PV CPG 05.05.2011 PE 463.602/CPG EN EN PE-7/CPG/PV/2011-14 EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT CONFERENCE OF PRESIDENTS MINUTES of the ordinary meeting of Thursday 5 May 2011 PHS Building, Room 06B 01 Brussels

of the ordinary meeting of Thursday 5 May 2011 · 2017-07-24 · PV CPG 05.05.2011 2/41 PE 463.602/CPG EN PE-7/CPG/PV/2011-14 CONFERENCE OF PRESIDENTS MINUTES of the ordinary meeting

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of the ordinary meeting of Thursday

5 May 2011

PHS Building, Room 06B 01


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of the ordinary meeting of

Thursday, 5 May 2011

from 11.00 to 13.00 hours

PHS Building, Room 06B 1




1. Adoption of draft agenda 8

2. Approval of the Minutes of the meeting of 7 April 2011 9

3. Adoption of the final draft agenda for the May part-session (9 to 12 May 2011 in

Strasbourg) scheduling of key debates in plenary 10

4. Communications of the President 12

4.1 Budget Meeting of Presidents of Commission, Parliament, Council, on 14 April on

2011 12

4.2 Inauguration of EURONEST Parliamentary Assembly, on 2 May 2011 12

4.3 Ceremony for 25th Anniversary of EU Flag - Strasbourg, on 9 May 2011 13

4.4 Extraordinary Conference of Presidents with President BARROSO on 2012 EU

Budget, on 11 May 2011 13

4.5 Conference of Presidents meeting with Danish Council Presidency, on 1-2

December 2011 13

4.6 Report on Working Group on Codes of Conduct 14

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5. Special committee on the policy challenges and budgetary resources for a

sustainable European Union after 2013 (SURE) - Report by Ms HAUG, Chair, on

the state of play of on-going work 15

5.1 Interinstitutional Working Group on Agencies (IWG) - Report by Ms HAUG, Chair

of the EP delegation, on the latest developments in the Working Group 17

5.2 Economic Governance Package - Procedure - Letter from Mr SCHULZ, Chair of

the S&D Group, Ms HARMS, Co-Chair of the Greens-EFA Group and Mr BISKY,

Chair of the GUE/NGL Group 19


6. Rule 48 of EP Rules of Procedure: List of legislative initiative reports - Non-

legislative own-initiative reports - Strategic reports - Annual activity and

monitoring reports - Implementation reports - Letter from Mr LEHNE, Chair of the

Conference of Committee Chairs 21

7. Request for procedure with associated committees under Rule 50 - Letter from Mr

LEHNE, Chair of the Conference of Committee Chairs 22

Visits outside the three places of work 23

8. Request to send an ad hoc delegation to Calabria to examine the troubling

environmental situation - Letter from Mr LEINEN, Chair of the Committee on the

Environment, Public Health and Food Safety 23

9. Request from the Committee on Petitions on decisions regarding delegation visits

for the year 2011 - Letter from Ms MAZZONI, Chair of the Committee concerned 24

10. Request from the Committee on the internal Market and Consumer Protection to

send a delegation to the Single Market Forum in Cracow, Poland on 3 and 4

October 2011 - financial statement - Letter from Mr HARBOUR, Chair of the

Committee concerned 26

11. Request from the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety to

send a delegation to the European Centre for Disease Control (ECDC) in

Stockholm on 1 and 2 September 2011 - financial statement - Letter from Mr

LEINEN, Chair of the Committee concerned 27

12. Request from the Committee on Development to send a delegation to South Sudan

on the end of July (week 29) - financial statement - Letter from Ms JOLY, Chair of

the Committee concerned 29

13. Invitation to send an ad-hoc delegation to the 2011 UNCTAD Public Symposium

from 22 to 24 June 2011 (days partly set aside for the part-session in Brussels) in

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Geneva - Letter from Mr MOREIRA and Ms JOLY, Chairs of the committees

concerned 31

14. Request to send an ad hoc delegation to Tunisia and the Tunisian-Libyan borders -

Letter from Mr LÓPEZ AGUILAR, Chair of the Committee on Civil Liberties,

Justice and Home Affairs 32

15. Request from the Subcommittee on Human Rights to send a delegation to Honduras

and Mexico from 16 to 20 May 2011 - draft programme - financial statement -

Letter from Ms HAUTALA, Chair of the Subcommittee concerned 34

16. Request from the Bureau of the Delegation for Relations with the People's Republic

to organise a mission to Beijing and Hong Kong from 16 to 18 May 2011 to prepare

the 31st and 32nd EP/China Interparliamentary meetings - financial statement -

Letter from Mr RIVELLINI, Chair of the delegation concerned 36

17. Request from the EFD Group for authorisation to hold its study days in

Copenhagen from 27 to 30 June 2011 (one day set aside for committee meetings) -

financial statement - Letter from Mr BORDEZ, Secretary-General of the Group 38

18. Urgent matters and any other business 39

18.1 Request to an inter-parliamentary meeting in Strasbourg on 11 May 2011 - Letter

from Mr LANGEN, Chair of the delegation of the countries with South East Asia

and the Association of South East Asian Nations. 39

19. Items for information 40

19.1 Interinstitutional correspondence 40

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of the meeting of Thursday 5 May 2011

