T " .... . OF THE MELBOURNE BUSHWALKERS Edition 317 APRIL 1976 Price Registered at the GPO for transmission by post as a periodical. Cat.B \F this de nkey h a.s. RED E ts your' la st copy ( 0 - SUBSCRIPTION RATES ARE:- MEMBER (OVER 21) $6.00 JUNIOR MEMBER (16-21) HUSBAND &WIFE $9.00 - --.-:.- ---------· ----- FIRST CLUB DINNER. ___ .._.......... ___ ,,__ ____ _ - So. turaay, 8th M::i. y. Where: Alfreds Homestea.d, Warrana.yte. Melwa.y Mep Reference 35JJ (near Potters Cottage) Price: $8.oo per head. HURRY anCI secure your boo 1 :ein ,g . for the dinner which shoulo be amother grea.t evening es any011e who a ttenC!ea last yea.r will testify. The colonial style homesteaCI is set in bush ana offers on excella.nt sr,1orgasboard clirmer [-ln(l good de. nee banq. See Geoff Crapper for further aet a ils (B) 615-4262

OF THE MELBOURNE BUSHWALKERS Edition 317 APRIL 1976 … · "The News" April 1976 All correspohdence should be ad!}ressed tot The Secretary, Melbourne Bushwalke~s" P.O. Box ..1,751Q,

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Page 1: OF THE MELBOURNE BUSHWALKERS Edition 317 APRIL 1976 … · "The News" April 1976 All correspohdence should be ad!}ressed tot The Secretary, Melbourne Bushwalke~s" P.O. Box ..1,751Q,

T" ,H" ·i·~·lr .... . ~


Edition 317 APRIL 1976 Price 3¢ Registered at the GPO for transmission by post as a periodical. Cat.B

\F this de nkey h a.s.

RED ~() ~ E

th\~ ts your' la st copy

( >l.Nt7 W~'' 0 -


--·--~·--------·---- - --.-:.- - ·---------·-----FIRST AN~\lUAL CLUB DINNER. ___ .._.......... ___ ,,__ _____ -So. turaay, 8th M::i.y.

Where: Alfreds Homestea.d, Warrana.yte. Melwa.y Mep Reference 35JJ (near Potters Cottage)

Price: $8.oo per head. HURRY anCI secure your boo1:ein,g . for the dinner which shoulo be amother grea.t evening es any011e who a ttenC!ea last yea.r will testify. The colonial style homesteaCI is set in bush surrounain~s ana offers on excella.nt sr,1orgasboard clirmer [-ln(l good de.nee banq. See Geoff Crapper for further aeta ils (B) 615-4262

Page 2: OF THE MELBOURNE BUSHWALKERS Edition 317 APRIL 1976 … · "The News" April 1976 All correspohdence should be ad!}ressed tot The Secretary, Melbourne Bushwalke~s" P.O. Box ..1,751Q,

"The News" April 1976

All correspohdence should be ad!}ressed tot­The Secretary, Melbourne Bushwalke~s" P.O. Box .. 1,751Q, G.'P.O. MELBOum.ra~. V!C. 3001.

' .

Page 2

~Meetings ar~· nel.;d in the clubr~oms, 14 Hosier La.ne, at the reEr of the Forum Theatre every Wednesday night at 7.30 pm~ Visitors are alway$ welcome.


May 2 YOU YANGS Eas-y Lea.der: Max Casley (P) 52-3111 Transport: Van from Batman Ave. at 9.15 am. Fare 12.50 Expec.ted time of re turn: 6 - 7 pm · Map Reference: Meredith 1 inch === 1 mile. (Out. of" print}

You Yangs - Forest Commission, available 1 Treasury Pla.ce, MEI.BOURNE.

Approximate distance: 8 miles This is a popular reserve close to Melbournc> and Geelong a.nd so it attracts rather a large number of' day-trippers. We will try to avoid the crowds as much as possible. Some fairly easy climbp with good views ( on a clear aay1 ). See Max in ~lubrooms for details. Remember to bring water· with you.

May 9 CANTY' S ROCK - GOOD MORNING HILL - MT. TICKATORY -HABBIES HOWE. Easy Leader: Paul Gray {B) 949-&124 Transport:. Van f'rom Batman Avr:. at 9.,15 am .. Fare ·12.50 Expectca time of' return: 8.30 pm Map references: Both Yea and Longwood 1:50,000 !pproximate distance: 7 miles

This iet a new walk for the club. I aon' t know who recomme.nded it to us, but thc:'"Y must ci ther be cross-co·untry runners or iive in the district? I can see no way for us to do the whole walk in daylight and so I h:1 ve short0nea it eto tha.t we shall now finish at Dropmore. This still leaves us with three fairly gentle hill climbs in pleasant dairy farming country. Gooa Morning Hill is partic­ularly interesting, being littered with massive boulaer$,·ana w~ will proJl>ably take a break there for independent exploration~ Please bring wate~ for lunch. No recommendations for f'ootw~ar, but I shall.wear i'1J1J.,boots unless it•s'beeri raining.

May 16 THREE BRIDGES - MT. BEENAK - TORBET RD. Med • Leaper: John Sparksman {P) 77l:j-17tl9 Tr~netport: Van from Batman Ave. at 9.15 am. Fare 12.50 Expected time of' return: 7.30 pm Map reference: Gembrook Military. 1:50,000 Approximate distanet-: 13 miles.

