ii ia j n 41 f OJ w 2 2ft + THE PXDUOAH i EVLNINTUEliDA1 FEimuAnY flr d- 1t J A N E S y J y tEAL ESTATE t 11 MORTGAGES i LQANStI I > jt j j encesI I I 1 Two 4 rooms sewer connections a 12EO and 16 ono 5 rooms and rone 7 rooms both these sewer con nected at 20 and 25 month aA u FOR SALESIX room cottage on l 10l t feettdtablp y e 4 servants house on ling l easy par > J ments Only 500 cash See me for details and get homo In best resi t ¬ dence part of North Side Nice 9 room N 5th house In I < paymentat s I IChance for colored people Have t half dozen houses for sale at prices S500 to 1000 on very easy pay ¬ l t afterwardst Have 50 foot Ft Park Idt withI f timef ¬ f gain at that pYlcei anywhere In park r6 i Clay Harrison St lots at 250 t 25 cast and 5 month t 14th St 1 lots near Trimble at i J250 on small monthly payments Best offer In Fountain Park Is 54 tt lot oh North Side Mad on St be ¬ t haltt y e > J ± Bargain In Farm J 150 acres five miles from Padu rah onjHInklevllle road at 3200 a easy payments Can bo divided an Finer chance which had better see about meI Now Is the the time to get t places f tor country homes Can sell nice lots from 5 acres up 4n very de ilrable l location near electric cars Five acres near La Belle park a 62fiI easy payments Better look Into this If you want large place fo home where 50foot lots sell at 20 and morer posto > office North Side sewer connected In best part of city at 3500 of thh only f50P cash balance 30 month Nice home on Fountain park 5 rooms porchTiede alloy at only 1550 Bargain 431 North Fifth street 7room Zrfltorj house In good fix at J3000 a Bargain In Clay street Fountain I b park vacant lot No 1627 Broadway modern con Tenlencos two story eight room res ¬ idence which rents to good tenant at 3750 month One of the most r substantial and desirable homes i- j In j cashY years with 6 per cent Interest f 8tht i 33i Invest ¬ Jment New nice 4room house on 50 ft R sideif ot Harrison St between 16th and Fountain avenue in Fountain Park I paymentsSee e No 1141 Clay St new Broom t brick cottage water inside one nicest cottages to be found Price 1800 f only 500 cash balance payments 1 1 2 and 3 years Joining 1141 have 67 ft vacant J 0 + thebrick I t f 1032 North 12th St 5room frame j i cottage with stable water inside house Price 1200 on easy pay I tsenta N E corner 3rd ft Tennessee Sts 88 It front on 3rd and full depth r lot to alloy storehouse brIck tram 1 > 6 room house and vacant space for i J two more houses > all for 3000 Fountain Park 7room new rest ¬ I dence bath and water with sink InI kitchen CO ft lot plenty ohade I trees choice home place Price 1 650 only U50 cash and all time wanted on balance Bargain Two houses on one lot northwest I corner Ninth and Ohio streets Good offer at 2100 on very easy pay menta 1 Good fourroom residence in Mo chanlcaburg Joining the Blederman J grocery store price 860 halt cash aid as much time as wanted on bal I I USr jDoat forget that I have at all faradmortgages years time v S JNew plat of Madison St Iota just I r parkii andplat whilecan iihich26 cash and balance on 5 Monthly payments Location pried salt terms considered these are most desirable lots in Paducah r First class business property on both Second and Third streets near j jj read way Best chance to be had In tbto llM of Investment Ask for de tllw WIvI JAN ES BOOM oIIheM Yi7 Nt amL tY1 Qiltra > R i 1 o 0 i P0Pco MEN AND WOMEN In its purchases the public has demon ¬ strated that 300 is the real popular price Recqe g nizing this fact we are continually striving to keep our 3 line the strongest and best obtainable anywhere In order to do this we have had to choose always a shoe made tp Y1 earand NOT made to yield a long profit IIWe know that this course pays though for pur customers have the pleasant Ihabit of coming back for the next pair you see it pays them too THE ONLY WAY to Foot Comfort is Lendler Lydons Shoe Line LENDLER LYDON 309 Broadway Paducah Ky o to pay nts Kidneysn 500d yee s Relief Oil 25 cts Paynes Medicated Soap lOc All sold by SMITH NAQEL < IS IlKEIl A FOOD 1KODUCT ° Tuktt y Investigationr 0Washington Feb GThat beer Is a food product and that It Is fast t coming to be classed with the least harmful beverages Is a claim now receiving the close attention of the government experts connected with the department of dgrlculturcv The department ot agriculture Is and has been for some time pursuin- an Investigation of the nature ef ¬ fects and value of beer Doctor WV H Wiley chief of the bureau of chemsltry of tho depart- ment ¬ of agriculture Is espclally In ¬ terested in the subject having reI tarred to It frequently sin lectures Doctor Wiley Is not yet ready to make any statement or report on the question as to whether beer 1 a Is food product i V r I will say this much he said to ¬ day that the use of beer and wines aids In the work pt temperance To Illustrate there Is not near so much Intemperance In Germany where wines and beer are used to such aj great extent as there Is in Scotland where eplrltous liquors are princi ¬ pally used- Germany Great Britain and the United