18 OFFICIAL GAZETIE Issue nos 1D-11/December 2007 (C6ng BaD nos09-10IJanuary 6, 2008) THE PRIME MINISTER DECISION No. 19712007/QD-TTg OF nRCRMRRR 2M, 2007, APPROVING THE MASTER PLAN ON SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF NGHE AN PROVINCE TILL 2020 THEPRIMEMINISTER Purslll:lltt to the December 25, 200] Law on O'8"1lizt4i<Jn of the Govemmem; Al the proposal of Nghe An province People s Committf{l: in ReportNo. 519flTr-UBND ofJanuary 25. 2()()7, and Document No. 6296/UBND-TH of October J, 2007, and the Ministry of Planning and Investmews opinions in Official Letter No. 8583/ BKY-TDJ-GSDT of November 22, 2007. on the master on socio-economic dpwlnpmpnt njNghe An provina till 2020. Artiek 1.- To approve the master planon socio- economic of Nghe An province till 2020 with the feW lowing major contents: 1.'lJEVELOPMENT VIEWPOINTS 1. To continue with the renewal and create breakthroughs for fast and sustainable socio- economic development of the province on the basis of bringing into full play internal resources while making the fullest use of external resources in the context of proactive international integration and competition; cooperating with other localities throughout the country, especially localities in the northerncentralregion and the centralkeyeconorulc region. 2.Toconcentrate resources, creating growthpoles, key regions and zones: and strongly developing a numberofbreaicthrough fields and products in order to create an impetus for fast economic growth and economicrestructuring towardsindustrialization and modernization. 3. To quickly develop tourist. trade, transport, post and telecommunications, educational, health, financial, banking and insurance services; such industries with competitiveedges in industrial parks and complexes er-rtnrrmir- 7nnp.!.: as building materials-manufacturing industry, agro-forestry- aquatic product-processing industry, food industry, electronic industry, information technology, mechanical engineering industry, etc. To build a diverse agricultural-forestry-fishery sector in association with the protection of natural resources and ecological environment. 4. To simultaneously achieve three economic, social and envir0nlTlf':nta 1 targe:t!'< in development _ To closely combine economic development with the maintenance ofdefenseand security, theconsolidation of politicalsystem and strong administration. 5. To attach importance to the development of infrastructure systems andthe development of human resources for attraction of investment, tapping provincial and external resources. II. DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES 1. Generalobjectives To striveto bring Nghe An out of the poverty and underdevelopment statusby 2010; makeit basically an industrial province by 2020; to be determinedto makeNgheAn one onne top provinces in the.ccuuu y soon. To build Nghe An into an industrial, tourist, commercial, educational, health, cultural and scientific-technological center of tho northern central © VIETNAM LAW s LEGAL FORUM

OFFICIAL GAZETIE Issue nos 1D-11/December2007faolex.fao.org/docs/pdf/vie78163.pdf · of high-classwood turtuture, planks andpaper raw materials. To well protect special-useforests,

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Page 1: OFFICIAL GAZETIE Issue nos 1D-11/December2007faolex.fao.org/docs/pdf/vie78163.pdf · of high-classwood turtuture, planks andpaper raw materials. To well protect special-useforests,

18 OFFICIAL GAZETIE Issue nos 1D-11/December 2007

(C6ng BaD nos09-10IJanuary 6,2008)




Purslll:lltt to the December 25, 200] Law on

O'8"1lizt4i<Jn ofthe Govemmem;

Al the proposal of Nghe An province People sCommittf{l: inReportNo. 519flTr-UBNDofJanuary25. 2()()7, and Document No. 6296/UBND-TH ofOctober J, 2007, and the Ministry ofPlanning and

Investmews opinions in Official Letter No. 8583/BKY-TDJ-GSDT of November 22, 2007. on themasterpl~ on socio-economic dpwlnpmpnt njNghe

An provina till 2020.

Artiek 1.- To approve the master planon socio­economic ~veloplT'lt':ntof Nghe An province till 2020

with the feW lowing majorcontents:


1. To continue with the renewal and createbreakthroughs for fast and sustainable socio­economic development of the province on the basisof bringing into full play internal resources whilemaking the fullest use of external resources in thecontext of proactive international integration andcompetition; cooperating with other localitiesthroughout the country, especially localities in thenortherncentralregionandthecentralkeyeconorulc


2.Toconcentrate resources, creating growthpoles,key regions and zones: and strongly developing a

numberofbreaicthrough fields and products in orderto create an impetus for fast economic growth andeconomicrestructuring towardsindustrialization andmodernization.

3.To quickly develop tourist. trade, transport, postand telecommunications, educational, health,

financial, banking and insurance services; suchindustries withcompetitiveedges in industrial parksand complexes ~fl(l er-rtnrrmir- 7nnp.!.: as building

materials-manufacturing industry, agro-forestry­aquatic product-processing industry, food industry,electronic industry, information technology,mechanical engineering industry, etc. To build adiverse agricultural-forestry-fishery sector inassociation with the protection of natural resourcesand ecological environment.

4. To simultaneously achieve three economic,social and envir0nlTlf':nta1targe:t!'< in development_To

closely combine economic development with themaintenance ofdefenseandsecurity, theconsolidationof politicalsystem and strongadministration.

5. To attach importance to the development ofinfrastructure systems andthe developmentofhumanresources for attraction of investment, tapping

provincial and external resources.



To striveto bring NgheAn out of thepoverty andunderdevelopment statusby 2010; makeit basicallyan industrial province by 2020; to be determinedtomakeNgheAn one onne top provinces in the.ccuuu ysoon. To build Nghe An into an industrial, tourist,commercial, educational, health, cultural andscientific-technological center of tho northern central


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Issue nos10-11/December 2UUI

(Gong Bao nos09-10IJanuary 6,2008)OFFICIAL GAZETIE 19

region, with comprehensive infrastructures, lugher

and higher material and cultural life for the peopleanda healthy culture imbuedwithNgheAn's identity,suong uefeuse awl security and the assured social

order and safety.

2. Specificobjectives


The per-capita GDP (at currentprices)willreachUSD 850 1,000 by 2010, about USD 1,560 by 2015

and over USD 3,100by 2020.

The average annual GDP growth rate will reach12-13% in the 2006-2010 period, 12 12.5% in the

2011-2015 period, and 11.5-12% in the 2016-2020


The economy will be restructured towardsincreasing the non-agricultural sectors; especiallyroosting the fast growth of the service sector in thepost-2010 period. The industry.construction ratio in

the GDP willreach 39%; the serviceratio, 37% andthe agriculture-forestry-fishery ratio, about 24% by2010. which will respectively be41.4%, 40.4% and18.2%by 2015, then43%, 43% and 14%by 2020.

To strongly develop external economy. Toformulate a nwnherof keyexportproduct.;;. Tostriveto achieve the export turnover of over USD 350million by 2010, USD 850 million by 2015, andaroundUSD 1,900millionby 2020.