The wa.lk is virtually all along tracks, although there are not many f'lat a.rea.s. The steepest section leacs to the lunch spot on top of Mt. Beenak, one of' the f'ew summits in the area with a view (and a. f'irc tower). The last 2 miles are guai:-enteea a gentle descent.

May 2 3 SCARSDALE - CHERRY TREE HILL - FLAGSTAFF HILL. Leader: Otto Christiansen (B) 370-1222 x370


Transport: Van from Batman Ave. at 9~15 am. Fare $3.00 Expected time of' return: 8.oo pm Map reference: Ballerat 1:100.000 Approximate distance: 15 km

This is an.easy walk along tracks ana through lightly timbered country;. it's only th<:> ch::tance which makes this an Eagy/Mea wa.lk-. Bring water ·for iunch.

Page 3: OF THE MELBOURNE BUSHWALKERS Edition 317 APRIL 1976 … · "The News" April 1976 All correspohdence should be ad!}ressed tot The Secretary, Melbourne Bushwalke~s" P.O. Box ..1,751Q,

"The News" April 1976 Page3

May 30 ANGAHOOK PARK - AIREYS INLET Med,. -Lea.Cler: Les Markham · {B} 6Y9-2108 Tra.nsport: Van from Eatmon Ave. at 9.15a.m Fare $3.00 Expectea time of return: Hap Rcfcrc·nce: FCV, Angahook Forest Park. Approxi.ma+.e aistflnce: l 7km

The Angahook Forost Pa.rk lies i'Yl tht> hills behind Airey's Inlet anc1 within its 3000 ha are prcservcc1 sency hca.thlL .. nds rich in wildflow€ rs; fo~cstf! of i.ronbark ~ blue gun., r:tringybark o.na messrna.tc; fer,., gullic's; a rerc cxs.mplc of mclaleuca swamp anc a spectacular .~orgP .~J.11 connected by a track system design.ea ana construe tea for pleascr:it W[l.lking. Our walk follows a circuit of 11 k1Il8 throu .,.b. the · pr0s t ?'i th a furthc·r 6 km along an olc coach ro'.lc now a. rl...1.nC'y track, to fini8h at the· beach on the GrNt t OcE:art. Ren a. WEEKEND WAI.KS • -·- ------Apr Ma.y

30- MT. TAMBORITHA - LONG HILL - THE CRINOLINE. Ea.sy/lVk·d 2 Lear,cr: Tyrone Thomas (P} 267-4160

Tra.nsport: Van from Bvtml'm Ave. at 6.30 pm. Fare $9.00 Expe-ctca tiMc of return~ 9. OOpm Ma.p reference: Morokn. Lanes l": 1 mile (Mc:;.jori ty of walk)

W0ll i.ngton FCV 1 11 : 1 I!lilc· (Sma.11 section of w.~tlk)

Approxim2t0 aistance: 14 miles (23 kr.:1~1) On Fricay evening we will canP at TrnnborithD SsnCle where there is no 1~ -~+.er supply unless priv~1tc transport rcpla.cc~1 Vu1'J. us0o~e in which case we will c..:imp at Brco.kfast Creek ana 80 ho.vc a gooC w<J.tc-r supply. So turt'l ... ~y wiJ.l P.C'E:' us climbinn: nt. T£lmbori thD ini tia.lly thE'n miking th£> long ·~--·8ccnt onto tho Long S-pur. Much of Saturr'lt1ys wnlk is nlo11p, a vf:ry interesting aw:: bu::iut.i.ful ricg<? ana cliff rinif but there in no lunch ti MC' v-1;:1+:cr supply. We will camp flt a. point ?.Okr.ir; r.::iout.h of :ol'lg Hill 1:iu:drlc a. crcrk ,lnn next to megnifi.ccnt vic'"f1 of t.hc Crinoline .cine the Mac..:•li.ster & 'Velli'l".l.gton Vallc-ys. ('T, +.ur~'- yp.. 1'<i st.:. ,..,cc 16 kr.s) Sunaoy involv(:::: o rock;y w'.111r so1,,i.th ..ror 2 kr:ln to the Crinoline which is .. 7 · i 1 ,J very rocky on•1 in tr ref' ting poa1-". A li ttlc scrambling ifl ncccss.'ry. me wi.11 t.hcn ac8cf"nf! to "Rrcakf8.st Crcf.'k for lunch _;·1.;i the w..::lk f'ini8h. (c::;un~<.:1 ys r1 istunce 7 k:m~) (For further inform .. t.i:>n rca.cJ "100 1rhlks in Victoria" Wulk suggcstic'Yl No. 65s pEigc 9.-l.)

May 14-16

HORSEYARDS- MOROKA GORGE - CROMWELLS KNOB. 1,e~1acr: Graham Wills-Johnson (P) 52-4720 Tranoport~ Pri vatc· Expectce time of roturn: Who knows? Mr:p reference: Moroka l": 1 ,.,,ilc.

l'IIED -

DoC?s anyone know where I ca.n get o. year with f. 3 wcckcn<"~~ in it? I hope I will be oblc to fin~ a we0kcnf to preview thiG one before it hnppcns - othc rwisc I will h<'vc to prC'vicw it from the Wc..1 lks Reports file: (Survivor8 hive cmer,g;cc f'rom the arc!:' in the pnst?) AUY'·fK'·Y~ I've mh;sce the ;'Hewe" aea.alinc7 80 I'm a.fraiCI it's a co8c of •veH::c the leP.0er in the (utnKr or lower) Club roomn.

