offline Signature Identification System

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This presents a system for performing signature verification and subsequently prevention of forgery.

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  • School of Education Technology, Jadavpur University 84




    An Offline Handwritten Signature Verification System



  • School of Education Technology, Jadavpur University 85


    Signature has been a distinguishing feature for person identification. Even today, an increasing number of transactions, especially related to financial and business are

    being authorized via signatures. Hence, the need to have methods of automatic signature verification must be developed if authenticity is to be verified and guaranteed successfully on a regular basis.

    When a large number of documents, e.g. bank cheques, have to be authenticated in a limited time, the manual verification of account holders signatures is often unrealistic. Signature provides secure means of authentication and authorization. So, there is a need of Automatic Signature Verification and Identification systems. Handwritten

    signatures are different from other textual types because people usually do not use text in it; rather they draw a shape as their signature. Therefore, a different approach should

    be considered to process such signatures. The present research work is done in the field of offline signature verification system by extracting some special features that make a signature difficult to forge. In this research work, existing signature verification systems have been thoroughly studied and a model is designed to develop an offline signature verification system.

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    1.0 DISSERTATION Executive Summary ..85 1.1 INTRODUCTION 1.1.1Problem Statement.............87 1.1.2Objectives..87 1.1.3Definitions if any...........87 1.1.4 Assumptions and Scope........91 1.1.5 Literature Survey......91 1.1.6 Background Concepts...97 1.1.7 Organization of the thesis.........98 1.2 CONCEPTS AND PROBLEM ANALYSIS........98 1.3 DESIGN /SOLUTIONS /SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE...99 1.4 IMPLEMENTATION, RESULTS AND INTERPRETATIONS.105 1.5 CONCLUSION .110 1.6 FUTURE SCOPE......110 1.7 REFERANCES..111 Appendix I Sample program codes......114

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    1.1 Introduction

    1.1.1 Problem Statement

    To design and develop an offline handwritten signature verification system that will differentiate between original signature and closer forge signature depending on some special features.

    1.1.2 Objectives

    The present work has following objectives: Design a system to proof genuineness or authentication of a persons signature.

    Identify some special properties of a genuine signature to distinguish it from the forge one.

    Analyze the skilled forgery by extracting features and comparing it with features

    of genuine one.

    1.1.3 Definition if any

    Digital Image Representation

    An image may be defined as a two dimensional function, f(x, y), where x and y are spatial coordinates. The amplitude of f at any coordinates (x, y) is called intensity of the image at that point. The term gray label is often used to refer to the intensity of the monochromes image. Color images are formed by the combination of individual 2D images. The color image consists of three individual components(R, G, and B).

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    Binary Images

    A binary image is represented by only two intensity level, 0 and 1. That means it is represented by black and white. 0 represent black and 1 represents white. In MATLAB any format can be converted into binary image.

    Gray Scale Images

    Grey scale images only contain brightness information. Compared with binary images, they contain richer information. Typically, grey scale images contain 8 bits data. The range of pixel values is from 0 to 255. These images can provide some sort of noise.

    Color Images

    An image in which each pixel is specified by three valuesone each for the red, green, and blue components of the pixels color. In MATLAB, an RGB image is

    represented by an m-by-n-by-3 array of class uint8, uint16, or double. We often use the variable name RGB to represent an RGB image in memory.


    A graph, used in image analysis, shows the distribution of intensities in an image. The information in a histogram can be used to choose an appropriate enhancement operation. For example, if an image histogram shows that the range of intensity values

    is small, you can use an intensity adjustment function to spread the values across a wider range. The histogram of a digital image with gray levels in the range [0, L-1] is a discrete function p(rk) = nk/n, where rk is the kth gray level, nk is the number of pixels in the image with that gray level, n is the total number of pixels in the image and k = 0, 1, 2, , L-1. p (rk) gives an estimate of the probability of occurrence of gray-level rk. A plot of this function for all values of k provides a global description of the appearance of an image.

