Prairie Pioneer © 2020, Thursday, September 24, 2020, Page 10 $ Official Proceedings City of Herreid September 9, 2020 The Herreid City Council was called to order by Mayor Gary Weismantel on the above date at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall. The following mem- bers were present: A. Dupper, P. Weisbeck, K. Rossow, and B. Rossow (attending via Zoom). A. McNeil joined the meeting via telephone at 7:54. Also present were: M. Neeley, Finance Officer; R. Goehring, Maintenance Supervisor; Orland Geigle, Prairie Pio- neer; Kevin Wientjes, Herreid Community Foundation; Dick Werner, HAHD; Robert Weisbeck, HEDC; and citizen Kabrina Haar. Dupper asked that the council vacancy be moved to New Business on the agenda, noting past practice. Moved by K. Rossow seconded by Weisbeck to approve the re- ordered agenda; all members present voted aye, motion carried. Moved by Weisbeck, sec- onded by K. Rossow to approve the August 3, 2020 meeting minutes; all mem- bers present voted aye, mo- tion carried. Following discussion that the payment to B & B was not the final payment with $1.16 million still payable on the sewer improvement project, Dupper moved, K. Rossow seconded to ap- prove the following regular claims from August 2020 and the additional claims received in August 2020 to be paid in September 2020; all members present voted aye, motion carried. Claims for August 2020 Streets, Payroll, $1,504.77; Sewer, Payroll, $1,047.93; Water, Payroll, $1,047.93; Fi- nance Office, Payroll, $901.89; Pool, Payroll, $3,103.45; Cemetery, Payroll, $399.04; A-1 Heating & Air, Repairs/ Maintenance, $991.00; B & B Contracting, Sewer Project Draw #3, $41,792,374.00; B & B Contracting, Sewer Proj- ect Draw #4, $420,113.66; Baumann's Service, Fuel/ Supplies, $363.75; Camp- bell Co. Bank, ACH Fees, $29.90; Campbell County Collision, Repairs/Mainte- nance, $372.60; Camp - bell Co. Sheriff, Services, $2,001.51; Dakota Pump & Control, Repairs/Main- tenance-Fees, $4,697.94; Ferguson Water Works, Mate- rials/Supplies, $3,295.49; Fi- nancial Agent, Payroll Taxes, $3,533.37; Fresh Start Mar - ket, Office Supplies, $283.62; Hawkins, Materials/Sup- plies, $2,735.67; Heartland Waste , Garbage Collections, $4,425.00; Helms and Asso- ciates, Sewer Project Draw #3, $46,596.62; Helms and Associates, Sewer Project Draw #4, $37,215.35; Herreid Lumber, Supplies, $152.35; Herreid Super Stop, Fuel/ Supplies, $101.10; Huber & Son, Supplies, $91.10; MDU, Utilities, $1,862.70; Neeley, Margaret, Supplies, $28.20; Ottenbacher, Carol, Services, $80.00; Prairie Pioneer, Pub- lishing, $124.20; Rieker Elec- tric, Parts/Materials/Repairs, $254.25; Servall, Services - Rugs/Uniforms, $69.76; Slater Oil & LP Gas, Utilities, $344.25; SD Dept of Health, Fees, $30.00; SD Dept of Rev- enue, Sales Taxes , $647.69; SD One Call, Fees, $19.04; SD Retirement, Retirement, $1,169.16; Truenorth Steel, Supplies, $13,913.76; USDA , Loan - Hwy Proj-Sewer Lines, $440.00; USDA , Loan - Hwy Proj- Water Lines, $721.00; USDA, Loan - Wastewater Proj, $1,032.00; Valley Telco, Services, $334.41; Visa, Sup- plies/Travel, $1,363.82; Web Water, Bulk Water, $7,882.07. Additional Claims Received in August 2020 B & B Construction, Ap- plication for payment #5, $315,819.04; Helms & As- soc, Professional Svc., $33,312.45; Helms & As- soc, Admin, 6,822.40; North Central Dragline, Rubble Site Pit, $1,428.00; North Central Dragline, Cut Wa- terway, 3,366.00; Levanen, Water main and curb box repair, $2,280.00; Levanen, Install culverts, 5,350.00; Dakota Pump and Control- Repair, Elevator Lift Gaskets, $602.04; ISG, Phase 1- Pool Inspection, $4,500.00; ISG, Phase 2- Conceptual Design, 9,000.00; Quenzer Electric, Street Light repair, $1,539.64; Quenzer Electric, Electri - cal Line repair, 3,732.64; SDRWS-Rural Water, Camera culverts at dyke, $750.00; Code Enforcement Special- ists, Services 5/1 to 8/31/20, $505.00; Cahill Bauer , 2019 Audit, $1,900.00. Sheriff’s report for August 2020 was reviewed. Problem