May MT. MOLIAGUL - BEALIBA RANGE - DUNOLLY. Easy/r!Ica. 28-30 J.eeacr: Peter Bullard P') '.:>09-83?9

Transport~ Vc.i.n fron ~k.1tmL·n Ave. 1830 hrs. Fare i 7.00 Expectec ti~c 0f return: 1930 Hrs. Map refcrC>nce: Dunolly 1:100,000 -'\:pproxim:." tc: C'ist~1nc c ~ 21 miles

An ea.sy V"!<J.lk with only 2 hills;r1ot over 800 fcc·t t.i.ri·7 mostly alonl}; roacs on Saturr,c.1y while on f3un.'18y I hope to follow along the to'i.J of the BcDliba. ro:r:igc 3.l::iost into Du.noll.y where the wrlk will finish. NOTE. Plcosc see the booking 'form or ask me ti bout Saturce.y' s nigh~t W"tC'r :::-iur.mly. On 8~ tur~~1 y we v.dll ~11~0 vi~it tl. c0uplc o f r ) n.u:·:i c n +: ':! •

Page 4: OF THE MELBOURNE BUSHWALKERS Edition 317 APRIL 1976 … · "The News" April 1976 All correspohdence should be ad!}ressed tot The Secretary, Melbourne Bushwalke~s" P.O. Box ..1,751Q,

"The News" April 1976 Page 4

FROM THE PRESIDENT'S PEN. -- , ________ ,_.,. __ ._. Bewa.re of the r1 rc:aC!ec F.B.

Early mornin,g; sun strikcs the tents yo•J.. rise 3.'10 light the fire. Feel in.,g; plN"! sec with yourself for being the first up you go back to your tent for a billY' to make your r.,0rning cuppa:. Ii ttlc co you reuliz.c w..tw t is ha.ppnling bchinC' your back. Y0u turn. towcrf!s the: fire HYJ.CI fi.no the:· t. it is coverer from eno to en.a with billyn c::nC' -fry:pa.ns - the f'lrc.:: c oa FirC' Blungors have struck a.gain. Thc·sc points will help you to reco~i.se the F.B. 1. Never asks pcrmim:don to us.:. your fire; 2. Move8 into your .spot at u seconC''8 notice, 3. Hus e hBbit of hurling ti.ns onto your fire· a.nc irmnccJL.1tely oC?vcloping erincsiu -~bout their owner­ship, 4. ore frequently sr:::cn cor:uni tti11p- the.t C.esclicst of sins, putting alt1rniniun foil onto yqur fire, often cunningly ClisguisC'C' insiOc popt•r packctB. An F. B, will ·s.rgue -to the pa·int of physical violence that a.lwninium. foil will burn in a fir£'~ rrfusing to acknowledge thP feet th.i·t al thouP;;.b. it melts at 660 9 0 a rapir.ly formea oxic'!c filn on its surfo.ce prevents furt.hC'r combustion.

It sc. cMs 'frof11 recent wrekcno "walks" tht.»t some club members have forgottC'n th,'t. we nre Bu8h Wa.lkcrs. Thot~c inC'ividual in::dst on tcc.•-ri.ng O"l 2:1.hc<1t'.1 of the loeclcr, cert::~inly not walking, 8 t a puce where they h~; r0ly see the bush let clone apprccio te it.

Fin.ally an appeal to lca.~rrs of wtllks, both cc.~y enc'! wecken.a, surely it's .not too rrruch to EH~k that you nrc in tbc clubroo:rr>.8 by 7. 30pm on the tvrn •r-1cr,ncsca.ys b<.'forc ~rour 1111alk. This is o:ne of the ~csponsibilitics of a gooe leader.

• • • • • • Dave.

----------------· ---------------------------;FEDERATION "'."'_ D~"f.._§_.]i_. n~r_Jll~LZ• __ J1L\Y :?n~l!_

The FerC'E:ration Ds.y Wi1lk iE> this year bf;i'1.g run iT'.l conjunction with the Department of Youth~ Sport 8na Recreation as part of the C.epartments current "get fitn campaign. As such, it will be open to the.' gene re 1 public. V .M:. T .C. is org[HJising it on behalf of Fc(1 era.tion~ f'n.:=:t it vd.11 be in tbc Gi 0bornc-Rir1 Aell =-~re~1 .•

As b0tv.,,.ee11 200 ant 500 people ore cxpc·ctc<'l to att.ono, member8 of ~c.,.~cra.t0~ ~?lubs ar_€' :i:eouireCl to [.lC'b DS ~~r8hals. If !Y'ou coul0 a.ssist 7 pleu.~,t:' p.hctl.e> .Keith McPherson (.of V.1 1.T.C) on 439',..9461 (P) or 48-7?31 (B) Ot;1 S')On c."'s 'P08Siblc. Further C.ctails a.re obto.intiblc: from Geoff Mattingley.

·--------...------------------~-- ---/\.Tn.'Y!NTION ALL r'T:;~m-sns - Hl';L'.P I~ Ney,n:rno -----·--·---- .. ___ .. ___ - --

Clenning enc ~cmcro 1 Ptt.£ nti nn t0 the clu"!')rooms is urgently UCE~C'd - rto doubt you've ~oticcf 9 p~rticul~rly if YOU 1 V£ been intc the kitchen or toilet.

we nO\I\' sh<;-Y-( the clubrooris with 2 other clubs - Melbourne Amt".teur ''alkiYI .. '; c.1 n."' Tour~g Cl11b encl thE: Cath·)lic ~1v.lking Club -.gno it's :Melbourne Pushics' turn to ao the cleaning - l·ONG OVERDU!'.:.

