THE DAILY KTAXDAKD UNION: BROOKLYN. .SATURDAY. JANUARY 18. 1908. Social Wo*ld (Conuihtmon'. to* tht* departm.nl will he gladly rwMtvad. All communlctlona mat M •((tied with th. n.m« and adur*a* of tb* ••nder, not for publication union dHlrod, but la Inaur. trustworthiness and accuracy, and written upon but on. aid. of t h . papar. In- formation may oov.r at horn. day*, lunchauna. dinner., dance*, birthday parti... card partial. fUHti from out of town, eont.mplatad Jour- nays and club not... it will b* *ppr«clat*d If nolle* of thus av.nts ar. mailed In advance, •nd If d«.lr*d a reporter will ba tent at th* time, of th.tr occurrence. I A reception and dance, given at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Charles L. Barnes, of 24* York street, Tuesday evening, proved an enjoyable function. Good talent was provided, Including a Filipino orchestra. Among the guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Helfst, Mra. McGrath, Mr. and Mm. Meyers, Mr. and Mrs. Dowzerean, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Beaulien Mr. and Mrs. Asenlcler, Mrs. Tlmmle, the Misses Timmle, P. JT. Keshan, Robert Whitman, William Llslnget, Mr. and Mrs, John Wallace, Miss Mary Tedesca, Mr. and Mrs. Vane, Mrs. Laraia, Miss Laraia. Miss Mamie Lagmay, Miss Flynn, Miss Margaret O'Brien, Mr. Walker, Miss Walker. P. O'Brien, Miss Kate Waiters and Miss M. Campbell. ...... The ball of the William J.- Garden Association will be held Monday even- ing at Lutz's Teutonic Hall, Harrison ••enue and Bartlett street. Harry E. Connors will sing between dances, and Joseph F. Corrar will give violin selec- tions. On Tuesday evening next the J. E. Bates & Co. Employes' Association will hold a ball at Somers Hall, Rockaway avenue and Somers street. The Brooklyn Woman's Republican Union League was entertained last Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. F. P. Hill, 194 Greene avenue. Mrs. E. M. Frye was guest of honor, speaking at length on "Single Tax," which was thoroughly appreciated by the members present. An excellent literary and musical programme was provided, solos being sung by Mrs. Willis Oakley, con- tralto, and Miss E. Lockhart, soprano; piano solo by Miss Lillian Hill, and recitation by Mrs. J. Summerfield. George W. Hester, of 779 Franklin avenue, is spending a two months' vacation with his sister, Mrs. H. F. Betts, at South Windham. Mass. ...... / The Emile Zola Social Club Ladies' Branch will hold Its barn dance at Prospect Hall, Prospect avenue near Fifth avenue, to-morrow evening. Prizes are to be awarded for the most original costumes, and the committee in charge of the affair asures all who attend a very enjoyable time. The hall is to be oddly decorated for the occasion and a great surprise is in store. The John L. Sullivan Association will hold its ball at Somers Hall, Rockaway avenue and Somers street, this evaning. The officers of the asso- ciation are: John L Sullivan, standard bearer; F. J. Killian, president; M. Toner, vice-president; J. McCauley, financial secretary; A. Smith, record- ing secretary; A. Ohagon, treasurer; W. Fairrell, corresponding secretary; J. Dumbar, sergeant-at-arms. A very pleasant evening was spent st CTte Home of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Meyer, 1143 Herkimer street, last Sun- day, the occasion being the announce- ment of the engagement of Miss Bessie Meyer to A. Koen. Singing and piano playing played a prominent part dur- ing the evening's entertainment. Miss Dorothy Fischer, of Wilkes-Barre, Pa., sang many coon songs and was accom- panied on the piano by her sister, Lillian C. Fischer. Among those pres- ent were Mr. and Mrs. Morris Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Meyer, Mrs. Louis I. Fischer, Miss Lillian C. Fischer, Miss Dorothy Jean Fischer, of Wilkes- Barre, Pa., Jim Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Blanche, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meyer, Mra Koen, Samuel Meyer, Joseph Meyer, Isaac Meyer, Jack Meyer, Miss Anna Kuppens, Joseph Friedman, Miss Ray Sager, Mr. and Mrs. Weber, Oliver Curtis Parrot!, of Cooperstown; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rothbel, Miss Mary Marcus, Mrs. Marcus, Lawrence J. Mott, Mrs. Florence Crtsa, of Boise, Idaho; Mrs. Louis E. Teltelbaum, of Savannah, Ga.; Otto A. Rosalsky and Mlsa^Ida Ginsburg of Jamestown, Pa, ...... The annual installation of officers of the Henry Bloom Association took place oa Tuesday, Jan. 14, at head- quarters, 501 Grand street The Instal- lation was preceded by a theatre party at the Gayety, after which a dinner WM served, followed by speech xnakine. The annual ball will be held to-night at Arlon Hall. A party was held last Sunday at the home Of Miss Elizabeth Paston, 239 Bergen street. Among those present were Miss Elizabeth Paston, Miss Mary Healy, Miss Matilda Relnecke, Miss Mabel Squire. MUw Ellen Nallin, Miss Annie Miller, Miss Theresa Hoglan, Miss Annie Knauberg, Miss Jennie Lamb, Miss May Boyle, Miss Kate. Lynch, Miss Katherine Treaey, Miss Phoebe Lynch, Miss Ellen Lynch, Mra Elisabeth McGarry, Miss B. Brown. Mrs. Josephine Williams, Joseph A. McGarry. Richard Tonry, Tom Lynch, Qua Lynch, B. Shackleton, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Paston. A birthday party was given In honor of Morrla F. Solomon on Sunday, Jan. 12 at hi» home. Fred Frledell. Harry Weltzen and Aaron J, Gottlieb recited. Miss Gertrude Barshatsky played vio- lin selections. Dancing, singing, etc, followed. saaena An enjoyable evening waa spent by those who attended the second annual entertainment and ball given by the Merrymakers' Social Club at Arlon Hall latft Wednesday evaning. They also presented a comedy drama in two acts, entitled "Under a Cloud," under the personal direction of William B. Ruffner. The members in the cast were as follows: Eli Freeman, Samuel Lewis, Samuel Isaacs, Lester Isaacs, Barnev Abrsma. Ethel Nuasbaum and Miriam Klein. Tlia directors of the Emile Zola Club have sent out their notices to the mem- bers of thtlr Intention ta offer a reso- lution to incorporate the club on Feb. •. The purpose clause, of the certificate of incorporation will state that the ob- jects of the corporation will be to pro- mote the Interests, moral, intellectual, social and charitable ami to promote a feeling of kinship among Its members, the said members being only those per- sons who profess the Jewish or Hebrew faith. At the last meeting of the club held on Sunday at the clubrooms, 468 State street, the president. David Wolff, thanked the New Year's eve social com- mittee for the way in which they man- aged the affair. He also discharged them. Albert D. Stllea, a very active worker and a member of the commit- tee, responded and thanked the presi- dent. The Brooklyn Cumman pa Gaedlize held one of Its old-time meetings at headquarters, 153 Pierrepont street, Sunday, Jan. 12. Several of the old members returned to resume their stud- ies and a few new ones to begin theirs. Arrangements were completed for a lecture to be given by J. P. Hurley on "Distinguished Irishmen In America," on Sunday, Jan: 26, at 8 P. M. The junior and senior classes give exhibi- tions of Gaelic figure dancing, and there will, he says, be songs and reci- tations. A danco for all will end the programme. ...... Mr. and Mrs. B. Richards, of 41* Sec- ond street, celebratecMjiejtwentleth an- niversary of their wedding on Wednes- day. They received many handsome presents. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. F. Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Elllgott, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. James, Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. J. Vonder Helde, Mr. and Mrs. G. Relnfeld. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. ©rogan, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. A. Light, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Leigh, MIFS L. Keyes, H. Holmes, Miss K. Kain, F. A. O'Neill, Miss W. Kaln, C. Benz, Miss M. Kaln. G. Relnfeld, Miss L. Wakie, B. Grogan, Miss J. An- derson, J. Kennedy. Miss E. M. Ken- nedy, H. J. Relnfeld. Miss G. C. Gro- gan, F. A. Richards. Miss E. Flower, E. Richards. Miss C. McGee, E. A. Kilroy, Miss May, Mr. May, L. Flower and W. Richard. ...... The annual ball of the Bank Associ- ation takes place at Tammany Hall next Monday evening. There will be a reel and Jig contest between Thomas Ginger, J. Buchana, "Spunk" McCue and Little Tutts for a aide bet of $30. Lawren.ce L. Hart will be the referee. ...... The Cutters' Association of the Twenty-third Assembly District gave its first reception and entertainment at the new club rooms, 163 Buffalo avenue, on Monday evening, Jan. 13. After the installation of the newly- elected officers for the ensuing year a vaudeville show was given and among the performers were: Martin Hogan, tenor; William Fulton, pian- ist; Sullivan and Cummins, sketch; "Buck" McCarren, a monologue; Kate Levi, imitations, and A. Burns, recita- tions. Supper was served at midnight, after which dancing was enjoyed. Some of those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Quilty, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Lefkowitz, Charles Block, Miss Clara Salten, Abe Morris, Miss Rebecca Zimm, Daniel Sullivan, Miss Eva Cohen, James McLaughlin, Miss Winifred Engstein, Joe Cummins, Clara Lipsehltz, Andrew Bum*. Miss Maggie Cook, Joe Wallace. Miss Julia Flaherty, Lucien Eichelberger, Miss Mollle Mclntee, Thomas Cutter and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ben- nett, Marcy Rosenbloom, Louis Gold- stein, Morris Levi, Billy Kane, Col. Carroll, Billy Dorsey and Louis Mull. ...... The members of the Original Irving Pinochle Club and their friends gath- ered at Gus. Wunderltn's Hall on Wed- nesday, Jan. 15, for their annual hasen- pfeffer feast, which was prepared by Mrs. Gus Wunderlin, and was enjoyed by all who partook of it. John Herring sang some of his well-known songs. Among those present were: J. Alberts, G. Breitseh, C. Boeckler. A. Mafara. G. Verehrer, F. Rehman, J. Spallholz, G. Ekner, M. Dltmar, A. Zeiblg, J. Zlnk, Ph. Mekling, M. Schleyer. A. Scherrer, J. Grossman and G. Wunderlin. ranged by the committee In charge of the entertainment is a special electri- cal diaplav »f up-to-date stage effects. Twenty of the beat electricians em- ployed in theatres are now at work preparing special electrical effects which will be ahown and explained at the hall on the night of the enter- tainment. The officers of the local lodge are. Charles Collins, president; Leo Burns, vice-president; James Smith, treasurer; Louis Bischoff, fi- nancial secretary: J. F. Anderson, cor- responding secretary; Theodore Hoff- man, marshal; Samuel Hey man. ser- geant -at-arma. The trustees are: C. J. McFadden, chairman; Charles Pearsall, Charles Von Ronk, Louts J. Horn and W. J. Stratton. ...... The annual beefsteak aupper of the Pearl Pleasure Club (Inc.) was held on Wednesday evening at the club- house. Pearl and Prospect streets. The house was beautifully decorated and the rooms were strewn with palms. The officers of the club are: Joseph A. McCann, president; Michael Healey, vice-president; John W. Prenderville, secretary; James Brady, correspond- ing secretary; William H. Dooley, Sr., treasurer; Timothy Whalen, sergeant- at-arms. Board of trustees—James A. Ryan, William Flockhardt and Joseph Donohue. Entertainment committee— J. W. Prenderville, William H. Dooley and E. F. Morency. Among those present were: Alderman G. A. Colgan, Assemblyman James Jacobs, Martin F. Conly, William Beatty, Frank Part- ridge, ex-Alderman Lawlor, Civil Jus- tice Walsh, Hugh Carey, Richard Dowdell, Joseph Byrne, Joseph Mc- Cann, Michael Healey, William H. Dooley, Sr., J. W. Prenderville, James Brady, Timothy Whalen, James Ryan, William Flockhardt, Joseph Donohue, Jerry Shea, William Coughlln, Thomas Gray, John Garron, Willis Dooley, John Dooley, Miles Dooley, John Flan- nagan, James McCullough, C. Van Blaircon, Jesse Cook, John Klrchner, John Harrigan, Sr., Wiliatn McGuin- ness, Michael Elmore, William Lyons, E. F. Morency, Thomas Plunkitt, Michael McCarthy, Daniel Murray, Peter Griffin, James Cavanagh, Thomas Kelly, William Crasser, Harry Bell, William Burke. Patrick J. Dougherty, James Tubman, P. J. Crane, James McBride, Henry Curry, Michael Addison, William Wtlmont, Robert Wilmont, Matthew Bauer, William Ryan and John McGulre. Morris G. Michaels, Christian A. Ruckmich and William A. Vollmer, all of Brooklyn, are among the twelve Am- herst College Juniors, to share the Ladd prize of J50 in books by John W. Ladd 093), of Portland, Ore., for ex- cellence In writing ami presenting an oration In the course of public speak- ing. ****** Last night a leap year dance was given by the Paramount Club at Arlon place, near Broadway. A large crowd attended the affair. The arrangement committee included Misses R. Saka- love M. Rochsteln, D. Berkowitz, J. Krystall, S. Berkowitz, E. Cohen, I. Wernlg, F. Hoffman. bars and their aru**t» in a ffc* report of th* Audit - Forty Years la Mean abend Use. Unequalled •Tor Cleanlna - » * Polishing SILVERWARE AMD AlX FlNB MgTAUI. Send address for a P K K E HA.Mfr.r. EI,I-CT«O SIM-JOB CO., 80 Cliff St., N,.w fa*. Grocers mad D r a a a l s t a s e l l I L t.rtalned th. hoapltabl* manner. in* Committee skewed 'he finale** of th* branch to b* !*> a s asml'tia condition. Th* financial MoratafT stated the recaipt* of th. meeting w*r« th* *ri**t in a year and nam** ' »*ven prospective candidate* war* *ub- ! Beald** til* Installing officer* there •iiilt. a detention of knights from Branch Mo*, beaded by Bros. "Uiughrait, Cunningham .-Hater. The officer, initialled were: John i Itturfc*. president; Qeorge Keenan. vtc*- resident; A. M. Smith, recording secretary; H A. K*»«»lart, financial «-. r«tery; P. J. !>«ley, treasurer; Patrick Pttigeraid, sentinel; J P. Cur*, aargeant-at anus, it. 1. Ounlon. morrow evening, under th*- dire Julius H. Krueger, at the church rose, near Union avenue. «*•«•« I'lill Kearney Circle, No rand Army of th* Rej . ig on Monday evening lull. 103() Gates if N I and onu till Kearney Circle meets urth Monday evening* * gat Ion of th. Or. ' ... of Manhattan, on iig. ss...« fl, Ladles' of the lie, held its meet- at Hart's 1 -i .