10 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Government drop Report Causes Wheat Market an Excited Session. CLAIMS OF DROUTH STRENGTHEN CORN Ont Hnllr nllli Otlirr OrrnU nnil Cloar .HlronK I'riit lulling Depressed on Prices nt YnrtU nntl Henry Ilrcrlpt of IIok". CHICAGO, July 1L-T- hcr was nn excited wheat market today, with prlccct at times almost 3c over the close of Tuesday. by tho Kovernmcnt crop report of great damngo to spring wheat was the main factor of strength. September closed with on advanco of ZMUViic Reports of dam- age from drouth caused a bulge of 1V4 In corn, oat gained lc and provisions 8312140. Wheat aturted strong, September WifllTfcc higher at 81ifjS2c. The government crop report for July, which reduced the wheat proupect Just about nn even 100,000,000 bushel from tho estimate of June, fur- nished tho ammunition for the bulls. There wan llbornl selling on the bulge, however, on thn belief that tho crop In tho north- west had been greatly benefited by recent rains, Hcarlsh hnrvest news from RUFflln also hampered the advance somewhat and Septamber slipped off to Sl'.i&Sl-V- . The early sellers were soon boiled out and offer-l- n became scarce. Then nhorts rushed to cover and there was considerable buying for the long account, t'nder this movement September roso steadily to Sic. There were roveral soft spots on prollt-takln- but the market ruled strong throughout nnil Sep- tember closed at fWiS2.4c. A good cash demand and small primary receipts helped to sustain tho upturn. Chicago receipts wero 61 cars, against S5 the same day hist year. .Minneapolis and Duluth got only lfo cars, compared with 113 the corresponding day a year ago. Wentem primary receipts wero 410,000 bushels, against 771.000 bushels lat year. Clearances of wheat and Hour from the seaboard equalled &i0.0y0 hiifhels. Corn showed decided strength, being helped by tho advanco In wheat and claims of damage by drouth, Tho government crop report (suggesting a possible crop of bushels encouraged considerable sell- ing early, but aggressive buying by several bull leaders stampeded the shorts and the market closed strong within 3',c of tho top, Bptember opened from 74c to 'c higher at HG'ic, advanced to tc, nold off Hteadlly to V&a, rose, to 41'iC nnd closed with sellers at 4Pic. Receipts wero t39 cars. Seaboard clearances were Glfi.OOO bushels unl export sales reported at 73 boatloads. Ont rallied with tho other cereals nnd closed strong. There was active buying on tho government report, which Indicated a yield of M.OOO.OOi) Imfhels less than the June report. Ilccelpts wero light, 128 cars. Ship- ping demand good, September opened Tiff1 He higher at 2l!i1i21!4c, advanced to Slc, onsed off to 2P,c and closed with buyers at U Sc. Lower prices at tho ynrd nnd unexpected heavy receipts of hogs depressed provisions onrly. Tho market rallied later when the grain list turned so strong. Packers bought heavily. September pork opened 247c higher at Jl2.C0ff 12.r', declined to $12.50, rose to 112.76 and closed at $12.70. September lard opennd 24o lower to 2,4c higher at $0.S.V!P 6.90. Bold off to $r,.b214. advanced to $6.!tft. .7'4 and closed ut Jii.92',4. September ribs openod 2c higher to 6e lower at JCDCtf .'J7V4. touched 16.00 and advanced to $7.06 at the close. Estimated receipts for Thursday: Wheat, 4T) cars: corn, 425 cars; oats, 220 cars; hogs, 20. fA) head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles.l Open. IIIk1i. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat I July SOU 81- 79T4 80Vi7?4 7Si Aug. S(ViTlSl S2 S03J81WU 79'4 Sept. 81',4!lS2 VI SHia(, S2VuH hO'.i Corn Jtdy 41 42TMff 13 t3J; 42 Aug. WSuM WM'f 41U US H'd 43 fiept. 43i'u 41; 4314 Wi 43V4 Oats-J- uly 21 24 23 21 23 Aug. 2I'S 24 2374flTd 21U 23 Sept. 2HMH4 217i 2IV4 21 23 Tork July 12 TO 12 55 12 5Ti 12 12 40 Sept. 12 CO 12 75 12 60 12 70 12 67'4 Lard-J- uly G S2',4 C 75 Sept. 0 S5 0 07'A G S3 G S2',4 C S7'A Oct. I 6 37541 6 97141 G 95 G 9714 S714 Rlh- s- July 7 0214 7 05 7 0214 7 05 fi 95 Sept. G 90 I 7 05 C 90 7 03 G 93 No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: FI.OUIl Easy; winter patents. $l,10frl.?0; strnlchts, J3.203.9O; clears, f3.nfljj3.70; spring spuclnl, $l.i5f I. S3; patents. $:i.eojjJ yj; Htralghts. $3,201(3 70; bakers. $2.3002.80. WHEAT No. 2 spring, SOc; No. 3, 75Q7:c; Kn. 2 red, S314c. CORN No. 2. 41c; No. 2 yellow, 4)V4c OATS-N- o. 2, 2IMcc; No. 2 white, 27c; No. 3 white, 2iWiQc. JtYIJ No. 2. CJHc. HARI.EY-flo- od feeding, 3S5T42C; fair to choice multlng, 41fl-ICc- . SEEDS-Fl- ax, No. 1, $1.S0; No. 1 north- western, Jl.SO. 1'rlme timothy, $3.1003.15. Clover, contract grade, $S. I'ROVISIONS-Me- ss pork, per bbl., $12.55 12.00. Uird, per 100 lbs.. $0.S214JJG.S3. Short ribs sides (loose), $ii.90fi7.2O. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), $11,7517.00. Short elenr sides (boxed), $7.Mf(7.C0. WHISKY-Ha- sls of high wines, $1.23. SUOAHS-C- ut loaf. $G.5i; granulated, $6.02; confectioners' A, $3.SV off A, $5,83. The receipts and shipments for today were as follows: Ship-Article- s. Receipts, inents. Kloiir. bbls 20,000 13.000 Wheat, bu 45,000 24,000 Corn, 'bu 4".?,000 3(19,000 Oats, bu SoS.OOO 194,000 llye, bit 2,000 Ilarlry, bu 10,0)0 On the I'roduco exchango today the but- ter market was steady; creameries, 15fll9c; dairies, l4fi17o. lCggs, llrm; fresh, lOUc, Cheese, steady; creams, 914W10UC NBW YOIIIC ;i:.VtJHAl, MARKET, QuntntlniiK for the Day on Vnrlnua C'uniniiidltleM, NEW YORK. July H.S.W bblH.; exports, 4,307 bbls.; sales, t!,S30 ttols.- -, market Irregular and spring patents were held 20e above buyers' views, but win- ter straights sold moderately at old prices; other grades were quiet; winter patents, MMT4.G0: winter stralthtrt. $3.9iVJi MO; win- ter extras, $2 50i3.15; winter low grades, 52.4Mi2.70: Minnesota patents, $1.5005.0); winter bakers, $3.15T(3.G5. Hyc flour, steady; fales. 400 bbls.; fair to good, $3.1303.30; chnli'o to fancy, $3,334(3.73. COHN.MKAly-KIr- m; yellow western. 97c; city. 9Gc; Hrandywlne. $2.cnfl2.70. HYK Steady; No. 2 western, G3c. f. o. b afloat; tate, GHW2c, c. I. f., New York car-lot- s. llAItUUY Dull; feeding. 4SC, c. I. f New York; malting, 49fi53e, c. I. f., New York. IIAltl.HY MA I,T Nominal. WIl'KAT llecelpts. 49,150 bu.; exports, 77.-2- bu.: sales, 5,175.000 bu. futures. 210,000 bu. exports, Spot market strong; No. 2 red, S9'4c. t. o. b.. afloat; No. 2 red, 87c. eleva- tor; No. 2 northern Duluth. 91c, f. o. b., nflont to arrive: No. 1 hard Ilnluth. WHie t. o. b,, afloat to arrive. Options were strong pretty much all clay on tho unex- pectedly bullish government report, higher cables, outsido speculative buying nnd a wriK tiemanu irom local snort interests. Closed llrm nt 2c net ndvance; July, ⪼ closed, SSe; September, SSifrOTc; closed. cctnber. 8Aiti874c: closed. S7o. COHN Heceliits, 22S.SJ0 bu,; export, 130,014 til.; salox, 275,000 bu. futures"; 581,000 bu. ex- port. Spot, strong; No. 2, SlUc f. o. b., afloat, nnd S0c. elevator. Oinlnn innrlt was nctlvo and very strong today, on hot winds In Kansas nnd Ne- braska, slight country offerings, renewed big cash demand nnd covering. Closed llrm at liTlUc net advance. Julv, 49Vtt I'J'de ; closed, 49?ic; September, 4STiO'l9?ic; closed, 494c OATS Receipts, 401,700 bu.; exports, 22,-7- bu.; sales, 00,000 bu. spot. Spot market firmer: No. 2. 29c: No. 3. 2Sitc. No. 2 whltn 81c; No 3 white. 30Vje; track mixed west- ern, 29i(30c; trnck white western, 30f3ty.c; track white state. 3003llsc. HAY Quiet; shipping, 70073c; good to Clioico, buy I a i ViC. HOPS Quiet: state, common to eholcn. 1S99 crop, lKeHc; old, Stifle; l'aclllc coast, 1899 crop, 10fl3c; old. 3f(0c. H1DKS Firm; Oalveston. 20 to 23 lbs., 18c; California, 21 to 23 lbs., 214c; Texas dry, 91 in 1,1 It... 1 Irt IjKATUKft Steady; hemlock sole. Rucnos Ayres, ugnt to neavyweignts, 23V4ru2t',5c; acid. 23U5c24Hc. PROVISIONS-Tle- ef. steady; family. $10.60 12.00; mess, $9.0009.50; beef hnms, $20,000' zi.w, iiacKers. j.wriu,u; ciear extra inaia mess, J13.OW15.75. Cut meats, firm; pickled bellies. 8ViI(.c- pickled shoulders. fiic: nick- - led linms, lOlfiO-'ic- . I.ard, easy; western steamed, $7.25; retlncd. steady; continent, 17.40; South America. $S; compound, $.2Jf ti.Jii,. i'orK, iirm; lumuy, ni.in.a; snort rleur. 113.251215.25: mexs. $I3.251 13.40. TAM.OW-Klr- m; city ($2 per pkg.), 40 lliuitll urr,, 1'7M1 Kl-- t HICK Steady: domestic, fair to extra, 4l,i CrHc; Japan. HUTTKR Receipts. 1,930 pkgs.; steady crenmery X7Jil914o; factory, 14&l6'4c. . CilfiKSE-Hecclp-ts, 3.72S pkus.; steady largp white 9c, large colored, JSe; small wniie, iuj)il-- , small oiorei, ICtidH KetelDts. 7.320 Dkes.: firm, west ern, at mark. lofil2'4C for average lots; western, loss orr, e. .m r; i a me iron marKcts connmic lull, with xtpnl hllletn down to $21. Tig iron warrants wore nominally quotd nt $13.M and northern No. 1 foundry at $18, nominal at that. Tin on London advance, 10s In !ot ami 2 15s In futures. The local mar- ket for snot ruled strong at $12.ft'32.7G, while futures were neglected, even at large concessions In prices. Copper wa dull nnd tinchnnccd. despite an advance of 12s G1 In tendon, closing hero nt $16.50. Ieod and r:olter were dull and unchanged on tho basis of , and $4.20tf4.23 The brokers' Drlce for lead wiu $3.S0 nnd for copper $16.23. o.m,iia viioi,i:s.vi,i; st auichta. Cinidltlon of Trndr nnil luntntlnna on Stuplr nnil 1 nnrv I'rodiii'e, KnnsHecelpts liberal; good stock, 914c. 1AVK I'Ot'hTHY-He- ns, 7Vk'5c; roosters, according to age and size, 304c; broilers, 12'4aHc; ducks, 405c; gee?e, 405c; turkeys, FHKSH DRESSRD 1'OUITRY Hens, 8'4c; roosters, 50fic; ducks and geese, 9w ivi , uiunria, Ay? IU 6 IU., JJIT UU2., J.W(f 4,50: turkeys, 1214c. HUTTKR Common to fair, 13Uc; choice, 131M6c: separator. 20c: gathered creamery. 17lp. FISrr-Tro-ut. 9e: blue flsli. 1!e: n ckerel. 8c; catll'h, 12c; dressed buffalo, 6c; 'hlte-llsh, 10c; herring, 6c; black oass, ic; sal- mon, 13e; white bass. 10c; cropple. 10c; pike, 9c: halibut. 12c: bullheads. 10c: rinir nerch. Cc; lobsters, green, 22e; boiled lobsters, 25c; nincKcrei, zre; coonsn. ioc; yenow nercn, uc. i'iwj'Ju.nh ijive. per uoz., yycai.w. VKAI.S-Chol- re. 9T(lCc. IIAYI'rr rnrlonil lrits: TJnlnnd. choice. $7.60; midland, choice, $6.60: lowinnd, choice, $5 50; rye straw, choice, Jfl.00; No 3 corn, 37c; No. 3 white oats. 24c; cracked corn. per ton, iu.cai; corn anu oats, cnoppea, per ton, fl.'.i'O; bran, per ton, $12.00; shorts, pr ton, $12.50. VKGETABLliS. CUCUMnHRS-P- er doz.. 40fflC0c. ASl'ARAaUS-Home-gro- wn, per doz., 23 23c. NKW TURNIPS Per doz. bunched. 25 30c. NKW ni:KTS-P- er doz. bunches, 30e. NRW CARHOTS-P- er doz. bunches, 26c. l.KTTUCrc-P- cr doz. hunches. 20c. RADISHUS Homc-crow- tier doz.. 15 20c. PHAS-P- er i. basket. 60c. WAX niOANS Per half tan. basket. KVH 60'-- . NKW TOMATOES Per bu., &0e. CA HHAOK-inomo-gro- per lb., Mic CAUI,tKI,OWKH-P- er doz.. $1.00. ORBKN CORN-P- er doz., 10315c. TOSIATOKS-SIIssl83lp- pl. per four-bask- crate, 7."V90i-- airsnwjn.MK rer n. nox, wk. RHITHARU Per lb.. l'Kc: homo grown. per lb., 2e. ONIONS-Callfor- nla. per sack. $2.00. FRUITS STRAWDKRHIKS - Colorado shlpplns stock, per t. case. $2.73. HIJACK IiKRRi KS Per t. case. :.2a. U1.AC1C RASl'UKHHIHS-P- er t. case. $3,00. $J.73; per t. case. $1.50. HKD RASPHKRRIES-P- cr t. case, $2.50. III,ri.UKRRIKS-lfi-q- t. cases, K.S&. Ct'RRANTS-P- er t. case. $2.00. PKACHKR California, por box, 90c$l. APRICOTS-Cnllforn- tn. per box, $1.35, PH'.MS-Callfor- nla. per crate, $1.25. PRUNKS-Callfor- nla. per crate, $1.3&1T1.50. HAHTI.KTT PKARS Per basket, $2.20. OOOSKHKRRIKS-P- er t. case. $2. CHKHRIKS-allforn- la. oer 10-l- b. box, $1 1001.23; .Missouri, per t. case, $2.20; tiaskets. eOftCOc. WATKRMK I.ONS As to size, SUCcTtSO each. APPLES Native. 60076c per bu. TROPICAL FRUITS. PINBAPPLES-P- cr doz., 51.601.75. ORANOKS California. Mediterranean sweets, per box. $4; budded seedlings. $3. LKMONH-Callforn- ia. fancy. .ia; cnoico. $4.50. I1ANANAS per buncn. nccoraing to site. $2.23fl3.00. MISCELLANEOUS. NfTS Hlckorv. large, ner bu.. $1.25: shellbarks, $1.35; English walnuta. per lb., 12fil3c; lllberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, per lb.. HOlCc: raw. per lb.. 6V4S6c; roasted, 6140"14c. HIDKS No. 1 ereen hides. 7c: No. 2 green hides, 6c; No. 1 salted hides, 7c; No. 2 salted hides, Cc; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 8c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs,, 6o. .St, I, mils (irnln nnil 1'rovlalonK. ST. LOUIS. July No. 2 red. cosh, elevator. SOc: track. StVOSlc: July, 79Uc: August. 79V4c; September, S0',ic; :no. i naru, itxuioc. CORN lower; No. 2 cash, 42c; track, 4314 5141c: July. 42'4c: September. 43V4c. OATS Lower; No, 2 cash, 25c: track. 23iJ 2314c; July, 24c; September, 23ic; No. 2 white. 2i 14K 29c. KY1-- Weak; 67c. FLOUR-Flrm- er: patents. $3.85(S4.10: extra fancy nnd straight, $3.4003.65; clear, $3.G00 3.SO. SEEDS T mothv. $2,504x2.73. snot: $3.00 bid for prime new ilellvcrablo In August or Sep tember; llax, higher at jl.35Ml.36 for juiy. l'i,AXHp,K) Mlgner; $l.3.V(n.38, July. CORNMEAIjI Uglier nt $2.30i2.M). HRAN Strong; sucked, east trnck. 69c. HAY Strong; timothy. $10,D01i 11.00; prairie, $7.0). wiiiMKV steaciy nt IRON COTTON TIES-$1.- 32. HAGC,INO-MiS- ic. HEMP TWINE-P- c. M ETALS lead. dull: $3.95. Spelter, dull: $4.10. poultry steady; cnicKcns. 6c: springs, 10Jil014c; turkeys, &0c; ducks, 6V4c; springs, GliSc; geese, 3c; springs, 607c. jiiiciH Htcaiiy; sc. HUTTEH-Stea- dy; creamery. 1601914c: dulrv. 14W16C. l'RUViHiu.NM i'orK, strong; joDoing, $13.0). Iard. higher; prime steam, $6.C7H; choice, $0.7214. Dry salt meats (boxed), steady; extra shorts, $7.50; clear rlBs, $7.G214; clear slues. $7.i&. isncon (ooxeu), nigner; extra shorts, $8.00; clear ribs, $3.1214; clear sides. $8.25. RECEIPTS Flour. 3.000 bDls. : wneat. 103,- - 000 bu.; corn, 32,000 bu.; oats, 26,000 bu. shipments F our. 9.ooo urns, wneat. 36,000 bu.; corn, 103,000 bu. ; oats, 17,000 bu. Knnsns City (irnln and Provision. KANSAS CITY Julv 11 WHEAT Julv. 7272tc; September, 73OT3V4c; cash. No. 2 hard. 73fi7lc; No. 3. 7&Q73c; No. 2 red, i7147SV4c; no. 3, i&on'ic CORN-Sentem- ber. 4ni1T42e: cash. No. 2 mixed, 44c; No. 2 white, 45c; No. 3. 