Old Testaments

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  • The word testament means agreement or covenant.The Old Testament refers to the several agreements made by God with His Chosen People, and in a special way, to the covenant mediated by Moses through whom the laws of the Lord were given to Israel.The Old Testament is a collection of books of different literary genre, all expressing how the Chosen People experienced the saving work of God in their nations history.The Old Testament is also known as the Hebrew Scriptures since it refers to the collective written tradition of the Israelites.

  • "the economy of the Old Testament was deliberately so oriented that it should prepare for and declare in prophecy the coming of Christ, redeemer of all men. Even though they contain matters imperfect and provisional, the books of the Old Testament bear witness to the whole divine pedagogy of God's saving love: these writings "are a storehouse of sublime teaching on God and of sound wisdom on human life, as well as a wonderful treasury of prayers; in them, too, the mystery of our salvation is present in a hidden way.Catechism of the Catholic Church 112Dei Verbum 15

  • a.k.a.-TORAH the law-PENTATEUCH five containersThe Torah is revered by the Jews as the most sacred of all writings. The Torah was a tangible manifestation of Gods divine guidance in their earthly pilgrimage. This section is also called Pentateuch because it is made up of five books:GENESISEXODUSLEVITICUSNUMBERSDEUTERONOMY

  • The historical books tell the story of the chosen people as they strived to live the provisions of their covenant with God. Sadly, often they were unfaithful to the covenant. Nonetheless, the historical books highlight the fidelity of God, who was firm in his conduct of justice but abounding in love and mercy despite the peoples disobedience. JOSHUAJUDGESRUTH1 and 2 SAMUEL1 and 2 KINGS1 and 2 CHRONICLESEZRANEHEMIAHJUDITHESTHER1 and 2 MACCABEESTOBIT

  • Prophecy is among the recognized modes of revelation in Israel. The Prophets help the Israelites to see events as signs pointing towards God; they warn the people on the consequences of their infidelity to the covenant.

    The Prophetic writings contain the following themes:Faithfulness to GodJustice for the poor and the oppressedThe coming of the MessiahISAIAHJEREMIAH+LAMENTATIONSBARUCH



  • As the Israelites reflected on human life in the light of their faith, they composed prayers, poems, hymns, sayings, and parables which express their religious insights on the life, as well as on the different things that affect humanity.PSALMSPROVERBSSONG OF SONGSECCLESIASTESJOBWISDOMSIRACH(ECCLESIASTICUS)

  • It should be noted that while we call the first Testament Old, we do not mean that it is obsolete. Rather, we affirm Gods first love for Israel: that when God revealed himself to humanity, his had to start with a group pf people- the Israelites.

    This love was eventually universalized with the coming of Christ who mediates the new and everlasting covenant. Hence, the New Testament is the fulfillment of the Old. One would not appreciate the fulfillment if one does not know the promise.

  • THEO AERTS and BERNARD HURAULTTHE CATHOLIC BIBLEQuezon City: Claretian Publications, 2001

    IAN KNOX C.S.Sp.THEOLOGY FOR TEACHERSOttawa: Novalis Press, 1994