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OFA 8 TC - One For All

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set up



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0032A cent 0037Acec 0012Admiral 0087 0093 0363 0418

0305 0213 0264A on 0068 0217 0216 0032A 0216 0264A

0361 0349 0505 0010Bazin 0217Beko 0370 0486 0037 0606Bennett 0556 0037Beon 0037 0418 0032Best 0337 0370 0421Bestar 0037 0370 0374B

(3 sec. / seg.)



Page 8 - 31

OFF = Ready!

Desligou =Pronto!



Quick & Easy Set UpConfiguração fácil e rápida


Bennet TV(example)


Introduzca el código del aparato de cuatrodígitos usando las teclas numéricas. El LED rojo parpadeará dos veces.

Introduza o código de cinco dígitos do aparelho utilizandoas teclas numéricas. O LED vermelho piscará duas vezes.






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Key Pad / Teclas

In AMP / HI-FI : “Source Selection”

1 = Tuner / Radio / AM/FM band

2 = DVD / Blue ray / CD

3 = CD / DVD

4 = SAT / Cable / Digital TV

5 = Aux

6 = TV / Digital TV / SAT / Cable

7 = VCR 1 / DVR

8 = VCR 2 / LD / USB

9 = Blue ray / DVD / Phono,

0 = Multi Channel 5,1 / 6,1 / Tape 2

-/-- = Tape 1 / Monitor

In TV : AV / C/P


In DVD : TV/DVD or 20

In AMP : Function Select / Input Source



TV : Television / LCD / Plasma / Projector/ Rear Projector. 22

AMP : Audio / Amplifier / Active Speaker System 08TUN : Audio / Audio Receiver/Tuner/Amplifier

/ (DVD) Home Cinema. 19CD : Audio Accessory 19

AMP : Audio / Amplifier / Active Speaker System 08TUN : Audio / Audio Receiver/Tuner/Amplifier

/ (DVD) Home Cinema. 19CD : Audio Accessory 19

DVD : DVD Player / DVD-R / DVD HomeCinema / DVD Combi / DVD/HDD 28

VCR : Video Cassette Recorder / TV/VCR Combi / DVD/VCR Combi / PVR. 26

SAT : Satellite Receiver / Set-Top-Box / DVB-S / DVB-T / Freeview (UK) / TNT (F) / Digitenne (NL) / SAT/HDD 20

CBL : Cable Converter / Set-Top-Box / DVB-C 08VAC : Video Accessory like Media Centres

/ AV Accessories / AV Selectors. 19

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Ejemplo: Para configurar el ONE FOR ALL para la televisión:

1. Busque el código de su aparato en la lista de códigos (pág. 8 -31). Los códigos aparecen por tipo de aparato y nombre de lamarca. Los más comunes aparecen en primer lugar.Asegúrese de que el aparato esté encendido (no enespera “standby”).

2. Pulse la tecla TV en el ONE FOR ALL para el aparato quedesee configurar.

3. Pulse y mantenga pulsada la tecla SETUP hasta que elLED rojo debajo de la tecla POWER parpadee dos veces(el LED rojo parpadeará una vez primero, y a continu-ación dos).

4. Introduzca el código del aparato de cuatro dígitos usandolas teclas numéricas. El LED rojo parpadeará dos veces.

5. Ahora, apunte el ONE FOR ALL hacia el aparato y pulsePOWER, si el aparato se apaga, el ONE FOR ALL estálisto para activarlo.

Si el aparato no se apaga? Repita los pasos del 1 al 5 con el siguientecódigo de la lista especificado para sumarca.

Configuración del código directo

- Muchos televisores no se encienden pulsando la tecla POWER(CONEXIÓN). Inténtelo pulsando una tecla numérica o la tecla “TV-textoff” para volver a encender el aparato.

Si su aparato no responde al ONE FOR ALL una vez que lo haya intentadocon todos los códigos de la lista pertenecientes a la misma marca, intente buscarlo.El Método de búsqueda le permite buscar el código de su aparato explorandotodos los códigos contenidos en la memoria del ONE FOR ALL. El Métodode búsqueda puede utilizarse también aunque su marca no esté en la lista.

Ejemplo: búsqueda de un código de TV:

1. Encienda el televisor (no en espera “standby”) y apunte con el ONE FORALL hacia el aparato.

2. Pulse la tecla TV en el ONE FOR ALL.

3. Pulse y mantenga pulsada la tecla SETUP hasta que elLED rojo debajo de la tecla POWER parpadee dos veces(el LED rojo parpadeará una vez primero, y a continu-ación dos).

4. Pulse 9 9 1. El LED rojo parpadeará dos veces.

5. A continuación, pulse POWER.

6. Apunte con el ONE FOR ALL hacia el televisor. Ahora pulseChannel + una y otra vez, hasta que se apague el televisor(cada vez que se pulsa la tecla Channel +, el ONE FOR ALLenviará una señal de CONEXIÓN desde el siguiente códigode la memoria). Podría llegar a pulsar esta tecla muchasveces (hasta 150), de modo que sea paciente.

7. Tan pronto como el televisor se apague, pulse la teclaSETUP para almacenar el código.

El Método de búsqueda


_ _ _ _




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Esta función le ofrece la posibilidad de configurar el volumen (su opción deaumento, reducción y silencio) para que siempre se relacione con un determina-do aparato (p. ej., tv), independientemente del modo de aparato seleccionado(TV, SAT, DVD, VCR, DVB-T, AMP, HI-FI o AUX).

En este ejemplo, configuraremos el control de volumen para un tv.

1. Pulse y mantenga pulsada la tecla SETUP hasta que elLED rojo debajo de la tecla POWER parpadee dos veces(el LED rojo parpadeará una vez primero, y a continu-ación dos).

2. Press 9 9 3.

3. A continuación pulse la tecla TV y la luz roja se encenderáy se apagará dos veces.

El control de volumen quedará configurado para el televisor. Las teclaspara aumentar, reducir y silenciar el volumen siempre controlarán el vol-umen del televisor, sin importar qué modo de aparato esté seleccionado(TV, SAT, DVD, VCR, DVB-T, AMP, HI-FI o AUX).

Anulación del control de volumen de un aparato

1. Seleccione el modo de aparato que desea desactivardel control de volumen (es. HI-FI).

2. Pulse y mantenga pulsada la tecla SETUP hasta que elLED rojo debajo de la tecla POWER parpadee dos veces(el LED rojo parpadeará una vez primero, y a continu-ación dos).

3. Pulse 9 9 3.

4. A continuación pulse la tecla Volumen (-) y el LED rojo seencenderá y se apagará cuatro veces.

El aparato eliminado (es. HIFI) aumentará, reducirá o silenciará su volumencuando corresponda.

Desactivación del control de volumen

1. Pulse y mantenga pulsada la tecla SETUP hasta que elLED rojo debajo de la tecla POWER parpadee dos veces(el LED rojo parpadeará una vez primero, y a continuación dos).

2. Pulse 9 9 3.

3. Pulse la tecla Volumen (+) y el LED rojo se encenderá y seapagará cuatro veces.

Ahora se podrá aumentar, reducir y silenciar el volumen de todos los aparatos.


Control de volumen




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- A maioria dos televisores não ligam ao pressionar a tecla POWER. Tente pres-sionar uma tecla “numérica” ou a tecla “SAIR” para ligar de novo o seu televi-sor.

Exêmplo: Programando o ONE FOR ALL para seu televisor

1. Procure o código do seu aparelho na lista de Códigos(página 8 - 31). Os códigos encontram-se listados por tipo deaparelho e marca. O código mais comum está listado emprimeiro lugar.Assegure-se de que o seu aparelho estejaligado (não em posição standby).

2. Pressione a tecla TV no ONE FOR ALL para o aparelho quepretende programar.

3. Pressione e mantenha pressionada a tecla SETUP até que oLED vermelho localizado abaixo da tecla POWER pisque duasvezes (o LED vermelho pisca uma vez e depois duas vezes).

4. Introduza o código do aparelho utilizando as teclasnuméricas. O LED vermelho piscará duas vezes.

5. Em seguida, aponte o ONE FOR ALL para o aparelho e pres-sione POWER. Se o aparelho se desligar, o ONE FOR ALLestá preparado para comandar o aparelho.

Se o seu dispositivo não DESLIGAR? Repita os passos 1 - 5 com o códigoseguinte listado para a sua marca.

Programação por código direto

Se o seu aparelho não responder ao ONE FOR ALL, após ter tentado todos oscódigos listados para a sua marca, tente procurar o seu código. O Método deBusca permite-lhe encontrar o código do seu aparelho procurando por todosos códigos contidos no ONE FOR ALL. O Método de Busca pode tambémfuncionar se a sua marca não estiver indicada na lista.

Exêmplo: Para procurar o código do seu televisor:

1. Ligue o seu televisor (não na posição standby).

2. Pressione a tecla TV no ONE FOR ALL.

3. Pressione e mantenha pressionada a tecla SETUP até que oLED vermelho localizado abaixo da tecla POWER pisque duasvezes (o LED vermelho pisca uma vez e depois duas vezes).

4. Pressione 9 9 1. O LED vermelho piscará duas vezes.

5. A seguir, pressione POWER.

6. Aponte o ONE FOR ALL para o seu televisor. Em seguida, pres-sione Canal + continuamente, até que o seu televisor se desli-gue (sempre que pressionar a tecla Canal +, o ONE FOR ALLenvia um sinal POWER do código seguinte da memória).Talvez tenha de pressionar esta tecla muitas vezes (até 150vezes), pelo que é necessário ter alguma paciência.

7 Quando o seu televisor se desligar, pressione a tecla SETUPpara guardar o código.

O Método de Busca



_ _ _ _




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Esta característica dá a possibilidade de definir o Volume (VOL+, VOL- e Mute)para controlar sempre um determinado dispositivo (por ex., tv), independente-mente da tecla de modo do dispositivo (TV, SAT, DVD, VCR, DVB-T, AMP, HI-FIou AUX) que for selecionada.

Neste exêmplo, vamos definir o Controle de Volume (VOL+, VOL- e Mute)para “volume de tv”:

1. Pressione e mantenha pressionada a tecla SETUP até que oLED vermelho localizado abaixo da tecla POWER pisque duasvezes (o LED vermelho pisca uma vez e depois duas vezes).

2. Prima 9 9 3.

3. Depois pressione a tecla TV e a luz vermelho piscaráquatro vezes.

Agora você definiu o Controle de Volume para “volume de tv”. As teclasVOL+, VOL- e Mute controlarão sempre um o "volume tv", independente-mente de outras teclas de modos de dispositivo (TV, SAT, DVD, VCR, DVB-T, AMP, HI-FI ou AUX) Selecionado.

Como remover um dispositivo do Controle de Volume

1. Selecione a tecla do dispositivo que pretende desativardo Controlo de Volume (ex. HI-FI).

2. Pressione e mantenha pressionada a tecla SETUP até que oLED vermelho localizado abaixo da tecla POWER pisque duasvezes (o LED vermelho pisca uma vez e depois duas vezes).

3. Pressione 9 9 3.

4. Depois pressione a tecla Volume (-) e a luz vermelho piscaráquatro vezes.

O dispositivo removido (ex. HI-FI) enviará o próprio VOL+, VOL- e MUTE.

Como desativar o controle de Volume

1. Pressione e mantenha pressionada a tecla SETUP até que oLED vermelho localizado abaixo da tecla POWER pisque duasvezes (o LED vermelho pisca uma vez e depois duas vezes).

