Office Administration SBA2222

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  • 8/11/2019 Office Administration SBA2222


    Office Administration School Base Assignment

    Joe-Deane Henriques Page 1


    During the course of completing this assignment, I have had many cooperative supports frommy teacher Mrs. Johnson, and my group members. It gives me great pleasure, therefore, toexpress my sincere gratitude of thanks to my collaborators.


  • 8/11/2019 Office Administration SBA2222


    Office Administration School Base Assignment

    Joe-Deane Henriques Page 2


    Each module of this project is divided into three parts which includes one (1) preparation oftopics, Two (2) Data preparation methodology and three (3) presentation of report. The mainaim of this research is to investigate the accounts departments of a leading institution in theLinstead area. The researcher also aims to state the functions of equipment and computer

    software used in the accounts departments, As well as to investigate the impact of technologyon jobs efficiency in the accounts office.

    The research was done in the singer furniture store. This was done by sending letter to theorganization requiring conducting a research. At the beginning you will learnt the roles of thedepartment and some functions involve in the day-to-day operating of the organization. Therewere three methods of data gathering that was used in an efficient way by the researcher. Asinformation was accurate and practical and the topic being discuss. Questions were asked topersonnel and the answers were given in a simple and understandable way.

    In doing this research, the researchers meet at various locations to complete different parts/drafts of the project. All activities were recorded in a table showing dates, Activities andcomments. These activities are organizing sequence of activities most of which are relevant tothe project and comments support the follow-up actions. In carrying out this research, theresearcher found out the regulation and company policies governing the organization that hadto be complying when visiting the organization. At the end of the data gathering methodology.A written report of five hundred to seven hundred and fifty words of one thousand to onethousand two hundred requirements for the assignment which include, the findings, majorchallenge problem-solving strategy employed and conclusion and recommendation were given.

    The researchers also examined how office equipment including computer technology was used/observed in the workplace. These were listed in tables with heading date, equipment use,purpose and comments.

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    Office Administration School Base Assignment

    Joe-Deane Henriques Page 3

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    Office Administration School Base Assignment

    Joe-Deane Henriques Page 4


    The researchers are to do An investigation of the Accounts department of a leading institution inthe linstead area.

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    Office Administration School Base Assignment

    Joe-Deane Henriques Page 5


    The researcher aims to investigate the accounts department of a leading institution in the area.

    Specifically to:

    (1) State the functions of equipment and computer software used in accounts office.

    (2) Investigate the impact of technology on jobs efficiency in the accounts office.

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    Office Administration School Base Assignment

    Joe-Deane Henriques Page 6

    Functions of the Accounts Department

    An accounts office records all purchases and sales, and the receipt and payment of money. Italso records the expenses of running the business.

    Two main function of the accounts office include:

    1. Preparation of payrollThis is the record of employees salary and hourly wages, with holding and deduction forall employees for a given pay period. One of the main functions of the accounts office isthe preparation of payroll. Several terms are used to describe the rewards paid toemployees for labour services to an organization.

    Salaries Bonus rate Overtime Hourly rate

    Piece work Wages Minimum wages Double time Flat rate Commission

    2. Credit controlThis is the process of control over payment coming into and going out of the firm. Mostbusiness organization operates by allowing some of their customers.

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    Lluidas Vale Dist

    LluidasVale P.O

    St Catherine

    Sept 10 2012

    The singer Furniture store

    93A-95 King Street

    Linstead P.O,

    St Catherine

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    I am a grade eleven (11) student of the Mcgrath high school. Currently pursuing officeadministration school based assessment.

    In order to complete this course I am required to conduct a research. The objective of this

    research is to investigate the accounts department of a leading institution in the linstead area.

    I therefore seek permission to conduct this study in your organization. I am required toadminister questionnaires to observe the operation in the office as well as conduct an interviewwith personnel from the accounts department at your organization.

    I would be grateful if you would allow me to conduct the study at your organization. Mycontact number is 1876-254-3847. I eagerly await your favourable response.

