Theoretical Informatics and Applications ITA, Vol. 33, N o 1, 1999, p. 79–101 Informatique Th´ eorique et Applications ON-LINE FINITE AUTOMATA FOR ADDITION IN SOME NUMERATION SYSTEMS Christiane Frougny 1 Abstract. We consider numeration systems where the base is a negative integer, or a complex number which is a root of a negative integer. We give parallel algorithms for addition in these numeration systems, from which we derive on-line algorithms realized by finite automata. A general construction relating addition in base β and ad- dition in base β m is given. Results on addition in base β = m b, where b is a relative integer, follow. We also show that addition in base the golden ratio is computable by an on-line finite automaton, but is not parallelizable. 1. Introduction A positional numeration system is given by a base and by a set of digits. In the most usual numeration systems, the base is an integer b 2 and the digit set is {0, ... ,b - 1}. In order to represent complex numbers without separating the real and the imaginary part, one can use a complex base. For instance, it is known that every complex number can be expressed with base i 2 and digit set {0, 1} (see [20]). For example, -3/2 - i 2/2 = (101 · 11) i 2 . Recently there have been several contributions to complex arithmetic [2, 10, 15, 18, 26, 31]. Among the complex bases β that have been considered so far, the most studied ones have the property that there is a power of β which is an integer, namely for base β = i b, where b 2 is an integer, β 2 = -b, and for base β = -1 ±i, β 4 = -4 [19,28]. In those systems, the digits are integers. We might also mention that some authors have considered numeration systems with complex digits. For instance, every complex number has a representation in base 2 using digit set {0, 1, i, 1+ i} [27]. Herreros [18] has studied the representation of complex numbers using base 2 and digit set {0, 1,ζ, ... ,ζ 5 }, where ζ 6 = 1. Robert [30] has considered base i 3 and digit set {0, 1, (1 + i 3)/2}. 1 Universit´ e Paris VIII and L.I.A.F.A., Case 7014, 2 place Jussieu, 75251 Paris Cedex 05, France; e-mail: [email protected] c EDP Sciences 1999

On-line finite automata for addition in some numeration ... · A positional numeration system is given by a base and by a set of digits. In the most usual numeration systems, the

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Theoretical Informatics and Applications ITA, Vol. 33, No 1, 1999, p. 79–101

Informatique Theorique et Applications



Christiane Frougny1

Abstract. We consider numeration systems where the base is anegative integer, or a complex number which is a root of a negativeinteger. We give parallel algorithms for addition in these numerationsystems, from which we derive on-line algorithms realized by finiteautomata. A general construction relating addition in base β and ad-dition in base βm is given. Results on addition in base β = m

√b, where

b is a relative integer, follow. We also show that addition in base thegolden ratio is computable by an on-line finite automaton, but is notparallelizable.

1. Introduction

A positional numeration system is given by a base and by a set of digits. Inthe most usual numeration systems, the base is an integer b ≥ 2 and the digit setis {0, . . . , b− 1}. In order to represent complex numbers without separating thereal and the imaginary part, one can use a complex base. For instance, it is knownthat every complex number can be expressed with base i

√2 and digit set {0, 1}

(see [20]). For example, −3/2− i√

2/2 = (101 · 11)i√

2. Recently there have beenseveral contributions to complex arithmetic [2, 10,15,18,26,31].

Among the complex bases β that have been considered so far, the most studiedones have the property that there is a power of β which is an integer, namely forbase β = i

√b, where b ≥ 2 is an integer, β2 = −b, and for base β = −1±i, β4 = −4

[19,28]. In those systems, the digits are integers. We might also mention that someauthors have considered numeration systems with complex digits. For instance,every complex number has a representation in base 2 using digit set {0, 1, i, 1 + i}[27]. Herreros [18] has studied the representation of complex numbers using base2 and digit set {0, 1, ζ, . . . , ζ5}, where ζ6 = 1. Robert [30] has considered base


3 and digit set {0, 1, (1 + i√


1 Universite Paris VIII and L.I.A.F.A., Case 7014, 2 place Jussieu, 75251 Paris Cedex 05,France; e-mail: [email protected]

c© EDP Sciences 1999


In this work, we do not consider the question of the representability of thecomplex plane, but we focus on the addition process. Addition of two numbersin the classical b-ary numeration system, where b is an integer ≥ 2, has a lineartime complexity. In order to save time, several solutions have been proposed.A celebrated one is the Avizienis signed-digit representation [3], which consistsof changing the digit set. Instead of taking digits from the canonical digit set{0, . . . , b− 1}, they are taken from a balanced set of the form {a, . . . , a}, wherea denotes the digit −a, a being an integer such that b/2 < a ≤ b − 1 (b has tobe ≥ 3). Such a numeration system is redundant, that is to say, some numbersmay have several representations. This property allows one to perform addition inconstant time in parallel, because there is a limited carry propagation. A similaralgorithm for base 2 has been devised by Chow and Robertson [8] using digit set{1, 0, 1}. Here addition is realized in parallel with a window of size 3. In terms ofautomata theory, such functions are called local: a function is p-local if the valueof an output digit is determined through a window of size p.

On-line arithmetic is the performing of arithmetic operations in MostSignificant Digit First (MSDF) mode (that is, from left to right), digit seriallyafter a certain latency delay [12]. This allows the pipelining of different opera-tions such as addition, multiplication and division. It is also appropriate for theprocessing of real numbers having infinite expansions. It is well known that whenmultiplying two real numbers, only the left part of the result is significant.

On-line multiplication uses parallel addition, and this allows one to have alinear time algorithm for multiplication. It is then necessary to use a redundantnumeration system (see [32]).

In this paper, the finite state automata is our model of computability.A function is computable by a finite automaton if it needs only a finite auxil-iary storage memory, independent of the size of the data. In that setting, oneknows that addition of two integers in the classical b-ary system is computableby a finite automaton but that squaring is not (see [11]). Actually, the naturalfinite automaton one designs to perform addition processes numbers in the LeastSignificant Digit First (LSDF) mode (that is, from right to left), and is called aright subsequential automaton. Moreover, one input digit gives one output digit.

On-line finite automata have been introduced by Muller [25]. They aresequential finite automata processing data in MSDF mode, and such that oneinput digit gives one output digit, after a certain latency delay. They are a spe-cial kind of left subsequential automata. The Avizienis and the Chow-Robertsonalgorithms for parallel addition in integral base lead to the construction of on-linefinite automaton for addition (see [16, 25]). There is a general result which saysthat if a function is p-local, then it is computable by an on-line finite automatonwith delay p− 1. However, in this paper, we will always give an explicit construc-tion of an on-line finite automaton realizing a local function, having less statesthan the general one.

Let us recall a result we shall use latter on: a function is said to have a boundeddelay if it is realized by a finite automaton such that on every loop, the input and


the output have same length. If a function has a bounded delay and if it is left(sub)sequential, then it is computable by an on-line finite automaton [16].

Parallel algorithms for addition in bases −2, i√

2, 2i and −1 + i have beengiven in [26]. Results on addition in bases −b, i

√b and −1 + i in connexion with

automata theory have been presented in [15]. Note that in the system defined byHerreros, addition can be performed in parallel [10, 18], and is computable by aright subsequential finite automaton [31]. In the Robert’s system, addition is aright subsequential function [31].

In this paper, we first consider addition in negative base, and we show thatproperties similar to addition in the standard b-ary system are still satisfied. Wethen show how algorithms for addition in base i

√b can be deduced from those

in base −b. We give the full constructions because they explain the general case.We then present a general result which says that if ϕ and ψ are two digit setconversions, ϕ in base β and ψ in base γ = βm, then if ψ is local, resp. computableby an on-line automaton, resp. letter-to-letter right subsequential, so is ϕ (Th. 1).Conversely, if ϕ is computable by a letter-to-letter finite automaton so is ψ, butnot on the same digit sets (Prop. 10).

