Game Design and Dev Ogre3D Overview CSE 786 Prof. Roger Crawfis

Ogre3D Overview Game Design and Dev Ogre3D Overview CSE 786 Prof. Roger Crawfis

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Page 1: Ogre3D Overview Game Design and Dev Ogre3D Overview CSE 786 Prof. Roger Crawfis

Game Design and DevOgre3D Overview

CSE 786Prof. Roger Crawfis

Page 2: Ogre3D Overview Game Design and Dev Ogre3D Overview CSE 786 Prof. Roger Crawfis

Ogre 3D

Base web site: www.ogre3d.org Download and install Notes

The SDK just seems to unpack the files where they were, so move to you development area (Programming/SDKs?)

The Environment variable (OGRE_HOME) was not set. Use this in you Project settings.

Includes Boost and OIS. Does not include CEGUI. OIS name conflicts with Ogre (Vector3), so never have a:

using namespace OIS; Wiki

Tutorials API documentation …

Page 3: Ogre3D Overview Game Design and Dev Ogre3D Overview CSE 786 Prof. Roger Crawfis

What is Ogre3D?

Object-OrientedA little old school and the code is getting

bloated.Not very well engineered now.

Some Design Patterns usedSingletonsManagersFactory Methods

Page 4: Ogre3D Overview Game Design and Dev Ogre3D Overview CSE 786 Prof. Roger Crawfis

What is Ogre3D?

Plug-In Architecture Rendering System Core Features Enhancements

Dynamically loads dll’s at runtime. Copy the ones you need over to your repository. Default framework reads in a config file to

determine which plug-ins to load. Not automatic.

Page 5: Ogre3D Overview Game Design and Dev Ogre3D Overview CSE 786 Prof. Roger Crawfis

Plug-In Framework

Default Plugins.cfg# Defines plugins to load

# Define plugin folder


# Define plugins









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Media Resources

Default Resources.cfg file:# Resource locations to be added to the 'boostrap' path

# This also contains the minimum you need to use the Ogre example framework



# Resource locations to be added to the default path



















Page 7: Ogre3D Overview Game Design and Dev Ogre3D Overview CSE 786 Prof. Roger Crawfis
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Core Objects

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Startup Sequence

ExampleApplication Go() Setup() Configure() setupResources() chooseSceneManager() createCamera() createViewport() createResourceListener() loadResources() createScene() frameStarted/Ended() createFrameListener() destroyScene()

Page 10: Ogre3D Overview Game Design and Dev Ogre3D Overview CSE 786 Prof. Roger Crawfis

Basic Scene

Entity, SceneNodeCamera, lights, shadowsBSP mapIntegrated ODE physicsBSP mapFrame listeners

Page 11: Ogre3D Overview Game Design and Dev Ogre3D Overview CSE 786 Prof. Roger Crawfis

Terrain, sky, fog

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Window, panel, scrollbar, listbox, button, static text

Media/gui/ogregui.layoutCEGUI::Window* sheet =

CEGUI::WindowManager::getSingleton().loadWindowLayout( (CEGUI::utf8*)"ogregui.layout");


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Node animation (camera, light sources)Skeletal Animation

AnimationState *mAnimationState; mAnimationState = ent-

>getAnimationState("Idle");mAnimationState->setLoop(true);mAnimationState->setEnabled(true); mAnimationState-

>addTime(evt.timeSinceLastFrame); mNode->rotate(quat);

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Crowd (instancing vs single entity)InstancedGeometry* batch = new InstancedGeometry(mCamera->getSceneManager(),

"robots" );batch->addEntity(ent, Vector3::ZERO);batch->build();

Facial animationVertexPoseKeyFrame* manualKeyFrame;manualKeyFrame->addPoseReference();manualKeyFrame->updatePoseReference ( ushort

 poseIndex, Real influence) 

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CEGUI::Point mousePos = CEGUI::MouseCursor::getSingleton().getPosition(); Ray mouseRay = mCamera->getCameraToViewportRay(mousePos.d_x/float(arg.state.width), mousePos.d_y/float(arg.state.height)); mRaySceneQuery->setRay(mouseRay); mRaySceneQuery->setSortByDistance(false); RaySceneQueryResult &result = mRaySceneQuery->execute(); RaySceneQueryResult::iterator mouseRayItr; Vector3 nodePos; for (mouseRayItr = result.begin(); mouseRayItr != result.end(); mouseRayItr++) { if (mouseRayItr->worldFragment) { nodePos = mouseRayItr->worldFragment->singleIntersection; break; } // if }

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Particle Effects

Examples/sil{ material Examples/Flare2 particle_width 75 particle_height 100 cull_each false quota 1000 billboard_type oriented_self // Area emitter emitter Point { angle 30 emission_rate 75 time_to_live 2 direction 0 1 0 velocity_min 250 velocity_max 300 colour_range_start 0 0 0 colour_range_end 1 1 1 } // Gravity affector LinearForce { force_vector 0 -100 0 force_application add } // Fader affector ColourFader { red -0.5 green -0.5 blue -0.5 }}

mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode()->attachObject( mSceneMgr->createParticleSystem("sil", "Examples/sil"));

Page 17: Ogre3D Overview Game Design and Dev Ogre3D Overview CSE 786 Prof. Roger Crawfis

Particle EffectsParticle system attributesquota material particle_width particle_height cull_each billboard_type billboard_origin billboard_rotation_type common_direction common_up_vector renderer sorted local_space point_rendering accurate_facing iteration_interval


Emitter attributes(point, box, clyinder, ellipsoid, hollow ellipsoid, ring)angle colour colour_range_start colour_range_end direction emission_rate position velocity velocity_min velocity_max time_to_live time_to_live_min time_to_live_max duration duration_min duration_max repeat_delay repeat_delay_min repeat_delay_max

Affectors (LinearForce, ColorFader)Linear Force Affector ColourFader Affector ColourFader2 Affector Scaler Affector Rotator Affector ColourInterpolator Affector ColourImage Affector DeflectorPlane Affector DirectionRandomiser Affector

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Fire and Smoke

affector Rotator


rotation_range_start 0

rotation_range_end 360

rotation_speed_range_start -60

rotation_speed_range_end 200