44c, nominal. OATS-N- o. 2 white, 23C. RYE No. 2, E8c. HAY-Cho- lce timothy. $9.5OS10.00: choice prairie. $7.25517.50. RUTTER-Creame- ry, lfSlSc; dairy, fancy, He. EGOS Fresh Missouri nnd Kansas stocK, Slc doz., loss on"; southern, 614c, new white wood cases inciuiieil, RECEIPTS Wheat. 7.800 bu.: corn. 11.809 bu.: oats, 7,000 bu. SlIIPMENTS-Whe- at. 57.000 bu.: corn. 18,- - 700 bu.; onts, 4,000 bu. Liverpool (irnln nnd Provisions. LIVERPOOL. July 11. WHEAT Snot. firm: No. 1 northern, spring. EsSHd: No, 1 California, lis SdffGs 6rt. Futures, quiet; juiy, nominni; Hcptcmucr, is ju. CORN Spot, steady; American mixed, nominal nt 4s ll4d; Amertcnn mixed, old, 4s 3d. Futures, quiet; July, 4b Id; September, 4s 2Ud. FLOUR-- St. Louis fancy winter, 8s 3d. PROVISIONS-Por- k. prime mess, tine western, tlrm at C7s6d. Lard. American rc- - ,l.,n.l ,,, In ..nils . 1 , II 1V. .1 . . .. . . iiitwv,, if,,,,.., iiti, ik oua vtt, iuiiiiu vi:ai- - ern, In Ucrces, dull at S3s. Hnms. short cut, n to iu ids., mm at tssiKi. anouiucrs, square, 12 to 11 lbs., llrm at 33s 6d, Toledo MnrliPl, TOLEDO. O., July and higher; spot, S5V4c; July, 83',4c; August, S5aic; September, h6e. COHN Actlvo nnd higher; No. 2 cash, 45Hc; September, 41'Ac. OATS-D- ull und hlglur; No. 2 cash, 25c; September, 23c. RYE Dull und unchanged; No. 2 cash, 59c. CLOVER SEED-D- ull nnd lower; 1S9! prime. $5.10; 1899 prime, $3.50; October, $5.S5; No. 2. 54.75. llnliitli Wlient Mnrkel, Dl'LI'TH, July 1 bard, cash. K5?ie; September, k5'4c: August, 86ic; December, 83c; No. 1 northern, cash, S3ic; September, S3V4C August. S41io; December, 84c: No. 2 northern, S2c; No. 3 spring, t2c. OATS-271402- 8C. CORN-44- C. Plilliuleliililn Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, July . , ,. 1.1.1. . . rii 111 mm uiKiit i , iituvy we&inru cream erv. 20e; funcy western nrlnts. 22c. EOC1S Firm and ',4c higher; fresh nearby, 13'.4c; fresh western, 13c; fresh southwest ern, ic; iresn soutnern, ivc. 111 vi nuUer (irnln MnrUrt, MILWAI'KEE. July 1 nortuern. t.vtc; io. s norinewi, Miituaic. RYE Steady; No. 1. 02c. HARLUY-Stea- dy; No. 2, 47H6c; sample, Minneapolis AVhent Mnrket. MINNEAPOLIS, July store, July, Sl4c: September, 81St)iilio; on truck, No. 1 hard, S4lic; No, 1 northern, c; 4u, - iiuiiiiuiu, 0x4, Coffee Market, NEW YORK. July Rio, weak; No, 7 invoice, nominal; mild, oulet: Cordova. $9,504(13.50. Futures onened 5 nolnts oft on Sentember: other months 10 I UU loner uncicr mm general selling) TUTS OMAHA DAILY UK 13: TTI THSDA V, J founded on weakness In European markets Active bear speculation was checked by the light Ilr.tilllan receipts and bullish Atnerl- - , can statistics. The spot market was peg. lected with a weak undertone. Trade was disquieted by a further sharp decline In tho Rio exchange rate. Closed steady tat 15 points nst lower. Total sales, 1R.750 bags. Including July nt $7 55; September, $7.i607.); October, $7.t0: November, $7.N; December, $s.06f)V15; January, $8.75; .March, $8.30ft8.35! May, $S.I0. MOV15MIJNTS OF STOCKS AM) IIO.MJS. Tune Darin Lntrr I'nrl of the Sesslnn In Slrouu. NRW Vnntf .lull. 11 Tho bull tn.inlnlll.l- - tlon In Union Pacific turned the mnrkt from a reactionary course today nnd made the tone during the latter part of the ses- sion of the Stock exchange strong through- out. The latter strencth was not nt In all cases to entirely wipe out the earlier losses, but they were In nil cases much reduced. Thelo were times during the day when Union Parlllc was tiraetl-call- y the only stock which stood llrm against the tide of renctlon. The support of the stock wn3 very determined and the absorption very confident and on nn enor- mous sculo, There was no special news to explain the movement, aside from the gen-er- nl conditions In Its territory and Its finances. No suggestion has been offered that the dividend rate Is likely to bo In- creased over that of 1'4 per cent declared for the last semi-annu- al period. The gov- ernment crop report was nn Important In- fluence In the stock market nil day, An ef- fort was made to Ignore Its significance In the early denllngs on tho ground that tho weather buienu's weekly summary, report- ing abundant rains In the west, must be nccepted na modifying the conclusions of the government monthly rnr-ort- , iib It cov- ered a period a week later than the hitter. Hut when trndln? begnn on tho Produce exchange the Jump In wheat there nullified this nrgument. St. Paul's lieavv decrease In cMrnlngs for the first week In July added to the weakness In the granger croup nnd thorp wero Hhnrp declines In nil tho prin- cipal members of the group. Tho corn carrying roads wero relatively firm nnd the bears who have sold short In the southnesterns on tho cotton crop pros- pects were driven to cover. With this ex- ception nnd some strength In the local trac- tion group nnd in Sugar and Tobacco thn mnrket beenme generally heavy, but the persistent strencth of Union Pacific finally encouraged a growing bull following, which manifested itself (lrst In Rock Islnnd and then developed In Southern Paclllc and Missouri Paclllc. In spite of tho continued strength In the wheat market and the sharp advance In the price of corn thn market continued pretty steadily upward from that time- - until profit taking by room traders In the clos- ing dealings caused the Irregular tone with which the market closed. The extreme ad- vanco In Union Paclllc was 314. Rock island I? "I!,17 anJ Missouri Pacific nnd Southern Pacific n largo fraction. Otherwise the net changes In tho leading railroads am small and mixed. St. Paul lost a point net. The decision of International houses not to ship gold on tomorrow's steamer had some favorable effect. Tho 10s discount rates abroad leave no prollt on the operation. Large receipts of gold from tho Klondike aro fast becoming available for the re- serves of No iv York banks and the ship-me- nt of $1,600,000 from Australia will shortly be added. ir;T3 of Koycrnment bonds for exchange new 2s have shown nn Increase of late nnd the payment of premiums on these orrsets tho demands of the subtreasury on tho hanks. These conditions quiet appre- hension over future of tho money market. I He mnrket for bonds continues very dull and changes were Irregular. Totnl snles. par value, $1,165,000. United States 3s erlcc0"' Ule 6s advanted 1,1 the bid n JoniioiN,WKi Yorlt Advertiser's London says: The markets l?re 'ere lotv'y strong today, but tho I"ost oft,1'0"! was llrm, the. foreign news being mostly unfavorable. New York 51 .Utt somewhat dampened the tondencv in the. Americans department, but later cables came strengthening prices. The bank oold 228.000 gold In coin. rollowlng are the closing prices on the Now York Stock exchange: Atchlon sen Union Pacific . do pfJ 7(ii j do pfd .. 7?i Baltimore & Ohio.. 74 Wabash .. 6l Canadian Pacific ,. SO'J I pfd .. 1S Canada So 435; Wheel. & I,, n .. m; Ones, & Ohio 2St do ?fi nf,l .. 2314 Chicago (5. W 11 Wis, Central .'. .. II C 11. & Q K-- , Third Avenue ., ..my, Chi.. Ind. & I, I2H Adams Kx... nr. do pfd Cl American I: v Chicago & R. 111... 9', i'. Ex 40 Chicago & W....139i Wells-Farc- o lix J22 C It. I. Si P lost Amer. Cot. Oil 31V, . u. St. I,.... 69 do nfil . ss Colorado So Amer. Maltlnir . 3 do lt nfd. 41.4l do nfd.... . t.t do 2d pfd.. 16V4 Amer. S. A It. . 37 Dei. & Hudson ... 111 i do nfd . S7'4 IXd. L. & W ...US Amer. Spirits . 1 Denver & It. O, IS do nfd . 17 do pfd Amer ft. Hoon . 20i Erie . 11 do nfd . 6 do 1st r,r,l .. . SJli Amer. p. A V.... .13 Gl. Nor. pfd .in do pfd . 72Vj tiocaing Coal ... . 14 Amr. Tin Plate.. . 20", Hocking Valley . . 3 do nfd . 74i Illinois Central . .117'i Amr. Tobacco .. . 93U Iowa Central ... . IS do pfd .123 do pfd . 47 Anae. Mining Co. . 40'; Iv. c. i. i, fi . W Ilrooklyn R. T. ... . 54 Lake Erie & W. . :s Colo. Kufl A iron . Mi do tiM . Con. Tobacco ... r.'i I.ake Shore M do pfd .. 7 & N 1414 Federal Steel .. TIN, lan'hattan I : do nfd .. C6U Met. St. Ry .ism Oen. EWtrlr .. ..131 Mexican Central . 12t Glucose Sugar ., . . ftlVj Minn. & St. I... . S, do pfd .. ?9i do nfd 91 Inter. Paper .... .. 22H Mo. Pacific ., .... SUi do nfd ,.. 4U, Mobile ft Ohio .... Wi Laclede das .... .. 734 M., K. & T.... .... 10 National Illscult .. 2i an orn .... 32'i do pfd ,.. 82 N. J. Central ....IMib National 1,-- . ,.. 13'4 N. Y. Central ,...i:9; do pfd ... !3i Norfolk & W .... 3.1T4 National Stfil . .. 54'i do pfd 77 do nfd !t No. Pacific .... ton N. Y. Air Ilrake...inn do nfd 71 No. AmHrnn Ontario A W 14 Pacific Coam Ore. Ry. A Nav. 42 do 1st pfd... . .4 do nfd 76 Ha "A nfA .. 2 Pennsylvania. 12S iPaclftc Mall .. KK Rtadlnc . 17'4 People s Oas .... .. do lt pfd... . COVi Preyed S. Car.. .. 43 do Id pfd... . I do pfd .. 71 Rio O, W . WtJ Pullman P. Car. ..HI do nfd . S7 IS. It. A T .. 5 St. L. A S. F,... ,. 9'i Sugar ..llfi4 do 1st pfd... . 65i do pfd ..1H4 dO III Tlfll Tenn. Coal & I.. .. 60S St. U Southw.... ... Id V. H. Leather .. S4 do pfd do pfd .. 64 St. Paul ,..lll'i U. S. Rubber .... .. 53", do nfd ...1704 do pfd .. 9314 St. P. A Omalu. ,..110 WeMern Union .. .. P04 Ho, Pacific ... 33 nepubllo I. A S... .. 12 So, Railway .... .. 114 do pfd r.r,ii do pfd ,.. 124 P. C. C. A St. L f,9 Texas A Pacific ... UT4 Offered. Xew York Moneiy Mnrket, NEW YORK, July call, easy at H41W Per cent; last loan, l?i per cent; prime mercantile paper, 3(u4'4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at $1 Stii for demand and nt $4. si for sixty days; posted rates, $l.65ff 4.&714; commercial bills, $4.S344.S34. SILVER-Certlflca- tes, 61i062c; Mexican dollars, 4SVic. HONDB Government, strong; state, easy; railroad, dull. The closing prices on bonds today are ns follows V. 8. 2n ref 1M do 4s.... do coupon in N. Y. C. Is 10S do 2s. nt W N. J. C. rcn. Ca....l22 do 3i, reg 104 No. Paclflo 3a C34 do coupon 1094 do 4n Wi do new 4. re...133'. N Y. C A St I, ..10il do coupon 11JH N. A W. con. 4s.... 07 do old 4s, reg. ..1114 On-- . Nav. Is... .1117 do coupon ..1H4 do 4i .nt do Ss, reg ,.113 Oregon S. L. 6a... .1374 do coupon ..1134 do conpnl Zn .113 D. of C. 3 Ki.... ..113 Heading gen. 4s... . SS Atch. Kn. 4s ..1014 Rio O. W. Is . SSU do adj. 4s .. S34 St It A I M c. Ss. .110 Canada So. 2s..., ,..1074 St L A B F g. lis., .121 Ches, A O. 44., ... 914 St Paul consols . ,1C do us. .1164 St P.. C. A P. In.. .11CW CAN. W c. 7s. .14014 do 6s .....US "do S. F. deb. Fa.ttO So. Pacific 4s 794 Chicago Ter. 4s 934 So. Railway Ss 10S4 Colo. So. 4s 8C S. It. A T. Ca 71 D A 11. (I. Is 102 Tex. A Pac. Is 1114 do 4s. Vis do :s i Hrlo general 4f 6' Union Pacific 4 1034 F. XV. A 1. C. Is.. "0 Wabsfh Is 1l5?i Oen. Rlectrl? 3s. ...US dn 2s 1C2 Iowa Central U....U24 Vst Shore 4s 113 IC C. P A O Is 73 Wis. Central 1 7 I, A N. unl. 4.... 97V Va. Centuries ?0 M.. K. A T. 2 t When Issued, I'orelun I'lnnnelnl, LONDON, July 11. American securities opened good, with prices in moat cases higher. Iater there wus a decline and tho market showed u disposition to wait for KT. ... Vnr'u Thfl flOQI. W.T 51 flllll. Amount of bullion withdrawn from the HanK or isngiana on imiunco iwmy, i,,.,uv, l.l ..Amli,r. fit ttunnna lliu 131 1(1 India council bills wero allotted today nt ls3 HER LIN, July 11. Prices opened llrm on tno uourso louay on lureign uuyinu uninn, . .. . .. . ... t .1 I i A.mp In 111 ,tnf ivir. able vlow of the. situation and tho udverse reports received from America regarding tllo iron JUUrKUl. iuwaiu lliu L'iu:u, iiwi- - ....... ...I . 1. h.I a. ...1 In ,,, nnunm.nrn , ... f n UVL'I, ;iii.rn urn Hiiitii iipi.ni iiiwiv.i well sustained demand. Industrial securi- ties Improved on the quotations received from nbroad. Exchange on London, 20m IH ... M nln.l.u nl.nnllnl Mn, ISllnrl bills, 3',4 per cent; three-month- s' bills, 4 per PAJUS, July U,-A- tlcr a firm opening on the bourse today business quieted In the absence of demand nnd there wns an dullness. Indtttrlnl securities were weak. Spanish 4s declined owing to tho i)usi.,oiii-iii- in ,f (l,. mi i iing .if vli' itt i. gates nppo.nted tj negotiate with tho for- eign bondholders llriixlllans i corded as a result of the detllne In the rate of ex- change. Hlo Tlnlos wero malnlnlned. Kaf- firs were active early but closed weak. Three- per cent rentes, D5f974o for the ac- count. Exchange on London. 23f 11c for checks. Spanish 4s closed at 71.C2'.4. Huston Slocks anil Ilonils, HOSTON, July M.-- Cnll loans, 2S3H Per cent; time loans, 341tl!s rer cent. Olllcl.tl closln:: a . T. a s. r.... M4 Union Pacific . K.4 do pfd 704 Wrstl Und . 934 Amer Sucar 1154! Wis. Central ,. 414 do pfd ,U4 Atchison 4s ,1M Amer. Telephone., r Adventure . 24 lloston A Albany.. 0 Allouez Mining Co . 1 lesion Utcvnted .. .1304 Amal. Copier .... . KH C. II. A Q ,i:-- . Atlantic . 22 Dominion Coal rtoston A Mont... ..59 Federal Stepl Ilutte A Ilnton .. ,. 3 do pfd W4 Cal. A llecu .... .731 Pllcliburg pfd .1374 Franklin . 124 Oen. Electric .131 (Mrfola , .. Ct do pfd .13 Parrot ,. 4i Mexican Central , . 124 (julncy ..m Mich ne . . 874 Sanln Fe Copper . .. 44 N. U. O. A C P!' Tatnarnck ..1! Old Colony .:o2 Utah Mining .. 24 Old lKimlnlon 19 Wlnnna . 14 Itubbr . 93 Wolverines .. 37 New York Mlnlim Mucks. NEW YORK, Julv 11. The following are the closing quotations for mining snares today: ("hollar ijo (Ontario (171 Crown Point c Ophlr 61 Con Cal. A Va 11) Plymouth 10 Dradwood n Quicksilver 150 (Inuld A Currln .... W dn t'M 70 Hale A Norcrois... Ji Slerta Nevada 24 Iloin'Mnke r.om Standard 391 Iron Silver M Union Con 17 Mexlcnn J,- -, Yellow Jackt U r.onilmi .vtlnliiK Stnuks, LONDON, July U. 1 p. rn.-- -j Closing Cin.olf, money ." l94 Hrle T 114 do aovjunt M-- do 1st pfd.... M4 Alehlsioii Pennsylvania c.v Canadian Pacific.... CiW Heading S4 St. Paul 114' No. Pacific pfd... 734 Illinois Central .. .1214 Oram! Trunk 84 Ijoulsvllle 7cii Anaconda s Union Pac pfd 7."4,ltnnd Mines 4) N V. Central . .133 RAH HILVER-Stea- dy, 2S'.4d per ounce. MONEY-- 14 per cent. Tho rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 2W(2 per cent; for three months' bills, 2s4?jS?4 per cent. II n nk Clcnrliic". CHICAGO, July $21,912,PM; balnnces. $2,337,0eA Sterling exchange, JI.83U 5j l S7',4. New York exchange, Gc premium. ST. LOUIS, July $0,833,117; balances, $1,303,103. Money. 45i7 per cent. N'ptt Vorlf i.Vf.liim JOn fllnrnltnt Kill ??.n ,. .. .. , uwmiiii ,iriiL'ii. NEW YORK. July $144,310,-0S- 4; balnnces, $,161.S0O. HOSTON. July $22,071.W0; balnnces. 