•• comrade wm it. wax Initiated. on the second and •f each month. A Ited tflocum Circle, Wednesday even- 14 Minutes Borough Hall Sub. Station To i4th Street Express Station, New York Mfi Social Items King. County Council. National ! ske-a. No. liiS, held it. first rcgulai for ISO* at Wilbur Hall, Pultun Mra Brooklyn avenue on Tue*day *v*nl 1. Tl.re,; candidate, war* r*i membership. President Watkin. and nil de- gree team performing th* inltl ,-. perfectly After Iniation th. officer, for the new year to.! Deputy Burnharo. of Brooklyn Ing Installing officer. H* wti >n ex-PiesMent IJoyd, of Brooklyn as marshal. President Wat kins, :• . i. on taking the chair gave a brief resume of the work done the past year a> gnttuiated the council on Its effort, to ad- vancfi Nutional l'nion affairs along ft lines Among other things he - i* council', trip to Heckenaat and Trenton, N. J., where the inh /. had been exemplified. He also I the return vlaists of Hackensack, Passaic, Peterson and Jersey City Cout •-. Ivory and ebony gavel. Or: Kings County Council of a han<l».rr>. . ivory and ebony gahel. <jn bebcil f King. County Council in teeognltion of his faithful services Senate Deputy Burnnam presented President "Watklns with a i watch charm, emblematic of lb ex-presldent'. badge was prese President Mitchell. Th" Aud reported that It had foun-1 I book, accurate and a good ba treasury. Klnirs County Coun stltuted May 1R. 1891, with I t>ers and has had a steady Since Its organisation asventee It has had fourteen deaths. P£ld beneficiaries belns $4O.0'>n of Insurance in force $433,000 ...... The annual installation of O. K. Warren Camp, No. 92, S. O. V., and O. K Y Ladies' Auxiliary. No. 9. was held on Thurs- day at Empire Hall. Ten Byck and Lorlmer streets. Following is a list of off! the camp: Commander. Peter f Carroll; senior vice-commander. John T B vce: jun- ior vice-commaml'jr. Qeorce Hy.i imp Council—Howard Bunk. : V '. Samuel Mooney Delegate. John M Kenney; alternate, David Harris; treasure! Harris; secretary, Charles Jenkins! ebep- lain. Samuel Mooney; . , - « r c n t i i I R. White; sergeant-of . ney: principal musician. Daniel Eb poral-of-guard, Seth R. Johnson. Jr guard. John Ivers; picket guard, Alb. Mltall; patriotic Instructor, Henry Bennett. sergeant-major, John J Kenney. The offi- cers of the auxiliary are: President, Mrs. Emma Hoffner; vlce-pre.ident, Mrs. Emma White; secretary, Mrs. Mary I, Boyee; treasurer, Mrs. Scrantnn; chaplain, Mrs. Bunker; guide, Mrs. Llzzl. Jenkins; assist- ant guide, Mrs. Pritchard: inside guard, Mrs. Williamson; outside guard. Mrs. Marsha; council of administration. Mrs. Ijmt Monday evening her. the annual Install.! ternity Council, No. lit*. Through tl • .inmlttee, hearted ther Stephar.-, **rtad Into a veritable i.i .1,3 from varloua coun it y, fjen Putnam, Old ami Newtown war* art Crand Regent Ma accompanied by hi* staf the room by Pii- inltlfttion of N W I* m <it being the first r-.. council in 190&, the \> at the Grand Regent o the fallowing off. in it* council cham- n of officers of Fra- Itoval Arcanum, took • the Entertaia- rator Cabbie and had been con- ...ial bower. Delega- lia. Including Vlmer- iXMBg Island nistrict Deputy .,r old Glory Council, ', was ci.naucted Into Klein After th*! i. who has the honor er admitted into this D at on behalf New York Installed the year 10O8: Regent, '. itiarles Allen: i it. Orator. H any J. Pearson: . er A. Vaubel: "hajdaifi, Frank Mare- ;;, Sentry T. C. ariner. The instaila- i. dignified and satis- hand of Fra- H ARU DRY GOODS FOURTEENTH STREET, West of Fifth Avenue. NEW YORK. T '. \m Ti - s - tfli am An ex- ? tee tbe In fr:i - - " I ' - * * a*n amount Cut lit. I . A. Harruo Collector. W. 1 land; Warden, WilliJ Peek; Trustee. F. B lion was conducted I factory manner The off ternity Council, hen -iter Hill. gave a fine programn • throughout the i mony. On behalf of th. .ounc:l Tru?'.e.- Myles O'Reilly pr***st*d to retiring Regent Wttsch- |< I.. n a Past Regents Jewel. Past Regent Witschleben responded to Trustee. O'Reilly's presentation speech with a few words, in which he thanked the members for the sup- port they had given him throughout his terra. is charges having been brought against Brother Hill he was brought before the Regent to answer the charge of having for ten yearn or mere aided and abetted the orators in perpc the council various and numer- ous entertainments. Being found guilty he w a* sentenced to receive from th. orator* a (small token of their esteem in the shape of a diamond studded watch charm. For bringing In new members Vice-Reient Ulea was also presented with a charm. Addreaa** were made by the D. D. G. R. and several vislt- Intj regents and past regent., and after a solo by Brother Btephany the council adjourned, to partake of a buffet luncheon. NEW GLASSES ON S AT KENNEL EXHIBITION Miss May Fetiman, of Tupper Lake, la visiting Jier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fellman, at their home, 274 Floyd street. ...... The' mask and civic ball of the Ja- maica A. C, Inc., will be held at Brelt- kopf s Congress Hall, Atlantic avenue and Vermont street, to-night. ...... The second In a series of Sunday afternoon musical concerts under the auspices of the Brooklyn Neighborhood Association will be held to-morrow af- ternoon In the rooms of the Asacog Boys' Club 102 Pineapple street Vol- unteer talent. Including a quartet and several soloists, will furnish the enter- tainment. ...... At th* home of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Lewis, 748 Madison street, a surprise party was given to Mrs. Mary E. Lewis by her relatives and friends In honor of her eightieth birthday Wed- nesday evening. Jan. 15, She received a number of pretty gifts. The evening was spent in playing games, and with vocal and instrumental music. A sup- per was served at 12 o'clock. The fol- lowing were present: 'Mrs H. J. Will- lams, Mr. and Mrs. William V. Garner Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Crowley, Mr and Mrs. H. Birdsey, of Bridgeport. Conn.; Mr, and Mrs. J. R. Lewis. Mr. and Mrs, C, S. Lewis. Mr. and Mrs J H Blood, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hanlon, Miss S. b. Blood, Mrs. Rosa, Miss Marie Ross, Miss 8, M. Blood, H. S Lewla. J. R. Lewis, Jr., Mr. and Mrs M, T. Clarke, Mrs. James Fredericks Miss Mary Lincoln, O. Fredericks Miss Mildred Clarke and Mrs, Thomas, of Milwaukee, Wla. A regular meeting of the Aryowlus H. T. Association will be held at head- quarters, 178 Bridge street, to-morrow, at 3:30 P. M. Members are requested to meet at headquarters, 176 Bridse street this evening, at g o'clock sharp, for the Purpowi of attending the barn dance of Washington Hone Comnanv No. 1. of Outtenherg N . j . "which takes place at Muhlhsunef, Hall Btillsferry road and Franklin avenue! Qui ten berg. N. J, ' On Feb. II. at Saengerbund Hall, the Girls of Adelphl College chapters of two national fraternities combined last evening to give a clever and amusing play In the college -hall. Added in- j represented^were "McDeer' Camp terest was given by the fact that Ule gSIsp? fo^vT^hmtJi author as well as stage manager was j s. o v. Auxiliaries Miss Florence Boole, who was graduat- j and th*^ternary 1 h ed with the class of June, 1907. The play was "A Plutonic Friendship; or a Mad Dream of What Happened to Proserpine." While keeping distantly to the ancient legend of Pluto and the abducted Proserpine, the plot of the story was made to revolve around the doings of Adelphl girls. A synopsis of the play tells that the scene is the Adel- phl study hall, where a spread is tn progress. And it Is from this entranc- ing spot that Proserpine is carried away, and where the students lay plans to rescue her. The second scene is the court of Pluto, where, after many in- trigues, the students manage to regain the lost girl. The doings of the char- acters and the dialogue of the play were most amusing, and its allusion to college llfeNaiid college jokes kept the audience in gales of laughter. There were also several lively songs. The two fraternities were Beta Sigma Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma and Alpha Kappa Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta. All who took part were members of one or the other fraternity and even the ushers were fraternity girls. The play was written and given for the benefit of "Uttuus," the college paper, which has a debt of a year's standing which its managers are anxious to pay off. The amount of money realized by the play will, it is thought, wipe away the debt. ,. I New classes have been made and mane d new specials offered for the thirty-second - '' annual bench show of the Westminster Ken- Ciub, whb h will be held In the Madison s-iuare Garden Feb. 11 to 14, and from the ober of entries already received the show ' should be even more successful than those of the past. Entries close Jan. 211, with James Mortimer, Superintendent, 1123 Broadway. One of the new classification, wlil be that of Esquimaux dogs, entries for the class*. being guaranteed by M. Robert Guggenheim. , who has a large kennel of this breed secured White and Mrs. Pritchard; delegate, Mrs. |._ ..„„,,„ „„,, . . K „ ,,«,, *-„,*-* , „ _ , „ «. Pritchard. A large delegation from Warren j ln Alaska, and as he had decided to cite an Post, 280, G. A. R„ included Commander- j exhibition of the way the dogs are used, elect John O'Brien, S. V. Commander Baker, j on the last day of the show, when he will Comrade. Johnson. Duane. Mltall. Smith, 'drive them around the ring with a Klondike Osborne and Gregory^ Other organization, j rig, it should be an Interesting .ight. An 1908 T _ 1908 T Jar}. T " ! Sun. ! ] 1 5 12 Mon. 6 Tues 7 WetL Thur; Pri. 1 2 3 8 9 10 Sat. ! 4 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 26 27 28 29 30 31 I f ! ! ! i j 1 * i i i I ,. i JAN. 18 IN HISTORY. 1889—Baron Charles M ntesquieu. French £ died 17ri.l. established be- i Canada he British at aken at Water- Chapel Royal, ie British under writer and scientist 1797—Weekly mall m tween the I'n 181S—Americans re;, Frenchtown. on ;.ak 1816—The French standards loo deposited in th Whiten*!!. 1828—Phurtpore taken by tl Lord Comberroere 1854—William Walker, the fillbtater. pro- claimed the republic of Sonora in L,ower California 1S71—King William of Prussia proclaimed German Emperor. 1873—Lord Edward Bulwer Lytton. English novelist and playwright, died; born May 25. 1»03. 1S84—Steamer City of Columbus wrecked of* Gay Head, with loss of ninety-seven lives Grand ave., near Fulton «t., 7:4S P M Rev. Dr. George D. Adams, Slipping Into a Gambler's Hell." Bedford Branch V M. C. A , Bedford ave. and Monroe »t. 4 PM Lecture. "A Half Hour With the Diction- ary, St Mlchael-s Lyceum. Forty-second. »t, between Third and Fourth ave* after- noon. •»••• Surrogate Ketcham and Arthur Brisbane, to joint annual meeting, Hebrew Education- al Society, Pitkin ate arm Watkln. «t, 8:30 Dr. William H Tolman, "The Commercial Value of Beauty," Men'* Club, Alt Soul* (hurch parlors. Ocean and Ditma. ave*.. 1 i M i Annua! memorial services. District No *• Kings County I O O F. Bushwick *v*7! congregational church, corner Cornelia st Judge William J Qarnor. "The Trial of Jesus from a Lawyer's Standpoint." Baptist I Temple. Third ave, and Schermerhorn »t„ Andrew Tarde, "Christ's Second Coming ! and HI. Reign of One Thounand Tears on 1 the Earth"; Sherman Hall. 215 Washington »t.. n p. M. Alfred W. Martin, "The Spiritual Great- neaa of the Real Jesus," Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture, Aurora Grata Cathed- ral. Bedford ave. and Madison «... 3:30 P. M- CHPRCH Mrsrc. Holy Trinity. Clinton and Mont««u* *ta: 11 A. M Poatlude. double theme varie Rossean Deum,'•<> C Baldwin Jubilate ln G. . Calkin Offertory, "O Come Redeemer of Man- kl" d " John E, Wert Soprano and tenor solo; chorus Postiude. Grand Chorus in D. .. Guilmant 8 P. M.— Prelude, pastorale and Intermexao from Sonata in G Rhineberger Masmificar ? Nunc Dimitt's i Stanford. Offertory. "BHgmest and Best" ... . Parker Soprano .oio; chorus. Vesper Hymn Beethoven EVENTS TO-DAY. Innovnermrntt in this column icill be mad* Claason ave.: A. M— "O Jesus Thou Art Standing" Howard ave.. Shepeard near Herkimer 8. O. V.; V; R. V. Young Relief Corps, and officers of War- other new class Is that for Irish wolf bounds, a dog somewhat larger than the Scottish deerhound. and a breed which has been believed to be practically extinct, but breeder* spec: and who have been successful. The usual large number of specials at this show had been greatly augmented this year. The Ladies' Kennel Association of Massachusetts has greatly Increased the number of prize, for It. members, and the St. Timothys, •t.: 10:4« A- M — Offertory, "Hall Gladdening LUrbt." Sofb. William Hawkins. •Te Deum In G. Hopkins Lafayette ave-, corner South Oxford *t.: A. M — •rifftout charge and are respectfully invited. \ "Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee." j Rhelnberger Thumb-bit, Mar.haawt Club. 440 Clinton) "Communion" Guilmant St., 8 P. M. P- M.— Third midwinter dar.ce. Pouch Gallery. I "P*alm XLII. Cantata" .... Mendelssohn Jans Hyatt Brewer d tree tar. ^•^••Bt; Mr and Mrs Sidney Baker, 1 683 Decatur St.. S-ll P. M. | Tabernacle. Manhattan ave., head of Noble Five novitiates were Invested with the Entered Apprentice degree in Lexington Lodge, No. 310. F. and A M.. on Monday night. Worshipful Brothers Meverberg. of Orion Lodge; Westlake. of Kzel, and Church, of Lexington, assisted in the worm. Charles D. McBride, master of the lodge, welcomed a number of brethren to the East, includ- , ins Right Worshipful. Abel Crook and C. A. t by the Pet Doy Club of America, for small . tton, Arlon Hall. Arion pi. and Broadway. Tensor, Worshipfuls Amilton. Dunston. Wal- ' " ton, Cook, Murray, Drew, Dall, Pouch, Hfboaj Cooper, Gates, Dunn, Keety and Smith. Tea, Elmlra College Club of New York j City. Hotel Majestic. 3-6 P. M. Third annual ball the Gotham Social Club. i Beck's Casino, Jamaica and Hale ave*. Meeting. Pioneer*" Literary Club of Ea.t many challenge cups and other prize, of the New York, 540 Schenck ave , s p. M. Ladles* Kennel Association of America will Fifth annua] bail Murray Baseball Club, be up for competition- In addition there New Atlas Club, Centre and Himrod *tn be ft long list of new specials offered | Annual mask ball Henry Bloom Asuocta Morning Star Detachment, No. 1. Daugh- ters of Columbia, will hold a special meet- ing at the K. of C. Institute, 81 Hanson place, to-morrow, at 3 P. M. Harry "Wtilfers entertained a large number of friends at Hart's Hotel, last evening, Boring the evening there were games, vocal and instrumental music. At 10 o'clock a collation was served for twenty couples. Social... CJb-Ufcl) Notes The following officers were installed In office at Alpha Lodge, No. Irt2. A. O. O. W.. at the meeting rooms. 125 South Elliott Place, on last Wednesday evening: William B. Hendrickson. past master workman: By- ron E, Meade, master workman; John G, Wendie, overseer; John A. Brennan, fore- man; George B. Stftyley, recorder: F. H. Newcomb, financier; William Woods, re- ceiver; George G. Jacobsen, guide: P. V. Bo- gert. Inside watchman; A. H. RusselL* out- side watchman Past District Deputy Brother Biedcmann conducted the installa- tion ceremonies The new officers will at until Dec. 81, 1903, The ent.rtalnmmt mittee for the present ye*nr is *oms mad st th* fallowing: William Woods. cha:rman, F. H. Newcomb, John G Wendie, John A! Brennan, George G. Jacobsen and William T. Martin. To-night at the A.sembly. Gen. George H. Jackson and staff will officiate at the in- stallation of the newly-elected officers of Erafltus T. Tefft Post, No.