from 11.00-13.00 hours


The meeting opened at 11.03 hrs, with Mr Jerzy BUZEK,

President of the European Parliament, in the chair.


Mr BUZEK, President

Political Group Chairs


Mr SWOBODA (acting) (S&D)


Ms HARMS (Co-Chair) (Greens/EFA)

Mr KIRKHOPE (acting) (ECR)

Mr LE HYARIC (acting) (GUE/NGL)

Mr SPERONI (Co-Chair) (EFD)

Non attached Member

Ms WERTHMANN1 (Non-attached Member)

Also Present

Mr WELLE, Secretary-General

1 Present pursuant to Rule 24 (2) of the Rules of Regulations of Procedure

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Mr LEHNE, Chair of the Conference of Committee Chairs

Invited for the item 5.

Ms HAUG, Chair of the Special committee on the policy challenges and budgetary resources

for a sustainable European Union after 2013 (SURE)

Invited for the item 5.1

Ms HAUG, Chair of the EP Delegation on the Interinstitutional Working Group on Agencies

Invited for the item 5.2

Ms BOWLES, Chair of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs

The Council 1

represented by Ms ARPIO


The Commission1



The Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs

and Security Policy1

represented by Mr MATTHIESSEN


Office of the President










1 present for items 1-3 of the agenda

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Office of the Secretary-General







DG Presidency (PRES) Ms F. RATTI/Mr DUNSTAN/ Mr LANE /Mr









DG External Policies (EXPO) Mr AGUIRIANO/Mr C. HUBER



DG Interpretation and conferences (INTE) Ms COSMIDOU


DG Innovation, Technical support (ITEC) Mr VILELLA


Director for relations with Political Groups Mr WINKLER

Secretariat of the Bureau Ms LINNUS

Political groups









Mr HILLER, Ms CASALPRIM, Mr PEGAZZANO and Ms SHEIL acted as secretaries to the


1 Present for item 1 to 4 2 Present for item 5 3 Present for item 5.2 4 President for item 5.1

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1. Adoption of draft agenda

The Conference of Presidents

- noted the draft agenda (PE 463.600/CPG) and adopted it in the form shown in these


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2. Approval of the Minutes of the meeting of 7 April 2011

The Conference of Presidents

- noted and approved the Minutes of the meeting of 7 April 2011 in Strasbourg

(PE 461.477/CPG and annex).

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3. Adoption of the final draft agenda for the May part-session (9 to 12 May 2011 in

Strasbourg) scheduling of key debates in plenary

The Conference of Presidents

- noted the following documents:

a letter dated 6 April 2011 from Mr LEHNE, Chair of the Conference of

Committee Chairs, on proposals for priority debates in plenary for the period

June to September 2011 (PE 461.541/CPG and annex);

a letter dated 6 April 2011 from Mr LEHNE, Chair of the Conference of

Committee Chairs, on co-decisions files currently under negotiation (PE

461.540/CPG and annex);

a letter dated 6 April 2011 from Mr LEHNE, Chair of the Conference of

Committee Chairs, on recommendations concerning the agenda of the May

2011 part-session (PE 461.537/CPG and annex);

a letter dated 1 April 2011 from Ms BERÈS, Chair of the Committee on

Employment and Social Affairs, on a request for tabling a debate on the G20

Social Summit on the agenda of the September plenary session (PE


a provisional calendar, dated 5 May 2011, of the committee and delegation

meetings scheduled in Strasbourg for the May part-session

(PE 463.729/CPG);

- considered the final draft agenda for the May part-session (9 to 12 May 2011 in

Strasbourg) in the light of notes drafted by DG Presidency setting out the various

options, distributed after the preparatory meetings of 3 and 4 May 2011 with the

Secretaries-General of the political groups, and adopted the proposals contained in

those notes with the following modifications:

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Tuesday 10 May 2011

- decided to insert the oral question to the Commission on "Nuclear Safety 25

years after the Chernobyl disaster" as the third item on the agenda on Tuesday

afternoon and to reschedule the oral questions to the Council and the

Commission on "Small Business Act review", originally foreseen for the

above slot, as the second item on the agenda on Wednesday afternoon;