351.Ooo.47S. PHILADELPHIA, July $14,821,7!i; balances, $2,077,563. HALT1.MORE July $3,42J,-72- 5; balances, $301,61. Coiiillttuii of the Trenanry. WASHINGTON. July ll.-To- day's state-me- nt of the treasury balances In the gen-r- al fund, exclusive of tho $150,000,000 gold roservo In the division of redemption, shows: Avallabla cash balance, $149,235,071; gold, $70,SCO,181. Cotton Market, NEW YORK, July In cot- ton today were hardly In the way of new ventures, though at times short selling was attempted on a small scale. Values sintered severely In the forenoon from n semt-stampe- of local holders und from pre- dominance of adverse Influences. The open- ing was easy, with prices down CS16 points, and before the liquidating movement had run Its course a drop of 1K&24 points was recorded. Then came a partial reaction on realizing by the tired shorts. Tho most Im- portant bear factor was easily the Liver- pool news. This Indicated n general selling movement of enormous proportions. Tho government report of yesterday afternoon for the week Just ended and expectation of heavy Imports from America during August and September were shots nimeil at the shorts. Tenders of spot corn were urgent and large lines of long stuff were thrown overboard on stop orders In tho future mar-ke- t. nourish sentiment flourished here on the fine crop reports, exceptionally favor-abl- o weather advices from the entire belt and confirmation of recent reports to tho effect that cloth markets were heavy and Inactive. Throughout the nfternoon specu- lation was inclined ' to drag and prices showed In significant changes much of thu tlmo. Tho market wns finally steady nt a net loss of 35J19 points. Futures closed steady; July, $10.00; August, $9.C2; September, $5.S9; October, $8.60; November, $S.33; December. $1.30: January, $S.20; Feb- ruary, $S.33; March, $135; April. $S.37; May, $S.39. Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, lOVic: middling gulf, lOVic: snles, 1,750 hales. NEW ORLEANS. Julv Steady; sales, 6.C00 bales; ordinary, 8 good ordinary, !s4c; low middling, 911-lG- c; middling, MIMSc; good middling, 10 middling fair, 1011-lfi- c; receipts, 4,110 bales; stock, C2.739 bales. Futures wero quiet and steady; July, J10.14JTI0.lt;; August. $3.X7Hi S.S8; September, $8.83fi8.84; October, $?.2DM 8.30; November, $S.ll'ii8.12; December, $8.10'i 8.11: January. J8.10fiS.il: Febrtiarv. $s.l2(fe 8.14; March, $S.llfi8.16; April, $8.16Jj8.18; May, ST. LOFIS. July no sales; middling, 10c; receipts, 260 bales; stock, 29.165 bales. Sugnr Mnrket. ...... s w,i.i,- a, uuiv ii. Strnncr: ppntrlf iictI. vnllntv. r.'fif. onds, 3R4 .M(ii,Ahsl'.H Quiet and unchanged. ivtv,-k- JU 11. UUA1I IVI1W, firm; fair refining, 44c; centrifugal, 90 test, Wool .lliirket. ST. LOCIS. July nnd steady on bright medium and coarser grades, but easy on all elr.o. There was lit- tle doing, operators being apart In their vlewa ns regards values. LONDON, July 11. Tho wool sales today wero fully attended. Combings were act- ively competed for nt clearer rates. Cross- breeds, especially coarse and shabby, were In strong demand and recovered to a par- ity with the last auction. Merinos were firm at times. Cape of Good Hopo nnd Nntnl wools sold well. Tho number of baloj offered was S.1S7. The present series will cleyo July 20. The following Is today's sales: Now South Wales, (M0 bales: scoured, 8s Cd; greasy. 7'410d. Queensland, 7,100 hales; scoured, lOHd'irls S',4d; greasy, OifnUfcd. Victoria, S00 bales; scoured, Is 4d; greasy, 5dls V41- - South Australia, 500 bales; greasy, 45?9i..d. New Zealand, 1,900 bales; scoured, bHd'uls 5d; grensy. 4)45i9d. Capo of Good Hopo and Natal, 1,100 bales; scoured, Is 3dyis 5d; greasy, GViyOd. New York Dry Hoods. NEW YORK, July 11. -- DRY GOODS-T- ho Improvement In dry goods has again been In evidence todnv. There are morn hover placing orders for quick deliveries, but not nny Indication of n free disposition to cover foturo needs, Hrown cottons steady. No cnansn in uiene.'iea courflc colored goods. Print cloths and yarn goods firm. Prints dull for fancy, but more doing in staples. Woolen goods division moro doing, with tno opening or lines lor next spring. California Dried Fruits, NEW YORK. Julv 11. -- CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Rcmaln- lng steady; Tho market was rather slow for evaporated applet, uuyers Homing ore lor concisions; state, common, 3';ti5c prime. f,45iG!4e; Uliilli:!', uuh ). inline. ., Uic per in.. a id nun quumy. apri cots, Royal, lltdt.'; Moor Park, 15fffl7c. I'eaches, peeled, HtlSc; unpccled, 63Dc. Oil Mnrket. OIL CITY, Pa., July It -- Credit balances. Sl.'AV. certificates, no bids: shlDmcnts. 121.. 797 bbls.; runs, 119,263 bbls.; nverage, 84,713 DDIS. T1II1 IIU.VI.TV MARKET. INSTRl'MENTS filed for record Wedncs "..- -. v. July 11, 100O: tVnr runty needs. Wllllum ltnr nnd wife, to J. II. In- - gram, lot 3, lilocK 2. .iinynn s isi nuu.t 1W F. D. Wend und wife to Henry Folly, lot 4, ulo.'l; S, Iaaiics & S.'o add.... 1,100 Stimnol Aiwlnrsnn nnd Wife to F. J. Rurkley. lot 10. block 2, Hawthorne 600 II. M. and S. II. Chrlstlo to C. M. Grlfllth, w 20 feet lots 11 and 12, block 23, South Omaha......... 3G0 J. J. Fitzgerald to T. J. O'Neill, und',4 of w CO fcot lots 7 und 8, block 10. and lot 1, block 355, South Omaha; lot 2, Swotnam'H suhdlv.; lots 17 and IS. block 2. and lots 5, C, 7. 22 and 21, 'block 5. Potter it C.'s add; lot IS, blok 4. Albright annex 3,000 W. W. llnwn to Jennie Caldon, lot 7, block 3. South Omaha fiO 13. II. Uraln nnd wlfo to II. E. Peter. Hon. n 10 feet lot 30, block 13, Hanscom Place 1,000 (lull Clnlm lleedi. Uention Land Syndicate to W. H. Wll-so- o'i lot blok 2, McCormlck's 2d udd (rehlc) Ileetls. Sheriff to First Nntlonal bank, a tract In w corner of se no COO Total umount of transfers tS.SOl JVLY 12, 1000. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Lighlor Kun of Cattle. Today Gave More Llfo to the Trade. HOG MARKET STILL DROPPING DOWN ilierp .Mnrket Not Liberally Supplied, lint Uuyers Not Anxlona for Mntlon Fiilrss They Can et the Price. SOUTH OMAHA, July 11. Receipt wore: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday ... 4,092 6.061 Ofllclal Tuesday .. G.270 13,531 .I17 Ofllclal Wednesday 2,110 10,502 3,231 Three days this week.. .13,072 29,097 16,931 Samo days last week.. . 4.5S2 12.070 6.52.' Same week before .10,55a 30,202 8,461 Hamo three weeks Hgo. . D.152 27.930 12.K36 . , . ... ,. - 5,232 oiiiiif luur wceKS ago. ..12,458 28,532 Average prico paid for hogs for the last nviciAi iia)-a- , wiin coniPKriauiia. 18.lM7.lW".ii7 iTm. June 15 377i S 32" To? 4 41 Juno 16 3 90 3 23 3 01 4 5) June 17...., 3 S3 3 18 2 03 4 44 June IS.... i tn n 4i 3 10 I 45 4 K June is I 3 14 3 02 4 41 4 70 June 20 3 !0 2 95 4 45 4 40 Juno 21 3 81 3 15 e 1 31 4 Cl June 22 3 72 3 21 3 03 4 40 4 71 Juno 23 3 72 .1 21 3 02 4 12 Juno 24.... 3 3 2; 3 00 4 40 Juno 25.... & 10) 3 69 3 2.1 2 9i 4 4t 4 15 Juno 26 5 01 3 15 2 97 I 52 I 71 June 27.... fi 03 3 62 2 M 4 57 4 71 June 28.... fi 11 3 61 3 16, 4 63 4 80 June 29.... 4 99 3 601 3 24 2 ?l 4 60 4 70 June 30...., 5 Oil 3 55 3 21 2 98 t 4 61 Juiy 1. 3 67 n 21 2 P6 4 03 .it ilv 2.... 3 Cl 3 IS 2 95! 4 63' 4 71 Julv 3.... 3 73 3 21 2 95 4 70 4 to July 4.... j my 5.... 5 03i 3 a 4 F3 4 85 Julv 6.... C 16 3 a; 3 2S 2 98 4 tl 4 91 Julv 7.... 5 11 3 76 3 2.S 2 98 4 77 July 8.... 3 8 3 32 3 01 1 91 Julv 9.... 3 78i 3 35 2 96 4 7(5 r, oi July 10... 3 90 3 28 2 87 5 00 July 11. 3 90 3 70 2 94 4 6 4 79 Indicates Kuniluv. Itnlldav. The ofllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H'r's C, M. & St. P. Iiy.... 1 o Missouri Paclllc Rv.. 12 6 '.. I. 'nlon Pacific System. 10 26 C. &-- N. W. Ry 1 1 !"., E. & M. V. R. R... 20 45 8. C. It V. Ry 1 1 C St. P., M. & O. Ry. 11 21 II. & M. R. H. H 20 36 S C IS. & Q. Ry 3 8 K. C. & St. J 1 " C., R. I. & P., cast.... 5 'i C, It, I. & P., west l 149 8 Total receipts 91 S Tho disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchaolng the num- ber of head indicated: nuvers. Cattle, lines. Sheen. Omaha Packing Co 318 1,676 2liJ O. II. Hammond Co 247 1,093 4S1 Swift and Company 5S8 1,563 Cudahy Packing Co 292 1,487 510 Armour & Co 51 4.S61 18 Cuduhy. Kansas City.... 183 Swift, Kansas City 91 H. Decker & Degan 116 Vansant & Co 1 Huston & Co G It. F. Hobblck 12 Held over 262 Totals 1.274 10.CS0 1,203 CATT1.I" After vesterdnv's heavy run of cattle today's receipts of nbout ninety cars seemed ratner lignt. lieports rrom other markets showed lower prices, but tho light run here and a good demand on the part of packers made the market fairly active. Anything good In the beef steer line brought Just about steady prices with yesterday, but common stuff was rather neglected and prices in some cases were weak. Practically everything, however. was sold and weighed up nt an early hour. A bunch of well rattened branded cattle brought $5.30. There were onlv about five cars of cow stuff on sale today and no particular change In the market was noted. Choice cows old readily at Just about steady tirlcas. but tho poorer grades were slow sale and weak. Bulls and calves were In light supply and a better demand for good, fat bulls was reported. Prices, however, remain about where they have been for the last fow days. mere were tow siocKers ana reeaers in the yards today and no one seemed anxious to buv what thcro was here, unless thev could get them at their own figures. Rep resentative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av Pf. 2.... . rce $2 00 2. ..1123 4 "5 3...., . (73 3 50 21. .. 927 4 75 3.... 1023 3 SO 14. .1015 4 75 9.... CIS 3 80 11 19S9 4 80 11.... 831 3 90 11 1100 4 SO 1.... 1170 4 00 24. 105t 4 80 6.... MS I 00 4 ..1212 4 80 1.... S00 4 00 6 ..llftS 4 8 21.... 917 4 25 1 ..I3C0 4 S'. I.... 20 4 23 50 ..1244 4 90 !W0 4 25 11 ..10S3 4 90 23!.'.'.' 1178 4 35 20 ..1120 4 90 4.... sso 4 35 20 ..117C 4 95 34.... S43 4 35 IS . .1346 4 95 1.... m 4 40 8 ..1442 4 3 91.... 1071 4 40 21 ..1287 5 00 1.... 10SO 4 40 24 ..1248 5 00 S.... 10.VS 4 45 S8 ..1127 5 00 4.... 8(5 4 50 S...... ..1140 r, 00 767 4 f0 51 ..1117 6 CO 1.... 1100 4 50 19 ..1116 6 00 25.... 1078 4 50 43 ..1182 5 00 6.... 10 4 50 56 ..1432 6 10 IS.... 1093 4 55 26 ..1412 5 10 14.... 1000 4 55 ..1353 6 15 20.... 1117 4 0 il'.'.'.'.'. ..1479 6 15 7.... 10:0 4 65 Z ..1536 5 15 71.... 900 4 ii 40 ..1330 6 20 2.... 7TS 4 70 H ..1973 6 25 !.... 1170 4 70 32 5 M 33.... 1017 4 70 11 ..1442 8 34 .... 1M2 4 70 ..14C0 i 35 14.... 1055 4 70 COWS. 3.... !6J 2 00 ....1140 3 26 1.... 1000 2 CO 3 ....ICitt 3 25 1.... 0 2 25 ....10X5 3 11 2.... 970 2 25 ....IOCS 3 40 1.... 7W 2 23 ....1200 S to 1.... 910 2 25 ....1030 1 50 1.... 1130 2 25 .... 857 S SO 3.... 79 2 40 770 3 50 S.... uo 2 45 10.'!.'." ....100 3 50 M0 2 50 ....1350 3 60 I..'.'.' 1100 2 50 ....IfiO 3 CO 1.... 5S0 2 a ....1200 3 65 1.... 1CS0 2 30 ...1130 3 03 1.... 9(0 2 65 ....1100 3 76 O loss 2 R5 ....1025 3 75 ii." 940 2 75 ....1120 3 75 1..., 1S40 ....1110 3 75 1.... 970 .... 985 3 SO 1..., t?0 75 ....1116 3 80 2.... 1100 ! 73 ....U10 3 85 5.... 970 .... 945 3 r. 2.... 1025 ....1100 3 S3 1.... li:0 ....1250 3 4.... m: ....10CO 3 90 1.... US') .... 917 3 90 19..., Ml 2 ....1172 3 93 1.... 10.10 3 00 1124 4 00 9.... 1015 3 CO 875 4 00 1.... SfiO 3 00 1 950 4 01 1..., 1110 3 00 1 12.10 4 10 2.... 1090 3 00 16 JS7 4 10 2..., 93"i 3 10 21.... ... SCI 4 '.5 1.... 940 3 10 11.... ...1105 4 15 UM 3 1) 1.... ...1119 4 25 14.'!.'.' 951 3 15 ...1102 4 25 1.... 1100 3 23 ...1120 4 25 1140 3 23 3 ...1390 4 30 HEIFERS. 4 67 2 CO 10 (SJ 8 33 1 78) 2 "3 2 5C0 3 3.3 1 650 3 (.0 1 651 3 SO 2 515 3 10 6 800 J 75 1 TM .1 10 2 555 4 0) 3 730 3 15 1 80) 4 13 1 600 3 25 2 1030 4 23 S 65S 3 20 6 762 4 50 5 752 3 35 1 610 4 40 2 740 3 35 2 500 4 e, 1 490 3 35 12 930 4 50 BULLS. 1 J. .1120 2 25 1 1050 3 00 1 850 2 50 1 490 3 23 1 90 ) 2 50 1 1340 3 23 1 900 2 CO 1 905) 3 40 1 140 2 CO 1 1220 3 63 1 1210 2 C5 1 1440 3 S) 1 12 2 63 1 1610 3 93 1 1110 2 73 1 ISM 4 (0 1 1140 2 8') 1 1000 4 00 1 170) 2 85 1 1540 4 00 1 10C0 2 90 1 2130 4 10 1 1550 2 90 CALVES. 1 340 4 00 1 260 5 50 t 2S0 5 00 1 ..170 6 20 2 210 5 50 1 170 6 60 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 2 CC5 2 75 3 493 3 25 1 830 3 13 21 611 i 30 STOCK CALVES, 1 220 4 00 1 220 5 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 34 4( 2 90 4 470 3 60 1 710 3 00 13 616 3 CO 500 3 00 4 432 3 CO 1 83) 3 00 11 M5 3 70 17 691 3 25 22 762 3 73 3 436 3 25 1 650 3 75 6 402 3 25 2 443 3 75 1 340 3 23 14 643 3 90 COWS AND HEIFERS. 16 810 4 50 STAGS. 1 .1110 3 73 HTEERB AND HEIFERS. If 791 4 (0 7 1231 4 $4 JO.. ... . 1M7 l 16 11M I 90 IS 1M.3 I 70 4.1 1144 5 03 HOGS-The- re is another good, liberal run of hois at the vnrds today nnd nl other points as well. Reports all showed lower markets nnd ns a result buyers started out bidding lower prices here At the opening they nicked up n few of lb rholca loads at $5.05. or 7'itfIOo tower than tney would nave nrougnt yesieruay. Alter that the bids as a ceneral thine were nt nbout $5.02ia, though occasionally a good load would bring $r.0f. It wns lust nbout n $0.0214 market today, ns against n $r,12i market yesterday, 'tno nogs ennngeu hands rather slowly, as sellers were ask- ing better prices, and It took them some time to make up their minds to let go at the packers' prices. Later reports from Chicago showed the market closing ICo lower, but nt the same time u stronger tone to the provision mar- ket made the last hogs here bring a llttlo better prices. In spite of the slow open- ing practically everything was sold reason- ably early, the bulk of the hogs going at $o.02i4'uCOi. Representative sales: No. Av. Sh. Pr No. Av. Bti. Pr. 97 1J ) 5 00 19 17 ... 5 024 75 201 ... 6 00 62 320 ICO 6 05 151 10 f. 00 73 ail 40 6 05 22J W 6 C2H C7 2.1S ... 5 05 7 249 40 6 02Vi 60 272 ... 6 cr, IS J1 ... 5 02',4 69 2J 80 6 05 10 205 ... 5 0214 a 203 4 ) 6 05 t 250 10 6 024 59 236 ICO 5 05 191 2f0 6 H 63 255 ... 5 05 7 W 40 5 0214 5.1 22.1 SO 5 05 74 216 ... 6 02V4 7.1 217 80 5 Mi 7 2.12 ... 6 0214 57 207 80 5 05 5 EU5 1W 6 0214 64 253 M 6 05 218 40 5 031i C9 283 40 6 05 79 228 HO f, M14 82 J( so 5 03 67 SU 10 C214 71 244 4) 6 0,3 75 231 80 6 0214 1 23 263 !0 5 CS 65 241 120 6 0214 133 239 Ii 5 05 70 233 ... 5 024 61 223 200 5 05 H 284 ion 6 C2it 52 20 ... 6 05 10 219 50 6 02'4 60 267 ... 5 05 78 223 160 5 024 65 270 ... 