OMSI: Brand Identity Guidelines

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OMSI is a gem in Oregon’s rich landscape. Our reach extends from the city to the coast, from the forest to the high desert, and to our rural communities as we provide hands-on experiences that bring science learning to life for hundreds of thousands of Oregonians each year.

Whether it’s a museum exhibit, a traveling program, a camp experience, or a hands-on class, there is no better way for kids to explore ideas in a creative environment, ask questions, and learn problem solving skills. The fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) come to life through OMSI exhibits and programs, igniting curiosity and risk taking—essential skills needed to face the challenges of the 21st century.

Science literacy and 21st century skills are key for our region’s future leaders. We can’t predict the jobs our children will hold, but we know building these skills now will prepare them for whatever opportunities come their way. We don’t know who

our future scientists, teachers, and community leaders will be, and so we must preserve our

commitment to making OMSI experiences accessible so that all of our children

have the opportunity to succeed.

We have achieved many things this year in Portland and across the state. With your help, we:

• Created new bilingual exhibits and programs exploring renewable energy

• Delivered health and wellness programs in our renovated eatery, Theory

• Launched events and activities on new technologies, engineering, and inventions

• Expanded museum, school, and camp partnerships with underserved communities across the Northwest

• Began development of the new Coastal Discovery Center marine science camp in Newport, Oregon

The future is bright for OMSI. The opportunities are many and the need is great. With your help, we will continue to change lives and create a healthy, thriving Oregon. It’s an extraordinary time to be a part of OMSI. Let’s share the journey.

Nancy Stueber, President


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We are connecting scientists and professionals with the public to share the science behind today’s issues, stimulate new ideas, and equip people with the knowledge to make informed choices.

Touching over 1 million people each year, OMSI offers exciting pathways for inspiration and exploration. OMSI reaches communities across Oregon and five states through school programs, summer camps, star parties, library partnerships, and fairs.

OMSI prepares young people to embrace the future with a deeper understanding of science, sparking imaginations that will propel tomorrow’s innovations.

Outdoor experiences open the door to the natural world, build skills and self-confidence, and foster stewardship of our environment. Seeing, feeling, creating, and exploring connects kids to their passion and their potential.

Science Pubs, OMSI After Darks, exhibits, theater programs, volunteer opportunities, and community events such as Portland Mini Maker Faire all foster lifelong learners.

OMSI’s hands-on exhibits invite people of all ages from all walks of life to experience the wonder of science and discovery. Exhibits developed, designed, and built by OMSI travel the world.

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Groundbreaking partnerships deepened OMSI’s impact, like the Rosa Parks Tech Challenge which created a yearlong opportunity for students in an underserved urban community. Students at Rosa Parks Elementary learned engineering, innovation, and technology through classroom programs, activities, and demonstrations. The inclusive approach involved students, parents, and teachers, and resulted in increased understanding of engineering and technology concepts.

Energizing the way we learn and grow is OMSI’s hallmark. In 2013, we expanded key themes of Energy and Environment, Health and Wellness, and Innovation and Engineering in ways that connected with diverse communities.

Our annual Portland Mini Maker Faire showcased innovation, creativity, and resourcefulness, offering a family-friendly place for people to share their hobbies, do-it-yourself projects, and inventions ranging from robots to recycled jewelry art.

We reinvented dining and turned it into an educational experience. Our remodeled eatery, Theory, offers a daily menu of delicious food and is the hub for events that explore food science. Learning about healthy ingredients, food sources, and cooking techniques helps people make better food choices. We added Renewable Energy/Energía Renovable, a bilingual exhibit where visitors of all ages explore energy sources and tradeoffs, and how wind, water, and the sun support our needs. We are now taking this information on the road across Oregon with mobile tabletop exhibits and classroom programs.

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Students & families awarded financial aid in 2013 by program

In 2013, we raised $209,000 for financial aid which allowed 31,000 students and their families to participate in OMSI experiences ranging from summer classes to residential camps.



CAMPS: 126






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It only takes one spark to ignite the future for a child. By securing funds to provide scholarships and offer financial aid, we are proactively investing in the potential of our youth.