Wednesday 11 May 2011

- decided to amend the title of the second item on the morning agenda as

follows: "Statements by the Vice-President of the Commission/High

Representative of the Union for Foreign and Security Policy - Situation in

Syria and in Camp Ashraf "

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4. Communications of the President

4.1 Budget Meeting of Presidents of Commission, Parliament, Council, on 14 April on 2011

The Conference of Presidents

- heard the President inform the meeting that pursuant to Article 324 TFEU, he had

participated in a meeting with Commission President BARROSO and Prime

Minister ORBAN, on 14 April, to discuss on budgetary matters. More particularly,

he mentioned that:

on the 2012 Budget, the Commission would finally propose an increase

of 4.9 per cent ;

on the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), the Commission was

ready to present, on 29 or 30 June 2011, the general Commission

communication on the MFF, a draft regulation for the MFF and the

draft decision on own resources. In addition, President BARROSO

hoped to be able to present the MFF proposals to the Parliament

immediately after adoption by the Commission, on one or other of those


4.2 Inauguration of EURONEST Parliamentary Assembly, on 2 May 2011

The Conference of Presidents

- heard the President report that on 2 May 2011, the EURONEST Parliamentary

Assembly had held its inaugural meeting, in the hemicycle in Brussels, where the

national parliaments of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine were

represented. He further added that, unfortunately, Belarus was not represented as

they would be excluded until such time as the country holds free and fair elections.

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4.3 Ceremony for 25th Anniversary of EU Flag - Strasbourg, on 9 May 2011

The Conference of Presidents

- heard the President mention that Parliament would hold in Strasbourg, on Monday

9 May 2011, a short ceremony on the 'parvis' of the LOW Building to celebrate the

25th anniversary of the European flag. He further added that he would attend the

ceremony from 17h30 to 17h55.

4.4 Extraordinary Conference of Presidents with President BARROSO on the 2012 EU

Budget, on 11 May 2011

The Conference of Presidents

- heard the President inform the Conference that the planned meeting with President

BARROSO and the Conference of Presidents to discuss the EU Budget would take

place in Strasbourg, on Wednesday 11 May 2011, from 08h00 to 9h00. He further

noted that President BARROSO would be accompanied by Commissioner


4.5 Conference of Presidents' meeting with in-coming Danish Council Presidency, on 1-2

December 2011

The Conference of Presidents

- heard the President mention that the future Danish Presidency of the Council of

Ministers, which begins on 1 January 2012, was already planning its programme of

meetings, and that it was proposed that the Conference of Presidents should visit

Copenhagen for the traditional meeting with the government of the in-coming

presidency member state on Thursday 1 December 2011 - leaving Brussels after the

mini-plenary votes - and on Friday 2 December 2011;

- endorsed this proposal.

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4.6 Report on Working Group on Codes of Conduct

The Conference of Presidents

- heard the President note that the first full meeting of the Bureau Working Group on

Codes of Conduct took place on 19 April 2011. He further noted that:

Vice-Presidents LAMBRINIDIS and WALLIS, Vice-Chairs of this

Working Group, would be very actively involved in the conduct of the

work, and for this purpose, on 3 May 2011, he had held the first of a

regular series of preparatory meetings with the Vice-Chairs;

the Working Group would be meeting every week (excluding "turquoise

weeks"), until just before the summer recess, when it would present its

final recommendations. Each meeting would alternately discuss relations

with outside interests and Members' issues;

the Working Group planned to hold an exchange of views with

representatives of outside interest groups and non-governmental bodies

in this field, in order to draw on their expertise;

the Committee on Constitutional Affairs would be informed regularly

about the on-going work, as the recommendations of the Working Group

might lead to proposals for changes in the Parliament's Rules of


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5. Special committee on the policy challenges and budgetary resources for a sustainable

European Union after 2013 (SURE) - Report by Ms HAUG, Chair, on the state of play of

ongoing work

The Conference of Presidents

- noted the following documents:

a draft report dated 3 March 2011 from Mr GARRIGA POLLEDO on

"Investing in the future: a new Multinational Financial Framework (MFF) for

a competitive, sustainable and inclusive Europe" (PE 458.649 -


an EP decision of 26 June 2010 on the setting up and numerical strength of

the special committee on the policy challenges and budgetary resources for a

sustainable European Union after 2013 (P7_TA (2010)0225);

an EP resolution of 15 December 2010 on the draft general budget of the

European Union for the financial year 2011, all sections, as modified by the

Council (P7_TA (2010)0475).

