177 Olives and Olive Oil in Health and Disease Prevention. ISBN: 978-0-12-374420-3 Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. 2010 Phenolic Profiles of Portuguese Olives: Cultivar and Geographics Rosa M. Seabra 1 , Paula B. Andrade 1 , Patrícia Valentão 1 , Miguel Faria 2 , Alistair G. Paice 3 and Maria Beatriz P. P. Oliveira 2 1 REQUIMTE Serviço de Farmacognosia, Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade do Porto, Portugal 2 REQUIMTE Serviço de Bromatologia, Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade do Porto, Portugal 3 REQUIMTE Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition and Dietetics, King’s College School of Medicine, London, United Kingdom Chapter 20 20.1  INTRODUCTION According to FAO, olive is the most extensively cultivated fruit crop in the world. This can be attributed to the high nutritional value of its products, its tolerance to drought and salinity, and to its minimal maintenance require- ments. Although it can be found in the USA, Argentina and Mexico, it is in countries from the Mediterranean basin that olive groves have their main impact. Therefore, table olives and olive oil are characteristic components of the Mediterranean diet and are considered one of the fac- tors responsible for the low incidence of coronary heart disease and prostate, breast and colon cancers in this area (Covas, 2007). The aforementioned health benefits of olives are par- tially attributed to their characteristic fatty acid composition but also micronutrients such as the tocopherol antioxidants and, above all, phenolic compounds. In fact, studies have shown that diets containing olive oil achieve better results than other diets containing equivalent amounts of oleic acid but lower amounts of phenolic compounds (Medeiros, 2001). Aside from its recognized role as a health promoter, the phenolic composition of olive oil has also been assayed as a tool to indicate the oil’s quality and to differentiate olive cultivars. Portugal, although possessing a large Atlantic coast, is still considered a Mediterranean country; especially its eastern region, which is characterized by a climate and soil very similar to those observed in Spain, and where olive groves are a characteristic feature of the landscape. Although its oil production is much less than that of some other EU countries, it is comparable to that of Algeria and double that of Palestine (http:// www.internationaloliveoil.org). This chapter intends to give an overview of Portuguese olive production and cultivars and to evaluate the role of phenolic profiles as possible markers. 20.2  OLEA EUROPAEA CULTIVARS AND  THEIR DIFFERENTIATION Olea europaea is a highly variable species with a total of 1250 cultivars dispersed over 54 countries as referred to in the OLEA DATABASE (http://www.oleadb.it/). This large number of olive cultivars is partially explained by the fact that olive plants can survive for a long time, thus retain- ing their genetic characteristics for thousands of years. Furthermore, open crossing between individuals, environ- mental pressure and its long history as a crop have resulted in numerous cultivars (Hatzopoulos et al., 2002). Traditionally, cultivars have been distinguished by their phenotypical characteristics. These include countless traits from the size, weight, shape and color of fruit to the preco- city of maturation, the pulp/stone ratio, size of leaves, yield of oil, resistance to disease, etc. (Pinheiro and Silva, 2005). Notwithstanding their major role and usefulness in char- acterizing cultivars, these markers can be affected by the environment, which may present a problem if they are to be used for identification. With the advent of specific chemical methodologies, the chemical composition of leaves, olives and olive oil began to be used as possible markers. Chemical constituents that have been used for this purpose include tocopherols, sterols, fatty acids (Matos et al., 2007), vola- tile compounds (Tura et al., 2004) and phenolic compounds (Vinha et al., 2005). Possible correlations between cultivar and biochemical (Briante et al., 2002) and physiological (Bacelar et al., 2007) behavior have also been studied.

