Donnelly, PhilDonoghue, Bill Gnadinger, JoePeters, Tommy Levandoskl.John LaCagnata, John Dolanand Tommy Mclntyre.

Sow Hear Thiscontinued from Soort Page*

Windsor Lakis olitmaneuvering his rival Jack Mc-Iver in a scheduled debate. . . . Board of Educa-tion members Harold Mullin and Vince Renz at-tempting to act dignified during their presenta-tipn ceremonies with Lakis informing them to cuttheir speeches short. . John Mandy came clos«to choking with laughter after watching his bud-dies Connie Montazzoli, John Demarest and Ernie [junior from 'weyland71Ma»T IDubay showered with pea soup spilled from the """ ' J '" *—" "•-'

tray of Parker Mclntyre. the head waiter fromSteve's Tjank Inn. . . . The expression on the faceof Jack Tobias when trie VIPS presented him witha deserving plaque, . . . Tommy Kath swearing hewill never cater another VIPS affair but betweentantrums, he informed all within hearing rangethat he will gladljr preside over a clambake forthe VIPS in August.MORE ABOUT SPORTS

Although he has not as yet been labeled thegreatest, there is. no doubt, in our minds thatJohnny Eppenstelner will become the number oneWoodbridge track star of all time if he continueshis current exploits in the big three field events.Since the start of the spring season, he has yetto lose a decision in the shot put, javelin and discusthrow against Madison Township. St. Mary's ofPerth Amboy and Thomas Jefferson. . . . It is alittle late but no one is more deserving of a fewwords of praise than Barron court star WarrenLuhrs. who was named to the Newark EveningNews All State team. . . . Leo Jarecki, a bobsled-,ding enthusiast from Jersey City and a lifetimemember of the Saranac Lake Bobsled Club, pre-sented several members of the VIPS with custommade miniature bobsleds last week for their suc-cessful efforts to promote the winter sport. . . .Andy McCray, the former Woodbridge track star,is rated the 12th best hurdler in the country andhas a solid chance of becoming a member of the1964 Olympic team. . . . Long known for theirfleetness afoot, Marge Zullo and Ore Mikkelsencan now boast of added laurels after being pre-sented with VIPS patches by Jack Tobias, whodesigned the colorful emblems. . . . Woodbridgebaseball coach Frank Capraro was dismayed upon

; learning that a member of his pitching staff, Donj Kee, would be of no help to the Barrens for theI remainder of the season, due to a serious knee

injury which could possibly ruin his promisingdiamond career.

open to Police and CivilianItMuns.

Matches in six opan eventswin be conducted in riniiww AiBandC.

The tournament will sUrt at8 A.M. on both days, rain orshine, and continue untU>dark,if necessary.

For additional information,eight matches, six of which are!contact Patrolman Patrick J

18 ODE

BUSINESSAir — Rail — Steamship - Hotel



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tevlln at the Woodbridge Po-tce. Headquarters.

Catcher Eilie Howard of thelew York Yankees says: "I'm;oing for the big season." How-ard hit .279 and drove In VIluu last season.

Gardening Project*Ditamed by 4-H

18EMN — Entomolonr and(ranieninK project* were dis-cussed by "Sparks and Knocks"4-H Club, Tmtday, H the homeof tMr l#ad«T, Wally Bowen,

|Correja AvenueThe boyn HIV

4-H Camp «t .-The camp in oneof 4-H Clubs ttSummer.

. Refre»hm?nUIby William filin.


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Page 17: On Thur«dttj vw, Imaginative Apparatus Sale of Shell Site ... · Mud uued (ur «ift», Seated, Ult W ^hl, I'nul All tmix, John ('liilipka , Jubeph tjtMuk'iwaiki. SUudlim: Mta. Uubtrt

Thursday, April 11, 1WS PAGE SEVENTEEN „'

• ; > ' v

ISELBN PERSONALSApril 'IT at the home of Mra.Bertha Hanna, Forrest Street.

—A meeting of Boy Sooutj

the WoodbrWge Senior Hlgh|iSchool.

—Rev. WlllUm R. Klrby,


! < • • ]

1,'inlts son of Mr. and; . Flnl(S, Block Ave-

^ s t ol honor at a,,,,'iy Tuesday, on his

: i i ( l i » y -,,nd Mrs. Robert 8

liut children, Janet,u , l d f t , and Barbara

niriiesox Avenue, have( ,,„,),• new home In

,,,, i, on Sunday, MrHubert C Scank, Lin

lunyandMr and Mr», ixumhei'ty and cht •

,h and Krvln. Menli,.iipsts at the Scank

, union Beach. Othei•,,st* Sunday were Mr

iII)Fr.ph Mftuoerl amThortms. Joseph, Ro«e.

;n,l Fdward, Bird Ave

1(. will be a meeting olPost 49 In St. Cecelia'

Hwm 207, from 7 tonirsday,

Powlei", daugh

library will be dowd today,imorrow, Saturday and Sun-ty.—The Honorettea 4-H Club

will meet Monday from 3:30 to30 ?M. with their leader

An. Waily Bowen, Correja.venue.—The Mothers' Club of Boy

Scout Troop 47 will meet Tuei-lay April 16,8 PM, at the First'resbyterlan Church. Plans willMi made for the theater party

May at the MeadowbrookDinner Theater, Cedar Grove.Hostess at the meeting will beAn. Russell Eckensberger.

—there wtll be no religiousInstructions Saturday for pub-lic school children who attendSt. Cecelia'* Church. Instruc-,lons will also not be held onApril 20.

—The Executive Board of tfiePTA of School 15 has changedts monthly meeting from Mon-day, April 14, to Monday, April22, due to the Easter vacation.Plans will be made' for theregular general membershipmeeting on April 29 when elec-

An',". M'I and Mrs. Emery.,' Kdison, WM dedicate*in »t ceremonies at tfo'." .\ ,,rmbly of Qod ChurclViiounwment was madi

Cocclla's Free Catholli

lumbus Hall from 7 to 9 P.M.Tuesday.

—The PTAs of St. Ocella'sl

Troop 49 will be held In Co- pastor of Iaelln Assembly ofOod Church, announced serv-ices as follows: Sunday, SundaySchool. 9:45 A.M., Morning

School will not sponsor their Worship^ 11 A.M., and Eyan-uroal cake sale after MassesSunday. The next cake sale willbe April 21.

- T h e Ladles Auxiliary of theChemical Hook and Ladder Co.District 11, meet April 18, atthe flrehouse, Auth AvenueMrs. Vincent King, president,will preside.

—The St. Vincent De PaulSociety of S),. Cecelia's Churchwill meet Tuesday, 8 P.M., InSt. Cecelia's School, Room 207.

In RehearsalJBeth Am Play Republican Qub

Plans Meeting

gellstlc Services. 7 P.M.; Tues-day, Prayer Meeting, 7:30 PJtt.;and Wednesday, Bible Study,7:45 P.M.

—The Lselin Fife and DrumCorps, sponsored by the Chem-ical Hook and Ladder Co.. Dis-trict 11, will meet with theirdirector, Robert Painter, Mon-day and Wednesday, 7:30 PM,at the Harding Avenue Flre-house. !

—The Junior Girls' Unit ofthe Ladles Auxiliary of VFW

-The Christ's Ambassadors!will meet Saturday morning, at

COLONA - Rehearsals for ISELIN - The Fourth Wardthe musical comedy, "Bells Are Republican Club will meet atRlnglnR." to be presented by the Iselln Public Library, Aprilthe Beth Am Players of Col- 26, 8 P. M.onla May IB at Woodbrldge Mrs. Rose PeriUard, second[Senior High School are In full vice-president, announced floral

t b local flower

Keitel are co-chairmen. JohnKeltel Is the Fourth Wardticket chairman.

Carl A. Fleming, Jr., presi-dent, announced the next meet-ing of the executive board willbe, April 34 at the home ofRobert Vierlng, sergeant-at-

NestburY Park News—Miss Janet Hratko, daugh-

ter of Mr


of lselin Assembly of GodChurch will have a Good Fri-day service. Guest Speaker will

Post Headquarters, 11 KM.—Mrs. Frank Glacumbo, Mi-

chael Street, will be hostess at1

swing.The female lead ts being

played by Miss Rhoda Fddman,who has appeared In variioff-Broadway productions. 1portrayal of jpff, the mcharacter, wtll be playedLang Des Jardlns, who has ap-peared recently at the Meadow-brook in the play "Most HappyiPellow." Mr. Des Jardlnes 1

arrangements by a local flowershop will be demonsting the social hour.

Mrs Herbert Lorentwn, wayshas

Wen'« BrotherhoodTo Hear G. DearnentWOODBRIDGE — George W

be John Wheatley with Russell the regular meeting of theHarris, Jr., in charge.

- T h e VFW'Post 3636 Willmeet tonight at 8 in the PostHeadquarters where nomina-tion1 of officers will be heldJPlans will be made to partici-pate In the Loyalty Day Parade[May 4 In Perth Amboy.

—A meeting of the 8ocletyfor the Preservation and En-couragement of Barber Shop

will be conducted by the Club['ring May.Membership tetters have been

sent to registered Republicans|ness will explain the federal

(also in many various]am

speaker at a meeting of theten's Brotherhood of the Hunarian Reformed Church,6, 7:30 P. M., at the pall, School Street. Mr. Dear

In the Fourth Ward in conjunc-tion with club's annilal

GKPRT Mah Jong Club, Tues-day at 6 P.M.


local theater groups.The Play Is under the able

direction of James Henry, Me-tuchen. Editor of the program.Mrs. Arnold Rice has begun tocompile biographies and lnfor-

Wllllam Keltel. first vice presi-dent.

The club's monthly ptibllcatlon wll be sent to all members|Day" will also be shown,

Senator Dlrksen has proposed matlon to be printed In conthat President Kennedy give[his $98,820,000,000 budget anto final grips with It.

tion of officers will be held. As Quartet singing In America willa special feature the secondV held Tuesday, 9 PM., In thegrade will entertain with a yFW Hall, Lincoln HighwayTom Thumb Wedding." p m a i plans will be made to Congress in January. Dlrksen

—The Federated Women's serve, as hosts at the Garden said this is small butClub of Iselln will elect officers State Competition, April 27, at economy Is an economy."

Junction with the play.of tickets will begin shortly.Proceeds will be used for the

[other cut before Congress comesJTemple expansion programcut before Congress comes tofinal grips with It.

president Kennedy had cutback more than $125,000,000 the

announcing the forthcomingmeeting and giving up-to-daUOOP and club news.

A roller skating party will besponsored by the UYR at OnSouth Amboy Arena, May 8,7:30 P M. Mrs. John Q,Schreiber. Jr., and Mrs. Wllllam'sherldan (111) Tower.

Mis. JohnHratko, Westbury Road, Ishome on vacation from 8t|Cyrll's Academy. Danville, Pa

-Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Klviti1

and family Westbury Roadwere guests %B Monday for theSeder, at the home of Mr. andMrs. Max Ktvttz, Newark. Mr

n w i ^ i v A w ^ — u..w..., ....and Mrs. Klvlte were hosts on)eamess will be the principal Tuesday evening at a Seder in

day, when they were dlniflrguests at the home o! Mr at]dMrs. Joseph Foraano,

—Mr. and Mrs. AnthofljAiello, Jersey City, were week*end guests ot Mr. and MB,George Beverldge, Worth StreQ,

—Condolences to Mr. amiMrs. Prank Tagliarenl, Wrrftt

their home. Questi IncludedMrs. Esther Kleinman and


Am. and Susan, of Wayne,

Street, on the passing olTagllarenl's mother. Mm S*-vatore Tagllareni. Bayonne. ^,

Grouo-Mnramki rEngagement ToW

IBELIN— Announcement h amade of the engagemww

VIlss Diane M. MaransB,of Mr. and Mrs Wai-

aws governing old age, «urIvors and disability insurance

benefits and how an Individual'sSocial Security rights can be[protected.

A sound film, "Before the

Mr, and Mrs. Louis Kleinmanand children, Qeri and Daniel,Linden.

-Mlas Barbara Doerr, daugh•£"mi> 4ter of Mr. and Mrs. Will iam3 o m e r s e t

ter Maranskl. 107 WashingtonAvenue, to Joseph M. Qrosjj,son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael

757 Hamilton Strert,

Unti l -They say that man is notJAvenel, and Carteret, attem

adapted for living In largecities. We were doing all right,1

[though until our draft board

the affair, which was called a| Mr. Orosso Is a New BrunJ-wlck High School graduat* and'Slack Party."

though until our draic ooara —Mr. and Mrs. Joseph For-served with the TJ 8 Army. He[decided the same thing.—Forttaano, Worth Street, motored tojls employed by McGraw-Hill,

• J • - * . - i-i 1 o.._ Ulnhfe»nnrnHempstoad, LoTu? Island. Sun-

Birds of a FeatherYou go up In life and you

spending requests he laid before come down. And It's a tossupon which trip you meet the

"anblce peoples-MonroeiHlrror.


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Page 18: On Thur«dttj vw, Imaginative Apparatus Sale of Shell Site ... · Mud uued (ur «ift», Seated, Ult W ^hl, I'nul All tmix, John ('liilipka , Jubeph tjtMuk'iwaiki. SUudlim: Mta. Uubtrt

PAGE EIGHTEEN Thursday, April 11,

Outing EnjoyedBy Girl Scouts

COLONIA .— Business'wascombined with pleasure whenMrs Aronld Lada, leader of OlrlScout Troop 189 und hpf assist-ant, Mrs. Frank Oa'ydos BC-comDanled the ulrls on an out-!In? to the OM F-nut camp-site1

In Roosevelt Park.

I1 was a pleasure for the,rr-'un to witness the beatity ofnature In the landscaped tmrk1

,••- .., tv,n * r P P ! w r r e budding.1

prpmrlnft to flower Into thepromise of summer. Th« busi-n?"* nt hind wi* Girl Scout,biKln^s. th» fulfilment of re-'<vi I n v a r ' s for earning second ..r l i ' i M d ^ s which turned outtn *>» Nvti work and fun.

PnrtiplDBtlnst In the outtnenni tesfs were a iroup corp-prltsH of KnrTi Ciilllane. Chrls-Hrr O"v(<o<s. Toni Karclch. Les-lie r.ftda. Marilyn Maspr. fcatri-CA P?^^.o. Rnseanne Pr\*zaikow-sVl. Lisa PhaDlro. Tarolanne,Stiles and Elizabeth Zatwlo.

Activities and requirement*they fil>d prior to and durinsrthe outing are as follows: sport*flnti same*, th* learning andplavlnff of View (tames: musicand dance, learning thp histonof sones, community aid andfolk dances: safety, learnlneand practicing simple first aidand what to do in emenrencte.fcommunity sen-ice: contributed:canned goods and monies to]Girl Scout Thanksgiving Fund,aided In gettlns: out the vote:I n t e r n a t i o n a l friendship,learned about the food crafts,clothie and customs of variouscountries usinp th^ s*t of book."Hi Neighbor." ^ ' - > - M «-*distributed by UNICEF. alsosupplemented their *tnof>'1co

watchine the Girl Scout film,"Fiend to All:" fun In the out-doors building and starting afire, planning and cooking mealsand hikin?

A recet contribution to the!Juliette Low Fund by the eroup'heloed to foster the pctirities of;Girl Scouts in ortner countries.

Second class bpdees and pro-ficiency badge* will be presentedth» eiris at a Court of Awardsto held on Ann! 17. The Troopwill visit the Edoar Hill Nur^in?Home on April 27 and distributegifts to the patifrits


Trial and Error ITh's f\'"\ would come under;

'hp classification of a "very iFnel:<h c°medy." It Is dry. wrycomedy that provides an abun-d p i c of chuckles but not theactual euffaws that usuallyacimnany comedy.

It demonstrates the actingsV.'iu of Peter Sellers and:Rirhard AHenboroush. who to-gether make it a mastery of;ur-Wolaved. craftv histronics. |

' " T " store concerns a Ion?- jlufferimr shonlceppeT 'sPllinehirdspprtsi, who has murderedhis wife. He finally came tothe breaking point when hecould not, bear her constantlaughing, pood humor and Jok-ing ways. The meek murderer;fAttenboroushi has been a s -

signed as his barrister for thedefense 'Seller.5', a scholar of jmany decades ago.

What happens in the re-mainder of the film is a sortof specialized humor, especiallythe reenactment of several im-aginative courtroom triumphs,which they hope to base theirassumed victory.


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Whole or Either Half-Full Cut • 451

Cranberry Sauce Z 2 1 33e «^l TURALL YAGtD - SHORT CUT P MFruit CocktailSweet PotatoesBumble Bee TunaCranberry Sauce

-*•- 2 l fc..r65e

*A.d.A RIBSwBEEF "7 RepriarStyle 55Ib.

2 . . : 69e


Chipt/Miii, Daft 1 Nul•acan ShoHbrtiJ

Sprrf A MM

• I •» ALUMINUM FOIL 21 ft.

AICOO wrap W^.M ^Sunshine Vanilla WafersNabisco CookiesLady Clair Banish CookiesBurry'sGaucho CookiesPotato Chips R.,

J;;Blue Bonnet MargariieRiver Brand White RiceLucky Whip Topping MixWarwick Thin MintsLarge Stuffed Olives nM,nUiFreestone Peaches H#tw.';'M

My-T-Fine Pie Crust MixRiffillifi PILLSBURY w BALLARD

Dexsee Minced ClamsGreenwoods Red CabbageContadina Tomato PasteMarcal Pastel Napkins

— F r o z e n Food Yalaes! —Sweet Green Peas" ' " "Chopped Broccoli *">"•< SA&P Brussels Sprouts 2French Fried Potatoes ••lPE<^ 5Dorann's Candied YamsWhole White Potatoes -

4 tollbi .

Ttf firidt—Law


LEG or RUMP of VEALVeal Shoulder Roast""'"






85« Newport RoastRib SteaksLoin Pork Chops

95?Short Cut


014 Fnfelu


UNOXHAMS 2.89Smoked Mam SteaksSmoked Pork Butts ^ 69!Top Round Steak ;-:.< 99;Top Round Roast











Mort Jan* Parker Holiday Values!Flmrlil EaiiH Fatirlli

FruitStollen w"kwo- 59e

riillitlt-fgll Slit

Easter Pound Cake K00Twin Rolls 1$~ :

l ib. 49s

Roman Cheese Ravioli ';;; 47* ™ T¥ No-Cal Beveragesfhh for Holy w-ki Hawaiian Punch

Refreshing Holiday Beverages!Yukon Club ^D.P 1^White Rock G n 9 ; X r ' Ul

Coca-Cola « - ^ 6 £,43« l^ZJ*Yukon Canned SodaSuper-Coola Soda -vlFU




pkfl. T T

3 [i:r 23'3 12 fi. oi « r .

rial W

AlFllavori J p in l 9 0 *" bot». ""

tut* Fruii Raven I q4.14 fl. <

(Rad) out ina!35«

Raster Sweet Treats!Jelly Eggs Bfind

l ib .pk,.25C

Marshmallow Rabbits S 3 r "ro"°Marshmallow Eggs w-*w l^ l2ne"1*1

Peter RabbitChocol<t«C»««>aJ


Molo. Chocslata) u



PrieM «*fectiy« thru S»t.,April) 3th in SufxrMar-k«h and S«lf-$«rvic«item only.



49 3-LB.BAG




SAVE 6c • • SAVE I8(

55. :• 1,59Enjoy frcib COFFEE MILL FLAVOKEaster-and SAVE EXTRA CASH Iida : get the txtra-thrifty 31b. bag!


AU Tolpcco ProducU, Ficth Milk and Alcoholic Bcvutgu waupt irum PUid Stamp oiler.

1H HA1N ITHEET WOOPBRIDUE, N j .0 » M 1DJ • r.». Unn T«*.. W«*.. Tbvn. -• W«»» Tttl »• '•*• - «•* « - • " • - OPM 8un4i» i • i f.H.

HI ROOSEVELT AVENUE, CARTERET, N. J.Op** Till I rjl . MML, t i » , W««., Than. -* rrt4*y Tttl l l P.M. - S.Urfer I A.M. to • PM

306 INMAN AVENUE. COLONIA. N. j .TUII I ' Jf M H . , TM*., W«4, Tkun. - Writy TUI II PM. - Baturdaji I - H f.M. - Upcn fcipfej » - 1 f i t .

MM tf IN TaUitt-Htfi

ANACINlarly 1.25


Page 19: On Thur«dttj vw, Imaginative Apparatus Sale of Shell Site ... · Mud uued (ur «ift», Seated, Ult W ^hl, I'nul All tmix, John ('liilipka , Jubeph tjtMuk'iwaiki. SUudlim: Mta. Uubtrt

Thursday, April 11, 1963 PAGE NINETEEN

Plansliii'lion Sale

Andrew Ma-Women's

United Church SetsCommunion Service

COLONIA — The UnitedChurch of Christ will conductcommunion service at theHazelwood Chapel, Lake Av-

at a


,i tin- church.Auction will take|

MPthodlst enue, tonight at 8:00. GoodFriday services will be held ntthe Osceolft PresbyterianChurch, Rarltan Road and thrParkway, 8 P. M.

• iinwirilp Hall on' On Sunday, Rev. Cteorge AI 'in, beginning ^huUs , pastor will have as his

'.,',.! i P.M. Hot sermon topic, "Were You\,M\ swia will be There?'* at the 11 A. M. service! having articles at the Frank Hfhnly School.

ni,v rontaet Mrs. church school classes for nil"4720. ages will be held at 9:45 A. M.llnniwn and Mrs.!

, ,,• iiflrned chair-,iiuisi1 sale flched-; Doctor Talk

• t

and 3 In the1 from .9 AM

1 Br DR. JOHN B. REMBKRTBirthday" will.,,[ g social on:-;ni! everyone's'I \hies decorated."•ihcach month i«flectln« man for which

Norman Beck'cauRf and proper or curativeid Nelson «rp treatment Is not known. Rlncr

A thf days of the, well-knownbe pic- baseball player Lou oiu-ln nnd

direction ofihls UntlmWy death from thKmid Mrs.dlsease the public has be«n

aware of such a disease rer-

By John R. Retnbert, M. 1).Multiple Sclerosis Is a disease


, , i !

[Family SkatingParty Arranged

MENLO PARK TERRACE -i family roller skating P » r t y ; C l n f nrill be sponsored by the Moth- C J l d l L

first game of the season. lake place at a dinner-danceRefreshments will be sold af- on June 1 at Temple Beth Am.

ter the annual parade, accord- Reservations for the dinnering to the chairman In charge, dance may be made with Mr.Mrs. .Joseph Carey. Lcmerman, chairman at Ft) 8-

9484; tlckls are $750 per cou-plr

The next meeting will be at8:45 P.M. on April 18 M Terri-

ers' Auxiliary of the Menlo' n n , . n . . . pie Beth Am hen "Credit Un-Park Terrace Boys' League on g y ft JJJJJ ft Y\[\\ Ions." win be the topic of both

J the Kuest speaker and a film,

rwr.Mii r, , . r. t T n l s wl11 fcp 'flowed by an en-

CQLONIA David Cohen was, ^ i , , , , , , , h a l ( h o u r 0 , . . M o v l e

Monday evening, April 15, at| the South Amboy Arena, ac-!cording to Mrs. Peter Befano.President. nominated for president of Co- shorts"

! Bases will leave P.8. No 19 l o n l a " RVlWB'v B 'n*' B ' r l t h

at 8:30 P.M. and return at Lod|1!c wh(M> t l l ( l nomlnatlne; 10:30 P.M. The price will be c°mml«ee m p t with the board111.75 per person which will In- o f directors at Temple Bethchide, transportation, admission A m J p w i s n Community Centerjand skates. Parents, as well as New officers nominated forchildren and teen-agers arc In-'the 1963-64 term included Har->vited. This particular night was old Mlnkoff. Michael Sablosky,.

I chosen because the children Edwin Monas, vice presidents: i;will be on Easter vacation. jMlchael Lemerman, treasurer ;j! Chaperones will be on tlir- Samuel Relnjold, financial sec-!ibuses and at the arena for any'retary; Burton DruckVr. cor-• hoys and girls, ages 8 throufeli1 responding secretary; Lawrence!.15, not accompanied by an'• Frledlander. recording secre-iudult. Any Interested party mayi tafv; Eugene Blackmail, war-jcall Mrs. Joseph Schlrrlppa, 76 den; and Rabbi Herbert Wit-Ethel Street, U 8-2431. Ikln, chaplain.

I Final plans were completed Alao: Ray Haftel. Jules Blue-|S"PP°>*d to have had IU day,iat the regular meeting Friday'stone, Ionel Kahn. Bernard I !?t(

1?R<* m t h e n c w s w i t h 8 0 I M

evening in regard to/'OpeningiDickman, Samuel Sagan. and>uule c n a n » e s

OacK utakingpopulavson. W<bridescordinggrandrrmother


^raihion flow

r nov


ddinpare b

toothers da;


a pKullnr thins.

nineties, arc nowDlace of the very

of this past sea-aressej lor spring

elng designed ac-^Ihoje worn In

's or great grand-

dress, which was

Nirl.sen and Mrs.,•,u-:i' hastesses to1

:,• this meeting., ;m: will DC heldf Mrs. Bluer Nel-

,| Avenue, Pords,a I'M.

HEAVY WINDS — Considerable damage was caused Fri-day by heavy winds which played havoc with the cinderblock wall at the YVoodbrldice Police pistol range. I.ook-

ognlzed and diagnosed by med-ical men for nearly a centurynow, but to date It remains achallenge to medical science. ,

The reason for writing about can be absolutely ruled in or other diseases producing neur-jtnR "hits," Sent by the. State

in* over the damage are Patrolmen Philip Yacovlno,Samuel Ktratton and Patrick Devlin. A Iran Inn .will lec-tion can he seen between them.

,of the Season Day," Sunday.'Morris Peckerman, trustees,A p r 1 1 28< The slate was presented by

such a disease Is not to frighten out.the reader — but rather, to| Once the denlist your financial aid In this llshed then

dri-imi Sclf-nce

i,«MIII.sermon -crippling diseases have beenjdrug has not been discovered tribute.:.* for today « i C O n q u e p e ( 1 by medical sclerice, that will stop the diseaseJ" " " ' ' K I T . land given time for concerted Symptqmattc treatment of

oe empna- _mAlMi . . . . . , A h l t l s hopedicases has been

ologic disorders can be mas-Department to appear beforeis estab- tered through medical science'the Allied Embassy Force in

treatment can and research. Please help when Moscow, Hope had an oppor-petplexing problem. Manyjbegin — but to date a specific next you are asked to con-tunity not only to appear as a

• • • • - - . . . . . . comedian that he ls but to bea real Ambassador for theUnited States.

