On the Design and Capacity Planning of a Wireless Local Area Network Ricardo C. Rodrigues, Geraldo R. Mateus, Antonio A. E Loureiro Department of Computer Science Federal University of Minas Gerais Caixa Postal 702 30123-970 Belo Horizonte, MG Brazil Email: (rick,mateus,loureiro) @dcc.ujing. br Abstract The design of a wireless local area network (WLAN) has two major issues: de- termining the best placement of base stations (BS) and assigning the frequency channels for those stations. The correct BS placement minimizes installation costs. The adequate channel assignment reduces signal interference and improve network throughput. This paper reports a real experience where we applied the concepts of two classical outdoor problems namely the optimal base placement problem and the fixed channel assignment problem to build a WLAN in an indoor environment. Keywords Network Design, Capacity Planning, Network Operation, WLAN, Optimization Mod- els 1. Introduction The great advance on wireless communications during the last years must continue in the future. Cellular phones and paging systems are good samples of wireless applica- tions and several others are being developed. The tendency is that these applications will not be offered isolated as today but integrated. The goal is to provide cellular tele- phony, paging, Web access and e-mail, among other services, integrated in a unique computational device. Although wireless networks are clearly the present goal, the study of the wireless technology does not apply only to the current systems, but to a large variety of applications that will be available in the coming years. 0-7803-5864-3 0 2000 IEEE

On the Design and Capacity Planning a Wireless Local … · On the Design and Capacity Planning of a Wireless Local Area Network ... available infrastructure and flexibility are also

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On the Design and Capacity Planning of a Wireless Local Area Network

Ricardo C Rodrigues Geraldo R Mateus Antonio A E Loureiro

Department of Computer Science Federal University of Minas Gerais

Caixa Postal 702 30123-970 Belo Horizonte MG

Brazil Email (rickmateus loureiro) dccujing br


The design of a wireless local area network (WLAN) has two major issues de- termining the best placement of base stations (BS) and assigning the frequency channels for those stations The correct BS placement minimizes installation costs The adequate channel assignment reduces signal interference and improve network throughput This paper reports a real experience where we applied the concepts of two classical outdoor problems namely the optimal base placement problem and the fixed channel assignment problem to build a WLAN in an indoor environment


Network Design Capacity Planning Network Operation WLAN Optimization Mod- els

1 Introduction The great advance on wireless communications during the last years must continue in the future Cellular phones and paging systems are good samples of wireless applica- tions and several others are being developed The tendency is that these applications will not be offered isolated as today but integrated The goal is to provide cellular tele- phony paging Web access and e-mail among other services integrated in a unique computational device Although wireless networks are clearly the present goal the study of the wireless technology does not apply only to the current systems but to a large variety of applications that will be available in the coming years

0-7803-5864-3 0 2000 IEEE

336 Session Eight Network Design and Planning

The first experiences in wireless local area networks (WLANs) used proprietary hardware [ 12] The recent publication of IEEE 80211 [3] specification regulating the media access method in WLAN started an industry technology competition to adapt their products to the new standard The first IEEE 80211 devices were available in the market by early 1998 and some projects have just begun to migrate to these new products [4]

In this work we report a real experience where we installed an IEEE 8021 1 com- pliant WLAN into an indoor environment We studied two phases of the installation process choosing the best placement for the base stations (BS) and assigning the frequency channels to these stations This work intends to share our experience on in- stalling an IEEE 8021 1 WLAN and stimulate information exchange between various research groups

This paper is organized as follows Section 2 describes the acquired hardware we have used Section 3 presents the installation process phases Section 4 discusses the model adopted The results obtained are presented in Section 5 and the conclusions in Section 6

2 Hardware Description We used three WavePOINT-I1 Access PointsLucent Technologies (the base stations) that work as Ethernet bridges by receiving data from the wired backbone through a UTP (or BNC) connection and bypassing the received packets through a wireless net- work interface card (NIC) The mobile users receive these packets through another NIC attached to its laptop or other computational device

The hardware employed in the network is IEEE 8021 1 compliant This standard defines the media access method and the physical layer specifications of a WLAN It defines two modulation techniques DSSS (Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum) and FHSS (Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum) These modulation techniques are in- compatible with each other and it should be observed when expanding the wireless network

Our wireless network operates at 24 GHz (microwave band) provide a bandwidth of 2 Mbps with fallback to 1 Mbps DSSS modulation and CSMNCA access method (Carrier Sense Multiple AccessCollision Avoidance) with ACK The avoidance col- lision mechanism is needed in a wireless network as a host cannot detect a collision after it sends a packet different from an Ethernet network

3 The Installation Process In this section we present the phases involved in the installation process and the devel- oped optimization model

Design and Capacity Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 3 3 1

31 Mapping The Demand Area As a pilot experience and due to a limitation of having only three base stations avail- able we considered the third and fourth floors of our building as our demand area Figure 1 shows the demand area mapping of each floor The lighter areas correspond to aisles They were excluded from the demand area because they are in a circulation area and their signal levels are usually better than inner rooms (fewer obstacles) Thus the impact caused by its removal is irrelevant The dark areas correspond to faculty rooms and labs They are effectively our demand areas



- Base Station Candidate Position

- Demand Area

Figure 1 Demand area of 3rd e 4th floors

Laboratory rooms mainly occupy the third floor while faculty rooms mainly oc- cupy the fourth floor The set of rooms forms a rectangular area with an inner free space

The demand area mapping was obtained by dividing the total area into small quad- rangular pieces of demand points Due to the variable room size we defined a square size unit so that the area of each room is an integer multiple of this square area The idea is to avoid situations where a unit belongs to two adjacent rooms With this map- ping we got 1144 square units of 07O x 070 m2 being 592 on the 3rd floor and 552 on the 4th floor

338 Session Eighr Network Design and Planning

32 Choosing Candidate Locations In the next stage we had to choose candidate locations to the BS A good candidate square must offer low cost of installation and good attendance area Questions like physical security available infrastructure and flexibility are also relevant

The process of choosing candidate locations with different characteristics let us understand the BS behavior and its reach trying to discover locations that could give us a better coverage Thus we chose three candidate locations on laboratories at the third floor one on a faculty room of the 4th floor and two on the aisles (3rd and 4th floors) Chosen locations are shown in Figure 1

33 Signal Measurement After choosing the candidate locations we must calculate or measure the signal level received from each candidate BS at each demand point On outdoor environments this is usually calculated through signal prediction algorithms In our work however we preferred to measure the signal received at each demand point

The great number of demand points (1 144) and the small area of each point (049 m2) would make very difficult to measure the signal level at each demand point The problem was solved by grouping the demand points into small but larger groups Typ- ically we formed groups of four or six demand points For each group we performed only one measurement and we assumed that the measured signal level has the same value for all group elements With this simplification the number of necessary mea- surements for each BS was reduced from 1144 to 253

The communication signal quality is measured in decibel (db) A higher value means a better signal quality Values over 20 db indicate excellent quality Values between 1 1 and 20 db indicate acceptable signal quality and values under 10 db means poor or no communication capacity

The signal measurement was done using the software WaveManagerKlient IEEE implemented by the WavePOINT-I1 manufacturer This software lets us register the received signal from each BS simultaneously and save the information in a log file for later treatment

During the measurement however we verified that the signal level at each point was very sensitive to obstacles and highly dependent of the mobile unit orientation Given the same demand point as reference if we turn the mobile unit to left or right by 90 degrees we can get a completely different signal level Figure 2 shows the signal level variation from two distinct BS that arrives at the same demand point while the mobile unit is turned around by 360 degrees

The signal level variability according to the mobile unit orientation introduced a new component to the problem It is not sufficient to measure the signal level of the BS at each point but it is also necessary to choose or calculate the signal value that best represents the signal quality at that point

We defined a method for measuring the signal that could provide the most repre- sentative signal level at each demand point The data was collected while the mobile

Design and Capacity Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 339

Signal Level Variation Along Time








Figure 2 Signal level variation along time

unit was turned around slowly until it completed 360 degrees Thus we tried to repre- sent all possible orientations of the mobile unit for that point With this methodology we obtained approximately 80 signal level values from each BS for each demand point

The next step was to analyze and treat the collected information The BS signal level at a demand point is a discrete function This behavior is because the signal is very susceptible to environment variations

We defined thus a methodology for treating the signal samples For each set of BS signal samples at a demand point we sorted the values obtained at that point After that we discarded 40 of the samples 20 referring to the lower sorted values and other 20 referring to the higher sorted values Although this discard can look very high it is important to minimize the influence of sporadic values of the measured signal on the point The average of the remaining 60 signal samples was the value used to represent the signal on that point

The signal level distribution on an indoor environment can be observed through signal quality maps These maps show the arriving signal level from each candidate BS for each demand point Figure 3 shows the signal quality map for a base station located on an aisle at 3rd floor The X point indicates the BS location Dark colors represent the best signal level inside rooms and laboratories Aisles signals were not measured

Note that the signal level inside a room is approximately constant It occurs be- cause the biggest signal obstacles are walls metal materials (elevators) and the con- crete between floors and rooms This fact shows that our approach of grouping demand points into small but larger groups was valid Another obvious factor responsible for

340 Session Eight Network Design and Planning



- Demand area with signal gt 2Wb

E - Demand area with signal between 10 and ZWb

- Demand area with signal lt 1Wb

- Base Station Candidate Position

Figure 3 Sample of a signal quality map

signal level fall is the distance between the base station and the demand point

34 Interference When installing the WLAN it is necessary to specify the channel frequency to be used by each BS The stations used on our work allow us to choose one and only one channel between 11 available If two adjacent base stations use the same or near channels they can interfere and degrade the network performance

We ran some tests to verify the influence of interference on an IEEE 8021 1 We used two laptops to download two identical files of approximately 20 Mbytes from distinct servers of our wired LAN We ran various tests and verified that the minimal channel distance between two interfering base stations on our environment was three Some scenarios tested are described below Scenario 1 Each laptop downloaded the file on different times through the same base

Design and Capacity Planning of Wireless Local Area Network

Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4 Scenario 5 Scenario 6

34 1

8665 9319 15173 17077 9424 9225 9637 9092

15109 17239

station Scenario 2 Each laptop downloaded the file simultaneously through the same BS Scenario 3 Each laptop downloaded the file simultaneously through different BS us-

ing the same channel frequency The distance between the BS was far away enough to avoid interference between them

Scenario 4 Each laptop downloaded the file simultaneously through different BS us- ing the same channel frequency The BS was close enough so that there was interference between them

Scenario 5 Each laptop downloaded the file simultaneously through different BS with channel distance equal to 1 As the BS was very close there was interfer- ence between them and

Scenario 6 Each laptop downloaded the file simultaneously through different BS with channel distance equal to 3 Although the base stations were very close the distance channel of 3 avoided interference between them

The results provided in Table 1 for each scenario show that the presence of interfer- ence degrades the network performance For only two laptops in different interfering cells the network suffered almost 45 of degradation An adequate channel assign- ment is very important for avoiding interference between the BS and thus improving the wireless network throughput

Scenario I Laptop1 I Laptop2 Scenario 1 1 15132 1 17292

Table 1 Transfer performance (Kbps) according to the scenario operation

The solution adopted to the channel assignment problem consists in sorting the communication channels according to its frequency band and allocating them to the base stations obeying the minimal channel distance Operating on distant frequency bands the stations do not cause interference with each other

4 Optimization Model We developed an integer linear programming optimization model to determine the best placement for the base stations and the adequate channel allocation that would reduce signal interference and improve our WLAN throughput

We do not consider user density as in cellular system models due to two reasons

342 Session Eight Network Design and Planning

The first one is the nature of a WLAN connection In cellular phone systems after establishing a connection it is assumed that the user is talking and its traffic cannot suffer considerable delays Each frequency channel can be used by only one user dur- ing its call Thus when projecting a cellular phone system the user density clearly determines the number of channels allocated to each cell In W A N systems how- ever the communication channel can be shared among various users and some delays are acceptable The presence of various users in a single cell obviously degrades the network throughput but it still allows network accessibility

The second reason is that the initial goal of this work was to cover the maximum demand area As a pilot installation and having very few mobile users the user density was not covered at this phase of our study

41 Optimal BS Placement Problem The optimal base station placement problem consists in distributing the available BS through the demand area to assist the desired covering goal using the minimal number of base stations The covering goal varies accordingly to the design requirements Usual goals are the total coverage of the demand area partial coverage with maximum economical return and coverage with demand supply guaranteed The solution is found using integer linear programming models able to inform the minimal number of base stations needed to meet the desired coverage This approach is traditionally used in cellular phone systems

In our environment however we have a fixed number of available base stations three Our problem is to know what is the best BS placement to meet our demand area and what is the percentage of the total area covered with these base stations

Our solution was to develop an integer linear programming model that given the number of available base stations and the signal level from each candidate BS at each demand point provides the best station placement that maximizes the total area cov- ered This approach provides more flexibility than the traditional one

0 Allows us to inform the number of available base stations This is a typical situation where there is a limited budget

0 Allows us to estimate the number of needed base stations depending on the desired coverage In pilot installations it can be enough to cover only part of the demand area

0 Allows us to assess the obtained gain when installing new base stations in the system and

0 In case a BS fails allows us to assess the placement changes to be applied to the working base stations so that the WLAN can work even without its full capacity until the BS is reinstalled

Design and Capacity Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 343

42 Fixed Channel Assignment Problem The fixed channel assignment problem consists in allocating frequency channels to base stations to attend the demand at each cell and minimize interference between near base stations On traditional cellular phone systems it is allocated various non- interfering channels to each BS The number of allocated channels to each BS is pro- portional to the demand on that cell In our system however we must assign only one frequency channel to each BS conserving the minimal channel distance between near base stations

Despite the fact that there are various solutions proposed for this problem [ 5 ] we decided to develop a very simple model that could give us a good solution efficiently The main idea is to represent our system through a non-directed graph where nodes represent the candidate base stations The existence of an edge between two nodes means that the nodes cause interference between them and therefore if both are in- stalled they must obey the minimal channel distance

43 The Optimization Model The developed integer linear programming model is described as follows Let M be the demand points set N the candidate BS set S the number of available base stations and Ak the set of mutually exclusive base stations Given two or more mutually exclusive BS only one can be selected (installed) Let aj be a boolean variable that assumes value 1 if the station j is selected and 0 otherwise Also let Nj be the set of points attended by station j sij the signal of station j at point i wi the attendance priority of point i and zi the area of point i Let also xij be a decision variable that assumes value 1 when the point i is assigned to station j and 0 otherwise Let also K be the ordered set of available channels Cik the decision variable that assumes value 1 when channel k is assigned to station i and 0 otherwise and let d be the minimal distance channel for the system The model is given by

344 Session Eight Network Design and Planning

subject to

Cik + c c j l 5 1Vk E KV( i j ) E G (7) 1E k - d + 1 k + d - 11

(k - d + 1 2 1) A ( k + d - 1 5 IKl))

The objective function (1) must be maximized as a function of the points that have higher signal level attendance priority and physical area The attendance priority stimulates the attendance of the most important demand points such as points where it is more usual the use of portable computers meeting rooms etc In our experiments all the demand points had the same attendance priority

Constraints (2) to (5) refer to the BS placement problem According to constraint (2) a point can be attended by only one station Although this situation does not occur in the reality this constraint is necessary to let the chosen stations cover the largest number of distinct possible points increasing the total area coverage

Constraint (3) limits the number of available stations for installation Constraint (4) states that only installed base stations can attend demand points Constraint (5) limits in only one the number of mutually exclusive stations that can be selected for each set Ak

Constraints (6) and (7) refer to the fixed frequency channel assignment problem Constraint (6) limits the number of channels to be assigned to each BS Constraint (7) states that if a channel k is allocated to BS i the interfering BS cannot use channels from range k - d + 1 to k + d - 1 In other words this constraint forces base stations to obey the minimal channel distance

The computational model was implemented using the AMPL language [6] inte- grated to CPLEX [7] These are well-known commercial softwares used to solve optimization problems The model was solved in less than 10 seconds running on a Sun SPARCstation Ultra with 128 Mbytes of RAM The solution provided for this particular model is optimum

