6/14/2016 1 “Bolster Your Biome- Advanced Probiotic Solutions” By: Dr. Jay P. Vanden Heuvel PhD, IMD, DHS Why probiotics? Did you know the #1 bestselling natural channel ingredient across all health conditions is? (SPINSscan Natural 12/27/15 currently $128 million – 2 nd plant protein) Across Multi-outlets? (Protein #1 at $1.5 billion and Probiotics #2 at $550 million)

“olster Your iome Advanced Probiotic Solutions” 1 “olster Your iome - Advanced Probiotic Solutions” By: Dr. Jay P. Vanden Heuvel PhD, IMD, DHS Why probiotics? •Did you know

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“Bolster Your Biome-Advanced Probiotic


By: Dr. Jay P. Vanden Heuvel PhD, IMD, DHS

Why probiotics?

• Did you know the #1 bestselling natural channel

ingredient across all health conditions is? (SPINSscan

Natural 12/27/15 currently $128 million – 2nd plant protein)

• Across Multi-outlets? (Protein #1 at $1.5 billion and Probiotics #2 at

$550 million)



Sources of information

• Mountains of information coming out as we speak! Research on this has exploded!

• Too many to mention but this may help…

• Presentation (subst.) sources/experts: Dr. David Perlmutter, Dr. Deanna Minich, Dr. Andrew W. Campbell, Gut Brain Relationship Conferences (2015), Harvard Medicine, HumanFoodProject.com, Human Microbiome Project (hmpdacc.org),etc.

Microbiome: begins at birth

• The Intestinal Microbiome begins at birth. The delivery method, feeding methods are a key factor. Colostrum starts everything.

• Reaches adult-like colonies in intestinal tract by age 3.

Human Genome Project

• The Human gene pool consists of 23,000 units.

• The Human Microbiome has 4 million distinct bacterial genes! (95% in the large intestine)



Probiotic fun fact: Why do we Kiss?

• Determines in dating, if a good genetic match! (80,000,000 bacteria exchanged, incr.


• Butler Univ. showed 75% of people remember their first kiss!

• 1st date, “to see if should go on”

• 90% of all human cultures kiss. Dogs?

Hx. of Probx.

• Eli Metchnikoff (Nobel prize 1908) “father” of probiotics. Worked with yogurts in Belgium. “oral administration of fermented bacteria will implant beneficially in the intestinal tract.”




• (Evidenced from last slide) - oral administration with probiotics has colonizing advantages.

• Ideal storage conditions: the # of colony forming units will slowly decline as months go on. For example, 5% per month loss when packed and non-refrigerated. Refrigeration will prolong the potency and viability of most probiotics to maintain higher counts over a longer period of time.

Shelf life?

• There is evidence that even non-viable probiotic organisms left in the package after being exposed to unfavorable conditions may have some utility in gut health.

• For example, it is hypothesized that they may take up ecological space on the intestinal walls, which may help prevent the growth of opportunistic organisms vying for that same space.

• Inactivated Lactobacillus planetarium has been shown in clinical studies to support our natural immunity to foreign substances.

What is the Microbiome?• Refers to: the symbiotic colony of you, plus the

bacteria in your body (mostly intestines).

• Roughly 100 trillion+ of these single-cell organisms call your body “home”.

• They outnumber your human cells 10-1!



Bacterial Communication

• Bacteria employ electrical signaling in the same way brain cells do! (new science)

• They may be ancient organisms, but they are far from primitive.

• They behave COLLECTIVELY!

• Share nutrients with neighbors, move as a colony, even committing suicide for the greater good of the colony.

• (2010 Univ. Cal. San Diego – Gurol Suel)

Microbiome benefits…

• Effects & directs immune system (allergy, auto-immune).

• Modifies epigenome (epigenetics).• Regulates metabolism (dysfunction).• Majority of chemicals in blood come

from microbiome (i.e. antioxidants).

• Good skin, bowel regularity, protects DNA.

