The Olive Tree Community An Urgent Request, Open Mic, Superbowl, Jewish Community, and Much, Much More… AN URGENT REQUEST: Last night Lisa laid in bed and prayed together. We were honest with God about how we were feeling about the difficulty of our finances and our confusion over what He wanted of us. I was very honest about my feelings with God, and my honesty turned into apology. I realized as we were praying that I was questioning God and His plan. I have no business doing that…like Job, I was not there when He placed the stars in the sky. Who am I to question Him? He has no equal and no one can be His counsel…He says and I do, plain and simple. My journey with Him boils down to one question: Will you follow me? I answered Him last night…I will. I have said to many people and now I say it to myself, “Following God will take you to places you don’t want to be.” It takes faith to keep pressing on even though you don’t understand God’s reasoning. I trust Him. If He sees it fit to lead me and my family to financial ruin for His glory…I will keep following and praise His name until the last breath is taken from my body. I can’t make people give, I can only make known my needs, and God continually puts me a position where I have no other option but to inform the body of our financial needs. I have hated doing this every month until now. I am honored and thankful that God is using me and my family to reach people for His kingdom and I need to be done apologizing for doing His work. I am here to give mine and my family’s lives for the kingdom, and those who are on board with that will understand and those who aren’t on board won’t. I can’t worry about that. We can’t give our lives with out your help. Without financial support we literally can’t lay our lives down for God in Brentwood…it sucks, but it is true. This month we are $3161.68 short not including gas and groceries and medical bills. I thought about laying out where that number came from, but if you want to know, email me, and I will give you the break down. I have not waited until the very last minute like normal, but we do need these funds in the next 5 days. Please send them to Converge Southwest and make your check out to

Olive Tree Community Newsletter for February 2010

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Keeping you up to date on all the news and happenings at the OTC.

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Page 1: Olive Tree Community Newsletter for February 2010

The Olive Tree Community

An Urgent Request, Open Mic, Superbowl, Jewish Community,

and Much, Much More… AN URGENT REQUEST: Last night Lisa laid in bed and prayed together. We were honest with God about how we were feeling about the difficulty of our finances and our confusion over what He wanted of us. I was very honest about my feelings with God, and my honesty turned into apology. I realized as we were praying that I was questioning God and His plan. I have no business doing that…like Job, I was not there when He placed the stars in the sky. Who am I to question Him? He has no equal and no one can be His counsel…He says and I do, plain and simple. My journey with Him boils down to one question: Will you follow me? I answered Him last night…I will. I have said to many people and now I say it to myself, “Following God will take you to places you don’t want to be.” It takes faith to keep pressing on even though you don’t understand God’s reasoning. I trust Him. If He sees it fit to lead me and my family to financial ruin for His glory…I will keep following and praise His name until the last breath is taken from my body. I can’t make people give, I can only make known my needs, and God continually puts me a position where I have no other option but to inform the body of our financial needs. I have hated doing this every month until

now. I am honored and thankful that God is using me and my family to reach people for His kingdom and I need to be done apologizing for doing His work. I am here to give mine and my family’s lives for the kingdom, and those who are on board with that will understand and those who aren’t on board won’t. I can’t worry about that. We can’t give our lives with out your help. Without financial support we literally can’t lay our lives down for God in Brentwood…it sucks, but it is true. This month we are $3161.68 short not including gas and groceries and medical bills. I thought about laying out where that number came from, but if you want to know, email me, and I will give you the break down. I have not waited until the very last minute like normal, but we do need these funds in the next 5 days. Please send them to Converge Southwest and make your check out to

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SWBC with Basile Family Urgent Funds in the memo. SWBC 14255 Danielson Street, Poway, CA. 92064 The address is also on the attached doc titled Commitment Card 3. Thank you for all of your support! Read this Newsletter knowing that your support has played a huge part in our ability to impact this area for Jesus. FEBRUARY’S UPDATE: So much has happened and is happening! December was insane (In a good way) and January was amazing! Here is the 30 second update on our family. We got back to Chicago and Wisconsin at Christmas and it was great to be around family!

I went from coaching football to coaching hoops for Jake. Jade is also playing hoops but they didn’t have a spot for me to coach. This has been an incredible opportunity to reach out to families in Brentwood. There can only be 10 kids on a team, and I had a request of over 20 kids wanting to be on my team…some moms tried to convince other moms to switch so their kid could be coached by me. We have had a few of the families come out to OTC gatherings! Praise God!

