Official Abbreviations Page 1 Aurion Type Title Aurion Letters Conversion on Extraction Comments (Some Historical) BACH Bachelor of Actuarial Studies BActStud BACH Bachelor of Administration BAdmin BACH Bachelor of Aeronautics and Astronautics BAeroAstro BACH Bachelor of Agribusiness BAgribus BACH Bachelor of Agribusiness (Honours) BAgribus(Hons) BACH Bachelor of Agribusiness/Applied Science BAgribus/BAppSc BACH Bachelor of Agricultural Economics BAgrEcon BACH Bachelor of Agricultural Science BAgrSc BACH Bachelor of Agricultural Science Honours BAgrSc(Hons) BACH Bachelor of Agricultural Science/Arts BAgrSc/BA BACH Bachelor of Agricultural Science/Education BAgrSc/BEd BACH Bachelor of Agronomy BAgro BACH Bachelor of Animal and Veterinary Bioscience BAnVBioSc BAnVetBioSc BACH Bachelor of Animal and Veterinary Bioscience (Honours) BAnVBioSc(Hons) BAnVetBioSc(Hons) BACH Bachelor of Applied Biology BAppBiol BACH Bachelor of Applied Health Science BAppHSc BACH Bachelor of Applied Health Science (Oral Health) BAppHSc(OralH) BACH Bachelor of Applied Mathematics BAppMath BACH Bachelor of Applied Science BAppSc BACH Bachelor of Applied Science (Human Movement Studies) BScAPP(HMS) BACH Bachelor of Applied Science (Honours) BAppSc(Hons) BACH Bachelor of Applied Science/Arts BAppSc/BA BACH Bachelor of Applied Science/Education BAppSc/BEd BACH Bachelor of Architecture BArch BACH Bachelor of Architecture Design BArchDes BACH Bachelor of Arts BA BACH Bachelor of Arts (Honours) BA(Hons) BACH Bachelor of Arts/Business Communication BA/BBsCmn BA/BBusCommun BACH Bachelor of Arts/Education BA/BEd BACH Bachelor of Arts/International Hotel and Tourism Management BA/BIHTM BACH Bachelor of Arts/Laws BA/LLB BACH Bachelor of Arts/Social Science BA/BSocSc BACH Bachelor of Arts/Social Work BA/BSocWk BACH Bachelor of Asian Studies BAsianSt BACH Bachelor of Behavioural Science BBehSc used BBeSt as guide to construction

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Official Abbreviations

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Aurion Type Title Aurion Letters Conversion on Extraction Comments (Some Historical)BACH Bachelor of Actuarial Studies BActStudBACH Bachelor of Administration BAdminBACH Bachelor of Aeronautics and Astronautics BAeroAstroBACH Bachelor of Agribusiness BAgribusBACH Bachelor of Agribusiness (Honours) BAgribus(Hons)BACH Bachelor of Agribusiness/Applied Science BAgribus/BAppScBACH Bachelor of Agricultural Economics BAgrEconBACH Bachelor of Agricultural Science BAgrScBACH Bachelor of Agricultural Science Honours BAgrSc(Hons)BACH Bachelor of Agricultural Science/Arts BAgrSc/BABACH Bachelor of Agricultural Science/Education BAgrSc/BEdBACH Bachelor of Agronomy BAgroBACH Bachelor of Animal and Veterinary Bioscience BAnVBioSc BAnVetBioScBACH Bachelor of Animal and Veterinary Bioscience (Honours) BAnVBioSc(Hons) BAnVetBioSc(Hons)BACH Bachelor of Applied Biology BAppBiolBACH Bachelor of Applied Health Science BAppHScBACH Bachelor of Applied Health Science (Oral Health) BAppHSc(OralH)BACH Bachelor of Applied Mathematics BAppMathBACH Bachelor of Applied Science BAppScBACH Bachelor of Applied Science (Human Movement Studies) BScAPP(HMS)BACH Bachelor of Applied Science (Honours) BAppSc(Hons)BACH Bachelor of Applied Science/Arts BAppSc/BABACH Bachelor of Applied Science/Education BAppSc/BEdBACH Bachelor of Architecture BArchBACH Bachelor of Architecture Design BArchDesBACH Bachelor of Arts BABACH Bachelor of Arts (Honours) BA(Hons)BACH Bachelor of Arts/Business Communication BA/BBsCmn BA/BBusCommunBACH Bachelor of Arts/Education BA/BEdBACH Bachelor of Arts/International Hotel and Tourism Management BA/BIHTMBACH Bachelor of Arts/Laws BA/LLBBACH Bachelor of Arts/Social Science BA/BSocScBACH Bachelor of Arts/Social Work BA/BSocWkBACH Bachelor of Asian Studies BAsianStBACH Bachelor of Behavioural Science BBehSc used BBeSt as guide to construction

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Aurion Type Title Aurion Letters Conversion on Extraction Comments (Some Historical)BACH Bachelor of Behavioural Studies BBeStBACH Bachelor of Behavioural Studies/Education BBeSt/BEdBACH Bachelor of Biochemical Engineering BBiochemEngBACH Bachelor of Biochemistry BBiochemBACH Bachelor of Biological Sciences BBiolScBACH Bachelor of Biomedical Engineer BBmEBACH Bachelor of Biomedical Science BBiomedScBACH Bachelor of Biomolecular Science BBiomolScBACH Bachelor of Biotechnology BBiotechBACH Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours) BBiotech(Hons)BACH Bachelor of Biotechnology Advanced (Honours) BBiotAdv(Hons)BACH Bachelor of Business BBusBACH Bachelor of Business (Accounting) BBus(Acc)BACH Bachelor of Business (Public Administration) BBus(PubAdmin)BACH Bachelor of Business (Public Relations) BBus(PR)BACH Bachelor of Business Communication BBsCmn BBusCommunBACH Bachelor of Business Communication (Honours) BBsCmn(Hons) BBusCommun(Hons)BACH Bachelor of Business Communication/Contemporary Studies BBsCmn/BCS BBusCommun/BCSBACH Bachelor of Business Communication/Contemporary Studies BBsCmn/BCS BBusCommun/BCSBACH Bachelor of Business Communication/Electronic Commerce BBsCmn/BeCom BBusCommun/BeComBACH Bachelor of Business Communication/Social Science BBsCmn/BSoSc BBusCommun/BSocScBACH Bachelor of Business Honours BBus(Hons)BACH Bachelor of Business Management BBsMn BBusManBACH Bachelor of Business Management (Honours) BBsMn(Hons) BBusMan(Hons)BACH Bachelor of Business Management/Applied Science (Environmental Tourism) BBsMn/BAppSc BBusMan/BAppScBACH Bachelor of Business Management/Arts BBsMn/BA BBusMan/BABACH Bachelor of Business Management/Business Communication BBsMn/BBsCmn BBusMan/BBusCommunBACH Bachelor of Business Management/Commerce BBsMn/BCom BBusMan/BComBACH Bachelor of Business Management/Contemporary Studies BBsMn/BCS BBusMan/BCSBACH Bachelor of Business Management/Economics BBsMn/BEcon BBusMan/BEconBACH Bachelor of Business Management/Education BBsMn/BEd BBusMan/BEdBACH Bachelor of Business Management/Electronic Commerce BBsMn/BeCom BBusMan/BeComBACH Bachelor of Business Management/Information Technology BBsMn/BIT BBusMan/BInfTechBACH Bachelor of Business Management/Journalism BBsMn/BJ BBusMan/BJBACH Bachelor of Business Management/Laws BBsMn/LLB BBusMan/LLB

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Aurion Type Title Aurion Letters Conversion on Extraction Comments (Some Historical)BACH Bachelor of Business Management/Science BBsMn/BSc BBusMan/BScBACH Bachelor of Business Management/Social Science BBsMn/BSocSc BBusMan/BSocScBACH Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Arts BBus/BABACH Bachelor of Canon Law BCLBACH Bachelor of Cellular Biology & Microbiology (Honours) BCBiolMic(Hon)BACH Bachelor of Chemical Engineering Conversion Program for Science Graduates BE(ChemConv) BE(ChemConversion)BACH Bachelor of Chemistry BChemBACH Bachelor of Civil Law BCLBACH Bachelor of Clinical Health Sciences BClinHlthSciBACH Bachelor of Commerce BComBACH Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) BCom(Hons)BACH Bachelor of Commerce and Administration BCABACH Bachelor of Commerce/Arts BCom/BABACH Bachelor of Commerce/Economics BCom/BeconBACH Bachelor of Commerce/Education BCom/BEdBACH Bachelor of Commerce/Information Technology BCom/BIT BCom/BInfTechBACH Bachelor of Commerce/Journalism BCom/BJBACH Bachelor of Commerce/Laws BCom/LLBBACH Bachelor of Commerce/Science BCom/BScBACH Bachelor of Commerce/Social Science BCom/BSocScBACH Bachelor of Communication BCmn BCommunBACH Bachelor of Communication (Honours) BCmn(Hons) BCommun(Hons)BACH Bachelor of Community Welfare BCWBACH Bachelor of Computer Engineering BCompEngBACH Bachelor of Computer Science BCompSciBACH Bachelor of Contemporary Studies BCSBACH Bachelor of Contemporary Studies (Honours) BCS(Hons)BACH Bachelor of Contemporary Studies/Education (Middle Years of Schooling) BCS/BEdBACH Bachelor of Creative Arts BCreatArtsBACH Bachelor of Creative Arts (Performing) BCA(Perf) BCA is Bach of Commerce & AdminBACH Bachelor of Creative Industries BCIBACH Bachelor of Creative industries (creative writing) BCI(CW)BACH Bachelor of Dental Science BDScBACH Bachelor of Dental Studies BDentStBACH Bachelor of Dental Surgery BDSurg