States In the order named are the largest producers of malt beverages and tho general good health of the Germans English and Americans Is pointed to as strong proof of the argument that beer is u food product and that its con sumption aids Instead of retarding tho work of temperance Cold Wave Will lloniln Bradley liroglinva 20000 bushels of their fatuous coal under sheds dry mud clean Xo advance in price 1libno 330 N To clean watch chains boll thoia In a Httlo salaraonlao dissolved h pins P PAXTON Preiident Discovery JllAISi HIMSELF Atlanta Editor JtcfiistaUd on This I Condition i Atlanta Ga Fcli UJobn Tem pie Graves candidate for the United States senate has been restored t to I his position aseditor in chief of th Atlanta News from which ho was removed by an over of court Col Graves presented a petition asking a modification of the order by which chargeg that Col Graves editorial on The Joys of Neutrality had overstepped the bounds while the court itself said that the editorial on A Story of Journalism In Florida was t as high a compliment as a man could pay himself and Col Graves had been enjoined front himself on the editorial page Attorneys for General Manager Charles Daniel finally consented t to the restoration of Col Graves a editor In chief upon the distinct un- derstanding ¬ that + he not praise self make no reference to the hluI ing lltlgatlon In which the News 1 is Involved and publish no edltoral re- ferring to politics In Georgia ilbe Texas Wonder Cures all kldneybladder and rheumat- Ic troublessold by J H Oehlschlae ger 601 Broadway Dr EW Hall oflce 2926 Olive Stt St Lonu Mo A 230000 Depot for the I O The Illinois Central will erect a new frelght spot at Jackson Miss nnd will enlarge the passenger sta tlon at an outlay of 250000 The Mechanics Building and Loan Association will lend you money to build your house at G per cent F M Fisher secretary Engraved cards and plate 125 at The Sun of l4e- Subscribe for Tho Sun S r POOr L O STEPHENSON Paducah Undertaking Co Undertakers and Embalmers IOTII PHONES 363 a j STtj No no PAT Iw New Quick iOoXT R RCDY Caabler P At PURV ilstant RI I Citizens Savings BanK S Capital S 100000 Surplus 5000O Stock holders liability 100000 t I Total security to depositorsS250 000 Accounts of individuals and firms sclicited We appreciate small as well as large depositors and accord to all the same courteous treatment Interest Paid on Time DepositsI Opn Saturday nights from seven to eight oclockI Third sled Broadway t- I l r V MAIIYVTfflNK WE NEED THE PANAMA ZONE A QrowiiiR Seiitipneijt That i it Should Bo Annexed The Qufjtloii I is nccoinliiK n Siriott e I One In Tills Country at J resent COMMITTKE I IX A QUAXDAUY Washington Feb GTho prob ¬ lem of American relations In a governmental way to the Panama canal zone and the republic of Pan- ama has become a serious one with tho senate committee on Inter oceanic canals There Is a strong feeling that the anomalous relation now existing Is n dangerous one In the senate committee and likewise In the republic there Is a strong sentiment In favor of a different ar ¬ rangement A few weeks ago It WaS reported that there was a serious revolution ¬ ary movement afoot in tho Isthmian republic That movement report ¬ ed In much detail In newspapers and through former residents on the canal zone aimed at a closer union between the United Stated and th- republicin e i fact at annexation It was explained that the radicals 1 in Panama believed that conditions I would be betcr there If the United States were the actual sovereign n Instead of the promoter of the Isthmian republic It turns out that the canal com- mittee of the senate has been feel Ing much the same way As the In ¬ IlroI ¬ gressed this view hap gained ground Today It can be said with entire confidence there Is a strong feeling in the committee that a new deal l Is necessary and that the United States ought in justice to itself and eto the canals future to take over under Its absolute control if not t limp entire Panaman republic at l least the canal zone goingd to make any sensational decisions a a result orIlts deliberations It I Is disposed to make the best of condi ¬ tions as It lyis found them It recI beent spent Is gonej irretrievably Where in amultltudo of uncer¬ cong ¬ cern only the police power of this country on the Isthmus and that again may bo of international char ¬ settles these many feel is tq have this country take over the republic of Panunla And It Is certain ihat It this Is not the outcome at the pres ¬ ent session of congress or at the next It I Is certainly expected to be the ultimate outcome at some time fn the future Itch Itlnguorni E T Lucas WIngo Ky writes April 25 1902 For 10 to 12 years I had been afflicted with a malady known as the itch The itching was most unbearable I had tried for years to find relief having tried all remedies I could hear of besides a number of doctors I wish to state that one single application of Bal larda Snow Liniment cured mo Com ¬ pletely and permanently Since then I have used the liniment on two sep ¬ arate occasions for ring worm and It