An elegant Farm for Bale. subscribe will sell on reason-. able terms the farm oti which he? o<>« resides, containing t 'onte hundred acres of choice land, 70 of iwhieb are covered with a heavy growth of fine black ash fencing timber; arid the residue under first rate cttltivation.— 'On the; prerjiises areialtthe oUt'huiidjrtgs necessary to a farming establishments. A 5 forhmodius' stone dweSftg'!h,q4 s ^ two- stories high, forty-two feet-fron^a^oifbr- fv Met rear?.including a wjng; witte'\yat- -«"r privileges, exceeding- ajiiy farmin the country';,For further i^rticiilars enqaire -of the "subscriber on-tbli pVernises, of Ja« red,Wilson, Esq. of danartjdaigua, or R, 'S: Rose* Esq. near G«nev,R/L. ROSE. Riehiaond, April 9, 1823, 638 :tf Ata 5 Surrogate's Court heldfor thecouM- - ty^of Yates, at the Surrogate's office in the-.village of JPenu-Yan, the Sth ,day of April; 1828, •'-.'•:. Present, A. -F*. OMVER, Surrogate. In the matter of the real 1 rf^N reading Estate of Jonathan Fer- > \ r ? r i d filing ris, deceased^ ) the petition of Allen Ferris Administrator of the estate »of Jonathan Ferris late pf the town of ' Wtloi in the county of Yates* deceas- ed, and -the papers accompanying ithe same. It is ordered, that all per- sons interested in the estate of the said deceased, appear before the Surrogate, at his ^office in Penn-Yap aforesaid, on Thursday ^hetwerity-seeond day of May. nefct; %i 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that dify'i,ta Show cause . why the whole of the. rejal estate of the said deceased, or so hiuc^-tfteff of as may be necessary to pay 'Ms^bts, should not be sold. Atid".fflis, farther ordered, That a copy of this order be immediately published for iow v/eeks^successively, in two of the 'public newspapers .printed in this/state, «n"e" of- which" itrost'be a newspaper print- e d i n thp;eoiiftty of Yates. . ArroaE'W F» OxrvERi Surrogate. 639:4w. A List of Betters remaining in the Post *. Office'of XJorham, N. Y. March 31st, • iSisv*- ' •.••••.•;'.'• '-.'; •• •• Archtbaid' Armstrong, Asa s. Austin, jjigb E» Alorp, Oliver Babcock, suriim -Blbdget, Christian Becker, Abraham BrU 4i% Alva, CofSfeen, 2. John Gq.nkl.irr, Hi^ «am Gady2, Andrew Coffen, s-arlesC. Cory, .Wallis Everts, Miss Caroline Fos- -IpQtreuben W, Fowler, MartinH. Ford, Jlpittion «Gnsw6ld $. Richard <5riswold, '.^ifesel"' garrison, Oren Green, Garoarii Halstead, Ebenezer Holcotnb, Hiram Harvvood % N. Harwopd, Fabtus Hpun- som, Justice IJatfidiaf tor. Hezekiab, Henry Heliiker,- Diason^HatfieN^ Joseph Waynes, Jared Irwin, Wm^Knickerback- er, (Jeorge Kellogg, Chas ? M'Lean, CJol- ister naillen, Irvin Metcalf, Thomas ojo- SheiS Lemuel Morse, John Peck 3, Ebin Priridle, Tyler Palmer, Maria Powers, William Pulvef, Jeremiah Post, Rodney Rusher, Mrs, Annaiine steams* Miss Ehi- ittne stearns, Miss* Arrriinda stearns, Ne-. %m &puih#land, Geo. stroub, Enoch sli- ier, John Thorp or Henry Green, Peter Van BuSsum! James Voak, Hiram -Wa. "get, Wm, Wood, Jufi, Mary Wqrtsen, Wm, Wlttson, Jonathan Webb, Win Watkin's, J5achatiBh York : SAlVfUEL* STEW ART, P- M. O LET—The newthree story brick hbuse, a few doors west of Ay fault's store. % The building is well calcvda or a Boarding a ted for aPrivate ih.Quje.'"• For further ittfermation, to the'subscrlberf on the !|tfemises, •;'-i 6. L. ROSE, GeneiatMarch QUlZn. 6SS-Jtf. ••• v " •' . : . . "•. : . .- ' ' .' -. : . . . . - " "- #Wi#S09 .tit. DANIELS at his New Estab^ * Ushtnent has on hand an elegant - assortment of fashionable a id seasonable wbfich are now offered at great bargains. Hts stock is well calculated for the spring trade, and .'his assortment of Calicoes par- ticularly, are of choice and fashionable patterns, and will be sold at lower prices thaw can be bouglu e " country. Also, a variety of Hard-Ware, Outlery, Sadler}', SCYTHES, &e l^orntr of'Maiden Lane and Pearl.sl. NEW-tOKK.} T H E subscriber offers for sale at his stprer—received by the" late arrivals from L I V E R P O O L , an extensive and complete assortment of Hard Ware, Gut- hry,axid$ad!ery, consisting impart of-- Kiiives and forks ; Pen, pocketi and two :•.. ' pladed khives 4 Razors and scissors, of every description and price, Files and rasps, of all kinds, Plane irons and chissels, of every desr criptipn, German and cast steel hand saws, Mill, cross cut, and pit saws, Sicklesibutts;; hinges of all sizes, H, H L, and table do. Wood screws, shoe and nail hammers, English and American Ink powder, , Knob locks, common and scoter! springs* assorted, - • ' Mortice, banbury, fine plate, closet, till* chest, cupboard and trunk locks, Girabiets v ; iron, brass, and plated Can- dlesticks, Norfolk and <feight thumb latches, Tea trays ancFwaite.rs, Coffee mills, Buttons, of ajl kinds, Iron and britannia spoons, Lamps, pocket books, steelyards, Tobacco boxes. Brass goods for CABI- NET MAKERS, of all descriptions, Flints, brass and pewter cocks, * Round bolts, tea kettles, &c. &.c. Common and plated stirrups. Common snaffle, and plated bridle bits, Roller buckles, of all kinds, Plated spnrsi &c. Consisting of Nails, Vices* anvilSj trace chains, shovels and spades. Scythes of a very superior quality, man- ufactured by'Newton Darling,the for- mer foreman and maker of'PassmoreV scythes. This stamp is warrairted- in every respect equal to Passmore's, or any other. The above articles, with others not e- numerated comprise an assortment of HARDWARE well worth the attention of fiountry merchants, who are respectful- ly requested to calKand evaroine fgr thenj- selves, the whole of which will be sold at the, lowest market prices, and on the most accommodating terms^ ; . C; PALMER. No. 197, Pearl st. N. B. For information relative to the quality of the scythes, please call on Mr. ROBERT RUJMENEY, Merchant, Ge- neva. • : •'. -t : -' •-'•• '•;'•' "- ••;"• Mw-Y&rhMmhr'i&%% 635 *' mto jgfta!?Ugj)iHtut. •-Jhmf^j^'V^ik^ S AGAIN receiving large and,eJe gant additions to his $toek of Dry- Goods* Groceries* Crockery, &c. ." > AMONG* HIS IS A iARGE ASSORTMENl 1 OP Bladk, Blue, SteeKMixed 0Hve & Drab CLOTHS &-CASSIMERES; SATJNETTS; Rose BLANKETS; Tarmn PLAIDS and GAMBLETS; Agreatvariety of CALICOES, offehoice patterns; . Irish LINENS and DIAPERS; Jaconett, Book, Mull, Swiss and Cambric •-MUSLINS;' Black and Colored Silk, Valencia; ToU linete and Swahsdown VESTINGS; A ri<?h variety of SDLKS, such as plain, figured and elegant Plaid Grodenap; Black India SATINS, and Satin LE- • VANTIN.S : ; -" Heavy Black LUSTRINGS, and SIN- CHEWS; French do. and Florences; Also, Long and Square Merino k, Cash mere SHAWLS, and Dress HAND- KERCHIEFS; Bobinett LACES; Lace VEILS, Flagg and Bandanna HANDK'FS. German do. A large assortment of RIBBONS, GLOVES and HOSIERY, And almost every other description of Goods in the line* His GROCERIES, - ' comprise a choice assortment of T1SAS and JLIO^UORS, which are confidently recommended as being^?rsf chop articles, and at prices as £ow as the cheapest. of every description of elegant patterns; all of which are offered at reduced prices, and the public are respectfully invitqd to call and examine. Geneva, November 21, lSET. Win Hjlf. CAlWNeit' : H AS receutly received, at the store formerly becu- pied by Dbct. JA'S. CARrrEa, a general assortment of Comprising every arttcle in the Apothe- cary line, all which are waranted to be genuine. Also, on hand, i*aiiits, Oils, Dve-Stuffs, &c. and will be offered fbf sale at reduced pri- ces. r ;€feh?»«, August, UST, « FRESH SUPPLY AT AYRAULT'^ pENEVA.^Just receiytid from N«tw •York, some elegant superfine CI^OTH> apd Vestings; and many other desirabH alftjeles of DRY <jOQDS,rnakin{5tbt>i. :|sjpFtment very eomplete^-all of whicl w||l be sPld at reduced prices. -.