• Modifies our neuroendocrine response and behavior. Also affects the CNS.



Newly discovered effect

• Gut-Brain Relationship (conf. 2014) exposed evidence that microbiome has a great influence on the brain itself! This can effect behavior good or bad.

• Brain related problems are a huge burden on society.

• Affects the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Axis (HPA) – biggest effect? Great sleep, less cortisol production (obesity).

What disturbs the Microbiome?• Stress, Severe illness.• Abused antibiotics (Meat, dairy, Rx, toothpaste, water supply)• Chemicals, preservatives, and additives, in food.• Environmental toxicants.• S.A.D. (western diet) – poor carbs/saturated fats/low fiber.• Excessive Alcohol consumption.• Even overly concerned with dirt. A little doesn’t hurt.

Poor microbiome: Deep connections

• Bacterial peptides stimulate macrophages (Interleukin/Tumor Necrosis Factor).

• LPS (lipopolysaccharides) form from cell walls of gram-negative bacteria (most probx. are gram +).

• Increased LPS promotes pro-inflammatory (cytokines) concentrations.

• Cortisol levels increase.

• Results: (not limited to) Anxiety, depression, impaired long-term memory, and leaky gut.



Leaky GUT

• Intestinal Permeability.

• Inflammation changes the mucosal gut barrier of lining of the intestines (high Zonulin) creating loose junctions between cells of the wall.

• Now, “leak” toxins (auto-intoxication) into the blood stream.

• Sending “danger” signals throughout the body putting it on full immune alert!

Leaky Gut/permeability

Seal the leaks!

• Leaky gut then elicits an inflammatory response throughout body.

• Can affect the blood-brain barrier!

• The brain can be on “fire”.

• Trick is to seal the leaks.



“You are what your microbes eat!”

• Beneficial Bacteria outnumber human cells 10-1. They are hungry for:

• Fermented foods: kimchi, sauerkraut, miso soup, yogurts, kefir, apple cider vinegar, etc.

• Prebiotic foods (plants): Green tea, Ginger, Nuts, (J) Artichoke, Yacon, Asparagus, Brussels Sprouts, Colostrum, etc.

• FIBER: Beans, high fiber plants, etc. • Note: Our ancestors used to get more than 100 g.

of fiber per day! Today we average just 15g. (Human Food Project – Jeff Leach 1/13)


• Insert video here of probx digesting pudding.

Are we eating for the microbiome?

• Today, 70 million Americans suffer from a digestive ailment. (N.I.H. 2010)

• 30% of all Americans now want to avoid gluten in their diet. (www.npd.com)

• Linked again to high Zonulin which is found not only in Celiac (30% higher), but in NCGS as well (est. 18 million Americans). www.glutenfreeliving.com

• Bad bacteria like E. Coli, stimulate Zonulin (leak)

• Solutions? Enzymes, Probiotics, and gluten/even wheat avoidance –FODMAPS (fermentation).



Linked to everything?

• A microbiome out of balance is linked to not only auto-immune disorders but Parkinson’s, autism spectrum disorders, and others. (Scientific American 3/15)

• Big help is to maintain healthy blood sugar levels (Huge impact on Metabolic dysfunction and weight. Think: Berberine).

Probx. supplements: Its not amount, but Delivery!

• Delivering CFU’s (colony counts) is meaningless if delivered wrong (i.e. yogurt – HCL –success low).

• The count is not always important, the delivery is! Even small amounts count?

• How about: Vegetable based capsule (similar to a time release)? The probiotics get to where they are needed.

• Which is better? A 100 billion count that 90% die before reaching the target, or 30 billion count where 100% make it (even though some dead probiotic debris is


Will probiotics survive stomach acid?

• Most probiotics cannot survive stomach acid. Technology does exist to help survive this.

• The best probiotic survives stomach acid, reaches the small intestine, makes a residence there and provides the benefits.

• That said, there are a ton of probiotics that definitely are not effective, nor quality.