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Aurion Type Title Aurion Letters Conversion on Extraction Comments (Some Historical)BACH Bachelor of Dentistry (Honours) BDent(Hons)BACH Bachelor of Design Studies BDesSt BACH Bachelor of Design Studies (Honours) BDesSt(Hons)BACH Bachelor of Economics BEconBACH Bachelor of Economics (Honours) BEcon(Hons)BACH Bachelor of Economics/Arts BEcon/BABACH Bachelor of Economics/Education BEcon/BEdBACH Bachelor of Economics/Information Technology BEcon/BIT BEcon/BInfTechBACH Bachelor of Economics/Journalism BEcon/BJBACH Bachelor of Economics/Laws BEcon/LLBBACH Bachelor of Economics/Science BEcon/BScBACH Bachelor of Economics/Social Science BEcon/BSoScBACH Bachelor of Education BEdBACH Bachelor of Education(Middle Years of Schooling) BEd(MidYsSch)BACH Bachelor of Education (Primary) Bed(Primary)BACH Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Bed(Secondary)BACH Bachelor of Educational Studies BEdStBACH Bachelor of Electronic Commerce BeComBACH Bachelor of Electronic Commerce/Laws BeCom/LLBBACH Bachelor of Electronic Engineering BE(Electronics)BACH Bachelor of Engineering BEBACH Bachelor of Engineering Sciences BEngScsBACH Bachelor of Engineering/Arts BE/BABACH Bachelor of Engineering/Biotechnology BE/BBiotechBACH Bachelor of Engineering/Business Management BE/BBsMn BE/BBusManBACH Bachelor of Engineering/Commerce BE/BComBACH Bachelor of Engineering/Economics BE/BEconBACH Bachelor of Engineering/Information Technology BE/BIT BE/BInfTechBACH Bachelor of Engineering/Science BE/BScBACH Bachelor of Environmental Management BEnvManBACH Bachelor of Environmental Management/Laws BEnvMan/LLBBACH Bachelor of Environmental Science BEnvScBACH Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Sciences (Honours) BESS(Hons)BACH Bachelor of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences BENSBACH Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Sciences BExSc

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Aurion Type Title Aurion Letters Conversion on Extraction Comments (Some Historical)BACH Bachelor of Food Technology BFoodTechBACH Bachelor of Forest Science BForScBACH Bachelor of General Sciences (Matura) BGenSci(Matura)BACH Bachelor of General Studies BGenStud As per USQBACH Bachelor of Geological Sciences BGeolScBACH Bachelor of Health (Health Promotion, Health Education) BH(HlthPromEd)BACH Bachelor of Health Science BHlthScBACH Bachelor of Health Sciences BHlthSciBACH Bachelor of Health Sciences (Public Health) BHlthSc(PH)BACH Bachelor of Health, Sport and Physical Education BHSPEBACH Bachelor of Hotel Management BHMBACH Bachelor of Hotel Management (Honours) BHM(Hons)BACH Bachelor of Human Movement Studies BHumanMovStBACH Bachelor of Human Services BhumanServBACH Bachelor of Industry Automation BIndAutoBACH Bachelor of Information Environments BInfEnvBACH Bachelor of Information Environments/Contemporary Studies BInfEnv/BCSBACH Bachelor of Information Studies (Librarianship) BInfSt(Lib)BACH Bachelor of Information Technology BIT BInfTechBACH Bachelor of Information Technology (Honours) BIT(Hons) BInfTech(Hons)BACH Bachelor of Information Technology/Arts BIT/BA BInfTech/BABACH Bachelor of Information Technology/Journalism BIT/BJ BInfTech/BJBACH Bachelor of Information Technology/Science BIT/BSc BInfTech/BScBACH Bachelor of International Business BIntBusBACH Bachelor of International Hotel and Tourism Management BIHTMBACH Bachelor of International Hotel and Tourism Management (Honours) BIHTM(Hons)BACH Bachelor of International Studies BInStBACH Bachelor of Journalism BJBACH Bachelor of Journalism/Arts BJ/BABACH Bachelor of Journalism/Laws BJ/LLBBACH Bachelor of Journalism/Social Science BJ/BSoScBACH Bachelor of Kinesiology (Honours) BKin(Hons)BACH Bachelor of Laws LLBBACH Bachelor of Laws/Information Technology LLB/BInfTechBACH Bachelor of Legal and Justice Studies BLeg&JusSt

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Aurion Type Title Aurion Letters Conversion on Extraction Comments (Some Historical)BACH Bachelor of Leisure Management BLeisMgtBACH Bachelor of Letters BLittBACH Bachelor of Liberal Studies BLibStBACH Bachelor of Marine Studies BMarStBACH Bachelor of Mathematics BMathBACH Bachelor of Media BMediaBACH Bachelor of Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology with Honours BMPharBio(Hons)BACH Bachelor of Medical Science BMedScBACH Bachelor of Medical Studies BMedStBACH Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry BMedChemBACH Bachelor of Medicine MBBACH Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery MB ChBBACH Bachelor of Medicine, of Surgery and of Obstetrics MB ChB BAOBACH Bachelor of Medicine/Surgery (Graduate Entry) MBBSBACH Bachelor of Medicine/Surgery (PhD Integrated Program) MBBS/PhDBACH Bachelor of Midwifery BMid As per University of ManchesterBACH Bachelor of Ministry BMinBACH Bachelor of Multimedia Design BMultMedDesBACH Bachelor of Multimedia Studies BMmStBACH Bachelor of Music BMusBACH Bachelor of Music/Arts BMus/BABACH Bachelor of Music/Education BMus/BEdBACH Bachelor of Natural Resource Economics BNatRsEc BNatResEconBACH Bachelor of Natural Resource Economics/Arts BNatRsEc/BA BNatResEcon/BABACH Bachelor of Natural Resource Economics/Education BNatRsEc/BEd BNatResEcon/BEdBACH Bachelor of Nursing BNBACH Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) BN(Hons)BACH Bachelor of Occupational Health and Safety Science BOHSScBACH Bachelor of Occupational Therapy BOccThyBACH Bachelor of Optometry BOptomBACH Bachelor of Oral Health BOralHBACH Bachelor of Paramedic Science BParamedicScBACH Bachelor of Pharmacy BPharmBACH Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) BPharm(Hons)BACH Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) PhB (Hons)

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Aurion Type Title Aurion Letters Conversion on Extraction Comments (Some Historical)BACH Bachelor of Photography BPhotoBACH Bachelor of Physiotherapy BPhtyBACH Bachelor of Podiatry BPod BACH Bachelor of Policing (Investigations) BPolicing(Inv) BPolicing(Investigns)BACH Bachelor of Psychological Science BPsyScBACH Bachelor of Psychology BPsychBACH Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) BPsych(Hons)BACH Bachelor of Regional and Town Planning BRTPBACH Bachelor of Rural Science BRurScBACH Bachelor of Science Applied BScAppBACH Bachelor of Science BScBACH Bachelor of Science (Advanced) Honours Class 1 BSc(Adv)(Hons)BACH Bachelor of Science (Honours) BSc(Hons)BACH Bachelor of Science (Management & Organisational Development) BSc(Mod)BACH Bachelor of Science in Applied Sports Science BScAppSpScBACH Bachelor of Science in Biology BScBiolBACH Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering BScChemEngBACH Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene BScBACH Bachelor of Science in Economics BSc(Econ)BACH Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Chemical Engineering) BScEng:Chemical As per University of KwaZulu-Natal BACH Bachelor of Science (Information Technology) BSc(IT)BACH Bachelor of Science in Medicine (Honours) BSc(Med)(Hons)BACH Bachelor of Science in Nursing BSNBACH Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy BSc(OT)BACH Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy BSc(phys)BACH Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Medicine BSc(VetMed)BACH Bachelor of Science with Honours Class 1 BSc(HonsClass1)BACH Bachelor of Science/Arts BSc/BABACH Bachelor of Science/Education BSc/BEdBACH Bachelor of Science/Journalism BSc/BJBACH Bachelor of Science/Laws BSc/LLBBACH Bachelor of Social Science BSocScBACH Bachelor of Social Science (Honours) BSocSc(Hons)BACH Bachelor of Social Science/Education BSoSc/BEdBACH Bachelor of Social Science/Education (Middle Years of Schooling) BSoSc/BEd BSocSc/BEd(MidYsSch)

