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OMG is a genetic interpretation of the first eight 'days' of Genesis, based on my unprecedented theory of a 'missing' 24th human chromosome.

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Fifteen years ago it became apparent to me that a ‘missing’ human chromosome (a 24th

human chromosome) is an extremely plausible explanation for the meaning of life in a universe.

I was amazed to discover that my theory of a missing 24th human chromosome is unprecedented.

And now, fifteen years later, it still remains unprecedented. This theory only exists here.

My proposal is that the missing 24th human chromosome ‘gives’ a human being everlasting

life. It’s important to remember that everlasting life and immortality are two entirely different

concepts. The ‘missing’ 24th human chromosome provides the human body with the ability to

live forever, but it does not give immortality. An everlasting life can still die (in the process that

we are aware of). The first death is just that… part of the process.

Three human beings have lived on Earth with everlasting life. They are: Adam and Eve (the

first two humans depicted in the book of Genesis) and Jesus. These three human beings are the

only ones to have lived on Earth with a 24th pair of human chromosomes in their genome. These

three people were born to live forever. Born to be everlasting, but not immortal. Immortality is

found far beyond the realms of the everlasting.

For those of you who don’t know about human chromosomes, here are the basics. The

normal human genome is 46 chromosomes per body cell (23 pairs), which equates to 23

chromosomes in the male human sperm cell and 23 chromosomes in the female human egg cell.

When a sperm cell with 23 chromosomes and an egg cell with 23 chromosomes join together

they ‘create’ a first fertilized body cell of 46 chromosomes (23 pairs). From that first fertilized

cell ‘evolution’ then takes over and the development of a new baby human being begins to

evolve, and continues to evolve through to birth. One man and one woman equals one flesh. It

works brilliantly. What a fantastic idea that we unequivocally didn’t come up with.

In 1999 I started to look at the human genome with 48 chromosomes per body cell (24

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pairs), which equates to 24 chromosomes in the male human sperm cell and 24 chromosomes in

the female human egg cell. By adding another chromosome to the human genome, the first eight

‘days’ of Genesis makes a shedload more sense. My unprecedented theory of a missing 24th

human chromosome also leads on to many more unprecedented theories.

In my opinion the human genome has been designed, which obviously means not by us. I

can’t reach any other conclusion. It’s also an opinion shared by most of the people who worked

on mapping the human genome back in 2000 AD. There has to be a higher intelligence out there

somewhere in the universe? A higher intelligence than humans? Genetics and the scriptures are

telling me that there is a ‘first life-form’ in a universe. Genetics and the scriptures are telling me

that there was a ‘first human being’ on Earth. Genetics and the scriptures are telling me that three

human beings have lived on Earth with everlasting life. The genetic and Genesis synergy is…


My conclusions become plausible when the missing 24th human chromosome is taken into

consideration. And you know deep down in your heart that the journey to the meaning of life

would inevitably lead us to ‘other beings’ in the universe… some of which, we even have names

for. At this moment in time, humans are the only beings in this universe currently contaminated

with the knowledge of good and bad; contaminated with unrighteousness. We’re the last, and

certainly not the first.

I don’t subscribe to a religious belief, but as soon as I mention God, Adam, Eve and Jesus,

ridiculous assumptions are made? I’m not pushing a religious belief, I’m just telling it like it is.

Genetics is telling me the same thing as Genesis, and it’s as simple as that. With or without a

faith, neither should stop someone from listening to another opinion? I’ve even met people who

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refuse to listen to an opinion, even when the opinion they’re [not] listening to, is complimenting

theirs? How stupid is that? In the end it’s all down to one simple thing. And it is simple. Do you

believe in life in the whole universe, or just here on Earth? Which one sounds the most ridiculous

to you?

I’m going with the concept of a ‘highest’ intelligence in the universe. And the most popular

name for the highest intelligence in the universe is God. I’m going with the indisputable fact that

there was a ‘first human being’ on Earth known as Adam. And I’m going with the unarguable

fact that there was a human being on Earth who was ‘genetically’ like no other, known as Jesus.

If you can’t embrace these three simple facts, you will never get it? Without these, you’re in

oblivion; weighed down with every synonym there is for the ‘opposite’ of awareness.

The first human being on Earth was a male known as Adam. It will be easier to explain later

why the first human being was a male. Adam was born from a mother and father, and this is also

easier to explain later. To begin with, Adam was the first human genome, but he was a human

genome of 48 chromosomes, rather than our present 46 chromosomes. Adam’s 24th chromosome

produced a human organ (about the size of a small apple) that was attached to his appendix tube.

This organ produced cells that counteracted ‘almost’ all human genetic mutations, diseases and

illnesses, including ageing beyond what we currently consider to be around thirty years old.

Adam was a ‘perfect’ human being... Adam was the ‘first’ human being. Adam was everlasting,

which means he would live forever, but he was not immortal. An everlasting ‘being’ will remain

everlasting as long as there is nothing in its existence that can kill it. In my opinion there is only

ONE immortal being in the universe, and there are ‘many’ prizes for guessing who it is?

The entire world knows that God took a rib from Adam in order to build Eve. But I seem to

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be the only one who has noticed that God took a human rib of flesh, blood and bone… human

cells, chromosomes, genes and DNA. It’s been 3,515 years since we first got the message from

Moses, and still the penny hasn’t dropped, anywhere? God took the perfect everlasting human

genome of 48 chromosomes. The perfect ‘uncontaminated’ human genome of 48 chromosomes.

The evolution of every living thing on Earth is simply the process needed to ‘make’ a perfect

human genome. With Adam, it was time to take the perfect human genome of 48 chromosomes.

Try to credit God with, at the very least, some intelligence on a par with ours? We save data as a

backup measure; a safety net against corruption and contamination. Do you seriously think God

doesn’t know that? The contaminated human genome of 46 chromosomes is not the everlasting

human genome, it’s mortal and it dies. So what good is it? What purpose does it serve? It exists,

so it must have a purpose, surely?

In my opinion the first two human beings on Earth (Adam and Eve) were born with an

organ attached to their appendix tube. No other human being, apart from Adam, Eve and Jesus,

has ever had this organ attached to their appendix tube. The third (and final) human being to be

born with an organ attached to his appendix tube was Jesus… an uncontaminated, perfect human

being. When Adam, Eve and Jesus reached maturity (the equivalent age of our present thirty

years old) they stopped getting any older. They were ‘designed’ to live forever... they were

‘designed’ to be everlasting.

This ‘now missing’ human organ is, in my opinion, the ‘Tree Of Life’ depicted in the

Bible’s book of Genesis. It’s an organ that once grew from a ‘now missing’ human chromosome

in the human genome. To ‘take fruit’ from the tree of life is to live forever. The fruit is the cells

that provide perpetual health, perfection and everlasting life. In Genesis, the tree provides the

fruit. In Genetics, the organ provides the cells. They’re the same thing, but over three thousand

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years apart.

As most of us know, Adam and Eve contaminated themselves by eating the ‘fruit’ from the

‘tree of the knowledge of good and bad’. And once again, fruit means cells. The forbidden fruit

(cells) came from the ‘absolute first’ ingestion of mammal flesh. Ingesting mammal flesh (the

DNA in the cells of mammal flesh) was the forbidden fruit. The first mammal DNA to be eaten

by a human being destroyed the 24th pair of chromosomes in the body cells, halting the ability to

replicate the 24th human chromosome to the reproductive sperm or egg cells. Ingested mammal

DNA also destroyed the Tree Of Life organ attached to Adam and Eve’s appendix tube. The

organ was maintained by the 24th chromosome, and without the 24th chromosome it simply

withered away to almost nothing, much like Darwin’s use and misuse theory. With the 24th

human chromosome gone from Adam’s sperm cells, and the 24th human chromosome gone from

Eve’s egg cells, hereditary everlasting life could not be passed on to offspring, and hence, to all

human beings thereafter. To take fruit from the tree of life is to live forever. To take fruit from

the tree of the knowledge of good and bad is to positively die.

God took a rib from Adam in order to ‘build’ Eve. The rib was taken ‘before’ Eve came into

existence. The rib was taken ‘before’ any kind of contamination to the 48 chromosomes human

genome. The rib was human flesh, blood and bone; human cells, chromosomes, genes and DNA.

The rib was made of human cells that have the 24th human chromosome that produces the tree of

life organ attached to the appendix tube. Adam’s rib cells have 48 chromosomes (24 pairs) rather

than our present 46 chromosomes (23 pairs). We should all have 24 chromosomes in our sperm

cells and 24 chromosomes in our egg cells, which equates to 24 pairs of chromosomes in the

fertilized body cell. But at the moment we have 23 chromosomes in our sperm cells and 23

chromosomes in our egg cells, which equates to 23 pairs of chromosomes in the fertilized body

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cell. God made the 48 chromosomes perfect everlasting human cell, and by taking Adam’s cells,

chromosomes, genes and DNA ‘before’ contamination (the rib cells), God still holds the 48

chromosomes perfect everlasting human cell. God still holds the perfect uncontaminated human

genome of 48 chromosomes; male and female (explained later with X and Y sex chromosomes).

My theories will show you that Jesus was born from an uncontaminated human rib cell.

