On The Waves Banora Point High School 2 Eucalyptus Drive Banora Point NSW 2486 T 07 55131 960 F 07 55 131 220 E [email protected] Term 1 Week 6A Monday 4 March 2013 REACH FOR THE STARS NORTHERN NSW HIGH SCHOOL UNIVERSITY SHOWCASE On the 21st February, all year 11 and 12 students were privileged to have access to 9 of our local universities. (Griffith University, Southern Cross University, Australian Catholic University, University of Queensland, University of Sunshine Coast, Bond University, Queens- land University of Technology, and University New England) They came to present some very valuable information on university life, courses, accommodation and costs. All students had the opportunity to ask staff from each university about specific programs and courses, and schol- arships. A very big thank you goes out to Lucin- da from Southern Cross University who co- ordinated this event.

On The Waves - Banora Point High School · 2019-10-17 · On The Waves Banora Point High School 2 Eucalyptus Drive Banora Point NSW 2486 T 07 55131 960 F 07 55 131 220 E [email protected]

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Page 1: On The Waves - Banora Point High School · 2019-10-17 · On The Waves Banora Point High School 2 Eucalyptus Drive Banora Point NSW 2486 T 07 55131 960 F 07 55 131 220 E banorapnt-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au

On The Waves Banora Point High School

2 Eucalyptus Drive Banora Point NSW 2486 T 07 55131 960 F 07 55 131 220 E [email protected]

Term 1 Week 6A Monday 4 March 2013



On the 21st February, all year 11 and 12 students were privileged to have access to 9 of our local universities. (Griffith University, Southern Cross University, Australian Catholic University, University of Queensland, University of Sunshine Coast, Bond University, Queens-land University of Technology, and University New England) They came to present some very valuable information on university life, courses, accommodation and costs. All students had the opportunity to ask staff from each university about specific programs and courses, and schol-arships. A very big thank you goes out to Lucin-da from Southern Cross University who co-ordinated this event.

Page 2: On The Waves - Banora Point High School · 2019-10-17 · On The Waves Banora Point High School 2 Eucalyptus Drive Banora Point NSW 2486 T 07 55131 960 F 07 55 131 220 E banorapnt-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au

Monday 4 March 2013 On the Waves


Monday 4 March P&C Annual General Meeting Friday 8 March International Womens Day Youth Leadership Awards Monday 11 March—Tuesday 12 March Year 11 Biology Excursion (overnight)

TERM 1 Break Monday 15 April—29 April Easter Holidays Good Friday March 29 and Easter Monday 1 April


Northern NSW High School

University Showcase

CAREERS (Cont’d)

Page 3: On The Waves - Banora Point High School · 2019-10-17 · On The Waves Banora Point High School 2 Eucalyptus Drive Banora Point NSW 2486 T 07 55131 960 F 07 55 131 220 E banorapnt-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au


From the Principal Mr Greg Smith

Our 2013 communication strategy includes im-proved communication to parents and carers through information evenings and improve-ments in electronic communications. We have been working on our school website recently and have added a large amount of information to our school calendar. This can be accessed t h r o u g h h t t p : / / w w w . b a n o r a p n t -h.schools.nsw.edu.au/ . We hope that these are useful to you. HSC disability provisions are due by the end of Term 1. If students or parents believe that the student may be eligible and haven’t enquired about the provisions at this stage, please con-tact Mr Bristow at your earliest convenience to discuss the process and organise a meeting with a member of our Learning and Support Teacher team. Year 12 students are encouraged to access the Board of Studies website. http://www.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/

This will give them access to past HSC examina-tion papers, online testing processes (multiple choice questions from past papers that are self-marking) and the Standards Reference Packag-es that contain some past papers with exem-plars to help students recognise the standard of work that is expected.

Students will also have access soon to Students Online (accessible from the right hand side of the home page). This will give them more indi-vidualised information such as their examina-tion timetables when they become available. Another useful site is HSC online. http://hsc.csu.edu.au/ This provides information and curriculum links for all of their HSC subjects.

Meetings have continued with the Health Edu-cation Training Institute (HETI) and our local universities regarding the Healthy Schools pro-ject.

The governance committee met last week at our school and many of the protocols and pro-cesses for arranging clinical placements of Health Industry students in our school were discussed.

The areas that university students would be coming from include exercise physiology, nutri-tion, speech pathology, physiotherapy, occupa-tional therapy and nursing. This will increase the skilled personnel who are available at our school and provide opportunities for some ex-citing projects to be undertaken. At the same time Banora Point High School students will be exposed to a wide range of occupations within the health industry.