The "one other place" rou-tine is on the campus of theUniversity of Notre Dame whenHope received the Patriot'saward from the Senior Class of

en- TI|0 lirUI| | |C HLfl-jnday at » H ; t h l t t h i , prOb|(.m will be hanced since the development!

'' r l " i rh

e ' i e s ' . 'solved. of the muscular relaxant!

^'••o condemna-' The greatest problem facing ^ 8 " - ' ^ h Mcnts overcome!•ihich are in'the physician and. consequently! the most common symptoms of

•>>H valk not af-';,the patient Is that of establish- ^ t r eme muscle spasms of the recording

Felix (The Cat) Brown

ON DRUG IMPORTSStrict regulation of the im-

portation of dangerous drugsarid penalties for violation wereproposed by Senator Dodd <D.tConn.) chairman of the SenateJuvenile Delinquency subcom-mittee.

Dodd said a major problem

arises from drugs manufactured

in this country, legally shipped

into Mexico, purchased there

entitled Hope ln|1982.nut a f t " the' lni the diagnosis of multiple lower extremities. , k n o w n U a d e m a r k 0 , b e l n g %

.. ,n < 8 1' .sclerosis. This diesease Is onei These spasms of the leg master of comedy in his latest! ,^un is entitled/that attacks and destroys the musclei are painful and many| r e c o r r j ing entitled .Hope In

i r and Death!covering membranes of nerve;patients have difficulty in walk- jnug^ A n j O ne Other Place.,;rd readings In-iflbers. called thHnyelln sheath.;lng - but with the use of on*jThi s | , a collection ot his besti.«.n>e from "Scl-lThls disease, ln\mo«t cases or more or a combination o f L o n o i o g v j e s presented live be-, h with Key tojseems to attack the sheaths ot muscle relaxants such musclef[Ore an audience of Diplomatic

Mary Baker;the nerve track In the brain spasms are eliminated or re-'corps and Embassy personnel.Every day'stem and spinal cord, and fre-duced to a minimum.

ds upon us foriqUMUly the «peclali7.ed cranial Poliomyelitis has,Decca Records, in presenting

for all on an LP Stereo album, AmrMhet than pro- n e m s such as the optic nerve, practical purposes, been con- erica's well known and widely

I'i.M.siian power.i The problem in diagnosing quered — so with full public travelled showman, has added

All the teams and their offi-cials will march through theTerraae accompanied by twobands and will proceed to thenew field which la located atthe dead end of Wall Street

a nominating committee com-prised of Mr. Bluestone, How-ard Schwartzberg, Mr. Pecker-man, Mr. Dickman, and MrHaftel.

Election of officers will be

Dresses' skirts aie below theknee and we wonder how muchlonger they will be a year orso from now.

Dedication ceremonies williheld at the April general meet-then take place followed by the! Ing imd the Installation wlll'horse.

DefinedAn abstract noun is one that

cannot be heard, seen, touchedor smelt. — US8 Trojan Sea-

Any fan of Mr. Hope's canonly anticipate the antics re-1corded here — it represents asplendid example of Bob's mag-nlfleent blend of wit and wis-dom.

Why not get a sampling atyour favorite record shop?

and smuggledUnited States.

back into the

Ain't It So?

Plastic surgeons can do al-most anything with a humannose ercept to keep lt out ofother peoples' business.—TheGator. .

Study shows small businesseswould be thebeneficiaries of

nmsisi solely tn|this disease then is the wide support multiple sclerosis and to their collection of long last-'tax program,i of sin, slclcne»;variety of possible neurologic


most-favoredthe Kennedy

r. the

Ji'MISpower of symptoms that may presentdestroyed'themselves at the time of initial

onset Of the disease. Manycase* will be difficult in the

Jinan endures beginning and may require sev-in waterffllrtl era! years o( medical observa-

tion before multiple sclerosis





I niOOO Grain1 Htime Guarantee

Financing Arranged


1, Avenel, MK 4-0080'n Dill; I * M. 10 i P.M.di; 1 Thiiridip Til I P.M.



306 INMAN AVE. " t S M w , COLONIA, N. J.

Easy to Reach!

Only minutes away

from all points in

Woodbridge Township

Low, Low Prices

and Plaid Stamps

— Large FREE Parking Area —Open 'Til 9 p. m. - Monday thru Thursday

Friday 'Til 10 p. m. - Saturday, 8 a. m. to 6 p. m.OPEN SUNDAYS 9 a. m. to 6 p. m.


LUNCHand DinnersServed Daily

11 A.M. Till Closing, UM A.M.Sunday from 3:00 P.M. to

Closing- (Midnight)


mmHOME-MADE SPAGHETTILasacna, Ravioli, Pizza Pies

Hot or Cold Sandwiches




Served In Our DlnrrDally From DM A.M.

VILLAGE INNBar & Restaurant

I Green St., Woodbridge(Uor. Uihwi; ATe.)








FU 8-6900NEW

'63 FORDSNow —

By Special ArrangementNO MONEY DOWN


"No One Sells For Less"



NEW '63FALCONS ...... $56.25

NEW '63WAGONS $60.35

NEW '63FAIRLANES .. $60.45

NEW '63GALAXIES ... $64.25

'82 FORD — Convertible, powersteering. R&H,7,000 mile car J22«l

'6J FORD—Qalmle, 2-door, H.T.RAH, low mileage .... «09 i

'(I FALCON — 4-dr. Mdm,Automatic, RAH,immaculate $1343

•61 FORD — Fairlane, 4-ttooT,Auto., V-8. Cleanl _ t U «

'81 FORD — Oalaxle, 3 dr. B.T.,P.8., P.B., E&H, W.W. tires,Fordomttlc. Like New $1695

'JL FORD — Palrlane, 4-<tr.,Fordom»tk, W.W. tires,R&H, Very Clean S1295

'60 FORD — QaJaxlt, \-ix. H.T.,

Fordomatlc - »1095•«0 FALCON - 4-dr, Wagon,

•tick thllt, RilH ._ »109S

'80 FORD—Falrlane, 5-door se-dan, stick, R&H «95

'50 FORD — Oalaxle, 4-dr.,R&H, Auto., V-8,Like New .! J995

'59 FORD — Country Sedan,Fdrdomatlc, R&H,Crtunputf «109S

•59 BUICK—LaSabre J-dr. haid-top, power steering .. |114I

'39 8TUDBBAKIR - Lark 4-dr.,automatic.Real economy 1 ._ IMi

'59 THUNDERBIRD — Conver-tible, double power,R&H | H »

•59 MSRCUR1 — P&rklane. 1-dr. hardtop, double power,R&H *129»

•J« OLDSMOBWS - "M", 1-dr.r hardtop, power.Terrttlo ahapel .1881

•58 CHEVROLET — PowerglWe, 4t CJU4-door Mdtui ^ |S45

'M CADILLAO—Edor&do, 2-dr.hardtop, full power.A btauty - _. $1895

'58 FOBD — Country Squire,rordomatlc. P.8., P.B., E&HA m l bargain JM5

'58 FORD — Custom '300', 4-dr.Stick SUUt, R&H __ $595


EXTRA SPECIALI'55 T-BIltD, Automatic

Both Tops(Save plenty on this)


Both Top*(Don't mlM itl I)


— •' FORD DIALER931 SI. GiORGi AVf. RAHWAY H) "6900

See Our Beautiful

[aster Flower Displayi of Potted

Hants &. Howersin FullBloom!

111 "* t r lhe VVDTMM ' inbrt K.T.O, Kl 1-5424




Avenue Cartwet, N. J.

OUR FORDS OFFICE HAS G R O W PAINS!!To serve you better, construction of an additional

drive-up window at our Fords Office will begin on April15 and extend to May 1.

It will be necessary to close our drive-up windowsoccasionally during this period. Whenever you find ourdrive-up windows closed, our lobby will be open for business.

Come and see what we look like inside . . . . won't you?

DRIVE-UP BANKING HOURSMonday thru Thursday«- 9 A.M. to S P.M.Friday - 9 A.M. to 7 P.M.


May the radiant glory of Easter shine

brightly in every home and in every heart.

As we gather with family anS) friends

in Church on Easter Sunday morning, may

we see expressed in every flower, the miracle

of spiritual rebirth . . . hear voiced in every

hymn, the stirring triumph of the Easter


May we rejoice once more in the supreme

blessing of the Resurrection . . . and find in

its transcendent winder a renewal of hope

and fulfillment of faith to fortify our cWage

and sustain our spirits through all thle days






Page 20: On Thur«dttj vw, Imaginative Apparatus Sale of Shell Site ... · Mud uued (ur «ift», Seated, Ult W ^hl, I'nul All tmix, John ('liilipka , Jubeph tjtMuk'iwaiki. SUudlim: Mta. Uubtrt

PAQE TWENTY Thursday, April 11, 1963

Scouts Weekend '*•»«•'-a»Fall Square Dance

A t ' W o n n a c t a p ' ISEUN - The Chain O'Hifta1

f l l TTdllllaaidC jwoman's Club at a recentdecldNl *f h ? W

f t a

In Or-

jT8ELIN - Girl Scout Troopi""*""*

160 spent, the imkrnd at Wan-'8""*"1

nutat arrlvlnu Friday nlRht. t f l l»r:,d« t« , :whm they madr i flro and had whf>n further plam. are made ;

hot chocolate and toa«tfd' * » * * » " » " " » * B f . i n « d ' ' °marxhmallowa. t h p Iso1111 p l r s L A l d *>u"d

„ . . . Mrs. Raymond Freeman, wnysSaturday morning breakfaat n n d m p m , c n M r m 9 n i „„.as cooked n a ope fl«

was cooked on an open fl«n c f d R rol lp i. s K f l U n ( ! pn,.t>.

l n J u n f

m fOr t h f M n ,cons i s t s of bacon and «*«., ,„ b r

toaitpd rolls an hnt chocolate | ^ m fOr

After capers a bird and flower m w t , n g w i l ] f e t t W f , ^ ^Identification (dime was played f r o m p > ] b U c S e r v l c p o n m l W n o r

which had been prepared and ^R^t1nedirected by Bftrbsra Cnann. _J _ |Terry Rudine and Carol Lan-j :

ninR working towards theiri u l Introduction 'first claw bud*. * ™ R happened In Enutand

_. . , - . . . , . • •. The bus was starting in the:The hinch detail made J i m - m l d s t Of a torrent of rain. when.

ters stew and the water detail,,, cm6uCtoT m n i s h p a r t i n Jrenewed the water supply while s | d f a n d , , r e d . .,W|11 a n vthe rest (fathered kindling. D m - ; t l p m a B KPt O u t s l d f flndner of roast chicken and POt«ner of roast chicken and POt«-toes was set over s slow firewhile the group hiked to MenloPark for a supply of milk

o l , i i R ( .

,.Snp c(m com<> ljlsidf gnd sitmv k ,{ ,,kfs;. XR|d

8 ^ ^ ^ ^ j o c u l a r l y i a n d i toOn Saturday night Mrs. Rtith h|s grPRt surprise, in bounced1

Reese and her two daughtersarrived and taught the group ahiking game arid how to makenn attractive night candleholder out of a can. All turned


a buxom woman, who forthwith;appropriated the offered knee.

After a time the man gotInto a conversation with hisburden, and asked her where

iri early to listen to a ghost she was going. On hearing herstory. destination, he exclaimed

Sunday morning church serv-"Bless me, that's my house!"Ices were held under the tree*and after breakfast the group an, blushing, "I'm the newprepared to leave for home,

"Yes, sir," replied the wom-


Dr. Peter B. BeronioSurgeon Chiropodist

Announces the opening of his office

for the practice of surgical chiropody

st IS Holmes Street, Carteret.





School 22 HoldsOwn Mock Trial


H Augustine,

Mrs. Florence

principal ofSchool 22, advised her all-pur-1

room was turned Into acourt room for a mock trialst.(\«Prt by the sixth gradeteachers and children. I

Mr Buonocore. the Judge,rnpped the gavel often to re-strain lawyers. Mr. Kuntlngtonand Mr. Zmljewski. Childrenparticipating were MichaelBlacker, plaintiff: Dnvld Qreen-spnn, defendant: Debbie Free-man, 3uR«n Sheffield. HowardSehulzman. James Sharkry.witnesses; Jack Berman. courtclerk' MniBaret Schmidt, re-roiriVr: and Steven Smolen asa pnlin-man In the courtroom.

William McQlnnto. EstheriCapnrale. Raymond Galloway..;David Snltzer. Linda Lanldus.;,Ianet Hulblg, Jo-Ann ©izzo.j;Diane I/nart, Valerie Uhrlass,Omuls Ziober, Arthur StefTey,

.and Krttlicrlne Baytalt wer* the


STRIDE RITK'S "DART" Y/t note the triumph;,,,, r(,t jof a bo? s «hof classic Stride Rite makes It IT, Hnfi «„.,'fTmahojany-tonrd leather, artfully lasted to hold it, ,hIt has the casual, comfortable new look wKlch howStride Rite nhoen are earrled in jour locality |)v R(U('"JShoes. Perth Amboy and Menlo Park, ""

Mr Health HintsSPONSOR HONORfcD: Gene Tomasno, the sponsor of theTomaioo Agency TUMK which copped the championshipin the Iselln Boys league lwt summer. Is shown abovereceiving; an inscribed jacket from Curtis Campbell, theorganization's president, at a recent banquet held at the

Forge Inn. looking on during trip brief ceremonies areEdward Miller, Tiger manager: Charlie Rahr, a past presi-dent and founder of thr popular league; John Hare,Tiger manager, and Henry Modzlewskl, the third Tigerskipper.

Doctor Talksystem of the body have beenrecorded in medical writ-ings — such as the ocular sys-tem and the gastrointestinal

By John J. Rembert, M.D. ..

The general topic of allergyhae been discussed before withmost individuals connectingallergy with conditions of therespiratory tract and the skin.

lungs and the skin, but theoret-ically, any tissue or organs ofthe body may be the site of in-volvement.

Allergic reactions

Characteristic of the allergic proper treatment instituted to)

pain pattern varies so from damage to the eye.patient to patient — in short, Allergtc reactions involvingthe typical feature of the aller- the stomach can be quite

It is true that the majority of tive factor ln many case*. Thesymptom* of allergic disease do allergic headache is referred Of itching and burning of t h e a a s t l i c c r l s i s

involve the nose, throat, or to as a nondescript headache *-•.:.*.,.A

the eyelids.to a food and not necessarilyassociated with respiratory al-lergy.

The allergy headache is often conjunctiva, in some cases in-

inating over the eyes, then eye. In case of such allergicgradually spreading and becom- reactions your doctor must being generalized over the head consulted immediately with

another <"1*M exchange

<m, the glrln and boys ofZmllevvskl'n sixth grade

.stnpcd \,MT vfrslon of a trsclrjinwt in «n nrlginnl play crestedto stimulate interest In the•actual annual meet event held'IN PRAISE OF PAINjbv the Woodbridge TownshipISchools" physical education de-partment.

Participating wereSchutaman, Michael BlackerMarsraretBather,

achmldt, PattyKaren Lukensow

Christine OaMel. Edward Cur-itts, James 8h«rkey, Jeffreynruttz Iris Pave. Susan Shaf-!fle!d, Terry Rudine. ThomMClravolo. David GreenspanToek Bertnan, and Richard Lee

Two puooet performancesgic headache is that it is not alarming at times, with distress "Snarky, the Friendly Spirit,"typical. so great as to raise the ques-!were presented at the school

Ocular allergy is quite com- tion of the possibility of a pep-;'01" th(> children of grades one,tic ulcer or some other acute trough six through arrange-

tract and even the Joints of headache is the fatt that the,prevent possible irreparablethe feet; but1 the renal andcardiovascular systems haverarely been affected.

The prevalent complaint ofheadache certainly has anallergic reaction as the causa-

mon with the typical ments made by Prank C. Pes-

eyes or swelling and redness ofThis allergic tn-


As the tuader can see, allergy v p vc of th» Public Service Elec-an play an important part in <r i c a n d O*» Company.

involving described by the patient to be volving • the cornea a nd evenpractically every organ and a throbbing pain or ache orig- the deeper structures of the

in this day of many chemicalsprays and other synthetic ma-

terials the possibility of in-' creased allergic reactions lsi

n's Art ShowAt Cinema in May



more prevalentfore.

Navy blue and white is theperennial favorite for earlyspring, A navy sheer two-piece

than ever be-; MENLO PARK - Menlo Cin-ema In the Menlo Park Shop-ping Center will conduct aChildren's Art Festival May 15through June 15 ln the art gal-lery.

8. M. Burdett, manager, an-nounced the rules as follows:Open to all students age 6through 14 to be divided intogroups of ages 6 to 9, 9 to 12,

Pain is like a pumpy friend,frequently annoying — even'distressing — but fundamen-

Howard tally well disposed to and pro-tective of us. Without theservice of pain, we would, it iitrue, escape the day by daywarning twinges and pangs towhich we are subjected, but w«would heedlessly and unsus-pectingly fall victims to over-whelming disease of whosepresence we had no saving su«-piclan.

So tfhen pain prods you, begrateful,for its friendly func-tion. In a way it is being cruelonly to be kind; it is reportingto you the presence Within youof infections or disease or con-ditions of developing distress,so that you may be ready toact in your own behalf.

Be grateful therefore for painbut not to the extent that youbear it unnecessarily. Coop-erate with it. If it persists in

you. if It makes inn. ;imands on your rmw:be wise and dosonwh,;It. Confess It* Prrs,.Its character Us you, ;,>He will Interpret iu ;

for you, by ellminn:conditions responnibl.warning* of pain,sleep until you need


P»' twin

and 12 to 14; prizes will beawarded in each group by the

suit with a white and navypolka dot blouse or a whiteblouse is smart. The blouse'may have a bow at the throat Edison Bank and Bamberger'sor a simple neckline that can'Menlo Park store; winners willbe dressed up with summer be judged by professional arjewelry. Other accesgories,shoes, gloves, bags and hats canbe of white or a combination ofthe two colors. It is usuallysafe to have a matching bag

tlsts; paintings or drawing inany medium will be accepted:minimum slxe is t" by 9" andmaximum is 18" by 24" (ex-cluaive of frarnei; must be orl-

and shoes. ;<th»l W0I"k; must be ready forGood news for those who hanging; work that can be

love to walk U that sensible damaged must be covered withheels are the fashion this sea-l801118 transparent substance;

entries must be submitted byMay 12; name, age, address andtelephone number of artist must'be on the back of work entered


More shipsleaders.

asked by Navy

I'm Back... With a Complete Selection oj

WINES and LIQUORSFor Easter Entertaining

Scotch - Rye — Bourbon - LiqueurBrandy — Domestic and Imported Beer

CHAMPAGNE and WIMK(Imported and Domestic)


VOGEL'S Liquor Store82 Main Street Woodl>ri<l«p

Starts April 22! Two new Somerset "Blue Star" express routes! Providingmore convenient, faster bus service to N.Y.C. via new 333 & 444 expresses!

ROUTE #333




»'J,.' . I S .

itkl.*u , l• U pl o l l ."•.J,lItal,D.I,Daily





i l lJ.4iUSi l lUit:!S



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I.HK « d , iB:55 WlJ,i9M 5. I S .

10:25 WVd,i11:25 S. I S ,

\M sas<i.iS «W,i3:25 1. ISvHi WU,i<:ii «U,l!.:••- s.tsu5;' ntp):15 DailrW Doily

11:25 O.,l»

• •

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• 4 3 0























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/ ;»1:50



ROUTE #444



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Originating at Clinton Avenue and 7th Street, Plainfield, toPark Avenue. Along Park Avenue to Maple Avenue to InmanAvenue in Edison Township. East on Inman Avenue throughWoodbridge Township and through Rahway (no service offered),to Hart Street and along Blazing Star Road into Roosevelt Ave-nue in Carteret to N. J. Turnpike Interchange 12; to LincolnTunnel and Port Authority Bus Terminal, New York City.

Originating at Vail Ave., New Matket and proceeding to Wash-ington Ave. to New Market Ave. East on New Market Ave. intoSouth Plainfield to Hamilton Blvd. and Maple Ave.; to ParkAye. Park Ave., south, to Oak Tree Rd. to Wood Ave. in Wood-bridge Twnsho. Wood Ave. to New Dov^r Rd. to Chain 0 Hills Rd.Along Chain 0 Hills Rd. to Avenel St., Avenel, to Rahway Ave.;to Homestead Ave.; to Blair Rd., Carteret; to Roosevelt Ave. toN. J. Turnpike Interchange 12; to Lincoln Tunnel and PortAuthority Bus Terminal, New York City.

SOMERSET BUS CO., Inc;.1062 U. S. HIGHWAY NO. 22, MOUNTAINSIDE, N. J. - ADams 2-2030


oyfully ue celebrate the miracle

of Easter. For you and those you love, we

wish this time may he most

wonderful ana] rewarding, as you gather

together in the church

of your choice, to hear anew J

the age-old message.

SPECIAL NOTICESavings Made by the 20th of April

KARN DIVIDENDS from the1 Kt of April!


Easter Greetingsfrom

Hiriak's Flower ShopMay we ncpreN fee wtah tturt MM JO* taAgladnew ot thii d»y wttl brtag renewedinspiration and faith to •»—Mtfh rejoiciln the gloriou* mlr»cl«i o< lMttr andheartening promfc* at lift ta

W* Havt aLarge Mection of

t EasterPlants

• LiliesHA1DT

• Azaleas• Tulips• Gardenias• Hyacinths• Hydrangeast Cut Flowerst Corsagegt Novelties

Phone i l l JW65

HIRIAK'S11-1$ Cooke



H.1 1-5448


OA11YMonday thru PrliUy

« AJM. U 4 FJM.

Flrit ThurKUr of Month7 m. (p t PH.



Page 21: On Thur«dttj vw, Imaginative Apparatus Sale of Shell Site ... · Mud uued (ur «ift», Seated, Ult W ^hl, I'nul All tmix, John ('liilipka , Jubeph tjtMuk'iwaiki. SUudlim: Mta. Uubtrt

-CV Thursday, April 11, PAGE TWENTY-ONE

indthe strength,for your life...



Wetidaj MUM*. 1:10 A. USundaj Hum, 7:00, 1:15.

1:80 10 tt, and 11 noon.Confessions Baturdai. 4-ft,


M F T i s t CHURCH


I*" MurtimR WorshipSunday 8choo)


communion Sun

1 l

8 f> M.. Prayer




Worship g g, 10 and

» 10

M:im. 8 P M.muh Fellowship.

Huh Fellowship, '



,md Grow Avenues|B*rrnn

III:: f<


M Church School

: ..igh Junior High.i M Church School! s .rough Junior De

M Worship Service.M. Junior Hi fh Ptt-

)•* ship,M Senior Hlfh Pll-ashlp.

ji'.-p hour


Fttrida Grov« RoadHopelawn

JOMpb Bcn;ola. MinliWiRichard BtnjoU. UrfuUil

Sunday Morning Worship0 30 A M

Bundaj School. 9:15 A M.


71 Main Streett*i. Tbeodort C, Uunini, Futoi

M». Lntbtr n, MMtln, Jr.MInliUf (o Youth

Sunday Schedule;8:30 A. M. Church School.

11:00 A. M. Worship.5:30 P. M. Junior High In-

termediate Fellowship7:00 P. M. Methodist Youth



Colunia "Mi. Wiltw Bmdxtwon. f»rt»tK*t. rruidt utiii. MilitantSunday Masses. 8:30. 7:30

1:30 9:46 11:00 and 12:15.Weekday Masses: 7 and 7:30

Ai lConie*»loni: 3:30 to 5:30 and

1 IB » PM


IS* Ntw Dover Road, Edisont«i. 41b«n B. SWMU ru

Morning Worship 6 ChurcJiSchool:

8:30 to 10:30 A M.U A M until noonYoung Peoples Group, 7 PJM

lays. MlMlonette* undei dlrec-.Ion of Mrs. J Wftldhclm atler home, 184 Cooper Avenuetuelin

8:00 P M., first Friday ofMonth: Women's MissionaryCouncil under direction of Mrs.R. Workman

;otoNiA GOSPEL CHAPEL488 Inman Arenne at West

Street ColonlaSunday School and Bible

Classes 9:30 A MOospel Service Sundar, 7:30

Bible Class Thursday, 1:30 PJAYoung People's Meeting Frl

day, 7:45 P M


Cokmla- ClarkTemporarily mettlng a

Frank K. Hebnly School, Rarl- noon.


U 4 Amboy Ate., Perth Amboy«•». Rndoll KMiuro. Pmitot

Worsnip 10:30 A M.Sunday School 9:00 A M.


- Krochmally arrantPerth Amboy

JoMph R Stikta. rutot

MChristian Women's Bomr

Sunday School


N l Nef Brnnswlck AvennePerth Anboy

toy. B»rb<n r. A. Bemt, P u t «WORSHIP SERVICES9:30 and 11:00 A.M.

(Nursery during both services)


Hoy and Hamilton AvenuesFords

Kn. lul l* tt. Hewttt, nearHoly Communion. 8:04 A MMorning Prayer and Sermon

U A MChurch School 9:45 A. M.


• n . Jobs WUoi, rutorMasses In the lower church

wUl be said at 9:15,10:00.10:45,11:30 and 12 noon.

In the upper church Masseswill be at 0:30. 7:15, 8:00, 8:45,9:00, 9:45, 10:30, 11:15 and 12

10:00 A M . ,for all ages

11:00 A M. Worship Service,Communion Service

Nursery open 10-13 for chtl*dren through 3

7:00 P M. Evening Worship


CENTER OF COLONIA22* Cleveland Avenue

Etbbl Htrbtrt mtklaServices, Prlday evening 4:30Saturday morning 9:00Junior Congregation Satur-

day morning from 10:45 AJd.to 11:45 KM.


Oakf TTM B«a4B»». aot«t D »t<uiw

Hra. Harman cuDtatttt of ChrUUu Mnetttm

tandtj senieei

Horning Worship. 8:46 A. Mland U:i5 A M

CHurch School: Nursery thruthird grade, 8:45 KM. Kinder-garten thru sixth grade, 10:00A i l Junior High Fellowship.10:00 KM. to 12 noon. SeniorHigh Westminster Fellowship,7:0ft PAt. to 0:90 PM.


Amboy Avenue, Woodbridgt•abb! Samnil NtwMriti

1:00 P. M. Prlday BabbathService*

9:30 A M. Saturday Servlees9:10 A M. Saturday, Junior


CHUBCBMM Rahway A v e n nWeedbrldte. N. J.