Jesus was born from a fertilized human cell with 24 pairs of chromosomes. Jesus was born with

the tree of life organ attached to his appendix tube. My theories will also show you that humans

are ‘destined’ to inherit everlasting life. The destruction of the ‘contaminated remains’ is by way

of the first death. Your ‘soul’ is removed from your mortal body long before it dies. It’s removed

from the mortal human body you occupy at the moment, even at stillborn. Follow the tactile (the

touchable), which is… human cells, chromosomes, genes and DNA. Our souls can be ‘touched’,

even by us. God only needs one of our cells to hold our soul. Our soul is our ‘identity’ DNA; our

genetic fingerprint. A DNA sequence that can, forever and ever, only and always mean you,

wherever you are?

A being with everlasting life can still die if it comes into contact with something that can

kill it. Take away everything that can bring an end to a being with everlasting life, and that being

will live forever. In my opinion God is the one and only immortal being in the universe. This is,

after all, how life works? It has to end with a highest life, somewhere? The highest life is the first

life in a universe. The first life controls ‘all’ subsequent life in a universe thereafter. It stands to

reason. That’s how it works. Life is ‘in subjection’. The only way is up. We already know the

primordial soup laying at the bottom of the way down. It can be likened to a cell with a nucleus,

or an atom with a nucleus. The ‘beings’ who are known to us as Archangels, Angels and Cherubs

are all ‘everlasting’. God is the epitome of all life. There can’t be another living being in the

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entire universe higher than God. Life begins and ends with the Alpha and the Omega. The

Almighty One. God controls all life in the universe. Where it will exist. When it will exist. Why

it will exist.

We know that a universe has an outer limit of containment. A universe begins with its birth

from ‘within’ a mass of universes (known as the big bang theory). A birth has to come ‘out of’

something? The mass of universes is the infinity, because there is simply no end to the ‘mass’ of

universes. This forms the ideal of forever. My feeling is that access to this infinity, or the right to

pass from one universe to another, has definitely got something to do with the objective God and

the everlasting kingdom strive for? We know from the scriptures that the ‘overall intention’ is a

universe totally devoid of unrighteousness. And that makes a lot of sense, as a qualification

needed in order to ‘unite’ with the mass? We know that leaving/entering a solar system is via

black holes. And we know that leaving/entering a galaxy is via black holes. And as if it couldn’t

get any better, we know that leaving/entering a ‘universe’ is via black holes.

As a new universe grows a ‘first life-form’ has to evolve within it? Stanley Miller’s famous

experiment of light stimulated ammonia, hydrogen, methane and water produced over half of the

amino acids found in life itself, and even went on to manufacture small amounts of thymine,

adenine, guanine and cytosine (the four bases of DNA). I believe that the absolute ‘first’ of all

life in the universe is that which we all know as God (or some other name that means the same

thing). A nucleus controls a cell. A nucleus controls an atom. The nucleus is always central. God

must surely exist at the centre of the universe?

We’ve known for many years that all life on Earth, both animal and plant, is all a ‘matter’ of

cells, chromosomes, genes and DNA. But what about extraterrestrial life-forms, and the celestial

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hierarchy that most of us believe in? The principle is still the same… that all life is a matter of

cells, chromosomes, genes and DNA, wherever it may be. God is the absolute beginning of all

cells, chromosomes, genes and DNA. God is the absolute beginning of the genome. I believe that

God determines where and when a genome will exist in the universe. God is the absolute master

of every genome in the universe, and those who form the everlasting kingdom of the universe are

also masters when it comes to ‘working’ with every genome in the universe.

As I said earlier, I don’t subscribe to a religious belief. I believe in the existence of an

immortal ‘being’ called God, and I also believe in the existence of many ‘kinds’ of everlasting

beings, including everlasting humans. Everlasting humans ‘evolve’ in the same way as us; from a

first fertilized human cell. But it’s a cell from the decontaminated human genome held by God

(the rib cells). This is easier to explain later with the aid of recombinant DNA (the recombining

of DNA). It’s also worth noting that a first fertilized human cell has no memory, and hence, no

recollection of any previous existence. A first fertilized ‘perfect’ everlasting human cell simply

means… born again.

Everlasting beings are biologically everlasting. Imagine reaching the age of thirty years old,

and whereupon, you stop getting any older; and you are perfectly formed and immune to every

kind of disease and illness there is; and unrighteousness cannot be found within you? Under

those circumstances you would live forever, because you would be young, healthy and perfectly

formed forever. But if badness comes along to chop you in half, that would certainly kill you.

You would stop functioning as a complete living body, despite the fact that you are ‘biologically’


Any organism can live forever, if it has in its genome the necessary chromosome of genes

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that bestow everlasting life, and nothing in its existence that can kill it. One missing chromosome

is all that separates a mortal human genome from an everlasting human genome. One missing

chromosome is all that we need to live as an everlasting human; perfectly formed, forever young,

forever healthy and innately righteous.

God is the absolute first of all that lives in the universe, and thus, the giver of all subsequent

life thereafter. The big bang theory is unarguably the beginning of the universe. God has to exist

within something? The conclusion is simple, God was born within an early stage of the universe.

God is the ‘firstborn’ of all life in the universe.

Every organism in the universe has had a beginning given to it by God. Given, as in, the

first one of its genome. One can’t help noticing that there is always a first one of everything... a

first time for everything… a first kind of everything. Some organisms (genomes) are mortal, and

some organisms (genomes) are everlasting. Everlasting organisms are alive, which makes them

the same as everything else that lives. They exist as the genome of an organism, just as we (and

every other living thing in the universe) exist as the genome of an organism. Everlasting

organisms have been given ‘no end’ by God. Mortal organisms have been given ‘an end’ by

God. There is a very clear distinction between the two.

If you put a plastic spoon in your mouth and scrape it along the inside of your cheek, and

then dye the saliva you have collected and look at it under a microscope, you will see you; you

will see a number of your body cells. And the dark spot you can see inside each cell is the cell’s

nucleus; and a cell’s nucleus contains chromosomes. Chromosomes are thread-like structures of

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid: a self-replicating material found in all living organisms). One

chromosome is one long length of DNA sequence divided into sets of DNA sequences, known as

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genes. Chromosomes can be hundreds or thousands of genes in length, with millions of DNA

base codes. Human chromosome 11 has the lowest number of genes (379) but not the lowest

number of DNA bases. Human chromosome 1 has the highest number of genes (4,220) and the

highest number of DNA bases (247,199,719). One normal human cell contains 46 chromosomes,

made up of 32,185 genes, made up of 3, 79, 843, 747 DNA bases.

A human cell contains 46 chromosomes. A cabbage cell contains 18: a corn cell 20: a

chicken 22: a cherry 180: an alligator 32: a chimpanzee 48: a camel 70: a cat 34: a mulberry 308:

an orang utan 48: a guinea pig 62: a baboon 42: a mouse 40: a fruit fly 8: an opossum 22: a horse

64: a fern 512: a dog 78: a gorilla 48. Interestingly, all apes have 48 chromosomes whilst humans

have 46?

One of my unprecedented propositions is that every species of early bipedal hominid, from

the Australopithecine through to the Neanderthal, are also the body cell of 48 chromosomes (the

same number of chromosomes as their predecessors, the apes). Sadly, no early bipedal hominid

DNA exists to prove or disprove this theory, so I can only put it forward as my opinion. And I’m

only using the Australopithecine, Homo erectus and Neanderthal as examples of the evolutionary

stages, from apes to the first bipedal hominid (upright on two feet), through to the last bipedal

hominid before humans… namely, the Neanderthal. Apes (24 pairs of chromosomes = 48), all

early bipedal hominids (24 pairs of chromosomes = 48), humans (24 pairs of chromosomes = 48).

It seems peculiar to me that the human genome is 23 pairs of chromosomes = 46? It doesn’t seem

peculiar to me that the human started off with 24 pairs of chromosomes = 48.

And as you now know, my proposition is that human beings should also be the body cell of

48 chromosomes (the same number of chromosomes as our predecessors, early bipedal hominids

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and apes). In my opinion the human egg cell should contain 24 chromosomes rather than 23, and

the human sperm cell should contain 24 chromosomes rather than 23. The human being has lost

a chromosome: one missing in the female egg cell: one missing in the male sperm cell: one pair

missing from the fertilized human body cell. The first two humans were of 48 chromosomes, but

Adam and Eve changed the human genome to 46 chromosomes by contaminating themselves; by

crossing the line drawn between the everlasting and the mortal.

Apes, non-human bipedal hominids and humans are scientifically accepted as the same

genus, or the same family, or the same taxonomic group. The 48 chromosomes ape genome

(confirmed), through to the 48 chromosomes early bipedal hominid genomes (my proposal),

through to the 48 chromosomes human genome (my proposal), is a theory crying out for some

serious consideration.

Any one of your body cells can be broken down to reveal your genes, or your strands of

DNA… there for all to see. And there are many who do see. Humans can look at your DNA.

Humans can see every genome on Earth. But the big question is, can a genome on Earth be seen

elsewhere? Beyond the Earth? Yes or no? In my opinion the Earth's DNA (genomes) can be seen

elsewhere, beyond the Earth.