Design and Capacity Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 345

5 Results We performed two sets of tests with the base stations installed at candidate locations thus obtaining data about six candidate base stations In our study we simulated the use of 1 to 6 stations to observe the increase in the covered demand area despite having only three base stations available To bypass the channel assignment constraints we reduced the minimal channel distance from 3 to 1 during these simulations

Figure 4 shows two important characteristics of the results The first one is that the increase in the total covered area slows down as we increase the number of available stations Even having high increasing factor for few base stations the environment saturation due to the installation of various BS tends to stabilize the total covered area

The second characteristic refers to the reduction of the area covered by each BS as we increase the number of base stations In this way we reduce the number of users attended by each BS and consequently the demand for the communication bandwidth

Covered area by each Base Station ()

Q Base Station 2

Q Base Station 3

U Base Station 4

W Base Station 5

Base Station 6 Total Area







Total Area

se Station 5

Base Station 3

Base Station 1

1 2 3 4 5 6

Number of Base Stations

b I

Figure 4 Covered area by each antenna or base station

Figure 5 presents the final result The three chosen base stations were installed on 3rd floor exactly where the rooms are bigger and have less obstacle interference That figure also shows the signal level at each demand point The attendance on third

346 Session Eight Network Design and Planning

floor is excellent while on fourth floor it is only reasonable It occurs because the base stations are installed on 3rd floor and also due to the great variety of obstacles on 4th floor Despite these problems we were able to cover 86 of our demand area with signal level over 10 db using only the three base stations available

6 Conclusions Wireless local area networks provide great flexibility for their users and introduce sev- eral new questions not treated by wired networks The first question is the WLAN installation itself It is necessary to measure or predict the signal at each point of the demand area locate the base stations and then assign one frequency channel to each base station

This work presented a very simple and efficient integrated integer linear program- ming optimization model for solving both base station placement and fixed frequency channel assignment problems in indoor environments as described in Section 4 Note that the model presented can be applied either when the number of base stations is fixed as in our case or the network designer wants to determine the best possible coverage which will be provided by a given number of base stations

We also described in Section 3 a methodology that we followed to design our W A N It seems to us that this methodology can be repeated in different environments where people want to install a WLAN and there is no previous experience as in our case

This work was developed using a real installation and employed a hardware com- pliant with the recently published IEEE 8021 1 specification This specification is very important as it encourages the development of interoperable WLAN hardware

Our future work will be the analysis of signal curves and try to develop a model where it could be possible to measure the signal in only a few points and expand these measurement by interpolation to obtain the whole demand area signal levels

References [ 13 httpNwwwinicmueduWIRELESSWireless-Infrastructurehtml Wireless An-

drew Project at Carnegie Mellon University USA

[2] B J Bennington and C R Bartel Wireless Andrew Experience Building a High Speed Campus-Wide Wireless Data Network Third Annual ACMIEEE Intema- tional Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (Mobicom) Budapeste Hungary pages 55451997

[3] IEEE 8021 1 IEEE Standard for Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications 1997

Design and Capaciry Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 347

[4] B J Bennington and C R Bartel Wireless Andrew Building a High Speed Campus-Wide Wireless Data Network Special Issue on Wireless Internet and Intranet Access of the ACMBaltzer Joumal Mobile Networks and A(1ications (MONET 1998

[5] R B A Eisenblatter M Grotschel and A Martin Frequency Assignment in Cellular Phone Networks Annals of Operations Research 7673-93 1998

[6] R Fourer D M Gay and B W Kernighan AMPL A Modeling Language for Mathematical Programming Duxbury PressBrooksCole Publishing Company 1993

[7] CPLEX Optimization Using CPLEX Callable Library and CPLEX Mixed Integer Library Version 50 1997

348 Session Eight Network Design and Planning


- Aisles

- Demand area with signal gt 20db

E - Demand ares with signal between 10 and 20db

- Demand area with signal c 1 Wb

- Base Station Candidate Position

336 Session Eight Network Design and Planning

The first experiences in wireless local area networks (WLANs) used proprietary hardware [ 12] The recent publication of IEEE 80211 [3] specification regulating the media access method in WLAN started an industry technology competition to adapt their products to the new standard The first IEEE 80211 devices were available in the market by early 1998 and some projects have just begun to migrate to these new products [4]

In this work we report a real experience where we installed an IEEE 8021 1 com- pliant WLAN into an indoor environment We studied two phases of the installation process choosing the best placement for the base stations (BS) and assigning the frequency channels to these stations This work intends to share our experience on in- stalling an IEEE 8021 1 WLAN and stimulate information exchange between various research groups

This paper is organized as follows Section 2 describes the acquired hardware we have used Section 3 presents the installation process phases Section 4 discusses the model adopted The results obtained are presented in Section 5 and the conclusions in Section 6

2 Hardware Description We used three WavePOINT-I1 Access PointsLucent Technologies (the base stations) that work as Ethernet bridges by receiving data from the wired backbone through a UTP (or BNC) connection and bypassing the received packets through a wireless net- work interface card (NIC) The mobile users receive these packets through another NIC attached to its laptop or other computational device

The hardware employed in the network is IEEE 8021 1 compliant This standard defines the media access method and the physical layer specifications of a WLAN It defines two modulation techniques DSSS (Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum) and FHSS (Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum) These modulation techniques are in- compatible with each other and it should be observed when expanding the wireless network

Our wireless network operates at 24 GHz (microwave band) provide a bandwidth of 2 Mbps with fallback to 1 Mbps DSSS modulation and CSMNCA access method (Carrier Sense Multiple AccessCollision Avoidance) with ACK The avoidance col- lision mechanism is needed in a wireless network as a host cannot detect a collision after it sends a packet different from an Ethernet network

3 The Installation Process In this section we present the phases involved in the installation process and the devel- oped optimization model

Design and Capacity Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 3 3 1

31 Mapping The Demand Area As a pilot experience and due to a limitation of having only three base stations avail- able we considered the third and fourth floors of our building as our demand area Figure 1 shows the demand area mapping of each floor The lighter areas correspond to aisles They were excluded from the demand area because they are in a circulation area and their signal levels are usually better than inner rooms (fewer obstacles) Thus the impact caused by its removal is irrelevant The dark areas correspond to faculty rooms and labs They are effectively our demand areas



- Base Station Candidate Position

- Demand Area

Figure 1 Demand area of 3rd e 4th floors

Laboratory rooms mainly occupy the third floor while faculty rooms mainly oc- cupy the fourth floor The set of rooms forms a rectangular area with an inner free space

The demand area mapping was obtained by dividing the total area into small quad- rangular pieces of demand points Due to the variable room size we defined a square size unit so that the area of each room is an integer multiple of this square area The idea is to avoid situations where a unit belongs to two adjacent rooms With this map- ping we got 1144 square units of 07O x 070 m2 being 592 on the 3rd floor and 552 on the 4th floor

338 Session Eighr Network Design and Planning

32 Choosing Candidate Locations In the next stage we had to choose candidate locations to the BS A good candidate square must offer low cost of installation and good attendance area Questions like physical security available infrastructure and flexibility are also relevant

The process of choosing candidate locations with different characteristics let us understand the BS behavior and its reach trying to discover locations that could give us a better coverage Thus we chose three candidate locations on laboratories at the third floor one on a faculty room of the 4th floor and two on the aisles (3rd and 4th floors) Chosen locations are shown in Figure 1

33 Signal Measurement After choosing the candidate locations we must calculate or measure the signal level received from each candidate BS at each demand point On outdoor environments this is usually calculated through signal prediction algorithms In our work however we preferred to measure the signal received at each demand point

The great number of demand points (1 144) and the small area of each point (049 m2) would make very difficult to measure the signal level at each demand point The problem was solved by grouping the demand points into small but larger groups Typ- ically we formed groups of four or six demand points For each group we performed only one measurement and we assumed that the measured signal level has the same value for all group elements With this simplification the number of necessary mea- surements for each BS was reduced from 1144 to 253

The communication signal quality is measured in decibel (db) A higher value means a better signal quality Values over 20 db indicate excellent quality Values between 1 1 and 20 db indicate acceptable signal quality and values under 10 db means poor or no communication capacity

The signal measurement was done using the software WaveManagerKlient IEEE implemented by the WavePOINT-I1 manufacturer This software lets us register the received signal from each BS simultaneously and save the information in a log file for later treatment

During the measurement however we verified that the signal level at each point was very sensitive to obstacles and highly dependent of the mobile unit orientation Given the same demand point as reference if we turn the mobile unit to left or right by 90 degrees we can get a completely different signal level Figure 2 shows the signal level variation from two distinct BS that arrives at the same demand point while the mobile unit is turned around by 360 degrees

The signal level variability according to the mobile unit orientation introduced a new component to the problem It is not sufficient to measure the signal level of the BS at each point but it is also necessary to choose or calculate the signal value that best represents the signal quality at that point

We defined a method for measuring the signal that could provide the most repre- sentative signal level at each demand point The data was collected while the mobile

Design and Capacity Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 339

Signal Level Variation Along Time








Figure 2 Signal level variation along time

unit was turned around slowly until it completed 360 degrees Thus we tried to repre- sent all possible orientations of the mobile unit for that point With this methodology we obtained approximately 80 signal level values from each BS for each demand point

The next step was to analyze and treat the collected information The BS signal level at a demand point is a discrete function This behavior is because the signal is very susceptible to environment variations

We defined thus a methodology for treating the signal samples For each set of BS signal samples at a demand point we sorted the values obtained at that point After that we discarded 40 of the samples 20 referring to the lower sorted values and other 20 referring to the higher sorted values Although this discard can look very high it is important to minimize the influence of sporadic values of the measured signal on the point The average of the remaining 60 signal samples was the value used to represent the signal on that point

The signal level distribution on an indoor environment can be observed through signal quality maps These maps show the arriving signal level from each candidate BS for each demand point Figure 3 shows the signal quality map for a base station located on an aisle at 3rd floor The X point indicates the BS location Dark colors represent the best signal level inside rooms and laboratories Aisles signals were not measured

Note that the signal level inside a room is approximately constant It occurs be- cause the biggest signal obstacles are walls metal materials (elevators) and the con- crete between floors and rooms This fact shows that our approach of grouping demand points into small but larger groups was valid Another obvious factor responsible for

340 Session Eight Network Design and Planning



- Demand area with signal gt 2Wb

E - Demand area with signal between 10 and ZWb

- Demand area with signal lt 1Wb

- Base Station Candidate Position

Figure 3 Sample of a signal quality map

signal level fall is the distance between the base station and the demand point

34 Interference When installing the WLAN it is necessary to specify the channel frequency to be used by each BS The stations used on our work allow us to choose one and only one channel between 11 available If two adjacent base stations use the same or near channels they can interfere and degrade the network performance

We ran some tests to verify the influence of interference on an IEEE 8021 1 We used two laptops to download two identical files of approximately 20 Mbytes from distinct servers of our wired LAN We ran various tests and verified that the minimal channel distance between two interfering base stations on our environment was three Some scenarios tested are described below Scenario 1 Each laptop downloaded the file on different times through the same base

Design and Capacity Planning of Wireless Local Area Network

Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4 Scenario 5 Scenario 6

34 1

8665 9319 15173 17077 9424 9225 9637 9092

15109 17239

station Scenario 2 Each laptop downloaded the file simultaneously through the same BS Scenario 3 Each laptop downloaded the file simultaneously through different BS us-

ing the same channel frequency The distance between the BS was far away enough to avoid interference between them

Scenario 4 Each laptop downloaded the file simultaneously through different BS us- ing the same channel frequency The BS was close enough so that there was interference between them

Scenario 5 Each laptop downloaded the file simultaneously through different BS with channel distance equal to 1 As the BS was very close there was interfer- ence between them and

Scenario 6 Each laptop downloaded the file simultaneously through different BS with channel distance equal to 3 Although the base stations were very close the distance channel of 3 avoided interference between them

The results provided in Table 1 for each scenario show that the presence of interfer- ence degrades the network performance For only two laptops in different interfering cells the network suffered almost 45 of degradation An adequate channel assign- ment is very important for avoiding interference between the BS and thus improving the wireless network throughput

Scenario I Laptop1 I Laptop2 Scenario 1 1 15132 1 17292

Table 1 Transfer performance (Kbps) according to the scenario operation

The solution adopted to the channel assignment problem consists in sorting the communication channels according to its frequency band and allocating them to the base stations obeying the minimal channel distance Operating on distant frequency bands the stations do not cause interference with each other

4 Optimization Model We developed an integer linear programming optimization model to determine the best placement for the base stations and the adequate channel allocation that would reduce signal interference and improve our WLAN throughput

We do not consider user density as in cellular system models due to two reasons

342 Session Eight Network Design and Planning

The first one is the nature of a WLAN connection In cellular phone systems after establishing a connection it is assumed that the user is talking and its traffic cannot suffer considerable delays Each frequency channel can be used by only one user dur- ing its call Thus when projecting a cellular phone system the user density clearly determines the number of channels allocated to each cell In W A N systems how- ever the communication channel can be shared among various users and some delays are acceptable The presence of various users in a single cell obviously degrades the network throughput but it still allows network accessibility

The second reason is that the initial goal of this work was to cover the maximum demand area As a pilot installation and having very few mobile users the user density was not covered at this phase of our study

41 Optimal BS Placement Problem The optimal base station placement problem consists in distributing the available BS through the demand area to assist the desired covering goal using the minimal number of base stations The covering goal varies accordingly to the design requirements Usual goals are the total coverage of the demand area partial coverage with maximum economical return and coverage with demand supply guaranteed The solution is found using integer linear programming models able to inform the minimal number of base stations needed to meet the desired coverage This approach is traditionally used in cellular phone systems

In our environment however we have a fixed number of available base stations three Our problem is to know what is the best BS placement to meet our demand area and what is the percentage of the total area covered with these base stations

Our solution was to develop an integer linear programming model that given the number of available base stations and the signal level from each candidate BS at each demand point provides the best station placement that maximizes the total area cov- ered This approach provides more flexibility than the traditional one

0 Allows us to inform the number of available base stations This is a typical situation where there is a limited budget

0 Allows us to estimate the number of needed base stations depending on the desired coverage In pilot installations it can be enough to cover only part of the demand area

0 Allows us to assess the obtained gain when installing new base stations in the system and

0 In case a BS fails allows us to assess the placement changes to be applied to the working base stations so that the WLAN can work even without its full capacity until the BS is reinstalled

Design and Capacity Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 343

42 Fixed Channel Assignment Problem The fixed channel assignment problem consists in allocating frequency channels to base stations to attend the demand at each cell and minimize interference between near base stations On traditional cellular phone systems it is allocated various non- interfering channels to each BS The number of allocated channels to each BS is pro- portional to the demand on that cell In our system however we must assign only one frequency channel to each BS conserving the minimal channel distance between near base stations

Despite the fact that there are various solutions proposed for this problem [ 5 ] we decided to develop a very simple model that could give us a good solution efficiently The main idea is to represent our system through a non-directed graph where nodes represent the candidate base stations The existence of an edge between two nodes means that the nodes cause interference between them and therefore if both are in- stalled they must obey the minimal channel distance

43 The Optimization Model The developed integer linear programming model is described as follows Let M be the demand points set N the candidate BS set S the number of available base stations and Ak the set of mutually exclusive base stations Given two or more mutually exclusive BS only one can be selected (installed) Let aj be a boolean variable that assumes value 1 if the station j is selected and 0 otherwise Also let Nj be the set of points attended by station j sij the signal of station j at point i wi the attendance priority of point i and zi the area of point i Let also xij be a decision variable that assumes value 1 when the point i is assigned to station j and 0 otherwise Let also K be the ordered set of available channels Cik the decision variable that assumes value 1 when channel k is assigned to station i and 0 otherwise and let d be the minimal distance channel for the system The model is given by