From that we derive that, if b is an integer, |b| ≥ 2, in base β = m√b, addition

on {0, . . . , |b|−1} is a right subsequential function. If |b| ≥ 3, let D = {a, . . . , a}where a = b|b|/2c+ 1. Then addition in base β on D is a (m + 1)-local functionand it is computable by an on-line finite automaton with delay m. If |b| ≥ 2 iseven, let a = |b|/2 and D′ = {a, . . . , a}. Then addition in base β on D′ is a(2m+ 1)-local function and it is computable by an on-line finite automaton withdelay 2m. This applies in particular to base β = −1± i.

We then consider a base which is not a root of an integer, namely base τ , whereτ is the golden ratio. We give the explicit on-line finite automaton with delay 3realizing addition in base τ and digit set {0, 1}. The same construction is validfor the Fibonacci numeration system. Note that addition in those systems is notcomputable in parallel.

2. Preliminaries

2.1. Number representations

Let β be a real or complex number such that |β| > 1, and let A be a finite setof real or complex digits. A β-representation of x with digits in A is a finite ora right infinite sequence (xk)k≤n with xk ∈ A such that x =

∑−∞k=n xkβ

k. It isdenoted by

(xn · · ·x0 · x−1x−2 · · · )β .

We will present the results for finite words, if the expansions are infinite theconstructions are similar. To perform addition in a given numeration system withbase β and digit set A, the process will always be the same: take two numbersx = xn−1 · · ·x0 and y = yn−1 · · · y0 such that x =

∑n−1k=0 xkβ

k, y =∑n−1k=0 ykβ

k,with xk and yk in A. In parallel, compute zk = xk + yk. Then zk is an element of


B = {c+ d | c, d ∈ A}, and x+ y =∑n−1k=0 zkβ

k. Addition consists of transformingthe representation zn−1 · · · z0 of x + y on B into an equivalent one sn−1+l · · · s0,

such that x+ y =∑n−1+lk=0 skβ

k, with sk ∈ A.

2.2. Words and automata

Let us recall some definitions. More details can be found in [11]. An alphabetA is a finite set. A finite sequence of elements of A is called a word, and the setof words on A is the free monoid A∗. The empty word is denoted by ε. A factorof a word w is a word f such that there exist words w′ and w′′ with w = w′fw′′.When w′ = ε, f is said to be a prefix of w, and when w′′ = ε, f is said to be asuffix of w. The prefix (resp. suffix) is strict when it is not equal to the entireword w. The length of a word w = w1 · · ·wn with wi in A for 1 ≤ i ≤ n is denotedby |w| and is equal to n. By wn is denoted the word obtained by concatenating wn times to itself. The set of words of length n (resp. ≤ n) of A∗ is denoted by An

(resp. A≤n).The set of infinite sequences or infinite words on A is denoted by AN. The

infinite word vvv · · · is denoted by vω.An automaton over A, A = (Q,A,E, I, T ), is a directed graph labelled by

elements of A; Q is the set of states, I ⊂ Q is the set of initial states, T ⊂ Qis the set of terminal states and E ⊂ Q × A × Q is the set of labelled edges.

If (p, a, q) ∈ E, we write pa−→ q. The automaton is finite if Q is finite. The

automaton A is deterministic if E is the graph of a (partial) function from Q×Ainto Q, and if there is a unique initial state. A subset H of A∗ is said to berecognizable by a finite automaton if there exists a finite automaton A such thatH is equal to the set of labels of paths starting in an initial state and ending in aterminal state. A subset K of AN is said to be recognizable by a finite automaton ifthere exists a finite automatonA such that K is equal to the set of labels of infinitepaths starting in an initial state and going infinitely often through a terminal state(Buchi acceptance condition, see [11]).

Let X and Y be two alphabets. A 2-tape automaton is an automaton overthe non-free monoid X∗ × Y ∗: A = (Q,X∗ × Y ∗, E, I, T ) is a directed graph theedges of which are labelled by elements of X∗ × Y ∗. Words of X∗ are referred toas input words, words of Y ∗ are referred to as output words. If (p, (f, g), q) ∈ E,

we write pf/g−→ q. The automaton is finite if the set of edges E is finite (and

thus Q is finite). These finite 2-tape automata are also known as transducers.A relation R of X∗ × Y ∗ is said to be computable by a finite 2-tape automaton ifthere exists a finite 2-tape automaton A such that R is equal to the set of labelsof paths starting in an initial state and ending in a terminal state. It is equivalentto saying that R is a rational subset of X∗ × Y ∗. A function is computable by afinite 2-tape automaton if its graph is computable by a finite 2-tape automaton.These definitions extend to relations and functions of infinite words as above.

A 2-tape automaton A is said to be left sequential if edges are labelled byelements of X × Y ∗, if the underlying input automaton obtained by taking the


projection over X of the label of every edge is deterministic and if every stateis terminal (see [5]). A left subsequential 2-tape automaton is a left sequentialautomaton A = (Q,X × Y ∗, E, {q0}, ω), where ω is the terminal function ω:Q −→ Y ∗, whose value is concatenated to the output word corresponding to acomputation in A.

A 2-tape automaton A is said to be letter-to-letter if the edges are labelled bycouples of letters, that is, by elements of X × Y .

An on-line finite automaton with delay δ is a particular left subsequentialautomaton (see [16]): it is composed of a transient part, in which every pathof length δ starting in the initial state i0 is of the form

i0a1/ε−→ i1

a2/ε−→ · · ·

aδ/ε−→ iδ,

where ai ∈ X, for 1 ≤ i ≤ δ, and the only edge arriving in a state i0, . . . , iδ−1 is asabove, and of a synchronous part where edges are labelled by elements of X × Y .This means that the automaton starts reading words of length ≤ δ outputtingnothing, and after that delay, outputs serially one digit for each input digit.

The same definition works for functions of infinite words, considering infinitepaths in A, but there is no terminal function ω in that case.

All the automata considered so far work implicitly from left to right, that isto say, words are processed from left to right, but one can define similarly rightautomata processing words from right to left.

2.3. Local functions and on-line automata

The notion of local function comes from symbolic dynamics (see [4,23]), where itis defined on biinfinite words and often called a sliding block code. The definitionon infinite words is the following one. A function ϕ: XN → Y N is said to bep-local if there exist a positive integer p, a function Φ from Xp to Y such that ifx = (xi)i≥0 ∈ XN and y = (yi)i≥0 ∈ Y N, then y = ϕ(x) if and only if for everyi ≥ 0, yi = Φ(xi · · ·xi+p−1). This means that the image of x by ϕ is obtainedthrough a sliding window of length p. The following result is folklore.

Fact 1. A p-local function is computable by an on-line finite automaton withdelay p− 1.

Proof. Let the set of states be Q = X≤p−1 and the initial state be ε. Edges

are of the form: for a ∈ X, set εa/ε−→ a, for d1 · · · di ∈ Q with 1 ≤ i ≤ p − 2

set d1 · · ·dia/ε−→ d1 · · · dia, and for d1 · · · dp−1 ∈ Q, set d1 · · · dp−1


d2 · · · dp−1a. �In this paper the constructions of on-line automata associated with p-local

functions we give are different. Using the redundancy of representations, we canconstruct on-line automata with the same delay p− 1, but having less states.

It is known that the underlying input automaton of any sequential automatonrealizing a p-local function is a p-local automaton, that is, the arrival state of anypath of length p is entirely determined by the label of the path (see [4]).