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Aurion Type Title Aurion Letters Conversion on Extraction Comments (Some Historical)BACH Bachelor of Social Science/Social Work BSoSc/BSocWkBACH Bachelor of Social Work BSocWkBACH Bachelor of Social Work (Hons) BSocWk(Hons)BACH Bachelor of Spanish Philology BSpanPhilolBACH Bachelor of Speech Pathology BSpPathBACH Bachelor of Speech Therapy BSpTherBACH Bachelor of Sports Science BSpScBACH Bachelor of Teaching BTeachBACH Bachelor of Technology BTech BACH Bachelor of Urban Planning BUrbPlan BACH Bachelor of Veterinary Biology BVBiolBACH Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine BVetMedBACH Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine BVM (per ACU Yearbook)BACH Bachelor of Veterinary Science BVScBACH Bachelor of Veterinary Science (Honours) BVSc(Hons)BACH Bachelor of Visual Arts BVABACH Bachelor of Wine Marketing BWineMktgBCHPGD Grad Cert., Middle School and Secondary Science Teaching GCEdBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Advanced Nursing (Acute Care) GCAdvNurs(AC)BCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Agribusiness GCAgribusBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Agricultural Studies GCAgrStBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Studies GCATODSBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Anaesthetics and Recovery Room Nursing GradCertNBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Animal Studies GCAnimStBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Applied Health Science GCAppHScBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Applied Law GCAppLawBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Applied Linguistics GCAppLingBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Applied Science GCScAppBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Applied Science GCAppScBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Aquaculture GCAquaBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Architectural Studies GCArchStBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Arts GCArtsBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Biostatistics GCBiostaticsBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Biotechnology GCBiotechBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Business GCBus

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Aurion Type Title Aurion Letters Conversion on Extraction Comments (Some Historical)BCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Business Administration GCBABCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Clinical Dentistry GCClinDentBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Clinical Education GCCE As per Flinders UniversityBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Clinical Pharmacy GCClinPharmBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Cognitive Science GCCogScBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Commerce GCComBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Communication GCCmn GCCommunBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Community Development GCCommDev GCCommDevBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Community Mental Health GCCMHBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Community Relations GCComRelBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Comparative Law GCCLBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Computer Science GCCompscBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Creative Industries GCCIBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Critical Care Echocardiography GCCritCareEchoBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Dentistry GCDentBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Development Planning GCDevPlgBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Development Practice GCDevPractBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Diabetes GradCertDiabEd as per Curtin UniversityBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Diabetes Education & Management GradCertDiabEdM UTS approved abbreviationBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Economics GCEconBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Education GCEdBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Educational Studies GCEdStBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in e-Healthcare GCeHBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Electronic Commerce GCeComBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Employment Relations GCERBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Energy Studies GCESBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Engineering GCEngBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Engineering Science GCEngScBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Entomology GCEntBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Environmental Health Management GCEnvHlthManBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Environmental Management GCEnvManBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Ergonomics GCErgBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Evidence-based Complementary Medicine GCEvBsdCmpMd GCEvidBasedCompMedBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Executive Leadership GCELeadBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Financial Management GCFM

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Aurion Type Title Aurion Letters Conversion on Extraction Comments (Some Historical)BCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Epidimiology GCEpiBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Food Studies GCFoodStBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Governance, Policy and Public Affairs GCGP&PaffBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Geographic Information Science GCGISBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Gerontology GCGerontBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Governance, Policy and Public Affairs GCGPPaff GCGP&PaffBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Health Economics GCHEconBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Health Science GCHlthScBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Health Studies GCHStBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Higher Education GCHEdBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Human Factors GCHumanFactBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Human Services GCHumanServBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Information Environments GCInfEnv `BCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Information Technology GCIT GCInfTechBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Information Technology Studies GCITSt GCInfTechStBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Innovation and Enterprise GradCertInn&EntBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Integrated Water Management GCIWMBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Intensive Care Nursing GCertICNursing GradCertIntCareNursingBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Interaction Design GCIDESBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in International Health GCIntHBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in International Health GCIntHBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in International Hotel and and Tourism Management GCIHTMBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in International Public Health GCIPHBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in International Studies GCISBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Journalism GCJBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Legal Studies GCLegStBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Magnetic Resonance Technology GCMagResTech GCMagResonTechBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Management GCMBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Marine Studies GCMarStBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Mediation and Conflict Resolution GCMedConResBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Medical/Surgical Nursing GCMedSurgNursBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Mental Health GCMHBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Midwifery GCMidBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Mineral Resources GCMinResBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Molecular Biology GCMolBiol

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Aurion Type Title Aurion Letters Conversion on Extraction Comments (Some Historical)BCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Museum Studies GCMusmStBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Music GCMusBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Music Studies GCMusStBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Natural Resource Economics GCNatRsEc GCNatResEconBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Natural Resource Studies GCNatResStBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Nursing GCNBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Nursing Science GCNScBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety GCOHSBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Occupational Therapy GCOccThyBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Occupational Therapy (Contemporary Practice) GCOccThy(ContPrac)BCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Open and Distance Learning GCOp&DistLearnBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Organisational Psychology GCPsychOrgBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Paediatric Nursing Studies GCPaedNursStBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Pharmacy Practice GCPharmPractBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Pharmaceutical Science GCPharmScBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Physiotherapy GCPhtyBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Plant Protection GCPlantProtBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Professional Accounting GCProfAccBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Professional Learning GCProfLearn GCProfessionalLearningBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Project Management GCPMBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Property Studies GCPropertyStBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Public Administration GCPA BCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Public Health GCPHBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Rangeland Management GCRngldMan GCRangelandManBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Rehabilitation Sciences GCRehabScBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Regional Development GCRegDevBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Research Commercialisation GCResCommBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Research Methods GCResMethBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Research Methods (Social Science) GCResMeth(SocSc)BCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Research Studies GCResStBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Risk Management GradCertRiskMgtBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Rural Systems Management GCRurSysManBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Science GCScBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Science (Petroleum Engineering) GCScPEBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Social Administration GCSocAdmin

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Aurion Type Title Aurion Letters Conversion on Extraction Comments (Some Historical)BCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Social Planning and Development GCSPDBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Social Planing and Development (Professional) GCSPD(Prof)BCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Social Policy GCSocPolBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Social Science GCSocScBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Social Science (Health Practice) GCSocSc(HP)BCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Social Science (Heritage Practice) GCSocSc(Heritage)BCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Social Science (Interprofessional Leadership) GCSocSc(IntProfLead)BCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Social Science (Legal Studies and Criminal Justice) GCSocSc(LegSt&CrimJus)BCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Social Science (PubRel) GCSocSc(PubRel)BCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Social Work GCSocWkBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Sports Coach GCSpCoachBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Sports Medicine GCSpMedBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Systems GCSS BCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages GCTESOLBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Technology Management GCTMBCHPGD Graduate Certificatein Technology and Information Management GCTIMBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Tertiary Teaching GCTerTeachBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Urban and Regional Planning GCUrbRegPlg GCUrb&RegPlgBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Veterinary Studies GCVStBCHPGD Graduate Certtificate in Quality Improvement in Health Care GCQualImpHCBCHPGD Graduate Diploma Clinical Education GDipClinEdBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Advanced Accounting GDipAdvAccBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Agribusiness GDipAgribusBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Agricultural Studies GDipAgrStBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Anatomic Pathology GDipAnPathBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Animal Studies GDipAnimStBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Applied Child Psychology GradDipAppChPsyBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Applied Health Science GDipAppHScBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Applied Law GDipAppLawBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Applied Psychology GDipAppPsychBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Applied Science GDipScAppBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Applied Science GDipAppScBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Aquaculture GDipAquaBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Architectural Studies GDipArchStBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Arts GDipArts

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Aurion Type Title Aurion Letters Conversion on Extraction Comments (Some Historical)BCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Banking and Finance GDipBank&FinBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Biomedical Engineering GDipBiomedEBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Biostatistics GDipBiostatisticsBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Biotechnology GDipBiotech

BCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Built Environment GradDipEDE (obtained at University College London)BCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Business GDipBusBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Business Administration GDipBABCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Careers Education GDipCarEdBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Clinical Pharmacy GDipClinPharBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Commerce GDipComBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Communication GDipCmn GDipCommunBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Community Relations GDipComRelBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Computer Science GDipComScBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Computing GDipCompBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Creative and Experiental Arts Therapy GDipCEATBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Defense Studies GDipDefStudsBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Development Planning GDipDevPlgBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Development Practice GDipDevPractBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Economics GDipEconBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Education GDipEdBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Professional Education Studies GDipProfEdStBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Education GradDipEd (The University Of Western Australia)BCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Education (secondary) GDipEd(Sec)BCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Education Technology GDipEdTechBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Educational Counselling GDipEdCouns based on GDipEd & MCounsBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Educational Studies GDipEdStBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in e-Healthcare GDipeHBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Electronic Commerce GDipeComBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Employment Relations GDipERBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Energy Studies GDipESBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Engineering GDipEngBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Entomology GDipEntBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Environmental Management GDipEnvManBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Epidemiology GDipEpi BCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Epidemiology and Biostatistics GDipEpiBiostats