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    Dilation is an operation that grows or thickens object in a binary image. The specific manner and extent of thickening is controlled by a shape referred to as structuring element. Dilation adds pixels to the boundaries of objects in an image. The dilation function applies the appropriate rule to the pixels in the neighborhood and assigns a value to the corresponding pixel in the output image.


    Segmentation involves separating an image into regions corresponding to objects. Basically regions have to be segmented by identifying common properties. The simplest property that pixels in a region can share is intensity. So, a natural way to

    segment such regions is through thresholding, the separation of light and dark regions. Thresholding creates binary images from grey-level ones by turning all pixels below

    some threshold to zero and all pixels about that threshold to one.

    Optimal Thresholding

    Histogram shape can be useful in locating the threshold. However it is not reliable for

    threshold selection when peaks are not clearly resolved. In optimal thresholding, a criterion function is devised that yields some measure of separation between regions. A criterion function is calculated for each intensity and that which maximizes this function is chosen as the threshold.

    Skeletonization and Thinning


    was introduced to describe the global properties of objects and to reduce the original image into a more compact representation. The skeleton expresses the structural connectivities of the main components of an object and it has the width of one pixel in the discrete case. These kinds of techniques have a wide range of

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    applications, for example skeletonization has been applied successfully in solving character recognition problems.

    A basic method for skeletonization is thinning. It is an iterative technique, which extracts the skeleton of an object as a result. In every iteration, the edge pixels having at least one adjacent background point are deleted. All those pixels can be eroded, only if its removal doesn't affect the topology of the object. The skeleton represents the shape of the object in a relatively small number of pixels.

    FAR (False Acceptance Ratio)

    The false acceptance ratio is given by the number of fake signatures accepted by the system with respect to the total number of comparisons made.

    Calculation of these is show below.

    Number of forgeries accepted

    FAR = * 100

    Number of forgeries tested

    FRR (False Rejection Ratio)

    The false rejection ratio is the total number of genuine signatures rejected by the system with respect to the total number of comparisons made.

    Number of originals rejected FRR = * 100

    Number of originals tested

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    1.1.4 Assumptions and Scope

    Offline signature verification basically uses Image Processing Algorithms. These algorithms can be developed by Visual C++, Visual Basic etc. In this present work Matlab6.5 tool is used for implementation. In the present work following assumptions have been made:

    Images should be of as clear Images should be captured by good sensitive scanner.


    The proposed method is not a shift invariant. If the signature is scaled un-uniformly or rotated, then the proposed verification could not treat them as a


    Scanned signature should be clear. Too many noise or remove portion of

    signature cant be analyzed. Signatures of a same person should not differ a lot.

    1.1.5 Literature Survey

    One of the main advantages of biometric systems lies in the fact that the user does not

    have to remember password or any other important data for authentication and identification purpose. Signature verification has the advantage of a very high user

    acceptance because people are used to sign in their daily life. Signature verification systems are said to be static (off-line) or dynamic (on-line). Static verification systems use a static digitalized image of the signature. When a large number of documents, e.g. bank cheques, have to be authenticated in a limited time, the manual verification of, say the persons signatures, is often unrealistic. This led to the development of a wide range of automatic off-line signature verification systems. On the other hand dynamic

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    signature verification systems use the dynamics of the signature including coordinates, pressure and sometimes angle of the pen as a function of time [7].

    Many signature verification systems have been developed in the past [3]. Signatures that have already been written on paper, dynamic information cannot be obtained from it. However, the writing force and habit of a certain person could be reflected by his handwriting, therefore, this paper extracts the dynamic information for verification [2]. The region with low gray level is defined as low gray level region. When a signature is written on white paper with dark pen, the low gray level region reflects the areas with high pressure. The process of signature verification should be able to detect forgeries.

