VOL. 62, No. 2 February 2009

Oklahoma Outlook February '09

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The Oklahoma Outlook is a magazine for ministers created by the Oklahoma District Council of A/G

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VVOOLL.. 6622,, NNoo.. 22FFeebbrruuaarryy 22000099

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1 Oklahoma Outlook February 2009

OOkkllaahhoommaaoutlookVolume 62, Issue 2 – February, 2009

A monthly publication of the Oklahoma District Council of the Assemblies of God,P.O. Box 13179, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73113.

(405) 475-1100 - FAX (405) 478-1731 wwwwww..ookkaagg..oorrggEditor–Tom Goins

SUBSCRIPTION RATE $36.00 per year


Superintendent Assistant Superintendent Secretary-Treasurer



Missions / Men’s Ministries Women’s MinistriesJACK SALKIL DOUG EVERAARD

Christian Education Youth MinistriesSectional Presbyters

Section 1 – Arlis MoonSection 2 – Leo GuthrieSection 3 – Melvin BakerSection 4 – Steve RoseSection 5 – Bruce McCartySection 6 – Doyle Seeley

Section 7 – Weldon WrightSection 8 – Micah WellsSection 9 – Steve LanceSection 10 – Ron MeadorSection 11 – Billy MartinSection 12 – T.D. Gifford

FEBRUARYSectional Council Tour:

Section 5 W ......................February 2 (Evening) Section 1 ........................February 3 (Morning)Section 4 ........................February 3 (Evening)Section 2 ........................February 5 (Evening)Section 3 ........................February 6 (Morning)Section 9 N ......................February 9 (Evening)Section 11 ......................February 10 (Morning)Section 12 ......................February 10 (Evening)Section 6 ......................February 23 (Evening)Section 5 E......................February 24 (Morning)Section 8 ......................February 24 (Evening)Section 9 S......................February 26 (Morning)Section 10 ......................February 26 (Evening)Section 7 ......................February 27 (Morning)

District JBQ Finals ........................................March 7

Daylight Savings Time Begins ......................March 8

BGMC Day ....................................................March 8

District Fine Arts Festival –

OKC Crossroads ............................March 27-28

APRILDistrict US Maps RV Volunteer Convention –

Jones, OK..............................................April 2-4

Women’s Power Encounter ..........................April 3-4

School of Ministry Game Day –

District Office ............................................April 4

Credentials Testing Day – District Office ........April 4

Palm Sunday....................................................April 5

Good Friday – Office Closed ........................April 10

Easter ............................................................April 12

CM and License Credential Deadline. ......February 1

School of Ministry Game Day –

District Office. ....................................February 7

Credentials Testing Day –

District Office ....................................February 7

Church Planting Day ................................February 8

Girls Retreat – Oklahoma City ..........February 20-21

National and Oklahoma Women’s Day ..February 22

Certified and License Credentials Interviews..Feb.28

MARCHWorld Day of Prayer......................................March 6

Girls Ministry “POWER SURGE” ..............March 6-7

School of Ministry Game Day –

District Office..........................................March 7

Credentials Testing Day – District Office ......March 7


AApprriill 33 && 44TTuurrnneerr FFaallllss

A time of concerted prayerfor healing, deliverance,

and worship.

February 2009 Oklahoma Outlook 2

AAmmeerriiccaa iiss iinn tthhee mmiiddsstt ooffttrraannssiittiioonn.. The inauguration of PresidentObama has captured the attention of notonly the nation but the entire world hasbeen focused on the future of The UnitedStates of America.

What does the future hold? Whatcan America expect to see and experiencein the days ahead? Will the approvalrating continue to swell as anticipationfills the hearts of millions?

This is not only an hour for actionfrom politicians, but a mandate for theChurch to respond. BBeelliieevveerrss sshhoouulldd bbeeffiilllleedd wwiitthh hhooppee aass vvooiicceess aarree lliifftteedd iinnpprraayyeerr ffoorr oouurr PPrreessiiddeenntt aanndd oouurr eelleecctteeddooffffiicciiaallss.. The Church is not called to anhour of criticism but instead to a lifestyleof intercessory prayer.

In the midst of political changes,economic uncertainty, and challenges athome as well as abroad, there is muchbeing said about accountability, openness,responsibility, and effectiveness.

It is easy to expect such requirementsfrom others while forgetting to examineour own lives and actions. We often sayin one manner or another that tthheerree iiss nnoohhiigghheerr ccaalllliinngg iinn tthhee wwoorrlldd tthhaann tthhaattccoommmmiitttteedd ttoo aa mmiinniisstteerr ooff tthhee GGoossppeell..We must remember that to whom much isgiven – much is required.

TTooddaayy’’ss LLiivviinngg TTrraannssllaattiioonn rreeaaddss,,““WWhheenn ssoommeeoonnee hhaass bbeeeenn ggiivveenn mmuucchh,,mmuucchh wwiillll bbee rreeqquuiirreedd iinn rreettuurrnn;; aannddwwhheenn ssoommeeoonnee hhaass bbeeeenn eennttrruusstteedd wwiitthhmmuucchh,, eevveenn mmoorree wwiillll bbee rreeqquuiirreedd..””