·~c D£lk .•11 members to r~o their bit urnl com£ to th<::- clubroom8 o~ THURSDAYf MAY 6th between 5.00 ilnC' 8.00 pm.

r·1:or£· m£'mbors 9 less work •

. b Max Wii.lkinsG>n. & June+. 'Jhf\. t.r.:. 'Nill b L on 1 eek with a list of JO s anc t.uE· equipm1..nt. neC"cssc.:.:t,y.

Wa suggC'st you come· 1r.;ith well-gret'l8cr' elbows, nose pegs, 10.na ~ot in your best clothc8!

All arti.cle8 c:ina walk previews to be printeCI i"l "News", sboulcJ be· sent to the •'Icws Convenor C/- 29 Barcelona Ave, KEILOR. 3036.

Page 5: OF THE MELBOURNE BUSHWALKERS Edition 317 APRIL 1976 … · "The News" April 1976 All correspohdence should be ad!}ressed tot The Secretary, Melbourne Bushwalke~s" P.O. Box ..1,751Q,

"The News" April 1976 Pages


"I Clian•t c.:i.sk what tine: youa.regetting up," sai0 Grk:inoC'Bc crossly. "I o:::ikoo "'rhflt tinw we a:re leaving." m~1e11, in your case", said the Ieaaer soothingly, "it will do if you leave ten minutes before you get up." Po0r ola Grn.nc'l!'le.c - I think he must h~""ve been quite put out. i.'tn.ywny, he went a.na oampec. on the fe.r si-'10 of the hill where a stiff brcc·zc neerly ca.rricc" his tent a.wEly be:-forc· t0c.: time.

Actually, there was some-thing very pecul i.ar a.bout the weo.ther. I lookcc v.t Mich2E'l. He lookc1:i ,)t me. We both lookec c:.-it the $~.-:y. No !loubt about i. t - the sun WAS shining. No doubt nbout it - both of' us W:8RE ·on the walk. Where wo.s a.11 the rsin en,~ snow, thE·n? Desperately hurrying to ,Q;E>t there in time to r;ivE' us wh<Jt we tiftc·r nll expectec, juaging by the stren,Q;th of the wiric; but sane-how it "lever rn._ .~(' it, an(' for once we cous;ht olo Hug.hie nappi"lg. This novea Michael to bravod.o "bordc·ring on lunr·cy. 11 WhElt about Ta.ssie at Es.:::ter, then?~' hf.' suf~gcstc. a. Hastily, br. fnre tho sky coulc full on us, I ceclinea.

So Jl'IU.ch -for the v10c thor notes. On to tb.c. gossip colur.'1.. Both of th£' Gallpi"D-g Gr'ncmr.8 were there, one" so WC>l"P the: Pe.,ople from Peru, anc, for the first t1.m£ since the Yacke.nC1a.nC'i1h Epic, the wife of the Pe'.'.lrcce BushgC?nr Bushwulkcr. It's been &. lon.g time~ but she sti 11 8eens to w'-1 lk a.s strone;ly as eyer. All weckenc <.< crrtcin young laay walker hlls a strBnr;ely area.my look on her fo.ce. CoMc to thinl'." of it, so (~i;'.I tho Social Secretnr;y-. Now THAT'S a piece of gc'.-::sip you probably won• t pick up in the Sht•.i,Y column. If the News Conv€'nor's r;:,rs vro bu-rnin~ as sho types thi8 up, yriu n,'1 y not get it i'J. this one either - it ell "'epe'Yl.Cls 0n w.hc,thor the wnx on the ete:ncil ncltGl The PreBi~cn.t on,¢! his good 1~',Y were L: ~'ttc:nrl.Jncc - vd1.ich reT".linc1.=1 me: there were times wh2·1 it V'-rr~ cuite c1 ifficult to st:,:· through the tl!ni11. blue- haze which '1.ow ana thc""l surrou..'1.0ec +.he partyo I've never seen so na11y chimney· pots on the 0nc MBt•J wa.lk! From blue hv z:c: to l1ot air: there VVcc:sn't any .. Sp£1;1cer W[>S there, but appu.rently ,..l0boay actiV[i teo him by -r:icntioni. 'YJ •• ~ huts, 8i".IC1 he .h.s 0 next to nothinr; to Sl1Yo l'fo8t U1'lU$1.1Dl.

There wDs onothcr :rautiny. This will h.:.·v·c to stop. The result this ti "'.1.C? '."'. s that coTrJ.p w; s rr:w a c in D.n expo:.::toc} loc-:• ti 011. on the ririgc or1 the nutcr c:•1gc of Jli:u8teri.ng fl.:-i+s with o precipitous outlook ovc·r the Tho~son v~.110y i.n o~c Circction, enc « view Deross the Fl l t in the othr·r. Quite 0£1.lUbri:ius when you p;11t u8c c to the i 'cD. The Leri c~ c. r h.:i <) ,111 intercsti ni'~ w~;y of .-1 ce lin~ wi t.h rriuti n.ics, ::ippc· rently l'.l )t known to the.' ·· author of the I1e.::1aership ~1rticlc i'Yl '•J.::i..lk 1976. Simply join it. It then cf:'a.scs to be 'J mutiny, ana there ._,rE no further problcl':'lD., He h:.:1.a 211.othc:r i.rytcrcsting ploy, Ell though it is h<1rc t1 0oy whet.her it ;Jho:1L1 be juegt;~ successful or not. '1'.his wo...1s to s2y "Well I'M ~oing to 0o such o.na such", in u tone. of voice thc.>t me.de it~er•r that .he wn.s going to, n0 mott.cr whnt his pnrty tli·~.