Resolution Forms Colleen Rueb, submitted a request that the Lighthouse be exempted from garbage collection fees, as there is no dumpster for the business, no trash service has been used, patrons of the facility take their trash out with them, and the non-profit nature of the facility. Moved by Dupper, seconded by K. Rossow to waive trash fees at 203 Main St N; all members present voted aye, motion carried. Also discussed was the need to consider a localized trash pick up while city streets are under construction via the sewer improvement project. In public comments Mark Kroontje explained that an easement was being requested for an exterior door that Campbell County Colli- sion shares at the rear of the Legion building as part of the sale of 117 Main St. N. Moved by K. Rossow, seconded by Weisbeck to grant the re- quest; all members present voted aye, motion carried. Dick Werner referenced the project report prepared by ISG, indicating that the estimated cost to update the existing pool, replace the wading pool with a splash pad, and teardown and replace the bathhouse, mechanical room, and bath- rooms at the pool will cost $637,356. Werner explained that the Community Foun- dation (Wientjes) and HEDC (Weisbeck) representatives were present to support the project. The Community Foundation has committed $30,000 and HEDC and HAHD have committed to raising $110,000 for the proj- ect, the City is being asked to commit $250,000 of reserve funds in the 2021 budget to the pool improvement proj- ect. Werner indicated that with the City’s commitment a grant proposal would be sub- mitted to for Land and Water Conservation Fund request- ing $250,000. McNeil joined the meeting via telephone at 7:54 for discussion. Discus- sion involved the 1% sales tax that has been collected for community projects, the condition of the city streets, and the condition of the existing structures. Moved by Weisbeck, seconded by Dupper for role call vote to approve the 2021 budget commitment of $250,000; Dupper, aye; Weisbeck, aye; K. Rossow, nay; McNeil, aye; B. Rossow, nay; Mayor Weismantel reported that the motion passed with a 3 to 2 vote. Building Permits Moved by K. Rossow, seconded by Weisbeck to approve a building permit for Morrel Fuehrer to replace a deck at 301 Dyke St NE, all members present voted aye, motion carried. In old business Sewer Project-Moved by Dupper, seconded by K Rossow, all members present voted aye, motion passed to approve the agreement between the City of Herreid and Campbell County to have access to 7th Ave for the sewer improvement project. Request for payment #5 was approved with the additional claims as listed above. The next construction meeting is scheduled for September 10th at 3:00PM. Streets-Directed Neeley to advertise for bids for base work only on the following 4 project areas: North Elm Street, East 10th Street, Edward Street, and Ford Street, including 3 water/ sewer service installations. Discussion involved the de- sire to complete base work this fall, with the discussion of asphalt to continue into 2021. Council would like to consider the purchase of a used grader-Neeley directed to contact Campbell County regarding the motor grader they are replacing. Drainage-Discussed drain- ing concerns on the south east side of town exacerbated by the sewer project. B & B will be asked to address these issues at the construction meeting. Code Enforcement-Dis- cussed stray and ill cats in town. Reviewed list of compli- ance issues and asked CES to move forward on some maintenance and clean up issues noted. Heard that Oahe Vet is willing to spay and neuter at a $30.00 per cat discounted rate. Directed Neeley to gather further infor- mation on low cost spay and neuter clinic options. Mosquito Control Grant- Claim has been submitted, waiting on payment to be received. City Pool-Water pump mo- tor went out, so pool closed before Labor Day. The new pump was received as a warranty replacement at no charge and will be installed by Maintenance