«355. G A. R Th* following comrades will be Installed P. H. Brower, commander; A. S. Dor»mn», senior vice-cotnm.nder, James B. Haig, Ju- nior vtce-commender; Charles H. HawxV quartermaster; Norman G. Cooper, John McMthon, surgeon: Oscar A. " chaplain: Max Zimmerman, officer of the day' John Lawton, officer of the tuart: Fred, A. Stratton, color Dearer and outside guard. Following the in*tallatfon cere- monies a reception will be held and tight refreshments will be served. dogs, and specials offered by the Great Dane : Eighteenth annua! eostum* ball. Orchard Club of Austria. To encourage the breed- i Bug. Eckford Hail. Eekford and Ca!y*r at* ing of St. Bernard's* which had lost some 1 **The Speed Claa*." Loesberg Literary So- of their popularity at the last show, the St- teiety, *ebool building. Rockaway and PIUs's Bernard Breeder*' Association has of fered J ave*. a !ot of new cups for which there woi be [ Annual meeting; Dyker Meadow Golf Clas, strong competition. i Hamilton Club, Clinton and Remaen *"•*«„ As has been the ease in the last two 17 P. M. years, there will be contests between pack*! Annual ball Jo*n L. Sullivan Asanc*" on the last day of the show, f 158> is eaah ) ^""» or p'ate being offered for the best pack of ; vomers »t English foxhound*, and the same pri** for i Eighth annua! packs of Americas foxhounds. wfcfSe there i Hoffmann's Hall will be a $75 prise for packs of beagle* 1 Oiendaie The special prize, for sporting dogs are i Annual ma** and civic ball. Henry Bloom more numerous than in other year* and, as i A 1 3* tIOB * Art*™ Hall, Arlon pL. near mo»t of them are to be won outright, th* 1 Broadway contest will be strong. Somer* Hail, Rockaway ave. «t-— Anthem. "Praise the Lord" ...Buck "In Humble Faith and Holy Love".Garrett "I Was Glad When They Said Vnto Me." Bp*ne. Trio. Father, Lead Me By Thy Hand." Butterfleld Daniel Wood, organist and mn*ical director. *ali Wehster Social Cooper and Myrtle M E F . I G M COLLEGES CHALLENGE BRITISH At a meeting af the executive committee of the Intercollegiate Association of Amateur Athlete* of America last night in th* Fifth Avenu* Hotel, the following re«olut!on was adopted: Resolved. That a copy of the letter of Gustavu* T Klrby, chairman of th* Ad- ee. to th* Right Honorable f, O. chalr- The cosy meeting room of St Charles Bor- romeo Branch. No, 244, Cathotie Knijhts of America, was crowded with the member* "f the branch and visiting brother knisbts !s*t [The attention of pastor, and bead* of -'Tuesday night to take part in the Instalia- ehurch work commit!... 1. particularly o i l * \ t ? ££S£T« t& ^sToSn/i to thl* department, which 1. entirely devots.1t boroush of Brooklyn, R™ C W Conklln sa- te the social life of Ihe church. Accounts of j»t«ted by Supreme -Trustee M'ch.ei <ju;nn .in i church reception*, euchre. I s< * rRm *- r Euchre, DepBtlew* Association, O. ot 1*. M&retta Mansion, Gate* and Bushwick ave*., S:30 P. M- Installation dinner G'.'bett Council, No 1348, R. A , Johnston Building, Fulton and Nevtns wis Annual ball Yannj Ladies' Aid Society, Metropolitan Saenger Hall, Pitkin av*. and Watktns at. Euchre. Deputies Association D. of T.. Maretta Mansion, Gate* and Bushwick ave*, S;3» P M. Revival servicaa, John Wesley P*nteeo*tn] Church. Saratoga, ave. and Sampler st.. 2;30 and 7:30 P. M Annual banquet, th* SchoolmeB «* New York. Hotel St. Denis, Broadway and Eleventh st . 6 P. ML Masque and eivto hall, Jamaica A. C. inc. Breitkopf*. Ooogre** Hall. Atlantic ave. and Vermont *t. Wyandotte. K. C basketball and datae*. Eastern Parkway HalL Eastern parkway. Dc*n «t> and Stan* in. Thirty-eighth annual hall, WflHamsburs rd De.borough of Taptew, c V. O . chair- Bos* Bakers Verain, Sehwaben Hal), Kr.lck- mas of the Briti.h Oivmpic Committee of (erbockar and Myrtle aves the Olympic Game, of London, IMS, be filed ' In*taltefton Paat Dictator*', Veteran** and with the record, of the association ••*d that' Knlghta of Hoaevr A**»ciation, Wlibar Hall. the act of Mr Kirbr in *eni!;n. ».:- - ,i a com-!* Brooklyn ave.. S P. M. manlcation be approved: and fart tier, and tnl Elshteeoth annnal coatum* ball ana eircu. the *ttd thai the athletes now students ta|* r th* Orchard Bug*. Eckford Hail, Eckford the unlver»ities and colleges situated In th* | *»*, C**r*r »•* . °. I , *^P 0, 55 Ish Empire may meet |g rri UNDER COVER BALL WAS VVELL ATTENDED. Hundreds of grotesquely garbed danc- ers and merry makers crowded Pros* Hall to the doors last night on the occasion of the fourth annual mask and novelty ball of the Under Cover Society. This affair, in the few years that if has been held, has gained a wide reputation for gaiety ami fun. r.nd tnose vrho came oat list night In : seareb of a good time were not dlsap- I pointed. The scene In the ballroom 1 was a brilliant one, especially at the j stroke of 12, when serpentines, con- I fetU and novelties were distributed. An Ihour later t%e guests were tatrodueed jto a real novelty ln the form of what ' was referred to oa tbe programme as a j "balloon dance." During a waltz num- I ber several hundred toy balloons in a variety of colors were released from above and as they floated down there was, of course, a wild scramble to gain possession of them. The fun broke up at a late hour and all went home well satisfied with th* e%'ening*s entertainment. Br: agal the sociables, fairs, for th* benefit of church work, and of meet- ing* and dinner, of men's and women'* eluhi are desired, and wtil be published as soon as received. Please .tale If th. presence of a re- porter Is desired. All communication* must be signed with th* name and addres. of the sender, not for publication, unlesi desired, but to insure trustworthiness and accuracy, and must b« written upon but on* *Id* of th* paper. 3 An organ recital by Miss Wilhelmlne E. Freltag, assisted by Miss Oretchen Heldeklang, soprano, will be given In the Church of the Redeemer, Bedford avenue and Hewes street, on Wednes- day ivenlng, Jan. 22. The recital Is for the benefit of the Loyal Daughters' Fund. The programme will Include several classical sol. hief among them belngr the prelude to Wagner's "Lohengrin" and the Grand Chorus In D, by Guilmant. «*•**. The Holy Name Society of St. Am- brose's Church, DeKaJb and Tompkins avenues, held Its annual •Isettefi tt of- ficers on last Sunday. "Hie offiesT* se- lected for this year are: Jcneph A. Ok- hill, president; Patrick Connor, vtee- rotitin* busln*** had temi-anhu'U pas. word Imparted to th hers, a recess w*. taken for a «hor session, when th* officer, of the bra BCSIXESS OPPORTrXTTIKS Te Let. OLD fSlllSl BAKERY. Fixtures Complete; Easy Terms. lNqrimc tsi c6r»T ST.. DROOKI Y\ wasTsesBgzsBssgsamaan els and v e gathered t^ce-he f for eaten Hesolved. That t by t h i . re.o • te univ.rsltli 'cipire to r 1 coiieges of the "der and in seed lion, set forth i- Mr sod further Resolved. That t r , fl*borou. , > • O, r \ 1 in Treapyre- :'v and ea'ci Is ehalleage .1 n,i colleges ttf • is .-•sent the tame f r action tt colleges situs ted tn the erica, and may < hletes of the • in the metro; rd recreation. hi* association oe* Issue s el ugalns' ^t.-e. 'dance with t Kirby*. cc-nr - f, y.-.« o th* proper world will « -here- iarie, and nge to ' « British in!T»r»)tiea •if A m e r i c a •rge*- tvstcat ton; rable Lord -I- Tress- 's Oray. J, are re- <.: ej :. * . u s WHERE TO DINE. m rtxTOJi HT. Corner Jnhnunn *<t SILSBE'S ATLAKTfC CITT. GHALFONTE THE LEEDS COMPANY TALANTA BOAT CLUB ELECTS OFFrGERS At the annual meeting of In* Atslan- ta Boat CUih the follo*ing officers * r* elected last night: Presideftt^ iWIUiam C. Doeifher; first triee-pfwat' ..ent. Charles* K Xlaeen SSOOSd viee- l>iesid#«t, Jchn W. Rumpf treasurer, j Walter G. Frederleln; .ecretary, Thos- I J. Sosnnell; commodore, David Banks; Theatrical Mechanicsi' Assoctatlor." will I™ hold an entertainment and ball for the benefit of the death and sick fund. One of the special features being sr- Published by Termfa*ion Tht next unsolicited testtmenUI of importance to Ocetn Travel, ers will appear in this place on Mond.iy next, January ao, 1908, J. LEHRENKRAUSS & SONS, Steamship TJckit Agents fir Practically AH Important Lines. Foreign and Domestic Bankers, 179 Fulton Street Opp. Borough Hill and Subway Station, Ettabiiali-Ml W% t^ooklyn, N, Y. rer* John MCLotiirhll". f n: retary; Tnd W, l.utl tnc secretary; John < eecr«'tary; J«ne« Rap ter; Peter McKernin, n Corrlmtn, sacristan. Th.- R< H (:">' Doufherty is the splrio of ihe society. The latter ••> annual entertainment Schwann Hall Wedi April S2. PhlUp J. M< sen rhairman at Uie h*nt Cornmit tee and John .1 til elected secretary. The soolety will receive hoi morrow morning st the '. mass. In the evenlnji the t the soelsty and all the m.n Ish will bn addreasert William J. White, rector of of the Visitation *M*** The cantata "The Comlnc "f the Kinf," by Dwdley Bank, given Uw last •unday sreminf of tt* eld year by the emitr* e£ fhs f-trst flsmw BapUst Chu-ech, wtil b» repeatad hj- r«qu«t t *- niss- tlchaei harles I rector old its ion *t cnlnif, . cho- tnnent n «as of the •rm te- ••t f'OTEL DENNIS com Pnvbl 1 nrv <"aulfleld, s O'tit ;cn. Jr The Ht Hot 1 "* r .T'V*i**' 4 * r * B Prtrat. bath* wat.TBn ], - RttaBT r o R A V I K K A\LAW5fc D C A I ?T°% BO!,TH ' Twe eae He.ett ta wSM. -ta'siOgJ-y. ^ ^ »'lA.\tJ» AA», u.t.^.X PEASE PIANOS ham O, Msssey and John A Sq PINOCHLE TOURNEY. Result* «rf the p1t!«chl« cHarlM 3, HaubeH at the h»ad^«*n*r* »i Jan. 1«. I oe. i Stghth snnaaJ dtmier Clnorge White 'en'* is I elatlea. Btetal iBai-cy, Fifth av*. and Flfty- * cintft St., Manrjattan. T P M Kle-reBth annual ball Kiair* Cnue.ty Re- lief Aiwciatten, Inc. Meyers ConeonHa Hall, corner Oli-r* and De-roe *4s Review Fourteenth "Begirnent by Admiral Jneeph B. OsCttt.it. armory, Bitrltth av*., •p -i-teenth artd Fifteenth *ta. « P M Anna*! maik and civic bat' Court Oreater Kew Tsfk. N*. ta». Foresters of America. Daner** Rsll. Jamaica ave and Ward at. Hegtnrt*nt«l drtil Tftlrd BattaHo-s, Com- panies A, K and t* Twenty-third Ree-tment Armorv. Badfcuift and Atlantic aves. S P M Flftli anrmat dinner tltarvarslty Cltth Prea- Ident Seh«rm«n of Cornell ro*.t of hower. fsouth Osfn-fl »t. and lAfayett* ave., ? P. M. Asn-jal Bia*k and ef-rtc hall Co-art K»w- tow*. Kn. SMI. F- a* A_, Jtetrooolitan Park and Caatn.\ Metropolltaa aad Fioeh- ina* ave*. Mack and civic h*n Dahlgr«n Degree Team, Court Bahigven. Ko. #01. Foresters ef Armerfee. Ua*inic TeBtsla, C.rand and H*v»msyer at. Mrs. A n n a cSs-Mlr. ? p e w * r , "W*at th* tn- SH-idttal Caa Do to Further th* Interests of r*llaathrop}-,'' •f^M*tyn S'xi.ty for Hthtoa! CuJt«r*, IS* South Osf.ird at.. J P. X. F!r*t annas! !-ndc«r nttm -Brooklyn Peat Office C1erk*f A«»>c;a«tcn. socotid cootesrt.fnr Rt*»rt» t<#vtn» Cup. Armory, Fourteenth Regiment. I** ave. and Heyward st, S P. K. EVENTS TO-MORROW. Cenvoaatieo. FratersaJ League, 11,1 Dset*- Meetins, BrewsTlys PhUo-Celtle 'Feei.ty, 44t Atlantic av* , t P M. Award a-ald medal., St Stephen* lilckt and Rttmmtl «a.. afternoon TniMtsf m a s i meeting. I*bor -Lyceum. wi!io«1»aT av*,; aft*rw*ot*i. R*v. B9N. WHHam., -veer Thought mwi- las, T« Hanson pi.. | : M P. M Jeho F, Sutlwo, Franc i. C Wiliard. W. C. T XJ„ ItS Nassau ave.. * p M Mary S- Itaowltaa. Wrowning*. "Pippa Pa****.'* "Oatty Church, « m P. M. Preparation sarvito. Tabernacle, Mannat- taa svs., haad ef Kohl* « T M P M R*^', f>r, sV W s l l s o e Bmali. 8. D Rranc* T W. C. *_, t»« Kosth WHtth at., «:Se p M FuwMa r««*p(tan. Holy N*h1# (t«o»*«y. Chitroh ef St John tht Baptist, Tw*aty- first st. Po-arth annuel hall, "Hail Roam Beys," l.ieclerkraat* Rail, Manhattan ava and Mea- eroie wt R*v M*ettH>rt Shtptnaa, etf th* Heavenly RM, St, Fata!'a Chapel, Columhi* ITnlv**- »itv 4 P. M . OwSTS* W. Batn. "If I Could Live Lifa j Over Asatn." <*r*enr>oint Branch, T- M. C I 15 t U 1 MenMirtal flora* decoration of altar ay) r n Qeaene, Holy Trialty. Ototon aad | sarse tea. t*»iiten- i-titen- TRADE BOARD ARRANGES FOR ITS THEATRE PARTY. The Graham Avenue Board of Trade heM a brief meeting- Jsat ni-rht at 4« Graham avenue for the purpose of fur- ther consSdering the final arrana-ements for the theatre party of the board to be held at the Gayety Theatre on Jan. 11- There was considerable argument as to who should take charge of the final srrangementa. Finally Philip Williams came forward with a motion ur»tn** the Entertainment Committee to work in conjunction with Henry Wamcke, chairman of the Executive Committee, who first eruras-ed the thea- tre. WHERE OPIUM IS USED. The smoking of opium began In China and ta peculiar to the Chinese. The Hindoos and Malays eat it. Compttoeted and widespread aa the smoking habit is to-day, it la a modern custom as time runs in China. There seems to be little doubt in the minda ef those "Slno- loguea** who havo traced the opium thread back through the tangle of early missionary reports and imperial edlcta that the habit started either In For- mosa or en the mainland across the atrsJts. where malaria Is common. Opium had been used, generation, be- fore, aa a remedy for malaria; and these first smokers seem to nave tni-cad a little opium with their tobacco, which had been introduced by the •r-'-ortuguaaa In the early seventeenth eentnry, FrOTh thl» beginning. It would appear, was developed the rather elaborate -nttfU which the opium smoker of to-day con. B'd*rs neceaaary te his pieaaure.—Sam- uel Merwin In "Success Magasine.'* . THE TYPEWRtTER GIRL See the busy typist girt A* the pounds the keys, F riming other people's thoughts With apparent e.tse. j Scmettmea printing other things Team. Cowman > par- Over TS.iww purchasers in tsTir.rS^"* f pr »»* of their popul.nTy " TJSLL *}**—" w -v iFHta. moderate llaai » i « . L m n fts f"*" "«•*•• I »la0 sp- 8«U»4, •tot^a-'^. »•*•* •»«al*«»* •" ~ » ssraia roi **T Mats Revival sarviewa.. John Wertey Pentecostal, Because of lack of ears o aaTrkf""^ *™ *** *"***** ,l " J *Una thus producing In her I il Annuel handicap cr«i.-couatry rtm. Ptarl A strong Impulse to awssr, *iAt*l#tle ciah. frora Prens*. "«(*a9n Ave. [ gee her With her guileless face. •149 Mtsso, cartas*, tuning .tool's free, Geeta a oa, itn.H*rli and i and Bwaati-fal FaMtf an* SWWik fr*n» B naa. «' way eta- Pii>»ai|it, i i sau* . ftetw a..., Ar»-*s*r-r* Twettman a»d Wngate •awsimaB and A. He** %mmiumi aaS wn»r UaadiMr asd liJljjMii Th * n>»«tal mfaa -§m t er A ['•••HI usitt mwm i* miaetal #*ls» alas, H»*-a. H F t h * *»*an»t ("hflatianlty ) Sort J tety Brook- f Arlon Halt, | 21 Park. IJBUS Island 11 htetmm, B Fttlton ft sad IMmemur," St Ann's a j Llvincsten st.., a P. M. SI Fifth annual hali. Alumni 3 lyn H*or*w rtrehaa Asyltirr f Art** pl„ aaar Broadway. te.org* Staifriay to th*_ Christian Endeavor t 8 Sttalely. MMth R*forin*d Church, Fourth I t av« Ftfty»f!-fta St.. » F. If 4 Judge 4. CTBasra. "Oar tjoeal CantiM," 1 ' "thurek «f th* Holy Name, Parish Hail, I SlSth aajl Presptet avaa, « P, M- Bse. t*t Ttuwnss m. Puti.rtea. "Rome tte *wMT««t (Mr, Maklns *t h« The —G. A Boyd, note*, you a»e, f the use?" In Harper's Weeiity. NO 6UCH LC Mrs. Howard — Are trcuhla wltt* servmnOil py-ea- Tsirry-- k IJ#»r TO< c£imtii"iii""6w Fatfiam Ing treuMe with« - ou hs-rins* at -f*««I t«M%, Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniskifultonhistory.com/Newspaper 14/Brooklyn NY Standard... · hold a ball at Somers Hall, Rockaway avenue and Somers street. The Brooklyn Woman's