Lisa is still helping out at the kid’s school and recently has been helping kids with reading in the first grade class. She has Children’s ministry parties and invites parents and children from the school to join us and many have come. I believe Lisa and the Children’s ministry is the largest reason for our recent growth at the OTC.

We are averaging in the mid 40’s on Sunday…not bad for starting out with 12-15 people. God is awesome! All this is great, and I don’t even have room to mention the College group retreat, OTC Men’s and Women’s ministries that are doing awesome, our new prayer ministry, and other great things happening at the OTC. God is moving! Jade and Jake both are doing great at school and love CA. They are well liked at school, they love God, they love our family, and the OTC. I think they are a great testimony and the reason many kids and parents have visited the OTC (I am biased of course). They have been reading their bibles at night recently. They are old enough to read and they read a book every night before bed. Now they are doing a good job reading God’s word as a regular part of their young life.

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We are moving in a few days. Very hectic, but very exciting. Our new place is on our same street, it is cheaper, better designed for ministry, and has a yard. A very small yard, but still a yard. We are pumped about that!

We have people over to our home every Sunday after church and that number is around 20-25 people and growing. We love having people over…it is a great way to show them love by having them in our home. We rented our new place completely thinking about how it will affect how we minister to people. Our bedrooms are way smaller, but who cares…we are not in them that much.


Our Sunday crowd that comes to our place for football has grown so much that we had to have

the Superbowl at a different location. A Jewish man who lives in Brentwood and attends the OTC hosted the OTC Superbowl party and we had 44 people come to the party. Wow! Praise the Lord!

OPEN MIC AT NY BAGEL CO I was working out at the gym when I saw a guy wearing a Blackhawks shirt. I struck up a conversation with him and found out he owned the really cool and hip Bagel Café right next to where the OTC meets. He told me that they close at 3pm and we could use his place any time we wanted…he even said he would give me a key. We determined to have an Open Mic there on Tues nights 8-10 pm. He was true to his word and gave us a key. Here is how we advertised it.

Open Mic Night at New York Bagel Co in Brentwood every Tuesday Night 8pm to 10pm. This unique open mic is for musicians playing originals or covers, actors performing monologues, comedians perform their sets, or poets sharing their work. There is also opportunity for artist to bring their paintings and sculptures to put on display. No Cover Charge! Sign ups for performers start at 7:30pm. The last Tuesday of the Month is Originals only...No Covers.

FREE BAGELS! House PA has one mic input and one instrument input. We had our first Open Mic last Tues and 25 people came…the best part was that I didn’t know a lot of them. This is nuts! God is giving us immense favor! The night was great and we are doing it every week. Sooo Cool!


1 In the land of Uz there lived a man whose name was Job. This man was blameless and upright; he feared God and

shunned evil.


Our OTC Missionaries in Israel, Sterling and Talia came home in December and we will hopefully have a report from them soon. Thank you for praying for them! :)

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Pray for our continued partnership with our Jewish brothers and

sisters in Jews for Jesus and Tikkun Olam.


The OTC has purchased it's first TV quality Camera and Editing software to begin filming videos, dramas, short films, and webisodes. We determined that God has given us a lot of people in the entertainment industry and we are responsible to steward their gifts wisely. We felt God leading us to create media that will encourage and teach believers and or cause the world to consider Jesus as their Messiah. Sweet! We will post them on Facebook, Myspace, Youtube and Godtube. I will send emails so you can check them out. :)


Thank you for PRAYING for favor, and a good reputation, and opportunity in the Jewish community in Brentwood. We are seeing growth in this area. We are seeing more and more Jewish people attend the OTC and God is blessing our reputation in the Jewish community! Praise God! THE OTC BABY! Vision: To Love People, See them Transformed, and Help them Change the World. We are rolling! Your prayers are being answered and we see God’s mission being accomplished in Brentwood…soon LA, and next the World.

PRAYER TEAM If you are interested in being a part of my personal prayer team please reply to this email with Prayer Team in the memo and I will add you to my team.