Goehring. Council expressed thanks to all lifeguards for helping make the pool a success this year. Municode-Animal Code is still under consideration. Web Water rate increase- discussed that water fund is currently not self-supportive and Web water will be in- creasing rates by 3.5% on October 1, 2020. Heard that transfer of contingency funds into the water fund will be needed soon. Moved by Weisbeck, seconded by K. Rossow, all members present voted aye, motion passed to increase water bill base charges by $3.00 per ac- count, per month. Cemetery Perpetual Funds CD update-land. Discussed additional funds included in the 2021 cemetery budget if purchase of additional land is negotiated next year. Heard that Campbell County Bank has agreed to waive penalties if the Cemetery CD is withdrawn to invest in the Community Foundation Endowment. Following dis- cussion, no action was taken. Propane winter fill bids- moved by Dupper, seconded by K. Rossow, all members present voted aye, motion passed to accept the winter propane (.73/gallon at first fill, .91/gallon for remaining fills) and fuel oil (going daily rate) bid from Slater Oil. In new business: Council Vacancy-Mayor Weismantel reported that Kabrina Haar expressed interest in the vacant Coun- cil seat for Ward 3. Moved by Dupper, seconded by Weisbeck to appoint Kabrina Haar as Councilmember for Ward 3, she will serve until the next regular election in 2021. Storm Siren-North of town- Discussed the growth of town to the north and the inability to hear the current storm siren at many homes. Heard that Andrew Van Kuren is exploring grant options to pay for portions of a new storm siren for the north end of town, cost estimates are $18,000-$25,000. 2019 Audit Results-Heard that the 2019 audit has been completed and reviewed the report from Cahill Bauer. The findings identified the same three deficiencies that were present in the 2018 audit: Lack of proper segregation of duties of cash, equity, revenue, expenditures, and payroll functions; lack of an internal control system; inad- equate fixed asset records, noting that these issues are related to the size of the city’s workforce. CD Renewal-Moved by K. Rossow, seconded by Weisbeck, all present voted aye, motion carried to renew CD # 509066. Tax Levy-CPI and Growth Index-Heard that the 2021 CPI is 1.7%, Growth Index is 3.16% with a total tax levy available of $120,949. 2021 Budget Appropriation Ordinance (1st reading)- following discussion, moved by K. Rossow, seconded by Dupper, all members present voted aye, motion passed to accept the first reading of the 2021 Budget Appropriation Ordinance. In the Maintenance Report: Maintenance Goehring reported that in addition to being involved with the sewer improvement project, new cones and markers were installed at the airport, a drainage culvert on the South West corner of town was dug out, culverts were installed at 201 2nd Ave and running north-south on the west side of Elm St S-catch basins still need to be in- stalled. Goehring expressed a need for payloader tires, pallet forks, and a camera to video culverts and water/ sewer lines. Motioned by Dupper, seconded by Haar, all members present voted aye, motion carried to check with Herreid Concrete about their payloader tire supplier, table the discussion on pallet forks till next meeting, and approve Goehring to purchase a video camera. In the Finance Report: Fund balances, expen- ditures, revenue accounts, sales tax receipts, and de- linquent utility accounts were reviewed. The 2019 Audit has been completed and the 2021 Budget Appropriation prepared for review. A special meeting for the Adoption of the 2021 Budget Appropria- tion is scheduled for Monday, September 28th at 7:30 p.m. The next regularly sched- uled Council meeting will be Monday, October 9th at 7:30 p.m. With no further business, meeting was adjourned at 10:14 p.m. Gary Weismantel, Mayor ATTEST: Melinda Neeley, Finance Officer This institution is an equal opportunity