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Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniskifultonhistory.com/Newspaper 14/Brooklyn NY Standard... · hold a ball at Somers Hall, Rockaway avenue and Somers street. The Brooklyn Woman's


Social Wo*ld (Conuihtmon'. to* tht* departm.nl will he

gladly rwMtvad. All communlct lona m a t M •((tied with t h . n .m« and adur*a* of tb* ••nder, not for publication un ion dHlrod, but la Inaur. trustworthiness and accuracy, and written upon but o n . a id. of t h . papar. In­formation may oov.r at horn. day*, lunchauna. dinner., dance*, birthday part i . . . card partial. fUHt i from out of town, eont.mplatad Jour-nays and club not . . . i t will b* *ppr«clat*d If n o l l e * of t h u s av .nts a r . mailed In advance, •nd If d«.lr*d a reporter wil l ba tent at th* t ime , of th.tr occurrence. I

A r e c e p t i o n a n d d a n c e , g i v e n a t t h e h o m e o f M r . a n d M r s , C h a r l e s L . B a r n e s , o f 24* Y o r k s t r e e t , T u e s d a y e v e n i n g , p r o v e d a n e n j o y a b l e f u n c t i o n . G o o d t a l e n t w a s p r o v i d e d , I n c l u d i n g a F i l i p i n o o r c h e s t r a . A m o n g t h e g u e s t s w e r e : M r . a n d M r s . H e n r y H e l f s t , M r a . M c G r a t h , M r . a n d M m . M e y e r s , M r . a n d M r s . D o w z e r e a n , M r . a n d M r s . L o u i s B e a u l i e n M r . a n d M r s . A s e n l c l e r , M r s . T l m m l e , t h e M i s s e s T i m m l e , P. JT. K e s h a n , R o b e r t W h i t m a n , W i l l i a m L l s l n g e t , M r . a n d M r s , J o h n W a l l a c e , M i s s M a r y T e d e s c a , M r . a n d M r s . V a n e , M r s . L a r a i a , M i s s L a r a i a . M i s s M a m i e L a g m a y , M i s s F l y n n , M i s s M a r g a r e t O ' B r i e n , M r . W a l k e r , M i s s W a l k e r . P . O ' B r i e n , M i s s K a t e W a i t e r s a n d M i s s M . C a m p b e l l .

