OG The MAG :: SPECIAL EDITION Featuring Bass Grant

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OG the MAG is the New Online Magazine for the Savvy Minded Entrpreneur

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if one part of it isn’t working properly you

better get to the doctor pronto! ……………………………………………………………………

The vital signs of your body will let you know if you

need to pay attention to a particular area. A doctor

will be able to diagnose and give you a solution to

any issues, much like a coach in Network Marketing

can do when your business is not on the right track.

Holton Buggs is a coach to thousands and he has

always prescribed the right remedies to keep a

business healthy. What are the vital signs Holton

Buggs checks for?

The vital signs to ensure a healthy, thriving

Network Marketing Business are; - Sharing the Plan and Sharing the Product on a

Consistent Basis.

Consistent means at least 3 to 4 times per

week minimum. Any less and you are fooling

yourself that you are really doing a business. If

you opened your McDonald’s Franchise

Business less than 4 times per week (more likely

7 days a week) – you would be out of

business! Sharing the Plan and Products is a

healthy activity because it will allow you to

show others about the great product or

service you have to offer. Without showing

others what you have you can never move

the product to people who already want,

need and can afford what it is you are

excited about.

- Attending All Events You Qualify for.

Events are the lifeblood for you AND your

organization. If you do not attend the locally

and nationally scheduled events you are

essentially killing your business. It would be like

the person whose doctor told them not to eat

fattening foods that goes out and (then) eats

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ice cream everyday – it’s not logical. Events

allow you and your success team to be

around the fire and get the essential training

to have a healthy business. The trainings

energize, lift up and motivate you and your

team. Much like exercising does for the body

– it’s essential for great health.

- Tool Flow Through Your Success Team.

Tools that are truly beneficial to Duplication

on your team are a must have. Tool Flow is like

blood flow through the body. When the blood

flow stops – there is a major problem! Check

upline to determine which tools are used to

allow Duplication to occur on your team. The

goal of Network Marketing is not to have

another job and tools allow you to train and

systematize your business so it can operate

even when you are on vacation, if that’s what

the doctor ordered!

To truly treat your business as an ongoing, healthy

and fully functional system, pay attention to the vital

signs every day. If one of the vital signs is off, even

slightly, you will see a rapid decline in the success you

are having. Whenever you see a slight decline, go in

for a checkup!

Check in with your coach (and Doctor) on a regular

basis to be sure you have a healthy thriving business.

And don’t wait until you see the signs. Going to the

Doctor today is also to prevent issues from occurring.


Holton Buggs retired at the age of 27 and is now

a Multi-Millionaire in the industry of Network

Marketing. Holton hit one of the highest levels in

his current company within 43 days and isn’t

slowing down. Go to www.holtonbuggs.com to

receive more information about Holton Buggs.

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ALOT! In fact, that famous national chain store you

see all over the place, those stores average $755,000

each in sales every year! And unlike most of the other

chains, "Greenbucks" own ALL of their own stores; you

couldn't get one for any price.

But, you could start up one of the lesser coffee chains

but those would set you back a minimum of $200,000.

Are you starting to see the big picture? Coffee is Big

Business and there are billions and billions of dollars in

coffee consumed every year. I thought I’d tell you

that right up front, but you need to read on because

the story gets even better.


According to Wikipedia, “Coffee is the second-most-

traded physical commodity in the world!”

Considering the other commodities are oil, gold,

silver, wheat, and corn; you get an idea of exactly

the kind of popularity and demand coffee


Virtually everyone drinks coffee. And even for the

tiny, tiny minority who may not drink coffee, they’d

have to be from the moon to not know at least

several other people who drink coffee ... and they

probably drink mutiple cups every day.

Osco know you know how much demand there is for

coffee and you’re probably thinking, "Any business

with that kind of potential is Going to Cost a Fortune

to start" Not with Organo Gold, unlike the traditional

Coffee Stores, you will not have to cut an arm off or

put-up $200,000 to buy your own franchise.

With The Coffee Millionaire System there is no physical

store. What we are talking about is a “virtual

property” here. We’re talking about virtual stores

hosted online and run from the home.

So now you know coffee offers you a solid chance to

make huge incomes and The Coffee Millionaire

System puts you in the middle of a 9 Billion dollar

industry but you may be asking yourself, "what about

the Coffee"...

SIMPLY STATED: Organo Gold Coffee and Organo's entire product line is a healthier alternative to the coffee you are currently drinking.

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Yes! Organo Gold is a healthier coffee. Almost

everyone knows that regular coffee may have some

negative side effects like: jitters, upset stomach and

that afternoon caffeine crash, right?