To strive to annually increase the local budgetrevenue at the current prices by around 24-25% onaverage in the whole 2006-2020 period, achievingabout VND5,000-5,500 billionby 2010, accountingfor 11.5% oftheGDP; aboutVND 15,600billionby2015, accounting for 14.6%of the GDP, aod aboutVND 47,400 billion by 2020, accountingfor 18.4%of the GDI'

bl Social objectives

To reduce the average annual birth rate to 0.02­0.03% for a stable population size of around 3.5million people hy2020:theaverage annual population

growthrate will be U.97% for the wholeperiod.

To annually createjobs for about30,000-32,000laborers onaverage inthe2006-2010 periodandabont28,000-30,000 laborers in ten subsequent years.Toensure that 85-86% of laborers of working age areemployed by 2010, which will rise to 89-90% by2020. The rate of trained laborers will reach oVtt~by2010(includiog 25-27% professional trainees) and65-70% by 2020.

The poverty rate will drop to around J1-12% by2010 aod around5% by 2020.Annually -me rate ofdisadvantagedchildren takencareofwillrise 15-20%,

'Io completely universalize general. edccauen for95% of pupilsin cities,provincial towns~d diilricttownsand85%ofpupilsinmountainousmgionsandcouunuues meeting with difficulties (includingprofessional training, professional education, gatetaleducation andcomplementary general education). Tobuild all solid school buildings and claaseooma.

To ensure adequate hospital beds mel healthworkers and upgrade medical examinalion andtreatment catebliahmcnta at all three levels. To raise

the local people's average life span to 72 yoors by2010 and over 75 yearsby 2020.

95% of the local population win be ccveeed by

television broadcasts and 100%by radio hroadcastsby 2010,which will bothbe 100%by 2Q1I}.

To substantially improve; infrastructures. including

communication, electricity supplyand wetersun>Jysystems. By 2010, to complete the construction ofroads to communal centers not yet accessible to

automobiles, andupgrade roads tocommunal amtersaccessible to automobiles only in oneseasoninayear.Toensnre that at least 90% of local households willbe supplied with clean water and 98% of the localhonseholds withelectricity by 2010,whichwiU~100%by 2020.

The nrbanization rate will be 17% by 2010 and37% by 2020.

The housing s.pace in urban areas willreach 10m2!


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zo OFFICIAL GAZETIE Issue nos 1Q-11lDecember 2007

(C6ng lJijo nos Q9·101January 6,2008)

personby 2010, tzmvperson by 2015and. 18~2Om2/personby 2020.

To maintain social order and safety, nationaldefense and security. To well attain the "three­reduction and three-stability" target in the locality.

To minimize social vices, especially drugaddictionand ualllc accidents, lU t;IISWe tluu 100% L!J. ug al.klil:ls

will be detected, managed and detoxicated and therate of addiction relapse will drop.

e! Environmental pruLection objectives

Tobasblly green bare land,hillsandmountains;to raisedie forest canopy rate and canopyquality to'3% by 20 10 and 60% by 2020.

10 ensue clean environment for both urban and

rural areas: 100% production and businessestabbshrrents are up to environmental standards;80%of garbageiscollectedand treatedin theperiod

up to 2010 and 9'-100% by=.


-1bformulate growthpolesand key regions: Theeconomic zones ofsoutheastern NgheAn, Vinb city,H03Ill! Mai, Thai Hoa, Coo Cuone. coastal regionsand indus1rtal parks.

- 1b develop high-quality human resources andscientific .;wllI technological potential meeting the

developnm requirements.

-Tos)'OClrrooouslydevelopinfrastructures inbothurban and rural areas.

- Toconcentrate investment on the formation ofsysteIm of key products in branches and domaioswith competitive edges (particularly the service

branch)inordertocreate postureandforcesforlong­term development of the province.

'Io 3tcp up rcforrnn, pnrtioulcrly administrative

reform, torenew mechanisms andpolicies with a viewto strongly attracting domestic andforeign investmentcapital !m1l1"Ce!':.

- To speed up urbanization; to develop centraltowns,outlying towns andrural population spotswitha view to creating a new population distributionpicture.


1. Industryand construction

- To prioritize thc development of induatrica with

comparative edge and stable outlets; to attachimportance to the development of hi-techindustriesin nrrlP.T to t:'n:'~tl"_ hrl"J.lkthmllgh!': for tN:>_ pmv;nrl"'c:.


- The average annual industrial-constructiongrowth rate will be 18.9-707% in the 2006-2010

period; 14-14.5%in the 2011-2015 period; and 12­12.5%in the2016-2020 period.

- By 2020, the industry will account for about 23­

24% of GDP. Industries willbe restructuredtowardsfastincreaseof theprocessing industry ratio,reachingabout88% by 2020.

- To developthe following major industries:

+ To develop the building materials­manufacturing industry into «key one ofthe province,

encouraging the development of new products, theuse of advancedand modem technologies to satisfydomestic demands and proceed to export

+Tofocuson thedevelopmentof the agricultural,forestry, fishery productandfoodprocessing industrywith the.province's advantages

+Tofocuson tin exploitation and refinery;whitestoneexploitation andprocessing.

+ To direct attention to the development of

mechanical engineering, petro-chemical, electronic­

information-telecommunications, information andcommunication, new materials, automation

equipment-manufacturing industries, biologicaltechnology, etc., into important ones, with greatgrowth valuein the province'sindustrial production.


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1!Ii!!!II!;! "/)s10·11IOecembEi'r 2007

(Cong Bao nos 09-101January 6, 2008)OFFICIAL GAZETTE 21

+Todevelopgarment and textile,leatherandshoeindustries. TobuildNgheAn intoa gannentand textile

center of the northern central region.To step by stepform garment and textile complexesin Vinh city ann

nearby districts, mountainous areas (in PhuQuy andAnh Son industrial parks).

+ To develop economic zones. industrial parks,

industrial-handicraft complexes andcraft villages: Tomaterialize the scheme on southeastern Nghe Aneconomiczone witha viewtocreatingbreakthroughsin the province's industrial production.To completethe construction of infrastructures of the industrialparks ofNarnCam,HoangMal andPhuQuy, tostudythe establishment of more industrial parks in HungNguyen, NghiLoc, Do Luong, Anh SonandThanhChuong.

Toconcentrate investment on the constructionofcomplete industrial complexes and craft villages indistricts.

2. Services

To develop services at a fast and sustainablerate,with the growth rate higher than the GDP growth rotc

of the province's entire economy in the post-20lOperiod, To further raise the service sector's role ofsupporting and boosting thedevelopment ofbranches

and sectors in the economy.Tobuild Vinhcity into agreat servicecenter.

The averageannualservice growth ratewill reach10.9-11.5% in the 2006-2010 period, 13.5-14% inthe 2011-2015 period, and 13.5-14% in the 2016­2020 period. To resrrnctnre theservicesecror towardsfast increase of key services; to form service sub­sectors and products of high added value inconformity with the province's advantages: gradualincrease of high-class and high-qualityservicesandincreaseof the private sector ratio.