cured completely 25c 50c mind 1- at Alyey Lists and G C C Kolbg GUUtl Has Caused Ills Undoing Says Agnes Hoppllcr Chicago 111 Fc b C Clubwoman of Chicago are discussing tho uniqua address given by Msa Agnes Rep i pller the Philadelphia essayist be- fore the Friday club of this city The speaker declared that man s downfall Is due to tho garb he wears According to Miss Repplter mans adoption of Hlbecohilng and Inartistic dress revealed his real ugliness and weakness and In the light of tho revelation woman has begun to assert herself and will eventually have complete ascend ency The lecture was given at the res ¬ idence of Mm Kellogg Fallbunk where Miss Repplter Is guest She spoke on The Temptation of Eve- I sincerely believe said Miss Reppller that much of what Is now called the womans movement much ot the audacious and unwar- ranted ¬ selfassertion of the sex is due to the clothes which men have elected to wear Nature needs only a Little Early Riser now and then to keep the bow ¬ els clean the liver active and the system freo Jrom bile headaches constipation Early Riser Pills never grjpe Sold by hang Bros Subscribe for The SU > 0 CATTLE QUARANTINE IS NOW IN i EFFECT It is Enforced by Undo Sam and Lasts Until Oct 81 Cattle Cannot UIt Slilpjnd North of f Certain Line Except for tSlaughtll FKVEU IS CAUHIK1 11V TICKS iTho department of animal indus- try ¬ of the United States govern- ment ¬ Issued Instructions to its In ¬ spectors to see that the national cat ¬ tie quarantine was put Into effect promptly ± op Thursday February 1 and tt has been done This quarantine on cattle paeans that no cattle except for 8lnu can be shipped north of a certain line which runs In a zigzag fashion across the continent and located by the government The line of quar an tine passes through the state of Tennessee entering at the squtheast ern corner and passing upward To- ward the middle of the state the line comes In a southerly dlrectlo to the southern state line whence It again diverges northward to finally leave the state by the northern boundary of Shelby county Io Sy HopHlns United States in ¬ spector of the department of agricul- ture ¬ who is stationed I in Mempfiis says the quarantine law will be rig Idly enforced lie said The quarantine went Into effect February 1 and will be enforced un ¬ til October 31 Cattle may be ship p 4 north of the quarantine line ex ¬ cept for Immediate slaughter This Is done to prevent the spread of Infectious diseases Till department at Washington dlscox cred some years ago that splenetic fevers were due to a germ and that the germ was carried by ticks on cattle They Immediately Institut ¬ ed a quarantine during the season when the fever is most active The result has been marked The quar ¬ antine line has come farther south each year Indeed several points In the state which were lou h of the line a few years ao have lemon strated to me that there was no In ¬ fection in them and I recommended thaHhey 10 puf beyond the quaran- tine line which was done The Idea that fevers were car ¬ ned by ticks line had a great In ¬ fluence off modern methods of light ¬ ing disease The same principle IK Involved In the present method of warring against yellow fever H y ex ¬ terminating the mosquito Nothing will relieve indigestion that Is not a thorough digestant Kodol Dyspepsia Curs digests what you cat and allows the stomach to restrecuperategrow strong again A few doses of Kodpl after meals will soon restore the stomach and digest ¬ ive organs to a full performance of their functions naturally Sold by Lang Bros i Polio County Irfninrjr Ordered Golconda 111 Feb GAt a meeting of t the Republican county central committee of Pope county here it was decided to hold a coun- t ¬ primary on Saturday February 17 to vote on candidates for SUe premo Judge In the First district Do not be deceived by counterfeits when you buy Witch Hazel Salve The name of E C DoWltt Co it on every box of the genuine Best for Cijls Burns Dolls Totter Piles Etc Sold by Lang Bros Notice Fairbanks Morse Co va Gasoline Boat White Oak ln admiralty Whereas A libel was filed in the district court of the United States orthe western district of Kentucky at Paducah on the 10th day of Jan- uary ¬ 190C by Fairbanks Morse Co agajnst the boat White Oak her engines tackle apparel furniture etc alleging In fiubstanco that said boat was Indebted co them In the sum of 1152452 for supplies ma ¬ chinery etc furnished said boat That said boat as Justly Indebted to them In said sum and that same has never been paid and prayed process en1 enIgines to pay said claim with all cost and expensesNow I In pursuance to monition under seal of said court thoI I me directed I do heeby give notice to all persons claiming said boat White Oak or In any theI ner Interested therein that they beI and appear in the district court ofI the United States In the city of Paj duoah Ky on or before the 5th day of March 1900 at 10 oclock In the forenoon of that day then and there to interpose their claims and to make their allegations in that behalf GEO W LONG U S M W K Dr By QEf W SATJNDKR8 beputy