Well, how about putting a fine, fully flavored gourmet

coffee, one infused with an ancient secret so highly

valued that emperors and kings valued it more than

gold; one of the most powerful herbs ever known to

man. A 4,000 year old secret which scientists, experts

and those truly seeking a healthier life are hailing

around the world as a “Miracle.”

It’s called “Ganoderma Lucidum” Also known as "Reishi", "Lingzhi”

Our coffee is a fine blend formulated with this ancient

and powerful herb Ganoderma. And the result is,

something people say tastes as good, or better than

their other stuff, but makes them feel terrific.

Something people routinely claim gives them clearer

thought and causes them to lose weight.

With all that said, our company is on a mission to create 100 Coffee Millionaires in 2011.

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Founded in 2008 OrGano Gold has quickly become

one of the fastest growing direct sales companies in

the world.

OrGano Gold was founded upon a passionate vision

to create an extraordinary vehicle for the average

person to reach their “full Health and Wealth

potential”. To that end, the introduction Ganoderma

Lucidum, perhaps the most amazing botanical on

Earth, serves as the cornerstone of a line of products

that provide maximum customer satisfaction as well

as unparalleled profit potential for representatives!

The innovative team behind OrGano Gold has

decades of proven business success. Our

combination of vision, strategic planning, experience,

both inside and outside of the direct sales industry as

well as an uncompromising commitment to quality

products, shipped on time, every time as well as

prompt and generous commission payments to its

representatives, positions OrGano Gold as an industry


OrGano Gold’s vision is to be the fastest direct sales

company to reach a billion dollars. To that end,

OrGano Gold already acts with the professionalism,

first-class quality, and cutting edge innovation of the

billion-dollar company it will soon be.

Yes, the product is fantastic, revolutionary, and

unparalleled in profit potential. Yes, the

compensation plan is unmatched. Yes, the training

and systems give an advantage in the market place

not found elsewhere, but beyond all this, is leadership

you can depend on as well as a commitment to your

long term future with a company you can truly be

proud to associate with.

Founded by one of the legends of the direct sales

industry Bernie Chua Built OrGano Gold and is the

CEO and founder.

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Would you like to be a Coffee Millionaire?

It’s actually up to you. This is really not rocket

science. Quite to the contrary, again, as a reminder,

we’re in the coffee business. And Coffee is a $9 Billion

Dollar business. But, the choice is going to be yours in

terms of what you do, if anything. Because you've

read this far, I’m guessing you’re not the kind of

person that’s just going to say, “I guess I will continue

to do what I’ve been doing”. I’m thinking you’re

actually looking for a change, looking to have a

better, more secure, fun filled kind of life. You’re

someone who’s looking to making extra money.

So whether you’ve some kind of direct sales or home

business guru, or you’re brand new to all of this, or

maybe you’ve even tried a few things before that

didn’t’ quite pan out, it really doesn’t matter. It

makes no difference. With Organo Gold and the

Coffee Millionaire System you can make any dream

you have come true. With Organo Gold products,

you have the most amazing, “gotta have it” product

ever provided in direct sales. You have a Get Paid

Seven Ways pay plan that’s so good even guys that

design pay plans for a living are getting into this

business and you have a marketing and training

system so simple that a 5 year old or 85 year old

could follow it. It's a matter of “follow the leader”

and “paint by numbers”.

Coffee Millionaire was purposely designed to be so

easy that anyone can do this. Simplicity leads to a

crucial success principle and this principle is called

“duplication”. Although we’re not a franchise, it’s

precisely through duplication that every gigantic

franchise business out there got to be … just that,


You do what works, you make it completely simple,

you systematize it and then you teach it. That’s it.

Success Will Follow!

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Coffee is the second most consumed beverage on

the planet after water. It’s the second most traded

commodity after oil. People drink coffee all day,

every day in almost every country around the world.

But here’s a really powerful question. When was the

last time you were paid every time someone enjoyed

a cup of coffee?

Welcome to Organo Gold. And welcome to a global

groundbreaking movement that starts with Organo

Gold coffee. From the ground to the cup. We’re a

company that is working to improve people’s health,

wealth and bring more balance into their lives thanks

to the overwhelming power of Ganoderma – an

ancient Chinese herb that has been used for more

than 4,000 years to enhance wellness.

By infusing gourmet coffee and an ever expanding

product line with the power of the Ganoderma

Lucidum herb, Organo Gold has scientifically

developed a healthy alternative to regular coffee

that not only tastes great, but makes people feel

great. And that’s where you fit in.

Organo Gold is on a mission, spreading the

knowledge of Ganoderma to the four corners of the

world and partnering with thousands and thousands

of people along the way. Using the cost effective

network distribution system to deliver these

Ganoderma products, more of every dollar is shared

with our growing Organo Gold family world-wide.