. . . . . . The ball of the William J.- Garden

Association will be held Monday even­ing a t Lutz 's Teutonic Hall, Harrison • • e n u e and Bart let t street. Har ry E. Connors will sing between dances, and Joseph F . Corrar will give violin selec­tions.

On Tuesday evening next the J. E. Bates & Co. Employes' Association will hold a ball at Somers Hall, Rockaway avenue and Somers street.

The Brooklyn Woman 's Republican Union League was entertained last Tuesday afternoon a t the home of Mrs. F . P . Hill, 194 Greene avenue. Mrs. E. M. Frye was guest of honor, speaking a t length on "Single Tax," which was thoroughly appreciated by the members present. An excellent literary and musical programme was provided, solos being sung by Mrs. Willis Oakley, con­tralto, and Miss E. Lockhart , soprano; piano solo by Miss Lillian Hill, and recitation by Mrs. J. Summerfield.

George W. Hester, of 779 Franklin avenue, is spending a two months ' vacation with his sister, Mrs. H. F . Betts, at South Windham. Mass.

. . . . . . / The Emile Zola Social Club Ladies '

Branch will hold Its barn dance a t Prospect Hall, Prospect avenue near Fif th avenue, to-morrow evening. Prizes are to be awarded for the most original costumes, and the committee in charge of the affair asures all who at tend a very enjoyable time. The hall is to be oddly decorated for the occasion and a great surprise is in store.

The John L. Sullivan Association will hold its ball a t Somers Hal l , Rockaway avenue and Somers street, this evaning. The officers of the asso­ciation a re : John L Sullivan, s tandard bearer ; F . J. Killian, president; M. Toner, vice-president; J. McCauley, financial secretary; A. Smith, record­ing secretary; A. Ohagon, t reasurer ; W. Fairrell, corresponding secretary; J. Dumbar , sergeant -a t -arms.

A very pleasant evening was spent s t CTte Home o f Mr. and Mrs. Morris Meyer, 1143 Herk imer street , last Sun­day, the occasion being the announce­m e n t of the engagement of Miss Bessie Meyer to A. Koen. Singing and piano playing played a prominent par t dur ­ing the evening's enter ta inment . Miss Dorothy Fischer, of Wilkes-Barre, Pa., sang many coon songs and was accom­panied on the piano by her sister, Lillian C. Fischer. Among those pres­ent were Mr. and Mrs. Morris Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Meyer, Mrs. Louis I. Fischer, Miss Lillian C. Fischer, Miss Dorothy Jean Fischer, of Wilkes-Barre , Pa., J im Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Blanche, Mr. and Mrs. Har ry Meyer, M r a Koen, Samuel Meyer, Joseph Meyer, Isaac Meyer, J a c k Meyer, Miss Anna Kuppens, Joseph Fr iedman, Miss Ray Sager, Mr. and Mrs. Weber, Oliver Curtis Parrot! , of Cooperstown; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rothbel , Miss Mary Marcus, Mrs. Marcus, Lawrence J. Mott, Mrs. F lorence Crtsa, of Boise, I d a h o ; Mrs. Louis E. Teltelbaum, of Savannah, Ga.; Otto A. Rosalsky and Mlsa^Ida Ginsburg of Jamestown, Pa,

. . . . . .

The annual installation of officers of the Henry Bloom Association took place oa Tuesday, J a n . 14, at head­quar ters , 501 Grand s t r e e t The Instal­lation was preceded by a thea t re par ty a t the Gayety, after which a dinner W M served, followed by speech xnakine. The annual ball will be held to-night a t Arlon Hall.

A party was held last Sunday a t the home Of Miss Elizabeth Paston, 239 Bergen street. Among those present were Miss Elizabeth Paston, Miss Mary Healy, Miss Matilda Relnecke, Miss Mabel Squire. MUw Ellen Nallin, Miss Annie Miller, Miss Theresa Hoglan, Miss Annie Knauberg, Miss Jennie Lamb, Miss May Boyle, Miss Kate. Lynch, Miss Kather ine Treaey, Miss Phoebe Lynch, Miss Ellen Lynch, Mra Elisabeth McGarry, Miss B. Brown. Mrs. Josephine Williams, Joseph A. McGarry. Richard Tonry, Tom Lynch, Qua Lynch, B. Shackleton, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Paston.

A bir thday par ty was given In honor of Morrla F. Solomon on Sunday, Jan . 12 a t hi» home. Fred Frledell. H a r r y Weltzen and Aaron J, Gottlieb recited. Miss Gertrude Barshatsky played vio­lin selections. Dancing, singing, e t c , followed.

saaena An enjoyable evening waa spent by

those who at tended the second annual entertainment and ball given by the Merrymakers ' Social Club at Arlon Hall latft Wednesday evaning. They also presented a comedy drama in two acts , entitled "Under a Cloud," under the personal direction of William B. Ruffner. The members in the cast were as follows: Eli Freeman, Samuel Lewis, Samuel Isaacs, Lester Isaacs, Barnev Abrsma. Ethel Nuasbaum and Miriam Klein.

Tlia directors of the Emile Zola Club have sent out their notices to the mem­

bers of th t l r Intention ta offer a reso­lution to incorporate the club on Feb. •. The purpose clause, of the certificate of incorporation will state that the ob­jects of the corporation will be to pro­mote the Interests, moral, intellectual, social and charitable ami to promote a feeling of kinship among Its members, the said members being only those per­sons who profess the Jewish or Hebrew faith. At the last meeting of the club held on Sunday at the clubrooms, 468 State street, the president. David Wolff, thanked the New Year's eve social com­mittee for the way in which they man­aged the affair. He also discharged them. Albert D. Stllea, a very active worker and a member of the commit­tee, responded and thanked the presi­dent.

The Brooklyn Cumman pa Gaedlize held one of Its old-time meetings a t headquarters, 153 Pierrepont street, Sunday, Jan. 12. Several of the old members returned to resume their stud­ies and a few new ones to begin theirs. Arrangements were completed for a lecture to be given by J. P . Hurley on "Distinguished Irishmen In America," on Sunday, J a n : 26, a t 8 P. M. The junior and senior classes give exhibi­tions of Gaelic figure dancing, and there will, he says, be songs and reci­tations. A danco for all will end the programme.

. . . . . . Mr. and Mrs. B. Richards, of 41* Sec­

ond street, celebratecMjiejtwentleth an­niversary of their wedding on Wednes­day. They received many handsome presents. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. F . Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Mc-Elllgott, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. James, Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. J. Vonder Helde, Mr. and Mrs. G. Relnfeld. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. ©rogan, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. A. Light, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Leigh, MIFS L. Keyes, H. Holmes, Miss K. Kain, F . A. O'Neill, Miss W. Kaln, C. Benz, Miss M. Kaln. G. Relnfeld, Miss L. Wakie, B. Grogan, Miss J. An­derson, J. Kennedy. Miss E. M. Ken­nedy, H. J. Relnfeld. Miss G. C. Gro­gan, F . A. Richards. Miss E. Flower, E. Richards. Miss C. McGee, E. A. Kilroy, Miss May, Mr. May, L. Flower and W. Richard.

. . . . . . The annual ball of the Bank Associ­

ation takes place a t T a m m a n y Hall next Monday evening. There will be a reel and Jig contest between Thomas Ginger, J. Buchana, "Spunk" McCue and Litt le Tut t s for a aide bet of $30. Lawren.ce L. Har t will be the referee.

. . . . . .

The Cutters ' Association of the Twenty- thi rd Assembly District gave its first reception and entertainment a t the new club rooms, 163 Buffalo avenue, on Monday evening, Jan. 13. After the installation of the newly-elected officers for the ensuing year a vaudeville show was given and among the performers were: Martin Hogan, tenor; William Fulton, pian­ist; Sullivan and Cummins, sketch; "Buck" McCarren, a monologue; Kate Levi, imitations, and A. Burns, recita­tions. Supper was served a t midnight, after which dancing was enjoyed. Some of those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Quilty, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Lefkowitz, Charles Block, Miss Clara Salten, Abe Morris, Miss Rebecca Zimm, Daniel Sullivan, Miss Eva Cohen, J a m e s McLaughlin, Miss Winifred Engstein, Joe Cummins, Clara Lipsehltz, Andrew Bum*. Miss Maggie Cook, Joe Wallace. Miss Julia Flaher ty , Lucien Eichelberger, Miss Mollle Mclntee, Thomas Cutter and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Har ry Ben­nett, Marcy Rosenbloom, Louis Gold­stein, Morris Levi, Billy Kane, Col. Carroll, Billy Dorsey and Louis Mull.

. . . . . .

The members of the Original Irving Pinochle Club and their friends gath­ered at Gus. Wunderltn's Hall on Wed­nesday, Jan. 15, for their annual hasen-pfeffer feast, which was prepared by Mrs. Gus Wunderlin, and was enjoyed by all who partook of it. John Herring sang some of his well-known songs. Among those present were: J. Alberts, G. Breitseh, C. Boeckler. A. Mafara. G. Verehrer, F . Rehman, J. Spallholz, G. Ekner, M. Dltmar, A. Zeiblg, J. Zlnk, Ph. Mekling, M. Schleyer. A. Scherrer, J. Grossman and G. Wunderlin.

ranged by the committee In charge of the enter ta inment is a special electri­cal diaplav »f up-to-date stage effects. Twenty of the beat electricians em­ployed in thea t res a re now a t work preparing special electrical effects which will be ahown and explained at the hall on the night of the enter­tainment. The officers of the local lodge are. Charles Collins, president; Leo Burns, vice-president; James Smith, t reasurer ; Louis Bischoff, fi­nancial secretary: J. F . Anderson, cor­responding secretary; Theodore Hoff­man, marshal; Samuel Hey man. ser­geant -at-arma. The trustees are: C. J. McFadden, chairman; Charles Pearsall, Charles Von Ronk, Louts J. Horn and W. J. Stratton.

. . . . . . The annual beefsteak aupper of the

Pearl Pleasure Club (Inc.) was held on Wednesday evening a t the club­house. Pearl and Prospect streets. The house was beautifully decorated and the rooms were strewn with palms. The officers of the club are: Joseph A. McCann, president; Michael Healey, vice-president; John W. Prenderville, secretary; J ames Brady, correspond­ing secretary; William H. Dooley, Sr., t reasurer ; Timothy Whalen, sergeant-at-arms. Board of trustees—James A. Ryan, William Flockhardt and Joseph Donohue. Enter ta inment committee— J. W. Prenderville, William H. Dooley and E. F. Morency. Among those present w e r e : Alderman G. A. Colgan, Assemblyman J a m e s Jacobs, Martin F. Conly, William Beatty, Frank Pa r t ­ridge, ex-Alderman Lawlor, Civil Ju s ­tice Walsh, Hugh Carey, Richard Dowdell, Joseph Byrne, Joseph Mc­Cann, Michael Healey, William H. Dooley, Sr., J . W. Prenderville, J ames Brady, Timothy Whalen, James Ryan, William Flockhardt , Joseph Donohue, Jerry Shea, William Coughlln, Thomas Gray, John Garron, Willis Dooley, John Dooley, Miles Dooley, John F lan-nagan, James McCullough, C. Van Blaircon, Jesse Cook, John Klrchner, John Harr igan, Sr., Wiliatn McGuin-ness, Michael Elmore, William Lyons, E. F . Morency, Thomas Plunkit t , Michael McCarthy, Daniel Murray, Peter Griffin, James Cavanagh, Thomas Kelly, William Crasser, Ha r ry Bell, William Burke. Patrick J. Dougherty, J ames Tubman, P . J. Crane, J ames McBride, Henry Curry, Michael Addison, William Wtlmont, Robert Wilmont, Matthew Bauer, William Ryan and John McGulre.