To develop key service sub-sectors:

- Tourism:

To develop Nghe An tourism into an important

economicbranchof theprovince. The- averageannualarrivalsgrowthrate is expectedto reach 12.9%inthe2006-2010 period, about 13% in the 2011-2020fY'.riotl TQstrive for two tourist towns (Vinh and Cua

Lo)inNghcAn; andnnenational tourist resort(KimLien-Nam Dan).

Todiversifyformsoftourism and touristproductssuch as ecological tourism, rest and recreationtourism, medical treatment tourism, seabath, cullUrll1­historical tourism. nature exploring tourism, high­class recreation tourism, mixed tourism with keylocalities such as Nam Dan and its viclnlties; Vmhcity and Cua 1.0 town, Pu Mat national garden andits vicinities; hot mineral water areas of Giang Son­DoLuong, QuyChau, QuePhong, thecosstaltooristareas of Quynh Lou, DienChau and Ngn;Loc.

- Trade:

To quickly develop the domestic martet in orderto satisfy the people's production and consumptiondemands, creating conditions for tradedoYelopmentin rural and mountainous areas.To build vtnh -Cua

Lo area into a big commercialcenter of the northerncentralregion.Tostronglydevelop border gate tradewith a view to formulating and developinga numberof key export products for fast increase M exportturnover to USD 3:>0 nnllton by LUlU, USD ll5Umillion by2015, andaboutUSD 1,900 b:r 2020.Thetotal retail goods and social services turnover isexpected to averagelygrow 15.7%/yt:-<ll'illlhe2006­2010 period and about 1O%/year in the 2011-2020period.

10 IXIfeet the goods and service-wholesaling and

-retailing networks towards civilization andmodernization.

- Finance and banking

To create and guarantee conditions for creditinstitutionsto operate and do business, to attractbigdomesticandforeignbanksand securitiescompaniesto set up branches in the province. To incrementallyraise the proportionof medium-term and long-term


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22 OFFICIAL GAZETIE Issue nos10-11/December 2007

(COng BaD nos 09-10IJanuary 6, 2008)

loansfor keyprograms andprojectsof the province.To develop and diversify bankingservice products,develop thesecurities andinsurance markets. Toadoptpreferential rnechauisuis to encour age the

development of insurance in service of agricultural,forestry and fishery development.

-ltansport, storage:

To diversely develop forms of transportation,making full use of land, railway, sea and airtransportation; creating breakthroughs in seatransport developing maritime services and air

passenger transportation. Tn step by step raise thetransport tt:lChnology and service quality, Tu create

conditions for all economic sectors to participate inthe provision of transport services.

- ToOtYelop post and telecommunications into aspearhead service, playing an active role in socio­

economic development and making greater andgreater clJut.rjbuLiolls to GDP.

- To quickly develop scientific and technological,

property dealing and investment consultancyservices, personal and communlry services.

3. Agriculture-forestry-fishery

1be average annual agricultnral-fnresrry-fishery

growth ra'" will reach 5.3% inthe2006-20IOperiod,5.2%in\he2011-2015 period. and4.9% inthe2016­2020period.

To speed up agricultural developmenton the basis

of applic:Btion of scientific and technical advances,

rE"_<.:tnl('tnrine and formation ofa number of large-scale

zones for such short-term and long-term industrial

cropsas sugar cane, groundnut, sesame, tea, coffee,

rubber and fruit trees as orange, pineapple, in

association with processing establishments.

Tostrongly develop therearing ofbuffaloes, cows.pigs and poultry, making husbandry a main

production branch representing 50% of the

agricultural production value in the poSt-20W period.To invest in the formation and development of

pastures for cattle raising.

To efficiently tap and use the forestry land,

developing the plantation of trees for the manufactureof high-class wood turtuture, planks and paper raw

materials. To well protect special-use forests, primaryforests and head-water protection forests.

To develop fishery in a comprehensive manner,

including fishing and aquaculture, attaching

importance to the expansion of aquaculture on sea;lO quickly pur water surface areas uf big reservoirs

under aquaculture. To couple the aquaculture

expansion with investment in the intensive fanningof brccda of high economic value and stable outlets.

To expand types of agricultural, forestry and

fishery production services.

4. Socialdomains

- Education and training: To build NgheAn into a

tertiary education and training center of the northern

central region, To invest in upgradingVinhuniversity

into one of international standard.

To upgrade and supplement vocational-trainingschool networks, meeting the requirements of

developing human resources of high skills for the

province and the northern central region.

To strive to develop pre-school education and

general education to the advanced level in the whole

country. To raise the rate of kindergarteners amongchildren in the eligible age group to 25% by 2010and 50% by 2020. To achieve the national standards

on senior high-school education universalization by2010 in Vinh city, Cua La provincial town and anumber ofplainandcoastal districts; proceed to thecompletion of senior high-school education

Invervalizauon in the whole province by 2020.

The rate of primary, junior-high and senior high­

schools up to national standards will reach around60% by 2010 and around 90% by 2020.

To step up the socialization of education.

- Health, community health care: To build a hi-


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Issue nos 10011JDecember 2007

(CoogBaonosog.10/Janual)' B, 2008)OFFICIAL GAZETIE 23

techmedical centerof thenorthern central region inVinh city, to accelerate the construction of a.700-bed

general hospital, to establish a medical andpharmaceutical university; to strivefor hospitals ofinternational standard by 2010; to upgrade the

prophylactic medicine centerof the province.Tobuildas soon as possible modernspecialized hospitals ofprovincial level, to set upa foodhygiene and safety­testing center. Tobuilda laborhealth andenvironmentcenter. To consolidate and develop prophylacticmedicine centers and hospitals of district level. Toattach importance to the development of traditionalmedicine. To upgrade material foundations andincrease personnel for medical establishments ofcommune andward level, ensuring that l000k medical

establishments reachthenational standards on healthby 2020.

-Cultureandinformation:Tobuild an advancedculture imbuedwithnational identities,to preserveand develop Nghe An culture. To establish ahealthy cultural environment. To basically

complete the restoration and renovation ofhistorical and cultural relics. To build andmodernize the material foundations of the Culture

and Information sector.

- Physical training and sports: To build NgheAn into a strong physical training and sport center

of the wholecountry. Todevelophigh-achievementsports so that Nghe An will always be among thetop 10 provinces or cities in the r.onntTy. To adopt

specific orientations and make satisfactoryinvestment in the advantageous sports of theprovince.

- Science and technology: To prioritize thetransfer and application of scientific andtechnological achievements to productionandlife:to enhance scientific and technological potential.To strongly renew the science and technologymanagement mechanisms towards socializationand operation under the market mechanism. Toeffect assignment and strong decentralization of

science management, creating autonomy inresearch and operation.