Health is the major local employment sector in the Tweed area and the range of occupations and opportunities is quite extensive. We would like to be a part of the vision to have our area recognised as an area of excellence in health education and health services.

The first opportunity for Year 11 students to take the literacy and numeracy tests for the RoSA will occur in the week from 23 – 29 May. Any student indicating they intend to leave school before the end of October should see Mr Todoroski to register for this test. Please find a link below to the 2013 Digital Ed-ucation Revolution (DER) survey. The DER sur-vey is part of a longitudinal evaluation in col-laboration with the University of Wollongong in an effort to determine how the DER-NSW program has impacted on education across the state. The evaluation has taken place over 3 years (2010-2012). It would be appreciated if Year 10, 11 and 12 parents could access this link and complete the survey. Staff and students are also being surveyed around the same time. http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/DER-NSW-Pr2013?c=8282

Monday 4 March 2013 On The Waves

Page 4: On The Waves - Banora Point High School · 2019-10-17 · On The Waves Banora Point High School 2 Eucalyptus Drive Banora Point NSW 2486 T 07 55131 960 F 07 55 131 220 E banorapnt-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au


The P&C AGM will be held on Monday 4th March at 7.00pm. We encourage parents to continue to get involved in this important part of our school. In May 2013, NAPLAN will be completed by all students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. The tests run from Tuesday 14th May to Thursday 16th May, with a catch-up day on Friday 17th May. Please read the attached brochure to find more de-tails about these tests.

Congratulations to Laura Coulter! She has been named in the under 17s Australian Soft-ball Team 2013 to play at the International Youth Cup. This is a wonderful achievement and it certainly demonstrates the high calibre of sportsperson our local community produces. We wish Laura continued success in her sport-ing endeavours.

Farewell Jo Houlahan I would like to farewell Mrs Joanne Houlahan who has recently retired from a long and dedi-cated teaching career. Joanne has provided learning opportunities for a large range of stu-dents within the support unit and has imple-mented some great programs during her time at our school.

I would also like to thank Jo on behalf of the school for the many occasions that she has gone above and beyond the call of duty in do-ing extra activities that have enhanced whole school programs. She has been outstanding in co-ordinating hall decorations during official ceremonies in the school with one of the most memorable being the 2012 North Coast Educa-tion Week awards. Jo has been actively in-volved in developing and managing the gar-den program. This has been highly successful and provides students with opportunities to build both life skills and social skills. We wish Joanne all the best for her retirement.

Monday 4 March 2013 On The Waves

Page 5: On The Waves - Banora Point High School · 2019-10-17 · On The Waves Banora Point High School 2 Eucalyptus Drive Banora Point NSW 2486 T 07 55131 960 F 07 55 131 220 E banorapnt-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au


On Friday 1st March 2013, all year 7 and their peer support leaders from year 10 participated in a fun 2 hours in the library completing a se-ries of activities to help them develop skills in working as part of a team. There was a game of Scattegories; fun games of Married/ Engaged/ Divorced; literacy and numeracy activities and puzzle sheets such as Who’s Who and Head to Tail. A marshmallow challenge also proved to be very tricky. It was great to see students from all the differ-ent classes mixing with others and getting to know the year 10s better. More fun days like these will be held in the fu-ture. Thanks to the teachers who gave their time up to organise and supervise the activity

Monday 4 March 2013 On The Waves

Year 7 Co-Operative Challenge Day by Louise Wiseman

Page 6: On The Waves - Banora Point High School · 2019-10-17 · On The Waves Banora Point High School 2 Eucalyptus Drive Banora Point NSW 2486 T 07 55131 960 F 07 55 131 220 E banorapnt-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au


Monday 4 March 2013 On The Waves

CAREERS NEWS by Jess Dreyer

It has been an action packed couple of weeks in the careers department with the launch of new programs, senior students discussing university both on and off campus, and many students seek-ing an application form for the many School-Based Traineeships and Apprenticeships currently vacant. I have had many phone calls and meetings with parents, especially from our Year 10 cohort, wanting to discuss their children’s future career path and possible subjects for senior study, which is fantastic. It is never too early to start thinking and planning ahead. Keep the questions rolling in? TITANS 4 TOMORROW GIRLS ACADEMY

Last Wednesday 27th February all female indigenous stu-dents from Years 7-12 attended the launch of the Titans 4 Tomorrow Girls Academy. Preston Campbell and Clinton Toopi welcomed the girls and talked about all the wonder-ful opportunities being a part of this program will bring. Most importantly the girls will be mentored through both academic and sporting prospects whilst at school. It is very exciting to be a part of this project, and I thank Cathy and Narelle from the Titans team for their support of Banora Point High School. The Ti-tans really are more than just a football club.