A first single fertilized human body cell replicates to become two cells. Two cells become

four cells, four cells become eight cells, eight cells become sixteen cells, and so on, to become

the 60,000 billion human body cells that are… you. A first single fertilized human body cell is

the absolute beginning of every human being there can ever be; past, present or future; no matter

what colour, nationality, size, shape, gender, status or condition. A first single fertilized human

body cell is the absolute beginning of you, me, and every human being to ever be delivered upon

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the Earth (alive or dead).

There are millions of people under the illusion that they understand Jesus, but I would say

that there are none. It’s obvious he had a 24th pair of chromosomes in his body cells, and the tree

of life organ attached to his appendix tube. He was innately righteous. He had everlasting life.

There is no other explanation. Genetics is involved. God is involved. I don’t understand how this

can be missed, given the knowledge we have today? Jesus was a perfect example of a human

being. Purposely born to show us ‘an everlasting human being’, walking and talking, alive and in

the flesh, right here on Earth. Hello. Jesus was telling us that THIS is what you stand to inherit;

this body. The 48 chromosomes, perfect, uncontaminated human genome that his father created,

and that his father still has. Jesus could not have made it any clearer (even without the aid of


I believe that it was God’s workers who planted life into the Earth, and life into the water

that once covered the entire surface of the Earth. It was all done when the Earth was somewhere

else; not orbiting around our sun. Everything the Earth would ever need has been pre-packed in

the land and the liquid. Stored in the ice of darkness; frozen in transit; to be defrosted upon

arrival. Genesis says that it was so. Science says that it was so. Time means nothing to God and

nothing to the everlasting kingdom. God created genomes to evolve from the coding DNA within

them. Dormant genes on chromosomes, passing on from one genome to the next. Timed to turn

on, timed to switch off. Development; an evolutionary advance on to the next level. A new

genome ‘has’ to come ‘from out of’ a predecessor? Nothing can come from nothing.

Religion without science is blind. Science without religion is lame. Albert Einstein.

Every organism on Earth consists of cells, chromosomes, genes and DNA. Every organism

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living anywhere else in our universe also consists of cells, chromosomes, genes and DNA. Every

living organism, no matter where it exists, has to consist of cells, chromosomes, genes and DNA,

otherwise it cannot be a living organism.

Our planet is obviously a ridiculously small part of the whole universe. Even with its entire

population of approximately 7 billion alive (and my estimation of approximately 7 billion dead)

we are still a very small number in the universe. It is a huge mistake to imagine that there is only

one atmosphere in the entire universe that is capable of sustaining life. We know, as a matter of

fact, that there are millions of atmospheres in our universe capable of sustaining life. There are

140 billion habitable planets in our galaxy alone. And to top that, there are millions of galaxies in

a universe.

You became you because two sets of chromosomes (one set in a sperm cell and one set in

an egg cell) paired up to become you, as a first single fertilized human body cell of paired up

chromosomes. This is a perfect introduction to cytogenetics, a study of the structure and function

of cells in relation to inheritance. Cytogenetics inevitably takes us backwards in time ancestrally,

and forwards in time through procreation. Genes are passed to the next generation. We are a mix

of our mum and dad’s genes, and our babies are a mix of our genes and the genes of someone

else – whoever one happens to have a baby with?

Up to now I’ve been referring to a human cell with no chromosome number mutations. A

normal human body cell is 46 chromosomes as 23 pairs. And so a normal human egg cell is 23

chromosomes, and a normal human sperm cell is 23 chromosomes. But extra chromosomes can

appear in a fertilized human cell, such as Down’s syndrome, where two number 21 chromosomes

have replicated to a reproductive cell, to then pair up with the single number 21 chromosome in

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the opposite reproductive cell. The result is a fertilized body cell with three number 21

chromosomes instead of a pair (a human body cell with 47 chromosomes rather than 46). There

are many more chromosomal syndromes.

Adam and Eve contaminated themselves. It came about by the eating of mammal flesh (as

you should see later in the Genesis chapters). They lost the ability to copy the 24th chromosome

to their reproductive cells, because the 24th chromosome was destroyed in their body cells. The

24th chromosome sustained the tree of life organ attached to their appendix tube. With no 24th

chromosome, their tree of life organ withered away, leaving a small tube behind which we call

the appendix. Their everlasting life came to an end. They began to age, and they became the

same as all that they had ‘in subjection’ to them; the mortal life on Earth. The rib cells hold the

key. The rib cells are perfect human cells, taken away before any kind of contamination to the

human genome.

The following text is from a medical book: The appendix is a narrow finger shaped tube

branching off from the large intestine. The appendix has no known function. It contains a large

amount of lymphoid tissue which provides a defense against local infections.

I find the appendix tube fascinating. And up to now there’s only one explanation available

to us? “It's evolution getting rid of something we don’t need anymore. It’s Darwin’s use and

misuse theory.” Well, we certainly don’t need it anymore, but evolution hasn’t got rid of it? It

makes a lot more sense to find out what it was in the first place, rather than what it is now?

We eat organisms. We eat cells, chromosomes, genes and DNA. A damaged or mutated

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gene in the human genome had to be damaged or mutated for the first time, with a first someone,

somewhere? We know, as a matter of fact, that many of our genetic faults occurred in early

groups of humans. The gene causing thalassaemia has been traced back to a group of people

living in Babylon. And that inevitably means a first one. How did he or she damage that gene?

What did they subject themselves to in order to mutate that gene? Was it something they ate?

Our contamination turns to dust in the first death. If we take away ageing and disease, and

everything that can be construed as unrighteousness, the result is an everlasting life of eternal

peace and happiness. This is, without doubt, our destiny. And the good news is that God’s

objective really is a universe totally devoid of all unrighteousness (thank God for that). Not even

one tiny white lie will ever find its way into God’s everlasting kingdom, because that constitutes

unrighteousness ‘within’ the everlasting kingdom; badness ‘within’ the everlasting kingdom;

contamination ‘within’ the everlasting kingdom. It will never happen, and that’s the whole point.

Baring this in mind, it shouldn’t come as any surprise to learn that humans are not the only

‘everlasting beings’ in a solar system who have subjected themselves to unrighteousness through


Imagine for a moment that Adam and Eve didn’t contaminate themselves, and kept their

everlasting life via the 24th chromosome? Their offspring would have been born as everlasting.

And even if their immediate offspring’s didn’t contaminate themselves by eating mammal flesh,

eventually someone would have, somewhere. And this would have presented an unacceptable

situation… a planet inhabited with everlasting human beings living alongside mortal human

beings. Everlasting humans cannot be unrighteous, so they don’t kill. Mortal humans can be

unrighteous, so they do kill. It’s not too difficult to see how that would have all worked out, is it?

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It makes more sense to me that the ‘inevitable’ should happen to the first two humans. And it

took me many years to work out that the so-called ‘serpent’ was purposely placed. One thing you

can be absolutely certain of: there is no ‘being’ in the entire universe capable of overruling God.

Excluding Jesus, every human being born on this planet since Adam and Eve have had no

choice. We haven’t been given the opportunity… to be in the same position as everlasting Adam

and everlasting Eve. Every human being ever born on Earth would have needed their very own

personal Garden of Eden situation. Some would have conformed to the rule that divides sentient

from non-sentient, and some wouldn’t have. It’s just not feasible. The only way it could ever

work is if each one of us individually receives the same opportunity that everlasting Adam and

Eve had before their contamination. You are entitled to that opportunity… to live forever.

The first male humanoid rib cells provided the single cell that became the first female

humanoid, and they provided the cell that became Jesus. And those two cells are just the tip of

the iceberg when it comes to ‘reasons why’ uncontaminated human cells have been taken. You

are a reason why. Every human being ever born (alive or dead) is a reason why. The first male

humanoid’s perfect, uncontaminated rib cells provide the perfect, uncontaminated male human

body. The first female humanoid body cell was produced by taking the Y sex chromosome out of

one male cell (males are X and Y sex chromosomes), and replacing it with an X sex chromosome

taken from another male cell. This produced a human fertilized body cell with X and X sex

chromosomes (a female human). A more in-depth explanation of sex chromosomes follows later.

As I said earlier, we can see our ‘soul’ and even recognize it; it’s tangible. Our soul is our

identity DNA, or our identity genes on our body cell chromosomes. That’s why our soul seems

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to be of the most interest to our celestial hierarchy. They have the DNA that makes the perfect

male human body form, and they have the DNA that makes the perfect female human body form.

It’s the identity DNA (Adam’s identity DNA or soul) in a perfect male human cell, and the

identity DNA (Eve’s identity DNA or soul) in a perfect female human cell that must be replaced

in order to produce an everlasting human cell that isn’t Adam or Eve. The identity DNA (the

soul) in a perfect Adam cell or a perfect Eve cell is replaced with the identity DNA (the soul)

from your contaminated human cell. God, and the firstborn seed of God, known as Archangel

Michael, and many other everlasting beings, are the masters of recombinant DNA (recombining

DNA). Do you see? If we can recombine sequences of DNA (genes), then you must know that

they can recombine sequences of DNA (genes).

The knowledge of good and bad is one thing that led to a multitude of things. We all know

that there was a ‘before and after’ situation in gaining the knowledge of good and bad; a ‘before

and after’ the eating of the forbidden fruit. We know how easy it is for a bacterium or a virus to

enter the human body. They can even be placed inside the body by the body itself; obliviously

self-inflicted. I agree with the theory that we’ve introduced HIV’s into the human genome by

eating sentients (mammals) of the same genus as humans, which obviously means… eating apes.