- Labor and employment: To create a favorableenvironment and conditions for various economicsectors. to develop, creating more jobs and raising

incomes for laborers; to develop vocational trainingin order to increase employment opportunities forlaborers. To step up the formation and development

of the labor market To promote laborrestru~towards reducing agricultural labor and incmasingnon-agricultural labor. Tostepup labora.port.

- Defense and security: To closely combineeconomic development with defense ard securitymaintenance. Tobuildtheall-people defence IJ08Uein association with the people security postu«" tobuilda numberof defense works in key areasin theprovince.

- Environment and natural disaster prevention,fighting and reduction: To protect environment,minimize harms causedby smokedusts,\¥'dStes andtoxic gases. To well prevent and reduce naturaldisasters.

5. Infrastructure development


To upgrade and perfect the coIIlIIll.ll."licaticmsinfrastrucrure systems, creating conditiomtor strongdevelopment of transport services.


+ To build Vinh - Hanoi expressway; 't> expandVinh - Quan Hanhsection, buildrailway ~overs atkey points.

+To upgrade Ho ChiMinh roadsection runningthrough NgheAn with 4-6motorlanes.

+ To expand highway lA at sections runningthrough Cau Giat and Hoang Mai townships. NamCan industrial parks, etc.

+ Tobuild a coastal national highway from NghiSon(Thanh Hoa)to Quynh Luu, DienChauandNgfriLocforconnection with theexisting road. in Cua La.


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24 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 1swe!\OS 1Q.111!lecemPer 2001(GOng Bao nos 1XJ-1D!January6, 9(08)

+ To build Ben Thuy 2 bridge, linking the roadbypassing Vinh city at Hung Loi commune, and u

bridge spanning Lamriver atCuaHni toNghiXuan(HaTInh).

+ 'Iu upgrade and perfecthighways 7,48,46, 15A;

to complete the planning on both sides of Ho Chi

Minh road running through the province, 132 kmlong; to extend highway 48 from Que Phong district

to Thong Tho border-gate, 40 km long; to buildhighway 46 bypassing Vinh city from Quan Banh,cntt1nghighway 1A.bypassingVinh city-toNamDan.

with6tmtor lanes.

+ To upgrade and complete provincial roads andintra-raw material '7l)np. Trnul systems in service of

tourism. industrial parks, roads leadiog tocommunalcenters, economic-cum-defense roads, border patrolroads. border trafficroadsandintra-municipal trafficsystems,including:

• Tocomplete theconstruction ofroads along Lamriverbanks 60km long.

• Toirrvest in building mainaxisroads fortearawmaterials zones of Anh Son, Thanh Chuong, sugarc.l'lne N1W materials zones. second stage. of Tan Ky,AribSon,CooCuong;DinhLatandLat-CayChanbroads, Sen So road,roads 00 the leftbank of Lamriver.

• To buildYeo Xuan bridge leadiog to ZoneOSSouth ofNamDan districtand connectingwithDueTho district of Ha Tinh province.

• Tobuild a system ofbridges spanningLam Hieuand other rivers in the districtsof Do Luong,ThanhChuong. Anh Soo. Coo Cuong, Tuong Duong, KySon, QuyChao,Que Phong, etc. and the system ofroads 00 theirleftbanks,about120 km long.

• To complete the construction of roads linking:western districts of Nghe An: The road linking

higbway 7 withhigbway 48, 123 km long (ronningthrough three districtsofTuong Duong,Con Cuongand Quy Hop); the Chau Thoo - Tao Xuan road(startingat the western NgheAn road and ending at

HoChiMinh road), 127 km long, running through 4districts ofQue Phong, Quy Chau, Quy Hop and Tan

Ky); theXiengThu -Yen TInhroad(ruoning througb2 districtsofKy Son and Thong Duong).

• To build western Nghc An road: The main road

is 233 km long, from Muong Xen (Ky Son) to BanPang (QuePhong), a number of branches leading tocommunal centers and a number of border.guard

posts, with a totalleogthof 47km.

To continue asphalting Muong Xen - Khe Hienroad, with a length of about 100 km).

• Tobuild roads leading to communal centersnotyet accessible to automobiles. To upgrade roads tocommunes accessible to automobiles only in one

season of a year.

• Toupgradeand build thoroughfares in Vinhcity,Cue Lo provincial town and new urban centers

accordingto planning.Tobuild and installautomatictrafficcontrolsystemsinVinhcity,CuaLa provincialtown and other urban centers.

• Tobuild some car terminalsin Vrnhcity.

- Railways:

To build Vinh - Haner express railway line; to

restore theQuanHanb- CuaLa railroad, to upgradeNghiaDan- Call Giatrailroadand open the new DoLuong-Quanflanhruilroad, TuupgradeVinhrailway

station into grade-I station, separating the currentcargo station from the passenger station; to upgradesecondary stations and restore Dien Chau station.

- Airways:

ToupgradeVinh airportinto4Cairport (accordiogto ICAU standards) and a grade-It milimry alrfield.Toopensomenew airroutes fromVinhto Vientiane(Laos), from Vinh tooortheastern ThaiLao andfromVlnh tu Haiuau (China).

- Waterways:

+ To upgrade Cua Lo port: To dredge channelsfor easy entry and departure by ships. "10 raise the

port's capacity to 6-8 million tons by 2020, in


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Issue nos 10.11!Dec&rnber 2007(Gong BaonosOf}-101January 6, 2008)



combination with the formation and development ofthe southeastern Nghc An economic zone. To buildCua Lo tourist wharf.

+ To upgrade or build the ports ofCua Hoi, BenThuy, Lech QUCI1, 1.AK:hThoi, CuaVaH, ~ll,;..lll ~~I vtee

of sea productexploitationand cargo transportation.

+To study the constructionof a new special-usepurl uf Dung Hui. in Quynh Luu in serviceof a coal­fired thermo-electric power plant of 1,800 MW inthe future.

+ To rerorrn.upgradeand dredge channelsin theriver ways traffic system.


- To regularly maintain, upgrade and buildreservoirs in order to ensure safety in flood seasonsand watersupply forproduction andpeople's daily­hte activities.

-Tocontinueupgrading thenorthernandsouthernirrigation systems in order to ensure stable watersupply for 70,(X)() ha of cultivatedland.To continuewith the program on embankment of canals,panticularly grade-! and grade-II canals.

- To develop irrigation systems to activelyirrigatingconsolidatedgroundnut,industrial cropandfruit-tree zones.

- To improve the systems of sea dykes and riverdykes against landslides along the coast andriverbanks.

-Tobuild big irrigationworks such as Ban Mong(Quy Hop), Thac Muoi (Thanh Chuong), electricpower-cum irrigation works of Khe Bo (TuongDuong), Nam viec, Sao Va (Que Phong)', to repairandupgradeotherirrigation worksindistricts; tobuildan irrigationsystemserving salt-making zones.

cJ Electricity supply system

- 220 KVtransmission lines: TobuildtheBanVe-Do Luong- HungDongclosedcircuithydro-electricpower transmission line of 168 km; the one-circuitHungDong- Nghi Son transmission lineof 75km,

- 110 KV transmission lines: To build double­circuitandsinglc-circuittransmission lines and reforru

thedouble-circuit systems forconnection of medium­and small-sized hydroelectric power plants into thesystem and additional charge power supply. To build

new double-circuit and single-eircuit transmissionlinestocommunes,economiczones, industrialparksandcomplexes.