provider. Published once at the total approximate cost of $105.34 39 State Of South Dakota) )SS. County Of Campbell ) In Circuit Court Fifth Judicial Circuit 10 Pro 20-8 In The Matter Of The Estate Of Diane M. Quenzer, Deceased Notice To Creditors Notice is given that on September 15, 2020, John Nelson, 27763 448th Avenue, Parker, SD 57053, was ap- pointed as Personal Rep- resentative of the Estate of Diane M. Quenzer, deceased. Creditors of Decedent must file their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or their claims may be barred. Claims may be filed with the Personal Representa- tive or may be filed with the Clerk and a copy of the claim mailed to the Personal Rep- resentative Dated this 16th day of Sep- tember, 2020. /s/John Nelson 27763 448th Avenue Parker, SD 57053 605-351-8174 Ann Byre, Clerk of Courts Campbell County Courthouse 111 2nd Street NE PO Box 146 Mound City, SD 57464-0146 Prepared by: Dennis L. Duncan The Duncan Law Firm LLP 515 West Landscape Place, Suite 101 Sioux Falls, SD 57108 605-361-9840 Published three times at the approximate cost of $37.18 39-41 State Of South Dakota) County Of Campbell) In Circuit Court Ffifth Judicial Circuit File #10PRO20-000009 In the Matter of the Estate of Robert William Strand, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND NOTICE OF INFORMAL APPOINTMENT OF CO-PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES IN INTESTACY Notice is given that on the 16th day of September, 2020, Dena Strand, whose address is 2334 S. Fulton Street, Sturgis, South Dakota 57785; and Brad Strand, whose ad- dress is 6221 203rd Avenue SW, Centralia, Washington 98531, were appointed as Co-Personal Representatives of the Estate of Robert Wil- liam Strand. Creditors of decedent must file their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice, or their claims will be forever barred. Claims may be filed with the Co-Personal Represen- tatives or may be filed with the Clerk and a copy of the claim mailed to the Personal Representative. Dated this 17th day of September 2020. THOMSON LAW, PC /s/ Candi Thomson Candi Thomson Attorney for the Estate PO Box 145 Sturgis, SD 57785 (605) 347-2551 Ann Byre Campbell County Clerk PO Box 146 Mound City, SD 57464 (605) 955-3536 Published three times at the approximate cost of $39.90 39-41 NOTICE OF BIDS The City of Herreid is now accepting sealed bids for road base work on unpaved sections of Elm Street NW, Ford St NE, Edward St NE, and unpaved portions of 10th Ave NE, including installation of three water/sewer service lines. Required bid specifica- tions are available from the Finance Officer. Sealed bids will be opened on Monday, October 5, 2020 at 7:45 p.m. Bids should be mailed to: PO Box 676, Herreid, SD 57632, and the envelope MUST be clearly marked “Bid: Road Work”. For more information please call the Finance Of- fice @ 605-437-2302. The City of Herreid reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. Dated this 18th day of September 2020. Melinda Neeley Finance Officer Published once at the total approximate cost of $15.44 39-40 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO LEASE PUBLIC REAL ESTATE Notice is hereby given of a public hearing to be held on October 5, 2020 at 8:00 p.m. at the Finance Office in Pol- lock, South Dakota. Public hearing pertains to leasing the former third and fourth grade room in the Pollock Community Center. Dated this 15th day of September, 2020. Town of Pollock Carl Gjefle Board President ATTEST: Leanne Jakobsen Finance Officer Published once at the total approximate cost of $7.02 39 Federal Universal Service Charge Notice The Federal Universal Service Charge (FUSC) Surcharge Factor recovers the costs associated with Valley Telecommunications contributions to the federal universal service fund program. Effective with the 4th Quarter of 2020, there will be an increase in this charge from 26.5% to 27.1%. PO Box 7 - 102 Main St S Herreid SD 57632-0007 www.valleytel.net Subscribe for a friend