2. Pressione 9 9 3.

3. Depois pressione a tecla Volume (+) e a luz vermelhopiscará quatro vezes.

Todos os dispositivos enviarão o próprio VOL+, VOL- ou MUTE


Controle de volume




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Audio - AmplifierÁudio - Amplificadores

Acurus 0765, 1431Adcom 0577, 1100Anthem 2220AnthemStatement 2220Aragon 0765, 1431Arcam 0269Bose 0674CambridgeAudio 2357

Carver 0269Classé 1461, 1462

1915, 19182854

Denon 0272, 21342706

Harman/Kardon 0892, 3045Klipsch 0765, 1431Left Coast 0892Left CoastProducts 0892

Lexicon 1802Linn 0269Magnavox 0269Marantz 0892, 0269

0641, 18922138, 33673369

Mark Levinson 1483, 2405MondialElectronic 0765, 1431

NAD 2879NAT 2562New AcousticDimension 2879

Onkyo 2878Panasonic 0308Pass 0269Pass Labs 0269Philips 0892, 0269

0641Pioneer 3616, 3624Polk Audio 0892, 0269

2242Primare 1851Pro-Ject 2689Pro-Ject AudioSystems 2689

Scandyna 2350Sonance 2433Sony 0689, 3903TAD 3616Tangent 3306Technics 0308Thule Audio 1851Wadia 3437Xantech 2658, 2659Yamaha 2592

Cable Set Top BoxTV por assinatura: Cabo

3 Rivers TelephoneCooperative 1376

ABC 0003Accelplus 1376, 1877

Set Up CodesCódigos Para Configuração


TV : Television / LCD / Plasma / Projector/ Rear Projector. 22

AMP : Audio / Amplifier / Active Speaker System 08TUN : Audio / Audio Receiver/Tuner/Amplifier

/ (DVD) Home Cinema. 19CD : Audio Accessory 19

AMP : Audio / Amplifier / Active Speaker System 08TUN : Audio / Audio Receiver/Tuner/Amplifier

/ (DVD) Home Cinema. 19CD : Audio Accessory 19

DVD : DVD Player / DVD-R / DVD HomeCinema / DVD Combi / DVD/HDD 28

VCR : Video Cassette Recorder / TV/VCR Combi / DVD/VCR Combi / PVR. 26

SAT : Satellite Receiver / Set-Top-Box / DVB-S / DVB-T / Freeview (UK) / TNT (F) / Digitenne (NL) / SAT/HDD 20

CBL : Cable Converter / Set-Top-Box / DVB-C 08VAC : Video Accessory like Media Centres

/ AV Accessories / AV Selectors. 19

set up


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Access Cable Television 1376, 1877Access Communications 1376, 0476ACTV Cablevision 1376, 1877Adams Cable TV 1376ADB 3028Advanced Broadband 1376, 1877Advanced Telemedia 1376, 1877Air Link Communications 3686Airwave Networks 1376Alabama Broadband 1376, 0476Albany Mutual Telephone 0476Alcatel-Lucent 2901, 3232Algona Municipal Utilities 1376, 1877All West Communications 1376Alleghany Cablevision 1376, 1877AllegianceCommunications 1376, 0476Allen TV Cable 0476, 0877Alliance Communications 1376Allied Telesis 1376, 1877Almega Cable 1376, 1877Alpine Cable 1376, 1877Alta Utilities 1877, 0877Alternative Cable 1376, 1877Altitude Communications 1376Americable International 1877, 0877American Broadband 1376, 1877American EntertainmentNetwork 1376, 1877American Telecasting 1376, 1877Amherst Telephone 1376, 1877Amino 3028Anne Arundel Broadband 1376, 0476Antietam Cable 1376, 1877Arc One 1376, 1877Archer 0797Arctic Cooperatives 1376, 1877Argent Communications 1376, 1877Arialink Broadband 1376, 1877Arion 3034, 3336Arkwest 3028Arledge Electronics 1376Armstrong 1376, 0476Arvig CommunicationSystems 1376Ashland Home Net 1376, 1877Askivision Systems 1376, 1877Astound Broadband 1376, 1877

0476, 0877ATC Communications 1376, 0476Atlantic Broadband 1376, 1877

0877ATMC 1376, 3028ATVC 0476, 0877Atwood Cable 1376, 1877Aurora Cable TV 1376, 1877Ayrshire Communications 1376, 1877B & C Cablevision 1376, 1877B & L Technologies 1376, 1877Bailey Cable TV 1376, 1877Baja Broadband 1376, 0476Baldwin County Internet 1376, 1877Baldwin Telecom 1877Ballard Rural TelephoneCooperative 0476

Barbourville UtilityCommission 1376, 1877

Bardstown Cable 1376, 1877Bascom Communications 1376, 1877Base Cablevision 1376, 1877Bay Cablevision 1376, 1877Bay City Cablevision 1376, 1877Bay CountryCommunications 1376, 1877

Bay CreekCommunications 1376

Bayou Cable 1376, 1877Beamspeed 1376, 1877Beaver Creek Telephone 1877, 0877Beaver Valley Cable 1376, 1877Beck's Cable Systems 1376, 1877Bee Line Cable 1376BELD Broadband 1376, 1877Belhaven Cable TV 1376, 1877Bellaire Cable 1376, 1877Bellevue Cable 1376, 1877Bend Broadband 1376, 0476Bentleyville Cable 1376, 1877Benton CooperativeTelephone 1376, 1877

Beresford Cablevision 1376, 1877Berkeley Cable TV 0476Berkshire Cable Corp 1376, 1877Beulah Cable TV 1376, 1877Bevcomm 0476Beyond Communications 1376, 1877Big Sandy Broadband 1376, 1877Biltmore Communications 1877Blakely Cable Television 1376, 1877Bledsoe TelephoneCooperative 3028

BloomingdaleCommunications 3028

Blue Mountain TV Cable 1376, 1877Blue RidgeCommunications 1877, 0877

Blue Sky Cable 1376, 1877Bobcaygeon Cable 1376, 1877Booher Brothers Cable 1376, 1877Bowen Cablevision 1376, 1877Boycom Cablevision 1376Branch Cable 1376, 1877Brandenburg Telecom 3028Brandywine Cablevision 1376, 1877Bresnan 1376, 1877

0877Briand et Moreau Cable 1376, 1877Bright GreenCommunications 1376, 1877

Bright House 1376, 18770476, 0877

Bristol TennesseeEssential Services 1877, 0877

Bristol Virginia Utilities 1376, 1877British American 1376, 1877BroadstarCommunications 1376, 1877

Broadstripe 1376, 0476Brockway Television 1376, 1877Broken Bow Cable TV 1376, 1877Brooks Bay Cable 1376, 1877

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Brownwood TV CableService 1376, 1877Bryan Municipal Utilities 1376, 1877Buckeye Cable System 1376, 1877

0476Bulldog Cable 1376, 1877Bulloch TelephoneCooperative 1376, 1877Byron Cable TV 1376, 1877C & W Cable 1376, 1877C.L. Davis Cable Services 1376, 1877Cable & Communications 1376, 0476Cable America 1376, 1877Cable Axion Digitel 1376, 0476Cable Cable 1877, 0877Cable Communicationsof Willsboro 1376, 1877Cable Cooperative 1376, 1877Cable DevelopmentCorporation 1376, 1877Cable Magico 3035Cable ManagementAssocication 1376, 1877Cable Montana 1376, 1877Cable Nebraska 1376, 1877Cable Of The Carolinas 1376, 1877Cable One 1376, 1877

0476Cable Plus 1376, 1877Cable Suite 1376, 0476Cable Tech Cable TV 1376, 1877Cable TV of Camrose 1376, 0476Cable TV of East Alabama 1376, 1877Cable TV of Slave Lake 1376, 1877Cable TV of St. Paul 1376, 1877Cable Vision Services 1877Cablecom Mexico 1376, 0476Cablemas 1376, 1877Cablenet 1376, 1877CableSouth Media 1376, 1877CableviewCommunications 1376, 1877Cablevision 1376, 1877

0476, 08773336

Cablevision du Nord 1376, 0476Cablevision of MarionCounty 1376, 0476

Cablevision T.R.P. 1376, 1877CalNeva Broadband 1376, 1877Cameron Communications 1376, 1877CAMS Cable 1376, 1877Cannon Valley Cablevision 3028Caprock TV 1376, 1877Carnegie Cable 1376, 1877Carolina Mountain Cable 1376, 1877Carr Communications 1376, 1877Carrell Communications 1376, 1877CAS Cable 1376, 0476Cascade Communications 1376, 1877Casey Cable 1376, 1877Caspian Community TV 1376, 1877Cass Cable 1376, 0476Castle Cable Service 1376, 1877Catalina Cable 1376, 1877

Catawba Services 1376, 1877CBN 1376, 1877CBPU Cable 1376, 1877CCAP 1877, 0877Cedar Falls Utilities 1376, 0476Celect Communications 1376, 1877Cencom 1376, 1877CentraCom Interactive 1376, 1877Central TexasCommunications 1376, 1877

Central Valley Cable 1376, 1877Centre TV Cable 1376, 1877Centrovision 1376, 1877Century Communications 1376, 1877Century Telephone 1376, 1877CenturyTel TeleVideo 1376, 1877Chambers Cable 1376Champion Broadband 1376, 1877Channel Master 3118Chaparral Cablevision 1376, 1877Chariton ValleyCommunications 1376, 1877

Charter 1376, 18770476, 0877

Chatmoss Cablevision 1376, 1877Chesnee Communications 1376, 1877Chester Telephone 1376, 0476Chinook ProgressiveClub TV 1376, 1877

Chippewa Valley Cable 1376, 1877Choice Cable TV 1376, 1877Choice Communications 1376, 1877Choice Television 1376, 1877ChoiceCable 1376, 0476Christy Cablevision 1376, 1877CimTel 1376, 0476Cincinnati Bell 1376, 1877Circle Bar Cable Television 1376, 1877Cisco 1877, 3028

0877, 18832132, 2506

Citizens Cable 1376Citizens Cable TV 1376, 0476Citizens MutualTelephone 1376, 1877

Citizens Telecom 1376, 1877City Cablevision 1376, 1877City of Barnesville Cable 1376, 1877City of BaxterSprings Cable 1376, 1877

City of Hawarden Cable 1376, 1877City of Norway Cable 1376, 1877City of Quitman Cable 1376, 1877City Of Salisaw 1376City of Sumas TVCable System 1376, 1877

City West 1376Clarence Telephone 1376, 1877Claro 1376, 0476Clear CreekCommunications 1376

Clearview Cable 1376, 1877Clearview Partners 1376, 1877Clearview TV Cable 1376, 1877Clearvision Cable TV 1376, 1877


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Click Network 1376ClickOne 1376, 1877Clinton Cable 1376, 1877CLT Communications 1376, 1877CMA Communications 1376CNS Television 1376, 1877Coast CableCommunications 1376, 0476Coast Cablevision 1376, 1877Coast Communications 1376, 0476Coastal Link 1376Coaxial Cable TV 1376, 1877

3482Cobridge 1376Cobridge Communications 1376Cogeco 1376, 0476Colane Cable TV 1376, 1877Colfax Highline Cable 1376, 1877Collinsville Cable 1376, 1877Colonial Cablevision 1376, 1877Columbia Powerand Water 1376, 1877Columbus Telephone 1376Comcast 1376, 1877

0476, 0877Com-Link 1376, 1877Communication Services 1376, 1877Communicomm 1376, 1877CommunityAntenna Service 1376, 1877CommunityAntenna System 1376, 1877Community Cable& Broadband 1376, 0476Community Cable Service 1376, 1877CommunityCommunications 1376, 1877Community Telecom 1376, 1877Community Television 1376, 1877Compas Cable 1376, 1877CompleteCommunicationServices 1376, 1877Comporium 1877Comserv Ltd 1376, 1877ComSouth 1376, 1877Comstar Cable TV 1376, 1877Comtec 0327Consolidated Cable 1376, 1877ConsolidatedCommunications 1376, 1877

Consolidated Telcom 0476Conuma Cable Systems 1376, 1877Conway CorporationCable TV 1376, 1877

Conxxus 1376, 1877Coon Creek Telephone 1376, 0476Coon Rapids MunicipalUtilities 1376, 1877

Coon Valley Telephone 3118Coop CSCF 1376Cooperative TelevisionGodahl 1376, 1877

Coosa Cable 1376, 0476Copper Mountain

Metropolitan 1376, 1877Coship 2042Country Cable 1376, 1877Country Cable TV 1376, 1877Country Cablevision 1376, 0476Country Cablevision Ltd. 1376, 0476Cowley Telecable 1376, 1877Cox 1376, 1877,

0476, 0877Craig Cable TV 1376, 1877Crestview Cable 1376, 1877Cross Country TV 1376, 1877Crosslake Communications 1376, 1877Crow Cable TV 1376, 1877CRRS-TV 1376, 0476CRST Telephone Authority 3028Crystal BroadbandNetworks 1376, 1877

Crystal Cable TV 1376, 1877CSI Cable 1376, 1877CT & R Cable 1376, 1877CTC 1376, 0476Cunningham Telephone& Cable 1376, 0476

Curtis Cable TV 1376, 1877CUTV 1376, 1877CWA Cable 1376, 1877D & D Cable Systems 1376, 1877D & P Communications 1376, 0476Dairyland Cable Systems 1376, 1877Dalton Cable Television 1877, 0877Davis Communications 1376, 1877Dawson City Television 1376, 1877DCA Cablevision 1376, 1877DDD Cablevision 1376, 1877Dean Hill Cable 1376, 1877Dean's Cablevision 1376, 1877Decca Cable 1376, 1877Deffner Cable TV 1376, 1877Delhi Telephone 1376, 1877Delta Cable 1376, 0476Demopolis CATV 1376, 1877Denali TV 1376, 1877Dery Telecom 1376Deuromedia 3744Dickey Rural Networks 1376, 1877Diode Communications 1376, 1877Director 0476Dixie Cable TV 1376, 1877Dixon Telephone 1376, 1877DMS Cable 1376, 1877DMT 3036Downsville CommunityAntenna 1376, 1877