In order to be effective, anindividual’s life must be constantly underreview. Those who have said YYEESS to thecall of God would do well to take note ofthe following:

AA mmiinniisstteerr hhaass nnoo ggrreeaatteerr oobblliiggaattiioonnffoorr aaccccoouunnttaabbiilliittyy tthhaann tthhaatt dduuee ttoo GGoodd..Too often the pressures of life, both fromsituations and people, dictate direction;

however, our chief focus must be toremember that it is God who demandsour allegiance. At the end of the day, Heis the One to whom we answer.

TThhee WWoorrdd ooff GGoodd mmuusstt bbee oouurr sswwoorrddaanndd sshhiieelldd.. A minister must be astudent, knowledgeable of current events,well-read in contemporary matters, andcapable of communicating with a 21stcentury society. However, the primaryBook must be His Book. His Word mustbe the resource from which our speechproceeds.

AA lliiffee ooff pprraayyeerr mmuusstt bbee mmooddeelleedd,,pprraaccttiicceedd,, aanndd eevviiddeenntt.. There should beno one more at ease in talking with Godthan the minister of the Gospel. Godmust be a personal friend and the primaryaccountability partner. This relationshiponly develops through a lifestyle based onprayer.

TThhee mmiinniisstteerr mmuusstt rreemmeemmbbeerr ““tthheeccaallll”” aanndd tthhee ccoommmmiittmmeenntt ttoo ccoommpplleetteetthhee ttaasskk.. Regrettably, not all who acceptHis call are able to step across the finishline. Nothing in life – people, pressuresor positions – should be able to separateus from the goal of hearing Him say,“Well done!”

TThhee ffiirrsstt aanndd pprriimmaarryy iinnddiivviidduuaall ttoowwhhoomm aa mmiinniisstteerr oowweess ccoommmmiittmmeenntt iiss ttoohhiiss oorr hheerr ssppoouussee.. Too many times, theone to whom we vowed a lifetimebecomes neglected in the quest of beingall things to all people. True ministrybegins at home – and unless it is effectivethere, it will fail in public scrutiny.

TThhee mmiinniissttrryy sshhoouulldd nnoott bbee tthheeeexxccuussee ggiivveenn ffoorr bbeeiinngg aann aabbsseenntt ppaarreenntt..The family that God has given to aminister must become his most valuedpossession. Parenting is perhaps thegreatest challenge given to any individualand the minister must seek to succeed inthis assignment if life is to be fulfillingand rewarding.

TThhee ccoommmmuunniittyy ooff bbeelliieevveerrss bbeeccoommeesstthhee mmiinniisstteerriiaall pprriioorriittyy ffoorr tthhee pprreeaacchheerr..A minister’s place of service whetherelected, appointed, or serving as a staffmember – requires accountability and alife of service. Remember, God rewardsfaithfulness and serving His Body is ahigh and holy calling.

AA mmiinniisstteerr iiss kknnoowwnn bbyy hhiisstteessttiimmoonnyy tthhrroouugghhoouutt tthhee ccoommmmuunniittyy.. Aminister cannot neglect his own place ofcalling. Neither should one “hide” in themidst of the congregation. The effectiveminister will be known and recognized asa voice for God throughout thecommunity. We are called to “our world”and a devoted life will be known by bothsaint and sinner.

TTiimmee iiss aa pprreecciioouuss ccoommmmooddiittyy aannddpprriioorriittiieess mmuusstt bbee ppllaacceedd oonnmmaannaaggeemmeenntt aanndd sstteewwaarrddsshhiipp.. Aminister must not be slothful in duty, lazyin responsibility, or negligent in workethics. Proper time management willbring honor to God and stand as acompliment to the character of a ministerof the Gospel.

TThhee ggooaall ffoorr eevveerryy pprreeaacchheerr iiss ttooffiinniisshh ssttrroonngg.. Life may bring more thanone’s fair share of problems, but nevershould one forget the ultimate success willbe to complete this life with victory, on apositive note, and confident in theconclusion. He who called – is able tosustain, strengthen, and provideenablement for every battle!

Frank and Linda CargillDistrict Superintendent

Frank and LindaCargill


Rev. John E. Frady, 87, wasborn on May 10, 1921, to JohnEdward Sr. and Ollie Mae Frady inLeonard, Oklahoma.He died in his home, surrounded byhis loved ones, and moved to hisheavenly home Wednesday,November 26.

Rev. Frady grew up in Bixby,OK, graduated Bixby High School,went to Business College,continued taking college classesand was an avid lifelong learner.His interests in computers,photography, astronomy and manyother subjects, led his grandson to

describe him as a true Renaissanceman when writing a high schoolpaper.

He was an ordained ministerwith the Assemblies of God oversixty years and a Presbyter andOklahoma District Board memberfor over twenty years. He servedchurches in Tamaha, Porum,Checotah, Okmulgee, Wilburton,Tulsa, and served Shepherd’s Place(formerly Faith Assembly)after retiring from 21 years atLindsay First Assembly.