Official Proceedings )SS. City of Herreid County Of Campbell ) · 9/24/2020  · Sewer Project-Moved by Dupper, seconded by K Rossow, all members present voted aye, motion passed

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Page 1: Official Proceedings )SS. City of Herreid County Of Campbell ) · 9/24/2020  · Sewer Project-Moved by Dupper, seconded by K Rossow, all members present voted aye, motion passed

Prairie Pioneer ©2020, Thursday, September 24, 2020, Page 10

$ Official ProceedingsCity of Herreid

September 9, 2020The Herreid City Council

was called to order by Mayor Gary Weismantel on the above date at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall. The following mem-bers were present: A. Dupper, P. Weisbeck, K. Rossow, and B. Rossow (attending via Zoom). A. McNeil joined the meeting via telephone at 7:54. Also present were: M. Neeley, Finance Officer; R. Goehring, Maintenance Supervisor; Orland Geigle, Prairie Pio-neer; Kevin Wientjes, Herreid Community Foundation; Dick Werner, HAHD; Robert Weisbeck, HEDC; and citizen Kabrina Haar.

Dupper asked that the council vacancy be moved to New Business on the agenda, noting past practice. Moved by K. Rossow seconded by Weisbeck to approve the re-ordered agenda; all members present voted aye, motion carried.

Moved by Weisbeck, sec-onded by K. Rossow to approve the August 3, 2020 meeting minutes; all mem-bers present voted aye, mo-tion carried.

Following discussion that the payment to B & B was not the final payment with $1.16 million still payable on the sewer improvement project, Dupper moved, K. Rossow seconded to ap-prove the following regular claims from August 2020 and the additional claims received in August 2020 to be paid in September 2020; all members present voted aye, motion carried.Claims for August 2020

Streets, Payroll, $1,504.77; Sewer, Payroll, $1,047.93; Water, Payroll, $1,047.93; Fi-nance Office, Payroll, $901.89; Pool, Payroll, $3,103.45; Cemetery, Payroll, $399.04; A-1 Heating & Air, Repairs/Maintenance, $991.00; B & B Contracting, Sewer Project Draw #3, $41,792,374.00; B & B Contracting, Sewer Proj-ect Draw #4, $420,113.66; Baumann's Service, Fuel/Supplies, $363.75; Camp-bell Co. Bank, ACH Fees, $29.90; Campbell County Collision, Repairs/Mainte-nance, $372.60; Camp-bell Co. Sheriff, Services, $2,001.51; Dakota Pump & Control, Repairs/Main-tenance-Fees, $4,697.94; Ferguson Water Works, Mate-rials/Supplies, $3,295.49; Fi-nancial Agent, Payroll Taxes, $3,533.37; Fresh Start Mar-ket, Office Supplies, $283.62; Hawkins, Materials/Sup-plies, $2,735.67; Heartland Waste , Garbage Collections, $4,425.00; Helms and Asso-ciates, Sewer Project Draw #3, $46,596.62; Helms and Associates, Sewer Project Draw #4, $37,215.35; Herreid Lumber, Supplies, $152.35; Herreid Super Stop, Fuel/Supplies, $101.10; Huber & Son, Supplies, $91.10; MDU, Utilities, $1,862.70; Neeley, Margaret, Supplies, $28.20; Ottenbacher, Carol, Services, $80.00; Prairie Pioneer, Pub-lishing, $124.20; Rieker Elec-tric, Parts/Materials/Repairs, $254.25; Servall, Services - Rugs/Uniforms, $69.76; Slater Oil & LP Gas, Utilities, $344.25; SD Dept of Health, Fees, $30.00; SD Dept of Rev-enue, Sales Taxes , $647.69; SD One Call, Fees, $19.04; SD Retirement, Retirement, $1,169.16; Truenorth Steel, Supplies, $13,913.76; USDA , Loan - Hwy Proj-Sewer Lines, $440.00; USDA , Loan - Hwy Proj- Water Lines, $721.00; USDA, Loan - Wastewater Proj, $1,032.00; Valley Telco, Services, $334.41; Visa, Sup-plies/Travel, $1,363.82; Web Water, Bulk Water, $7,882.07.