Morris G. Michaels, Christian A. Ruckmich and William A. Vollmer, all of Brooklyn, a re among the twelve Am­herst College Juniors, to share the Ladd prize of J50 in books by John W. Ladd 093), of Portland, Ore., for ex­cellence In writing ami presenting an oration In the course of public speak­ing.

****** Last night a leap year dance was

given by the Paramount Club at Arlon place, near Broadway. A large crowd attended the affair. The arrangement committee included Misses R. Saka-love M. Rochsteln, D. Berkowitz, J. Krystall, S. Berkowitz, E. Cohen, I. Wernlg, F . Hoffman.

bars and their aru**t» in a f fc* report of th* Audit -

For ty Years l a Mean abend Use.

U n e q u a l l e d •Tor Cleanlna - » * Pol ishing


Send address for a P K K E HA.Mfr.r . EI,I-CT«O SIM-JOB CO. , 80 Cliff St., N,.w f a * . G r o c e r s mad D r a a a l s t a s e l l I L

t .rtalned t h . hoapltabl* manner. in* Committee s k e w e d 'he f ina le** of t h * branch to b* !*> a s asml ' t ia condition. Th* financial MoratafT stated the recaipt* of t h . meeting w*r« t h * * r i * * t in a year and nam**

' »*ven prospect ive candidate* war* *ub-! Beald** til* Installing officer* there

•iiilt. a d e t e n t i o n of knights from Branch Mo*, beaded by Bros. "Uiughrait, Cunningham

.-Hater. The officer, initialled were: John i Itturfc*. president; Qeorge Keenan. vtc*-resident; A. M. Smith, recording secretary;

H A. K*»«»lart, financial «-. r«tery; P. J. !>«ley, treasurer; Patrick Pttigeraid, sentinel; J P. Cur*, aargeant-at anus , it. 1. Ounlon.

morrow evening, under th*- dire Julius H. Krueger, at the church rose, near Union avenue.

« * • « • «

I'lill Kearney Circle, No rand Army of th* Rej . ig on Monday evening lull. 103() Gates i f

N I and onu till Kearney Circle meets

urth Monday evening* * • • gat Ion of t h . Or. '

... of Manhattan, on i i g .

ss. . .«

fl, Ladles' of the lie, held its meet-

at Hart's 1 -i .•• comrade w m i t . wax Initiated. on the second and •f each month. A Ited tflocum Circle,

Wednesday even-

14 Minutes

Borough Hall Sub. Station


i4th Street Express Station, New York


Social Items K i n g . County Council. National ! ske-a.

No. liiS, held i t . first rcgulai for ISO* at Wilbur Hall, Pultun Mra Brooklyn avenue on Tue*day *v*nl 1. Tl.re,; candidate , war* r*i membership. President W a t k i n . and nil de­gree team performing th* inltl ,-. perfectly After Iniation th. officer, for the new year t o . ! Deputy Burnharo. of Brooklyn Ing Installing officer. H* w t i >n ex-PiesMent IJoyd, of Brooklyn as marshal. President Wat kins, :• . i. on taking the chair gave a brief resume of the work done the past year a> gnttuiated the council on Its effort, to ad-vancfi Nutional l'nion affairs along ft l ines Among other things he - i* council ' , trip to Heckenaat and Trenton, N. J., where the inh /. had been exemplified. He also I the return vlaists of Hackensack, Passaic, Peterson and Jersey City Cout • - . Ivory and ebony gavel. Or: Kings County Council of a han<l».rr>. . ivory and ebony gahel. <jn bebcil f King . County Council in teeognltion of his faithful services Senate Deputy Burnnam presented President "Watklns with a i watch charm, emblematic of lb ex-presldent' . badge was prese President Mitchell. Th" Aud reported that It had foun-1 I book, accurate and a good ba treasury. Klnirs County Coun stltuted May 1R. 1891, with I t>ers and has had a steady Since Its organisation asventee It has had fourteen deaths. P£ld beneficiaries belns $4O.0'>n of Insurance in force $433,000

. . . . . . The annual installation of O. K. Warren

Camp, No. 92, S. O. V., and O. K Y Ladies' Auxiliary. No. 9. was held on Thurs­day at Empire Hall. Ten Byck and Lorlmer streets . Fol lowing is a list of off! the camp: Commander. Peter f Carroll; senior vice-commander. John T B vce: jun­ior vice-commaml'jr. Qeorce Hy.i imp Council—Howard Bunk. : V '. Samuel Mooney Delegate. John M Kenney; alternate, David Harris; treasure! Harris; secretary, Charles Jenkins! ebep-lain. Samuel Mooney; . , - « r c n t i i I R. Whi te ; sergeant-of . ney: principal musician. Daniel Eb poral-of-guard, Seth R. Johnson. Jr guard. John Ivers; picket guard, Alb. Mltall; patriotic Instructor, Henry Bennett . sergeant-major, John J Kenney. The offi­cers of the auxiliary are: President, Mrs. E m m a Hoffner; vlce-pre.ident, Mrs. E m m a W h i t e ; secretary, Mrs. Mary I, Boyee; treasurer, Mrs. Scrantnn; chaplain, Mrs. Bunker; guide, Mrs. Llzz l . Jenkins; assist­ant guide, Mrs. Pritchard: inside guard, Mrs. Wil l iamson; outside guard. Mrs. Marsha; council of administration. Mrs.

Ijmt Monday evening her. the annual Install.! ternity Council, No. lit*.

Through tl • .inmlttee, hearted

ther Stephar.-, **rtad Into a veritable i.i .1,3 from varloua coun it y, fjen Putnam, Old ami Newtown war* art Crand Regent Ma accompanied by hi* staf the room by Pii-inltlfttion of N W I* m <it being the first r-.. council in 190&, the \> at the Grand Regent o the fallowing off.

in it* council cham-n of officers of Fra-

Itoval Arcanum, took • the Entertaia-rator Cabbie and

had been con-...ial bower. Delega-lia. Including Vlmer-

iXMBg Island nistrict Deputy

.,r old Glory Council, ', was ci.naucted Into

Klein After th*! i. who has the honor

er admitted into this D • at on behalf New York Installed

the year 10O8: Regent, '. i t iar les Allen:

i it. Orator. H a n y J. Pearson:

. er A. Vaubel: "hajdaifi, Frank Mare-

;;, Sentry T. C. ariner. The instaila-i. dignified and satis-

hand of Fra-


FOURTEENTH STREET, West of Fifth Avenue.


T ' .

\m •

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- s

-tfli a m

A n e x -

? tee

t b e In

fr:i -- " I ' - * *

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C u t lit. I . A. Harruo Collector. W. 1 land; Warden, WilliJ Peek; Trustee. F. B lion was conducted I factory manner The off ternity Council, hen -iter Hill. gave a fine programn • throughout the i mony. On behalf of t h . .ounc:l Tru?'.e.- Myles O'Reilly pr***st*d to retiring Regent Wttsch-|< I.. n a Past R e g e n t s Jewel. Past Regent Witschleben responded to Trustee. O'Reilly's presentation speech with a few words, in which he thanked the members for the sup­port they had given him throughout his terra.

is charges having been brought against Brother Hill he was brought before the Regent to answer the charge of having for ten yearn o r mere aided and abetted the orators in perpc the council various and numer­ous entertainments. Being found guilty he w a * sentenced to receive from t h . orator* a (small token of their esteem in the shape of a diamond studded watch charm. For bringing In new members Vice-Reient Ulea was also presented with a charm. Addreaa** were made by the D. D. G. R. and several vislt-Intj regents and past regent. , and after a solo by Brother Btephany the council adjourned, to partake of a buffet luncheon.


Miss May Fetiman, of Tupper Lake, la visiting Jier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fellman, a t their home, 274 Floyd street.

. . . . . .

The' mask and civic ball of the Ja ­maica A. C , Inc., will be held a t Brelt-kopf s Congress Hall, Atlantic avenue and Vermont street, to-night.

. . . . . .

The second In a series of Sunday afternoon musical concerts under the auspices of the Brooklyn Neighborhood Association will be held to-morrow af­ternoon In the rooms of the Asacog Boys' Club 102 Pineapple s t r ee t Vol­unteer talent. Including a quartet and several soloists, will furnish the enter­tainment.

. . . . . . At th* home of Mr. and Mrs. C. S.

Lewis, 748 Madison street, a surprise par ty was given to Mrs. Mary E. Lewis by her relatives and friends In honor of her eightieth bir thday Wed­nesday evening. Jan. 15, She received a number of pretty gifts. The evening was spent in playing games, and with vocal and instrumental music. A sup­per was served at 12 o'clock. The fol­lowing were present: ' M r s H. J. Will-lams, Mr. and Mrs. William V. Garner Mr. and Mrs. J . H. Crowley, Mr and Mrs. H . Birdsey, of Bridgeport. Conn.; Mr, and Mrs. J. R. Lewis. Mr. and Mrs, C, S. Lewis. Mr. and Mrs J H Blood, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hanlon, Miss S. b. Blood, Mrs. Rosa, Miss Marie Ross, Miss 8, M. Blood, H. S Lewla. J. R. Lewis, Jr., Mr. and Mrs M, T. Clarke, Mrs. James Fredericks Miss Mary Lincoln, O. Fredericks Miss Mildred Clarke and Mrs, Thomas, of Milwaukee, Wla.

A regular meeting of the Aryowlus H. T. Association will be held a t head-quarters , 178 Bridge street, to-morrow, at 3:30 P . M. Members a re requested to meet at headquarters, 176 Bridse street this evening, a t g o'clock sharp, for the Purpowi of at tending the barn dance of Washington Hone Comnanv No. 1. of Out tenherg N . j . "which takes place a t Muhlhsunef , Hall Btillsferry road and Franklin avenue! Qui ten berg. N. J, '

On Feb. II . a t Saengerbund Hall, the

Girls of Adelphl College chapters of two national fraternities combined last evening to give a clever and amusing p l a y In t h e c o l l e g e -hal l . A d d e d i n - j represented^were "McDeer' Camp

terest was given by the fact that Ule gSIsp? fo^vT^hmtJi author as well as stage manager was j s. o v. Auxiliaries Miss Florence Boole, who was graduat- j and th*^ternary1 h ed with the class of June, 1907. The play was "A Plutonic Friendship; or a Mad Dream of What Happened to Proserpine." While keeping distantly to the ancient legend of Pluto and the abducted Proserpine, the plot of the story was made to revolve around the doings of Adelphl girls. A synopsis of the play tells tha t the scene is the Adel­phl study hall, where a spread is tn progress. And it Is from this entranc­ing spot that Proserpine is carried away, and where the students lay plans to rescue her. The second scene is the court of Pluto, where, after many in­trigues, the students manage to regain the lost girl. The doings of the char­acters and the dialogue of the play were most amusing, and its allusion to college llfeNaiid college jokes kept the audience in gales of laughter. There were also several lively songs. The two fraternities were Beta Sigma Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma and Alpha Kappa Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta. All who took part were members of one or the other fraternity and even the ushers were fraternity girls. The play was written and given for the benefit of " U t t u u s , " the college paper, which has a debt of a year's standing which its managers are anxious to pay off. The amount of money realized by the play will, it is thought, wipe away the debt .

, . I N e w c lasses have been m a d e and mane d new specia ls offered for the thirty-second - '' annual bench show of the Westminster Ken-

Ciub, whb h will be held In the Madison s-iuare Garden Feb. 11 to 14, and from the

ober of entries a lready received the show ' should be even more successful than those

of the past. Entries c lose Jan. 211, with J a m e s Mortimer, Superintendent, 1123 Broadway.

One of the new c lass i f i cat ion , wlil be that of Esquimaux dogs, entries for the c lass*. being guaranteed by M. Robert Guggenheim.

, who has a large kennel of th i s breed secured White and Mrs. Pritchard; delegate, Mrs. | . _ . .„„, ,„ „„, , . . K„ , ,«, , *-„,*-* ,„ _ , „ « . Pritchard. A large delegation from Warren j l n Alaska, and as he had decided to c i t e an Post , 280, G. A. R„ included Commander- j exhibit ion of the w a y the d o g s are used, elect John O'Brien, S. V. Commander Baker, j on the last day of the show, when he will Comrade . Johnson. Duane. Mltall. Smith, 'drive them around the ring w i t h a Klondike Osborne and Gregory^ Other organizat ion, j rig, it should be an Interesting . ight . An

1 9 0 8 T _ 1 9 0 8

T J a r } . T" ! Sun.