The first female humanoid was born to be everlasting, just like the first male humanoid.

They both became contaminated, unwittingly in my opinion (explained better later). Eve lost her

24th chromosome. She could no longer replicate it to her reproductive egg cells. Her tree of life

organ died, as did she, nine hundred or so years later. And it was the same for Adam. The 24th

chromosome gone from his reproductive sperm cells. The tree of life organ gone from his

appendix tube. The end of their everlasting life in this world. And I’m certainly not dumb enough

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to think that God didn’t know what would inevitably happen to the first two humans. There is no

‘we wonder if they will’ or ‘we wonder if they won’t’ in God’s everlasting kingdom.

There is a ‘highest genome’ on every ‘living planet’ in a solar system. The highest genome

on every living planet of a solar system have all been created as everlasting in the first instance,

only to be reduced to mortal by contamination, just like us. Every genome on a living planet in a

solar system that is below or ‘in subjection’ to the highest genome of a living planet is mortal,

just as it is on Earth. The highest genome of all living planets in a solar system are destined to

become that which they were originally designed to be. The highest genome in our solar system

is obviously us. The highest genome of one solar system is a separate and entirely different

‘being’ from the highest genome of any other solar system.

It’s all about ‘entering’ the everlasting kingdom of the universe; being part of that kingdom;

being accepted into that kingdom. It’s about ‘completing’ the everlasting kingdom of the whole

universe. You are a human genome; the right of passage into the everlasting kingdom.

The causes of unrighteousness can be from hereditary genes and (or) stupidity. Our celestial

hierarchy can read your entire DNA at a glance, like reading a ticker tape machine. They know

the consequences of ‘every’ cell mutation. They fully understand all of the ramifications of our

contaminated genome. Unrighteousness seems to come more from stupidity than anything else.

But if it is the direct result of a chromosome, gene or DNA mutation, they will understand that.

They recognize that. It might be genetically our fault, but we are not necessarily to blame.

Jesus was born from an uncontaminated human rib cell (one taken from Adam’s rib). Jesus

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furnished us with a guarantee. He had the tree of life organ attached to his appendix tube. It grew

from the 24th chromosome in his genome. He was, in a way, a second first human. The Greek

scriptures even refer to him as The Second Adam. The identity genes (that which I believe to be

the soul) on the chromosomes of Adam’s rib cell (the cell used to make Jesus) were removed and

replaced with the identity genes of God’s master worker, the firstborn seed of God. Our identity

gene (genetic fingerprint) appears ‘in between’ every gene along our chromosomes, in order to

separate one gene from another, just like the space between these words. Jesus had his own

individual identity genes (soul), rather than the same identity genes as Adam (Adam’s soul).

Jesus was immune to every kind of disease and poison there was, especially unrighteousness. He

matured to the age of thirty and then he stopped getting any older. And as I said earlier, when a

being is in an everlasting body, that body can still be brought to an end if badness is around to

end it.

I see all religious beliefs as variations of the same theme. But most of all I see them as

separation. Separating humans into differences is easily one of the biggest mistakes we have

made since the autumn of 4026 BC, since the first two humans walked upon the Earth. It’s an

important date because there is no evidence of any cultivation before 4026 BC. Prior to 4026 BC,

the highest genome on Earth was the underestimated Neanderthal. In my opinion, Neanderthals

and humans coexisted on Earth for over 1,000 years. Encounters between Neanderthals and

humans would have been extremely few and far between, and they would have inevitably

resulted in capture, abuse and killing (by humans, of course). Later in the Genesis chapters you

should see, as I do, that the Neanderthals were gentle and passive before the arrival of humans.

They ate fish, poultry, vegetation and fruit (everything non-sentient). They were building fires,

boiling water and cooking things long before our arrival. You should also see that no mammal

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killed and ate another mammal prior to the arrival of the human being. Or to put it another way,

no sentient killed and ate another sentient until humans came along. We learned a lot from the

Neanderthals, and it was all good. They learned a lot from us, and it was all bad.

Chimpanzees in the northern Congo have spent hundreds of years in contact with humans.

They chase and kill other mammals out of sheer starvation (because humans take most of what

they are supposed to eat). They’re meant to eat fruit and vegetation, but they’ve been forced to

eat mammal flesh with obvious reluctance. They’re violent and aggressive towards each other.

They look fierce (you can see it in their eyes). All of this is the result of ingesting mammal flesh.

Chimpanzees in the southern Congo have only recently come into contact with humans. They

don’t eat mammal flesh. They’re gentle and caring towards each other. They’re still living their

natural life, just about? In some remote parts of Guyana, animals show no fear of humans.

Genesis chapter 6, verses 1-4 talks about the Nephilim; the mighty ones of old; the men of

fame. I think the Nephilim were Neanderthals, but turned aggressive by humans, just like the

northern Congo chimpanzees. The Neanderthals copied the ways of the human. I can’t explain it

with any accuracy, but my gut feeling keeps coming back to a link with sexual intercourse,

Neanderthals, humans and Noah's Ark?

Adam had to be born from a Neanderthal mother. There’s no other explanation for it. He

didn’t appear out of thin air. Dormant genes on the chromosomes passed on through evolution,

and still dormant in the genome of the Neanderthal, began to code improvements in an offspring

(genes purposely timed to switch on). In the same way previously, a female ape gave birth to the

first male bipedal hominid. A female homo ‘whatever’ gave birth to the first male Neanderthal.

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Dormant genes became active. The end result (us) was programmed in the primordial soup of the

Earth. Placed in the Earth, and in the Earth’s water, when the Earth was somewhere else (not

orbiting our sun). If a new species is born, then an existing species has to give birth to it. Any X

and Y male cell can be changed by taking the Y sex chromosome out, and replacing it with

another X sex chromosome taken from another male cell. Simple. The result is an X and X

female cell. God can do this, but a female version of a new species would inevitably be born

from the same mother anyway, without any sex chromosome intervention. It’s simply a matter of

waiting for a fertilized cell with a copy of an X sex chromosome from the mother, and a copy of

an X sex chromosome from the father (X and X female).

The first genome to be born ‘from out of’ God (and therefore the highest genome of all

genomes thereafter) is the Archangel genome of Michael (Michael being the first - the firstborn

‘seed’ of God). Archangels are the highest proportion of the whole image; the image of God. The

firstborn seed of God is Michael. The second seed of God is known as Gabriel. And there’s a

third and a fourth, and so on, and now they are as numerous as the stars. Archangels have

evolved from a first one. Everything that lives is from a first one of its kind; from the first of its

genome. Every genome after the Archangel genome decreases in intelligence and capabilities

(which we equate as power). The Angel genome is lower than the Archangel genome. The

Cherub genome is lower than the Angel genome. The everlasting genome of a solar system is

lower than the Cherub genome. The highest mortal genome of a solar system (the Neanderthal in

Earth’s case, but now reduced to apes) is lower than the everlasting genome of a solar system.

All life on a living planet in a solar system is mortal and in subjection to the everlasting genome

of its solar system. And the everlasting genomes of the solar systems are all in subjection to the

celestial hierarchy of a universe.

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Humans have a built in sense of forever. We have an inner feeling that we’re not supposed

to come to an end, even though the grave clearly indicates that something comes to an end. The

decomposition is the decontamination. And the death that we all see is what it is, a corpse that

turns to dust. You were born from a single cell with no memory whatsoever. If that can happen

once, it can happen again. It’s only one cell. It’s basic science. A mortal human begins with a

single fertilized cell that replicates into billions, and an everlasting human begins with a single

fertilized cell that replicates into billions. All it takes is one ‘perfect’ fertilized human cell of you.

Your everlasting birth will be ‘within’ the everlasting kingdom, where fear, hatred and loathing

doesn’t exist.

Another one of my unprecedented propositions is that every human being ever born (alive

or dead) has had a single body cell ‘taken from them’ at birth, or sometime thereafter. It doesn’t

matter ‘where’ or ‘when’ or ‘how many at any one time’. The taking of one cell is a task given to

an individual. Probably a being similar to what we might call a cherub. We can’t see the being

who is doing the taking, for obvious reasons (panic, attack and kill usually being at the forefront

of any human agenda). There’s a multitude of things we can’t see, but that doesn’t mean they’re

not there. Imagine what it would be like if you could see everything? Radio signals, TV,

mobile/cell waves, electromagnetic fields, satellite, infra-red, thermal, etc.? We wouldn’t be able

to move or function properly as a human being if we could see everything. Everlasting beings

know full well that if they appear in any ‘catchable’ form they will be killed. Jesus knew that

humans would try to kill him, long before they tried to kill him. And taking one cell is easy. I can

take one of your body cells without you seeing me. I can find one of your body cells without you

even being there (forensic science). The taken body cell then becomes subject to recombinant

DNA. The transfer of every gene that relates to one’s identity (your soul). What I also like about

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this is the fact that we use the same ‘identity genes’ to identify ourselves (genetic fingerprinting).

We’re simply discovering what God already knows.