344 Session Eight Network Design and Planning

subject to

Cik + c c j l 5 1Vk E KV( i j ) E G (7) 1E k - d + 1 k + d - 11

(k - d + 1 2 1) A ( k + d - 1 5 IKl))

The objective function (1) must be maximized as a function of the points that have higher signal level attendance priority and physical area The attendance priority stimulates the attendance of the most important demand points such as points where it is more usual the use of portable computers meeting rooms etc In our experiments all the demand points had the same attendance priority

Constraints (2) to (5) refer to the BS placement problem According to constraint (2) a point can be attended by only one station Although this situation does not occur in the reality this constraint is necessary to let the chosen stations cover the largest number of distinct possible points increasing the total area coverage

Constraint (3) limits the number of available stations for installation Constraint (4) states that only installed base stations can attend demand points Constraint (5) limits in only one the number of mutually exclusive stations that can be selected for each set Ak

Constraints (6) and (7) refer to the fixed frequency channel assignment problem Constraint (6) limits the number of channels to be assigned to each BS Constraint (7) states that if a channel k is allocated to BS i the interfering BS cannot use channels from range k - d + 1 to k + d - 1 In other words this constraint forces base stations to obey the minimal channel distance

The computational model was implemented using the AMPL language [6] inte- grated to CPLEX [7] These are well-known commercial softwares used to solve optimization problems The model was solved in less than 10 seconds running on a Sun SPARCstation Ultra with 128 Mbytes of RAM The solution provided for this particular model is optimum

Design and Capacity Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 345

5 Results We performed two sets of tests with the base stations installed at candidate locations thus obtaining data about six candidate base stations In our study we simulated the use of 1 to 6 stations to observe the increase in the covered demand area despite having only three base stations available To bypass the channel assignment constraints we reduced the minimal channel distance from 3 to 1 during these simulations

Figure 4 shows two important characteristics of the results The first one is that the increase in the total covered area slows down as we increase the number of available stations Even having high increasing factor for few base stations the environment saturation due to the installation of various BS tends to stabilize the total covered area

The second characteristic refers to the reduction of the area covered by each BS as we increase the number of base stations In this way we reduce the number of users attended by each BS and consequently the demand for the communication bandwidth

Covered area by each Base Station ()

Q Base Station 2

Q Base Station 3

U Base Station 4

W Base Station 5

Base Station 6 Total Area







Total Area

se Station 5

Base Station 3

Base Station 1

1 2 3 4 5 6

Number of Base Stations

b I

Figure 4 Covered area by each antenna or base station

Figure 5 presents the final result The three chosen base stations were installed on 3rd floor exactly where the rooms are bigger and have less obstacle interference That figure also shows the signal level at each demand point The attendance on third

346 Session Eight Network Design and Planning

floor is excellent while on fourth floor it is only reasonable It occurs because the base stations are installed on 3rd floor and also due to the great variety of obstacles on 4th floor Despite these problems we were able to cover 86 of our demand area with signal level over 10 db using only the three base stations available

6 Conclusions Wireless local area networks provide great flexibility for their users and introduce sev- eral new questions not treated by wired networks The first question is the WLAN installation itself It is necessary to measure or predict the signal at each point of the demand area locate the base stations and then assign one frequency channel to each base station

This work presented a very simple and efficient integrated integer linear program- ming optimization model for solving both base station placement and fixed frequency channel assignment problems in indoor environments as described in Section 4 Note that the model presented can be applied either when the number of base stations is fixed as in our case or the network designer wants to determine the best possible coverage which will be provided by a given number of base stations

We also described in Section 3 a methodology that we followed to design our W A N It seems to us that this methodology can be repeated in different environments where people want to install a WLAN and there is no previous experience as in our case

This work was developed using a real installation and employed a hardware com- pliant with the recently published IEEE 8021 1 specification This specification is very important as it encourages the development of interoperable WLAN hardware

Our future work will be the analysis of signal curves and try to develop a model where it could be possible to measure the signal in only a few points and expand these measurement by interpolation to obtain the whole demand area signal levels

References [ 13 httpNwwwinicmueduWIRELESSWireless-Infrastructurehtml Wireless An-

drew Project at Carnegie Mellon University USA

[2] B J Bennington and C R Bartel Wireless Andrew Experience Building a High Speed Campus-Wide Wireless Data Network Third Annual ACMIEEE Intema- tional Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (Mobicom) Budapeste Hungary pages 55451997

[3] IEEE 8021 1 IEEE Standard for Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications 1997

Design and Capaciry Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 347

[4] B J Bennington and C R Bartel Wireless Andrew Building a High Speed Campus-Wide Wireless Data Network Special Issue on Wireless Internet and Intranet Access of the ACMBaltzer Joumal Mobile Networks and A(1ications (MONET 1998

[5] R B A Eisenblatter M Grotschel and A Martin Frequency Assignment in Cellular Phone Networks Annals of Operations Research 7673-93 1998

[6] R Fourer D M Gay and B W Kernighan AMPL A Modeling Language for Mathematical Programming Duxbury PressBrooksCole Publishing Company 1993

[7] CPLEX Optimization Using CPLEX Callable Library and CPLEX Mixed Integer Library Version 50 1997

348 Session Eight Network Design and Planning


- Aisles

- Demand area with signal gt 20db

E - Demand ares with signal between 10 and 20db

- Demand area with signal c 1 Wb

- Base Station Candidate Position

Design and Capacity Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 3 3 1

31 Mapping The Demand Area As a pilot experience and due to a limitation of having only three base stations avail- able we considered the third and fourth floors of our building as our demand area Figure 1 shows the demand area mapping of each floor The lighter areas correspond to aisles They were excluded from the demand area because they are in a circulation area and their signal levels are usually better than inner rooms (fewer obstacles) Thus the impact caused by its removal is irrelevant The dark areas correspond to faculty rooms and labs They are effectively our demand areas



- Base Station Candidate Position

- Demand Area

Figure 1 Demand area of 3rd e 4th floors

Laboratory rooms mainly occupy the third floor while faculty rooms mainly oc- cupy the fourth floor The set of rooms forms a rectangular area with an inner free space

The demand area mapping was obtained by dividing the total area into small quad- rangular pieces of demand points Due to the variable room size we defined a square size unit so that the area of each room is an integer multiple of this square area The idea is to avoid situations where a unit belongs to two adjacent rooms With this map- ping we got 1144 square units of 07O x 070 m2 being 592 on the 3rd floor and 552 on the 4th floor

338 Session Eighr Network Design and Planning

32 Choosing Candidate Locations In the next stage we had to choose candidate locations to the BS A good candidate square must offer low cost of installation and good attendance area Questions like physical security available infrastructure and flexibility are also relevant

The process of choosing candidate locations with different characteristics let us understand the BS behavior and its reach trying to discover locations that could give us a better coverage Thus we chose three candidate locations on laboratories at the third floor one on a faculty room of the 4th floor and two on the aisles (3rd and 4th floors) Chosen locations are shown in Figure 1

33 Signal Measurement After choosing the candidate locations we must calculate or measure the signal level received from each candidate BS at each demand point On outdoor environments this is usually calculated through signal prediction algorithms In our work however we preferred to measure the signal received at each demand point

The great number of demand points (1 144) and the small area of each point (049 m2) would make very difficult to measure the signal level at each demand point The problem was solved by grouping the demand points into small but larger groups Typ- ically we formed groups of four or six demand points For each group we performed only one measurement and we assumed that the measured signal level has the same value for all group elements With this simplification the number of necessary mea- surements for each BS was reduced from 1144 to 253

The communication signal quality is measured in decibel (db) A higher value means a better signal quality Values over 20 db indicate excellent quality Values between 1 1 and 20 db indicate acceptable signal quality and values under 10 db means poor or no communication capacity

The signal measurement was done using the software WaveManagerKlient IEEE implemented by the WavePOINT-I1 manufacturer This software lets us register the received signal from each BS simultaneously and save the information in a log file for later treatment

During the measurement however we verified that the signal level at each point was very sensitive to obstacles and highly dependent of the mobile unit orientation Given the same demand point as reference if we turn the mobile unit to left or right by 90 degrees we can get a completely different signal level Figure 2 shows the signal level variation from two distinct BS that arrives at the same demand point while the mobile unit is turned around by 360 degrees

The signal level variability according to the mobile unit orientation introduced a new component to the problem It is not sufficient to measure the signal level of the BS at each point but it is also necessary to choose or calculate the signal value that best represents the signal quality at that point

We defined a method for measuring the signal that could provide the most repre- sentative signal level at each demand point The data was collected while the mobile

Design and Capacity Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 339

Signal Level Variation Along Time








Figure 2 Signal level variation along time

unit was turned around slowly until it completed 360 degrees Thus we tried to repre- sent all possible orientations of the mobile unit for that point With this methodology we obtained approximately 80 signal level values from each BS for each demand point

The next step was to analyze and treat the collected information The BS signal level at a demand point is a discrete function This behavior is because the signal is very susceptible to environment variations

We defined thus a methodology for treating the signal samples For each set of BS signal samples at a demand point we sorted the values obtained at that point After that we discarded 40 of the samples 20 referring to the lower sorted values and other 20 referring to the higher sorted values Although this discard can look very high it is important to minimize the influence of sporadic values of the measured signal on the point The average of the remaining 60 signal samples was the value used to represent the signal on that point

The signal level distribution on an indoor environment can be observed through signal quality maps These maps show the arriving signal level from each candidate BS for each demand point Figure 3 shows the signal quality map for a base station located on an aisle at 3rd floor The X point indicates the BS location Dark colors represent the best signal level inside rooms and laboratories Aisles signals were not measured

Note that the signal level inside a room is approximately constant It occurs be- cause the biggest signal obstacles are walls metal materials (elevators) and the con- crete between floors and rooms This fact shows that our approach of grouping demand points into small but larger groups was valid Another obvious factor responsible for

340 Session Eight Network Design and Planning



- Demand area with signal gt 2Wb

E - Demand area with signal between 10 and ZWb

- Demand area with signal lt 1Wb

- Base Station Candidate Position

Figure 3 Sample of a signal quality map

signal level fall is the distance between the base station and the demand point

34 Interference When installing the WLAN it is necessary to specify the channel frequency to be used by each BS The stations used on our work allow us to choose one and only one channel between 11 available If two adjacent base stations use the same or near channels they can interfere and degrade the network performance

We ran some tests to verify the influence of interference on an IEEE 8021 1 We used two laptops to download two identical files of approximately 20 Mbytes from distinct servers of our wired LAN We ran various tests and verified that the minimal channel distance between two interfering base stations on our environment was three Some scenarios tested are described below Scenario 1 Each laptop downloaded the file on different times through the same base

Design and Capacity Planning of Wireless Local Area Network

Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4 Scenario 5 Scenario 6

34 1

8665 9319 15173 17077 9424 9225 9637 9092

15109 17239

station Scenario 2 Each laptop downloaded the file simultaneously through the same BS Scenario 3 Each laptop downloaded the file simultaneously through different BS us-

ing the same channel frequency The distance between the BS was far away enough to avoid interference between them

Scenario 4 Each laptop downloaded the file simultaneously through different BS us- ing the same channel frequency The BS was close enough so that there was interference between them

Scenario 5 Each laptop downloaded the file simultaneously through different BS with channel distance equal to 1 As the BS was very close there was interfer- ence between them and

Scenario 6 Each laptop downloaded the file simultaneously through different BS with channel distance equal to 3 Although the base stations were very close the distance channel of 3 avoided interference between them

The results provided in Table 1 for each scenario show that the presence of interfer- ence degrades the network performance For only two laptops in different interfering cells the network suffered almost 45 of degradation An adequate channel assign- ment is very important for avoiding interference between the BS and thus improving the wireless network throughput

Scenario I Laptop1 I Laptop2 Scenario 1 1 15132 1 17292

Table 1 Transfer performance (Kbps) according to the scenario operation

The solution adopted to the channel assignment problem consists in sorting the communication channels according to its frequency band and allocating them to the base stations obeying the minimal channel distance Operating on distant frequency bands the stations do not cause interference with each other

4 Optimization Model We developed an integer linear programming optimization model to determine the best placement for the base stations and the adequate channel allocation that would reduce signal interference and improve our WLAN throughput

We do not consider user density as in cellular system models due to two reasons

342 Session Eight Network Design and Planning

The first one is the nature of a WLAN connection In cellular phone systems after establishing a connection it is assumed that the user is talking and its traffic cannot suffer considerable delays Each frequency channel can be used by only one user dur- ing its call Thus when projecting a cellular phone system the user density clearly determines the number of channels allocated to each cell In W A N systems how- ever the communication channel can be shared among various users and some delays are acceptable The presence of various users in a single cell obviously degrades the network throughput but it still allows network accessibility

The second reason is that the initial goal of this work was to cover the maximum demand area As a pilot installation and having very few mobile users the user density was not covered at this phase of our study

41 Optimal BS Placement Problem The optimal base station placement problem consists in distributing the available BS through the demand area to assist the desired covering goal using the minimal number of base stations The covering goal varies accordingly to the design requirements Usual goals are the total coverage of the demand area partial coverage with maximum economical return and coverage with demand supply guaranteed The solution is found using integer linear programming models able to inform the minimal number of base stations needed to meet the desired coverage This approach is traditionally used in cellular phone systems

In our environment however we have a fixed number of available base stations three Our problem is to know what is the best BS placement to meet our demand area and what is the percentage of the total area covered with these base stations

Our solution was to develop an integer linear programming model that given the number of available base stations and the signal level from each candidate BS at each demand point provides the best station placement that maximizes the total area cov- ered This approach provides more flexibility than the traditional one

0 Allows us to inform the number of available base stations This is a typical situation where there is a limited budget

0 Allows us to estimate the number of needed base stations depending on the desired coverage In pilot installations it can be enough to cover only part of the demand area

0 Allows us to assess the obtained gain when installing new base stations in the system and

0 In case a BS fails allows us to assess the placement changes to be applied to the working base stations so that the WLAN can work even without its full capacity until the BS is reinstalled

Design and Capacity Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 343

42 Fixed Channel Assignment Problem The fixed channel assignment problem consists in allocating frequency channels to base stations to attend the demand at each cell and minimize interference between near base stations On traditional cellular phone systems it is allocated various non- interfering channels to each BS The number of allocated channels to each BS is pro- portional to the demand on that cell In our system however we must assign only one frequency channel to each BS conserving the minimal channel distance between near base stations

Despite the fact that there are various solutions proposed for this problem [ 5 ] we decided to develop a very simple model that could give us a good solution efficiently The main idea is to represent our system through a non-directed graph where nodes represent the candidate base stations The existence of an edge between two nodes means that the nodes cause interference between them and therefore if both are in- stalled they must obey the minimal channel distance

43 The Optimization Model The developed integer linear programming model is described as follows Let M be the demand points set N the candidate BS set S the number of available base stations and Ak the set of mutually exclusive base stations Given two or more mutually exclusive BS only one can be selected (installed) Let aj be a boolean variable that assumes value 1 if the station j is selected and 0 otherwise Also let Nj be the set of points attended by station j sij the signal of station j at point i wi the attendance priority of point i and zi the area of point i Let also xij be a decision variable that assumes value 1 when the point i is assigned to station j and 0 otherwise Let also K be the ordered set of available channels Cik the decision variable that assumes value 1 when channel k is assigned to station i and 0 otherwise and let d be the minimal distance channel for the system The model is given by

344 Session Eight Network Design and Planning

subject to

Cik + c c j l 5 1Vk E KV( i j ) E G (7) 1E k - d + 1 k + d - 11

(k - d + 1 2 1) A ( k + d - 1 5 IKl))

The objective function (1) must be maximized as a function of the points that have higher signal level attendance priority and physical area The attendance priority stimulates the attendance of the most important demand points such as points where it is more usual the use of portable computers meeting rooms etc In our experiments all the demand points had the same attendance priority

Constraints (2) to (5) refer to the BS placement problem According to constraint (2) a point can be attended by only one station Although this situation does not occur in the reality this constraint is necessary to let the chosen stations cover the largest number of distinct possible points increasing the total area coverage