- To build or reform the networks of medium­voltage transmission lines (22KV, 35KV):r"furtherdeveJO{l and wnnvat"" pnWffl" grin~ and ~n",fortner

stations in urban centers, industrial parks and ruralareas.

- To hllild 220 KV and 110 KV tr~s:foriltel

stations in compatibility with the transmission ofelectricity from power generation plants andconsumptionplaces.

- To complete the construction of hydroelectriCpowerplantsaccordingto planning(Ban\le, Khe Bo,Hoa Na, Sao Va. Bancce, Nhan Hac,$:.), Tocallfor investment in the construction of d roal-firedthermo-power plant(of 1,800 MW) in Quynh Lou.

d! Post and telecommunications and fntonnationtechnology:

Todevelop modern andsynchronous informationand cornmunicatirms networks. to speed IIr the

application of information technology in all aspectsof social life, especially to the leadersnip andmanagementsystems.To upgradeswitchboardsandthe entire transmission system with optic cables: toensure mobile telephone coverage throughout theprovince, to develop high-speed Internet netwofts.cable television, digital television to all connn.mes.To completely build information technologyinfrastructure inorder to makeNgheAn anelectronicprovince.

e/ Water supply anddrainage

Toplan watersourcesfor supply to urban centersand rural areas, particularlykey economic zones.andwater-scarce regions.To re-assess underground and


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26 OFFICIAL GAZETIE Issue nos 1D-11lDecember2007

(COng BdQ nos oo-10/Janu:uy 6,2008)

surface water sources forefficient management anduse. Th mobilize all IC/SOW\NS for investment in water

supply facilities. Tobuildmore waterplants inserviceof the southeastern Nghe An economic zone,indmtrial parke and urban centers; to raioothe capacity

of existing water plantsto meet water demands forproduction and daily-life activities. To applycombined measures to supply clean water for rural

population, including construction of water plants,connection from water plants inurban centers, waterwell digging or drilling, self-running water supply,etc.

To concentrate investment on upgrading andbuilding 1'3 i"nwaterandwastewaterdrainage systemsfor urban centers, economic zones, industrial parks.For rum! ereas, to work out plaos for proper wasteweertreameminordertominimize adverse impactson the enwnnrrenr and people's health.


1.Urban development

- To p13ll the system of urban Centers of theprovince to step by step build a comprehensivesystmrl ofurbancenterswithmodern socio-economicand reclvscal infrastructures, clean environment,which art; rationally distributed in the province,ensuring tile stable, balanced and sustainabledeveloprrera of urbancenters.

-Tostriveto achieve the urbanizationrateof 17%by2010; 26% by2015; aodabout 37% by2020.

- To develop Vinh city into. grade-I city, beinganeconorrac aodcultural centerofthe northerncentralregion.

- To build urban centers of the provincial level:Hoang Mai, Thai Hoa, Con Cuong, Dien Chau, DoLuong.

- To increase investment in the development ofurban centers of district level and centers of rural

population qoarters (urbao centers of regional level).

2. Rural development

- To restructure agriculture and rural economytowards higher efficiencv aodtechnological level. Todevelop rural industries, cottage industries andhandicrafts in lightof the province's advantages andmarket conditions.Torestoreandconsolidate ancientcraftvillages and formate new ones.

-Tocomprehensively developall socialdomains;toattachimportance to educational universalization,prophylactic medicine; to upgrade educational,medical, cultural and information and sportestablishments in thecountryside.

- To huild the countryside towards civilization,greenery, cleanness and beauty, with modeminfrastructures and in association with urbanization.Toinvest inhungerelimination andpovertyreduction,first ofall for highlaod, deep-lying andremote regionsaod areas inhabited by ethnic minorities. To adoptpolicies to ensurethe supplyofstrains andJKWUl,;UUIImaterials at reasonable prices for deep-lying and


- 'Ib WIdely developrural and mountainous trade


- To well study aodforecast market informationfor termers andenterpnses,

3. Economic spacedevelopment

aJ The mountainous region (comprising 10


- To concentrate investmenton the developmentof such short-term and lone-term industrial crops as

sugarcane, tea, coffee,beef rubber and fruit trees as

orange aod pine apple; to develop the raising ofbuffaloes andbeef cows; to developtreesof variouskinds on forestry land in service of manufacture ofwood furniture, paperpulpaodpaper.

-Todevelop theagricultural aodforestry product­processing industry;building materials-exploiting aod-rnanufacturing industry (cement; flooring and


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Issuenos10·1'{Uecemper 2007

(G6ng Baonos09-10IJanuary 6,2008)OFFICIAL GAZETTE 27

walling tues, baked bricks and tiles), the productIon

and supply of raw materials for white stone powderprocessing; theexploitationand manufactureofbasaltproducts; tin exploitation and refinery ; build

hydropower plants: and develop the garment and

textile industry.

- To develop ecological tourism in association

with natural landscapes (Pu Mat, Pu Huong, Pu

Hear national gardens, etc). To develop the border­gate economy in association with the existing and

to be-built border-gates such as Nam Can (Ky Son),

Thanh Thuy (Thanh Chuong), Thong Thu (QuePhong).

bIThedelta andcoastal regions

- Todevelop foodcrops.particularly rice, formareas for the production of high-quality lice; short­

term industrial crops and fruit trees such as

groundnut, sesame, pine apple; cattle and poultryrearing: pigs, beef cows, chid..ell; fishing and


- To develop the building materials­manuracturtng tndustry: cernem (Quynh Luu and

Do Luong); bricks and roofing tiles (including

traditional products and new materials); man-madeflooring stones; high-grade pottery and porcelain;chemicals (sodium); petro-chemicals (in Hoang

Mai industrial park); coal-fired thermo-power plant(Quynh Luu}; mechanical, electrical, electronic

products, information technology, soft wares (in

Vinh city and its vicinities, the southeastern NgheAn economic zone); ships (in coastal districts);

processing of agricultural, forestry and aquatic

products (pine apple, frozen sea products andtraditional fishery products; cattle and poultrymeat; paper and paper pulp, high-grade woodfurniture, fine-art handicraft articles].

- To further develop tourism (marine tourism.historical and cultural relics tourism) and transport,

post and telecommunications, finance and banking,

educational-training, health services, etc.



I. To build strong administrations at an levels

To speed up the process ofadministrative reform,raising the capabilities of the contingent of public

servants and clearly defining the competence amongagencies of differentlevels, enhancing administrativediscipline, combating red tape. corruption and waste

while ensuring the people's mastery; thereby raisingthe efficiency of socio-economic management byadministrations at ail levels, creating a favorable

environment to attract resources for ~Yelopmentinvestment.