-^ ^Tust received on consignment, a quai. tity. of .mould and dipped CANDLliS •ilsp, Bar Soap, which will be sold low by ibe'box for Cash. ^ AYRAULT, U Co, Mskych 5tb, 1828. ^^t^ijfas (Corner qpfflte P&blic Square fy Main-st. > GENEFA4 T M SUBSCRIBERS hav? now receivfid thV«r entire ^tpek of ,. FAtL- Am* OTfTER, Gr OO Jb M:i: which is probably more extensive and complete ah assprtment! than was ever offered in Geneva^ Meibhants and oth- ers who wish to purchasejare particularly invited to calf at this (Sjfore, (makevno mistake in the corner,)! where they will find1 everj variety of «•;•.• Cheap Book-Store. re in the > y - , "•fvt very cheap. Hi? assortment wdl he re- plenished by receipt of NEW GOOPSj from time to time,;during the; season* abd will be sold at the lovv est prices. 1 j^jifo- on hand, a large assortment of aiaSs-W^re, Crocli«i?y arid al reduced prices, P^rsohs.Wwhing to buy at low prices* will do wett-tp call. Geneva, April 1,1828- Six Journeymen Painters, ILL find emplov iheiii, by iintne- dtate application to > '•:;.••'.••'. LUTHER KELLY. Geneva:March 26./1828. ;- ; 6Q9:3.w Paiiiily Bibles. jt Large s&pDiv'of Famjly Bih »••- ' - ibles of ^anotiS^ qualities and bindings, W'tb a^TWithoutmips; putes, 9 , ' ^ ^^.^" c;e &c. arid ^it very j[ow,pricesv - i or Sale a ; t the Bookstore audBindety^f,^^.' > Gtnem~fyt!B. %$; , ^I ''J'-" : . '^- • j ^ justices' Manual,by Waterman*;arid 25 and 50;dollar Aclt for "ale as above;. DIP* Gill's Body of Divinity, 3 vol, Do. Sermons, 3 vols, D6. Cause of God and Truth, 2 vol. Heryey's Works, 6 vol. Diamphd Bibles, Watts Psalms and Hymns, Village Sermons, Diamond and Cornmon Testaments, Mtlner's Church History, p;wight's Theolpgy, Quarto Bibles, Scptt's Family Bible, / Blaiir's Lectures, theological Dictiohary, Dictionary of all Religfohl,' Pilgrims Progress Drelincourt on "~ Blair's Sermah's;, ' Sjouthey's Work on the Church, ^ ^ 3?"afey*s EvlaeKMtes* Hunptpn History, 4 vol. .ETOfeonXSermpns, Hor^e Solitarie* 2 vol. •'-,.-. Life of Christ, Masheun, calf* gilt, 4 yok Buck's Theological, Dictionary* CamDbeirs Gospels, V Letters on the Sacranient, Baxter's Call, Trial of Universal Charity, Horn's Introduction, 8 vols. fee. &6. &c. Gillis Greece* American Biography,.9 vol. JOsephus Work, 4 vol. Jpbdson's Works, Shakspeare, 10 voh Life of Washington, by Marshall, 5 vols. with maps, Mrs. Opie*s work*, 12 vol. Brown's novels, 7 Vols. , Cooper's works,,elegantly bound, Tales Of the O'Harra Family, 2 vol. The O'Brien's and the O'Flaberty's Vpyiagetpthe Moon* &c. 'He. with a < general assortnieiit of stationary. Ledgers and Day Books, Stc. &c. Goods Study of Medicine 5 vols. Coopef's^urveys 2 vols. Hoopers Sledical Dictionary. Hunter on the Bipod. Tully on Fevers; Arnistrbhg on Fevers. A General assorttrifent of Classical and School Books, for s a ^ b ^ J.L.SM1TH. Go.veva, Feb. 27. 1828.; ^ ' ' ' nd CasWs; Sheetings, ShirtingJ a Tickings, . •. * I'OO hbts. Coarse SALT, in fine order, SO Potash Kettles, Taterg F u m ^ , sale very cheap, at the foot of he ca street, by, . .:• /-. JOHN L. DOX, & Co, for ene- GeneW, Dec..29. 18*" 624:tf OMMON ALMAN gross, dozen and single , bv the CHRIS MOST valuable East India IMlecticine for the cure of the Rheumatism,. Rheuma- tic Gout,&c .# Extract of a letter Ifom the Itev, Jam*s Eng- lisb, dated Bengal, to his friend tit IF. Bed- welUin London. . " 6ear Sir.—Agreeable to your request I have procured and now send yon by the ship .laspn, Capt. Robertson, a few pounds of the, Poladei- 'phisf or what geaeraHjif goes by ttte nspne of tnc India Kxtract, a medicine uuiversailyi esteemed imong the people of India* for the «n?e of the ttheumatisfli. Were l to.inform My of the number of people who are daily relieved* and cured by this valuable remedy, it would require more time than I am able to bestdp. Indeed the effect of this medicine is so immediate that in Rheumatism jbu Would in some cases suppose it acted like a charm iu removing that painful disease. The diflftcnity* howe;Ver, in procurilig the' Kxtract. wiil for many ye^lts retard its great circulation. It, being obtained from a shrub growing on the mountains of Tibet, in the Em- pire of India, and held in so much repute by the. natives, that to part with it is like parting with their existance.: The usual mode u'f taking it is in, the form of PI LLS I shall use all my endeavors to send you a constant sujiply; $ince the proprietor has received the above Medicine* he lias put it op into Boxes made for the,purpose, containing 60 Pills, with a>bill pi direction* andAcertrfjoate of its being genuine signed in hia^ovm hand writing; and in.order to shew its vast*impbrtance, has thought proper to submit for public inspection; a few out of a vast nuinberof CertifieatesKfrom, people who have been cured in Europe and America. '"'."• ••'"*:. CERTIFICATES. ' *- LondoJi.^prifl 0,1824. Dcrctor Bedweil~ Dear Sir, J beg leave, to in^ form yoa that-1 have been for these several; months so affected with such violent pains in roy hips, thighs and legs, and swelling of the joints,, thatl could not rest day nor night'"j nothing that was applied gave any rfeh^fi until aneiphor af mine informed nie of the lndia|Extract having performed many GareS; fsenl for a box, which gave'wonderfnl relief, and by using two boxes; and a half, 1 atn as «fell as ever 1 was in my life. Yofirob't servant* " • - • . . ; - •'.',"' .." •.;•'• J/WELSH.-.;. From Tobias Jennin, Seward of St, Thomas : Hospital. London, Pebrumy 10* 1823, Dear Sir-~I•think it rny daj^ to tafesto yea, that after trying every remedy pointed orft by the most respectable physicians for the relief of fej son, without ajtiy "success^ who you know, has for- many years beett laboring under severe Rheumatism, RbeomatifrjSout, Fevers, &c. I made trial or the Inditf Extract according to your instructions^ a«d'i am rejoiced ito'say, if has proved a>perfect Cure. '/ i BETTERS TO MTAGEWT IN'AMERICA* Dear S i r ^ I t becomes mej at this tiipe,,\:to ex> press to God roy gratitudefor tie mi!ans4ft has made" use^ofv in restoring my losthealthi by the u^e of a inedichie called foladelphis or India Rxtract.' For.the last five years I have been io grieveflusly'alBiCtedvvitb Kbeumatism, that I have at times almost wished for death to re- lieve me of niy sufferings; seeing this medicine advertised, 1 sent for a box, and da declare, I that siuce Xitaye began to use" it I have never felt a pain,, and ; aiii'ture that 1>y Ipntiuuiiig to .ise it for a short (itne* I "»h«|l. again enjoy my tisnal health* abd be able to support hiyiaiinils, .s heretofore. Enclosedll. fiend youilhree dol- lars for 2 boxed, which you .will please. pack up carefully, tod Mr. BMneyrWHl .bring it- to •ne. V«u may fell the World it ia my opinion that the Poladeibhfti* the »nly medicine in; the, world that Will cure the Rheumatism. W i i ioy and gladness, yonrs.fwever v., Vv^iLJUlAM '-a.- MEYER. CERTIFICATE OF THEpaopRiEtOR. this is to certify thatI have appointed Dr !{• iBERT HftltRIS, Jr. of Peiinsylvania, vfo[ vih'ich has beeri pur6based on the m|ist advantagepus terms, and will be sold cheaper than can procured at any pth-: er store in; ilhis country Merchan^rrtay a"lso be supplied with WINDOW ^X-ASS lower than has been usual. Justlfeoeived, atjuanflty of SALT, Which *HH behold low. On consiengjent, a quantity of Riett, Sf CVs. $ti§ridr SNUFF & TOBAC- CO, at NeW-York pricees* ^ree of trans- portation. v> ^.. . Wanted^irio.OOO bushels Wheat* and a quantity q| Pot and Pearl Ashes, for which Cash will be paid. •'.•". f JV. AfRAVLT, &( Co, GenevarPfic.nl%2>7t I NFORMS his friends ainld the public, that he has r«mot;erf to tfie house here- tofore occupied by Mr* diaries W. Hen- ©t» three doprs> south of Messrs. De Zeng fa. HsU ? s storei l^ain-stteet, v/here all ap- plications for ^isprpfessiottal services will be «&mpt!y attended to. : ; Geneva, Mayi^n^r. •'"'. SUlrtf ATTORNETT Aq? LAW, Solicitdr and,Cbttnsetior in] Chancery, H AS opened his Offieein the new building/opposite his former test- denceViri the,village of Geneva* a few rods north of the Cptlege,>herei. he will devote his time add attention exclusivejy to his profession, .and respf ctfully solicits aportion of public pat ronagei ' .Conveyancing, tpgether with the usual business in the respective Coiuts of Law and Equity, will be Strtetly attended to byWm.