Rev. Frady is survived by hisdaughter and son-in-law, Marcia

Marie andRev. John L.Gifford ofNorman; two grandchildren, John MarkGifford and Marcy Leigh Porter,three great grandchildren,Isaac Leigh Gifford and ElizabethMarie Gifford and Brittni Jones.He was preceded in death by hiswife of 53 years, Gladys MarieStricker Frady, and his parents.He leaves many friends who havebeen deeply influenced forever bythe lasting impact of hisministry.

Reverend Billy Gene Guthrie,61, was born March 24, 1947 toJessie and Netia Jean Guthrie inUpland, California. He passed awayon November 25, 2008 at St. JohnMedical Center in Tulsa,Oklahoma.

Billy shared ministry for thePentecostal Church of God and

Assemblies of God Churches. He is survived by his wife,

Lyndell Jo Guthrie of the home;sons, Lynn Guthrie and wife Kris ofSapulpa, Tony Guthrie and wifeGena of Owasso; father, KeithGuthrie and wife Martha ofFayetteville, Arkansas; onegrandson, Logan Guthrie; sisters,

RobbieSharonUpton ofSpringdale, Arkansas, and DebraDenise Guthrie of Bentonville,Arkansas. He was preceded indeath by his mother, Netia JeanGuthrie.

Reverend John E. FradyMay 10, 1921 – November 26, 2008

Reverend Billy Gene GuthrieMarch 24, 1947 – November 25, 2008

3 Oklahoma Outlook February 2009

IInn LLoovviinngg MMeemmoorryy

Retha ShellMay. 24, 1930 – Dec. 27, 2008

Faye GoodwinFeb. 19, 1923 – Dec. 26, 2008

Leta HawkinsJan. 6, 1943 – Dec. 25, 2008

MMiinniisstteerr’’ss SSppoouusseess

February 2009 Oklahoma Outlook 4

Tom GoinsDistrict Secretary/Treasurer


Broken Bow, GloverClaremore, Verdigris


GroveHugo, First

Lamont, Prairie ViewMaysvilleMorrison

North MiamiPickens

PruePryor, Lone Chapel


Seminole, Old GlorySentinelSoper

Spencer, Reigning LifeSterlingStillwellTipton

TonkawaWhitefield, ShilohWyandotte Faith


Duncan, Cornerstone

– Lenard Crogh –Loco, Asphaltum

Tom Goins

TeachMe To

PrayJesus often spoke about

the role of prayer in theChristian’s life and the church.He guaranteed His presencewhen two or more gather inunity to pray. He alsopromised to act wheneverbelievers speak to God in theauthority of Christ’s name.Jesus taught that God is to bethe focus of our petitions, andHe showed by example thatthe basis for ministry is communion with the Father. If we want God to release Hispower into our situation, it’s important to do two things:

First, depend solely on Jesus’ merits. Our new life as children of God began whenwe acknowledge our helplessness and accepted Christ’s substitutionary death on ourbehalf. He acted as our mediator and reconciled us to the Father. If we want God todo mighty works in and through us, we must continue in the same spirit of dependenceon Christ.

Second, separate from all known sin. At the cross, when the Savior paid ourpenalty from transgression, sin’s controlling power over us was broken. However, itspresence remains in this world and also lingers in us. Gossip, laziness, gluttony, andselfishness are everyday occurrences. The remedy for every sin is to confess it to God,turn away from the attitude or behavior, and receive God’s forgiveness and cleaning.He will only use cleansed vessels.

If we are going to make big requests of God, we must come to Him with cleanhearts and hands—that is, solely on the merits of His Son Jesus.


LLeevveell 11 Acts – The works of the Holy Spirit in the Believer

LLeevveell 22 Old Testament Survey

LLeevveell 33 The Corinthian Correspondence

TeachMe To


5 Oklahoma Outlook February 2009

MMiissssiioonnss DDeeppaarrttmmeennttEEvveerryy CChhuurrcchh,, SSuuppppoorrttiinngg EEvveerryy MMiissssiioonnaarryy,, GGooiinngg EEvveerryywwhheerree,, aanndd RReeaacchhiinngg EEvveerryyoonnee

Lindell Warren

No one is left out in God’seconomy. This gospel includeseveryone. Joel said so (Joel 2:32);Peter said so (Acts 2:21), as hequoted Joel; Paul said so (Romans10:13); and of course, Jesus said soas well (John 3:16). No ethnic,cultural, economic, or social groupexempts one from God’s grace andlove found in the Gospel of JesusChrist.

The most socially rejected peoplehave found grace in the eyes ofGod. Exodus 12:38 tells us, “…Anda mixed multitude went up also withthem…” One Bible scholar calledthe mixed group that left Egyptwith the Hebrew children, amongrel group. The impure andcross-breeds, who had noidentification, were just asdelivered as the children of Israel.