Page 7: On The Waves - Banora Point High School · 2019-10-17 · On The Waves Banora Point High School 2 Eucalyptus Drive Banora Point NSW 2486 T 07 55131 960 F 07 55 131 220 E banorapnt-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au


Bond University – Students for a Semester

– May Session Open March 15th – April 12th 2013

Griffith University Law School Legal Essay Competition - Year 12 students with $500 Prize money

Bond University Experience Days – Ad-vertising & PR (8/3), Interactive Media (11/3), Diplomat for a Day (13/3), Psychol-ogy (13/5)

Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra Tuckwell Scholarship closes April 2nd 2013.

University of New South Wales (UNSW) Winter School Applications close April 12th 2013.

Tertiary Studies Ex-p o B r i s b a n e (TSXPO) – Saturday 20th & Sunday 21st July 2013 (RNA Showgrounds – FREE ADMISSION)

Au Pair USA Meeting – Monday 18th March 2013 9.30am Village Way

UMAT (Medicine Exams) - go to www.umataustralia.com.au 31st July 2013

Bond University Mooting Competition – Tuesday 7th May 2013

School Based Traineeship – Cert II Hospi-

tality – Kathmandu Restaurant Kingscliff – for any interested students wanting work in the Hospitality industry.

See me urgently for the correct paper-work.

School Based Traineeship – Cert II Hospi-

tality – Bambi Cafe Tweed Heads – for any interested students wanting work in

the Hospitality industry. See me urgently for the correct paper-

work. 5 x School Based Traineeships - Certificate

II in Retail - National Brand Franchise take away food employer based in Tweed Heads South. (Subway) Applicants must be available to work weekends, holidays and possibly evenings as part of their SbAT requirements. Applicants must be reliable, with friendly personalities, be good team players and like working with the public. The employer would like to commence suitable and successful appli-cants as soon as possible.

See me urgently for the correct paper-work.

Bunnings, Tweed Heads South are having

a recruitment drive, if there are any Year 9 or 10 students that would like to be considered for employment at Bunnings, please come and see me before Wednes-day 6th March. All applicants must be available to work weekends and some afternoons

Tugun Surf Club is looking to employ

some students for School-Based Train-eeships in Hospitality. See me with your resume ASAP.


Monday 4 March 2013 On The Waves

CAREERS (Cont’d)_



Page 8: On The Waves - Banora Point High School · 2019-10-17 · On The Waves Banora Point High School 2 Eucalyptus Drive Banora Point NSW 2486 T 07 55131 960 F 07 55 131 220 E banorapnt-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au


Last newsletter I mentioned that Tamara Lan-caster, Dana Bradshaw and Brayden Lee were accepted into the Griffith University Business School Program. Well, after an action packed day on the 22nd February at the Gold Coast Campus, they have now successfully completed Part 1. Only 2 to go, and they will graduate with an offer of a degree at Griffith University. Well done guys.

Ben Thorpe is in Year 12. He is studying Chemistry, English Standard, Physics and Exten-sion 2 Mathematics (4Units). He is the first stu-dent at Banora Point High School to study 4 Units of Maths for the HSC. He is always spot-ted working extremely hard in the library with Mr Bodell on solving numerous mathematical problems. After the HSC Ben is looking for-ward to studying in the field of Mathematical Engineering.

Monday 4 March 2013 On The Waves

CAREERS (Cont’d)_

Congratulations! Student of the Week

Class of the Week

Walking past the Science rooms this week, I spotted Mr Leighton and his wonderful 8I class. They are currently studying the topic of ‘Chemical Reactions” and were conducting the POP TEST when I came to visit. They were not only observing different reactions, but they could use their other senses as well, and when the Magnesium was mixed with Hydrochloric Acid and a small match, it certainly made a loud POP. We may have some budding young scientists in this group. Well done 8I.

Page 9: On The Waves - Banora Point High School · 2019-10-17 · On The Waves Banora Point High School 2 Eucalyptus Drive Banora Point NSW 2486 T 07 55131 960 F 07 55 131 220 E banorapnt-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au


Are you good at or inter-ested in Science? Have you thought about a career in Science? Here are some jobs in the Science Field that are currently in high demand: Earth & Environmental Science: Aquarist Diver Surveyor Geographer Meteorologist Hydrologist Climate Change Analyst Physical Science: Astronomer Aviation Inspectator Chemist Technician Forensic Scientist Ship & Boat Captain Nuclear Power Operator Sound Engineer

EACH FRIDAY during Term 1, Peer Support sessions involving all of Year 7 and 26 lead-ers from Year 10 will be held. The sessions will be dealing with “Behaving with Integrity” and at the end of the program students will be better equipped to handle life in high school. Some of the topics that will be addressed are: Care and compassion Doing your best Honesty and trustworthiness Respect Responsibility Understanding, tolerance and inclusion A Peer Support Program that focuses on Values assists students to develop the skills, understandings and knowledge necessary to face challenges in the future and con-tribute to a socially just society. Any concerns you may have please contact the school and talk to Mr Hey, Year 10 ad-visor or Ms Hargreaves, Advisor of Year 7.

