OLYMPIC AIR User Guide August 2015


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User Guide August 2015

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OLYMPIC AIR Travel Agent Booking Tool August 2015 1.1

Contents Quick Booking .............................................................................................................................................. 2

Quick Issuance ............................................................................................................................................. 3

Refund .......................................................................................................................................................... 4

Void ............................................................................................................................................................... 4

EMDs ............................................................................................................................................................. 5

Reissue .......................................................................................................................................................... 5

Admin Sign ................................................................................................................................................... 7

Change of PNR Ownership .......................................................................................................................... 8

CSR Report ................................................................................................................................................... 9

PCC Bridging ............................................................................................................................................... 10

Hints and Tips ............................................................................................................................................ 11

FAQ ............................................................................................................................................................. 14

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OLYMPIC AIR Travel Agent Booking Tool August 2015 1.1

Quick Booking

New reservation

To start and complete a booking is necessary to follow these 5 steps.

Passenger information: Here we can select PTC, title, first name, middle name if any, and last name.

Telephone: Operational contact is useful a 24hour emergency number for the passenger in case of

irregular operations.

Email: Add the email address for the passenger.

Payment: You can add credit card and /or another form of payment.

In order to book your itineraries click on the “ADD Air” icon (as seen below).

Then choose your destination/fares and add it to the shopping cart.

Finally, select itinerary field and click on book.

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OLYMPIC AIR Travel Agent Booking Tool August 2015 1.1

Quick Issuance

The Issue Documents window opens with the Travelers view and the Travelers unselected. If you have

multiple passengers, you have the option of selecting them separately, or Select All checkbox to include

all travelers. Click Next to continue to the Fare Groups/Services panel.

The next section allows you to select from multiple flight segments or flights. As with the previous panel,

the Select All checkbox can be used to save time. Once you have made your selection, click Next.

This panel contains the links for Exchange Documents (MCO) and Form of Payments, as well as a button

that will issue the documents. When ticketing, the form of payment listed on the PNR is used by default.

We could, at this point, click the Issue Documents button and ticket this reservation.

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OLYMPIC AIR Travel Agent Booking Tool August 2015 1.1


Refund is a manual process. You must check the Fare Rules to see, first, if the fare is refundable, and

then if a penalty is required. Once this information is obtained, the penalty, if any, is calculated into the

total refund and subtracted as appropriate. The Penalty will automatically update the Refunded To field.


Once a ticket is issued, it can be voided within the guidelines established by ARC or BSP. The Void

Authorization Request page displays the pertinent information, including the SPRK Record Locator. Click

Submit to begin the Void process.

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OLYMPIC AIR Travel Agent Booking Tool August 2015 1.1


Clicking the Standalone EMD icon will display a dropdown list that will allow you to select the Carrier.

This list is enabled only once a ticket is issued. Selecting a carrier will display an additional dropdown

that will show the types of Standalone EMDs available. A Standalone EMD is a document that will allow

you to record charges independent of a Service or other PNR function.


The Ticket Image opens under the Traveler's original PNR. To reissue the ticket to make it match the new

name, click the Exchange/Reissue button.

A Ticket Exchange panel will open with the corrected flight and fare information. If there were more

than one ticket or flight, it would be necessary to select the correct radio button. Click Submit to

continue the Reissue.

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OLYMPIC AIR Travel Agent Booking Tool August 2015 1.1

You will note that the Exchange screen will show an Even Exchange. Although there should never be a

fee associated with a Name Change, it is still necessary to enter a 0.00 amount in the Penalty field. Click

Submit to finalize the Exchange.

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OLYMPIC AIR Travel Agent Booking Tool August 2015 1.1

Admin Sign

The Agency Profile view is divided into three sections: Agency, Offices, and Agents. Agency Admin access

is required to make changes at the Agency level. The agency section can be viewed but not edited.

Changes can be made to two sections: Offices and Agents. The Offices panel allows you to add Phone

and Address information to the record for a given office. The Agents panel allows you to add, edit and

delete Agent records for that office.

There is a default password that is given to the Agent when the account is created (replaced by * marks

in the illustration). This password must be changed by the user when they first log in.

Clicking the Reset link will display a confirmation dialog asking you if you are sure you want to reset the


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OLYMPIC AIR Travel Agent Booking Tool August 2015 1.1

Change of PNR Ownership

In order to proceed with PNR ownership change, add the PNR to Queue 5 with a Category of 0 as seen


Office ID field should be filled with the Target PCC. Note do not leave the originating PCC in the Office ID


After successfully entering the respective PNR to Queue 5, of the targeted PCC, below message will be


Target PCC can then open respective PNR from his Queue and proceed with the desired actions.

The PNR can be sent back to the original PCC the same way as seen above.

Note If the Target PCC transfer ownership back to the originating office, that office (original) cannot

perform any ticketing transaction for the PNR. The ticketed PNR will reflect the IATA/ARC info

(reporting) of the Target PCC; they would be the only ones to process any other ticketing transactions.

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OLYMPIC AIR Travel Agent Booking Tool August 2015 1.1

CSR Report

In order to gain access to the CSR report, agent needs to request it during the registration process on

OA’s website.