How about the Samaritan womanat the well? Culturally, Jesus shouldnot have talked to her. First of all,she was a woman, secondly, she wasa Samaritan (half-blood). Not onlydid Jesus talk to her, he promisedher living water.

The New Testament notes thatbarriers separating us from oneanother have been broken downthrough the life and sacrificial

death of Jesus Christ (Galatians3:26-28; Colossians 3:11).Jesus died for all peopleeverywhere: the Jew, the Gentile,and the Palestinian; the drug user,the drug dealer and the old-fashioned alcoholic, Jesus died forall the adulterers and adulteresses,as well as the homosexuals, andeven those who commit incest. Hedied for all the thieves, arsonists,and murderers, the gang membersand war lords. Jesus died for thelast, the least, and the lost; thebeaten, the broken, and thebruised; the hapless, the helpless,and the hopeless. Jesus died for theAIDS victim. He died for all theprodigals. And, He died for youand me.

A lot! Children, teenagers, collegestudents, and other adults areanswering the call to ministry. Theyoung are volunteering for the hardplaces. Last month we returnedfrom the World Summit inCincinnati, Ohio where 4,000people met to explore the spiritualneeds of the world. Of this greatnumber approximately 1,000collegians committed themselves togive a year to missions and prayabout a lifetime.

Spanish ministry in Oklahoma isexploding! Our own OklahomaSchool of Ministry includes 30Spanish speaking enrollees.Missionary Mark Fitzgeraldcontinues to receive and pursueinquiries from Spanish groups across

Oklahoma. In fact, on January 10th,Brother Fitzgerald hosted an all daymeeting for Spanish speakingpastors. I certainly didn’tunderstand all that was said, but theenthusiasm and spirit of the comingtogether blessed me richly.

The Volunteer Prison MinistriesNetwork shows signs of greaterinvolvement and growth. On January, 12th I attended thededication of the New HopeChristian Center in Chickasha. Thisfaith based center will provide lifechallenging education programs forthose leaving the penal system andthose needing help with chemicaldependence. Chickasha FirstAssembly is the owner of this newfacility, while Chaplain TravisHendricks oversees its dailyoperation.

From our volunteers acrossOklahoma it has been reported thatin 2008, 458 worship services havebeen provided with 45,484 inmatesin attendance. It has also beenreported that 1250 Bibles have beenpersonally given out, and 4898other books and materials. Thetotal number of converts is 467.These reported numbers areconservative with many not beingreported.

In 2009, the volunteer prisonworkers will meet on each 5thSaturday. The place will beannounced each time. Please callthe District Missions Office orChaplain Hendricks at ChickashaFirst Assembly for details.

On Assignment,

Lindell WarrenMissions Director





February 2009 Oklahoma Outlook 6

Jack SalkilChristian Education Director

The BGMC ministry was startedin 1949. That means 2009 marks 60years of meeting critical needs aroundthe world and 60 years of teaching kidsto have a heart of compassion for thelost and needy of the world. We, hereat the BGMC office, are SO excited tobe celebrating this BIG event!

BGMC will be celebrating Buddy’sbirthday during the year 2009, but theBIG day will be National BGMC Day,March 8, 2009. (Feel free to celebrateBuddy’s birthday any day that worksbest for you.) A BGMC birthdaypacket is being mailed to everyBGMC-giving church. This packetincludes a commemorative newsletterwith lots of historical information, aflyer showing all the birthday resourcesthat are available, a sample of thecommemorative offering box that willbe used during 2009, a gift fromBGMC for each church, a birthdayposter made for kids, an anniversaryposter made for adults, and a specialbookmark. Be sure to look through theresource flyer. Many of the resources tocommemorate this event will only beavailable during 2009. Some will alsohave a limited supply. We are alsofeaturing resources that you can buy todecorate and celebrate by having a bigbirthday party, such as a giantinflatable birthday cake with Buddystickers, birthday hats with BGMCbirthday stickers, and more. Many ofthe birthday resources would makegreat Christmas gifts for your kids andworkers.

Also enclosed in the packet is afree birthday DVD containing videoclips and slide presentations. Show the

video clips to the kids and the adults.Use the birthday slide presentation toteach the kids about the history ofBGMC. Use the project slidepresentations to show the criticalneeds BGMC has met. The projectslide presentations are also great tohave running before or after church, ata banquet, or at other big events.

Start planning now how you willcelebrate this event at your church.Here are some ideas:

** HHaavvee ggiiaanntt BBGGMMCC bbiirrtthhddaayy ppaarrttyytthhaatt iinncclluuddeess ccaakkee aanndd ootthheerrggooooddiieess..

** HHaavvee aa ssppeecciiaall BBGGMMCC bbaannqquueett..** IInnvviittee aa mmiissssiioonnaarryy ttoo sshhaarree hhooww

BBGGMMCC hhaass bblleesssseedd tthheeiirr mmiinniissttrryy..** CChhaalllleennggee yyoouurr kkiiddss ttoo ggiivvee BBuuddddyy

aann eexxttrraa ssppeecciiaall pprreesseenntt bbyy rraaiissiinnggeexxttrraa mmoonneeyy ffoorr BBGGMMCC..