5 03 84 201 240 5 02', CO 250 100 5 05 C2 241 50 5 02ii 70 250 120 5 03 61 241 80 5 0214 60 271 40 5 03 67 194 40 5 02'4 71 2)l 120 6 05 71 240 40 5 02' i 79 247 40 5 03 IKi 194 240 6 02'4 60 2C9 80 6 05 W 242 JC0 6 02'4 72 247 ... 5 05 72 204 80 5 0214 60 258 80 5 0.3 C9 215 ... 6 OJ'.i 64 261 40 6 05 102 193 SM f, 0?y, 65 241 ... 5 05 77.. 217 40 5 021,4 53 251 160 5 05 65 2C ... 6 0214 62 288 ... 5 03 63 4 80 6 0214 Co 251 40 6 05 "4 21$ 40 5 02'j 3) 277 ... 6 05 63 US 120 6 0214 03 252 ... 5 05 266 ... 5 0214 73 245 40 5 05 SO 214 80 6 0214 "6 240 ... 5 05 60 271 200 6 0214 77 200 160 6 03 65 ail 40 6 02'4 69 253 ... 5 05 33 233 ... 6 024 61 263 1C0 6 03 73 204 ... 5 02 14 64 257 80 5 05 69 236 1C0 6 02'4 72 226 40 5 05 77 236 160 6 02'4 61 2.15 W 6 05 c0 200 ... 5 C24 42 254 ... 5 03 79 23.1 ... 6 02H 61 231 40 5 05 67 J31 80 6 0214 13 204 ... fi 05 68 202 40 6 0214 65 223 ... 6 03 129 226 ... 5 0214 67 247 4) 6 03 61 2J8 ... 6 0214 76 246 80 5 0.3 $0 20S ... 6 0214 7C 249 1C0 5 05 71 233 80 ( 0214 63 25S 170 6 03 71 231 ... 5 0214 48 293 80 3 03 69 214 40 6 0314 73 225 ... 5 03 76 232 ... 50214 52 226 40 6 05 83 209 120 5 A21J 70 256 1C0 5 05 72 204 80 5 02 U 63 263 120 5 05 50 217 ... 5 0214 59 273 200 5 05 22 ISO ... 5 021, 193 2S5 80 5 05 70 206 120 5 02 4 99 324 80 5 03 65 245 160 50214 71 245 80 5 05 69 5.13 ... 5 02'i 54 281 ... 6 05 6S 230 40 5 0514 63 241 ... 6 03 !2 191 200 6 0214 74 255 40 6 05 76 213 80 6 0214 45 264 ... 5 03 Tl 205 ... 5 0214 73 216 ... 6 05 SO 229 ... 5 0314 62 2.11 1C0 6 Of, 76 220 ... 5 0214 74 20.1 120 5 05 70 315 80 5 0214 60 280 ... 5 CS 64 253 120 6 02H C3 27S 80 5 05 73 210 40 6 02H 70 247 200 6 05 57 29? 200 0214 CS 220 ... 6 05 72 209 ... 6 0214 17 269 80 6 0714 74 204 160 6 C214 64 286 1C0 5 074 11 20S ... 5 0514 55 314 120 5 10 11 1EO ... 6 6214 SHEEP There was not a very heavy run of sheep today, but advices from other points were lower, nnd ns a result the market here wns very dull. The supplies were mado up mostly of western grass ewes nnd wethers that wero good enouah for killers, but packers wanted them at lower prices, and ns a result It was late before much wns done. Quotntlons: Choice western grass weth- ers. $3 SS'aM.OO- choice grass yearlings. $4.00:f 4,25; choice ewes, $3.25fl-3G0- ; fair to good ewes, $3.00fr3.23; fair to rood yearlings. $3.50 ff3-9- good to choice cllnpcd lambs. $4.2nW 4.60; fair to good clipped Iambs. $3.90B4.2.r. choice spring lambs, $6.7630.00; fair to good spring lambs, $3.23!ii5.i; feeder wctheifl. $3.0013 50: feeder yearlings, nnd feeder lambs, $3.6034.50. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. IS western bucks 334 $2 00 312 na-tlv- ewe 03 3 00 193 cull spring lambs bi 4 , CHICAGO LIVE STOCK" MARKET. Session la Dull nnil Price Are tirn-ernl- ly Lower. CHICAGO, July 18,500 head; good light steers, 5S10c lower; others, 10313c lower; Texans about 10c lower; butcher stock steady; first carload western rangers this season brought $5.23; native ht nn xale. 2 carloads at $5. fi.". and 10 head at $5.75; good prime steers. $j.C0 gi.75; poor to medium, $4.453.00; selected feeders. 10c lower at $4.00'rf l.fifl; mixed stock-er- a, 10S20c lower at $2.00373.73; cows steady, strong for fancy at $3.00ff4.7,'i; heifers, firm. S3.00fi5.10; canners. slow. $2.00ff2.75: bulls nbout steady, $2.5t34.50; calves, steady. $1.50 tlS.50; Texnns. receipts, ww neau; ursi on sale. 7 cars at $1.S0; TexaB fed steers, $4,25it fi.10; Texas grans steers, $3.G0Jf 1.15; ucxas bulls, steady, i.'.ftwua.-.'o- . HOGS Receipts, 33,000 head; tomorrow, 25,000 head; estimated left over, 13.000 head; mnrket 1015c lower; top, $5.424; mixed and butchers. $5.103G.40; good to choice, heavy. $..1Mcx40; rough heavy, J5.OOWS.10; light. $5.15H6.42'; bulk of snles, $.).25'8r.3ii. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, lS.lOO head: slow to 10c lower, except for best lambs; good to choice wethers. $t.l0fi4.f0; fair to choice mixed. $3.00fi4.10; western sheen and yearlings. $3.6S4.00; Toxas sheep, $S.15fl4.00; native lambs, $4.2OS.60; western lambs. $0.000.25 Xew York 1,1 ve Sloek. NEW YORK, July 2,415 bend; steers nnd fat cows, stcadv; bulls. lOttloc off; medium and com- mon cows. 152?25c lower; steers. $4.i0fil.X5: bulls. $3.O0U4.4O; cows, $2.00rl.25; cables were unchanged', shipments, 5.31G quarters of beef. CALVES-Recel- pts, 5,014 hend; slow trade; opened 23c lower and closed 2.i50e off; 500 calves unsold; veals. $4.50f 1.2..; choice, $7.35fi7.".7',S; culls. J3.KKnl.25: butter, milks, $3.00fT3.r.O; somo early sales nt $.l.u 3.S7H: yearlings. $2.50. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, K.19S head; netive trade: sheep, IftWlfic hlg her; lambs. 50B40c higher; sheep. $3.00ZM ,5; riil'H. $2,5072.75: Inmbs, $0.001t"."0; one deck, $i.76; culls. $1.50fi5.60. HOGS-Recel- pts, 4,231 head; market was stronz. St. IiOiiIn Live toi'k. ST. LOFIS. July 3.100 head, Including 1.S00 Texnns; market steady; native shipping and export s eers. $1.7075.05; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4 55fi5!35 steers under 1.000 lbs., $4.00174.80; stockers and feeders. $3.15t?J.,0; cows and heifers, $2.23174.F0: canners $1.50712.85; bulls, J" 9094 CO. Texas nnd Indlnn steers, $3.i5l(5 4.R5: cowi and heifers. .3O1i3.P0 HOGS-Recel- pts, 0,700 head; market opened Fe lower nnd declined; pigs unit lights. $5.251 5.32-j- ; packers, .i,1515.o0, k 'sHE EI' AND' LA MBS Receipts, 2.000 market 10c higher; native muttons, $4 oWt.50; lambs, $l.50TiC25; culls Mmeks, $2.oeff4.O0; stockers nnd feeders, $3,301)3.45, 4t, Joseph I,lve Stork, SOUTH ST. JOSEPH, July 11. -- (Special ) The Journal ouotes: C .TTLE-Recei- pts. 1.S00 head: market weak to 10c lower: natives. J3.!Wii.M. Texas and westerns. $3.4(V7(0.15; cows and heifers, $20.vti5.00; bulls nnd Htmrs. $2.(Wil.i5; year- lings mil calves. $3.rWI.7n; stockers nnd feeders $3 251.50; vealH, $3.0W.50. HOGS-Recel- pts. 12.600 bend; mnrket 10c lower: all grades. $5,0715.25, bulk of sales, J8HEI3P Receipts, 1,500 head; market weak to 10c lower Knnsns City Live filoek. KANSAS CITY, July 5.000 head natives and 2,500 head lex-an- "; market 10c lower; native steers $l.fio 10; Hto.'Kcrs Him '"-- i ISA cows nnd heifers, J3.00fr l.f5; canners. $2.60f( 30V fed westerns. $l.l0ft3 30; fed Tc.xuns, $l.(OTi 1.45; grass Texnns. $3.20f4.00, 7"i 0e lower; heavy. $5.2M6.30; mixed. $5.15 25- - light, $5.00fo,17'4: pigs. $l.70f.ii.50, "Si ren a'I) l.AMRS-!.Recell)t- s. 900 head: fow offered; market closed titeady; lambs, $5 23fi5.R5; muttons. $3.5(K(7I.CO; feeders, WMt 00; culls. t2.S0f3.Si. Sloek In SlRlil. Following are tho receipts nt the four principal western markets for July 11: Cattlo. Hog. Sheep. South Omaha 2.110 10,502 3.231 Chicago IS.SOO 33.000 18,(A) Kansas City V.cno 16,100 000 Louis 3.100 C700 2.000 Totals .31,210 06,302 21,131 (inynor t'ime Proceed I uka. NEW YORK, July 11 Hearlni In tho proceedings for tho removal of II. D. Green and J. E., E. H. and W. F, Gaynor to tho Jurisdiction of the Georgia federal couits was resumed today before Commissioner Shields. J, W. O. Sterley, who was chief clerk tn Captain Curler. Identified one by one tho MirPius contracts made by (ii irr.il GIlMKire nnil Cnptnln Carter fer the gov- ernment work and Mr. Erwln offered them In evUen. e. Some of them ilnteil back to 1VS1. Counsel for (ho defense objected to them, hut Commissioner Shields overruled all objections. Mr Rose of counsel for tho defense argued that General Ollmorn was not suspected of nny complicity In the frauds nnd the district Attorney explained that he desired tho contracts made bv General Gllmore In evldenco to show how tho prices had Incrensed nfter Captain Carter had solo control of tho bids put In by the contractors. WESTERN PACKING STATISTICS Another llenvy FnlllnR Off In tin' Mnrki'tliiK of Hog nnil sr Itt the- Output, " CINCINNATI, July 11. (Special Tele- gram.) Prlco Current Bays: Offerings of hogs have been further reduced. Western packings for the week wero 355,000, com- pared with 415,000 tho preceding weeik and 3D5.000 last year. From March 1 tho total Is S.210,000, against 7,1)95,000 n year ago. Prominent places compare ns follows; 1900. 1S99. Chicago 2,375,000 2,435.(X0 Kansas City 1,070,) l.WO.OOD Omaha S55,OiO SiACiM St. Joseph 3J,000 r.4;,(X St. Louis fuS.HW 5C0.O0O Indianapolis 403.1") 435,(M) Milwaukee VMM") 326.(00 Cincinnati 220.000 2.9,0O) Otttintwa 211, (tn) 210i)) Cedar Rapids HKS.OOO MO.iKO Sioux City 295.W0 177.WK) St. Paul ISO.000 133,0ft) PoMniiiNtt-- r Guilty of l'rnuil, SIOUX FALLS. S, 1)., July Lewis A. Larixui, postmaster nt Spink, tliMon county, appeared beforo Judge Car-lan- d, of the t'nltrd States court, und pleaded guilty to tho charge of making false returns to tho auditor of the PoJtotHco department In Washington for tho purpose of fradii-letitl- y increasing his compensation as post- master. He was lined the sum of $50. which ho paid. Ry reason of the falso returns to the l'ostotllco department Larson received an aggregate of $3I0.7S more than he other-wln- o would as commissions on tho 1ms Inn. 3 transacted by hla olllce. He has refunded this sum to tho government. Elk Elect OllWr. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.. July ll.-T- Im Grand lodge of the Benevolent and Pro- tective Order of Elks was engaged the en- tire morning In electing the following of- ficers: Grand Loyal Knight, Lloyd Bow- man, Now York City; grand Iccturbii; knight, William II. Brook, Lexington, Ky ; grand secretary, George A. Revnolds, Sagi- naw, Mich.; grand treasurer, Edward Orris, Meadvllle, Pa, Both the secretary and treasurer havo served six years anil wero elected without opposition. The selection of the next place of meeting will bo mado tomorrow. Tho only two places so far men- tioned for the next meeting are Richmond, Vu., und Milwaukee. Hoeclver for Water Ciiiiipniiy. CHICAGO, July 11. On application of tho Farmers' Loan and Trust company of New York tho Chicago Title and Trust company today was appointed receiver of tho Kanka- kee Water company and two other Kanka- kee concerns In the same business. This action was ordered by Judge Kohlsaat In the United States circuit court after a bill had been filed asking tho foreclosure of three mortgages amounting to $325,000. Tho defendants tiro the Kankakee Water com- pany nnd tho Kanknkee Wnter Supply com-na- nr of Illinois and the Kankakee Water Works company of West Virginia. l.nbor Olllelnls In Session, MILWAUKEE, July session of the National Association of Otllclals of Bureaus of Lnbor wns taken up with rou- tine work. Tho principal feature was an address by Jnmrs W. Lntta, secretary of Internal affairs of Pennsylvania on "Of tho Law and of Economy." The next congress will be held In St. Louis. Carroll D. Wright of Washington was presl-do- nt and James M. Chirk of Pennsylvania secretary-treasure- r. Thomas R. Hlxey of Missouri was made a member of tho nxccutlve committee. nnptlM Yonnir People .Meet. CINCINNATI, O., July ll.-Se- hun- dred delegates havo already arrived and more arc expected today to attend tho open- ing tomorrow of the tenth annual conven- tion of the Baptist Young People's Union of America. A strictly executive session of the com- mittee and the board of managers was held today, and the various reports to bo pre- sented to tho convention wero submitted und considered und plans for the ensuing year discussed. The convention will bring a hord of delegates hero from all parts of the country. Accident nt Children's Picnic. CHICAGO, July 11. As a Sunday school picnic party of lw) children mid their teach- ers were descending a wooden stairway leading from tho llnlsted street viaduct to the Burlington tracks today the stairway collapsed and fifty children were precipi- tated ten feet to the ground below Thn following were seriously Injured; Jessie Oles. aged 10; James K. sillier, 14; Ixiuls Petri, 13; Annie Kruegor, 11. Fifteen oth- ers sustained painful bruises. The ilebrH fell across the Burlington tracks and blocked the trafllc for over an hour. Report It - olllt lonnry Siiimtphicfi, NEW YORK, July 1I.- -A cable dispatch from Guayaquil, Ecuador, to Dr. A. Diaz Guorra, representative In this city of thn Colombian revolutionists, says that tho forces under Generals Juan B. Gonzales and Simon Chaux havo captured the city of Popayan, capital of the department of Cnuca. These same ndvlces say that 011 tho march to Popayan the revolutionist 4 took nil tho cities near the Ecuadorein frontier, Including the seaport, Tumaco. Colonlnl Cruiser sliore. ST. JOHN'S, N. F., July 11. -- The colonial cruiser Fiona is ashore near Codroy, within a few miles of the scene of the wreck nl' tho British steamer Marcotls, boutid from Montreal for Liverpool, which went ashoio Juno 20 nt Capo Angulllc, nn the southwest coast of Newfoundland. Tho Flonn struck during a dense fog and it is feared It will not got olf. Tho steamer Regulus tried vainly to tow It off, hut fulled. Wrecking tugs havo been ordered to Its assistance. Receiver for Itvnl Estate 4'nnipiiny. BOSTON. July 11 M.irsden J. Perry of Provldcnco wus appointed temporary re- ceiver of the Mrnachiisctts Real F.statn company by Jiiugo (Jolt in tno united ftiai' rt circuit court today on request of Clark M. Plntt of Waterbury. Conn., u stn. kliolrh r Tho company Is a Maine, corporation, with an olllce In this city. It held real estate In Iowa. Minnesota nnd Massachusetts of tho nliec.ed stilted valtlo of $2,59.MC9 on May 31. 1S9). More Hoilles from lloliokcn Fire. NEW YORK. July 11 Six bodies and a portion of n seventh (vcre found on thn wreck of tho stenmer Sanle today. f)p was that of n stewnrdess whoso name Is not known. Tho woman had been bndly burned There havo been recovered thus far 157 bodies $6.00 A MONTH. DR. Nip GREW, SPECIALIST. Trcili til Formi ct DISEASES AND DISORDERS OF MEN ONLY. 22 Yeiri FxperUnc. u tfifiin umina. EW.CT11IC1TT and Hl!Il(JAI, Treatment mi hlimti.Va rlrorele. Strlctnre.Srpulllt.Loiaof Vigor and Vitality. CFBKOrUrUSTEKD. Charge! low. nOHC TI1EATMKNT. Hook, Consultation a nd Exam. InatluQ Free. Hour., 8 a, 111. to&i 7toSn. ui. Hunday.'Jtoi;, PO.Iloic7tS. Office.N.R. Or. 14th and P- a- i Si"- - CM.IIA. NtU. JAMES E-- BOYD & GO., Telephone 10.51). Oninh:i, Sa COMMISSION, GRAIN, 1'KOVISIONS ami STOCKS II (MRU OF TIIADK. Correspondence: John A, Warren lc Co uirect wires to Chicago and Now Yorfc rone. ns H.R.PEHME.Y&CO. SfrSKstooHS (.RANCH K)3tlUC .chama mk' UtKOUl Hi