In order for the agency to log in to the CRS, user must visit link seen below.


Enter the User ID & Password as provided by OA Admin user.

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OLYMPIC AIR Travel Agent Booking Tool August 2015 1.1

PCC Bridging

In order to log into another PCC agency select the respective bridged PCC form the ACL management

interface dropdown list, as seen below.

Currently, all configurations and initialization of bridged agents are provided by Farelogix IT services.

The functional access is always governed by the role assigned by the Bridged agency.

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OLYMPIC AIR Travel Agent Booking Tool August 2015 1.1

Hints and Tips

Left Sidebar – Left sidebar on the home screen, selecting each menu item will add the field to the center

of the home screen, selecting again will remove the field from the center of the home screen.

Traveler information – Not all of these fields are required

You can click on the info that needs to be amended, this will be highlighted with light grey color and

then you can select the pencil above which is for edit reasons

Note1 : Passenger’s first name filed is prior to last name

Note2 : In order to specify a PAX as a child, while entering Traveler information, select PTC CNN form the

Type drop down list

FFN – In order to add a frequent flyer member card enter an Aegean miles card and add A3 to the

AIRLINE field. As OA cards are not valid anymore.

New windows – clicking X on any screen, on the top right will close the current screen.

Payment – Credit card details including Credit card number, Expiry date, Card holders name (not

obligatory as per system)

Note : CVV must be added in the security field at Optional Selection - Forms of Payment screen before

the Issue Documents action

Transaction – Farelogix refers document information (tickets and EMD)as transactions. Clicking the

transaction option will display the current PNR- full ticketing information (Reference–ticket number,

Source, Status, Transaction date, Traveler name and Segment).

Direct Sell/ Quick Traveler(s) – If the passenger profile has been added by using Quick Profile, this will

simplify the Direct Sell procedure considerably as only the flight information will be needed and all other

information is contained in the Profile

Void/Refund – Take care to void/refund the correct e-ticket as it cannot be undone/ cancelled


Refund calculation window – If the Fare is Refundable, this should stay at 0.00; for a partial refund,

enter the amount that has already been consumed. For non-refundable, enter the full ticket amount.

Note 1: When entering an amount pay attention entering the full amount. For example 10.00 and not

10 as the system will calculate 0.10 instead.

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OLYMPIC AIR Travel Agent Booking Tool August 2015 1.1

Note 2: If there is no penalty to be collected (based always on the respective fares rules information),

the field needs to be updated with 0.00 values as it is a mandatory field and cannot be left empty.

Rebooking – Same as above If no penalty to be collected, then 0 (zero) amount must be added.

No show – No so fee Must be added manually as tax code DV. Tax code must be added in the pricing

mask (stored fare) and not on the exchange screen.

Reissue – Reissue with residual value is not allowed. Error message is: EXCHANGE WITH REF NOT

ACTIVATED. Please advise PAX to refer to OA.

FOP – Please note that in order to change the form of payment to cash you need to click on the

blue/green darts

Start New Reservation – Select Start New Reservation Icon, top navigation bar, to close PNR and start a

new booking.

Note: As there is not Ignore button this is the way to move on to a new search or create a new booking.

Queue – To remove a booking from queue click the trashcan at the top of the page.

Note: Be careful to click the top trashcan (stating clearly Remove the current reservation from queue)

as the trashcan beside Record Locator will cancel the booking (it clearly states Cancel itinerary).

Air availability – When searching for a flight selecting the Air availability option will always select by

default Y RBD.

Note: In some cases this default selection is not an applicable RBD e.g. for PSO flights.

In this case it is highly recommended either to select the correct RBD available on your own by putting

the mouse on the RBD line or from the Select tab on the right side choose Best buy and the system will

automatically provide the lowest available RBD.

Commando simulator – Note 1: not all GDS entries are applicable.

Note 2: Booking should be completed in Commando GDS as you are unable to toggle back and forth

between GDS entries & SPRK.

Note 3: Ticketing cannot be done in commando mode.

Cancel Itinerary – After a RLOC has been cancelled it can still be retrieved either by RLOC or with

Advanced Search criteria but in this case Add Air field will not be visible anymore and new segment

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OLYMPIC AIR Travel Agent Booking Tool August 2015 1.1

cannot be booked. Furthermore the Direct sell icon is still there but when a new segment is requested

the system replies with an error response “RLOC is cancelled”

SSR – For SSR UMNR add following within the Text field: UMcc (where cc is child’s age)

The structure of the free text should be followed strictly or you might risk receiving UN status from the


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OLYMPIC AIR Travel Agent Booking Tool August 2015 1.1


1. Will the agents of an office be able to see each other’s PNRs created?

Yes, all PNRs created can be opened by agents with the same office ID

2. What if agents belong to the same T.A./T.O. chain with different office ID

No – Though there exists a workaround i.e. bridging as seen before.

3. Back-office support

Every new agency will need an individual implementation with a back office provider. Implementation

time line is 10-14 days max.

4. Non BSP Agents

Non BSP agents are able to issue TKTs through a third party, who acts as their consolidator.

In the future a second option will be provided with direct ticketing through the airline.

5. Is the site available on Mobile devices?