U u N. Nvmtb, raaurI M M I H. Iamb, AaUtant Pkrtti

rm A. Brini, *t« otrtctar at MiritMorning Worship, 11 AMChurch School. 9:30 KM.Junior Christian Endeavor, I

P.M, SundaysJunior Hi United Presbyteri-

an Youth. 8 PM., SundaysSenior HI United Presbyteri-

an Youth, 7 PM., SundaysYouth Choir rehearsal. 7:30

P.M., TuesdaysSenior Choir rehearsal, 8:00

P.M., FridaysJunior Choir rehearsal, 9:30

KM., SaturdaysWhite Church Guild, second

and fourth Mondays, 8 P.M.Ladles Aid Society, second

and fourth Wednesdays, 1:30P i t .

tan Road, Clark.Church Church School, 9:45 KM.

Morning Worship, 11 KM.


Lord Street AvenelKtbM PhUlp Bru<

8:30 P M Prlday10:00 A M Saturday, Junior



Broad and Division BtreetaPerth Amboj

B«v, Btcphtn S<4oi. rutoiSunday Matins 7:00 A. M.,

Earl; English Mass. 8:00 A. MChurch School. 9:00 A M.

Vespers, Saturday nights andbefore holidays at 7:00 P M

Children's Holy Communion,first Sunday of every month

, 3 30 P. M. Qlrt

, 8 p. M. Woodbridgenichestra rehearsal.!

v. io A.M,conflrma-11 A. M., Senior

Hoiird. 8:00 P M

>i school Staff.«, til) P M.


41 tertelej RoolmrdIsellB. N. J.

a*?. WUUas Klrkr8undij Servlret;»41 A M. Sunday School

for all tgea11:00 A M Morning Worship

first Junior Church conducted Inlower auditorium by Mrs. WU-


Waodbrtdge, N. J.t*r. VftUrm H. Schnuoi, S.t.B.

EMUHi l n a Bnndci. uiimJrt

Sunday Services8:00 A M. Holy Communion9:30 A M. Family Service

and Sunday Schoo;11:00 AM., Holy Communion

and Sermon (first and thirdSundays) Morning Prayer andSermon (Second and fourthSundays*

Holy Days

10:00 A. M. Holy CommunionOrganisations

Trinity Vestry, third Mon-day. 7:»0 P.M

St. Anne's Unit, first Mon-day. 8:00 P.M.

Women's Association, thirdThursday, 8 PM.

Clrola meetings, first Thurs-day, 1:30 and 8 PM.

Session, second Tuesday, 7:30PM.

Cancer dressing group, firstand third Wednesdays, 10 AM


14 GM>nt ItrMt, Avenel

TEMPLE EMANU-EL114 Pkasant Avenue, Edison

Rabb< Hirihiil UnrwitiSabbath S e r v i c e -Friday 8:30 P M.



, (in.>£iui|s first and,'-.!:ifsday. 1:30 P. M.

(.us, third Monday

'::rh\ 1:50 F. M.. SK-:,• stiny.

K-lluwshlp, I P. II.

i'::cie, 1:30 P . M , first

i ; ..a Phi second and...-iliiv 8.00 P. M. f i r s , first Sunday

c ;a fourth Thursday

liam Ktrby.7:45 P M , Evening Ooapel



«4 Janet StreetVToodbridce ME 4-1751

an uiut *in, atinnuiOrder of 8nnd»j Service*10:00 A M, Sunday School10:00 A M Ennlhh Service11:00 A M., Hungarian Berv-

Ict7:00 P M , Youth FellowshipFirst Sunday ot the month

3:30 P M., Udles Aid SocietyMonday: Religious Training

1:30Tuesday: 'First) Lorantlfy

Qulld, 7 30Tuesaay: (Second) Officers

8t. Margaret's Unit,Wednesday 8 00 P M.

8:00 P If, TMsda* Ctttaft tad Elders, 1:30Prayer Meetings

7:45 PStudy

8:00 P

M. WKlnesday. Bible

M . First Monday ofaonth Teachers and WorkersConference

1:00 P M Second MondayBoard Meeting

8:30 P M, 2nd and 4th Mon-


Sewareoioitph a thonuon, uyrttdw9:45 A M . Sunday 8chool11:00 A M.. Morning PrayerHoly Communion, Second

Sunday 11:00 A M8:45 P. M., Thursday, choir




(Bytantine Rite)11 Second Btnet, FordsRev. John Onesko, pastor

Sunday Masses: 8:30 (Eng-lish; 10:00 (Old Slavonic);11:15 (English).

Weekday Masses: 9:00 A. M,;Fridays: 8:30 A. M.

First Friday of the month:8:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.

First Sunday of the month:

GRADUATES: DetMtlve Wil-liam C. Reid, WoodbridfePolice Department, has toeeesafnlly oompleted a counein flmerprlnt Identification,field Identification and crimescene photography conductedby the Bureau of Identifica-tion of tbt New Jeney RUtePoUoe.

Mr. Reid Is the son of Mri.James Reid, Woodbrldie andth« late Mr. Reld'who servedon the Town Committee fromthe Fint Ward. He attendedlocal public ichooli andserved In toe Navy for thrttyears. Prior to entering thtDOllce department ten yearnago he was employed by theInstlution Electrical AlarmCorporation of Mrtnchen. HeIs married to the formerOlive Camp of WoodhrldjcThey have three children,Robert, 16; Lcnlie. 13 andrVUma Ann, 12. The familyhome Is at 328 D« SoU Ave-nne, Woodbridfe.

—The sixth grade studentsof Avenel Schools 4 and 5 re-cently enjoyed a bus trip to see"Mutiny on the Bounty" in NewYork City.

-Man Ellen Egan, daughterof Mr. and MM. John Egan,Jr., Otoorge Street, celebratedher seventh birthday Sunday.

—Fire Commissioners of theocal district meet tonight atthe local flrchouse.

-Avenel School 23 P.T.A.will hold a cake sale Tuesday,Election Day, at the school.

—The Avenel Woman's Clubwill hold Installation of liewofficers at their meeting Wed-nesday at the Avenel-ColoniaFirst Aid Squad building.

—The Sixth District Repub-lican Club will meet Wednes-day at the home of Mr. andMrs. William Scheuerman, 80Prospect Avenue, 8 P.M.

—The Avenel Lion's Clumeets Wednesday at 6:30 P.Mat Stanley's Diner.

—"Sir Slob and the Prlnctfss". a children's show, will beperformed by the Council Players Wednesday at Temple BetlAm, 220 Cleveland Avenue, Colonla. Tickets will be avallabat the door.

—Avenel Boy Scout Troop 7;will hold a Court of H<moWednesday at 8 PM. at 8

indrew's church hall. Parents,'tiends and relatives are in-'lted to attend to add their en-nuragement to the boys andeaders who have worked «ylard these many months.

—The mothers of all 45 boyscouts of Troop 73 are urged

attend a meeting April 248:30 PM. to help formulate

Mothers' Organization. Themeeting will be at 8t Andrew'sC.Y.6. hall.

Henry F. BillemeyerAddresses GOP ClubWOODBRIIXJE - Henry P.

Billemeyer, Republican Countyhairman, addressed membersf the "13',' Republican Civicflib of Woodbridge at a meet-

ing last week at Trinity Churchparish house.

Those In attendance alsoheard remarks by Mrs. LillianElster, County Republican vie*chairman, and John P. Hughes,candidate for Commltteeman*at-large, and Clem Q. Schai*wath, Third Ward candidate.

Mrs. Olga Cuslck, ways andmeans chairman, reported ona recent trip to a Newarkbrewery. J>lans were mtde fora card party, May 21, at School5, Avenel.

New cardiac treatment promsuccessful.

Episcopal Churchworaen first Benediction_3;00Monday 2:00 P M

Trinity Altar Guild, fourthThursday 8 00 P M

Trinity Young People's Fel-lowship every Sunday, 7:00P M.

Tuesday: (Fourth) Brotherhood, 7:30

Wednesday: Junior Choir3:18

Wednesday: Adult Choir 7:30Friday Brownie Troop, 7:00Friday Girl Scouti, 7:00Saturday: Confirmation Class

10:00 A M.


N Cotper »t«cue, IsellnKakbl Bernard rrankel

Dr. Norkert aattnn CantorSabbath Services Friday eve-

ting 8:00Saturday

:J0 ,

Trinity Olrls1 Friendly So-ciety second and fourth Tues-day 6:45 P M

Cub Scout Pack 34Den Meetings, Ttursday 6:30PM Pack Meetings, fourthMonday 7:30 P M

Trinity Senior Choir Prac-

ilhers Club,VJ p.m.

ir Krhrareal*illers' Club,:.i i> M





diiesday 8:45 P J l J


\ u n u t Woodbrtdit !M M,r, t u r m a.I rrulln flllof• Hillun Root,

1'iMinl ruUrnuiiiid j . a»ujj.

l i . l . l iO ' PulOTMu-sses: «:45. 7:45.

•< and 11:00 A M• Masses. 7:00 and

S--1 vices every Tua»-i' M

"I It KtUKEMER1 ' i III KAN CHURCH' '-"Hh Street. Fords

11" Hilon a Hlohi1 '- fddi» Juabtuo taS

M< J . l l l f , | l , 4 f l ,1 •• - I ' n c e 8 15 A . M .

' ; ".We 10.45


The Pingry School"A College Preparatory School tor Boys"

215 North Avenue, Hillside

announces that


For the Fall of 1963

For Admission to Grades 4 through It

WUl be given on


For further Information

Write or call the School

Telephone EL. 5-6990

'• -iiindh) 10 .45

••'' Sunday 8:15v School and






Easter time Is for flow-'era . . . to a woman thereal beginning of Spring.The lady In your lifewill be most gratefulfor flowers on Easter.Choose a bouquet ot re-freshing early blooms or

a lovely plant. Choosea charming corsage forher to wear In theEaster parade. Chooseher flowers here — she'llbe doubly happy becauseours are doubly beauti-ful.


Vfalsheck's Flowers305 Amboy Avenue Woodbridge

Contessioni every Saturday:3:00 to 4:00, and 6:30 to 7:30P, M. Confessions on weekdaysbefore Mass.


New Brunswick Avenue, FordsH»T. iMcpb Bnouwikl, rutoiSunday Masses, 8:00, 9:00

10:00 and 11:00 A. M. and 12noon

Weekday Masses, 6:43 andB A M Prlday, 6:45, 8:00 and8:45 AM

MondayNovena, 7:30 P M.Mala Choir Rehearsal, 8:00

P MAltar-Rosary Society, first

Monday alter first Sunday at8:00 P M.

Holy Name Society, secondMonday after second Sundayat 8:00 P M.

TuesdayPTA meeting third Tuesday

ot each month at 8:00 PM.Female Choir Rehearsal, 8:00


Every Saturday 11 A.M. un-til noon t to 6 P M. and 7 to9 P M and sometimes on daysbefore Holy Days oi Obligation


Masonic Temple1548 inrinf Street, RahwaySunday at 11:00 AM.Sunday School 9:30 AM.Wednesday, testimony meet-

Ing at 8:00 P M.Heading Room T u e s d a y

Thursday, 12 to 3 P. M.; Wed-

Westfleld422 East Broad Street

Sunday 9:30 and 11 A.M.Sunday School, 11 AM.Wednesday 8:15 P.M.Reading Rooms 116 Qulmby

Street, 10 to 4:30 weekdays; 7to y P M Mondays.

WOODEN INDIAN HAS MATELockport, N. Y. — A wooden

Indian that stood in front ot aLockport tobacco stors for 90years before It was placed inthe Niagara County HistoricalSociety's Museum has beengiven a squaw.

Miss Mary C, Holton ot Den-ver, Col, a triend ot a Lock-port family has given an Indianprincess to the museum.



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"Instant Pleasure Can Be Yours"...

For As «p

Little As 1495Completely Installed

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A Trained Representative Will Call at Your Home

To Help You Plan Your "Instant Pleasure"

Displayed on PremisesOpen for Inspection

Complete Line of Swim FoolsEquipment and Chemicals

Servisoft of Woodbridge921 St. George Avenue Woodbridge

ME 4-1815



Curt Heading"'• lUnijlagi MUM rttWfi :''-a Massed 7.00 8 0 0

1 'in <md 12 00 noonl!»v MusKei 4i 8:00 KM

'••' m honor oi 8 t An-l'"ri) Tuesday at 7:15


"'•) Aiemu FortsSundaj

111 * M Morning Worship, . "' A M Bunday 8choolI U ''i .m ftmowship meet*

1 *"'« niuy each month, 8



IT:-Mim and Bible study,

'•'>, 8 P . M .

1 """I»BKIIK1I 0 0 8 | > E l( H I R ( H

r"IH" Hrwpeci Avvnui and"liljfdxle Avenut

" ''•nr Suti<» f**ft

'" *« i Ernest B*rabas^•'•'"fiident \ d m t Bible

1 »' wme tiout. teacher

mi p

"" ' M Munung Worshipprovided^fnlor youth



For Information Call VA 6-3100

CHECK TERMITE DAMAGEEvery year at this time, homeowners findwinged insects that suddenly fly out and thendrop their wings and crawl all around Theselittle insects are TERMITES and indicate thatthere are still thousands of other termites stilleating the house, causing further destructionto the wood of the house.

The Cost of Repairs Far Ex-

ceeds the Cost of Treatment

and Goes Higher With Delay

CALL US FOR FREE INSPECTION OF YOUR HOMEWe specialize exclusively in termite control.Our specialized equipment enables us to do abetter and more complete job which weguarantee for 10 yean. ,



BUY IT FOR VALUE!' juHt put» . Oldsmobile Dynamic 88 on the road and New style to delight youl Rockat a d l o i M o w c t o youlwatch it win you over! Graceful lines . . . elegantttp lintmenta • full-siM comfort • . . 280-h.p.Rocket V-8 performance. And with all that,Dynamic 88 is Oldsmobilrt lowait-priced tull-nucenes . • smartest buy in tht medium-price fkld! OLDSM

Then's "Something Extra" about owning an OLDSMOBILBI


ELIZABETHEL 2 - 4 7 8 4


WOODBRIDGE AUTO SALES475 Rahway Ave. Woodbridge, N. J.

Page 22: On Thur«dttj vw, Imaginative Apparatus Sale of Shell Site ... · Mud uued (ur «ift», Seated, Ult W ^hl, I'nul All tmix, John ('liilipka , Jubeph tjtMuk'iwaiki. SUudlim: Mta. Uubtrt

PAOR TWBNTY-TWO Thursday, April 11, 1963

The Crow's NcslHere and There:

Mrs. Carolyn Bromsnn. di-rector of Ban-on Public Library,'reports that two Harvard stu-dents who vlslWrl with AlanQuint, came to see the Barron1-ibrerv here In WoodbridirpShe *n!d they "fairly purredover the fire p ine tiles, thp ol)pnirf'ncr":. fine old oak wood-work." S! e Mid th°y felt thptown should be proud of «lovelv old buildlris as thp Bsr-T*>n T.ibrnrv Hn<1 compared withsome of the fine buildings atHarvard. . . . And yet this col-umn knows a number of Town-ship people, who have neverset foot in the Barron Library

jCourt of HonorHeld by Scouts

AVENEI, — Boy Sooul Troop41 h«!d * court of honor at theAvenel First PresbyterianChurch. James Austin, scout-master, inducted the followinnboy* R* Tenderfoots: RogerNielsen, Jack Warren, BruceBehr, Randy Frommator. CarlRuffer. Hector Suarez. CralR|Hagenrioor. Russell Stevenson,•George Somogyi and Ray Sim-ber.

Al Hoag. troop commiUce-iman, presented Glen Fromma-tor, Richard Florio, Russell An-derson. James Englert. Mat-thew Buglehall and BarryWynne plaques for winning theKlondike Derby held ai CampCowaw under the direction ofRaritan Council. Fifteen unitsentered the derby. Anotherteam comprised of Garry Wie-Jdemanl). Robert Schlachlun.Alex Hunter. Jeffeiy Siessel.Robert Noon and Fred Kellisch

wtnch was built for library wir-,&lfl0 p a r t l c l p a t e d i n U l e P v e n l .poses back in 1875. The fire-place tiles, by the way. areway.Delft and each tile illustratesft different Biblical story. . • *Mrs. Bromann, by the way, Isft descendant of the Bownefamily. The Bowne House InFlushing, N. Y.. built in 1661.to now « shrine dedicated toReligious Freedom

Jottings:Barry Sottish, seaman. USN

•on of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph VBolUsh, Twiglewood lane, Col-onift, Is serving aboard thedestrtyer, TTSS Norris. currentlyOperating with the Sbrth FleetIn the Mediterranean.. . . MarieB. Fetrie, Woodland DriveOolonia, has been awarded acertificate for completing anon-credit stenography courseIn Union Junior College Insti-tute. . . . Dr. John D. NemethWoodbridge Animal Hospital900 St. George Avenue, Avenel

of Pennsylvania School of Vet-tnary Medicine'sgraduate shortgeneral surgery.

1963 post-

He was one

Merit badges were presentedo Alex Hunter for fingerprint-ing, first aid and firetnnnshtp,nd to Jeffery Siessel for.home!epairs by Richard Nodi, as-.istant scoutmaster. HP also:ave out patrol leader badges

Robert Noon, Mathew Bu-lehall and Alex Hunter. Assist-

ant patrol leader badges wereawarded to Don Florio, JeflerySiessel and Craig Gano.

Instructor badges wereiarned by Fred Kellisch, Rich-ard Florio, Barry Wynne, Cole-man Nocks, Robert Schlacktunand Darrell Hansen.

The meeting was concludedby the showing of slides of theHike-o-Ree held in the fall andthe Klondike Derby by Al Lambof tiie Raritan Council. Re-reshments were served by the

Mothers' Club.

Hospital Group 'Science and Health''Publication Planned, Publcao P

s riiairmpn WOOQBRIDGE —

EDISON Mrs Chflilrs Wire, o n M R V B o f o n e ° ' t n e WOrld'8

Reception l |By N.J.

nf the'Women's A u x > o s t widely-circulated religiousHint vpil.nl

AVENEL- The p,Jersey Council. 243

to the Community Hos-"«»ks - "Science and Health 'Daughters of Lll, , . ,nnm Inc. hiu R11.!with Key to the Striptures" by!r

u " ' •'i>d thp appointment ofiMft£y Baker Eddy.

tlv following rommlttfps andtheir chairmen: Solicitationjnearly 70chairman. Mrs. Oeorge Snecd;ia Io n R w l t h

WondhririKP-Pords Town chair-man. Mrs. Warren Ehrllch;Keasfopy Town Twin chairman,Mrs. Samuel Novak.

Mrs Daniel Sandrowsky.Mrs. Rose Anderson and Mrs.

ception Friday at Av,

This is the book that for * tot M™- E"v:»rd ivhas been read

the Bible at all '„Christian Science churoh s^v- j^"^^ '^Ices, In place of sermons by; •*ministers. Christian Scientists1 o t h ( > r

turn to It regularly for expla-nation of the Bible and rell-


fleers. This annualunder the ehim.,.

*»£!TIN1-H. K. Copperman will work as! Although this will be the first " y ^ « «co-rhnlrmen of the Directional**1*""* «>l»on of Bclence!"- £Tm!of Volunteers underman. Mrs. Nell

The executive board of

, t , c n a l r . ana Health, the book has al- £ " • E I ;**•**»»>ready reached sales of several J ^ " ™ 0 1 1 - Rll!l'millions since It first appearedT 6 A e n U t l V e

The guest* and l,,the

Auxiliary will meet Wednesday.'11 1 8 7 5

1 The new 700-pane paperback,i i i v ^ i v - __ o ce all other editions of Scl-

fw the flrs't soel'aVfmietlonwi'ir*"" HI ld H e f t l t h . w l " b e P u b"• lished by the Trustees Underthe Will of Mary Baker Eddy,

April 17 at 8 P.M.. at the Em-on Oak Tree Road. Plans

be discussed.

Holy Name Society

were presented Wui,OUts from the In, ,and friends were ;„the state officinli;*. A h

served.In Boston. Printed on standard! The local eounnlbook paper. It will be priced fttjAprll 19 at the s !:,$1.95, the publishers have an-[birthday of Mrs

Nominates NeiC Slate j , o u n c p r l I t wm be distributed|the anniversary ni \h

FORDS - Thp Holy Name,by Harper & Row, Inc.. of NewTrwt will hrSociety of St. Nicholas CathollCjYork, Evanstown and London,Church of the Byzantine Rite to quality bookstores throuKh-


A-blast victims

U. 8. AND NATODefense Secretary McNamara

today completes the Universltylsaid the United States doesn'twant to dominate NATO, butwill have to stay in the driver's

course In I seat as long as it carries so

of 52 veterinarians from I1

states who particirfrtwt,'. .Prank Galambos, son of Mrand Mrs. Prank Galambos. 10Franklin Avenue, Fords, hasbejn pledged to Theta Chinational social fraternity,the University of TampaPrank, a sophomore, is majoring in business administration

Tidhits:Marine Pvt. First Class Rob-

ert R. Ke'.co, son of Mr. andMrs. Joseph Kelco, 277 WoodAvenue, Iselin, participated ina maior amphibious exerciseoff the coast of Southern Cali-fornia . . . Eugene Cooper, 243S. Park Drive, Woodbridge, ison the Dean's List at Pace Col-lege. New York City. He ismajoring in Marketing in theday session. . . . Marine Pvt.First Class Kenneth D. Sedlak,son of Mr. and Mrs. George E.Sedlak, 181 ELmhurst Avenue,Iselin, completed Aviation Me-chanical Fundamentals Schoolat the Naval Air TechnicalTraining Unit, Jacksonville.Fla. . . With Easter aroundthe corner folks who have beenbasking in the sunshine In Flor-ida are coming home. Sportingwonderful tans are formerMayor August F. Greiner andMrs. Bernard W. Vogel. . .

much of the Western defenseload.

McNamara outlined UnitedStates hopes for the Atlantic al-liance in telling Congress abouta five-year defense program de-signed to handle the Commu-nist threats.

TOURNEY WIN NEKS; Winners in the various divisions ofthe Woodhridgr Klks unnual bowling tournament at th«Bowl-Mor Lanes are shown above displaying their respec-tive trophies at the conclusion of the presentation cere-monies concluded by lodge officers. The champions kneel-ing in the front row from left to right are: Raymond

Soporowski, Jrffrejr Venrzia, Paul Russell and WayneBohacs. Standing In thr rear arr John Nagy, co-chairmanof the tournament, Nancy Matlack, Jerry Williams, BrianBraia, Donald Smith, Judy Unpack and Richard Colry,co-chairman. Victors absent at thr presentation of awardswere Oeraldine Wall, Prter Cocuzxa and Charles Paul.

nominated the following men out the world: and also by theto be candidates for office at n:Publishers' Agent to Christianrecent meeting: Science Reading Rooms. j

President, Michael Skibo. •George Chilipka and Paul Pco-j Childrenlar: vice president, John Kuntz Dickie, aged five, was havingand Paul Kroffe; secretary.!great difficulty In learning to

Children, d 'VI ill,),,

Avenel LibraryNames TrusteesAVENEL— Re-appointed for

another three-year term to theboard of trustees of the AvenelPublic Library were: Mrs. Dan-!iel Levy, Mrs. Wijliam Kuzmi-:

ak, Mis. George Mirkovich, Jo-seph Manzione and Francis P.O'Connor.

A welcome was extended toGustav Koch, new trustees.Election of officers will takeplace at the next meeting, May28.

nel Woman's Club in memoryof Mrs. Lena Perrier.

The Woodbridge "Jaycees"donated a book, "Young Mencan Change the World." Othernew books on the shelves in-clude: "Open House in NewEngland," "Fabulous Yester-day" and "Dictionary of Ameri-can Indians," all donations bythe Second District Democraticand Civic Club.

A series of Junior High Sci-ence books, new children'sbooks, mysteries and historieshare also been added.


TOMORROW Thru April 23rd!Bfst Picture of The Year!

Winner of 10 Academy Awards!


STORY"— And —

Jacqueline Kennedy's


The'new library hours haveproved very successful, accord-ing to Mrs. Frank Mazzur, li-brarian. She added the circula-tion has almost doubled. Ithas been proven that the 7:30

I to 8:30 PM. hour on Tuesdayand Thursday was unnecessary,so the library hours are now:(Monday through Friday, 3 P.M,to 1:30 PJM. The library will beclosed today, tomorrow andMonday due to the Saster holi-days.

New-books leads for circula-tion are "Fascinating World ofAstronomy": "Delinquency,^Sickness or Sin": "We Seven,"The Challenge of Parenthood";Spock on Baby Care"; "Wyo-

ming Summer"; "Telstar; "TheSurgeon"; "Psychology of Adolescence"; "Face of NorthAmerica"; "Everyone but Theeand Me"; "The Glass Blow-ers"; Harper's Bible Commen-tary", a donation from the Ave-

Puttinj- on the Dot"Annie Mae," said the mis-

tress of the house, finally givingway to curiosity. "I notice youhave been taking our emptygrapefruit hulls home with youWhat do you do with them?"

The maid looked up at hermistress with a sheepish grin,

PTA Re-electsMrs. Ceo. Allen

AVENEL — Mrs. George Al-ien was re-elected president ofthe Avenel P.T.A. of Schools4 and 5 'at their recent meet-ing, Other 1963-54 officerselected were: Mrs. DomiruckLo Bianco, first vice president;Mrs. Albert Lebeda, second vicepresident; Mrs. Alex Tarcz, Jr.,secretary and Mrs. WilliamDragos, treasurer.

The speaker was Howard H.|Tune of the Radio Patrol Divi-sion of the Woodbridge PoliceDepartment. He explained thenew patrol plan and said thepurpose of It is to provide amaximum of police protectionto the residents of the town-ship. A question and answer pe-

Willlam Demcsak, John Gawla,and Joseph Gulya: treasurer,Charles Keplcs, Jr., GeorgeChllipka and Andrew Gomorl;sergeant-at-arms, Andrew Go-

Miss Alice Gade, principal.orchestra andwill present a

Tile schoolchoral groupmusical program at the next|

; meeting, May 22, Installationnew officers will be held at

iat meeting.A May luncheon Is planned

the teachers with Mrs. Le-3eda and Mrs. Lo Blanoo iniharge.