Omaha Daily Bee (Omaha, Neb.: Morning ed.). (Omaha, NE) 1900 … · 2019-02-04 · Corn Jtdy 41 42TMff 13 t3J; 42 Aug. WSuM WM'f 41U US H'd 43 fiept. 43i'u 41; 4314 Wi 43V4 Oats-J-uly

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Page 1: Omaha Daily Bee (Omaha, Neb.: Morning ed.). (Omaha, NE) 1900 … · 2019-02-04 · Corn Jtdy 41 42TMff 13 t3J; 42 Aug. WSuM WM'f 41U US H'd 43 fiept. 43i'u 41; 4314 Wi 43V4 Oats-J-uly



Government drop Report Causes WheatMarket an Excited Session.


Ont Hnllr nllli Otlirr OrrnU nnilCloar .HlronK I'riit lulling Depressed

on Prices nt YnrtU nntlHenry Ilrcrlpt of IIok".

CHICAGO, July 1L-T- hcr was nn excitedwheat market today, with prlccct at timesalmost 3c over the close of Tuesday.

by tho Kovernmcnt crop report ofgreat damngo to spring wheat was the mainfactor of strength. September closed withon advanco of ZMUViic Reports of dam-age from drouth caused a bulge of 1V4 Incorn, oat gained lc and provisions 8312140.

Wheat aturted strong, September WifllTfcc

higher at 81ifjS2c. The government cropreport for July, which reduced the wheatproupect Just about nn even 100,000,000

bushel from tho estimate of June, fur-

nished tho ammunition for the bulls. Therewan llbornl selling on the bulge, however,on thn belief that tho crop In tho north-west had been greatly benefited by recentrains, Hcarlsh hnrvest news from RUFflln

also hampered the advance somewhat andSeptamber slipped off to Sl'.i&Sl-V- . Theearly sellers were soon boiled out and offer-l- n

became scarce. Then nhorts rushedto cover and there was considerable buyingfor the long account, t'nder this movementSeptember roso steadily to Sic. There wereroveral soft spots on prollt-takln- but themarket ruled strong throughout nnil Sep-

tember closed at fWiS2.4c. A good cashdemand and small primary receipts helpedto sustain tho upturn. Chicago receiptswero 61 cars, against S5 the same day histyear. .Minneapolis and Duluth got only lfocars, compared with 113 the correspondingday a year ago. Wentem primary receiptswero 410,000 bushels, against 771.000 bushelslat year. Clearances of wheat and Hourfrom the seaboard equalled &i0.0y0 hiifhels.

Corn showed decided strength, beinghelped by tho advanco In wheat and claimsof damage by drouth, Tho government cropreport (suggesting a possible crop of

bushels encouraged considerable sell-ing early, but aggressive buying by severalbull leaders stampeded the shorts and themarket closed strong within 3',c of tho top,Bptember opened from 74c to 'c higher at

HG'ic, advanced to tc, nold offHteadlly to V&a, rose, to 41'iC nnd closedwith sellers at 4Pic. Receipts wero t39 cars.Seaboard clearances were Glfi.OOO bushelsunl export sales reported at 73 boatloads.

Ont rallied with tho other cereals nndclosed strong. There was active buying ontho government report, which Indicated ayield of M.OOO.OOi) Imfhels less than the Junereport. Ilccelpts wero light, 128 cars. Ship-ping demand good, September opened Tiff1He higher at 2l!i1i21!4c, advanced to Slc,onsed off to 2P,c and closed with buyers atU Sc.

Lower prices at tho ynrd nnd unexpectedheavy receipts of hogs depressed provisionsonrly. Tho market rallied later when thegrain list turned so strong. Packers boughtheavily. September pork opened 247chigher at Jl2.C0ff 12.r', declined to $12.50, roseto 112.76 and closed at $12.70. September lardopennd 24o lower to 2,4c higher at $0.S.V!P

6.90. Bold off to $r,.b214. advanced to $6.!tft..7'4 and closed ut Jii.92',4. September ribs

openod 2c higher to 6e lower at JCDCtf.'J7V4. touched 16.00 and advanced to $7.06 at

the close.Estimated receipts for Thursday: Wheat,

4T) cars: corn, 425 cars; oats, 220 cars; hogs,20. fA) head.

The leading futures ranged as follows:

Artlcles.l Open. IIIk1i. Low. Close. Yes'y.

Wheat I

July SOU 81- 79T4 80Vi7?4 7SiAug. S(ViTlSl S2 S03J81WU 79'4Sept. 81',4!lS2 VI SHia(, S2VuH hO'.i

CornJtdy 41 42TMff 13 t3J; 42Aug. WSuM WM'f 41U US H'd 43fiept. 43i'u 41; 4314 Wi 43V4

Oats-J- uly

21 24 23 21 23Aug. 2I'S 24 2374flTd 21U 23Sept. 2HMH4 217i 2IV4 21 23

TorkJuly 12 TO 12 55 12 5Ti 12 12 40Sept. 12 CO 12 75 12 60 12 70 12 67'4

Lard-J- uly

G S2',4 C 75Sept. 0 S5 0 07'A G S3 G S2',4 C S7'AOct. I 6 37541 6 97141 G 95 G 9714 S714

Rlh- s-July 7 0214 7 05 7 0214 7 05 fi 95Sept. G 90 I 7 05 C 90 7 03 G 93

No. 2.Cash quotations were as follows:FI.OUIl Easy; winter patents. $l,10frl.?0;

strnlchts, J3.203.9O; clears, f3.nfljj3.70; springspuclnl, $l.i5f I. S3; patents. $:i.eojjJ yj;Htralghts. $3,201(3 70; bakers. $2.3002.80.

WHEAT No. 2 spring, SOc; No. 3, 75Q7:c;Kn. 2 red, S314c.

CORN No. 2. 41c; No. 2 yellow, 4)V4cOATS-N- o. 2, 2IMcc; No. 2 white, 27c;

No. 3 white, 2iWiQc.JtYIJ No. 2. CJHc.HARI.EY-flo- od feeding, 3S5T42C; fair to

choice multlng, 41fl-ICc- .

SEEDS-Fl- ax, No. 1, $1.S0; No. 1 north-western, Jl.SO. 1'rlme timothy, $3.1003.15.Clover, contract grade, $S.

I'ROVISIONS-Me- ss pork, per bbl., $12.5512.00. Uird, per 100 lbs.. $0.S214JJG.S3. Short

ribs sides (loose), $ii.90fi7.2O. Dry saltedshoulders (boxed), $11,7517.00. Short elenrsides (boxed), $7.Mf(7.C0.

WHISKY-Ha- sls of high wines, $1.23.SUOAHS-C- ut loaf. $G.5i; granulated, $6.02;

confectioners' A, $3.SV off A, $5,83.The receipts and shipments for today were

as follows:Ship-Article- s.

Receipts, inents.Kloiir. bbls 20,000 13.000Wheat, bu 45,000 24,000Corn, 'bu 4".?,000 3(19,000Oats, bu SoS.OOO 194,000llye, bit 2,000Ilarlry, bu 10,0)0

On the I'roduco exchango today the but-ter market was steady; creameries, 15fll9c;dairies, l4fi17o. lCggs, llrm; fresh, lOUc,Cheese, steady; creams, 914W10UC


QuntntlniiK for the Day on VnrlnuaC'uniniiidltleM,

NEW YORK. JulyH.S.W bblH.; exports, 4,307 bbls.; sales, t!,S30ttols.--, market Irregular and spring patentswere held 20e above buyers' views, but win-ter straights sold moderately at old prices;other grades were quiet; winter patents,

MMT4.G0: winter stralthtrt. $3.9iVJi MO; win-ter extras, $2 50i3.15; winter low grades,52.4Mi2.70: Minnesota patents, $1.5005.0);winter bakers, $3.15T(3.G5. Hyc flour, steady;fales. 400 bbls.; fair to good, $3.1303.30;chnli'o to fancy, $3,334(3.73.

COHN.MKAly-KIr- m; yellow western. 97c;city. 9Gc; Hrandywlne. $2.cnfl2.70.

HYK Steady; No. 2 western, G3c. f. o. bafloat; tate, GHW2c, c. I. f., New York car-lot- s.

llAItUUY Dull; feeding. 4SC, c. I. f NewYork; malting, 49fi53e, c. I. f., New York.

IIAltl.HY M A I,T Nominal.WIl'KAT llecelpts. 49,150 bu.; exports, 77.-2-

bu.: sales, 5,175.000 bu. futures. 210,000 bu.exports, Spot market strong; No. 2 red,S9'4c. t. o. b.. afloat; No. 2 red, 87c. eleva-tor; No. 2 northern Duluth. 91c, f. o. b.,nflont to arrive: No. 1 hard Ilnluth. WHiet. o. b,, afloat to arrive. Options werestrong pretty much all clay on tho unex-pectedly bullish government report, highercables, outsido speculative buying nnd awriK tiemanu irom local snort interests.Closed llrm nt 2c net ndvance; July, ⪼closed, SSe; September, SSifrOTc; closed.

cctnber. 8Aiti874c: closed. S7o.COHN Heceliits, 22S.SJ0 bu,; export, 130,014

til.; salox, 275,000 bu. futures"; 581,000 bu. ex-port. Spot, strong; No. 2, SlUc f. o. b.,afloat, nnd S0c. elevator. Oinlnn innrltwas nctlvo and very strong today,

on hot winds In Kansas nnd Ne-braska, slight country offerings, renewedbig cash demand nnd covering. Closedllrm at liTlUc net advance. Julv, 49Vtt I'J'de ;closed, 49?ic; September, 4STiO'l9?ic; closed,494c

OATS Receipts, 401,700 bu.; exports, 22,-7-

bu.; sales, 00,000 bu. spot. Spot marketfirmer: No. 2. 29c: No. 3. 2Sitc. No. 2 whltn81c; No 3 white. 30Vje; track mixed west-ern, 29i(30c; trnck white western, 30f3ty.c;track white state. 3003llsc.

HAY Quiet; shipping, 70073c; good toClioico, buy I a i ViC.

HOPS Quiet: state, common to eholcn.1S99 crop, lKeHc; old, Stifle; l'aclllc coast,1899 crop, 10fl3c; old. 3f(0c.

H1DKS Firm; Oalveston. 20 to 23 lbs., 18c;California, 21 to 23 lbs., 214c; Texas dry,91 in 1,1 It... 1 Irt

IjKATUKft Steady; hemlock sole. RucnosAyres, ugnt to neavyweignts, 23V4ru2t',5c;acid. 23U5c24Hc.

PROVISIONS-Tle- ef. steady; family. $10.6012.00; mess, $9.0009.50; beef hnms, $20,000'

zi.w, iiacKers. j.wriu,u; ciear extra inaiamess, J13.OW15.75. Cut meats, firm; pickledbellies. 8ViI(.c- pickled shoulders. fiic: nick- -led linms, lOlfiO-'ic- . I.ard, easy; westernsteamed, $7.25; retlncd. steady; continent,17.40; South America. $S; compound, $.2Jfti.Jii,. i'orK, iirm; lumuy, ni.in.a; snortrleur. 113.251215.25: mexs. $I3.251 13.40.

TAM.OW-Klr- m; city ($2 per pkg.), 40lliuitll urr,, 1'7M1 Kl-- t

HICK Steady: domestic, fair to extra, 4l,iCrHc; Japan.

HUTTKR Receipts. 1,930 pkgs.; steadycrenmery X7Jil914o; factory, 14&l6'4c.. CilfiKSE-Hecclp-ts, 3.72S pkus.; steady

largp white 9c, large colored, JSe; smallwniie, iuj)il-- , small oiorei,

ICtidH KetelDts. 7.320 Dkes.: firm, western, at mark. lofil2'4C for average lots;western, loss orr, e.

.m r; i a me iron marKcts connmiclull, with xtpnl hllletn down to $21. Tig ironwarrants wore nominally quotd nt $13.Mand northern No. 1 foundry at $18, nominalat that. Tin on London advance, 10s In!ot ami 2 15s In futures. The local mar-

ket for snot ruled strong at $12.ft'32.7G,while futures were neglected, even at largeconcessions In prices. Copper wa dull nndtinchnnccd. despite an advance of 12s G1 Intendon, closing hero nt $16.50. Ieod andr:olter were dull and unchanged on thobasis of , and $4.20tf4.23

The brokers' Drlce for lead wiu$3.S0 nnd for copper $16.23.

o.m,iia viioi,i:s.vi,i; st auichta.Cinidltlon of Trndr nnil luntntlnna on

Stuplr nnil 1 nnrv I'rodiii'e,KnnsHecelpts liberal; good stock, 914c.1AVK I'Ot'hTHY-He- ns, 7Vk'5c; roosters,

according to age and size, 304c; broilers,12'4aHc; ducks, 405c; gee?e, 405c; turkeys,

FHKSH DRESSRD 1'OUITRY Hens,8'4c; roosters, 50fic; ducks and geese, 9wivi , uiunria, Ay? IU 6 IU., JJIT UU2., J.W(f4,50: turkeys, 1214c.

HUTTKR Common to fair, 13Uc; choice,131M6c: separator. 20c: gathered creamery.17lp.

FISrr-Tro-ut. 9e: blue flsli. 1!e: n ckerel.8c; catll'h, 12c; dressed buffalo, 6c; 'hlte-llsh,

10c; herring, 6c; black oass, ic; sal-mon, 13e; white bass. 10c; cropple. 10c; pike,9c: halibut. 12c: bullheads. 10c: rinir nerch.Cc; lobsters, green, 22e; boiled lobsters, 25c;nincKcrei, zre; coonsn. ioc; yenow nercn, uc.

i'iwj'Ju.nh ijive. per uoz., yycai.w.VKAI.S-Chol- re. 9T(lCc.IIAYI'rr rnrlonil lrits: TJnlnnd. choice.

$7.60; midland, choice, $6.60: lowinnd, choice,$5 50; rye straw, choice, Jfl.00; No 3 corn,37c; No. 3 white oats. 24c; cracked corn.per ton, iu.cai; corn anu oats, cnoppea, perton, fl.'.i'O; bran, per ton, $12.00; shorts, prton, $12.50.

VKGETABLliS.CUCUMnHRS-P- er doz.. 40fflC0c.ASl'ARAaUS-Home-gro- wn, per doz., 23

23c.NKW TURNIPS Per doz. bunched. 25

30c.NKW ni:KTS-P- er doz. bunches, 30e.NRW CARHOTS-P- er doz. bunches, 26c.l.KTTUCrc-P- cr doz. hunches. 20c.RADISHUS Homc-crow- tier doz.. 15

20c.PHAS-P- er i. basket. 60c.WAX niOANS Per half tan. basket. KVH

60'-- .

NKW TOMATOES Per bu., &0e.CA HHAOK-inomo-gro- per lb., MicCAUI,tKI,OWKH-P- er doz.. $1.00.ORBKN CORN-P- er doz., 10315c.TOSIATOKS-SIIssl83lp- pl. per four-bask-

crate, 7."V90i--airsnwjn.MK rer n. nox, wk.RHITHARU Per lb.. l'Kc: homo grown.

per lb., 2e.ONIONS-Callfor- nla. per sack. $2.00.

FRUITSSTRAWDKRHIKS - Colorado shlpplns

stock, per t. case. $2.73.HIJACK IiKRRi KS Per t. case. :.2a.U1.AC1C RASl'UKHHIHS-P- er t. case.

$3,00.$J.73; per t. case. $1.50.

HKD RASPHKRRIES-P- cr t. case,$2.50.

III,ri.UKRRIKS-lfi-q- t. cases, K.S&.Ct'RRANTS-P- er t. case. $2.00.PKACHKR California, por box, 90c$l.APRICOTS-Cnllforn- tn. per box, $1.35,PH'.MS-Callfor- nla. per crate, $1.25.PRUNKS-Callfor- nla. per crate, $1.3&1T1.50.HAHTI.KTT PKARS Per basket, $2.20.OOOSKHKRRIKS-P- er t. case. $2.CHKHRIKS-allforn- la. oer 10-l-b. box,

$1 1001.23; .Missouri, per t. case, $2.20;tiaskets. eOftCOc.


each.APPLES Native. 60076c per bu.

TROPICAL FRUITS.PINBAPPLES-P- cr doz., 51.601.75.ORANOKS California. Mediterranean

sweets, per box. $4; budded seedlings. $3.LKMONH-Callforn- ia. fancy. .ia; cnoico.

$4.50.I1ANANAS per buncn. nccoraing to site.


NfTS Hlckorv. large, ner bu.. $1.25:shellbarks, $1.35; English walnuta. per lb.,12fil3c; lllberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, perlb.. HOlCc: raw. per lb.. 6V4S6c; roasted,6140"14c.

HIDKS No. 1 ereen hides. 7c: No. 2green hides, 6c; No. 1 salted hides, 7c; No.2 salted hides, Cc; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12lbs., 8c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs,, 6o.

.St, I, mils (irnln nnil 1'rovlalonK.ST. LOUIS. July

No. 2 red. cosh, elevator. SOc: track. StVOSlc:July, 79Uc: August. 79V4c; September, S0',ic;:no. i naru, itxuioc.

CORN lower; No. 2 cash, 42c; track, 43145141c: July. 42'4c: September. 43V4c.

OATS Lower; No, 2 cash, 25c: track. 23iJ2314c; July, 24c; September, 23ic; No. 2white. 2i 14K 29c.

KY1-- Weak; 67c.FLOUR-Flrm- er: patents. $3.85(S4.10: extra

fancy nnd straight, $3.4003.65; clear, $3.G003.SO.

SEEDS T mothv. $2,504x2.73. snot: $3.00 bidfor prime new ilellvcrablo In August or September; llax, higher at jl.35Ml.36 for juiy.

l'i,AXHp,K) Mlgner; $l.3.V(n.38, July.CORNMEAIjI Uglier nt $2.30i2.M).HRAN Strong; sucked, east trnck. 69c.HAY Strong; timothy. $10,D01i 11.00;

prairie, $7.0).wiiiMKV steaciy ntIRON COTTON TIES-$1.- 32.


HEMP TWINE-P- c.M ETALS lead. dull: $3.95. Spelter, dull:

$4.10.poultry steady; cnicKcns. 6c:springs, 10Jil014c; turkeys, &0c; ducks, 6V4c;

springs, GliSc; geese, 3c; springs, 607c.jiiiciH Htcaiiy; sc.HUTTEH-Stea- dy; creamery. 1601914c:

dulrv. 14W16C.l'RUViHiu.NM i'orK, strong; joDoing,

$13.0). Iard. higher; prime steam, $6.C7H;choice, $0.7214. Dry salt meats (boxed),steady; extra shorts, $7.50; clear rlBs, $7.G214;clear slues. $7.i&. isncon (ooxeu), nigner;extra shorts, $8.00; clear ribs, $3.1214; clearsides. $8.25.

RECEIPTS Flour. 3.000 bDls. : wneat. 103,- -000 bu.; corn, 32,000 bu.; oats, 26,000 bu.

shipments F our. 9.ooo urns, wneat.36,000 bu.; corn, 103,000 bu. ; oats, 17,000 bu.