    Forgeries can be classified into three main categories [6]. First one is random forgery, which is written by the person who doesnt know the shape of original signature. The

    second, called simple forgery, which is represented by a signature sample, written by the person who knows the shape of original signature without much practice. The last

    type is skilled forgery, represented by a suitable imitation of the genuine signature model. Each type of forgery requires different types of verification approach. Different

    types of forgeries and their variation from original signature are shown below in

    Figure 1.1.5(a): Original Figure 1.1.5(b): Random forgery

    Figure1.1.5(c): Skilled forgery Figure1.1.5 (d): Simple Forgery

    Many of the existing algorithm work fine to detect random forgery and even simple

    forgery. But problem occur in case of skilled forgery. Because signatures not become similar accurately even the person is same. Ten signature of a person may vary up to

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    ten times. Because it depends upon the mood of a person, whether he is ill or not, quality of pen and paper, weather condition and many more.

    A method based on multi-feature and multi-stage verification is proposed in paper [2] for Chinese signature. This paper carries out a two-stage verification to make decision. For an input image, extract its direction features firstly. If it is justified as forgery, the final output decision is forgery; if it is justified as genuine, and then extracts the dynamic features, to carry out the second stage verification, and the decision of the second stage is taken as the final decision. A persons writing style is usually consistent; the direction of each stroke also displays certain consistence. So the

    directional information of signatures can reflect the characteristic of ones signatures. The directional information is extracted by Gabor filter. Gabor filter is generally

    formed as following in space domain:

    Where f is the frequency of the sinusoidal plane wave along the direction from the x axis, and (x'), (y ') are the variances of the Gaussian model along x , y ' axis respectively, which are both constant. Here define the filter frequency f as a constant and set the direction as four different values with respect to x -axis, which are 0,

    45, 90 and 135. However, the writing force and habit of a certain person could be

    reflected by his handwriting, therefore, this paper extracts the sham dynamic information for verification. The region with low gray level is defined as low gray level region. Supposing the signature is written on white paper with dark pen, the low gray level region reflects the areas with high pressure, such as weight strokes, pause

    strokes and stroke crossings. The low gray level image is extracted from a gray image by a threshold. The threshold in this paper is defined as follows:

    LPR = S (min) + 0.25(S (max) S (min))

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    Where S (min), S (max) is the maximal and minimal pixel value separately. There is another way to authenticate genuine signature by using Cross-validated Graph

    Matching (OSACGM) algorithm [3]. In this paper, OSACGM (Offline Signature Authentication using Cross Validate Graph Matching) algorithm is proposed, in which they use two concepts viz., Graph matching and Cross-validation for signature verification. The signature extraction method is used in pre-processing to obtain high resolution of signature for smaller normalization box. The signatures are compared by constructing a bipartite graph from which a minimum cost complete matching is obtained and the measure of dissimilarity i.e., the Euclidean distance is determined. Cross-validation principle is used to solve the problem of selection of reference

    signatures, which derives the best reference set of signatures for the system producing optimal decision threshold value.

    The signature of an individual varies with time and mood, which results in a problem of selecting reference signatures from the set of available genuine signature samples. Random selection may increase either false rejection of genuine signatures or false acceptance of forgeries thus degrading the performance of the system. The Cross-Validation principle decides the validity of the genuine signature to be in the reference set by comparing it with other genuine signatures. The genuine dataset of signatures S1, S2, , Sm are considered and the Euclidean distances between one genuine signature and the remaining genuine signatures are determined forming a distance

    vector say DV1. Similarly, the distance vectors DV2, DV3, , DVm are determined for signatures S2, S3, , Sm. The ratio of mean to standard deviation SD of each distance

    vector is determined and considered as the respective decision factor as given in Equations (1), (2) and (3) Mean (DV1) Decision factor of S1 (DF1) = --------------------- (1) SD (DV1)

    Mean (DV2)

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    Decision factor of 2 (DF2) = --------------------- (2) SD (DV2)

    Mean (DVm) Decision factor of Sm (DFm) = --------------------- (m) SD (DVm)

    The average of all decision factors is determined as given in an Equation

    (DF1+DF2+..+DFm) DFavg = -------------------------------------------------


    Compare DF of each signature with DFavg and the signatures whose DFs are approximately equal to DFavg are chosen as reference.