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Aurion Type Title Aurion Letters Conversion on Extraction Comments (Some Historical)BCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Ergonomics GDipErgBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Extension GDipExtBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Financial Management GDipFMBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Fisheries Technologies GDipFishTechBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Food Studies GDipFoodStBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Foreign Affairs and Trade GDipForAffTdeBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Forensic Medicine GDipForMedBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Forensic Odontology GDipForOdontBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Further Education Training GDipFETBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Genetic Counselling GDipGenCounsBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Geographic Information Science GDipGISBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Governance, Policy and Public Affairs GDipGPP GDipGP&PAffBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Health Administration and Information Systems GDipHlthAInfSysBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Health Economics GDipHEConBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Health Science (Women's Health) GradDipHScBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Health Studies GDipHStBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Horticultural Science GDipHortScBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Human Factors GDipHumanFactBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Human Services GDipHumanServBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Information Environments GDipInfEnvBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Information Systems GDipInfmSystemsBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Information Technology GDipIT GDipInfTechBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Information Technology Studies GDipInfTechStBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Interaction Design GDipIDESBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Integrated Water Management GDipIWMBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Intensive Care Paramedic Science GDipICParamedScBCHPGD Grauate Diploma in International Hotel and Tourism Management GDipIHTmBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in International Relations and Asian Politics GDipIRAPBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in International Public Health GDipIPHBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in International Studies GDipISBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Journalism GDipJBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Law GDipLawBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice GDipLegalPrac GradDipLegalPracBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Library and Information Science GDipLib&InfScBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Library Science GDipLibSc

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Aurion Type Title Aurion Letters Conversion on Extraction Comments (Some Historical)BCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Magnetic Resonance Technology GDipMagResonTechBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Management GDipManBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Management Studies GDipMgtStudBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Marine Studies GDipMarStBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Mediation and Conflict Resolution GDipMedConResBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Mental Health GDipMHBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Midwifery GDipMidBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Mineral Resources GDipMinResBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Molecular Biology GDipMolBiolBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Musculo Skeletal Medicine GDipMusSkelMedBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Museum Studies GDipMusmStBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Music GDipMusBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Music Studies GDipMusStBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Music Therapy GDipMusThyBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Natural Resource Economics GDipNatRsEc GDipNatResEconBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Natural Resource Studies GDipNatResStBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Neurobiology GDipNBBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Neurosciences GDipNeuroSciBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Nursing GDipNBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics GDipNutDietBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Occupational Therapy (Contemporary Practice) GDipOccThy(ContPrac) GDipOccThyBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Organisational Psychology GDipPsychOrgBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Pharmaceutical Science GDipPharmScBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Philosophy GDipPhilBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Physiotherapy GDipPhtyBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Plant Protection GDipPlantProtBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Political Science and International Relations GDipPolScIRBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Pre-Hospital Care GDipPHospCareBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Professional Accounting GDipProfAccBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Professional Computing GDipProfCompBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Professional Legal Education and Training GDipPLEATBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Project Management GDipPMBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Property Studies GDipPropertyStBCHPGD Graduate Diploma of Psychological Science GradDipPsychScBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Organisational Psychology GDipPsychOrg

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Aurion Type Title Aurion Letters Conversion on Extraction Comments (Some Historical)BCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Public Administration GDipPABCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Public Health GDipPHBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Public Health Dentistry GDipPubHlthDentBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Public Sector Management GDipPubSecMgmnt BCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Rangeland Management GDipRngldMan GDipRangelandManBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Research Methods GDipResMethBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Records Management and Archives GDipRecMgntArchBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Regional Development GDipRegDevBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Resource Teaching GDipResTBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Rural General Practice GradDipRuralBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Rural Systems Management GDipRurSysManBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Science GDipScBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Science (Petroleum Engineering) GDipScPEBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Science (Biotechnology) GDipSc(Biotech)BCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Science (Psychology) GDipSc(Psychol)BCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Social Administration GDipSocAdminBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Social Ecology GDipSocEcoBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Social Planning and Development (Professional) GDipSPDBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Social Science (Health Practice) GDipSocSc(HP) GDipSocScBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Social Science (Legal Studies and Criminal Justice) GDipSocSc(LegSt&CrimJus)BCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Social Science GDipSocScBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Social Work GDipSocWkBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Special Education PGDipSpecEdBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Sports Coach GDipSpCoachBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Sustainable Systems GDipSSBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Sports Medicine GDipSpMedBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Teaching GDipTBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Technology Management GDipTMBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Technology and Information Management GDipTIMBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Telecommunication Systems GDipTelecommSysBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Tertiary Education GDipTerEdBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language GDipTEFLBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Ultrasonography GDipUltrasonBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Urban and Regional Planning GDipUrbRgPlg GDipUrb&RegPlgBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Veterinary Anatomic Pathology GDipVAP

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Aurion Type Title Aurion Letters Conversion on Extraction Comments (Some Historical)BCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Veterinary Studies GDipVStBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Veterinary Studies GDipVStBCHPGD Graduate Diploma Occupational Health and Safety GDipOHSBCHPGD Graduate Diploma of Adult and Vocational Education GDipAdVocEdBCHPGD Graduate Diploma of Applied Corporate Governance GDipAppCorGovBCHPGD Graduate Diploma of Applied Finance and Investment GDipAppFinInvBCHPGD Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice GDLPBCHPGD Graduate Diploma of Museum Studies DGipMusmStBCHPGD Graduate Diploma of Outdoor Education GDipOutEdBCHPGD Magister Juris MJurBCHPGD PG Dip in Foreign Affairs and Trade PGDipForAff&Tra PGDipForAff&TradeBCHPGD Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Nursing Practice (Rural and Remote) PGCertANP(R&R)BCHPGD Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Education PGCCEBCHPGD Postgraduate Certificate in Continuing Education PGCE-LLSBCHPGD Postgraduate Certificate in Online Education PGCertOnlineEdBCHPGD Postgraduate Certificate in Paediatric Nutrition and Dietetics PGCerPaedNutDieBCHPGD Postgraduate Certificate in Post-Compulsory Education PGCertPCETBCHPGD Postgraduate Certificate of Child Protection Practice PGCertCPPBCHPGD Postgraduate Certificate of Travel Medicine PGCertTravMedBCHPGD Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Science PGradDipCompScBCHPGD Postgraduate Diploma in Counselling PGDipCounsBCHPGD Postgraduate Diploma in Education PostgradDipEdBCHPGD Postgraduate Diploma in English PGDipABCHPGD Postgraduate Diploma in Health Promotion PGDipHlthPromBCHPGD Postgraduate Diploma in Horticultural Science PGDipHortScBCHPGD Postgraduate Diploma in Obstetrics PGDipOBCHPGD Postgraduate Diploma in Physiotherapy PGDipPhtyBCHPGD Postgraduate Diploma in Psychology PGDipPsych UQ website confirmedBCHPGD Postgraduate Diploma in Science PGDipScBCHPGD Postgraduate Diploma in Veterinary Public Health PGDipVPHBCHPGD Prof Diploma in Legislative Drafting ProfDipLegDraftBCHPGD Graduate Diploma of Clinical Biochemistry GDipClinBiochBCHPGD Gradudate Diploma in Applied Linguistics GDAppLingBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Arts in Chinese Translation and Interpreting GCACTIBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Arts in Japanese Interpreting GCAJI

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Aurion Type Title Aurion Letters Conversion on Extraction Comments (Some Historical)BCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Arts in Japanese Translation GCAJTBCHPGD Graduate Certificate in Arts in Translation and Interpreting (English Chinese) GCATICBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Arts(Executive) GDipArts(Exec)BCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Arts in Chinese Translation and Interpreting GDipACTIBCHPGD Graduate Diploma in Arts in Japanese Interpreting and Translation GDipAJITFELLOW Fellow Chartered Accountant of New Zealand FCA(NZ)

FELLOWFellow in Dental Surgery of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow FDSRCPSGlas

FELLOW Fellow in Dental Surgery of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh FDSRCSEd FELLOW Fellow in Dental Surgery of the Royal College of Surgeons of England FDSRCS FELLOW Fellow of American College of Medical Genetics FACMGFELLOW Fellow of Australian Marketing Institute FAMI FELLOW Fellow of Imperial College FIC FELLOW Fellow of King’s College London FKC FELLOW Fellow of Maharashtra Academy of Sciences FMAS FELLOW Fellow of the Academia Europaea FAE FELLOW Fellow of the Academy of Dentistry International FADIFELLOW Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences FMedSci FELLOW Fellow of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore FAMS FELLOW Fellow of the Academy of Science (Nigeria) FAS (Nigeria)FELLOW Fellow of the Academy of Science of South Africa FASSAf FELLOW Fellow of the Academy of Sciences, Malaysia FASc(Malaysia)FELLOW Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia FASSAFELLOW Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences FAmerAAS FELLOW Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons FAAOS FELLOW Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science FAAAS FELLOW Fellow of the American College of Cardiology FACC FELLOW Fellow of the American College of Dentists FACDFELLOW Fellow of the American College of Physicians FACP FELLOW Fellow of the American College of Psychiatrists FACPsychFELLOW Fellow of the American College of Rheumatology FACRFELLOW Fellow of the American College of Surgeons FACS FELLOW Fellow of the American Concrete Institute FACI FELLOW Fellow of the American Heart Association FAmHAFELLOW Fellow of the American Institute of Architects FAIA