Knnsns City (irnln and Provision.KANSAS CITY Julv 11 WHEAT Julv.

7272tc; September, 73OT3V4c; cash. No.2 hard. 73fi7lc; No. 3. 7&Q73c; No. 2 red,i7147SV4c; no. 3, i&on'ic

CORN-Sentem- ber. 4ni1T42e: cash. No. 2mixed, 44c; No. 2 white, 45c; No. 3. 44c,nominal.

OATS-N- o. 2 white, 23C.RYE No. 2, E8c.HAY-Cho- lce timothy. $9.5OS10.00: choice

prairie. $7.25517.50.RUTTER-Creame- ry, lfSlSc; dairy, fancy,

He.EGOS Fresh Missouri nnd Kansas stocK,

Slc doz., loss on"; southern, 614c, new whitewood cases inciuiieil,

RECEIPTS Wheat. 7.800 bu.: corn. 11.809bu.: oats, 7,000 bu.

SlIIPMENTS-Whe- at. 57.000 bu.: corn. 18,- -700 bu.; onts, 4,000 bu.

Liverpool (irnln nnd Provisions.LIVERPOOL. July 11. WHEAT Snot.

firm: No. 1 northern, spring. EsSHd: No, 1

California, lis SdffGs 6rt. Futures, quiet;juiy, nominni; Hcptcmucr, is ju.

CORN Spot, steady; American mixed,nominal nt 4s ll4d; Amertcnn mixed, old, 4s3d. Futures, quiet; July, 4b Id; September,4s 2Ud.

FLOUR-- St. Louis fancy winter, 8s 3d.PROVISIONS-Por- k. prime mess, tine

western, tlrm at C7s6d. Lard. American rc- -,l.,n.l ,,,In ..nils . 1 , I I 1V. .1 . . .. . .iiitwv,, if,,,,.., iiti, ik oua vtt, iuiiiiu vi:ai- -ern, In Ucrces, dull at S3s. Hnms. short cut,n to iu ids., mm at tssiKi. anouiucrs,square, 12 to 11 lbs., llrm at 33s 6d,

Toledo MnrliPl,TOLEDO. O., July

and higher; spot, S5V4c; July, 83',4c; August,S5aic; September, h6e.

COHN Actlvo nnd higher; No. 2 cash,45Hc; September, 41'Ac.

OATS-D- ull und hlglur; No. 2 cash, 25c;September, 23c.

RYE Dull und unchanged; No. 2 cash,59c.

CLOVER SEED-D- ull nnd lower; 1S9!prime. $5.10; 1899 prime, $3.50; October, $5.S5;No. 2. 54.75.

llnliitli Wlient Mnrkel,Dl'LI'TH, July 1 bard,

cash. K5?ie; September, k5'4c: August, 86ic;December, 83c; No. 1 northern, cash, S3ic;September, S3V4C August. S41io; December,84c: No. 2 northern, S2c; No. 3 spring,t2c.

OATS-271402- 8C.

CORN-44- C.

Plilliuleliililn Produce Market.PHILADELPHIA, July. , ,. 1.1.1. . .rii 111 mm uiKiit i , iituvy we&inru cream

erv. 20e; funcy western nrlnts. 22c.EOC1S Firm and ',4c higher; fresh nearby,

13'.4c; fresh western, 13c; fresh southwestern, ic; iresn soutnern, ivc.

111 vi nuUer (irnln MnrUrt,MILWAI'KEE. July 1

nortuern. t.vtc; io. s norinewi, Miituaic.RYE Steady; No. 1. 02c.HARLUY-Stea- dy; No. 2, 47H6c; sample,

Minneapolis AVhent Mnrket.MINNEAPOLIS, July

store, July, Sl4c: September, 81St)iilio; ontruck, No. 1 hard, S4lic; No, 1 northern,

c; 4u, - iiuiiiiuiu, 0x4,Coffee Market,

NEW YORK. JulyRio, weak; No, 7 invoice, nominal; mild,oulet: Cordova. $9,504(13.50. Futures onened5 nolnts oft on Sentember: other months 10

I UU loner uncicr mm general selling)

TUTS OMAHA DAILY UK 13: TTI THSDA V,Jfounded on weakness In European markets

Active bear speculation was checked by thelight Ilr.tilllan receipts and bullish Atnerl- - ,

can statistics. The spot market was peg.lected with a weak undertone. Trade wasdisquieted by a further sharp decline Intho Rio exchange rate. Closed steady tat15 points nst lower. Total sales, 1R.750bags. Including July nt $7 55; September,$7.i607.); October, $7.t0: November, $7.N;December, $s.06f)V15; January, $8.75; .March,$8.30ft8.35! May, $S.I0.


Tune Darin Lntrr I'nrl of the SesslnnIn Slrouu.

NRW Vnntf .lull. 11 Tho bull tn.inlnlll.l- -tlon In Union Pacific turned the mnrktfrom a reactionary course today nnd madethe tone during the latter part of the ses-sion of the Stock exchange strong through-out. The latter strencth was not nt

In all cases to entirely wipe out theearlier losses, but they were In nil casesmuch reduced. Thelo were times duringthe day when Union Parlllc was tiraetl-call- y

the only stock which stood llrmagainst the tide of renctlon. The supportof the stock wn3 very determined and theabsorption very confident and on nn enor-mous sculo, There was no special news toexplain the movement, aside from the gen-er- nl

conditions In Its territory and Itsfinances. No suggestion has been offeredthat the dividend rate Is likely to bo In-

creased over that of 1'4 per cent declaredfor the last semi-annu- al period. The gov-ernment crop report was nn Important In-

fluence In the stock market nil day, An ef-fort was made to Ignore Its significance Inthe early denllngs on tho ground that thoweather buienu's weekly summary, report-ing abundant rains In the west, must benccepted na modifying the conclusions ofthe government monthly rnr-ort- , iib It cov-ered a period a week later than the hitter.Hut when trndln? begnn on tho Produceexchange the Jump In wheat there nullifiedthis nrgument. St. Paul's lieavv decreaseIn cMrnlngs for the first week In July addedto the weakness In the granger croup nndthorp wero Hhnrp declines In nil tho prin-cipal members of the group.

Tho corn carrying roads wero relativelyfirm nnd the bears who have sold short Inthe southnesterns on tho cotton crop pros-pects were driven to cover. With this ex-ception nnd some strength In the local trac-tion group nnd in Sugar and Tobacco thnmnrket beenme generally heavy, but thepersistent strencth of Union Pacific finallyencouraged a growing bull following, whichmanifested itself (lrst In Rock Islnnd andthen developed In Southern Paclllc andMissouri Paclllc.

In spite of tho continued strength In thewheat market and the sharp advance Inthe price of corn thn market continuedpretty steadily upward from that time-- untilprofit taking by room traders In the clos-ing dealings caused the Irregular tone withwhich the market closed. The extreme ad-vanco In Union Paclllc was 314. Rock islandI? "I!,17 anJ Missouri Pacific nnd SouthernPacific n largo fraction. Otherwise the netchanges In tho leading railroads am smalland mixed. St. Paul lost a point net. Thedecision of International houses not toship gold on tomorrow's steamer had somefavorable effect. Tho 10s discount ratesabroad leave no prollt on the operation.Large receipts of gold from tho Klondikearo fast becoming available for the re-serves of No iv York banks and the ship-me- nt

of $1,600,000 from Australia will shortlybe added.ir;T3 of Koycrnment bonds for exchangenew 2s have shown nn Increase oflate nnd the payment of premiums on theseorrsets tho demands of the subtreasury ontho hanks. These conditions quiet appre-hension over future of tho money market.I He mnrket for bonds continues very dulland changes were Irregular. Totnl snles.par value, $1,165,000. United States 3s

erlcc0"' Ule 6s advanted 1,1 the bid

n JoniioiN,WKi Yorlt Advertiser's Londonsays: The marketsl?re 'ere lotv'y strong today, but tho

I"ost oft,1'0"! was llrm, the. foreignnews being mostly unfavorable. New York51 .Utt somewhat dampened the tondencvin the. Americans department, but latercables came strengthening prices. Thebank oold 228.000 gold In coin.rollowlng are the closing prices on theNow York Stock exchange:Atchlon sen Union Pacific .

do pfJ 7(ii j do pfd .. 7?iBaltimore & Ohio.. 74 Wabash .. 6lCanadian Pacific ,. SO'J I pfd .. 1SCanada So 435; Wheel. & I,, n .. m;Ones, & Ohio 2St do ?fi nf,l .. 2314Chicago (5. W 11 Wis, Central .'. .. IIC 11. & Q K--,

Third Avenue ., ..my,Chi.. Ind. & I, I2H Adams Kx... nr.

do pfd Cl American I: vChicago & R. 111... 9', i'. Ex 40Chicago & W....139i Wells-Farc- o lix J22

C It. I. Si P lost Amer. Cot. Oil 31V,. u. St. I,.... 69 do nfil . ssColorado So Amer. Maltlnir . 3

do lt nfd. 41.4l do nfd.... . t.tdo 2d pfd.. 16V4 Amer. S. A It. . 37Dei. & Hudson ... 1 1 1 i do nfd . S7'4IXd. L. & W ...US Amer. Spirits . 1Denver & It. O, IS do nfd . 17

do pfd Amer ft. Hoon . 20iErie . 11 do nfd . 6do 1st r,r,l .. . SJli Amer. p. A V.... .13

Gl. Nor. pfd .in do pfd . 72Vjtiocaing Coal ... . 14 Amr. Tin Plate.. . 20",Hocking Valley . . 3 do nfd . 74iIllinois Central . .117'i Amr. Tobacco .. . 93UIowa Central ... . IS do pfd .123

do pfd . 47 Anae. Mining Co. . 40';Iv. c. i. i, fi . W Ilrooklyn R. T. ... . 54Lake Erie & W. . :s Colo. Kufl A iron . Mido tiM . Con. Tobacco ... r.'iI.ake Shore M do pfd .. 7

& N 1414 Federal Steel .. TIN,lan'hattan I : do nfd .. C6UMet. St. Ry .ism Oen. EWtrlr .. ..131

Mexican Central . 12t Glucose Sugar ., . . ftlVjMinn. & St. I... . S, do pfd .. ?9ido nfd 91 Inter. Paper .... .. 22HMo. Pacific ., .... SUi do nfd ,.. 4U,Mobile ft Ohio .... Wi Laclede das .... .. 734M., K. & T.... .... 10 National Illscult .. 2ian orn .... 32'i do pfd ,.. 82N. J. Central ....IMib National 1,-- . ,.. 13'4N. Y. Central ,...i:9; do pfd ... !3iNorfolk & W .... 3.1T4 National Stfil . .. 54'i

do pfd 77 do nfd !tNo. Pacific .... ton N. Y. Air Ilrake...inn

do nfd 71 No. AmHrnnOntario A W 14 Pacific CoamOre. Ry. A Nav. 42 do 1st pfd... . .4

do nfd 76 Ha "A nfA .. 2Pennsylvania. 12S iPaclftc Mall .. KKRtadlnc . 17'4 People s Oas .... ..

do lt pfd... . COVi Preyed S. Car.. .. 43do Id pfd... . I do pfd .. 71

Rio O, W . WtJ Pullman P. Car. ..HIdo nfd . S7 IS. It. A T .. 5

St. L. A S. F,... ,. 9'i Sugar ..llfi4do 1st pfd... . 65i do pfd ..1H4dO III Tlfll Tenn. Coal & I.. .. 60S

St. U Southw.... ... Id V. H. Leather .. S4do pfd do pfd .. 64

St. Paul ,..lll'i U. S. Rubber .... .. 53",do nfd ...1704 do pfd .. 9314

St. P. A Omalu. ,..110 WeMern Union .. .. P04Ho, Pacific ... 33 nepubllo I. A S... .. 12So, Railway .... .. 114 do pfd r.r,ii

do pfd ,.. 124 P. C. C. A St. L f,9

Texas A Pacific ... UT4


Xew York Moneiy Mnrket,NEW YORK, July call,

easy at H41W Per cent; last loan, l?i percent; prime mercantile paper, 3(u4'4 percent.

STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, withactual business In bankers' bills at $1 Stiifor demand and nt $4. si for sixty days;posted rates, $l.65ff 4.&714; commercial bills,$4.S344.S34.

SILVER-Certlflca- tes, 61i062c; Mexicandollars, 4SVic.

HONDB Government, strong; state, easy;railroad, dull.

The closing prices on bonds today are nsfollows

V. 8. 2n ref 1M do 4s....do coupon in N. Y. C. Is 10S

do 2s. nt W N. J. C. rcn. Ca....l22do 3i, reg 104 No. Paclflo 3a C34do coupon 1094 do 4n Wido new 4. re...133'. N Y. C A St I, ..10ildo coupon 11JH N. A W. con. 4s.... 07

do old 4s, reg. ..1114 On-- . Nav. Is... .1117

do coupon ..1H4 do 4i .ntdo Ss, reg ,.113 Oregon S. L. 6a... .1374do coupon ..1134 do conpnl Zn .113

D. of C. 3 Ki.... ..113 Heading gen. 4s... . SS

Atch. Kn. 4s ..1014 Rio O. W. Is . SSUdo adj. 4s .. S34 St It A I M c. Ss. .110

Canada So. 2s..., ,..1074 St L A B F g. lis., .121

Ches, A O. 44., ... 914 St Paul consols . ,1C

do us. .1164 St P.. C. A P. In.. .11CW

CAN. W c. 7s. .14014 do 6s .....US"do S. F. deb. Fa.ttO So. Pacific 4s 794

Chicago Ter. 4s 934 So. Railway Ss 10S4Colo. So. 4s 8C S. It. A T. Ca 71

D A 11. (I. Is 102 Tex. A Pac. Is 1114do 4s. Vis do :s i

Hrlo general 4f 6' Union Pacific 4 1034F. XV. A 1. C. Is.. "0 Wabsfh Is 1l5?iOen. Rlectrl? 3s. ...US dn 2s 1C2

Iowa Central U....U24 Vst Shore 4s 113

IC C. P A O Is 73 Wis. Central 1 7

I, A N. unl. 4.... 97V Va. Centuries ?0M.. K. A T. 2 t

When Issued,

I'orelun I'lnnnelnl,LONDON, July 11. American securities

opened good, with prices in moat caseshigher. Iater there wus a decline and thomarket showed u disposition to wait forKT. ... Vnr'u Thfl flOQI. W.T 51 flllll.Amount of bullion withdrawn from theHanK or isngiana on imiunco iwmy, i,,.,uv,

l.l ..Amli,r. fit ttunnna lliu 131 1(1

India council bills wero allotted today ntls3

HER LIN, July 11. Prices opened llrm ontno uourso louay on lureign uuyinu uninn,

. . . . .. . ...t .1 I i A.mp In 111 ,tnf ivir.able vlow of the. situation and tho udversereports received from America regardingtllo iron JUUrKUl. iuwaiu lliu L'iu:u, iiwi- -....... ...I . 1. h.I a. ...1 In,,, nnunm.nrn ,...f n

UVL'I, ;iii.rn urn Hiiitii iipi.ni iiiwiv.iwell sustained demand. Industrial securi-ties Improved on the quotations receivedfrom nbroad. Exchange on London, 20mIH ... M nln.l.u nl.nnllnl Mn, ISllnrlbills, 3',4 per cent; three-month- s' bills, 4 per

PAJUS, July U,-A- tlcr a firm opening on

the bourse today business quieted In theabsence of demand nnd there wns an

dullness. Indtttrlnl securities wereweak. Spanish 4s declined owing to thoi)usi.,oiii-iii- in ,f (l,. mi i iing .if vli' itt i.gates nppo.nted tj negotiate with tho for-eign bondholders llriixlllans i corded as aresult of the detllne In the rate of ex-change. Hlo Tlnlos wero malnlnlned. Kaf-firs were active early but closed weak.Three- per cent rentes, D5f974o for the ac-count. Exchange on London. 23f 11c forchecks. Spanish 4s closed at 71.C2'.4.

Huston Slocks anil Ilonils,HOSTON, July M.-- Cnll loans, 2S3H Percent; time loans, 341tl!s rer cent. Olllcl.tl

closln::a . T. a s. r.... M4 Union Pacific . K.4

do pfd 704 Wrstl Und . 934Amer Sucar 1154! Wis. Central ,. 414

do pfd ,U4 Atchison 4s ,1MAmer. Telephone., r Adventure . 24lloston A Albany.. 0 Allouez Mining Co . 1

lesion Utcvnted .. .1304 Amal. Copier .... . KHC. II. A Q ,i:--

. Atlantic . 22Dominion Coal rtoston A Mont... ..59Federal Stepl Ilutte A Ilnton .. ,. 3

do pfd W4 Cal. A llecu .... .731Pllcliburg pfd .1374 Franklin . 124Oen. Electric .131 (Mrfola , .. Ct

do pfd .13 Parrot ,. 4iMexican Central , . 124 (julncy ..mMich ne . . 874 Sanln Fe Copper . .. 44N. U. O. A C P!' Tatnarnck ..1!Old Colony .:o2 Utah Mining .. 24Old lKimlnlon 19 Wlnnna . 14Itubbr . 93 Wolverines .. 37

New York Mlnlim Mucks.NEW YORK, Julv 11. The following are

the closing quotations for mining snarestoday:("hollar ijo (Ontario (171

Crown Point c Ophlr 61Con Cal. A Va 11) Plymouth 10Dradwood n Quicksilver 150(Inuld A Currln .... W dn t'M 70Hale A Norcrois... Ji Slerta Nevada 24Iloin'Mnke r.om Standard 391Iron Silver M Union Con 17Mexlcnn J,-

-, Yellow Jackt U

r.onilmi .vtlnliiK Stnuks,LONDON, July U. 1 p. rn.-- -j Closing

Cin.olf, money ." l94 Hrle T 114do aovjunt M-- do 1st pfd.... M4

Alehlsioii Pennsylvania c.v

Canadian Pacific.... CiW Heading S4St. Paul 114' No. Pacific pfd... 734Illinois Central .. .1214 Oram! Trunk 84Ijoulsvllle 7cii Anaconda sUnion Pac pfd 7."4,ltnnd Mines 4)N V. Central . .133

RAH HILVER-Stea- dy, 2S'.4d per ounce.MONEY-- 14 per cent.Tho rate of discount In the open market

for short bills Is 2W(2 per cent; for threemonths' bills, 2s4?jS?4 per cent.