    Another method for off-line Persian signature identification and verification is proposed that is based on Image Registration, DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform) and Image Fusion [5]. Training signatures of each person are registered to overcome shift [10] and scale problem. To extract features, at first, DWT is used to access details of signature; then several registered instances of each person signatures are fused together to generate reference pattern of person's signatures. In the classification phase,

    Euclidean distance between the test image and each pattern is used in different sub-bands. Experimental results confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed method.

    Image registration is an important prerequisite for image fusion. The signatures may

    have relative translation, scale and rotation with regard to each other. The registration process in proposed method consists of two steps. The result of registration overcomes scale and shift problems. To overcome scaling problem, the maximum length and width of all persons signatures are found. Then each persons signature is resized to the maximum length and width as shown below.

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    Figure 1.1.5(e): Original Signature

    Figure 1.1.5(f): scaled signature

    To overcome shift problem, the signatures are centered at a fixed new frame by determining the COG (center of gravity). The following algorithm is used to calculate COG of a signature: In each horizontal line Ly with vertical coordinate y, count the number of black pixels

    (Ny). Vertical COG of image is calculated as follow: yNy

    COG (v) = ------------------------ Ny

    In each vertical line Lx with horizontal coordinate x, count the number of black pixels, (Nx). Horizontal COG of image calculate as follow:


    COG (h) = ------------------------ Nx

    COG of image is calculated as follows:

    COG = (COG (h) + COG (v))

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    Figure 1.1.5(g): two signatures before registration

    Figure 1.1.5(h): two signatures after registration

    Another new approach to offline signature verification, based on a general-purpose wide baseline matching methodology is proposed [11]. Instead of detecting and matching geometric, signature-dependent features, as it is usually done, in the proposed approach local interest points are detected in the signature images, then local descriptors are computed in the neighborhood of these points, and afterwards these

    descriptors are compared using local and global matching procedures. The final verification is carried out using a Bayes classifier. It is important to remark that the

    local interest points do not correspond to any signature dependent fiducial point, but to local maxima in a scale-space representation of the signature images.

    1.1.6 Background Concepts

    The use of signatures is one of the most employed mechanisms to verify the identity of individuals; the whole bank-check payment system is based on the use of signatures. In

    this context, computer-based signature verification is an active research area in biometry. Lot of experiments and research work has done within last few years

    regarding off-line and on-line signature verification. Though online verification provides better result than off-line system but off-line verification is also important in some situations where the person is not present physically. The past experiments work

    fine to detect simple and random forgery. But have lesser success rate to detect skilled

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    forgery. Keeping that thing in mind this paper is developed, where some special properties and style of a genuine signature is detected for identification purpose. These

    properties are marked and compare it the test signature.

    1.1.7 Organization of the thesis

    The Section 1 introduces the thesis work and includes the problem statement, objective of the research work, assumptions and scope, literature survey and the background concept. The Section 2 gives the overall concept involved in the project along with out any approach for new algorithm design or new framework design. The Section 3 explains the design, solution, and software architecture. It discusses the design of the project, the user interface. The Section 4 shows some experimental study, their results and interpretations for those results.

    The conclusion is presented here and the future work that can be conducted following this approach is discussed in section 5. The references, which are studied, are given in a serial.

    The Appendix I contains sample code of the application.

    1.2 Concepts and Problem Analysis

    The focus of the present work is to design an improved version of off-line signature verification system, which can be used to separate genuine signature from forgery. To achieve that, special properties are identified from the genuine one, which could be difficult to forge. In this dissertation all color signatures are converted into gray- tone signatures so that 24 bits/pixel can be converted to 8 bits/pixel.