One can define local functions of finite words (see [6, 33]). A function ϕ:X∗ → Y ∗ is said to be p-local if there exist nonnegative integer l and r suchthat r+ l+ 1 = p, and a function Φ from Xp to Y such that if x = x1 · · ·xm ∈ X∗

and y = y1 · · · yn ∈ Y ∗, then y = ϕ(x) if and only if for every 1 ≤ i ≤ n, yi =Φ(xi−l · · ·xi+r), with the convention that, if at the borders xi−l, . . . , xk−1 are notdefined, Φ(xk · · ·xi+r) = Φ(ε · · · εxk · · ·xi+r), and similarly, if xj+1, . . . , xi+r arenot defined, Φ(xi−l · · ·xj) = Φ(xi−l · · ·xjε · · · ε). A p-local function can be com-puted in parallel with a window of length p. It is both left and rightsubsequential (see [33]).

Note that, when dealing with representation of numbers, one can always assumethat a representation is prefixed or suffixed by an adequate number of zeros. Inthe sequel, we will always consider functions such that input and output have thesame length.

2.4. Standard b-ary number system

Let us recall some results on addition base b, where b is an integer ≥ 2.

Proposition 1. 1) Addition in base β = b, b ≥ 2, with digits in A = {0, . . . ,b− 1}, is a letter-to-letter right subsequential function.2) Suppose that b ≥ 3, and let D = {a, . . . , a} where a = bb/2c + 1. Thenbase b addition on D is a 2-local function, and is computable by an on-line finiteautomaton with delay 1.3) Suppose that b = 2a, a being an integer ≥ 1, and let D = {a, . . . , a}. Thenbase b addition on D is a 3-local function, and is computable by an on-line finiteautomaton with delay 2.

1) The fact that addition is a right subsequential function can be found in [11].2) That addition is a 2-local function is due to Avizienis [3]. For the on-line finiteautomaton realizing addition in that case, see [25].3) That addition for b = 2 is a 3-local function is in Chow and Robertson [8]. Forthe construction of the on-line automaton, see [25] and [16].

3. Negative base numeration systems

Let β = −b, where b is an integer ≥ 2. It is well known (see [20, 21, 24]) thatany real number can be represented without a sign in base −b with digits fromthe canonical digit set A = {0, . . . , b− 1}. Integers have a unique representationof the form dk · · · d0. We show that properties satisfied by base b addition are alsovalid for base −b.

Proposition 2. Addition in base β = −b, b ≥ 2, with digits in A = {0, . . . , b−1},is a letter-to-letter right subsequential function.

Proof. As explained above in Section 2.1, we have to convert representations overB = {0, . . . , 2b − 2} into equivalent representations over A. Numberrepresentations are processed from right to left. We construct a right subsequential


automaton A = (Q,B×A,E, {q0}, ω) as follows. The set of states is Q = {1, 0, 1}.The name of a state indicates the value of the carry. The initial state is q0 = 0.

Let q be in Q and let z be in B. By the Euclidean division of q + z by β = −b,there exist unique s ∈ A and q′ such that q+z = −bq′+s. Since −1 ≤ q+z ≤ 2b−1,−2 < q′ = (s− (q + z))/b ≤ 1 and thus q′ ∈ Q. Hence one defines an edge

qz/s−→ q′ ∈ E ⇐⇒ q + z = βq′ + s. (1)

The terminal function ω is defined by ω(0) = ε, ω(1) = 1 and ω(1) = 1(b− 1).

Let zn−1 · · · z0 ∈ B∗ and N =∑n−1k=0 zkβ

k. Starting in initial state q0 = 0, andreading from right to left, we take the unique path

0z0/a0−→ q1

z1/a1−→ · · · qn−1

zn/an−→ qn.

Since, for 0 ≤ k ≤ n − 1, qk + zk = βqk+1 + ak, we get N = a0 + a1β + · · · +an−1β

n−1 + qnβn. Thus the β-representation of N is ω(qn)an−1 · · · a0 ∈ A∗. �

Example 1. Let β = −2 and A = {0, 1}. Here is the right subsequentialautomaton realizing addition in this system1.

Let x = 11001, y = 11101, thus x + y = 22102. In the automaton, from rightto left,

02/0−→ 1

0/1−→ 1

1/0−→ 1

2/1−→ 0

2/0−→ 1

and ω(1) = 11, thus x+ y = 22102 = 1101010.

Remark 1. Addition in base −b with digits in A is not left subsequential.

Proof. Let us consider b = 2 and A = {0, 1}. Let d be the left-distance defined by

d(v, w) = |v|+ |w| − 2 | v ∧ w |

where v ∧ w denotes the longest common prefix to v and w.

1I thank Paul Gastin for his set of macros Autograph.


Let v = (01)n02 and w = (01)n+1. Then d(v, w) = 4. The conversion of von A is v′ = 1(10)n+1, and that of w is w′ = w. We have d(v′, w′) = 4n + 5,thus the left-distance between v′ and w′ becomes unbounded when n goes toinfinity, as the distance between v and w is bounded. There is a result in [9] whichsays that, if a function ϕ is left subsequential, then it has the following property:∀k ≥ 0, ∃K ≥ 0, d(v, w) ≤ k ⇒ d(ϕ(v), ϕ(w)) ≤ K. It implies that addition onA cannot be realized by a left subsequential 2-tape automaton. �

We introduce another set of digits in order to obtain a redundant numerationsystem, analogous to the Avizienis signed-digit representation [3]. Let a suchthat b/2 ≤ a ≤ b − 1 and let D = {a, . . . , a}. Then every real number hasa representation in base −b with digits in D. The system is redundant because|D| = 2a + 1 > b. We consider the smallest balanced digit sets allowing one toperform addition in parallel.

Proposition 3. Let β = −b, where b is an integer ≥ 3, and let D = {a, . . . , a}where a = bb/2c + 1. Then base −b addition is a 2-local function. Addition iscomputable by an on-line finite automaton with delay 1.

Proof. 1) Let x+ y =∑n−1k=0 zkβ

k, with zk ∈ C = {(2a), . . . , (2a)}. Write zk onthe form zk = βck+1 + rk, with the following rules: if a ≤ zk ≤ 2a, let ck+1 = 1and rk = zk − b; if −2a ≤ zk ≤ −a, let ck+1 = 1 and rk = b+ zk. If |zk| ≤ a− 1,let ck+1 = 0 and rk = zk. Put sk = rk + ck for 0 ≤ k ≤ n− 1 and sn = cn. Thusx+ y =

∑nk=0 skβ

k.If a ≤ zk ≤ 2a, then a − b ≤ rk ≤ 2a − b and a − b − 1 ≤ sk ≤ 2a − b + 1.

Since a ≤ b− 1, sk ≤ a, and since 2a ≤ b + 1, sk ≥ −a, hence sk ∈ D. The case−2a ≤ zk ≤ −a is symmetric, and the case |zk| ≤ a− 1 is trivial. Thus sk ∈ D for0 ≤ k ≤ n. Hence sk is a function of zkzk−1, and addition is 2-local.

2) To avoid overflow, we assume that input words begin with a 0. Let z = zk ∈ Cand let ρ(z) = (c, r) = (ck+1, rk) as determined in the above algorithm. Weconstruct an on-line automaton L = (Q,C × (D ∪ ε), E, {q0}, ω) with delay 1realizing addition. Let K = {−a + 1, . . . , a − 1}. The set of states of theautomaton is Q = {ε} ∪K, and the initial state is q0 = ε. Synchronous edges are

defined by: for any q ∈ K and for any z ∈ C, qz/c+q−→ r in E, with (c, r) = ρ(z).

Since |c| ≤ 1 and |q| ≤ a − 1, c + q ∈ D and r ∈ K. There is a transient edge

ε0/ε−→ 0.All edges of L satisfy the following condition

qz/d−→ r ∈ E ⇐⇒ βq + z = βd+ r, (2)

that is to say, the two words qz and dr have the same numerical value in base β.The terminal function is defined by ω(q) = q for any q ∈ Q.

Let zn−1 · · · z0 ∈ C∗ and N =∑n−1k=0 zkβ

k. Starting in initial state q0 = ε, andreading from left to right, we take the unique path

ε0/ε−→ 0

zn−1/an−→ q1

zn−2/an−1−→ · · · qn−1

z0/a1−→ qn.