OMSI welcomes all learners. We are committed to making OMSI friendly, accessible, and meaningful to everyone who wants to participate in our programs. We listen to and include the voices of the communities we serve in planning science experiences to meet their needs.

OMSI knows no age limit because natural curiosity and the desire for lifelong learning exists in all of us. From toddlers to grandparents, the shared experience of exploration brings people together.

With your support, families with financial need are able to participate in OMSI’s unique informal science learning environment. In the past year alone, we welcomed more than 36,000 people through our doors during $2 Days on the first Sunday of each month.

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Building on the success of Theory, we will expand our Health and Wellness theme through enhanced demonstrations and programming on growing, preparing, cooking, and eating food to encourage healthy lifestyles.

OMSI’s expanding Maker activities will leverage the excitement generated by the Portland Mini Maker Faire. As a cornerstone of our Innovation and Engineering theme, programming dedicated to the art of “making” will inspire the creative thinking, problem solving, and building and testing skills necessary to turn ideas into products.

At the museum, we seek to surprise and delight our guests at every turn. Innovative demonstrations and programs will augment our new Renewable Energy/Energía Renovable exhibit in OMSI’s Earth Hall.

In addition, our monthly Meet a Scientist program connects visitors with local science-based professionals who share their latest research and personal stories of science in action.

Planning is well underway for the Coastal Discovery Center, the newest addition to our outdoor science camps, located in Newport, Oregon. This new facility will consolidate OMSI’s marine science camps in a beautiful stretch of coast next to a thriving education and research community.

We share the vision of philanthropist John Gray who wanted every child in Oregon to experience learning in the outdoors. His gift helped us buy the land, and we’ve launched the capital campaign and design planning that will make the vision a reality.


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We are fortunate to have dedicated leaders working to ensure OMSI’s long-term success. Our Board of Trustees, Emeritus Board, and leaders within the museum are committed to our programmatic vitality and fiscal stability. Our appreciation for their work is best exemplified in the faces of children who discover a whole new world when they step through our doors.


Don Vollum, Chair Vista Ridge Capital

April Sanderson, Secretary Wells Fargo Wealth Management Group

Trond Ingvaldsen, Chair-elect/Treasurer ScanlanKemperBard Companies


Tony Bacos Show of Hands

Joe Barra Portland General Electric

Robert (Bob) Beal Oregon Iron Works

Jennifer Bruml

Kurt Bruun Lorentz Bruun Construction

Blake Hedinger Bruun American Industries, Inc.

Kimberly Cooper Fortuna Group

Consuelo “Yvonne” Curtis Forest Grove School District

Brent Gale Mid American Energy Holdings Co./PacifiCorp

Thomas Hutchinson Bullivant Houser Bailey

Susan Keil

Scott Kiever Benefitfocus

Fritz Lake

Jeanette Mladenovic Oregon Health & Science University

Penny Serrurier Stoel Rives LLP

Tom Sperry Rogue Venture Partners

Andy Teich FLIR Systems, Inc.

Carol Van Natta Oregon State University Foundation

Walter Weyler

Grant Word JP Morgan Chase & Co.