** DDoo aa ssppeecciiaall cchhuurrcchh--wwiiddee ffuunndd--rraaiissiinngg eevveenntt ffoorr BBuuddddyy’’ss bbiirrtthhddaayy..

** TTaakkee uupp aa ssppeecciiaall bbiirrtthhddaayy //aannnniivveerrssaarryy ooffffeerriinngg ffrroomm tthheeaadduullttss..

** IInncclluuddee BBuuddddyy’’ss bbiirrtthhddaayy iinn aallll ooffyyoouurr MMaarrcchh MMiissssiioonnss MMaaddnneesssseevveennttss..

Take a step of faith and set your2009 goal higher than you’ve everdone before. CALL OR EMAIL FORINFORMATION.WWW.OKAG.ORG Go to ChristianEducation Dept.

Jack Salkil

Happy Birthday Buddy!Happy Birthday Buddy!

7 Oklahoma Outlook February 2009

Linda Stamps-DissmoreWomen’s Director

CCoonnggrraattuullaattiioonnss ttoo oouurr TToopp LLIIFFEE aanndd GGRROOWW ggiivveerrss ffoorr 22000088!!

11.. DDuunnccaann BBeetthheell AAGG $$1111,,000000..0000 11.. TTaahhlleeqquuaahh CCaallvvaarryy AAGG $$11,,550000..000022.. OOKKCC BBeetthheessddaa AAGG $$1100,,550000..0000 22.. OOwwaassssoo FFiirrsstt AAGG $$11,,224400..000033.. CChhiicckkaasshhaa GGrraanndd AAGG $$1100,,225588..4444 33.. EEnniidd CCeennttrraall AAGG $$11,,000000..0000

CChhiicckkaasshhaa GGrraanndd AAGG $$11,,000000..0000

HHOONNOORRAABBLLEE MMEENNTTIIOONN HHOONNOORRAABBLLEE MMEENNTTIIOONNElk City First AG $9,270.00 Calera New Life AG $ 750.00Owasso First AG $8,011.00 OKC Christ’s Legacy AG $ 696.00Healdton AG $6,000.00 Edmond Cathedral/Hills AG $ 686.27

Thank you to our Oklahomawomen and girls who gave over$$118899,,000000..0000 ttoo tthhee LLIIFFEE aannddGGRROOWW ffuunnddss iinn 22000088! Iappreciate so much what all of youdo to be OOkkllaahhoommaa LLaaddiieessIInnvveessttiinngg ffoorr EEtteerrnniittyy and GGiirrllssRReeaacchhiinngg oouurr WWoorrlldd.. It takes boththe large Faith Promises as well asthe small Faith promises to makethe grand total. Because of thefaithful giving to these funds, I wasable to help some very intentionalwomen in El Salvador.

This past October, I went on atrip with other district Women’sdirectors and our national director,Arlene Allen, to El Salvador. Wewere guests of Convoy of Hope andwe were taken to several places in El

Salvador where Convoy is helpingchildren in schools and

orphanages. I was impressedwith what Convoy of Hopeis doing to help thechildren of El Salvador toreceive a good, Christianeducation.

However, whattouched me most werethe teachers at oneschool we visited. Wedrove an hour over dirtroads to reach theschool. The schoolwas nice, but becauseof the location the 6

female teachers had to live at theschool during the week. I could notbelieve their livingaccommodations. Six teachers livedin 2 small rooms—one room was akitchen with a stove and table.They slept in hammocks and had noplace to store their belongings.Their bathroom was a sink outsidethat faced the street. They had putup a sheet so they could take their“sponge” baths. The toilets wereacross the school yard. I looked intothe faces of 6 intentional womenwho were willing to live this way inorder for underprivileged children tohave a chance not only to learn toread and write, but also to learnabout Jesus.

My heart was extremelytouched—touched to the point thatI asked what could be done to maketheir accommodations better. I wastold that 2 more bedrooms and abathroom could be added to thefacilities and new paint for theexisting rooms for $10,000.00.Because our Oklahoma women andgirls have given sacrificially this pastyear, I was able to send $10,000.00to them immediately when Ireturned to Oklahoma. Therenovation should be ready whentheir new school year begins inMarch! Thank you Oklahomawomen and girls!!!

February 2009 Oklahoma Outlook 8

Thank You!

The World Missions Summit &XA Mama Bear tour both

helped kick off 2009.Special thanks to Oklahoma

help as we endeavor to reachour campuses, state & World!