Attendance award* went tors. David Weinbrenner's first

grade '• '*« and Miss Sylviaillverman's fourth grade class

morl. Paul PcolarKepics. • Elections

"Yes'um," she admitted, "I'vebeen carrying 'em home. Ithink they make my garbagelook so stylish."

rlod was conducted.Registration for the new kin-

dergarten pupils will be heldApril 24 and 25, according to







APRIL 10 TO 11 INCL.Klizabeth Taylor • Rock Mndton


RITZ TheatreCuteret, N. J. Kl 1-59M


Last But Not Least:Sorry to learn that Joe Fen-

nelly was a patient in RailwayMemorial Hospital but happyto hear that he is recoveringnicely, . . . It is good news, toothat Mrs. Edward P. KeatingHigh Street, Woodbridge, is also recovering from surgery.....Mrs. Carrie Mundy, out of thehospital, after being hit bytruck, wishes to thank all herfriends for the flowers, cardsand messages she received"Ood Bless oar many wonderfulfriends, neighbors and strang-ers, including the parishionersof St. John Vlanney ChurchColonia and St. John's ChurchClark, who prayed for mydaughter, Nancy. Their prayershave been answered, she'* offthe critical list," Mrs. CharlesVan Blarcum, 17 FrederickAvenue, Colonia, told us thisweek. Nancy, who was strickenWith meningitis, was the. re-cipient of almost 200 get-wellcards; Mrs. David Hasse's CubScout Den made her a scrap-book in which to keep thorn and;her classmates in Miss Parolyj>iThird grade made her get-wellcards. . . Charles C. Stover, III,Warwick Road, Colonia, anAinherst Cullege Junior, ad-dressed the student body ofPlijgiy School, ol which lie ugraduate, on his experiences asa member of Cross Roads, Afri-ca, a plan in which the enrolledstudents learn about Africaand its ways of life first handThey aU) work on buildingprojects such as libraries, hos-pitals and schools. Chai'li's flewto Kenya'last June, then on toNyasttland where he remaineduntil the end of August .John E. Hesse], 19, son of MrsJa;jies Morris, Iselin, is unckr-goiiiK nine weeks of basic train-ing at the Naval Training Cen-Wr. Great Lakei. 111.


Bradford JJillman - Dolores Hart


lomgiy Noonan - Barbua Eden


Kiddle Matinee gat. ft Bun 1 P.M.Eienloi Show 7:M P.M.



William Holdtu • Trevor HowardCapuclne


Caiol Hcus . The Three Stooges"SNOW WHITE AND


Matinee Saturday-Sunday 1 P.M,• l Show 1 P.M.



Robert TayloriLlli Palmer - Curt Jerrens



APRIL UTHSnphli l.nrrn - Anlbony Ftrklni





skate. Again and again hisfeet went out from under andhe fell, only to pick himself upand try again.

Finally a little girl who waswatching said, "Oh, Dickie, Ican skate better than you can."

place at the next meeting. 'That's allright," said the'boy, philosophically. "I'll bet

U. 8. may slash aid If Allies you mind falling more than Iheed De Gaulle. do, too."


85-Rrerr NljhtExcept Monday7:St to 11 P M

Matltit*, laturdi;.iDDdayi J< Holldn)!:«• P.M. to s PM

SOUTH AMBOY ARENASteveni A fitli. K.iuii

The Perfect MethodJim—Alice might marry youyou propose to her correctly.Fred — How had I better do?Jim — Sit on the edge of the

Irand Canyon, get her to sityour knee and tell her you'll

ush her off if she doesn't sayyes."




- Plui —

"Jacqueline Kennedy's


296 Smith St.HI 2-1650

IN Perth Amboy(Corner of Prospect)

In Railway 453 St. Georges Ave.Liquor • liar

(Near Corner of Inman) FU 1-6776

In South River 15 Main St.' (Corner of Reid) VI 6-2323


Saturday & Sunday KiddleMatinn - 2:04 P.M.


Comlru Wedneiday thru TuesdayApril n - 23

Ellimbfth TaylorRock Hudfon - J«mr» Dean


APRIL 11-16


with Howard Keel

Weekdays -1:30

Continuous Sat. and

2:00 - 5:00 - 8:00




"Hungarian Show"

Meet You Where?Why, at the exciting new

Brass Bucket

So They Would!"8u you think people we net-;iti loo fat?""YBS," replied the movie |

theater owner "If theythinner we could put inmore t "

werea lot.

ME 4-9490

It's N e w . . . .It's Beautiful...

And the Steaks

Are Superb!

Reserve Nowfor


BOURBONSunny Jim - 86 Proof

Kentucky Straight Wbitk«y



WINESBottled by Liptchutz Kother Wins Co



l t 9 V GALLON

with Witty'i iii Ntw


CORDIALBanker's Club



BRASS BUCKETCharcoal SteakhouM and Cocktail Bar

U. S. No. 9 MAIN ST. WOODBRIDCELuaobewi ferret Dstty 11:11 to ! » • r.M.

Dimwr Dftlir |;W to 11 :M P.M.

PrM*? and SatuNwr TU U:t l — Bu»d*j N H I Til U P M.



4 Full4/5 Qt.




WHISKEY 5 I \ - S Yn OU49". Guilt N.ulral Spirrtl

Full 4.29


tO'/. Guin N.utr«l tpititttpit


3.88lEED' i 1LENDED







Page 23: On Thur«dttj vw, Imaginative Apparatus Sale of Shell Site ... · Mud uued (ur «ift», Seated, Ult W ^hl, I'nul All tmix, John ('liilipka , Jubeph tjtMuk'iwaiki. SUudlim: Mta. Uubtrt

Thursday, April 11, 1963 PAGE TWENTY-THREE C

lion Set-. Sisterhood


Thr nominatingSisterhood ofni Jacob prt-

slate of officersiv meeting of the„ Mrs. Herman

Mrs. William Paiber Is chair-man: Mrs. Mason Parness, pro-ducer and Mrs. Stanley Kap-an, director. The cast Includes:Mrs. Hunter Wilson, Mrs JerrySandak, Mrs. Burton Beck,Mrs. Qary Daniel, Mrs. StuartUnd, Mrs. Seymour Teppermanand Mm. Irvinn Rolband. Tick


Stork ClubNew arlvnls throughout th

Township as recorded at thPerth Amboy Qenrral Hosplta

ets will be available at the door I during the, paRt week include

ni man.' follows:

, Mlinger, preel-Onvlci Klarfleld,ns vice, president;

,,lllirk, procedurevice presl-

,11' 111


i.•„( inn

. nl:

Mrs• i l l l l t !

,l,.s Islcr. programMrs. Mortimer

nip viceLieberman,

David Oruber,.secretary and

Mcltz, recording

Members of the Avenel Sis-terhood on the committee are;Mrs. Benjamin Oelowitz, MrsCharles Kanlg, Mrs. DonaldRivers, Mrs. Herman Parer,Mrs. Abraham Rosenthal, Mrs.Litlnner and Mrs. Sidney No-ihlmson.

A program on mental healthwag presented, Mrs. Isler In-troduced two members of theCentral Parkway Section of theCouncil of Jewish Women who

a flannel board demon-stration, Mi's. Bernloe Wasser-man was the narrator and Mrs

W i - i s :

the May

Sossner and Mrs.were named

ie new merchan-

of officersg|ef tnor Maaser was technician.Predrlok N. Bcovell, executivedirector of the Middlesex Coun-ty Mental Health Association,

. .mil demonstration on,',',, table was « l v e n b y

.'.••, maud, wife of the:i;.,,M

>s spiritual leader.;, ;1;1V ftl i P.M. at the

spoke on the problems of theassociation and the necessity ofthe community to be aware of,hese problems and the help

From Avenel, a .dauahter tcMr. and Mrs. Ernest Toth. 1Lenox Avenue

Prom Fords, a son to Mr.and Mrs. John Klsko, 24 ClumAvenue; a son to Mr. and MrRaymond Rosndo, 412 ForAvenue; a son to Mr and MrsJohn Sullvan, 74 Mary Ave-nue; a son to Mr. and MrsMichael Herezeg, 56 Fifth St.;twins, a daughter and a sonto Mr. and Mrs. John Belenski,409 Crows Mill Road: a son toMr, and Mrs Hnrvfy Kle.e, 33Albany Street.

From iselin, a son to Mr. andMrs. Patrick Vaccarellft,Julius Street: a son to Mrand Mrs. John Catlno,Trle.st Street; a daughterMr and Mrs. William Conrad,333 Wood Avenue.

V'the Council

From Colonla, a son to Mr.ipeded. and Mrs. Stephen Raspofzy. 14

Sandlewood Lanei a Son to MrCLOSED EASTER WE£KEND;and Mrs. Michael Hanos. 35

FORDS Father Chrlsto-Am, 220 Cleveland p ner C. Rellly announces the

Our Lady of Peace Pariah Ll-II enact "Sir Slob and brary will be closed Good Frl-

Thte children's day, Holy Saturday and EasterSunday,

Brook^lde Court; a son to Mrand Mrs. Calvin Donnelly, 24Fagan Place.

From Sewaren. a dmiKhtpr toMr. and Mrs, lx>uls M m r , 114Woodbrldge Avenue.

From Hopelawn, a daughterBritain, Trade partners plan to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Farkas,

87 Lee Street.From Woodbrldge, a son to

|Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zega, 13Lillian Terrace; a son to Mr,and Mrs. Samuel Qlarmo, 313Smith Street: a son to Mr. andMrs. Frank Cicchino, 815Ridjfedale Avenue; a son to Mr.and Mrs. Daniel Cahalane, 16Vandcrbtlt Place: a son to Mr.and Mrs. Joseph Lavln, 624RldKewood Avenue: a son toMr. and Mrs. Ronald Galla-gher, 215 Campbell Street; adaughter to Mr. and Mrs.Georgp Himish, 615 RidgewoodAvenue.

\ Reading ManEnlists

Plan* Entertainment, doorand refrshments are In stofl

Oldtime Square Dance tot all who attendTORDS ~ A n old-fashioned| ~ I

square dRnce featuring Unej H«H»lng Him OutC(ll<indRr " t h « ™m^ callorj He-There was something J

the ™-'™nM to »» to you' but i132 Sixth Street.

MR enlisted In t.hn U. S. ArmyMrthe

Armv's new direct Officer Can-

fni- n period of two yearsMrDonnell enlisted under

gregation of the Parkway Jew- forgot what it was nowiah Center. For a fun-filled eve-, She - Was it "goodnlnn "swing your partner"! Jn»t Dt«erUdown to School 25 in Fords Bob — Well, Joe your slst^Jon Saturday, April 20, begin- has promised to becdme n j

I li f.t.K

dldate School Piwram for Col-eae Ovadimtes Hh annllcnMon

was uroppssfd by f>"C PnvmondMfirtln of trw Perth Amboy

RivruHlne Station.

Mr McDonnell |< a graduateof Rnint. Mnry's Hlch School,Perth Amhoy He plso has aHA ne"ref In Fnpllsh fromSnint PrBnctR C o ' l m in Lor-etto. Pn find »1M attendedPar1"! ^oilnpe of AeronauHe^lTi<c>inoln>'v at the Universityof f . I/iniR.

Tli" Port Reading man Is


nt Fort, Dlx Aftercn"i"l"lioii of basic training he

attend a 23 week course at'I! R Army Artillery and,I'- Officer School at Fort

Rill, okla. beginning June 16.Hr will then be commissioned a2nd Lieutenant In the U S.Army While attending OffieerSrhnol he will be anoolnted tothe grndo of sergeant.

"MBKRTY TRfcE" — In observance of IjOy.uty Day, the group above, two of them repre-senting the VKW Vost 2fi36, Iselin, is pictured above, planting a maple tree near themonument to the Township's war dead in Woodhridw Park. From left to right Commit-teeman Harold Mortensen, Joan Zabresky, Iselin, who is "Miss loyalty Day Queen ofMiddlesex County Mrs. Joseph Strasser, Iselin, Eighth Wrtriet president of the Auxiliaryand National Aide De Campe Frank Stahl, who Is also membership chairman of the port.

From Port Reading, a daugh- SHEER BRAVADOter to Mr. and Mrs. HarryGood, 100 Second Avenue; adaughter to Mr. and Mrs. Ni-cholas Lehotsky, 49 Fifth Ave-nue; a son to Mr. and Mrs.Ounther Daune, 85 HagamanStreet.

From Keasbey, a son to Mr.and Mrs. Joseph Seaman, 422Crows Mill Road,


Six Lovable Chicks

FREE!Si\ cute chicks will be given with the{iiinliiise of a 5 lb. bag; of chick foodI'm- liiic. Children must be accompanied byan adult. This offer is good Friday andSaturday only.


With A

"Chick Chick" EgHatches

1 ur 'I Egg!


g Incubator9.5*)


F A B U L O U S.



Woodbrldge ArmoryOuter Main Street


The Famous


Saturday. April 17, 196J


"Skinner Boy"

Charley Greer

Memphis, Tenn. — An es-capee from the county penalfarm has been captured — hardat work on the police parkinggarage being built next doorto headquarters,

Larry Daniel Dyson, 38,walked away from a work gang

CORN FOR RUSSIANS*Moscow — Russians are not;

taking kindly to PremierKhrushchev's campaign to pro-mote corn as human food.

Russians usually turn uptheir noses at cornflakes. Theiridea of a good breakfast Is aheaping plate of hot sausages,potatoes and1' cabbage covered

Cake Sale Plamied^^J^ £j™AVENEL — A cake sale will slices of white bread not corn-

Primary Election

be held by the P.T.A. of AvenelSchool 23 Tuesday, election dayat the local school. Thisnouncement was made at therecent executive board meeting

petty larceny sentence.When captured he had been

Fallout In milk reduced to working with a construction

April 8, 1960, while serving a a t the home of Mrs. Charles

bread!Khrushchev's argument

that the Americans eat It andthey love It.

lowest since April, 1962.wgcrew at the garage for months.

Barry, Cozy Corner.Mrs, Joseph Kelley, princi-

pal, related that kindergartenregistration will be held May7 for children whose lasfnamesbegin A through M and May 8for N through 2. The kinder-garten tea will be May 29.

A meeting of the fair com-

\ i: DI'CKLINdS and BUNNIES also available




Perth AmbovHI 2-3419

J u x I, Hluck From 5 Cornert

Admission .9«

JackcU • Shirt* - Tin

ONLY $5001°. . . and you start your owi business.

Yon can earn from $9-13,00^ for ifSghtmonths work. We train you . . . andmaintain all facilities to help yonsucceed.

Big money season about to start.Choice territories still available.

I Wrffe or phone for free brochure


Ml) 6-1500

mlttee was held at the>home ofMrs, Raymond Sutton, CozyCorner, last nljht.

The next general meeting ofthe P.TA. will be Aprilwith a children's science exhi-bition planned. H. J. Lund, di-rector of elementary educationin Woodbridge Townshipbe the speaker.


For those all-important > ifirst steps, baby deserves^ ' ^these good shoes, with j ^their unique features.




The Boot Shop105 Main Street w — h s Woodbridge





The best helper a plumber can naveis a truck he can rely o n . . . so hiscustomers can rely on him.

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You Get A





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Bank-by-Mail Envelopes Available.We Pay the Postage BOTH Ways!

Write for Details or Phone KI1-5100

CARTERET OFFICEPerth Amboy National Bank

25 Cooke Ave., CarteretMember Federal Deposit Insurmioe Corporation Member Federal Reserve System

Page 24: On Thur«dttj vw, Imaginative Apparatus Sale of Shell Site ... · Mud uued (ur «ift», Seated, Ult W ^hl, I'nul All tmix, John ('liilipka , Jubeph tjtMuk'iwaiki. SUudlim: Mta. Uubtrt

PAGE TWENTY-FOUR Thunday, April 11, IMS

Ceramic Tile Construction Home Improvement Lawi Mowers


atlwork!Art Supplies

Custom »nd Creative


I,ft ui advise jou fromtint picture to i compltltwall arringtmcnt. Choowfrom our wld« MlMtlon ololli ind reproduction!.


310 Maple St.Perth Amboy

HI 2-8822


including Mosaic tiles

New Jobs andRepain of All Kinds

40 Mary Avenue, Fordi

VAlley 6-4S30

PorchesAlterations — Additions

Basements — AtticsRoofing — Siding

Dormers — Garages

Concrete Patios& Driveways

— All Rep»lr» —Free Estimates

Russo Construction Co.KI 1-5970

Coal & Fuel Oil Delicatessen

Auto Body Shops


282 Prospect St.


PAINTANY CAR3995Dupont Delux P;iint





ME 4-0012

TREAT SHOPPE61J Rahway Avenue


(Opp, Whit* Ctanrtb)


Open 1 AJJ, to 10:30 P.M.


Closed Wednesday All Day


PROBLEM?Let us solve yourheating problem fromservice to completeheating installations.




SPECIALThis Week Only

CONCRETE DRIVEWAY30' x 10' Average

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KI 1-5970

SHOWROOM HOURS:Dally 8 A.M. to 9 P.M.

SUNDAY 11 A.M. to J P.M.

705 Amboj AvenueWOODBRIDGEPhone 636-0242

Hand and P«wer MoweriSharpened and RepairedAt.L WORK OUitlMNTtKD

New Mowen AvallabUMany Modtli



m Wwt Ave., Port ReadingMS 4-1117

Llqior S t i n t

Paints & Wallpaper -!- Plumbing & Heating






BRACHERS Modern Living116 Main St.. Woodbridie

Ttl. Ml 1-2MI


Telephone MEicarr 4-1IM

WOODBRIDGELlqior Store, l ie .


Complete Stock of Domesticand Imported Wlnet

Been aod Llqnori


Complete Interior,Exterior Painting

PaperhangingKitlmttti CbMrfuIlf O l i n

First Class Work


REPAIRSFully Insured

Laddie aid PattersonME 4-7UJ

Masoi Coitractir - -Paiitlig & Decorating


S26 Railway Avenue, Avenel


Bar and Grill


JULIAN'SBar and Grill

Pearl St., Woodbridge

(Opp. Woodbridge Post Office)

Delicious Sandwiches

ME 4-9873

John & Grace Julian, Prop.


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For theLatest

Hair TrendsVisit


ana Aachan1002 Railway Ave., Avenel

ME 4-3150



Kill Your Coal Bin With

Lehigh Premium Anthracite





88 Main Street

Woodbridge N. J.

Telephone MErcurj 4-0551



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Just Give Us a Call


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Albert H. Thotnwnit.




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665 Inman Avenue


1286 St. Georre Ave~AvenelSPECIAL WINTER RATES

LOCAL MOVlKt1 Hen *n4 tnUer: |14 flour






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ITALIAN FOOD STORE244 Smith St., Perth Amboj

111 2-USI — Free UeUytrj

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ME 4-3938



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Open Dlllj 1« kM. to • IML


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Bring Results

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30 Years of Know Howand Experience in

Residential Home SalesMember

Multiple Llitini Strvic*

Stern & DragosetREALTORS

ME 4-550054 MAIN ST.


N. J. Tercentenary(Continued from Edit Page)

them," said Mr. Robart.On rare occasions a cedar log

rose from 1U muddy prison Insuch magnificent shape thasaw. split and shave a thousandshingles a week, worth $16 ingood timer

Mr. Robert recollected thateach year "hundreds of thous-ands of shingles were takenout." His estimate, based per-haps on how his young backhad felt, proved correct: in 1856a survey by the State Geologistrevealed 610,000 singles madethat year near Dennis Creek.

The proudest recollection ofMr. Robart was the time a mannamed John Anneley and Mr.Robart's father won the con-tract to supply 25,000 shinglesfor renewing the roof on Inde-pendence Hall. "He and fatherprepared all those shingles andwas paid an extra price forminers couldn't bear to hew itinto shingles. Such specimenswent to dealers "In westernstates," who used the wood In

QovernorhU request fur ti,,-Aviation Agenry to (••,;:burling ton Count vstudle« on the rfTm ,,'blllty, terrain and «. ;,Tax revenues of !!;•New Jersey duringeight months of th» t:reached $J4B.77B.!»fr>.crease of 125.698 .Wisame period last vt•.,;•State of New i :

lunched a.Mault lngto file annual ITjxitt:

— o

C A P I T O I . (MMOrackles and cowiii:i:join other blackhinls .:ome targets for N varmers, under a In!! ,,iy the State Senate

like a grumpy lw<:luently annoyinp -- <tresslng — but funiln:well disposed to mid ;>•to us", claims the \i^iciety of New Jersey,giant Canada Ooos<\ ',lleved extinct, has b-covered In MinnesotaNew Jersey, claims the V- H

violins which Mr. Robart claim-ed "gave forth a better qualityof music than thota made fromany other wood".

Shingle mining Inevitablyfaded. Logs near the surfacewere mined out by 1900 andtastes changed: people couldn'ttell the difference between afreshly cut shingle and onecarved from cedar aged In themud.

Ironically,hurt shingle miners moat wasthe quality of their product."Mined shingles last 80 to 91years," builderi complained —and such longevity ruined re-peat business.

Copyright 1963 — New JerseState Tercentenary Commlsslon.

Fish and Wildlife

the thing which



The Capitol Dome(Continued from Edit Page

awarded by the State Conservation Department. . . . Skindivers who wish to removitems from any of the wrecked turn them to TOUIIM-


Editor's Letters|(Continued from Fd:;

Immediate saving of : s | l f


This Is a big tyiX' :tt-::.directly affects the taxi..

Also, I understand tV.vpetltlve bidding for ;»nship work has bera n::by the mayor. This is H :Mter of great Importance '•tne people.

The faulty tp*<-T* «•Inoperable Incinerate:bore a tremendous j>tmust now be repair'ft rmayor and his adn;::..even though, as I i: riit, Mr. Zirpolo WAS :•thinking of holdiiu' "'the time It was bui".

What manner of i .-;those who, knowliv; :that they were rcs;H:these blunders, now (•••::hat In hand to *&

ships that lie under New Jerseywaters must first obUln a li-cense from the State Bureauof Navigation. . . . The New

- Rtoftig & Sidiig -

T. R. STEVENSBoo fin 1 ind ftht't Hun Work


Uepalriuf all

j - Plumbing & Heating -

With ib.rltj




MT'BwreJl AveniMWnodbrldf*. N. J.




Jersey Tereentenary History-mobile h u been awarded theGeorge Washington Honor

In all. It wouldt good deal of '••<"been removed by Mandhi»admintstrat;Implementation f


ness know-how i>'..:desire to give th? 1

peeled inTraffic In

Medal by the Frefdomsdation at Valley F o w , . . . A; j n d d e n U H y . tli- 'large production of mUk Is " - _ . m a r t s a r « wiiliout 1

" ^ J ^ L ^ l . Township job or .-•.•••tlons for sanic. i

living In private iml-

Thank you for '-


Wilfred J '•'•111 C'>»1'• :

N •'

[ w Jersey thus far this yearEtuLal 192 as compared with 197|up to the tame time last year.I Governor Richard J. HughesEhas been appointed by Prtsl-Rdent Kennedy as a member ofI the President's Civil Defense{Advisory Council . . . A seven

JUi-CondlUanlnsWarn *lr Hut

tultietrii! Eikauit I r t u aMotor Gaudt

FOR rttt •ITlMATIIMS «-»W M MB 4-tlM

Heiry Jaisei & Set

Sheet M«UI Work

RMfliig, MeUr^Celbng

an4 Punuee Work

588 Alden Street

Woodbridge, N. j .

T e l e p b o M M E r c u r j 4 1 1

- Service Station -

TOWNE GARAGEJ. r. Gardner * ••»

485 AMBOY AVENUEWoodbridge

MErcury 4-1(4*

W.'rt BpecUUsU In















Page 25: On Thur«dttj vw, Imaginative Apparatus Sale of Shell Site ... · Mud uued (ur «ift», Seated, Ult W ^hl, I'nul All tmix, John ('liilipka , Jubeph tjtMuk'iwaiki. SUudlim: Mta. Uubtrt

KB - CP Thursday, April 11,1963 PAGE TWENTY-FIVE



,\,t thst proceedings, In Hem. have been r-ommenced In the Superior Court of New Jersey, Chancery Division, by flllnir. of a' ,,,,|,niary II, IW, Docket #F-J3M-82 and Amended Complaint to foreclose »nd forever bur any «nd nil rights of redemption of

l!l, ,,,,d described lh said Complaint snd Amended Complnl.it from plslntlff's tsi lien titles."'•(•'filing" »M brought against the land only, and no perrtom! Judgment or decree may be entered therein.'"' m firslrlng to protect a right, title or Interest In the described land or any parcel thereof, hy redemption, or to contest plaln-",' '(.Hirclost, must do so by psylng the amount required (o redeem us wt forth below, plus Interest to the date of redemption, and

' i .Colin may allow, prior to Ihe entry of a, dwree herein, or by flltns sn answer to the Complaint snd Amended Complaint,,i',|P,id»tit'« defense, within torty-flve |45) daya arter rlnte of the publication of this notice.

Hi of tnlM'* W redeem or answer by sny person having the right'to redeem of answer, such person shall be forever burredi ,r all his right, title and Interest and equlfy of redemption In snd to the parcels of land described In the following Tax


. ,-• rurMianl to the provisions of R. R. M:Ii-104.SI) to R. PI 54:S-IO4 71, the Collector of Taxes hus previously certified to the Town-' of the Township of Woodbrldge that the Township of Wnodhrldisc Is the holder of the tan sale certificate ss shown on the

!„' i m wlilcti Is annexed hereto and nude part hereof, snd, , - ,|,r Township of Woodhrldge h«i previously foreclosed wld certificate ot tax sale snd obtained title to the lands and

. i , i therein, but said title contains an Irregularity, end, .t 'he Township of Woodbrldge did thereafter sell and transfer the lands described In said certificate of ts« sale to Ernest Link

nrd and hv various mesne descents and conveyances snld premises becfemif vested In John L. Stevens, the present owner ihere-'" ni-M«l the Townshjp of Woodbrtdge to further (opqlose <>r TO-foreclose said tun sale certificate unde'r the provisions of H. 8.

MI Si 545-IOV74 for the benefit of snld purelmseljs Jnd their successors In right, title and Interest, at the eipense of the said... -md lit no cost to the Township of Woodbrldge. •jfJ

p/FFORE BB IT RESOLVED that,the Township Committee of the. Township of Woodbrldne'dbes hereby determine to re-foreclose' ,', ,<t tax sale held by the Township of Woodbrtdxe by Ihe summary proceedings. In Rem, provided for by the In Rem Tai. u s 54J-IO4 J» et seq I e,s supplemented hy R s .14:5-104 73 iind h, H, 54:5-104.74, st the enpenerj of the present owner of

V ,'i ,t no roit to the Towmhln of Woodhrldde. without nffsctlnii the rlnht, title and Interest In said lands of the purchasers or,,'-!(ht. tltW and Interest, mil for the benefit of the ssld purchasers or their successors In right, title and Interest In nccord-

,.t ,i'*lons of the toreno|ng stsunen, the lands and premises affected being the same set forth On the TSJ Foreclosure List. .nil nmde psrt- hereof.