Constraint (3) limits the number of available stations for installation Constraint (4) states that only installed base stations can attend demand points Constraint (5) limits in only one the number of mutually exclusive stations that can be selected for each set Ak

Constraints (6) and (7) refer to the fixed frequency channel assignment problem Constraint (6) limits the number of channels to be assigned to each BS Constraint (7) states that if a channel k is allocated to BS i the interfering BS cannot use channels from range k - d + 1 to k + d - 1 In other words this constraint forces base stations to obey the minimal channel distance

The computational model was implemented using the AMPL language [6] inte- grated to CPLEX [7] These are well-known commercial softwares used to solve optimization problems The model was solved in less than 10 seconds running on a Sun SPARCstation Ultra with 128 Mbytes of RAM The solution provided for this particular model is optimum

Design and Capacity Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 345

5 Results We performed two sets of tests with the base stations installed at candidate locations thus obtaining data about six candidate base stations In our study we simulated the use of 1 to 6 stations to observe the increase in the covered demand area despite having only three base stations available To bypass the channel assignment constraints we reduced the minimal channel distance from 3 to 1 during these simulations

Figure 4 shows two important characteristics of the results The first one is that the increase in the total covered area slows down as we increase the number of available stations Even having high increasing factor for few base stations the environment saturation due to the installation of various BS tends to stabilize the total covered area

The second characteristic refers to the reduction of the area covered by each BS as we increase the number of base stations In this way we reduce the number of users attended by each BS and consequently the demand for the communication bandwidth

Covered area by each Base Station ()

Q Base Station 2

Q Base Station 3

U Base Station 4

W Base Station 5

Base Station 6 Total Area







Total Area

se Station 5

Base Station 3

Base Station 1

1 2 3 4 5 6

Number of Base Stations

b I

Figure 4 Covered area by each antenna or base station

Figure 5 presents the final result The three chosen base stations were installed on 3rd floor exactly where the rooms are bigger and have less obstacle interference That figure also shows the signal level at each demand point The attendance on third

346 Session Eight Network Design and Planning

floor is excellent while on fourth floor it is only reasonable It occurs because the base stations are installed on 3rd floor and also due to the great variety of obstacles on 4th floor Despite these problems we were able to cover 86 of our demand area with signal level over 10 db using only the three base stations available

6 Conclusions Wireless local area networks provide great flexibility for their users and introduce sev- eral new questions not treated by wired networks The first question is the WLAN installation itself It is necessary to measure or predict the signal at each point of the demand area locate the base stations and then assign one frequency channel to each base station

This work presented a very simple and efficient integrated integer linear program- ming optimization model for solving both base station placement and fixed frequency channel assignment problems in indoor environments as described in Section 4 Note that the model presented can be applied either when the number of base stations is fixed as in our case or the network designer wants to determine the best possible coverage which will be provided by a given number of base stations

We also described in Section 3 a methodology that we followed to design our W A N It seems to us that this methodology can be repeated in different environments where people want to install a WLAN and there is no previous experience as in our case

This work was developed using a real installation and employed a hardware com- pliant with the recently published IEEE 8021 1 specification This specification is very important as it encourages the development of interoperable WLAN hardware

Our future work will be the analysis of signal curves and try to develop a model where it could be possible to measure the signal in only a few points and expand these measurement by interpolation to obtain the whole demand area signal levels

References [ 13 httpNwwwinicmueduWIRELESSWireless-Infrastructurehtml Wireless An-

drew Project at Carnegie Mellon University USA

[2] B J Bennington and C R Bartel Wireless Andrew Experience Building a High Speed Campus-Wide Wireless Data Network Third Annual ACMIEEE Intema- tional Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (Mobicom) Budapeste Hungary pages 55451997

[3] IEEE 8021 1 IEEE Standard for Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications 1997

Design and Capaciry Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 347

[4] B J Bennington and C R Bartel Wireless Andrew Building a High Speed Campus-Wide Wireless Data Network Special Issue on Wireless Internet and Intranet Access of the ACMBaltzer Joumal Mobile Networks and A(1ications (MONET 1998

[5] R B A Eisenblatter M Grotschel and A Martin Frequency Assignment in Cellular Phone Networks Annals of Operations Research 7673-93 1998

[6] R Fourer D M Gay and B W Kernighan AMPL A Modeling Language for Mathematical Programming Duxbury PressBrooksCole Publishing Company 1993

[7] CPLEX Optimization Using CPLEX Callable Library and CPLEX Mixed Integer Library Version 50 1997

348 Session Eight Network Design and Planning


- Aisles

- Demand area with signal gt 20db

E - Demand ares with signal between 10 and 20db

- Demand area with signal c 1 Wb

- Base Station Candidate Position

338 Session Eighr Network Design and Planning

32 Choosing Candidate Locations In the next stage we had to choose candidate locations to the BS A good candidate square must offer low cost of installation and good attendance area Questions like physical security available infrastructure and flexibility are also relevant

The process of choosing candidate locations with different characteristics let us understand the BS behavior and its reach trying to discover locations that could give us a better coverage Thus we chose three candidate locations on laboratories at the third floor one on a faculty room of the 4th floor and two on the aisles (3rd and 4th floors) Chosen locations are shown in Figure 1

33 Signal Measurement After choosing the candidate locations we must calculate or measure the signal level received from each candidate BS at each demand point On outdoor environments this is usually calculated through signal prediction algorithms In our work however we preferred to measure the signal received at each demand point

The great number of demand points (1 144) and the small area of each point (049 m2) would make very difficult to measure the signal level at each demand point The problem was solved by grouping the demand points into small but larger groups Typ- ically we formed groups of four or six demand points For each group we performed only one measurement and we assumed that the measured signal level has the same value for all group elements With this simplification the number of necessary mea- surements for each BS was reduced from 1144 to 253

The communication signal quality is measured in decibel (db) A higher value means a better signal quality Values over 20 db indicate excellent quality Values between 1 1 and 20 db indicate acceptable signal quality and values under 10 db means poor or no communication capacity

The signal measurement was done using the software WaveManagerKlient IEEE implemented by the WavePOINT-I1 manufacturer This software lets us register the received signal from each BS simultaneously and save the information in a log file for later treatment

During the measurement however we verified that the signal level at each point was very sensitive to obstacles and highly dependent of the mobile unit orientation Given the same demand point as reference if we turn the mobile unit to left or right by 90 degrees we can get a completely different signal level Figure 2 shows the signal level variation from two distinct BS that arrives at the same demand point while the mobile unit is turned around by 360 degrees

The signal level variability according to the mobile unit orientation introduced a new component to the problem It is not sufficient to measure the signal level of the BS at each point but it is also necessary to choose or calculate the signal value that best represents the signal quality at that point

We defined a method for measuring the signal that could provide the most repre- sentative signal level at each demand point The data was collected while the mobile

Design and Capacity Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 339

Signal Level Variation Along Time








Figure 2 Signal level variation along time

unit was turned around slowly until it completed 360 degrees Thus we tried to repre- sent all possible orientations of the mobile unit for that point With this methodology we obtained approximately 80 signal level values from each BS for each demand point

The next step was to analyze and treat the collected information The BS signal level at a demand point is a discrete function This behavior is because the signal is very susceptible to environment variations

We defined thus a methodology for treating the signal samples For each set of BS signal samples at a demand point we sorted the values obtained at that point After that we discarded 40 of the samples 20 referring to the lower sorted values and other 20 referring to the higher sorted values Although this discard can look very high it is important to minimize the influence of sporadic values of the measured signal on the point The average of the remaining 60 signal samples was the value used to represent the signal on that point

The signal level distribution on an indoor environment can be observed through signal quality maps These maps show the arriving signal level from each candidate BS for each demand point Figure 3 shows the signal quality map for a base station located on an aisle at 3rd floor The X point indicates the BS location Dark colors represent the best signal level inside rooms and laboratories Aisles signals were not measured

Note that the signal level inside a room is approximately constant It occurs be- cause the biggest signal obstacles are walls metal materials (elevators) and the con- crete between floors and rooms This fact shows that our approach of grouping demand points into small but larger groups was valid Another obvious factor responsible for

340 Session Eight Network Design and Planning



- Demand area with signal gt 2Wb

E - Demand area with signal between 10 and ZWb

- Demand area with signal lt 1Wb

- Base Station Candidate Position

Figure 3 Sample of a signal quality map

signal level fall is the distance between the base station and the demand point

34 Interference When installing the WLAN it is necessary to specify the channel frequency to be used by each BS The stations used on our work allow us to choose one and only one channel between 11 available If two adjacent base stations use the same or near channels they can interfere and degrade the network performance

We ran some tests to verify the influence of interference on an IEEE 8021 1 We used two laptops to download two identical files of approximately 20 Mbytes from distinct servers of our wired LAN We ran various tests and verified that the minimal channel distance between two interfering base stations on our environment was three Some scenarios tested are described below Scenario 1 Each laptop downloaded the file on different times through the same base

Design and Capacity Planning of Wireless Local Area Network

Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4 Scenario 5 Scenario 6

34 1

8665 9319 15173 17077 9424 9225 9637 9092

15109 17239

station Scenario 2 Each laptop downloaded the file simultaneously through the same BS Scenario 3 Each laptop downloaded the file simultaneously through different BS us-

ing the same channel frequency The distance between the BS was far away enough to avoid interference between them

Scenario 4 Each laptop downloaded the file simultaneously through different BS us- ing the same channel frequency The BS was close enough so that there was interference between them

Scenario 5 Each laptop downloaded the file simultaneously through different BS with channel distance equal to 1 As the BS was very close there was interfer- ence between them and

Scenario 6 Each laptop downloaded the file simultaneously through different BS with channel distance equal to 3 Although the base stations were very close the distance channel of 3 avoided interference between them

The results provided in Table 1 for each scenario show that the presence of interfer- ence degrades the network performance For only two laptops in different interfering cells the network suffered almost 45 of degradation An adequate channel assign- ment is very important for avoiding interference between the BS and thus improving the wireless network throughput

Scenario I Laptop1 I Laptop2 Scenario 1 1 15132 1 17292

Table 1 Transfer performance (Kbps) according to the scenario operation

The solution adopted to the channel assignment problem consists in sorting the communication channels according to its frequency band and allocating them to the base stations obeying the minimal channel distance Operating on distant frequency bands the stations do not cause interference with each other

4 Optimization Model We developed an integer linear programming optimization model to determine the best placement for the base stations and the adequate channel allocation that would reduce signal interference and improve our WLAN throughput

We do not consider user density as in cellular system models due to two reasons

342 Session Eight Network Design and Planning

The first one is the nature of a WLAN connection In cellular phone systems after establishing a connection it is assumed that the user is talking and its traffic cannot suffer considerable delays Each frequency channel can be used by only one user dur- ing its call Thus when projecting a cellular phone system the user density clearly determines the number of channels allocated to each cell In W A N systems how- ever the communication channel can be shared among various users and some delays are acceptable The presence of various users in a single cell obviously degrades the network throughput but it still allows network accessibility

The second reason is that the initial goal of this work was to cover the maximum demand area As a pilot installation and having very few mobile users the user density was not covered at this phase of our study

41 Optimal BS Placement Problem The optimal base station placement problem consists in distributing the available BS through the demand area to assist the desired covering goal using the minimal number of base stations The covering goal varies accordingly to the design requirements Usual goals are the total coverage of the demand area partial coverage with maximum economical return and coverage with demand supply guaranteed The solution is found using integer linear programming models able to inform the minimal number of base stations needed to meet the desired coverage This approach is traditionally used in cellular phone systems

In our environment however we have a fixed number of available base stations three Our problem is to know what is the best BS placement to meet our demand area and what is the percentage of the total area covered with these base stations

Our solution was to develop an integer linear programming model that given the number of available base stations and the signal level from each candidate BS at each demand point provides the best station placement that maximizes the total area cov- ered This approach provides more flexibility than the traditional one

0 Allows us to inform the number of available base stations This is a typical situation where there is a limited budget

0 Allows us to estimate the number of needed base stations depending on the desired coverage In pilot installations it can be enough to cover only part of the demand area

0 Allows us to assess the obtained gain when installing new base stations in the system and

0 In case a BS fails allows us to assess the placement changes to be applied to the working base stations so that the WLAN can work even without its full capacity until the BS is reinstalled

Design and Capacity Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 343

42 Fixed Channel Assignment Problem The fixed channel assignment problem consists in allocating frequency channels to base stations to attend the demand at each cell and minimize interference between near base stations On traditional cellular phone systems it is allocated various non- interfering channels to each BS The number of allocated channels to each BS is pro- portional to the demand on that cell In our system however we must assign only one frequency channel to each BS conserving the minimal channel distance between near base stations

Despite the fact that there are various solutions proposed for this problem [ 5 ] we decided to develop a very simple model that could give us a good solution efficiently The main idea is to represent our system through a non-directed graph where nodes represent the candidate base stations The existence of an edge between two nodes means that the nodes cause interference between them and therefore if both are in- stalled they must obey the minimal channel distance

43 The Optimization Model The developed integer linear programming model is described as follows Let M be the demand points set N the candidate BS set S the number of available base stations and Ak the set of mutually exclusive base stations Given two or more mutually exclusive BS only one can be selected (installed) Let aj be a boolean variable that assumes value 1 if the station j is selected and 0 otherwise Also let Nj be the set of points attended by station j sij the signal of station j at point i wi the attendance priority of point i and zi the area of point i Let also xij be a decision variable that assumes value 1 when the point i is assigned to station j and 0 otherwise Let also K be the ordered set of available channels Cik the decision variable that assumes value 1 when channel k is assigned to station i and 0 otherwise and let d be the minimal distance channel for the system The model is given by

344 Session Eight Network Design and Planning

subject to

Cik + c c j l 5 1Vk E KV( i j ) E G (7) 1E k - d + 1 k + d - 11

(k - d + 1 2 1) A ( k + d - 1 5 IKl))

The objective function (1) must be maximized as a function of the points that have higher signal level attendance priority and physical area The attendance priority stimulates the attendance of the most important demand points such as points where it is more usual the use of portable computers meeting rooms etc In our experiments all the demand points had the same attendance priority

Constraints (2) to (5) refer to the BS placement problem According to constraint (2) a point can be attended by only one station Although this situation does not occur in the reality this constraint is necessary to let the chosen stations cover the largest number of distinct possible points increasing the total area coverage

Constraint (3) limits the number of available stations for installation Constraint (4) states that only installed base stations can attend demand points Constraint (5) limits in only one the number of mutually exclusive stations that can be selected for each set Ak

Constraints (6) and (7) refer to the fixed frequency channel assignment problem Constraint (6) limits the number of channels to be assigned to each BS Constraint (7) states that if a channel k is allocated to BS i the interfering BS cannot use channels from range k - d + 1 to k + d - 1 In other words this constraint forces base stations to obey the minimal channel distance

The computational model was implemented using the AMPL language [6] inte- grated to CPLEX [7] These are well-known commercial softwares used to solve optimization problems The model was solved in less than 10 seconds running on a Sun SPARCstation Ultra with 128 Mbytes of RAM The solution provided for this particular model is optimum

Design and Capacity Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 345

5 Results We performed two sets of tests with the base stations installed at candidate locations thus obtaining data about six candidate base stations In our study we simulated the use of 1 to 6 stations to observe the increase in the covered demand area despite having only three base stations available To bypass the channel assignment constraints we reduced the minimal channel distance from 3 to 1 during these simulations

Figure 4 shows two important characteristics of the results The first one is that the increase in the total covered area slows down as we increase the number of available stations Even having high increasing factor for few base stations the environment saturation due to the installation of various BS tends to stabilize the total covered area

The second characteristic refers to the reduction of the area covered by each BS as we increase the number of base stations In this way we reduce the number of users attended by each BS and consequently the demand for the communication bandwidth

Covered area by each Base Station ()