This seems to work in si tu'-1 tions where: the.· party's option~ a.re• n -.t cleBr or the· terr:1in obviously rcc;u1rc:s corr-ful 1').2~viga.t-i.on; but. when there iei e beri t0n tre ck re.ck to the CJ;:r.psi t£ the outcori.e is r~ thcr ai.ffcrcn.t. Thus it was ot the scrubby summit of

1'·1It.. Yt:rn.ot th.:~t the Ir' r,e,,. l')ok£·c1 rounr'I to f'i.nr'.J th8.t his followcr8

cont. ovrrlcnf.

Page 6: OF THE MELBOURNE BUSHWALKERS Edition 317 APRIL 1976 … · "The News" April 1976 All correspohdence should be ad!}ressed tot The Secretary, Melbourne Bushwalke~s" P.O. Box ..1,751Q,

"The News" April 1976 Page 6

nu.mberea but two, anr:' they of dubious sanity. 'l'he other twenty five h.:..~-c1 8ilcntly r:1 ; scrtee, opting for t·hc· comper-=itive comfort of their camp on the wincJy ri(1gc instca.a.

Sunaay, as we trE1vcrsea the northcr'Yl, or boreal, section of th.c Platco.u, we<:: rcl.JJdng. Apparently fee. ring thc.t we might strain 0ursel vc s, cur le-·, a L'r refur:c-C. to let us wnlk More ttu::n three miles 8.t '-1 time, a.rv~ m;:-iae surQ thu.t we took nice long rests in b10'twcen times. J1ny sug~ostion thot Tu'rt. Whi tclc.•.w shoulCl be climbec wos firmly ciscouro.gc,:;. I Clian• t hcr-1.r any complEdnts. The van wnR f£1 i th fully wo.i ting at Str0nP ch' s so we C!icn' t hnvc-to strain ourselves WEllking the extra three miles 00\ilm. to the briagc. Stills -r11c..1.ybc: the- low-kc·y approach wci s slightly ovcronnc: just five m.inute>s lcs:::- at th£ Noojc·e Pasty Shop snfl tb.C' Gronows vci.r.. woul~ have ovc-rtokc.n thr' t nu":'l'!.ber 69 tr£im it so hotly pursuec1 a0wn GlLnfcrri.e Roc.,r1 They only run, aJ.,:is, cv0ry half hour on Sunaa.y,.·nights.

. ... Yeti Borealis

(UNSlGNED N~WS ITEM FOR 11 Ni:;:ws~1 )

On the ou telic" t' un.:i £>r SEND:!5R 'S N~UIIE & ADDRESS it se iCl "Stan Klusic_, Af~.h.cinistan, Asi.D. 79 Insiflt·, sorrt(' of the l"'l0re-or­less printa.bl0 things it 8a.iCl: "Well nm•r I 'J!I in Afghanistan in the copi tol Ko.bul. It's surrounou:i by all the bir; mountains but no ti.me to climb f..ny there about 15, OOOft-ers. We were goi~g to go to Fs i~icrn hut the roa.·, s clov.ser. al"r, I' 1:1 spewing. Since Delhi 2 weeks zirr,o olr1ost every one on the bus ha.s come down with eio.hoearea (s-pellt s0me thing lik€• th.J.t). I still k ve mine but h._'vc recently got ri· 1 of tho a.cute :Jtomach p~dns t.h.at come- with them. • • • We 8tc.~ycCI on ,:J. house bos t for 3 aays una I 2lE1ost bour;ht this bcuti.ful silk IC:sh:rnir cc.;rpct for ~~400 but forccC! PlVf:'lclf not to. • • • Thcr0 we:. s this scall town ca.llcC' Do,cce. which m,, .. ~e 211 sorto of puns. Hc.:.nc ~nss ??'s, 303's, shot gunss STR's, r.u~~ers, Str-n r;uns, Bren gunG every bloody thin~. • • • Alriost every ont .. ~i.roun~ this .)r£'a . .hD.s ,:, gun so -r:taturs.lly we or, :'11 0r. our bC'st bch:iviour. TomJ'lnrow we arc of to the P?..kist:Jn bor(~cr 21'1.(1 t.hcn to Iron Pcross the Southern lrPn De$S€.'rt. I wou.1C' be rca.11 glf' <" i. f you r.:.nCI Ga.rry anC' any nne else in the club woul~ sen~ mr letters a~ I Jm a bit homesick I wn,Jt to know everthing tho t' s happcnca. The mnrc le ttt>rs the merrier. Hope the sn.)w's down. Im coY1.tC'plc.•ting a climbing course i. r Austriei. or 8wi t.7.crlsY1.d, ,J.nc .-ilan to !TC't plent~r of 0ov:•l1 gc:•r in France. Fccp smilin,ri;. Ston. Stan's ;..-::icr'!rcss in Jondo.n is C/- 161 Gl(nJrm Rol1,-', Cleotor1 1 LONDON. E5.

