Oj and Friends

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  • 8/8/2019 Oj and Friends


    How is orange juice made?

    Orange is a fruit that well known as the colour named after it. U SA produces 625 mil gal

    every year, mostly from Florida. There are five varieties, as different variety ripened at

    different time a year.

    The processing line.

    Orange at the farm. Brix determined as the bench mark for the harvesting process, at least

    10% sugar.

    The yield being harvested and straight brought to the processing plant to prevent from the


    The fruits were transport by the truck, 22 tonnes a t a time.

    At the processing plant, the oranges were washed to flush away any insects and excess dirt.

    The oranges then pass through the conveyer as to be graded and the leaves removed .

    The oranges were separated due to size and sent to t he juice extractors, which can extract

    1000 oranges per minute.

    The oranges were dropped into a range of metal probe that squeeze the juice.

    There were 2 types or juice produce, with pulp and no pulp.

    The untreated orange juice ferment in few days. Thus, it was pasteurized to prolong the


    Lastly, the juices were packed into the cartons.

  • 8/8/2019 Oj and Friends


    1. Raw material preparation

    The raw material for the orange juice is the orange that freshly harvested from the

    farm with a big scale. The oranges transported to the processing plant, and being

    washed to remove the dirt. As the fruits being washed, they passed through the

    conveyer and being graded according to size. The fruits that had been washed and

    graded were smashed with the rate 1000 oranges per minute using the juice

    extractors. After that, the pulpy juice then separated, between the pulpy, or no pulps.

    2. Preservation

    The juice then pasteurized as the freshly juice will ferment in several days. After

    being pasteurized, the juices were packaged into the boxes.

    3. Post processing preparation

    After being packed, the orange juices were stored in the chiller.

    How potato chips are made?

    The processing line.

    The packaging were prepared, as the stream of paper rolled and formed several layer. Lastly

    labelled and cut p recisely with aid of camera.

    They later went to the turning station and flipped upside up and hot metal

    The paper was cut as the function at the lid shed .

    Then, the chips were made, using water, potato flakes and corn starch.

    A conveyor deliver the mixture and disperse it, the dough become long potato sheet were

    cut into the shapes by the rotary cutter.

    The scrapper separated the potato chips and it was brought to the fryer.

    As they went to the fryer, they were shapen to be more stackable concave shape.

    The chips were spend 11 seconds in hot oil.

  • 8/8/2019 Oj and Friends


    Then they travel at the blower to remove excess oil and given the flavour .

    The workers will stack the potato, and at another conveyor they were loose up. The chips

    then forced into the bottle .

    Lastly, the spinning head prepare the bottom of the potato and they ready to be shipping.

    1. Raw material preparation

    The raw materials for the potato chip are water, potato flakes and starch. For the

    packaging purpose, the papers were used to make the bottle.

    2. Preservation

    The potato chips were preserved by drying method, that is using frying technique

    which they were passing through the hot oil before being dried again from excess oil

    using blower.

    3. Post processing preparationAfter being dried, the potato chips were stacked into the bottle and sealed with airtight condition.

    How sushis are made?

    The processing line.

    The fish for high grade sushi were caught one by one.

    Using the Japanese technique, namely ikijimae method or fresh kill, as the incision were

    made at the hind brain that kill the fish but the heart not stop from pumping. Another incision

    also made at the tail to ensure all the blood were drain out.

    The fish then brought to t he fish market.

    1. Raw material preparationThe fish for high grade sushi were caught one by one as the fish that caught in the

    net will have damage tissue and the blood left in their bodies after they died.

    2. Preservation

    The fish were stored in the ice box or freezer, which maintain the low temperature.

    3. Post processing preparation

    After being processed, the fish were sent to the fish market.

  • 8/8/2019 Oj and Friends


    How teabags are made?

    The processing line.

    The tea bushes takes 5 years before could be harvested and only the youngest bud at the

    top of the bushes .

    The leaves then taken to the mill.

    Inside the mill, the leaves were crush and tear results in the aroma as they bruised at the


    To preserve the flavour, the leaves were heated and dried. Different tea were made from

    same leaves as they depend on the vary of heating and drying.

    Lastly, the tea were packaged into the teabag, with the capacity of production is 300 teabag

    per minute before being packaged into the boxes.

    1. Raw material preparation

    The tea bushes takes 5 years before could be harvested and only the youngest bud

    at the top of the bushes . the tea leaves then taken to the mill and crush using themachine.

    2. Preservation

    The leaves were preserved by heating and drying technique, which the aroma

    depend on this step.

    3. Post processing preparation

    After being processed, the tea leaves were packaged into the teabag before being

    distributed in boxes packaged.