[Report from WashingtonLEGAL NOTICES

Tree Avenue; tbsnce If) Veeterlyl j O k T m A d the

* and «-A In Block 7W to lands ntj; If) y _ _jlonj Oak T m Avenue and_ thejihs United States qt America, known

U. S. Court's Decision In TheAiding Republican Party There

Road from Otk Tree to South Plaln-fleld to the place of Beginning

Polling Place: District #1—JanesMadlwin School, New Dover Road

as tb« Rkrltan Arsenal; thence 13)northeasterly and KasterlT along tbtsevsral coiiruw of lands of said Arse-


ill. S. Supromn Court reappor-tlonment decision Is now a yearold nnd has already shown sign*

jof aiding the Republican Party.This was demonstrated re-

Dlitrlct # ! :MOINNLNO at the intersection ot

tin Mlddleeei-Unlon County Uneand tha Boundary of Edison Potrn-ihlp and Woodbrtdga rownsnlp;thence running l l) Southerly rtlonn, h , n n l ) n ( U r J U n , 0 ( sjdlKin I'own

hi i ih , n n l ) n ( U r J U n , 0 ( jdlKin I

the election 'Ihe dawn of a po- (hip to it* intersection with thelltlral rf,ml««»nrV In th* 'T l l | R 1 1

iiucw renaissance in me sand said the outcomethe people want a two-partysystem nnd that the QOP canbe expected to provide It both


to l M l | n Ro»'1 I"1"" known u


Woodbrldge A«enue: thence il)Westerly along Woodbrtdge Avenueto Ducloe Une. thence <3) North-erly Mone, Ducloe, Lane to RoseStreet, thence |4» Easterly along

•a) and King Oeont.es Post Rflad tnlRnse Street to Oak Lane; thencs 151the Wnodhndge Boundary tine; Southerly alons Oa« Une to Jsfter-thenc* I4I Snmnerly aloni the son Boulevard: thence I»I ""'*"»WoodfcrirUrs Rminriart line to the slonn Jefferson Boule»ard to Plain-RarlUn River; thenre 15) Westerly field Avenue; thence |7) Southerly•along th" Ri\rltan Rl'ei to its inter- aloni I'lalntleld Avenue to the t>iae»section with the Southerly prrvlon-]«f Beginning

M r o u , . ,nfn(.,l O I

Wfrt.erlv along salr) Oak Tree t/i [wllnRoad to Drove Avemm: thence

cently lri Florida wtwre a spec-Ion the baMs of issues and csn-election waa hold to fill 40,dldaU>s.

vaoant legislative seaU created' The OOP National Commlt-

l |il,, land a< Itlp|ir.ir^ nn the

id I" me, r l l l ic»le of

II o le .

Book snd I'ateof the recordof therertlfl-IrateIn theorrlre of theConntj Record-ing Officer.

rerllflcate Date ofTai *•!*

MortunBook Pa|C

400 1807* Sept 15.1SM7 1043

The amnuntnf sale asset forthin Ihecertificate

I 748

The amountef all taiHens ac-cruing luh-sequent tothe tax saleincludingInterest,penaltiesand cos>«

I 283.46

The amountrequiredto redeem

I 1194*

The name 6f (he personappearing as the ownerof the land to b« af-fected by the foreclosureproceedings as It appearson the lart tM duplicateof the Township ofWoodbrldgt.

Irnest Unk

R Collector of Tiles of the To»nehlp of Woodbrldte, do herebi certify that the shore Tat Foreclosure List Is a list of1 vVheld by the Township of Woodbrtdo, and the land! affected by said certificate, together with the amount due, to the"M'ui tai sale certificate and for iubmcnitnt munlclpsl liens, with Interest, penalties snd costa, Including the amount "quired

,Zl on the records of th* OffleTo? the Collector ofT««e» snd the ownership or said l.nds M It appears on the last taxf lowiiihlp of WoodbrlUge. prtoi » the l u t fofeolosure of which this Is s re-foreclosure.

- e r certify that mow than two m yean ha»e e,Pired from the date of Ihe tax sale out of which. /"^™* "'"P*,^*,,™";',.'• „' any general land t e n ! 1l»t«d snd ttMiwd for the faur (4) calendar years neit preceding the date of the original foreclosure..'.;, is s re-foreeUnurt aialnst tht lands covered by sain certificate bus been pair!.


H o S)Hortherlj mlnnn Orov« Avenue in'Sireet to me Memchen BoundanHew Dn?«r Ho«d; thence 141 Wfjt-llne; thence 101 Knstcrlj and North-erl? Slong Nsw DIKII Hourt Ui aVI iennterlv alonR the Hetuchen Bnund-wa'rd Avenue (also Known M [>«rt arj Itae tn the nlare nf Begtnnln?Lans); ihene* 15) Northerly alongj Pulling Place, nistrtrt e'2—non-Ifl»aril Avanus and tut Nurtherlvfrfllong«tlOD to the Middlesex-llnlnn

,-r J'h. 1H1.; I ,T April II.

M J. TRAINERCollector of Taxes of the Township of Woodbrldge, New Jersey.

IRVINQ V. SCHWARTZ,Attorney for Plaintiff,100 N, Wood Are.,Linden, N. J.

May your heart be lifted

::: the spiritual inspiration

i he triumphant Easter

•wige,.. may you partake

iin(iantly in joys of this

' i d season. This is our

Hi1 wish for you and

.: as we say most heartily

Happy Easter!"

Woodbridge Publishing CompanyPublishers of

The Independent-LeaderEDISON FORDS BEACON

and the

Carteret Press


by reapportlonment wblch WMbrbught about by a federal courtmandate.

The Sunshine State's heavilyoutnumbered Republicans swept1

to their greatest legislativestrength In modern times wln-

12 of the empty seats. Theymade clean sweeps In a num-ber of Florida counties whereformerly they held no seats atall and build their totalstrength to 18 members.

The victories gave the OOPtwo state senators out of a totalmembership of 45 and 16 of the125 House seats.

Easter Egg HuntAttracts Tots

COLONIA — The sunlitgrounds of Merrill Park werethe setting for Colonia LegionPost's fourth annual Easter egghunt, Palm Sunday.

Six hundred Township chil-dren between the ages of oneand twelve joined In the hmvfor the brightly colored egg;and vied for prizes generouslydonated' by local merchants.

Over thirty prizes wenawarded to children In threeage groups. 1 to 56 to 8, and9 to 12. Winners from Colonltincluded Gary KallnowskI, Roberta Moll, Ellen Flemm, ScotiDoll, and Jack Carroll.

A Joint community servloproject of the Post and LadlesAuxiliary, the Easter egg hunhad John Ruff serving as chairman and Mrs. Prank Thall asco-chairman.

On Saturday, a committee

adephla, Boston, Baltimore and

gallon of Mill Road; thence ill4nrtherly •limn the Southerly pro-longation nf Mm Road and elnnsMill Road to Wnodbrldge Avenue:thence (71 Mnrtheanterly alongWondhrldKS Atftiue tn Miln Street;thrnre IRI Northerly along Main

PnllTns. Place: District s«—aan-un Knirtnt Compan; fll, PlalntcK/tvenin

District #24:

tee hailed the results an a"major breakthrough for thetwo-party sytem and an accom-plishment that will fire theforces of good government withiptlmism . for 1964"

Similar elections have beenield In Georgia and Tennessee'here again the Republicans

made noticeable gains In theitate legislatures.

Virginia University 'ProfessorPaul T. David, an expert onlegislative representation, saidIn a recent seminar In Detroit,Jlch, that the Republican'arty, far from being crippledi? the Supreme Court decision,

will likely see Its progressiveilements strengthened.

"The redistrlctlng that Ismlng will not do much for the

declining centers of the bigIties such as New York, Phll-

namtown School, Wnndbridc.* Ave-nue and Old Poit Roar)

H B a i N l N Q si tne tntertectlon otNew Jeriev State Hlghwaj Rfluls Uand PlMniield Avenue; tneoct run-ning i l l Northerly a loni PlalnlmdAvemi* to Jefferson Boulevard;thence I2I Wesiarlt along JefferannHoulevarri to Lnntn Avenue thence13> Northerly ilonR Uirrhs Avenueto Oulneton Avenue thenc*

County Line; thence l<!| Easterly - 'Northeasterly along OrtnKtoq i « -aloni the Mlddleeex-Dnlon (Vmnli .iistrtct fflJ; |nue to Stony Road; thence • i i |Line 19 the place ol Beglnnlnj 1 BROINN1N0 at ths intersection oijgmnrifiinfrij »|M1S gtiiny Roid to

and the Jfrsev Central Power JtLlgtit Company transmission HUB;thence n i n n l m III NorthessterlyalnnR s»ld Route J5 to Mnln Street; | *"pa[iinV Place: "ntstrict _-- ,•••-•— (3) southerly alonii Mainimiton P«rk School Wlnthrop Rossi

Madison Rchool, New

District gi:fcniNNIHO r.t the interjection nf., , . , ,

the tdlson Township BotiBd»ry lln«|(trr,t Uj'woodrjrltlKe Avenue" thencean* tbe Road from Onk Tree to , j , SoutHwesterl; nlnnn WnodbrldueBouth Plalnfleld; thence rvinninii|ATen\ie to the Jersey Central Power1) Cuterly alont the Road (mm A Light Company trsnsmliislon line;Hk Tree to South ptsinfleld to ()»« thence 141 Northerly atonn the Jer-

Tree Ro»d; thence {1) SoutherlyVy Central Powei A Lljht rnmpa-aloni Oak Tree Rn»4 to SuphenvlllS|ny to the place of BeginningPvkway; thence |3| Botithwesterlyj polllnj flace: District stJ—Bon-klo&g Stephenrllle Parkway to Priri'hamtown School, Woodbrldts AveAvenue; thence 14) Northwesterly I nut and Old l'"«l Rnadalong Park Arenus to Nevsky Street; I •thence 15) Westerly RIOIII Nevsly nutrlct #14:Btrtet and Delancy atree* to the| HEOINNINO at the Intersection ot•dUon Township Boundary; thence, vineyard Rn«d and Lincoln High

New Jersey State Rlnhwny Rmute 15;thence 181 Smith westerly alonn NewJersey State fil((li»J»y Route U mthe j)lscfl ot PeRlnnlnR

District £23:BECUNNINO at tne lnterseotloD ol

Uncoln HlBhway and Pitch Boa/I;thence running III Southerly alonlFltth Road «o Wlnthrop Road;jhence (Jl Easterly alons WlnthropRoad to Kenmors Road: thencs i l lSoutherly alonj Kenmore Road toBanders Road; thence I4| South-easterly along Banders Road M>Wlnthrop Road: thence (5) South-westerly along Wlnthrop Road u>

"•("Northensierly »ion» the itdlsonlwaT'thence'Tri Korthe'listerry alonglBtony hoad; thencs (6) Northwest-To»nahlp_ Boundary Une to the;i,ineoln HlRhway to the Metucben '""" "'•— """* " fwl"lrt"»plate of BeKlnnlng

Polllm PlaceH Dljtrlct «3 — <Tree School. Oak Tree Road

District »BtOINNINQ in ths 11ns dividing

ins Borough of Matuchen and th«Toimshlp of Sdlson, where the sumsII Intersected by the Oak Tree Road;

JBnundary line; thence |J) South-easterly and BusWrlv along ths Ms-

nichen Boundary line to MainStreet; thence 111 Southerly 'alongMnln Street to New Jersey State

[Highway Route 23; thence 14) South-westerly slong said Rflute 75 to Oldpost Rond: thenc* 15) WesterlyHiring Old Post Road to Vineyard

comprised of Adolph Elster,Mrs. Gerard Flnney, Mr«. John

Chicago where urban Demo-crats are most heavily congre-gated." he said,

"The areas that will receiveadditional representation," headded, "are predominantly thesuburban areas and the smallerbut rapidly growing cities.These are the areas that aremost Inclined to vote Repub-lican."

The most dramatic change,David predicted, will be In theSouth. Again the OOP, con-centrated in under-representedmetropolitan areas, will be thebeneficiaries.

"The prospects generally for!an effective two-party systemIn the South," he » ld , "haveImproved so much that pro-found consequences for na-tional politics can be antici-pated"

Noting that some people have

thence running <l) Northerly alont[Oak Tree Road to Oak Tree Avenue;tbenee |3) Easterly along O»l TreeAvenue to Drove Avenue: thence (1)Southerly along Clrote Avenue totbe Oak Tree Ijelln Road' thence14) Easterly along the Oak Tree Ise-lln Road to drove Avenue: thence19) Southerly along Grove Avenueto ths Eillnon Township Boundary;jtbence IS) Westerly along the tdl-son Township Bnundnn to the placenf Beginning

Polling Place: District ff«-tTree School. Oak Tree Road

iRornf; thence l«) Northerly alongVineyard Road to the Dlaea of Be-ginning.

Polling Placet District ifl«—Un-eoln Ichool. Brookrtlle ttoad

Dlitrlct #5:C in the Line dlrtdlae,

the Township ot Woodbrldge andthe Township of Kdtann, where thtsame la Intersected by the Oak Trrnito Lselln Road: thence running

District #13:BBOINNINQ at the Intersection ot

Vlnoyard Road and Lincoln Highwaytbenee running 111 Southeasterlyalong Vineyard Row) to John Street:thence (21 Westerly along JohnStreet u> Idiewlld Road; thence 13)Northwesterly aloni Idiewlld Roadto Bturgls Road; thence (41 North-erly along Stunla Road to the Lincoin Highway; thence 15) Northeasterly atom the Lincoln Highwayto the place of BerlnnlDf.

PoUlns Place: District #15—LIB'coin School, Brookvtlla Road

srly along Suiny Fiona to fAvenue; thencs |7) Southwesterlyalong ClnRton Avenue to LortDgArenue; thence (0) Northwesterlyalong Lortng Avenue to the LincolnHighway; thence (9) Northsaiterlyalong Lincoln Highway to the plat*lot Beginning.

Polling Place: District #Z5—Was»-tniton Park School. Wlnthrop Roes)

District #2t:BIQINNINO at the Intersection ol

ilncoln Highway and Duclos Lane;thence running ID NartheejtarlTalong Lincoln Highway to LortnfAvenue: thence (21 Southerly aloneLortng Avenus to Jefferson Boule-vard; thence (3) Westerly aloniJefferson Boulevard to Oak Lint:thence (4) Northerly along Oak Laneto Rose Street; thence (S) Westerlyalong Rose street to Ducloi Une;thence (8) Northerly along DudoiLane to the plnceof Beginning

Polling Place; District ..ton School Plalnfield Avenm

Southerly, 'southeasterly »ndiDlstr icl

ot Edlaon Township to the Port 'Heading Ballroad; thence ISI S o u t h - l J o n o

itherly along the Boundary Jim

Ruff, Mr. and Mrs. John Kortzand Mrs, Fred Wanderas dyedthe hundreds of eggs used Inthe hunt, early Saturday morn-ing they hid them in everynook in Merrill Park, and thenserved in a supervisory capacityto make tUe hunt a success.


l«0« Oak Tree R«adIselln. New Jene j

Tel LI 1-84*9

argued the court decision willtnmsfer all political power tojthe cities, the professor ex-pressed the view thatinterests will not be crippledif they are restricted to theirfair share of representation Instate legislative bodies."

"Our system was designed toprotect minority Interests andIt will continue to do so," hesaid, "Respect for rural life,is deeply Imbedded In theideology of American Institu-tions and a considerable defer-ence to rural interesU willpersist for a long time.

WHterly along ths Pori ReadingRailroad to the Bountinry line be-tween the Borough of Metuchen and „•dlson Township; thence (3) N o r t h - j ^ « " J " l ,° . , " .westerly andBoundary 1to Qrovs Aerly along Orove Avenue to the Oak|Tr»e to Iselln Road; thence (5) East-erly along the. Oak Tree to IsellnRoad to the place ol Beginning

Polling Place: District #5—MerUoPark Flrehoute. Lincoln Highway

BEQINN1N0 at the Intersection ot>hn Street and Vineyard Road;

theuce running 11) Southwesterlyalong Vlneysrd .Road to Old Post

; thence (J) Easterly along OldrashlpTtheMeT3TNortJi"jPost S ^ *? N »" 3<>"e} State High-

"SSu.°! £ (?) Mo'r?nP!?.ntra.(-Power ^ Ugh^Compan,

District #27;BEGINNING at the Intersection ot

Duclos t*n» and Mill Brook:; thenceInmnlng ID Westerly atom UU1Brook also the Borough of Highland.Park Boundary Una, to Fifth Ave-Due; thence 12) Northwesterly aloofFifth Avenue and tha Boundary lineof Highland Park to the Boundarylne of PlscaMway Township; thence(3) Northeasterly along ths Plectta-way Township Boundary line to theIntersection with the NorthvejMsijr

f Buttons U M ;

District # 6 :BEGINNING In the line dividing

Toodbrtdge Township and theTownship ol Edison, where the samell Intersected by the Port ReadingRailroad; thence running II) South-erly along the Edison TownabipBoundary Une to

—On Saturday evening, Mr.jand Mis. Robert Pttzslmmonsand son Robert, and Mrs. Helen


y intersectionWith New Jersey State HighwayBout* 23; thence (2) Southwesterlyalong said New Jersey State High'way Routs 23 to Amooy Avenue,heno* (3) Westerly along AmboyIresue to the Boundary tine be-tween Edison Township and theBorough of Metuchen; thence i<)northeasterly and Northerly andlortheasterly along the Bqimdory

One of Bdlson Townahlp to the PortReading Railroad; thence 15) North-easterly along the Port ReadingRailroad to the place of Beginning.

rolling Place: District #«~CUiraHartoti School Amboj Avenue


"""••"" *~"*w"'""•*•""•" """"I open'to citizens, 13 months reil-Rohlfs, all of Semel Avenue, j d e n t i n woodbrldge Township,motored to New Dorp, Staten1 oierk stenographer, salarr. ConIsland, where they visited Mrand Mrs. Michael Shea.

—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ack-erman and children, Robert,Joseph. James, Raymond, and'Joanne, Adams Qt., were guestsiSunday afternoon of Mr. andMrs. Hugo Catugno, Phlllips-burg.

—Mr. and Mrs. Richard Har-well, Wood Avenue, were hostsSunday to several guests inhonor of their daughter Janet'slltli birthday. Quests IncludedMr. and Mrs. Kenneth Duna-

tact Municipal Authorities forSalary Rates.

Clerk Typist, Bslary, Contact Mu-nicipal'Authorities forR*te»,


nan and children, Guy and Ka-ren, Laurence HaJaW; Mrs,Viruinia PinedaGardner, Clark.

--Condolences to Mr.

Clerk Stenographer, Salary, Wood'bridge Township Housing Au-thority, Contact Municipal Au-thorities foi Salary Rates.

Clerk Typist, Salary. WoodbridgeTownahlp Housing Authority,Contact Municipal Authoritiesfor Salary Rates.

Applications will be accepted fromhigh school seniors.

Announced closing date for tilingapplications, April 32, 1M3.

For applications, duties, and mImum qualifications, apply to De-partment of Civil Service, StateHouse, Trenton, New Jersey or fromthe branch office, 80 MulberryStreet, Newark 2, New Jersey. Com-

Calvin pletcil application blanks should be

Mitrlct «7:BtOINNINO In the Une dividing

Woodhrlrige Towuahlp and theTownship ot Edison, where the sameU Intersected by the New Jersey|Turnplke, thence running (1) South-westerly along the New Jersey Turn-ilte to Grand View Avenue; thence2) Northwesterly along Orand ViewIvenin to New Jersey State High-way Route 25: thence 13) Northeast-erly along said New Jersey StateHighway Ron to 25 to the boundaryUne of Edison Township; thsnce(4) Southeasterly along the bound-ary Uns to the place ot Beginning

Polling Plice: District Jtt - CUraBarton School. Amboy Avenue

Mrs. Walter Kronert, Wood1

Avenue, on the death of Mr.jKronert's mother, Mrs. Eliza-1

beth Kronert, Livingston.Mr. and Mrs, Louis

Schmitt, Rahway, were guestsSunday of Mr. and Mrs. Alex-ander Cuthbertson, Oak TreeRoad.

sent to the Department of CivilSerylce, State House, Trenton, New

and, jersey,Candidates who Died applications

and are qualified will receive nofurther notice to ippe»r.

Eliminations will be held, Satur-day, May 4, IKi at 9:00 A.M. Ap-plicants will report to HighlandPark High School, North 9th Avt-nue. Highland Park, New Jersey orTtiomas Jefferson High School, EastScott Place, Ellubeth, New Jersey,


District #t:BEGINNING at the Intersection ol

Hew Jersey StaU Highway Rout* Uand Amboy Arenue; thence runningI) Northeuterly along New JerseyIttte Highway Route 25 to Orand

View Avenue: thence Hi lasterlyaloni Orand View Avenue to theHew Jersey ruraplke; thence iJ)Southwesterly along the New Jer-sey Turnpike to Amboy Avenue;;hence (4) Westerly along Amboyvenue to ths place of BeginningpoUing PUoet District #« - Clara

Barton School, Amboy Avenue

cI.-L. 3/28-4/4-U/83 J28.38

Hop SetNotice Is hereby given that the

| District (lection Boards In snd torI the Township of Edison, County

Middlesex. New Jersey will alt In, , r w j lot Mlddlssei. NSw Jersey win alt In

for taster Monday! the t1ffJ!!Ila.*«J.a*«B"e?,11 nn

I6ELIN - The third annualEaster Monday Sub-Teen Hop,sponsored by the Iselln VPW,will take place April 19 from2 p.m. to 5 p.m., at the VFWPost Hall, Lincoln Highway,

Music will be by the C M -u-lle, who will act as Judges Inthe twist contest.

Prizes will be awarded to thebest dressed boys and girls inthe different age categories.Miss Loyalty Day Queen, JoanZabresky, will be one of thejudges and will award theprizes,

Because of the age of thechildren attending this affair,

lithe "No Smoking" rule will bestrictly enforced. No one willbe permitted to leave the dancebefore S p.m. without the con-sent of parents.

CAR FALLS THRQUGH ICEBrowns Valley, Minn.—Three

college men took a short cutacross Lake Traverse when thecar broke through the Ice andsank to the bottom ot the lake.

. APRIL U,~ 19J3between the hours of 7 A.M. snd8 P.M. Eastern Standard Time forthe purpose of conducting aP R I M A R Y B L t C I I O N

POR THS NOMINATION of candldates on the Democratic ticket andthe nomination of candidates onthe Republican ticket to be votedat the ensuing General Election,,Tuesday, November 5, 1961 as here-inafter listed snd tor the electionot Two Members, one man and onewoman ol the local County Eiecutlve committee ot the DemocratParty from each election districtfur the turn of one year and oneman and one woman or the locuCounty E(ecu.tlve committee or thRepublican Party from each electiondistrict, for a term of one yearAlso to elect:


ASSEMBLYTwo Members of the BOARD OF




District #l iBeginning in tin line dindlni

the Borough ol South Plalnfleld sn<tbe Township of Edlsau where thsuns la Intersected by tlis Hoacfrom Oak Tres to Houtb pluiunek(also known aa Oal fin Areuue)thence ruunlui II) ttorttitfly alouithe boundary Una at Cdlstiu Cuwn

The U U M M D climbed ^ ^ ^ ^ r ^the back seat and pressed their se.ni oountj line to it*noses to the roof, where there '" """ --"—•-was a iWcket of air.

thas a iWkeThey Opened tht) door and alou* tbs Northerly prolouiiatlou o:

attempted to get out, Only one m™ Ww"<l *"uu* " d &"*.":swam the 75 leet to shore. The

with the Northerly urolnnghilou a:Idwud Avenue Itlao known uDark Une): thance (1) Souiherl;

two were foundthe buck seat of the car.

vard Avenue lalso tnuwu as O«rlLane) to New Dover Buad; thencei4l Easterly along No* " 'ui Qro«e Avauue; tht literly along Unya Avenue u>

Transmission L i n e ; ' tbeneeNorthwesterly along the Jersey Cen-tral Powei & Light Company lWlnthrop Hoad: thence (5) Northeasterly along Wlnthrop Road toAshley Road; thence 16) Easterlyalong Ashley Road to Durham Road:thence (1) Northeasterly e.long Dur-ham Road to P&rkersan Road;.thence I8> Easterly along PattersonRoad to BrookvlUe Road; thence(8) Northwesterly along BrookvlUeRoad to Arvln Road; thencs (ID)Northeasterly along Arvln Road u>Idiewlld Road; thence 111) Souther-ly along Irtlcwlld Road to JohnStreet; thencs (111 Southeasterly•long John Street tn the place ofBeginning.

Polling Place: District #It-EllsonHigh School, So. Colton Road

jrolongatlon ot Buttonsthence |4) Southeasterly along t&*>Northwesterly prolongation ot But-tons Lane, along Suttons Lant ""'ane, along Buttons Lane *tt4along Ducloa Une to ths plaea) «JBeginning.

Polling Place: District #71ton School. Plalnfleld Avenue

District #17BEGINNING st the Intersection of

Lincoln Highway and Pitch Road;thence running ID Northeasterlyalong the Lincoln Highway to Btur-gls Road; thence 121 Soutnerty alongBturgls Road to Idiewlld Road;thence |3) Southeasterly along Idle-wild Road to Arvln Road; thence4) Southwesterly along Arvln Roado BrookvlUe Road; thence (S)loutbeaaterly along Brnokvllle RoadO Parkerson Road; thence (8)Gutherly alonj Purkerson Roid Ml

..shley Road; thence |8) Southerlyand westerly along Ashley Road toWlnthrop Road: thence l » Soutb-

resterly along Wlnthrop Road toan tiers Road: thsnce HOi North-esierly nluni; Sanders Road tolenmor* Road: thence 111) North-

.asterl; slnm; Eenmore Road toWlnthrnp Road; thence (12) West-;rly along Wlnthrop Road to Pitchload; thence 113) Northwesterlylong Pitch Road to tne place of Bs-nnlng.Polling Place: District #17-Edl-

son Hl[h School, So. Colton Road

BEQUNINQ Ilew Jersey State Highway Route 35

and 8toa> Road; thence running (1)Northerly slnng Stony Road to Wln-throp Road; thence 12) NonheasMr-y along Wlnthrop Road to the Jer-

y Central Power At Light Compan;i i Li


District #9;BIQINNINO at the Intersection of

Aiiiboy Avenue and tbe New Jcr-aey Turnpike: thence running (llNortheasterly along the New JerseyTurnplko to the Boundary line ofEdison Township; thence |2) South-erly along the boundary line of Edi-son Township to Its Intersectionwith Amboy Avenue; thence- <3|Wssterly along Amboy Avenue tothe place of Beginning

roUlni f l aw District #»— RariUnl Company ttz, Amboy Avenue

Central Power tc Light Company tolew Jersey State Highway Route 15;;hence Mi Southwesterly alongRoute 29 to tbe place of Beginning.