Doylestown Cable TV 1376, 1877Drummond Cable TV 1376, 1877DTC 1376, 1877Dumont Telephone 1376, 1877Duncan Cable TV 1376, 1877E.Com 1376, 1877

0476Eagle Broadband 3028Eagle Cablevision 1376, 1877Eagle Communications 1376Eagle Valley Telephone 3028


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EagleVision WirelessTV Services 1376, 1877East Arkansas Video 1376East Cleveland Cable 1376, 1877East Texas Cable 1376, 1877Eastern 0327Eastern Cable 1376, 1877EastLink 1376, 0476Easton Cable 1877EasyTEL 3028Eatel 1877Echostar 3452Electron Enterprises 1376, 1877Elk River Cable TV 1376, 1877Elkhart TV Cable 1376, 1877Emerson 0797Emery Telcom Video 1376, 1877EnhancedTelecommunications 1376EnTouch 1376Escape Broadband 1376, 1877Eston CATV Cooperative 1376, 1877ETAN Industries 1376, 1877Execulink 1376Eyecom 1376, 1877FairPoint Communications 1376, 1877Falls Earth Station 1376, 1877FamilyView Cablevision 1376, 1877Fannettsburg Cable TV 1376, 1877Farmer & Merchant Mutual 1376, 1877Farmers IndependentTelephone 1376, 1877Farmers MutualTelephone 1376, 1877Farmer's TelephoneCooperative 3028Fayetteville ElectricSystem 1877Federated Telephone 1376Fenton Cablevision 1376, 1877FiberCast CableCommunications 1376, 1877FiberNet Monticello 1376, 1877Fibrant 1376, 1877Fidelity Communications 1376First Cable Of Missouri 1376, 1877FirstMile 1376, 1877

0476FirstMile Technologies 1376, 1877

0476Flint Cable TV 1376, 1877Florida Cable 1376, 0476Focus 0400Foothills Rural TelephoneCooperative 1877, 0877

Forsyth CableNet 1376, 1877Fort Towson Cable 1376, 1877Foster Communications 1376, 1877Frank Howard TV Cable 1376, 1877Frankfort Plant BoardCable 1376

FTC 1376, 1877Full Channel TV 1376, 1877Full Choice

Communications 1376, 1877Fusion Broadband 1376, 1877Futuristic Cablevision 1376, 1877Galaxy AmericanCommunication 1376, 1877

Galaxy Cable 1376, 1877Gatehouse Networks 1376, 1877Gauthier Cablevision& Electric 1376, 1877

GCI 1376Gemini 0797General Communications 1376General Instrument 0476, 0003

0784Genext 1376, 1877Geraldine Cable TV 1376, 1877Get Real Cable 1376, 1877GEUS 1376, 1877Giant Communications 1376, 1877Giles-CraigCommunications 1376, 1877

Gilmer Cable Television 1376, 1877Glasgow Electric PlantBoard 1376, 1877

Glass Antenna Systems 1376, 1877GlenwoodTelecommunications 1376

Glide Cablevision 1376, 1877Globalcom 1376, 1877Golden Communications 1376, 1877Golden Rain Foundation 1376, 1877Golden Valley Cable 1376, 1877Golden WestTelecommunications 1376, 1877

Goldfield Communications 1376, 1877Goodmind 0797Gowrie Cablevision 1376, 1877Gradiente 1136Grafton CableCommunications 1376, 1877

Grand River Cable 1376, 1877Grande Communications 1376, 1877

0877Great PlainsCommunications 1376

Green HillsCommunications 1376, 1877

Greene County Cable TV 1376, 1877Greenlight CommunityBroadband 1376, 1877

Gridley Cable 1376, 1877Griswold CooperativeTelephone 3028

Grove Cable 1376, 1877Grundy Center Utilities 1376, 1877GTI 3028Guadalupe Valley 1877Haefele TV 1376, 1877Haines Cable TV 1376, 1877Hall Beach Cooperative 1376, 1877Hamilton County Cable TV 1376, 1877Hancel 1376, 1877Handan 3524Hargray 1376, 1877Harlan Community TV 1376


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Harlan Municipal Utilities 1376Harmony Cable TV 1376, 1877Harris Broadband 1376Harron Metrocast 1376, 1877Hart Cable 1376, 1877Hart Electric 1376, 1877Hartelco 1376, 1877Hastings Cable Vision 1376, 1877Hawaiian Telcom 3028HBC 1376, 1877HBL Communications 1376, 1877HCS 1376, 1877Healthcare Cable Systems 1376, 1877Heart of IowaCommunications 1376, 1877Heartland Cable 1376, 1877Heartland WirelessCommunications 1376, 1877Heck's TV & Cable 1376, 1877Henderson Telephone 1376, 1877Hermosa Cablevision 1376, 1877Herr Cable 1376, 1877HFU Television 1376, 1877Hiawatha Broadband 1376, 1877High Plains Cablevision 1376, 1877Highland 1376, 1877Hill Top Communications 1376, 1877Hinton CATV 1376, 1877HLM Cable Corp 1376, 1877HomeTel 1376, 0476Hometown Cable 1376, 1877Hometown Utilicom 1376, 1877Hood Canal Cablevision 1376, 0476Hoonah CommunityTelevision 1376, 1877Hooper Telephone 1376, 1877Horizon Cable TV 1376Horry TelephoneCooperative 1376, 1877Hospers Telephone 1376, 1877Houston Cable 1376, 1877Howard Cable 0277HTC Communications 3028HTC Services 1376, 1877Humax 2832, 2889HunTel Systems 1376, 0476Huxley Communications 1376, 1877Hydaburg Cable TV 1376, 1877HYDE County Cablevision 1376, 1877ICE Cable Holdings 1376, 0476ICS Communications 1376, 1877Illini Cablevision Of Illinois 1376, 1877ImOn Communications 1877, 0877Indco Cable TV 1376, 1877Independence TelecomUtility 1376

Independent CableSystems of Idaho 1376, 1877

Indevideo 1376, 1877Index Cable TV 1376, 1877Innovative Cable TV 1376Inside Connect Cable 1376Insight 1376, 1877Inter Mountain Cable 1877, 0877Inter-County Cable 1376, 1877

Interstate Cablevision 3028Intertech Private Cable 1376, 1877Iron River Cooperative TV 1376, 1877Irvine Community TV 1376, 1877I-Speed 1376, 1877ITV-3 1376, 1877,

3028J & L Cable 1376, 1877J & N Cable 1376, 1877Jack McClanahan Cable TV 1376, 1877Jackson Energy Authority 1376, 1877Jaguar Communications 1376, 1877James Cable Partners 1376, 1877Jayroc Cablevision 1376, 1877Jebsee 0400Jefferson County Cable 1376, 1877Jefferson Telecom 1376, 1877Jeffersonville Cable TV 1376, 1877Jerrold 0476, 0003,

0012, 0784,1439

Jet Broadband 1376Johnston County Cable 1376, 1877Journeyvision Cable 1376, 1877Kalida Telephone 1376, 1877Kaon 2821Karban TV Systems 1376, 1877KAS Cable TV 1376, 1877Kaslo Cable 1376, 1877KBS Cable TV 1376, 0476K-Communications 1376, 1877Keene Valley Video 1376, 1877Kelley Communications 1376, 1877Kennebec Telephone 1376, 1877Kennedy Cablevision 1376, 1877Kentucky Ridge CountryCommunications 1376, 1877

Keta Cable 1376, 1877KFW Communications 1376, 1877Kincardine Cable TV 1376Kings Bay Communications 1376, 1877KLiP 1376, 1877Knology 1376, 1877,

0476, 0877Koomiut Cooperative 1376, 1877Kraus Electronic Systems 1376, 1877Kudzu Cable TV 1376, 1877Kugluktuk Cooperative 1376, 1877Kuhn Communications 1376, 1877L & J Cable 1376, 1877La Harpe Communications 1376, 1877La Harpe Video andData Services 1376, 1877

Lafayette Utilities System 1376, 0476Laguna Serrano Cable 1376, 1877Lake Cable 1376, 1877Lakeland Cablevision 1376, 1877Lakeland Telecom 3028Lakeview Cable 1376, 1877Lamont Digital Systems 1376, 1877Lang 1376, 1877Laurel Highland 1376, 1877LB Cable 1376, 1877Lehigh Valley CooperativeTelephone 1376, 1877


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Lemonweir ValleyTelephone 3028Lexcom Cable Services 1376, 1877Liberty Cablevision 1376Limestone Cablevision 1376, 1877Lincoln Cable Television 1376, 0476Lincolnville 1376Lindsey Communications 1376, 1877LISCO 1376, 1877Litestream Holdings 1376, 1877LNE Telco 1376, 1877Localtel 1376, 1877Lockesburg Cablevision 1376, 1877Lone Pine Cable TV 1376, 1877Longview Communications 1376, 1877Lonsdale Video Ventures 3028Loretel Cablevision 1376, 1877Loretel Systems 1376Lost Island Cable TV 1376, 1877Lumos Networks 3028Lycom Communications 1376, 1877M.T.C. Cable 1376, 1877Maddock Cable TV 1376, 1877Madison Communications 1376, 0476Madison County Cable 1376, 1877Mahaska Communications 1376, 1877MainstreetCommunications 1376, 1877Maitland Cable TV 1376, 1877Mallard Cable 1376, 1877Manning MunicipalUtilities 1376, 1877Manti Telecom 3028Marco Island Cable 1376, 1877Markdale Cable TV 1376Marne & Elk HornTelephone 1376, 1877Marquette-AdamsTelephone 1376, 1877Martelle CommunicationsCooperative 1376, 1877

Mascon Cable 1376Masset-Haida TV Society 1376, 1877Massillon Cable 1376, 0476Matrix Cablevision 1376, 1877MattawamkeagCablevision 1376, 1877

McDonough TelephoneCooperative 1376, 1877

McKee TV Enterprises 1376, 1877McNabb Cable 1376, 1877MCTV 1376, 0476MCV Broadband 1877, 0877Media One 1376, 1877Mediacom 1376, 1877,

0476Mediapolis Telephone 1376, 0476Mediastream 1376, 0476Megacable 1376Merrimac Communications 1376, 1877Metlakatla IndianCommunity TV 1376, 1877

MetroCast Cablevision 1376, 0476MetroNet 1877, 0877Metropolitan Cable 1376, 1877

MGS Cablevision 1376, 1877MHTC 3028Mi-Connection 1877Microwave SatelliteTechnologies 3028

Mid Missouri Broadband& Cable 1376, 1877

Mid Missouri Telephone 1376, 1877Midamerican CableSystems 1376, 1877

Mid-Coast Cablevision 1376, 1877MidcontinentCommunications 1376, 0476

Mid-Hudson Cable 1376, 0476Mid-RiversCommunications 1376, 0476

Mid-South Cablevision 1376, 1877Midstate Communications 1376, 1877Midtel Cable TV 1376, 1877Milcom Cable 1376, 1877Milford Cable TV 1376, 1877Milk River Cable Club 1376, 1877Millennium Telecom 3028Millheim TV Transmission 1376, 1877Millington CATV 1376, 1877Minburn Communications 3028Minerva Networks 3118Minerva Valley Cable 1376, 1877MINET 1877, 0877MLGC Cable TV 1376, 1877MM&G Enterprises 3028MMDS Wireless East 1376, 1877Mobius Communications 1376, 1877Monroe Cablevision 1376, 1877Monroe Utilities 1376, 1877Montana Opticom 1376, 1877Montecable 3524Moosehead Enterprises 1376, 1877Morris Broadband 1376Morristown Utility Systems 1877, 0877Mosaic Telecom 1376, 0476Motorola 1376, 1877,

0476MoultrieTelecommunications 1376, 1877

Mountain ShadowsCable TV 1376, 1877

MountainTelecommunications 1376, 1877

Mountain Zone TV 1376, 1877Movistar 3288Mt. Baker Cable 1376, 1877MTC 1376, 1877MTC Technologies 1376, 0476M-Tek Systems 1376, 1877Multiband Cable 1376, 1877MultiVision 0012Municipality CableOperator 1376, 1877

Murphy Cable 1376, 1877,0877

Murray Electric System 1376, 1877Muscatine Power & Water 1376N.W. Communications 1376, 1877National Cable 1376, 1877


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Naujat Cooperative 1376, 1877NDTC 3028Nebraska Central Telecom 1376, 1877NEIT 1376, 1877Nelson County Cablevision 1376, 1877Nelsonville TV Cable 1376, 1877Nemont Communications 1376, 1877NET 0012, 0277,