Additional Claims

Received in August 2020B & B Construction, Ap-

plication for payment #5, $315,819.04; Helms & As-soc, Professional Svc., $33,312.45; Helms & As-soc, Admin, 6,822.40; North Central Dragline, Rubble Site Pit, $1,428.00; North Central Dragline, Cut Wa-terway, 3,366.00; Levanen, Water main and curb box repair, $2,280.00; Levanen, Install culverts, 5,350.00; Dakota Pump and Control-Repair, Elevator Lift Gaskets, $602.04; ISG, Phase 1- Pool Inspection, $4,500.00; ISG, Phase 2- Conceptual Design, 9,000.00; Quenzer Electric, Street Light repair, $1,539.64; Quenzer Electric, Electri-cal Line repair, 3,732.64; SDRWS-Rural Water, Camera culverts at dyke, $750.00; Code Enforcement Special-ists, Services 5/1 to 8/31/20, $505.00; Cahill Bauer , 2019 Audit, $1,900.00.

Sheriff’s report for August 2020 was reviewed.Problem Resolution Forms

Colleen Rueb, submitted a request that the Lighthouse be exempted from garbage collection fees, as there is no dumpster for the business, no trash service has been used, patrons of the facility take their trash out with them, and the non-profit nature of the facility. Moved by Dupper, seconded by K. Rossow to waive trash fees at 203 Main St N; all members present voted aye, motion carried. Also discussed was the need to consider a localized trash pick up while city streets are under construction via the sewer improvement project. In public comments

Mark Kroontje explained that an easement was being requested for an exterior door that Campbell County Colli-sion shares at the rear of the Legion building as part of the sale of 117 Main St. N. Moved by K. Rossow, seconded by Weisbeck to grant the re-quest; all members present voted aye, motion carried.

Dick Werner referenced the project report prepared by ISG, indicating that the estimated cost to update the existing pool, replace the wading pool with a splash pad, and teardown and replace the bathhouse, mechanical room, and bath-rooms at the pool will cost $637,356. Werner explained that the Community Foun-dation (Wientjes) and HEDC (Weisbeck) representatives were present to support the project. The Community Foundation has committed $30,000 and HEDC and HAHD have committed to raising $110,000 for the proj-ect, the City is being asked to commit $250,000 of reserve funds in the 2021 budget to the pool improvement proj-ect. Werner indicated that with the City’s commitment a grant proposal would be sub-mitted to for Land and Water Conservation Fund request-ing $250,000. McNeil joined the meeting via telephone at 7:54 for discussion. Discus-sion involved the 1% sales tax that has been collected for community projects, the condition of the city streets, and the condition of the existing structures. Moved by Weisbeck, seconded by Dupper for role call vote to approve the 2021 budget commitment of $250,000; Dupper, aye; Weisbeck, aye; K. Rossow, nay; McNeil, aye; B. Rossow, nay; Mayor Weismantel reported that the motion passed with a 3 to 2 vote.Building Permits

Moved by K. Rossow, seconded by Weisbeck to

approve a building permit for Morrel Fuehrer to replace a deck at 301 Dyke St NE, all members present voted aye, motion carried.In old business

Sewer Project-Moved by Dupper, seconded by K Rossow, all members present voted aye, motion passed to approve the agreement between the City of Herreid and Campbell County to have access to 7th Ave for the sewer improvement project. Request for payment #5 was approved with the additional claims as listed above. The next construction meeting is scheduled for September 10th at 3:00PM.

Streets-Directed Neeley to advertise for bids for base work only on the following 4 project areas: North Elm Street, East 10th Street, Edward Street, and Ford Street, including 3 water/sewer service installations. Discussion involved the de-sire to complete base work this fall, with the discussion of asphalt to continue into 2021. Council would like to consider the purchase of a used grader-Neeley directed to contact Campbell County regarding the motor grader they are replacing.

Drainage-Discussed drain-ing concerns on the south east side of town exacerbated by the sewer project. B & B will be asked to address these issues at the construction meeting.