i < AN APPEAL TO REASON Common sense is the key to Good 1 Health Yet how many of us use good judgment 1 v < How we till neglect the first syntptbtnstlle beginnings of disease But let us have just one severe illness and how glad we 1 are to get well Then afterwards what good care we take of our health Ninetenths of all our great afflictions our chronicI diseases can be prevented They start ns simple ailments nil have the same causeuricncid It causes rheumatism neuralgia eczema catarrh kidney trouble heart disease THE PROVEN THEORY OF URIC ACID POISONING- S You of course know time uses of the blood How it carries nourishment to every part of the lady and how it picks up all waste matter and carries it back to be discharged from the sys ¬ tem Before this waste matter is thrown off it separates into two things uric odd and urea If all time organs are in perfect con ¬ ditionwhich Is very rare the uric acid passes trout the body properly But if the organs are not in perfect condition thq blood in taking nour ¬ ishment to every part of the system carries in addition to each delicate acidr Upon any nervous shock exposure wet feet worry or overwork this uric acid changes inttf uric salts and is It blood In different parts of theMaly It settles in the joints causing rheumatism in the mucous mem ¬ branes causing catarrh ami stomach troubleMn the heart region causing heart disease hind so oft nlneItenths i u > the ¬ n of twelve days the pay a and In who was of the at Sea Breeze was with the for union She to Ills time absent was two r PLANT vs URIC ACID When uric has IntoI I uric tails and it settles in parts of your body disease you that to cure you remove these r of salts Dut howl have seen friends take prescription and nnd have not been cured it is fail with them will fail with you A which remove the J r Is the to cure army f disease LIFE PLAN the Y cause When you a dose of LIFE PLANT the blood carries it direct to s theafflicted i lsartof your body There it hoes its work by time ¬ posits of uric saltsf t LIFE is a combination of n own curative and is a solvent for salts contains no drugs no in the least harmful If would like to know who believe LIFE PLANT because it thctn l we will send of the letters they have written to us 1 There are thousands of I NATURES WARNINGS OF MUCII ACID Headache poor digestion biliojjMiess liortuesso breath dry pal- pitation darting dark colored urine sluggish l sleeplessness j nUll in women menstrual Tho above symptoms foro runners of sickness Whenever you experience them or If you already hove any of the dIsmea follow thorn lake LIFE PLANT and learn the meaning of isou- nd r health LIFE PLANT curse by removing lit gauss MEDICAL FRET If you would like medical advice from Medical Director write him freely lie will personally consider your rate without charge t WRITE FOR OUR FREE BOOK dN GOOD HEALTH G7ARANTF + LIFE PLANT is a purely vegetable Contains absolutely no harmful drugs We cheerfully invite its analysis by any competent demist For 101 alt druJJLiij LIFE PLANT COMPANY Canton Ohio 1 ysii AUSKXT TKKATMKXT Hut She Couldnt Cute Uncle Kmu Tlint Vny Jacksonville Fla Feb 6ltelen- M I Post famous Mental heal- er after trial was found guilty In United Stdtes court here and sentenced ito pSOQ fine arve thirty days Jail Mrs I Post Is 71 years old hoed Mental Science Institute Flai and charged using malls fraudulent purposes Her patients resided In overt state- n the claimed euro nil by sotailed treatment She convicted about LIFE acid changed various causing common sense tc113 yourself must de- posits uric You your other medicines they So cerLlin that remedies which remedy will cause removes take dissolving de PLANT natures herbs natural uric It narcotics nothing degtee you people In cured you sonic them TOO URIC skin pahms brain disorders ivro which ADVICE our medicine by rtpalablt years ago and sentenced to ImprJsdu ment for one year and qnodny She appealed and the decision was reverted Notice of appeal was given and doftindant t released on 2000 bail I It t j The Nett Conga Syrttv the one + rrbowelsIs ey and Tar It expels nil cold from the system cuts the phlegm out of the throat strengthens tho mucous mombranos of tho bronchial tubesj j and relieves croup whooping cough eta t Children love It Sold by l Lang Brqs Mrs Austins Pancakes will hblp regain lost appetite At grocers w r t Save your Gas Bills but more important Save Your Eyes t- All N the latest patterns in improved Lamps Welsbach Lindsay Peerless You will save the cost of either in a short time InI I a decreased gas bill Let us shcw you Try iprcela for cleansing enamelware ED D HAAi Stem Fitting Plumbing Both Phoces 201 132 S nth St 325 Kentucky AveS I CITY TRANSFER COV + Now located ata 1 Glaubers Stable We are ready for ell kinds of hauling l lk TELEPHONE 499 I MOTTS They overcome Weak PEiMynfnlAl noes irrcgadarity and I I IJIULV omissions I lE3rcaso VR painsof Nolcnown RnldUY + sow BY ALVHr R LIST AND Q O O HOLD PADO OAS XT MOVED i To our new quarters121123 N 0 rtht FQurthstreet Foreman Bros Novelty Co I INSS R P RATI Both Phones 757 o