^^en£i)ff,uVb^26, 182t, 620tf ^TRANSPORTATION. Office pj? the American Fur Coitipany,) INew-Yprk, Feb. 12,1828. $ j||lEA%pX> proposals will be received K!^ by | | e American Fur Company, at their pfil^i JJ6. 8, Vessy street, New York* until the, 20th of the next month, for the transportation of all their goods hence to Ia|e Erie, during the present year* eommetJG\p$ the latter part of April, in which and tne'iponth following, most of their goods are forwarded. The goods tp be received .fi-pm the company .op the wharf, at New-York : each package to be weighed separately before shipment, and in fifte%davstbere^ after, are to be delivered inj^ood order and condition, to the'agent of^tlte com- pany at Buffalo. The companyVto be protected against all accidents ort the F North River, and the contractors to be. liable as common carriers* until the pro- perty is delivered at Buffalo. 'The pro- posals to be n?kde at a fixed rate for 112' Ibs.nyhich is to inctude weiahihg at NeAv- York, and all charges of every descrip- tion, from the time the goods are deliver- ed on the wharf here, until they are re- ceived at Buffalo. Separate proposals will also be receiv- ed at the same time and place, for the transportation 61 all the property the company may have to carry during tbr next summer, from Buffalo to the ch*v of New-York. The goods to be delivered by the company V$ agept at Buffalo, to the contractors, and received here in good or* der and conditioii. The carriers being liable in the same manner for these, as to the goods.hence to lake Erie. The bffer to be at so much for furs, sd much for Buffalo robes, arid deer or other skins JVt.'lf- - . ' vs mUm$^:wmm'm , 3L^ a ;i i ;,and a gr>at variety at \ tezfcr-xbitk * viiitable for t|i$l>ry Goods igtormj, hey willseJIonipcoiftnmdatu ^ #e Among their present tslocfe, « ( , iBfieI Cast steel arid German, ha;nd anr^)? " SAWS, - : 4 t V v Iron hack do., Carpenters naitHatnitfOTif Butts and scree's,. 4ooV hinges, > Carpenter's chisseJs, do. plan^e irons; ) Iron squares* bos rules, bo&ivaod J»eaA ' Giinbiets, • v spike do* cdnipasses and divider^ Brass thumb latches, japaned Norfolk &<f* Commode knobs; mortice, rmJi and stock Locks, * i * Chest* pad, till,fer^dtrunk, do?v , Files and rasps, trac& tehaing^ Sad »OQS> Curry combs, ffy|rs| paassi gridirons* ^ Back strap't shovels* sashvpulleyss f , f Tea bells, brass cocks, sheep shekn, Drawing krrives, shoe hammers and isho& ' • Pinchers, -.... -'«• \ f , Red keys and screws, plated castorW AHertort's awl blades, tt;as^ and plated Spursj. ,.' ' • S-- , \ Coffee mills, plated stirrcsps, \ ^ s Do. bridle bins, plated and japaned) ' Harness buckles, ^, \ shovels and tongs, stall? rods* gnp IOCBS^' Cprk scre#§* shoe and., hutcher knives t \ ^y^ought shoe taisks, polished dq, \ stlel ygids, screw augurs* - ' \ sfetes ofefirie ivory handled knives, forks r \ Tsble and tie«iprt do. in dozens, ,, Buck and bbte,:h^t|dlB do do. Ivory, and buck handle carvers and sftel* single and double blade, pen, pocket; and old it _ and* prunv»g KitrvES, . .VlaaiHiui bonum, silver steel, Engrish Razors, * Fine, polished, and qemmftn scissoifs and Shears, ,, - Plated, brittaniai and iron tea and.ta&le spoons, , ;, •; Japaned tea tray's and veaitei s, # Dp. bread trays, >, : V •' . silver mounted snuffers apd tray«, Japaheddo do; fineipofehed, and com- mon steel snuSeis,~ Brittania tea pots, plated and brass" can- dlesticks^, "' , * Plated, st^fl,1md wbitft trletal spectacles, if" (not furs,) and so mue> for sugar, heeV 6r f C0 ^ i ;^* , ^S &ctac,l5 ^ <l ^ es, vyax. ahdthe like* per 112 pounds, ihelu " '"" dihg all charges of every-description, from the tim% the property is delivered at Buffalo until His received here. .-•, Good and sufficient security in the sour of f 5,000, to be given for the due fulfil ment pf the contract, if requiied by the coropany. The amount of the transportation, ei- ther up or down,, will be paid at the com -pany's office, on the isrday of Jan. 1829 Proposals to be endorsed ** to .jakf, Erie," or ^ 4 from lake Erie," as the cas p may be. V 681 ; '•-^Cv^HE : -'FARMER^ v ' NEW-yo«R-tG^WTAi;* |500,000. ""'HE sttbscriberhaying.beep-duly ap- pointed Agent for t|e above Com pany.VwIH, on appBcatibn, effect Insuran- ces upop |h& most favourable jfermis; and alsoren|ilr|0licies issued by the-Western Fire Instance Goijapany.i ^ , jOHit&DOX. Gemva0une sfe", 1827. s , 598:tf AIJBUBLN. S T ATE' - PBiSON: WARE, ''-' iost EECEIVE-ft'AtV'V , A ^s^mjt'S, CASH ;',ST ; ORE;^-A JM. Mle^assortmesnt of Wooden Ware, made^atihelsai^Mm StafePvison,; con - sisting of To^fS', v C?bnr ! ns, s Pedis, Keelers* Kegs, Fl'owejp t o t s , fc«i e/leg&ntly finished and pairjted Iwhicjh he;i^|elitng very tow MarcKitm M,AY^AULT.' F-!E'W"-B , 0A^&ll''Bt'S { ' w*iH be/receiv- ed< b^MftV- Sw*Hltw6 doors west 'of N.- Ayrloit's store. \,'•; '-'••</ - ; • :•'-•' . ':". Geuevay Jjamtary M 1528* 628:Sw. OTICE. —The CiRC u LATINO Li •-. _ B^RV is cpntinued at the Geneva Chvap Bookstore on the usual terms, and .in consequence of the incrpased d^maoil for l)Coks there has beeh^adiJlid to the JUi^ ftrary HJ0 vOlunies of nejv and interesting #prk8*amohg Which are the Red Rover, hy the author of the ^ilot. Ike. Sic. Crop - idle* «f the Canongate, by the author of WftVerly, fa.6. Mrs. Montagu's Letters, £igb« and ShaoWftv Carter's Letters, Poems* fcc, &c, Other works wjltbe added, both new and old, as occasion shall req'iire, or new works be, published, -and reviews of different kinds. • v •"•':> ' :•:'$. L, SMITH. Geneva, M(fr*h& n^':; • ;, TIAN"ALMANACS* by the^"zenan.1 «in(&'& Also', G i l l l M A N A L M A N A C S ; for sale at the Bookstore of Nov. \W- J.BUOH.K1. DISSOLUTION, copartner- ship heretofore existing between D LeviS. -Lif*fej(i*n v "'and the subscriber, nnder the firm of Littlejbhn &, Pratt, is L thisday dissolved, LOREN^OPRATT I Gtitem, Feb. 5,1820. - fiSl;^ | only Agent in the United States tb dispose; of '.fba't. valuable medicine, catted the Poladelphift* India Exnract. with foil power toappoftlt, agents' where be may thinkprflperj aadtu^tliegreat dienjand may indnce:»bprinei^led ptwoi» to fa- bricate the, medicin,e, to the ipjury «f tbe-pob^ lie, I tho'tprbper to *ccomp:«njt this eeitiff*ate kigaed in my own ha&d writtngy tvith Hie dir^- fioiis rflffnd eacffbox;';. and niore, effectually to •ietect conntejfeits* uie p'nbllc will obierve the signatute'af my Agent, Rohtrt Harris, Jr. on the outside"«f every box, to cP^terfeit whichis telooy. Signed at my oftice* No. 2*2, Greek- "street,".London.'- ''• '--.'.• .-' .'". V- 2 '.'••' T BEDWEtL. %!& The subfcriber is appointed Agent fqrthe abdve valbrable 'MedietheV which Vii'af jbe Wad at Hts DruggiiSiptore,itt G e . peva, Price, $i 50 per. box. '• ' • -"•..-..• Wm. HOB^SSK. December 5* nv$«^~' \ . ^tl T AND,, Cultivated ar Uncultiyated, bougb^Anii sold. Bouses, Stores, 1 c. let and4ea*^|. Money lorrawed andloa* ned. lnformatio^eertoinel from all parts of the IJnion Acting of evert deaciipiion exe^ cuted Mercfemdise, Gouutfy produce, Honse- bold Furniturei '#c, bouglitjaiiilsqld on Com- mission.: " >•';••*••'. , •-.',. Einplbyjroettfc Young andj-iBiddle aged men <analWays^AewpoynieniIjpthe mercantileor any'pth^'jre|^^a^te^_»|iie^ii.r'. ,1 S-'^r Salf*V*T>irty thousand acre* of good t irober tands, in Ohio, VtrWont, and Penn- sylvaniastates ; :••..'•'...• " ^-:•'-.-,' - ' J';. - P«ii»^aler T*o P a r # , iO-brick and fraim? houses;! aiso 85 elegant building lots \ to Let. "Se»eral Houtel, Stores, Offices, aodpatts of i'oMe* ' ;* •/,' |*pr Sale^ The St6ebsi;aiid Fixtures of a number" of ITquof and Grocery stores; /Also,*.. severatRefictories. ' S.-.". .'.••>--•.. ;' Wnted;' * Three Bar-keepers, > lerks in a OiBg* Pry Gm&*iand^Grotfry Store* \« anted. Several Vonn*s Men with,small capitals^ to commence" Li^upr, Grociry, anil othtt respectable bu««oCs« f i * Waiite,'! iiP'Crat' fairnrymen to Trade* VIsd, a numbf/of 4fprentice* VV;anted.; $orop steaSj' .Men* as Porters, llack-driv*r»i%Tters,4cc, . ••- .""; * \% anted to jptircbaRe. -Poor Couhting-bouse .