Polling Place: District #1S-EdlionHlfb School, go. Colton Road

District #10:BEO1NN1NU at the Intersection ol

Amboy Avenus and the New Jersey[Turnpike: thence running Ui Cut-Boundary line ot Edison Townshipthence (ll southerly and Westerlyalong ths Boundary line ol BdlsnnTownship and King Georges PostRoad to property ot the OnltedStates ot America, known as the'Bar Han Arsenal; thence 13) North-iweiterly alndg several courses of soldArsenal lands hi the New JerseyTurnpike: thence i4i Northeasterly•long the New Jersey Turnptka uithe place of Beginning

Polling Place: District #10— Kjritan Rnflne Company #2, Amboy• venue

District #11:BEGINNING at ttis Intsrsectlon o:

Ainboy Avenue and the New Jersey Turnpike: thencs running liSouthwesterly along tbe New Jersej Turnpike tn lands nf tba UnitedStates of America, known as theRurlun Arsenal, theuce (2) Boutu-weiterly alonn the several courses ulands ol aald Arsenal to the rune'Boutherly corner ot Block 195. Lot-A <u shown on the I'm Map olEdlaou Township; thence l3i North-'erly along the Westerly Une of Lou]8 A and 4 in Block 18S to tbe UhlgbValley Railroad; thence 14) Wejterlvaloug the Leblgh Valley Railroad uthe Uetuobto Boundary lias; tlunci15) Northeasterly ulong tha Me-luclien botiudary line to Ambo;

h G l lAvenue: thence (5) nlouAvenue: thence (5) Gasiecy iAuiboy Avanus u< tps place nt Be

lugPolUug Place; Dlttrlci #11 -

Barton BCIMHIL Apbgy Avenue.

District #12:WHNN1NU at • pulut In tli

Berougb fil aletucheo BuuudaryLine; where the «SJII« Is uinrsecteCby tbe Ubl«h Valley RaUro»dthsnce running (II stast*rly alongthe Uhl(b, Valley Railroad to thluosl Westerly line ot Lot 4 tu BlncJIK as shown on the Tai Map f>I l T h l h U S t U•dlaou Townahlp; thence

kloog th* Westerly Use


Road; thence lit South-alont; Durham Road to

DlstrL. „BEULNNirtu ot the Intersectloil Sjaf

the Lincoln Highway anil Dlvlikta.Street, thence running (1) North.westerly end Northerly along DtTi-slon Street to Us Intersection wlttPl&lijflcld Avenue; thence (1) North*westerly along PUlnfleld • *•the boundary lino ofTownship; thence (3) Ntalong tbe Plscataway Township lips)to the Jersey Central Power andLight Company transmission llnjjthence (4) Southeasterly along theJersey Central Power and LightCompany transmission line to th*main line ol the Pennsylvania, Rail-road; thence (5) Southwesterly alongthe Pennsylvania Railroad to the in-tersection with the, Northerly pro-longation ol Willow Avenue; thence(8) Southeasterly along the North-erly prolongation of Willow Avenueand along Willow Avenue to theLincoln Highway; thence (7) South-westerly along the Lincoln HlRhwa*to the place ot Beginning

Polling Placet District #ZS— Slei-ton School, l'lalnfleld ATtnue'

Ustnct Jt II:BEQUTNINQ the intersection of

District £29BEGINNING in the Boundary Uns

between the Borough of Soutb Plaln-fleld and Edison Township, wherethe s&me is Intersected by the PortReading Railroad; thenos running(1) Easterly along the Port ReadingRailroad to the Boundary line of theBorough of Metuchen: thence (3)Southerly along the Borough ol Me-tuchen to tbe Lincoln Highway:thence |3) Southwesterly along theLincoln Highway to Willow Arenue;thence <4) Northwesterly along Wil-low Avenue and the Northwesterlyprolongation of Willow Avenue tothe Main Line ot the PennsylvaniaRailroad; thence (i) Northeasterlyalong the Pennsylvania Railroad tothe, Jersey Central Power & Light.Company Transmission Line; thence(6) Northwesterly along the JerseyCentral Power, Si Light Company to


inythence 13)the Jeraey

District #19:BKQINN1NO at the in'fraecUon ot

-tony Boad and New Jersey StateHighway Rnuls 25; thence running

II Northeasterly along Routs 25 toh« Jersey Central Power 4i Light}ompauv transmission Iras; thenceJ) f-miherly along the Jersey Cen-

tral Power & Light Company toWoodbrldge Avenue; thence |3)Westerly along Woodbrldge Avenueto Old Post Road; thence |4| North-erly along Old Post Road and StonyRoad tn the place of Beginning.

Polling Placet District #19-EdlsonIllgn SrliraU go Colton RoadDistrict #211:

BEO1NNINQ at tbe Intersection ofWondbrtdge Avenue and Mil) Road;thence running 111 Southerly alongallli Road and the Southerly pro-longation thereof to the RarUanRiver; tlienca 121 Westerly along thsHarltsn Ftlvei to Silver Lake Ave-nue: tnence |3) Northerly alongSllvei Lake Avenue to WoodbrtdgeAveuue, thence 14) Easterly along

iiodbrldKe Avenue tn tha place>f Beginning

Pulling Place: Dlitrlct #2»—Pis-lataway School. Woodbrtdfs Avenue

Ulstrlcl #211BBQ1NN1NO at the Intersection bt

Woodbrtdge Avenue and silver LakeAvenue, thence running HI South-arly along silver Lake Avenue lo lbsRarltan River: thence ll) Westerlysilong tile Raxltan Rlvei v> tbeboundary line of the Borough olHlmilund Park; thence I3I Nnrtherlydlniiii the BnrnuKh of Highland Parkto WiKidbrldce Avenue, thence i4lEasltrly along Woodbrldgt Avenuetn tile place ol Beginning

fulling Place; District # 2 i - n s -eataway Scheol, Woodbrldie Avenue

District VZ2:BHU1NNINO at tb* intersection ol

Mew. Jersey 8t«te Hlghwuy Rout* Uand Huiny Road; thence ruuuLng 11)Southerly along Stony Road and OldPoet Koad to Woodbrldge Avenue;thence 111 Westerly along Wood-

.brtdgo Avenue to Ne« Jefwy State[Blghway Route 35; thenoe 13) North-eatterly aUmg New Jersey StateHighway Routs l i to the place ofBeginning

Polilu) I'lant Uktlrkl n't'i CivilOeteiiM Hulidlug, hlmpsoii Place

the Boundary line of PI seatawayTownship; thence 11) Northerlyalong the Boundary line ot Ptscati*way Township s.nd the Borough aiSouth Plalnfleld to ths place ol Be-ginning.

Polling Place: District #2»—sUri-Un Engine Company #1, rtrehouie#t. Lincoln UUhwu

District #30:BEQINKINQ in the Boundary Use

petween the Borough, of SouthPlalnfleld and Edison Tonraihlp,where the sanie it intersected by thePort Reading Railroad: thence run-ning ll) Northerly along tbe EdisonTownshpl Boundary Uns to DelancyStreet; thence (2) Easterly alonjDelancy Street and Nevsky Street toPark Avenue; thence (3) Southeast-erly along Park Avenue to Stepben-vllle Parkwsy; thence i«) Brutertyalong Stephenvllle Partway to OsATreen Road; thence 15) Southerlylong Oak Tree Rnad to the BouDda-

ry line of Edison Township; thenee(6) Westerly and Suuthuly alonithe Boundary Hue of Edison Town-ship to tbe Port Reading Railroad;thence |7) Westerly along the PortReading Railroad to the Disc* olBeginning

PoUlUI Place: District #3» -O«*Tres School. Oak ffree Road

District #31:HBOINN1NG at the Intersection ol

the Lincoln Highway and ButtonsLaue, thence running (1) North-westerly along Suttona Lane and theNortherly prolongation thereof tothe boundary line of. Plsc&UwayTownship; thence (2) Northeasterlyalong the PlsciUwty Township Unato Its Intersection with PlalnlleldAvenue, tlienca (3) Southeasterlyalong Plalnlleld Avenue to its Inter-section with Division Street! thence(4) Southerly and Southeasterlyalong DMjjlon Street to Its Interac-tion with the Lincoln Highway;theuce (51 Southwesterly along thaLincoln Highway to the; place otBeginning:

Polllni Place: Dlitrlct #11—Stil-ton School, Plalniield Avenue

OSCAR KAU8Township clerk

I -L. r. % 4/4-1I/J3 »3M1J

Ulstrtct #23:BEQINN1NO at tht intersection at

New Jersey Hute UUIiw»s Route Ktud Plalnfield Avenue; theuce run-

BACHELORS GALOREfg Kong, China ~ Kong

Kong is tbe place to look forhusbftnda. It seem* there are141,000 bachelors of marriage-able aye and only 90,000 womenin thii group. <

The mort popular marryingage for men li between 28 and30. For women the age l* be-


tween 20 and 2ft. 60,000males have to remthi bachelor!

j tolor go to find a bride.

Page 26: On Thur«dttj vw, Imaginative Apparatus Sale of Shell Site ... · Mud uued (ur «ift», Seated, Ult W ^hl, I'nul All tmix, John ('liilipka , Jubeph tjtMuk'iwaiki. SUudlim: Mta. Uubtrt

, . •>


American stylepatting

• • . f . - '

& Savings Bonds today winprobably aome day go into col-lege tuition, or new furniture, orthe walls of a new home.

Until you need it, this money isearmarked for a very importantjoh. And you can be sure it i$n'tbuilding a 27-mile barrier ofbrick, barbed wire, and concrete.

Every; doflop you sftve wilhUncle Sam goes directly intokeeping our country strong, withits affairs in good order, so thatwe can carry on the struggle forfreedom—at remote outposts, atconference tables, in outer space.

Tens of millions of Americanfamilies have accumulated $45billion in E and H Bonds—part

of our strength as Individuals.And part of the strength of thenation.

Start putting part of your sav-ings to work for your countrywhile it works for you. Buy U. S.Savings Bonds at your bankregularly or where you work,and see if you don't feel goodabout i t

Quick f a d s about 1 l. You get ^ back for g ^ t y $3 when yovr Bonds matMre. S. Y<mrBMkm6nptoeedfrmifhtft,*t*mlU . S . S a v i n g Bonds I or destroyed. 3. You M M get mouen anytime. L Y t t 4 d b P ^ S

IKeep freedom in your future with U.S. SAVINGS BONDS

The V. 0. Govenmmt dot not pay for tbia advertising. The Treasury Department thanks Tht, Advertising Council and tkU newspaper for tktir paMoMe m

AD NO. 0 0 - 2 4 3 2 - 8 OXS.-FUU PA<?E-N!W*APRS, MBRUARY, 1943

Page 27: On Thur«dttj vw, Imaginative Apparatus Sale of Shell Site ... · Mud uued (ur «ift», Seated, Ult W ^hl, I'nul All tmix, John ('liilipka , Jubeph tjtMuk'iwaiki. SUudlim: Mta. Uubtrt


,:. TO BIDDKM flcatlon period shall end on AprilN"T u HIERIBT OIVIM that 34, IMS. Bidden will be notified of

pii''Fl ,„, the purebMi W th* their lUtui . within forty-tight,! in";™ hours after prequallflcatlon formprequallflcatlon form

hM been submitted to the Town-ahlp Engineer.


Highway and New Dover Road: thenalong the centerllne of New DoverRond to the Intersection of NewDover Road and 8t. OtaiM Ave-nue; then along the centerllnt ofSt. George Avenue to the Inter-


Beard's Brook to the eenteHInt of


oenttr Itn* of tbe New Jertty Turn-Am boy Avenue; thence IS) south-iplkt interMcti the (dienn town-erly along the'centerilneof ArnboyAvenue to the centerllne of Qro»e

I itont

M l ' 1

"S>»Ztub lUg* •!•

l "'

•.• i f

April ,Sin ». publicly

sccompanledl bybl to W

; . , M sccop y c , r p o r » w »„„,,»•••' , , , ,k road* payablt to We the contract onr '";',; '„( Woodbrldge I n , ™ b'd mimf be «cc

! Bids will be received only from!*™"0" o f St- OWge lirtnue &ndthose Bidders who are qualified Ini^1".no«h«fn Mne of Block Mi: thenaccordance with the Instruction toBlddera. Copies of the Prequallflcn-tlon Documents may be obtainedupon application to tht TownshipInglneer.

Blddtrt who qualify In accordancewith tb* Instruction lo Blddtrt mayobtain plant and specifications atthe Office OY Charles W. Beagle.

jTowmhlp Knxlheer, during the hoursof the regular course of businessbeginning on April 11, 1B83, but notlater than three )3l dnyi prior toth« final dale for receiving of bids

if .Street; thence (8) we»terly alongjaad Woodbrldge Township* crossing•- >he centerllne nf drove Strwt to the MHo street. Evergreen and Wlld-

t Block 395 In a westerly direc-tion to Byrd Street; then along thecenterllne of Byrd Street to theIntersection of Byrd Street andWorth Street; then along the cen-terllne of Worth Street to the In-tersection of Worth Street mdQreen Street; then along the ctri-terllne of Orwn Street to the In-tersection of Green Street and N.JHlKhwjy Route #1; then along thecenterlln* of V 8. Highway Route#1 In a westerly direction to theTownahtp boundary; then along theTownahlp houndary In a northerly


perotnt of

specification! willBidder* un-Ifltd. Pr»-

'period" ahall *nd on

The cham* for all plans and specl-idlrectlolT to the point of "orlglTficatlolin Is »5.(K) Which sum ahtll WARD 3not be returned. | P r o m the lnttrsectlon of New

Bids must be submitted on the!D o v* r R°»<1 «nd the TownahlpProposal Form furnished ta ther0 1 1 n < j MT; *1("ig the centerllne otDidder; must be accompanied by j New Dover Road to the Intersectioncorporate surety for execution of ° • N e w D o v e r Road and Meredith

n award thereof. The "*"'• l h e n »lonB th* centetllne ofrompanled bv a cw- M"'«dith Road to the Intersection

titled cher* for not lean than ten , Mwi<llth Road and Mlddleneipermit of the amount of bid. , " „ , " ' l h e n * l o n« t h « centerllne

The Township Committee renews Middlesex Avenue to the Inter-

all bldi which In lt» opinion will be!In the best Interest of the Town-ship.

!9; i* received onlr from

.;„„ *ho aw <iu»lin«d.'.'..rrniiallflcatum form may..',,1 from P h t o

catum ytut Purohaitol

,.,,,,5 and Bid Proposal, nirelopemar be obtained

I'lirchaslng Departmant.. . Municipal Building. %1

Woodbrldg*. New Jer-


I.-L. 4/11/UBusiness Administrator

NOTICETake notlct thut Francis J Flti-

ginlrt and (Hnevleve Flt7«fVnldt/a Fitzgerald's Bur have applied toMl* Township Committee of the

jTtrvnahlp of Woodbrldgt for» r » n ' f Plj ni7 T i l "toV-fM ~ til. '*f»n»'er of Plenary Retail consump-

ii Kr'lday. and untU llor>. Ucenae #c-30. heretofore ls-

"' '' * TIMIV , n m n i i t r t I ot ^ a n d s Flttgerald. deceased,,.: mint strictly comply foT p r O T n l l H MnhM kt H m l t < VK

No. 1, Avenel, Township ot

< ,,nd atatutea In' such j 1 " 1 * * - " J ',j I provided. NoUct U Objection*. If any. ahould bt' .,, ail Bidders that lt mad* Immediately in writing, to-. informal, dtfectlve or Joteph V. Valentl, Townahlp Clerk,', ,.,„„ win bt lmmt- Woodbrldge. N. j .

-•! Signed:,,, Did on any lt*m or,iv combination thtrtof

•,i|i CoiumltU* of the' WoodbrldR* raurr**:r!rct any and all bids.ii.ny withdraw btf bid

,., niter th* actual date; Notlct It hereby given that the:,; thereof, |District flection Boards In and for: the Townahlp Jjfcm-jth* Townahlp of Woodbrldge, Cmm-

I.-L. 4/1-11/(3

terllne of McLean Strett to th* In-ttrtecllon o' McLean Street andBlock Avenue; then along the cen'terllne of Block Avenue to tbe Inter-section ol Block Avenue and tht Lin-coln Highway; then along the cen-terllne of the Lincoln Highway tothe Intersection ot thi LincolnHighway and New Dover; then alongthe centerllne of New Dover Road tothe Inttrsectlon or New Dover Roadand flt. Qeorgt Avenue; then alongthe ctnttrllne of St George AvenueIn a northerly direction tn the Town-ship boundary; then along theTownship boundary In a northerly,westerly and southerly direction totht point of origin.

WARD 1 - DISTRICT IBEGINNING st a point, tbi In-

tersection of the centerllne of th*Ntw Jersey Turnplkt and tht centerllne of tht Perth Amboy-Wood-

|bridge, Branch of tha PennsylvaniaZZZTil i X > . « » I , I .ndi"*1"01"1; l h e n c ' "I northerly alongFrancis J. Fltegerilii a n a i w : d c l n t , r i ine 0( the Perth Am

boy-Wodbrldge Branch of the Penn-sylvania Railroad to a point, the

»»™'prolongation easterly of the dlvld!in({ | | n , uetween Ntw and Beconi

NOTICE iStrteu. Thence (Jl westerly sloni

Oenevieve Fitzgeraldt/a ntnerald'i Bar


•:> Toa-nablp Of Wood-j

HKMAN B. AVEU1A.h iMurts Administrator• t i«J0

IALXIoiiiiil'KT OFNIW J M I I TilHMKRV DIVUIONllhlH tSFA (OLNTVli... k« No. F-I2I-41

ty of Mlddl'ieti, Ntw Jersey willtit in the places hereinafter desig-nated on

TtlHDAT, AFKa II, 1H3between the hours of 7 A.M. andil P.M. lestem Standard Time forthe purpose of conducting aP R I M A R Y U l C t l O N


.AVINUH&LOANAJB8O>, >n>oratlon of the SUM• : ' . . u Plaintiff, aod\ I'AKBONI and FA-i ARIIONR. his wife, aod

;: 1 IIDMBJ OF CKNTRAL.••• . a corporation of

• •:? Defendant*. Writ of' : :;IB aale of mortgaftd

! , • - ! Marcn Mth, 1163.- ul Hit above sutad•• : , : f t d and d«Uvtr«d,

•, •••? to Mle at public

..'IV. T11K 8th DAI OPMAY, A.D. ]»U.: of two o'clock by tb i

:,.; aiandaia or Day-'.::iit. In the afumoon

: riay. at the Sheriff's 0 1 -i i ::y of New Brunnrlck.

..it vrruin tract of parcel of: ;:.'ciiitiea hereluafier par-;t>rib*d and a l t u a u l n the!

M'.:H!1>. In the County of'. r.:.'\ State of N»w Jersey.' : M I

datee on the Democratic ticket" and ij°J,1,n°l[,thf,rj!; 280' feet from th

e (Jl westerly slomsaid dividing line between New amSecond Streets to tha center Itn,of Amboy Avenue thence 13) northerly along the centerllne of Ambo:Avenue to a point 200 feet norther!of the north property line of Oreei.Street, thence H) euterly paralleland distant 200' northerly of thinorth property line of Green Strtato the certerllne of Linden Avenuethence (SI northerly along the cen.ter line of Linden Avenue 60 feet:thence (6) easterly, parallel wit!

the nomination of candidates onth* Republican ticket to bt votedat th* ensuing General Election.,Tuesday, November 5. 1M3 at here-inafter listed and for the electionof Two Members, ont man and omwoman of thi local County Execu-tive committee ot th* DemocraticParty from each election district.for the term of one year and oatman and one woman of the localCounty Etmitlvt commute* nf thtRtpuhllcan Party from each tlectlondistrict, for a ttrrn of one yearAlto to Elect


ASSEMBLYTwo Mlmbtrt of th* BOARD Of


' thi rivt Wards

northerly lint of Green street Wthe centerllnn of the Perth AmboyWoodbrldge Uranch of the Finnaylvanla Railroad, thence (71 northcriy alonn the centerllne of Pert!Amboy-WoodbrldKe Branch of thPennsylvania Railroad to the centerlloe of Freeman Street thenc(8) euterly along the centerlln.of Freeman B'.rett to the centerllnof FUhwuy Avenue; thence 19,southwesterly and southerly alongthe centerlln* of Rabway Avenuiand Berry Street to the centerlln.or the New Jersey Turnpike tneno110) southwesterly eV>ug the centerllne of New Jersey Turnpiketha point or place of beginning.

Flnt District Polling Place: Msnlclpal Building, Main Street, Woodbridg*.



a point on the WARD 1Pine Avenue at| From the rroatlng of CarMret..-. u (l Lit MI i northerly | Road and tht Nsw Jersey Turnpike;

:.•• in tlie Intersection of | along the centsrltne of the New,'side of Pine Avenue andjjeraey Turnpike to the creating of

WARD 1 - DISTRICT IBBQINNINO at a point, the. late!

section of the centerllne of tPtrtb Amboy-Woodbndge Brancli .the Pennsylvania Railroad and tl:

interline ot Mattlaon Street; thencenortherly along the centerllne

Mattlson Street to the centerllneMain Street; thenre |B| westerly

on« the renterllne nf Main Strfftthe centerllne of the Garden

ate Parkway (N. J. Stats Highway:ouM #4|; thence 19) northerlylong the centerllne of the Qardentate Parkway (N J, Btate Highwayout* tti) to the point or place' Begini

road, and from said beginning pcilntrunning northerly along the centerline of Bt Oeorgei Avenue to a pointbeing 100 feet *ast of II 8 HighwayRoute No I; thence northerly alonga line which la 100 feet'easterly and

wood Avenues tn s pnlnt 100 feet parallel with (J S HKhwiy Rniiienorth of the northerly line of Fifth No 1 t« a point in ih« center

•hip line; thence southerly alongthe dividing line between Idlson

tt) tBeginning.

Seventh D•hool Qridge.


KotsPolling Place:btreet, Wood

WARD 1 - DISTRICT IBEULNNINO at a point, the InTsectlon of the centerllne ot Portleading Rullroad and the centerltne" N. J. State Highway Route U;lence (1| northeasterly along theinterline of N J, State Highwayout« 25 to the Intersection oflre«n Street; thence 12) north-'esterly along the centerllne ofreen Street to the centerllne of'orth Street; thence (3) nnrth-

lasterly along the centerllne ofVorth Street to th* centerllne ofyrd Street; thence (4) southeast-"ly along the centerllne of Byrdtreet to the centerllne of Bedfordvenue; thence 15) northerly along


™"«nu'rlln;" of" Bedford VenuS "n l» A ' T ' / n W t t

Btreet measured at right angles HIFifth Btreet; tnenre easterly parallelwith Fifth Street and 100 feet norththerefrom w a point tn the westerlyInt of Fordt Terrace No 1; thenrinortheasterly along the Mm of FordaTerrace Nn 1 crossing Linden Avenut to tn tnglt point in said FordiTerract No I line; thence tasterlyparallel with Woodland Avinua alongtill Uni nf Fnrda Terrace Nn 1 uithi center line of Mary Avenue;thence northerly along the centerline ot Mary Avenue to a point 100feet north of the northerly Unt olPitman Annul; thfnre easterly par-allel wltb Pitman Avenue and 100feet north therefrom to N J Btat*Parkway Route No 4; thenet nnrth-eatterly along the centar lint nl.tald Parkway to the center lint nlthe New Jeraey Turnpike: thencewesterly along thi samr to tb* pnlntnr plact of beginning

Fifth Dlitrkt Polling Place:School #14, Ford Avenue, Fords.

WARD 1 — DISTRICT IBeginning at the point ot mttrtec-

tlon ot tht center lint ol Peonsyl-I ol

Una nf WoodhrldRft Avenue; thence


Wnodbrldgs Avenue, aamttlmes eail-ed Woodbrldge-Bewano Road, wtinthe center line nf th* WondbrtdgiCre*kt thtnc* In a general North-westerly direction along tht ctnteilln

sttrlyi nf Wondurldie Creek to the

luterly Right of Way Lint ol theN J Turnpike: thine* in • generalNortherly and Northeasterly diem

northerly alnna the center uue if|tlnn along th* easterly line nf is IdWondhrldge Avenue to lt« interntlnn with the center line <l B

'r'fy "along"sald'Ylnt dWdTng"^!**}"11" «< NIOS-E and 3D4-L and the prolong-| t h e n . r < ! nnrJon thereof to the southweBt cor-er of Block 394-J; thence (7)ortheasterly along the southeast-rly line of Block 3M-J and theirolonitatlon thereof to the moatlortheasterly line of Block 393;hence (8) southeasterly along thenost northeasterly line ot Block

395 to thi centerllne of St. GeorgesAve, (N J, state Highway Route35): thence Id) southeasterly alonghe centerllne of St. Georges Ave-lue to the centerllne of the Portfading Railroad: thence (10)southwesterly and westerly along thelenttrllne of the Port Reading Re l -oad to tht point or place of Be-;lnnlng.

Eighth District Polling Place: l ien Jr. High School, Hyde Avenue,telln,

WARD 1 -DISTRICT tBEGINNING at a point, the In

;ersectlon of the centerllne of thePerth Amboy-Woodbrldge Branch ofhe, Pennsylvania Railroad and the'ort Reading Railroad; thence (1lasterly along tht centerllne of the

Port Reading Railroad to the cen-;erllnt of Rah way Avenue; thence2) southerly along the centerllne

of Rahway Avenue to the center-line of Freeman Street; thenc* (31westerly along the centerllnt OlPreeman Street to the centerllneof the Perth Amboy-WoodbrldgeBranch of the Pennsylvania Railroad: thence |4) northerly alonghe centerllne of the Perth Amboy.

Woodbrldge Branch of the Pennaylvtnla Railroad to the point of Beginning.

Ninth District Polling Place: OlTrinity Parish House, 51 Trlnlt;Lane, Woodbrldge,

WARD 2 - DISTRICT ITht Second Ward, Plrat Dlstric

shall comprise all of Keasbey and aof said Ward South of the UblglValley Railroad tracks excepting ISCfeet wldt strip on tht Ititerly aid*of King Georges Post Road, peltlcularly described at follows:

Beginning at th* intersection othe Datterly lint ot King OeorgeiPost Road with the Southerly Rlghof Way line of the Lehlgh Valle:Railroad; thenoe. running raster!ilong the Southerly line of the Lehigh Valley Railroad ISO feet, moior leu to a point, aald point belnih I i t li IV) f

thwenterly alnnR the canir line of Ne.w Brunswick Avenue

the center line of state Highwayoute No 39; thence northeasterlylong said center line to tha centerne of Stale Highway Route Nn 4:lence northwesterly along said cen-r line to the renter line nf King

Jeorge't Road; thence, westerly along,ht center line of Kind George'stoad to the center line of Crow's

ill Road; thence southerly alongild center Line tn the center line of

^ehlgh Valley Railroad: thenreouthtasterly along th* same tn tne

l l f

Highway Rmite No 1, thenc* normerly along center tins of 0 BHighway Route Nn I tn tht Penn-sylvania Rallmad: thenet southerlyalnng me Pennsylvania Rallmad tntht Port Reading Railroad; thence1

westerly along the Port ReadingRailroad tn tht point m plact ofbeginning

Second District Polling Place:School f]4, Avenrl Street, Avenrl.