OJ THE yjt y tEAL J MORTGAGES AN ESTATE ES Recqe P0Pco It …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7zw37krf78/data/0267.pdf · 2014-06-23 · ia ii j n 41 f OJ w 22ft + THE PXDUOAH i EVLNINTUEliDA1

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Page 1: OJ THE yjt y tEAL J MORTGAGES AN ESTATE ES Recqe P0Pco It …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7zw37krf78/data/0267.pdf · 2014-06-23 · ia ii j n 41 f OJ w 22ft + THE PXDUOAH i EVLNINTUEliDA1

iiia j n41 f

OJ w


d- 1t



i LQANStII >jtj

j encesII

I 1 Two 4 rooms sewer connections a12EO and 16 ono 5 rooms and

rone 7 rooms both these sewer connected at 20 and 25 month


FOR SALESIX room cottage on

l10l tfeettdtablpye

4 servants house on lingl easy par>J ments Only 500 cash See me for

details and get homo In best resit¬

dence part of North SideNice 9 room N 5th house In I

< paymentat s

IIChance for colored people Havet half dozen houses for sale at prices

S500 to 1000 on very easy pay ¬

ltafterwardstHave 50 foot Ft Park Idt withI


f gain at that pYlcei anywhere In parkr6 i Clay Harrison St lots at 250

t 25 cast and 5 montht 14th St 1lots near Trimble at

i J250 on small monthly paymentsBest offer In Fountain Park Is 54

tt lot oh North Side Mad on St be¬

thaltty e > J± Bargain In Farm

J 150 acres five miles from Padurah onjHInklevllle road at 3200 aeasy payments Can bo divided anFinerchance which had better seeabout meI

Now Is the the time to gett places ftor country homes Can sell

nice lots from 5 acres up 4n very deilrable llocation near electric cars

Five acres near La Belle park a62fiI easy payments Better lookInto this If you want large place fohome where 50foot lots sell at 20andmorerposto> office North Side sewer connectedIn best part of city at 3500 of thhonly f50P cash balance 30 month

Nice home on Fountain park 5roomsporchTiedealloy at only 1550 Bargain

431 North Fifth street 7roomZrfltorj house In good fix at J3000

a Bargain In Clay street FountainI

b park vacant lotNo 1627 Broadway modern con

Tenlencos two story eight room res ¬

idence which rents to good tenantat 3750 month One of the most

r substantial and desirable homes i-


InjcashYyears with

6 per cent Interestf8thti33iInvest ¬JmentNew nice 4room house on 50 ftRsideifot Harrison St between 16th andFountain avenue in Fountain Park I

paymentsSeeeNo 1141 Clay St new Broomt brick cottage water inside one nicest

cottages to be found Price 1800f only 500 cash balance payments 11 2 and 3 years

Joining 1141 have 67 ft vacant J

0+ thebrick I

t f 1032 North 12th St 5room framej

icottage with stable water insidehouse Price 1200 on easy pay


N E corner 3rd ft Tennessee Sts88 It front on 3rd and full depth

r lot to alloy storehouse brIck tram1 > 6 room house and vacant space for i J

two more houses> all for 3000Fountain Park 7room new rest ¬

I dence bath and water with sink InIkitchen CO ft lot plenty ohadeI

trees choice home place Price 1650 only U50 cash and all timewanted on balance Bargain

Two houses on one lot northwestI corner Ninth and Ohio streets Goodoffer at 2100 on very easy paymenta 1

Good fourroom residence in Mochanlcaburg Joining the BledermanJ grocery store price 860 halt cash

aid as much time as wanted on bal

II USrjDoat forget that I have at all

faradmortgagesyears time


S JNew plat of Madison St Iota just Ir parkiiandplatwhilecaniihich26 cash and balance on 5

Monthly payments Location priedsalt terms considered these are mostdesirable lots in Paducah

r First class business property onboth Second and Third streets near

j jj read way Best chance to be had Intbto llM of Investment Ask for detllw


oIIheM Yi7 NtamL

tY1 Qiltra >Ri 1

o 0


In its purchases the public has demon ¬

strated that 300 is the real popular priceRecqegnizing this fact we are continually strivingto keep our 3 line the strongest and bestobtainable anywhere In order to do thiswe have had to choose always a shoe madetp Y1earand NOT made to yield a longprofit IIWe know that this course paysthough for pur customers have the pleasant