Q Base Station 2

Q Base Station 3

U Base Station 4

W Base Station 5

Base Station 6 Total Area







Total Area

se Station 5

Base Station 3

Base Station 1

1 2 3 4 5 6

Number of Base Stations

b I

Figure 4 Covered area by each antenna or base station

Figure 5 presents the final result The three chosen base stations were installed on 3rd floor exactly where the rooms are bigger and have less obstacle interference That figure also shows the signal level at each demand point The attendance on third

346 Session Eight Network Design and Planning

floor is excellent while on fourth floor it is only reasonable It occurs because the base stations are installed on 3rd floor and also due to the great variety of obstacles on 4th floor Despite these problems we were able to cover 86 of our demand area with signal level over 10 db using only the three base stations available

6 Conclusions Wireless local area networks provide great flexibility for their users and introduce sev- eral new questions not treated by wired networks The first question is the WLAN installation itself It is necessary to measure or predict the signal at each point of the demand area locate the base stations and then assign one frequency channel to each base station

This work presented a very simple and efficient integrated integer linear program- ming optimization model for solving both base station placement and fixed frequency channel assignment problems in indoor environments as described in Section 4 Note that the model presented can be applied either when the number of base stations is fixed as in our case or the network designer wants to determine the best possible coverage which will be provided by a given number of base stations

We also described in Section 3 a methodology that we followed to design our W A N It seems to us that this methodology can be repeated in different environments where people want to install a WLAN and there is no previous experience as in our case

This work was developed using a real installation and employed a hardware com- pliant with the recently published IEEE 8021 1 specification This specification is very important as it encourages the development of interoperable WLAN hardware

Our future work will be the analysis of signal curves and try to develop a model where it could be possible to measure the signal in only a few points and expand these measurement by interpolation to obtain the whole demand area signal levels

References [ 13 httpNwwwinicmueduWIRELESSWireless-Infrastructurehtml Wireless An-

drew Project at Carnegie Mellon University USA

[2] B J Bennington and C R Bartel Wireless Andrew Experience Building a High Speed Campus-Wide Wireless Data Network Third Annual ACMIEEE Intema- tional Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (Mobicom) Budapeste Hungary pages 55451997

[3] IEEE 8021 1 IEEE Standard for Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications 1997

Design and Capaciry Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 347

[4] B J Bennington and C R Bartel Wireless Andrew Building a High Speed Campus-Wide Wireless Data Network Special Issue on Wireless Internet and Intranet Access of the ACMBaltzer Joumal Mobile Networks and A(1ications (MONET 1998

[5] R B A Eisenblatter M Grotschel and A Martin Frequency Assignment in Cellular Phone Networks Annals of Operations Research 7673-93 1998

[6] R Fourer D M Gay and B W Kernighan AMPL A Modeling Language for Mathematical Programming Duxbury PressBrooksCole Publishing Company 1993

[7] CPLEX Optimization Using CPLEX Callable Library and CPLEX Mixed Integer Library Version 50 1997

348 Session Eight Network Design and Planning


- Aisles

- Demand area with signal gt 20db

E - Demand ares with signal between 10 and 20db

- Demand area with signal c 1 Wb

- Base Station Candidate Position

Design and Capacity Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 339

Signal Level Variation Along Time








Figure 2 Signal level variation along time

unit was turned around slowly until it completed 360 degrees Thus we tried to repre- sent all possible orientations of the mobile unit for that point With this methodology we obtained approximately 80 signal level values from each BS for each demand point

The next step was to analyze and treat the collected information The BS signal level at a demand point is a discrete function This behavior is because the signal is very susceptible to environment variations

We defined thus a methodology for treating the signal samples For each set of BS signal samples at a demand point we sorted the values obtained at that point After that we discarded 40 of the samples 20 referring to the lower sorted values and other 20 referring to the higher sorted values Although this discard can look very high it is important to minimize the influence of sporadic values of the measured signal on the point The average of the remaining 60 signal samples was the value used to represent the signal on that point

The signal level distribution on an indoor environment can be observed through signal quality maps These maps show the arriving signal level from each candidate BS for each demand point Figure 3 shows the signal quality map for a base station located on an aisle at 3rd floor The X point indicates the BS location Dark colors represent the best signal level inside rooms and laboratories Aisles signals were not measured

Note that the signal level inside a room is approximately constant It occurs be- cause the biggest signal obstacles are walls metal materials (elevators) and the con- crete between floors and rooms This fact shows that our approach of grouping demand points into small but larger groups was valid Another obvious factor responsible for

340 Session Eight Network Design and Planning



- Demand area with signal gt 2Wb

E - Demand area with signal between 10 and ZWb

- Demand area with signal lt 1Wb

- Base Station Candidate Position

Figure 3 Sample of a signal quality map

signal level fall is the distance between the base station and the demand point

34 Interference When installing the WLAN it is necessary to specify the channel frequency to be used by each BS The stations used on our work allow us to choose one and only one channel between 11 available If two adjacent base stations use the same or near channels they can interfere and degrade the network performance

We ran some tests to verify the influence of interference on an IEEE 8021 1 We used two laptops to download two identical files of approximately 20 Mbytes from distinct servers of our wired LAN We ran various tests and verified that the minimal channel distance between two interfering base stations on our environment was three Some scenarios tested are described below Scenario 1 Each laptop downloaded the file on different times through the same base

Design and Capacity Planning of Wireless Local Area Network

Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4 Scenario 5 Scenario 6

34 1

8665 9319 15173 17077 9424 9225 9637 9092

15109 17239

station Scenario 2 Each laptop downloaded the file simultaneously through the same BS Scenario 3 Each laptop downloaded the file simultaneously through different BS us-

ing the same channel frequency The distance between the BS was far away enough to avoid interference between them

Scenario 4 Each laptop downloaded the file simultaneously through different BS us- ing the same channel frequency The BS was close enough so that there was interference between them

Scenario 5 Each laptop downloaded the file simultaneously through different BS with channel distance equal to 1 As the BS was very close there was interfer- ence between them and

Scenario 6 Each laptop downloaded the file simultaneously through different BS with channel distance equal to 3 Although the base stations were very close the distance channel of 3 avoided interference between them

The results provided in Table 1 for each scenario show that the presence of interfer- ence degrades the network performance For only two laptops in different interfering cells the network suffered almost 45 of degradation An adequate channel assign- ment is very important for avoiding interference between the BS and thus improving the wireless network throughput

Scenario I Laptop1 I Laptop2 Scenario 1 1 15132 1 17292

Table 1 Transfer performance (Kbps) according to the scenario operation

The solution adopted to the channel assignment problem consists in sorting the communication channels according to its frequency band and allocating them to the base stations obeying the minimal channel distance Operating on distant frequency bands the stations do not cause interference with each other

4 Optimization Model We developed an integer linear programming optimization model to determine the best placement for the base stations and the adequate channel allocation that would reduce signal interference and improve our WLAN throughput

We do not consider user density as in cellular system models due to two reasons

342 Session Eight Network Design and Planning

The first one is the nature of a WLAN connection In cellular phone systems after establishing a connection it is assumed that the user is talking and its traffic cannot suffer considerable delays Each frequency channel can be used by only one user dur- ing its call Thus when projecting a cellular phone system the user density clearly determines the number of channels allocated to each cell In W A N systems how- ever the communication channel can be shared among various users and some delays are acceptable The presence of various users in a single cell obviously degrades the network throughput but it still allows network accessibility

The second reason is that the initial goal of this work was to cover the maximum demand area As a pilot installation and having very few mobile users the user density was not covered at this phase of our study

41 Optimal BS Placement Problem The optimal base station placement problem consists in distributing the available BS through the demand area to assist the desired covering goal using the minimal number of base stations The covering goal varies accordingly to the design requirements Usual goals are the total coverage of the demand area partial coverage with maximum economical return and coverage with demand supply guaranteed The solution is found using integer linear programming models able to inform the minimal number of base stations needed to meet the desired coverage This approach is traditionally used in cellular phone systems

In our environment however we have a fixed number of available base stations three Our problem is to know what is the best BS placement to meet our demand area and what is the percentage of the total area covered with these base stations

Our solution was to develop an integer linear programming model that given the number of available base stations and the signal level from each candidate BS at each demand point provides the best station placement that maximizes the total area cov- ered This approach provides more flexibility than the traditional one

0 Allows us to inform the number of available base stations This is a typical situation where there is a limited budget

0 Allows us to estimate the number of needed base stations depending on the desired coverage In pilot installations it can be enough to cover only part of the demand area

0 Allows us to assess the obtained gain when installing new base stations in the system and

0 In case a BS fails allows us to assess the placement changes to be applied to the working base stations so that the WLAN can work even without its full capacity until the BS is reinstalled

Design and Capacity Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 343

42 Fixed Channel Assignment Problem The fixed channel assignment problem consists in allocating frequency channels to base stations to attend the demand at each cell and minimize interference between near base stations On traditional cellular phone systems it is allocated various non- interfering channels to each BS The number of allocated channels to each BS is pro- portional to the demand on that cell In our system however we must assign only one frequency channel to each BS conserving the minimal channel distance between near base stations

Despite the fact that there are various solutions proposed for this problem [ 5 ] we decided to develop a very simple model that could give us a good solution efficiently The main idea is to represent our system through a non-directed graph where nodes represent the candidate base stations The existence of an edge between two nodes means that the nodes cause interference between them and therefore if both are in- stalled they must obey the minimal channel distance

43 The Optimization Model The developed integer linear programming model is described as follows Let M be the demand points set N the candidate BS set S the number of available base stations and Ak the set of mutually exclusive base stations Given two or more mutually exclusive BS only one can be selected (installed) Let aj be a boolean variable that assumes value 1 if the station j is selected and 0 otherwise Also let Nj be the set of points attended by station j sij the signal of station j at point i wi the attendance priority of point i and zi the area of point i Let also xij be a decision variable that assumes value 1 when the point i is assigned to station j and 0 otherwise Let also K be the ordered set of available channels Cik the decision variable that assumes value 1 when channel k is assigned to station i and 0 otherwise and let d be the minimal distance channel for the system The model is given by

344 Session Eight Network Design and Planning

subject to

Cik + c c j l 5 1Vk E KV( i j ) E G (7) 1E k - d + 1 k + d - 11

(k - d + 1 2 1) A ( k + d - 1 5 IKl))

The objective function (1) must be maximized as a function of the points that have higher signal level attendance priority and physical area The attendance priority stimulates the attendance of the most important demand points such as points where it is more usual the use of portable computers meeting rooms etc In our experiments all the demand points had the same attendance priority

Constraints (2) to (5) refer to the BS placement problem According to constraint (2) a point can be attended by only one station Although this situation does not occur in the reality this constraint is necessary to let the chosen stations cover the largest number of distinct possible points increasing the total area coverage

Constraint (3) limits the number of available stations for installation Constraint (4) states that only installed base stations can attend demand points Constraint (5) limits in only one the number of mutually exclusive stations that can be selected for each set Ak

Constraints (6) and (7) refer to the fixed frequency channel assignment problem Constraint (6) limits the number of channels to be assigned to each BS Constraint (7) states that if a channel k is allocated to BS i the interfering BS cannot use channels from range k - d + 1 to k + d - 1 In other words this constraint forces base stations to obey the minimal channel distance

The computational model was implemented using the AMPL language [6] inte- grated to CPLEX [7] These are well-known commercial softwares used to solve optimization problems The model was solved in less than 10 seconds running on a Sun SPARCstation Ultra with 128 Mbytes of RAM The solution provided for this particular model is optimum

Design and Capacity Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 345

5 Results We performed two sets of tests with the base stations installed at candidate locations thus obtaining data about six candidate base stations In our study we simulated the use of 1 to 6 stations to observe the increase in the covered demand area despite having only three base stations available To bypass the channel assignment constraints we reduced the minimal channel distance from 3 to 1 during these simulations

Figure 4 shows two important characteristics of the results The first one is that the increase in the total covered area slows down as we increase the number of available stations Even having high increasing factor for few base stations the environment saturation due to the installation of various BS tends to stabilize the total covered area

The second characteristic refers to the reduction of the area covered by each BS as we increase the number of base stations In this way we reduce the number of users attended by each BS and consequently the demand for the communication bandwidth

Covered area by each Base Station ()

Q Base Station 2

Q Base Station 3

U Base Station 4

W Base Station 5

Base Station 6 Total Area







Total Area

se Station 5

Base Station 3

Base Station 1

1 2 3 4 5 6

Number of Base Stations

b I

Figure 4 Covered area by each antenna or base station

Figure 5 presents the final result The three chosen base stations were installed on 3rd floor exactly where the rooms are bigger and have less obstacle interference That figure also shows the signal level at each demand point The attendance on third

346 Session Eight Network Design and Planning

floor is excellent while on fourth floor it is only reasonable It occurs because the base stations are installed on 3rd floor and also due to the great variety of obstacles on 4th floor Despite these problems we were able to cover 86 of our demand area with signal level over 10 db using only the three base stations available

6 Conclusions Wireless local area networks provide great flexibility for their users and introduce sev- eral new questions not treated by wired networks The first question is the WLAN installation itself It is necessary to measure or predict the signal at each point of the demand area locate the base stations and then assign one frequency channel to each base station

This work presented a very simple and efficient integrated integer linear program- ming optimization model for solving both base station placement and fixed frequency channel assignment problems in indoor environments as described in Section 4 Note that the model presented can be applied either when the number of base stations is fixed as in our case or the network designer wants to determine the best possible coverage which will be provided by a given number of base stations

We also described in Section 3 a methodology that we followed to design our W A N It seems to us that this methodology can be repeated in different environments where people want to install a WLAN and there is no previous experience as in our case

This work was developed using a real installation and employed a hardware com- pliant with the recently published IEEE 8021 1 specification This specification is very important as it encourages the development of interoperable WLAN hardware

Our future work will be the analysis of signal curves and try to develop a model where it could be possible to measure the signal in only a few points and expand these measurement by interpolation to obtain the whole demand area signal levels

References [ 13 httpNwwwinicmueduWIRELESSWireless-Infrastructurehtml Wireless An-

drew Project at Carnegie Mellon University USA

[2] B J Bennington and C R Bartel Wireless Andrew Experience Building a High Speed Campus-Wide Wireless Data Network Third Annual ACMIEEE Intema- tional Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (Mobicom) Budapeste Hungary pages 55451997

[3] IEEE 8021 1 IEEE Standard for Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications 1997

Design and Capaciry Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 347

[4] B J Bennington and C R Bartel Wireless Andrew Building a High Speed Campus-Wide Wireless Data Network Special Issue on Wireless Internet and Intranet Access of the ACMBaltzer Joumal Mobile Networks and A(1ications (MONET 1998

[5] R B A Eisenblatter M Grotschel and A Martin Frequency Assignment in Cellular Phone Networks Annals of Operations Research 7673-93 1998

[6] R Fourer D M Gay and B W Kernighan AMPL A Modeling Language for Mathematical Programming Duxbury PressBrooksCole Publishing Company 1993

[7] CPLEX Optimization Using CPLEX Callable Library and CPLEX Mixed Integer Library Version 50 1997

348 Session Eight Network Design and Planning


- Aisles

- Demand area with signal gt 20db

E - Demand ares with signal between 10 and 20db

- Demand area with signal c 1 Wb

- Base Station Candidate Position

340 Session Eight Network Design and Planning



- Demand area with signal gt 2Wb

E - Demand area with signal between 10 and ZWb

- Demand area with signal lt 1Wb

- Base Station Candidate Position

Figure 3 Sample of a signal quality map

signal level fall is the distance between the base station and the demand point

34 Interference When installing the WLAN it is necessary to specify the channel frequency to be used by each BS The stations used on our work allow us to choose one and only one channel between 11 available If two adjacent base stations use the same or near channels they can interfere and degrade the network performance

We ran some tests to verify the influence of interference on an IEEE 8021 1 We used two laptops to download two identical files of approximately 20 Mbytes from distinct servers of our wired LAN We ran various tests and verified that the minimal channel distance between two interfering base stations on our environment was three Some scenarios tested are described below Scenario 1 Each laptop downloaded the file on different times through the same base