0327, 0695,0774,0797, 1439,1883

Network Technologies 3482New CenturyCommunication 1376, 1877New Day Broadband 1376, 1877New England Cable 1376, 1877New Jersey Broadband 1376, 1877New Knoxville CableSystems 1376, 1877New North Networks 1376, 1877New Paris QualityCablevision 1376, 1877New VisionsCommunications 1376, 1877New Windsor Cable TV 1376, 1877Newcastle Cablevision 1376, 1877Newpath Communications 1877, 0877NewWaveCommunications 1376, 0476NexHorizonCommunications 1376, 1877Nexicom Communications 1376, 1877Nextgen Communications 1376, 1877,

0877Niagara Community TVCooperative 1376, 1877Nimpkish ValleyCommuncations 1376, 1877Nittany Media 1376, 0476Nor-Cal Cable Systems 1376, 1877Nortex Communications 1376, 1877North AmericanCommunications 1376, 1877

North CrossroadsCommunications 1376, 1877

North Star Cablevision 1376, 1877North Texas Broadband 1376, 1877North YellowstoneCable TV 1376, 1877

Northern Cable Holdings 1376, 1877Northern Lakes Cable TV 1376, 1877NorthlandCommunications 1376

Northside TV 1376, 1877Northstar Broadband 1376NorthwestCommunications 1376, 1877

Northwest Community 1877Northwest IowaTelephone 1877, 0877

Northwest TelephoneCooperative 1376, 1877

NorthwesTel 1376, 0476Norwood Light Broadband 1376

Nova Cable Management 1376, 1877Nova Cablevision 1376, 1877Novus 1376, 0476NPG Cable 1376NTC Cable Services 1376, 1877NTS Communications 1376, 1877NU Telecom 3028Nuevo Siglo 3524NuLink 1376, 1877,

0877Nushagak Cooperative 1376, 1877Oak Cable Systems Of Iowa 1376, 1877Oak Hill Cablevision 1376, 1877Oasis Communications 1376, 1877Oi TV 3452, 3454,

4165Omni III Cable TV 1376, 1877Oneida Cablevision 1376, 1877OneLink 1376, 1877OneSourceCommunications 1376

Opp Cablevision 1376, 1877Optimum 1877Orbitel Communications 1376, 0476Oregon Cable Group 1376, 1877Orion Cablesystems 1376, 1877Our Cable 1376, 1877Overton County Cable 1376, 1877Oxford Networks 1376, 1877Pace 1376, 1877,

1883, 3454Packerland Broadband 1376, 0476Paleajook Cooperative 1376, 1877Palmer Mutual Telephone 1376, 1877Pangnirtung Cooperative 1376, 1877Panhandle Telephone 1376Paragould Light & Water 1376, 1877Parish Communications 1376, 1877Park Region MutualTelephone 3028

Park TV & Electronics 1376, 1877Partner Communications 1376, 1877Pathway Com-Tel 1376, 1877Patterson Cable TV 1376, 1877PBT Cable Services 1376, 1877PC One Cable 1376, 1877PDQ Cable TV 1376, 1877PEC Cablevision 1376, 1877Pegasus Communications 1376, 1877Peoples CATV 1376, 1877Persona Communications 1376, 1877Philippi Communications 1376, 1877Phoenix 1376Phoenix Cable 1376, 1877PhonoscopeCommunications 1376, 1877

Pickwick Cablevision 1376, 1877Piedmont Cable Services 1376, 1877Pine Bluff Cable 1376Pine Island Telephone 3028Pine River Cable 1376, 1877Pine Tree Cablevision 1376, 1877Pinpoint Communications 1376, 1877Pioneer 1877, 0877Pioneer Cable 1376, 1877


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Pioneer Communications 1376, 1877Pirelli 2944Pitcairn CommunityCable TV 1376, 1877Plantation Cable System 1376, 1877Pleasant Vision 1376, 1877Polaris Cable 1376, 1877Ponderosa Cablevision 1376, 1877Poplar Bluff MunicipalUtilities 3028Popular Mechanics 0400Portal Cablevision 1376, 1877Post Cablevision 1376, 1877Premier Communications 1376Price County Telephone 3028Prime 3033Prime Cable Corporation 1376, 1877Prime Time Cable 1376, 1877Princetown Cable 1376, 1877Private Cable Systems 1376, 1877Private Network CableSystems 1376, 1877Project Mutual Telephone 3028Project Services 1376, 1877PSC 3028PTCI 1376PVT Networks 1376, 1877Quality Cable TV 1376, 1877Quality One Technologies 3028Quinter Cable 1376, 1877R & R Cable 1376RadioShack 0797Raftview Communications 1376, 1877Rainbow Cable 1376, 1877Rainbow Communications 1376, 1877Rainbow Lake Cable TV 1376, 1877Rainier Connect 1376, 1877Ramapo Cable 1376, 1877Rancho MurietaAssociation 1376, 0476Rapid Communications 1376, 1877RC Communications 1376, 1877RCN 1376, 0476Reach Broadband 1376, 1877Rebeltec Communications 1376, 1877Recoton 0400Red River Cable 1376, 1877Reds Cable TV 1376, 1877Reedsburg UtilityCommission 0877

Regional Cable TV 1376, 1877ReinbeckTelecommunications 1376, 1877

Reservation Telephone 1376Reserve Long Distance 1376, 1877Resnet Communications 1376, 1877Resort Cable 1376Reveille Broadband 1376, 1877Reynolds Cable 1376, 1877RGA Cablle 1376, 1877Ridgewood Cablevision 1376, 1877Ringgold Telephone 1376, 1877Rio Virgin Telephone 1376, 1877Riondel CommunityCable Society 1376, 1877

Ripley Video Cable 1376, 1877Ritter Cable 1376, 1877River Road Cable 1376, 1877River Valley Cable TV 1376, 1877River ValleyTelecommunications 3028

Riverside Cablevision 1376, 1877Riviera Cable TV 1376, 1877Robins Cable TV 1376, 1877Rock Port Cablevision 1376, 1877Rocky MountainCable Systems 1376, 1877

Rogers 1376, 1877,0877

RoomeTelecommunications 1376, 1877

Royal Telephone 1376, 1877RTC 1376, 1877RTEC Communications 1376, 1877Runestone Telcom 1376, 1877Rural Route Video 1376, 1877Rural Telephone Company 1376RuralWest 1376, 1877S & K TV Systems 1376, 1877S & T Communications 1376, 1877S.Bryer Cable TV 1376, 1877Sagem 3288Sallisaw MunicipalAuthority 1376, 1877

Samsung 1877San Bruno MunicipalCable TV 1376, 1877

San Carlos Cablevision 1376, 1877San Juan Cable 1376, 1877San Simeon CommunityCable 1376, 1877

Santel Comm Cooperative 1376, 1877Satellite Cable Services 1376, 1877Satview Broadband 1376, 1877Saugeen Telecable 1376, 1877Savage Communications 1376, 1877Sayward ValleyCommunications 1376, 1877

Schindler Cable TV 1376, 1877SCI Cable 1376, 1877Scientific Atlanta 1877, 3028,

0877, 0277Scio Cablevision 1376, 1877Scott Telecom AndElectronics 1376, 1877

Scottsboro Cable TV 1376, 1877Sea Island 1877Seaside Cable TV 1376, 1877Seaview Communications 1376, 1877SecureVision 1376, 1877Semo Communications 1376, 1877Senior TV 1376, 1877Service Electric 1376, 0476Service One Cable 1376, 1877Shannon Vision 1376, 1877Shaw 1376, 0476Shaw Direct 1376, 1877

Shawano MunicipalUtilities 1376, 1877


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Shellsburg Cablevision 1376, 1877Shenandoah Cable 1376, 1877ShenandoahTelecommunications 1376, 1877Shen-Heights TV 1376, 1877Shentel 1376, 1877Sherburne Cable 1376, 1877Sherman Cablevision 1376, 1877Shrewsbury Electric &Cable 1376, 1877Silver StarCommunications 3028Simpson Country Cable TV 1376, 1877Siskiyou Cablevision 1376, 1877Sister Lakes Cable 1376, 1877Sjoberg's Cable TV 1376Skisat 1376, 1877SKT 1376, 1877Sky Cablevision 1376, 1877SkyAngel 1376, 1877SkyPix 3028Small Town Cable 1376, 1877Somerfield Cable TV 1376, 1877Source Cable 1376, 0476South Benton Cablevision 1376, 1877South CentralCommunications 1376, 1877South Holt Cablevision 1376, 1877South SlopeCommunications 1376, 1877Southeast Cable TV 1376, 1877Southern CayugaCounty Cable 1376, 1877Southern Coastal Cable 1376, 1877Southern KansasTelephone 1376, 0476Southern Plains Cable 1376, 1877Southern Vermont Cable 1376Southey Cable 1376, 1877Southside TV 1376, 1877Southwest MN Broadband 1376, 1877Southwestern Bell VideoServices 1376, 1877Spanish Fork 1376, 1877Spencer Municipal Utilities 1376, 1877Spillway Cablevision 1376, 1877Spirit Broadband 1376, 1877Spring Creek Cable 1376, 1877Springcom 1376, 1877Springfield Cablevision 1376, 1877Springville Cable 1376, 1877St. George Island Cable 1376, 1877St. John Cable 1376, 1877Stanley Cablevision 1376, 1877Stanton Telecom 1376, 1877Star Cablevision 1376, 1877Starcom 0003Stargate 0797Starkville Cablevision 1376, 1877Starlight Communications 1376, 1877Starview Cableof Delaware 1376, 1877

StarVision 1376, 1877Starwest 1376, 1877Stellar Communications 1376, 1877

Stellar PrivateCable Systems 1376, 1877

Stowe Cablevision 1376, 1877Strategic Technologies 1376, 1877Stubbs Communications 1376, 1877Suddenlink 1376, 1877,

0476, 0877Summit Broadband 1376, 1877Summit Communications 1376, 1877Sumner Cable TV 1376, 1877Sun Country Cable 1376Sunrise Communications 1376, 1877Supercanal 1376, 0476Superior Cable & Data 1376, 1877Supervision Cable TV 1376, 1877SureWest 1877SWAT Cooperative 3028Sweetwater Cable TV 1376, 1877TA Communications 1376, 1877Taloga Cable 1376, 1877TAT Cablevision 1376, 1877Tbaytel 3028TCSI Huntsville 1376, 1877TCT 1376, 1877TDS 1376, 1877TDS Telecom 3028Technotrend 3035Tekstar Cablevision 1376, 1877Telecentro 1376, 0476Telecom Cable 1376, 1877Teledistribution Amos 1376Telefonica 3288, 3035,

2901, 3037,3028, 3033,3034, 2944,3036

Tele-Media 1376, 1877Telepak Networks 1376, 1877TelePartners 1376, 1877Telerent LeasingCorporation 1376, 1877

Tele-Services 1376, 1877Telestar Systems 1376, 1877Telmex 1376Telsat Systems 1376, 1877Tel-Star Cablevision 1376, 1877Telus 3028Templeton Telephone 1376, 1877Tesco Cable TV 1376, 1877Texas Mid-GulfCablevision 1376, 0476

Thames ValleyCommunications 1376, 1877

The Community Agency 1376, 0476The Town of MountainVillage Cable 1376, 1877

Thomson 3007Three River Digital Cable 1376, 1877Throckmorton Cablevision 1376, 1877TiftNet 1376, 1877Time Warner 1376, 1877,

0476, 0877Timeless 0327Tip-Top Communications 1376, 1877Tobacco Valley


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Communications 1376, 1877Tocom 0012Tongue River Cable TV 1376, 1877Torx 0003Toshiba 0012Total Cable Service 1376Touchet Valley Television 1376, 1877Transparent Video Systems 3482Trans-Video 1376, 1877Trappers LoopCommunications 1376, 1877

Trenton Cable 1376, 1877Trico Cable TV 3764Trico Industries 3764Tri-County Cable TV 1376TrioTel Communications 1376, 1877Troy Cablevision 1376, 0476Trust Cable TV 1376, 1877TruVista 1376, 1877Tudjaat Cooperative 1376, 1877Tulalip Broadband 1376, 1877Tulugak Cooperative 1376, 1877Turquoise Turtle TV 1376, 1877TV Cable 1376, 0476TV Cable Companyof Andalusia 1376TV Cable of Winamac 1376, 1877TV Northeast 3028TV Service 1376, 1877TVA Digital 1804TVC 1376, 1877TVision 1376, 1877TVMAX 1376, 1877TVS Cable 1376, 1877Two Creeks Cable 1376, 1877Ucluelet Video 1376, 1877Uintah Basin ElectronicTelecom 1376, 1877UMBC 1376, 1877Union Telephone 1376, 1877Unitah-Strata Networks 1376United CommunicationsAssociation 1376United States Gypsum 1376, 1877United Telephone 1376Universal Cablevision 1376, 1877Universal Satellite Cable 1376, 1877Unotel 4098Upper PeninsulaCommunications 1376, 1877

