OM yeild management

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  • 7/29/2019 OM yeild management


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  • 7/29/2019 OM yeild management


    Medium-term capacity planning over a two toeighteen month planning horizon.

    It involves determining the lowest-cost

    method of providing the adjustable capacity for meeting production requirements.

    Aggregate production planning.?

  • 7/29/2019 OM yeild management


    Slide 11.3

    Aggregation refers to the idea offocusing on overall capacity, rather than individual products or services.

    Aggregation is done according to:ProductsLabor


  • 7/29/2019 OM yeild management


    Different from manufacturing???

    Services do not involve stockpiles or inventory

    Service-focused businesses do not have theluxury of building up their inventories duringperiods of low demandIn aggregate planning, services are consideredperishable, where any capacity that is unused isconsidered to be wasted

    For ex: Hotel room or an empty flight seat

  • 7/29/2019 OM yeild management


    Aggregate planning was developed to tackle the problem ofmeeting forecasted demand by adjusting productioncapacity.Aggregate planning has its advantages and disadvantages.It can be used across a wide range of industries, it develops aroad map to operate efficiently.It is used for all production-planning processes, and is alsoflexible.


  • 7/29/2019 OM yeild management


    Aggregate planning seeks to forecast mid-term (six to 18months) demand and output capacity for a companyIf your small business is a service company, you may not beused to thinking in terms of output. You don't have to monitor inventory levels, and your employees don't produce a product.However, you can still develop an aggregate plan to best utilizeemployee hours and maintain quality service for your customersthrough times of rising and falling demand. Learn aboutannualized hours and productivity planning, otherwise known asaggregate planning for service businesses


  • 7/29/2019 OM yeild management


    Slide 11.7

    Production Planning

    Long Range Planning

    Strategic planning (1-5 years)Medium Range Planning

    Employment, output, and inventory levels (2-18 months)Short Range Planning

    Job scheduling, machine loading, and job sequencing (0-2months)

  • 7/29/2019 OM yeild management


    Slide 11.8

    Common objectives of productionplanning...

    MINIMIZE:Cost, inventory levels, changes in workforce levels, use of overtime, use ofsubcontracting, changes in production ratesand plant/personnel idle time

    MAXIMIZE:P rofits, customer service

  • 7/29/2019 OM yeild management


    Yield management

    The application of pricing strategy to allocate capacityamong various categories of demandYield management is the process of understanding,anticipating and influencing consumer behavior in order tomaximize yield or profits from a fixed, perishable resource

    (such as airline seats ,hotel room reservations or advertising inventory)

  • 7/29/2019 OM yeild management


    So what does that definition actuallymean?

    Selling the right product

    Correct brand, room type, and/or meeting spaceTo the right customer

    Transient or Group/Business or Pleasure

    At the right time The booking window of how far out guests book

    For the right price Properly position rates for each segment

  • 7/29/2019 OM yeild management