-------·-··-·-·--------~~-------------~---Al\'IMENDED TREASURERS REPORT. --------- . .-.-.-

Error8 on Treasurers roportr as stotcA at A.G.M. 1976. 1/ Stst.ionary & Miscellaneous

S.houl~ be -

2/ Bl':r.k Bi.1.10.nce - 1175 Should be -

$106.86 $100.86


"Bank Bala.nee - 1175 (I.csl;~ ~600 Bond) 32697.91 ----------··---,.--------·----.. --------~-------------SKI-TOURERS INT~NDINJ TO USE WILYY.

Don't forget thDt e1:1.ch purty st.:..iying in ~~·ilky auring wintPr must sup-ply the i.r 'Wm briaucttc s - 2 pnckc·t8 per wcckena or 8-10 packets per week.

It. i.8 Fl~o a.r,visn.blc to supply your own ~etcrgc-nt D.nc toilet pap0r. . .. Rod Mattingley

Page 7: OF THE MELBOURNE BUSHWALKERS Edition 317 APRIL 1976 … · "The News" April 1976 All correspohdence should be ad!}ressed tot The Secretary, Melbourne Bushwalke~s" P.O. Box ..1,751Q,

"The News" April 1976 Page 7

.,... ~ ~.!: ~ ~ ......... ....

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SHADY SCORPION :'-.;· ....... _ History repeat.cc itself on the· Clubs picnic to Honging

Rook when two of the. m.ost c.>xporicncea walkers (th€ appointed whips as well) C!iso.ppearee without trace.

Pe.nao.moncu-m. broke loose when it was ,:iiscovcrcci that someone's watch ettoppec at 12 noon.

Visions of Peter wanc~C?ring off P.iMlcssly ona ''Steptoe" gyrating throur:h thE:.' ferny glaaes in his unCl0rpants woro o. bit much to ta.ke. All 1 f~ well thct tncs wC'll end our hcro8-rc·maf.eriDl:i~t-c in the vi.ci:nity of Camels Hur"lp with r::<one ~tory c:bout stopping to pick blackbc·rrics.

Those thrC'e anonymous boa~ from la~t mo11th were l.'lt ~t a~ain on the I.ickholc' Gap W8.lk. This tine (with three nc.compl1ccs) they acci,H:C. t.hct in8tC'~-c of sc"<ling Eagles Peaks an.Cl the moin ric\~e back to Shee-pyc~rrl Fla. t they w0ulr~ toke the .20 kM. roa.o ba.Ph back to the van.

All wos f0rp;ive1'1 though when th(' no.in group arrivee back at the Von footsore after a. hellish oescent fron the jeep track £inc were p.rcctec with D hot brew rmc bik'kics by thl woywarc 6.

Boy w~:s the lea.Ciers face rc,3 on +.he wa.y hon<? fro:rt 1~ilhel1'.:linu Falls r ha.ving tole everyol'lc to -put their packs in the Va.n. he promptly forgot his, thtw a.a~inr~ an extra 16 kn onto the honewar0 trip.

The Wilkie Easter Bluagc trip turnec ivi.to a.n unofficial Work Party when the water su-pply system pipos crackea up, by a mf.'re coinci."'ence the inhabi to.nts of the l~ocge included 4 Boa.re of Works Hyarologica.l En,c;i'Yl£ers ana 1 Hyarogra.pher. They q_uickly set about the tB.flk of fifl,'ling the foul t ana rectifying thrE' posistion. Wilkie began t0 resemble a robbit warren, th8t is, there were tu'?1:nelB ana trenches everywhere.

Rob h~1C' his novie co~n.ero. B.nCl the, tr<.,.ui:t ... ' tic l'Vents were ca,pturc·d on filrl. subsequently ti tlc0 19 The Greet Drought of East(•r 1976" ~tarring Hugh Duncan o.nt a. supporting cast of thouss.nas.

·~Jea. 28 April ''lee. 5 rwy


Generul Meeting. Slir,c•E! of the:· TAfostcrn Arthurs by Rob Harris.

+++++ 5st. 8 Mo.y - FIRST ANNUAI. Cl,UB DINNER. See po~£· f"for furf..h6_:i_d_ctnils.

v:ea. 18 Mo.y .. S1ir]o8 of South West To.ssie/Port D1:1vey l1ree.. by Alma Strappazon

Wea. 16 June -

Sa.t. 10 July -

COMING SOCIA!· AT'rRACTIONS • .... -----~--- ---·----·-· -·--· - ---- - ~ ...

Telk enCJ Sliaes of the M.ri1.B.W. Upper Thomson Project o.n~ futur0 le:1".'.la use policies of the area. Guest speBker will be Mr._ Pat O'Shaughnassy, Senior Forestry Officer from the Boa.re of 1n1orks.

Square Dance a.t BE1 0.ger Creek Hl:1ll.