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    1.3 Design/Solution/Software Architecture

    In order to design a system, which will detect the forge signatures by comparing some special features with original one, the following architecture has been proposed.

    Figure 1.3.1: Block diagram of proposed system

    Original signature will be preprocessed i.e. noise will be remove from scanned image, thinning process will be applied and finally signature will be normalized. Normalization means signature image will be having a certain size (height and width). If the size of a signature is larger then it will be scaled uniformly to reduce or if the

    signature size is smaller then it will be uniformly scaled to increase its size. The same thing will be done for the test signature. Then the features (mentioned later) will be

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    extracted from both the test image and original image. After that the test signature features will be compared with the features of original, and if it match then the test

    signature will be considered as a genuine one else it will be treated as forgery.

    Algorithm for the proposed system:

    Step 1: Hand written signature is scanned.

    Step 2: Signature is preprocessed and converted into binary or gray scale as per requirement, i.e. to find out the number of connected component of a signature binary image is required (described later); and to find out the high pressure region gray scald image is required.

    Step 3: Special features are extracted from test signature like ratio of height and width, number of connected component, number of end points, type of end points etc, which are described later in this section.

    Step 4: These features are compared with the features of original one, which have already been extracted.

    Step 5: Accept or reject after verification.

    The design process can be categorized into three main parts: I. Preprocessing II. Features extractions from both genuine and test signatures and III.compare the extracted features between them.

    Preprocessing: The principal objective of preprocessing is to obtain a transformed image with enhanced quality. It includes Noise removal, Smoothing, Thinning and Normalization.

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    Noise removal:

    Noise removal is required to eliminate the pixels that are not part of the signature, but contained in the image. When we scan signature from paper then some unwanted pixels comes with the scanned image that is not a part of the signature. So this unwanted part must be removed before feature extraction.


    Thinning is a morphological process necessary for the reduction of data and

    computational time. To reduce all objects in an image to lines, without changing the essential structure of the image, use the bwmorph function. Thinning works for objects consisting of lines (straight or curved). This method does not work for object having shapes that encloses a large area. Thinning is most of the time an intermediate process, to prepare the object for further analysis. It reduces the signature to a skeleton of unitary thickness as shown in figure below.

    Figure1.3.2: Original gray scale image

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    Figure 1.3.3: Thinning image

    To get the shape of the signature some morphological operation has done. The entire

    closed regions are filled with white pixels as shown below. It will help to get the proper geometric shape of a signature and then can be compared with other one.

    Figure1.3.4: dilated image

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    Figure 1.3.5: Filled signature

    So we got an arbitrary shape of a signature. By using any existing shape-matching algorithm we can compare it with the test signature. In this way the simple and random forgery can be detected. But this is not enough to detect the skilled forgery because the shape of skill forgery is quite similar with the genuine one. For that purpose we need to extract features from the thinned genuine signature. The same process can be done with the test signature. Means first of all the test signature will be preprocessed. Then the special properties will be extracted from it. After getting the properties it will be compared with the genuine one. And if the properties match then the test signature will

    be considered as a genuine one.

    Feature extraction: Each persons signature has different style. When some one tries to copy others signatures then they basically try to maintain the shape. But some important features can make a signature difficult to be copied. Now this features are analyzed and are used in this proposed method to differentiate genuine from forge one.

    Connected component: Pen up and pen down are one of the most important properties that a person follows while signature. And this feature could be difficult to copy for a fake person. This

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    feature of a signature is extracted by counting the number of stroke in a signature. The line between pen up and pen down is said to be a stroke.

    High-pressure regions:

    While writing a persons pen pressure may differ in different parts of the signature. Where the pressure is high there is more pixels attached with paper and where the pressure is low, lesser number of pixels are attached with paper. This could be an important feature of a signature. High-pressure regions are extracted from the signature. Original image (i.e. without thinning) is used for this thing. Then the ratio of number of pixels in high-pressure regions and number of pixels in original image is

    used as feature.