9 Oklahoma Outlook February 2009

GGrreegg TTiiffffaannyyOklahoma XA Coordinator

GGrreegg TTiiffffaannyyOklahoma XA Coordinator

XAChi Alpha Campus MinistriesChi Alpha Campus MinistriesP.O. Box 2777; Norman, OK 73070 (405) 308-3737 [email protected] www.XAoklahoma.com

2008 Tour

ResultsPPrraaiissee GGoodd ffoorr aannootthheerr ssuucccceessssffuull LLFFTTLL TToouurr tthhiiss ppaasstt OOccttoobbeerr iinn tthhee OOkkllaahhoommaa DDiissttrriicctt.. AAlltthhoouugghh tthhee ggiivviinngg aallwwaayyss eexxcceeeeddsstthhee ffaaiitthh ccoommmmiittmmeennttss wwee ddiidd ttoottaall oovveerr $$554477,,000000 iinn ffaaiitthh ccoommmmiittmmeennttss.. PPTTLL!! AAccttuuaall ggiivviinngg ffoorr LLFFTTLL iinn 22000088 ttooppppeedd$$770000,,000000,, aannootthheerr bbiigg PPTTLL!!

SSppeecciiaall aapppprreecciiaattiioonn ggooeess ttoo BBrrootthheerr CCaarrggiillll,, BBrrootthheerr GGooiinnss aanndd BBrrootthheerr SSaallkkiill,, PPaassttoorr RRaayymmoonndd FFrriizzzzeellllee aanndd CCoouunncciillmmaannMMiikkee AAuussttiinn;; tthhee bbaannqquueett ssppeeaakkeerrss;; tthhee sstteeaakk tteeaammss ffrroomm TTuullssaa aanndd LLaawwttoonn;; aanndd aallll tthhee SSeeccttiioonnaall MMeenn’’ss RReepprreesseennttaattiivveess,,ppaassttoorrss,, aanndd llaayymmeenn tthhaatt hhaavvee pprroommootteedd aanndd aatttteennddeedd oonnee ooff oouurr 1155 LLFFTTLL BBaannqquueettss iinn 22000088..

DDiissttrriicctt MMeenn’’ss DDiirreeccttoorr,,

LLFFTTLL SSuummmmaarryy 22000088Section 1 - $38,983.00Section 2 - $17,090.00Section 3 - $13,303.00Section 4 - $ 6,199.00Section 5 - $284,030.00Section 6 - $ 25,565.00Section 7 - $ 17,950.00

Section 8 - $ 17,387.00Section 9 - $ 38,155.00Section 10 - $ 28,340.00Section 11 - $ 45,340.00Section 12 - $ 14,730.00

TTOOTTAALL $$ 554477,,007722..0000

Lindell Warren

February 2009 Oklahoma Outlook 10

OOppeenn ffoorr CCaallllssOOppeenn ffoorr CCaallllss

CChhaarrlleeyy HHuuddssppeetthh,, Newkirk,reports 2 rededications, 2 saved, and 3healed.

RRaayymmoonndd FFrriizzzzeellllee,, Miami, reports 4adults and 2 children saved in regularservices and 15 adults saved afterChristmas Program.

RRiicchhaarrdd SSmmiitthh,, Ponca City, reports 5children saved.

BBoobb WWiinnggoo,, McCurtain, reports 2 savedin regular service.

AAlllleenn LLeewwiiss,, Holdenville, reports 2 savedafter Christmas Drama “Rapture”.

KKeennnneetthh BBrryyaanntt,, Talihina, reports severalsaved and filled with the Holy Ghost.

DDeebboorraahh BBuurrkkee,, OKC, reports over 300in first service in their new facilitywith 13 first time salvations.

JJiimmmmyy SScchhwwyyhhaarrtt,, Tulsa, reports 1 savedafter Christmas Talent Show.

MMaaggddyy aanndd AAmmaannii FFaammreports boy delivered and parentssaved. Family from Jordan saved aftertheir 1-1/2 yr old daughter fell from2nd story on head and was prayed forand healed after Dr. said she wouldnot be normal if she lived.

AAlleexx HHaannnnaa reports 150 Arabs weresaved and 20 healed through SatelliteTV during Christmas season.

KKeenn BBuurrggee reports 20 saved, 22 filledwith the Holy Ghost and many

healed.KKuurrttiiss IIvveeyy reports 25 saved in regular

services.CChhrreesstteenn TToommlliinn reports 13 saved and 10

filled with the Holy Ghost inOklahoma and Missouri revivals.

JJiimm FFuulllleerr helped 15 pastors withgetaways and 25 other pastors withvarious needs.

MMaatttt PPooooll – wife’s completehealing.

KKiieell SSppeellttss – health and finances.JJoohhnn PPhhiilllliippss – heart problems.FFrreedd TTiicceeaahhkkiiee – needs vehicle for

ministry.LLaarrrryy HHeeaatthh – healing.

AAlllleenn AAsssseemmbbllyy needs achildren’s pastor. Contact PastorJones at (580) 857-2791.

NNeeww SSeeaassoonn needs a church van.Contact Pastor Kelly Martin at (405) 824-2592.

JJeerrrryy GGeesssseell at (918) 429-0582 needsdrum set and cymbols.

MMuusskkooggeeee LLiigghhtthhoouussee needs a YouthPastor. Contact Pastor Gary Dotsonat (405) 370-5880.