WARD J - DISTRICT 3BEGINNING at a point, the In-

tersection of the centerllne of NeiJersey Turnpike and the centerllneof Woodbrldge Avenue; thence (1)easterly along the centetllne ofWoodbrldge Avenue to the center-line of West Avenue; thence (2)northeasterly along the centerllneof West Avenue to the centerllne ofCentral Avenue; thence (3) south-easterly along the centerllne of Cen-tral Avenue and the prolongationot above mentioned Central Avenueto the westerly shore line of StatenIsland Sound; thence |4) south-westerly and southerly along thewesterly short line of the StatenIsland Sound to the mouth of theWoodbrldge River; thence 15) north-westerly southwesterly and westerlynlong the Woodbrldge. River, theboundary lint between the City ofPerth Amboy and Woodbrldge Town-ship to the southeasterly cornel o.Block #323, thence (8) westerl:


N i Turnpike, tn tht point nf In-tersection of the tamt with therenter lln* of Old Road. Home-times called Sewaren Avenue.; thenceSoutherly along the center line n<Old Road, sometimes called Bew<r«nAvenut tn the point (if Intfrwotlonnf lame with tht center lint nfCentral Street; thtnee Bnuthemtrlyalong tht center Una M Central8treet to the center linn of West

Jenay SUM Highway Rout* IS andthe centerllne of the Port ReadingRailroad: thence (II neiterlv alongth* centerltn* of M. J. S'att High-way Route 91 to th* Boundary lintbetween Edlaon Townahlp andWoodhrldgt Townihlp. thence |1)northerly along aald boundary llr.«hetwem PMImn Townahlp andWowihtldgii Township to tnt ren-trrllne of ths Port Reading Rail-road; th«nct (3) easterly and »outh-i-asterly along the centerllne nf thtPort Reading Railroad to tht pointor plait nf Beginning

Flghth ntithrt Polling Place:Schonl *U. Maryknoll Road, MenloPar* Terrace.

BlftCks 47/.R 471-1 473-T m-O.413 V 473-W I l t - I 4TJ-T 474-0and 474-B te th* Mntm Hot ofOardta Stn* Parkway Rnut* #4;tbanc* Mutriwtttirly along th*atmi to th* tmlnt m olae* ot Ba-nnnini

Fourth Dlltrlet PtUlag Placethnol #ta, Clartaont Avtnn*, Ce-

WARD 4 - DISTRICT tRIOINNINO at a point, tht In

of West Avenue to tht point ntteraectlnn ot tht eenur linn nt

Avtnut; thtnee In a gtneial Rmith-jteratctlon ot the centerllnt of Newitrly direction alnng the ,'enter ilne'l>ovar Road and tbt centtrllnt of1 - — • . i - h t p j n n i y | I t n | j Railroad; thence

II southerly along th* centerllneif Nrfw Dover Road to th* centtr-In* of Chain Oilllli Road: thence1) southerly along the centerllneof Dover Road to tht centerllne ofEaat Cliff Road; Ihenre |J| westerlyalong tht centarllnnRoad to the center!!

olnt or place of beginning.sYith "District

'ords MemorialBrunswick Avenue

PoTling Place:V.F.W., New


Weil Avtnut with tht center Hue'of WnodbrUlgt Avenue, tomftimetcalled Woodbrldge-Sewarm Road,thenet Wtturly along the centerline of Wondbrtdga Avenue to thtcenter line nf Woodbrldge Creri lotht point or plact nf Beginning

Ninth DIHrltt Polling Plarr:School #17, gtwartn Avenne, 8e-waren.

WARD 4 - DISTRICT 1BKG1NNINO at a paint. Die In

Mraectlon of the centerllne ot th»Pennsylvania Railroad and thp r«n-terllne of the Garden Slate Pnrkwny(N. J. 8t,Bte Highway Route S4);thence (1) northerly along I ho cen-terllno of the Garden State Park-way to the centerllne of New DoverRoad; thence (2) easterly and southeasterly alonx the epnterllne, nf Ne\

tie of East Cliffrltne ot Highland.

Road; thence (4) southerly alnngthe centerllne of Highland Road torenterllna of South Hill Roadthence (S) westerly along the c»nterllne, nf South Hill Road and theprolongation of anme to a point,the dividing line hfltween southCliff Road and rieainnt Avenuethence (0) northerly alnng said dlvldlng line between Hrmtti CUfRoad and Pleasant Avenue to tincenterllne of Chain O'HIlla Roadthence (7) northwesterly along thirenterllne of Chain O'HIlli Road Wthe ceuterllne of Washington Ave

Post1 V., Fords.

WARD I — DISTRICT 7Begmaing at a polai where thi

center line of the Nev Jersey Turn->lkt Intersects the dividing line be-.ween tht Townships nf Wnodbndgt

and Edison and from said beginningpoint running easterly alnng saidoenter line to the pnlnt wbere thesame Intersects the center line ofFord Avenue; thencs northerly along

ht center line of Ford Avenue tohe center line of New Jersey State

Highway Route No 25, now knownat U B Ha. 1; thence westerly along

along the boundary line between theCity of Perth Amboy and Wood-brldne Towmhlp to the centerllneot the Perth Amboy-WoodbrldgeBranch ot the Pennsylvania Rail-road; thence (7) northerly alone thecenterllne ot the Perth Amboy -Woodbrldge Branch of the Penn-sylvania Railroad to the centerllneof the New Jersey Turnpike; thence(8) northeasterly along the center-llne of the New Jersey Turnpike tothe point or place of beginning.

Third District Polling Place:School #12, Sewartn Avenue, Se-waren.

WARD J - DISTRICT 5Beginning at the pnlnt nl interne-

tlon ot the center line of AvenelStreet with the easterly right ol wayline of the Pennsylvania Railroad;thtnee northerly alnng tbt easterlyline of the Pennsylvania Railroadright of way tn the right ot way lln*of Btate Highway Route SI: thencenortheasterly along the right of wayline of State Highway Route #1 to

tb* center line ol said Route Nn nor Rout* No 1 to the boundary lln*of Idlson Township; thence south-erly along aald boundary Una tn th*pnlnt nr place of beginning

Seventh District Polling Place!fords Jr. High ftcnooi, tanningStreet and Inverness Drive, Fords.

th* southerly bnundary llns of the|dty ot Rahway; thence easterly andnortheasterly along the boundary

Dover Road tn the centerllnfi of]Meredith Rond; thenc* (3) south-erly and southeasterly along thpcenterllne of Meredith Road tn thrctnterllnn of the prolonttatlnn nfMiddlesex Avenup; thence southerlyalong th*^ centrrllnf of the prolon-gation of Middlesex Avenue to thecenterllne of the PennsylvaniaRailroad; thence (4) southwesterlyalong the centerlln* of the Pennsyl-vania Railroad to the point ot placeof Beginning.

First District Polling Plate: School15, Penning Avenue, Ixlln.

WARD 4 — DISTRICT 2Beginning at a point wnere tht

center line of New Dover Road In-tersects tht boundary lint betweenWcmdbrldge and Sdlson Tnwnshlpeand from said beginning pnlnt run-ning easterly alnng tatd center lineto the center line nf Ntw JerseyGarden State Parkway Route Si.thence southerly along Iht cenUrlint of said tact mentioned routeto the point nf intersection withthe center line nf James Place:thence westerly along the centerIns of James Placs to the boundaryInt between Idlsnn and Wnnd-

brldg* Townjhlpj; thence northerly

nue; thence (J) northerly alonithe prolonged centerllna of WashIngton Avenue to the renterllna 0the Pennsylvania Railroad; thenn(9) easterly along the centerllne 0the Pennsylvania Railroad to itipoint or place of Beginning,

Ninth District Polling PlanSchool #?, Outlook Avenue, Colonl

WARD 4 ~ DISTRICT ltBEOINN1NCI at a point, thn lntei

nectlon of the ctnterllne of New Dcver Road and the centp.rllno of POeow's Avenue I New Jormy StnHighway Route 35) thence | l ) south-erly and southeasterly along the. cen-lerllne of St. Georgc'» Avenue (NewJersey Btate Highway Route 15) tothe Intersection of the most north-easterly line of Blocfc 395 prolonged;thence (2) northwesterly to tho pro-longed line northeasterly nf thesoutheasterly line nf Block 394 J;thenco (3) southwesterly along thesoutheasterly line tmt the prolonga-tion thereof northeasterly to thesouthwesterly corner of said Block394 J; thence (4) northwesterly along

WARD i - DISTRICT IBeginning at t point where th*

*nt*r IInf of Ntw Dnvti Road In-irtecu the boundary lint otiweendlson and Wnodbrtdge Townships;

enrt tatterly alnng tht ctnttt Unantw Dover Road to thi ntnter

m of Hew Jeraev Garden Slatesrkway Route, «4; tnence northfr-

along ftie renter line n) laid Pirk-rtj to a point markinn thi prrt-mgatlnn easterly of the nnrthirlyne of Block 4J1 nn t m Wnndbrlrtge'nwnshtp f s i Map, thenre westtrlylong the northerly lint nt Blocks

,9V 4M 493. 49' and 489 to t m een-er lint of Clark Place, thine* tna-nnlnn westerly tlnna tht eenterne of ('l»r« Plare fi the boundary

ntween Rdiann and Wnndbrtdgt'ownshlpa; lhance toutherly 'long

said boundary to the point m place1 n»irlnnln«

Fifth niitrlct rolling PlacitIrhool #22, New Dover Road, Co-nnla.

tht Intersection ot a line 150 f«measured at right angles from an,parallel with the Easterly lintKing Oeontes Post Road and the

(O westerly and northwesterly "alohg'Southirly night of Way line of theth* centerllne ot Freeman Street to I Lehlgh Valley Hallroad; thence,th* centerllne of St. Georges Ave- Southwesterly and Westerly along auut (Route 35); thence |2 | north-1 Un* distant 15f feet measured atwesterly along the centerilrie uf St. j right angles to and parajlel with the


Beginning at a point where thectnur Unt of tbt New Jersey Turnpike Intersects tbe centei line nfFord Avenue and from said begin-ning point running northerly ainngtht center line of Ford Avenue tnthi oenter line of N J State High-way Rout* No. 25, now known at0 8. No. 1; thence easterly alongtht center line of tha last men-tioned road to the center line otN. J. Stati Highway Routt No 4.known as Garden btate Parkway;thenet southerly along the centerline ot th* last mentioned route tntht center line of the aald N J.Turnpike; thence westerly along inecenter line ot the last mentionedroad to th* point or placl of beginning.


line of the City of Railway to the[Railway River; thence southeasterlyalong the Rahway River to the west-erly line ot tho Borough 0! Carteret;thence southwesterly along the weit-erly bnundary line of the Boroughof Carteret and the centei line ofBlair Rnjd to the center line otHomestead Avenun; thence westerlyalong the center line nf HnmesteadAvenut to tht centet line ot AshStreet: thence southerly along tbecenter line 01 Ash Street to tht cen-ter line of Myrtle Avenue: thencewesterly alon« the center line ofMyrtle Avenue snd Us westerly prolongatlon to WnodbrldKe Creekthence southerly alnng the Wood'bridge Creels to the point ol inter-section ol the prolongation easterlyof tho center lino ot Nlelsnn Avenue:thence westerly alnng the tald pro-longation and the centet lint otNlelson Avenue to the center lln* otRahway Avenue; thence northerlyalong the center line ot RahwayAvenue to the center lino of Avenel

along salil boundary line to thepoint or nlace of beginning

BEINO all of District 1 in theFourth Ward to be knnwn at FourthWsrd. District 2

Second District Polling Plact:School #22, New Dover Road, Co-lonla.

the southwesterly lino ot nio<itB 394-L, 394K. and 394J to the centerllneof Bedford Avenue, thence (S)|southwesterly along cenlerllne ofjBedford Avenue to the centerllneof Byrd Strfet; thence 18) north-westerly along the centerllne of ByrdStreet to the centerllne of WinterStreet; thence (7) southwesterlyalon^ the centerllne of WinterStreet to the prolongation south-easterly of the dividing line betweenPleasant Avenue and South Cliff


District nminf Plact:nd Ar-

Green Street to tlie Intersection of Woodbrldge Jr, Hl|h School, Darron; '...0 SUJP.E premlaea conveyed Ore»n Street and Worth Htreet;then along the rrnterltne of WorthStreet to the Intersection of Worthi v.fr.ny deed dated Feb- HtTMt and Byrd Street; then along

aiid recorded la tht

| L t i' M ,r:j:ne'.k) and Sophtt ilor-:! y ; g

t the centtrllnt of Byrd Street to the•> iinnty Clerk-t Offlc* In northern line of Block 395; then

1. .*fds for aald CoiiOty jionu Block 3H to flt. deorge Ave-nue: then along the centtrllnt of

1*1 commonly known 81. Oeorge Av«rme to the crosalngin* Avtnut S«vrevUl*|f 8 OI'lut Avtnut, SavrevUl*. g

of 8t. Oeorgt Avenue and the right-of-way of the I'urt R«ad!ne Rail-

n* U a flnt lltn road; then alonn the rrnterltne of thence |J) easterly along tht cen-tie above datcrtbtd the rtght-o*-way ot the Port Rtad-j«r|lnt of Main Btreet to the cen-

,uuAtt miioluit of Uu•J '• uuif i id by ttid aalt- <'f ElghtMu TbouMnd,:ifJ. »Uty-Rlght UU,-•>••• mure or lew toftther. •, uf tiila wit .

jlng Railroad 10 the crosaliiK of theright-of-way of the Port ReadingRailroad and Kahway Avenue; thenalong tbt ctnterllne of Rahway Avi-nut to thi Intersection of RahwayA d W d b l d AAvenue and Woodbrldge Avenue

WARD 1 - DISTRICT !BEGINNINQ at a point, the In-

tfrxctlon of the centtrllnt of N. J.Turnpike and thi eenterllne of thtPerth Amboy-Woodbrldge Branch ottha Pennsylvania Railroad; thenceID westerly along the centerllneot the N. J. Turnpike to the cen-

terllne of Main Street prolonged;

terllne ot Mattlson Street; thence

First District Polling Place: SchoolV9, Smith Street, Ktaibey.

WARD 2 - DISTRICT 2Beginning at the intersection of

tht ceuttt line of tbe Lehlgh ValleyRailroad with th* center lint ofFlorida Drove Road; thenet nortn-erly along tha center lint of FloridaOrovi Road to tht center line ofWtst Pond Road; thence north-westerly along thi center line ofWtst Pond Road to tha center lineof Stat* Highway Route No 36.

(J) southerly along the cente'rlTntlthtuct southerly along aald centerof Matllsou Street to the center-!line of State Highway Route No JS


WARD 2 — DISTRICT »BEGINNING at a point, the In-

tersection of tht centerllne ot WestPond Road (N. J. State Route 440)

nil the centerllne of Florida Groveloud, the boundary line between.Voodbrldge Township and City of'erth Amboy; thence (1) northerlynd northeasterly along said bounS-ry line between Woodbridge Town-

,hlp and City of Perth Amboy tohe centerllne of the Perth Amboy-

Woodbrldge Branch of the Penn-ylvanls Railroad; thenre (J) north-irly along aald centerllne of theerth Amboy-Woodbrldge Branch ofhe Pennsylvania Railroad to theunterllnt of the N. J, Turnpike;hence (3) westerly along the cen-•erllno of the N. J. Turnpike tohe centerllne ot Route 4 (Gardentate Parkway) thence (4) soutli-

trly along the centerllne of Rottte(Garden State Parkway) to the

centerllne of Route 9; thence (5)lortheasterly aloug the centerllnef Route 9 to the centerllne of West

Pond Road (N. J. State Highway,toute 440); thence (6) toutheast-rly BloriK the centerllne of B&ld

West Pond Road to tht point or

nline of Grove Street; thence (4)

l l heasterly alongG S

centerlliit ofGrove Street "to the renterllnt ot

1 Avenue; thence (5) .southerly

Street* to the 1'erlri Ainbuy-Wooil-erllne of the Woodbrldne Hallruad

and the Township btmndury; alouK

time. i<> »iuh Ilinltallont or

v<m the eierclae uf" iimy bo ipeclally pro-

'* r r u i n of court"HEHT H. JAMISON,


•* >.-'•'. ilVU

I'ltOPOSAL> *:;i be ret-elvtd by tbe. I'.hju of tb* Townahlp

:»= at the Admlnlatrt-'••<. Hiiuiol 8lre*t, Wood-' >i 1U 30 A.M., Monday," J at which time blda'"ed and publicly rtad


1 >peclflcatlont may>!« office of the Super-' Ni-hooia in tht Ad-

' Building.' '•"i t be sealed and plain-

"ID ON » t n a"•I'd by a certified check1 In the amount ot 10%

• ' i i t a l .

"l of Education retervti'" r")ect any or tit blda,' >'i part, to mak* awards'•in und to wait* lmma-


;'»nshln of WoodbrldgeW'Knibrlrlge, N. J.


. TO BIDDERSi given1 g n that

'• '^ received by the Town-, ':""'"* »f th* Townahlp of

! " "" April 29, IMS, for';,nil' l lnn and returtaelng of, v«fl6us locations In the• ;' '"""luting of the follow-i " :

ki tht center line of Ntw BrunswickAvenue; thenc* southeasterly alongsaid center Una to the center Un« ofPennsylvania Avenue: thence southerly alnng aald center Itne to thecenter Hue of the Leblgb Valley

'Railroad; tbence southeasterly alongaald center lln* to thi point or plactnf beginning.

Second District Polling Place:

' \ V• . Y \ M»t»dam Base Court*Ni l "°C""T tppurunanoet In

:ll *»h plan* aod ipeclfl-i ' ' n '»• Offl. of th!»>,, •"' '« th*


of th*

r*oa!v*doitrih, h ovninb Olwk

k , , , ' ;WI>»WP of Woodbrldg*.L , : \ M"nlclp,i Bulldla,, Wood-fc.. '•* Jeratjr. until J « ) tU.

"<"«. Aoril 1), 1M3. lo" "'"I publicly read by tht" ( Dininitttt at 2:00 1»JH.

lime'"' "iieclf'cutloiia will be"™»u«i:tlve bidden un-

thi centerllne of the WoodhrldKeRailroad to tin luterMxtion of theWoodbrldgt Railroad and the NewJeriey Turnpike: then along thecinttrllni of tin New Jeresy m mplx* to th* croaslim of the NewJtraey Turnpike and ttit GardenBtatt Parkway; then slunk the cen-terllne of the Harden tftaie Park-way lo tha crotttlng ot the GardenState Parkway and U a HighwayRout* #1; then along trie centtr-llne of V. a. HlBhway Routt )flIn a westerly direction to the Town-ship boundary: then along thtTownship boundary in a southerly,iMterly and northerly direction tothi point ot origin.WARD I

From tb* Intersection of theWoodbrldgt Railroad and tbt Town-ship boundary: then along the cin-terllnt of th* Woodbrldge Railroadto the oroulug ol the railroad andth* U«w Jeraey Turnpike: thenalong th* ceuterllne of the NewJ«reey Turnpike lo the erosBlntt olth* New Jersey Turnpike aud Ctr-teret Road; then along the miter-'tne of Carteret Road to the lnter-Mctlon of Carteret Itoad and Wood-brldge Avenue; than along Uio cen-twlln* of Woodbrldge Aveuue to theIntersection of Woodbrldge Avenueand Rabway Avenue; then minus th<centerllnt of Raliwuy Avenue to thecrossing of Kahw»y Avenue and theright-of-way of tli* Port HeadingKallroad; then along Iho ceuterlln*ot tin rlght-of-*ay of the PortReading Railroad to tin crotnlng ofth* right-of-way of the Port Read-ing Railroad ami Mt. Ocure' Ave-nue; then alonK tlio ceuterllne otMl. Otorge Meuut In a northerlydlreotiun to the Towntblp bouu-dary; thill .long til* Townshipboundary In an eaateVly, noullierlyaud wetlerly direction lo the pointuf origin.

WARD 4 , „From tht Intersection uf Now

Dover Road aud tbe Towuahlpboundary; along tb* oenterllil* ofNtw Dover Road to tb* Intersectionof W*w Dovir Road ind MeradltbRoad: then along tb* owMrllm olM«r*dlth Road to th* Interstcllonof Mirtdlth Road sodAranui; tbtn klan< thiof HldotoM A»wiu* to tbi inter-MOUOD Of UiddUHI »vWU. MdMcLean Htrnt: tbsn •long Iht c*n-Millm of McUan 8 t « t t to th . ta-unectlon of McLean Street andBlook Avenut: tbta aloug tb. a -t»rUn* ol Blook A»*nu* to tb*ttrtKtlon of Block Avenue and tbeLincoln Highway; then along ther.euttrliut tt U>« Lincoln Highway

bridge Brunch of tlie PennsylvaniaRailroad: thence (7) southerly along;the laid centerllne ot the Perth Am-boy-Woodbrldge Branch of thePennsylvania Railroad to the pointor place of Beginning,

'hied IKitrlrt Polling Place:uinl £11, KOtt Strut , VViMld-

Hchool #10, Clyde Avenue, Hopt-lawn.


H'ARD 1 — DISTRICT 4All that part of the First Ward

lying north of Beard's Brook westuf thi renter Un* of Amboy Avenueand t u t of tbt ctoter line of thaPhiladelphia and Reading Railroadand tlie center lint ot State lllgh-

Dchmil #1, Mawbey Street, Wood-brldge.

WARD 1 — DISTRICT 3All that tract between th* Penn

aylvaulik Railroad (on the east) andthe center Hut of Amboy Avenue(ou the wtit) and the center Uueof Freeman Street (on the north)and luu the south) by a Hue drawnparallel with Green Street and 100feet north of tb* northerly linethereof

Fifth District Polling Place:Woudbrldfe Jr. High School, BarrimAvenue. -

iy Route No. 35.Fourth Diitrlct Polling Plact:

WARD I - DISTRICT IIIBUIMMNG at a point, the In-

ttrsectlon ot tbe cenurllneof Wood-bridge Carteret Road and tbe centerHut of tha New Jersey Turnpike:theuc* (1) southwesterly along tbtcenter Hue of the New Jersey Turu-ulke to the center Hue uf BerryStreet; theuc* 12) northerly audnortliuanterly along ceuterllue ofberry Street and Rahway Aveuue totbi Woodbrldge - Carteret Road;thence (3) easterly along tht cen-ter Hue of Woodtirlgu-Curteret Itoadto the pulnt ur pine* uf btglttlilug.

Slath DUtrln Polling Place: Mu-nicipal Building Building, MainStreet, Wuvdhrtdge.

WAHD 1 - UlSTKlC'f 1BIOINNINa at a point, th* In-

teraeollon of thi centerllne ot N.Jgt i t t Highway Route U aud tbectnterllni of the Garden Slate park-way (N. J. Bute Highway Haul*#4); ttunct (1) tatterly tn4juvtt>-


Rtadltii KtlliMd: tntoot w staateily »loug thi oanMrUu* ofPort RMdlng Railroad to tbt cen-ttrltui of New Jersey Btat* High-way Routt thenet (3) MUtli-

in'.""tali7»»c«uu"'«"r,Ue Umvia lon«kUoi

trly along til* oenterlUie ol N. J,SUt* Highway Rout* #»--Ui theInteraction with .tile ceuterllue ofHeard'i Bruok proloug«d westerlythauc* (4) easterly aloug tald yro-loiuaUon uf tL* ctuwrUa* *>I

Tht Second Ward, Third District,shall bt comprised ot all that tractlying North ot the Lehlgh Valle;Railroad tracks, West ot Crows MillRoad, South ot King Oeorgta PottRoad and Eut ot tbe Edlaon Town-ihlp line, together with the following described tract 0! lied, to wit:

Beginning at the Intersection ofho Euterly line of King Oeorget

Poit Road with tbe Southerly Rightof Way lint ot the Lthlgh ValleyRailroad; thence, running Easterlyalong the Southerly line of the Le-hlgo Valle; lUllroad 130 feet, moreor Mas, to a point, said point beingtht Intersection of a line ISO teet!measured at right angles from andparallel with the Easterly line ofKing Georges i'ost IKiad and theSoutherly Rlgh: of Way lln* ot tbtLehlgh Valley Railroad; thenoe,Southwesterly and Westerly along alint distant 1311 feet measured atright angles to and parallel wltb tbtlatterly Hue of King Ueorgei PottHoad, the several courtea thereof tothe Eaaterly lint of Meadow Hand;tbence. Northerly along the (utterlyUna of Meadow Road 150 teet, moreor lest, to tht Southerly line ot KlugOtorget Pott Itoad; thence, Buurlyand Nurtheuurly along the teieralcourses of King Georges Pott Rondto the point or ptact of Beginningana tht Leblgb Valley RailroadRight of Way.

Third niitrlct fulling place: Kurds

WARD Z — DISTRICT 4Btgluuln*- at a point lu lUt Idltou

Towntblp Un* 100 feet uurtb uf th*nortbirlj Unt of Flftb Mtreet; tbeuo*latterly along a lint 100 (Mt normof Flftb Btreat crossing Grant Avt-uue to th* northerly lln* of FordsTime* No. 1; tbenct uorthMij{along tb* sam* to t a angl* point:thtnet *ut«rl? along tbi uurtherlylln* of Forda Twract No 1 to tb*center llu* ol Mary Avenue; thauo*northerly along said oenter lln* toa point loo teet north of tb* uortb-trlT lln* ot Pltuan a'eaue; tbeuo*tatwrly along tald lln* 100 let"north ol Pitman 4l inut to Uw canur Un* of N i Btatt Highway RouuNo 4: ihenot aouthtrly along th*

th* otntti lln* of KlnfM . I Road; tb.no* watterlj

along th* last uitnlloned o«nt*r UMto tbi lint of Idunn Towntblp;thtuot aoitatrlj along Hid Un* wtb. point or plM* ot beginning

Fourth DUtriet FoUlag flac*Sobool $1, Elug Ueorgts Roadrordi.


lace of Beginning.Ninth District Polling Place:

School #3, Strawberry Hllj Avenue,Woodbridge.