•|Ve»1fs'.-f;''Vl6^^5or"«,^HMn^-ChHM..'-' ; , W aDfe(! * * partner Ift the Land Agency, and general Oiiiinmission felisiness. : < .--.";; H'» B. ^tr»A|e« and Foreigners arriving; in t|)is city, af» ^quested to call at said OtRce, whewfert>llh can >eacc^mpU»h«a;, , -. •; -;> * • \ f \ m&, W-- EV : E.'UT-T,- ; i '-.-,; 'G^ktryinan &. Foreigner's A^ent, CHOOLA'Mrs Itpwthorp^ SthO 1 will coiuuvitjcfe'•«* WedftRsrt^lteJby; inst. ^&mtw», Feb. e. | POUNDS first quanlity of TALLOW^ forsate BACKER ^THACHER. Geneva, MWCD^TO, >828, ; 6d*:2w IPOTOAL STORKv W H O L E S A L E JQ.ND RETAIL. ; (,Twp doors iiprth of Col. Bogeit's Print . ing-office, frotiting^the Public -square.} subscriber having purchased the entire stock of .pirtigs Sk Medicines Dye Stuffs, Paiiits, Pateiii Medicines, Perfuinery, &,ci of Duct. Wrti* ; Hortsen* and havinR receiyei/ supplies in additiop thereunto, offers tire same* comprising at) assortment of hearfv every article in the Druga;ist''s line of. bu sines, at reduced prices. The former friends and pattohsof Dbct. Hoiisen are respectfully: solicited to continue their, fV- vors, with an .assurance that they shall; receive satisfaritibn. ; * All articles sold at. this store vvarranted of the first quality. Physicians,/painters, Dyers, private families and Others are invited to call and examine for.theroselves. ,-- :. : * WvA : . TO#NSFND*.:%c-' .? cessorto Doct. Hortsen. Geneva, 'Fe.h- 5, 1828v / NTAIHO FEMALE SEMINA^ KY* a t CAKArfpAiOcA,—The en : ,gagemeiit nf the prejsent Prinrifal <>f tliis initi ; tution will expire in may, next, \vher\lit will pie-! sentan advanfagpou^lsituatinnfpra gj6ritlems( and latfy,.qualified to take charge of ifi& higbti order of Female SchiJoIs ; and the Trustees so licit early applicationsj from such* with a yit*« to employment, and to.;the necessary..^'rrapge -. ments preparatory to the, opening of the school im the, 1st of June next V',, '.'.;' This Sen4oary, »bich is duly incarpprated enjoys grtat local advantates, from its^ihinti>.n in a pleasant and healtltfol yiilntjf, in hVe^en tre of a rich andflomishin<;region, possessing no other institution of a similar kind—and may, under competent instructors, be rendered on of the most useful and and prosperous school > in the Dnited States. It is, thwefore, in % opinion'«f : ahe Trustees,.an^object worthy thi ntte^tion-of the ablest TeacheiS; V Buildings, which have reeenily been erected by t|ie stpcktoitlers, and, devotfil exclusively to the institution, consist «f an elegant brick edifice, 15 by 60 feet .adapted; to the purposes ofthe school, a boarding 4 l:o»iae, and the resi- dence of the family of the principal, with a gar- den, pleasure grounds, and suitable out-bouses attached. '--•.; ; .'"• - /, : , Applicntions-V |»y those who consider 'hem: selves diily qualified to take charge of this i.u stiiution in all its branches," rbay be addressed to Mr. James D. Bemis, at this place. . • : -'"'JO"HN QHKIG, President .•• MARK II SlBt,KV,«e'eu . fanandaigua, December 8, 1821* 634 YVIBTUEOF A;WRlTOFFL FA. issued out of thesiiprem*-; ^purt of judicature, I have taken all the goods and chatties, lands and tenenWiits nfLevt S.IAtUrjoknahd Lorenzo Pratt, in my bailiwick : to wit: ! All those certain; piecs or parcels of land, situatf lying and, being- till Water st, iii the• Village'.df Ge- neva* and bounded >s;fi>llpu«: " 0ii thP Isoiitli by Washingtbn-st.; pn ihe, west by Water-st,; 4>n the north by lots owned by William Tillman^ aiid on the east by Sc rtefra lake," , All of "liiVh I shall; ctxpme- to |ale at public ven<lue, at the Frankliij hwise^kcptb) Soloindn St. John, in the viifage ; .of Geneva, on' Saturday l-lw' twenty-stxlh day of •ApriT 1 ,'aj'j;p o'clock iri the forenoon. Dated Oeneta. ^fateh* |;2,'.;i;828Y' . J'.-G^R-u-so'H^rjfB; B. Noble, Dfjibt)). German and ijon^, , English and mttcb #**£$ Slate, and lead pencils, 4 Silver and plated pencil cases, T Silver and brass steel top'd thimbles, Tailors lined do; steel and iron knitting. "; . pins,'^ ^\"'-;""-;•'" * " Darnitig needles,arid bodkin*,' v Heihmirtg &, PatdP^s sewmg Needles, Praind, pack, aridbox phis, Gilt, plated^ and black bookstand eyes" t Gilt snaps. Calf skin and morroccopock- et bonks iiad; wallets, Lteel, and vdlv^t purses, >«acq;uered and gilt reticule mounts, Superior and common gilt, coat, and vest buttons, ; ' • :." Steel do, do, pearl and bon%«srnrt d0. Japahedf hprh. and wopd suspender do. Rcine, coat, and vest tnqulds,, i -'.- Military ball buttons, Matthenmart and' imitation steel do. • .-^, Composition ,ajnd ^r& inkstaftd^'* Ink powdefr^a^frji ^ealttjg ivai, Playing^.tjardl,'.'dic^^limtpiritits;,;-' ', I vo'ry arid bbiie^^ ne^q^fe^cases, :* 1- 1 Sieel and gilt shoe ffhanieots^ ' Burning glasses, pocKetltghts," •- Supenor and common sntfff b6xe>,. Stetl and tobacco dp. horn coiBbS* v^j Shell arid horn side dp. JEviprv and horn ppeket-do^.,"'-' ••'.-• J \-'~ ,.\ l Dressing i6.:'^mei, sewing* and stacia , ' Loo'kihg'"H!3SsW; '-"'* • ; -- ; :'.,''; Pocket ido;cloth.-hatr, and fx>oth%ttshe9, Sboe do;" Windsor transparent ^d,"com* nion so.rp ir» boxes, • /' ^ L Fine soap in dqz. shaving fib^ef and brushes,,cap wire*' steely jg8t; and|apan hat buckles, •• . '•'•'*•'. Steel an^l gilt Vaift, do. ^ ,'• Cloak Hoot«and!rihgs,steel : bita'CfsJets, Cut glass beads," coral £nd whife wax do.. Ruby and garnet dp.* •"•'•;•-- Also, every description of common beads, Watch ribbon^ gilt »»tch ©Baiia^ seals atjd keys, broaches, lieast phis, Fh'geV rings,* toy watcher, ifahev-tglass .top.boxes,"%c. Itc^V '';•.;.•; '^y : . A Iso buck artft bptfbri m|^rh^d> whips. Cotton and y«"6oI Ca'ifls, Day>^ Martin's japan tlacWrig, sand paper*and paper hanging. ;•.;'',,; -••; v*vy.^'.;'•';." In arMitioa to thes above they will short- ly receive a great variety of E ^ l i s b , French, and Dutch ^docls. 4ler^tants aire invited to call and examine their •stock." "'•.•.''.' ;,; . " .'.•" - : , '"•.''•" '•' Xewrfork,Ffib:U&,im«.^ .634 "> V VIRTUE W A ©&CBJBE of the Surtogate otlbe coaaty MQn- i -rio. will be solo, by or under teedirietigni of the sobscribei-, ISxebutaf of'thelast,will and teg- ttimritt of Kdw.a*dV«Khitei late of ;the town of Seneca in said county, deceawid* at"^emea- way '6 Hotel in Whe-Milage of GfBe»a.OB ^how- day the seventeenth day of A^rif, hjot, at te» -tt'clock in the foteneonjof t»at day, the |armt stand and premises lately ovrtted^nd occupied '•y the said deceased. ^aatfW» occupied *fr ; H«nry i; **-';; t\ bit**, described &s'fi*ll«wjHr« %ft i.rft. piece Dfland situate In ^»e^vi fn said u'iiity. being one fouttn of '•% lot known and tlistingoishert by the south west currier qf lot .N'6, 21,^ and lyingfiftyj-fect«n ^h« »ia»t side oft Main-*t..-arid then running e*st far encugh to intersect a line with the/east BftsJnd? off the tot loiffierly v lv ned by Thomas Howairi and John tvf)in» and'recently by,<3en^ri»i;€oIt.'* The terojs of sate .rbasb^ ascertftint'd by applwa- tion to the subscriber at Panandaiiua, or.atthe; iiirje ami place cf .side"; l)ated,JPehraary £th» ra38, ; -:'-63;4 ' " ; EUS»,A;.,H,'Hp-NT.m^TihN\ S UHVETOR GENEEA&S 1>F- FICEiState of i%»-Yi8(*,. Albany, •»• OTTRRY ARGUS.^A>ne» sup- JLi -plj of this very ustfulpiirifer fin tl'ife counting-rcKim, for sale at tbfe dfilce\-•'• UHVETOR FlCE^Bt Feb. 2.5, 182».i-JV*o*tce, is hereby given* that 011 Thovsday, the IweMty-fettrth day of April Sv6&* -it tett o'ctrrcfe/in thefotk* npon, aithis office, lpt nutrther' thitifcue*: 'fan, in the. tow'i«hi| of rJmhut* b*the Slijitaty Tract, \rsli >'# exposed for; sale by at«cfion>^ the toitiimuM p r t e f t t o %fe two^^doljars'^wdfifty centstp«r?ier««, .: T h e coudition* w \ ^ . ^ ^ f ^ | a | t ^ : ^ttll part »>f t-bei cc withi ; ii, fetty^i^hil •'d*r'rryi;^eqUatA *u iS vaierest at ani>UHi the;*i.^ : : SIMRON^. : wy^rv^