MMaanngguumm FFiirrsstt needs church Van andportable building. Please contact PatorDarrell (580) 471-7788.

Help for Pastors call (918) 758-4147 or visitwww.pastoralcareinc.com.

RReevveerreenndd aanndd MMrrss.. JJ..WW.. WWrriigghhttcelebrated their 50th Anniversarygiven by their children on 11-22-08 atJennings Assembly. Also JenningsAssembly dedicated their newsanctuary (debt free) on 12-7-08. J.W. Wright has pastored there over30 years.

RReevveerreenndd aanndd MMrrss.. SStteepphheennBBiiggggeerrssttaaffff announce the birth oftheir son, John Brian, born on 11-23-08, Weighing 7 lbs. 12 ozs. Andwas 19-1/2”. Greeted by 9 siblings.

KKaawwaaii RRXX55 66’’77”” PPiiaannoo..Excellent condition. Contact KenTeel at (405) 370-5880.

Pastors’ Reports Evangelist’s Reports Information



Prayer Requests

Evangelist’s ReportsNeeded


SSeeccttiioonn 11JJiimm BBaallllaarrdd – (918) 485-0216JJaammeess BBeellll – (918) 253-2130AAiirriikkaa BBllaannkkeennsshhiipp – (918) 837-1164DDoonn DDoorrsseeyy – (918) 341-1737EEvveellyynn HHuurrsstt – (918) 341-8750RRhhoonnddaa RRoocckk – (918) 341-1870RRiicckkyy VVaannPPaayy – (918) 497-8217AAlllleenn WWhhiitttteennbbeerrgg – (918) 485-8220SSeeccttiioonn 22JJeeffffeerryy AAiinnsswwoorrtthh – (405) 824-3693KKeenn BBuurrggee – (918) 967-4088CChheesstteerr CCoooolleeyy – (918) 522-4734RRoobbeerrtt PPoollvvaaddoo – (918) 774-3627FFrraannkk SSaallaazzaarr – (918) 427-0749DDoonnaalldd YYoouukkeerr – (918) 721-5951SSeeccttiioonn 33CCaatthhyy BBaarrnneess – (580) 345-2688RRooggeerr BBaarrnneess – (580) 345-2688JJeerrrryy CCooooppeerr – (580) 326-3006GGaabbrriieell EElllliiootttt – (580) 212-9408SShheerrrryy LLaammbbee – (580) 746-2340LLaarrrryy LLeewwiiss – (580) 587-2545RRiittaa KKnniigghhtt LLeewwiiss – (580) 587-2545KKeennnneetthh SSttaaffffoorrdd – (580) 933-7186SSeeccttiioonn 44RRaayymmoonndd DDookkee,, JJrr.. – (918) 302-8701RRooddnneeyy GGeeoorrggee – (918) 652-7542DD.. FFaayy KKeettcchhuumm – (918) 689-2851

PPhhiilllliipp MMccGGoovvrraann – (918) 756-7703JJoohhnn PPhhiilllliippss – (918) 426-4335EEvvaa RRoouunnssaavviillllllee – (580) 371-3057RRooggeerr RRoouunnssaavviillllllee – (580) 371-3057DDiiaannee TTwwiisstt – (918) 616-2630RRaacchheell WWiilllliiss – (918) 339-4411SSeeccttiioonn 55CChhuucckk BBuurrttoonn – (918) 261-5437BBeettttyy CCaallaabbrreessee – (918) 246-0496KKaarreenn CCoooonn – (405) 620-0517BBaarrrryy DDoouuggllaass – (918) 446-6473WWiilllliiaamm EEcccclleess – (918) 369-8403DDoonnnnaa EEmmbbeerrttoonn – (918) 291-0549BBiillll EEppppss – (918) 835-5582DDaavviidd FFiinnkk – (918) 946-4990GGoorrddoonn GGaarrrreetttt – (918) 627-1172MMiikkee GGrriiffffiinn – (918) 695-0510CChhaarrlleess HHaarrnneessss – (918) 331-6564JJ.. FF.. HHeerrrriinngg – (918) 258-7099KKeevviinn HHoowweellll – (918) 398-7524RRaannddyy JJaacckkssoonn – (918) 267-7134HHeennrryy KKeelllloogggg – (918) 241-5107CCllaarreennccee LLaammbbeerrtt – (918) 272-7129CChhaarrlleess MMaattlloocckk – (918) 363-7712JJoohhnn MMccDDoonnaalldd – (918) 446-0905GGlleenn MMccGGuuiirree – (918) 627-2827TToomm NNaaccee – (918) 337-0805DDrr.. JJaammeess PPhhiiffeerr – (918) 557-9151FFllooyydd RReennffrroo – (918) 449-0228