Let ω(qn) = a0. By (2) we get∑n−1k=0 zkβ

k =∑nk=0 akβ

k, with ak ∈ D, andaddition is realized by L.

Note that the automaton L has 2a states, compare with the on-line automatonconstructed in Fact 1 which has |C|+ 1 = 4a+ 2 states. �Example 2. Let β = −3 and let D = {2, . . . , 2}. Below is the on-line finiteautomaton with delay 1 realizing addition in this system.

Take x = 0202 and y = 0212. Then x+ y = 0414. We have in the automaton

ε0/ε−→ 0

4/1−→ 1

1/1−→ 1

4/0−→ 1

and ω(1) = 1, thus x+ y = 1101.

In the case that β = −2, the previous algorithm does not apply. We give analgorithm for that case as well as for any even b, which is analogous to the Chowand Robertson algorithm for base 2.

Proposition 4. Let β = −b, where b = 2a, a being an integer ≥ 1, and letD = {a, . . . , a}. Then base −b addition is a 3-local function and is computableby an on-line finite automaton with delay 2.

Proof. 1) Let x+y =∑n−1k=0 zkβ

k, with zk ∈ C = {b, · · · , b}, and let zk = βck+1+rkbe defined by:If a+ 1 ≤ zk ≤ b, let ck+1 = 1 and rk = zk − b; if −b ≤ zk ≤ −a− 1, let ck+1 = 1and rk = b+ zk.If zk = a and if zk−1 < 0 then let ck+1 = 1 and rk = a, else let ck+1 = 0 andrk = a.If zk = −a and if zk−1 > 0 then let ck+1 = 1 and rk = a, else let ck+1 = 0 andrk = −a.If |zk| ≤ a− 1, let ck+1 = 0 and rk = zk.


Let sk = rk + ck for 0 ≤ k ≤ n− 1 and sn = cn. Clearly x+ y =∑nk=0 skβ

k. Wehave to show that sk ∈ D. When a+ 1 ≤ |zk| ≤ b, whatever the value of zk−1 is,we get |rk| ≤ a− 1 and |ck| ≤ 1, thus |sk| ≤ a.If zk = a, and if zk−1 < 0 then rk = −a and ck = 0 or 1, thus sk = −a or −a+ 1and thus belongs to D. If zk = a and zk−1 ≥ 0, then rk = a and ck = −1 or 0,and so sk = a− 1 or a. The case zk = −a is symmetric.If |zk| ≤ a − 1, rk = zk and |ck| ≤ 1, thus sk ∈ D. Since sk is a function ofzkzk−1zk−2, addition is a 3-local function.

2) We construct an on-line finite automaton L = (Q,C × (D ∪ ε), E, {q0}, ω) withdelay 2 realizing addition. Input words begin with a 0. If z = zk ∈ C is such thata+ 1 ≤ |zk| ≤ b or |zk| ≤ a− 1, we define ρ(z) = (c, r) = (ck+1, rk) as in the abovealgorithm. If |z| = a we put ρ(z) = (c, r) = (0, z).

Let K = {(d, e) ∈ D × D | if d = a then e ≥ 0 and if d = −a then e ≤0} \ {(1, a), (1, a)}. These two couples are removed because they are equivalent to(0, a) and (0, a) respectively, since b = 2a. The set of states of the automaton isQ = {(ε, ε), (ε, 0)}∪K. The initial state is q0 = (ε, ε). The synchronous part of Lis defined this way: let (d, e) ∈ K.

— If |e| ≤ a− 1, then for each z ∈ C, there is an edge (d, e)z/d−→ (c + e, r) where

(c, r) = ρ(z). Since |e| ≤ a− 1, |c+ e| ≤ a. If c+ e = a, then e = a− 1 and c = 1,thus r ≥ 0, and (c+ e, r) ∈ K (the symmetric case is similar).

— If e = a and z < 0, put (d, a)z/d−1−→ (c− a, r) where (c, r) = ρ(z). Since z < 0,

c = 0 or 1, and c− a ∈ D. We know that d 6= −a, thus d − 1 ∈ D. If c = 0, thenr = z < 0, thus (c− a, r) ∈ K.

— If e = a and z ≥ 0, put (d, a)z/d−→ (c + a, r) where (c, r) = ρ(z). In that case

c = 0 or −1, and thus c+ a ∈ D. If c = 0 then r = z ≥ 0, thus (c+ a, r) ∈ K.

— The case e = −a is symmetric: if z > 0, put (d, a)z/d+1−→ (c + a, r) where

(c, r) = ρ(z). If z ≤ 0, put (d, a)z/d−→ (c− a, r) where (c, r) = ρ(z).

The transient part of L is defined by:

— (ε, ε)0/ε−→ (ε, 0), and for z ∈ C, there is an edge (ε, 0)

z/ε−→ (c, r) where (c, r) =

ρ(z).Hence, for any edge in L

(d, f)z/x−→ (e, g) ∈ E ⇐⇒ β2d+ βf + z = β2x+ βe+ g (3)

i.e. the two words dfz and xeg have the same numerical value in base β. Theterminal function is defined by ω((d, e)) = de for (d, e) ∈ Q.

Let zn−1 · · · z0 ∈ C∗ and N =∑n−1k=0 zkβ

k. Starting in initial state q0 = (ε, ε),we take the unique path

(ε, ε)0/ε−→ (ε, 0)

zn−1/ε−→ (d1, f1)

zn−2/an−→ · · · (dn−1, fn−1)

z0/a2−→ (dn, fn).


Let ω((dn, fn)) = a1a0. By (3),∑n−1k=0 zkβ

k =∑nk=0 akβ

k, with ak ∈ D, andaddition in base −b with digit set D is realized by the on-line automaton L, with4a2 + 1 states. The construction of Fact 1 gives an automaton with 16a2 + 12a+ 3states. �

Corollary 1. The digit set conversion in base −b between numbers written withdigits in the canonical digit set A = {0, . . . , b− 1} into their representation withdigits in D = {a, . . . , a}, with a = bb/2c+ 1, or b = 2a, is computable in parallelin constant time.

Proof. Since A ⊂ C, the result follows. �

Remark 2. The inverse conversion, from D to A, cannot be computed on-line,but is right subsequential.

In the same spirit, in [1] it is shown that conversion between numbers writtenin base b, b integer ≥ 2, with digit set A = {0, . . . , b−1} into their representationin base −b with the same digit set is right subsequential. We now show how toconvert directly a classical expansion in base b with digit set A = {0, . . . , b− 1}into an equivalent representation in base −b and digit set D = {a, . . . , a}, wherea+ 1 ≤ b ≤ 2a.

Proposition 5. Let b be an integer ≥ 2. The conversion from base b and digit setA = {0, . . . , b−1} into base −b and digit set D = {a, . . . , a}, with b/2 ≤ a ≤ b−1,is a right subsequential function.

Proof. The set of states of the automaton is Q = {ε, 0, 1, 1}. The initial state isε. Let z ∈ A. Edges are defined by:

if 0 ≤ z ≤ a, let εz/z−→ 0; if a+ 1 ≤ z ≤ b− 1, let ε

z/z−b−→ 1;

if 0 ≤ z ≤ a, let 0z/−z−→ ε; if a+ 1 ≤ z ≤ b− 1, let 0

z/b−z−→ 1;

if 0 ≤ z ≤ a− 1, let 1z/z+1−→ 0; if a ≤ z ≤ b− 1, let 1

z/z−b+1−→ 1;

if 0 ≤ z ≤ a− 1, let 1z/−z−1−→ ε; if a ≤ z ≤ b− 1, let 1

z/−z−1−→ 1.

The terminal function ω is given by ω(ε) = ω(0) = ε, ω(1) = 1, and ω(1) = 1. Itis straightforward to check that, since a+ 1 ≤ b ≤ 2a, the output is in D. �

Note that the inverse conversion is also right subsequential.