Ihabit of coming back for the next pairyou see it pays them too

THE ONLY WAY to Foot Comfort is

Lendler Lydons Shoe Line

LENDLER LYDON309 Broadway Paducah Ky



payntsKidneysn500dyee s Relief Oil 25 ctsPaynes Medicated Soap lOc All sold by



Tuktt y

Investigationr0Washington Feb GThat beer

Is a food product and that It Is fasttcoming to be classed with the leastharmful beverages Is a claim nowreceiving the close attention of thegovernment experts connected withthe department of dgrlculturcv Thedepartment ot agriculture Is andhas been for some time pursuin-an Investigation of the nature ef¬

fects and value of beerDoctor WV H Wiley chief of the

bureau of chemsltry of tho depart-ment


of agriculture Is espclally In¬

terested in the subject having reItarred to It frequently sin lecturesDoctor Wiley Is not yet ready tomake any statement or report onthe question as to whether beer 1


food product iV rI will say this much he said to ¬

day that the use of beer and winesaids In the work pt temperance ToIllustrate there Is not near so muchIntemperance In Germany wherewines and beer are used to such ajgreat extent as there Is in Scotlandwhere eplrltous liquors are princi ¬

pally used-Germany Great Britain and the

United States In the order namedare the largest producers of maltbeverages and tho general goodhealth of the Germans English andAmericans Is pointed to as strongproof of the argument that beer isu food product and that its consumption aids Instead of retardingtho work of temperance

Cold Wave Will llonilnBradley liroglinva 20000 bushels

of their fatuous coal under shedsdry mud clean Xo advance in price1libno 330


To clean watch chains boll thoiaIn a Httlo salaraonlao dissolved hpins





Atlanta Editor JtcfiistaUd on ThisI


iAtlanta Ga Fcli UJobn Tem

pie Graves candidate for the UnitedStates senate has been restored ttoI

his position aseditor in chief of thAtlanta News from which ho wasremoved by an over of court ColGraves presented a petition askinga modification of the order by whichchargegthat Col Graves editorial on TheJoys of Neutrality had oversteppedthe bounds while the court itselfsaid that the editorial on A Storyof Journalism In Florida was tas high a compliment as a man couldpay himself and Col Graves hadbeen enjoined fronthimself on the editorial page

Attorneys for General ManagerCharles Daniel finally consented ttothe restoration of Col Graves aeditor In chief upon the distinct un-


that+ he not praiseself make no reference to the hluIing lltlgatlon In which the News 1isInvolved and publish no edltoral re-

ferring to politics In Georgia

ilbe Texas WonderCures all kldneybladder and rheumat-Ic troublessold by J H Oehlschlaeger 601 Broadway Dr E W Halloflce 2926 Olive Stt St Lonu Mo

A 230000 Depot for the I OThe Illinois Central will erect a

new frelght spot at Jackson Missnnd will enlarge the passenger statlon at an outlay of 250000

The Mechanics Building andLoan Association will lend youmoney to build your house at G percent F M Fisher secretary

Engraved cards and plate 125 atThe Sun of l4e-

Subscribe for Tho Sun


Paducah Undertaking CoUndertakers and Embalmers










Citizens Savings BanKS

Capital S 100000Surplus 5000OStock holders liability 100000

t ITotal security to depositorsS250 000Accounts of individuals and firms sclicited We appreciatesmall as well as large depositors and accord to all the samecourteous treatment

Interest Paid on Time DepositsIOpn Saturday nights from seven to eight oclockI

Third sled Broadwayt-


l r V



A QrowiiiR Seiitipneijt That iitShould Bo Annexed

The Qufjtloii Iis nccoinliiK n Siriott eI

One In Tills Country atJresent


Washington Feb GTho prob¬

lem of American relations In agovernmental way to the Panamacanal zone and the republic of Pan-

ama has become a serious one with

tho senate committee on Interoceanic canals There Is a strongfeeling that the anomalous relationnow existing Is n dangerous one Inthe senate committee and likewise

In the republic there Is a strong

sentiment In favor of a different ar¬

rangementA few weeks ago It WaS reported

that there was a serious revolution ¬

ary movement afoot in tho Isthmianrepublic That movement report¬

ed In much detail In newspapers andthrough former residents on thecanal zone aimed at a closer unionbetween the United Stated and th-


fact at annexation Itwas explained that the radicals 1inPanama believed that conditions I

would be betcr there If the United

States were the actual sovereignn

Instead of the promoter of theIsthmian republic

It turns out that the canal com-

mittee of the senate has been feelIng much the same way As the In ¬IlroI ¬

gressed this view hap gained groundToday It can be said with entire

confidence there Is a strong feelingin the committee that a new deal lIsnecessary and that the UnitedStates ought in justice to itself and

eto the canals future to take overunder Its absolute control if nottlimp entire Panaman republic atlleast the canal zonegoingdto make any sensational decisions aa result orIlts deliberations It IIsdisposed to make the best of condi ¬

tions as It lyis found them It recIbeentspent Is gonej irretrievablyWhere in amultltudo of uncer¬cong ¬

cern only the police power of thiscountry on the Isthmus and thatagain may bo of international char¬settlesthese many feel is tq have thiscountry take over the republic ofPanunla And It Is certain ihat Itthis Is not the outcome at the pres ¬

ent session of congress or at thenext It IIs certainly expected to bethe ultimate outcome at some timefn the future