Monday 4 March 2013 On The Waves


Page 10: On The Waves - Banora Point High School · 2019-10-17 · On The Waves Banora Point High School 2 Eucalyptus Drive Banora Point NSW 2486 T 07 55131 960 F 07 55 131 220 E banorapnt-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au


Young Mums to Be Wednesdays January 30 –March 6, 10am-12:30pm, no cost A group for women aged 21 years or under. The program will provide an information session each week focusing on either pregnancy or parenting. Discussion topics include: healthy relationships, birthing positions, bonding, pregnancy health, physical changes, nutrition and feeding and trusting your body. We will also have time for relaxation, meditation and fun. Family Centre Playgroups All playgroups 9.30-11.30am, no cost Monday – Banora Point Tuesday – Cabarita Wednesday – Murwillumbah Thursday – Banora Point Supporting families to identify and learn creative ways of playing with their children. NSW School term only 123 Magic Wednesdays March 13 – 27, 10am-12pm, $15 3 week course explores a down-to earth, child-friendly and effective discipline approach that encourages good behaviour for children 2-12 yrs. Triple P Group

Thursdays February 21 – April 11, 10am-12.30pm, no cost 8 week parenting course (6 group sessions, tele-phone contact plus pre-group interview) for parents of children 2 – 10 years. Assists parents to build positive relationships with their children and create a stable, supportive and harmonious family. The course introduces proven methods to encourage behaviour you would like more of from your children and deal positively and consistently with problem behaviour. Triple P Seminars Tuesdays February 19 – March 5, 6-7.30pm The power of positive parenting: raising confident, competent and resilient children. These informal presentations offer a brief introduction to the Tri-ple P strategies and deal with the most common parenting issues we all face. The seminars take around 90 minutes with time for questions; you can choose to do one or all of them. Bookings pre-ferred, however new registrations available on the night. Venue: Mount St Patricks Primary School Murwil-lumbah

Monday 4 March 2013 On The Waves

Term One 2013 Course Program

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Monday 4 March 2013 On The Waves

Safer Driving


LEARN ABOUT YOURSELF! As Marcel Proust, a late 19th century novelist wrote: “the real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes”. Volunteer to host an international high school student in July 2013 through Southern Cross Cultural Exchange and prepare to be amazed at the way this unique and re-warding opportunity helps your family to be-come closer, to understand themselves better and to see the world in a new light. Carefully selected students will arrive in July for one or two semesters from France, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Japan, and Spain. They will attend a local secondary school, arrive with their own spending money and comprehensive insurance cover – all arranged by Southern Cross Cultural Exchange. Visit us at our website www.scce.com.au, email [email protected] or call us toll free on 1800 500 501, re-quest our international student profiles, and capture the spirit of family and friendship.

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Monday 4 March 2013 On The Waves


Page 13: On The Waves - Banora Point High School · 2019-10-17 · On The Waves Banora Point High School 2 Eucalyptus Drive Banora Point NSW 2486 T 07 55131 960 F 07 55 131 220 E banorapnt-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au


Monday 4 March 2013 On The Waves

The Back to Basics Schoolwear and Sportswear uniform shop endeavours to supply Banora Point High School with good quality uniforms at the lowest prices. To achieve this we must keep our running costs to a minimum. Please note the opening hours for the the begin-ning of 2013. Back to Basics take cash and EFTPOS/Credit Cards – we do not accept cheques.

The NEW hours for the Uniform Shop for Terms 1 & 4 are:

12.30—3.00pm Every Tuesday


Every Thursday

Friday 8 March FNC AFL 15’s Gala Day Tuesday 12 March NC Basketball Wednesday 13 March NC U16’s Touch Thursday 14 March NC Hockey Friday 15 March FNC Rugby Union





The next P&C Meeting for 2013 will be held on

Monday 4 March at 6.45pm DST

All new parents are most welcome to come

along to support your child’s school and meet other parents!

Our AGM will be held on

that night and all committee positions will be declared vacant.

If you would like to have more of a say in what happens in your school perhaps you

would like to nominate for a position on our committee

We would love to see you!