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Aurion Type Title Aurion Letters Conversion on Extraction Comments (Some Historical)FELLOW Fellow of the American Physical Society FAPSFELLOW Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association FAmerPA FELLOW Fellow of the American Psychological Association FAPAFELLOW Fellow of the American Psychological Society FAmPsyS FELLOW Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers FASCEFELLOW Fellow of the Andhra Pradesh Akademi of Sciences FAPASFELLOW Fellow of the Association of Authorised Public Accountants FAAPA FELLOW Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants FACCA FELLOW Fellow of the Association of Computing Machinery FACMFELLOW Fellow of the Australasian Faculty of Public Health Medicine FAFPHM FELLOW Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science FAASFELLOW Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering FAATSEFELLOW Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities FAHA FELLOW Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management FANZAM FELLOW Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists FANZCA FELLOW Fellow of the Australian College of Educators FACE FELLOW Fellow of the Australian College of Health Services Executives FCHSE FELLOW Fellow of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine FACRRMFELLOW Fellow of the Australian College of Veterinary Scientists FACVScFELLOW Fellow of the Australian Computer Society FCS(Aust) FELLOW Fellow of the Australian Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology FAIAST FELLOW Fellow of the Australian Institute of Biology FAIBiol FELLOW Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors FAICD FELLOW Fellow of the Australian Institute of Energy FAIE FELLOW Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management FAIM FELLOW Fellow of the Australian Institute of Physics FAIP FELLOW Fellow of the Australian Psychological Society FAPsS FELLOW Fellow of the Australian Society for Microbiology FASMFELLOW Fellow of the Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants FCPAFELLOW Fellow of the British Academy FBA FELLOW Fellow of the British Academy of Management FBAM FELLOW Fellow of the British Computer Society FBCS FELLOW Fellow of the British Psychological Society FBPsS FELLOW Fellow of the Broadcast Engineering Society, India FBES(India)FELLOW Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering FCAE

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Aurion Type Title Aurion Letters Conversion on Extraction Comments (Some Historical)FELLOW Fellow of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum FCIMMP FELLOW Fellow of the Canadian Psychiatric Association FCPsychAFELLOW Fellow of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering FCSCEFELLOW Fellow of the Certified General Accountants Association of Canada FCGA FELLOW Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Building FCIOB FELLOW Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals FCLIP FELLOW Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport FCILTFELLOW Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing FCIM FELLOW Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development FCIPD FELLOW Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Secretaries and Administrators FCISFELLOW Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute FCMIFELLOW Fellow of the Chemical Institute of Canada FCICFELLOW Fellow of the City and Guilds Institute FCGI FELLOW Fellow of the College (now Royal College) of Pathologists FCPathFELLOW Fellow of the College of Anaesthetists FCAnaesthFELLOW Fellow of the College of Dental Surgeons of Hong Kong FCDSHK FELLOW Fellow of the College of Physicians of South Africa FCP(SA) FELLOW Fellow of the College of Preceptors (now Fellow of the College of Teachers) FCPFELLOW Fellow of the College of Surgeons of South Africa FCS(SA)FELLOW Fellow of the College of Teachers (formerly Fellow of the College of Preceptors) FCTFELLOW Fellow of the Colleges of Medicine of South Africa FCMSA FELLOW Fellow of the Commonwealth Council for Educational Administration FCCEA FELLOW Fellow of the Computer Society of India FCSIFELLOW Fellow of the Econometric Society FES FELLOW Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada FEIC FELLOW Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Zambia FEIZFELLOW Fellow of the Ergonomics Society FErgS FELLOW Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology FESCFELLOW Fellow of the Faculty of Actuaries FFA

FELLOW Fellow of the Faculty of Anaesthetists of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland FFARCSI

FELLOW Fellow of the Faculty of Anaesthetists of the Royal College of Surgeons of England FFARCS FELLOW Fellow of the Faculty of Anaesthetists, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons FFARACS FELLOW Fellow of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland FFDRCSI

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FELLOWFellow of the Faculty of Oral Pathology of the Royal College of Pathologists of Australia FFOPRCPA

FELLOW Fellow of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine FFPMFELLOW Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health Medicine (UK) FFPHM FELLOW Fellow of the Gemmological Association of Australia FGAA FELLOW Fellow of the Geological Society FGS FELLOW Fellow of the Geological Society of Africa FGSAf FELLOW Fellow of the Geological Society of America FGSA FELLOW Fellow of the Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences FGAAS FELLOW Fellow of the Gondwana Institute of Geology and Environment (Japan) FGIGE FELLOW Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine FHKAM FELLOW Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers FHKICM FELLOW Fellow of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers FHKIE FELLOW Fellow of the Hungarian Academy of Engineering FHAE FELLOW Fellow of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics FIAP FELLOW Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences FIAS FELLOW Fellow of the Indian Botanical Society FIBS FELLOW Fellow of the Indian Chemical Society FIChemSFELLOW Fellow of the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad FIIMAFELLOW Fellow of the Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta FIIMCFELLOW Fellow of the Indian Institute of Metals FIC(India) FELLOW Fellow of the Indian Institute of Metals FIIM FELLOW Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering FINAEFELLOW Fellow of the Indian Science Congress Association FISCA FELLOW Fellow of the Institute for the Management of Information Systems FIMIS FELLOW Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries FIA FELLOW Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries of New Zealand FIANZ FELLOW Fellow of the Institute of Biology FIBiolFELLOW Fellow of the Institute of Biology (Sri Lanka) FIBiol(SLanka)FELLOW Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants FCA(Can)FELLOW Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia FCA(Aust)FELLOW Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales FCA FELLOW Fellow of the Institute of Chemistry, Ceylon FIChemCFELLOW Fellow of the Institute of Directors, New Zealand FID(NZ) FELLOW Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers FIEEE

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Aurion Type Title Aurion Letters Conversion on Extraction Comments (Some Historical)FELLOW Fellow of the Institute of Food Science and Technology FIFSTFELLOW Fellow of the Institute of Information Control and Automation (Australasia) FIICAFELLOW Fellow of the Institute of Information Scientists FIInfScFELLOW Fellow of the Institute of Linguists FIL

FELLOWFellow of the Institute of Management (now Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute) FIMgt

FELLOW Fellow of the Institute of Management Consultants of Nigeria FIMCN FELLOW Fellow of the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science andTechnology FIMarESTFELLOW Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining FIMMMFELLOW Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications FIMAFELLOW Fellow of the Institute of Physics FIP FELLOW Fellow of the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine FIPEMFELLOW Fellow of the Institute of Public Administration Australia FIPAAFELLOW Fellow of the Institute of Wood Sicence FIWSc FELLOW Fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers FIChemEFELLOW Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers FICEFELLOW Fellow of the Institution of Electrical Engineers FIEE FELLOW Fellow of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineers FIETE FELLOW Fellow of the Institution of Engineers (Pakistan) FIE(P) FELLOW Fellow of the Institution of Engineers (Singapore) FIE(Sing) FELLOW Fellow of the Institution of Engineers of Australia FIEAustFELLOW Fellow of the Institution of Engineers of Ireland FIE(Ireland)FELLOW Fellow of the Institution of Engineers, Ghana FIE(Ghana) FELLOW Fellow of the Institution of Engineers, India FIE(India) FELLOW Fellow of the Institution of Environmental Sciences FIEnvSc FELLOW Fellow of the Institution of Highways and Transportation FIHT FELLOW Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers FIMechEFELLOW Fellow of the Institution of Professional Engineers of New Zealand FIPENZFELLOW Fellow of the Institution of Structural Engineers FIStructEFELLOW Fellow of the International Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences FIACS FELLOW Fellow of the International Academy of Education FIAE FELLOW Fellow of the International Academy of Physical Sciences FIAPSFELLOW Fellow of the International Academy of the History of Science FIAHSc FELLOW Fellow of the International Academy of Wood Science FIAWSFELLOW Fellow of the International Association of Geodesy FIAG