    Yours respectfully


    CCV. Johnson

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    Joe-Deane Henriques Page 9


    The ways in which this research was conducted was through the advantages of using thesemethods:

    1. Interview: The researchers have conducted an interview with assistant manager withinthe accounts departments along with some question and they were answered.

    2. Questionnaire sample: The researchers gave out a questionnaire sample containingvarious question about the account office equipment, services and the researcherreceive answers and how the office equipment are used in the accounts office.

    3. Observation of the activities of the accounts department: the researchers view thevarious equipment that the accountant uses within the Accounts office some of theseequipment are: the computer which is used to work out various programs. Calculatorsare used to work out simple addition and multiplication and finally the printer is used tomake copies of document in the organization.

    4. During the interview the researchers got information about the accounts departmenthowever the researchers could not get some of the questions answered because thoseequipment were not used in the accounts office however some of the question wereanswered.

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    Questions asked to personnel

    The following questions are designed to investigate the account department in yourorganization with specific reference to:

    See : Please designate your chosen answer with a tick

    Gender Male Female

    2. Position in the accounts department Assistant Manager Clerk

    Manager Other

    From the list below please tick the equipment used in the accounts department

    Computer Calculator Accounting Machine Others

    4. Do you think having an accounts department is important?

    Yes No No

    If yes, please state why?

    Do you face any challenges in the accounts department?

    Yes No

    If yes please select from this list

    Incorrect figure thus recalculating

    Too much work load

    7. Identify the procedures for making and receiving different types of payments that takes placein the firm? If yes what are?

    Credit Card Debit Card Cheque Others

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    Office Administration School Base Assignment

    Joe-Deane Henriques Page 11

    Sequence Of Activities

    Dates Activates Comments

    9-Jun 2012

    The researchers started the SBA and wentthrough it in groups. The researchers

    worked on the table of content, title pageand functions of the accounts department.

    It was a very hectic day as most ofthe functions in the AccountsDepartment were not being


    7-Sept 2012

    The researchers came together as a group

    to decide in which organization theresearchers are going to conduct the


    It was a very hectic day as choosingan organization was a majorchallenge.

    10-Sept 2012

    Letter written by Researchers and wascheck by an English Teacher

    Errors were corrected, and a newcopy was made.

    10-Sept 2012

    The researchers send the letters to leadinginstitutions in the linstead area, to conducta research in the accounts office and was

    informed to return the following Thursday.

    The researchers freed setbacks asorganization did not eagerly respond

    to our letters.

    13-Sept 2012

    The researchers investigate the accountsdepartment of the singer furniture store.

    This was by conducting an interview,observing and the researchers also used

    sample of questionnaires in theorganization.

    Getting some of the documents fromthe organization was not successful

    as it was viewed asprivate/confidential information.

    5-Oct 2012The researchers went through and discussthe different parts of the SBA such as the

    gathering of methodology.

    It was a very hectic day as it was noteasy writing the gathering of


    16-Oct 2012

    The researchers went through all aspectsof the SBA and the report was finish

    writing. The researchers also discuss whatsuppose to be in the overview.

    Some parts of the SBA were notcompleted so we have to work hardovertime to complete them.

    Finishing up the report was not easybecause of the maximum words


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    Office Administration School Base Assignment

    Joe-Deane Henriques Page 12


    The researchers got together and finishevery drafts of the SBA the researchers

    look it all over and the necessaryinformation were in place. Then the

    researchers went to copy the documentsthat the researchers receive from the


    Copying the documents was asetback as the school library was

    closed and the lab was not availableso the researchers had to wait until

    school was over to copy thedocuments elsewhere.

    Regulations of policies

    From the findings from the leading institution of the singer furniture store. It has shown thatthey have regulation of policies to both customers and employees in the organization.

    Disciplinary Procedures

    Every employee at the singer furniture store is expected to comply with the organizational

    work rules and disciplinary procedures. These regulations are stated in an employment

    contract or a staff manual.