- heard Ms HAUG, Chair of the Special committee on the policy challenges and

budgetary resources for a sustainable European Union after 2013 (SURE), give a

report on the work of that Committee and the state of play on the main political

issues at stake, in the context of the Committee's final vote on 25 May and the likely

Plenary vote on 9 June 2011;

- thanked Ms HAUG for her work in undertaking and accomplishing such a difficult

and complex task;

- held an exchange of views, with the participation of Mr VERHOFSTADT, Chair of

the ALDE Group, Mr SPERONI, Co-Chair of the EFD Group, Mr VIDAL-

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QUADRAS, acting Chair of the EPP Group, Mr SWOBODA, acting Chair of the

S&D Group, Mr KIRKHOPE, acting Chair of the ECR Group, Ms HARMS, Co-

Chair of the Greens/EFA Group, and Mr LE HYARIC, acting Chair of the GUE


- heard Mr VERHOFSTADT, Chair of the ALDE Group, stress the importance of

the Conference of Presidents taking a close and continuing interest in the MFF

issues and propose specifically that it come back to the issue, after the SURE vote

and before summer recess in order to define and develop the Parliament's strategic


- endorsed this proposal.

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5.1 Interinstitutional Working Group on Agencies (IWG) - Report by Ms HAUG, Chair of

the EP delegation, on the latest developments in the Working Group

The Conference of Presidents

- noted the following documents:

a letter dated 19 April 2011, from Ms HAUG, Chair of the EP delegation in

the Interinstitutional Working Group on Agencies, on the above-mentioned

subject (PE 463.651/CPG);

Extract of the minutes from the Conference of Presidents on 26 November


- took note of the letter from Ms HAUG, Chair of the EP delegation in the

Interinstitutional Working Group on Agencies (IWG), transmitting preliminary

joint conclusions which were reached at the fourth political level meeting on 23

March 2011;

- heard Ms HAUG, Chair of the EP delegation in the Interinstitutional Working

Group on Agencies, introduce the matter and stress, inter alia:

agencies have become an important element in the EU institutional


the Parliament's delegation is aiming at streamlining, harmonising and

improving the governance and functioning of agencies;

the 4th meeting at political level allowed the presentation of preliminary

concrete results mainly in the field of governance, this will allow the

presentation of amendments for two ongoing revisions of founding

regulations (EMSA and ENISA); as the changes agreed should apply to

new but also to existing agencies;

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at the end of mandate a set of guidelines for the use of Parliament's

committees would need to be elaborated for those elements falling under

the scope of the IWG;

the aim of the IWG was to finalize its work before the end of the year.

- heard Ms HAUG further request the endorsement by the Conference for the

approach that the Parliament's delegation to the Interinstitutional Working Group

on Agencies was taking on the following matters:

the decision on the seat of an agency to be included in the founding

regulation, during the legislative process, so that the Parliament is able to

validate the choice on the basis of objective criteria, including an

agency's remoteness or accessibility;

the procedure for nominating the agencies' directors and the Parliament's

role in this respect (hearing of the selected candidate(s) before


the Parliament's say on the multiannual work programme;

the modalities for a more efficient monitoring of agencies' work by the

Commission and other institutions.

- endorsed the afore-mentioned request.

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5.2 Economic Governance Package - Procedure - Letter from Mr SCHULZ, Chair of the

S&D Group, Ms HARMS, Co-Chair of the Greens-EFA Group and Mr BISKY, Chair of

the GUE/NGL Group

The Conference of Presidents

- noted the following documents:

a letter dated 27 April 2011 on the above-mentioned subject


Code of Conduct for negotiating in the context of the ordinary legislative

procedures (Annex XXI);

Minutes of the Conference of Presidents on 10 March 2011 on first reading


- heard Ms BOWLES, Chair of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs

(ECON), note that the ECON Committee had voted the six reports of the Economic

Governance Package on Tuesday 19 April 2011, and had decided on 20 April 2011,

following a vote with 26 votes in favour and 14 against, to enter into exploratory

talks with the Council with a view to possibly finding an agreement at first reading

on this package;

- heard Mr SWOBODA, acting Chair of the S&D Group, propose that the Parliament

should seek to find as broad a majority as possible for its position on key files such

as the Economic Governance Package - possibly through a plenary endorsement of

the mandate - before engaging in talks with Council, citing the approach adopted by

the Conference of Presidents on 10 March 2011;

- held an exchange of views on the matter, with the participation of Mr

VERHOFSTADT, Chair of the ALDE Group, Mr VIDAL-QUADRAS, acting

Chair of the EPP Group, Mr KIRKHOPE, acting Chair of the ECR Group, Ms

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HARMS, Co-Chair of the Greens/EFA Group and Mr LE HYARIC, acting Chair of

the GUE Group;

- heard Mr VERHOFSTADT, Chair of the ALDE Group, note that the Council was

only expected to adopt a comprehensive negotiating position on the Economic

Governance Package at the meeting of the Ecofin Council on 17 May 2011;

- decided that it would return to the matter once the Council's position was known,

and that exploratory talks with the Council could continue at committee level in the


- endorsed the above proposal.