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Phenolic Profiles of Portuguese Olives: Cultivar and Geographics

Rosa M. Seabra1, Paula B. Andrade1, Patrícia Valentão1, Miguel Faria2, Alistair G. Paice3 and Maria Beatriz P. P. Oliveira2

1REQUIMTE Serviço de Farmacognosia, Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade do Porto, Portugal2REQUIMTE Serviço de Bromatologia, Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade do Porto, Portugal3REQUIMTE Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition and Dietetics, King’s College School of Medicine, London, United Kingdom

Chapter 20


1Olives and Olive Oil in Health and Disease Prevention.ISBN: 978-0-12-374420-3

20.1  IntroductIon

According to FAO, olive is the most extensively cultivated fruit crop in the world. This can be attributed to the high nutritional value of its products, its tolerance to drought and salinity, and to its minimal maintenance require-ments. Although it can be found in the USA, Argentina and Mexico, it is in countries from the Mediterranean basin that olive groves have their main impact. Therefore, table olives and olive oil are characteristic components of the Mediterranean diet and are considered one of the fac-tors responsible for the low incidence of coronary heart disease and prostate, breast and colon cancers in this area (Covas, 2007).

The aforementioned health benefits of olives are par-tially attributed to their characteristic fatty acid composition but also micronutrients such as the tocopherol antioxidants and, above all, phenolic compounds. In fact, studies have shown that diets containing olive oil achieve better results than other diets containing equivalent amounts of oleic acid but lower amounts of phenolic compounds (Medeiros, 2001). Aside from its recognized role as a health promoter, the phenolic composition of olive oil has also been assayed as a tool to indicate the oil’s quality and to differentiate olive cultivars.

Portugal, although possessing a large Atlantic coast, is still considered a Mediterranean country; especially its eastern region, which is characterized by a climate and soil very similar to those observed in Spain, and where olive groves are a characteristic feature of the landscape. Although its oil production is much less than that of some other EU countries, it is comparable to that of Algeria and double that of Palestine (http:// www.internationaloliveoil.org).

7Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Inc.

All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.2010

This chapter intends to give an overview of Portuguese olive production and cultivars and to evaluate the role of phenolic profiles as possible markers.

20.2  Olea eurOpaea cultIvars and theIr dIfferentIatIon

Olea europaea is a highly variable species with a total of 1250 cultivars dispersed over 54 countries as referred to in the OLEA DATABASE (http://www.oleadb.it/). This large number of olive cultivars is partially explained by the fact that olive plants can survive for a long time, thus retain-ing their genetic characteristics for thousands of years. Furthermore, open crossing between individuals, environ-mental pressure and its long history as a crop have resulted in numerous cultivars (Hatzopoulos et al., 2002).

Traditionally, cultivars have been distinguished by their phenotypical characteristics. These include countless traits from the size, weight, shape and color of fruit to the preco-city of maturation, the pulp/stone ratio, size of leaves, yield of oil, resistance to disease, etc. (Pinheiro and Silva, 2005). Notwithstanding their major role and usefulness in char-acterizing cultivars, these markers can be affected by the environment, which may present a problem if they are to be used for identification. With the advent of specific chemical methodologies, the chemical composition of leaves, olives and olive oil began to be used as possible markers. Chemical constituents that have been used for this purpose include tocopherols, sterols, fatty acids (Matos et al., 2007), vola-tile compounds (Tura et al., 2004) and phenolic compounds (Vinha et al., 2005). Possible correlations between cultivar and biochemical (Briante et al., 2002) and physiological (Bacelar et al., 2007) behavior have also been studied.

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In the search for new differentiation methodologies, researchers have over the last two decades begun to use molecular markers in olive characterization. Subsequently practically all the available molecular markers for plants have been applied in olive trees (Owen et al., 2005; Sarri et al., 2006).

20.3  PhenolIcs In olIve fruIts

In olives, phenolics may represent simple substances dis-tributed into several subgroups such as benzoic or cinnamic acids, glycosylated or free flavonoids (mainly luteolin, quer-cetin or apigenin based) or phenolic alcohols represented by tyrosol and hydroxytyrosol (and their glycosides and derivatives like cornoside and halleridone). Verbascoside is a slightly more complex molecule synthesized by grouping caffeic acid with rutinose and hydroxytyrosol. However, the phenolic profile of olives is predominantly characterized by the presence of a group of compounds with a mixed bio-synthetic origin (shikimate/mevalonate) where tyrosol or hydroxytyrosol are linked to an iridoid moiety giving rise to the so-called secoiridoid phenolics. Oleuropein and demeth-yloleuropein are the main examples of this. Olives and olive oil also characteristically contain the iridoidic component of the latter class of compounds but, as they are devoid of phe-nolic character, these will not be referred to in this chapter.