PAUL CARLSON Senior Vice President

ERIN GRAHAM Vice President, Development

JAMIE HURD Vice President, Programs

KEVIN KEARNS Vice President, Exhibits

TIM MACK Vice President, Finance & Administration

MARK PATELVice President, Marketing, Retail, & Sales


Allen Alley

Jean Auel

Bob Beal

John Beckman

Leonard Bergstein

Larry Black

Ernest Bloch

Alisa Brake

Senator Margaret Carter

Patrick Clancy

Debi Coleman

Marc Compton

Steve Cox

Ambrose “Bubby” Cronin

Beth deHamel

Harry Demorest

Orcilia Forbes

Jim Francesconi

Kathleen Geyer

William Glasgow

Albert Glowasky

Chris Hall

Joseph Hanna

John Harker

Robert Harrison

Michael Henderson

Ed Hepp

Thomas Horstmann

Jack Isselmann

Jon Jaqua

Lynn Johnson

Harpel Keller

Paula Kinney

Arnold Labby

Patrick LaCrosse

William Lyons

Hugh Mackworth

Gary Maffei

Elaine McCall

Dolores Orfanakis

Claris Poppert

Preston Pulliams

Dilip Ratnam

Lawretta Ray

Donald Remlinger

Paul Risser

Joseph Robertson

Lawrence Rockwood

Richard Roman

Donald Sacco

Robert Scanlan

Barbara Sue Seal

Joan Smith

Susan Sokol Blosser

Judy South

Nicholas Stanley

Hank Swigert

William Tagmyer

Gerri Tisdel

David Vernier

Andy Wihtol

Richard Wollenberg

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From his family to his resort guests to the beneficiaries of his philanthropy, John D. Gray wanted Oregonians to enjoy what the state and region have to offer. John’s appreciation for outdoor experiences at the coast was a key motivation for his contribution which allowed OMSI to acquire land for a year-round marine sciences camp.OMSI’s Coastal Discovery Center will become a reality because of John’s foresight, generosity, and enthusiasm for Oregon.

Photo Courtesy of Special Collections, Eric V. Hauser Memorial Library, Reed College

FRED FIELDSFred Fields was a dedicated advocate of science and engineering education, and served for many years as an OMSI trustee. He was fascinated by how things worked and he loved watching children light up over their own discoveries. He was particularly proud of OMSI’s exhibit shop and took delight in the ingenious ways our exhibit builders met the challenge of making interactive exhibits durable. Fred’s exceptional bequest is testimony to his dedication to lifelong learning opportunities for future generations.

Photo Courtesy of Lewis & Clark College


Martha and J.W. Rosacker were community leaders who believed strongly in the power of education and civic responsibility. They cared about Oregon and the protection and well-being of its children. The Rosackers’ extraordinary dedication to the community is evident in their generous bequest to OMSI which will make science learning available to more children.


OMSI’s legacy grows because of the generous donors who include us in their future giving and estate plans. Their enduring commitment makes hands-on science learning possible for future generations.

AnonymousJean M. and Ray B. Auel John BeckmanHobart M. BirdNancy DottererWilliam A. FurmanChris IwaiGary Maffei and Marcus LintnerJune McLeanClaris and Corlee PoppertDick and Mary RaubRobert ScheuchenpflugNicholas StanleyHank Swigert


OMSINSPIRESVISIONARY INVESTMENT IN OMSI’S FUTUREThis year marked a milestone in legacy giving at OMSI. We extend heartfelt thanks to John Gray, Fred Fields, and Martha and J.W. Rosacker for their extraordinary generosity. Through visionary planned gifts, they have opened up exciting new possibilities for OMSI and for Oregon.

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INDIVIDUALSOMSI donors stand by our side as collaborators in Oregon’s future. They value the role science plays in inspiring young people to explore their potential, and they demonstrate this commitment through their financial contributions.JUNE 1, 2012—MAY 31, 2013

* Multi-year gift | ** In-kind | *** Cash + In-kind

$100,000+ Jean M. and Ray B. Auel*

William and Nancy Blount

Fred and Suzanne Fields

John and Betty Gray

J.W. and Martha Rosacker

Christine and C.F. Swigert, Jr. Endowment Fund for the Benefit of OMSI of The Oregon Community Foundation

$50,000+ John and Toni Stevens

$25,000+Backes and Roberts Family

Nancy and Walter Weyler

$10,000+ Kurt and Kristine Bruun

Truman Collins

Mark and Ann Edlen

Albert Glowasky

John and Robin Jaqua Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation

Heather Killough

Joan and Wayne Kingsley

Wes and Nancy Lematta Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation

Dorothy Lemelson

The Mark Family

Marcia Randall

Judy and Scott South

The Jean Vollum Fund of The Vanguard Charitable Endowment

Joseph E. Weston Public Foundation of The Oregon Community Foundation

$5,000+Anonymous Fund #16 of The Oregon Community Foundation

Bob and Diane Beal

Jennifer Bruml

Charles F. Caskey and Sue Horn-Caskey

Frank Foti

Charles Goodman**

Chris and Jill Hall

Trond and Catherine Ingvaldsen

Jon Jaqua and Kimberly Cooper

Janice Orloff

Thomas and Christi Sperry

Hank Swigert and Marlene Koch

Gary and Karen Takahashi

David and Christine Vernier

Marian and Don Vollum

Robert and Deborah Zagunis***

$2,500+ Terry Aarnio

William and Kathleen Berg

Marc Davidson and Elizabeth Allen

Dan and Sallie Dutton**

Dan and Patricia Holmquist

Robert and Syndi McIver

Jeanette Mladenovic and Stephen Steinberg

OCF Founder’s Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation

Mary Anne H. Peterson

Angela S. Polin***

April Sanderson

Barbara and Jon Stroud

Curtis Thompson and Joe Mitchoff

John and Traci Wheeler

Richard and Barbara Wollenberg

$1,000+ Thelma Adkisson

Courtney and David Angeli

Anonymous (4)