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Aurion Type Title Aurion Letters Conversion on Extraction Comments (Some Historical)FELLOW Fellow of the International College of Dentists FICDFELLOW Fellow of the International College of Surgeons FICS FELLOW Fellow of the International Medical Sciences Academy FIMSAFELLOW Fellow of the Irish Academy of Engineering FIrishAEFELLOW Fellow of the Library Association FLA FELLOW Fellow of the Library Association of Australia FLAA FELLOW Fellow of the Library Association of Ireland FLAI FELLOW Fellow of the Linnean Society FLS FELLOW Fellow of the Medical College of Psychiatry (Nigeria) FMCPsychFELLOW Fellow of the National Academy of Medical Sciences, India FNAMS(India)FELLOW Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences (India) FNAS(India) FELLOW Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences (Sri Lanka) FNAS(SL) FELLOW Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences (Uganda) FNAS(Uganda)FELLOW Fellow of the National Institute of Ecology (India) FNIE(India)FELLOW Fellow of the National Institute of Sciences (India) FNI FELLOW Fellow of the New Zealand Institute of Architects FNZIA FELLOW Fellow of the New Zealand Institute of Chemistry FNZIC FELLOW Fellow of the New Zealand Library and Information Association FNZLIAFELLOW Fellow of the New Zealand Library Association FNZLAFELLOW Fellow of the New Zealand Psychological Society FNZPsSFELLOW Fellow of the Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology FNIFSTFELLOW Fellow of the Nigerian Institute of Management FNIM FELLOW Fellow of the Nutrition Society of Nigeria FNSNFELLOW Fellow of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences FPAS FELLOW Fellow of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain FPS FELLOW Fellow of the Pierre Fauchard Academy FPFA FELLOW Fellow of the Psychological Society of Ireland FPsSIFELLOW Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering FREngFELLOW Fellow of the Royal Academy of Music FRAMFELLOW Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society FRAeSFELLOW Fellow of the Royal Anthropological Institute FRAI FELLOW Fellow of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada FRAICFELLOW Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society FRAS FELLOW Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians FRACP FELLOW Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Radiologists FRACR

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Aurion Type Title Aurion Letters Conversion on Extraction Comments (Some Historical)FELLOW Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons FRACS

FELLOWFellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists FRANZCOG

FELLOW Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists FRANZCP

FELLOWFellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (formerly FRACR) FRANZCR

FELLOW Fellow of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute FRACI FELLOW Fellow of the Royal Australian College of Dental Surgeons FRACDS FELLOW Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners FRACGPFELLOW Fellow of the Royal Australian College of Medical Administrators FRACMAFELLOW Fellow of the Royal Australian College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists FRACOGFELLOW Fellow of the Royal Australian Historical Society FRAHSFELLOW Fellow of the Royal Australian Institute of Architects FRAIAFELLOW Fellow of the Royal Australian Planning Institute FRAPI FELLOW Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists FRCAFELLOW Fellow of the Royal College of Art FRCArtFELLOW Fellow of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada FRCDCanFELLOW Fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners FRCGP FELLOW Fellow of the Royal College of Music FRCM FELLOW Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists FRCOG FELLOW Fellow of the Royal College of Organists FRCOFELLOW Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists FRCPathFELLOW Fellow of the Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health FRCPCHFELLOW Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow FRCPGlasFELLOW Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow FRCSGlasFELLOW Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada FRCPCan FELLOW Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh FRCPEdFELLOW Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland FRCPI FELLOW Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of London FRCP FELLOW Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists FRCPsych FELLOW Fellow of the Royal College of Radiologists FRCR FELLOW Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland FRCSI FELLOW Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Canada FRCSCanFELLOW Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh FRCSEdFELLOW Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England FRCS

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Aurion Type Title Aurion Letters Conversion on Extraction Comments (Some Historical)FELLOW Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons FRCVSFELLOW Fellow of the Royal Entomological Society FRES FELLOW Fellow of the Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow FRFPSGlasFELLOW Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society FRGSFELLOW Fellow of the Royal Historical Society FRHistS FELLOW Fellow of the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities FRHSSH FELLOW Fellow of the Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland FRIAI FELLOW Fellow of the Royal Institute of Architects of Scotland FRIASFELLOW Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects FRIBAFELLOW Fellow of the Royal Institute of Navigation FRIN FELLOW Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors FRICSFELLOW Fellow of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects FRINAFELLOW Fellow of the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology FRMIT FELLOW Fellow of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain FRPharmSFELLOW Fellow of the Royal Society FRSFELLOW Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts FRSA FELLOW Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada FRSCan FELLOW Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry FRSChem FELLOW Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh FRSEd FELLOW Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature FRSL FELLOW Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand FRSNZFELLOW Fellow of the Royal Society of South Africa FRSSAfFELLOW Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society FRSS FELLOW Fellow of the Royal Town Planning Institute FRTPI FELLOW Fellow of the Society for Information Science, India FSIS(India) FELLOW Fellow of the Society for Research into Higher Education FSRHE FELLOW Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries FSA FELLOW Fellow of the Society of Ethnobotanists, India FSE(India)FELLOW Fellow of the Society of Human Genetics, India FSHG(India)FELLOW Fellow of the South African Institute of Electrical Engineers F(SA)IEE FELLOW Fellow of the South African Institution of Civil Engineers F(SA)ICE FELLOW Fellow of the South African Institution of Mechanical Engineers F(SA)IMEFELLOW Fellow of the South African Library Association FSALA FELLOW Fellow of the Sri Lanka College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists FSLCOG FELLOW Fellow of the Textile Institute FTI

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Aurion Type Title Aurion Letters Conversion on Extraction Comments (Some Historical)FELLOW Fellow of the Third World Academy of Sciences FTWAS FELLOW Fellow of the University of East Anglia FUEA FELLOW Fellow of the University of Wales, Aberystwyth FUWA FELLOW Fellow of the West African College of Physicians FWACP FELLOW Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science FWAASFELLOW Fellow of the Zimbabwe Academy of Sciences FZASFELLOW Fellow of Trinity College of Music, London FTCL FELLOW Fellow of UMIST FUMIST FELLOW Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers FASME FELLOW Fellow, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences FTSFELLOW Fellow, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering FTSEFELLOW Fellow, Australian Institute of Building FAIB

FELLOWFellow, Faculty of Sport and Exercise and Medicine, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland FFSEM RCPI

FELLOWFellow, Faculty of Sport and Exercise and Medicine, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland FFSEM RCSI

FELLOW Fellow, Gynaecological Pathology FGPFELLOW Fellow, Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers FIIChE FELLOW Fellow, Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka FIE(SL) FELLOW Fellow, Public Accountant, New Zealand FPANZ FELLOW Fellow, Registered Accountant, New Zealand FRANZFELLOW Fellow, Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia FRCPAFELLOW Fellow, World Innovation Foundation FWIF FELLOW Fellowof the Institute of Business Advisors FIBA MASTER European Master in Law and Economics EMLEMASTER Juris Doctor JDMASTER Master in Statistics MStatsMASTER Master of Accounting Science MASMASTER Master of Advanced Practice MAdvancedPracMASTER Master of Agribusiness MAgribusMASTER Master of Agricultural Studies MAgrStMASTER Master of Agriculture Science MAgScMASTER Master of Anatomic Pathology MAnatPathMASTER Master of Animal Health MSc(AnimalHlth)MASTER Master of Animal Studies MAnimSt

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Aurion Type Title Aurion Letters Conversion on Extraction Comments (Some Historical)MASTER Master of Applied Epidemiology MAEMASTER Master of Applied Finance MAppFinMASTER Master of Applied Health Science MAppHScMASTER Master of Applied Law MAppLawMASTER Master of Applied Linguistics MAppLing UQ website confirmedMASTER Master of Applied Linguistics (Advanced) MAppLing(Adv)MASTER Master of Applied Psychology MappPyschMASTER Master of Applied Science MScAppMASTER Master of Applied Science MAppSc MASTER Master of Applied Science in Physiotherapy MAppSc(Phty)MASTER Master of Aquaculture MAquaMASTER Master of Architectural Studies MArchStMASTER Master of Architecture MArch MASTER Master of Arts MAMASTER Master of Arts(Adv) MA(Adv)MASTER Master of Arts (Clinical Psychology) MA(PsychClin)MASTER Master of Arts in Japanese Interpreting and Translation MAJITMASTER Master of Arts in Chinese Translation and Interpreting MACTIMASTER Master of Arts in Chinese Translation and Interpreting (Advanced) MACTI(Adv)MASTER Master of Artsin Translation and Interpreting (English Chinese) MATICMASTER Master of Arts with Honours MA(Hons)MASTER Master of Audiology Studies MAudStMASTER Master of Biochemistry MBiochemMASTER Master of Bioinformatics MBioinfMASTER Master of Bioinformatics(Adv) Mbioinf(Adv)MASTER Master of Bioethics MbioethMASTER Master of Biological Sciences MBiolScMASTER Master of Biomedical Chemistry MBiomedChemMASTER Master of Biomedical Engineering MBiomedEngMASTER Master of Biomedical Science MbiomedScMASTER Master of Biostatistics Mbiostatistics MBiostatsMASTER Master of Biotechnology MBiotechMASTER Master of Built Environment MBltEnvMASTER Master of Business MBusMASTER Master of Business (Advanced) MBus(Adv)