    Some of the regulations of policies / rules towards employees are:

    No shorts or dress that will show up your body.

    No indecent languages are to be spoken in the business.

    No weapon.

    No eating or drinking around the machine and during the working hours.

    Show respect for those in lower and higher position.

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    Office Administration School Base Assignment

    Joe-Deane Henriques Page 13

    Every customer at the singer furniture store is expected to comply with the organizational work

    rules and disciplinary procedures. These regulations are usually stated inside or outside of the


    Some of the regulations of policies/ rules towards customers are:

    No smoking inside the organization

    No unauthorized persons are allowed in the office.

    No eating or drinking inside the organization

    No loud talking or loud laughter

    Do not disrespect workers in the organization

    No sleeveless blouse

    No mini skirts

    No merinos

    No indecent language

    Do not enter the staffs office unless you are given permission to


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    Office Administration School Base Assignment

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    Some Functions of the accounts department











    preparation of thepayroll

    Credit controll collection of accounts

    Preparation of audit

    Series 3

    Series 2

    Series 1

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    Office Administration School Base Assignment

    Joe-Deane Henriques Page 16

    How well beneficial facilities do pleases the workers


    Figure 2. 1 the graph shows that a total of 90% of the workers at the singer s furniture store arequite satisfied with the beneficial facilities the organization initiates







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    Joe-Deane Henriques Page 17

    Figure 1.1

    The graph shows the views of workers in the Accounts departments offering efficiency andProgress.




    The impact of the Accounts Departmenton the efficiency and progress of the


    To a great extent


    No impact

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    Office Administration School Base Assignment

    Joe-Deane Henriques Page 18

    Good interpersonal relationships of the staffs/ employees at the singer furniture store have

    contributed tremendously to a good companys reputation. It has also sanctioned an insightful

    conclusion of the researchers information was achieved.

    The Accounts department is the department that provides records for all purchases and sales,and the receipt and payment of money. It also records the expenses of running the business. Asthe business unit varies from a Sole trader to a Multi-national company, the flow of activity will

    instigate the same. To coordinate the various functions of the Accounts office in theseorganizations the most vital attribution has to be put in place, two main functions of theaccounts office are: Preparation of payroll and Credit control. The Preparation of payroll is therecord of employees salary and hourly wages, with holding and deduction for all employees fora given pay period. One of the main functions of the accounts office is the preparation ofpayroll and Credit control is the process of control over payment coming into and going out ofthe firm. Most business organization operates by allowing some of their customers.

    The Accounts department is the department in a particular business that is responsible for all

    the transaction that takes place such roles may, from time to time be contradictory as it relatesto; an organization progressing by means of the Account office, and in business, it is imperativethat it is known where the money went or come from. The owner will wish to get paid, and ontime, and the government will wish to receive its taxes. Also creditors will wish to be paid andthe business will wish to collect payment from debtors. This is of course where the accountsdepartment plays a key and effective role that promotes welfare of workers, and bettermentfor employers. The Accounts department firstly established these roles by ensuring that theirstaffs/ employees are up to standard to complete their task. With this; the accountsdepartment will monitors trends of productivity both on employers and employees behalf.

    The researchers initiated in achieving the relevant information regarding to the findings thatwas reveal concerning the Questionnaires, observation schedules and the interview. Theresearchers asked questions using the questionnaires and answers such as the following weregiven: The interviewer gender is a female. The position of the interviewer in the accountsdepartment is an Assistant manager. Computer softwares are used in the singer Accountsdepartment, Software such as computer, calculators, printer Just to name a few is used in the

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    Joe-Deane Henriques Page 19

    Accounts department. The accounts department is important because it helps in order to keepa good record of daily transaction. Accountant faces challenges in the accounts departmentsuch challenges are accounting itself takes up a lot of time, also that of collecting fromoutstanding customers, incorrect figure thus recalculating and of course too much workload. Inthe singer furniture store there are procedures for making and receiving different types ofpayment this can be done at any location or through that of the NCB, SCOTIA or RBTT by any

    customer. The customer would need to present a customer card or receipt for this to take placeother procedures includes credit card, debit card, cash and cheque.