Leonard and Brenda Aplet

Linda and Stanley Barnwell

Joe Barra

Brian and Shirley Bevens

Lawrence S. and Susan W. Black Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation

Patty Boday and David Estes

Krista and Rex Breunsbach

Ronica Bruce

Scott and Glenda Burns

Holly and William Coit

Steve Cox and Vikki Mee

Ruth and Carnett Falconbury

Brent and Kimberly Gale

John Gastineau

Laura L. Good

Erin Graham and Andy Jones

Teri and Paul Graham

Rob and Marian Griffiths

Jeffrey and Sandra Grubb

Jay and Renee Haladay

John V. and Judy S. Harker

Mike and Rochelle Hart

Ed and Fran Hepp

Jake and Linda Hopkins

Robert Jensen

Jessie Jonas Charitable Fund

Margie and Zac Johnson

Robyn L. Johnson

Monroe A. Jubitz Family Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation

Susan Keil

Susan L. Kem

Scott and Kathleen Kiever

Patrick and Karen LaCrosse

Barbara and Aaron Lance

Scott and Helen Langley***

Drs. Dolores and Fernando Leon

William W. Lyons

Hugh Mackworth and Josie Mendoza

Gary Maffei and Marcus Lintner

Jim and Jennifer Mark

Georgia Leupold Marshall

James McBride and Daphne Clifton

Sir James and Lady Anne McDonald Fund

Patricia McDonald and James Esquibel

Jennifer McLaughlin and Matthew Austin

June McLean

Erica Mitchell and Greg Moneta

John Mosser Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation

Deborah Mrazek and Michael Niquette

Neilsen Family Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation

John and Ginger Niemeyer

John and Joke Noordwijk

Larry and Caron Ogg

Dolores and Nick Orfanakis

Harold and Jane Pollin

Claris and Corlee Poppert

Bloor and Patricia Redding

Julie and William Reiersgaard

Tracey Richard and Bruce Davis

Joseph Robertson and Patricia Fisher

Greg and Lisa Rudisel

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Jordana Sardo and Annalee Purdy

Eric and Elizabeth Schneider

Ronald Schoenheit and Yvette Weeks

Barbara Sue and Bill Seal

Lois Seed and Daniel Gibbs

Elmer and Linda Seeley

Penny and Peter Serrurier

John L. Shipley

Mark and Sally Simmons

Judge Michael Simon and Representative Suzanne Bonamici

Steve and Danonne Smith

Bruce and Mary Stevenson Foundation / Fund C

Nancy and Daniel Stueber

John and Jan Swanson

Aggie and Chick Sweeney

Gloria and Paul Swick

Tagmyer Family Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation

John and Karen Thompson

The Thornton Family Charitable Fund

Greg, Junel, and Elliot Unrein

Carol Van Natta and Robert Burdick

Robert and Katherin Voll

Larry and Dorie Vollum

Charles Watkins

Kim and Kristy Wayson

Ben and Elaine Whiteley

Clifford and Donna Wilson

Jeffrey and Lynn Wolfstone

Aric Wood

$500+ Norma Alberthal

Allen and Debbie Alley

Harriet R. Anderson

Anonymous (2)