Design and Capacity Planning of Wireless Local Area Network

Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4 Scenario 5 Scenario 6

34 1

8665 9319 15173 17077 9424 9225 9637 9092

15109 17239

station Scenario 2 Each laptop downloaded the file simultaneously through the same BS Scenario 3 Each laptop downloaded the file simultaneously through different BS us-

ing the same channel frequency The distance between the BS was far away enough to avoid interference between them

Scenario 4 Each laptop downloaded the file simultaneously through different BS us- ing the same channel frequency The BS was close enough so that there was interference between them

Scenario 5 Each laptop downloaded the file simultaneously through different BS with channel distance equal to 1 As the BS was very close there was interfer- ence between them and

Scenario 6 Each laptop downloaded the file simultaneously through different BS with channel distance equal to 3 Although the base stations were very close the distance channel of 3 avoided interference between them

The results provided in Table 1 for each scenario show that the presence of interfer- ence degrades the network performance For only two laptops in different interfering cells the network suffered almost 45 of degradation An adequate channel assign- ment is very important for avoiding interference between the BS and thus improving the wireless network throughput

Scenario I Laptop1 I Laptop2 Scenario 1 1 15132 1 17292

Table 1 Transfer performance (Kbps) according to the scenario operation

The solution adopted to the channel assignment problem consists in sorting the communication channels according to its frequency band and allocating them to the base stations obeying the minimal channel distance Operating on distant frequency bands the stations do not cause interference with each other

4 Optimization Model We developed an integer linear programming optimization model to determine the best placement for the base stations and the adequate channel allocation that would reduce signal interference and improve our WLAN throughput

We do not consider user density as in cellular system models due to two reasons

342 Session Eight Network Design and Planning

The first one is the nature of a WLAN connection In cellular phone systems after establishing a connection it is assumed that the user is talking and its traffic cannot suffer considerable delays Each frequency channel can be used by only one user dur- ing its call Thus when projecting a cellular phone system the user density clearly determines the number of channels allocated to each cell In W A N systems how- ever the communication channel can be shared among various users and some delays are acceptable The presence of various users in a single cell obviously degrades the network throughput but it still allows network accessibility

The second reason is that the initial goal of this work was to cover the maximum demand area As a pilot installation and having very few mobile users the user density was not covered at this phase of our study

41 Optimal BS Placement Problem The optimal base station placement problem consists in distributing the available BS through the demand area to assist the desired covering goal using the minimal number of base stations The covering goal varies accordingly to the design requirements Usual goals are the total coverage of the demand area partial coverage with maximum economical return and coverage with demand supply guaranteed The solution is found using integer linear programming models able to inform the minimal number of base stations needed to meet the desired coverage This approach is traditionally used in cellular phone systems

In our environment however we have a fixed number of available base stations three Our problem is to know what is the best BS placement to meet our demand area and what is the percentage of the total area covered with these base stations

Our solution was to develop an integer linear programming model that given the number of available base stations and the signal level from each candidate BS at each demand point provides the best station placement that maximizes the total area cov- ered This approach provides more flexibility than the traditional one

0 Allows us to inform the number of available base stations This is a typical situation where there is a limited budget

0 Allows us to estimate the number of needed base stations depending on the desired coverage In pilot installations it can be enough to cover only part of the demand area

0 Allows us to assess the obtained gain when installing new base stations in the system and

0 In case a BS fails allows us to assess the placement changes to be applied to the working base stations so that the WLAN can work even without its full capacity until the BS is reinstalled

Design and Capacity Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 343

42 Fixed Channel Assignment Problem The fixed channel assignment problem consists in allocating frequency channels to base stations to attend the demand at each cell and minimize interference between near base stations On traditional cellular phone systems it is allocated various non- interfering channels to each BS The number of allocated channels to each BS is pro- portional to the demand on that cell In our system however we must assign only one frequency channel to each BS conserving the minimal channel distance between near base stations

Despite the fact that there are various solutions proposed for this problem [ 5 ] we decided to develop a very simple model that could give us a good solution efficiently The main idea is to represent our system through a non-directed graph where nodes represent the candidate base stations The existence of an edge between two nodes means that the nodes cause interference between them and therefore if both are in- stalled they must obey the minimal channel distance

43 The Optimization Model The developed integer linear programming model is described as follows Let M be the demand points set N the candidate BS set S the number of available base stations and Ak the set of mutually exclusive base stations Given two or more mutually exclusive BS only one can be selected (installed) Let aj be a boolean variable that assumes value 1 if the station j is selected and 0 otherwise Also let Nj be the set of points attended by station j sij the signal of station j at point i wi the attendance priority of point i and zi the area of point i Let also xij be a decision variable that assumes value 1 when the point i is assigned to station j and 0 otherwise Let also K be the ordered set of available channels Cik the decision variable that assumes value 1 when channel k is assigned to station i and 0 otherwise and let d be the minimal distance channel for the system The model is given by

344 Session Eight Network Design and Planning

subject to

Cik + c c j l 5 1Vk E KV( i j ) E G (7) 1E k - d + 1 k + d - 11

(k - d + 1 2 1) A ( k + d - 1 5 IKl))

The objective function (1) must be maximized as a function of the points that have higher signal level attendance priority and physical area The attendance priority stimulates the attendance of the most important demand points such as points where it is more usual the use of portable computers meeting rooms etc In our experiments all the demand points had the same attendance priority

Constraints (2) to (5) refer to the BS placement problem According to constraint (2) a point can be attended by only one station Although this situation does not occur in the reality this constraint is necessary to let the chosen stations cover the largest number of distinct possible points increasing the total area coverage

Constraint (3) limits the number of available stations for installation Constraint (4) states that only installed base stations can attend demand points Constraint (5) limits in only one the number of mutually exclusive stations that can be selected for each set Ak

Constraints (6) and (7) refer to the fixed frequency channel assignment problem Constraint (6) limits the number of channels to be assigned to each BS Constraint (7) states that if a channel k is allocated to BS i the interfering BS cannot use channels from range k - d + 1 to k + d - 1 In other words this constraint forces base stations to obey the minimal channel distance

The computational model was implemented using the AMPL language [6] inte- grated to CPLEX [7] These are well-known commercial softwares used to solve optimization problems The model was solved in less than 10 seconds running on a Sun SPARCstation Ultra with 128 Mbytes of RAM The solution provided for this particular model is optimum

Design and Capacity Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 345

5 Results We performed two sets of tests with the base stations installed at candidate locations thus obtaining data about six candidate base stations In our study we simulated the use of 1 to 6 stations to observe the increase in the covered demand area despite having only three base stations available To bypass the channel assignment constraints we reduced the minimal channel distance from 3 to 1 during these simulations

Figure 4 shows two important characteristics of the results The first one is that the increase in the total covered area slows down as we increase the number of available stations Even having high increasing factor for few base stations the environment saturation due to the installation of various BS tends to stabilize the total covered area

The second characteristic refers to the reduction of the area covered by each BS as we increase the number of base stations In this way we reduce the number of users attended by each BS and consequently the demand for the communication bandwidth

Covered area by each Base Station ()

Q Base Station 2

Q Base Station 3

U Base Station 4

W Base Station 5

Base Station 6 Total Area







Total Area

se Station 5

Base Station 3

Base Station 1

1 2 3 4 5 6

Number of Base Stations

b I

Figure 4 Covered area by each antenna or base station

Figure 5 presents the final result The three chosen base stations were installed on 3rd floor exactly where the rooms are bigger and have less obstacle interference That figure also shows the signal level at each demand point The attendance on third

346 Session Eight Network Design and Planning

floor is excellent while on fourth floor it is only reasonable It occurs because the base stations are installed on 3rd floor and also due to the great variety of obstacles on 4th floor Despite these problems we were able to cover 86 of our demand area with signal level over 10 db using only the three base stations available

6 Conclusions Wireless local area networks provide great flexibility for their users and introduce sev- eral new questions not treated by wired networks The first question is the WLAN installation itself It is necessary to measure or predict the signal at each point of the demand area locate the base stations and then assign one frequency channel to each base station

This work presented a very simple and efficient integrated integer linear program- ming optimization model for solving both base station placement and fixed frequency channel assignment problems in indoor environments as described in Section 4 Note that the model presented can be applied either when the number of base stations is fixed as in our case or the network designer wants to determine the best possible coverage which will be provided by a given number of base stations

We also described in Section 3 a methodology that we followed to design our W A N It seems to us that this methodology can be repeated in different environments where people want to install a WLAN and there is no previous experience as in our case

This work was developed using a real installation and employed a hardware com- pliant with the recently published IEEE 8021 1 specification This specification is very important as it encourages the development of interoperable WLAN hardware

Our future work will be the analysis of signal curves and try to develop a model where it could be possible to measure the signal in only a few points and expand these measurement by interpolation to obtain the whole demand area signal levels

References [ 13 httpNwwwinicmueduWIRELESSWireless-Infrastructurehtml Wireless An-

drew Project at Carnegie Mellon University USA

[2] B J Bennington and C R Bartel Wireless Andrew Experience Building a High Speed Campus-Wide Wireless Data Network Third Annual ACMIEEE Intema- tional Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (Mobicom) Budapeste Hungary pages 55451997

[3] IEEE 8021 1 IEEE Standard for Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications 1997

Design and Capaciry Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 347

[4] B J Bennington and C R Bartel Wireless Andrew Building a High Speed Campus-Wide Wireless Data Network Special Issue on Wireless Internet and Intranet Access of the ACMBaltzer Joumal Mobile Networks and A(1ications (MONET 1998

[5] R B A Eisenblatter M Grotschel and A Martin Frequency Assignment in Cellular Phone Networks Annals of Operations Research 7673-93 1998

[6] R Fourer D M Gay and B W Kernighan AMPL A Modeling Language for Mathematical Programming Duxbury PressBrooksCole Publishing Company 1993

[7] CPLEX Optimization Using CPLEX Callable Library and CPLEX Mixed Integer Library Version 50 1997

348 Session Eight Network Design and Planning


- Aisles

- Demand area with signal gt 20db

E - Demand ares with signal between 10 and 20db

- Demand area with signal c 1 Wb

- Base Station Candidate Position

Design and Capacity Planning of Wireless Local Area Network

Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4 Scenario 5 Scenario 6

34 1

8665 9319 15173 17077 9424 9225 9637 9092

15109 17239

station Scenario 2 Each laptop downloaded the file simultaneously through the same BS Scenario 3 Each laptop downloaded the file simultaneously through different BS us-

ing the same channel frequency The distance between the BS was far away enough to avoid interference between them

Scenario 4 Each laptop downloaded the file simultaneously through different BS us- ing the same channel frequency The BS was close enough so that there was interference between them

Scenario 5 Each laptop downloaded the file simultaneously through different BS with channel distance equal to 1 As the BS was very close there was interfer- ence between them and

Scenario 6 Each laptop downloaded the file simultaneously through different BS with channel distance equal to 3 Although the base stations were very close the distance channel of 3 avoided interference between them

The results provided in Table 1 for each scenario show that the presence of interfer- ence degrades the network performance For only two laptops in different interfering cells the network suffered almost 45 of degradation An adequate channel assign- ment is very important for avoiding interference between the BS and thus improving the wireless network throughput

Scenario I Laptop1 I Laptop2 Scenario 1 1 15132 1 17292

Table 1 Transfer performance (Kbps) according to the scenario operation

The solution adopted to the channel assignment problem consists in sorting the communication channels according to its frequency band and allocating them to the base stations obeying the minimal channel distance Operating on distant frequency bands the stations do not cause interference with each other

4 Optimization Model We developed an integer linear programming optimization model to determine the best placement for the base stations and the adequate channel allocation that would reduce signal interference and improve our WLAN throughput

We do not consider user density as in cellular system models due to two reasons

342 Session Eight Network Design and Planning

The first one is the nature of a WLAN connection In cellular phone systems after establishing a connection it is assumed that the user is talking and its traffic cannot suffer considerable delays Each frequency channel can be used by only one user dur- ing its call Thus when projecting a cellular phone system the user density clearly determines the number of channels allocated to each cell In W A N systems how- ever the communication channel can be shared among various users and some delays are acceptable The presence of various users in a single cell obviously degrades the network throughput but it still allows network accessibility

The second reason is that the initial goal of this work was to cover the maximum demand area As a pilot installation and having very few mobile users the user density was not covered at this phase of our study

41 Optimal BS Placement Problem The optimal base station placement problem consists in distributing the available BS through the demand area to assist the desired covering goal using the minimal number of base stations The covering goal varies accordingly to the design requirements Usual goals are the total coverage of the demand area partial coverage with maximum economical return and coverage with demand supply guaranteed The solution is found using integer linear programming models able to inform the minimal number of base stations needed to meet the desired coverage This approach is traditionally used in cellular phone systems

In our environment however we have a fixed number of available base stations three Our problem is to know what is the best BS placement to meet our demand area and what is the percentage of the total area covered with these base stations

Our solution was to develop an integer linear programming model that given the number of available base stations and the signal level from each candidate BS at each demand point provides the best station placement that maximizes the total area cov- ered This approach provides more flexibility than the traditional one

0 Allows us to inform the number of available base stations This is a typical situation where there is a limited budget

0 Allows us to estimate the number of needed base stations depending on the desired coverage In pilot installations it can be enough to cover only part of the demand area

0 Allows us to assess the obtained gain when installing new base stations in the system and

0 In case a BS fails allows us to assess the placement changes to be applied to the working base stations so that the WLAN can work even without its full capacity until the BS is reinstalled

Design and Capacity Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 343

42 Fixed Channel Assignment Problem The fixed channel assignment problem consists in allocating frequency channels to base stations to attend the demand at each cell and minimize interference between near base stations On traditional cellular phone systems it is allocated various non- interfering channels to each BS The number of allocated channels to each BS is pro- portional to the demand on that cell In our system however we must assign only one frequency channel to each BS conserving the minimal channel distance between near base stations

Despite the fact that there are various solutions proposed for this problem [ 5 ] we decided to develop a very simple model that could give us a good solution efficiently The main idea is to represent our system through a non-directed graph where nodes represent the candidate base stations The existence of an edge between two nodes means that the nodes cause interference between them and therefore if both are in- stalled they must obey the minimal channel distance

43 The Optimization Model The developed integer linear programming model is described as follows Let M be the demand points set N the candidate BS set S the number of available base stations and Ak the set of mutually exclusive base stations Given two or more mutually exclusive BS only one can be selected (installed) Let aj be a boolean variable that assumes value 1 if the station j is selected and 0 otherwise Also let Nj be the set of points attended by station j sij the signal of station j at point i wi the attendance priority of point i and zi the area of point i Let also xij be a decision variable that assumes value 1 when the point i is assigned to station j and 0 otherwise Let also K be the ordered set of available channels Cik the decision variable that assumes value 1 when channel k is assigned to station i and 0 otherwise and let d be the minimal distance channel for the system The model is given by

344 Session Eight Network Design and Planning

subject to

Cik + c c j l 5 1Vk E KV( i j ) E G (7) 1E k - d + 1 k + d - 11

(k - d + 1 2 1) A ( k + d - 1 5 IKl))

The objective function (1) must be maximized as a function of the points that have higher signal level attendance priority and physical area The attendance priority stimulates the attendance of the most important demand points such as points where it is more usual the use of portable computers meeting rooms etc In our experiments all the demand points had the same attendance priority

Constraints (2) to (5) refer to the BS placement problem According to constraint (2) a point can be attended by only one station Although this situation does not occur in the reality this constraint is necessary to let the chosen stations cover the largest number of distinct possible points increasing the total area coverage

Constraint (3) limits the number of available stations for installation Constraint (4) states that only installed base stations can attend demand points Constraint (5) limits in only one the number of mutually exclusive stations that can be selected for each set Ak

Constraints (6) and (7) refer to the fixed frequency channel assignment problem Constraint (6) limits the number of channels to be assigned to each BS Constraint (7) states that if a channel k is allocated to BS i the interfering BS cannot use channels from range k - d + 1 to k + d - 1 In other words this constraint forces base stations to obey the minimal channel distance