4. Base β = i√b

The interest of choosing a complex base and integral digits to represent complexnumbers is that computations are handled in a compact way, as when using anintegral base for real number computations.

Let β = i√b, where b is an integer ≥ 2. Any complex number is representable

in base β with digits in the canonical digit set A = {0, . . . , b−1} (see [17,19,20]).If b = c2 is a square then every Gaussian integer has a unique finite representationof the form ak · · · a0 · a−1, ai ∈ A.


Let j be an integer ≥ 0, possibly infinite, and let n ≥ 0. Since β2 = −b, wehave

(a2n · · · a0 · a−1 · · · a−2j)β = (a2na2n−2 · · · a0 · a−2 · · · a−2j)−b

+ i√b(a2n−1a2n−3 · · · a1 · a−1 · · · a−2j+1)−b.

Thus, if z = x+ iy ∈ C, x and y in R, the β-representation of z can be obtainedby intertwinning the −b-representation of x and the −b-representation of y/


Base β = −i√b satisfies the same properties. We treat only the case β = i


Most studied cases are β = 2i and A = {0, . . . , 3}, strongly related to base −4,and β = i

√2 and A = {0, 1} ( [15,20,21,26]).

We now show how properties satisfied by base −b addition can be extended tobase i


Proposition 6. Addition in base β = i√b, b ≥ 2, with digits in A = {0, . . . , b−1}

is a letter-to-letter right subsequential function.

Proof. Since β2 = −b, the automaton will be deduced from the right subsequentialautomaton A = (Q,B ×A,E, {q0}, ω) realizing addition in base −b (Prop. 2).

Let B = (S,B × A,F, {s0}, σ) be defined as follows. The set of states is S =Q×Q and the initial state is s0 = (q0, q0). The set of edges F is defined by

F = {(p, q)z/s−→ (q′, p) | q

z/s−→ q′ ∈ E, p ∈ Q}·

The terminal function in a state (p, q) is defined by the β-expansion of βp+q, thatis to say, σ((0, 0)) = ε, σ((0, 1)) = 1, σ((1, 0)) = 10, σ((1, 1)) = 11, σ((1, 1)) =11(b− 1), σ((1, 1)) = 10(b− 1)1, σ((1, 1)) = 11(b− 1)(b− 1).

The automaton B is right subsequential (and letter-to-letter). Take a word

z2n−1 · · · z0 ∈ B∗ and let Z =∑2n−1k=0 zkβ

k. There is a path in B

(q0, q0)z0/a0−→ (q1, q0)

z1/a1−→ (p1, q1)

z2/a2−→ · · · (pn−1, qn−1)

z2n−2/a2n−2−→ (qn, pn−1)

z2n−1/a2n−1−→ (pn, qn)

if and only if there is in A a path

q0z0/a0−→ q1

z2/a2−→ q2

z4/a4−→ · · · qn−1

z2n−2/a2n−2−→ qn

and a path

q0z1/a1−→ p1

z3/a3−→ p2

z5/a5−→ · · · pn−1

z2n−1/a2n−1−→ pn.

Since qna2n−2a2n−4 · · · a2a0 is the −b-expansion of∑n−1k=0 z2k(−b)k and pna2n−1

a2n−3 · · ·a3a1 is the−b-expansion of∑n−1k=0 z2k+1(−b)k, and σ((pn, qn)) = βpn+qn,

we get that pnqna2n−1a2n−2 · · · a1a0 is the β-expansion of Z. Thus the right

subsequential automaton B realizes addition in base β = i√b. �


Addition in base i√b and digit set A cannot be computed on-line: consider

(0001)n0002 and (0001)n0001 (see Rem. 1). Similarly to negative base −b, weconsider digit sets for which addition can be parallelizable.

Proposition 7. Let β = i√b, where b is an integer ≥ 3, let a = bb/2c + 1 and

let D = {a, · · · , a}. Then base β = i√b addition is a 3-local function. Addition is

computable by an on-line finite automaton with delay 2.

Proof. 1) Let zk ∈ C = {(2a), · · · , (2a)} and write zk = β2ck+2 +rk = (−b)ck+2 +rk, as in Proposition 3:if a ≤ zk ≤ 2a, let ck+2 = 1 and rk = zk − b, if −2a ≤ zk ≤ −a, let ck+2 = 1 andrk = b + zk, if |zk| ≤ a − 1, let ck+2 = 0 and rk = zk. In any case, |ck| ≤ 1 and|rk| ≤ b− a ≤ a− 1.

Let sk = rk + ck for 0 ≤ k ≤ n − 1, sn = cn, sn+1 = cn+1, and sn+2 = cn+2.

We have x+ y =∑n+2i=0 skβ

k with |sk| ≤ a. Since sk is a function of zk and zk−2,addition is 3-local.

2) To avoid overflow, input words begin with 00. Recall that the on-line automatonL = (K∪ε, C×(D∪ε), E, {ε}, ω), where K = {−a+1, . . . , a−1}, realizes additionin base −b with digit set D, see Proposition 3.

We construct an on-line automaton with delay 2,M = (S,C×(D∪ε), F, {s0}, σ)as follows. Let the set of states be S = {(ε, ε), (ε, 0)} ∪ (K ×K), the initial statebe s0 = (ε, ε). The synchronous transitions of M are defined this way: for any pand q in K,

(q, p)z/q+c−→ (p, r) ∈ F ⇐⇒ q

z/q+c−→ r ∈ E.

The transient part is (ε, ε)0/ε−→ (ε, 0) and (ε, 0)

0/ε−→ (0, 0). The terminal function

is σ(q, p) = qp for (q, p) ∈ S. Note that for any edge in M

(q, p)z/x−→ (q′, p′) ∈ F ⇐⇒ β2q + βp+ z = β2x+ βq′ + p′ (4)

i.e. the two words qpz and xq′p′ have the same numerical value in base β.Let z2n−1 · · · z0 ∈ C∗ and Z =

∑2n−1k=0 zkβ

k. There is a path in M

(ε, ε)0/ε−→ (ε, 0)

0/ε−→ (0, 0)

z2n−1/a2n+1−→ (0, q1)

z2n−2/a2n−→ · · ·

(pn−1, qn−1)z1/a3−→ (qn−1, pn)

z0/a2−→ (pn, qn)

if and only if there is in L a path

ε0/ε−→ 0

z2n−2/a2n−→ q1

z2n−4/a2n−2−→ · · · qn−1

z0/a2−→ qn

and a path

ε0/ε−→ 0

z2n−1/a2n+1−→ p1

z2n−3/a2n−1−→ · · · pn−1

z1/a3−→ pn.


Letting a0 = qn and a1 = pn, we have that∑n−1k=0 z2k(−b)k =

∑nk=0 a2k(−b)k,∑n−1

k=0 z2k+1(−b)k =∑nk=0 a2k+1(−b)k and thus the representation of Z on the

alphabet D is a2n+2a2n+1 · · ·a1a0. �We now consider the case where b is even.

Proposition 8. Let β = i√b, where b ≥ 2 is even, let a = b/2 and let D =

{a, . . . , a}. Then base β = i√b addition is a 5-local function. Addition is com-

putable by an on-line finite automaton with delay 4.

Proof. 1) For zk ∈ C = {−b, . . . , b} let zk = β2ck+2 + rk = (−b)ck+2 + rk, as inProposition 4:if a+ 1 ≤ zk ≤ 2a, let ck+2 = 1 and rk = zk − b,if −2a ≤ zk ≤ −a− 1, let ck+2 = 1 and rk = b+ zk,if zk = a and if zk−2 < 0, let ck+2 = 1 and rk = a else let ck+2 = 0 and rk = a,if zk = a and if zk−2 > 0, let ck+2 = 1 and rk = a else let ck+2 = 0 and rk = a,if |zk| ≤ a− 1, let ck+2 = 0 and rk = zk.Let sk = rk + ck for 0 ≤ k ≤ n − 1, sn = cn, and sn+1 = cn+1. Then x + y =∑n+1i=0 skβ

k. That sk belongs to D is proved in Proposition 4. Since sk is a functionof zk, zk−2 and zk−4, addition is a 5-local function.