2. Mobilization of investment capital 'SOurces

- The investment capital demand is extremelygreat. So, in order to well materialize the masterplan,the province should create favorable conditions andadopt policiesfor the efficient use of land funds, wellcarry out ground clearance, provide infrastructureservices and supply labor at requests ofdomestic andforeign investors in NgheAn.

- To intensify the propagation and introduction ofthe province's potentials and advantages oversees.Tostep up the reform of administrative procedures,minimizing contact stops. To diversity forms ofInvestment capital rncbthzanon.

- To encourage and create conditions for variouseconomic sectors to participate in infrastructureinvestment; to mobilize to the utmost capitat sourcesfrom land funds for development of mtrastrueturesin urban centers and industrial parks; to step up thesocialization in the domains of education, health,

culture and sport; the state budget shall be prioritized

for investmentin key infrastructure worksconnectingregions.

3. Human resource development

- To regularly train and foster the contingent of


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28 OFFICIAL GAZETTE Issue nos1Q-11JOecember 2007

(Cong BaD nos D9-1DlJanuaT}' 6,2008)

public servants in order to raise their professionalqualifications; toadoptincentive policies forlaborerswith high professional qualifications and skills. Toatuact talented cII.IJel1s and skilled laborers into

priority domains whichstil1lack localpersonnel,

- To diversity forms of training suitable tomanagerial cadresand specialists, entrepreneurs andtechnical workers.

4. Scientific and technological development

-To btii tdanddevelopscientific andtechnologicalpotential. Enhancing andspeeding up the transferoftechnologies, particularly those in service ofproductionofkeyproductsofthe province. Toinvestin equipment, material and technical foundations,promptly satisfying research and developmentrequirements. To create conditions for attractingtalented specialists to participate in scientific andtechnological programs of the province.

- To enhance the capacity for scientific andtechnological application to production sectors anddomains.

- To fOrmulate appropriate orientations forselection of technologies for a number of importantproduction sectors.

- To renew the organization and managerialmechanisms towards higher autonomy and self­responsibility of organizations and individualsengagedin scientific and technological activities.

5. Mechanism and policysolutions

af To renew the investment mechanism and


- To create an attractive investment environmentthrough preferential mechanisms and incentive

policies in land lease and land use for projectexecution, with partial state subsidies for landcompensation and grOundclearance; to adopt !';pt'1'.ifi('.

mechanisms for coordination in land use planning,ensuring theharmony between defense andeconomicdevelopment.

- To intensify investment promotion in order 10

attract investment sources outside theprovince, aDAand FDI capital sources. Topromulgate appropriatemechanisms of investment incentives for some

geographical areas.

- To promulgate demand-stimulating policies inorder to encourage various t:l:OI unnic sector s tu illvest

in development of infrastructures.

b/To supportthe development of branches

Tofurtherapplya numberof measures to supportagricultural production, such as support foragricultural promotion, application of scientific andtechnical advances to production, supply of

information, infrastructures inservice of agriculturalproduction; support for the development of ruralindustries.

Tosupport the formation anddevelopment ofnewindustries and branches which may createbreakthroughs in socio-economic development ofthe

province, particularly theelectronic and informationtechnology and communication industry and otherhi-tech domains.

cl To consolidate anddevelopproduct outlets

Toattachimportance totheexpansion ofdomesticandforeign markets. Th IWUIX l'rooocuun costs, raise

thequality andrenewpatterns andmodels ofproducts,raisingtheircompetitiveness and firmly developingtheir outlets; to attach more importance to the brand

creation and propagation for commodities withdevelopment potential. To raise the capability toconsume farmers' commodities. To encourage andsupport enterprises and economic sectors to searchfor anddevelopmarkets.

dJ To intensify cooperation with provinces andcountries in the region

To enhance cooperation with Hanoi on tourismand export-oriented industries :"llch as garment and

textile industry and electronic industry. To step upcooperation with ThanhHoa on the petro-ehernicalindustrY after thecommissionofNghiSonoilrefinery


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Issue n0$10-11/December 2007

(Cong BaD nos 09-10/January 6.2008)OFFICIAL GAZETTE Z9

complex. To studythe possibility ofcooperation with

Ha Tinh on developmentof mechanical engineeringand manufacturing industries with the use ofexploitation and metallurgical industries ofHa Tmh.

To develop support industries, supplying semi­finished products for a number of provinces in thecentral key economic region.

To step up cooperation on training of humanresources for regional provinces, including tertiary,collegial ann vocational tT::lining

To intensify cooperation on tourism and seashipping withLaos and Thailand.

6. Projected list of projects prioritized forinvestmentstudy(see the enclosedAppendix).



- After the master plan is approved, to widelypublicize,propagate andadvertise it inorder toattractattention of people, domestic and foreign investorsfor participation in the materialization of the masterplan.

- To formulate planson developmentof branchesand domains, detailed plans and master plans onsocio-economic development of districts, cities andprovincialtowns.

-To materialize themasterplan through five-yearand annual socio-economic development plans.Annual plans must adhere to the master plan'sobjectives alreadyapprovedand targets set for eachperiod.

- To oversee and inspect the developmentinvestmentaccording to the masterplan.Toenhancetheresponsibilities ofauthorities ofall levels, branchesand localities inthematerialization of themasterplan.At the end of each planningperiod, to organize theassessmentof theimplementation of the masterplanin each period, supplement and re-adjust objectives

ofthe next period tu suit the reality,

Article 2.- To assign the Nghe An People'sCommittee. based on theprovince'ssocio-economicdevelopment objectives, tasksandorientations statedin the approved master plan, to coordinate withconcerned ministries and branches in directing theformulation, submission for approval andimplementation of the following contents:

1. District-level master plans on socio economic

development; plans on development of S'j5tems ofurban centers andpopulation quarters; theconstructionplanning: the l:.:md use planning,:> and plans; ~lannings

on development of branches, domains and keyproducts, etc., in the locality in order to ensurecomprehensive and synchronous developrrent,

2. Five-year and annual plans; key programs on

economic, cultural and socialdevelopment, specificprojects for concentration of invesLnent and

arrangement of investment priority in .. rationalmanner.

3.A numberof mechanisms andpoliciessuitableto thedevelopment cequirements of theprovinceandcompliantwithstate law in eachperiod, With a viewto attracting and mobilizing resources formaterialization of the master plan, which will beformulated and promulgated according to itscompetence, or proposed by it to competent state

bodies for promulgation.