NNiicchhoollaass RRoobbiinnssoonn – (580) 317-7904RRooddnneeyy SSmmiitthh – (918) 446-4036LLiissaa TTuurrnneerr – (918) 321-3097DDeeaann WWeesstt – (918) 245-1708SStteepphheenn WWooooddrrooww – (918) 355-8661SSeeccttiioonn 66MMiicchheellllee CCrraannee – (405) 214-8281EEllvviinn EElllliiss – (405) 382-1737CCllaarreennccee GGeennee HHeerrnnddoonn – (405) 762-0534DDaallee JJeennnniinnggss – (405) 379-5187CChhrriiss LLeeee – (405) 567-3900KKeevviinn MMaarrttiinn – (405) 279-1275JJeessss PPoowweerr – (405) 382-1216CCiinnddyy RRoobbeerrttssoonn – (405) 323-8359JJoohhnnnnyy SSqquuiirreess – (918) 225-0214JJoo AAnnnn SStteewwaarrtt – (405) 567-3895OOlliivveerr SSwwaaiimm – (405) 273-2088GGaarryy TThhoommppssoonn – (405) 379-9988DDoonn WWiillbbuurrnn – (918) 352-1246LLeeoonn WWiilllliiaammss – (405) 258-0091SSeeccttiioonn 77RRoonnaalldd BBrraannnnaann – (580) 795-7343LLeeoonnaarrdd CCrroogghh – (580) 224-9119AAllaann DDaavveennppoorrtt – (580) 775-5774HH..HH.. DDaavviiss – (580) 226-0454EEvvaa RRoouunnssaavviillllllee – (580) 371-3057RRooggeerr RRoouunnssaavviillllllee – (580) 371-3057GGeerraalldd SStteevveennss – (405) 343-1390SSeeccttiioonn 88JJ.. DDaavviidd EEvveettttss – (405) 864-7609

GGaarryy MMiilllleerr – (580) 478-3926MMaarriillyynn MMuurrrraayy – (580) 402-0590RRiicchhaarrdd VVeennttoonniiss – (580) 471-1759SSeeccttiioonn 99RRiicckkeeyy WW.. AAuussttiinn – (405) 677-7548MMiicchhaaeell BBrriiddggee – (405) 735-6804BBaarrbbaarraa BBrruunneerr – (405) 375-5310KKeettttllyy CCaassiimmiirr – (301) 368-3615TThhoommaass CCoolllliinnss – (405) 631-3730DDoonn CCoollwweellll – (405) 872-5599DDaavviidd CCrriitttteennddeenn – (405) 794-0986JJooeeyy CCrroozziieerr – (405) 969-2881GGeennee DDrraaiinn – (405) 216-8467BBaarrrryy DDuunnnn – (405) 741-2284DDeewwaayynnee GGooootteeee – (405) 863-2200MMaarrnnaa HHiillllaarrdd – (405) 834-0221GGlleenn LLeeee – (405) 527-0791 LLeeoonn MMaarrttiinn – (405) 949-2576TTiimm MMaannzzaannaarreess – (405) 823-9822KKeerrrryy MMccCClluurree – (405) 301-3110DDaavviidd MMccMMuulllliikkiinn – (405) 219-6885BBeenn OOddeellll – (405) 720-1050MMaarrttiinn PPeerrrryymmaann – (405) 773-5096BBrruuccee RRiicchhaarrddssoonn – (405) 732-3492RRoonn VVaannMMeetteerr – (405) 447-5476DDeennnniiss WWhheeeelleerr – (405) 703-2035RRaannddyy WWiillkkeerrssoonn– (405) 819-4205SSeeccttiioonn 1100JJeerreemmyy BBllaacckk – (405) 320-1589

JJooyy KKeerrlleeyy BBuurrcchheetttt – (620) 779-1572JJiimm CCaappppss – (405) 224-3543PPeeggggyy CCaarrtteerr – (580) 444-3559KKeenntt CCrraawwffoorrdd – (405) 933-1494JJaammeess AA.. DDooaann – (580) 255-0392AAlleexx SS.. HHaannnnaa – (580) 536-2419 EEuuggeennee HHoowweetthh – (580) 476-3597DDaavviidd HHuunntteerr – (580) 429-4447SStteepphhaanniiee HHuunntteerr – (580) 429-4447LLeesstteerr MMaarrsshh – (405) 462-7587BBeecckkyy MMoorrpphheeww – (580) 252-2914CChhaarrlleess PPaarrkkeerr – (580) 476-2181GGlleenn RRyysswwyykk – (580) 529-2290SStteevveenn SSnnooww – (580) 549-6086SSeeccttiioonn 1111WWooooddrrooww WWaallttoonn – (580) 938-2694AAnnddrreeww YYoouunngg – (580) 328-5685SSeeccttiioonn 1122BBoobb LL.. BBeennssoonn – (580) 464-3320MMaarrvviinn BBooyylleess – (580) 492-4238CCllaayyttoonn EEvveerrhhaarrtt – (580) 846-5633TThhoommaass MMccEEwweenn – (580) 535-4023LLaannccee PPeerrrriitttt – (405) 226-1449RRoonnaalldd TThhiieesssseenn – (405) 247-7629MMiisscceellllaanneeoouussGGrraaddyy AAddccoocckk – (501) 922-0871PPaauull DDeeWWoollffee – (806) 934-2082