2) Consider words with digits in C, beginning with 00. Let L = (Q,C × (D ∪ε), E, {(ε, ε)}, ω) be the on-line finite automaton with delay 2 realizing additionon D in base −b with K = {(d, e) ∈ D ×D | if d = a then e ≥ 0 and if d = −athen e ≤ 0} \ {(1, a), (1, a)} and Q = {(ε, ε), (ε, 0)} ∪K (Prop. 4). We constructan on-line automaton with delay 4, M = (S,C × (D ∪ ε), F, {s0}, σ) as follows.

Let us define the shuffle of two words by (d, f) (e, g) = (d, e, f, g). Note thatthis is not the general shuffle product, but the internal shuffle product (see [11]).Let K K = {(d, f) (e, g) | (d, f) ∈ K, (e, g) ∈ K}. Let the set of statesbe S = {(ε, ε) (ε, ε); (ε, ε) (ε, 0); (ε, 0) (ε, 0)} ∪ {(ε, 0) (c, r) | (c, r) ∈{−1, 0, 1} × D} ∪ (K K) and the initial state be s0 = (ε, ε) (ε, ε). Thesynchronous transitions ofM are defined this way: let (d, f) (e, g) ∈ K K,

(d, f) (e, g)z/y−→ (e, g) (d′, f ′) ∈ F ⇐⇒ (d, f)

z/y−→ (d′, f ′) ∈ E

The transient part of M is: (ε, ε) (ε, ε)0/ε−→ (ε, ε) (ε, 0) and (ε, ε)

(ε, 0)0/ε−→ (ε, 0) (ε, 0). For z ∈ C, let ρ(z) = (c, r) ∈ {−1, 0, 1} ×D such that

z = β2c+r. We define edges (ε, 0) (ε, 0)z/ε−→ (ε, 0) (c, r) where (c, r) = ρ(z);

for z′ ∈ C, (ε, 0) (c, r)z′/ε−→ (c, r) (c′, r′) where (c′, r′) = ρ(z′).

Note that for any edge in M

(d, f) (e, g)z/x−→ (d′, f ′) (e′, g′) ∈ F ⇐⇒ β4d+ β3e+ β2f + βg + z (5)

=β4x+ β3d′ + β2e′ + βf ′ + g′

i.e. the two words defgz and xd′e′f ′g′ have the same numerical value in base β.


The terminal function is σ((d, f) (e, g)) = defg for (d, f) (e, g) ∈ S.

Let z2n−1 · · · z0 ∈ C∗ and Z =∑2n−1k=0 zkβ

k. There is a path in M

(ε, ε) (ε, ε)0/ε−→ (ε, ε) (ε, 0)

0/ε−→ (ε, 0) (ε, 0)

z2n−1/ε−→ (ε, 0) (d1, f1)


(d1, f1) (e1, g1)z2n−3/a2n+1−→ (e1, g1) (d2, f2)

z2n−4/a2n−→ · · ·

(en−1, gn−1) (dn−1, fn−1)z1/a5−→ (dn−1, fn−1) (en, gn)

z0/a4−→ (en, gn) (dn, fn)

if and only if there is in L a path

(ε, ε)0/ε−→ (ε, 0)

z2n−2/ε−→ (d1, f1)

z2n−4/a2n−→ · · · (dn−1, fn−1)

z0/a4−→ (dn, fn)

and a path

(ε, ε)0/ε−→ (ε, 0)

z2n−1/ε−→ (e1, g1)

z2n−3/a2n+1−→ · · · (en−1, gn−1)

z1/a5−→ (en, gn).

Letting a3 = en, a2 = dn, a1 = gn and a0 = fn, we have that∑n−1k=0 z2k(−b)k =∑n

k=0 a2k(−b)k,∑n−1k=0 z2k+1(−b)k =

∑nk=0 a2k+1(−b)k and thus the representa-

tion of Z on the alphabet D is a2n+1a2n · · · a1a0. �

Corollary 2. The digit set conversion in base β = i√b between numbers written

with digits in the canonical digit set A = {0, . . . , b− 1} into their representationwith digits in D = {a, . . . , a}, whith a = bb/2c+ 1, or b = 2a, is computable inparallel in constant time.

Remark 3. The inverse conversion, from D to A cannot be computed on-line,but it is a right subsequential function.

5. A generalization

We now consider two complex bases β and γ with the property that, for somenatural m > 0, βm = γ. Let x = (xnm−1xnm−2 · · ·x0)β be a representation in baseβ on a certain alphabet X of digits of a number Z =

∑0≤k≤nm−1 xkβ

k (it is alwayspossible to suppose that representations have length a multiple of m by paddingwith some zeroes). Let, for 0 ≤ j ≤ m − 1, x(j) = (xmk+j)0≤k≤n−1. Then obvi-

ously x = m (x(m−1), x(m−2), . . . , x(1), x(0)) where m denotes the m-shuffle2

of m words of same length. Hence (xnm−1xnm−2 · · ·x0)β = βm−1(x(m−1))γ +

βm−2(x(m−2))γ + · · ·+ β(x(1))γ + (x(0))γ .

First we show a result on automata, which is more or less folklore, but we willuse latter on the construction given in its proof. Let L ⊂ A∗, and denote by L m

2In Section 4, p q stands for 2 (p, q).


the set of m-shuffles of elements of L of same length

L m = { m (v00v

01 · · · v

0n−1, v


11 · · · v

1n−1, . . . , v

m−10 vm−1

1 · · · vm−1n−1 ) =


10 · · · v

m−10 v0

1v11 · · · v


1n−1 · · · v

m−1n−1 | n ≥ 0, vj0v

j1 · · · v


∈ L for 0 ≤ j ≤ m− 1}.

Proposition 9. If L is recognizable by a finite automaton, so is L m .

Proof. Let A = (Q,A,E, I, T ) be a finite automaton recognizing L, and let B =(S,A, F, J, U) as follows: S = Q m , J = I m , U = T m , and there is an edge

m (p0, . . . , pm−1)a−→ m (p1, . . . , pm−1, q) ∈ F ⇐⇒ p0

a−→ q ∈ E. (6)

So there exist a path in B

m (q00 , . . . , q

m−10 )

v00−→ m (q1

0, . . . , qm−10 , q0

1)v10−→ m (q2

0 , . . . , qm−10 , q0

1, q11)

· · · m (qjk−1, . . . , qm−1k−1 , q

0k, . . . , q

j−1k )

vjk−1−→ m (qj+1

k−1, . . . , qm−1k−1 , q

0k, . . . , q


· · · m (qm−1n−1 , q

0n, . . . , q

m−2n )

vm−1n−1−→ m (q0

n, . . . , qm−1n )

if and only if for each 0 ≤ j ≤ m− 1 there is a path in A

qj0vj0−→ qj1

vj1−→ · · · qjn−1

vjn−1−→ qjn.

Hence L m is recognized by B. �

Recall the notations: let x = xnm−1 · · ·x0 be a β-representation on X of Z =∑0≤k≤nm−1 xkβ

k, and let, for 0 ≤ j ≤ m − 1, x(j) = (xmk+j)0≤k≤n−1. Lety = ynm−1 · · · y0 be a β-representation on Y of Z, and let, for 0 ≤ j ≤ m − 1,y(j) = (ymk+j)0≤k≤n−1.

Theorem 1. Let X and Y be two finite alphabets of digits. Let ϕ: X∗ → Y ∗ bea digit set conversion in base β and let ψ: X∗ → Y ∗ be a digit set conversion inbase γ = βm such that

y = ϕ(x) ⇐⇒ y(j) = ψ(x(j)), for 0 ≤ j ≤ m− 1.