Carlotta Beck

Patricia Berg

Larry and Susan Black

John and Kim Braddock

Luther Brisky and C. Wayne Schuler

Mark Bruun and Blake Hedinger Bruun

Kim and Debra Burchiel

James C. Chartrey

Terry and Elizabeth Clifford

Mark and Susan Cooksey

Ambrose and Anne Cronin

Gretchen Stahmer DeMoss and Clyde DeMoss

Rick and Robyn Dillon

The Honorable Denny Doyle and Mrs. Ann Doyle

Neil and Marjorie Dreiseszun

Bruce Duncan and Annie Larsen Duncan

Elaine Edgel

Jane and John Emrick

Mike and Katie Erickson

John and Heather Flanagan

William Glasgow

Doug and Jennie Goe

Richard and Judith Gordon

Pat and Fred Granum

Jeanne-Marie Guise and Alex Herzberg

Joseph and Judy Hanna

John and Pamela Harmon

Howard and Molly Harris

Janine and Matthew Harris

Janis and Robert Harrison

Alex and Rachael Hofmann

Douglas and Ronald Scott Howe

Katey Hummel and Jenn Kilgore

Natalie Hunter

Jon Inouye

Senator Elizabeth Johnson

Richard and Jean Josephson

Emily Karr and Terese Brockmueller

Adela and Richard Knight

Robert and Denise Koury

Cindy and Curtis Larson

Eric and Julie Leuvrey

William and Rosella Lindblad

Tim and Jessica Mack

Michael and Gloria Olds

Piper Park

Kishore and Subha Pathial

Ronald and Patricia Peterson

Gayle and Carol Post Family Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation

Russell Ramsey

Dilip and Urmila Ratnam

Michael Reed and Carol Mayer-Reed

Russ and Patricia Repp

Richard Roman

Dale and Alba Rouse

Lauren Russell

Patricia and Donald Sacco

Terry and Lori Schallich

Oscar and Patricia Scherer

Karl and Jennifer Schulz

Wayne Schweinfest

Robert Sizemore and Harold Thompson

Hal and Pat Smith**

M. Gerald and Donna Smith

Randy Squires III

Lewis and Susan Van Winkle

Ted and Julie Vigeland

Shelley and Joe Voboril

Cathleen Walker and Bruce MacPherson

Linda and Richard Ward

Craig Wright and Ruth Fischer-Wright

Tom Zinser and Kelly Cartwright

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CORPORATIONS AND CORPORATE FOUNDATIONSCorporate philanthropy makes it possible for OMSI to create and innovate. Our corporate donors are true partners in our mission to make science exciting and relevant.JUNE 1, 2012—MAY 31, 2013

* Multi-year gift | ** In-kind | *** Cash + In-kind

$100,000+ Investors XII, LLC**

McMenamins, Inc.***

Portland General Electric*

$50,000+ American Honda Foundation*

Iberdrola Renewables*

JP Morgan Chase & Co./JP Morgan Chase Foundation

KGW Northwest NewsChannel 8**

$25,000+ Bon Appétit Management Company***

Clear Channel Outdoor**

Clear Channel Radio**

Dick Hannah Dealerships*

FLIR Systems, Inc.

GBD Architects Incorporated**

Intel Corporation

Intel Foundation

Mentor Graphics Foundation


Pepsi Bottling Group

Tektronix Foundation

Vernier Software & Technology

$10,000+ Bank of America/Bank of America Foundation

Energy Trust of Oregon

FEI Company

Hoffman Corporation

Northwest Control Company, Inc.

On Display Advertising**

Oregon Iron Works

Oregon Wave Energy Trust***

Pacific Power/Pacific Power Foundation***

Pink Martini**


Sonitrol Pacific**

Su Publico**

The Boeing Company

The Skanner**

The Standard

Union Pacific Foundation

Unitus Community Credit Union

Wells Fargo

Wells Fargo Private Bank

$5,000+ Benefitfocus

Best Buy Children’s Foundation

Blackrock Micro**

Catlin Gabel School

Durham and Bates Agencies, Inc.

Esight Corp**

Hyas Group**

Lane Powell, P.C.

Liberty Mutual

Lufthansa German Airlines**

North American Spirits and Wine**

NW Natural Gas Co.