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6. Rule 48 of EP Rules of Procedure: List of legislative initiative reports - Non-legislative

own-initiative reports - Strategic reports - Annual activity and monitoring reports -

Implementation reports - Letter from Mr LEHNE, Chair of the Conference of Committee


The Conference of Presidents, without debate,

- noted the following documents:

a letter dated 6 April 2011 from Mr LEHNE, Chair of the Conference of

Committee Chairs, on the above-mentioned subject (PE 461.538/CPG and


- took note of the requests for authorisation for eleven non-legislative own-initiative

reports referred to under heading C of the above-mentioned letter and authorised

them to be drawn up, in the light of the justifications provided;

- took note of three strategic own-initiative reports referred to under heading B of the

above-mentioned letter, authorised by the Conference of Committee Chairs;

- took note of one annual activity and monitoring report referred to under heading D

of the above-mentioned letter, which is subject to automatic authorisation.

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7. Request for procedure with associated committees under Rule 50 - Letter from Mr

LEHNE, Chair of the Conference of Committee Chairs

The Conference of Presidents, without debate,

- noted the following documents:

a letter dated 6 April 2011 from Mr LEHNE, Chair of the Conference of

Committee Chairs, on the above-mentioned subject (PE 461.542/CPG and


- took note of the requests transmitted by the Chair of the Conference of Committee

Chairs, and authorised the application of Rule 50 of the Rules of Procedure for the

following three items:

Legislative Matters

Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and the Council on

conditions of entrance and residence of third-country nationals for the

purposes of seasonal employment (COM(2010)0379 - 2010/0210(COD));

(Responsible committee: LIBE Committee; EMPL requests application of Rule 50);

Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and the Council on

conditions of entrance and residence of third-country nationals in the

framework of an intra-corporate transfer (COM(2010)0378 -


(Responsible committee: LIBE Committee; EMPL requests application of Rule 50);

Non-Legislative Matters

The European Semester for economic policy coordination


(Responsible committee: ECON Committee; EMPL requests application of Rule 50).

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Visits outside the three places of work

8. Request to send an ad hoc delegation to Calabria to examine the troubling environmental

situation - Letter from Mr LEINEN, Chair of the Committee on the Environment, Public

Health and Food Safety

The Conference of Presidents, without debate,

- noted the following documents:

two letters, dated 27 April and 23 March 2011, from Mr LEINEN, Chair of

the Committee on he Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, on the

above-mentioned subject (PE 461.442/CPG and financial statement);

- took note of the request from the Committee on the Environment, Public Health

and Food Safety to send a committee delegation - within the Committee's annual

quota - to Calabria, Italy, to examine allegations of toxic waste dumping in the

region and insufficient implementation of environmental protection legislation;

- noted that this delegation was not included in the programme for travel by

parliamentary committee delegations outside the three places of work in 2011, as

approved by the Bureau on 13 December 2010 and that the request does not specify

the dates for the Committee's visit to Calabria;

- noted that committees may decide not to use up their maximum travel quota when

establishing the annual programme and to set aside part of their quota in order to be

able to add one or more missions during the year;

- endorsed, in principle, the above request on the condition of full compliance with

the Parliament's calendar and the rules on committee delegations and on the

understanding that the exact dates for the visit should be communicated to the

President in good time before the departure of the delegation;

- submitted the request to the Bureau for final decision.

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9. Request from the Committee on Petitions on decisions regarding delegation visits for the

year 2011 - Letter from Ms MAZZONI, Chair of the Committee concerned

The Conference of Presidents, without debate,

- noted the following documents:

a letter dated 31March 2011, from Ms MAZZONI, Chair of the Committee

concerned, on the above-mentioned subject (PE 461.516/CPG and financial

statement for the visit to Berlin);

- took note of the request from the Committee on Petitions (PETI) to send a

maximum of four Members on a delegation to Bulgaria in the week of 27 June - 1

July 2011 (a mixed committee/political group week);

- noted that the above delegation - without a specific timing - was included in the

programme for travel by parliamentary committee delegations outside the three

places of work in 2011, as approved by the Bureau on 13 December 2010;

- endorsed the above request on the understanding that the delegation would leave

after the political group meetings on Wednesday 29 June 2011;

- took note of the request from the PETI Committee to send a committee delegation

as soon as possible to Berlin to meet with its German counterpart and Ministerial


- noted that the above delegation was not included in the programme for travel by

parliamentary committee delegations outside the three places of work in 2011, as

approved by the Bureau on 13 December 2010;

- endorsed, in principle, the above request on the condition of full compliance with

the Parliament's calendar and the rules on committee delegations and that the exact

dates for the visit and composition of the delegation should be communicated to the

President in good time before the departure of the delegation;

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- submitted the two above requests to the Bureau for final decision;

- decided to possibly return to other requests from the PETI Committee for

committee delegations in 2011 on the basis of more detailed information to be

provided by the Committee.