Page 8: OF THE MELBOURNE BUSHWALKERS Edition 317 APRIL 1976 … · "The News" April 1976 All correspohdence should be ad!}ressed tot The Secretary, Melbourne Bushwalke~s" P.O. Box ..1,751Q,

"The News" April 1976 Page 8

FROM AN ORDIN11.RY MEMBER'S PEN. ·----· ---·- =-··------- -·- ·-· ----· ---·-- ------Dear Mr Presincnt,

I on sure ncnbC'rs will bt' Grco. tly enc our0.gu~ by your 8tatenc:nt in lo.st r.i.onth' s I'fovvs th<.l t if we c,rop 01 1 inc t0 the Nc-ws Conv-en.or, eve11. without the clocik of ononyr-ii t~r, our views will be priY1t00. Gcnernl st:1 +;cr'l.cnts l ikc the· one you mc.1 <"e nlwo.ys bring tho p2ranoia .1 l'H1 the Pgocontri.c scurrying out of tho woociwor'k, of course. All the sD.nc, soTiehow it DID almost

. 1 . "t t•. H k" .:it i:H'..'CTI like a. per8ono. 1.nv1 .e .ion. ow in(-'. I hav-e not h.)(I occo Etion to usr. the worr"i::i "secrc-t $ociety11

nysel'f since your tern of office comncncefl. We no longer heQ.r the f0rm.erly ha.ra-workE:'f?. scl'1tence 11It iti nn Unwritten Rulo of thi8 club thet ••••• " How such an absurd concept r.is the Unwritten coula survive in a supposeC'ly ra.tiona.l s0cic·ty is beyond me. I:f it's inport:int enough to be a. rule, it's ii:tportent enough to be written down. Hbw such a noxious concept os the Unwritten Rule coult~ survive in o. Gupposealy Clenocratic society is beyona me. I:f it's a rule it shoula be written 0own where everyone has Et.n equa.l opportunity to exo.r::tine its exact content £l.na tho ba.e:iB of its legality. It. W88 a.l•voys remo.rkable how those who most eagerly promulg8. tc0 the U11:wri t'ton Rules were those who were also riost ket<,1. to dispense with the rules thet WERE written "to sa.ve tine". As I say, our club so ens to ha.ve recovere(l from the Unwritten Rules disease, al though there scens to be .. an il11Ji1inent ~anger of it spreoeing to another body.

I applaut3 the innovation whereby minutes o:f cornrti ttee meetings are now oisplnyec'l in the comr.:i.ittec room. This, however, has nothing whatever to <~o with ny renson for ha.v-ing e.t a. n,umbcr of Geheral ME'ctings of tht.' club recently El.skca for brief <JetBils of comr:ti ttee meetinr-;s to be printea in News. Co:r:tperatively few members will fina the time to make a special point of going down to read the :r:tinutes in the comr:i.i ttee room. On the other he.no, ma.n.y will glence throur:h n brief SUI!L"l8ry of the Club's a.ffa.irs when it ie in News ci.nc"' they hPve the chance to ~lo so lltlinterruptea. in some noment of leisure. The result will be- a. mu:ch better­informea gel1.erHl nembership (a.na .hence a club virhose a.ffairs a.re in a much hea.l thier stote tbs.n they cDn sometimes become when thr genere.l membership is i1ot a.ware of who.t is going on), and a. much better a.pprecii;:i.tea ond unaerr,1tooa com.·d ttec. We aon.• t neea to know tha.t yet a.nothe-r Gronowr s bill hns been passea :for poyment (anyone who doe~ ca.n ·check in the committee room) or th;o;.t la .. st. :month's News from the Bris:Qane Bushwa.lkers h£Js a.rri v·ea. - just a one-sentence report of each of the non-routine po.j.nts thot ha.ve come up~ either in Reuorts or in Motions. There is cilso the point tha.t while the C'isplciy of' ninutes in the comrri.i ttee room mriy sa.tisfy section 7e of the Constitution in. respoct of keeping the membership informed, it hD.rdly r1 oes so in respect of the Public recora. The importc.mce of the Public recoril may not be nea.rly ci.s obvious to some members a.s it wris to the very wise people ( w,J:toever they were) who originc:1lly fra.r.i.eri our Constitution, but the fa.ct remain8 the.t until it is cho.n.gea, it still remains pa.rt of the Constitution, an.a the only currently-employed method of satisfying the requirer:ient is the? sen1li11.g of News to the Public Library. I hope we will see brief notes of committee meetings in future issues.

CANADIAN CANOE FOR SALE. _,,_ .... ____ ·-· ---


____ __.,_ ..,w___..-

15~6", in new condition - built October, 1975. Price ~~195. 00. Fpr 'further eetFil::Js con.tact Ken MacMahon in clubrooms or phone ·1'5-2977.

Page 9: OF THE MELBOURNE BUSHWALKERS Edition 317 APRIL 1976 … · "The News" April 1976 All correspohdence should be ad!}ressed tot The Secretary, Melbourne Bushwalke~s" P.O. Box ..1,751Q,

"The News" April 1976 Page9

APRIL COMMITTEE MEETING NOTES. ----- --------- -· ··- - -.. - ...... ·Repo:rk:

Treasurer - Bank Sta.-tement as Pt the 31st March, '76 = $7515.57

W1:ilks Secretary·· - 102 Visitors & 176 members attondea. club walks auring the month of Februa.ry,

11 Walk" Editor - Quotntions for the printing of HWalk '77" are at present being souGht from printers. To d.Hte, one nrticle has been receiv-ea.

Wilky - Eight ma ttreE1ses h8ve been install ea. See Rod Ma-ttingley for c"'eta.ils of work done.

F. V. w.c. ..... A walk is boing or~Dnisea. on the 2nd May for the Deportment of Youth Sport & Recreation. See page 4 for further informB. ti on.