US Electronics 0877, 0277US Online 1376, 1877US Sonet 1376, 1877USA Cablesystems 1376, 1877USA Companies 1376, 1877Utica Cablevision 1376, 1877Utilities Board Cityof Foley 1376, 0476

Utility SystemsDevelopment 1376, 1877

Valley Cable & SatelliteCommunications 1376, 1877

Valley Cable TV 1376, 1877ValparaisoCommunications 1376

Venture CommunicationsCooperative 3028

Venus TelephoneCooperative 1376

Veracity Communications 1376, 1877Vicksburg Video 1376Vidéotron 1877, 0877Vidia Communications 1376, 1877Vidion Cable 1376, 1877Viola Communications 1376, 1877Vision Communications 1376VisionComm 1376, 1877Vista III Media 0476Vital Communications 1376, 1877Vivo 3288Vogtmann Engineering 1376, 1877Volcano Vision 1376, 0476VTR 1376W.D.B. Communications 1376, 1877Wabash IndependentNetworks 1376, 1877

Wadsworth Cable TV 1376, 0476Waitsfield Cable 1376, 0476Walnut Communications 1376, 0476Walnut Grove Cable TV 1376, 1877Ward Communications 1376, 1877Warwick Valley Telephone 1376, 1877Washington County RuralTelephone Cooperative 1376, 1877

Watch TV 3028Waterville Cable TV 1376, 1877Watson Cable 1376, 1877Wave Broadband 1376, 0476Wavevision 1376, 1877WCTA 1376, 1877WEHCO Video 1376Weiss Lake Cable 1376, 1877West Alabama TV Cable 1376, 1877West Carolina Telephone 3028West Central Telephone 1376, 1877West Lake Cablevision 1376, 1877West River CableTelevision 1376, 1877

WesTel Systems 1376, 1877Western Broadband 1376, 1877Western Cable Service 1376, 1877Western Iowa Telephone 1877, 0877Western TelephoneCompany 1376, 1877

Western WisconsinCommunications 1376

Westman Communications 1376, 0476Wetherell SatelliteCable TV 1376, 1877

WFL Cable Television 1376, 1877White County Video 1376WideOpenWest 1376, 1877Wikstrom Systems 1376, 1877Wilco Electronic Systems 1376, 1877WilkesTelecommunications 3028

Willamette Broadband 1376, 0476Williamstown Cable 1376, 0476Windbreak Cable TV 1376, 1877Windjammer Cable 1376, 1877,


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0476Windom Communications 1877, 0877Windstream 1376Winslow Communications 1376, 1877Wire Tele-View 1376, 1877Wireless One 1376, 1877Wittenberg Telephone 1376, 1877WNC 3118Wood County Telephone 1376, 1877Woodsfield MunicipalCable 1376, 1877

Worth Cable TV 1376, 1877WOW! 1376, 1877,

0476, 0877WT Services 1376, 1877WTC Communications 1376, 1877WTCI Cable 1376, 1877Wyandotte Municipal 1376Xfinity 1376, 1877,

0476, 0877Ycom Networks 1376, 1877Yelcot Video Group 1376, 1877Yelo 1376Ygnition 1376, 1877Zampelli Electronics 1376, 1877Zentek 0400Zito Media 1376Zoom Media 1376, 1877ZyXEL 2944

Audio - Accessory Audio - Acessórios

Apple 1115Bose 3079ClearOne 1535Creative 2288Denon 2502, 2760, 2815Gentner 1535Harman/Kardon 3517Integra 1789Jamo 2228Klipsch 1339LG 3217Marantz 3366Olive 2693Onkyo 1789, 1993, 2351, 2352,

2353Panasonic 3409Philco 1348Philips 2234Polk Audio 2228, 3429Pro-Ject 2691Pro-Ject AudioSystems 2691Raf Electronics 1345REL Acoustics 2306Samsung 2609, 2660Scandyna 2348, 2349Sharp 3097, 3381Sony 2610Videoke 1345VIZIO 2454Yamaha 1797, 2116

Video - AccessoryVídeo - Acessórios

ABS 1272AirLink 101 2491Alienware 1272Apex Digital 2478Apple 2615Artec 2490Axonix 1447Buffalo 1739Ceton 1272Coby 2667Coship 2487CyberPower 1272Dell 1272Dish Network 2470DVICO 2153Echostar 2470Elgato Systems 1676Gateway 1272GE 2450Gefen 2330, 2331, 2332, 2333General Electric 2450Goodmind 2450Hewlett Packard 1272HowardComputers 1272

HP 1272Hush 1272iBUYPOWER 1272Iomega 2270, 2558IXOS 2366Kaleidescape 2666Linksys 1272Media Center PC 1272Memorex 2486MicroGEM 2489Microsoft 2049, 1272, 1805, 2000,

2001, 2002, 2003, 2004,2005

Mind 1272NiveusMedia 1272Northgate 1272Opus 2510Pinnacle Systems 1447RCA 2454ReQuest 1245Ricavision 1272Samsung 2592SanDisk 2575Sling Media 2612Sony 1272Stack 9 1272Sunkey 2695Systemax 1272Tagar Systems 1272Toshiba 1272Touch 1272Venturer 2454Viewsonic 1272Voodoo 1272Western Digital 2558Winegard 2454Xbox 2049, 1272, 1805


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Zentech 2491Zinwell 2488ZT Group 1272

Audio - ReceiverÁudio - Receiver

Admiral 2563AEG 2483Airis 2028Aiwa 0158, 0189, 0121, 1347Altec Lansing 2595AMC 1077Anthem 3294AnthemStatement 3294Arcam 0189, 1212Audio Control 1212B & O 0799Bang & Olufsen 0799Bose 1933, 3959Britânia 1772Carver 0189, 0121Coby 1389, 2127Curtis 0797, 1389Daewoo 1178, 1250Daytek 2028Denon 1360, 2516, 2517Eltax 2028Garrard 0281, 0744GPX 0744Gradiente 3107, 3975, 3976Grundig 1546Harman/Kardon 1304, 2443, 0189Hitech 0744HitPlus 2483iLuv 3183Inkel 3368Insignia 1077Integra 1805, 1320, 2730, 2731,

2732, 2999, 3861, 3863Jamo 3254JBL 0281JC Penney 0744Jensen 0797, 1389JVC 1400, 3508Kenwood 0313, 0314, 0569Kioto 0797Koss 0744, 1546LG 2197, 2676, 2751Linn 0189LXI 0744Magnavox 1269, 0189Marantz 1269, 0189, 2114, 3772Myryad 0189NAD 1989New AcousticDimension 1989

Noblex 1546Norcent 1389Nova 1389NTDE Geniesom 0744

Onkyo 1805, 1320, 1521, 1931,2730, 2731, 2732, 2999,

3861, 3863,Optimus 0744, 0797Orient Power 0744Panasonic 0309, 0763, 3685Penney 0744Philips 1269, 2311, 2459, 0189Pioneer 3057, 3614Polaroid 2150Polk Audio 0189Primare 1421Pro-Ject 2690Pro-Ject AudioSystems 2690

RadioShack 0744RCA 0082, 1546, 2426Recco 0797Samsung 1868, 1304, 2809Sansui 0189Sharper Image 0797, 1546Sherwood 1077, 3368Sonic 0281Sony 2172, 1622, 1822, 0158,

0797, 1131, 1347, 2486Starlight 0797Sunfire 0313, 0314, 1521, 1931Sylvania 0797Teac 0797, 1546Technics 0309, 0763Techwood 0281The SharperImage 0797, 1546

Thule Audio 1421Tronics 3981Vtrek 2426, 2483Wards 0158, 0189Yamaha 2467, 0376, 0176, 0082,

3266, 3580, 3587Zenith 0281, 0744, 2197

Satellite Set Top BoxTV por assinatura - Satélite

ADB 2240Amper 3218Aquário 3980ArledgeElectronics 0775

Arris 0869, 1870, 1871, 1872,1873, 1874, 1875, 1876

AZ America 1631, 3217, 3599AZBox 3164B & O 1897Ballard Rural TelephoneCooperative 0775

Bang & Olufsen 1897Bast 1799Bastide 1799Bell 0775, 1775Bell ExpressVu 0775, 1775Bell Satellite TV 0775Century 0856, 0830City of CawkerCity Cable 0775, 1775

Claro 3787, 3790Coship 1674, 3787, 3790, 3815


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Country VisionCable 0775, 0566, 0869Cristor 2257Cromus 2511Crossdigital 1109Crown 1764Dgtec 1631Digital Tech 3616DigitalBox 1631Digiwave 1631DirecTV 1377, 0099, 0392, 0566,

0639, 1142, 0247, 1856,1076, 1108, 0099, 1109,1189, 1199, 1388, 1389,1392, 1442, 1609, 1640,1708, 1890, 3377, 3387

Dish Mexico 0775, 1775Dish Network 0775, 1775Dishpro 0775, 1775Distratel 0885DreamLink 2579Eastern 1643Echostar 0775, 2262, 2272, 2527,


Edision 1631Ekotech 3217, 3422Elecom 0826Elsys 2511, 3803Embratel 2796, 3787FaVal 3422Fresat 0119, 0634, 0885FrontierCommunications 0775GE 0566General Electric 0566GeneralInstrument 0869, 0890, 0891, 0892,

1669GOI 0775, 1775Gold Box 3583Gradiente 0856, 0887GreenDot 3815Grundig 0173, 2240GVT 3789Hot Sat 2403HTS 0775, 1775Huawei 3787Hughes NetworkSystems 1377, 1142, 1442

Humax 1377Indovision 0887Innova 0099, 0099ISkyB 0887Jerrold 0869JVC 0775, 1775Kathrein 2263, 0114Lava 1631Lemon 3582, 4168Lenco 0607LexuzBox 2579LockesburgCablevision 1775

MilestoneCommunications 0775

Motorola 0856, 0869, 1669, 1870,1871, 1872, 1873, 1874,1875, 1876, 3469

Movistar 2262, 2263, 2272, 2761,2527, 3029, 3147, 3253

Mustek 1779Nagra 2262NET 2262Netsat 0887, 0099, 0099Next Level 0869, 0890, 0891, 0892,

1669Nextvision 1845Norsat 3635Odobo 3872Openbox 2579, 3640OrbiSat 3612Pace 1377, 0887, 2796, 2895,

3111, 3469, 3787, 3790Panasonic 0247, 1189Philips 0856, 0887, 0099, 2619,

1142, 1076, 0099, 1442,1499, 3469,

Pioneer 0329Proscan 0392, 0566Qwest 1377RadioShack 0566, 0869, 1669RCA 0392, 0566, 0855, 1392,

1442Sagem 1692, 3029, 3253Sagemcom 3789Samsung 1377, 1108, 1109, 0563,

1442,1609, 1708, 3063

SatelliteOperations 0775

ScientificAtlanta 1980

Semp 2280Semp Toshiba 2280Shaw Direct 0869, 1870, 1871, 1872,

1873, 1874, 1875, 1876Sky Brasil 1377, 0856, 0887, 0099,

2619, 1856, 0099, 1358,1499, 1799, 2705, 2706,3110, 3111, 3377,

Sky Mexico 1377, 0856, 0887, 2619,1358, 3377, 3469

Smart 1631Sony 0639, 1640Star 0887Star Choice 0869, 1669Strong 0872Supernova 0887, 1487TDS Telecom 0775Technicolor 3469Technotrend 2263Tecsat 0463, 1463, 4172Telefonica 2262, 2263, 2272, 2761,

2527, 1692, 2827, 3029,3147, 3218,3253

Telestar 0114

TeleviewCommunications 0775


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Televisa 0887Telus 0775Thomson 2619, 3469TiVo 1377, 1142, 1442Triangle CommunicationSystem 0775TVA Digital 2262, 1692, 2895UEC 1358UltimateTV 1392, 1640United SatelliteAmerica 0775United StatesWireless 0775USA WirelessSatellite TV 0775Via Embratel 2796, 3787Visiontec 2403Vivo 2262, 2895Voom 0869WatervilleCable TV 0775Windstream 0775Wisi 0173World SatelliteCable Systems 0775Xoro 3422Yes 0887Zenith 0856, 1856, 3469Zinwell 2761, 1660, 2280


Abex 0032Acer 1339AcousticSolutions 1667Adcom 0625Admiral 0093, 0463, 0179, 1555,

1891, 3485, 4030Advent 0783, 0815Aftron 0891Aiko 0092, 1579, 2132Airis 1531Aiwa 0032, 0701, 1362Akai 0812, 0702, 1675, 1523,

0765, 0030, 0672, 1385,1935, 3223,

Akawa 3391Akura 1498, 1687Alaron 0179Alba 1667, 2676Alfide 0672Allegro 0774A-Mark 0003Ambassador 0177America Action 0180Anam 0180, 0003, 0009, 0068Anthem 1633AnthemStatement 1633