II n nk Clcnrliic".CHICAGO, July $21,912,PM;

balnnces. $2,337,0eA Sterling exchange, JI.83U5j l S7',4. New York exchange, Gc premium.

ST. LOUIS, July $0,833,117;balances, $1,303,103. Money. 45i7 per cent.N'ptt Vorlf i.Vf.liim JOn fllnrnltnt Kill ??.n

,. .. .. ,uwmiiii ,iriiL'ii.

NEW YORK. July $144,310,-0S- 4;

balnnces, $,161.S0O.HOSTON. July $22,071.W0;

balnnces. 351.Ooo.47S.

PHILADELPHIA, July$14,821,7!i; balances, $2,077,563.

HALT1.MORE July $3,42J,-72- 5;

balances, $301,61.

Coiiillttuii of the Trenanry.WASHINGTON. July ll.-To- day's state-me- nt

of the treasury balances In the gen-r- al

fund, exclusive of tho $150,000,000 goldroservo In the division of redemption,shows: Avallabla cash balance, $149,235,071;gold, $70,SCO,181.

Cotton Market,NEW YORK, July In cot-

ton today were hardly In the way of newventures, though at times short selling wasattempted on a small scale. Values sinteredseverely In the forenoon from n semt-stampe-

of local holders und from pre-dominance of adverse Influences. The open-ing was easy, with prices down CS16 points,and before the liquidating movement hadrun Its course a drop of 1K&24 points wasrecorded. Then came a partial reaction onrealizing by the tired shorts. Tho most Im-portant bear factor was easily the Liver-pool news. This Indicated n general sellingmovement of enormous proportions. Thogovernment report of yesterday afternoonfor the week Just ended and expectation ofheavy Imports from America during Augustand September were shots nimeil at theshorts. Tenders of spot corn were urgentand large lines of long stuff were thrownoverboard on stop orders In tho future mar-ke- t.

nourish sentiment flourished here onthe fine crop reports, exceptionally favor-abl- o

weather advices from the entire beltand confirmation of recent reports to thoeffect that cloth markets were heavy andInactive. Throughout the nfternoon specu-lation was inclined ' to drag and pricesshowed In significant changes much of thutlmo. Tho market wns finally steady nt anet loss of 35J19 points. Futuresclosed steady; July, $10.00; August, $9.C2;September, $5.S9; October, $8.60; November,$S.33; December. $1.30: January, $S.20; Feb-ruary, $S.33; March, $135; April. $S.37; May,$S.39. Spot closed quiet; middling uplands,lOVic: middling gulf, lOVic: snles, 1,750 hales.

NEW ORLEANS. JulvSteady; sales, 6.C00 bales; ordinary, 8good ordinary, !s4c; low middling, 911-lG- c;

middling, MIMSc; good middling, 10middling fair, 1011-lfi- c; receipts, 4,110 bales;stock, C2.739 bales. Futures wero quiet andsteady; July, J10.14JTI0.lt;; August. $3.X7HiS.S8; September, $8.83fi8.84; October, $?.2DM8.30; November, $S.ll'ii8.12; December, $8.10'i8.11: January. J8.10fiS.il: Febrtiarv. $s.l2(fe8.14; March, $S.llfi8.16; April, $8.16Jj8.18; May,

ST. LOFIS. July nosales; middling, 10c; receipts, 260 bales;stock, 29.165 bales.

Sugnr Mnrket....... s w,i.i,- a, uuiv ii.Strnncr: ppntrlf iictI. vnllntv. r.'fif.onds, 3R4

.M(ii,Ahsl'.H Quiet and unchanged.ivtv,-k- JU 11. UUA1I IVI1W,

firm; fair refining, 44c; centrifugal, 90 test,

Wool .lliirket.ST. LOCIS. July nnd

steady on bright medium and coarsergrades, but easy on all elr.o. There was lit-tle doing, operators being apart In theirvlewa ns regards values.

LONDON, July 11. Tho wool sales todaywero fully attended. Combings were act-ively competed for nt clearer rates. Cross-breeds, especially coarse and shabby, wereIn strong demand and recovered to a par-ity with the last auction. Merinos werefirm at times. Cape of Good Hopo nndNntnl wools sold well. Tho number of balojoffered was S.1S7. The present series willcleyo July 20. The following Is today'ssales:

Now South Wales, (M0 bales: scoured, 8sCd; greasy. 7'410d. Queensland, 7,100 hales;scoured, lOHd'irls S',4d; greasy, OifnUfcd.Victoria, S00 bales; scoured, Is 4d; greasy,5dls V41- - South Australia, 500 bales;greasy, 45?9i..d. New Zealand, 1,900 bales;scoured, bHd'uls 5d; grensy. 4)45i9d. Capoof Good Hopo and Natal, 1,100 bales;scoured, Is 3dyis 5d; greasy, GViyOd.

New York Dry Hoods.NEW YORK, July 11. -- DRY GOODS-T- ho

Improvement In dry goods has again beenIn evidence todnv. There are morn hoverplacing orders for quick deliveries, but notnny Indication of n free disposition to coverfoturo needs, Hrown cottons steady. Nocnansn in uiene.'iea courflc colored goods.Print cloths and yarn goods firm. Printsdull for fancy, but more doing in staples.Woolen goods division moro doing, withtno opening or lines lor next spring.

California Dried Fruits,NEW YORK. Julv 11. --CALIFORNIA

DRIED FRUITS-Rcmaln- lng steady; Thomarket was rather slow for evaporatedapplet, uuyers Homing ore lor concisions;state, common, 3';ti5c prime. f,45iG!4e;Uliilli:!', uuh ). inline. .,

Uic per in.. a id nun quumy. apricots, Royal, lltdt.'; Moor Park, 15fffl7c.I'eaches, peeled, HtlSc; unpccled, 63Dc.

Oil Mnrket.OIL CITY, Pa., July It -- Credit balances.

Sl.'AV. certificates, no bids: shlDmcnts. 121..797 bbls.; runs, 119,263 bbls.; nverage, 84,713DDIS.


INSTRl'MENTS filed for record Wedncs"..--. v. July 11, 100O:

tVnr runty needs.Wllllum ltnr nnd wife, to J. II. In- -

gram, lot 3, lilocK 2. .iinynn s isi nuu.t 1WF. D. Wend und wife to Henry Folly,

lot 4, ulo.'l; S, Iaaiics & S.'o add.... 1,100Stimnol Aiwlnrsnn nnd Wife to F. J.

Rurkley. lot 10. block 2, Hawthorne600

II. M. and S. II. Chrlstlo to C. M.Grlfllth, w 20 feet lots 11 and 12,block 23, South Omaha......... 3G0

J. J. Fitzgerald to T. J. O'Neill, und',4of w CO fcot lots 7 und 8, block 10.and lot 1, block 355, South Omaha;lot 2, Swotnam'H suhdlv.; lots 17 andIS. block 2. and lots 5, C, 7. 22 and21, 'block 5. Potter it C.'s add; lot IS,

blok 4. Albright annex 3,000W. W. llnwn to Jennie Caldon, lot

7, block 3. South Omaha fiO13. II. Uraln nnd wlfo to II. E. Peter.

Hon. n 10 feet lot 30, block 13,Hanscom Place 1,000

(lull Clnlm lleedi.Uention Land Syndicate to W. H. Wll-so-

o'i lot blok 2, McCormlck's2d udd (rehlc)

Ileetls.Sheriff to First Nntlonal bank, a tract

In w corner of se no COO

Total umount of transfers tS.SOl

JVLY 12, 1000.


Lighlor Kun of Cattle. Today Gave More

Llfo to the Trade.


ilierp .Mnrket Not Liberally Supplied,lint Uuyers Not Anxlona for

Mntlon Fiilrss They Canet the Price.


Receipt wore: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.Official Monday ... 4,092 6.061Ofllclal Tuesday .. G.270 13,531 .I17Ofllclal Wednesday 2,110 10,502 3,231

Three days this week.. .13,072 29,097 16,931Samo days last week.. . 4.5S2 12.070 6.52.'Same week before .10,55a 30,202 8,461Hamo three weeks Hgo. . D.152 27.930 12.K36

., . ... ,.- 5,232oiiiiif luur wceKS ago. ..12,458 28,532Average prico paid for hogs for the last

nviciAi iia)-a-, wiin coniPKriauiia.

18.lM7.lW".ii7 iTm.June 15 377i S 32" To? 4 41

Juno 16 3 90 3 23 3 01 4 5)June 17...., 3 S3 3 18 2 03 4 44June IS.... i tn n 4i 3 10 I 45 4 KJune is I 3 14 3 02 4 41 4 70June 20 3 !0 2 95 4 45 4 40

Juno 21 3 81 3 15 e 1 31 4 Cl

June 22 3 72 3 21 3 03 4 40 4 71

Juno 23 3 72 .1 21 3 02 4 12

Juno 24.... 3 3 2; 3 00 4 40Juno 25.... & 10) 3 69 3 2.1 2 9i 4 4t 4 15Juno 26 5 01 3 15 2 97 I 52 I 71June 27.... fi 03 3 62 2 M 4 57 4 71

June 28.... fi 11 3 61 3 16, 4 63 4 80

June 29.... 4 99 3 601 3 24 2 ?l 4 60 4 70June 30...., 5 Oil 3 55 3 21 2 98 t 4 61

Juiy 1. 3 67 n 21 2 P6 4 03.it ilv 2.... 3 Cl 3 IS 2 95! 4 63' 4 71

Julv 3.... 3 73 3 21 2 95 4 70 4 toJuly 4....j my 5.... 5 03i 3 a 4 F3 4 85Julv 6.... C 16 3 a; 3 2S 2 98 4 tl 4 91

Julv 7.... 5 11 3 76 3 2.S 2 98 4 77July 8.... 3 8 3 32 3 01 1 91

Julv 9.... 3 78i 3 35 2 96 4 7(5 r, oiJuly 10... 3 90 3 28 2 87 5 00July 11. 3 90 3 70 2 94 4 6 4 79

Indicates Kuniluv. Itnlldav.The ofllclal number of cars of stock

brought In today by each road was:Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H'r's

C, M. & St. P. Iiy.... 1 o

Missouri Paclllc Rv.. 12 6 '..I.'nlon Pacific System. 10 26C. &-- N. W. Ry 1 1

!"., E. & M. V. R. R... 20 458. C. It V. Ry 1 1

C St. P., M. & O. Ry. 11 21

II. & M. R. H. H 20 36 S

C IS. & Q. Ry 3 8K. C. & St. J 1 "C., R. I. & P., cast.... 5 'iC, It, I. & P., west l

149 8Total receipts 91 S

Tho disposition of the day's receipts wasas follows, each buyer purchaolng the num-ber of head indicated:

nuvers. Cattle, lines. Sheen.Omaha Packing Co 318 1,676 2liJO. II. Hammond Co 247 1,093 4S1

Swift and Company 5S8 1,563Cudahy Packing Co 292 1,487 510

Armour & Co 51 4.S61 18Cuduhy. Kansas City.... 183Swift, Kansas City 91H. Decker & Degan 116Vansant & Co 1

Huston & Co G

It. F. Hobblck 12Held over 262

Totals 1.274 10.CS0 1,203CATT1.I" After vesterdnv's heavy run

of cattle today's receipts of nbout ninetycars seemed ratner lignt. lieports rromother markets showed lower prices, buttho light run here and a good demand onthe part of packers made the market fairlyactive. Anything good In the beef steerline brought Just about steady prices withyesterday, but common stuff was ratherneglected and prices in some cases wereweak. Practically everything, however.was sold and weighed up nt an early hour.A bunch of well rattened branded cattlebrought $5.30.

There were onlv about five cars of cowstuff on sale today and no particular changeIn the market was noted. Choice cows

old readily at Just about steady tirlcas.but tho poorer grades were slow sale andweak.

Bulls and calves were In light supply anda better demand for good, fat bulls wasreported. Prices, however, remain aboutwhere they have been for the last fow days.

mere were tow siocKers ana reeaers inthe yards today and no one seemed anxiousto buv what thcro was here, unless thevcould get them at their own figures. Representative sales:

BEEF STEERS.No. Av. Pr. No. Av Pf.2.... . rce $2 00 2. ..1123 4 "53...., . (73 3 50 21. .. 927 4 75

3.... 1023 3 SO 14. .1015 4 75

9.... CIS 3 80 11 19S9 4 8011.... 831 3 90 11 1100 4 SO

1.... 1170 4 00 24. 105t 4 80

6.... MS I 00 4 ..1212 4 80

1.... S00 4 00 6 ..llftS 4 8

21.... 917 4 25 1 ..I3C0 4 S'.

I.... 20 4 23 50 ..1244 4 90!W0 4 25 11 ..10S3 4 90

23!.'.'.' 1178 4 35 20 ..1120 4 90

4.... sso 4 35 20 ..117C 4 9534.... S43 4 35 IS . .1346 4 951.... m 4 40 8 ..1442 4 3

91.... 1071 4 40 21 ..1287 5 00

1.... 10SO 4 40 24 ..1248 5 00S.... 10.VS 4 45 S8 ..1127 5 004.... 8(5 4 50 S...... ..1140 r, 00

767 4 f0 51 ..1117 6 CO

1.... 1100 4 50 19 ..1116 6 0025.... 1078 4 50 43 ..1182 5 006.... 10 4 50 56 ..1432 6 10

IS.... 1093 4 55 26 ..1412 5 1014.... 1000 4 55 ..1353 6 1520.... 1117 4 0 il'.'.'.'.'. ..1479 6 157.... 10:0 4 65 Z ..1536 5 15

71.... 900 4 ii 40 ..1330 6 20

2.... 7TS 4 70 H ..1973 6 25

!.... 1170 4 70 32 5 M33.... 1017 4 70 11 ..1442 8 34

.... 1M2 4 70 ..14C0 i 3514.... 1055 4 70

COWS.3.... !6J 2 00 ....1140 3 261.... 1000 2 CO 3 ....ICitt 3 251.... 0 2 25 ....10X5 3 11

2.... 970 2 25 ....IOCS 3 401.... 7W 2 23 ....1200 S to1.... 910 2 25 ....1030 1 501.... 1130 2 25 .... 857 S SO

3.... 79 2 40 770 3 50S.... uo 2 45 10.'!.'." ....100 3 50

M0 2 50 ....1350 3 60I..'.'.' 1100 2 50 ....IfiO 3 CO

1.... 5S0 2 a ....1200 3 651.... 1CS0 2 30 ...1130 3 031.... 9(0 2 65 ....1100 3 76O loss 2 R5 ....1025 3 75ii." 940 2 75 ....1120 3 751..., 1S40 ....1110 3 751.... 970 .... 985 3 SO

1..., t?0 75 ....1116 3 802.... 1100 ! 73 ....U10 3 855.... 970 .... 945 3 r.2.... 1025 ....1100 3 S31.... li:0 ....1250 34.... m: ....10CO 3 901.... US') .... 917 3 90

19..., Ml 2 ....1172 3 931.... 10.10 3 00 1124 4 00

9.... 1015 3 CO 875 4 001.... SfiO 3 00 1 950 4 011..., 1110 3 00 1 12.10 4 102.... 1090 3 00 16 JS7 4 102..., 93"i 3 10 21.... ... SCI 4 '.51.... 940 3 10 11.... ...1105 4 15

UM 3 1) 1.... ...1119 4 2514.'!.'.' 951 3 15 ...1102 4 25

1.... 1100 3 23 ...1120 4 251140 3 23 3 ...1390 4 30

HEIFERS.4 67 2 CO 10 (SJ 8 331 78) 2 "3 2 5C0 3 3.3

1 650 3 (.0 1 651 3 SO

2 515 3 10 6 800 J 751 TM .1 10 2 555 4 0)3 730 3 15 1 80) 4 131 600 3 25 2 1030 4 23S 65S 3 20 6 762 4 505 752 3 35 1 610 4 402 740 3 35 2 500 4 e,1 490 3 35 12 930 4 50

BULLS.1 J. .1120 2 25 1 1050 3 001 850 2 50 1 490 3 231 90 ) 2 50 1 1340 3 231 900 2 CO 1 905) 3 401 140 2 CO 1 1220 3 631 1210 2 C5 1 1440 3 S)1 12 2 63 1 1610 3 931 1110 2 73 1 ISM 4 (01 1140 2 8') 1 1000 4 00

1 170) 2 85 1 1540 4 001 10C0 2 90 1 2130 4 101 1550 2 90

CALVES.1 340 4 00 1 260 5 50

t 2S0 5 00 1 ..170 6 202 210 5 50 1 170 6 60

STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS.2 CC5 2 75 3 493 3 25

1 830 3 13 21 611 i 30

STOCK CALVES,1 220 4 00 1 220 5 00

STOCKERS AND FEEDERS.34 4( 2 90 4 470 3 60

1 710 3 00 13 616 3 CO

500 3 00 4 432 3 CO

1 83) 3 00 11 M5 3 7017 691 3 25 22 762 3 73

3 436 3 25 1 650 3 756 402 3 25 2 443 3 751 340 3 23 14 643 3 90

COWS AND HEIFERS.16 810 4 50

STAGS.1 .1110 3 73

HTEERB AND HEIFERS.If 791 4 (0 7 1231 4 $4

JO.. ... . 1M7 l 16 11M I 90

IS 1M.3 I 70 4.1 1144 5 03

HOGS-The- re is another good, liberalrun of hois at the vnrds today nnd nlother points as well. Reports all showedlower markets nnd ns a result buyersstarted out bidding lower prices here Atthe opening they nicked up n few of lbrholca loads at $5.05. or 7'itfIOo tower thantney would nave nrougnt yesieruay. Alterthat the bids as a ceneral thine were ntnbout $5.02ia, though occasionally a goodload would bring $r.0f. It wns lust nboutn $0.0214 market today, ns against n $r,12imarket yesterday, 'tno nogs ennngeuhands rather slowly, as sellers were ask-ing better prices, and It took them sometime to make up their minds to let go at thepackers' prices.