20.4  olIves In Portugal: cultIvars and ProductIon

A database organized by FAO (http://apps3.fao.org/wiews/olive/intro.jsp) includes 21 cultivars of Portuguese origin (data collected from the Portuguese Agronomical Stations). Table 20.1 displays those cultivars together with their main synonyms. The geographic distribution indicated refers to the provinces where the cultivars are grown which, as men-tioned above, are located in the inner part of Portugal (see Figure 20.1). However, reference to other Portuguese culti-vars such as Roupuda (Vinha et al., 2005) or Douro (Bianco and Uccella, 2000) can also be found in the literature.

As can be seen in Table 20.2, Portuguese olive groves are mainly located in Alentejo. In Portugal, olives are grown in small parcels, which represent a hindrance to high productivity but favor the creation of small, high-quality niches. Consumers wish for variety; products considered as safe, more palatable and produced by traditional meth-ods (regarded as ‘natural’) are now more desirable. In spite of its relatively small production, Portugal has seven olive oils registered as PDO (Protected Denomination of Origin) spread within the main producing areas (Figure 20.1).

According to data from EUROSTAT (2005) (http://www.oliveoil.eu), only 2% of the Portuguese olive production is devoted to the generation of table olives. As can be seen in

Table 20.3 the Portuguese eat more table olives than they produce. During the 1990s the average annual consumption was in the order of 15 200 tons, which equates to 1.5 kg/inhabitant/year (http://www.internationaloliveoil.org).

Table olives can be prepared from almost all the cul-tivars growing in Portugal but some cultivars are almost exclusively devoted to table olive. Negrinha is one example, with a low amount of oil production but very good charac-teristics for table olive. This cultivar is the only one used to produce ‘Negrinha do Freixo Table Olives’ PDO. The only other Portuguese table olive PDO is ‘Axeitona e Elvas e Campo Maior’. The Azeiteira, Carrasquenha, Conserva de Elvas and Redondil cultivars can be used for this.

Although olives as a fruit crop are probably the oldest cultivated fruit trees, the maintenance of their intraspecific diversity is a concern. Several factors threaten the existence of certain cultivars. Undoubtedly one of them is the substi-tution of rustic cultivars with more productive ones.

Portugal is no exception. In 2005 80% of the total acre-age of Portuguese olive groves was planted with Galega, a cultivar spread throughout the country. This cultivar is characterized by great productivity. However, when com-pared to Picual, a Spanish cultivar that is being introduced in Portugal, it has considerably lighter fruits (1.48 g com-pared to 4.20 g for Picual), a lower resistance to ‘Gafa’ (infection by Gloeosporium olivarum) and a smaller fat content (about 17% compared to 23% for Picual). Although the oil obtained from Galega is thought to be more accept-able to the public, there are obvious disadvantages for the Portuguese olive growers using it. Picual is not the only Spanish cultivar that can be found in Portuguese olive groves; other cultivars include Santulhana, Blanqueta, Cornicabra and probably others in small quantities.

20.5  characterIzatIon of cultIvars by theIr PhenolIc ProfIle

If, as we believe, cultivars have slight variations in their genomes, then the factor ‘cultivar’ must be the main source of variation in the composition in Olea europaea. However, we also know that external factors such as the climate, soil composition or agricultural practices can modulate gene expression (Romero et al., 2002; Morelló et al., 2003). Apart from genetic factors, one of the most influential intrinsic factors on the set of compounds found in a given cultivar is the degree of ripening. During the development of olives a large set of biochemical reactions takes place (Amiot et al., 1986; Vinha et al, 2005). Most reports point to a decrease of total phenolic content as ripening occurs (Gimeno et al., 2002; Beltrán et al., 2005; Morelló et al., 2005). This decrease does not occur at the same rate for all compounds and in the same way in different cultivars (Morelló et al., 2005). Some authors believe these differ-ences could even be used to differentiate cultivars.

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Table 20.1 Olea europaea Portuguese cultivars.