The computational model was implemented using the AMPL language [6] inte- grated to CPLEX [7] These are well-known commercial softwares used to solve optimization problems The model was solved in less than 10 seconds running on a Sun SPARCstation Ultra with 128 Mbytes of RAM The solution provided for this particular model is optimum

Design and Capacity Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 345

5 Results We performed two sets of tests with the base stations installed at candidate locations thus obtaining data about six candidate base stations In our study we simulated the use of 1 to 6 stations to observe the increase in the covered demand area despite having only three base stations available To bypass the channel assignment constraints we reduced the minimal channel distance from 3 to 1 during these simulations

Figure 4 shows two important characteristics of the results The first one is that the increase in the total covered area slows down as we increase the number of available stations Even having high increasing factor for few base stations the environment saturation due to the installation of various BS tends to stabilize the total covered area

The second characteristic refers to the reduction of the area covered by each BS as we increase the number of base stations In this way we reduce the number of users attended by each BS and consequently the demand for the communication bandwidth

Covered area by each Base Station ()

Q Base Station 2

Q Base Station 3

U Base Station 4

W Base Station 5

Base Station 6 Total Area







Total Area

se Station 5

Base Station 3

Base Station 1

1 2 3 4 5 6

Number of Base Stations

b I

Figure 4 Covered area by each antenna or base station

Figure 5 presents the final result The three chosen base stations were installed on 3rd floor exactly where the rooms are bigger and have less obstacle interference That figure also shows the signal level at each demand point The attendance on third

346 Session Eight Network Design and Planning

floor is excellent while on fourth floor it is only reasonable It occurs because the base stations are installed on 3rd floor and also due to the great variety of obstacles on 4th floor Despite these problems we were able to cover 86 of our demand area with signal level over 10 db using only the three base stations available

6 Conclusions Wireless local area networks provide great flexibility for their users and introduce sev- eral new questions not treated by wired networks The first question is the WLAN installation itself It is necessary to measure or predict the signal at each point of the demand area locate the base stations and then assign one frequency channel to each base station

This work presented a very simple and efficient integrated integer linear program- ming optimization model for solving both base station placement and fixed frequency channel assignment problems in indoor environments as described in Section 4 Note that the model presented can be applied either when the number of base stations is fixed as in our case or the network designer wants to determine the best possible coverage which will be provided by a given number of base stations

We also described in Section 3 a methodology that we followed to design our W A N It seems to us that this methodology can be repeated in different environments where people want to install a WLAN and there is no previous experience as in our case

This work was developed using a real installation and employed a hardware com- pliant with the recently published IEEE 8021 1 specification This specification is very important as it encourages the development of interoperable WLAN hardware

Our future work will be the analysis of signal curves and try to develop a model where it could be possible to measure the signal in only a few points and expand these measurement by interpolation to obtain the whole demand area signal levels

References [ 13 httpNwwwinicmueduWIRELESSWireless-Infrastructurehtml Wireless An-

drew Project at Carnegie Mellon University USA

[2] B J Bennington and C R Bartel Wireless Andrew Experience Building a High Speed Campus-Wide Wireless Data Network Third Annual ACMIEEE Intema- tional Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (Mobicom) Budapeste Hungary pages 55451997

[3] IEEE 8021 1 IEEE Standard for Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications 1997

Design and Capaciry Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 347

[4] B J Bennington and C R Bartel Wireless Andrew Building a High Speed Campus-Wide Wireless Data Network Special Issue on Wireless Internet and Intranet Access of the ACMBaltzer Joumal Mobile Networks and A(1ications (MONET 1998

[5] R B A Eisenblatter M Grotschel and A Martin Frequency Assignment in Cellular Phone Networks Annals of Operations Research 7673-93 1998

[6] R Fourer D M Gay and B W Kernighan AMPL A Modeling Language for Mathematical Programming Duxbury PressBrooksCole Publishing Company 1993

[7] CPLEX Optimization Using CPLEX Callable Library and CPLEX Mixed Integer Library Version 50 1997

348 Session Eight Network Design and Planning


- Aisles

- Demand area with signal gt 20db

E - Demand ares with signal between 10 and 20db

- Demand area with signal c 1 Wb

- Base Station Candidate Position

342 Session Eight Network Design and Planning

The first one is the nature of a WLAN connection In cellular phone systems after establishing a connection it is assumed that the user is talking and its traffic cannot suffer considerable delays Each frequency channel can be used by only one user dur- ing its call Thus when projecting a cellular phone system the user density clearly determines the number of channels allocated to each cell In W A N systems how- ever the communication channel can be shared among various users and some delays are acceptable The presence of various users in a single cell obviously degrades the network throughput but it still allows network accessibility

The second reason is that the initial goal of this work was to cover the maximum demand area As a pilot installation and having very few mobile users the user density was not covered at this phase of our study

41 Optimal BS Placement Problem The optimal base station placement problem consists in distributing the available BS through the demand area to assist the desired covering goal using the minimal number of base stations The covering goal varies accordingly to the design requirements Usual goals are the total coverage of the demand area partial coverage with maximum economical return and coverage with demand supply guaranteed The solution is found using integer linear programming models able to inform the minimal number of base stations needed to meet the desired coverage This approach is traditionally used in cellular phone systems

In our environment however we have a fixed number of available base stations three Our problem is to know what is the best BS placement to meet our demand area and what is the percentage of the total area covered with these base stations

Our solution was to develop an integer linear programming model that given the number of available base stations and the signal level from each candidate BS at each demand point provides the best station placement that maximizes the total area cov- ered This approach provides more flexibility than the traditional one

0 Allows us to inform the number of available base stations This is a typical situation where there is a limited budget

0 Allows us to estimate the number of needed base stations depending on the desired coverage In pilot installations it can be enough to cover only part of the demand area

0 Allows us to assess the obtained gain when installing new base stations in the system and

0 In case a BS fails allows us to assess the placement changes to be applied to the working base stations so that the WLAN can work even without its full capacity until the BS is reinstalled

Design and Capacity Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 343

42 Fixed Channel Assignment Problem The fixed channel assignment problem consists in allocating frequency channels to base stations to attend the demand at each cell and minimize interference between near base stations On traditional cellular phone systems it is allocated various non- interfering channels to each BS The number of allocated channels to each BS is pro- portional to the demand on that cell In our system however we must assign only one frequency channel to each BS conserving the minimal channel distance between near base stations

Despite the fact that there are various solutions proposed for this problem [ 5 ] we decided to develop a very simple model that could give us a good solution efficiently The main idea is to represent our system through a non-directed graph where nodes represent the candidate base stations The existence of an edge between two nodes means that the nodes cause interference between them and therefore if both are in- stalled they must obey the minimal channel distance

43 The Optimization Model The developed integer linear programming model is described as follows Let M be the demand points set N the candidate BS set S the number of available base stations and Ak the set of mutually exclusive base stations Given two or more mutually exclusive BS only one can be selected (installed) Let aj be a boolean variable that assumes value 1 if the station j is selected and 0 otherwise Also let Nj be the set of points attended by station j sij the signal of station j at point i wi the attendance priority of point i and zi the area of point i Let also xij be a decision variable that assumes value 1 when the point i is assigned to station j and 0 otherwise Let also K be the ordered set of available channels Cik the decision variable that assumes value 1 when channel k is assigned to station i and 0 otherwise and let d be the minimal distance channel for the system The model is given by

344 Session Eight Network Design and Planning

subject to

Cik + c c j l 5 1Vk E KV( i j ) E G (7) 1E k - d + 1 k + d - 11

(k - d + 1 2 1) A ( k + d - 1 5 IKl))

The objective function (1) must be maximized as a function of the points that have higher signal level attendance priority and physical area The attendance priority stimulates the attendance of the most important demand points such as points where it is more usual the use of portable computers meeting rooms etc In our experiments all the demand points had the same attendance priority

Constraints (2) to (5) refer to the BS placement problem According to constraint (2) a point can be attended by only one station Although this situation does not occur in the reality this constraint is necessary to let the chosen stations cover the largest number of distinct possible points increasing the total area coverage

Constraint (3) limits the number of available stations for installation Constraint (4) states that only installed base stations can attend demand points Constraint (5) limits in only one the number of mutually exclusive stations that can be selected for each set Ak

Constraints (6) and (7) refer to the fixed frequency channel assignment problem Constraint (6) limits the number of channels to be assigned to each BS Constraint (7) states that if a channel k is allocated to BS i the interfering BS cannot use channels from range k - d + 1 to k + d - 1 In other words this constraint forces base stations to obey the minimal channel distance

The computational model was implemented using the AMPL language [6] inte- grated to CPLEX [7] These are well-known commercial softwares used to solve optimization problems The model was solved in less than 10 seconds running on a Sun SPARCstation Ultra with 128 Mbytes of RAM The solution provided for this particular model is optimum

Design and Capacity Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 345

5 Results We performed two sets of tests with the base stations installed at candidate locations thus obtaining data about six candidate base stations In our study we simulated the use of 1 to 6 stations to observe the increase in the covered demand area despite having only three base stations available To bypass the channel assignment constraints we reduced the minimal channel distance from 3 to 1 during these simulations

Figure 4 shows two important characteristics of the results The first one is that the increase in the total covered area slows down as we increase the number of available stations Even having high increasing factor for few base stations the environment saturation due to the installation of various BS tends to stabilize the total covered area

The second characteristic refers to the reduction of the area covered by each BS as we increase the number of base stations In this way we reduce the number of users attended by each BS and consequently the demand for the communication bandwidth

Covered area by each Base Station ()

Q Base Station 2

Q Base Station 3

U Base Station 4

W Base Station 5

Base Station 6 Total Area







Total Area

se Station 5

Base Station 3

Base Station 1

1 2 3 4 5 6

Number of Base Stations

b I

Figure 4 Covered area by each antenna or base station

Figure 5 presents the final result The three chosen base stations were installed on 3rd floor exactly where the rooms are bigger and have less obstacle interference That figure also shows the signal level at each demand point The attendance on third

346 Session Eight Network Design and Planning

floor is excellent while on fourth floor it is only reasonable It occurs because the base stations are installed on 3rd floor and also due to the great variety of obstacles on 4th floor Despite these problems we were able to cover 86 of our demand area with signal level over 10 db using only the three base stations available

6 Conclusions Wireless local area networks provide great flexibility for their users and introduce sev- eral new questions not treated by wired networks The first question is the WLAN installation itself It is necessary to measure or predict the signal at each point of the demand area locate the base stations and then assign one frequency channel to each base station

This work presented a very simple and efficient integrated integer linear program- ming optimization model for solving both base station placement and fixed frequency channel assignment problems in indoor environments as described in Section 4 Note that the model presented can be applied either when the number of base stations is fixed as in our case or the network designer wants to determine the best possible coverage which will be provided by a given number of base stations

We also described in Section 3 a methodology that we followed to design our W A N It seems to us that this methodology can be repeated in different environments where people want to install a WLAN and there is no previous experience as in our case

This work was developed using a real installation and employed a hardware com- pliant with the recently published IEEE 8021 1 specification This specification is very important as it encourages the development of interoperable WLAN hardware

Our future work will be the analysis of signal curves and try to develop a model where it could be possible to measure the signal in only a few points and expand these measurement by interpolation to obtain the whole demand area signal levels

References [ 13 httpNwwwinicmueduWIRELESSWireless-Infrastructurehtml Wireless An-

drew Project at Carnegie Mellon University USA

[2] B J Bennington and C R Bartel Wireless Andrew Experience Building a High Speed Campus-Wide Wireless Data Network Third Annual ACMIEEE Intema- tional Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (Mobicom) Budapeste Hungary pages 55451997

[3] IEEE 8021 1 IEEE Standard for Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications 1997

Design and Capaciry Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 347

[4] B J Bennington and C R Bartel Wireless Andrew Building a High Speed Campus-Wide Wireless Data Network Special Issue on Wireless Internet and Intranet Access of the ACMBaltzer Joumal Mobile Networks and A(1ications (MONET 1998

[5] R B A Eisenblatter M Grotschel and A Martin Frequency Assignment in Cellular Phone Networks Annals of Operations Research 7673-93 1998

[6] R Fourer D M Gay and B W Kernighan AMPL A Modeling Language for Mathematical Programming Duxbury PressBrooksCole Publishing Company 1993

[7] CPLEX Optimization Using CPLEX Callable Library and CPLEX Mixed Integer Library Version 50 1997

348 Session Eight Network Design and Planning


- Aisles

- Demand area with signal gt 20db

E - Demand ares with signal between 10 and 20db

- Demand area with signal c 1 Wb

- Base Station Candidate Position

Design and Capacity Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 343

42 Fixed Channel Assignment Problem The fixed channel assignment problem consists in allocating frequency channels to base stations to attend the demand at each cell and minimize interference between near base stations On traditional cellular phone systems it is allocated various non- interfering channels to each BS The number of allocated channels to each BS is pro- portional to the demand on that cell In our system however we must assign only one frequency channel to each BS conserving the minimal channel distance between near base stations

Despite the fact that there are various solutions proposed for this problem [ 5 ] we decided to develop a very simple model that could give us a good solution efficiently The main idea is to represent our system through a non-directed graph where nodes represent the candidate base stations The existence of an edge between two nodes means that the nodes cause interference between them and therefore if both are in- stalled they must obey the minimal channel distance

43 The Optimization Model The developed integer linear programming model is described as follows Let M be the demand points set N the candidate BS set S the number of available base stations and Ak the set of mutually exclusive base stations Given two or more mutually exclusive BS only one can be selected (installed) Let aj be a boolean variable that assumes value 1 if the station j is selected and 0 otherwise Also let Nj be the set of points attended by station j sij the signal of station j at point i wi the attendance priority of point i and zi the area of point i Let also xij be a decision variable that assumes value 1 when the point i is assigned to station j and 0 otherwise Let also K be the ordered set of available channels Cik the decision variable that assumes value 1 when channel k is assigned to station i and 0 otherwise and let d be the minimal distance channel for the system The model is given by

344 Session Eight Network Design and Planning

subject to

Cik + c c j l 5 1Vk E KV( i j ) E G (7) 1E k - d + 1 k + d - 11

(k - d + 1 2 1) A ( k + d - 1 5 IKl))

The objective function (1) must be maximized as a function of the points that have higher signal level attendance priority and physical area The attendance priority stimulates the attendance of the most important demand points such as points where it is more usual the use of portable computers meeting rooms etc In our experiments all the demand points had the same attendance priority

Constraints (2) to (5) refer to the BS placement problem According to constraint (2) a point can be attended by only one station Although this situation does not occur in the reality this constraint is necessary to let the chosen stations cover the largest number of distinct possible points increasing the total area coverage

Constraint (3) limits the number of available stations for installation Constraint (4) states that only installed base stations can attend demand points Constraint (5) limits in only one the number of mutually exclusive stations that can be selected for each set Ak

Constraints (6) and (7) refer to the fixed frequency channel assignment problem Constraint (6) limits the number of channels to be assigned to each BS Constraint (7) states that if a channel k is allocated to BS i the interfering BS cannot use channels from range k - d + 1 to k + d - 1 In other words this constraint forces base stations to obey the minimal channel distance

The computational model was implemented using the AMPL language [6] inte- grated to CPLEX [7] These are well-known commercial softwares used to solve optimization problems The model was solved in less than 10 seconds running on a Sun SPARCstation Ultra with 128 Mbytes of RAM The solution provided for this particular model is optimum

Design and Capacity Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 345

5 Results We performed two sets of tests with the base stations installed at candidate locations thus obtaining data about six candidate base stations In our study we simulated the use of 1 to 6 stations to observe the increase in the covered demand area despite having only three base stations available To bypass the channel assignment constraints we reduced the minimal channel distance from 3 to 1 during these simulations

Figure 4 shows two important characteristics of the results The first one is that the increase in the total covered area slows down as we increase the number of available stations Even having high increasing factor for few base stations the environment saturation due to the installation of various BS tends to stabilize the total covered area

The second characteristic refers to the reduction of the area covered by each BS as we increase the number of base stations In this way we reduce the number of users attended by each BS and consequently the demand for the communication bandwidth