It hns been aeciaed to hold a Sem.inar entitled "Bushwa.lkings hcis it a future?" on the 4th & 5th of Septenber, 1976, as this yeCJ.rs Feaera.tion Weekcn.c1 .•

DetDils of venue £1.nc1 spePkers will be workea out by o sub-conwi ttee consistin.~ of Dc.1ve Ole field, Mr:.laa. Jeka.bsons a.na Ross Hoskin.

Sei;i.rch & Rescue - A successful practice weekend WElS held on the 3ra & 4th April.

Equipment - ThreE new packs ana poles for the tents have been purchasee.

General Business: ..... ..,._ ..... ________ ... __ ..... An in.vi ta.tion is to be is8uea to the Swissair Wa.lk;ing Club

to vied t us ana join us on a weckena walk next February,IMa.rch. Ttt:ris will not involv·e the club in any expence as their fa.res will be paio by Swissair.

!!!i!R..t STOP _'tifE~_:EJ..1'!.E]:~'bJ~.Q.F._.1li!!._F!.D_E!f_.Jt.O_OJF._n.~p _IJ_I_C J?.l!CJl.• 4

~]m A~ _EJ'!.Q_l!_!_R_l!..

~is:t ye~r t:he Wood:c.b.ip Export Iti-ce-nGo. gra.n'*'4 w Harris Dia.showa ~ corneei up 'for renewal. Write to the Austra.lie.n Minister 'for Environment, Housing a.:rta Cor.ununi ty Development senator Iv·or Greenwood. to enforce the Environment Protection {imps.ct of propose.ls) Act. ____ _... _________________________ ... ______ .,.... _____ ~_..----------~----------·--·-------

CONSERVATION GROUP. ---.-r---..------.--- ---- .--Twenty four lettcrfl have been sent by the club to members

of parliament urr;ing them to supply Funes for the Environment.

The next conservation meeting will be held.in the Clubrooms a.t 7. 30pm on Monc.Ia.y the 10th l\fa,y.

-·------·-------.-------- ----------,--- ----.--- ... -.·-----··--·-----·------- _,_ ·--"T" SHIRT COMPETITION. --------~---- ... ·-----

Peter Bulla rd is printing "T'' Shirts for the <llub but is urgently requiring cesigns.

The person f'Ubmitting the winning aesigns will receive a, free "T" Shirt :from the club. ·

Page 10: OF THE MELBOURNE BUSHWALKERS Edition 317 APRIL 1976 … · "The News" April 1976 All correspohdence should be ad!}ressed tot The Secretary, Melbourne Bushwalke~s" P.O. Box ..1,751Q,

"The News" April 1976 Page 10

WE1·COME TO THE FOILO\if!i'~G NEW H:!!rfBERS ~..-...--... __ . ._., ______ - _ _...... ---- __ ,_,,_

Ayre, Robert - 50 McntOJ".IL' Pao., r.!!ENTor::E. 3194 (P) 93-4284 (B) 66?-2?79

Barber, John - 13 Acunh._1 St., MTo BT,IZA. ~930 ("P) 787-3393 Blaker, Alison - 53 Rivcn:l}_,-'le Xve. N. BALJlYN 3104 (P)857-9742

(B) 67-9607 Davis, Alan -·18 CoJ.li:1s St~ •r•. TiJ.UDEI'8ERG.~-oFn (P) 45-5453 Hayes, Richard - 21 Bi.eh0p Ave, Dili}"OND CREEK. 30139 (P)438-1694

(B)866-201 Iggulden, Joyce - 2 Balcomb£> Pork J..;;.ncs BF.JiUf'!"...'i.RIS 3193 (P) 99-1836 Jones, Laurence - 313 St. KiJ.~n St, BRIGHTON. 3186 (P)9?-4600

- (B)949-6386 King, John · 3/700 1'.:-Cit.:·r~alc Rr~; "BUNDOORA. 30113 (B)478..:.31?.?. x2907 Kvalnes, Tom - 64 l'\Jruday R-'·1 CROYDON. 3136 (P)725-5327 (B)207-941 Javio, Luca - 29 Ashley St, BOX HIL1 - NO~TH. 3129 (P)89-8995 Vary, Lynne - 4 Finto"1i8 '3ts N. "B.AI; YN. 3104. (P)857-9556


Bloom, Alwyn - 3/67 King "ifi 11 iom St, R:SSERVOIR. 307 3 Mobbs, Lance - 29 Thofllson St, J:~AIDSTONI~. 3012. (P) 37-4297

CHANGJ:';S OF ADDR~:3'~ • -· ·--------....... ......-.-

Bryan, Ralph & Barbara - 19 St:.irns Court, RING'll!OOD.N. (P)870-3928 Chesterfield, Debbie - 6/18 Tulille:·r St, W.l',,.~T.BOURNE. 3003 Fritze, John - (P) 202-?40 (B) 652 .. -8292 Stirkul, Alex - (B) ·645-1111 x237 Wei ling, Charlie & Anne - 37/10 But.cn.1n8 Rr~, GIAD1:SVII.LE. N.S.T.

~ ........ ~.--------·----





l ~T & 2 ND F'LOORS )



f I t




~~-·------------------------~--~----~----~-------------~-r ~EE LOCH WILSON AT I


_ .. ~ . l\/tELBOURNE f tL.~ l -~ FOR ALL i

! ··--- __ ·--- ---· ~~·-- ....... ---~~~_C!\~~!:-:~J-~l.-~ .. ~~ .c._ CL !MR!N·G .. C~ \ ~i