AOC 1589, 2087, 0030, 0003,0019, 0052, 0625, 1365,

1588, 1590, 2014, 2402,2691, 4101

Apex Digital 2397, 0748, 0765, 0767,1217

Archer 0003Ario 2397AS 1667Astar 1531Asus 3340Atvio 0891, 3636, 3638, 3653,

3654, 3657Audinac 0180, 0391Audiosonic 1675Audiovox 0451, 0180, 0092, 0003,

0623, 1769, 1865, 2121Aumark 0060Auria 2087Aventura 0171Axdia 1795B & O 0620, 1620B Vision 3847Bang & Olufsen 0620, 1620Barco 0479, 0556Baysonic 0236, 0463, 0180Beko 2125Belcor 0019Bell & Howell 0154, 0016BenQ 1756, 1523, 1032, 2835Berkshire 0047BGH 0876, 0898, 2414, 3485,

4028, 4029, 4030, 4070Blu:sens 2735Blue Light 3655Blue Sky 0556, 1254, 1372, 2153,

3997Boxlight 0752Bradford 0180Britânia 2414Brockwood 0019Broksonic 0236, 0463, 0003, 0642,

1892, 1911, 1935Bush 1645, 1667, 2125Candle 0030, 0056, 0186, 3760Capehart 0052Capetronic 0030, 0003Carnivale 0030Carver 0054, 0170CCE 0037, 0217, 0329, 0531,

0623, 3782, 4091, 4092Celebrity 0000Celera 0765Champion 1362Changhong 0765Cineral 0451, 0092Citizen 0060, 0451, 0030, 0092,

0039, 0056, 0186, 0535,0561, 1935,

Clarion 0180CMX 3327Coby 1538, 2306, 2314, 2315CommercialSolutions 1447, 0047

Compacks 1792Concerto 0056Conia 1498, 1687, 2483


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Contec 0180, 0157Continental 2357Coradir 2844Craig 0180, 3760Croma 1011, 2583Crosley 0054, 0000, 0074Crown 0180, 0009, 0039, 0068,

0672, 1446, 3760Crown Mustang 0068, 0672CTX 1756Curtis 2397, 1326, 3382, 3636Curtis Mathes 0702, 0054, 0093, 0060,

0047, 0154, 0451, 0030,0145, 1661, 0016, 0039,0056, 0068, 1147, 1959

CXC 0180Cytron 1326Daenyx 0180, 0179, 0672Daewoo 0154, 0451, 0092, 1661,

0019, 0039, 0391, 0623,0661, 0672, 0876, 1816,2668

Daytek 2241, 3651Daytron 0180, 0092, 0019, 0039Denon 0145Denstar 0628Dewo 0628Dick SmithElectronics 1565Digistar 1565DirecTV 1501Disney 1892, 2152Dream Vision 1704Drean 0037DSE 1565Dual 2241Dumont 0017, 0019Durabrand 0178, 0171, 0463, 0180,

0003, 1878Dwin 0774Dynatech 0217Dynex 2049, 1111Ectec 0391Eiki 0735Electroband 0000Electrograph 1755Electrohome 0463, 0381, 1670Elektra 0017, 1661Element 1687, 1886, 2183Emerson 1864, 1394, 0178, 0171,

0154, 0451, 0236, 0463,0180, 1661, 0002, 0019,0039, 0177, 0179, 0182,0623, 1886, 1911, 1963,2183, 3760

Encross 0876Envision 1589, 2087, 0030, 1365,

1506, 2014Epson 3741, 3966ESA 0812, 0171, 1963Fair Mate 1326Favi 3382Ferguson 2676Finlux 1667Firstline 0037, 0068

Fisher 0154, 1362Frigidaire 2231Fujimaro 1498, 1687Fujitsu 0809, 0179, 0186, 0683,

0853Fujitsu Siemens 0809Funai 1864, 1394, 0000, 0171,

0180, 0179, 0264, 1963Futuretech 0180Gateway 1756, 1755GE 1447, 2359, 0178, 0047,

0051, 0451, 0765, 0021,0027, 0135,0628, 1547

General Electric 1447, 2359, 0178, 0047,0051, 0451, 0765, 0021,0027, 0135, 0628, 1547

GFM 1864, 0171, 1886, 1963Gibralter 0017, 0030, 0019Global Home 0767, 1356, 1565Go Video 0060GoldStar 0178, 0030, 0001, 0002,

0019, 0032, 0037, 0039,0056, 1920,

Goodmans 1523, 1645, 1667, 1687,2676

GPX 0179Gradiente 0056, 0170, 0392, 1029,

1369, 1804Grundig 1523, 0037, 0063, 0070,

0195,0672, 0683, 1372, 1645,1667, 2125

Grunpy 0180, 0179Haier 0768, 0876, 1749, 3382,

3620, 3663Hallmark 0178Hannspree 1348, 1351, 1352, 1745Harley Davidson 0179Harman/Kardon 0054Harvard 0180, 0068Havermy 0093H-Buster 3620Helios 0865Hello Kitty 0451Hikato 0628Himitsu 0180, 0628, 0779Hisense 0748, 1314, 2098, 2183,

3382, 4029Hitachi 1643, 0145, 0016, 0032,

0036, 0039, 0056, 0163,0217, 0563, 0577, 0583,0679, 1045, 1500, 1576,1667, 1960, 2132, 2215,2431, 2433, 2676, 2981,3639, 3697

Hitech 1814Humax 1501Hyundai 0849, 0865, 0876, 1139,

1219, 1244, 1294, 1814I-Inc 1746iLo 1394, 1603Infinity 0054InFocus 0752, 1430Initial 1603


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Innova 0037Insignia 2049, 1423, 0171, 0463,

1326, 1385, 1892, 1963,2002

Inteq 0017IRT 0451, 1661, 0628, 0698iSymphony 3382ITT 0007ITT Nokia 0180JBL 0054JC Penney 0156, 0178, 0060, 0047,

0051, 0030, 0002, 0003,0018, 0019, 0021, 0027,0032, 0039, 0135,

JCB 0000Jensen 0815, 1326JNC 0876JVC 1601, 2264, 0650, 1774,

0463, 0036, 0182, 0653,0683, 0731, 1302, 1633,1670, 1892, 2321, 2676,3797, 3798, 4070

Kaypani 0052KDS 1498, 1687KEC 0180Ken Brown 0236, 0463, 1321, 4056,

4099Kenia 0030, 0019, 0082Kenwood 0030, 0019Kioto 0054, 0706, 0556, 0628,

0785KLH 0765, 0767Kloss 0024Kloss Novabeam 0024Konka 0628, 0632, 0638, 0703,

0707, 1111, 1385, 1404,1939, 1940,

Korting 0039Kreisen 0876KTV 0180, 0030, 0039, 0217Lark 0386Lexus 3638, 3654, 3657LG 1423, 2358, 2731, 1859,

2359, 1860, 0178, 0017,1265, 0030, 0037, 0039,0056, 0856, 1232, 1325,1768, 1840, 1842, 2182,3998, 4017

Linsar 1667, 2676Loewe 0087, 0512Logik 0016, 1217Luxman 0056LXI 0156, 0054, 0178, 0047,

0154, 0017Lynx 1565M&S 0054, 0236MAG 1498, 1687

Magnavox 1867, 1454, 1455, 2597,1755, 0054, 0171, 0051,

0030, 0706, 0020, 0024,0028, 0036, 0179, 0186,0187, 0230, 0386, 1198,1254, 1365, 1506, 1963,3623, 3760

Majestic 0016Marantz 1454, 0054, 0030, 0037,

0556, 1398Matsui 1667Matsushita 0650, 0051Maxent 1755Medion 2676Megatron 0178, 0145, 0003Memorex 0178, 0060, 0154, 0463,

0150, 0016, 0179, 1670,1892, 1911, 1920

Mercury 0001MGA 0178, 0150, 0030, 0019Microsonic 1326, 2483, 3328, 3679Midland 0047, 0017, 0051, 0032,

0039, 0135Mintek 1603Minutz 0021Miray 3309, 3321, 3322Misawa 0628Mitsubishi 1250, 0093, 0178, 0150,

0019, 0036, 0512, 1151,1797, 2576, 3856

Mitsui 1123, 3638, 3652, 3654,3656, 3657, 3658, 3673

Motorola 0093MTC 0060, 0030, 0019, 0056Multitech 0180, 0217Mx Onda 1498, 1687NAD 0156, 0178, 0037, 0056Naoki 1540, 2357National 0226Naxa 2104, 2735, 3382NEC 0030, 0019, 0036, 0056,

0170,0876, 1398, 1704, 1797

Neovia 0865, 0876Netsat 0037NetTV 1755New AcousticDimension 0156, 0178, 0037, 0056

NEX 1814, 3861Next Base 2064NexusElectronics 2183

Nikko 0156, 0178, 0047, 0154,0017, 0030, 0092

Nimbro 2104Nisato 0391Noblex 0154, 0018, 0052, 0264,

0430, 0482, 1362, 3803,4024, 4030, 4100

Nokia 0180, 0861Norcent 1589, 0748, 1365, 1588,

1590, 1745Nordmende 3134, 3327, 3419, 3767,

3835, 3861Noshi 0018NTC 0092Nu-Tec 2157


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Odys 1795OKI 1667, 2676Ölevia 1610, 1144, 1240OnCommand 0531Onkyo 1807, 1808, 1809Onn 2125Onwa 0180Optimus 0650, 0154, 0679Optoma 2796, 4075Optonica 0093Orion 0236, 0463, 0179, 1892,

1911, 2031, 2038Otic 1498, 1687Packard Bell 0092Pagoda 1531Panasonic 1480, 0156, 1291, 2264,

0650, 0054, 0093, 0178,0060, 0047, 0154, 0051,0150, 0145, 0001, 0163,0226, 1310, 1510, 1636,1941, 1946, 1947, 3715,3825, 3834, 3866

Panavideo 3679Panavox 0861, 3835, 4057PARK 2104Penney 0156, 0178, 0060, 0047,

0051, 0030, 0002, 0003,0018, 0019, 0021, 0027,0032, 0039, 0135,

Philco 1394, 0054, 0171, 0451,0463, 0030, 0145, 0092,1661, 0019, 0020, 0024,0028, 0068, 0074, 0082,0163, 0179, 0186, 0187,0247, 0302, 0381, 0391,0479, 0552, 0786, 1029,1362, 1911, 1963, 2414,3022, 3426, 3427, 3639,3760

Philips 1867, 1756, 1454, 1455,2374, 1744, 2597, 1394,0054, 0000, 0171, 0017,0012, 0013, 0018, 0019,0020, 0021, 0024, 0027,0028, 0037, 0039, 0052,0230, 0512, 0556, 0605,0638, 0690, 1365, 1495,1506, 1815, 1887, 2768,2813, 2986, 3623

Pilot 0030, 0019, 0039Pioneer 1457, 0047, 0679, 1260,

1398, 1633Planar 1589Polaroid 1523, 0765, 0865, 1314,

1326, 1385, 1498, 1538,1565, 1645, 1687, 1767,1769, 2002, 2120, 2121,2125, 2576

Portland 0451, 0092, 1661, 0019,0039

Power Acoustik 1865Precision 0217, 1792Prima 0783, 0815, 1749Prism 0051Proscan 1447, 0047, 0030, 2183,

3382, 3636Proton 0178, 0003, 0052, 3760Proview 1401, 1498, 1687Proxima 0735, 1430, 1896, 1897Pulsar 0017, 0019Punktal 2687Pye 0412Quasar 1291, 0650, 0051RadioShack 0178, 0047, 0154, 0180,

0030, 0019, 0032, 0039,0056, 1920,

Ranser 0001, 2141RCA 1447, 0093, 0060, 0047,

0051, 1661, 0018, 0019,0135, 0618, 0679, 0774,1147, 1247, 1385, 1547,1781, 1959, 2002, 2183,2247, 2403, 2429, 3382,3419, 3426, 3636, 3847

Realistic 0178, 0154, 0180, 0030,0019, 0032, 0039, 0056

Recco 0706Record 0230Relisys 0865, 0876Roadstar 2141Runco 0017, 0030, 1292, 1397,

1398Sampo 1755, 0030, 0032, 0039,

0052Samsung 2051, 0812, 1632, 0702,

1249, 0650, 0178, 0060,0030, 0009, 0019, 0032,0039, 0056, 0217, 0329,0482, 0587, 0618, 0814,1959, 2697