! ]


5 12





WetL Thur; Pri.

1 2 3

8 9 10

Sat. !



13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1

26 27 28 29 30 31 I f ! ! ! i

j 1 * i

i i

I , . i

JAN. 18 IN HISTORY. 1889—Baron Charles M ntesquieu. French £

died 17ri.l. established be-

i Canada he British a t

aken at Water -Chapel Royal ,

ie British under

writer and scientist 1797—Weekly mal l m

tween the I'n 181S—Americans re;,

Frenchtown. on ;.ak 1816—The French standards

loo depos i ted in th Whi ten*! ! .

1828—Phurtpore taken by tl Lord Comberroere

1854—William Walker , the fillbtater. pro­c laimed the republic of Sonora in L,ower California

1S71—King W i l l i a m of Prussia proclaimed German Emperor.

1873—Lord Edward Bulwer Lytton. Engl i sh novelist and playwright , died; born May 25. 1»03.

1S84—Steamer City of Columbus wrecked of* Gay Head , with loss of ninety-seven l i v e s

Grand ave., near Fulton «t., 7:4S P M Rev. Dr. George D. Adams, Slipping Into

a Gambler's Hell ." Bedford Branch V M. C. A , Bedford ave. and Monroe »t. 4 P M

Lecture. "A Half Hour With the Diction­ary, St Mlchael-s Lyceum. Forty-second. » t , between Third and Fourth ave* after­noon. •» • • •

Surrogate Ketcham and Arthur Brisbane, to joint annual meeting, Hebrew Education­al Society, Pitkin a t e arm W a t k l n . « t , 8:30

Dr. Wil l iam H Tolman, "The Commercial Value of Beauty ," Men'* Club, Alt Soul* ( h u r c h parlors. Ocean and D i t m a . ave*.. • 1 i M

i Annua! memorial services. District No *• Kings County I O O F . Bushwick *v*7! congregat iona l church , corner Cornelia st

Judge Wil l iam J Qarnor. "The Trial of Jesus from a Lawyer's Standpoint." Baptist

I Temple . Third ave, and Schermerhorn »t„

Andrew Tarde, "Christ's Second Coming ! and H I . Reign of One Thounand Tears on 1 the Earth"; Sherman Hall . 215 Washington

»t.. n p. M. Alfred W. Martin, "The Spiritual Great-

neaa of the Real Jesus ," Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture, Aurora Grata Cathed­ral. Bedford ave. and Madison «... 3:30 P. M-

C H P R C H Mrsrc. Holy Trinity. Clinton and Mont««u* * t a :

11 A. M Poatlude. double theme varie Rossean

Deum,'•<> C Baldwin Jubi la te ln G. . Calkin Offertory, "O Come Redeemer of Man-

k l " d " John E, Wert Soprano and tenor solo; chorus

Post iude . Grand Chorus in D . . . Guilmant 8 P. M.—

Prelude, pastorale and Intermexao from Sonata in G Rhineberger

Masmificar ? N u n c Dimi t t ' s i Stanford. Offertory. " B H g m e s t and B e s t " . . . .Parker

Soprano . o io ; chorus. Vesper H y m n Beethoven

EVENTS TO-DAY. Innovnermrntt i n this column icil l be mad*

Claason a v e . : A. M —

"O Jesus Thou Art Standing"

Howard ave..


near Herkimer

8. O. V.; V ; R. V. Young

Relief Corps, and officers of War-

other new class Is that for Irish wolf bounds, a dog s o m e w h a t larger than the Scottish deerhound. and a breed which has been believed to be pract ical ly extinct, but

breeder* spec:

and who have been successful . The usual large number of specials at

this show had been great ly augmented this year. The Ladies' Kennel Associat ion of Massachusetts has great ly Increased the number of prize, for I t . members , and the

St. T i m o t h y s , • t . :

10:4« A- M — Offertory, "Hall Gladdening LUrbt."

Sofb. Wi l l i am Hawkins. • T e D e u m In G . Hopkins

Lafaye t t e ave-, corner South Oxford *t.: A. M —

•rifftout charge and are respectfully invited. \ "Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee." j Rhelnberger

Thumb-bit, Mar.haawt Club. 440 Cl inton) "Communion" Guilmant St., 8 P. M. P- M.—

Third midwinter dar.ce. Pouch Gallery. I "P*alm XLII . C a n t a t a " . . . . Mendelssohn J a n s H y a t t Brewer d tree tar.

^ • ^ • • B t ; Mr and M r s Sidney Baker, 1 683 Decatur St.. S - l l P. M. | Tabernacle . Manhat tan ave. , head of Noble

F ive novit iates were Invested with the Entered Apprentice degree in Lexington Lodge, No. 310. F. and A M.. on Monday night. Worshipful Brothers Meverberg. of Orion Lodge; Westlake. of Kzel, and Church, of Lexington, assisted in the worm. Charles D. McBride, master of the lodge, welcomed a number of brethren to the East , includ- , i n s Right Worshipful . Abel Crook and C. A. t by the Pet D o y Club of America, for small . tton, Arlon Hal l . Arion pi. and Broadway. Tensor, Worshipfuls Amilton. Dunston. Wal - ' " ton, Cook, Murray, Drew, Dall, Pouch, Hfboaj Cooper, Gates, Dunn, Keety and Smith.

Tea, Elmlra Col lege Club of New York j City. Hotel Majest ic . 3 -6 P. M.

Third annual ball the Gotham Social Club. i Beck's Casino, J a m a i c a and Hale ave*.

Meeting. Pioneer*" Literary Club of E a . t many chal lenge cups and other p r i z e , of the New York, 540 Schenck ave , s p. M. Ladles* Kennel Association of America will Fifth annua] bai l Murray Baseball Club, be up for competition- In addit ion there New Atlas Club, Centre and Himrod *tn

be ft long list of new specia ls offered | Annual mask ball Henry Bloom Asuocta

Morning Star Detachment , No. 1. Daugh­ters of Columbia, will hold a special meet ­ing at the K. of C. Institute, 81 Hanson place, to-morrow, at 3 P. M.

Har ry "Wtilfers entertained a large number of friends a t Har t ' s Hotel, last evening, Bor ing the evening there were games, vocal and instrumental music. At 10 o'clock a collation was served for twenty couples.

Social... CJb-Ufcl) Notes

The following officers were installed In office at Alpha Lodge, No. Irt2. A. O. O. W.. a t the meet ing rooms. 125 South Elliott Place, on last Wednesday evening: Wil l iam B. Hendrickson. past master workman: By­ron E, Meade, master workman; John G, Wendie, overseer; John A. Brennan, fore­m a n ; George B. Stftyley, recorder: F. H. Newcomb, financier; Wil l iam Woods, re ­ceiver; George G. Jacobsen, guide: P. V. B o -gert. Inside watchman; A. H. RusselL* out­side watchman Past District Deputy Brother Biedcmann conducted the installa­tion ceremonies The new officers will at until Dec. 81, 1903, The e n t . r t a l n m m t mit tee for the present ye*nr is *oms mad st th* fal lowing: Will iam Woods. cha:rman, F. H. Newcomb, John G Wendie, John A ! Brennan, George G. Jacobsen and Wil l iam T. Martin.

To-night at the A.sembly . Gen. George H. Jackson and staff will officiate at the in­stal lation of the newly-e lected officers of Erafltus T. Tefft Post, No.«355. G A. R T h * fol lowing comrades will be Installed P. H. Brower, commander; A . S. Dor»mn», senior v ice -cotnm.nder , J a m e s B. Haig, Ju­nior vtce-commender; Charles H. HawxV quartermaster; Norman G. Cooper, John McMthon, surgeon: Oscar A. " chaplain: Max Zimmerman, officer of the d a y ' John Lawton, officer of the t u a r t : Fred, A. Stratton, color Dearer and outside guard. Fol lowing the in*tallatfon cere­monies a reception will be held and tight refreshments will be served.

dogs, and specials offered by t h e Great Dane : Eighteenth annua! eos tum* ball. Orchard Club of Austria. To encourage the breed- i B u g . Eckford Hai l . Eekford and Ca!y*r a t * ing of St. Bernard's* which had lost some 1 **The Speed Claa*." Loesberg Literary So-of their popularity a t the l a s t show, the St- teiety, *ebool building. Rockaway and PIUs's Bernard Breeder*' Associat ion h a s of f ered J ave*. a !ot of new cups for w h i c h there w o i be [ Annual meeting; Dyker Meadow Golf Clas , s trong competit ion. i Hamilton Club, Clinton and Remaen *"•*«„

As has been the ease in the last two 17 P. M. years, there wil l be contes ts between p a c k * ! Annual ball J o * n L. Sullivan Asanc*" on the las t day of the show, f 158> i s eaah ) ^""» or p'ate being offered for the best pack of ; vomers »t Engl ish foxhound*, a n d the s a m e pri** for i Eighth annua! packs of A m e r i c a s foxhounds. wfcfSe there i Hoffmann's H a l l will be a $75 prise for packs of beagle* 1 Oiendaie The special pr ize , for sporting dogs are i Annual ma** and civic ball. Henry B loom more numerous than in other year* and, a s i A ^ ° 1 3 * t I O B * Art*™ Hal l , Arlon pL. near mo»t of t h e m are to be w o n outright, t h * 1 Broadway contest will be strong.

Somer* Hai l , Rockaway ave.

«t-— A n t h e m . "Praise the Lord" . . . B u c k "In Humble Fai th and Holy Love".Garrett "I W a s Glad W h e n They Said Vnto Me."

Bp*ne. Trio. Father , Lead Me B y Thy Hand."

Butterf le ld Daniel Wood, organist and mn*ical director.

*a l i Wehster Social Cooper and Myrtle


At a meet ing af the execut ive committee of t h e Intercol legiate Association of Amateur Athle te* of America last n ight in th* Fi f th Avenu* Hotel, the fol lowing re«olut!on w a s adopted:

Resolved. That a copy of the letter of Gustavu* T Klrby, chairman of th* Ad-

ee. to th* Right Honorable f, O . chalr-

The cosy meeting room of St Charles Bor-romeo Branch. No, 244, Cathotie Kni jh t s of America, was crowded with the member* "f the branch and visiting brother knisbts !s*t

[The attent ion of pastor, and bead* of -'Tuesday night to take part in the Instalia-ehurch work c o m m i t ! . . . 1. particularly o i l * \ t ? ££S£T« t & ^ s T o S n / i to thl* department , which 1. entirely devots.1t boroush of Brooklyn, R ™ C W Conklln sa­te the social life of Ihe church. Accounts of j»t«ted by Supreme -Trustee M'ch.ei <ju;nn .in i

church reception*, e u c h r e . I s < * r R m * - r

Euchre, DepBtlew* Association, O. o t 1*. M&retta Mansion, Gate* and Bushwick ave*., S:30 P. M-

Installation dinner G'.'bett Council, No 1348, R. A , Johnston Building, Fulton and Nevtns wis

Annual ball Y a n n j Ladies' Aid Society, Metropolitan Saenger Hall, Pitkin av*. and Watktns at.

Euchre. Deput ies Association D. of T.. Maretta Mansion, Gate* and Bushwick a v e * , S;3» P M.

Revival servicaa, John Wes ley P*nteeo*tn] Church. Saratoga, a v e . and Sampler st. . 2;30 and 7:30 P. M

Annual banquet , t h * SchoolmeB «* N e w York. Hotel St. Denis, Broadway and Eleventh s t . 6 P. ML

Masque and eivto hall, Jamaica A. C . i n c . Breitkopf*. Ooogre** Hall. Atlant ic ave. and Vermont *t.

Wyandotte. K. C basketball and datae*. Eastern P a r k w a y HalL Eastern parkway. Dc*n «t> and S t a n * i n .