Cultivar Main synonyms Distribution Uses

Azeitoneira Azeiteira Alentejo Table/oil

Bical* BicudaBical de castelo BrancoLongalCordovil-bical

Beira AltaAlentejoAlgarve


Branquita BlanquetaBlanqueta de Elvas

RibatejoAlto e Baixo Alentejo


Carrasquenha CarrascaCarrasquinhaRedondaSalola

BeirasAlto AlentejoBaixo Alentejo


Cobrançosa* CoutiniaQuebrançosaVerdeal cobrançosa



Conserva de Elvas Alto e Baixo Alentejo


Cordovesa* CordovilCordovil de ElvasVermelhalBico de corvoCordovil de Serpa

AlgarveAlto AlentejoBaixo Alentejo


Cordovil* Cordovil de Castelo BrancoCordovil GrossoCordovil Nocal

Trás-os-MontesBeira AltaBeira Baixa


Galega* Galega vulgarGalega comumMolarMolarinhaNegra molar



Galega grada de Serpa Galega grossa redondaGalega grada



Golosinha GlozinhaGolosinha mançanicaPele de sapo

Alentejo Table/oil

Lentisca* BorreiraBorrentaBrunhentaCarrasca BicalCarrasca NegralCorlideiraZambulha

Trás-os MontesEstremaduraRibatejoAlto AlentejoBaixo Alentejo


Madural* ComumCornicabra de Trás-os-MontesMadural finaMadural grossaNegra volumosa




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Table 20.1 (Continued)

Cultivar Main synonyms Distribution Uses

Mançanilha algarvia Mançanilha acuminada AlentejoAlgarve


Mançanilha carrasquenha Maçanilha carrasca Alto Alentejo Table/oil

Negrinha* Galego negrãoNegruxa

Trás-os-Montes Table

Redondal RedondaRedondil GrossoRoupudo

Trás-os-Montes Table/oil

Redondil Mançanilha meuda Alto e Baixo AlentejoRibatejo


Tentilheira AmendoeiraTentilheira acuminata

Alto Alentejo Table/oil

Verdeal transmontana* Verdeal Trás-os-MontesBeira Alta


Verdeal alentejana VerdealVerdeal de SerpaVerdeal tintoVerdeais



*Cultivars that were subjected to phenolic analysis (Vinha et al., 2005).

Given that all these potential influences exist, extreme care must be taken when choosing and/or collecting the samples to be analyzed if a ‘chemical fingerprint’ (in this case a phenolic fingerprint) is to be generated. A hetero-geneous sampling requires wide sampling and the use of substantial statistical analysis of any results produced.

A ‘chemical fingerprint’ (or a ‘chromatographic fin-gerprint’ as chromatography is the usual technique used) represents a qualitative and quantitative chromatographic pattern of characteristic compounds within a sample. According to Gong and co-workers (Gong et al., 2003) this chromatographic profile should feature the fundamental attributes of ‘integrity’ and ‘fuzziness’ or ‘sameness’ and ‘differences’. These attributes suggest that, with the help of a constructed chromatographic fingerprint, the authentica-tion and identification of a natural (complex) product can be accurately conducted (‘integrity’) even if the number and/or concentration of chemically characteristic constitu-ents are dissimilar from sample to sample (‘fuzziness’) or, chromatographic fingerprints could demonstrate both the ‘sameness’ and ‘differences’ between samples. Given what is summarized above with respect to the variability of natu-ral products, the construction of a reliable chromatographic fingerprint is no trivial undertaking. Too much analysis and

mathematical work are required! From the extensive litera-ture on this subject the nature of the phenolic compounds present in olives is very important. However, as far as we know there is no work defining a general quantitative profile for Olea europaea fruits or for their numerous cultivars.

The main factor preventing further understanding in this field is the differing methodologies used in its analy-sis. Different experimental procedures have been used to extract, separate and detect different compounds and this is the main reason why, in any given work, the authors cannot find the complete set of phenolics described in the review papers (Table 20.4).

Bearing in mind all these limitations it is likely that col-lating data from different papers to try to compare cultivars will be met with very limited success.