Sansei 0451, 0092Sansui 0171, 0463, 1670, 1892,

1911, 1935Sanyo 1142, 0054, 0154, 0036,

0157, 0208, 0339, 0735,1362, 1667, 2676, 3697,3715, 3866

Sceptre 1217, 1599, 2337Scimitsu 0019Scotch 0178Scott 0178, 0236, 0180, 0019,

0179Sears 0156, 0054, 0178, 0047,

0171, 0154, 0056, 0179,1547

Seiki 0178Seiko Epson 3741, 3966Seleco 1351Semivox 0236, 0463, 0180Semp 0156, 1356, 1743, 3793Semp Toshiba 0156, 1356, 1743, 3793Sens 1865Serie Dorada 0156, 0178, 0180, 0030,

0002, 0019, 0056, 3814Sharp 0818, 2360, 0688, 0093,

0036, 0039, 0157, 0386,1193, 1602, 1659, 2402,2676, 2951

Shogun 0019Siam 0037


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Signature 0054, 0016Signature2000 0054, 0016Simpson 0186, 0187SKY 0037Sky Brasil 0037Skyworth 1815Sony 0810, 1825, 0000, 1100,

0010, 0011, 0834, 1317,1505, 1551, 1651, 1685,2778, 3622

Soundesign 0178, 0180, 0179, 0186,3760

Soyo 1746Spectricon 0003Spectroniq 1498, 1687Speler 4041Squareview 0171SSS 0180, 0019Starlite 0180STI 3793SunBriteTV 1610, 2337Superscan 0093Supersonic 2104, 3877Supreme 0000SVA 0748, 0587, 0768, 0865,

0870, 0871, 0872, 1963Sylvania 1864, 1394, 0054, 0171,

0030, 0020, 0024, 0028,0186, 0187, 0381, 0587,1314, 1886, 1963, 3760

Symphonic 1394, 0171, 0180, 0068Syntax 1610, 1144, 1240TAHOCHI 0561Taki 1540Talent 0178Tamashi 0642Tandy 0093Tatung 1756, 0003TCL 0826, 2403, 2414, 2429,

3426Teac 0037, 2241, 2761Technics 0650, 0047, 0017, 0051Technika 1667, 1865Technol Ace 0179Techview 0847Techwood 0051, 0003, 0056Teknika 0054, 0060, 0180, 0150,

0092, 0016, 0019, 0039,0056, 0179, 0186, 3760

Telefunken 0702, 0005, 0056, 0074,2414, 4025

Telemagic 0735Thomson 0501, 0625, 1588TMK 0178, 0056, 0177TNCi 0017Tonomac 1321Tophouse 0180, 0672, 0698, 1385Tosaki 1404, 1540, 2357Toshiba 1524, 0156, 0650, 0093,

0060, 0154, 1265, 0003,0036, 0618, 1325, 1356,1369, 1704, 1743, 1935,1959, 1971, 2565, 2676,3134, 3469, 3945

Totevision 0039Trical 0157

TVS 0463Ultra 0391United 1523Universal 0021, 0027V7 Videoseven 1217Vector Research 0030Venturer 1865Victor 0156, 0093, 0000, 1100,

0150, 0145, 0036, 0170,0186, 0264,

Videoseven 1217Vidikron 0054, 1292, 1302, 1397,

1398, 1633Vidtech 0178, 0019, 0036Viewsonic 2049, 1755, 2087, 0775,

0857, 1330, 1365, 1578,1588, 1627, 1742, 1745,2014

Viore 2104, 3382Vivitek 0775, 1369VIZIO 1758, 2512, 2757, 2707,

1756, 3358, 3415Wards 0156, 0054, 0000, 0178,

0060, 0047, 0154, 0017,0051, 0180, 0030, 0016,0018, 0019, 0020, 0021,0024, 0027, 0028, 0056,0135, 0179, 0186, 0187,1147, 3760

Waycon 0156Westinghouse 1712, 2397, 0451, 1217,

1282, 3382Wharfedale 1667WhiteWestinghouse 0463, 1661, 0623

Winco 0412Wyse 1365Xion 1792, 2423Yamaha 0650, 0030, 0019, 1576Zenith 1423, 2358, 2731, 1859,

0000, 0178, 0047, 0017,0463, 1265, 0030, 0145,0092, 1661, 0016, 1325,1365, 1911

Zonda 0003, 0698, 0779

Video - VCRVídeo - VCR

Accurian 0000Admiral 0209, 0020, 0479Adventura 0000Aiko 0278Aiwa 0037, 0000Akai 0000, 0041Allegro 1137America Action 0278American High 0035Anam 0162AOC 8030Aquário 7915Asha 0240Audiovox 0037, 0278B & O 1697Bang & Olufsen 1697Beaumark 0240


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BGH 7947Blaupunkt 0006Broksonic 0209, 0002, 0348, 0479Calix 0037Canon 0035, 0102Capehart 0020Carver 0081, 0146CCE 0278, 4231Cineral 0278CineVision 1137Citizen 0037, 0278Craig 0037, 0240Crosley 0081, 0000Curtis Mathes 0060, 0035, 0162, 0240,

0041, 0278Cybernex 0240Daewoo 0045, 0278, 0020, 0561,

1137Daytron 0020Denon 0042DirecTV 0739, 1989Dynatech 0000Electrohome 0037Electrophonic 0037Elewo 3163Emerex 0032Emerson 0037, 0000, 0209, 0002,

0278, 0348, 0479, 0561,0593

ESA 1137Fuji 0035Funai 0000, 0593Garrard 0000GE 0060, 0035, 0240General Electric 0060, 0035, 0240Go Video 0240, 0432, 1137GoldStar 0037, 1037, 1137Gradiente 0000, 0008, 1137Grundig 0006, 0195Harley Davidson 0000Harman/Kardon 0081, 0146Headquarter 0046Hitachi 0000, 0042, 0041, 0166,

0593, 7989Hughes NetworkSystems 0042Humax 0739Instant Replay 0035JC Penney 0035, 0037, 0240, 0042Jensen 0041JVC 0067, 0041, 0008, 7947KEC 0037, 0278Kenwood 0067, 0041, 0046Kioto 0348Kodak 0035, 0037Lemon 7632LG 0037, 1037, 1137Lloyd's 0000LXI 0037Magnasonic 0593Magnavox 0035, 0081, 0000, 0593Magnin 0240Marantz 0035, 0081, 0146Marta 0037Matsushita 0035, 0162

MEI 0035Memorex 0035, 0162, 0037, 0240,

0000, 0209, 0046, 0348,0479, 1037,

MGA 0240MGNTechnology 0240

Minolta 0042Mitsubishi 0067Motorola 0035MTC 0240, 0000Multitech 0000NAP 0035, 0037, 0042NEC 0067, 0041Nikko 0037Noblex 0240, 0579Olympus 0035Optimus 1062, 0162, 0037, 0432,

0593Orion 0209, 0002, 0479Panasonic 1062, 0035, 0162, 0102,

3436Penney 0035, 0037, 0240, 0042Pentax 0042Philco 0035, 0209, 0479, 0561Philips 0739, 0035, 0081, 0146,

0593, 1783Pilot 0037Pioneer 0067Polk Audio 0081, 0146Portland 0278, 0020Profitronic 0240Proscan 0060Quarter 0046Quartz 0046Quasar 0035, 0162RadioShack 0037, 0000, 1037Radix 0037Randex 0037RCA 0060, 0035, 0240, 0042,

1989RCN 0739, 0060Realistic 0035, 0037, 0000, 0046Rio 1137Sagem 1862Samsung 0240, 0045, 0432Sansui 0000, 0067, 0209, 0041,

0479Sanyo 0240, 0046, 7989Scott 0045Sears 0035, 0037, 0000, 0042,

0046Semivox 0045, 0209Semp 0045Semp Toshiba 0045Shogun 0240Siemens 0006Signature 0035Signature2000 0035Sonic Blue 1137Sony 0032, 0035, 0000, 1032STS 0042Sylvania 0035, 0081, 0000, 0593Symphonic 0000, 0593Tashiko 0037


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Tatung 0041Teac 0037, 0000, 0041Technics 0060, 0035, 0162Teknika 0035, 0037, 0000Telefonica 1862Telefunken 0041Thomas 0000Thomas America0000TiVo 0739TMK 0240Toshiba 0045, 0209, 0041Totevision 0037, 0240UltimateTV 1989Unitech 0240Vector 0045Victor 0032, 0162, 0045, 0000,

0042, 0067, 0041, 0008,0046, 0166,

Video Concepts 0045Videomagic 0037Videosonic 0240Villain 0000Wards 0060, 0035, 0081, 0240,

0045, 0000, 0042, 0046WhiteWestinghouse 0209, 0278XR-1000 0035, 0000Yamaha 0041Zenith 0037, 0000, 0209, 0479,



Accurian 0675, 1416Adcom 1094Admiral 2241, 2664, 3076AEG 2583Airis 1719Aiwa 0533, 0641Akai 0675, 0690, 0695, 0705,

0770, 1089Alco 0790Allegro 0869Amoisonic 0764AmphionMediaWorks 1245

Amstrad 1489AMTC 1630, 3076Amvox 2840AMW 1245Apex Digital 0672, 0717, 0755, 0794,

0795, 0796, 0797, 1004,1020, 1056, 1061

Arcam 2697Arrgo 1023Asahi 2615Aspire Digital 1168Astar 1461, 1489, 2119Astry 1513Audio Authority 2555Audiologic 0766Audiovox 0717, 0790, 2110, 2111,

2600B & O 1696, 2696

Bang & Olufsen 1696, 2696Basic Line 1242BBK 1224Bel CantoDesign 1571

BGH 1620Blaupunkt 0717Blu:sens 1868Blue Parade 0571Blue Sky 2357, 2623Boigle 2057Bose 1895, 2520Britânia 1832Broksonic 0695, 0868, 1419CaliforniaAudio Labs 0490

CambridgeAudio 2808

CambridgeSoundworks 0690

Casio 0512Cinea 0831Cineral 0730CineVision 0833, 0869, 1483Citizen 0695Classé 1543CMX 1601Coby 0730, 0852, 1086, 1107,

1165, 1177, 1351, 2109,2494

Contex 2066Coradir 2995Cougar 1434, 2693Craig 0831Curtis 2336CyberHome 0816, 0874, 1023, 1024,

1117, 1129Daewoo 0784, 0705, 0770, 0833,

0869, 1169, 1172, 1234,1242, 1441, 1443

Datsun 1233Days 2857Daytek 1719, 1866Denon 0490, 2258, 1634, 2134,

2470, 2748, 3851Diamond Vision 1316DigitalMax 1738Digitrex 1004DIGIXmedia 0826Diplomat 2814Disney 0675, 1270, 2356DK Digital 0831Durabrand 0118, 1023, 1127, 2066DVD2000 0521Dynex 2596E:max 0330EletroVision 2822Eltax 1719Emerson 0675, 0591, 0821Enterprise 0591Enzer 1228ESA 0821, 1443Excess 2885F&D 2533Fisher 0670

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Funai 0675, 1334Fusion 0862Gateway 1158GE 0522, 0815, 0717General Electric 0522, 0815, 0717GFM 0675Global Home 1483, 2123Go Video 1075, 0741, 0744, 0798,

0783, 0833, 0869, 1044,1099, 1158, 1304, 1443,1483

GoldStar 0741, 0869Goodmans 1004GPX 0769Gradiente 0651, 2284Greenhill 0717Grundig 0539, 0705, 1416, 2085H & B 1233Harman/Kardon 0582, 0702, 1229, 2927Hello Kitty 0831Hitachi 0573, 0664, 0695Hitech 3523Hiteker 0672HitPlus 2583Humax 0646Hyundai 1451iLo 3634iLuv 3192Initial 0717Inovox 1507Insignia 0675, 0741, 2596, 1013Integra 0571, 2147, 1769, 0627,

1634Irradio 0646IRT 0783, 1156, 1489, 1619,

1654Jamo 3537JBL 0702JVC 1602, 0623, 0867, 1164,

1860jWin 0672, 1469, 3076Kawasaki 0790Kenwood 0490, 0737Kiiro 0770KLH 0815, 0717, 0790, 1020Konik 2691Konka 0711, 0719, 0720, 0721Koss 0651Landel 0826Lasonic 0798Lenoxx 0838, 1127Lexicon 0671, 2545LG 0741, 1602, 0591, 0801,

0869, 1741, 2189LiteOn 1058, 1158, 1416, 1440,

1738Loewe 0741Logik 3542Magnasonic 0651, 0769Magnavox 0539, 0503, 0675, 0646,

0821, 1177, 1354, 1846,2241

Mallory 3068Marantz 0539, 2414, 2481, 3444,


Matsui 0672McIntosh 1273, 1373Medion 0831, 1270, 3542Memorex 0695, 0831, 1270, 1717Microsoft 0522, 2083, 1708, 2202,