Itch ItlnguorniE T Lucas WIngo Ky writes

April 25 1902 For 10 to 12 yearsI had been afflicted with a maladyknown as the itch The itchingwas most unbearable I had tried foryears to find relief having tried allremedies I could hear of besides anumber of doctors I wish to statethat one single application of Ballarda Snow Liniment cured mo Com ¬

pletely and permanently Since thenI have used the liniment on two sep¬

arate occasions for ring worm and Itcured completely 25c 50c mind 1-at Alyey Lists and G C C Kolbg

GUUtlHas Caused Ills Undoing Says

Agnes Hoppllcr

Chicago 111 Fc b C Clubwomanof Chicago are discussing tho uniquaaddress given by Msa Agnes Repipller the Philadelphia essayist be-

fore the Friday club of this cityThe speaker declared that man s

downfall Is due to tho garb hewears According to Miss Reppltermans adoption of Hlbecohilng andInartistic dress revealed his realugliness and weakness and In thelight of tho revelation woman hasbegun to assert herself and willeventually have complete ascendency

The lecture was given at the res ¬

idence of Mm Kellogg Fallbunkwhere Miss Repplter Is guest Shespoke on The Temptation of Eve-

I sincerely believe said MissReppller that much of what Isnow called the womans movementmuch ot the audacious and unwar-ranted


selfassertion of the sex isdue to the clothes which men haveelected to wear

Nature needs only a Little EarlyRiser now and then to keep the bow ¬

els clean the liver active and thesystem freo Jrom bile headachesconstipation Early Riser Pills nevergrjpe Sold by hang Bros

Subscribe for The SU>




It is Enforced by Undo Sam

and Lasts Until Oct 81

Cattle Cannot UIt Slilpjnd North off Certain Line Except fortSlaughtll


iTho department of animal indus-try


of the United States govern-ment


Issued Instructions to its In ¬

spectors to see that the national cat ¬

tie quarantine was put Into effectpromptly± op Thursday February 1

and tt has been doneThis quarantine on cattle paeans

that no cattle except for 8lnucan be shipped north of a certainline which runs In a zigzag fashionacross the continent and located bythe government The line of quaran tine passes through the state ofTennessee entering at the squtheastern corner and passing upward To-ward the middle of the state the linecomes In a southerly dlrectlo to thesouthern state line whence It againdiverges northward to finally leavethe state by the northern boundaryof Shelby county

Io Sy HopHlns United States in ¬

spector of the department of agricul-ture


who is stationed Iin Mempfiissays the quarantine law will be rigIdly enforced lie said

The quarantine went Into effectFebruary 1 and will be enforced un ¬

til October 31 Cattle may be shipp 4 north of the quarantine line ex ¬

cept for Immediate slaughterThis Is done to prevent the

spread of Infectious diseases Tilldepartment at Washington dlscoxcred some years ago that spleneticfevers were due to a germ and thatthe germ was carried by ticks oncattle They Immediately Institut ¬

ed a quarantine during the seasonwhen the fever is most active Theresult has been marked The quar ¬

antine line has come farther southeach year Indeed several pointsIn the state which were lou h of theline a few years ao have lemonstrated to me that there was no In ¬

fection in them and I recommendedthaHhey 10 puf beyond the quaran-tine line which was done

The Idea that fevers were car¬

ned by ticks line had a great In ¬

fluence off modern methods of light ¬

ing disease The same principle IK

Involved In the present method ofwarring against yellow fever H y ex ¬

terminating the mosquito

Nothing will relieve indigestionthat Is not a thorough digestantKodol Dyspepsia Curs digests whatyou cat and allows the stomach torestrecuperategrow strong againA few doses of Kodpl after meals willsoon restore the stomach and digest ¬

ive organs to a full performance oftheir functions naturally Sold byLang Bros i

Polio County Irfninrjr OrderedGolconda 111 Feb GAt a

meeting of tthe Republican countycentral committee of Pope countyhere it was decided to hold a coun-t


primary on Saturday February17 to vote on candidates for SUe

premo Judge In the First district

Do not be deceived by counterfeitswhen you buy Witch Hazel SalveThe name of E C DoWltt Co iton every box of the genuine Bestfor Cijls Burns Dolls Totter PilesEtc Sold by Lang Bros

NoticeFairbanks Morse Co va Gasoline

Boat White Oak ln admiraltyWhereas A libel was filed in the

district court of the United Statesorthe western district of Kentucky

at Paducah on the 10th day of Jan-uary


190C by Fairbanks MorseCo agajnst the boat White Oak herengines tackle apparel furnitureetc alleging In fiubstanco that saidboat was Indebted co them In thesum of 1152452 for supplies ma¬

chinery etc furnished said boatThat said boat as Justly Indebted tothem In said sum and that same hasnever been paid and prayed process

en1enIginesto pay said claim with all cost and


In pursuance tomonition under seal of said courtthoII

me directed I do heeby givenotice to all persons claimingsaid boat White Oak or In any theI

ner Interested therein that they beIand appear in the district court ofIthe United States In the city of Pajduoah Ky on or before the 5th dayof March 1900 at 10 oclock In theforenoon of that day then and thereto interpose their claims and to maketheir allegations in that behalfGEO W LONG U S M W K Dr