Article 3.- To assign concerned ministries andcentrallyrun branches to support, according to theirrespective functions and tasks, the NgheAn People'sCommittee in studying the formulation of the above­said plannings; the formulation and submission tocompetentstatebodiesfor promulgation ofa numberof mechanisms and policies suitable to the socio­economic development requirements ot theprovinceineachperiod,aimingto mobilize and efficiently useresources, toencourageand attractinvestment for the


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JO OFFICIAL GAZETTE Issuenos1D-11IDecembAr 2001

(Gong Bao nos 09-101January 6, 2008)

attainment of objectives, fulfillment of tasks and

realization of orientations for socio-economicdevelopment of the province,as statedin the masterV1iUl. Tv speed up iuvc:<.lJJJt;ul in, am} e...ecutiou uf,

important regional-scale works and projects for thedevelopment of Nghe An province, in whichinvestment has been decided. To study and consider

adjustments andsupplements tobranch developmentplannings, plans oninvestment in relevant works andprojects stated in the master plan.

Amcte 4.- 'Ilus Liectsron takesettect .1)days atterits publication in "CONG BAD."

Article 5.- The president of Nghc An People's

Committee, ministers, heads of ministerial-levelagencies, andheads ofgovenunent-attached agenciesshall implement this Decision.

Prime MinisterNGIJVF.N TAN mJNG



(Attached to the Prime Minister's Decision No. 19712007/QD-ITgofDecember 28, 2007)

Ordim31Programs and projects Locationsnumber

I Azricultural-forestrv-fisherv oroiecrs

I Tea, coffee, rubber, orange, pine apple Mountainous districts and some deltaf erowinc and processing districts with mountains and hills

2. Specialized growing and production of A number of delta districts andsafe vegetables outskirts of urban centers

j Projects on buffalo, cow (beef cow and The whole provincemilch cow), Diu and poultrv raising

4 Raw materials forest olantine The whole nrovince

5 Growinz bamboo shoots for exoort Mountainous districts

6 Shrimp rearing by industrial method Dien Chau, Quynh Luu, Nghi Loc,Vinh city

7 Caged fish rearing on sea Ouvnh Luu, Cua La

II Industrial nroiects

8 Production of super-fine white stone for Nam Cam, Quy Hop and Nghia Danexoorr industrial narks

9 Natural granite stone production Tan Kv, Anh Son. Can Cuonz


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Issue nos 10 11/DocQmber 2007

(GOng 8ao nos 09-10!January 6, 2008)OFFICIAL GAZEITE 31

10 Construction of the cement plants of Anh Son, Tan Ky, Do Luong, Nghia DanAnh Son, Tan Ky, Do Luong andNghia Dan

11 Raising the capacity of Hoang Mai Hoang Maicement plant

12 Flooring tiles plants Nam C:Hm and Anh Son industrial narks

13 Nam Cam and Ru Muou beer factories Nam Cam and Hung Nguyen industrialparks

14 Tau K y uine auule Iactorv TanKv

15 Soft drink faclorv Ouvnh Loc or Nshia Dan

16 Meat canneries Nam Cam, Phu Quy and Anh sonindustrial parks

17 Aquatic product-processing plants Nam Cam, Hoanz Mai industrial narks

18 raper and pulp factory (by 2010 to Thanh Chucng Ul Tall Ky, HUaIl8-Maibuild a pulp factory which will produce industrial parkpaper after 2010)

19 Plank board factory Anh Son

20 High-grade wood furniture processing Industrial parksestablishments

21 Aquatic animal feed factory Nam Cam industrial park

22 Animal feed factories Nam Cam and Anh Son industrial parks

23 Garment and textile complexes Vinh city, Nghi Loe, Cua Lo, theindustrial parks of Phu Quv and Anh Son

24 Car manufacturing and assembling northern Vinh industrial parkfactory

25 Computer and mobile phone Nam Cam and Hung Tay industrialmanufacturing and assernblina factories i parks, Cua Lo provincial town

26 Steel-rolling mill Nam Cam industrial Dark

27 Steel billet factory Hoene Mai industrial Dark

28 T.e::l.theT goorls factorv Nam Cam industrial nark

29 Sodium factory Dien Chau

30 Telecommunication terminal- Nam Cam industrial parkequipment manufacturing andassemblina factorv

31 Shipyards Cua 1.0, Quynh Luu, Nahi Lac


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32 OFFICIAL GAZETIE Issuenos10-11fDecember 2007

(GOng 8ao nos OB-IO/Jan"a')' 6,2008)

32 Construction of hydropower plants (Ban Mountainous districtsVe, Ban Coc, Nhan Hac, Khe bo, Hua Na,


33 Nahe An thermo-electric power plant Quynh Luu

34 Construction of water plants in service of Urban centers and concentratedurban centers, economic zones, industrial population quartersDarks and oonulation auarters

III Service nroiects

3S Nghe An trade promotion, exnibuion and vmn cityfair center

36 Narn Can international trade zone KySon

37 Thanh Thuy, Thong Phu border-gates Thanh Chuang, Que Phong

38 Construction of infrastructure of Pu Mat Con Cuongnatrona1garden in association with tourismdevelooment

39 Quynh Bang, Quynh Phuong and Quynh QuynhLuuT.att tourist resorts

40 Nghi Thiel, Bai Lu, Den Cuong - Cua Hien Nghi Lee, Dien Chautourist resorts

41 Bua cave - Tham Om, Sao Va pass tourist Quy Chau, Que I'hongresorts

42 Gianz Son hot soa tourist resort Do Luone

43 Project on Quyet mountain ceo-tourism Vinh cityresort

44- Vmh citv forest garden Vinh city--

45 Construction of southwestern ecological Con Cuong,Dark

4G Golf COurse, hotel and villa complex CuaLo

47 Investment projects on construction of high-grade entertainment and recreation areas(car race lance, horse race courses, etc.)

IV Technical infrastructure projects

A Communications

48 North-South express way, Hanoi - Vinh In the provincesection


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(GOng Bao nos 09-1O/January 6, 2008)OFFICIAL GAZETTE


49 The Nghi Son (Thanh Hoa) - Quynh Luu- Quynh LUll, Dien Chau, Nghi Loc,Dien Chau - Nghi Loc - Cua Lo coastal CuaLohighway

50 Upgrading Ho Chi Minh road, the section In the provincerunning through Nghe An province (4-6lanes)

51 Upgrading and expanding Highway lA, Vinh city, Nghi Lac, Quynh Luuthe Quan Hanh - Quan Banh, Hoang Mai,Giat, Nam Cam sections

52 Railway flyover on highway 1 (Quan Vinh cityBanh)

~1 l Ipgrading highway 7, the Km 0 - Km 36 Diem Chau - Do Luongsection

54 Expanding old highway 46, the Ro - Do Thanh Chuong - Do LuongT,HOne section

55 Building highway 46, the section Vinh city - Nam Danbypassing Vinh city (stage 1: Quan Banh-highway 1A bypassing Vinh city; stage 2~

highway 1A- Nam Giang)