    Height/width ratio: Height and width of signature is obtained after drawing a smallest rectangle in which signature can fit. Height and the width of a signature remain same for a same person. The size of the signature might differ in different time but the ratio of height and width remain approximately same for same person.

    End points:

    End points are defined as those pixels, which have only one neighbor in its surroundings i.e. in its eight way neighborhood. Such points are extracted from the

    signature. Then the total number of end points in the signature is used as feature.

    End point line: The line connected with the end point is called end point line. The nature of the line could be an important feature. Some of end point line have same density pixel throughout, as shown in Figure1.3.7. But some end point line has different pixel density (generally decreasing order), as shown in Figure1.3.6.

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    Figure 1.3.7

    Total pixel count:

    Total number of pixels in the thinned image is defined as trace points. The ratio of number of trace points and number of total pixels in signature is used as feature.

    1.4 Implementation, Results and Interpretations:

    Implementation: Noise removal:

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    Figure1.4.1: Original binary signature with noise.

    We applied a noise removal technique, which basically based on the size of pixel. In this algorithm some pixels, which are not connected with rest of the signature and have less than 8 pixel values are considered as noise and removed using MATLAB 6.5. The output is shown below:

    Figure1.4.2: noise removed

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    Figure1.4.3: noise are marked

    Applying the noise removal algorithm we get the above output signature (Figure1.4.2), which is free from noise. In figure1.4.3, pixels surrounded with red circles are the

    pixels, which are treated as noise and are removed. But it not only removes the noise but some portion of the signature is also removed. In the above picture a small portion

    of n has been removed. That is not expected. To avoid this problem some pixels, which are very much closer to the signature, are not considered as noise.

    Figure1.4.4: Final noise free signature

    Now we got the final noise free signature where the portion of n is back again.

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    Thinning: To reduce all objects in an image to lines, without changing the essential structure of the image, use the bwmorph function.

    Figure1.4.5: Original gray scale signature

    Figure 1.4.6: Thinned image

    Feature extraction:

    After getting the preprocessed signature it is then analysis in different angle and features are extracted and the output results is shown in next section.

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    Result Connected component is counted in a given signature shown below.

    Figure1.4.7: Signature stroke are marked

    Figure1.4.5 represents normal genuine signature of a person and Figure1.4.7 represents the stroke counts of that signature. The above example contents total thirteen numbers of components. This is one of the most important features that a person maintains

    during signature. This feature could be difficult for the other person to follow and its a difficult task to maintain same component count number during forgery. Even in case of skilled forgery though the shape would have been maintained accurately but it is always not easily possible to remain the count number same.


    Though there are lot of offline signature verification system exists, but most of them faced challenge during skill forgery detection. This proposed system will works even better if it is attached with any existing verification system. It will help to find out some vital properties of a signature that will not be easy to copy for a fake person.

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    1.5 Conclusion

    The proposed signature verification system is been based on some special features extraction. Global features included connected component, height width ratio, number of end points and type of end point line. It uses a compact and memory efficient storage of feature points, which reduces memory overhead and results in faster

    comparisons of the data to be verified. From intuition, the statistics on the positional variations of the features or strokes of signature samples should be useful for

    verification. The present study was aimed at evaluating the usefulness of the method. Although it is not the best among all existing methods, there is the possibility of combining it with other methods to achieve better results. Similar to other real world

    problems, no single approach may solve the signature verification problem perfectly, and practical solutions are often derived by combining different approaches. This

    technique can be added with any existing verification system for better result.

    1.6 Scope of Future Work

    As it is an offline signature verification system so we need to work with only static image. So it is difficult to find out dynamic properties from it. But further research work can proceed to find out some dynamic features from static image. In this proposed system a number of features are mentioned, some of them are implemented but few are not yet. Also more features can be found out to make a genuine signature difficult to be copied.