20.6  PhenolIc ProfIles of Portuguese cultIvars

As far as we know, there is only one paper reporting the phenolic profiles of Portuguese cultivars (Vinha et al., 2005). Using a simple methodology previously developed

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A: Trás-os-Montes;B: Beira Alta;C: Beira Baixa;D: Ribatejo;E: Alto Alentejo;F: Baixo Alentejo;G: Algarve;

1: Trás-os-Montes olive oil;2: Beira Alta olive oil;3: Beira Baixa olive oil;4: Ribatejo olive oil;5: Norte Alentejano olive oil;6. Alentejo-Interior olive oil;7: Moura olive oil.

Capital letters refer to provinces (areas surrounded by full lines);numbers refer to locations of PDO olive oils (areas surrounded bydashed lines).







B 2

A 1





fIgure 20.1  Distribution of olive groves and PDO olive oils in Portugal. The figure illustrates the provinces where olive groves are pre-dominantly located together with the regions where PDO olive oil produc-tion occurs.

for this (Vinha et al., 2002), the authors analyzed samples from nine of the 21 cultivars listed in Table 20.1 plus three cultivars of Spanish origin cultivated in Portugal. Picual, Cornicabra and Santulhana and Roupuda were labeled as Portuguese but not registered by FAO (Table 20.1). The dry weight results obtained indicated an overall profile characterized by high levels of hydroxytyrosol and oleuro-pein (Table 20.5 and Figure 20.2) with very low amounts of chlorogenic acid (below 12 mg kg1) and low amounts of verbascoside (usually below 0.02% of total pheno-lics). The colored phenolics were those usually described, namely cyanidin 3-glucoside and cyanidin 3-rutinoside,

Table 20.2 Data for Portuguese olive groves.

Region Area (ha) Area (%)

Trás-os-Montes (A*) 70 000 21

Beira Alta (B*) and Beira Baixa (C*) 60 000 18

Ribatejo (D*) 40 000 12

Alto Alentejo (E*) and Baixo Alentejo (F*)

150 000 44

Remaining 20 000 6

total 340 000 100

Capital letters in brackets refer to provinces listed in legend of Figure 20.1.

Table 20.3 Data for Portuguese table olives.

Tonnes % in EU

Production 1995/6–2000/12001/2–2006/7

950010 700


Imports 1995/6–2000/12001/2–2006/7



Exports 1995/6–2000/12001/2–2006/7



Consumption 1995/6–2000/12001/2–2006/7

11 80013 100


with the latter always in higher amounts than the former. As expected, there was a good (but not strict) correlation between the amounts of these compounds and the matura-tion indices. Five non-colored flavonoids were also found: luteolin 7-glucoside, rutin, apigenin 7-glucoside, quer-cetin 3-rhamnonise and luteolin. In 25 out of 29 samples analyzed, luteolin 7-glucoside and rutin were the pre-dominant flavonoids and, in general, rutin was present in higher amounts than the luteolin derivative. This seems to be a characteristic of the general olive profile since these two compounds are always reported in cultivars from other countries, even when other flavonoids are not found (Table 20.4).

Although it is generally reported that the phenolic con-tent of cultivars decreases during ripening, we did not find that this was true for the cultivars under discussion. For example, the theory that hydroxytyrosol is a degradation

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Table 20.4 Non-colored phenolic profiles of olives.

Reference Number of cultivars

Geographic origin

Extractive method

Identified phenolics

Phenolic alcohols (glucosides, esters and derivatives)

Flavonoids Phenolic acids and derivatives

Amiot et al. (1986)

11 France 80% ethanol; cleaning of water phase by petroleum ether; LLE with ethyl acetate

Oleuropein Lut 7-GluRutin


Esti et al. (1998)

6 Italy As in Amiot et al. (1986) HydroxytyrosolDemethyloleuropeinOleuropein

Lut 7-GluRutin

Romani et al. (1999)

5 Italy 80% ethanol; cleaning of water phase by n-hexane;cleaning by SPE and recover of compounds by ethyl acetate


Lut 7-GluRutinApi 7-Rut and Api 7-RutQuer 3-RutLuteolinHomoorientin

VerbascosideVanillic acidp-Coumaric acidvanillin

Vinha et al. (2005)

10 3


Methanol; cleaning of methanolic extract by SPE and recover of compounds by methanol


Lut 7-GluRutinApi 7-GluQuer 3-RhamLuteolin


Bianco and Ucella (2000)

1 1 1


Simple biophenols (BP)(ext by 6 N HCl)