Thirty-e ighth annual hall, WflHamsburs rd De.borough of Taptew, c V. O . chair- Bos* Bakers Verain, Sehwaben Hal), Kr.lck-

m a s of the Brit i .h Oivmpic Committee of (erbockar and Myrt le a v e s the Olympic G a m e , of London, IMS, be filed ' In*taltefton Paat Dictator*', Veteran** and with t h e record, of the associat ion ••*d t h a t ' Knlghta of Hoaevr A**»ciation, Wlibar Hal l . the a c t of Mr Kirbr in *eni! ;n. ».:--,i a c o m - ! * Brooklyn ave . . S P. M. manlcat ion be approved: and fart tier, and tn l E l s h t e e o t h annnal coatum* ball ana e i r c u . the *ttd thai the a th le tes now students ta|*r th* Orchard Bug*. Eckford Hail, Eckford the unlver»ities and col leges situated In t h * | * » * , C**r*r »•* . °.I;« ,*^P0,55

Ish Empire may meet |g rri


Hundreds of grotesquely garbed danc­ers and merry makers crowded Pros*

Hall to the doors last night on the occasion of the fourth annual mask and novelty ball of the Under Cover Society. This affair, in the few years that if h a s been held, has gained a wide reputation for gaiety ami fun. r.nd tnose vrho came oat l i s t night In

: seareb of a good time were not dlsap-I pointed. The scene In the ballroom 1 was a brilliant one, especially a t t he j stroke of 12, when serpentines, con-I fetU and novelties were distributed. An Ihour later t%e guests were tatrodueed j to a real novelty ln the form of what ' was referred to oa t b e programme a s a j "balloon dance." During a waltz num-I ber several hundred toy balloons in a variety of colors were released from above and a s they floated down there was, of course, a wild scramble to gain possession of them.

The fun broke up a t a late hour and all went home well satisfied with th* e%'ening*s entertainment.

Br: agal the

sociables, fairs, for th* benefit of church work, and of meet ­ing* and d inner , of men's and women'* e luhi are desired, and wtil be published as soon as received. Please . t a l e If t h . presence of a re­porter Is desired. All communication* must be s igned with t h * name and addres . of the sender, not for publication, unlesi desired, but to insure trustworthiness and accuracy, and must b« written upon but on* *Id* of t h * paper. 3

An organ recital by Miss Wilhelmlne E. Freltag, assisted by Miss Oretchen Heldeklang, soprano, will be given In the Church of the Redeemer, Bedford avenue and Hewes street, on Wednes­day ivenlng, Jan. 22. The recital Is for the benefit of the Loyal Daughters' Fund. The programme will Include several classical sol. hief among them belngr the prelude to Wagner's "Lohengrin" and the Grand Chorus In D, by Guilmant.

«*•**. The Holy Name Society of St. Am­

brose's Church, DeKaJb and Tompkins avenues, held Its annual •Isettefi tt of­ficers on last Sunday. "Hie offiesT* se­lected for this year are: Jcneph A. Ok-hill, president; Patrick Connor, vtee-

rotitin* busln*** had temi-anhu'U p a s . word Imparted to th hers, a recess w * . taken for a «hor session, when th* officer, of the bra


Te Let.

OLD f S l l l S l BAKERY. Fixtures Complete; Easy Terms.

lNqrimc tsi c6r»T ST.. DROOKI Y \ wasTsesBgzsBssgsamaan

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'dance wi th t Kirby*. cc-nr

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WHERE TO DINE. m r t x T O J i H T . Corner Jnhnunn *<t SILSBE'S




At the annual meeting of In* Atslan-ta Boat CUih the follo*ing officers * r* elected last night : Presideftt^

iWIUiam C. Doeifher; first triee-pfwat' ..ent. Charles* K Xlaeen SSOOSd viee-l>iesid#«t, Jchn W. Rumpf treasurer,

j Walter G. Frederleln; .ecretary, Thos-I J. Sosnnell; commodore, David Banks;

Theatrical Mechanicsi' Assoctatlor." will I™ hold an enter ta inment and ball for the benefit of the death and sick fund. One of the special features being s r -

Published by Termfa*ion Tht next unsolicited testtmenUI of importance to Ocetn Travel,

ers will appear in this place on Mond.iy next, January ao, 1908,

J. LEHRENKRAUSS & SONS, Steamship TJckit Agents f i r Practically AH Important Lines.

Foreign and Domestic Bankers, 179 Fulton S tree t

Opp. Borough Hill and Subway Station, Ettabiiali-Ml W% t^ooklyn, N, Y.

rer* John MCLotiirhll". fn:

re tary; Tnd W, l.utl tnc secretary; John < eecr«'tary; J « n e « Rap ter; Peter McKernin, n Corrlmtn, sacristan. Th.- R< H (:">' Doufherty is the splrio of ihe society. The latter ••> annual entertainment S c h w a n n Hall Wedi April S2. PhlUp J. M< sen rha i rman at Uie h*nt Cornmit tee and John .1 til elected secretary. The soolety will receive hoi morrow morning st the '. mass. In the evenlnji the t the soelsty and all the m.n Ish will bn addreasert William J. White, rector of of the Visitation

* M * * *

The cantata "The Comlnc "f the Kinf," by Dwdley Bank, given Uw last •unday sreminf of tt* eld year by the emitr* e£ fhs f-trst flsmw BapUst Chu-ech, wtil b» repeatad hj- r«qu«t t*-

niss-tlchaei harles I rector old its ion *t cnlnif, . cho-tnnent n « a s of the •rm te-



com Pnvbl 1

• nrv <"aulfleld, s O'tit ;cn. J r

The Ht Hot 1 "* r .T'V*i**'4* r *B Prtrat. bath* wat.TBn ], -R t t a B T

r o R A V I K K A\LAW5fcDCA

I?T°%BO!,TH ' Twe eae He.ett ta wSM. -ta'siOgJ-y. ^ ^

» ' l A . \ t J » A A » , u.t.^.X


ham O, Msssey and John A Sq


Result* «rf the p1t!«chl« cHarlM 3, HaubeH at t h e h»ad^«*n*r* » i Jan. 1«. I

oe . i S tghth snnaaJ dtmier Clnorge White 'en'* i s I e lat lea . Btetal iBai-cy, F i f th av*. and F l f t y -

* cintft St., Manrjattan. T P M Kle-reBth annual ball Kiair* Cnue.ty R e ­

lief A i w c i a t t e n , I n c . M e y e r s ConeonHa Hall, corner Oli-r* and De-roe *4s

Review F o u r t e e n t h "Begirnent by Admiral Jneeph B. OsCttt.it. armory, Bitrltth av*., •p -i-teenth artd F i f teenth *ta . « P M

Anna*! m a i k and civic bat' Court Oreater Kew Ts fk . N* . ta». Foresters of America. Daner** R s l l . J a m a i c a a v e and Ward at.

Hegtnrt*nt«l drtil Tftlrd BattaHo-s, Com­panies A, K and t* Twenty-third Ree-tment Armorv. Badfcuift and Atlant ic a v e s . S P M

Flftli anrmat d inner tltarvarslty Cltth Prea-Ident Seh«rm«n of Cornell ro* . t of hower. fsouth Osfn-fl »t. and l A f a y e t t * ave., ? P. M.

Asn-jal Bia*k a n d ef-rtc hall Co-art K»w-tow*. Kn. SMI. F- a* A_, Jtetrooolitan Park and Caatn.\ Metropolltaa aad F i o e h -ina* ave*.

Mack and c iv ic h*n Dahlgr«n Degree Team, Court Bahigven . Ko. #01. Foresters ef Armerfee. U a * i n i c TeBtsla, C.rand and H*v»msyer a t .

Mrs. Anna cSs-Mlr. ? p e w * r , "W*at th* t n -SH-idttal Caa Do to Further th* Interests of r*llaathrop}-,' ' •f^M*tyn S 'x i . t y for Hthtoa! CuJt«r*, IS* South Osf.ird at.. J P . X .

F!r*t a n n a s ! !-ndc«r n t t m -Brooklyn Peat Office C1erk*f A«»>c;a«tcn. socotid cootesrt.fnr Rt*»rt» t<#vtn» Cup. Armory, Fourteenth Regiment . I * * a v e . and Heyward s t , S P. K.

EVENTS TO-MORROW. Cenvoaatieo. FratersaJ League, 11,1 Dset*-

Meetins, BrewsTlys PhUo-Celtle 'Feei.ty, 44t Atlantic av* , t P M.

Award a-ald m e d a l . , St S t e p h e n * l i l c k t and Rttmmtl « a . . afternoon

T n i M t s f ma s i meet ing. I*bor -Lyceum. w i ! i o « 1 » a T a v * , ; aft*rw*ot*i.

R*v. B9N. WHHam. , -veer Thought m w i -las , T« Hanson pi.. | : M P. M

J e h o F, Sutlwo, Franc i . C Wiliard. W. C. T XJ„ I t S Nassau ave.. * p M

Mary S- I t a o w l t a a . Wrowning*. "Pippa Pa****.'* "Oatty Church, « m P. M.

Preparat ion sarvi to . Tabernacle, Mannat-taa svs . , haad e f Kohl* « T M P M

R*^', f>r, sV W s l l s o e Bmali. 8 . D Rranc* T W. C. *_, t » « Kosth WHtth at., «:Se p M

FuwMa r««*p(tan. Holy N*h1# (t«o»*«y. Chitroh ef St J o h n t h t Baptist, Tw*aty-first st.

Po-arth a n n u e l hall, "Hail Roam Beys ," l.ieclerkraat* Ra i l , Manhattan a v a and Mea-eroie wt

R*v M*ettH>rt Shtptnaa, etf th* Heavenly R M , St, Fata!'a Chapel, Columhi* ITnlv**-»itv 4 P. M

. OwSTS* W. Batn. "If I Could Live Lifa j Over A s a t n . " <*r*enr>oint Branch, T- M. C I

15 t U 1 MenMirtal flora* decoration of altar a y )

r n Qeaene, Ho ly Trialty. Ototon a a d | sarse tea.

t*»iiten-i - t i t e n -


The Graham Avenue Board of Trade heM a brief meeting- Jsat ni-rht at 4 « Graham avenue for the purpose of fur­the r consSdering the final arrana-ements for the theatre par ty of the board t o be held a t the Gayety Theatre on Jan . 11- There was considerable argument as to who should take charge of the final srrangementa. Finally Philip Williams came forward with a motion ur»tn** the Enter ta inment Committee to work in conjunction with Henry Wamcke, chairman of the Executive Committee, who first eruras-ed the thea­tre.


The smoking of opium began In China and ta peculiar to the Chinese. The Hindoos and Malays eat it. Compttoeted and widespread aa the smoking habit is to-day, it la a modern custom as time runs in China. There seems to be little doubt in the minda ef those "Slno-loguea** who havo traced the opium thread back through the tangle of early missionary reports and imperial edlcta that the habit started either In For­mosa or en the mainland across the atrsJts. where malaria Is common. Opium had been used, generation, be­fore, aa a remedy for malaria; and these first smokers seem to nave tni-cad a little opium with their tobacco, which had been introduced by the •r-'-ortuguaaa In the early seventeenth eentnry, FrOTh thl» beginning. It would appear, was developed the rather elaborate -nttfU which the opium smoker of to-day con. B'd*rs neceaaary te his pieaaure.—Sam­uel Merwin In "Success Magasine.'*


See the busy typist girt A* the pounds the keys,

F r iming other people's thoughts With apparent e.tse.

j Scmettmea printing other things

Team. Cowman

> p a r - Over TS.iww purchasers in t s T i r . r S ^ " * f p r »»* of their popul.nTy " TJSLL *}**—" w - v i F H t a . moderate l laai » i « . L m n f t s f"*" " « • * • • I » l a 0 sp- 8 « U » 4 , • t o t ^ a - ' ^ . » • * • *

•»«al*«»* •" ~ » ssraia roi **T Mats

Revival sarviewa.. John Wertey Pentecosta l , B e c a u s e o f l a c k o f e a r s

o a a T r k f " " ^ *™ *** *"***** , l " J * U n a thus producing In her I i l Annuel hand icap cr« i . - couatry rtm. Ptar l A s t r o n g I m p u l s e t o a w s s r , * i A t * l # t l e c i a h . frora Prens*. "«(*a9n Ave. [ g e e h e r With h e r g u i l e l e s s f a c e .

•149 M t s s o , cartas*, tuning . t o o l ' s free, Geeta a oa, itn.H*rli

and i and

Bwaati-fal FaMtf an* SWWik fr*n» B naa . « ' way eta-


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HFth* *»*an»t

("hflatianlty ) Sort J

tety Brook- f Arlon Halt, |

21 Park. IJBUS Island 11 htetmm, B Fttlton f t s a d I M m e m u r , " St Ann's a j Llvincsten st . . , a P. M. SI Fifth annual hali. Alumni 3 lyn H*or*w rtrehaa Asyltirr f Art** pl„ aaar Broadway. • te .org* Staifriay to th*_ Christian Endeavor t 8 Sttalely. MMth R*forin*d Church, Fourth I t a v « Ftfty»f!-fta St.. » F. If 4 Judge 4 . CTBasra. "Oar tjoeal CantiM," 1 ' "thurek «f t h * Holy Name, Parish Hail , I

SlSth aajl P r e s p t e t a v a a , « P, M-B s e . t*t Ttuwnss m. Put i . r t ea . " R o m e

tte *wMT««t (Mr,

M a k l n s *t h«

The —G. A Boyd,

note* , you a»e, f the use?"

In Harper ' s Weeiity.

NO 6UCH LC Mrs. Howard — Are

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