Page 14: On The Waves - Banora Point High School · 2019-10-17 · On The Waves Banora Point High School 2 Eucalyptus Drive Banora Point NSW 2486 T 07 55131 960 F 07 55 131 220 E banorapnt-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au


Monday 4 March 2013 On The Waves

Tweed Valley Relay For Life Have you been looking for a way to get out in the local area and show your support for com-munity events? Or trying

to find a way to lift moral and build team spir-it?

Relay For Life events have been connecting individuals to communities in their figh against cancer and raising much needed funds for cancer research and support. Participants have been walking or running to inspire HOPE and prove that no-one is alone in the fight against cancer. Have you been looking for a way to get out in the local area and show your support for community events? Or trying to find a way to lift moral and build team spirit?


Relay For Life is an event, where teams take turns to walk, jog or run around a track to raise money for Cancer Council NSW’s vital research, prevention and support services. The aim is to have one member on the track at all times during the event.

With entertainment, activities and moving ceremonies through the day, it’s a great chance to come to-gether to fight cancer.

Your local event is the Tweed Valley Relay For Life held on Saturday March 23rd & Sunday March 24th at the Cudgen Leagues Club oval in Kingscliff.


Register your team and create your online event page. A team can be 2 - 20 people made up of work-mates, friends or family. Raise funds by asking people to sponsor you. We’ll send promotional posters, fundraising tips and raffle books to help you spread the word and get everyone excited. Choose your chal-lenge and work out how you want to Relay: Try to have someone from the team on the track at all times. If you think 18 hours is too much, why not do the 12 or 6 hour challenge?

Decide on a fundraising target and go and exceed it! Make a real difference to the lives of those affected by cancer. Work out how much your team wants to raise and tell everyone you know to sponsor you. Every bit counts!


You are contributing to the fight against cancer! You generate interest and goodwill within the local community.

Relay For Life is a great team building exercise for family, friends, work colleagues, sport clubs, schools and community groups!

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Monday 4 March 2013 On The Waves

Page 16: On The Waves - Banora Point High School · 2019-10-17 · On The Waves Banora Point High School 2 Eucalyptus Drive Banora Point NSW 2486 T 07 55131 960 F 07 55 131 220 E banorapnt-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au


Monday 4 March 2013 On The Waves

Page 17: On The Waves - Banora Point High School · 2019-10-17 · On The Waves Banora Point High School 2 Eucalyptus Drive Banora Point NSW 2486 T 07 55131 960 F 07 55 131 220 E banorapnt-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au

Monday 4 March 2013 On The Waves

Surfside Bus lines are pres-ently conducting a program encouraging students that do not have a bus pass, to obtain one. If you are eligi-ble, you travel FREE on their buses and this in turn helps

the environment with less fuel emissions, mums and dads time, congestion at school entrances and bus-es run on time with less traffic congestion. Application forms are at the school office so fill one in and see if you are eligible. Surfside also state that if you have a bus pass, then you are also eligi-ble to enter a future completion with a HUGE first prize!!! Details in the coming weeks.


Budget Driver Training

Very patient and experienced instructor

Get your FREE driving lesson:

With Keys2Drive (Government sponsored)

0499 652 025


Lessons from $50

Pedals Driving School

Page 18: On The Waves - Banora Point High School · 2019-10-17 · On The Waves Banora Point High School 2 Eucalyptus Drive Banora Point NSW 2486 T 07 55131 960 F 07 55 131 220 E banorapnt-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au


Monday 4 March 2013 On The Waves


SCHOOL NEWSLETTER We now endeavour to email our School Newsletter to parents directly to their email address. Our goal is to have our Newsletter a paperless one. We would appreciate it if you would update us with changes to your email address in order for us to keep you in the loop. Please fill in the section below and have your child bring it to the front office. Our fortnight Newsletter is available on our website at www.banorapnt-h.schools.nsw.edu.au

Student Name/s: ______________________________________________________Year: ___________________

Email Address School Newsletter to be forwarded to: _____________________________________________

The school is installing a new roll marking/sms network system which requires up to date changes in email addresses and mobile telephone numbers of carers/parents. If you have changed your mobile in the past and feel you may not have informed the school would you please complete this form along with the email address. Student Name ........................................................................................................ Year: ................................... Father’s Mobile No. ........................................................... Mother’s Mobile No. .............................................. Home Telephone No. ........................................................ Emergency Contact No. ......................................... Comments .......................................................................... .................................................................................



Focus: I am responsible for my actions in the bus bay and travelling to and from school. This means: I respect the instructions of the

crossing attendants I wear a helmet to ride my bike I am on time for school I do not get out of a car in the

bus bay