By QEf W SATJNDKR8 beputy



AN APPEAL TO REASONCommon sense is the key to Good1 Health Yet how many

of us use good judgment1 v< How we till neglect the first syntptbtnstlle beginnings of

disease But let us have just one severe illness and how glad we 1

are to get well Then afterwards what good care we take of ourhealth Ninetenths of all our great afflictions our chronicIdiseases can be prevented They start ns simple ailments nilhave the same causeuricncid It causes rheumatism neuralgiaeczema catarrh kidney trouble heart disease


S You of course know time uses of theblood How it carries nourishmentto every part of the lady and how itpicks up all waste matter and carriesit back to be discharged from the sys¬

temBefore this waste matter is thrown

off it separates into two things uricodd and urea

If all time organs are in perfect con ¬

ditionwhich Is very rare the uricacid passes trout the body properly

But if the organs are not in perfectcondition thq blood in taking nour ¬

ishment to every part of the systemcarries in addition to each delicateacidrUpon any nervous shock exposurewet feet worry or overwork this uricacid changes inttf uric salts and isIt blood In differentparts of theMaly

It settles in the joints causingrheumatism in the mucous mem ¬

branes causing catarrh ami stomachtroubleMn the heart region causingheart disease hind so oft





the ¬

n of twelve daysthe

pay a andIn who

was of theat Sea Breeze

was withthe for

union She toIlls time absent

was two



When uric has IntoIIuric tails and it settles inparts of your body disease

you that to cureyou remove these r

of salts Dut howlhave seen friends take

prescription andnnd have not been curedit is failwith them will fail with you

A which remove the J rIs the to cure army f

disease LIFE PLAN theY


When you a dose of LIFEPLANT the blood carries it direct to stheafflicted ilsartof your body Thereit hoes its work by time ¬

posits of uricsaltsft

LIFE is a combination of n

own curative and is asolvent for salts

contains no drugs noin the least harmful

If would like to knowwho believe LIFE PLANT becauseit thctnl we will sendof the letters they have written to us



Headache poor digestion biliojjMiess liortuesso breath dry pal-pitation darting dark colored urine sluggish l sleeplessness jnUll in women menstrual

Tho above symptoms foro runners of sickness Wheneveryou experience them or If you already hove any of the dIsmea

follow thorn lake LIFE PLANT and learn the meaning ofisou-ndr

health LIFE PLANT curse by removing lit gaussMEDICAL FRET

If you would like medical advice from Medical Director write himfreely lie will personally consider your rate without charge t



LIFE PLANT is a purely vegetable Containsabsolutely no harmful drugs We cheerfully invite its analysis by anycompetent demist

For 101 alt druJJLiij



Hut She Couldnt Cute Uncle KmuTlint Vny

Jacksonville Fla Feb 6ltelen-MI Post famous Mental heal-er after trialwas found guilty In UnitedStdtes court here and sentenced ito

pSOQ fine arve thirtydays Jail MrsI Post Is 71years old hoed MentalScience InstituteFlai and charged using

malls fraudulent purposesHer patients resided In overt state-n the claimed euro

nil by sotailedtreatment

She convicted about


acid changedvarious

causingcommon sense tc113yourself must de-posits uric

You yourother medicines

they SocerLlin that remedies which

remedy willcause



dissolving de

PLANTnatures herbsnatural uric It

narcoticsnothing degtee

you peopleIn

cured you sonic


skinpahms brain





by rtpalablt

years ago and sentenced to ImprJsdument for one year and qnodnyShe appealed and the decision wasreverted Notice of appeal wasgiven and doftindant t released on

2000 bail I

It tjThe Nett Conga Syrttv the one +

rrbowelsIsey and Tar It expels nil cold fromthe system cuts the phlegm out ofthe throat strengthens tho mucousmombranos of tho bronchial tubesjjand relieves croup whooping coughetat Children love It Sold by lLangBrqs

Mrs Austins Pancakes will hblpregain lost appetite At grocers


Save your Gas Billsbut more important

Save Your Eyes t-

AllN the latest patterns in improvedLamps Welsbach Lindsay Peerless

You will save the cost of either in a short time InII

a decreased gas bill Let us shcw you

Try iprcela for cleansing enamelwareED D HAAiStem Fitting Plumbing

Both Phoces 201 132 S nth St 325 Kentucky AveSI


Now located ata1

Glaubers StableWe are ready for ell kinds of hauling llk


MOTTS They overcome WeakPEiMynfnlAl noes irrcgadarity andI I IJIULV omissionsI lE3rcaso VRpainsofNolcnownRnldUY+



To our new quarters121123 N0rthtFQurthstreet

Foreman Bros Novelty CoIINSS R P RATI

Both Phones 757o