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Aurion Type Title Aurion Letters Conversion on Extraction Comments (Some Historical)MASTER Master of Business Administration MBA(Adv) MBAMASTER Master of Business Administration (Advanced) MBA(Adv) MBAMASTER Master of Business Economics MBusEconMASTER Master of Business Economics (Advanced) MBusEcon(Adv)MASTER Master of Business Studies in Business Law MBS(BL)MASTER Master in Chemical Engineering and Technology MChemEngTechMASTER Master of Chemistry MChemMASTER Master of Child & Adolescent Welfare MChild&AdoleWel (Charles Sturt University)MASTER Master of Clinical Dentistry MClinDentMASTER Master of Clinical Epidemiology MClinEpiMASTER Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology MClinExPMASTER Master of Clinical Pharmacy MClinPharmMASTER Master of Clinical Practice (Perioperative Nursing) MCliPra(PerNur)MASTER Master of Clinical Psychology MPsychClinMASTER Master of Commerce MComMASTER Master of Commerce (Advanced) Mcom(Adv)MASTER Master of Communication MCmn MCommunMASTER Master of Community Relations MComRelMASTER Master of Computer Science MCompScMASTER Master of Computer Science Management MCompSc(Man)MASTER Master of Comparative Law MCLMASTER Master of Counselling MCounsMASTER Master of Critical Care Nursing MCritCareNMASTER Master of Defence Studies MDefStudsMASTER Master of Dental Science MDScMASTER Master of Dental Science/Doctor of Philosophy MDSc/PhDMASTER Master of Dental Surgery MDSurgMASTER Master of Development Economics MDevEconMASTER Master of Development Economics (Advanced) MDevEcon(Adv)MASTER Master of Development Planning MDevPlgMASTER Master of Development Practice MDevPractMASTER Master of Development Practice(Adv) MDevPract(Adv)MASTER Master of Dietetics Studies MDietStMASTER Master of Digital Design MDigitalDes checked Griff Uni siteMASTER Master of Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery MENTSurg

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Aurion Type Title Aurion Letters Conversion on Extraction Comments (Some Historical)MASTER Master of e-Business MeBus used master of e-healthcare as guideMASTER Master of Economic Studies MEconStMASTER Master of Economics Mecon MASTER Master of Education MEdMASTER Master of Education (Special Education) MEd(SpEd)MASTER Master of Educational Administration MEdAdminMASTER Master of Educational Studies MEdStMASTER Master of Educational Studies (Adv) MEdSt(Adv)MASTER Master of e-Healthcare MeHMASTER Master of Electronic Science & Technology MeScTechMASTER Master of Emergency Nursing MEmergNMASTER Master of Employment Relations MERMASTER Master of Energy Studies MES MASTER Master of Engineering MEMASTER Master of Engineering (Management) ME(Man)MASTER Master of Engineering (Agronomy and Food Industry) ME(AgroFInd)MASTER Master of Engineering Sciences MEngScMASTER Master of Engineering Sciences(Man)MASTER Master of Entomology MEntMASTER Master of Environmental Management MEnvManMASTER Master of Environmental Science MEnvScMASTER Master of Epidemiology MEpiMASTER Master of Ergonomics MErgMASTER Master of Exercise Science MExScMASTER Master of Financial Management MFMMASTER Master of Food Studies MFoodStMASTER Master of Food Studies(Adv) MFoodSt(Adv)MASTER Master of Forensic Science MForScMASTER Master of Geographic Information Science MGISMASTER Master of Global Management MGManMASTER Master of Governance, Policy and Public Affairs MGPP MGP&PAffMASTER Master of Health Administration MHAMASTER Master of Health Economics MHEconMASTER Master of Health Economics (Adv) MHEcon(Adv)MASTER Master of Health Informatics MHlthInfo

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Aurion Type Title Aurion Letters Conversion on Extraction Comments (Some Historical)MASTER Master of Health Science MHlthSc UQ website confirmedMASTER Master of Health Sciences Management MHlthScMgtMASTER Master of Health Studies MHStMASTER Master of Human Factors MHumanFactMASTER Master of Human Resource Management MHRMMASTER Master of Human Services MHumanServMASTER Master of Industrial Property MIPMASTER Master of Information Environments MInfEnvMASTER Master of Information Management MInfoMgntMASTER Master of Information Systems MInfmSystemsMASTER Master of Information Technology MIT MInfTechMASTER Master of Information Technology (Management) MInTech(Man) MASTER Master of Information Technology Studies MITSt MInfTechStMASTER Master of Interaction Design MIDesMASTER Master of Integrated Water Management MIWMMASTER Master of Internal Medicine MIntMedMASTER Master of International Economics and Finance MIntEconF MIntEcon&FMASTER Master of International Health MIntlHlth as per Curtin UniversityMASTER Master of International Hotel and Tourism Management MIHTMMASTER Master of International Hotel and Tourism Management(Advanced) MIHTM(Adv)MASTER Master of International Relations and Asian Politics MAIRAPMASTER Master of International Public Health MIPHMASTER Master of International Studies MISMASTER Master of International Studies (Advanced) MISAvdMASTER Master of Journalism MJMASTER Master of Laws LLMMASTER Master of Learning Innovation MLearnInnovMASTER Master of Letters MLittMASTER Master of Liberal Arts MLAMASTER Master of Library Science MLibScMASTER Master of Magnetic Resonance Technology MMagResTech MMagResonTechMASTER Master of Management MManMASTER Master of Manipulative Therapy MManipTherMASTER Master of Marine Studies MMarStMASTER Master of Marketing MMktg

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Aurion Type Title Aurion Letters Conversion on Extraction Comments (Some Historical)MASTER Master of Medical Education MMEdMASTER Master of Medical Research MMedResMASTER Master of Medical Science MMedScMASTER Master of Medical Science MMedScMASTER Master of Medical Science (Tropical Health) MMedSci(TropH)MASTER Master of Medicine MMed UQ website confirmedMASTER Master of Mediation and Conflict Resolution MMedConResMASTER Master of Mental Health MMHMASTER Master of Mental Health Nursing MMHNursMASTER Master of Midwifery MMidMASTER Master of Mineral Resources MMinResMASTER Master of Molecular Biology MMolBiolMASTER Master of Molecular Biology(Adv) MMolBiol(Adv)MASTER Master of Museum Studies MMusmStMASTER Master of Music MMus MASTER Master of Music Performance MMusPerfMASTER Master of Music Studies MMusStMASTER Master of Music Therapy MMusThyMASTER Master of Natural Resource Economics MNatRsEc MNatResEconMASTER Master of Natural Resource Studies MNatResStMASTER Master of Natural Sciences (Psychology) MNatSc(Psych)MASTER Master of Neuroscience MNeurosciMASTER Master of Nurse Practioner Studies MNPractStMASTER Master of Nursing MN UQ website confirmedMASTER Master of Nursing Leadership MNLeadershipMASTER Master of Nursing Studies MNStMASTER Master of Nutrition and Dietetics MNutrDiet Griffith Uni websiteMASTER Master of Occupational and Environmental Health MOccEnvHlthMASTER Master of Occupational Therapy MOccThyMASTER Master of Occupational Therapy (Contemporary Practice) MOccThy(ContPrac)MASTER Master of Occupational Therapy Studies MOccThyStMASTER Master of Oceanic MOceMASTER Master of Optometry MOptomMASTER Master of Organisational Psychology MPsychOrgMASTER Master of Pharmaceutical Science MPharmSc

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Aurion Type Title Aurion Letters Conversion on Extraction Comments (Some Historical)MASTER Master of Pharmacology MPharmacologyMASTER Master of Philosophy MPhilMASTER Master of Physician Assistant Studies MPhysAsstStMASTER Master of Physics MPhys MASTER Master of Physiotherapy MPhtyMASTER Master of Physiotherapy Studies MPhtyStMASTER Master of Planning Studies MPStMASTER Master of Plant Protection MPlantProtMASTER Master of Policy & Applied Social Research MPol&AppSocResMASTER Master of Politics and Public Policy MPPPMASTER Master of Professional Accounting MProfAccMASTER Master of Professional Economics MProfEconMASTER Master of Professional Studies (Agriculture) MPS(Agr)MASTER Master of Project Management MPMMASTER Master of Property Studies MPropertyStMASTER Master of Psychology B399 MPsychMASTER Master of Psychology Mpsych(ClinNeuro&ClinPsych)MASTER Master of Public Administration MPAMASTER Master of Public Administration(Exec) MPA(Exec)MASTER Master of Public Health MPHMASTER Master of Public Health and Tropical Medicine MPHlth&TropMedMASTER Master of Public Policy MPPMASTER Master of Public Policy & Administration MPP&Admin Griffith Uni website used as basisMASTER Master of Public Sector Management MPSectMgtMASTER Master of Rangeland Management MRngldMan MRangelandManMASTER Master of Regional Development MRegDevMASTER Master of Research MResMASTER Master of Rural Science MRurScMASTER Master of Rural Systems Management MRurSysManMASTER Master of Safety, Health and Environment MSHEMASTER Master of Science MScMASTER Master of Science (Clinical Research) MSc(ClinRes)MASTER Master of Science and Technology MScTechMASTER Master of Science in Community Health MScCHMASTER Master of Science in Computer Science MSc(CompSc)