Think about your future. Where will you and your

family be in 5 years from right now? You may know

where you want to be, but do you know how you are

going to get there? Do you have a plan? Now more

than ever it’s up to you to define your future. That’s

where Organo Gold comes into the picture.

Organo Gold is a global family that is

growing and thriving every day. A family

that is caring and compassionate and

believes that the knowledge of Ganoderma

should be in the hands of people world-

wide. It’s a family that cares about you.

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Hello Friends,

My name is Bass Grant. Those close to me call me "Big Bishop", "The Show", or simply just "Bass". I am an Atlantian/Floridian who loves life. I have been blessed with a great family and an

abundance of friends who have supported me

beyond my wildest dreams. My passion is learning

and teaching, giving something back because I have

been given so much.

Shortly after retiring at the age of 24, I have been on a

quest to empower and bless as many people across

the country and soon the world through Business


Opportunity is never lost, it always goes to someone

who is ready to receive it. It is the actions we make

today that pave the road for tomorrow. I can only

encourage you to get prepared for your future now. It

is never too late to create prosperity and abundance

in your life.

Speaking of being prepared it reminds me of a call I

received a couple of weeks ago. I had one of my

TEAM members tell me that I must be one of the

"Lucky Ones" at the top. At first I laughed and then I

replied, "Luck is just a lazy man's excuse, for a

working man's success". My question back to them

was, "Are you prepared for the Work?" If not then get

prepared. It's never too late to DECIDE to win.

This is your destination to a better lifestyle!

Abundance is Your Birth-Right. Take It, it's yours, and

remember to just KEEP DOIN IT BG!


Bass Grant

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Organo Gold is an industry leader in its uncompromising dedication to distributor training, education and on-going study.

On September 9, 2009 (09-09-09) The Napoleon Hill

Foundation and the World Learning Center entered

into a strategic collaboration with Organo Gold


His classic book, Think and Grow Rich, and audio CDs,

for the first time in history were branded with the OG

name and made available to Authorized Organo

Gold Distributors as a service of the Foundation so

that you may build your own library of personal

achievement materials and help you acquire

financial wealth and the true riches of life.

100% of the proceeds go to the Napoleon Hill World Learning Center.

Napoleon Hill was born in 1883 in a one-room cabin

on the Pound River in Wise County, Virginia. He

began his writing career at age 13 as a "mountain

reporter" for small town newspapers and went on to

become America's most beloved motivational


Hill passed away in November 1970 after long and

successful career writing, teaching, and lecturing

about the principles of success. His work stands as a

monument to individual achievement and is the

cornerstone of modern motivation.

His book, Think and Grow Rich, is the all-time bestseller

in the field. Hill established the Foundation as a

nonprofit educational institution whose mission is to

perpetuate his philosophy of leadership, self-

motivation, and individual achievement.

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This is a true story of drive and determination to beat the odds against David Imonitie.

About David Imonitie:

A college drop out, David started with his first network

marketing company at the age of 21. By the age of

27 he has reached the very top of the network

marketing industry and is among the top 5 income

earners in the fastest growing network marketing

company today.

David credits his success, after years of failing in the

industry, to the incredible mentorship and coaching

of Mr. Holton and Earlene Buggs. From this dynamic

couple he has learned several principles that govern

how to create wealth. Today David has taken these

principles along with several wealth building

philosophies and is now coaching and mentoring

thousands of individuals to lead the revolution for

financial freedom.

Passionate Quest:

Mentor. Coach. Leader. These words have been used

to describe David Imonitie, but, as a "Do It First"

leader, David has focused on one major philosophy;

help people get what they want out of life and in

return you will have everything you want out of life.

Over the years, David has helped and shown people

all over the world to dream big and more importantly

that those dreams will become a reality with hard

work and determination, but above all learning the


Definiteness of Purpose:

Having a definiteness of purpose is the most

important tool one must have to accomplish dreams

and goals. David's skills and coaching strategies have

been proven to help several individuals to obtain a

six- figure income, and that’s just the beginning of

David’s definite of purpose to produce one thousand

six-figure income earners by way of the industry of

network marketing before the age of thirty.

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Resolutions should be a fun way

to kick off any new year. So

naturally, when I heard the new

2011 theme for Organo Gold

entitled: A New Year A New You,

I was excited!

As for resolutions, this theme happens to actually be

one that is very realistic in terms of you experiencing

the words and not just releasing a bunch of hot air to

make yourself feel good. Now is the time to change

the game and add a different twist to your normal

routine. Shake things up and think outside the box!