In February 2010 our support was $1600. PRAY God crushes us financially if that is what He needs to do to cause us to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength (I have said this a lot, but it is still true!). ANSWERED PRAYER I have asked you to pray that God allows us to get into a place that will increase our effectiveness for the kingdom, and lower our rent. We did! God heard your prayers and we move in a few days. Praise God! PRAY I get us packed and prepped for this move in time. PRAY God grows the OTC financially and increases its ability to have an impact on lives! PRAY for my Family too. That God would use the kids in the lives of their friends and at their school. That Lisa will be a light to the parents and in this community! In 2009 you PRAYED that God lower our monthly bills and up our support. He did lower our monthly bills. Praise God! In 2010 PRAY He ups our support.

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Money has kept ministers and churches out of this area for years, but we refuse to let it stand in the way of the gospel. PRAY God provides for us. Please consider forwarding this newsletter to all the people in your contacts list at least one time, explaining our mission and need, and maybe God will move in someone's heart to support God's mission to LA! Please have courage and faith no matter what you do! Thank you for all of your support! GIVE ONLINE? YES! SWBC reference number for paying your support to The Olive Tree Community through online banking: Reference #2057-2-80

Pray that God moves others to join the mission of reaching a community that has the ability to impact the world. Pray God provides the remainder $66,000 that my family will need to minister here in Brentwood.

GOODSEARCH Hey, I heard of an easy way to support OTC. Go to goodsearch.com and put The Olive Tree Community as your charity and then set it as your homepage. Every time you search using good search or purchase online using goodshop we receive money. It is easy and it helps us accomplish our mission.

This Week’s Celebrity Prayer Focus:

Sandra Bullock

When you hear her name mentioned on TV, or Radio this month…please pray a short prayer that God would

reveal Himself to her family and friends and they would experience

Jesus’ love.

Upcoming Events: Feb 1 4 t h Chi l d re n’ s Mi ni s t ry Val ent i nes Da y P art y O TC S u nda y MO RNI NG Gat he ri ngs O TC L i vi ng: Thu rs Gol f , S at u rday S urf i ng Col l e ge Gr oup Ev ery O t h er W ed Ni ght O TC O P E N MI C Ev ery Tu es 8-1 0p m

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Cards for California

Go to our Myspace profile or www.cardsforcalifornia.com to see anther way you can support OTC . Check out Cards For California…It is an unbelievable effort coming out of Chicago to support us and see God influence LA!

This Newsletter is also a reminder to send in your Support

for March 2010 You can give your support through online banking using the SWBC reference number that goes to The Olive Tree Community: #2057-2-80 Or The Commitment Card is attached to this Newsletter. You can simply print it off, fill it out, and send it in with your monthly support, and/or special gift. Payment and mailing instructions are on the commitment card.

Thank you for your support.

Find out more about Th e Olive Tre e Co mmunity at: myspace.com/ olivetreeCommunity Follow OTC on Twitter or become friends with Joe on Facebook and Join The Olive Tree Community Group

Check out The Olive Tree

Community’s Videos: The Daily D, Heath Ledger Tribute

Video, and more at… Youtube.com and

Godtube.com Myspace

Facebook Twitter

Simply Search Olive Tree Community

Email them to your friends, neighbors,

and co-workers as conversation pieces that can

lead to discussions about


The Big Commitments † Read your Bible

for a ½ hour every day. Pray for a ½ half hour every day.

† Bring your Bible with you to work or school.

† Invite 5 people to OTC Events a week.

† Fast once a month for 24 hrs for God to bring our friends, co-workers, and neighbors to Jesus.

Prayers for the Mission to

LA/Brentwood Pray God Provides

for the Basile’s Pray God Blesses

the Pics on LA Ink and Joe’s opportunities to Share Jesus on TV

Pray OTC sees 1000 people come to Messiah Jesus!

Pray God Protects Joe and Gives Him Vision

Pray God Blesses our efforts this messianic leader

Pray the Brentwood Community and Surrounding Area will experience revival

o General Population

o Jewish Community

o Celebrity Community

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OTC The Olive Tree Community is a Church/Synagogue plant in Brentwood/LA. Our purpose is to reach out to Celebrities/Jews/The Wealthy/The Common Person with the love of Jesus. If you have any Questions send us a message and we'll reply promptly. Blessings! Joe and Lisa Basile You can contact The Olive Tree Community at: 310-339-4137 [email protected] UN-SUBSCRIBE If you do not wish to receive the weekly email from me please respond to [email protected] with "no email please" in the heading.