Code Enforcement-Dis-cussed stray and ill cats in town. Reviewed list of compli-ance issues and asked CES to move forward on some maintenance and clean up issues noted. Heard that Oahe Vet is willing to spay and neuter at a $30.00 per cat discounted rate. Directed Neeley to gather further infor-mation on low cost spay and neuter clinic options.

Mosquito Control Grant-Claim has been submitted, waiting on payment to be received.

City Pool-Water pump mo-tor went out, so pool closed before Labor Day. The new pump was received as a warranty replacement at no charge and will be installed by Maintenance Goehring. Council expressed thanks to all lifeguards for helping make the pool a success this year.

Municode-Animal Code is still under consideration.

Web Water rate increase-discussed that water fund is currently not self-supportive and Web water will be in-creasing rates by 3.5% on October 1, 2020. Heard that transfer of contingency funds into the water fund will be needed soon. Moved by Weisbeck, seconded by K. Rossow, all members present voted aye, motion passed to increase water bill base charges by $3.00 per ac-count, per month.

Cemetery Perpetual Funds CD update-land. Discussed additional funds included in the 2021 cemetery budget if purchase of additional land is negotiated next year. Heard that Campbell County Bank has agreed to waive penalties if the Cemetery CD is withdrawn to invest in the Community Foundation Endowment. Following dis-cussion, no action was taken.

Propane winter fill bids-moved by Dupper, seconded by K. Rossow, all members present voted aye, motion passed to accept the winter propane (.73/gallon at first fill, .91/gallon for remaining fills) and fuel oil (going daily rate) bid from Slater Oil.In new business:

Council Vacancy-Mayor

Weismantel reported that Kabrina Haar expressed interest in the vacant Coun-cil seat for Ward 3. Moved by Dupper, seconded by Weisbeck to appoint Kabrina Haar as Councilmember for Ward 3, she will serve until the next regular election in 2021.

Storm Siren-North of town-Discussed the growth of town to the north and the inability to hear the current storm siren at many homes. Heard that Andrew Van Kuren is exploring grant options to pay for portions of a new storm siren for the north end of town, cost estimates are $18,000-$25,000.

2019 Audit Results-Heard that the 2019 audit has been completed and reviewed the report from Cahill Bauer. The findings identified the same three deficiencies that were present in the 2018 audit: Lack of proper segregation of duties of cash, equity, revenue, expenditures, and payroll functions; lack of an internal control system; inad-equate fixed asset records, noting that these issues are related to the size of the city’s workforce.

CD Renewal-Moved by K. Rossow, seconded by Weisbeck, all present voted aye, motion carried to renew CD # 509066.

Tax Levy-CPI and Growth Index-Heard that the 2021 CPI is 1.7%, Growth Index is 3.16% with a total tax levy available of $120,949.

2021 Budget Appropriation Ordinance (1st reading)-following discussion, moved by K. Rossow, seconded by Dupper, all members present voted aye, motion passed to accept the first reading of the 2021 Budget Appropriation Ordinance.In the Maintenance Report:

Maintenance Goehring reported that in addition to being involved with the sewer improvement project, new cones and markers were installed at the airport, a drainage culvert on the South West corner of town was dug out, culverts were installed at 201 2nd Ave and running north-south on the west side of Elm St S-catch basins still need to be in-stalled. Goehring expressed a need for payloader tires, pallet forks, and a camera to video culverts and water/sewer lines. Motioned by Dupper, seconded by Haar, all members present voted aye, motion carried to check with Herreid Concrete about their payloader tire supplier, table the discussion on pallet forks till next meeting, and approve Goehring to purchase a video camera. In the Finance Report:

Fund balances, expen-ditures, revenue accounts, sales tax receipts, and de-linquent utility accounts were reviewed. The 2019 Audit has been completed and the 2021 Budget Appropriation prepared for review. A special meeting for the Adoption of the 2021 Budget Appropria-tion is scheduled for Monday, September 28th at 7:30 p.m.