    As it relates to the interview the questions were answered successfully. Answers that weregiven include: Technology have a great impact- In that it is much faster and it gives accurateresult also makes work load lighter. The accounting department is of great importance, its helpsto keep track of all the transaction done in the business as well as to provide the correctinformation to customers. Documents used in the accounting departments are: Receipts books,cheque lodgement book, and warrently book.

    The three responsibilities of the accounts department in upholding the standards of theorganization are: To collect and deposit customers payment, to call customers and to filedocuments. One of the main equipment that is used in the accounting department is thecomputer system. The computer makes the job much easier and faster in that the person usingthis system would not have to write a receipt or have a customer number and the receiptwould be printed.

    The observation schedule questions were asked and answered. Answers such as the followingwere given: The researchers observe that the equipment used in accounts office is the

    calculators, computers and the photocopier. The calculator is used to calculate/ checkpayments. The computer is used to perform task that is done daily such as typing and thephotocopier is used to make single or multiple copies of documents. The purpose of the officeequipment that include the Calculator, is that the calculator is used mainly by the accountingclerk to calculate hours worked from the time card and to calculate additional pay, example(Overtime). The purpose of the computer first and foremost it is used more than the otherequipment in an accounts department. It works fast and can perform tens of millions ofoperation per seconds. It can work continuously for a long period thus process a wide range ofdata and store it for future use. The spreadsheet and database programmes are important inaccounting. The purpose of the photocopier is that it is used to make duplicates of receipts andinvoices. It saves the time of the user by providing copies of documents that is needed in morethan one copies and in less time.

    Some other documents used in the Accounts department include the invoices, Bills, Ledgersand Journals. Types of filing documents used in the accounts department are the Electronic,Shelves and Folders.

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    There are certain Policies/Procedures that the Staffs/Employees should follow at the SingerFurniture Store. When an applicant is applying for a job they must dress formally. Staffs rulesare: Drinking/ Eating are not prohibited during work time. Smoking is not tolerated, No weaponsuch as knife, Gun or ice sprit should not be taken to work and also no indecent language.Customers Rules are: No smoking in the organization, No loud talking or laughter. The officelayout at the Singer Furniture Store is Open plan and the work Attitude of the Workers of the

    Singer Furniture is that they are very pleasant and enthusiastic


    I would recommend the Shredder and the Guillotine. I would recommend the shredder why?Because this equipment would be efficient to the Accounting Office because it can be used toget rid of inactive or dead documents and paper, this will also helps to keep the place tidy andprovide storage space and the Guillotine is chosen because this equipment would make theAccounting Office more efficient in which it enable the cutting and trimming of paper down tothe desirable Size. This is better than using Scissors which would not be able to cut paper insuch large volumes and as neat as the guillotine.


    During the course of this project the researchers face a lot of Challenges Such as; theresearchers could not get some of the documents that are used in the AccountsDepartment to include in the SBA/ Assignment because those documents are forconfidential purposes. Another major challenge the researchers face was choosing theOrganization to conduct the research and also the researchers could no t view some of theoffice equipment because only authorized persons are allowed to see them.

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    The researchers however, found solution to all these Problems/ Challenges. Theresearchers got other documents to include in the SBA and these documents were ver yuseful. Since it was a major problem choosing which organization to conduct the researchthe researchers send out letter to various organization and Singer Furniture Store replied toour letter even though, the researchers did not get to view the equipment the researchersgot a clear description of them. From the findings of this School Based Assessment (SBA)everything went well thus the researchers face challenge this project was successfullycompleted.