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Aurion Type Title Aurion Letters Conversion on Extraction Comments (Some Historical)MASTER Master of Science in Control of Infectious Diseases in Animals MSc CIDAMASTER Master of Science in Genetic Counselling MSc(GenCouns)MASTER Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering MSc:MechEngMASTER Master of Science in Periodontics MSc(Peridon)MASTER Master of Science in Physics (Technion, Israel Institute of Technology) MSc.Physics MASTER Master of Science in Public Health MSc(PH) MSPHMASTER Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering MScPEMASTER Master of Science in Sport and Health Sciences MSc(SpHlthSc)MASTER Master of Social Administration MSocAdminMASTER Master of Social Administration(Advanced) MSocAdmin(Adv)MASTER Master of Social Change and Development MSocChgDevMASTER Master of Social Planning and Development MSPDMASTER Master of Social Science MSocScMASTER Master of Social Science (Adv) MSocSc(Adv) MSocWkMASTER Master of Social Science (Health Practice) MSocSc(HP)MASTER Master of Social Science (Legal Studies and Criminal Justice) MSocSc(LegSt&CrimJus)MASTER Master of Social Science (Public Relations) MSocSc(PubRel)MASTER Master of Social Work Studies MSocWkStMASTER Master of Social Work MSocWkMASTER Master of Social Work(Advanced) MSocWk(Adv)MASTER Master of Speech Pathology Studies MSpPathStMASTER Master of Sport and Exercise Psychology MPsychSport&ExMASTER Master of Sports Coach MSpCoachMASTER Master of Sports Medicine MSpMedMASTER Master of Sports Science MSportScMASTER Master of Studies MStMASTER Master of Sustainable Science MSSMASTER Master of Technology Management MTMMASTER Master of Technology and Information Management MTIMMASTER Master of Town and Country Planning MTCPMASTER Master of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene MTropMed&HygMASTER Master of Urban and Regional Planning MUrbRegPlg MUrb&RegPlgMASTER Master of Veterinary Clinical Studies MVetClinStudMASTER Master of Veterinary Public Health Management MVPHMgt UQ website confirmedMASTER Master of Veterinary Science MVSc

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Aurion Type Title Aurion Letters Conversion on Extraction Comments (Some Historical)MASTER Master of Veterinary Studies MVStMASTER Master's Diploma in Technology MDipTechMASTER Master of Biotechnology (Advanced) Mbiotech(Adv)MASTER Master of Education (Lead) Med(Lead)MASTER Master of Educational Psychology MPsychEdMASTER Master of Journalism (International) MJ(Int)OTHDOC Doctor in Engineering Sciences DEngScOTHDOC Doctor of Agricultural Science DAgrScOTHDOC Doctor of Agronomy PhDOTHDOC Doctor of Bioinformatics DBioinfOTHDOC Doctor of Biomedical Science DBiomedScOTHDOC Doctor of Biotechnology DBiotechOTHDOC Doctor of Business Administration DBAOTHDOC Doctor of Cellular & Molecular Genetics DCell&MolGenetOTHDOC Doctor of Cellular Biology DCellBiolOTHDOC Doctor of Clinical Dentistry DClinDentOTHDOC Doctor of Clinical Imaging DClinImagOTHDOC Doctor of Clinical Medicine DClinMedOTHDOC Doctor of Clinical Pharmacy DClinPharmOTHDOC Doctor of Clinical Psychology DClinPsychOTHDOC Doctor of Clinical Surgery DClinSurgOTHDOC Doctor of Dental Science DDScOTHDOC Doctor of Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery DENTSurgOTHDOC Doctor of Economics DEconOTHDOC Doctor of Education EdDOTHDOC Doctor of Educational Psychology DPsychEdOTHDOC Doctor of Engineering DEngOTHDOC Doctor of Household Sciences and Nutritional Sciences (Germany) Dr. oec. troph.OTHDOC Doctor of Immunology DimmunolOTHDOC Doctor of Juridical Science JSDOTHDOC Doctor of Juridical Science (Central European University) SJDOTHDOC Doctor of Laws LLDOTHDOC Doctor of Letters DLittOTHDOC Doctor Of Management (Business Administration) DM(BA)OTHDOC Doctor of Medical Science DMedSc

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Aurion Type Title Aurion Letters Conversion on Extraction Comments (Some Historical)OTHDOC Doctor of Medicine MDOTHDOC Doctor of Music DMusOTHDOC Doctor of Musical Arts DMA Yale site confirmedOTHDOC Doctor of Natural Science DNatScOTHDOC Doctor of Neurobiology DNeurobiolOTHDOC Doctor of Practical Theology DPTOTHDOC Doctor of Psychology DPsychOTHDOC Doctor of Science DScOTHDOC Doctor of Science in Forestry DScForOTHDOC Doctor of Social Science DSoScOTHDOC Doctor of Technology DTechOTHDOC Doctor of Veterinary Medicine DVMOTHDOC Doctor of Veterinary Science DVScOTHDOC Doctoral Degree in Health Sciences and Technology DHlthScTechOTHDOC Doctoral Diploma in Immunology PhD (Immunol)OTHDOC PhD in Neurological Sciences PhD(NeuroSci)OTHDOC State Doctoral Diploma in Pharmacy DpharmOTHER Advanced Diploma of Health Science (Acupuncture) AdvDipHSc(Acu)OTHER Associate Diploma in Applied Biology AssocDipAppBiol QUT approved abbreviationOTHER Associate Diploma in Business AssDipBusOTHER Associate Diploma in Farm Management AssocDipFarmMan Assoc.Dip.Farm.Man.OTHER Associate Degree in Business AssocDBusOTHER Associate Diploma in Music A.Mus.A Julie Ballantyne confirmedOTHER Associate Diploma in Sport Science AssocDipSpScOTHER Behavioral Neurology Fellow FBehNeurOTHER Certificate II in Animal Studies CertIIAnimStOTHER Certificate III in Animal Technology CertIIIAnimTechOTHER Certificate III in Companion Animal Services CerIIIComAniSerOTHER Certificate in Agriculture, Queensland Certificate QCAOTHER Certificate in Animal Husbandry, Queensland Certificate QCAHOTHER Certificate in Horticulture, Queensland Certificate QCHOTHER Certificate in Public Relations CertPRelOTHER Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing CertIVVetNursOTHER Certification of Qualification in Social Work CQSWOTHER Diploma - Licensed Medical Specialist DipMedSpec

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Aurion Type Title Aurion Letters Conversion on Extraction Comments (Some Historical)OTHER Diploma in Arts DipArtsOTHER Diploma in Applied Science DipAppScOTHER Diploma in Applied Science (Nursing) DipAppSci(Nursi DipAppSc(Nursing)OTHER Diploma in Computer Science DipCompOTHER Diploma in Educational Pyschology DPsychEdOTHER Diploma in Environmental Studies DipEnvStOTHER Diploma in Health Professions Education DipHlthEdOTHER Diploma in Health Science (Nursing) DipHSc(Nursing)OTHER Diploma in Home Science DipHomeScOTHER Diploma in Languages DipLangOTHER Diploma in Letters DipLittOTHER Diploma in Librarianship DipLibOTHER Diploma in Market Research DipMktgResOTHER Diploma in Medical Microbiology DipMedMicOTHER Diploma in Molecular Biotechnology DipMolBiotechOTHER Diploma in Music Performance DipMusPerfOTHER Diploma in Nursing DipNOTHER Diploma in Practical Dermatology DipDermOTHER Diploma in Professional Studies in Nursing DipProfStNOTHER Diploma in Psychology DPsychOTHER Diploma in Sexual Health Counselling DipSHCOTHER Diploma in Teaching DipTOTHER Diploma in Teaching Primary DipTOTHER Diploma in Vet Clinical Studies DipVetClinStOTHER Diploma of Advertising and Graphic Design Dip A&GDOTHER Diploma of Applied Multicultural Studies DipAppMultilStOTHER Diploma of Child Health (Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Ireland) DCH(Irel)OTHER Diploma of Child Health (Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons London) DCH(Lond) OTHER Diploma of Diagnostic Ultrasound DipDUOTHER Diploma of Education DipEdOTHER Diploma of Engineering (obtained in Germany) Diplom.Eng (DE)OTHER Diploma of Events DipEvntsOTHER Diploma in Global Issues DipGIOTHER Diploma of Human Resource Management DipHRM OTHER Diploma of Management DipMn

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Aurion Type Title Aurion Letters Conversion on Extraction Comments (Some Historical)OTHER Diploma of Metallurgy DipMetalOTHER Diploma of Physics (obtained in Germany) Dipl.PhysOTHER Diploma of Psychological Medicine DPMOTHER Diploma of Psychotherapy DipPsycOTHER Diploma of School Counselling DipSchCouns

OTHERDiploma of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology DRANZCOG

OTHER Diploma of the Royal Australian College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology DRACOG

Amalgamated with Royal New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

OTHER Diploma Tropical Medicine and Hygiene DipTropMed&HygOTHER FH Diploma Degree, Austria (equivalent to Masters) Mag. (FH)OTHER Licenciatura em Direito (Diploma in Law) DipLawOTHER Licentiate in Sinology LSinoOTHER Licentiate of Medical Science LMedScOTHER Membership of Royal Colleges of Physicians, UK MRCP(UK)OTHER RSA Diploma in TEFL RSADipTEFLOTHER Specialised Study Diploma (Dermatology & Venereology) DipDerm&VenOTHER Venia Legendi/ Privatdozent (Permission for Lecturing) Priv.-Doz.PHD Doctor of Philosophy PhDPHD Doctor of Philosophy in Physics (Technion, Israel Institute of Technology) PhD.Physics List as PhDPHD Dr. rer. nat. PhD List as PhDPHD Dr. med. PhD