WARD 3 — DISTRICT 1BEGINNING at a point, the Inter-

sectlun of the centerllne ot the Newlersey Turnpike and the centerllneif Carteret Road west to the Inter-

section of the centerllne of CarteretRoad and Woodbrldge Avenue:hence (l) In & southerly directionf the ceuterllne of Woodbrldi;eLvenue to tha Intersection of the

Centerllne of Woodbrldse Avenueand Rahway Avenue; thence (2) Ina northerly direction along the c<m-;erllnt of Rahwuy Avenue to theintersection of the centerllne otRthway Avenue and thi Klght-of-Way of the Port Heading Railroad;.hence (3) easterly alon^ the ofn-;erllne of the tti«ht-of-Way of the'ort Reading luilrond to the Inter-section of tha centerllna of theRight-of-way uf the Port ReadingRullroad and a stream on Block016H; them:e (<) In a northeasterly

direction along the stream throughBlocks 1016C, 10UA anil 974 to theextension of said Btreum at the lu-beruectlon of the stream ainl thecenterllne of Homestead Avenue;thenoe (5) eiuterly along the cen-terllne of Homestead Avenue to thIntersection of tha ct-nterllnu ofBlair Ituud aiul Homestead Avenue;hence |8) northerly aloug the cen-

terllne of Ululr Hoad to tho Inter-lection of tlie centerllne of BlairRoad ami the Township Buundury;thence I'i) easterly along the Town-ship Boundary to tlia centerllne ofthe TuwuihlD Bouuilnry aud ttie es-teuslon of the centerllne of TurnerStreet; theiu-e (8) southerly fromtht Intersection at the lboundary and the ctnterllne nfTurucr Street to the Intersection ofthe centerllus of Turner Street amithe southern portion ot the I'ortRendlnit Coal Docki; thwioo 111)

8treet; thence westerly and northwesterly along the center Hue ,of.Avenel Street to the pnlnt ot Inter-section with the easterly right olway line of the Pennsylvania Rall-mad and point or place of beginning

BEINO a portion ot the ThirdWard, District Five, to be known as1

Third Ward. Fifth DistrictFifth District Polling; Place: First

Aid Building, Avenel Street, Avenel.


Georges Avenue distant eaaterly 100feet from V S Highway Route No1; thence northerly alnng a linedistant easterly 100 feet and paralleltn D B Highway Route No 1 to thtoenter line of Woodbrldge Avenue;thonct northwesterly along the center Una nf Woodbrldge Avenue tothi center line of U 8 HighwayRoute #1: tbence northeasterlyalong the center lint of U 8 High-way Route No 1 to the southerlyboundary line ot the City of Rab-way; tbence westerly along the saidsoutherly boundary line of the cityof Rahway to tbe center lint nf 8tOeorget Avenue; thenc* southerly.nd southeasterly along center lintf 8t Oeorgei Avenut to tb* point1

.r Dlact of beginningSixth District Polling Place:

School #23, Woodbint Avenue, Ave-nel.

WARD J — DISTRICT TBeginning at a point in the wett-

irly line of Staten Island Soundthere tht tamt Is Intersected by thesoutherly line of the Port ReadingRailroad Dock Property; tbence (I)northwesterly al.ng the southerlylne of the Port Reading Railroad

Dock Property to the point ot In-tersection of the same wltb the pro-longation southwesterly ot the cen-:er line ot Turner Street: thence 13)Northeasterly along the prolonga-tion Southwesterly and the centerlne of Turner Street to the Inter-section of tame wltb the centerline of Ninth 8treet; thence (3)Northwesterly along tbe center linef Ninth Street 12s feet more oress; thenet 14) Northeasterly paral-lel with Turner Street to the Boulh-

Btglnnlng at a point In tht divid-ing line between Edison Townshipand Woodbrldge Township wherethe same li Intersected by the cen-ter lint of James Place and fromsaid beginning point running east-erly along the center line ot JamesPlace to the centei line nt NewJersey Garden State Parkway Routett4; thence southerly along the lett-mentloned route to tbe centei lineof Route #27; thence southwesterlyalong said center line nf Route #37to the line of Edison Township;thence northerly alnng the lastmentioned line to tbi point orplace of beginning.

BEING all nf District 3 In theFourth Ward to be known at FourthW«nl. Olatrlet J

Third District Polling Place:School #15, Pershlng Avenue, IseUn.


thence IS) northwesterlysaid dividing line between

rniV'HouM"curriVli"TiUtVC'»:o7ds;|aoutheast«rly along the I'ort Keail-hug Coal l)ouk* to tbe Intersectionof this line aud tbe TownshipBoundary; tlieuco 110) southwester-ly ftoni this lntcrtectiuu tu tho In-tersection of tho uxteiialuii ot theceutcrlluo of Central Aveiiuo andtin Tow mill p Boundary; thence (11)westerly alutig tlio centcrllnu of Dieextension of th* ceuterllue of Cen-tral Avenue to the lnteratctluu ufthi uenttrllut uf Central Avenue•ud tht mterwcilon ot Old Komitheuc* (12) aouthtrly to the Intersection of tho centerllim of OldHood and Central Aveuue to the In-tersection of the uouterllue ot OldKoad aud fllenoov* Avenue; theuot(13) westerly from the Intersectionof tht ceuurllnt ot Old Road andtbe ceuterilue of Ottncovi Ave-oue to the Inttrmetlou of tb* oen-t*rllnt of Qlendov* Avenui and It*uUulou with tbe emttrUiw of th*Ntw Jeraty Turnpike; tatna* (14)Bonhoaaterly to th* point or pUotOf B*glnnlbg.

tint District fulling FUte: gchool#1, West Avenue, Port Reading.

WARD J — DlBTKK'l IBtgluulug at a point In Ol

(leorgt* Avcuu* when ttnii lt_ lu

South Cliff Road and Pleasant Ave.nue to the prolongation southwest-erly of the centerllne ot South HillRoad; thencn (9) northeasterly alonKsnld prolongation nnd the cpnter-llne of South Hill Road to the ccn-terllne of Highland Road; thence(10) northwesterly nlong the cen-terllno of Highland Rood to the centerllne of East Cliff Road: thence(11) northeasterly along the centerllne of East Cliff Road to thecenterllno of Dover Road; thenci(12) southeasterly along the centerllne of Dover Eoad to the polnior place nf Beginning.

Tenth District Polling Place: lie.lln Jr. High School, Hyde Avenue,Iielln.

WARD 4 - DISTRICT 4BEGINNING at ft point, the In-

tersection of tlie centerllne of thePennsylvania Railroad and the centerllne of Middlesex Avenue pro-longed: thence (1) northerly andnortheasterly along the centerllneof said prolongation and the centerllne of Middlesex Avenue to thecsntcrllno of McLean Street; thence(2) southeasterly along the center,line of McLean Street to the center,line of Block Avenue; thence (J)southerly along the centerllne ofBlook Avenue to N. J. Route #27Lincoln Highway); thence (4)

southerly at right angles to the cen-terllne ot the Lincoln Highway tothe centerllne of the PennsylvaniaRailroad; thence (3) westerly alongthe centerllne of the PennsylvaniaRailroad to the point or place ofBeginning

WARD i - DISTRICT IBEGINNING at a point, tbi Inter-

section of the centerllne of NewDover Road and the centerllne ofPennsylvania Railroad; thence (1)northwesterly and westerly alongtho center line of New Dover Roadto the centerllne of Meredith Road;thence (2) southerly and southeast-erly along the centerllne of MeredithRoad to tha centerllne of MlddlewiAvenue; tlipnca (3) southwesterlyalong the centerllne of MiddlesexAvenue to the ctnterllne of McLeanStreet; thence (4) southeasterlyalong the centerllne of McLeanStreet to the centerllne of BlockAvenue; thence IS) southerly alongthe centerllne of Block Ave. to thecenterllne of Route 27 (LincolnHighway); thence (6) southerly atright angles to the centerllnt ofRoute 27 (Lincoln Highway) to thecentarllne of the Pennsylvania Ball-road; thence (7) northeasterly alongtbe centerllne of the Pennsylvania

WARD 5 - DISTRICT IBEGINNING at a pnlnt whtrt tb*

rtsterly prolongation nf tbi toulh-irn boundary line ot Block 474-Dntersects thi center lln* of th*

Garden Bute Parkway Routt N J 4;hence easterly ct ntlnulng along the

southern boundary of Block 474-D,174-C. 4I3-X. 473-W 473-V 471-TJ.473-T, 473-8. 41)-R continuing taat-erly along tht southern boundary olBlock 4fl7 to tht aouthtaat corner ofBlock 491: thence, northerly alongtht eastern boundary of Block 4flto the northeasterly corner; thenc*eut along tht southern boundarynf Block 4«4. continuing tastirlyslong the southern boundary ofBlock 483; thencs northeiisitrlTalong th* easterly boundary of Block4A3 to Its Intersection with thi cen-ter lino ot Hrarnhe.il Road; thenc*northwesterly along the center lln*of Rrnmhnll Road to Its Intersectionwith the center lint of Inmtn Ave-nue; thence westerly along tbe cen-ter line of Inman Avenue to lu In-tersection with tht (iirden SUMParkway N J #4; thence southerlyalong the center line of GardenState Parkway N J #4 to the pointand place of beginning

Sixth District Polling Place; FINHouse, Inman Avenne, Colonla.

WARD S -"DISTRICT 7BBOINNINO at a point where th*

prolongation of Block WS-t) Inter-sects tht centerllnt ot Inman Avt-

UB (opposite Clover Avenue):hence easterly along the centerlln*it Inman Avenue to the Intersectionf tht prolongation of tht eastern

loundary of Block 500-A and InmanAvenue; thence northerly along th*iast boundary of Blocks 500-A. S09-1nd 509-D to Ita Intersection wltb

southerly line of Block 508-A;.hence westerly along southerly lln*of 508-A to lu Intersection wltb th*easterly line 505-A; theuce northsnd northeasterly along the bound"sry of Block 508-A to the Interaeo-tlon with tho ccnterllne of Lak*Avenue; thence northwesterly alongthe centerllne of Lake Avenue totlm boundary of Clnrk Township;thence westerly along tht boundaryof Clark Township to Its Interteo-llon with the Boundary of EdisonTownship; thence southerly alongthe Edison Township boundirf ""the southwest corner of Block {"thence euterly along the toutlboundary of Block 508-Qnorthwest corner of Blockthence southerly along the w»line ot Block 505-D to the point Iplace of beginning.

Seventh District Polling FlgejflV.F.W. Building, Inman AvtMi,Colonla.

Fourth District Polling Place:{Railroad to the point or pl'ace ofth A i R I l i

gAuth Avenue Fire Rouse, Istlin,

WARD 4 — DISTRICT iBeginning at a point where thi

center line of State Highway Rout*#27 Intersect! tht dividing line be-tween Edison Township and Wood-bridge Township; thence northerlyalong tbe center Una ot Btate High-way Route #27 to a point wherethe same Intersects the prolongationnortbweaterly of the dividing lintbetween blocks 428 and 428 as shownon the Woodbrldse Township TaiMap, >heet 53; thence southeasterlyalong tald prolongation and thtdividing lint of said blocks approil-mately 820 feet to the center lineof Chain O'HIIli Road; thencesouthwesterly along tht center lineof Chain O'HIIli Road to tha centerline of Green Btreet or Oak TreoRoad; thence southeasterly Hongthe. center Unt of the last-mtn-tloned road to the center Hue otCreemcr Avenue; thence touthweit-erly along the center lint of CreemerAvenue aud Its prolongation to theright of way of the Philadelphiaand .tudlir; Railroad; thtni-t wttt

t7ly"iln'e of "Block "lOM-A: thence is)|«lJ *lo.n;,^ld1,^fhLffl.L"lr »"

Mortheabterly along said SoutherlyHue of Block 1053-A to Its Inter-section with the center line of Tur-;ier Street; thence (6) Northeasterlyand along the Northeasterly prolon-gation ot Turner Btreet to the In-tersection of BHme with the bound-ary line between tlie Township ofW.xidurldge and the Borough ofUtirteroL; thence (7) Southeasterlyalong said bnundury Una to the:enter lino of Woodbrldge-CarteretRoad; tlience (Mi tn a general Bouth-erly direction along the mid bound-ary lino to tlio point of Interactionwith thr Northerly or Westerly lineuf HLulen Islnnd Sound; thence (Dl

Bern-mi Westerly direction alongtrie Bania sound to th» Southerly

of the I'ort Heading KallmsdI)<Hlt Property and point or plact ofbt^lunlng

Seventh. District Pulllue Place:Kainmi Heights Sllluul, HoUj

Street, Port Heading.

WARD 3 - DISTRICT »Bcgiuuiug at a polut in Hit Pion-

tylvaula Hallroad where tame Is \bteriectcd by the Port Reading Rail,toad, aud from said beginning polniruuultig northerly aluug tbe Ptnn-sylvaula Hallroad to tht otnter lintof Avoiiel Street: theuc* southeast-erly and tasterly aluug Iht oeuteiHue at Aveuel Btrtet to th* ctulcrHue al Railway Aveoue: tbence•outhtrljr aloug tin c outer lint ofHallway Aveuue to thi c*ut*> Uutot Nlelton Avenut; thtnc* south-easterly along tlia center Hue otNltlton Avenut to the WoodbrldgtCnek; itiouct In a tuuthweiMrlv dtrectluu alung the center Una uf tbtWoodbrldge Creek u> tbe Qorlhtrlllln* oJ th* Port Beading Railroad;tbtnet westerly along tb* northerlyllu* of tb* Port H«iului Railrowl

|cro*slng Rahwty Avaou* to thepoint ol lutertecUoo ot thi *tldPort »iwlla*: aalliotd with in*

and tbi

Flnt District Polling Place: School#z, Outlook Avenue, Colonla.

WARD 5 - DISTRICT 2BEGINNING at a point, the Inter-

section of the centerllne ot tbePiMinsylviwiln Railroad and the cen-terllne of New Dover Road; thence(1) northeasterly along the center-llne of the Pennsylvania Railroad tothe Boundary line of City ot Rah-way and Woodbrldge Township;thence (2) southeasterly along saidboundary line between City of Rah-way and Wuodbrtdge Township totlie centerllne ot St. Georges Ave-nue (N. J. State Highway Route 35);thence (3) southerly and southwest-erly aloiiB the centerlluo of St.Georges Avenue to the centerllne ofDover Road; ttience (4) northwest-erly along the centerllne ot DoverKoad to centedlnes of Chain O'HIllHoad and Ntw Dover ttoad; thence(5) still northwesterly along theeenterltne of New Dover Road tothe point nr place of Beginning.

Second District PolUng Place: Co-lonl.i Public Library, Colonla Blvd.,Colonla,

WARD 5 - DISTRICT IBEGINNING at the centerlln* *Ji

Inman Avenue and the prolongationot the west boundary Una of BloeiJOS; thence euterly along the 4*0-terllne of Inman Avenue to Us In-tersection wltb tbe centerllne of tb*Garden State Parkway, N J #4:thence north along the centerlln*or aald Parkway to tbe Clark Town-ship boundary line; thenet westerlyalong the Clark Townahlp boundaryline to Its Intersection with the cen-terllne ot Lake Avenue: thence' "!theasterlj along the centerllne of

e Avenue to tb* prolongation of: northwesterly line of Block

jU-A; thence south and wen alonghe boundary line of Block 508-A toU Intersection wltb 508-D; thenc*iast along the line between Blocks09-D and 508-A to Ita Intersectiontrlth tb* westtrly Uni of Block 509;hence south along the westerly tin*if Block 509 to th* point and plac*.f beginning.

Eighth District Polling Placeichool #17, Inman Avenue, Colonla,

WARD i — DISTRICT tBeginning at th* point of Inter-ictlnu of the center line of Inman

.venue with tht center lint otJukes Road and tht dividing Un*between Woodbrldge Township andht City nf Rahway; tbenct nortb-

ly along tha center line ot DukM.oad which Is tht aald dividing Un*between Woodbrldge and tb* City>f Rahway to the point of Inter-lection of laid center lint of DukMloud with the boundary lint be-ween Clark and Wnodbrldgt Town-.lilps; thence westerly along tb*

Jlvldlng line between Clark andWoodbridgt Townships to tb* centeilne of the Garden Btalt Parkwar,toute #4; thence toutb

the dividing Hue between EdltnnTownship and Woodbrldg* Town-ship; thencs northerly along saiddividing Hue to the point or placeof beginning.

BEINO all of district 5 and a por-tion of district 0 In th* FourthWard tn ba known as Fourth Ward.District 5

Fifth District Polling Plac*:School #«, (ireeit Street, IseUn.

WARD 4 - DISTRICT •BEGINNING at a point, the In-

tersection of the centerllna of NtwJersey Stato Highway Rout* # Uand tbe centerllne of tha Port Read-Ing Railroad; thence (1) northwest-erly and westerly along the center-llnt of tht Port Heading Railroadto tht centerllnt of the GardenState Parkway (N. J. Btat* HighwayRoute #4); thence (2) tasterly toa point, tbt Intersection at the cen-terllne of Winding Road and JoelPlace; thence (3) still easterly alongthe centerlluo of Joel Place to thewesterly terminus of the centerlliieof Crmuier atreet; thtnc* (4) stilleasterly aloug the centerllne otCrtemer tttreet to thi ceuterllut ofOreeu Streat; tbence (9) northerlyajoug the centerllut of Greeu Btreetto the tcilUi-llne uf Chain O'HIIlsItoad; theiict (6) euterly along tbtcenlerllue ot Chain O'Hllls Hood toa point, the prolongation of the di-viding Hue between Pleataut Ave-nue uni! uoutll Cliff Road; iheuce(1) loutherly along aald dividingline between Pleawut Aveuue andSouth Clllf Road to tb* (.tmerllueof Winter Btreet; tliettct (8) m t -

WARD > - DISTRICT 3Beginning at a pnlnt in the cen

ttr line of Colonla Road, alto knowuat Cfllonla Boulevard, when theIttmt te Interttcted by the centelint of New Dover Koad and fromuld beginning point running tn 1general northerly direction along thecenter line of Colonla Boulevard to

point where It li Intersected b;tbe center line of Hoffman Bnulevard; thence northerly along thecenter line of Hoffman Boulevard tua point where tht unit Iniertecuthe southerly Hue of Block 483 atsbown on thi Woodbndgt TownshipTmi Map: thence easterly anil northeasterly along the southerly ameasterly line of aald Block 483 topoint where It intersect! the ceiittiline of Braintiall lioad which la al*hi dividing Unt between the Town

|shlp ut Woodbrldge and the City 01Rahway; them* lu a southeaster!;direction along the boundary ltn<between Woodbrldge and Railway Vtht center Uut of Ntw Jeraey StanHighway Kout* #27; thence southwesterly along the centur line nf «allast tiieutloned Kouta to tht centtilln* of New :xuer Road: thencnorthwesterly along the ceniei U111

if New Uovtr Road tn the point nlDlare <il beginning

Third District Polling PlaceSchuol #:0, CUremout Avenue, CoUJIIU.

Htreet: tbence (9) touthtrly alongthe cmUrllue of Byrd Btreet Btrtetto the ctuUrllnt ot Worth Htrett;tbanc* (10) wttwrly along ibe cen-Mrlln* of Worth 8tre*t to tb* cen-Urlln* of Gretn Birett; tbenci (11)

llftg Railrof e n u f l l a Railroadnr place of Beginning.

B*lnl a portion 0' TbitdFifth Diitrlct. to b* known atWard Blghlli District

Ilgbtb District rolling PUct;Flnt Aid Building, Avenel glrt*t,Avenel.

WAKII 1 - DUTRICT' •BBUINNINQ al tb* point of l » :

place of Beginning.Sift* DUtrlct rvlUBf ruoe;

Schoal #11, Indiana A«nut, latUn.

WARD 4 - DISTU1C1 tBSUIHMLNQ at a polot, tht lu-

WAKD i — DISTRICT 4Beginning at a pnlui when tbi

center lint of New Jeraty Gtideerly alung the cenlerlln* of Wlut«r|Btat* Parkway Route #4 InttrsecuBtreel 10 thi centerllot ol Byrd """ ' Jtbe ceutu lln* of New Dover Road

thenc* easterly along tbe c«utei lintof Ntw Dover Road to IU Intersec-tion wltb tbt otntti lln* ol OflloulaRoad sointllmei knowu at OnlnulaBoulttaw; Uw'ne* nnmierlyv aloug|oppo»lt. c ioiej A«liue;tb* ctatwr UM of Oolpnla

ot to It* tottnMUnD wltb tb* centti«t ilm 01 Hoffwap Bnu)*v*ro: tome*t* norttieriy »|0b| tb* oentcr Hot ol"' BntfoiB OouUnid to tn* *mitb*r-

ry UOf o| Block iol at abowo oe«M TOWMbtp Tai Uap; tbtoc* w" -

Oardtn But* Parkway, tb* point or trly along tbt toutbtrly llu*Blook US and Blook 4*4 ui th.sorthtut coratc ot Block t«7tbtuc* tuutbtrly aloug tbi tMlerlUB* ot Block 4*1 to IU toutbeaJUrlcorotx; tbence wtaterly along tbsoutbarly Hut oX Block 407 aud oou

•arkwar,„ wei-Mrly

long thi center line of th* Qardenttte Parkway. Route #4, to tb*

iiilut of Intereectloii ot tald centeiInt with the centei line of Inmanavenue; thence easterly along tb*:ent*r line nf Innian Avenue to tb*ntersectlon nt laid center Us* Wltkhe dividing line between tbe OltT

.if Rahway and Woodbrldg* Tnwn-ship. the point or plac* of Be-:lnnlnK

Ninth District Polling Place: Cc~jonia Civle Improvement Club, In-m<in Avenue and Conduit Wat, Co-Ionia.

WARD 5 - DISTRICT WBEGINNING at a point where th*

boundary Hue between ltdlson andWoodbrldge Townships la Intersectedby the centerllne of Ctark Place;thence easterly along tbe centerlln*nf Clark Place to Ita Intersectionwith tbe centerllne of IdgewtiodAvenue; thencn esaterly from taldntersectliiu to tbi southwest comer

nl Block 499-A: thence euterlyalong tht southerly boundary Hutof Block 499-A and VMS and 474-Ato the Intersection of the prolonga-tion of tills line and tlie centerllu*of Garden State Parkway N J $i;thence northerly along the center'Hue of tht Garden Slate ParkwayN J #4 to th« Intersection of tl>*centerllnt ol Inman Avenue; thenc*westerly along t!i» ceiiterllne of In-man Avemit to the boundary lln*between Cdlson aud Woodiirtdg*Townships; thence southerly alonraald boundary line, which Is thicenterllnt ol Wood Avenue tn th*point and place of begtunlng

Tenth District Polling Place: Co-Ionia First Aid Building, BeekmuAvenut, Colonla.

WARD 3 - DISTRICT 11BIQINNING at tbe intersection ot

tbt ctnttrllnet of (muan Aveuu*and tha Kdlson fowtuhlp ouundarflint; tbence easterly along tht ten-terline of Inman Avenui to ihi in-ttraectlno nf iht prolongation ol th*westeru hciundtrj of Block 504 D

north irly tb* boundan oiBlock 504-D to It* lotWWoUna WIOI

boundary Out;along tb* •djgon -_ ,try line to a pstnl and'plaiw *lbeginning.

Eleventh DUtriet rolling MM*ISchool #11, InmM t n t H , Ortonl*.


'along to* aouUwHj un* ail.-I,. V4 -o i * *

Page 28: On Thur«dttj vw, Imaginative Apparatus Sale of Shell Site ... · Mud uued (ur «ift», Seated, Ult W ^hl, I'nul All tmix, John ('liilipka , Jubeph tjtMuk'iwaiki. SUudlim: Mta. Uubtrt

PAGE TWFNTY-ETGrTT'Thursday. April 11. 1963

CEREBRAL PALST VICTIM MEFTS BF.SFTUTORS—Emil Sktkowski. Isrlin. w»t«i one of morr than -00corbnl palsird victim? cirrd for it Roos*vflt Park Treat-ment Ont*r, mm* a frv o( thr lradfrs of rampaicn Inraisr S31.M0. Mr. xad Mrs. Joarph Guliaoo sundinj.left ami knerlhu ' ixr thainwn of rolln-tion in Hopelawn.while Xn. Joieph Tnrpish fUndini richt directs tbrappeal in C«k>nia r J. All fund* rattected will V used inMiddlrsci Caant; to pnrridr educational, mrdical andmrrationaj protnnK for rirtiin* ttvint in MiddlesexConnty.

i «, 1Attendthejr eyes &; Use exhibit of theroam' Farmers of America^sW them spellbound, but best3- a U *-he'' enjoyed renewine'

COLONU - busloadsSunrise of the Leni Lenape ex-

Vallfvof --uder::? from School IT ar- Y.MC.A, Indian. Guides, ther:vec! a; '.he- -Rth annual Junior ch je ' was a recer.t visitor at^r-~rr."v:> ?how he'd at Rut- School IT,

nI "

V - ;-p.

» • ' • • •

Wfl' f""" ; —••if tvr

jK*"- " v-, —H • ;im v


iTT Commons onarranep(! br Mrs

-=or artneprin- f/y-( p Ceremonieshpme was "Con->ueh Education."

Planned by StoutsISELIN — Gir! Scout Lead-

ers ol Neighborhood 3 metin Our Lady of

Hall, St. Cecelia 5Church.

Ar* Johr. plans were discussed lor the ;

w\< Irwin Brownie "Ply-Up"' ceremonies;Mr? Nor- a n d che Girl Scout Court of'' Chsries Awards.

>-r<_v-ss OBner. = tb'rd Leaders are participating in'••<;«•<; Acroir-iflnvinff the special training course•iir a-erc the folir^-r.' sponsored oy the district. The•" Tno'h°r*'"Mrs Pr"d purpose of the course-is to ac-M*< 8v!vp«!»»r PfrT'.ak. quam: the individual leaders

;;pr.t» Be'i»-»ns Mr? A with the various changes m:. Mrs Samuel Pried- Gir: Scouting,-= H r>ut?r. Mr' Wil- in the coming year, troopstulz Jr Mrs Melvjr. vnll be separated into four \e\~-'

Klein Mr? Morr-.s Pr:dson and e i i . including: Brownies. Jun-:Mr? Sermour Reinpr tors. Intermediates, and Sen-^

The children thrilled to the iors. Leaders of both NeighOOT-\sieht of 'real buffaio and wild hood 3 and Neighborhood 2 arelife nar.vf ;<• ou: state at the meeting jointly for their train-exhibi: arranged by New Jer- me sessions.sey Jur.:or Outdoor Sporumen: The next Neighborhood meet-the huap plexiglass alobe incu- mg will be May 2 tn Our badyba-tor hatching chicks before of Lourdes Hall.

Spain? n.liBir.

EASTf R PETSFor Your Children...






\ f\

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