Ol - lcsupply.com · STEP THREE If whelping box sets on floor, use a 2 x 4 on edge to raise box above floor, this will provide proper cle.aranre for the nest Determine wta-e oord

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If whelping box sets on floor, use a 2 x 4 on edge to raise box above floor, this will provide proper cle.aranre for the nest Determine wta-e oord will rorre out ofboxarrl art: a 3/4" ootch. or drill a 1 1 I 4" hole. Attach rest to floor with 3/4" stairlle$ steel screws (encla:;ed) locating cord to prq::a­side.

IMPORTANT No {X)rtion of the electrical oord should re ~to the dqs.

STEP FOUR After cutting hole in the floor make a 2 x 4 frame for added strength to pre­vent top ring of the nest from break­ing off. Cut two 20 , 2 x 4 s and two 23 2x4 s. Nail or screw together as shown.

Ol After nailing or screwing the 2x4 s together place them as a frame around the hole underneath the whelping nest floor. Then screw the frame to the floor.



INSULATING YOUR WHELPING NEST If the nest :i5 expNrl to the out­ckJor cold air, vve remrnrrHrl insu-1ating the entire floor of the wherping area {Ftgt.rrel). This rnethxl will be rrore comfortable for the bitch as well as the pups; h:Meva", if you ch<::nle not to use this rrethx1, tre l1E5t alone sh:x.lld be insulated (Flgure 2).

~ Figure I

L..----- Figure 2 -----


TEMPERATURE SETIING Whelping Nffit c:xxn:s pre-set at 95"F. Temperature ~t rontrol (D). is located behind pJaciDc, screw-in plug (C). Whelping n:st has a setting range of~OOto lOOF. Tun rontrol (D), rounter clockwise to lower temperature, clockw:ise to raise the tem­p3Qture. TeTJfffClhre c:harg:s alnJt 2"F per dick

RECOMMENDED SETTINGS • OO"F for lHlting prl • 95"F~ arrl fUP'>-• 1 OO"F for stress prt

NOTE: If the air temperature is 80 to 85 'For higtff, the~ n:st can~ turned OFF.


'\f.k'-ve p.It tte ~ an:roJ. setting~ in a hard to reach kxation. Ooce ~ terTlJBa­ture cbes rd: ra:rl to rem Bar Jti)' aqjustai 1le ~Nest. unlike roost reat: JRis, will mn­stantly a!just itself to set tei11JBa­ture.


To~iffte~ you've selected :i5 ideal for the sit­uation, OO:ierve the habits of the puppies. If temperature is ideaL you will firx::l the fXlps nestled tcgitH. If too wann pups will leave tte nest '\f.k rEnniTHrl ~­~ tte wl-Eping rx:st cu gs·F. 'IlE wl-Eping rx:st sh::uld re used fer at least 3 'M€ks af.te: the p.lp­pies are l:x:xn

D. {This is after taking plug (C) off.)

WHELPING NEST™ (A) Plug In (B) LED Light (C) Plug that covers (C) (D) Temperature Control

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• -------WHELPING NEST™ FLOOR MARKER

1.Piace a nail through your floor marker on Point AA 2. Place pencil through Point BB 3. Draw your circle

• AA

• BB




THE LED LIGHT _ The lED light (B), will come on arrl stay 00 cn::e tte IS: tH:s to tre set temp:mt:ure. If tre light sln.dd g:> aJt. dB:k to see if tiE plug (A), is secure If the LED stays aJt, tbn tre unit is taow ~ arrl rd:~ a::rredly. To secure the LED (B) to the wall use a nail or s:IeVVto ~

STRESS PAD Animals~~cr trauma ante ai:Jed in IlD:M3Y by~tre ~Nest as a S'tre.:$ JHl set at 100·F.

STEP SEVEN Irrl drl with yaJr 1-b:tted ~Nest is a tEnlpE!ature strip to pErlxbily <hrl< the tBl4JE!atllre cX)O.Jr~ unit To }:Iq:Biy dECk the tBtp:!ature ci' )O.Jr unit l.lay the tBI:p:!ature strip flat inthe~Nffit

- 2. Cover tre tBtp:!ature strp with a f<*:led dry towel 3. Let tre tmit nm ftr 15 min­utes arrl chrl< the tB11JE1cture strip~

The JX"CJH" reWing is as ful­lows:

GREEN: FJa::t tarpe1ature TAN: Ih:b.rt 1" BLUE: .Ad:i 1"

IMPORTANT NOTE: ]):) rrt fe1TXJ've the \\bite strip­fu:m tre I:B:k ci'the tax~­ture strip. This will allow you to reuse the strip again

SUPPLEMENTAL HEAT 'Ire~nstcanaro be U9Erl as salf'PenH llal h:.at fer adult~ in winter tinE. Vk rea:unerl~tre tBtp:m­ture se1fdJ:r at oo· F.


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