— If ψ is p-local then ϕ is (p− 1)m+ 1-local.— If ψ is computable by a letter-to-letter finite automaton, so is ϕ.— If ψ is computable by an on-line finite automaton with delay δ, then ϕ iscomputable by an on-line finite automaton with delay mδ.— If ψ is letter-to-letter right subsequential, so is ϕ.


Proof. 1) Suppose that ψ is p-local: there exist l and r such that p = l + r + 1and Ψ: Xp → Y such that for each 0 ≤ j ≤ m − 1 and 0 ≤ k ≤ n − 1, ymk+j =Ψ(xm(k+l)+jxm(k+l+1)+j · · · xm(k−r)+j). Hence ymk+j is determined through awindow containing xm(k+l)+j · · ·xm(k−r)+j of length (p − 1)m + 1, and ϕ is a(p− 1)m+ 1-local function.2) Suppose that ψ is computable by a letter-to-letter finite automatonA = (Q,X×Y,E, I, T ). By the same construction as in the proof of Proposition 9, we define aletter-to-letter finite automaton B = (S,X×Y, F, J, U), with S = Q m , J = I m ,U = T m , and edges are defined as in equation (6).

Let x = xnm−1 · · ·x0 ∈ X∗ and y = ϕ(x) = ynm−1 · · · y0 ∈ Y ∗. Sincey(j) = ψ(x(j)) for 0 ≤ j ≤ m − 1, (x(j), y(j)) is the label of a path recognizedby A. That B recognizes ϕ is proved as in Proposition 9.3) Suppose that ψ is computable by an on-line finite automaton A = (Q,X ×(Y ∪ ε), E, q0, ω) with delay δ, where ω: Q → Y ∗ is a partial terminal func-tion. By the same construction as above, we define a letter-to-letter finite au-tomaton B = (S,X × (Y ∪ ε), F, s0, σ), with S = Q m , s0 = m (q0, . . . , q0),σ( m (p0, . . . , pm−1)) = m (ω(p0), . . . , ω(pm−1)) for states pj ∈ Q such thatω(pj) is defined. Edges are defined as in equation (6). Clearly, B is left subse-quential. Moreover, if A has delay δ, every path of length mδ in B is labelled bycouples belonging to X × ε, so B is on-line with delay mδ.4) Suppose now that ψ is recognized by a letter-to-letter right subsequential au-tomaton A. The same construction as in 3) can be used, with the only change onthe definition of edges, that is, equation (6) is replaced by

m (p0, . . . , pm−1)a−→ m (q, p1, . . . , pm−2) ∈ F ⇐⇒ pm−1

a−→ q ∈ E. (7)

�One can ask about the converse problem: are properties satisfied by base βtransferable to base γ = βm? The answer is well-known for standard num-ber systems: digits are to be grouped by blocks of length m. More generally,let x = xnm−1xnm−2 · · ·x0 a word of length nm in X∗. It can be written asx = x[n−1] · · ·x[0], where, for 0 ≤ k ≤ n− 1, x[k] = x(k+1)m−1x(k+1)m−2 · · ·xkm is

the k-th block of length m of x (from the right). Denote by π(x[k]) the value in baseβ of this word, i.e. π(x[k]) = x(k+1)m−1β

m−1+· · ·+xkm, and put ξk = π(x[k]). LetXm = {π(dm−1 · · ·d0) | dj ∈ X for 0 ≤ j ≤ m− 1}. Then ξk ∈ Xm. Analogously,

put χk = π(y[k]) ∈ Ym.

Proposition 10. Let X and Y be two finite alphabets of digits, and let ϕ: X∗ →Y ∗ be a digit set conversion in base β. Let ψ: X∗m → Y ∗m be a digit set conversionin base γ = βm defined by

χn−1 · · ·χ0 = ψ(ξn−1 · · · ξ0) ⇐⇒ ynm−1 · · · y0 = ϕ(xnm−1 · · ·x0).

— If ϕ is q-local with q = (p− 1)m+ 1 then ψ is p-local.— If ϕ is computable by a letter-to-letter finite automaton, so is ψ.


Proof. 1) Let y = ϕ(x), and suppose that ϕ is q-local: then yk is determined by awindow of length q. Hence a factor of length m, yk · · · yk−m+1, is determined bya window of length q+m− 1. It is necessary that q+m− 1 be a multiple of m tohave ψ a p-local function for some p, so q +m− 1 = pm, and q = m(p− 1) + 1.2) Suppose that ϕ is computable by a letter-to-letter finite automaton B = (Q,X×Y, F, I, T ) We define a letter-to-letter finite automaton A = (Q,Xm×Ym, E, I, T ):let ξ = π(xm−1 · · ·x0) ∈ Xm and χ = π(ym−1 · · · y0) ∈ Ym. Then

qξ/χ−→ q′ ∈ E ⇐⇒ q

xm−1/ym−1−→ q1

xm−2/ym−2−→ · · · qm−1

x0/y0−→ q′ ∈ B.

Corollary 3. If ϕ is computable by an on-line finite automaton with delay mδ(resp. is letter-to-letter right subsequential) and if every element of Xm has aunique β-representation on X, then ψ is computable by an on-line finite automatonwith delay δ (resp. is letter-to-letter right subsequential).

In general, the representation on X is ambiguous. However, suppose that on Yevery element has a unique β-representation, and that ϕ is a letter-to-letter rightsubsequential function satisfying a relation like equation (1), then ψ is also letter-to-letter right subsequential: suppose that, in B there are two paths of lengthm

qx0/y0−→ q1

x1/y1−→ · · · qm−1

xm−1/ym−1−→ q′


qv0/w0−→ p1

v1/w1−→ · · · pm−1

vm−1/wm−1−→ p′

such that π(xm−1 · · ·x0) = π(vm−1 · · · v0) = ξ. By equation (1), we get that

ξ + q = xm−1βm−1 + · · ·+ x0 + q = βmq′ + ym−1β

m−1 + · · ·+ y0


ξ + q = vm−1βm−1 + · · ·+ v0 + q = βmp′ + wm−1β

m−1 + · · ·+ w0.

Since the β-representation on Y is unique, p′ = q′, and y0 = w0, . . . , ym−1 =wm−1, hence, letting χ = π(ym−1 · · · y0), there is a unique edge in A with inputlabel ξ

qξ/χ−→ q′

and A is right subsequential.

6. Applications

Results on base β = i√b presented in Section 4 are of course a corollary of

Theorem 1 with m = 2 and γ = −b. The same results hold true for base −i√b.

Here we consider other roots than square ones.


6.1. Base β = −1± i

Let us first recall some results on base β = −b ± i, where b is an integer ≥ 1.It is known [19,28] that any complex number is representable in base β = −b± iwith A = {0, . . . , b2} for canonical digit set. Every Gaussian integer has a uniquerepresentation of the form ak · · · a0, with ai ∈ A. We recall the following result [31]:Addition in base β = −b± i, with digits in A = {0, . . . , b2}, is a letter-to-letterright subsequential function.

Remark that (−1± i)4 = −4, but that for any b ≥ 2, there is no integer k 6= 0such that (−b± i)k is an integer.

Proposition 11. 1) On digit set D = {3, . . . , 3}, addition in base β = −1± i isa 5-local function, and it is computable by an on-line finite automaton with delay4.2) On digit set D′ = {2, . . . , 2}, addition in base β = −1± i is a 9-local function,and it is computable by an on-line finite automaton with delay 8.

Proof. 1) It is a consequence of Proposition 3 and of Theorem 1 with γ = −4 andm = 4.2) It is a consequence of Proposition 4 and of Theorem 1. �

Note that, since in Theorem 1 digit sets in base β and in base γ must be thesame, we cannot say anything about addition in base β = −1± i on the minimallyredundant digit set {1, 0, 1}.