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10. Request from the Committee on the internal Market and Consumer Protection to send a

delegation to the Single Market Forum in Cracow, Poland on 3 and 4 October 2011 -

financial statement - Letter from Mr HARBOUR, Chair of the Committee concerned

This item was withdrawn on request of the IMCO Committee Chair.

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11. Request from the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety to send

a delegation to the European Centre for Disease Control (ECDC) in Stockholm on 1 and

2 September 2011 - financial statement - Letter from Mr LEINEN, Chair of the

Committee concerned

The Conference of Presidents, without debate,

- noted the following document:

a letter dated 30 March 2011 from Mr LEINEN, Chair of the Committee

concerned, on the above-mentioned subject (PE 461.511/CPG, annex and

financial statement);

- took note of the letter from Mr LEINEN, Chair of the Committee on the

Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, requesting authorisation to send a

delegation to the European Centre for Disease Control (ECDC) in Stockholm, on 1-

2 September 2011 (dates set aside for external parliamentary activities), composed

of three Members (within the special 'Agency quota') and a possible unspecified

number of additional members to be taken from the Committee's ordinary annual


- recalled that, in approving the Annual Programme of Committee Delegations for

2011, the Conference "asked that specific requests be submitted by the Committees

concerned in connection with each one of these visits, accompanied by financial

statements and respecting the rules in force concerning travel periods and quotas,

including the rules on visits to agencies";

- recalled that pursuant to Article (2a) of the Rules in force: "Every two years, each

committee shall be authorised to send, during the weeks set aside for external

parliamentary activities and for no more than three days, a three-member delegation

to agencies (...)";

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- endorsed the sending of a delegation composed of three Members as foreseen in the

relevant provisions of the rules in force, and referred the matter to the Bureau for

final decision.

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12. Request from the Committee on Development to send a delegation to South Sudan on the

end of July (week 29) - financial statement - Letter from Ms JOLY, Chair of the

Committee concerned

The Conference of Presidents, without debate,

- noted the following document:

a letter dated 5 April 2011, from Ms JOLY, Chair of the Committee on

Development, on the above-mentioned subject (PE 461.548/CPG and revised

financial statement);

- took note of the letter from Ms JOLY, Chair of the Committee on Development,

requesting authorisation to change the delegation, initially scheduled in the Annual

Programme of Committee Delegations for 2011, to Sierra Leona (week 29, dates set

aside for external parliamentary activities) for a delegation to South Sudan with the

same dates and composition (4 members) as originally approved for Sierra Leone;

- noted that in the annual Programme of Committee Delegations for 2011 no specific

dates were mentioned and recall that pursuant Article 6 of the Rules in force" (1) In

principle, the duration of missions may not exceed three days, including journey

times. (2) In exceptional cases, if it is necessary to undertake a long journey or if

links to the destination are poor, a delegation may be granted up to two days’

additional journey time";

- stressed the importance of a thorough evaluation of the security situation on the

ground including the need for obtaining positive reports from the EEAS (including

SitCen) on the planned visit;

- endorsed the sending of the above mentioned delegation to South Sudan on the

understanding that security conditions on the ground are met and that the visit is in

full compliance with the rules on committee delegations, notably with regard to the

duration of the visit (three days, including journey times) and the respect of the

annual quota;

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- submitted the request to the Bureau for final decision.

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13. Invitation to send an ad-hoc delegation to the 2011 UNCTAD Public Symposium from

22 to 24 June 2011 (days partly set aside for the part-session in Brussels) in Geneva -

Letter from Mr MOREIRA and Ms JOLY, Chairs of the committees concerned

The Conference of Presidents, without debate,

- noted the following document:

a letter dated 18 April 2011, from Mr MOREIRA, Chair of the Committee on

International Trade and Ms JOLY, Chair of the Committee on Development,

on the above-mentioned subject (PE 463.647/CPG, annexes and financial


- took note of the letter from Mr MOREIRA and Ms JOLY, Chairs of the

Committees on International Trade and Development, respectively, requesting

authorisation to send an ad hoc delegation to the UNCTAD Public Symposium, on

22-24 June 2011 (two of the three days set aside for a part-session in Brussels), in