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    1.7 References/Bibliography

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    [24] Alfredo Petrosino and Giuseppe Salvi, A Two-Subcycle Thinning Algorithm and Its Parallel Implementation on SIMD Machines, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING, VOL. 9, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 2000.

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    [25] Geovanni Martnez, Criterion for Automatic Selection of the Most Suitable Maximum-Likelihood Thresholding Algorithm for Extracting Object from their Background in a Still Image, Image Processing and Computer Vision Lab (IPCV-LAB) School of Electrical Engineering University of Costa Rica, IAPR MVA-2005Tsukuba, Japan.

    [26] Lars Aurdal, INF 3300, INF 4300 Digital Image Analysis, Norsk Regnesentral, July 24th, 2006.

    Appendix I

    Sample Code:

    Noise removal:

    %page = imread('s1.bmp'); page = imread('scan3.png'); thumbnail = imresize(page,.5); imshow(thumbnail) bw = page(1:45, 1:175); %bw = page(735:1280, 11:511); figure,imshow(bw),title('original signature') bw2 = imcomplement(bw); bw3 = bwareaopen(bw2, 8); %it will remove all small objects whose pixel are smaller than 8

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    figure,imshow(imcomplement(bw3)),title('some portion removed')% this approach has removed portions of some of the characters which is not desireable.

    removed = xor(bw2, bw3); L = bwlabel(removed); s = regionprop(L, 'Centroid'); centroids = cat(1, s.Centroid); figure,imshow(bw),title('marked noise') hold on plot(centroids(:,1), centroids(:,2), 'ro') hold off

    bw4 = imdlate(bw3, strel('disk', 5)); figure,imshow(bw4) overlaps = bw4 & removed; imshow(overlaps) bwout = imcomplement(bw3 | overlaps); imshow(bwout),title('after noise removal')

    Preprocessing and shape generation:


    I = imread('s1.bmp'); figure,imshow(I),title('Original Image'); threshold = graythresh(I); bw = im2bw(I, threshold); bw2 = ~bw;

    bw3 = bwmorph(bw2, 'thin', inf); figure,imshow(bw3),title('thining image');

    se90 = strel('line', 3, 90);

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    se0 = strel('line', 3, 0); BWsdil = imdilate(bw3, [se90 se0]); figure, imshow(BWsdil), title('dilated gradient mask');

    %Fill the Interior gape%

    BWdfil = imfill(BWsdil, 'holes'); figure, imshow(BWdfill); title('binary image with filled holes');

    BWnobord = imclearborder(BWdfill, 4); figure, imshow(BWnobord), title('cleared border image');

    %Smooth the Object% seD = strel('diamond',1); BWfinal = imerode(BWnobord,seD); BWfinal = imerde(BWfinal,seD); figure, imshow(BWfinal), title('segmented image');

    BWoutline = bwperim(BWfinal); Segout = I;

    Segout(BWoutline) = 255; figure, imshow(Segout), title('outlined original image');

    Connected component

    %bw = imread('s1.bmp');

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    %figure,imshow(bw); I = imread('s1.bmp');

    threshold = graythresh(I); bw = im2bw(I,threshold); figure,imshow(bw)

    bw = ~bw(1:125, 1:310); figure,imshow(bw)

    L1 = bwlabel(bw);

    I = im2uint8(bw); I(~bw) = 200; I(bw) = 240; s = regionprop(L1, 'extrema'); figure,imshow(I) hold on for k = 1:numel(s) e = s(k).Extrema; text(e(1,1), e(1,2), sprintf('%d', k)); end hold off

    bw2 = imclose(bw, ones(3,3)); figure,imshow(bw2)

    L2 = bwlabel(bw2);

    I2 = im2uint8(bw2);

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    I2(~bw2) = 200; I2(bw2) = 240; s2 = regionprops(L2, 'extrema'); imshow(I2) hold on for k = 1:numel(s2) e2 = s2(k).Extrema; text(e2(1,1), e2(1,2), sprintf('%d', k)); end hold off

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