• Many probiotics are merely marketing gimmicks or placebos or may be actually harmful.




• Avoid supplementing for critically ill. Not the place to start.

• Generally anyone under the age of 6 months.

Distinct species: know your biome




What do just 11 Bacteria do?• Bifidobacterium bifidum - (All B. species feed other good guys, make

vitamins, improve leaky gut - lower LPS/Zonulin)• B. infantis – (infant colonizer - 6 mths. to age 3, anti-pathogen)• B. longum – (improve leaky gut, produce glucosamine, improve lactose

intolerance, antioxidant, cholesterol balance, shown to lower tumor activity)

• Lactobacillus acidophilus – (impr. leaky gut, anti-pathogen, cholesterol balance, bowel regularity, antidiarrheal, digest lactose, vaginal health)

• L. rhamnosus - (antifungal)• L. brevis – (transport glucose/galactose, vaginal health, incr. immunity)• L. bulgaricus – (bacteriocins, pH, produce amino acids)• L. plantarum – (protect from U.R.I., colds/flus, anti-viral)• L. casei – (wide range anti-pathogen like H. Pylori/C. Diff, antidiarrheal)• L. salivarius – (helps I.B.S., gas, anti-pathogen)• Streptococcus thermophilus – (pH balance, balance amino acids)

Probiotic usage ideas

• When beginning a probiotic regimen, start with an elevated type probiotic for 30 days (label only).

• Transition to a similar Probiotic (less amount) using eleven species outlined, as a daily use probiotic.

• You may also use elevated probiotics periodically to boost or strengthen your daily regimen or under times of increased stress.

Acidophilus or Bifidophilus?

• Infant-associated bifidobacterial types (B. infantis) appear to have evolved the ability to ferment milk oligosaccharides.

• Adult-associated acidophilus species use plantoligosaccharides, consistent with what they encounter in their respective environments.

• Breast-fed infants often harbor bifidobacteria-dominated gut.

• Population changes take place at age 3 to puberty 50/50.



Bacillus Coagulans

• Bacillus Coagulans: a unique species. It does not require refrigeration - is heat stable and acid-resistant.

• Helpful in Acute situations. Because more of the beneficial bacteria survive the harsh environment of the stomach (HCL).

• Convenient option for travel, cooking, and even sprinkling on food (great for children).

• Can specifically target the cause of occasional digestive upset like diarrhea, gas and bloating.

• A ‘Targeted’ probiotic help making the microbiome more friendly to “good bacteria”, unfriendly to the “bad bacteria”.

Know and Trust your source

• The more quality probiotic the better.

• I have seen benefits for years, versus competitors.

• A OTC probiotic may contain completely dead bacteria at the time of purchase. Testing is not required by the FDA to ensure the label claim of potency agrees with what the lab finds inside the capsule. Does your probx source check?

What else?

• A probiotic should have a prebiotic. A prebiotic is basically beneficial bacteria nutrition. If one takes a multi-billion probiotic but it is without a prebiotic, the beneficial bacteria will die as they have no food to eat. Thus, the lasting effect of the probiotic without a prebiotic is minimal to none.

• Paying attention to % of kill rates is too vague.

• Many sources, many problems.




• We have only begun to understand care for the microbiome and its benefits. i.e. What does GMO food do to the microbiome?

• Probiotics: now being looked at to offset effects of heavy metals like mercury, arsenic, lead, and cadmium, even pesticides.

• They bind-up these toxins, die (suicide), and end up in fecal matter. (Mbio 10/2014 7;5(5):e01580-14. PMID:


• Early studies show probiotics help with integrated care.

In Summary

• Probiotics are simply a daily use.

• Consider “deep connections” discussed here.

• Consider “you are what your microbes eat”.

• Causes of leaky gut. Seal the leaks.

• Supplement with different probiotics/ even rotatethem from time to time. Trust your source!

• The future of this is wide open.

• Thank you, it has been an honor!