Caffeic acidp-Coumaric acidHydroxycaffeic acid

Alkali hydrolysable biophenols (extracted by 2N NaOH)


Caffeic acidp-Coumaric acidHydroxycaffeic acid

Cytoplasmic biophenols (extracted by CH2Cl2 and study of the aqueous fraction)

HydroxytyrosolTyrosolDemethyloleuropeinOleuropeinOleuropein derivativesThree Hydroxytyrosol GlucosidesTyrosol-1-glucosideCornosideHalleridone

Soluble BP soluble esterified BP insoluble-bound BP fraction (extracted by methanol:acetone 1:1)


Protocatechuic acid3,4-diOH-phenylacetic acidp-OH-benzoic acid

Vanillic and homovanillic acidsCinnammic and caffeic acidsSyringic acido-, m- and p-Coumaric acidsFerulic and sinapic acids

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Table 20.5 Characteristics of Portuguese samples under discussion.

Cultivars Geographical origin Maturation index Sum of identified phenolics (mg kg1)

Hydroxytyrosol oleuropein


Bical Macedo de Cavaleiros (A)Mogadouro (A)Fundão (B)Castelo Branco (C)

20 53910 357



Cobrançosa Valpaços (A)Mirandela (A)Mogadouro (A)Fundão (C)


16 166



Cordovesa Macedo de Cavaleiros (A) 3.6 7422 1532

Cordovil Fundão (C)Castelo Branco (C)


15 8023487


Galega Fundão (C)Castelo Branco (C)




Lentisca Valpaços (A)Valpaços (A)Mirandela (A)Mogadouro (A)

49 35480873169

14 774



Madural Valpaços (A)Mirandela (A)Mogadouro (A)

11 68667033093


Madural fina Mogadouro (A) 3.2 73 467 1673

Negrinha Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo (A)

6.2 12 764 1452

Roupuda* Mogadouro 1.5 13 712 1937

Verdeal Transmontana

Mirandela (A)Valpaços (A)Macedo de Cavaleiros (A)


29 406



Capital letters in brackets refer to provinces where samples were collected.*Cultivar not listed by FAO in Table 20.1.

product of oleuropein and, therefore, hydroxytyrosol increases as oleuropein decreases, was not observed in this study. In fact, samples with higher maturation indices did not show any increase in the hydroxytyrosol/oleuropein ratio and no correlation was found between maturation index and hydroxytyrosol content, even for the same culti-var. The same can be said for the content of luteolin, since no correlation was found between the maturation index and the content of luteolin. It is generally accepted that free fla-vonoids appear at the end of the maturation process as a consequence of hydrolytic phenomena.

The differentiation of cultivars was only possible at the quantitative level. Some trends were seen but, as found in other matrices (Dopico-García et al., 2008), the influence of geographical origin often surpassed that of the cultivar. Different cultivars with the same geographical origin showed very similar profiles. Of course, this may indicate that extrinsic factors had a strong influence on the expression of the genome. Alternatively, these cultivars may have had very similar genomes, or they may have been mislabeled.

The heterogeneity of the sampling (Table 20.5) ensures that this work must be considered as preliminary. As such

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04.3 3.3

2.5/Bical 2.5/Madural

3.2 3.3*






4.0/Valpaços 3.9/Mirandela

3.1/Fundão 3.3/Castelo Branco

3.1/Fundão 2.4/Mogadouro

4.1 2.2




0Madural fina









Hydroxytyrosol and Oleuropein Verdeal



Lentisca Average













Hydroxytyrosol Luteolin 7-glucoside Rutin Quercetin 3-rhamnosideLuteolinApigenin 7-glucoside Oleuropein

fIgure 20.2  Selected data for phenolics in Portuguese samples. This figure depicts the major components of the non-flavonoid (A) or the flavonoid (B–F) profile for Portuguese cultivars exhibiting intracultivar or intrageographical similarities.