    Office Equipments Used at The Organization

    Date Equipment UsedPurpose OfEquipment Suitability For Task

    September 11,2012

    Fax Machine

    Used to send writtencommunicationdocuments from

    office to internal andexternal locations.This is also used inthe accounts officeto rapidly fax copies

    of prepared

    documents to otherdepartment

    This Machine is veryefficient and reliable

    means of offeringquick and almost



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    Used when Preparingdocument suchinvoices, letters,

    spreadsheets andDatabases. Effective

    means ofcommunicating. Thisis a very important

    machine used in theaccounting office. Itworks fast and can

    perform tens ofmillions of operationper seconds. It canwork continuously

    for a very longperiod thus process a

    wide range of datafor future used.

    This Machine is veryefficient and reliable

    as a means ofstoring, organizing

    and creatingdocuments. It is also

    used in a veryappropriate andefficient manner.

    Perform severed taskin the office.

    September 11,2012


    The photocopier isimportant to theoffice. Used to

    Duplicate writtendocuments. It is also

    used to makeduplicates of receiptsand invoices. It savesthe time of the userby providing copiesof document that is

    needed in more thanone copies and inless time.

    This is a very efficientmachine becauseenhances quickduplication of

    document within theoffice. This is usedadequately in theoffice and quite


    September 11,2012


    Used by theAccounts clerk tocalculate hoursworked from timecards and tocalculate additionalpay example(overtime)

    This equipment isvery efficientbecause it enhancequick calculation.

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    Office Administration School Base Assignment

    Joe-Deane Henriques Page 23


    Name of Author Source Year Publish Publisher

    Dr. Alan Whitcomb

    Heinemann office

    administration forCSEC

    First Published




    Dr Alan


    Second edition




    John Milne

    Centre of CBL

    inland use and


    Meeting Room




    B-Seatlebury- etalNew Caribbean

    office procedure2000



    B-Seatlebury-etal New Caribbean 1996 Pitman

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    Office Administration School Base Assignment

    Joe-Deane Henriques Page 24

    Office Procedures publishing

    Singer Furniture


    Tricia Simpson

    Person List

    Interviewee Date Scene Job Title

    Mr. Smith A September 13 2012 Meeting Room Accounting Clerk

    Mr. Gordon D September 13 2012 Meeting Room Accounting Clerk

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    Office Administration School Base Assignment

    Joe-Deane Henriques Page 25


    The following questions are designed to investigate the account department in yourorganization with specific reference to:

    See : Please designate your chosen answer with a tick

    Gender Male Female

    2. Position in the accounts department Assistant Manager Clerk

    Manager Other

    From the list below please tick the equipment used in the accounts department

    Computer Calculator Accounting Machine Others

    4. Do you think having an accounts department is important?

    Yes No No

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    If yes, please state why?

    Do you face any challenges in the accounts department?

    Yes No

    If yes please select from this list

    Incorrect figure thus recalculating

    Too much work load

    7. Identify the procedures for making and receiving different types of payments that takesplace in the firm? If yes what are?

    Credit Card Debit Card Cheque Others

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    Office Administration School Base Assignment

    Joe-Deane Henriques Page 28

    Observation Schedule

    The following questions are designed to investigate the account department in your

    organization with specific reference to:

    I. Determine whether or not credit control is put in place by the accounts office.

    II. Outline the credit control process used by the firm.

    1. Equipment used in the accounts departmentCalculator Adding Machine Printers

    Others Computer

    2. Use of Office Equipment Why?

    3. Purpose of Office Equipment

    4. Documents used in Accounts Department

    Invoices Bills Credit Notes

    Debit Notes Others Ledgers and Journals

    5. Filing of documents used in Accounts department:

    Boxes Electronic Shelves Filing Cabinet

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    Office Administration School Base Assignment

    Other Folders

    6. Company Policies/ Procedures how to apply for Job dress Formal

    7. Code of Conduct

    8. Staff rules- No offensive weapons, smoking and indecent language

    9. Office Layout- Open Plan

    10. Work attitude- Pleasant, Enthusiastic