OMVER, Gr OO Jb M:i - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031213/1828-04-16/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · nefct; %i 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that ... Irvin Metcalf, Thomas

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An elegant Farm for Bale. subscribe

will sell on reason-. able terms the farm oti which he? o<>« resides, containing

t'onte hundred acres of choice land, 70

of iwhieb are covered with a heavy growth of fine black ash fencing timber; arid the residue under first rate cttltivation.—

'On the; prerjiises areial t the oUt'huiidjrtgs necessary to a farming establishments. A5 forhmodius' stone dweSftg'!h,q4s^ two-stories high, forty-two feet-fron^a^oifbr-fv Met rear?.including a wjng; witte'\yat--«"r privileges, exceeding- ajiiy fa rmin the country ' ; ,For further i^rticiilars enqaire

-of the "subscriber on-tbli pVernises, of Ja« red,Wilson, Esq. of danartjdaigua, or R , 'S: Rose* Esq. near G«nev ,R/L . R O S E .

Riehiaond, April 9, 1823, 638 :tf

Ata 5 Surrogate's Court heldfor thecouM-- ty^of Yates, at the Surrogate's office in

the-.village of JPenu-Yan, the Sth ,day of April; 1828, • •'-.'•:. Present, A. -F*. O M V E R , Surrogate.

In the matter of the real 1 rf^N reading Estate of Jonathan Fer- > \ r ? r i d filing ris, deceased^ ) the petition of Allen Ferris Administrator of the estate

»of Jonathan Fe r r i s late pf the town of ' Wtloi in the county of Yates* deceas­e d , and -the papers accompanying

i the same. It is ordered, that all per­sons interested in the estate of the said deceased, appear before the Surrogate, at his ^office in Penn-Yap aforesaid, on

T h u r s d a y ^hetwerity-seeond day of May. nefct; %i 10 o'clock in the forenoon of t h a t dify'i,ta Show cause . why the whole of the. rejal estate of the said deceased, or so hiuc^-tfteff of as may be necessary to pay ' M s ^ b t s , should not be sold.

Atid".fflis, farther ordered, That a copy of this order be immediately published for iow v/eeks^successively, in two of the 'public newspapers .printed in this/state, «n"e" of- which" itrost'be a newspaper print­e d i n thp;eoiiftty of Yates.

. ArroaE'W F» OxrvERi Surrogate. 639:4w.

A List of Betters remaining in the Post *. Office'of XJorham, N . Y. March 31st,

• i S i s v * - ' • . • • • • . • ; ' . ' • ' - . ' ; •• ••

Archtbaid' Armstrong, Asa s . Austin, j j igb E» Alorp, Oliver Babcock, suriim -Blbdget, Christian Becker, Abraham BrU 4i% Alva, CofSfeen, 2. John Gq.nkl.irr, Hi^ «am G a d y 2 , Andrew Coffen, s-arlesC. Cory, .Wallis Everts, Miss Caroline Fos-

-IpQtreuben W, Fowler, MartinH. Ford, Jlpittion «Gnsw6ld $. Richard <5riswold, '.^ifesel"' garrison, Oren Green, Garoarii Halstead, Ebenezer Holcotnb, Hiram Harvvood % N. Harwopd, Fabtus Hpun-som, Justice IJatfidiaf tor. Hezekiab, Henry Heliiker,- Diason^HatfieN^ Joseph Waynes, Jared Irwin, Wm^Knickerback-er, (Jeorge Kellogg, Chas? M'Lean, CJol-ister naillen, Irvin Metcalf, Thomas ojo-SheiS Lemuel Morse, John Peck 3, Ebin Priridle, Tyler Palmer, Maria Powers, William Pulvef, Jeremiah Post, Rodney Rusher, Mrs, Annaiine steams* Miss Ehi -ittne stearns, Miss* Arrriinda stearns, Ne-. %m &puih#land, Geo. stroub, Enoch sli-ier, John Thorp or Henry Green, Peter Van BuSsum! James Voak, Hiram -Wa.

"get, Wm, Wood, Jufi, Mary Wqrtsen, Wm, Wlttson, Jonathan Webb, Win Watkin's, J5achatiBh York :


O LET—The newthree story brick hbuse, a few

doors west of Ay fault's store. % The building is well calcvda

or a Boarding a

ted for aPr iva te ih.Quje.'"• For further ittfermation, to the'subscrlberf on the !|tfemises,

•;'-i 6. L. ROSE, GeneiatMarch QUlZn. 6SS-Jtf.

••• v " • ' . : . . " • . : . .- ' ' . ' - . : . . . . - • " " -

#Wi#S09 .tit. D A N I E L S a t his New Estab^

* Ushtnent has on hand an elegant - assortment of fashionable a id seasonable

wbfich are now offered at great bargains. Hts stock is well calculated for the spring trade, and .'his assortment of Calicoes par­ticularly, are of choice and fashionable patterns, and will be sold at lower prices thaw can be bouglu e " country. Also, a variety of

Hard-Ware, Outlery, Sadler}', SCYTHES, &e

l^orntr of'Maiden Lane and Pearl.sl. NEW-tOKK.}

TH E subscriber offers for sale at his stprer—received by the" late arrivals

from L I V E R P O O L , an extensive and complete assortment of Hard Ware, Gut-hry,axid$ad!ery, consisting impart of--Kiiives and forks ; Pen, pocketi and two

:•.. ' pladed khives4

Razors and scissors, of every description and price,

Files and rasps, of all kinds, Plane irons and chissels, of every desr

criptipn, German and cast steel hand saws, Mill, cross cut, and pit saws, Sicklesibutts;; hinges of all sizes, H, H L,

and table do. Wood screws, shoe and nail hammers, English and American Ink powder, , Knob locks, common and scoter! springs*

assorted, - • ' Mortice, banbury, fine plate, closet, till*

chest, cupboard and trunk locks, Girabietsv; iron, brass, and plated Can­

dlesticks, Norfolk and <feight thumb latches, Tea trays ancFwaite.rs, Coffee mills, Buttons, of ajl kinds, Iron and britannia spoons, Lamps, pocket books, steelyards, Tobacco boxes. Brass goods for CABI­

N E T MAKERS, of all descriptions, Flints, brass and pewter cocks, * Round bolts, tea kettles, &c. &.c.

Common and plated stirrups. Common snaffle, and plated bridle bits, Roller buckles, of all kinds, Plated spnrsi &c.

Consisting of Nails, Vices* anvilSj trace chains, shovels and spades.

Scythes of a very superior quality, man­ufactured by'Newton Darling,the for­mer foreman and maker of'PassmoreV scythes. This stamp is warrairted- in every respect equal to Passmore's, or any other.

The above articles, with others not e-numerated comprise an assortment of H A R D W A R E well worth the attention of fiountry merchants, who are respectful­ly requested to calKand evaroine fgr thenj-selves, the whole of which will be sold at the, lowest market prices, and on the most accommodating terms^ ;.

C; P A L M E R . No. 197, Pearl st. N . B. For information relative to the

quality of the scythes, please call on Mr. R O B E R T RUJMENEY, Merchant, Ge­neva. • : •'. - t : - ' •-'•• '•;'•' "- ••;"•

Mw-Y&rhMmhr'i&%% 635


mto jgfta!?Ugj)iHtut. •-Jhmf^j^'V^ik^

S AGAIN receiving large and,eJe gant additions to his $toek of Dry-

Goods* Groceries* Crockery, &c. ." > AMONG* HIS

IS A iARGE ASSORTMENl1 OP Bladk, Blue, SteeKMixed 0Hve & Drab

C L O T H S &-CASSIMERES; S A T J N E T T S ; Rose B L A N K E T S ; Tarmn P L A I D S and G A M B L E T S ; Agreatvariety of C A L I C O E S , offehoice

patterns; . Irish L I N E N S and D I A P E R S ; Jaconett, Book, Mull, Swiss and Cambric • -MUSLINS; ' Black and Colored Silk, Valencia; ToU

linete and Swahsdown V E S T I N G S ; A ri<?h variety of SDLKS, such as plain,

figured and elegant Plaid Grodenap; Black India S A T I N S , and Satin LE-• VANTIN.S : ; -" Heavy Black L U S T R I N G S , and SIN-

C H E W S ; French do. and Florences; Also, Long and Square Merino k, Cash

mere S H A W L S , and Dress HAND­K E R C H I E F S ;

Bobinett L A C E S ; Lace V E I L S , Flagg and Bandanna H A N D K ' F S . German do. A large assortment of RIBBONS, G L O V E S and HOSIERY,

And almost every other description of Goods in the line* His

GROCERIES, - ' comprise a choice assortment of T1SAS and JLIO^UORS, which are confidently recommended as being^?rsf chop articles, and at prices as £ow as the cheapest.

of every description of elegant patterns; all of which are offered at reduced prices, and the public are respectfully invitqd to call and examine.

Geneva, November 21 , lSET.

Win Hjlf. CAlWNeit' :

HAS receutly received, at the store formerly becu-

pied by Dbct. J A ' S . CARrrEa, a general assortment of

Comprising every arttcle in the Apothe­cary line, all which are waranted to be genuine. Also, on hand,

i*aiiits, Oils, Dve-Stuffs, &c. and will be offered fbf sale at reduced pri­ces. r ;€feh?»«, August, UST,


p E N E V A . ^ J u s t receiytid from N«tw •York, some elegant superfine CI^OTH> apd Vestings; and many other desirabH alftjeles of DRY <jOQDS,rnakin{5tbt>i. :|sjpFtment very eomplete^-all of whicl w||l be sPld at reduced prices. -.-^

^Tust received on consignment, a quai. tity. of .mould and dipped CANDLliS •ilsp, Bar Soap, which will be sold low by ibe'box for Cash.

^ AYRAULT, U Co, Mskych 5tb, 1828.

^ ^ t ^ i j f a s

(Corner qpfflte P&blic Square fy Main-st. > GENEFA4

T M S U B S C R I B E R S hav? now receivfid thV«r entire ^tpek of ,. FAtL- Am* OTfTER, •

Gr O O Jb M:i: which is probably more extensive and complete ah assprtment! than was ever offered in Geneva^ Meibhants and oth­ers who wish to purchasejare particularly invited to calf at this (Sjfore, (makevno mistake in the corner,)! where they will find1 everj variety of «•;•.•

Cheap Book-Store.

re in the

> y - ,


very cheap. Hi? assortment wdl he re­plenished by receipt of N E W G O O P S j from time to time,;during the; season* abd will be sold at the lovv est prices.