Get rid of that old mentality that's been keeping you

spinning in your same-old, same-old and incorporate

some new ideas to make your business grow in

uncommon, uncanny ways. Here are five strategies

that can easily help you win in 2011.

Build A Strong Foundation: The number one business

no-no is building an unsustainable foundation.

Remember the old saying “…don’t start nothing you

can’t finish.” Commit to building a solid base of

activity that won’t burn you out and that you can

sustain over the long-haul. To accomplish this, check

with your upline coach and go over your action plans

for 2011. Allow them to help you adjust it to make it

even better and be open to constructive correction.

If you're the type that doesn't like change too much

then you’re going to have problems, but if you are

open to being teachable, you are going to win.

Write It Down: Bring in the New Year with writing your

goals and vision on paper. This doesn't mean that you

have to write a book or even an exhaustive business

plan. However, you do need to write the vision and

make it plain so that you can clearly see what you

are going to achieve on paper first. This is an essential

success step. The strategy of writing things down will

come in handy as you become more successful.

Stay Tuned In: Continuing with trends that have

proven to be successful in the past are great ways to

remain in the momentum of winning. “If it ain’t broke

don’t fix it...” is a timeless saying that still works in

today’s busy culture of life. Staying tuned in to Team

calls, Training calls, and other support calls that have

proven to be a basis for one’s overall success is a

great habit to continue in 2011. Plus, there's

something undeniably encouraging about hearing

the success stories of others as you venture into your

own success!

Use it, Don’t Lose It: If you haven’t been in the habit of

maintaining your business development tools, then

get in the habit quick. Tools need TLC to keep them

just becoming bookshelf clutter. You maintain your

tools best by using them and putting them to work.

Step Away From Negativity: Keep mindset clean and

clear and stop allowing negativity addicts to invade

your personal space. Negativity is the super

businessman’s/woman’s kryptonite. Check your

progress in this area often; because at times, stealth

negativity can creep into your environment and

become a cancer to you and your success. If you

have already been victim to a negativity addict,

consult with your business coach and get help in

terms of ridding yourself of this issue. Otherwise, stay

positive and optimistic. Negative people soon grow

weary of being in the presence of hope, optimism

and success. Now go have a great 2011!

Dr. J.D. Lee is a strategist and business coach to successful businesses and life coach to

many business owners. He is also the Senior Managing Director of the FIFTHKING GROUP.

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Diamond Distributor RRamon

Fulcher was able to get himself

out of debt, achieve a six figure

income, and is now helping

others do the same.

Before joining Organo Gold in 2008, RRamon Fulcher

was bankrupt and thousands of dollars in debt. He

was in the real estate and mortgage business when

the economy crashed and lost everything.

Realizing he had to act quickly if he wanted to get

out of his current situation, he received a phone call

one fateful afternoon from his future mentor, Organo

Gold’s Vice President of Sales Holton Buggs – a phone

call that would change his life.

“He told me about the income opportunity and

about the products,” he says, “At first I didn’t

understand. I wasn’t a coffee drinker but after that

conversation I realized I knew so many people who

either drank coffee or tea and that’s when I decided

I would put my whole self into this company.”

RRamon started from home, first by making phone

calls to friends and family and spreading the word

about Organo Gold to everyone he knew. He

attended every leadership training, took advice from

his mentor to heart, and hosted as many Coffee and

Jazz Mixers as he could. It was not long until RRamon

found himself as the top-earning distributor in

California, hosting the weekly radio talks, and

presenting alongside his mentor and other Diamond


“Initially I got into this business to get out of survival

mode,” says Fulcher. “But once I got out and started

being successful and making money, I realized I

wanted to make an impact on peoples lives. I was

already helping them through the products but I

wanted to do something more, something that would

help them realize their full potential and show them

they could achieve the same wealth as me.”

That’s when he had a vision: to set up the first

Organo Gold Success Centre on the West Coast.

Having been inspired by the growth of Organo Gold

University in Houston, RRamon wanted to have a

place similar where people could learn about the

Organo Gold opportunity and then when ready,

develop and train as a leader themselves. With

encouragement and support from his mentor and

local distributors, and in as little as 6 months, RRamon

was able to set up the Organo Gold Sacramento

Success Centre. His vision turned into reality and his

goal is to eventually have a success centre in every

major city in California.

“10 by ten thousand, ” he says. “I’m looking for 10

people every month so I can help them earn ten

thousands dollars in residual income every month.”

RRamon Fulcher, once bankrupt and in debt was

able to get himself out of his situation and turn his

determination into success and help others achieve

their potential, and you can too.

Here are some of his tips for new distributors:

-Follow the 4 steps to success-Start from home,

preach the word about Organo Gold to everyone

you know - Listen to your mentor.

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