one cannot draw any sound conclusions about the individ-ual profiles of each cultivar, but this approach does raise possibilities that might be confirmed by further studies. For example, with respect to hydroxytyrosol and oleuro-pein, the samples (and therefore cultivars) are very homo-geneous, with the notable exceptions of Madural Fina and Lentisca (Figure 20.2A). In these cultivars the levels are very high. Two notes of caution must be added. Madural Fina is not recorded as a synonym of Madural (Table 20.1). This may indicate that it is an independent cultivar. We must also add that we analyzed samples of Lentisca (Table 20.5); however, three of these reached the labora-tory labeled as Borrenta or Borreira (Table 20.1) and only one as Lentisca (Valpaços, MI 2.8). As can be seen from Table 20.5 it is unlikely that this difference in the level of hydroxytyrosol and oleuropein can be attributed to differ-ent maturation index or geographical origin. Again we pro-pose that this cultivar deserves further attention, and that it may be heterogeneous. From the analysis of oleuropein and hydrxytyrosol content no other conclusions can be drawn.

Flavonoids may be more useful in cultivar differentia-tion. In Verdeal Transmontana, three of the four samples analyzed had characteristically low amounts of flavonoids (Figure 20.2B). The observed exception may reflect a higher maturation index or a differing geographical origin. The cultivar Bical had slightly more flavonoids and seems to be reasonably homogeneous with respect to the quanti-ties of flavonoids. Madural and Cordovil have consistently higher flavonoid contents. Madural is the only cultivar where luteolin-7-glucoside content resembles that of rutin (Figure 20.2C). Cobrançosa (n 4) (Figure 20.2D), Galega (n 2) and Lentisca (n 4) were more heteroge-neous with respect to the proportion of flavonoids.

To evaluate the influence of geographical origin on the characteristics of the phenolic profile, the pair of sam-ples collected in Mogadouro but from different cultivars is noteworthy (Figure 20.2E). Of course, similarities are observable among samples from different cultivars with different geographical origins (Figure 20.2F), but these are exceptions.

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20.7  conclusIon

In conclusion, the phenolic composition of olives is an important concept. However, although a lot of knowledge has already been gained in this area, the many factors influ-encing phenolic profile have thus far prevented the estab-lishment of a general ‘phenolic profile of olive fruits’. Of course, the phenolic profiles for each cultivar area are not yet fully characterized. There are a large number of regis-tered cultivars and the number of cultivars analyzed in the literature is always very small. To study the effect of the cultivar’s character on the phenolic profile in isolation it is necessary to correct for all the other main variables that may influence this. Examples of these confounding variables might include geographical origin, maturation index and the analytical methodology. Since it is also known that climatic factors can affect the composition of organisms, it is also necessary to monitor compositional changes over several years to monitor the effect of differing weather conditions. This would be a Herculean task, involving a huge number of samples – discouraging for a single laboratory to under-take. Overall, despite the considerable number of techniques applied and the large amount of published literature on the subject, olive cultivars are far from being fully characterized and continuing efforts will have to be made in order to solve problems such as mislabeling, homonyms and synonyms.

summary PoInts

l Portugal, although having only an Atlantic coast, is still a Mediterranean country and is responsible for 2% of olives produced in the EU.

l Twenty-one cultivars are registered in Agronomical Stations as having Portuguese origin.

l Chemical profiles have revealed themselves as a some-what useful tool for species and cultivar differentiation.

l Since phenolics are recognized as health promoter com-pounds, it would be doubly useful to use the phenolic profile as a differentiation tool for olive cultivars.

l At a qualitative level, the phenolic compounds identi-fied so far in olive fruits have revealed some constancy, in spite of the numerous factors that can affect them.

l However, little information is still available for depict-ing olive fruit quantitative phenolic profile, exactly because those factors exert influence on the levels of compounds.

l The possibility of using the phenolic profile as a marker for olive cultivars is still under study and many studies are still needed to attain such a goal.


Amiot, M.-J., Fleuriet, A., Macheix, J.-J., 1986. Importance and evolu-tion of phenolic compounds in olive during growth and maturation. J. Agric. Food Chem. 34, 823–826.

Bacelar, E., Moutinho-Pereira, J.M., Gonçalves, B.C., Ferreira, H., Correia, C.M., 2007. Changes in growth, gas exchange, xylem hydraulic properties and water use efficiency of three olive cultivars under contrasting water availability regimes. Environ. Exper. Bot. 60, 183–192.

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