1 j^jifo- on hand, a large assortment of

aiaSs-W^re, Crocli«i?y arid

al reduced prices, P^rsohs.Wwhing to buy at low prices* will do wett-tp call.

Geneva, April 1,1828-

Six Journeymen Painters, I L L find emplov iheiii, by iintne-dtate application to

> '•:;.••'.••'. L U T H E R K E L L Y . Geneva:March 26./1828. ;-;6Q9:3.w

Paiiiily Bibles. j t Large s&pDiv'of Famjly Bih

»••- ' -ibles of

^anotiS^ qualities and bindings, W'tb

a^TWithoutmips; putes, 9 ,'^^^.^"c;e• &c. arid ^it very j[ow,pricesv - i or Sale a;t the Bookstore a u d B i n d e t y ^ f , ^ ^ . ' >

Gtnem~fyt!B. %$; , ^I ''J'-":. ' ^ - • j ^ justices' Manual,by Waterman*;arid

25 and 50;dollar Aclt for "ale as above;.

DIP* Gill's Body of Divinity, 3 vol, Do. Sermons, 3 vols, D6 . Cause of God and Truth, 2 vol. Heryey's Works, 6 vol. Diamphd Bibles, Watts Psalms and Hymns, Village Sermons, Diamond and Cornmon Testaments, Mtlner's Church History, p;wight's Theolpgy, Quarto Bibles, Scptt's Family Bible, / Blaiir's Lectures, theological Dictiohary, Dictionary of all Religfohl,' Pilgrims Progress Drelincourt on "~ Blair's Sermah's;, ' Sjouthey's Work on the Church, ^ ^ 3?"afey*s EvlaeKMtes* Hunptpn History, 4 vol. .ETOfeonXSermpns, Hor^e Solitarie* 2 vol. •'-,.-. Life of Christ, Masheun, calf* gilt, 4 yok Buck's Theological, Dictionary* CamDbeirs Gospels, V Letters on the Sacranient, Baxter's Call, Trial of Universal Charity, Horn's Introduction, 8 vols. fee. &6. &c. Gillis Greece* American Biography,.9 vol. JOsephus Work, 4 vol. Jpbdson's Works, Shakspeare, 10 voh Life of Washington, by Marshall, 5 vols.

with maps, Mrs. Opie*s work*, 12 vol. Brown's novels, 7 Vols. , Cooper's works,,elegantly bound, Tales Of the O'Harra Family, 2 vol. The O'Brien's and the O'Flaberty's

Vpyiagetpthe Moon* &c. 'He. with a < general assortnieiit of stationary. Ledgers and Day Books, Stc. &c. Goods Study of Medicine 5 vols. Coopef's^urveys 2 vols. Hoopers Sledical Dictionary. Hunter on the Bipod. Tully on Fevers; Arnistrbhg on Fevers.

A General assorttrifent of Classical and School Books, for s a ^ b ^

J . L . S M 1 T H . Go.veva, Feb. 27. 1828.; ^ ' ' '

nd CasWs; Sheetings, • ShirtingJ a Tickings, . •. *

I'OO hbts. Coarse SALT, in fine order, SO Potash Kettles, Taterg F u m ^ ,

sale very cheap, at the foot of he ca street, by, . .:• /-.

J O H N L. DOX, & Co,

for ene-

GeneW, Dec..29. 18*" 624:tf

OMMON ALMAN gross, dozen and single

, bv the C H R I S

MOST valuable East India IMlecticine for the cure of the Rheumatism,. Rheuma­

tic Gout,&c . # Extract of a letter Ifom the Itev, Jam*s Eng-

lisb, dated Bengal, to his friend tit IF. Bed-welUin London. . " 6ear Sir.—Agreeable to your request I have

procured and now send yon by the ship .laspn, Capt. Robertson, a few pounds of the, Poladei-'phisf or what geaeraHjif goes by ttte nspne of tnc India Kxtract, a medicine uuiversailyi esteemed imong the people of India* for the «n?e of the ttheumatisfli. Were l to.inform My of the number of people who are daily relieved* and cured by this valuable remedy, it would require more time than I am able to bestdp. Indeed the effect of this medicine is so immediate that in Rheumatism jbu Would in some cases suppose it acted like a charm iu removing that painful disease. The diflftcnity* howe;Ver, in procurilig the' Kxtract. wiil for many ye lts retard its great circulation. It, being obtained from a shrub growing on the mountains of Tibet, in the Em­pire of India, and held in so much repute by the. natives, that to part with it is like parting with their existance.: The usual mode u'f taking it is in, the form of PI LLS I shall use all my endeavors to send you a constant sujiply;

$ince the proprietor has received the above Medicine* he lias put it op into Boxes made for the,purpose, containing 60 Pills, with a>bill pi direction* andAcertrfjoate of its being genuine signed in hia ovm hand writing; and in.order to shew its vast*impbrtance, has thought proper to submit for public inspection; a few out of a vast nuinberof CertifieatesKfrom, people who have been cured in Europe and America. '"'."• ••'"*:. C E R T I F I C A T E S . ' *- LondoJi.^prifl 0,1824. Dcrctor Bedweil~ Dear Sir, J beg leave, to in^

form yoa that-1 have been for these several; months so affected with such violent pains in roy hips, thighs and legs, and swelling of the joints,, thatl could not rest day nor night'"j nothing that was applied gave any rfeh fi until aneiphor af mine informed nie of the lndia|Extract having performed many GareS; fsenl for a box, which gave'wonderfnl relief, and by using two boxes; and a half, 1 atn as «fell as ever 1 was in my life. Yofirob't servant* " • - • . . ; - •'.',"' .." •.;•'• J /WELSH.- . ; .

From Tobias Jennin, Seward of St, Thomas : Hospital. London, Pebrumy 10* 1823,

Dear Sir-~I•think it rny daj^ to tafesto yea, that after trying every remedy pointed orft by the most respectable physicians for the relief of fej son, without ajtiy "success who you know, has for- many years beett laboring under severe Rheumatism, RbeomatifrjSout, Fevers, &c. I made trial or the Inditf Extract according to your instructions^ a«d' i am rejoiced ito'say, if has proved a>perfect Cure. ' / i


Dear Sir^It becomes mej at this tiipe,,\:to ex> press to God roy gratitudefor tie mi!ans4ft has made" use^ofv in restoring my losthealthi by the u^e of a inedichie called foladelphis or India Rxtract.' For.the last five years I have been io grieveflusly'alBiCtedvvitb Kbeumatism, that I have at times almost wished for death to re­lieve me of niy sufferings; seeing this medicine advertised, 1 sent for a box, and da declare, I that siuce Xitaye began to use" it I have never felt a pain,, and; aiii'ture that 1>y Ipntiuuiiig to .ise it for a short (itne* I "»h«|l. again enjoy my tisnal health* abd be able to support hiyiaiinils, .s heretofore. Enclosedll. fiend youilhree dol­lars for 2 boxed, which you .will please. t« pack up carefully, tod Mr. BMneyrWHl .bring it- to •ne. V«u may fell the World it ia my opinion that the Poladeibhfti* the »nly medicine in; the, world that Will cure the Rheumatism.

W i i ioy and gladness, yonrs.fwever v., Vv^iLJUlAM '-a.- M E Y E R .

C E R T I F I C A T E OF THEpaopRiEtOR. this is to certify thatI have appointed Dr

!{• iBERT HftltRIS, Jr. of Peiinsylvania, vfo[

vih'ich has beeri pur6based on the m|ist advantagepus terms, and will be sold cheaper than can b§ procured at any pth-: er store in; ilhis country

Merchan^rrtay a"lso be supplied with W I N D O W ^X-ASS lower than has been usual. Justlfeoeived, atjuanflty of SALT, Which *HH behold low. •

On consiengjent, a quantity of Riett, Sf CVs. $ t i§r idr S N U F F & TOBAC­C O , at NeW-York pricees* ^ree of trans­portation. v>^.. . Wanted^irio.OOO bushels Wheat* and a quantity q | Pot and Pearl Ashes, for which Cash will be paid.

•'.•". f JV. AfRAVLT, &( Co, GenevarPfic.nl%2>7t

INFORMS his friends ainld the public, that he has r«mot;erf to tfie house here­

tofore occupied by Mr* diaries W. Hen-©t» three doprs> south of Messrs. De Zeng fa. HsU?s storei l^ain-stteet, v/here all ap-plications for ^isprpfessiottal services will be «&mpt!y attended to. :

;Geneva, Mayi^n^r. •''"'. SUlrtf

A T T O R N E T T Aq? L A W ,

Solicitdr and,Cbttnsetior in] Chancery,

HA S opened his Offieein the new building/opposite his former test-

denceViri the,village of Geneva* a few rods north of the Cptlege,>herei. he will devote his time add attention exclusivejy to his profession, .and respf ctfully solicits aportion of public pat ronagei '

.Conveyancing, tpgether with the usual business in the respective Coiuts of Law and Equity, will be Strtetly attended to byWm.^^en£i)ff,uVb^26, 182t, 620tf

^ T R A N S P O R T A T I O N . Office pj? the American Fur Coitipany,)

INew-Yprk, Feb. 12,1828. $ j | | lEA%pX> proposals will be received K ! ^ by | | e American Fur Company, at their pfil^i JJ6. 8, Vessy street, New York* until the, 20th of the next month, for the transportation of all their goods hence to I a | e Erie, during the present year* eommetJG\p$ the latter part of April, in which and tne'iponth following, most of their goods are forwarded.