Planar Systems, Inc.**

Quality of Life Technology Center**

Sock Dreams

Stoel Rives, LLP

The Portland Business Journal**

US Bank/US Bancorp Foundation

Viewpoint Software, a division of Coaxis

ZGF Architects LLP

$2,500+ A-dec

Alaska Airlines, Inc.**

Bedmart, Inc.**

Langley Investment Properties

Michael Curry Design**

Minuteman Press**

Oregon Adaptive Sports**

Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP

SymBiotechs USA**

The Greenbrier Companies***

Union Bank

$1,000+Acorn Marketing**

Allied Works Architecture

American Metals and Steel, LLC

ARC Oregon**

Capital Pacific Bank


Epilog Laser**

IBM Matching Grants Program

Informal Education Products

Jensen Investment Management

KeyBank of Oregon**

Klarquist Sparkman, LLP



Moreland Veterinary Hospital**

Moss Adams, LLP

Oregon Agate & Mineral Society, Inc.

Ossur Americas**

PCC Structurals, Inc.

Rogue Ales**

Sendero Group**

SK Northwest**

The Collins Group

The Steel Yard

Travel Portland

Veris Industries

Wicab, Inc.**


$500+ Arrow Striping & Painting Inc**

Boedigheimer Consulting**

Downtown Development Group

Epson Portland, Inc.

Hopworks Urban Brewery**

Ninkasi Brewing Company**

Pitman Restaurant Equipment

Rose City Astronomers

Siltronic Corporation

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$10,000+ Carl O. Peterson Memorial Fund

Firstenburg Foundation

Juan Young Trust

Lora L. and Martin N. Kelley Family Foundation Trust

National Park Service—Fort Vancouver National Historic Site

Phillip Murthe Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation

Rose E. Tucker Charitable Trust

Spirit Mountain Community Fund

The Park Foundation

The Renaissance Foundation

The Wollenberg Foundation

Trust Management Services, LLC

$5,000+ BetsWest Foundation

Freeman Foundation

Harold & Arlene Schnitzer CARE Foundation

Jackson Foundation

Norman F. Sprague, Jr. Foundation

Oregon Health & Science University

Oregon State University

OSU Foundation

Portland State University

The Campbell Foundation

Willard L. Eccles Charitable Foundation

$2,500+Anne A. Berni Foundation

C. Giles Hunt Charitable Trust

Coit Family Foundation

Leo Adler Community Fund

Mason Charitable Trust

Miami Science Museum

Raymond Family Foundation

The Autzen Foundation

Wildhorse Foundation

$1,000+ Bonneville Power Administration**

Frank & Margaret Bitar Foundation

JEZ Foundation

Leotta Gordon Foundation

Ludke Foundation

Malu, Ltd. Foundation

Mario & Alma Pastega Family Foundation

The Samuel S. Johnson Foundation

$500+ESCO Foundation

Holland Family Foundation

FOUNDATIONS,GOVERNMENT AGENCIES,AND STRATEGIC PARTNERSThe power to do more and be more for Oregon is grounded in funding from foundations, government agencies, and strategic partners. Their core support is integral to our pioneering programs and unique activities.JUNE 1, 2012—MAY 31, 2013

* Multi-year gift | ** In-kind | *** Cash + In-kind

$1,000,000+ Hedinger Family Foundation*

National Institutes of Health*

National Science Foundation*

$250,000+Institute of Museum and Library Services*

National Aeronautics and Space Administration*

$150,000+James F. and Marion L. Miller Foundation*

M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust*

Meyer Memorial Trust*

The Collins Foundation*

$50,000+National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration*

$25,000+ Demorest Family Foundation

Fred W. Fields Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation

JFR Foundation

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OMSINFORMSOMSI volunteers contribute their time, knowledge, and passion in countless ways. They expand our capacity to share the wonders of science with children, enhance our programs, and streamline our operations. From June 1, 2012, to May 31, 2013, over 4,700 OMSI volunteers contributed 113,963 hours of service throughout the museum.