The identity genes (our soul) on the chromosomes of our contaminated and severely

damaged birth cell are removed and placed onto the chromosomes of a perfect, uncontaminated,

everlasting human rib cell (male XY or female XX). The rib cell used for this purpose is a

human body cell with Adam's identity genes removed (for a male) or Eve's identity genes

removed (for a female). The genes not related to identity produce the perfect human body form;

the perfect, uncontaminated, everlasting human body (male or female). We can take a gene from

a chromosome of one genome, and place it onto the chromosome of a completely different

genome (transgenics). Who could possibly be naive enough to think that we’re the only ones

who can do that? And here we’re talking about the transgenics of human DNA from and to the

same genome… the human genome. That makes the transgenics very simple.

To reiterate. Take the identity genes from a contaminated birth cell. Take the identity genes

from a perfect Adam cell or a perfect Eve cell. Place the birth cell identity genes onto the

chromosomes of the perfect cell (male or female), and away you go, onwards and upwards from

a single cell, just as before. No memory, helpless, need feeding, need nappies, can’t walk, can’t

talk, etc. But in your second life you will grow onwards and upwards forever healthy, forever

happy, forever human, forever righteous. Everything that you now secretly wish for, but know

that you can never have, in this world. God didn’t create you to simply shrivel up and die. There

is no fear in the everlasting picture, and it’s as simple as that. Bad human beings aren’t exclusive

to unrighteousness. Sickly greed and repulsive ostentation is still showing the everlasting and the

immortal one a vile side to you, no matter how nice you are.

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Individual identity brings me to what I believe to be God’s ultimate golden rule. God does

not duplicate identities. A cloned human is out of the matrix, because it’s an identity that has

already been counted. A duplication of a human’s identity can’t happen. You who clone are

creating something that doesn’t exist. It’s a fake copy. And the most popular question is, what

about identical twins? They have different fingerprints, tongue prints, ear shape and iris of the

eyes. And would you believe it, their forensic DNA fingerprint identities are individual.

The first death is the end of the contaminated cell that we are all in at the moment. The

second death is the end of the perfect human cell that awaits us. That cell ends immediately by

simply ‘not’ being put forth as an everlasting human being (a second death rather than a second

life). It is written that we all face a celestial judgment. And from that judgment there can only be

one of two outcomes – everlasting life or everlasting death?

Happy and holy is anyone having part in the first resurrection; over these the second death has

no authority.

John’s Revelations (the Apocalypse) chapter 20, verse 6.

Humans can be separated into two groups. Those who believe in God and those who don’t.

If you don’t believe in God then you must believe in something else? Perhaps one believes in

life, then death, and that’s that, all there is to it? I have to say that ignorance is a gift given to our

beloved mortal animals. It’s their bliss, not ours.

The popular practice of separating humans into differences is a weakness. It’s an alluring

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trap set to catch the unaware. The X and Y sex chromosomes trail of your ancestors will lead you

back to ‘your people’. But the X and Y sex chromosomes trail goes much further back than that.

It leads to the first human man and the first human woman, and there’s absolutely nothing on

Earth that can argue with that fact. It’s the basic mathematics of subtracting backwards until you

arrive at two. Human beings are your people and Earth is your roots. Human beings are equal

organisms. Anyone telling you any different is a liar or an idiot. There are none superior and

there are none inferior. Our position is the level of the highest genome of a solar system, or the

everlasting genome of a solar system. That’s the level of the human being, full stop. Humans

appoint humans to elevated positions. There’s no such thing as a ‘select group’ destined to enter

the everlasting kingdom. No human can ever be elevated to a higher position in the everlasting

kingdom. And how dare you, if you think such things? What more do you want? Is everlasting

life not good enough for you? You ‘want’ even more than that? To be higher than everyone else?

That concept is not in keeping with righteousness, it is in keeping with unrighteousness. Humans

are equal organisms, and the clock is ticking. If you’re balancing on a pompous elevation, you

should get off it, as soon as possible.

In accordance with the human genome project, all races are 99.99% alike, which makes

racial differences genetically insignificant, and shows that all humans are descended from a

single original mother and a single original father. The three main religious beliefs are telling us

that we originate from Adam and Eve, and science is telling us that we originate from Adam and

Eve. Your body cells came from Adam and Eve. It’s not open to any debate, that’s how it is.

There was a time on Earth (before humans) when the lion and the lamb slept side by side.

That time will come again. Unrighteousness is not allowed - impossible to enter - does not exist -

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in the everlasting kingdom. And as I said earlier, imagine yourself as permanently thirty years

old? In a perfectly formed human body - 6 feet tall, brown curly hair, Mediterranean skin colour

for a male – 5 feet 6 inches tall, brown curly hair, Mediterranean skin colour for a female. The

diversity and the individuality will still be applicable, but any genetic mutations won’t. Imagine

being immune to every kind of illness and disease there is? An eternity in a paradise universe

totally devoid of all unrighteousness? Imagine the interaction between us and those who we like

to call aliens from outer space? Each different alien will turn out to be the highest, everlasting

genome of its solar system. And because everlasting life is conducive with righteousness, every

alien will prove to be totally devoid of all badness. Take everything that can be construed as

badness away from an everlasting episode of Star Trek; the possibilities are endless. A universe

devoid of unrighteousness. Universe’s devoid of unrighteousness. You have to really concentrate

hard about unrighteousness? What is it? It’s about ‘everything’ you say and do. Ask yourself on

a daily basis, am I adding to this world’s unrighteousness in any way, or not? And I include

‘acting’ as no excuse, because you’re adding to the concept of unrighteousness. Endless reels of

murder, killing, rape, torture, fighting, stealing, lying, cruelty, arguing and suffering. The screen

has become ridiculous. All the things humans pretend to be appalled by, but then sit and watch

endlessly, or even worse, act it out. Press ‘play’ for instant hypocrisy.

In my opinion humans crossed a perilous line when they started eating mammals (sentients).

We are what we eat, and more to the point, we are what our ancestors have eaten. And in

accordance with the monogenesis, there had to be a first human to put mammal DNA in their

mouth and swallow it? There was a first human to eat a clove of garlic and hope for the best.

There had to be a first human to drink cow’s milk and hope for the best. There had to be a first

human to eat a mushroom and hope for the best. I believe that Adam and Eve were born into a

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world that knew how to cook and eat fish, flightless birds and vegetation. What you will see

clearly in Genesis later, is that the Neanderthals knew absolutely nothing about cultivation. The

Neanderthals didn’t make spears to kill each other. They made them to catch fish and fowl, and

to cut things down out of the trees. The Neanderthals, and all other mammals on Earth at the time

(before humans), knew nothing about killing each other (again, you should see this later in the

Genesis chapters). The human being overstepped the universal law – that no mammal may cause

harm to another mammal. Before human beings, no mammal had any instinct to kill and eat

another mammal. The serpent was the first mammal (sentient) to eat mammal (sentient) flesh.

The first ‘mortal’ mammal to eat ‘mortal’ mammal flesh. As opposed to the first ‘everlasting’

mammal to eat ‘mortal’ mammal flesh (Adam and Eve). The serpent couldn’t lose ‘everlasting’

life because it was mortal. The serpent was the ‘first’ of its species. A one off. It’s known as a

serpent because a DNA contamination debilitates it to nothing but a worm (Genesis).

There is always a first time for everything. Every cell we put into ourselves today was first

tried, for the first time, by someone, somewhere. The human genome project shows that most

gene mutations occur in males, making them more likely to be responsible for passing on gene

mutations to their offspring. Male humans are historically the first to try something for the first

time; often causing extreme damage to themselves in the name of necessity (the mother of

invention). Noah took the unclean (mammals – sentients) in two’s (procreate, not to eat). And he

took the clean (non-mammals – non-sentients) in seven’s (procreate, and to eat). My definition of

a sentient is simple. To me it means ‘eye contact’. To me there is nothing more beautiful than the

sentient eyes of a mortal mammal. The first human was told NOT to eat the sentient (mammal).

That fruit (the cells of that flesh) kills everlasting life and causes the mutations that manifest

themselves as unrighteousness. But unrighteousness isn’t just about people being bad. It’s also

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about the debilitating conditions we are all born with (if you haven’t experienced any yet, you

will). The disability, disease and illnesses that humans endure certainly can’t be called righteous.

Many genes have been traced back to Mesopotamia. The gene for red hair also comes from

a group of people living in Babylon. The gene for human hair only needs one DNA base code

change to produce red, black or blonde hair (brown curly hair is known to be original). Brown

Mediterranean skin is also known to be original. Darker or lighter skin are just DNA variations.

Brown eyes are original, all other colours are DNA variations. The original male human height

(Adam and Jesus) is six feet, and the original female human height (Eve) is five feet six inches.

Shorter or taller heights are gene mutations (not variations).

An unknown number of unknown genes on a missing 24th human chromosome has got to

make a huge difference to the human genome? I’m talking about an entire human chromosome;

possibly longer than human chromosome number 1 (4,220 genes – 247,199,719 DNA bases).

And that difference has been shown to us by example. An everlasting human being on Earth,

totally devoid of badness. God has given us a preview of an everlasting human being, gifted with

the knowledge of God’s intentions. God’s firstborn seed Archangel Michael provided the

identity genes for the body cell that became Jesus, in order to replace Adam’s identity genes.

God’s firstborn has provided the identity genes for the body cell of every solar system’s ‘perfect

example’ (millions of solar systems). That’s a lot of work? One of many reasons why Archangel

Michael is known as God’s master worker.