The goods tp be received .fi-pm the company .op the wharf, at New-York : each package to be weighed separately before shipment, and in fifte%davstbere^ after, are to be delivered inj^ood order and condition, to the'agent of^tlte com­pany at Buffalo. The companyVto be protected against all accidents ort theF

North River, and the contractors to be. liable as common carriers* until the pro­perty is delivered at Buffalo. 'The pro­posals to be n?kde at a fixed rate for 112' Ibs.nyhich is to inctude weiahihg at NeAv-York, and all charges of every descrip­tion, from the time the goods are deliver­ed on the wharf here, until they are re­ceived at Buffalo.

Separate proposals will also be receiv­ed at the same time and place, for the transportation 61 all the property the company may have to carry during tb r next summer, from Buffalo to the ch*v of New-York. The goods to be delivered by the company V$ agept at Buffalo, to the contractors, and received here in good or* der and conditioii. T h e carriers being liable in the same manner for these, as to the goods.hence to lake Erie. The bffer to be at so much for furs, sd much for Buffalo robes, arid deer or other skins

JVt.'lf- - .

' vsmUm$^:wmm'm,3L^a ;i i ;,and a gr>at variety at \ tezfcr-xbitk * viiitable for t|i$l>ry Goods igtormj, hey willseJIonipcoiftnmdatu ^#e

Among their present tslocfe, « ( ,iBfieI

Cast steel arid German, ha;nd anr^)? " SAWS, - :

4 t V v Iron hack do., Carpenters naitHatnitfOTif Butts and scree's,. 4ooV hinges, >

Carpenter's chisseJs, do. plan^e irons; ) Iron squares* bos rules, bo&ivaod J»eaA '

Giinbiets, • v

spike do* cdnipasses and divider^ Brass thumb latches, japaned Norfolk &<f* Commode knobs; mortice, rmJi and stock

Locks, • * i * Chest* pad, till, fer^d trunk, do?v , Files and rasps, trac& tehaing^ Sad »OQS> Curry combs, ffy|rs| paassi gridirons* ^ Back strap't shovels* sashvpulleyssf , f

Tea bells, brass cocks, sheep shekn, Drawing krrives, shoe hammers and isho& '

• Pinchers, -....-'«• \ f , Red keys and screws, plated castorW AHertort's awl blades, tt;as^ and plated

Spursj. ,.' ' • S-- , \ Coffee mills, plated stirrcsps, \ ^ s

Do. bridle bins, plated and japaned) ' Harness buckles, ^ , \

shovels and tongs, stall? rods* gnp IOCBS^' Cprk scre#§* shoe and., hutcher knives t \ ^y^ought shoe taisks, polished dq, \ s t le l ygids, screw augurs* - ' \ sfetes ofefirie ivory handled knives, forksr \ Tsble and tie«iprt do. i n dozens, ,, Buck and bbte,:h^t|dlB do do. Ivory, and buck handle carvers and sftel* single and double blade, pen, pocket; and


it _

and* prunv»g KitrvES, .

.VlaaiHiui bonum, silver steel, Engrish Razors, *

Fine, polished, and qemmftn scissoifs and Shears, ,, -

Plated, brittaniai and iron tea and.ta&le spoons, , ;, •;

Japaned tea tray's and veaitei s, # Dp. bread trays, >,: V •' . silver mounted snuffers apd tray«, Japaheddo do; fineipofehed, and com­

mon steel snuSeis,~ Brittania tea pots, plated and brass" can­

dlesticks^, "' , * Plated, st^fl,1md wbitft trletal spectacles,


(not furs,) and so mue> for sugar, heeV ™6rf C 0 ^ i ; ^ * , ^ S & c t a c , l 5 ^ < l ^ e s ,

vyax. ahdthe like* per 112 pounds, ihelu " '"" dihg all charges of every-description, from the tim% the property is delivered at Buffalo until His received here. .-•,

Good and sufficient security in the sour of f 5,000, to be given for the due fulfil ment pf the contract, if requiied by the coropany.

The amount of the transportation, ei­ther up or down,, will be paid at the com

-pany's office, on the isrday of Jan. 1829 Proposals to be endorsed ** to .jakf,

Erie," or ^4 from lake Erie," as the casp

may be. V 681 ;

' • - ^ C v ^ H E : - ' F A R M E R ^ v '

NEW-yo«R-tG^WTAi;* |500,000. "" 'HE sttbscriberhaying.beep-duly ap­

pointed Agent for t | e above Com pany.VwIH, on appBcatibn, effect Insuran­ces upop |h& most favourable jfermis; and alsoren|ilr |0licies issued by the-Western Fire I n s t a n c e Goijapany.i ^

, j O H i t & D O X . Gemva0une sfe", 1827.s , 598:tf

AIJBUBLN. S T ATE' - PBiSON: W A R E , ''-' iost EECEIVE-ft'AtV'V

, A s^mjt'S, CASH ;',ST;ORE; -A JM. Mle^assortmesnt of Wooden Ware, made^atihelsai^Mm StafePvison,; con -sisting of To^fS',vC?bnr!ns,s Pedis, Keelers* Kegs, Fl'owejp to t s , fc«i e/leg&ntly finished and pairjted Iwhicjh he;i^|elitng very tow

MarcKitm M , A Y ^ A U L T . '

F-!E'W"-B,0A^&ll''Bt'S{' w*iH be/receiv-ed< b^MftV- S w * H l t w 6 doors west

'of N.- Ayrloit's store.\,'•; '-'••</ -; • :•'-•' . ':". Geuevay Jjamtary M 1528* 628:Sw.

O T I C E . —The CiRC u LATINO Li •-. _ B ^ R V is cpntinued at the Geneva Chvap Bookstore on the usual terms, and .in consequence of the incrpased d^maoil for l)Coks there has beeh^adiJlid to the JUi ftrary HJ0 vOlunies of nejv and interesting #prk8*amohg Which are the Red Rover, hy the author of the ^ilot. Ike. Sic. Crop -idle* «f the Canongate, by the author of WftVerly, fa.6. Mrs. Montagu's Letters, £ i g b « and ShaoWftv Carter's Letters, Poems* fcc, &c, Other works wjltbe added, both new and old, as occasion shall req'iire, or new works be, published, -and reviews of different kinds.

• v • •"•':> ' : • : ' $ . L , S M I T H . Geneva, M(fr*h& n ^ ' : ; • ;,

T IAN"ALMANACS* by the^"zenan.1 «in(&'& Also', Gi l l lMAN ALMANACS; for sale at the Bookstore of

Nov. \W- J . B U O H . K 1 .

DISSOLUTION, copartner­ship heretofore existing between D

LeviS. -Lif*fej(i*nv"'and the subscriber, nnder the firm of Littlejbhn &, Pratt, is L thisday dissolved, L O R E N ^ O P R A T T I „ Gtitem, Feb. 5,1820. - fiSl;^ |

only Agent in the United States tb dispose; of '.fba't. valuable medicine, catted the Poladelphift* India Exnract. with foil power toappoftlt, agents' where be may thinkprflperj aadtu^tliegreat dienjand may indnce:»bprinei^led ptwoi» to fa­bricate the, medicin,e, to the ipjury «f tbe-pob^ lie, I tho'tprbper to *ccomp:«njt this eeitiff*ate kigaed in my own ha&d writtngy tvith Hie dir^-fioiis rflffnd eacffbox;';. and niore, effectually to •ietect conntejfeits* uie p'nbllc will obierve the signatute'af my Agent, Rohtrt Harris, Jr. on the outside"«f every box, to cP^terfeit whichis telooy. Signed at my oftice* No. 2*2, Greek-

"street,".London.'- ''• '--.''.• .-' .'". V-2'.'••' T B E D W E t L .

%!& The subfcriber is appointed Agent fqrthe abdve valbrable 'MedietheV which Vii'af jbe Wad at Hts DruggiiSiptore,itt G e . peva, Price, $i 50 per. box. ' •

' • -"• . . - . . • Wm. H O B ^ S S K . December 5* nv$«^~' \ . ^ t l

T AND,, Cultivated ar Uncultiyated, bougb^Anii sold. Bouses, Stores,

1 c. let and4ea*^|. Money lorrawed andloa* ned. lnformatio^eertoinel from all parts of the IJnion Acting of evert deaciipiion exe^ cuted Mercfemdise, Gouutfy produce, Honse-bold Furniturei '#c, bouglitjaiiilsqld on Com­mission.: " >•';••*••'. , •-.',.

Einplbyjroettfc Young andj-iBiddle aged men <analWays^AewpoynieniIjpthe mercantileor any'pth^'jre|^^a^te^_»|iie^ii.r'. ,1 S-' r Salf*V*T>irty thousand acre* of good t irober tands, in Ohio, VtrWont, and Penn-sylvaniastates ; :••..'•'...• " -:•'-.-,' - ' J';. -

P«ii»^aler T*o P a r # , iO-brick and fraim? houses;! aiso 85 elegant building lots \ to Let. "Se»eral Houtel, Stores, Offices, aodpatts of i'oMe* ' ;* •/,'

|*pr Sale^ The St6ebsi;aiid Fixtures of a number" of ITquof and Grocery stores; /Also,*.. severatRefictories. ' S.-.". .'.••>--•.. ;' Wnted;' * Three Bar-keepers, > lerks in a OiBg* Pry Gm&*iand^Grotfry Store*

\« anted. Several Vonn*s Men with,small capitals^ to commence" Li^upr, Grociry, anil othtt respectable bu««oCs«f i *

Waiite,'! iiP'Crat' fairnrymen to Trade* VIsd, a numbf/of 4f prentice*

VV;anted.; $orop steaSj' .Men* as Porters, llack-driv*r»i%Tters,4cc, . ••- .""; * \% anted to jptircbaRe. -Poor Couhting-bouse

.•|Ve»1fs'.-f;''Vl6^^5or"«, HMn -ChHM..'-' ; , WaDfe(!* * partner Ift the Land Agency,

and general Oiiiinmission felisiness. : < .--.";; H'» B. ^tr»A|e« and Foreigners arriving; in

t|)is city, af» ^quested to call at said OtRce, whewfert>l lh can >eacc^mpU»h«a;,

, -. •; -;> * • \ f \ m&, W-- EV:E.'UT-T,- ; i '-.-,; 'G^ktryinan &. Foreigner's A^ent,

C H O O L A ' M r s Itpwthorp^ SthO 1 will coiuuvitjcfe'•«* WedftRsrt^lteJby; inst. ^&mtw», Feb. e. |

P O U N D S first quanlity of TALLOW^ forsate

BACKER ^ T H A C H E R . Geneva, MWCD^TO, >828, ; 6d*:2w


;(,Twp doors iiprth of Col. Bogeit's Print . ing-office, frotiting^the Public -square.}

subscriber having purchased the entire

stock of .pirtigs Sk Medicines Dye Stuffs, Paiiits, Pateiii Medicines, Perfuinery, &,ci of

Duct. Wrti*;Hortsen* and havinR receiyei/ supplies in additiop thereunto, offers tire same* comprising at) assortment of hearfv every article in the Druga;ist''s line of. bu sines, at reduced prices. The former friends and pat tohsof Dbct. Hoiisen are respectfully: solicited to continue their, fV-vors, with an .assurance that they shall; receive satisfaritibn. ;

* All articles sold at. this store vvarranted of the first quality.