Geneva, composed of seven Members drawn from the committees concerned;

- recalled that pursuant to Article 22(1) of the Rules in force the Conference of

Presidents may authorise ad hoc delegations "in response to an unforeseen event of

major political significance which cannot be dealt with on the basis of the annual

programme referred to in Article 8(1)" and that pursuant to Article 6(3) of the same

Rules, "where possible, ad hoc delegations shall undertake missions during the

weeks set aside for external parliamentary activities";

- noted that the event in question is not unforeseen in the meaning of Art. 22(1) and

therefore does not qualify for the application of the relevant provisions for sending

of ad-hoc delegations; noted in addition that the dates of the Symposium coincide

with a part-session;

- decided to decline the request in question since, in the light of the above, it is not in

line with the Rules in force.

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14. Request to send an ad hoc delegation to Tunisia and the Tunisian-Libyan borders - Letter

from Mr LÓPEZ AGUILAR, Chair of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and

Home Affairs

The Conference of Presidents, without debate,

- noted the following document:

a letter dated 30 March 2011, from Mr LÓPEZ AGUILAR, Chair of the

Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs on the above-

mentioned subject (PE 461.510/CPG);

- took note of the request from Mr LÓPEZ AGUILAR, requesting authorisation to

send an ad hoc delegation to Tunisia and the Tunisian-Libyan Border without

specifying any particular date, to be sent in the next two months taking into account

the evolution of the situation and the Parliament's calendar;

- took note note that the aim of the proposed delegation is to discuss with the

authorities, local actors and NGOs the current situation of refugees and the possible

implications for the European Union, notably as regards as migration flows;

- recalled that pursuing to Article 22 of the Rules in force, (...) the request shall be

based on a proposal from a political group, the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the

Committee on Development or the Committee on International Trade, (...)

specifying the general terms and objectives (“mission statement”) of its remit and

the period for which it is to be constituted (...); noted that the request as submitted

was therefore not in line with the Rules in force;

- authorised instead, in view of the political importance and on request by the

political groups, the sending of an ad hoc delegation composed by seven Members

of the political groups appointed in accordance with the rolling d'Hondt system,

which shall also apply to the non-attached Members; the delegation would have the

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same objective as the one originally requested by the LIBE Committee; furthermore

noted that the exact dates for this mission remain to be fixed in full respect of the

parliamentary calendar and taking into account the political developments and

security situation on the ground.

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15. Request from the Subcommittee on Human Rights to send a delegation to Honduras and

Mexico from 16 to 20 May 2011 - draft programme - financial statement - Letter from

Ms HAUTALA, Chair of the Subcommittee concerned

The Conference of Presidents, without debate,

- noted the following document:

a letter dated 20 April 2011, from Ms HAUTALA, Chair of the

Subcommittee concerned, on the above-mentioned subject (PE 461.509/CPG

and financial statement);

- took note of the letter from Ms HAUTALA, Chair of the DROI Subcommittee,

requesting authorisation to change the delegation to China, initially included in the

Annual Programme of committee delegation travel for 2011, for a delegation to

Honduras and Mexico, on 16-20 May 2011 (dates set aside for external

parliamentary activities), composed of four Members; and to exceed the standard

three day travelling period for a committee delegation to a five day travelling

period due to the long-distance travel involved; furthermore the chair requested to

be authorised to travel hors quota.

- took note of the draft programme which includes a visit to Tegucigalpa (Honduras),

Mexico City and Chihuahua (Mexico);

- recalled that pursuing to Article 6 of the Rules in force" (1) In principle, the

duration of missions may not exceed three days, including journey times. (2) In

exceptional cases, if it is necessary to undertake a long journey or if links to the

destination are poor, a delegation may be granted up to two days’ additional

journey time";

- recalled that the Conference, at its meeting of 7 April 2011, in approving the

revision of the Rules governing the travel by Committee delegations outside of the

three places of work, decided, pending the approval by the Bureau, to allow

committee and subcommittee chairs to travel on all their committee's official

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delegations, outside the committee quota, it being understood that, if allowed, this

should be a strictly non-transferable right to be enjoyed solely by the chair;

- endorsed the sending of the requested committee delegation as mentioned above,

on an exceptional basis, in the light of the justifications provided and on the

understanding that the quota was respected and security measures on the ground

were met;

- submitted the request to the Bureau for final decision.