2627Microsonic 2398Mintek 0839, 0717Miray 3506Mitsubishi 0521MK Tech 1816Mobil-Vision 2600Momitsu 3052Mustek 0730, 1601MXT 2567NAD 0741, 0692, 1741, 2525,

2572Naxa 2300NEC 0741, 1602, 0785Nell 2849Nesa 0717New AcousticDimension 0741, 0692, 1741, 2525,

2572Next Base 0826, 2266Nimbro 2300Nisato 1233NKS 2567, 2834Noblex 1233, 3076Norcent 1107, 1461Nordmende 2129Onkyo 0503, 2147, 1769, 0627,

0792, 1417, 1418, 1612,2120, 2562,

Oppo 0575, 1224, 2545Optimus 0571Orion 0695, 0868Oritron 0651Panasonic 0490, 1641, 0503, 0632,

0703, 1362, 1462, 3641,3788, 3789, 3862, 3924,3928, 3935

Panavox 2129Philco 0675, 0690, 0733, 0788,

0790, 0862, 1855, 2000Philips 2056, 0539, 2434, 2084,

0503, 0675, 0646, 0671,1158, 1267, 1340, 1354,1846, 2334, 2371, 2526,2531, 2695, 2789, 3353,3594

PianoDisc 1024Pioneer 0571, 0142, 0631, 0632,

1571, 2042, 2442, 3963Polaroid 1013, 1020, 1061, 1086,

1245, 1316, 2109, 2110,2111, 2140,

Polk Audio 0539Portland 0770Presidian 0675, 1738Proceed 0672ProLine 2616Proscan 0522Protron 1461Punktal 2862

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Qwestar 0651Ranser 3154RCA 0522, 0571, 1769, 0717,

0790, 0822, 1013, 1083,1132, 2462, 2587, 2591,2592, 2593, 2594,

RE-BL 2555Recco 0698Rio 0869RJTech 0118Rotel 0623, 1178Royal 0690Sampo 0698, 0752Samsung 0199, 0573, 1075, 0490,

0744, 0298, 0820, 1044,2489, 2556, 2951, 3195

Sansui 0695, 0868Sanyo 0670, 0695, 0873, 1233,

2123Schmartz 2367Schneider 0646Semp 0503Semp Toshiba 0503Sensory Science 1158Sharp 0675, 2250, 0630, 0752,

1256, 1419, 2284Sharper Image 1117Sherwood 0741, 0633, 0770, 1043,

3052, 3925Shinco 0717Shinsonic 0533, 0839Sigmatek 1620Silver 1228Silver PointJapan 2819Skyworth 0766Sonic Blue 0869, 1099Sony 1633, 1516, 0533, 1070,

0864, 0772, 0862, 1033,1133, 1431, 1432, 1433,1536, 1540, 1541, 1548,1782, 1824, 2020, 2141,2504, 3964

StrombergCarlson 3634

Superscan 0821Supersonic 2300, 3870SVA 0672, 0860, 1105Sylvania 0675, 0630, 0821, 2336Symphonic 0675, 0821Tascam 1818TCL 2587Teac 0717, 0692, 0758, 0790,


Technics 0490, 0703Technika 1630Technosonic 0730Techwood 0692Tectoy 2630, 3542Telefunken 3076The SharperImage 1117Theta Digital 0571Thomson 0522, 0831, 3068Thule Audio 1007

Toshiba 0503, 2705, 1769, 0695,2006

Trent 2119Tritone Sound 1228Tronics 2841TYT 0705Urban Concepts 0503US Logic 0839V 1064Venturer 0790Vicini 1601Victor 1860Viore 2300, 2553VIZIO 1064, 1226Voxson 1630Vtrek 2462, 2583, 2587WB Electronics 2555X10 1338Xbox 0522, 2083, 1708, 2202,

2627X-View 1233, 1338, 2587Yamada 1004, 1158, 1416Yamaha 0490, 0539, 0497, 2298,

0646, 0817, 1354, 1416,1840, 3995,

Zenith 0503, 0741, 0591, 0869,2189

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Precauciones para el control remoto de seguridad• No exponga el control remoto a ambientes extremadamente cálidos o húmedos.

• No derrame líquidos sobre el control remoto.• No golpee o deje caer el control remoto.

• No desmonte el control remoto.

Disposición del productoNo deseche este producto junto con la basura normal, infórmese sobre la recogidaselectiva local de productos eléctricos y electrónicos para eliminar el productocorrectamente. Esto evitará las posibles consecuencias negativas para el medio

ambiente y la salud humana.

Precauciones con la batería de seguridad• Advertencia: Use solamente pilas "AAA".

• No coloque las pilas en el control remoto con la polaridad invertida.• No cargue, caliente, abra o dañe las baterías de ninguna manera.

• Retire las pilas del control remoto cuando no se utiliza elcontrol remoto durante períodos prolongados para evitar posibles

daños causados por fugas de líquido de la batería;• No deje pilas agotadas en el control remoto.

• No mezcle diferentes tipos de pilas.• No mezclar pilas usadas con pilas nuevas.

• Tomar precauciones para evitar que los niños pueden ponerse una bateríaen la boca o tragarse una batería.

• Si el líquido de la batería entra en contacto con la piel, la boca olos ojos, lávelos inmediatamente con abundante agua y buscar atención médica.

• No intente recargar las pilas.• No tire las pilas al fuego.

Disposición de la bateríaNo tire las pilas con la basura doméstica normal, informarse sobre la recogida

selectiva local de pilas usadas para disponer correctamente. Esto evitarálas posibles consecuencias negativas para el medio ambiente y la salud humana.


Argentina / Chile / Uruguay

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Precauções de segurança do controle remoto:• Não exponha o controle remoto a ambientes

extremamente quentes ou úmidos.• Não derrame líquidos sobre o controle remoto.• Não bata nem deixe cair o controle remoto.

• Não desmonte o controle remoto. "

Descarte do produto Não descarte este produto com o lixo doméstico normal, mas informe-se sobre olocal de recolha diferenciada para produtos elétricos e eletrônicos para eliminareste produto corretamente. Isso irá evitar eventuais conseqüências negativas para

o meio ambiente e para a saúde humana.

Bateria: precauções de segurança• Aviso: Utilize apenas pilhas "AAA".

• Não coloque as pilhas no controle remoto com as polaridades invertidas.• Não carregue, aqueça, abra ou danifique as baterias de forma alguma.

• Retire as pilhas do controle remoto quando não se utiliza por longos períodos para evitar possíveis danos causados por vazamento de fluido da bateria;

• Não deixe as pilhas gastas no controle remoto.• Não misture tipos diferentes de baterias.• Não misture pilhas velhas com novas.

• Manter longe do alcance de crianças. Crianças jamais podem colocar a bateria na boca ou engoli-la.

• Se o fluido da bateria entrar em contacto com a pele, boca ou os olhos, lavar imediata e abundantemente com água e procurar um médico.

• Não tente recarregar as baterias.• Não jogue as baterias no fogo.

Descarte de bateriasPor favor, não jogue as baterias com o lixo doméstico normal,

mas informe-se sobre a coleta local para as baterias gastas ao dispô-lascorretamente. Isso irá evitar

eventuais conseqüências negativas para o meio ambiente e para a saúde humana.


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Serviço de atendimento ao cliente

Brasile-Mails: Assist. técnica: [email protected]

Servicio de atención al cliente

ArgentinaOne for All Argentina Srl.Servicio post ventaTel: ++5411-4807-3434

UruguayBarraca Europa Tel: +598 2 924 9484Fax: +598 2 924 0017

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Argentina / Chile / Uruguay

Garantía LimitadaONE FOR ALL otorga al comprador originario, por un plazo máximo de 1 año desde la entrega del productocontenido en éste embalaje a dicho comprador, una garantía por defectos o vicios de cualquier índole (incluy-endo los vicios redhibitorios) cuando éstos afecten la identidad entre lo ofrecido y lo entregado o su correcto

funcionamiento. Salvo prueba en contrario se entenderá que la fecha de entrega del producto al comprador ori-ginario (plazo desde el cual comienza a correr el plazo de garantía otorgado) ocurrió en la misma fecha de

compra del mismo, siendo necesario presentar o exhibir el ticket de compra del producto para hacer efectiva lapresente garantía . Durante el plazo de vigencia de la garantía y siempre que se den los presupuestos mencio-nados, ONE FOR ALL reemplazará o reparará este producto, en forma gratuita, pudiendo a su criterio, en caso

de proceder a su reparación, utilizar a tal fin partes o repuestos nuevos o reconstruidos.

En el caso de que este producto no contenga el código de aparato correcto, seráactualizado. En el caso de que este control remoto no se pueda actualizar, será sustituido por un controle

remoto que contenga el código correspondiente en cuanto dicho código esté disponible.

Esta garantía no cubre los daños o fallas causados por productos o servicios que no han sido suministrados porONE FOR ALL, o que sea el resultado de un accidente, uso inapropiado, abuso, negligencia, manejo inapropiado,aplicación equivocada, mala instalación, ajustes, mantenimiento inapropiado, alteraciones, mal ajuste de los

controles del consumidor, modificaciones, uso comercial, o aquello que sea atribuible a un acto de Dios.


PERIODO DEGARANTÍA ESTABLECIDO ANTERIORMENTE. Algunos estados no permiten la exclusión o la limitación de dañosincidentales o emergentes, o limitaciones en la duración de una garantía implícita, por lo tanto las exclusiones olimitaciones de más arriba puede que no correspondan en su caso. Esta garantía le concede derechos legales

específicos y es también posible que usted tenga otros derechos los cuales varían de estado a estado.

Copyright 2012 de ONE FOR ALL. Todos los derechos reservados. Ninguna parte de esta publicación puede serreproducida, transmitida, transcrita, almacenada en cualquier tipo de sistema de recuperación, o traducida acualquier idioma, en cualquier forma o por cualquier método, electrónico, magnético, óptico, manual o de otra

manera sin la autorización previa y por escrito de ONE FOR ALL

One For All Argentina Srl.Av Libertador 5750 5th pisoCP 1428 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, ArgentinaPH: 541148073434VAT 30707237755


Termo de GarantiaA ONE FOR ALL concede ao primeiro adquirente do produto por um período máximo de 1(um) ano da datada compra, uma garantia contra defeitos ou vícios de qualquer natureza que afetem o funcionamento ade-quado do produto. Salvo prova em contrário, o termo de garantia terá início a partir da data da compra doproduto sendo obrigatória a apresentação da respectiva nota fiscal para a validade desta garantia. Por esteperíodo de garantia a ONE FOR ALL, conforme sua opção, substituirá ou consertará este produto e somente

em território nacional (utilizando peças novas ou recondicionadas). Se este produto apresentar algum defeito e desde que este tenha sido montado e manuseado conforme ori-entações descritas no manual do usuário que o acompanha , será efetuada a sua troca no prazo máximo de

30 dias da comunicação de defeito do produto, sem qualquer despesa. No caso deste produto não conter o código de aparelho correto, será então atualizado.

Na impossibilidade de atualização deste controle remoto, será então substituído por outro controle remoto que contenha o código aplicável no

menor prazo possível, pois estará sujeito a disponibilidade em estoque. Esta garantia não cobre danos ou falhas causados por produtos ou serviços que não são fornecidos pela

ONE FOR ALL, ou que resultem de acidente, mau uso, abuso, negligência, manuseio errôneo, má aplicação,instalação errada, ajuste incompatível para instalação, manutenção inadequada, alterações, ajustes do con-troles feitos pelo consumidor, modificação ou uso comercial ou modificações ou consertos realizados por

pessoas ou entidades não credenciadas pela ONE FOR ALL. A garantia também não será válida se houver remoção/alteração do número de série ou

da identificação do produtoO consumidor fica ciente de que não há quaisquer outras garantias expressas ou implícitas além das




A ONE FOR ALL, garante ao usuário deste produto os serviços de Assistência Técnica par a a substituiçãode componentes ou partes, bem como mão-de-obra necessária para reparos de eventuais defeitos, devida-mente constatados como sendo de fabricação, pelo período de garantia aqui definido e consoante os dados

de contato que constam do manual.Copyright 2012 pela ONE FOR ALL. Nenhuma parte desta publicação pode ser reproduzida, transmitida, transcrita, armazenada em um sistema de recuperação, ou traduzida para qualquer idioma, em qualquer

circunstância ou qualquer meio, eletrônico, mecânico, magnético, ótico, manual ou outro, sem o consentimento prévio por escrito da ONE FOR ALL

Produto importado.Comercializado por Opeco Operações Comerciais Imp. Exp. LtdaCNPJ.: 68.926.641/0001-05Rua General Flores, nº 74São Paulo – SPe-Mails: Assist. técnica: [email protected]

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Universal Electronics BVEurope & InternationalP.O. Box 33327500 DH, EnschedeThe Netherlands

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