24, 8



21, 907 HOURS EVEN


15, 6










40, 3


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40, 3


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60 YEARS OR 13,000 HOURS

Tom Prewitt

50 YEARS OR 11,000 HOURS

Will Fessler

45 YEARS OR 10,000 HOURS

Larry Abney


Dean Abney


Darrell Desper

Collin Kaeder


David Herzog

Janet Kretzmeier

Bob Wyant


Hank Becker

Roger Eiss

Dick Pyne

Bob Scheuchenpflug

Gareth Wilson


Garret Abney

Don Bardel

Al Beale

Martha Brady

Brian Hamilton

Fran Hein

Ray Hein

Eric Johnson

Joni Jones

Sarah Kaeder

Don Kendall

Ted Liljeholm

Harriet Myers

BJ McIntosh

Mike Salmon


David Baerwald

Gerry Breese

Fred Carneau

Scott Carneau

Genie Currier

Nancy Dotterer

David Dunham

Sandy Frederick

Keith Holmes

Brian Hamilton

Michael Holst

Randy King

Dave Koch

John Kovach

Ed Lee

Vince Meyer

Ed Nusbaum

John Purrett

Margie Rikert

Nina Rust

Terri Seiler

Chris Stafford

Stephen Summers

Lamar Tilgner

Merlia Tilgner

Otto Tzevelekos

Lewis Van Winkle

Bob Walters


Linda Babcock

Jim Birchard

Richard Burt

Francie Casey

Jerry Dodson

Bill Dolan

Margo Edinger

Marie Hopper

Chris Knoll

Jonathan Leung

Chuck Macaluso

Mark Manzer

Robert McCutchen

Janice Moore

Hal Smith

Mel Stearns

Ralph Strom

Ron Tipper

Gary Webb

Michelle Wilson


Frank Anzalone

Heidi Austin

Lois Beilke

Ronald Bell

Hank Bennett

Jim Berger

Johanna Blackford

Tim Booze

Steve Brown

Bill Bryan, Jr.

Sebastian Carty

Eric Chavez

Lynn Churchill

Todd Cooper

Mary Crull

Cindy Cunningham

Stu Daily

Don Daly

Abby Dawson

Marvin Dawson

TG Doddathimmaiah

Margo Edinger

Carol Farr

Dan Feagin

Doyle Forister

Maya Garcia

Ian Gard

Erick Grandmason

Melissa Halstead

Herb Herman

Karen Hier

Punahele Hier

Alan Hoffer

Vivian Howard

Art Hull

Jim Hutchins

Marion Jangula

Pops Johnson

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Ruth Kauffman

Estin Kiger

Priscilla Kostiner

Bill Lindblad

Molly Looney

Sam Louke

Ryan Malone

James Mesenbrink

Betty McArdle

Patrick Mead

Janet Mills

Kevin Mills

Bill Montgomery

Kerry Montgomery

Steven Nelson

Maureen O’Neal

Peter O’Neil

Colby Parrott

Jack Paulson

Nick Pawliczko

Jack Pollock

Dave Powell

Noble Powell

Susan Powers

Dick Raub

George Reichard

Anna Richardson

Shannon Ristau

Ann Rodriguez

Charlotte Rogers

Neil Rosenberg

Steve Ryan

Colin Sanders

Kurt Schweitzer

Liana Schweitzer

Janne Sepp

Mark Simmons

Susan Spangler

Michael Stephens

Michelle Stupek

Liz Sutton

Mary Swartz

Bob Thacker

Mary Theirl

Audrey Vogelpohl

Lyle Vogelpohl

David Vrooman

April Zohn

1,000+ HOURS

Betsy Blackie

Nick Conroy

Lyle Hubbard

Frank Murphy

Randy Oldejans

Ken Vanderkamp

Steve Van Dusen

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OMSI turns resources into action. Admissions, memberships, and donations make our work possible. As an independent, nonprofit 501 (c) (3) organization, OMSI receives no state or local tax support.

Tax # 93-0402877


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REVENUES Admissions Memberships Educational programs Auxiliary activities Exhibit fees Contributions and grants Change in value of perpetual trust Contributed services of volunteers and in-kind donations Interest and other income Gain (loss) on sale of land, buildings, exhibits and equipmentTOTAL REVENUES

EXPENSESProgram services Museum activities Educational programsTotal program services

Supporting services Management and general FundraisingTotal supporting services

Auxiliary activitiesTOTAL EXPENSES


Year Ended May 31, 2012












Note: OMSI's long-term debt balance as of May 1, 2013 is $4.2 million. It is a fixed interest rate loan held by The State of Oregon Department of Energy, and annual payments are covered by cash generated by OMSI's operations.

Year Ended May 31, 2013












Year Ended May 31, 2011











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Oregon Museum of Science and Industry1945 SE Water Avenue Portland OR 97214omsi.edu