The next regularly sched-uled Council meeting will be Monday, October 9th at 7:30 p.m.

With no further business, meeting was adjourned at 10:14 p.m.

Gary Weismantel, MayorATTEST:

Melinda Neeley, Finance Officer

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.Published once at the total

approximate cost of $105.34


State Of South Dakota) )SS.County Of Campbell ) In Circuit Court Fifth Judicial Circuit 10 Pro 20-8In The Matter Of The Estate Of Diane M. Quenzer,Deceased

Notice To CreditorsNotice is given that on

September 15, 2020, John Nelson, 27763 448th Avenue, Parker, SD 57053, was ap-pointed as Personal Rep-resentative of the Estate of Diane M. Quenzer, deceased.

Creditors of Decedent must file their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or their claims may be barred.

Claims may be filed with the Personal Representa-tive or may be filed with the Clerk and a copy of the claim mailed to the Personal Rep-resentativeDated this 16th day of Sep-tember, 2020.

/s/John Nelson27763 448th Avenue

Parker, SD 57053605-351-8174

Ann Byre, Clerk of CourtsCampbell County Courthouse111 2nd Street NEPO Box 146Mound City, SD 57464-0146

Prepared by:Dennis L. DuncanThe Duncan Law Firm LLP515 West Landscape Place, Suite 101Sioux Falls, SD 57108 605-361-9840

Published three times at the approximate cost of $37.18


State Of South Dakota)County Of Campbell) In Circuit Court Ffifth Judicial Circuit File #10PRO20-000009In the Matter of the Estate ofRobert William Strand,Deceased.NOTICE TO CREDITORS




Notice is given that on the 16th day of September, 2020, Dena Strand, whose address is 2334 S. Fulton Street, Sturgis, South Dakota 57785; and Brad Strand, whose ad-dress is 6221 203rd Avenue SW, Centralia, Washington 98531, were appointed as Co-Personal Representatives of the Estate of Robert Wil-liam Strand.

Creditors of decedent must file their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice, or their claims will be forever barred.

Claims may be filed with the Co-Personal Represen-tatives or may be filed with the Clerk and a copy of the claim mailed to the Personal Representative.

Dated this 17th day of September 2020.

THOMSON LAW, PC /s/ Candi Thomson

Candi ThomsonAttorney for the Estate

PO Box 145Sturgis, SD 57785

(605) 347-2551

Ann ByreCampbell County ClerkPO Box 146Mound City, SD 57464(605) 955-3536

Published three times at the approximate cost of $39.90

39-41NOTICE OF BIDSThe City of Herreid is now

accepting sealed bids for road base work on unpaved sections of Elm Street NW, Ford St NE, Edward St NE, and unpaved portions of 10th Ave NE, including installation of three water/sewer service lines. Required bid specifica-tions are available from the Finance Officer. Sealed bids will be opened on Monday, October 5, 2020 at 7:45 p.m. Bids should be mailed to: PO Box 676, Herreid, SD 57632, and the envelope MUST be clearly marked “Bid: Road Work”.

For more information please call the Finance Of-fice @ 605-437-2302. The City of Herreid reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.

Dated this 18th day of September 2020.

Melinda NeeleyFinance Officer

Published once at the total approximate cost of $15.44





Notice is hereby given of a public hearing to be held on October 5, 2020 at 8:00 p.m. at the Finance Office in Pol-lock, South Dakota. Public hearing pertains to leasing the former third and fourth grade room in the Pollock Community Center.

Dated this 15th day of September, 2020.

Town of PollockCarl Gjefle

Board PresidentATTEST:

Leanne JakobsenFinance Officer

Published once at the total approximate cost of $7.02


Federal Universal Service Charge

NoticeThe Federal Universal Service Charge(FUSC) Surcharge Factor recovers the costsassociated with Valley Telecommunicationscontributions to the federal universal servicefund program. Effective with the 4th Quarterof 2020, there will be an increase in thischarge from 26.5% to 27.1%.

PO Box 7 - 102 Main St SHerreid SD 57632-0007


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