I found it interesting to read the words of Jesus, but with the consideration that he actually

knew ‘instinctively’ about cells, chromosomes, genes and DNA, but couldn’t use that knowledge

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because it would have been too much information for the people of that time to grasp. We’ll be

reading the seven ‘days’ of Genesis soon, and I often wonder if Moses also knew ‘instinctively’

about cells, chromosomes, genes and DNA, but couldn’t use that knowledge either, because it

would also have been too much information for the people of that time to grasp. But we can use

that knowledge, because it’s simple for us to understand, isn’t it?

A normal human body cell has 23 pairs of chromosomes. Twenty-two pairs are autosomes

and one pair are sex chromosomes. A male human body cell has a pair of sex chromosomes X

and Y, and a female human body cell has a pair of sex chromosomes X and X. Two sets of 22

autosomes (one set in a sperm cell and one set in an egg cell) pair up to form 22 pairs of

autosomes in the fertilized human body cell. The twenty third pair of chromosomes are sex

chromosomes. One sex chromosome in a sperm cell and one sex chromosome in an egg cell pair

up to form the 23rd pair of chromosomes in the fertilized body cell. The pair of sex chromosomes

in a female human being are X and X, so her egg cell copy can only be of an X sex chromosome.

The pair of sex chromosomes in a male human being are X and Y, so his sperm cell copy could

be of an X sex chromosome or a Y sex chromosome. If an X sex chromosome from a female

pairs up with an X sex chromosome from a male in the fertilized cell, a female human baby is

born (X and X). If an X sex chromosome from a female pairs up with a Y sex chromosome from

a male in the fertilized cell, a male baby is born (X and Y). The first gene on a Y chromosome

turns on the development of testicles when the embryo is six weeks old. Breast nipples start to

develop before the Y sex chromosome turn on, hence male nipples.

Intervention or natural? Take X and Y cells from the first male human (the rib cells), and

replace the Y sex chromosome from one cell with an X sex chromosome taken from another cell.

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Impregnate the new female humanoid cell (X and X) into a female Neanderthal, and then the

man said:

This is at last the bone of my bones and the flesh of my flesh. This one shall be called woman,

because from the man this one was taken. Genesis, chapter 2, verse 23.

To wait for the female Neanderthal to give birth to a female human would have been too

risky. Another male could have been born. Genetic intervention seems much more likely to me.

With birds and butterflies X and Y are female and X and X are male (the complete opposite to

mammals). In nature, X and X are deemed to be more attractive than their opposite (X and Y).

Male birds and butterflies (X and X) are colourful and prettier than their opposite female (X and


The sex chromosome pair in a fertilized human cell can also become more than two.

Humans can be born with more than two sex chromosomes, such as Klinefelter's syndrome (a

male is XX and Y, instead of X and Y), and Turner's syndrome (a female is X and 0, instead of

X and X). A female human can be (X and XX) and (XX and XX). A male human can be (XX

and YY), (XXX and Y), (XXXX and Y). The balance of femininity and masculinity must surely

be brought into question here, but the world doesn’t appear to have spotted that yet? Males with

XXXX and Y are understandably four times more female than male, and usually want to be a

female. Males with X and YYYY are understandably four times more male than female, and are

usually found to be extremely vicious.

The missing 24th human chromosome kept the human forever young, healthy and perfect. It

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guarded against any DNA mutations; it rectified them, but it was no match for the invading DNA

that came to us through the ingestion of sentient mammal flesh. That DNA took out the

everlasting human body’s main line of defense... the 24th human chromosome.

The perfect, uncontaminated cell of Jesus was impregnated into a sexually undefiled,

specially chosen female human. Mary wasn’t the mother of God, she was the mother of Jesus.

But she was a surrogate mother (by the implantation of a single fertilized human cell). She was

blissfully aware of the fact that she was going to be the mother of a very special human being,

because Archangel Gabriel was the overseer who made it perfectly clear to her. Mary went on to

become the genetic mother of four boys and two girls (with her husband Joseph). Jesus had none

of Mary and Joseph’s DNA. He was the body cell DNA of Adam… with the identity DNA (the

soul) of Archangel Michael. A fertilized cell, ready for impregnation. This is exactly the same

for you. The body cell DNA of Adam… with the identity DNA (the soul) of you, if male. The

body cell DNA of Eve… with the identity DNA (the soul) of you, if female. Two thousand and

fifteen years ago that would have been impossible to explain, and yet, in a way, Jesus did.

It’s written that there are nine ‘kinds’ of celestial beings. Three kinds of Archangel, three

kinds of Angel, and three kinds of Cherub. This population, and the everlasting populations of

the solar systems are, at this moment, waiting for us. We will ‘complete’ the everlasting kingdom

of the universe. We are the last of the everlasting who are still a subject of time. Time means

nothing to the everlasting, other than the beginning and the end of the beloved mortal. The

everlasting are all waiting for the ‘completion’ of a righteous universe, because that will then

authorize the acceptance and the interaction of our universe, with the ‘mass’ of universes. And as

Jesus said, “God only knows when that will happen”.

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A connection with God is, in my opinion, extremely private. To be mindful that you are

speaking to God from within a crowd of people is, in my view, utterly disrespectful. All this

ritualistic, ceremonial, body rocking, shoe removing, jumping up, falling down, kneeling,

praying, costume wearing, temple building, incense burning, arm waving, body flogging, crying,

moaning, wailing, singing, dancing, chanting, monumental crowd gathering, repetitive reading

is… all man-made nonsense. Indoctrination. Join us, join them. Become a member of our special

brand of hypocrisy. A religious belief could be quite a pleasurable experience, were it not for the

blatant hypocrisy. Please read this from your particular brand of scriptures. It’s one of my


Please read: ACTS chapter 17, verses 24-31.

I call God the Father, and I associate the word father with some other words, like ‘he’ and

‘him’. I’m happy to call God he, him and father for the simplicity of it all. It’s just a language. I

don’t assume God to be of any gender known to us. Archangel Michael is God’s firstborn seed.

We’re all ‘seeds’ of God. I can tell you unequivocally that most of the words ‘son’ and ‘sons’ in

the scriptures should read ‘seed’ and ‘seeds’ (either gender). References to Archangel Michael

can be found at Daniel, chapter 10, verses 13-21 and chapter 12, verse 1. Jude, verse 9.

Revelations, chapter 12, verse 7.

What irritates me the most about scriptures is the blatant change of words? These blatant

changes of words become so deeply embedded that a blatant change of words is needed to get it

all back to where it should be, back to where it actually makes sense. Man, men, mankind =

Human, humans, humankind. Humans and the ‘seeds’ of humans is all that matters. A perfect

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example of this is the last line of these Proverbs verses. A communication to Solomon, from

Archangel Michael.

Please read: PROVERBS. Chapter 8, verses 22-31.

God can communicate with every genome in the universe, directly or indirectly. There is an

incomprehensibly magnificent everlasting kingdom in this universe, with amazing capabilities.

Capabilities given to them by God.

The following is my interpretation of the first eight ‘days’ of Genesis. A synergy of 2015

AD with 1500 BC.

Please read: Genesis, chapter 1, verses 1-5.

At this stage the Earth is flat, like a tennis ball (formless), and completely encased in a deep

layer of ice (frozen water). A ball of Earth inside a ball of ice. And there is, as yet, no life formed

upon it (waste). Furthermore, it is in complete darkness. The light that came to be was the very

first time our sun shone upon the Earth. God saw that the light was good, and began calling the

light ‘day’ and the darkness ‘night’. And there came to be evening and there came to be morning.

This confirms the Earth’s rotation through a day and a night. The seeds (genomes) are in the

Earth. The cells (genomes) are in the frozen ice. Thousands of different ‘kinds’ of genomes that

feed themselves by photosynthesis (energy from the light). One such example would be a

euglena; a single cell protozoa; a genome.

This is the first ‘day’ of the Earth’s development, and a Genesis day is an undefined and

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totally irrelevant length of time. A Genesis day could be millions, thousands or even hundreds of

our years. It is absolutely ridiculous to believe that the Earth, and everything upon it, was created

in seven of our days (168 hours). I have elected to call each day a ‘period’. Period one to period

seven, followed by a number of ‘post period sevens’.

For a thousand years are in your eyes but as yesterday when it is past. David’s Psalms, chapter 90,

verse 4.

However, let this one fact not be escaping your notice, beloved ones, that one day is with God as

a thousand years and a thousand years as one day. Peter’s Second Book, chapter 3, verse 8.

Please read: Genesis, chapter 1, verses 6-8 (period two).

In this period of Earth’s development, the expanse that comes to be between the waters and

the waters is caused by underwater erosion. The Earth’s surface is being pushed and pulled along

underwater, like a giant bulldozer pushing the Earth up into mounds. Mountains, highlands and

hills are formed, leaving canyons, valleys and ravines. All of this is happening underwater. This

is the original sculpture of land, that later breaks apart into smaller pieces, now called continents.

The higher lands form the divisions between the waters and the waters. Geologists know that the

Earth’s mountains and highlands have all been formed by water pushing them up and moulding

them into peaks. This explains why there are so many fossilized sea creatures scattered all over

our mountain tops. In this second period everything is still underwater. In the next (third) period

the Earth’s water level drops to reveal the expanse above the waters (above sea level) and the

expanse below the waters (below sea level… underwater). This is a good time to note that heat

and water always equals evaporation.