Covered area by each Base Station ()

Q Base Station 2

Q Base Station 3

U Base Station 4

W Base Station 5

Base Station 6 Total Area







Total Area

se Station 5

Base Station 3

Base Station 1

1 2 3 4 5 6

Number of Base Stations

b I

Figure 4 Covered area by each antenna or base station

Figure 5 presents the final result The three chosen base stations were installed on 3rd floor exactly where the rooms are bigger and have less obstacle interference That figure also shows the signal level at each demand point The attendance on third

346 Session Eight Network Design and Planning

floor is excellent while on fourth floor it is only reasonable It occurs because the base stations are installed on 3rd floor and also due to the great variety of obstacles on 4th floor Despite these problems we were able to cover 86 of our demand area with signal level over 10 db using only the three base stations available

6 Conclusions Wireless local area networks provide great flexibility for their users and introduce sev- eral new questions not treated by wired networks The first question is the WLAN installation itself It is necessary to measure or predict the signal at each point of the demand area locate the base stations and then assign one frequency channel to each base station

This work presented a very simple and efficient integrated integer linear program- ming optimization model for solving both base station placement and fixed frequency channel assignment problems in indoor environments as described in Section 4 Note that the model presented can be applied either when the number of base stations is fixed as in our case or the network designer wants to determine the best possible coverage which will be provided by a given number of base stations

We also described in Section 3 a methodology that we followed to design our W A N It seems to us that this methodology can be repeated in different environments where people want to install a WLAN and there is no previous experience as in our case

This work was developed using a real installation and employed a hardware com- pliant with the recently published IEEE 8021 1 specification This specification is very important as it encourages the development of interoperable WLAN hardware

Our future work will be the analysis of signal curves and try to develop a model where it could be possible to measure the signal in only a few points and expand these measurement by interpolation to obtain the whole demand area signal levels

References [ 13 httpNwwwinicmueduWIRELESSWireless-Infrastructurehtml Wireless An-

drew Project at Carnegie Mellon University USA

[2] B J Bennington and C R Bartel Wireless Andrew Experience Building a High Speed Campus-Wide Wireless Data Network Third Annual ACMIEEE Intema- tional Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (Mobicom) Budapeste Hungary pages 55451997

[3] IEEE 8021 1 IEEE Standard for Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications 1997

Design and Capaciry Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 347

[4] B J Bennington and C R Bartel Wireless Andrew Building a High Speed Campus-Wide Wireless Data Network Special Issue on Wireless Internet and Intranet Access of the ACMBaltzer Joumal Mobile Networks and A(1ications (MONET 1998

[5] R B A Eisenblatter M Grotschel and A Martin Frequency Assignment in Cellular Phone Networks Annals of Operations Research 7673-93 1998

[6] R Fourer D M Gay and B W Kernighan AMPL A Modeling Language for Mathematical Programming Duxbury PressBrooksCole Publishing Company 1993

[7] CPLEX Optimization Using CPLEX Callable Library and CPLEX Mixed Integer Library Version 50 1997

348 Session Eight Network Design and Planning


- Aisles

- Demand area with signal gt 20db

E - Demand ares with signal between 10 and 20db

- Demand area with signal c 1 Wb

- Base Station Candidate Position

344 Session Eight Network Design and Planning

subject to

Cik + c c j l 5 1Vk E KV( i j ) E G (7) 1E k - d + 1 k + d - 11

(k - d + 1 2 1) A ( k + d - 1 5 IKl))

The objective function (1) must be maximized as a function of the points that have higher signal level attendance priority and physical area The attendance priority stimulates the attendance of the most important demand points such as points where it is more usual the use of portable computers meeting rooms etc In our experiments all the demand points had the same attendance priority

Constraints (2) to (5) refer to the BS placement problem According to constraint (2) a point can be attended by only one station Although this situation does not occur in the reality this constraint is necessary to let the chosen stations cover the largest number of distinct possible points increasing the total area coverage

Constraint (3) limits the number of available stations for installation Constraint (4) states that only installed base stations can attend demand points Constraint (5) limits in only one the number of mutually exclusive stations that can be selected for each set Ak

Constraints (6) and (7) refer to the fixed frequency channel assignment problem Constraint (6) limits the number of channels to be assigned to each BS Constraint (7) states that if a channel k is allocated to BS i the interfering BS cannot use channels from range k - d + 1 to k + d - 1 In other words this constraint forces base stations to obey the minimal channel distance

The computational model was implemented using the AMPL language [6] inte- grated to CPLEX [7] These are well-known commercial softwares used to solve optimization problems The model was solved in less than 10 seconds running on a Sun SPARCstation Ultra with 128 Mbytes of RAM The solution provided for this particular model is optimum

Design and Capacity Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 345

5 Results We performed two sets of tests with the base stations installed at candidate locations thus obtaining data about six candidate base stations In our study we simulated the use of 1 to 6 stations to observe the increase in the covered demand area despite having only three base stations available To bypass the channel assignment constraints we reduced the minimal channel distance from 3 to 1 during these simulations

Figure 4 shows two important characteristics of the results The first one is that the increase in the total covered area slows down as we increase the number of available stations Even having high increasing factor for few base stations the environment saturation due to the installation of various BS tends to stabilize the total covered area

The second characteristic refers to the reduction of the area covered by each BS as we increase the number of base stations In this way we reduce the number of users attended by each BS and consequently the demand for the communication bandwidth

Covered area by each Base Station ()

Q Base Station 2

Q Base Station 3

U Base Station 4

W Base Station 5

Base Station 6 Total Area







Total Area

se Station 5

Base Station 3

Base Station 1

1 2 3 4 5 6

Number of Base Stations

b I

Figure 4 Covered area by each antenna or base station

Figure 5 presents the final result The three chosen base stations were installed on 3rd floor exactly where the rooms are bigger and have less obstacle interference That figure also shows the signal level at each demand point The attendance on third

346 Session Eight Network Design and Planning

floor is excellent while on fourth floor it is only reasonable It occurs because the base stations are installed on 3rd floor and also due to the great variety of obstacles on 4th floor Despite these problems we were able to cover 86 of our demand area with signal level over 10 db using only the three base stations available

6 Conclusions Wireless local area networks provide great flexibility for their users and introduce sev- eral new questions not treated by wired networks The first question is the WLAN installation itself It is necessary to measure or predict the signal at each point of the demand area locate the base stations and then assign one frequency channel to each base station

This work presented a very simple and efficient integrated integer linear program- ming optimization model for solving both base station placement and fixed frequency channel assignment problems in indoor environments as described in Section 4 Note that the model presented can be applied either when the number of base stations is fixed as in our case or the network designer wants to determine the best possible coverage which will be provided by a given number of base stations

We also described in Section 3 a methodology that we followed to design our W A N It seems to us that this methodology can be repeated in different environments where people want to install a WLAN and there is no previous experience as in our case

This work was developed using a real installation and employed a hardware com- pliant with the recently published IEEE 8021 1 specification This specification is very important as it encourages the development of interoperable WLAN hardware

Our future work will be the analysis of signal curves and try to develop a model where it could be possible to measure the signal in only a few points and expand these measurement by interpolation to obtain the whole demand area signal levels

References [ 13 httpNwwwinicmueduWIRELESSWireless-Infrastructurehtml Wireless An-

drew Project at Carnegie Mellon University USA

[2] B J Bennington and C R Bartel Wireless Andrew Experience Building a High Speed Campus-Wide Wireless Data Network Third Annual ACMIEEE Intema- tional Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (Mobicom) Budapeste Hungary pages 55451997

[3] IEEE 8021 1 IEEE Standard for Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications 1997

Design and Capaciry Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 347

[4] B J Bennington and C R Bartel Wireless Andrew Building a High Speed Campus-Wide Wireless Data Network Special Issue on Wireless Internet and Intranet Access of the ACMBaltzer Joumal Mobile Networks and A(1ications (MONET 1998

[5] R B A Eisenblatter M Grotschel and A Martin Frequency Assignment in Cellular Phone Networks Annals of Operations Research 7673-93 1998

[6] R Fourer D M Gay and B W Kernighan AMPL A Modeling Language for Mathematical Programming Duxbury PressBrooksCole Publishing Company 1993

[7] CPLEX Optimization Using CPLEX Callable Library and CPLEX Mixed Integer Library Version 50 1997

348 Session Eight Network Design and Planning


- Aisles

- Demand area with signal gt 20db

E - Demand ares with signal between 10 and 20db

- Demand area with signal c 1 Wb

- Base Station Candidate Position

Design and Capacity Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 345

5 Results We performed two sets of tests with the base stations installed at candidate locations thus obtaining data about six candidate base stations In our study we simulated the use of 1 to 6 stations to observe the increase in the covered demand area despite having only three base stations available To bypass the channel assignment constraints we reduced the minimal channel distance from 3 to 1 during these simulations

Figure 4 shows two important characteristics of the results The first one is that the increase in the total covered area slows down as we increase the number of available stations Even having high increasing factor for few base stations the environment saturation due to the installation of various BS tends to stabilize the total covered area

The second characteristic refers to the reduction of the area covered by each BS as we increase the number of base stations In this way we reduce the number of users attended by each BS and consequently the demand for the communication bandwidth

Covered area by each Base Station ()

Q Base Station 2

Q Base Station 3

U Base Station 4

W Base Station 5

Base Station 6 Total Area







Total Area

se Station 5

Base Station 3

Base Station 1

1 2 3 4 5 6

Number of Base Stations

b I

Figure 4 Covered area by each antenna or base station

Figure 5 presents the final result The three chosen base stations were installed on 3rd floor exactly where the rooms are bigger and have less obstacle interference That figure also shows the signal level at each demand point The attendance on third

346 Session Eight Network Design and Planning

floor is excellent while on fourth floor it is only reasonable It occurs because the base stations are installed on 3rd floor and also due to the great variety of obstacles on 4th floor Despite these problems we were able to cover 86 of our demand area with signal level over 10 db using only the three base stations available

6 Conclusions Wireless local area networks provide great flexibility for their users and introduce sev- eral new questions not treated by wired networks The first question is the WLAN installation itself It is necessary to measure or predict the signal at each point of the demand area locate the base stations and then assign one frequency channel to each base station

This work presented a very simple and efficient integrated integer linear program- ming optimization model for solving both base station placement and fixed frequency channel assignment problems in indoor environments as described in Section 4 Note that the model presented can be applied either when the number of base stations is fixed as in our case or the network designer wants to determine the best possible coverage which will be provided by a given number of base stations

We also described in Section 3 a methodology that we followed to design our W A N It seems to us that this methodology can be repeated in different environments where people want to install a WLAN and there is no previous experience as in our case

This work was developed using a real installation and employed a hardware com- pliant with the recently published IEEE 8021 1 specification This specification is very important as it encourages the development of interoperable WLAN hardware

Our future work will be the analysis of signal curves and try to develop a model where it could be possible to measure the signal in only a few points and expand these measurement by interpolation to obtain the whole demand area signal levels

References [ 13 httpNwwwinicmueduWIRELESSWireless-Infrastructurehtml Wireless An-

drew Project at Carnegie Mellon University USA

[2] B J Bennington and C R Bartel Wireless Andrew Experience Building a High Speed Campus-Wide Wireless Data Network Third Annual ACMIEEE Intema- tional Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (Mobicom) Budapeste Hungary pages 55451997

[3] IEEE 8021 1 IEEE Standard for Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications 1997

Design and Capaciry Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 347

[4] B J Bennington and C R Bartel Wireless Andrew Building a High Speed Campus-Wide Wireless Data Network Special Issue on Wireless Internet and Intranet Access of the ACMBaltzer Joumal Mobile Networks and A(1ications (MONET 1998

[5] R B A Eisenblatter M Grotschel and A Martin Frequency Assignment in Cellular Phone Networks Annals of Operations Research 7673-93 1998

[6] R Fourer D M Gay and B W Kernighan AMPL A Modeling Language for Mathematical Programming Duxbury PressBrooksCole Publishing Company 1993

[7] CPLEX Optimization Using CPLEX Callable Library and CPLEX Mixed Integer Library Version 50 1997

348 Session Eight Network Design and Planning


- Aisles

- Demand area with signal gt 20db

E - Demand ares with signal between 10 and 20db

- Demand area with signal c 1 Wb

- Base Station Candidate Position

346 Session Eight Network Design and Planning

floor is excellent while on fourth floor it is only reasonable It occurs because the base stations are installed on 3rd floor and also due to the great variety of obstacles on 4th floor Despite these problems we were able to cover 86 of our demand area with signal level over 10 db using only the three base stations available

6 Conclusions Wireless local area networks provide great flexibility for their users and introduce sev- eral new questions not treated by wired networks The first question is the WLAN installation itself It is necessary to measure or predict the signal at each point of the demand area locate the base stations and then assign one frequency channel to each base station

This work presented a very simple and efficient integrated integer linear program- ming optimization model for solving both base station placement and fixed frequency channel assignment problems in indoor environments as described in Section 4 Note that the model presented can be applied either when the number of base stations is fixed as in our case or the network designer wants to determine the best possible coverage which will be provided by a given number of base stations

We also described in Section 3 a methodology that we followed to design our W A N It seems to us that this methodology can be repeated in different environments where people want to install a WLAN and there is no previous experience as in our case

This work was developed using a real installation and employed a hardware com- pliant with the recently published IEEE 8021 1 specification This specification is very important as it encourages the development of interoperable WLAN hardware

Our future work will be the analysis of signal curves and try to develop a model where it could be possible to measure the signal in only a few points and expand these measurement by interpolation to obtain the whole demand area signal levels

References [ 13 httpNwwwinicmueduWIRELESSWireless-Infrastructurehtml Wireless An-

drew Project at Carnegie Mellon University USA

[2] B J Bennington and C R Bartel Wireless Andrew Experience Building a High Speed Campus-Wide Wireless Data Network Third Annual ACMIEEE Intema- tional Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (Mobicom) Budapeste Hungary pages 55451997

[3] IEEE 8021 1 IEEE Standard for Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications 1997

Design and Capaciry Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 347

[4] B J Bennington and C R Bartel Wireless Andrew Building a High Speed Campus-Wide Wireless Data Network Special Issue on Wireless Internet and Intranet Access of the ACMBaltzer Joumal Mobile Networks and A(1ications (MONET 1998

[5] R B A Eisenblatter M Grotschel and A Martin Frequency Assignment in Cellular Phone Networks Annals of Operations Research 7673-93 1998

[6] R Fourer D M Gay and B W Kernighan AMPL A Modeling Language for Mathematical Programming Duxbury PressBrooksCole Publishing Company 1993

[7] CPLEX Optimization Using CPLEX Callable Library and CPLEX Mixed Integer Library Version 50 1997

348 Session Eight Network Design and Planning


- Aisles

- Demand area with signal gt 20db

E - Demand ares with signal between 10 and 20db

- Demand area with signal c 1 Wb

- Base Station Candidate Position

Design and Capaciry Planning of Wireless Local Area Network 347

[4] B J Bennington and C R Bartel Wireless Andrew Building a High Speed Campus-Wide Wireless Data Network Special Issue on Wireless Internet and Intranet Access of the ACMBaltzer Joumal Mobile Networks and A(1ications (MONET 1998

[5] R B A Eisenblatter M Grotschel and A Martin Frequency Assignment in Cellular Phone Networks Annals of Operations Research 7673-93 1998

[6] R Fourer D M Gay and B W Kernighan AMPL A Modeling Language for Mathematical Programming Duxbury PressBrooksCole Publishing Company 1993

[7] CPLEX Optimization Using CPLEX Callable Library and CPLEX Mixed Integer Library Version 50 1997

348 Session Eight Network Design and Planning


- Aisles

- Demand area with signal gt 20db

E - Demand ares with signal between 10 and 20db

- Demand area with signal c 1 Wb

- Base Station Candidate Position

348 Session Eight Network Design and Planning


- Aisles

- Demand area with signal gt 20db

E - Demand ares with signal between 10 and 20db

- Demand area with signal c 1 Wb

- Base Station Candidate Position