Remark 4. Conversion in base −1 ± i between digit set D = {3, . . . , 3} orD′ = {2, . . . , 2} and A = {0, 1} is not on-line computable, but is computable bya right subsequential automaton.

In reference [1] it is shown how to obtain the (−1 + i)-representation of aGaussian integer from the 2-representation of its real and imaginary part by meansof a right subsequential automaton.

6.2. Base β = m√b

Number representation in base β = 3√

2 has been studied by Kormendi in [22].More generally, let b be an integer, |b| ≥ 2, and let m be a positive integer.

Then, regardless of the problem of which sets can be represented in base β, thefollowing result is a simple corollary of Propositions 1–4 and Theorem 1.

Proposition 12. Let b in Z such that |b| ≥ 2, and let β = m√b.

1) Addition in base β on {0, . . . , |b| − 1} is a letter-to-letter right subsequentialfunction.2) If |b| ≥ 3, let D = {a, . . . , a} where a = b|b|/2c + 1. Then addition in baseβ on D is a (m + 1)-local function. Addition is computable by an on-line finiteautomaton with delay m.3) If |b| ≥ 2 is even, let a = |b|/2 and D = {a, . . . , a}. Then addition in baseβ on D is a (2m + 1)-local function. Addition is computable by an on-line finiteautomaton with delay 2m.


7. Golden ratio base

This section presents results on numeration systems which are of a differentkind: there is no power of the base which is an integer. Nevertheless, we think theymight be of interest, because they give an example where addition is computableby an on-line finite automaton, but is not local.

Let β > 1 be a real number. Any real number x ∈ [0, 1] can be represented inbase β by the following greedy algorithm [29]:Let x1 = bβxc and let r1 = {βx} be the fractional part. Then iterate for k ≥ 2,xk = bβrk−1c and rk = {βrk−1}. Thus x =

∑k≥1 xkβ

−k, where the digits xk are

elements of the canonical alphabet A = {0, . . . , bβc} if β /∈ N, A = {0, . . . , β−1}otherwise. The sequence (xk)k≥1 is called the β-expansion of x. When β /∈ N,a number x may have several different β-representations on A: this system isnaturally redundant. The β-expansion obtained by the greedy algorithm is thegreatest one in the lexicographic ordering.

Here we focus on numbers β which are defined as follows: β is the dominantroot of an equation of the form

Xm − aXm−1 − aXm−2 − · · · − aX − b

where a ≥ b ≥ 1 are integers, and m ≥ 2. Such a root is a real number > 1. Thenumeration systems defined by bases of that kind are called confluent numerationsystems. The canonical alphabet is then equal to A = {0, . . . , a}. The moststudied case is the golden ratio τ = (1 +

√5)/2, with m = 2, a = b = 1.

We have proved in [13] that addition on A = {0, . . . , a} in a confluent numer-ation system is left sequential3. Moreover it has a bounded delay — it is realizedby an automaton having all its loops letter-to-letter [14] — so by the result of [16]quoted in the introduction, it is then computable by an on-line finite automaton.We present here a direct construction of the on-line automaton for base τ .

Proposition 13. In base τ = (1 +√

5)/2, addition on {0, 1} is computable by anon-line finite automaton with delay 3.

Proof. Input words start with 00. We define an on-line finite automaton L =(Q, {0, 1, 2}× ({0, 1} ∪ ε), E, {ε}). The transient part of L is of the form

- ε0/ε−→ 0

0/ε−→ 00 and 00

0/ε−→ 000; 00

1/ε−→ 001; 00

2/ε−→ 002.

In the synchronous part of L edges must satisfy the property

s1s2s3d/e−→ t1t2t3 ∈ E ⇐⇒ s1τ

−1 + s2τ−2 + s3τ

−3 + dτ−4

= eτ−1 + t1τ−2 + t2τ

−3 + t3τ−4 (8)

and for any state s1s2s3 ∈ Q, s1τ−1 + s2τ

−2 + s3τ−3 ∈ [0, 1[. Edges are the

following ones:

3The result of addition belongs to the alphabet A, but is not the greedy β-expansion.


— for d ∈ {0, 1, 2}, 000d/0−→ 00d

— 0010/0−→ 010; 001

1/0−→ 100; 001

2/0−→ 101

— 0020/0−→ 111; 002

1/1−→ 000; 002

2/1−→ 001

— for d ∈ {0, 1, 2}, 100d/1−→ 00d

— 1010/1−→ 010; 101

1/1−→ 100; 101

2/1−→ 101

— 0100/0−→ 100; 010

1/0−→ 101; 010

2/1−→ 012

— 0120/0−→ 011; 012

1/0−→ 010; 012

2/0−→ 100

— 1120/1−→ 011; 112

1/1−→ 010; 112

2/1−→ 100

— 0110/0−→ 001; 011

1/0−→ 002; 011

2/0−→ 112

— 1110/1−→ 001; 111

1/1−→ 002; 111

2/1−→ 112. �

The on-line automaton L is not a local automaton, since it has two loops withsame input label

0101/0−→ 101

0/1−→ 010

1111/1−→ 002

0/0−→ 111.

In fact, we can prove the following.

Proposition 14. Addition in base τ on alphabet {0, 1} is not a local function.

Proof. Let us suppose that addition ϕ: {0, 1, 2}N→ {0, 1}N in base τ is a p-localfunction for some p. Thus there exists a function Φ : {0, 1, 2}p→ {0, 1} such thatif x = (xi)i≥1 ∈ {0, 1, 2}N and y = (yi)i≥1 ∈ {0, 1}N, then y = ϕ(x) if and only iffor every k ≥ 0, yk = Φ(xk · · ·xk+p−1). Since Φ(1p) can take only value 0 or 1, forn large enough, the image of a factor containing only n ones is in {0, 1}∗0l{0, 1}∗

or in {0, 1}∗1l{0, 1}∗, for some large l. Since the word 0001n0ω has no equivalentτ -representation containing a large factor of zeroes, Φ(1p) must be equal to 1. Onthe other hand, the word 0021n20ω has no equivalent τ -representation on {0, 1}with a large factor entirely composed of ones. Therefore addition in base τ is notlocal on {0, 1}. �

Actually, it is possible to show that addition in base τ is 12-local on the alphabet{0, 1, . . . , 12} (see [7]).

These results are also valid for linear numeration systems defined by a linearlyrecurrent sequence U = (un)n≥0 of the form

un+m = aun+m−1 + aun+m−2 + · · ·+ aun+1 + bun, n ≥ 0

u0 = 1, ui = (a+ 1)i, 1 ≤ i ≤ m− 1

where a ≥ b ≥ 1 are integers, and m ≥ 2. Every positive integer N has arepresentation in this system on the alphabet A = {0, . . . , a}, meaning that onecan write N asN = dnun+· · ·+d0u0, with digits dk ∈ A, using a greedy algorithm:Let n such that un ≤ N < un+1; let dn be the quotient of the division of N byun, and let rn be the remainder: dn = q(N,un) and rn = r(N,un). Then iterate


dk = q(rk+1, uk) and rk = r(rk+1, uk) for n− 1 ≤ k ≤ 0. The word dn · · · d0 ∈ A∗

is the normal U -representation of N . As above addition is left subsequential [13]and has a bounded delay, so is computable by an on-line finite automaton.

For m = 2, a = b = 1, we get the Fibonacci numeration system.

Corollary 4. Addition on {0, 1} in the Fibonacci numeration system is com-putable by an on-line finite automaton with delay 3, but is not parallelizable.

Proof. It is the same automaton as in Proposition 13 with a terminal function ωdefined by: if s1s2s3 ∈ Q, ω(s1s2s3) is equal to the Fibonacci representation ofthe integer s1u2 + s2u1 + s3u0. �


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Communicated by Ch. Choffrut.Received May, 1998. Accepted November, 1998.