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16. Request from the Bureau of the Delegation for Relations with the People's Republic to

organise a mission to Beijing and Hong Kong from 16 to 18 May 2011 to prepare the

31st and 32nd EP/China Interparliamentary meetings - financial statement - Letter from

Mr RIVELLINI, Chair of the delegation concerned

The Conference of Presidents, without debate,

- noted the following document:

a letter dated 30 March 2011, from Mr RIVELLINI, Chair of the delegation

concerned, on the above-mentioned subject (PE 461.523/CPG and financial


- took note of the letter from Mr RIVELLINI, Chair of the Delegation concerned,

requesting authorisation to send a Bureau delegation to Beijing and Hong Kong, on

16-18 May 2011 (dates set aside for external parliamentary activities), to be

composed of three Members;

- recalled that, in approving the Annual Programme of Delegation travel for 2011,

the Conference of Presidents, at its meeting of 25 November 2010, noted that while

the EP/China Delegation Bureau in week 7 aimed at preparing the 31st EP/China

IPM in Brussels, no reason seems to justify another EP/China Delegation Bureau

meeting towards the end of the year (week 44) in China; withheld, therefore,

authorisation pending specific justification for that meeting;

- recalled that the Conference of Presidents, at its meeting of 31 of March 2011,

authorised the modification of the work program of the EP/China inter-

parliamentary delegation including activities directly linked with this request; noted

that the visit of the delegation requested had a preparatory purpose in relation with

the future IPM meetings which would take place in Brussels, on 14-15 June and in

China, on 1-5 September 2011 (new dates approved);

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- authorised, exceptionally, in the light of the justifications and in view of the

modified work programme including the new sequence of meetings, the sending of

the Bureau delegation in question on the understanding that the annual quota was


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17. Request from the EFD Group for authorisation to hold its study days in Copenhagen from

27 to 30 June 2011 (one day set aside for committee meetings) - financial statement -

Letter from Mr BORDEZ, Secretary-General of the Group

The Conference of Presidents, without debate,

- noted the following document:

a letter dated 12 April 2011 from Mr BORDEZ, Secretary-General of the

EFD Group, on the above-mentioned subject (PE 463.645/CPG, annex and

financial statement);

- took note of the request from the EFD Group to hold study days of its Group in

Denmark, on 27-30 June 2011 (27 and 30 June being dates set aside for committee


- authorised the request by way of exception.

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18. Urgent matters and any other business

18.1 Request to an inter-parliamentary meeting in Strasbourg on 11 May 2011 - Letter from

Mr LANGEN, Chair of the delegation of the countries with South East Asia and the

Association of South East Asian Nations.

The Conference of Presidents, without debate,

- noted the following document:

a letter dated 4 May 2011, from Mr LANGEN, Chair of the Delegation for

relations with the countries of South East Asia and the Association of

Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN, (PE 463.728/CPG and financial


- took note of the letter from Mr LANGEN, Chair of the Delegation for relations

with the countries of South East Asia and the Association of Southeast Asian

Nations (ASEAN), requesting authorisation to hold an inter-parliamentary meeting

in Strasbourg on 11 May 2011;

- noted that the meeting in question does not feature in the Annual Programme of

Delegations for 2011;

- authorised the above request by way of exception provided that the Rules on

holding meetings simultaneously with plenary sittings were respected.

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19. Items for information

19.1 Interinstitutional correspondence

The Conference of Presidents

- noted the following documents:

a letter dated 19 April 2011 from Mr ALBERTINI and Ms JOLY, Co-Chairs of

the Election Coordination Group, on comments related to the participation of

some Members on an individual basis to the observation of the presidential

elections in the Republic of Kazakhstan on 3 April 2011 (PE 463.668/CPG and


19.2 Interinstitutional correspondence

The Conference of Presidents

- noted the following documents:

a letter dated 20 April 2011 from Mr BARROSO, President of the European

Commission, on a revised Code of Conduct for Commissioners adopted the

same day by the European Commission (PE 463.669/CPG and annex (C-2011-


a letter dated 14 April 2011 from President BUZEK to Mr BARROSO,

President of the European Commission, on the recommendations of the

Conference of Presidents of 31 March 2011 related to the draft Code of Conduct

for Commissioners (PE 463.669/CPG).

19.3 External correspondence


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20. Date and place of next meeting

An extraordinary meeting of the Conference of Presidents is scheduled on Wednesday 11

May 2011 from 8.00 to 9.00 in Room R1.1 of the Louise Weiss Building in Strasbourg in

order to have an exchange of views with Mr BARROSO, President of the European

Commission, and Commissioner Lewandowski, responsible for Financial Programming

and Budget, on the EU budget.

The Conference of Presidents will hold its next ordinary meeting from 10.00 to 12.00

hours on Thursday 12 May 2011 in Room R1.1 of the Louise Weiss Building in


* *


The meeting closed at 13:12 hours.