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God began calling the expanse ‘heaven’. If you’re sitting on the seabed wearing an

aqualung, you’re sitting in the expanse below the waters; you’re sitting in heaven. Heaven means

nothing more than ‘above’ the Earth’s surface (even when underwater you’re still above the

Earth’s surface). That’s the expanse. The expanse is heaven. God has said so, but no one seems

to be listening? Hell means nothing more than ‘below’ the Earth’s surface. Your drains are in

hell. Tree roots are in hell. Moles live in hell. Heaven and hell are two old words. Heaven means

above the Earth’s surface and hell means below it. You can’t go to heaven because you’re

already in it, and you can’t go to hell because it doesn’t exist in any form, other than the concept

of being underground. And if you’ve been on a tube train, you’ll know exactly what I mean?

There are no spheres in the second period, such as atmosphere, stratosphere, ionosphere, or

troposphere. In the next period the dry land appears because the water is brought together into

one place. Earlier in the Proverbs verses Archangel Michael said: made firm the cloud masses.

The evaporating water forms the Earth’s spheres. Archangel Michael said: before the mountains

had been settled down – prepared the heavens – the open spaces of the productive land.

Please read: Genesis, chapter 1, verses 9-13 (period three).

Things are starting to heat up now. The spheres are all in place, the water level has dropped

and dry land has appeared. This leaves huge expanses of water which God called seas. The trees,

grass, vegetation and (green) fruit starts to put forth (the seed of which is in it). A global seed

distribution system is now clearly needed? Something that can travel hundreds of miles in one

day? Something capable of covering the entire land surface with seeds? God’s magnificent seed

planting army appears in period five. But first, period four is obviously the amount of time it

took for the Earth’s dust masses to form a ring around the Earth. And then for that ring of dust to

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eventually mass together into one huge ball. A luminary for the night. That’s where moon’s

come from.

Please read: Genesis, chapter 1, verses 14-19 (period four).

A luminary for the day and a luminary for the night. Earth arrived to orbit around a sun. It

formed itself by underwater erosion, and the ‘spoil’ eventually formed the moon. The important

thing to note about period four is that sun, sea and clouds equals ‘rain’.

Please read: Genesis, chapter 1, verses 20-23 (period five).

Evolution continues to put forth genomes (God’s creations). Now we have creatures that

can travel hundreds of miles in one day. Moses calls them living souls that ‘move about’. They

eat the vegetation but, like most animals, cannot digest seeds. The seeds are simply dumped on

the ground in ‘literal tons’ of manure… heaven for seeds. Period five is obviously the age of the

dinosaurs. This non-sentient, non-mammal world is putting forth, in and out of water.

Having a more sophisticated genome than moulds and algae produces spirogyra pond scum

and seaweed, which look like plants but they have no roots, stems or leaves. Then we move on to

conifers like fir and spruce, growing male and female pollen cones in order to fertilize. Then we

move on to flowering plants with reproductive organs. Then we move on to dicotyledons with

broad leaves and a network of veins. Then we move on to invertebrates like jellyfish, they move

by opening and closing. Then we move on to coelenterates, they’re nothing more than a moving

mouth. A picture is starting to build up? Then we move on to annelids with bodies in segments,

they are the first to suck. Then we move on to molluscs with one foot and the first tongue. Then

we move on to arthropods with skeletons, cuticles, jointed legs, a simple eye with limited

vision, a compound eye with complex vision, feelers for touch and antennae for sound. Then

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we move on to insects with body parts, a head, thorax and abdomen. Then we move on to

arachnids with teeth. Then we move on to vertebrates like fish, with a backbone, bladder, gut,

anus and nostrils. Then we move on to amphibians with four limbs, moist skin, lungs and

eggs. Then we move on to birds with warm blood and hollow bones.

Period five is a non-sentient, non-mammal world. Sentient mammals arrive in period six,

beginning with monotremes. They still lay eggs like birds, but their babies feed on milk from

mammary glands. Monotremes are not fully formed at birth. Ant eater, opossum and duck

billed platypus are examples of monotremes. Then the ‘none egg laying’ marsupials arrive.

They’re not fully formed at birth either. They stay in their mother’s pouch until they are fully

formed. Koala bears, kangaroos and wallabies are the most well-known marsupials. Something

tells me that marsupials thrive in Australia because the indigenous natives of that country had an

instinct not to eat mammals? Placental mammals are next. They’re fully formed at birth. Food

and oxygen are fed to the baby through a tube inside the mother. Cats, rabbits, horses, sheep,

apes, sea lions, cows, whales and humans are just a few of Earth’s placental mammals.

There are only eight ‘kinds’ of bird, such as waders, passerines, divers, raptors, etc. And

yet, evolution has put forth over nine thousand species from them. The flying creatures in period

five were the first ‘kind’ of each, such as the archaeopteryx and the pterodactyl. If you look at a

Kamchatka walrus, you’re watching Earth still putting forth (evolution) right before your eyes.

They drag themselves out of the sea by their tusks. They’re over four metres long and weigh

about 1700kg. They spend more time on dry land than they do in the sea, and they walk on their

flippers. Could it actually be possible that a highly intelligent kingdom, somewhere in this

universe, actually designed this creature specifically to go no further? Maybe someone wanted to

give us a view of evolution? I believe in God, and that means we’ll ‘never’ run out of things to

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discover; there really is no end.

There are a number of theories about the dinosaur extinctions. I’m happy with the meteorite

impacts, such as Chicxulub (the Gulf of Mexico). There’s quite a few ‘obvious’ meteorite craters

when you look at a map of the world. The dinosaurs had no escape. An entire continent taken out

with one shot. We’ve managed to find a few buried bones that escaped immediate disintegration.

They would have starved to death on their frozen continent of perpetual darkness, caused by the

blackened sky of fallout (no photosynthesis, no food). Sea creatures and birds always migrate to

nice places when the going gets tough. That’s why they’ve been around for so long. Biological

and bacterial life keeps going. The dinosaurs were the target. Mammals didn’t exist in this fifth

period. Volcanic basalt also contributed to the dinosaur demise. The whole of Iceland is volcanic

basalt. Half of Brazil and a third of India is volcanic basalt (to name but a few).

Please read: Genesis, chapter 1, verses 24-31 (period six).

The mammals arrive. Wild, domestic and moving (as opposed to ‘moves about’). And God

goes on to say, “Let ‘us’ make man in ‘our’ image, according to ‘our’ likeness. That image, that

likeness, is righteousness; passiveness; no badness; only naturalness; no harm to anything. I like

the words ‘us’ and ‘our’. There’s a wonderful discussion going on here? But it’s not ‘us’ being

discussed (as you will see later). This man is the bipedal hominid: the Australopithecine, Homo

erectus, Neanderthal, etc. Period six is telling us that God made ‘them’, ‘male and female’ he

made them. The Neanderthals (male and female) enjoyed the peace and contentment of a fear

and hatred free world. God saw everything he had made and, look! It… was… very… GOOD

Whenever I see someone going around blessing people all the time, I’m tempted to say to

them, “You are amazing. How have you managed to ‘not see’ that God only blesses the mortal?”

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It’s that indoctrination thing again . You will see later, in post period seven, that another man

is ‘made’, and he is not blessed at all because he (the humanoid) is everlasting. If you say to me,

“God bless you”, you are actually voicing my condemnation to an eternal death… the complete

opposite of your implied intention. That’s how stupid indoctrination is.

Please read: Genesis, chapter 2, verses 1-4 (period seven).

From the beginning of life on Earth, all the way through to this seventh period, no living

creature has ever experienced fear (not even the dinosaurs of period five). The seventh period is

the perfect picture: heaven, Shangri-La, paradise, call it what you will. Every sentient creature on

Earth ate fruit and/or vegetation. Some ate fish, fowl, poultry, flightless birds. No mammal killed

and ate another mammal. This seventh day was very good, and God blessed it.

Please read: Genesis, chapter 2, verses 5-9 (post period seven – part one).

This is my favourite period. There was, as yet, no bush of the field found. In my opinion a

bush in a field would be wheat, barley, corn, etc. And there was, as yet, no sprouting vegetation

of the field found. In my opinion sprouting vegetation in a field would be potatoes, beetroot,

carrots, etc. Fruit desirable to one’s sight tend to be colours that stand out against the green, such

as oranges, strawberries, lemons, etc. There was no man to cultivate the ground - which means –

there was no man to cultivate the ground. There was no man intelligent enough to understand

cultivation. We know unequivocally that the Neanderthals knew nothing about cultivation. We

know that cultivation began in or around 4026 BC. We’re also told - because God had not made

it rain upon the Earth? The word ‘rain’ should be ‘reign’, as in prevail or predominate. Now it

makes more sense.

Now there was as yet no bush of the field found in the Earth, and no vegetation of the field was

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as yet sprouting, because God had not made it reign upon the Earth, and there was no man to

cultivate the ground.

The sun, sea and clouds way back in period four equals rain, and it’s been raining on Earth

ever since (well, you know what I mean). And a mist going up to water the entire surface of the

Earth sure sounds like rain to me?