Later reports from Chicago showed themarket closing ICo lower, but nt the sametime u stronger tone to the provision mar-ket made the last hogs here bring a llttlobetter prices. In spite of the slow open-ing practically everything was sold reason-ably early, the bulk of the hogs going at$o.02i4'uCOi. Representative sales:No. Av. Sh. Pr No. Av. Bti. Pr.97 1J ) 5 00 19 17 ... 5 02475 201 ... 6 00 62 320 ICO 6 05

151 10 f. 00 73 ail 40 6 0522J W 6 C2H C7 2.1S ... 5 05

7 249 40 6 02Vi 60 272 ... 6 cr,IS J1 ... 5 02',4 69 2J 80 6 0510 205 ... 5 0214 a 203 4 ) 6 05t 250 10 6 024 59 236 ICO 5 05

191 2f0 6 H 63 255 ... 5 057 W 40 5 0214 5.1 22.1 SO 5 0574 216 ... 6 02V4 7.1 217 80 5 Mi7 2.12 ... 6 0214 57 207 80 5 055 EU5 1W 6 0214 64 253 M 6 05

218 40 5 031i C9 283 40 6 0579 228 HO f, M14 82 J( so 5 0367 SU 10 C214 71 244 4) 6 0,3

75 231 80 6 0214 1 23 263 !0 5 CS65 241 120 6 0214 133 239 Ii 5 0570 233 ... 5 024 61 223 200 5 05H 284 ion 6 C2it 52 20 ... 6 0510 219 50 6 02'4 60 267 ... 5 0578 223 160 5 024 65 270 ... 5 0384 201 240 5 02', CO 250 100 5 05C2 241 50 5 02ii 70 250 120 5 0361 241 80 5 0214 60 271 40 5 0367 194 40 5 02'4 71 2)l 120 6 0571 240 40 5 02' i 79 247 40 5 03IKi 194 240 6 02'4 60 2C9 80 6 05W 242 JC0 6 02'4 72 247 ... 5 0572 204 80 5 0214 60 258 80 5 0.3C9 215 ... 6 OJ'.i 64 261 40 6 05102 193 SM f, 0?y, 65 241 ... 5 0577.. 217 40 5 021,4 53 251 160 5 0565 2C ... 6 0214 62 288 ... 5 0363 4 80 6 0214 Co 251 40 6 05"4 21$ 40 5 02'j 3) 277 ... 6 0563 US 120 6 0214 03 252 ... 5 05

266 ... 5 0214 73 245 40 5 05SO 214 80 6 0214 "6 240 ... 5 0560 271 200 6 0214 77 200 160 6 0365 ail 40 6 02'4 69 253 ... 5 0533 233 ... 6 024 61 263 1C0 6 0373 204 ... 5 02 14 64 257 80 5 0569 236 1C0 6 02'4 72 226 40 5 0577 236 160 6 02'4 61 2.15 W 6 05c0 200 ... 5 C24 42 254 ... 5 0379 23.1 ... 6 02H 61 231 40 5 0567 J31 80 6 0214 13 204 ... fi 0568 202 40 6 0214 65 223 ... 6 03129 226 ... 5 0214 67 247 4) 6 0361 2J8 ... 6 0214 76 246 80 5 0.3$0 20S ... 6 0214 7C 249 1C0 5 0571 233 80 ( 0214 63 25S 170 6 0371 231 ... 5 0214 48 293 80 3 0369 214 40 6 0314 73 225 ... 5 0376 232 ... 50214 52 226 40 6 0583 209 120 5 A21J 70 256 1C0 5 0572 204 80 5 02 U 63 263 120 5 0550 217 ... 5 0214 59 273 200 5 0522 ISO ... 5 021, 193 2S5 80 5 0570 206 120 5 02 4 99 324 80 5 0365 245 160 50214 71 245 80 5 0569 5.13 ... 5 02'i 54 281 ... 6 056S 230 40 5 0514 63 241 ... 6 03!2 191 200 6 0214 74 255 40 6 0576 213 80 6 0214 45 264 ... 5 03Tl 205 ... 5 0214 73 216 ... 6 05SO 229 ... 5 0314 62 2.11 1C0 6 Of,

76 220 ... 5 0214 74 20.1 120 5 0570 315 80 5 0214 60 280 ... 5 CS

64 253 120 6 02H C3 27S 80 5 0573 210 40 6 02H 70 247 200 6 0557 29? 200 0214 CS 220 ... 6 0572 209 ... 6 0214 17 269 80 6 071474 204 160 6 C214 64 286 1C0 5 07411 20S ... 5 0514 55 314 120 5 1011 1EO ... 6 6214

SHEEP There was not a very heavy runof sheep today, but advices from otherpoints were lower, nnd ns a result themarket here wns very dull. The supplieswere mado up mostly of western grass ewesnnd wethers that wero good enouah forkillers, but packers wanted them at lowerprices, and ns a result It was late beforemuch wns done.

Quotntlons: Choice western grass weth-ers. $3 SS'aM.OO- choice grass yearlings. $4.00:f4,25; choice ewes, $3.25fl-3G0- ; fair to goodewes, $3.00fr3.23; fair to rood yearlings. $3.50ff3-9- good to choice cllnpcd lambs. $4.2nW4.60; fair to good clipped Iambs. $3.90B4.2.r.choice spring lambs, $6.7630.00; fair to goodspring lambs, $3.23!ii5.i; feeder wctheifl.$3.0013 50: feeder yearlings, nndfeeder lambs, $3.6034.50. Representativesales:No. Av. Pr.IS western bucks 334 $2 00

312 na-tlv- ewe 03 3 00193 cull spring lambs bi 4 ,


Session la Dull nnil Price Are tirn-ernl- ly

Lower.CHICAGO, July

18,500 head; good light steers, 5S10c lower;others, 10313c lower; Texans about 10clower; butcher stock steady; first carloadwestern rangers this season brought $5.23;native ht nn xale. 2 carloads at $5. fi.".

and 10 head at $5.75; good prime steers. $j.C0gi.75; poor to medium, $4.453.00; selectedfeeders. 10c lower at $4.00'rf l.fifl; mixed stock-er- a,

10S20c lower at $2.00373.73; cows steady,strong for fancy at $3.00ff4.7,'i; heifers, firm.S3.00fi5.10; canners. slow. $2.00ff2.75: bullsnbout steady, $2.5t34.50; calves, steady. $1.50tlS.50; Texnns. receipts, ww neau; ursi onsale. 7 cars at $1.S0; TexaB fed steers, $4,25itfi.10; Texas grans steers, $3.G0Jf 1.15; ucxasbulls, steady, i.'.ftwua.-.'o-


HOGS Receipts, 33,000 head; tomorrow,25,000 head; estimated left over, 13.000 head;mnrket 1015c lower; top, $5.424; mixedand butchers. $5.103G.40; good to choice,heavy. $..1Mcx40; rough heavy, J5.OOWS.10;light. $5.15H6.42'; bulk of snles, $.).25'8r.3ii.


head: slow to 10c lower, except for bestlambs; good to choice wethers. $t.l0fi4.f0;fair to choice mixed. $3.00fi4.10; westernsheen and yearlings. $3.6S4.00; Toxas sheep,$S.15fl4.00; native lambs, $4.2OS.60; westernlambs. $0.000.25

Xew York 1,1 ve Sloek.NEW YORK, July

2,415 bend; steers nnd fat cows,stcadv; bulls. lOttloc off; medium and com-mon cows. 152?25c lower; steers. $4.i0fil.X5:bulls. $3.O0U4.4O; cows, $2.00rl.25; cableswere unchanged', shipments, 5.31G quartersof beef.

CALVES-Recel- pts, 5,014 hend; slowtrade; opened 23c lower and closed 2.i50eoff; 500 calves unsold; veals. $4.50f 1.2..;

choice, $7.35fi7.".7',S; culls. J3.KKnl.25: butter,milks, $3.00fT3.r.O; somo early sales nt $.l.u3.S7H: yearlings. $2.50.


head; netive trade: sheep, IftWlfic hlg her;lambs. 50B40c higher; sheep. $3.00ZM ,5; riil'H.$2,5072.75: Inmbs, $0.001t"."0; one deck, $i.76;culls. $1.50fi5.60.

HOGS-Recel- pts, 4,231 head; market wasstronz.

St. IiOiiIn Live toi'k.ST. LOFIS. July

3.100 head, Including 1.S00 Texnns; marketsteady; native shipping and export s eers.$1.7075.05; dressed beef and butcher steers,$4 55fi5!35 steers under 1.000 lbs., $4.00174.80;

stockers and feeders. $3.15t?J.,0; cows andheifers, $2.23174.F0: canners $1.50712.85; bulls,J" 9094 CO. Texas nnd Indlnn steers, $3.i5l(5

4.R5: cowi and heifers. .3O1i3.P0HOGS-Recel- pts, 0,700 head; market

opened Fe lower nnd declined; pigs unitlights. $5.251 5.32-j- ; packers, .i,1515.o0,k 'sHE EI' AND' LA MBS Receipts, 2.000

market 10c higher; native muttons,$4 oWt.50; lambs, $l.50TiC25; culls Mmeks,$2.oeff4.O0; stockers nnd feeders, $3,301)3.45,

4t, Joseph I,lve Stork,SOUTH ST. JOSEPH, July 11. -- (Special )

The Journal ouotes:C .TTLE-Recei- pts. 1.S00 head: market

weak to 10c lower: natives. J3.!Wii.M. Texasand westerns. $3.4(V7(0.15; cows and heifers,$20.vti5.00; bulls nnd Htmrs. $2.(Wil.i5; year-lings mil calves. $3.rWI.7n; stockers nndfeeders $3 251.50; vealH, $3.0W.50.

HOGS-Recel- pts. 12.600 bend; mnrket 10c

lower: all grades. $5,0715.25, bulk of sales,

J8HEI3P Receipts, 1,500 head; marketweak to 10c lower

Knnsns City Live filoek.KANSAS CITY, July

5.000 head natives and 2,500 head lex-an- ";

market 10c lower; native steers $l.fio

10; Hto.'Kcrs Him '"-- i ISAcows nnd heifers, J3.00fr l.f5; canners. $2.60f(

30V fed westerns. $l.l0ft3 30; fed Tc.xuns,$l.(OTi 1.45; grass Texnns. $3.20f4.00,

7"i 0e lower; heavy. $5.2M6.30; mixed. $5.1525- - light, $5.00fo,17'4: pigs. $l.70f.ii.50,

"Si ren a'I) l.AMRS-!.Recell)t- s. 900 head:fow offered; market closed titeady; lambs,$5 23fi5.R5; muttons. $3.5(K(7I.CO; feeders, WMt

00; culls. t2.S0f3.Si.

Sloek In SlRlil.Following are tho receipts nt the four

principal western markets for July 11:Cattlo. Hog. Sheep.

South Omaha 2.110 10,502 3.231Chicago IS.SOO 33.000 18,(A)

Kansas City V.cno 16,100 000Louis 3.100 C700 2.000

Totals .31,210 06,302 21,131

(inynor t'ime Proceed I uka.NEW YORK, July 11 Hearlni In tho

proceedings for tho removal of II. D. Greenand J. E., E. H. and W. F, Gaynor to thoJurisdiction of the Georgia federal couitswas resumed today before CommissionerShields. J, W. O. Sterley, who was chief

clerk tn Captain Curler. Identified one byone tho MirPius contracts made by (ii irr.ilGIlMKire nnil Cnptnln Carter fer the gov-ernment work and Mr. Erwln offered themIn evUen. e. Some of them ilnteil back to1VS1. Counsel for (ho defense objected tothem, hut Commissioner Shields overruledall objections. Mr Rose of counsel fortho defense argued that General Ollmornwas not suspected of nny complicity In thefrauds nnd the district Attorney explainedthat he desired tho contracts made bvGeneral Gllmore In evldenco to show howtho prices had Incrensed nfter CaptainCarter had solo control of tho bids put Inby the contractors.


Another llenvy FnlllnR Off In tin'Mnrki'tliiK of Hog nnil sr

Itt the- Output,"

CINCINNATI, July 11. (Special Tele-gram.) Prlco Current Bays: Offerings ofhogs have been further reduced. Westernpackings for the week wero 355,000, com-pared with 415,000 tho preceding weeik and3D5.000 last year. From March 1 tho totalIs S.210,000, against 7,1)95,000 n year ago.Prominent places compare ns follows;

1900. 1S99.Chicago 2,375,000 2,435.(X0Kansas City 1,070,) l.WO.OODOmaha S55,OiO SiACiMSt. Joseph 3J,000 r.4;,(XSt. Louis fuS.HW 5C0.O0OIndianapolis 403.1") 435,(M)Milwaukee VMM") 326.(00Cincinnati 220.000 2.9,0O)Otttintwa 211, (tn) 210i))Cedar Rapids HKS.OOO MO.iKOSioux City 295.W0 177.WK)St. Paul ISO.000 133,0ft)

PoMniiiNtt-- r Guilty of l'rnuil,SIOUX FALLS. S, 1)., JulyLewis A. Larixui, postmaster nt Spink,

tliMon county, appeared beforo Judge Car-lan- d,

of the t'nltrd States court, und pleadedguilty to tho charge of making false returnsto tho auditor of the PoJtotHco departmentIn Washington for tho purpose of fradii-letitl- y

increasing his compensation as post-master. He was lined the sum of $50. whichho paid. Ry reason of the falso returns tothe l'ostotllco department Larson receivedan aggregate of $3I0.7S more than he other-wln- o

would as commissions on tho 1ms Inn. 3transacted by hla olllce. He has refundedthis sum to tho government.

Elk Elect OllWr.ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.. July ll.-T- Im

Grand lodge of the Benevolent and Pro-tective Order of Elks was engaged the en-

tire morning In electing the following of-ficers: Grand Loyal Knight, Lloyd Bow-man, Now York City; grand Iccturbii;knight, William II. Brook, Lexington, Ky ;

grand secretary, George A. Revnolds, Sagi-naw, Mich.; grand treasurer, Edward Orris,Meadvllle, Pa, Both the secretary andtreasurer havo served six years anil weroelected without opposition. The selectionof the next place of meeting will bo madotomorrow. Tho only two places so far men-tioned for the next meeting are Richmond,Vu., und Milwaukee.

Hoeclver for Water Ciiiiipniiy.CHICAGO, July 11. On application of tho

Farmers' Loan and Trust company of NewYork tho Chicago Title and Trust companytoday was appointed receiver of tho Kanka-kee Water company and two other Kanka-kee concerns In the same business. Thisaction was ordered by Judge Kohlsaat Inthe United States circuit court after a billhad been filed asking tho foreclosure ofthree mortgages amounting to $325,000. Thodefendants tiro the Kankakee Water com-pany nnd tho Kanknkee Wnter Supply com-na- nr

of Illinois and the Kankakee WaterWorks company of West Virginia.

l.nbor Olllelnls In Session,MILWAUKEE, July session

of the National Association of Otllclals ofBureaus of Lnbor wns taken up with rou-tine work. Tho principal feature was anaddress by Jnmrs W. Lntta, secretary ofInternal affairs of Pennsylvania on "Of thoLaw and of Economy." The next congresswill be held In St. Louis. Carroll D.Wright of Washington was presl-do- nt

and James M. Chirk of Pennsylvaniasecretary-treasure- r. Thomas R. Hlxey ofMissouri was made a member of thonxccutlve committee.

nnptlM Yonnir People .Meet.CINCINNATI, O., July ll.-Se- hun-

dred delegates havo already arrived andmore arc expected today to attend tho open-ing tomorrow of the tenth annual conven-tion of the Baptist Young People's Unionof America.

A strictly executive session of the com-mittee and the board of managers was heldtoday, and the various reports to bo pre-sented to tho convention wero submittedund considered und plans for the ensuingyear discussed. The convention will bringa hord of delegates hero from all parts ofthe country.

Accident nt Children's Picnic.CHICAGO, July 11. As a Sunday school

picnic party of lw) children mid their teach-ers were descending a wooden stairwayleading from tho llnlsted street viaduct tothe Burlington tracks today the stairwaycollapsed and fifty children were precipi-tated ten feet to the ground below Thnfollowing were seriously Injured; JessieOles. aged 10; James K. sillier, 14; IxiulsPetri, 13; Annie Kruegor, 11. Fifteen oth-ers sustained painful bruises. The ilebrHfell across the Burlington tracks andblocked the trafllc for over an hour.

Report It - olllt lonnry Siiimtphicfi,NEW YORK, July 1I.- -A cable dispatch

from Guayaquil, Ecuador, to Dr. A. DiazGuorra, representative In this city of thnColombian revolutionists, says that thoforces under Generals Juan B. Gonzales andSimon Chaux havo captured the city ofPopayan, capital of the department ofCnuca. These same ndvlces say that 011

tho march to Popayan the revolutionist 4

took nil tho cities near the Ecuadoreinfrontier, Including the seaport, Tumaco.

Colonlnl Cruiser sliore.ST. JOHN'S, N. F., July 11. --The colonial

cruiser Fiona is ashore near Codroy, withina few miles of the scene of the wreck nl'tho British steamer Marcotls, boutid fromMontreal for Liverpool, which went ashoioJuno 20 nt Capo Angulllc, nn the southwestcoast of Newfoundland. Tho Flonn struckduring a dense fog and it is feared It willnot got olf. Tho steamer Regulus triedvainly to tow It off, hut fulled. Wreckingtugs havo been ordered to Its assistance.

Receiver for Itvnl Estate 4'nnipiiny.BOSTON. July 11 M.irsden J. Perry of

Provldcnco wus appointed temporary re-ceiver of the Mrnachiisctts Real F.statncompany by Jiiugo (Jolt in tno united ftiai' rt

circuit court today on request of Clark M.Plntt of Waterbury. Conn., u stn. kliolrh rTho company Is a Maine, corporation, withan olllce In this city. It held real estate InIowa. Minnesota nnd Massachusetts of thonliec.ed stilted valtlo of $2,59.MC9 on May 31.1S9).

More Hoilles from lloliokcn Fire.NEW YORK. July 11 Six bodies and a

portion of n seventh (vcre found on thnwreck of tho stenmer Sanle today. f)pwas that of n stewnrdess whoso name Isnot known. Tho woman had been bndlyburned There havo been recovered thusfar 157 bodies

$6.00 A MONTH.DR.


Trcili til Formi ct



MEN ONLY.22 Yeiri FxperUnc.

u tfifiin umina.EW.CT11IC1TT andHl!Il(JAI, Treatmentmi hlimti.Va rlrorele.

Strlctnre.Srpulllt.Loiaof Vigor and Vitality.CFBKOrUrUSTEKD. Charge! low. nOHC

TI1EATMKNT. Hook, Consultation a nd Exam.InatluQ Free. Hour., 8 a, 111. to&i 7toSn. ui.Hunday.'Jtoi;, PO.Iloic7tS. Office.N.R.Or. 14th and P- a- i Si"- - CM.IIA. NtU.

JAMES E-- BOYD & GO.,Telephone 10.51). Oninh:i, Sa


II (MRU OF TIIADK.Correspondence: John A, Warren lc Couirect wires to Chicago and Now Yorfc

rone. ns



(.RANCH K)3tlUC.chama mk' UtKOUl Hi