56 Upgrading and expanding highway 48 Dien Chau, Nghia Dan, Quy Hup,Quy Chau, Que Phong

57 Upgrading highway 15A, the Do Luong- Do Luong- Tan KyTan Ky section

58 Nghi Hai (Cua non- Nghi Xuan (Ha Cua Hoi- Nghi XuanTinh) bridge spanning Lam river andconnecting with coastal highway

59 Nghi Thier bridge connecting w ith coastal Nghi Lochighway

60 Ben Thuy 2 bridge (connecting with Hung Nguyen- Nghi XuanNorth-South expressway)

61 Road transport service zone, south of Vinh Hung Nguyencity (car terminal, trade services, fillingstations)

62 Road transport service zone, north of Vinh Nghi Loccity (car terminal, trade services, fillingstations)

63 Vinh- Cua Lo lengthwise axial road Vinh city - Cua Lo


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34 OFFICIAL GAZETIE Issuenos 1Q-111December 2007

(Cong Baa nos 09-10/January 6,2008)

---- -

64- Yen Xuan land road Hung Nguyen - Nam Dan

65 Muong Xen - Tri Le - Thong Thu road Ky Son, Que Phong

66 Xieng Thu - Yen Tinh road Ky Son, Tuong Duong

67 Border patrol road (western Nghe An - Que Phong, Tuong Duong, Ky SonThanh Roa) ._-- --.

68 Chau Thon - Tan Xuan road Que Phong, Quy Chau, QuyHop, TanKy

69 Building roads Leading to communes Communeswithout roads to communal centers

70 Upgrading roads leading to communes Communesnot accessible to automobiles in 4seasons of a year

71 Upgrading Vinh airport Nghi Lac

72 Expanding and upgrading Cua Lo port CuaLo

73 Building the special-use coal take-in QuynhLuuport of Dong Hoi

74 Building North-South express railway, In the provincethe Hanoi- Vinh section

75 Building a railway cargo station Vinh citv

B Irrigation in service of fishery

76 Ban Moog irrigation and hydro-electric QuyHopwork

77 Thac Muoi irrigation and hydroelectric Thanh Chuangwork

78 Repairing and upgrading irrigation Mountainous districtscomp lexes in mountainous districts (10districts)

79 Repairing and upgrading irrigation Coastal delta districts, towns, townshipscomplexes in coastal delta districts,towns and townships

80 Repairing and upgrading Ve Vung- Yen ThanhQuan Hai reservoir key work

Rl Repairing and upgrading Vue Mau Quynh LUll



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l~ue no~ 10·11/DeGember2007

(COng Bao nos09-1O/January 6,2008)


82 Repairing and upgrading Khe La - Khe Nghia Dan, ran KyDa irrigation work

83 Construction of Nam Viec irrigation Que Phongwork

84 Construction of Sao Va irrigation work Oue Phon.

85 Irrigation for tee, coffee and fruit trcca Lowland mountainous districts

86 Renovating and upgrading river dyke Coastal and big-river districtsand sea dvke svstems

87 Renovating systems of rivers supplying Quynh Luu, Dien Chau, Nghi Lee,water for aquaculture Vinh city

88 Upgrading the systems of information CuaLoand communication between mainlandand sea: Sea rescue and rapid responsecenter

C Electricity supply system

89 Upgrading and building power lines The whole provinceand transformer stations

D Post, telecommunications, informationtechnoloav

90 Building an electronic government, 19 districts, towns, townshipsequipment with hardware facilities

91 Setting up an information technology Vinh cityn.ark

E Economic zones, industrial parks

92 Infrastructure of southeastern Nghe An Cua La, Nghi Loc, Dien Chaueconomic zone

93 Investing in, building and dealing in Nam Cam industrial parkinfrastructures of A and C zones ofNaur Cam iudusu ial park

94 Investing in, building, dealing in QuynhLuuinfrastructure of Hoang Mai industrial


95 Investing in, building, dealing in Nghia Dan, Anh Son, Do Luong,infrastructures of the industrial parks of Thanh Chuong, Hung Nguyen, NghiPhu Quy, Anh Son, Do Luong, Thanh LoeChuang, Hung Tay (Hung Nguyen),Nghi Hoa (Nghi Loc); the size of 200-400haiindustrial Dark


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OFFICIAL GAZETTE Issue nos 1Q.11/[)ecember 2007

(C6ng BaD nos OS·10/January 6,2008)

F Environment

96 Systems of garbage sites and solid waste Urban centers and districtstreatment factories

97 Urban water drainage and waste water Urban centerstreatment systems

98 Treating environmental pollution couocd Identified polluted locctionoby plant protection drugs

V Socio-cultural oroiccts

99 Regional convention center CuaLo

100 Conservation and renovation of Kim NamDanLien historical relics in association withtourist development

101 Building a television tower; a radio and Vinh citytelevision broadcasting center of thenorthern central region

102 Building a general film studio; a multi- Vinh cityfunction cinematographic center

103 Nghe An vouth-children cultural center Vinh city

104 Northern central erhnolozv museum Vinh city

105 Planning and embellishment of Truong Do LuongBon relic zone

VI Physical trainine-snort projects

106 Construction of Vinh sport complex Vinh city(regional level)

VII Health nroiects

107 A general hospital of 700 beds Vinh city

108 Construction of an obstetric hosoital Vinh city

109 Construction of a number of specialized Vinh cityhospitals for the northern central region(cardiovascular hospital, cancer hospital)

110 Construction of a center for scientific Vinh cityand hi-technological application tomedical activities

111 Construction of a curative medicine Vinh cityresearch and orocessina center


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(C6ng Bao nos 09-10/January 6, 2008)OFFICIAL GAZETTE 37

112 Construction of a prophylactic medicine Vinh citycenter of grade II biological safety standards(of regional level)

113 Construction of a high-class general hospital CuaLo

114 Construction of food safety and hygiene- Vinh citytesting center

VIII Education-training projects

115 Upgrading Vinh university to the one of the Vinh citynorthern central region

116 Upgrading Nghe An medical college into Vinh cityNghe An medical university

117 Upgrading Vinh cultural and art college into Vinh cityVinh cultural and art university

118 Upgrading Nghe An economic- technical Vinh citycollege into an economic university

lL9 Upgrading the branch of Hanoi Construction CuaLoUniversity into Nghe An ConstructionUniversity

120 Upgrading Nghe An Teachers Training Vinh cityCollege into Nghe An University

121 Setting up Van Xuan private university CuaLo

122 Upgrading the Vietnam - Korea industrial Vinh citytechnique school and Vietnam - Germany

technical school into technical colleges

123 Setting up Roan Chau tourism college Dien Chau

IX Scientitrc and technological projects

124 Building, upgrading measurement, testing Vinh cityand inspection centers of national standard

125 Setting up, building a number of scientific Vinh citysub-institutes of regional legal (research andaquaculture, social science and humanities,etc.)

* Note: The locations, sizes, land areas, total investments and investment capital sources of theabove projects will be calculated, selected and specified during the stage of formulating andsubmitting for approval (he investment projects, depending Ull the l1CIIJ<1IIUS and capabilities tobalance and mobilize resources in each period.-