Science tells us that 99% of chimpanzee DNA is the same as ours, and 50% of insect DNA

is the same as ours, and 35% of plant DNA is the same as ours. This new post period seven man

is obviously Adam. I was delighted to learn that Adam actually means humanoid or Earthling.

And God blew into his nostrils the breath of life. What a great way to describe everlasting life.

Please read: Genesis, chapter 2, verses 10-14 (post period seven – part two).

In this period Adam is the only humanoid on Earth. These verses tell us where the human

being began. Gold, gum and onyx stone simply meant useful materials for making ‘advanced’

tools. The Neanderthals were limited to the basics. We know that agriculture, contracts, seals,

engineering, writing, accounting, codes, documenting, laws, monuments, religion, art, domestic

animals, trade routes, cultivation, sixty seconds to a minute, sixty minutes to an hour, records,

astronomy… all began in Mesopotamia.

Please read: Genesis, chapter 2, verses 15-23 (post period seven – part three).

God told Adam not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and bad. For in the day

that he eats from it he will ‘positively’ die. God wanted cells from a fully developed human. If

Adam had disobeyed God, he would have contaminated the human genome ‘before’ God took it.

That would have meant positive death. No point taking the rib (contaminated and useless). No

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point taking human cells (contaminated and useless). Contamination before the rib was taken

would have meant no Eve, no human offspring, no Jesus, no us. It all began with Adam, and it

would have all ended with Adam if he had contaminated the 48 chromosome human genome

before God took it (the rib).

There was no compliment of Adam because every living creature on Earth was mortal, even

the latest species, the Neanderthal (male and female). And did you notice that God didn’t bless

Adam? That’s because Adam is not mortal. God had a deep sleep fall upon the man. The people

of 1500 BC knew nothing about surgery under anaesthetics. If we know how to put someone to

sleep before surgery, you can be sure that God knows too. Adam had a language. This man is

being spoken to by God. The man (male and female) in period six were never spoken to. Adam

also names all of the animals.

It’s a mistake to think that God didn’t know whether Adam and Eve would eat from the tree

of the knowledge of good and bad (eat mammal flesh). We can see that God didn’t want Adam

to eat mammal DNA before he could take his rib cells, because then God would have been taking

contaminated cells (46 useless chromosomes). You should notice later that God doesn’t tell Eve

not to eat the ‘forbidden’ fruit. There’s no such thing as ‘if by chance’ with God. God knows

exactly what will and will not be. Can you imagine God saying to his Archangels, “Maybe Adam

and Eve will eat mammal flesh, but then again, maybe they won’t?” I don’t think so.

Many people think there’s an angel called the devil, or satan. It’s nonsense. Angels do as

God commands, and it’s as simple as that. If an everlasting being does something upon the Earth,

then they are doing it under God’s instruction, and it’s as simple as that. The word is, almighty.

Nothing gets in the way of God. There is no such thing as a rogue angel who has gone against

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God’s wishes. The inevitable happened. The human was ‘destined’ to contaminate the perfect

genome, and safety measures have been put into place. An everlasting body needs your soul in

order to exist. Indeed, it isn’t a body until you become the soul of it. I’m convinced that a soul

(in this world) should ‘strive’ to become innately good in order to progress onwards. You’re the

only one who can modify yourself. It’s an easy thing to do… you simply ask God to help with

your modification. Leave out any ‘selfish’ wishes, like winning the lottery or a shiny cup. The

everlasting know that they are everlasting. They also know what they ‘must not do’ in order to

remain everlasting. You should know what you ‘must not do’ in order to remain everlasting? It’s

not about eating mammal flesh anymore. That ship has long since sailed off. The damage to the

human genome was all done years ago. Now, it’s all about righteousness. Try it, you’ll like it?

Satan is an old word for slanderer, and devil is an old word for deceiver. They’re just two of

many words of the same ilk that may or may not apply to you?

Please read: Genesis, chapter 2, verses 24-25 (post period seven – part four).

These two verses speak for themselves. In my opinion marriage is about telling the truth at

all times. Sticking to the words that ‘you’ uttered on the day. The words that came out of your

mouth on the day. And that’s the rub? It only works multiplied by two.

Please read: Genesis, chapter 3, verses 1-7 (post period seven – part five).

Adam and Eve cooked and ate non-sentient (non-mammal) creatures. They had a head start

because the Neanderthals cooked and ate non-sentient (non-mammal) creatures. Prior to humans,

every mammal on Earth had a natural instinct not to kill and eat another mammal. Take away the

hunger and the fear, and the lamb will cuddle up with the lion, and vice versa (I’ve seen it for

myself). Adam and Eve understood cultivation. They explored the sprouting vegetation and the

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bushes in the field. They cooked fish. They cooked flightless birds. Eve came into contact with

the first mammal to ever eat mammal flesh. As I said earlier: the first mortal mammal to eat

mortal mammal flesh, rather than Eve, the first everlasting mammal to eat mortal mammal flesh.

The consequences of a mortal mammal eating mortal mammal flesh could never be the loss of

everlasting life, because they’re mortal. I believe that God created the first mortal mammal to eat

mortal mammal flesh as a one-off. It demonstrated to Eve the notion that mammal flesh could be

used in the same way as non-sentient life. Chicken cooks and tastes good. Fish cooks and tastes

good. What other life cooks and tastes good? The consequences for this one-off ‘mammal eating

mammal’ was in the DNA of the mammal flesh it ate. A slow deterioration (or transformation)

into a worm. A one-off worm that eventually perished into extinction.

As we now know, the contamination changed Adam and Eve. They became physically and

mentally changed. They’re actions became questionable. Appropriate behaviour, inappropriate

behaviour? Is this a good thing I’m saying and/or doing, or is this a bad thing I’m saying and/or

doing? Am I being righteous or unrighteous? Kind or cruel? Helpful or unhelpful? Caring or not

caring? Violent or passive? Generous or greedy? Truthful or untruthful? And silly excuses lead

even more. If you tell your children that father Christmas/Santa Claus flies through the air on a

sledge pulled by eight reindeer, and enters your house via the chimney carrying a huge bag of

gifts, you’re telling lies. You’re being untruthful to your children. You’re a liar because you are

not speaking the truth. There’s no place for even make-believe untruthfulness in the everlasting

kingdom. One side of the fence or the other?

Please read: Genesis, chapter 3, verses 8-13 (post period seven – part six).

New words come out to play. Fear and pretense (hiding because they were afraid). Adam

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tells the first ‘lie’ and puts the ‘blame’ on Eve. Eve blames the serpent. Now Adam and Eve both

understand slander and deception (or satan and devil in old money).

Please read: Genesis, chapter 3, verses 14-15 (post period seven – part seven).

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus talks about a son asking his father for a fish, and goes on

to say that the father would not give his son a serpent, would he? Meaning, here’s a worm, go

catch your own fish. A worm eats the dust all the days of its life. The enmity is between the seed

of unrighteousness and the seed of righteousness. Righteousness is more powerful (like a bruise

to the head) than unrighteousness (like a bruise to the heel).

Please read: Genesis, chapter 3, verses 16-24 (post period seven – part eight).

I’m short sighted, so I wear contact lenses. This comes from a gene mutation caused by the

first human to mutate that gene, by eating pig flesh. Even if I had spent my entire life never

eating pig flesh it wouldn’t have made any difference. The damage was done by someone else,

and I simply inherited the gene. The indigenous natives of North America had the tradition of

eating a buffalo heart cut straight from the dying body they had just killed. Raw and uncooked.

There must have been a first one to come up with that stupid idea? I dread to think what further

gene mutations that must have caused? And that’s just one example of human stupid.

The everlasting you cannot exist without you. Jesus said, regarding resurrection to eternal

life: those who were first will be last, and those who were last will be first. The first human to die

will be the last to resurrect. The last human to die will be the first to resurrect. The time between

the first death and resurrection is nothing, even if it is thousands of years apart. It’s suspended

animation. Jesus tells us that we will inherit a new Earth, and that’s good enough for me. With

the words of Jesus you can be sure of one thing, the man never lied, and that’s good enough for

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me. We’re not stupid, we know exactly what is right and what is wrong. Money is usually the

first thing to convince us that wrong is right. I hope you will give your Almighty Father and his

everlasting population what they want? They want to see you, as close to righteousness as you

can possibly get, under the worldly circumstances. Too many humans look but don’t see, and

listen but don’t hear. A tarantula can grow a new body, complete with new organs. It can grow a

new leg if it loses one. How? Genes on a chromosome.

Taking a human life is wrong. I know it, you know it, and they know it. God knows your

life, circumstances, history, motives, DNA, upbringing, etc. The judgement is intense. Genomes

are taken into consideration. Defects are taken into consideration. What makes us do what we do

is taken into consideration. William Shakespeare stood before the magistrates accused of stealing

a chicken. When asked if he had anything to say in his defense he replied, “My poverty yet not

my will consent.”

It doesn’t matter if I’m not 100% right about everything I say. It’s the ‘entire concept’ that

matters, rather than the details. One thing is for sure, I’m somewhere in the ball-park? Do you

believe in life in the whole universe, or just here on Earth? Which sounds the most ridiculous to


The heavenly father is my shepherd. I shall lack nothing. In grassy pastures he makes me lie

down. By well watered resting places he conducts me. Psalms, chapter 23, verses 1-2.

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