Physicians,/painters, Dyers, private families and Others are invited to call and examine for.theroselves. ,--

:.: * WvA :. T O # N S F N D * . : % c - ' .? cessorto Doct. Hortsen.

Geneva, 'Fe.h- 5, 1828v /

N T A I H O F E M A L E SEMINA^ KY* a t CAKArfpAiOcA,—The en:

,gagemeiit nf the prejsent Prinrifal <>f tliis initi; tution will expire in may, next, \vher\lit will pie-! sentan advanfagpou^lsituatinnfpra gj6ritlems( and latfy,.qualified to take charge of ifi& higbti order of Female SchiJoIs ; and the Trustees so licit early applicationsj from such* with a yit*« to employment, and to.;the necessary.. 'rrapge -. ments preparatory to the, opening of the school im the, 1st of June next V',, '.'.;'

This Sen4oary, »bich is duly incarpprated enjoys grtat local advantates, from its ihinti>.n in a pleasant and healtltfol yiilntjf, in hVe^en tre of a rich and flomishin<; region, possessing no other institution of a similar kind—and may, under competent instructors, be rendered on of the most useful and and prosperous school > in the Dnited States. It is, thwefore, in % opinion'«f:ahe Trustees,.an^object worthy thi ntte^tion-of the ablest TeacheiS; V

Buildings, which have reeenily been erected by t|ie stpcktoitlers, and, devotfil exclusively to the institution, consist «f an elegant brick edifice, 15 by 60 feet .adapted; to the purposes ofthe school, a boarding 4l:o»iae, and the resi­dence of the family of the principal, with a gar­den, pleasure grounds, and suitable out-bouses attached. '--•.; ; .'"• - / , :

, Applicntions-V |»y those who consider 'hem: selves diily qualified to take charge of this i.u stiiution in all its branches," rbay be addressed to Mr. James D. Bemis, at this place.

. •:-'"'JO"HN QHKIG, President .•• MARK II SlBt,KV,«e'eu . fanandaigua, December 8, 1821* 634

Y V I B T U E O F A;WRlTOFFL FA. issued out of thesiiprem*-;

^purt of judicature, I have taken all the goods and chatties, lands and tenenWiits nfLevt S.IAtUrjoknahd Lorenzo Pratt, in my bailiwick : to wit: ! All those certain; p iecs or parcels of land, situatf lying and, being- till Water st, iii the• Village'.df Ge­neva* and bounded >s;fi>llpu«: " 0 i i thP

Isoiitli by Washingtbn-st.; pn ihe, west by Water-st,; 4>n the north by lots owned by William Til lman^ aiid on the east by Sc rtefra lake," , All of "liiVh I shall; ctxpme-to | a l e at public ven<lue, at the Frankliij hwise^kcptb) Soloindn St. John, in the viifage ;.of Geneva, on' Saturday l-lw' twenty-stxlh day of •ApriT1,'aj'j;p o'clock iri the forenoon. Dated Oeneta. ^fateh* |;2,'.;i;828Y' . J'.-G^R-u-so'H^rjfB;

B. Noble, Dfjibt)).

German and ijon^, , English and mt tcb #**£$ Slate, and lead pencils, 4 Silver and plated pencil cases, T

Silver and brass steel top'd thimbles, Tailors lined do; steel and iron knitting. " ; . pins,'^ ^\" ' - ;""- ;• '" * " Darnitig needles,arid bodkin*,' v Heihmirtg &, Pa tdP^s sewmg Needles, Praind, pack, aridbox phis, Gilt, plated^ and black bookstand eyes"t

Gilt snaps. Calf skin and morroccopock-et bonks iiad; wallets,

Lteel, and vdlv^t purses, >«acq;uered and gilt reticule mounts, Superior and common gilt, coat, and

vest buttons, ; ' • :." Steel do, do, pearl and bon%«srnrt d0. Japahedf hprh. and wopd suspender do. Rcine, coat, and vest tnqulds,, i -'.-Military ball buttons, Matthenmart and '

imitation steel do. • .-^, Composition ,ajnd ^ r & inkstaftd^'* Ink powdefr^a^frji ^ealttjg ivai, Playing^ .tjardl,'.'dic^^limtpiritits;,;-' ', I vo'ry arid bbiie ^ ne^q^fe^cases, :* • 1-1

Sieel and gilt shoe ffhanieots^ ' Burning glasses, pocKetltghts," • -Supenor and common sntfff b6xe>,. Stetl and tobacco dp. horn coiBbS* v^j Shell arid horn side dp. JEviprv and horn

ppeket-do^.,"'-' ••'.-• J\-'~ ,.\ l

Dressing i6.:'^mei, sewing* and stacia , ' Loo'kihg'"H!3SsW; '-"'* •;--;:'.,'';

Pocket ido;cloth.-hatr, and fx>oth%ttshe9, Sboe do;" Windsor transparent ^d,"com*

nion so.rp ir» boxes, • / ' ^ L Fine soap in dqz. shaving fib^ef and

brushes,,cap wire*' steely jg8t; and | apan hat buckles, •• . '•'•'*•'.

Steel an^l gilt Vaift, do. ^ ,'• Cloak Hoot«and!rihgs,steel : bita'CfsJets, Cut glass beads," coral £nd whife wax do.. Ruby and garnet dp.* •"•'•;•--Also, every description of common beads, Watch ribbon^ gilt »»tch ©Baiia^ seals

atjd keys, broaches, l ieast phis, Fh'geV rings,* toy watcher, ifahev-tglass

.top.boxes,"%c. Itc^V '';•.;.•; '^y:. A Iso buck artft bptfbri m|^rh^d> whips. Cotton and y«"6oI Ca'ifls, Day>^ Martin's

japan tlacWrig, sand paper*and paper hanging. ;•.;'',,; -••; v*vy.^'.;'•';." In arMitioa t o thes above they will short­

ly receive a great variety of E ^ l i s b , French, and Dutch ^docls. 4 ler^ tants aire invited t o call and examine their

• s t o c k . " " ' • . • . ' ' . ' ; , ;. " .'.•" -:, '"•.''•"

'•' Xewrfork,Ffib:U&,im«.^ .634


V V I R T U E W A ©&CBJBE of the Surtogate o t lbe c o a a t y M Q n -

i -rio. will be solo, by or under teedirietigni of the sobscribei-, ISxebutaf of'thelast,will and teg-ttimritt of Kdw.a*dV«Khitei late of ;the town of Seneca in said county, deceawid* at"^emea-way '6 Hotel in Whe-Milage of Gf Be»a.OB ^how-day the seventeenth day of A^rif, hjot, at te» -tt'clock in the foteneonjof t»at day, the |armt stand and premises lately ovrtted^nd occupied '•y the said deceased. ^aatfW» occupied *fr

; H«nryi;**-';; t\ bit**, described &s' fi*ll«wjHr « %ft i.rft. piece Dfland situate In ^»e^vi fn said u'iiity. being one fouttn of'•% lot known and

tlistingoishert by the south west currier qf lot .N'6, 21, and lying fiftyj-fect «n ^h« »ia»t side oft Main-*t..-arid then running e*st far encugh to intersect a line with the/east BftsJnd? off the tot loiffierly vlvned by Thomas Howairi and John tvf)in» and'recently by,<3en^ri»i;€oIt.'* The terojs of sate .rbasb^ ascertftint'd by applwa-tion to the subscriber at Panandaiiua, or.atthe; iiirje ami place cf .side"; l)ated,JPehraary £th» ra38,;-:'-63;4 ' ";EUS»,A;.,H,'Hp-NT.m^TihN\

SU H V E T O R G E N E E A & S 1>F-FICEiS ta t e of i%»-Yi8(*,. Albany,

•»• O T T R R Y A R G U S . ^ A > n e » sup-J L i -plj of this very ustfulpiirifer fin tl'ife counting-rcKim, for sale at tbfe dfilce\-•'•


Feb. 2.5, 182».i-JV*o*tce, is hereby given* that 011 Thovsday, the IweMty-fettrth day of April Sv6&* -it tett o'ctrrcfe/in thefotk* npon, a i th i s office, lpt nutrther' thitifcue*:

'fan, in the. tow'i«hi| ofrJmhut* b* the Slijitaty Tract , \rsli >'# exposed for; sale by • at«cfion>^ the toitiimuM prteftto %fe two^^doljars'^wdfifty centstp«r?ier««,

.: T h e coudition* w \ ^ . ^ ^ f ^ | a | t ^ : ^ t t l l part »>f t-bei cc withi;ii, fetty^i^hil •'d*r'rryi;^eqUatA

*u iS

vaierest at ani>UHi

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